« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

530. Andy & DJ CTI: Handing Over $25 Billion Dollar Empire, Stolen COVID Relief Aid & Trump Departs For Florida

2023-06-13 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss one of the biggest left-wing contributors handing over his $25 billion dollar empire to his son, how billions of dollars were stolen or wasted in COVID relief aid, and former president Donald Trump departing for Florida ahead of his federal court appearance.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now my box from the stove counter, millions in the kobe teach buddhist god of all thanks rope kang, doesn't know headshot case club. What is up guys are tuned for selling. This is to show for the real say goodbye to the lies, the fitness and delusions of honor society and welcome to mother fucking reality guys. Today we have, as you know, because you clicked on a lake. Andy and dj crews, the mother fucking nineveh as we do. And my voices still now all the way back so yeah. There's that I see the I gave as your first time listening is cruise the internet. What we're gonna do today is we're going to put up topics on the screen. We're going to talk him through we're going to speculate on what we It is true what we think is bullshit talk about how we can all collectively work together solve some of these problems going around the world. This is,
a personal development show right. We bid on this package stream for eight years A lot of people. Don't understand that cause a lot of you guys on youtube. Think that we're just political talking heads shit. No, I'm an entrepreneur. I've been building companies, I've been helping other people, companies for a long time. So while we do have seats t we also, I have a lot of personal development stuff in this feed. Okay, one of them is q and a half. That's where you get to ask your questions and we get the answers you can submit your questions a couple different ways. The first way is guys you can email those questions and to ask Andy at eighty percent. Are not com or It actually go on the eu to unite us and drop your question right there in the comments and will answer it. Others, as we have real talk. We'll talk is just five twenty minutes of some stuff that I think everybody these two here and then we have full eight full length is What you see on a lot of podcast were group people sitting room, have a conversation and then some as we have seventy five hard versus seventy five hard verses, Whereat,
people come in who have done the seventy five our program or live the live hard lifestyle. and then we talk about what it did form. They did it. I held them and how can help you do and if you interests in that programme it is a free program, absolutely free you go to seventy five hard dot com or even go to episode to away in the audio feed and get the programme. Therefore free now things different about this shows we don't want ads on the show. Ok, These are not the answer to anybody in an change for that aspect, simply that you enjoy the show. Please shirt we can grow the show, if you don't share the show, our growth is a hundred percent organic. So if you give them from the show the mistakes makes. You laugh gives new perspective, a tissue someday Please do us a solid share, the shell guy. That's the only way here it. So when you guys message mastermind so that everybody should listen this well. You guys don't sure people here so real simple. If this
episode. Gives you value. Please share the episode. That's all we ask what was up what's going on regarding our march through. There are a lot a lot of interesting things happening out here. Man, a lot of interesting things happened, I haven't been following due to it's been an interesting weekend, but I mean most of these just know. I guess updates estimates recent, as things happening for sure, yeah and you know might be a couple of. I told you so moments of shagging. But do far as I want. I want to show you something that this has been making a lot of buzz online. This floyd may, whether in John daddy, the third fight asked of us had I reach void, may weathers exhibition fight with John guided. The third ends in massive bra. Have you see that? Will you see the dear I was like Half asleep and it was on sports center. I think I saw a clip of it on the internet, but it was like. I didn't really understand. What's going on duty us army there, this,
so so this is a new posts. Article reads: Foy may weathers exe. the bishop boxing match with john guarding. The third ended with an all out brawl between both fighters camps, a sunday night at s, l a live arena in sunrise florida. The fight descended into chaos when referee kenny Bayliss stop the fight with less than a minute left in the sixth found gaudy the grandson of new york, my boss, John daddy, seem only said fuck. You too may whether, as he was disqualified for holding that's when ah hell broke loose John guarded authorities. Thirty years old, he charged pass bayliss towards may rather was forty. Six landed a few punches before the fighters report away from each other,
in the clip, let's watch it. The way it looks to me like Gowdy, is about to get his ass, be a lot of no really lies before you do come and adam there me social may, whether seemingly toy with gaudy throughout the fights first five rounds.
The fourth round. May, whether flashed a smile before landing a job while gaudy was warned for holding quote enemy for life daddy. The third set on instagram quote: never put me down a stop me. It was d queue for no reason. I'm in the bad blood continued out of the arena with gaudy cistern, nicolet, gaudy posting a threatening and racially charged message to me whether on instagram quote at floyd may whether your daughter was ran through by an animal with twelve different baby, mama's you're a little work is animal you're, all a pack of zoo animal. She wrote to continue. Saying quote: I swear on my kids, I'm link for your daughter. It may be two years three years from now, but I'm coming cut. may weathers lass They were the last faults. We seventeen, we defeated. You have to start Conor macgregor to improve his undefeated. Fifty no record.
now I mean listen a word: the flight fight, logan, Paul yeah yeah, that was africa, mcgregor yeah, that was after the mcgregor. Yes, that was another expedition exciting, commission you're, not army, listen now, you know may whether has tm tea or the money tv rights psycho a fuckin, fifty percent entourage full of massive individuals. On the other air you have one of the most notorious fucking mob bosses. Probably ever I dunno who you fuck with any luck there you know. First of all, a lot of this is theatrics for sure, like a lot of these dudes understand how to work the media. The right way like the media doesn't work for you unless you give it something to talk about right, and so these guys all understand,
some of us are in all stages of the dangerous program that but that podcast or maize ludibria should EU debate. It look pal. You know, it's good marketing for baldwin. Do you think, there's no ruby. Other could be, but I still get marketing that can make some money on it. I don't know brow like. I bet. Floyd may weather so fucking good at what he does like all these guys try to get these exhibitions for clout to build a name. You know who knows what's really going on and you know I think, calling them a pack of zoo animals and mean, I think, that's garbage shit, tasteless yeah. It is- and you know I think. As a sicilian person. I dont think that when people behave, that way really does that culture any any sort of favors favours in sand.
And we shall do better than that. Mary more were angry and by the way I've been angry before We're in awe and said some things I didn't fucking mean we all have but, like I think, that's low class shit, what I'm saying, but I also think that the anti white hate that we see everywhere is low class shit, so I dunno it goes both ways. Bro. I just think that any ratio is just saw. It's stupid is biracial what spiritual goes both ways: okay by racists, yeah, whatever man get it at now. Yeah. I think we take one of your trophies away for that you're in the negatives now by racists, yeah, that's great yeah, but whatever you know floor the biggest name boxing, probably ever besides, maybe MIKE tyson. No may Muhammad Ali he's up there with a refresher us tougher. He still fucking great
boxing is like you is your little flowers. You push a little less hard as he yeah, but he still Better than everybody else, I will never find out. I mean can't fucking hit him bro. Is he eat? Listen when he fought conor, he toy O'Connor when he fought logan, Paul, Logan, Paul's twice his size. He toy with Logan Paul Okay, he toy with this dude and people get pissed at him because he's that much better than everybody else, and that's what it is, though, so I dunno I didn't fuck it's kind of weird see it's kind of to see him do in these exhibitions and shit like on another. That's really great for his legacy. but also I don't. I don't know him as a dear. I don't really follow him, so maybe he just doesn't give a fuck. He wants get paid. No, it's highly possible that he definitely does. That yeah. You know that you pay the stuff. We also know that spends money. Do you now has room for the city? I schizophrenia
yeah guys, remember if you want to see any of these pictures articles links videos go to Andy for salah dot com, you can find them like there or you can drop down in the youtube description below and find them like there as well. As with that being said, let's cruise with headline number one had and number one reads. Secession, george Soros hansen, Alex control of his twenty five. billion dollar empire So this is a Breitbart article. Reading billionaire left wing democrat donor. George Soros is handing control of his twenty billion dollar financial empire to his younger son, Alex who has vow to pursue.
Even more ultra liberal causes the newly crown thirty seven year old air told the wall street journal. He will broaden his father's famously woke interest to include issues like voting an abortion rights as well as gender equality. He also fills bound to inject himself into the day to day political affairs of the nation ahead of the twenty twenty four election quote, I'm more political, Alex observed when comparing himself to his hungarian, born finding your father. He was already visited the white house seventeen times in just over a year and met with big name democrats as Breitbart news what'd, he also recently treated a pitcher of himself with vice president comma harris open society, foundations soros family nonprofit currently directs.
one and a half billion dollars a year, two causes all around the planet. The young man's profile on the open society website outlines. He is also quote the founding chair of banned the ark jewish action and sits on the boards of barred college, the centre for jewish history, central european university, the european council on foreign relations and the international crisis group, the soros, I am told, the outlet he worried about the possibility of donald trump returning to the white house, suggesting. The family will contribute greatly to democrats in the two thousand and twenty four presidential elections. He says quote as much as I would love to get money out of politics as long as the other side is doing it, we will have to do it too, He said during the interview Alex reportedly urge democratic figures to be
clear on delivering their message, while being what more patriotic and inclusive to win the trust of voters. I want to say something about that lie. Nor is, he doesn't say, be more patriotic inclusive because it's the right thing to do. He says to win the trust of the voters now that should kick on a light bulb in your head, but the intent is to pay tend to get their way to act? Is he's telling on himself right here with his language? That's a grey cashmere yeah! Well, that's what I do for a living. yeah? I mean it's no secret george soros gave billions to left wing causes in the years he paid no federal income tax and we know that he's spent hundreds of millions of dollars to democratically elected prosecutors, major cities throughout the country and but a new development also comes out
This report shows a soros linked group wins forty, one million dollar contract from Biden to help illegal aliens evade deportation They have their hands and literally fucking. Everything a non governmental organisation with financial links. Civilian george soros has one: if forty one million dollar federal contract from president Joe Biden's department of justice to help illegal aliens evade deportation from the united states. Does everybody see how this works soros has give money? The government is corrupt that they support gives them Money back your money by hiring them do jobs that don't help america correct, so important, everybody sheila
worked draws a die, because what you're seeing in ukraine is exactly this on a mass scale back or you know, going back to to a twenty eighteen, the vera institute of justice, another ngo linked to source, was previously awarded three hundred and ten million dollars by the obama administration to help unaccompanied alien children or you a cs, avoid deportation and yeah. I mean I mean I guess you've got to you know, get off the throne at some point right. What do? What do you see going on here? Any I see the entire problem with our entire government is full of this shit full of this shit on both sides, they're ripe and this government. This country was never intended to be
who is so heavily by people with means. It was never intended to be bought and paid for by people with money. It was never intended to be. The personal agenda of people would money. It was intended to be a representative government for the people by the people and this mother fucker ain't, the people and neither is his dad, and I should be very clear. I think everybody understands at this point I think that this young man is drastically. Misunderstanding the state of of the the quote: unquote real people of america, and I don't think that people are going to put up with this bullshit very much longer, I'm just being real, and so
I don't envy his position. I don't care how much money has. I think you're on the short end of a fucking stick, that's about to be burt and it's not gonna be very much fun for this dude move forward. That's what I personally think now if they were to come in and start cult like like, if you actually what he said where he said patriotic and inclusive, if they actually meant that to bring people together, but they don't because the whole agenda Of this set of people in the world is to their actual slogan headline at the world economic forum, which these people are very invested in is through chaos, comes order out of chaos comes order, okay, so there their plan is to create as much chaos as possible and then provide us with the solution in solution. When things are completely burnt down is going to be a total surveillance state where you can't do anything without their approval,
speak out, you can spend money, can't go anywhere without being on video, a personal opinion. We have a lot of regulations to address when it comes to technology in terms of how they are going to use it to sir bail and monitor because because there already, doing it. They do it through your cell phone. They listen to what you're saying they may be running under the of the mass of terrorism in the patriot act. They passed after nine eleven and we already live in a total surveillance state. Total police state we're just not aware of it were being told. It's not that way way in the future, for america become The great like it should be. A lotta she's gonna have to be banned brow because, once you become a, where of it, it almost forces you to become like a paranoid. Hermit cause you're like fuck em on fuckin cameron, wherefore can go. Everything I say is recorded at like it's what you come to terms.
With that reality, you're not gonna, feel very free. That's a side note from what I think about this, but that something that should be addressed and you got should be calling for but as far as these two guys in this family in these people interfering with our government nor system, I think people really fuckin tired of it, and I think these people, because there at the top of the man Women are very unaware of the feelings amongst the actual people here in america regarding their interference and that pushing of their agendas. What they're trying to do. I think people are understanding that the borders fucking our country, think people are understanding that our government's fucking The money system devalue our currency, the average american spent nine thousand dollars extra per year to live. That's a lie,
okay from for most of america, that's a ton of money and especially when most of them already live in patriot re checked. So where is this supposed to come from? Oh, oh, they get the one more debt which makes these people richer. Alright, people are tired of the crime they're tired of the instigator at the instigator of media, making us hate each other, their tired of living in this constant state of anxiety and theirs. We too solutions to this entire problem, guys, others, three. Ok, but the third one area, they keep calling for say. While we need to put these fuckin revolution, I call you know a first I guess I we're here to shift men. You motherfuckers gives a lot of people out. There are legal. We need a revolt you're, not thinking it through, because even if we did that and I could be required down. The road towards is gone, but if you actually just do Somebody said that will never get to that point. The two things that we can do every single day to defeat this, these kind,
things is to remove ourself from actually meeting them, that's why say personal excellences ultimate rebellion when you become financially fit you become physically you become intelligent, aware, what's going on your neck swimming their media you're not eating their food, which is it making you sick, okay, so they're not making money on your food, your farmer, your media, your information unites plug in your phone twenty four hours a day, removing ourselves through personal excellence from their their network of control, is step number one. instead number two is mass non compliance as we go into the next eighteen months, there's going to be a number of social, outrage incidents that happened right, they're, going to try to create as much disruption
as much frustration as much hate amongst the people and if people just don't buy it and we stops, we stop fucking buying into it, which I think we're getting close to doing so because they ve tried this with a number of different scenarios. Now it's not worth a try to with the subway shooter real hard. Try to with the supermarket shoe real hard they try to with the nashville shooting real hard for trans people in the first two ones. I try to use race this last when they try to use trance nobody fuckin bought. Ok, That's that mass. Now compliance has to be a cross. Political ideology and race in terms of yo like broth, black and white people, could just get over the fact that we're being manipulated to hate each other and actually say: hey fought these people that are manipulating us to hate each other. Their game is over missus. Why? We talk about the race issues, because the race issues are the number one issue holding us back from actually being a free country. They can get will happen.
organs and why the americans to say way? Second, brow, You know my enemy, I'm not your enemy, wireless you tell us a shit and we get paid. To have that click. Now these people have no power, fucked rhetorically thought. Well, so we have to be smart. we have to be intelligent, and so we have to remove our socialist system through personal excellence, and then we have to mass non compliance and these people no matter how much money they spend. It won't work. Nobody many billions of dollars alex sorrels, puts into this. System over the next year. probably a lot. It's like you said because I understand he was sought. It we're afraid of truck coming back empower. You know either afraid of trump coming back into power, because they understand that the persecution that they've put on trump, where it's going to come back tenfold, which is going to mean the end for them one way or another juicy with trump's that just sets it up. I've tried to get the video up here. About destroying communist well is finally fuckin. Saying right. Shit no place was to the show that guy set the tone
we brought like if I was trump's main adviser. You guys were all of them. If you would listen to me, yeah yeah, that's real man guys tell us what you think. Are you guys standing with soros? Let us know down in the comments: I don't think trump is understanding where the people are right. Now I don't think he's being told accurate information. I don't think he has either. I I think he continues to. He continues to push this crazy shit about the vaccine continues to talk about Israel. Being our greatest our rope, if you, if you would just cut with a vaccine, talk right and say: hey fuck, I fucked up ok, these guys fuck, enlightenment inaction is tell the truth. The casino Well, you look like you're part of that's the problem, like down anybody foreclosure when we start we're gonna shit dune everybody? you're part of it.
okay, so now that everybody's, like thinking like fuck, this guy's part of the fucking planet, he's walking us into this communist shit. So like that announce that you, you have to fucking, stop that, because it's roots people are not going to vote for Even people do remember what happened in twenty twenty. They have forgotten about it. A lot of people can say, although we, gone from twenty twenty. No, we haven't because there's a lot People have to wash their loved ones die over fuckin. Zoom are now walking around with a vaccine that they never wanted, that they're scared to death, now wondering when, when the shit's gonna happen to him or the someone who died from the vaccine, or that was put on a ventilator well that was denied. I ever met in improving therapeutics that You know some of us worked very hard to inform people about their has we. I mean be clear: who episode deleted because you I mean and how many shadow bans that we deal with the last three years? How me traffic bans I mean they fought brought. They put these days,
before long doctors, they put one am in jail, or so they deny the people have not about that bro and they also haven't forgotten- and you know, what's cool I see now there's a lot of people who fell for it are now. Finally, like we said fucking two years ago. Finally saying bro, they fuckin lied to us. Do that's what we need. We those people to speak, the forgot the headline on, but to allow them to reach the great gripped, how billions in covert nineteen relief aid was stolen. wasted jerusalem, hamburger and it has a cheeseburger while cheese, sandwiches,
there was die. Without when I was spoken fat, I used to go hard on those mcdonald's, double cheeseburgers, really fuck you fuck with five guys. I never had a one time. You never had funding Don't act like this is the big deal brilliancy haven't seen. None of this is bigger than brave the out of here. You never have eyebrows, I'm not fat, more, I'm fucking lean mean fuckin beast machine. Did you live fries? You like potatoes man, I love pertain grow. They got the best price risk. I mentally unbreakable, you're. Never gonna convinced me Andy. fuck em, you see my Jim selfies broke ass. He knew of mercosur. Yeah rose bowl
it took well for, like four years ago, bro any way, shape or form you. Accurate information is right. When you fake, reached out to me, cause I'm much more small know a man. Here's a deal doubled. My stack was this real talk? to double cheeseburgers. Two large fries twenty peace, nugget down five fucking, eight, that every fuckin day for years Actually staggered shipment mommy chickamauga this protein alright bro, I just train hard man yeah, you know, yeah that'd get you yeah. We got what what got me fat, though, like what? What always got me fat was gas station food? Oh yeah, when they built that fucking cutie over there by my old house that one over fifty five and limber biologist you well, I went in and with it would take me four minutes. I could be there back and eight minutes. It would take me four minutes to get there. It would take me half a minute to get my shit and then I could be back
It would take me nine minutes. You, you really get to change you. You knew love our six two kilos to breakfast breeders of full bagger, allopathy or chemical glaze, and I'm gonna fuckin forty four hours soda house out. real talk, I was out they knew what the fuck I was getting bro. They start ringing it up before he got to the register, just had to read it yeah, hundred pounds when they build that fucking cutie bro cause. I do that every day I ate my stress or the kiddos are good, though there are fucking referring to you like the steak and cheddar or you do the like, the the cheese pepper jack. I like the I that that they got caught. in flour, tortillas like the corn ones, yeah yeah, but normally like. When I go to mexican food, I like flower, but those corn to quito's a quick trip or get you a quick trip. Stop my energy drink, motherfuckers, hey I'll, buy some more to quito's, for some people are worried about refusal by air.
yeah, he does shit bro you get addicted to it, looks good yeah. It fucking is good for that spicy chick, laura rather brightness breeders. Now I'm not a big bang was buried operating now calibre sexually. For me really worried about the shit I saw it with my life. You mean a thing which we spent three years are intolerable. Malta experts on real. Now rarely heard new, said he says what sailors Zabdanu saga it must be real gotta, be real narrow. You think. Do you? Do you get the same impression that I get that, like a lot of these people realize that they're, like fox they're, caught and they're trying to cover it now by saying oh, oh, it was alive, I don't now they're calling out that lie cause. They realize that that ship is sinking in to try and jump the other ship is misinformation, guys yep anybody can fall victim to misinformation.
but these are useless, really offer. It does damage this. So the article reads: much of the theft was brazen. Even simple: fraudsters use the social security numbers of dead people like I am. I am going to say that y'all know who else uses that that that people's social security numbers of one, but neither nor there so fraudsters the social security number of dead people and federal prisoners to get unemployment checks. Cheaters collected those benefits in multiple state and federal alone applicants what one clash checked against the treasury department database that would have raised red flags about sketchy. Bowers criminals and gangs grab the money, but so did a? U s soldier in georgia. The pastors of a
the fund church in taxes, a former state law, megrims missouri and a roofing contractor in Montana. All of it led to the greatest drift in: u s, history, with thieves, plundering, billions of dollars in federal kova, nineteen relief aid intended to combat the worst pandemic and a century, and to stabilize and enemy in freefall. This was the graph target somewhere in poland, they're saying that the for a montana is responsible for the drift of covert got you. Ok, I got your baby Oh my god. Oh my god, I take back what I say. So. The associated press analysis found that fraudsters potentially stole more than two. hundred and eighty billion dollars and coordinating relief funding
another one hundred and twenty three billion dollars was wasted or miss spit combined. The loss represents ten percent of the four point: two trillion dollars, the? U s: government has so far dispersed and covert relief aid, the number is certain to grow. As investors dig deeper into thousands of potential skeins hope There was this sort of endless pot of money that anyone could access, said Dan, fragile chief of the fraud and white collar crime unit at the? U S, attorney's office in the eastern district of Washington quote folks kind of food themselves into thinking that it was a socially acceptable thing to do, even though it wasn't legal of u S. Government has charged more than two thousand two hundred and thirty defendants with pandemic related frog crimes and his
Conducting thousands of investigations are. The enormous scale of that package has obscured multi billion dollar mistakes in eight hundred and three, seven billion dollar iris programme, for example, succeeded Ninety nine percent of the time in getting economic stimulus checks to the proper taxpayers according to the tax agency. Nevertheless, that one percent failure rate translated into nearly eight billion dollars going to ineligible individuals, a treasury department inspector general, told the associated press now, here's the layout- this is all of the. This- is a a a chart describing how covert relief was allocated. But here's my thing, like you, said the roofer in Montana, where those really the fraudsters. Why is nobody talking about The big box doors that gets you this I was talking busybody. This will regard the biggest drift of covert. What there is-
witnesses like three more ahead of this decision it's motherfuckers getting some of the money back that you all try to steal. They just do the same shit politicians like new risks. shut down the economy and left there should open there for Shit they like that open to they fleeced ass the other government for billions and billions and billions of dollars of vaccines that will potentially harmful to many of the people that they were forced to take. I so let's talk about the grips efforts over the grass was held with the real grip, talk about a real drift is shutting down your neighborhood mom and pop shutting down your neighborhood pizza place, shutting down your neighborhood restaurant and then saying you can only shop at amazon. You can almost the walmart. you can always shop of these big box retailers who give us
the politicians, tons of funding and campaign contributions which are our bodies that we wine in dine at their homes all over the world. We fly on the private jets, we go on their yachts and we kept their stores open, while shut yours down, because we're the peasants and why ass? I was only used, but what were they said? non non, essential, essential, essential late they anybody's essential, only them their essential right, and the only reason I was able to stay open is because we qualified under the idea of food. Ok but, alas, at my friends, businesses have that they can operate in a closed down for months at a time. Well, if you don't understand how a business works, which I'm pretty sure these we'll do. Ah, you understand that once you cut off cash flow for sixty days nowadays, a hundred eighty days, there is little chance of recovery, so they understood that the shift wasn't just during the pandemic, but they understood that it was going to be
and the reason they wanted to make. That shift is because the people who control the biggest companies, well give them the most money and sources big machine words, scratch everybody's back, we're all in on it for these people and these people have to be us and that's where we're so Let me get so there was about a hundred and fifteen thousand, so small businesses that closed of those about ninety thousand or so of those businesses or parliament. the clause, never to reopen the businesses that were so so think about that. Ninety thousand some odd businesses closed off. Rather those employees. Those bids sounds done, the remaining businesses they pushed down this d? I yes g! you see I bullshit to force on those two fuck. Even those companies remaining
Well, if you her learn, everything talked about this new view. He talked about how their plan is that they have to force people to change, be a culture which is actually true, because if you have a great culture, people want to be a part of it on their own. You want to force anything. You'll have to force things when is generally not an accepted idea like reading sex change. Books to fuck in five years I was in kindergarten with a dude with a deck as dressed up as a woman people. Don't like that shit I and they're never going to like that shit and these guys plan. and this is the sea or blackrock telling is to force in Seoul. They're doing one of two things, and this is really import understand one they say we're going to force the culture by making these rules inside these companies that employ most of the people in the united states, but that's not actually true, because most of the people actually are
boy by very small mom and pop businesses that do not have this culture and allow These mom and pop businesses emulate the biggest cultures in the world. At the big companies in the world, because they don't really understand that they have the freedom to create their own way of exists. inside their company and so they copy what these people do. So now People who were engineering this movement understand. They know that if the big I'll. Do it little guys what I'll suit, and that's a big mistake. the little guy entrepreneur. Okay, so that's the first thing they are going to continue to force this to this day, I see I yes, she shit through the culture. and you guys say, will wise: why is target not making adjustments? Wireless companies now making adjustments because, as I explained the previous episode, they can't because they qualify, they have debt and for them to be able to operate. That all five four lines of credit and other things to do with the banks in the bank's say, if you don't do these things than you no money, and since they are to have the money out, there will collapse, company automatically deserve a call in those that correct, so
these people are in a place where they actually cannot do anything about it and either they're gonna get the culture change that they want or they'll put these companies out of business and the state will step in improving the services and that's call communism right so either way on this on this movement, they win unless we get smart enough to just now comply at all. Ok, so take them for what it's worth master. Compliance is finding alternatives in alternative economy, its making sure that you having when mom and pop companies or companies own and by the way there companies that are small, that does mean shop at a small company or media company or large company. All of these companies there's tons of whom that do not abide by this process for not embedded and if you are a small business who is not linked in to these big banks,
You should understand emulating their culture is not working financially for them, and I said this many many years in a row. Ok, I told you is that being an american company promoting pro freedom, promoting traditional values in american buys amassing conservative. I'm saying freedom and not be norm, okay and be cool. Those companies that stand for that will get the most business out of any of the companies and How'd you done this years ago, you'd be ahead of the curve when all of small businesses that are paying attention to what is going on, and you think you're, gonna put are you going to celebrate these causes and do all this shit understand that if you look at the data you will see, The customers are rejecting it and they were rejected in your business as well, so those You they're doing I just because the big companies are doing you're, actually making a mistake and playing right into their playbook, because ultimately they were either close your business for that, because you'll get boycotted and a win, or
Culture will actually start to be accepted because no one can escape it anywhere and they went down. way to, but I actually think the goals to close these businesses and to create full blown communism. Let us do they want a select few private businesses, are all affiliated with and they went nobody else to be alive, a slave to the state Don't worry I'll, be there We pay more of our income to the state. Then we get to keep every single one. He does have you add it all up. You know. Oh, I only pay. Thirty per cent tax really do that math. What do you pay when you fucking buy shit? What do you pay when you own shit? What do you pay when you register shit, what you gotta pay to fly Gotta pay keep stuff you at all that up we free do. There is trying to finish job which, by the way, is the campaign slogan of MR shitty pants
What do you think bro, not yeah as russia? I was even thinking to our mister shitty pants man like I saw this one picture of all of them and they had another tag on the podium. It's like we're fighting for the soul of america and do like that. Just does not sit well with me just inside what I'm saying like just like that just sounds like some evil shit bro. Well, don't you think that they don't you think that If they think that they're fighting for the soul of america, they really believe that which I believe that they do believe I do believe. So what would they be willing to do to win? You know fucking anything. I agree. I think it's going to be a rough eighteen months dude and I think it's can be real important for you guys to get your shit together, get off their system. and then also consider how we're going to counteract it, which is when they do things that are supposed to cause us to react.
We have reaction, we don't react or drill new guys. Let's finish this cruise, bring it on home. We got headline number three third and final headline reads: trump departs for florida ahead, a federal court appearance.
eternity on the move for some bullshit. Of course, that's in miami right Reza miami here so former president donald trump departed from Newark new jersey on his private jet to appear in a miami federal court on Monday images show trump exiting a black s. U v and ascending the steps to his personal plane. He faces an indictment on thirty seven charges, ranging from withholding national defense documents to making false statements to law enforcement groups have already preparing for potential protest in miami and at trump's residence at his mar a lago club. Now you and I have both been out of miami. There is a massive trump support crowd down there. I mean there's boats all around me on a normal day, just on a fuckin yeah yeah, I mean like, like a normal tuesday you're, going to see about going by what trump should heighten and they just might be. Now it's it's. It's actually. Never why people nature, while it's it's, actually the people that come from
I mean this country that know what the fuck they're dealing yeah. I mean miami has an awesome, latino cuban culture that I fucking love. I actually think it's one of the greatest cultures in any city in the whole united states, as you gotta stop the honking shroud. That is annoying like your mother, fuckers, quit hogging your horns. You shut up here for that I would love to go there and live there, but like the horse shit, you guys will like me down there, not one. Let's be real: let's stop honking their horns. I'll come down So he has also said the trip is trump second trip between the northeast and for the former president has made this year to attend a court appearance relating to criminal charges against him. He also flew from forty to new york city in early april to be arranged on.
related charges, so the thirty seven charges trump faces this week include thirty one counts of willfully, withholding national defense information, three counts of withholding or concealing documents in a federal investigation and two counts of making false statements and one count of conspiracy to obstruct justice. Now this is all centered around documents of allegedly classified documents at mar a lago. I remember when they did the search warrant, the white house Biden, administration, knew about and sanction between them and the d o J. Now, let's head over to new york times, because as like for some reason, people have this confusion right well, he's the president. He is allowed to these classify anything at any time. I, it was interesting that the new york times actually admitted this, which kind of blows the whistle on the whole fucking thing. So they wrote this article, or this is one of the sub section,
the says can President's declassify matters directly? Yes, because it is ultimately their constitutional authority so this and that they continue says normally president's who want something: declassified, direct subordinates, overseeing the department or agency with primary responsibility for the government. To review the matter with an eye to make it making more of it public but on rare occasions president's declassify, something directly. their meaning that he absolutely gay and there's no they're like what's the problem. And then they have another subsections, as do presents, have to obey the usual procedures, and they say even if it is true that Mr Tromp had pronounced the documents declassify while he was in office, he clearly did not follow the regular procedures, but there is no supreme court precedent that definitively answers whether that would make any difference.
again he's completely within his legal means, and I had to over to be one hears. My question on that one is if he has the ability to classify- and he says these are disquiet declassified then, how do you know he did not follow the regular procedures? You're saying the regular procedures, or to what you said. The regular procedures are too normally directs importance. That doesn't mean it's illegal, not to his eyes, exactly. Maybe it was out of the norm.
Still, as the authorities say, mo fucker. This is my shit. He is it's his constitutional oath or act now trump. Am I paying the poor little wolf wall street? I ain't fuckin leave him. He told a politico journalist. She says quote I'll. Never leave trump said in an interview aboard his plane, says quote: look if I would have left. I would have left prior to the original race in two thousand and sixteen. That was a rough one. In theory that was not doable when asked about. If he's going to leave that campaign trail, for twenty four and and interestingly enough post indictment trump widens his lead again now has over a sixty per cent support. Our ronda science is second with twenty three per cent. Now TIM scott, four percent- We'll all these other people are running for their own fame and their own name. I brought you just run just so. People fuckin, like listen the show
more about you get sixteen roll out of here. First of all, this is real talk outside of trump I would handle everything the world's motherfuckers, and send them home with her tail between her legs troncist average fucking, dude, onstage and he's very smart, very witty, but the rest all at fucking crush you got it we'll talk when I will draw listenin to Chris Christie come on. I just give him a cheeseburger. You will be able to talk well, wait. We find out there, I'm going to mcdonald's. That's why I don't recommend things I don't know not mellow soldiers. I love larry elder malaria. Lawlor elders been in this building one of the most genuine nice happy here beings. I've ever had the pleasure to me so happy he's such a good care for zimbabwe
Even if the library have you seen him he's a real dude, just immediately he's like hey man, here's my cell, let's you know, let's do some like he's just he's. Just a cool dude will do ma'am, but the rest of them. I mean I'm, not a I'm. Not a fan I think the santas I think you're you're, jumping in ahead of your game. Bro. I think you know you have to think about long term and maybe that's why he's doing? I still think they're eventually going to come together and I think all the people on the right in the common sense are going to come together and I think the more they persecute trump the more people are going to get by. I think they could find every fuckin pit I bro outside of, like him being like a pedophile. some crazy shit again being proven. I dont, which I'm not saying, They won't even try to four can say what I'm right. outside of something completely drastic? I think everything they do from now on to attack him is just going to put more power behind the poles are showing While we we also said this. I know how many different different hands but
had some arguments with some of my buddies online. You know like I do have buddies that don't agree with me and I you know one of them was like. Ah he's like bro, that I told him he's like what are you well, try says: go blob interfaces. Bro he's at all will see we'll see What Barr said that it was the worst case ever and he's toast and this and that yeah well bars also the guy that prevented the instigations from happening actually have now been shown, were valid and should have happened Ok, so his ass, the hot water too. So let's be real dude trouble as all these motherfuckers in hot water and you I don't like a most for mostly because they ve made up all these lies about him, and you know he has problems, keep his mouth shut about stupid shit, sometimes but he's all. He always ends up being right. You know english before known as rattleborough like when he like A lot of people got piss because he went after cayley makin any right. Well,
life in a big city. Brow like your europe, you gotta be tough, ok and he's tough, do and funny above all these people, he went after cayley. She was about. I like clearly too. I thought she was bad ass, but here's what, when you go back to pre donald trump, you found all these tweets that were criticised our trump, so you if you forgot about that which makes you think like what would he bring her in to begin with, though, why, I think dude, I think he understands the game, we are not on the team. You talk shit about the team. It's like bro, it's like more forest talk shooter bombing or you you talk, shit about me out there that you have to compete with me but ma fucker. I bet you wish you were on my fucking team right now. That's reality! Yeah! I got a job application. My friend, but such as other nature of fuckin compete. Ok, you know like when people are good when people are great at have enemies when people are regular, they get to have friends and that's reality. Man, the best reality is so the okay and that's the price that's paid for for hat for being great at things.
and arm. You know, trump's got a lot of enemies because he's cause he wins a lot and he's won a lot and he continues to win a lot now people are starting to realise that this is the case in all these people, that attack emerges discrediting themselves if these people Well we'll talk. I notice answers this team losses in the shit too. If you guys got behind right now, you'd be in the best possible position that you could ever be politically, because you will be an automatic and fuck and the natural action cycle like I'm. So like right now at the center and this is bullshit fought warfare and get behind him and put my shit aside row, it would You protrusion entire thing and he would be a shoe and for the next fuck eight years after this necessary batty, Just me: that's the chair. us move when they can't be vp because they're both from Florida yeah. So I think I carry legs going to end up being vp choice. That's my opinion. I can see that yeah it'd be a good run. I think it'd be cool if he did rfk, though that'd be
I mean that has there ever been now. This is what ticket rfk is going to have a lot of momentum, because he's running on the platform that matters the most american people, which is transparency and truth and accountability, and if really wants to win he'll jump on that platform to, and and he'll get ninety percent of the vote, because people are tired of the fucker he dude, it's real. It's real and a masterful thing on this whole shebang will cause. I think even this whole indictment thing right comes out the same day as the the the comer invested guys what the f b I write, and then it just comes out that the f b I informer file, confirms that Joe Biden is the big guy. Whoa shocked super shock.
Well, yeah yeah. It's also. Last week republican members of the house oversight committee reviewed an f b. I a former file. Their review concluded the f b. I informant file indicated that ukrainian oil guard mikayla aligarh yeah. I have trouble with our tennis. I had my second rest of the shit. it must be what you're saying yeah. What is it? Odor olga guard guard mark dark. I said guard they a whole a brass bell sounded out. I got that does now the fucking sounds hollows. I'm like base fucking spelled exactly as it sounds, are out.
Oh well, I, like arch alan, that's how the markets is spelled alec arch. You know that would be oleg arch. This was no. You said, oligarchy wrote. This is our oligarchy. Their review concluded the f b. I informer file indicated that ukrainian oligarchy, my car shit man. What is that Mccullough zone? She, the owner, this, whether further from ukraine or business. Cover were ok, refer, Joe Biden is a big guy, translation. Roughly loosely quote the hand. This document this confidence, our guard
If this guy this confidential human farm, it absolutely also specified he understood that the big guy was to be job. I representative anna paulina luna out of flora, told fox news to quote the big guy that is quoted as a document I represent, have worn bogart, told binny Johnson about the informant file lotta interest and shit there. Man, I just I just want the accountability partner. People came It's that that's! Where transfer going up do yeah he's not well I mean yeah you made. The communist then were like bro, like he's fucking up in those three ways I mentioned on the show. But let me ask you this Andy. Let me ask you this. ok knowing what we know how they ve spent his narrative. If he comes out and says what needs to happen, does that fuck him more on the campaign in the media?
I don't think these people are going to allow him to run bro. I think they'll arrest him straight up and hold them fucking without charges like they did to these Jay six people do that at yeah. I know I don't think I think they did that man listen their backs are against the wall. image. There lies the manipulation of propaganda. Noble buying more there on the edge is someone like trump would come to pass? our. That means certain imprisonment or death for them certain certain if you knew for certain that that's what you're gonna do What would you be willing to stop it? That's what we're dealing with. That's why everybody needs to be very careful in smart about how they react to certain things, because- then, the only way to able to maintain this power they have is by getting everybody to
jump on these initiatives when they demand outrage, that's how they that's, how they control us and they're, getting us to hate each other over political opinions. I mean bro, look at the dialogue, changes that they have created through social media. Okay in two thousand in seven before I social media was really a big thing right like if you disagreed with someone about politics, it wasn't that big of a fucking deal like bro, like I dated girls, who were fucking Democrats right now than we did. I think they are fuckin stupid right now our data about they were small and other ways. Ok, but added I, with their should and room I ship, but we were able to still in all be cool. And I was normal in society and the internet. You know it took communication from a conversation to facebook post to come.
interposed to emerges to react to fix a right, so they ve taken things that you too have context a nuance, conversation they squeeze it all the way down and trained people. via social media to comment with them most insulting the most quickly. smart ass thing, because they put a like on the comment now people? Don't comment for resolution that comment for attention, and so they ve intentionally weeded the dialogue in very simple terms were now people can't even I've productive conversations, because everybody's trying to say the worse. Shit then some water and solve some want or get all the support. And so no resolution can ever come in society and by the way, that's intention that makes so much that's. Why, like see the left, the scream that just acting out the emotion, karate mode
scrapped and that never used to be that way. Did it wasn't that way, like you, too, young really remember that. Well, I forty three years old, I was an adult when people were still behaving normally in society. Like nobody did that shit. It wasn't like that because we weren't trained, we were trained to make points, To say what we believe in and make points to support them, and then we let the other person say what they believe in and make poyser support him and at the end, we didn't agree areas fuckin stupid, but where are going to eat now is how society was dude and guess what that's healthy. Healthy where's meter, yes, enable eliminated that through the use of technology, and if you go read the cat ass machine, which I recommend, or here almost every fuckin show it will explain to you the the people are, that run these these platforms in turn, Of limiting our ability to get the problem for me, but also limiting our ability to communicate, effectively intentionally and then get us addicted to the scroll
they can sell a shit and make money and control the fucking narrative so rely too it blight We have to somehow find our way back as a culture to a place where conversations can be had without like hate and without name calling. You broke like You want to know when you want an argument is when someone starts calling your name. You know him and through their resorts via its over and that's all vibrational, low intelligence, human, ok and and by the way they were intentionally lower. Accused over to over the course of the law. asked twenty years by removing things that are fundamental to the reality of a human being like competition. When you give a child a trophy for showing up, ok, that child. Ben grows up into an adult that thinks they get rewarded for showing up only show, up in the real world you do not get rewarded for and so on.
Happens is this person goes from four. Where to career to career, to career, Never loaning what it meant to compete, constantly getting their teeth, kicking and then they say what this is. Capitalism is fact, and then there are soldier of the communist movement forever. It's intentional and then chop the dick off mess into the store yeah I mean but look dude this once you see it, you can see it. It's kind of like that. You know, and it's it's People have a hard time like that. They call us conspiracy theories whatever bro, I'm a conspiracy. Realist right! this is actually happening in the world, and I could see- and you don't see it is because you not understanding the actual thing, because you probably never went and read anything about it. The communists insurgency is all encompassing. They hit the church, they hit the school, they hit the government, they hit the culture they hit, the media they hit the former. they hit the business it's everywhere and people have a hard time wrapping.
A brain around the scale of an operation like that. But when you consider the fact that you can guide all the world, Leaders through an organization called the world economic forum and people that control all of these companies are members of that forum and they made the decisions, ok and then, by the way they financially leverage the companies to make the decisions. If there's any resistance to it, you can understand how a few thousand people could control everything and that's what we're dealing with here. And that's why it doesn't make sense to you. The scale of it is massive and now because we're making it up because it actually is, and so you know. Once you start to understand. What's goin on is pretty easy to see do you now remember? Do you remember I would call restarted the lot of people for gun. You know what happened where like fire, I have one hundred ceos resigned at the same exact time. Shit ton of like big big companies. Now now does it
Does it make sense now no longer understand You're gonna go. Do this or you can, this this exit package. You can be on what we're doing this and you're gonna. Do it. If you stay- and these do said peace out instead of saying hey now we're not doing that and actually resisting they. All bitched took all the money. Yeah. I remember that. I remember that you guys remember that. I should make sense when you look what's going on in the world guy anyway, crazy, bro lot to people, not people like Everything's a conspiracy will actually right now when it comes to what's going on in the world. It is all under one umbrella and the more you look, the more you see it. and there's only a few thousand people. It's not like hundreds of thousands of people. It's a few thousand people
They belong to a certain group that influence the influencers of these other companies. A push everything now companies government me That's true fascism, by the way, which is even funnier, because they ve activated the anti fascist to protect the fascists. Well, it's a fascist means allowing to it is the little foot soldiers for the fascism. and they don't understand a blow fascists there What everything this is obvious right, so they make sense since ice. were when we're fine for the sole america. Do you don't you feel like work? finding from for soul, america, everything they say it's projection two percent. If you want to learn what they're doing in this, which instead, what they say and then say, ok, well, that must mean it's the opposite of that. and if you actually watch them like that and then pay attention. The rest,
What happened in the world is very clear to see what they're doing now. as I was the third and final headline this time for our final segment of the show. As always, we have thumbs up or dumb as fuck. That's where we bring a headline up. It'll get one of those two options and, with that being said, a thumbs up or dumb, as fuck headline reads: Adam had when tackled by security, trying to celebrate nick taylor's. Seventy two foot putt to win canadian open. This is fucking awesome. Okay, this is awesome. This is a this is what the color of a fuck up moment in the security world. So golf.
Adam, had headwind, was trying to celebrate with his fellow countrymen. Instead, he got levelled like a tackling dummy. Nick Taylor had just sunk, a seventy two foot put to become the first canadian to win the r b canadian open in sixty nine years when, when headwind, ran onto the green, to try and celebrate with his friend had when also a canadian came out sprang a bottle of champagne before security guard and a black jacket tackled had when to the ground and audible grown, could be heard from the crowd, as had when was taken to the ground before others ran over in an attempt to inform security guard who that works in video from the brok ass, it appeared, tailors caddy broke away from the celebration. In order to end vain as well. Here is the video I got a couple of different angles. Mistook I'm here is the.
First, video malaise in the video doesn't do hula justice. I got an even better in slow motion from a different angle. I sit here if there's no look at the security guards face very cause. Yeah dedication, man, he got pissed. Do you see his fucking face? It is so Sober, look, ok, dude! He said I thought. No, I haven't come in my boy, all
Oh, do that so bad at the guy. Did there the guy that made the putts laugh at this. He sees his buddy, get tackle, he's just laughing at it yeah so so Adam had had once his wife. She commented she made a statement He says quote: oh angie I can't handle these. different angles: the security guards laser focus on his target Adams come amidst the giant bottle of champagne, so many things to take any fairly new point of view. so low baggage, ogata, robot, is cool. Out of a power lies slow, that's a fucking awesome photo right. There do the great brought heat. They should both sign that this mother, the draft ibrahim does a pervert form tat. I was a guitar Well, he's not a young man either he's not. I mean this they're just living out his glory days right here, he's like oh. I can't wait to do this, but this is great a hundred as loses job.
I think you tell them good job know for sure, like dude, if, if, if, if that was you- and you talked to one of my buddies, make fun of my body so harborough abbey, effort in their face. I would fucking get this autographed in framing this, like eight by eight foot and make it go to their office they were never lived down like ever, and I would you you are fucking rays. Did that did have her at the library we voted, which part with what was the man's name. Pal fuck yeah bro thought about that yeah yeah. We went to vote one is that twenty twenty of the earlier we were reversed by that was our first outing. Together. Like has covered everything up, I was like the first time in europe where we were. We weigh in line four howard, a vote and an ado I knew from like way back when came up and like grip grammy behind, I had seen him in a wild dj fuck. It tackles ass right there, the fuckin voting session.
What the fuck you rob holders do underground kingdom, another ten years, so I was like creed. Like all fucked up forgot about that grew, my asshole dropped, so queer when you said, is very much safer, where's. While I was still Gabriel, I may you oughta heap now for we'll find out what I didn't get a chance to get a false burnt like this guy. I was good. Ernie will regain his man. Bob's up their dogs are those in russia. as regards those two showed or forget could subscribe youtube if you're not subscribe and you too many less audio governor could subscribe anyway shows little love. As those things to show in the comments I assure you,
If the fee will be a whole trunk show sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box frozen the fuck are still countless millions. In the kobe teach Buddhist got a bang kang doesn't know, shop pays close.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-05.