« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

525. Andy, Michael Seifert & DJ CTI: Hunter Biden Laptop Photos, Budweiser/Harley-Davidson Ad & Biden Bribery Scheme Confirmed

2023-06-02 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by the CEO of PublicSq. Michael Seifert. They discuss 10,000 photos from Hunter Biden's laptop appearing online, Budweisers new ad featuring Harley-Davidson marked cans, and our government agency's confirming the existence of the files linking Joe Biden to a $5M bribery scheme.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box from the stove counter millions in the kobe teach buddhist god of all things, rope kang, doesn't know headshot case club. What is up guys, it's handy for selling. This is the show for the real say goodbye to the life, fitness and delusions of modern society and welcome mother fucking real guys. Today we have eddie I dj cause the mother fucking internet as we're going to do we're going to cruise the internet. We also have a very special guest. Good friend of mine, Michael see, for who is the ceo of public square, and, if you guys remember, we talked about public square last friday shown we talked about what was going on with all the social movements that are put down and creating some of this culture that a lot of us are unhappy with so welcome to the show brother bags
and so good to be here, that's cool man. It is cool, so you guys should how this happened was a you know, some of you guys, made some of the cliffs go viral last week. Thank you and we are connected and in my man, says, hey, let's do it, now my get out here we'll do it right away. So now is here and it happens, it's all happens. He asked We went to high school right up the road for me, which is really cool. from Saint louis and yawned. We stand. We all ask went to high school. He went to kirkwood high school, which is right up the street from where I was school ready eyes. We that allow that, don't you know I suppose it was go well, the gaza at school. You noticed the three: on four number right of zion. I still can't three one for I've, never lost you from say, lose all so what data We could start a man That is why I say thank you so much for get on a plane in coming out here. You know a lot of people say they want to come, speak an edge how's that you're, a man of a believer.
What you're doing to come on in sharp about what you're doing less? a little bit just for a second about. Why you're doing what you do, what what are you doing and why you're doing what is public square and what inspired you too, quick start to create this? This can Did you read yeah man? We are the largest market place in the country of businesses that have not bowed to the issue in the de I philosophies that are destroying our economy, so we We are a network of over fifty thousand vendors, all different industries and backgrounds that stand for our country, the constitution and the values that it protects so that the consumers that come to us, we have over a million consumer members on the platform. These consumers know what the blessed assurance that they're not funding, companies that are standing fundamentally against america instead they're supporting the small businesses that make our country really special, and I believe
help save our economy for the next generation and we ve launched nationwide July fourth of twenty twenty two, so it has been a wild. Eleven months were just getting started. We even have a scratch. The surface were building this with our consumers are building the plane in flight because we recognise the country needs it. So I've recognized the need strongly for a parallel economy, a patriotic economy. For the last decade could have witnessed company after company target and has a bush at the most recent examples, but there are so many others that deed ass nike major banks like jp morgan, chase and bank of america that continued to slap americans in the face and we're done with it. And so I figured if I feel this frustrated. There's gotta be other people that do too started asking around and realized that if they had an alternate economy where they could go and they could shop and transact that, maybe this thing would catch fire and thankfully praise god. It has it's been an unreal journey, so that's public square, public, sq, dot com, yet so guys. This ties right.
in the conversation that we were having last week that I was trying to explain, you guys may have saw the show, or you probably saw the clip. I think the key god. I saw one of the cliffs on Tik tok, like fifty million views on an already so like it, been going mega viral. Where I sat down and explain the eye. Yes, you see, I and how these these social initiatives are pressed down and how these big corporations are be old and financially too. Why do people to understand this? They say: will dont businesses run off their profits? Don't they create profit most these business? have massive lines of credit that are already out meaning. already allocated funds, every year they have to renew these funds. They have a new set of guidelines that make them. We knew them to say you're going to have to do why and z- and this is are these social initiatives come in and what this means is, let's just say, for example, and this is just make me making
numbers, okay, but let's just say in the case of target, let's say target billion dollars line accredit. It's already out into their system, and they don't do what the banks say they have to do. What happens? Is they call that line of credit in and then these guys have to come up with a billion dollars of cash that they don't necessarily have all right, So this is how the ravaging these corporations- this is not me. defending them, me saying that we should, nah shop there, but this is me saying that what public squares doing is very, very smart because If we want to tear down the house right We burn our house down and we don't have another one to go to. We don't have the jobs in place for these people who do believe in the things that we all believe, which is for free america, pro america, freedom. They all have a place to go. Okay, so so
what Michael's doing is extremely important because and I'm an honor to have on the show, because he's actually creating what we were talking about last week, which is the alternate economy. If you know that you guys asked for he said well, what should we do? What's the solution, I read a lot of the comments on these viral clips and most of the guys said the same thing. Okay, that makes sense. What do we do while this is? Why what's round the show, because what we do is we go. We look at his network and we say: ok, these are the companies that are for sure not going along with all these crazy The social agenda. Is there not jamming these these things down our throats? They believe that freedom is free. and now we should. You know understand that there is a tower, is forbidden use that we may not necessary agree with, but we also understand that there are limits to those views as well, that we don't indoctrinate our children to cut off their penises, ok and things like that. They must resolve. It gets I think that's right, yeah, that's a reasonable thing, not ask! So it's not just about
in my opinion, is not about shopping with conservative companies, because if you just go back to conserve, and now we foot the cancer culture from the left to the right. It's about understand. What freedom really means in a free economy so that we can actually create the jobs and have our neighbours employed and quit you know cancelling. Everything that we don't like. We have, I think in america We have very reasonable expectations. I dont think like most people care for people like five years ago- I don't forget, But he gave a shit about the pride flag, but we care because wasn't being jam bout everybody stroke. The way it is now parades, fuckin bride marathon, I mean- did, I think, there's a level of tolerance that has been so far at sea, that's beyond the palatability of most americans, you now anne, and so we have to understand what we need. What a big part of what we did you speak up. We need is like a lot of my friends. They
got a friend's warning, you tax me a picture of his kids yearbook right it's a rainbow europe. Rainbow- and it's like he's like how does enlisting. Is this like why you text to me: do you should be taxed in the school you should be speeded up like you I have to start fighting your own battles, us the first part of the second part. Is we re allocate the dollars to the companies that are actually in those same social positions that generally, Most americans are, which is called common sense yep. One hundred, but I like to say I'm not a political person, I'm like a normal dude from toothache, isn't sex in a country the country just left me like I I haven't changed. My views have always remained the same. I'm not trying to hyper politicize the marketplace, we're building something in response to what they've done wrecked in the process. We like to say we're way more about what we're for than what we're against. I think for many years. We just screamed boycott boycott boycott. It doesn't carry the same weight unless you have something else to land on clear
so we're trying to be that landing pad. Then I think in the process. There's a larger macro play here happening to where many of these corporate entities that have entirely abused the rights and the values of so many americans they're doing it without any regard for their consumers anymore, because they're bought into stakeholder capitalism instead of shareholder capitalism, they're not focused on pure profits, any more or providing maximum value to their consumers. They're focused these external stakeholders like social agenda as climate, whatever it might be in the process to small businesses, the ones that are getting hosed, because they don't have the financial firepower to lobby government. It happened during coven. The government came out. I live in California, it was the most intense there in new york, and the government said you are essential or your non essential and it just so happened that to businesses in the same industry would be deemed differently by the government depending on how much financial firepower they had the lobby that government so Walmart got to stay open and they were essential, but the small mom and pop shop they weren't essential they weren't allowed to stay open. She saw this massive wealth transfer
take place and our encouragement to consumers, as this isn't just a laugh, vs right thing. This isn't just a political thing. In fact, we like to say we're not political were principled. This goes far deeper. There is an economic war taking place at the moment between good and evil people that want to sell out our country and the values built at verses, those small businesses and consumers that want to build an economy focused on the values that made america so special in the first place- and you add one more factor in all this which, as we have completely delegated our country, countries that hate us, our manufacturing, we learned during over the supply chain, fell apart. Why? Because we relied on our adversaries to build our stuff, so we old, our soul on the altar of cheap convenience, but here's the hope. The hope is that given everything you just said and everything I just said all the stuff that looks kind oblique. At the moment. The hope is if there is strong enough movement. If we believe fundamentally that there is americans, as they were tired of this, and instead of
screaming boycott, were actually to move our dollars to businesses that will make our country special, because we believe that these ones will secure a long term prospects for each of the united states and then the process, we celebrate the businesses that move as much of their manufacturing back here that try to push as much for american values and interests and that's a long game, that's decades. That then happen overnight, but if that movement will emerge and spots to what's happening, we will secure another american renaissance era, it'll be the most prosperous next century for our country we could ever imagine, but it all starts with consumer spending habits, and so that's what we're trying to foster and cultivate one hundred percent. I think that's something to that. Like I mean we settled the last show, but I think it's important to bring up again. There is going to be this lag of time that the american public have to
allow for those businesses to switch over and bring everything back like. I don't want to say patient's right, but like grace, maybe I actually think it's aggressiveness that they need to do. I actually think it's not patience. I actually believe that Michael had touched on at the very beginning of what you said. I loved everything said every. single thing. It's all true, and this is why, for the last three and a half years and really lie Eight years I've been doing this podcast I've been telling you that the wind for your business is going to be to stand with america in prose. freedom is always going to be the wind and you might have had to take a little bit heat from the left firsthand for that, but the reality is that we never saw companies get cancel from the left
and it actually make the news say they lost fifteen billion dollars in march or Coisa right right, and that isn't right exactly, and that is another indication of how they are lying about how big the population is to actually believe some of that stuff. Alright. But what you said that was that that caught my attention, the most was the part about we, we can't just tear down, we have to support and we have to support the companies that stand for the things that we believe and as aggressively as we do to to take business away from the companies. doubt and that's the part where people are missing. That's that that's the connecting doubts that we need to all connected our brains, that we, If we're going to be angry over here, we have to be real support. Over here on this other company. That is the alternative, and that's this is a solution that you're building and- and I'm very appreciative of thanks but might cut Michael cashew. What so, what is what what does the vetting process? Look like
for these companies coming into baba square. Yes, when a new business signs up to the public square, they are immediately confronted with five core values that the company espouses. These are our principles, are guiding tourists and just briefly, the first is obviously that we love our country. We believe the united states net positive the world we're protecting it. We believe in the protect the the family unit much of what we're seeing in society right now is all about tearing down the family and has strong families build a strong nation. So the whole goal is to just what's destroy the family unit so that, ultimately, our demographic collapse- and we see a lot of cultural chaos because we have fatherless homes in all these different things, so we protect family at it and set celebrate the right to life for every individual in the public square. We believe our value number three is that small businesses are the backbone of our economy and they must be protected and supported. We believe, ultimately, that the constitution is what provides our rights, not the government. Therefore, the government cannot take our rights away and never gave us our rights that can take away. The governments must be there to protect. This speaks directly to what happened during cove and we believe that businesses and consumers should be operate.
It should be able to operate with as much freedom and liberty as possible, and I ultimately these these rights. These principles, these these guiding lights for us businesses, see and agree to respect. These are not going to spend time money or resource antagonistic lie against these rights and then in the process. What happens is then that gets passed off to a vetting team, a bunch of young hungry, awesome world changers that are trying to if the country and change the narrative, so there are literally right now dealing with a backlog of seven thousand businesses, that of sign up in the past week, just cranking through do and raises problems phenomenon phenomenon. So there, in the town. The research in there in touch with these business owners is fantastic. Once they press the green button, they're live on the platform and then it's great cause. We have community validation, so as you're shopping and you're interacting with these businesses. You're able to share about your experience and that's really important. So that's the vetting process, and, what's great too, is that I got confronted a lot with this when I originally had this idea two years ago, people asked: are you sure businesses will sign up for this? What's phenomenal to witness? Is that not only they're signing up for it they're experiencing better
I think on our platform than they are with facebook or google or any of their other advertising arms, and it's free to join so for a business to come to us and experience a bunch of trustworthy, reliable consumers day one. It's it's changing the game for these businesses. In fact, you speak to really important truth, which is that the new need to support these other businesses is so strong and then to continue supporting them moving money to them. Thirteen billion evaporated from target's market cap and last week word that thirteen billion go. It's got to go to this parallel economy because, for example, we we put a shoe company on our front page for a week and they completely sold out of all their inventory. So it's like we need to keep getting them more financial firepower, then keep building cause they're, trying to come after cole, Haan and they're, crushing it so I'll call hans lecturing about gender ideology. When you're trying buy a pair of shoes, john contours, won't we've got an incredible cooler company. That's crush on the other, that is completely changing the game and we ve got banks and healthcare and housing development company idea
yeah yeah that yeah? So I guess at the long way of answering your question, but the veteran the vetting process is fairly extensive and, what's great is that it? It doesn't. It's almost not needed because the businesses are so adamantly pro our mission that they're they're excited about being a part of this more than I even ever could have dreamed. I mean it's pretty amazing to witness the types of businesses that are coming out of the woodwork to be part of the sphere. I hope you feel good about what you're doing. Well, it's very very important. I feel awesome. I feel I feel like we're, not even started. That's how I feel too that here I'm twenty four years in sk. This never ends. We have a saying around here. Everybody knows what day it is, what day is as day one, but his day was amazing and not you know,
that's it never changes, especially when you love what you do and you believe in the purpose- and I am just very, very thankful that you took this at this elephant on man cause it's a big one. It's hard, I mean we, we tell people all the time. We need their help. Building it yeah amazon, it took thirty years to build what they felt were trying to do it in two years, and it's amazing to witness to the way that our consumers are helping us know what they want. What they're looking for, we have this philosophy called jobs to be done, meaning we want to understand what job or our consumers hiring us for and why are they firing target? Not only are they firing target because the values in the indoctrination on their kids, talking about sexuality, on your underwear that you're selling in her swimsuits, like what happened used to go to prison for that now we are putting it on your marketing perimeter, but pass that there also wanting to ditch target. Is nobody feels good about shopping from these companies? You don't feel good about ordering. She crept from amazon that doesn't give you a sense of satisfaction like if you're to spend money with your local business that you knows working hard. You know the values the owner. They go to your church. They go to your schools there with you in your community, sponsor your kids t ball t exactly like do we have to start using,
common sense, because these people do not contribute to our actual lives in any way that only take they take our money out of our community. They go and spend it on a yacht or a of a pro sports team or a media franchise right and they do nothing. How many little tea teams. Neighborhoods amazon put on zero sand like we have to really think about. This is now much money that I don't want to be alone it well and where that money go right well and crept, see ya stir well that shit man. Are you familiar with city? I am I so alright, so ready for those of you guys who don't know. This is a this is c t I and what we do on the shows we put up current event headlines, usually three or four of them we speculate. We talk about what we think. may be true. What we think may not be true, and then we talk about how we as individuals can collectively because more excellent, smarter, better human beings and then helps solve some of these problems going on in the world now. This is
time. Listen, there are other shows within the show, a guy. We have q and a yeah. That's where you can ask questions. I answer based on twenty four years of my entrepreneurial experience, her development experience. I do that for free. You can submit those questions two ways. The first way is your guys. You can email those questions and to ask Andy at anti for solid outcome. And the segway is is now that we're on youtube. If you go over to youtube, click subscribe and drop your question down in the comments we'll pick some from there as well other times you tune in, we have real talk. Real talk show five. Twenty minutes me give me some real talk and then we have fallen. Full length is what you see. I'm most other pack has color resembles. What we got going on here is bunch people our conversation, only we just the whole show the conversation, but I'm interested to hear what Michael has to say about some of the stuff going on in the world. I know you guys are too so we're going to make ctr happen day. There is a for the show. It's not money, don't give me anything. I support you give you. My companies appreciate that. Stop. That's amazing not required
But will we really ask, is that you share the shell if you believe in the message of a major think of a major laugh made, you better gave a new perspective. You think it's important that people need to hear, please share the show or show me grows. If you share it, we do not run adds to build the shows entirely organic loathing yield it is vital want ads on day don't take money from companies for the exam reason of not being leverage for their invite? It's in my show rights away, you get here is my authentic botz, dj, authentic thoughts and our guests, authentic thoughts, and I always ask you share the show. So that's it would be it is me baby- has ordered it mother. Thousand thousand. Go was a good one let's get it over. If you want to seek- and I said I was a b plus borderline ay, a minus the man suckered, maybe I love you. I love you. maybe a little bit harder right as a beef was my eyes
Guys remember. If you want to see any of these articles, pictures links, videos go to edit salah dot com. You can find them there or you can drop down in the youtube description below and find them linked there as well. Go there right now, right, wipe me out. You gotta, be a paper light you fucking, catherine right. I was Those gets crews and I wanted to break up and up. I don't know if you guys bessie- and this has been treading a little bit I find this absolutely amazing. So this has already said double Yossi lashes out of these waiter parity account. Impersonating me in going viral see this. Yet it's fucking raises was dive into this, so this is fox news. Article reading rabies, of alexandria. Ask your quarters out of new york is furious twitter after a parity account of the congresswoman began to go viral, claiming c, o elon musk is behind its recent traffic. So this was her initial sweet ass. She put out,
has changed some of their guidelines. You can tell if it's a government profile like the blue checks and stuff change. Limits are now you have these gray check marks for government officials, so this is actually a aussies account sheets without saying quote: F, why I there's a fake account on here, impersonating me and going viral. That's what c o has engaged it boosting visibility. It is releasing false policy statements and gaining spread. I must. Messing with my team how to move forward in them inside, be careful of what you see suffer. The quick response was I can't believe someone would do that to us yeah from the faded down the veg yeah. We saw it use to us yeah. So,
When this like battle raging on twitter right now, and so the article continues it says, while the fake account uses the same profile photo as the congresswoman, it makes clear that it is not actually a o c posting under the name, alexandria, ocasio, cortez, press release, parity in parentheses. The account hit back at a o c. We just saw that and then in another tweet from the parody account saying quote after brainstorming with my staff, I'm going to push congress to make it illegal to joke, laugh or make fun of me. Parity should be illegal. The parity account wrote also and that's just been going non. Stop to the point that political politico thought it was necessary to put article telling people that it was not real because I guess people are taking it so serious, let's just dive through some of these tweets. This was one from the parody account saying vote. This might be the wine talking, but I've got a crush on at elon musk
responding to hear about the fire like this when it says Printing money is the only way out of inflation, we're hoping in private. That's your problem is a magazine. That's a real economic policy, I'm not even sure, that's parity. We should have fourteen thousand seven hundred sixty eight separate pride days one day for every gender. you there's only fourteen thousand gender gregory, exact and housing. Cyanide teen there's way more like this. When it says, if we don't move to one hundred percent green energy, soon, car missions will kill off the human race. Just like I did the battle. source, how we should be concerned about at that is what we got on this row come on. Man like dude. First of all, it you know, here's what's funny the parody account about his humor should be illegal. That's an actual communist ideology, so yeah, okay, so like it's, it's it's funny, but it's all
a funny if you actually understand what her views really are because she actually I guarantee you open up her head and got see right in it. She truly thinks that should be really like. Listen dude, I say in it, and if you see, if you hear the shit you needed, calm down are eyebrow like it. you would be a much what more likeable person if you were just row with it, like just like you could actually leverage this into some really good press for yourself. Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery just by showing that you have a sense of humor that, like it's funny, okay, like most of the as you say, is absurd, it really is, and you have a bad pr right now. Even your own people, don't like you, they don't know they don't look at what happens during which it goes. The public now shouted down. She gets yelled out by our own voters this, if I was advising her I'd say: hey find your sense of humor everybody's, just He's me a little bit, you say so absurd shit, just laugh at all like that's funny, it is vital.
it is especially the with the firebug and it is gonna fuckin biogas once we'd alone now million impressions, yeah amazing. I love it on mobile too, because when you're viewing it on your phone, the name whales offs. You can actually visited or whether as the press release version or does the normal version, so it kind of catches me off guard. I really do think this is a real statement there for her she's ready might say I think before do they also yeah yeah. That's all that on the communist peace there, man, because every single communist society you now allow me wasn't no casual out, can criticise comedians first light that link using was with china's. You should hang you apparently when the poor was like this, like negative connotations of whom he like outlawed that patch. In that all of that he allowed. He will Are you in jail for life? If you can use that? That's francais media, that's real russia! S real things like like dude
you? U bridle, member this dj, but if you're, no, if I think of your high authorities at least remit, These are older. You proud remember, they used to tell you in school, Being a second are great and then tell me a school, I use, be devil. You live in america, man can criticise the government, other countries go to china and you criticize the government. They put you in jail and make fun of the government, they put you in jail and they used to tell us that, except here we are. Where do these? People actually do believe these things and like when she says that thing bout, you know, humor should be illegal, we're probably one or two you know more steps away from that actually being a thing where you know they kill all the dissenters or put them in jail, but there was a bit try to do. I mean they. They I mean they did try to say you know beaches violence in like manner, but that's what on earth is put at worst, our own interests, including the guy who made the maman twenty. Sixteen member that pillar
renounce guy prosecuted m connected up here for making political names like we don't live in a free society. If you're not allowed to criticise those in charge broke, well and if you want to know who's in charge, just notice who you cannot criticize and write it's real ship- and you know the article finishes off saying according to twitter's help center by using the word parity in the username and by biography? The account does not violate the platform users. guidelines, so it ain't, gonna, worsen, loaded, abbe, real, It's funny. I made it for funny, a fan of ale, see by any means, but she's missing a golden opportunity here to leverages and a good good pr for herself I just shown herself to be a normal human being, but it doesn't surprise me that she's too fuckin stupid to see it. It is. Does Well, it's a fundamental lesson. You always were taught like. If, if people are picking on you and you act like it, doesn't bother you they probably we'll stop us when, if you let it know that it's bothering you like, they're, just gonna, keep going.
And so in china is like a sea just role it off your shoulders. Any of you know it but you're playing into at making it more. The funniest, when I saw was this morning actually where the parity account said that something about how, if your boyfriend farts, you should break up with him, because you're really and ship is not as valuable as the climate he's really, ryan? does. I was a lawyer draws near right into these headlines. We got number one Helen m. One reads: nearly ten thousand photos from hans abides, laptop hit the web truth and transparency? So this is coming out. New trove of photos from hunter binds laptop? Have made available to the public through a new website that launch thursday, the website biden, laptop media, dot, com or house, almost ten thousand photo spanning from two to three
they took twenty nineteen and took months to complete garrett's igloo, the founder of non profit. Marco polo told fox news digital coat. It's taken us a couple of months to one go through the photos about ten thousand of them and radagunda genitalia of on the photos zig, where a former trump. Why house aid said of the contents found on the laptop once on by present son, you continue saying quote the number one thing we're about is truth and transparency. He said quote if the american people want to know what their first family is like, they're going to get it and we're not going to be taking out photos that paint the binds in a good light, as it were also noted that several photos containing private information were backed it. Our clothing images containing social security numbers, banking, information and credit card numbers where there is a very interesting credit card photo.
with a very important person's name on it, and I wonder if that photo is going to be included. You mean this one, oh yeah, that one next to the cocaine yeah, it's an interesting thing on that area. I'm glad you brought that up and why you had that we should say pager. Oh hey, I got your baby, but we should. It should be noted that the website has been crashing all day. If I mean I guess, it's just being inundated with people trying to get on there, but if you try to go to website this is what you'll see will still link it. For you guys, a look, here's what I want to what's his name, ziggler ziggler yeah, Aber we're giving you some free press. Put me an ad right up there on the front of this page. Will trade for train I, but it's funny that you brought this picture up cause. This is one of the pitches the surface, and you can tell this owed the pitcher for guys and an audio. This is a it's a picture of a black credit card. It has JP morgan signature, which just shows that, as a jp morgan chase credit card top right corner,
Has the credit card number scratched out to visa, but the name on the card says malea a obama. in the next to the car. There is six lines of cocaine, allegedly there, while can be sure allergic or salt or song. Let him is probably yeah, but I tell you this that common use, quantifiable, yeah, look at the top edges and the court, ben, you listen. I spend my fuckin money nor my carson. but ass, you say whose arduous boeing rosa? I remember when this picture came out when this whole laptop story first came out. This is one of the first was a got the came out and immediately are beautiful. Fat check is that we have out here they immediately jumped on, nor fact checking it more europe the credit card photo is not new. There is no proof right, and then they
mediately connected to russian. This information, and they used a letter that has now since been debunked. If you guys remember this letter right here, are the public statement on the junta by nemos, right, which was signed by about fifty one intelligence or senior people in positions of intelligence community. Fifty one of them. right, sign this letter saying that all this stuff knowledge about all russian disinformation, which is all since recently, come out to be completely false. It's been proven that these people are like the one that says one hundred percent. So so so I just got to say this. I told you guys this back in twenty twenty or twenty twenty. Whenever one.
twenty twenty twenty twenty twenty one yeah, we remember, we went through all the photos and I said: hey there's a photo of this and here's what it is and all you guys call me crazy here. It is it by the way, if you, the average american citizen, were to do one one hundredth of What's on that laptop, we will raise already know you'd be in prison. The rest, your life for the justice department, america, ireland, to not prosecute, is exactly what we are talking about. It you're not allowed to criticism there untouchable. You can't touch him. This is the group, the protected class, that you have no ability to criticise and you certainly can prosecute him. So I mean this is absurd and the new post story- second oldest journalist, output in the united states, runs of perfectly legitimate story. Two weeks before the election and twenty, Twenty four twitter: when arrives russian russian disintegration, with no evidence of that, and they still never apologized or reconciled for that. That's election interference. It's a complete grotius! You
have evidence. I mean it's absurd. Those fifty one dudes a sign that paper as trees of the other criminals. Yep every single one of the women might michael to your point too man. It's like no it's. This is the classic thing of for the enough for me right and we saw the exact same thing happened or covert. We all had to wear mass you all that, but you see these people no move around laughing. Joking, no mass and Remember the met the men. Let our way dollar gather that none of them at mass, but all the servants had masses, that's it that that was the most perfect, visible representation of what they think of all of us bases what they think of themselves. We have an oligarchy, we don't live in a free republic. In california, we had given him dining at the french laundry witches to Thomas Keller. I think, as the shafts name, one of the most prestigious three star Michelin, restaurants in the world and gave a nuisance,
arr with his family having a nice little wine party, while we were completely shut down, they're closing the beaches in california. Rest, I remember saying in the skatepark: yes do remember that in venice and then there is the one. Dude was paddleboarding in malibu and the lifeguard boats came after him, paddleboarding alone. So, while newsom and our oligarchs are sitting and fine dining, you non essential. Plebs have to stay home and all the stuff still haven't gotten over that the dude I'll never get to listen criminal. That was crimes against human they'll, like what they did, it wasn't just economic crimes by shutting down small business, shifting the wealth of the big business. Removing a lot of the middle class, pushing them into into the lowest class of of economic stability. People died, ok people legitimately died because other people brought up the treatments and they didn't want the treatments out because they want to extend the decree, is so the utility continue to gain more wealth and more power, and they let people die,
by denying that these therapeutics actually worked when they knew that they work and there been size that they work this entire time. Ok, this is this in this was worldwide. This. and just here and americans coordinated and you when you say crimes against humanity. Typically, we think about, like things like the rwandan genocide right or the hold the moors that happened in russia, like we think about these things, be this was the biggest crimes against humanity. That ever happen, because not only did it take people's money, people were. actually eliminated to extend the play of them. Continuing take more more economic wealth from the people have least of it. Ok, so these people. like there's, probably a thousand of them across the world are guilty of the worst crimes against humanity is ever existed in humankind and people are tying it together. You, like
If you have loved ones die during this, they wanted them to die. ok? There was a reason they put out those people and ventilation. There was a reason they recommended run desi view. There was a reason they put people in jail and try to cancel people were talking by ever met in there the reason they removed the medical licences of the front, doctors and any other doctors. The talked about how drastic clerk winter iver mechanism a legitimate therapeutic. It's because they wanted to continue to pillage the poorest people and create the gap that creates a one world communist system. So where did you see the shit that just came out in Australia or which I'm surprised there was an uprising on the fucking up where I now, but they don't have the guns to do it, but does the studies are just came out showing that, like this special kind of garlic that grows in australia would like cheered, covert cured it? Well,
I know that here's a reality bro cover was the fuckin, flew, ok and then it was an advanced flew. There was a little boy, contagious and got people little more sick and they piled of regular, flew numbers in on top of this to inflate the emergency. To take more, this listen I'll never get home I'll, never get over it room until these people, legitimately geometry are held the level of accounting. I'm not talking about fine talking about prison, I'm talking about use your fuckin imagination these days, ideology that you're rich enough in your powerful enough you can literally poison the weaker people, ok that ideology. To be eliminated from the planet. Ok that's. There's only one way to do that and everybody knows it, nobody wants to saint we'll talk, everybody fuckin knows how,
the level of accountability, we're talking about we're talking about lad the impale or accountability, we're talking about making an example for a thousand fucking years. Why, if you become one of these powerful people. You do not do these things against the people until everybody gets on that same page, to call for those things these people are going to continue to do exactly what they're doing They're the reason they haven't apologized bro, it's cause. They ain't, fucking, sorry that who they meant to rush sram. Now they've created a dependency class yeah. That was their goal. Yup, they don't want you to be independent. They don't want you to be an individual. They don't want you to have rights, they don't want you to be self sustaining. They want to completely weaken you there's a reason that first form is like the enemy of the government. during covert any place like this, the focus on health and well being and self sustaining and working out. Why would you closed the limb from MR terrors yeah exactly? Why would you closed the gym when we know
there is a correlation between obesity and the severity of the sickness. It makes no sense. Why are you not the place that the government said everything is go here, my Oprah summer smog? Do it quick? We need to lower about a basic rights. They don't do that can enable not care about. You know all the backward stuff that I mean this goes along with the back we're stuff they promote. Remember do you? remember the covers of like health that will seriously at this time there were tat, they were bought. Positivity now, now headlines. women on the on the cover, who were three hundred fifty four hundred saying this is health. Ok, they were putting out, lines that sets evil should exercise may actually make covered worse. For you we're doing these things. Why you know why because they want you sick. They want you broke. They want you stupid, because the sick and broker and dumber you are the less resist, since they have to doing what they want to do, which will ship while- and the unfortunate thing too is we're bickering amongst each other
it's like that's why there are enemies, not each other. Our enemy are the people that are oppressing us at the top, like most people aren't generally evil, most people just kind of go along to get along, but those at top like it's not just incompetence. They they mean to do this, it's interaction. They absolutely want you to be safe in depressed and reliant on them because they need in order for their agenda, to be carried out for them to be seen as god the state has to be god they have to be almighty. So if you're, someone like me who's a man, in the face I answer to a higher power. Not Joe Biden he's, not my god he's not my savior. I answer to a higher power. He didn't give me my rights. My rights are found protected in the document that sacred here the constitution that he has no ability to infringe. He hates that it stands against every single tenant of him and the other tyrants belief system, which is these people, are stupid, we're the smart. We are the enlightened. We need smaller groups of more perfect people, and that is us so shut up. Listen we're essential you're! Not that was the message. They've communicated the last
is our encouragements american people is like wake up and realize that's how they think about how you can then you'll live differently, and also we I've been realised like all these social movements that cause you to get extremely frustrated and frustrating really angry like right now, like everybody, as you know, mad at every body for at every point of difference, our contention. That capacity be. We have left versus right. We have gave us straight. We have black first why we have everybody verses, white. Ok, we here we have these different? These did for social measures is dark and you guys have to understand that there is a ton of propaganda. That's being put out to raise the emotions as high as possible, because the more that we fight about these things happening the easier it is for them to run their play. Ok, so we after wise, above in our awareness level, and instead of like picking each other apart about all trumpeter, santa's or oh,
so that or this revisit this. If we generally agree on america is the greatest country that ever existed, we have an obligation to make it the best that can be if you would, and you're with freedom and you're with I dont you were. How are you choose to live your life long mass will me or my kids do you're free to do so, and we have to all those people to believe those things have come together and not just say: hey, let's make amerika great again, we have to say, hey look make a mirror the america, the greatest it's ever been. That's a different thing like a great because when you know do when you say great again, there's a lot of people. this country there like we're, fucked you'd like if you're gay person his country right, your you're like well fuck dude in two thousand and three I couldn't even get married. I couldn't even have the same rights So you say again, it brings up points of paying for some people the truth of it.
Truth of of the reality of our situations that america has now reached its full potential, it's never actually become the example that it was set to become from the beginning it was. gradually overtime, watered down and now we live in an oppressive environment that is oppressive towards all different people. You guys think it's only towards these certain classes, its actually towards everybody does not them. Ok, because, if you think about how we have to live, right now, like look at a mental health, bro, look how many people are suffering, look people are having mental breakdowns because of the constant still of emotions- it's happening from the people who are supposed to be unifying us and progressing us forward. so there is actually a potential of america that has yet to be built. This is exactly why you do the things that you do in one at. Why do the show and why other peoples do the things they do it now but there is some people that are trying to sell t shirts and they do it for clout now the shit
We can all see that very clearly, but there is people that believe that America has not seen its best days, and I am one of those people. I know you're one of those people too. I am, and I think our founding fathers would be ashamed at what the countries become and so for us. The goal here is recognize. You know, there's actually a a a lot of historians believe that the average life cycle of a civilised is roughly two hundred and fifty years united states, two hundred forty seven years old. We got a choice to make like what country we're going to be we're going to stick around we're going to stick it out and become everything we can be, Are we going to allow for ourself and everything, that's beautiful, about this great nation to die at the feet of globalism and these oppressors that hate us and everything that's made this country special. So our encouragement to people too is recognized that, like your kids' future and their kids' futures and generations after them, their future relies upon the choices we are making. Today of whether or not we want to secure another to it in fifty years, for this great nation or if we're gonna, let it I'll die my open,
My prayers that americans wake up and realize. What's at stake, take the last two years as a big old lesson and then live your life differently. Spend your money differently, communicate differently, post differently, like we have a lot of people, their stock and apathy, and people ask me all the time. How did I get here? How do we get this bad like? How do we get this far gone to the point where the major seals that run our country and they government, politicians that run our country and the crept justice system that runs our country stands so adamantly against the american people. The way we got here is in our own apathy we allowed on the we again we allowed for so much of what was beautiful, but our country to die on the altar of convenience of recreation. I have enjoyment of it so much easier just to kind of shut it all out when in reality, like our founding fathers didn't have that option. How much do you want to be free? Give me liberty or give me That used to be the rally cry of the american people, but today it so much easier to this kind of wallow and
I know for me and for you and for the people in this room like we're, not willing to do that, for the people that are here that are wanting to prioritize health and well being for their selves in their communities and their families. It's like that group of people is going to have to save this country I take a lot of heart because, even in the time of the american revolution, less than a third of the country was actually in support of the revolution, but there was enough that said said me: I'm here. I believe where we can go. And even the people that stood against them. The loyalist the people that were fighting for the revolution Sad, even though you don't get it, even though you're actually kind of actively working against me, I'm actually fighting for you youtube as right. I want this. I want a future that you don't even know is going to be good for you, but I promise it will. We cannot allow these people to keep oppressing us and I think that's what needs to happen right now. I think the apathy thing is a key point that add- because you know when these clips of our shobo viral- and I looked through the comments geared a third of the comments- are like these black People like yeah, yeah, yeah, not there's gonna happen, our yeah yeah yeah he's just go,
drifting on his show or he's what first of all what the fuck am. I selling you I'll give you all my best shit for free all of it. Okay, I have the biggest most popular fucking mental toughness fitness program. That's ever existed. I give it to you for fuckin, free, okay, I'll, give you my my productivity shit for free everything. Ok, there's no griffin! This is actual people that care about. What's going on, and these blackpool people have become a major problem because any time anyone who that steps up right like that, like like just hey, there's people on the edge and they're like dude. I I I'm almost are saying something and they start to say stuff, and then these blocks people come in and they say, doesn't fuck him out, others gonna happen anyway, you guys are the fucking problem, people who say that you're the problem, we cannot fix this problem and employ you negative asses along with you. Instead saying ah not gonna happen say these people should be fought in their heads should be on a mistake, so anything else. Ok, but like
not the law must be promotion. These people or demoralising you and you're helping it by spreads. that message and by spreading in that message, and I know you guys believe in all the same shit, that's being said, or you won't even be watching the content. Okay, but instead of you spreading this, this anchor message that basically holds the Rest back, it'll, keep your mouth shut or call for some ship. You think needs to happen because the more people power for the more likely it is to happen we could not. We cannot afford to be apathetic now at all might be cynical because nothing has happened, but if you can didn't you say that you are guaranteed, Nothing will happen and there is a chance that we Can do something? Still and windows posing by the hour and if you guys would stop that shit. We would have it. It's actually went. That's my opinion. I see it everywhere. Loved your ship The first outline, let's move into headline number two elements who reads:
wiser at touting harley davidson mart cans marked following more vainly backlash, and this is a new york poster article reading, an hauser bushes being accused of pandering to conceal derivatives. We have boycotted but light by releasing a new harley davidson theme: commercial for sister brand budweiser, the beer company, which has seen sales of bud light tank in recent weeks following the backlash over it's partnership with transgender social media influencer dilemma of any raw recently released a budweiser ad touting specially created cans.
With the harley davidson logo quote, the greatest legacies are built with grit and resilience one detail at a time: the narrator of the commercial, seven between footage of a mechanic tending to harley davidson motorcycle, the commercial also cuts the shots of a can of budweiser. That bears the motorcycle brands. Logo I'll. Just take a look at the twenty eight second ad, and I see what we got here: the greatest legacies are built with grid, and resilience one detail at a time limited edition. Budweiser harley davidson cares for those who give everything to their craft. But for you, two things for our own fuckin. First things. First
why you showing harley davidson the mechanic shot, that's out of aragon image. Ok, charlie's break the fuck down. All the time should be showing the opposite of that they certainly your showing the oh yeah, I'm aftermarket parts being installed dj when you Oh yeah, I'm aftermarket parts on your bike. Did you sit there with a rag? wipe your swear on your machine guns, and I don't like that can legos, mainly by the has hardly knows this shit are rights in this I shall very often to start with set. What are you to think like? Firstly, isro guano glaive of the foggers yeah. That's a fucking little sport, Sir Bob, whatever the fuck that ad do is to baby ride a bike. Second, things were: okay, listen, I get it worse. Cities are the too much know. I'm say like that, like that's weights of this, this was to be their bed like. This is the comeback: listen misery, god listen a vulgar fab. Was an observer. Was it they're trying to brush, thing under the rug. Let me tell you, did that does not going to work
communism. Here, you guys listen to me, you guys by wiser somebody eventually the shows big enough? I know somehow all listen, you're, I can do in iran you're gonna have to take ownership and you're gonna have the violate these agreements. They have with these globalist banks who are forcing you to do this quota of these things and you're gonna have to a good decision buying my beer. These you guys are way off fucking bags and you're going to ruin your entire brain. You have a fucking hundred year old plus brand to companies here hundred plus euro brands that gonna ruin by just simply not taking accountability and making a court decision that will either employers, employees and pay your bills or not? And that's it man like you guys, you're, not gonna, weasel you're way out of this shit, it's not going to happen in the more you tried a weasel out of it, the worst it's gonna give way the brands dead, then become the boy
I have a joke, I saw something yeah. There is like no yeah yeah. No, it's it's they're they're! Well, past time. Now, you're you're done and you know twenty six per cent drop in sales. From last year, this time there was a tweet that, the other day. I can remember who posted but is basically the ultimate insult of twenty twenty three. Is you look like someone who had drink bud, light at target, and it's like that that you become the butt of a joke? your brand is, is being marked. Note you it's impossible to recover from your seeing these isles, a grocery stores were completely tapped and then this is what budweiser doing bud light is camouflaging their cans. Now If that's gonna help you ve, never apologized, they never did they. Never said we were wrong. We got our audience wrong in fact that s vp, a marketing who came out and call
her old brand friday and outdated, like she was placed on leave whatever happened to her, she back is she being fired? Is there going to be a sort of apology for calling everyone that built their brand outdated and friday now, of course not because they want to try to speak out of both sides of their mouth, so their brand's a joke at this point, and it's not coming back because you never want to be the butt of a cultural joke. Dude apparently Modelo is on track to the supreme man. You think so, yeah, I'm not as hopeful. I think they could. Why do you think they do it? I I think they would have to one what they did. I think they would have to say something like this. I think that they will have to mean it to review you sea or what is, I would have come say, hey, say, look I We believe any of this stuff. I was told the market this stuff because we had to This is the actual situation, our financial, our financial, help dependent on this. This decision, We made this decision. I didn't really feel good about doing it and obviously made a mass of mistake, here on out we're going to commit to the people who built this company, which is the blue card.
our working class american, that actual Cares about the red wine blue and lives at every single day and you're, going he's from changes in some, the changes, you're gonna see, and I will go on to list the changes and then changeover to happen fucking today, and that how they would do, and I think I could do it, but these like I'm, be real their pussies. They won't do it so that was my next, do you think they'll ever actually cause I'm gonna like andy for salah for of survive of america gasoline, so so cobra such a good idea now so really fired up. I'm ready for the present the sea, oh baby, just so we're clear do. You know where he came from where you come from war before Frida lay. There was another through them agents calls? I think my call to us that this disease rules was a c c. Yes, central as I think it was a scene
You see, I never heard of it hasn't. Challenges name by so we have a cia. Ah, running this company. Do you really think that he's going to command do this? I would be shocked. He looks. The guy ok, who they picked be the ceo of energy or bush like this. All american perfect smile, you know below like a bush like I'm from saint louis, I know what the bushes looked like. They look, they look very much like a very polished very wealthy legacy wealth person, it's still does real american. Shit and that's how they are in real life or good people. Ok, we take it your bush a little bit seem a little bit more seriously here and what, where I have a problem with what's going on here, is like our friends with these guys who owned the distributor ships that distribute these products, and these are the guys that are getting their balls kick in by this, and so because of the failures,
Failure of leadership and the cowardly leadership is happening at the top of azure bush right now. These other people are losing their fucking wife, work. Ok and undue people talk enough about that. It's a real problem and end the? U guys, who own these distributor ships and who own these bars and who owned the shit like honestly, if you want this to be fixed, you should all boycott him to just shut the fuck off, ok, because then they have to make decision. I just say you know what we're fuckin pause in business ali. We don't every single bargain, don't order another beer, every single, assure them ship, don't order another fuckin case and let them fuckin feel it for real and europe. This will be back on line faster than you think, because then they have to this. The same ideology that we could use to solve some of this shit row. If these people don't have employees, they don't have a business. Ok, so remember like I don't know now that long ago, when strikes were regular occurrence among people in this
since, when they you like the way the business was being run. That's what we need more do know. That's what I'm saying well more so, but do people don't want to do that because there so leverage that they know it's going to cost them personally, so it's like this very delicate. but this power numbers you there s like the fact that they keep trying to double down on this stuff. Guys, like you guys, make it a wrong decision and you're hurting your fucking good blue collar red one? blue american employees in the process like bro, you guys like If I'm wrong about you guys, they show us shows you all I will apologize I'll come on. The show is so you know what I was wrong about those. Do they did the right thing, but like yours, at doing it, you think you're going to sweep the shit under a rug and people are pissed, they're, pissed off dude, they're they're not going to forget about it. There was a group of college kids walk, through my body, was down in mississippi, and there was a group of college kids walking through the lobby and they were drinking hoarsely,
Ok and like all these companies have done some work stuff right. So it's not like that any better. Let must be real So all in this system and wrangling that young links home strong, other yell and there's another one called big truck farms. Big trot farms is owned by my friend kip fault. She was the co founder of one. Is there an american made burry they they there family brewery there they make good beer, ok and they care about america. Like those brands. You can, alternatively, support those companies. Ok, big truck farms, go check, those guys But my point here is that the bees- it's almost insulting, while you were the story was that my party elder these kids kidneys, like they're, like he's joking I hear what nobody. Why he's like bro, I can't drink it. like every time I drink, but every time I ve picked up, as I felt like, I was suddenly dick yeah. No, that was his response, but I'm just
I don't say that to make the joke. I say that because that's where the joke is right, and so like a deep that is yes and then a longer. They go the more destructive that brands going the more destroy that brains, one b, which I personally convinced is the point. I think that they are intention, because I do Maybe it's just me because here and saint louis work, whereas the bushes from, but when I think of american brands, brow the first fucking brand, I think of it ass, a bush and by why, clyde there, that's what I'm saying first one and when I think of other american brands when Think of like america as identity, right like what's what's american right? Fourth of July, Nathan's hot dog, eating contest book bud lights right, like you're you're dead, destroying a part of the american identity, and so I personally believe that this is an intentional
structure and not only of the the economics of these, brands, but also the identity so that we have nothing to like feel american about. You know and I think It's a conversation, not enough people are talking about. You know, because when we about communism, as a subversion subversion. It's it's about removing and demoralising the things that you care about to the point where you don't care anymore, so that you will accept anything else. all right so we when we look at the world economic forum agenda, they had the saying that they use it says out of chaos, comes order all right and what they mean by that is there going to make things so difficult for us, which they already are, that Eventually they are going to come and they're going to say, hey. Ok, we have a solution here. It is and here's the solution by the way, we're going to put cameras everywhere If anybody violates the law whatsoever were put in straighten jail, if they say like in so these this and world desperate because crimes crimes
is, he can't go anywhere all this crazy work fuck, it will take it and that's how to get it. And so like do we have to really think these things through bro? I love anheuser Busch. I fucking love that company. You're a lot about you, I grew up going to bush. Eighty, I'm here and Saint Louis, watching the fuckin cardinals play watching too clydesdale come around the fuckin feet. Do we, when I see this happening, fuckin breaks my heart and It makes me angry. It makes me angry that you guys, who are the sea level executives of this company? Are allowing this company to be destroyed because you're too big of pussies to fucking do anything about it. What is not just anheuser Busch? You look at all those classic american brands, the jeep commercial in the super bowl. Two years ago a bruce Springsteen comes on and basically criticizes anybody who's concerned. for just last month with the whole dry frogs thing and they gave after thing just making a mockery of this classic american brain.
and I mean you're, seeing it happened over and over again with anything that america used to hold as cherished rather like lions in china, yeah they're, tearing down everything that we used to. sacred, and that is the point. By the way I mean that's what the cia, their good at dismantling empires and subverting existing structures that people value, and so I am not all that supply I did just really unfortunate. You also brought up a really interesting point, which is a lot of these companies are very on surface pro union, their pro workers were all about our workers and the common people in the blue collar that build these brands, hundreds of thousands of employees at these big brands and yet with a minute that their workers actually try to go and unionized like they all go and uproar. Do you think the ceo of and hazards It has taken a salary cuts in the last muslim women horse. Not so he claims he for the working people and then the minute his distributors, like the guy in georgia, who came out and released a video saying like we're getting
We hear my family's losing out his car ate. It was brilliant. I was grey, that's the way you to help us. That's what happened. There was a man who own the distributor ship who say put out of a press release in a video format and he said just to be clear: we're a family, owned company we distribute enters a bush products. We worked very hard. We employ american people. We believe in american ideals? We are not with this stuff and we are destroyed because of these people, making these decisions- and I Oh that was super powerful and I thought I think that if everybody Who is our a bush customer would speak out against that. The way That man did. We would have it from scenario happening now, they're going to try and come back with this. This almost fake love all pro america shit without taking count ability for what they did row it wasn't just one. Can I use the saying? Oh just one, can that's not the point
The point is: is that your promoting something that ninety Percent of americans statistically do not fucking agree with and are tired of, because it's getting jammed down their throats, every single contact point available. Do we want to drink beer after a hard day, our grass or doing work or whatever we do. This is american shit. We don't want to be told that were bigots because we don't like this dude who acts like a fucking. Wound claiming to be a woman. Basically devaluing women by saying oh, I'm, a woman you're, not looking woman, bro, I'm sorry, you're a fucking dude real shit, ok and by you, planets in the well now like that, I'm sure the little girl like do here making a mockery of fucking women row. You should be just about these people actually making. You are relevant. My wife voice says the others. This clown, as I'm
day, three sixty one of being a girl efforts, like my worn away, exact well, yeah, first off absolute, exactly ass, I thought it was not a choice. We not a choice in your born this way, but now your counting down the time from your choice, it's like you can have it both ways, but then, on top of my wife's, like I've, been a woman for thousands of days. Why is my face not on can I guess this all it is. You make a mockery of woman, it's like when you touch your penis, and now you get a burqa where exactly you got a beer, can you get you get celebrated if you pretend to the woman and like we used to criticise black face as we should work. This is women face right. Isn't this the exact same thing? But culture selling it's that you get major marketing deals and then you have these other brands jump and follow suit and double down. Adidas pudding, man and a woman swimsuit with the bulge, clearly present on the front page of their website, adidas one month, popular apparel brands toward you think aren't going to that site and see in that, if that dude showed up at our community poorly, be arrested and yet he's on the front page of their marketing
so you're, saying bran after brand that are so out of touch with their audience. Americans dont want this, never did we say we want this, we didn't ask for it and yet- don't care from they don't care. I don't care, while I think the hope is that they will do it at army presence meaning. It will be seen everywhere to the point where people have to say with fucking everybody that's the whole, and then we have a soul part point five months here. Why don't I honestly bro? mostly just as coordinated. Let's be real dude, I'm not one of these people is going to buy into like fucking, I hate fucking pride and these gay p. I don't fucking hate gay people. Okay, I don't I don't fucking hate anybody, I'm not one of these people that is going to condemn people for choosing to live a different lifestyle, but there are boundaries to that. Don't fuck with me! Don't fuck with my kids, don't put it on my fucking beer cans, don't You know my car's, I don't give a shit, but we should live a reg a generally normal life and people should be able to be free to do what they want and like when it comes to the pride montauk.
Like dude five years ago? Is it didn't bother me lives like ok. Whenever man like it's all cool now, it's become this thing. We're like it's a I jammed down people stroke and I see a lot of people from the gay community speaking out against it. But I also see a lot of people are saying: oh well, you're a big it. If you don't believe in this and this and this will bro what if you are legitimately pushed, though what if we did the opposite? What, if everywhere you went every fucking advertisement, every fucking thing everything said straight people only three people stray people. Only no one say every drinks foresight, people that very advertising for that is three resource reveals for straight. You can you imagine what bro, if we now wasn't like that for homosexuals back in yeah, I'm sure it was more like that before we generally acceptable. We went from this place where a lot of people fought sacrificed It became a mainstream normality and if you ask most normal gay
people who are americans, they will say yeah man. It was like a la cool or five years ago than it is now la cooler even eight years ago is now and then actually denouncing the whole marking push forward because the recognising that its creating extremism- because it's me, jam so hard, and so like do that another divisive tactic and we have to be careful not to fall into all right. I personally agree with what gaze against groom reset like broke, if our veterans at that, but they have been killed and I get one fucking day, and then you make a whole day for people that like to have sex with the people of the same sex parts like month for Now that's insane why you have companies like Google who won't change their interface their logo.
When its vice president of the united states and enjoy the launch of the long weekend like yeah? Well, a lot of people died for that long weekend, and now they jump in deprived month in every single government agency that you pay for your tax sellers. The first thing they are asked to do this morning on june. One is to just hair at all the same message on the twitter feed, all the flags that keep adding colors ever you're, getting very confused, but its mandate. We tell at public square, you know what businesses join. You know we get asked about our stance on the solid time we, so we we don't. We dont we're not okay with businesses, advertising utilizing any pride paraphernalia because of two reasons. Number one the whole pride month is is a much deeper attack on the family and it started to become about kids and drag square. story hour and all this nonsense, that's like very anti family and and it's what it was supposed to be, it's it's gross and and by the way, pride's like a seven deadly sin like. Why are we celebrating that anyways anyways? The point is or what it's all, let's be real. What are we? What are we prideful about yeah yeah, exactly? Why are we talking about sex? Why are we talking about sexual orientation you're not supposed to do this in society like that's something? That's real,
it's your bedroom units. Must, I think, about how about errors and organise and pay from the other point of the other position executive? like I'm so proud, like pussy What the fuck you're given a whole month for it, that your logo or hold on don't sound that bad, I'm just saying dude like it's, it's absurd to think about well, and these companies are so disingenuous with this, because the same companies that will change their logo to the pride flag this morning. If you go look at their saudi arabia, logo, you've got saudi arabia. Sarah long ago, not changing. That's. Why? Because saudi arabia throws gay people off buildings, know that that's not gonna land there, so they do it here. So it's just it's the same thing. These companies will try to speak both sides of the mouth, we're talking about the union thing and it's you know its greed date that they just want to play both sides
bird and it was last year, amazon came out and amazon who's been very vocal pro union, because we are pro worker and blue collar, even though they make their drivers paean bottles and get sued for it is they want to maximize productivity and they pay for all their employees abortion, so they can keep em in the workforce, but it's a whole mass, but they jury. The union vote in new york came out and claimed that the union vote two unionized, their logistics fulfilment location in york was fraudulent, because they utilize mail in ballots. Amazon, as a company vocally, spoke out for male imbalance in the presidential election. She of these cuts. but over and over again that our well being pro this and anti this when a serve their interests. But then, if you look at it, there's always an instance where they ve played out the other side of her mouth, and so these companies Are our total joke one other thing: that's really frustrating we were supposed to like- have the champions of subculture, be with on this- and I saw people like Tom marilla- remember rage against the machine. I guess atomic Ella comes out. he's like an agent for the machine now, but he
that is no more than a year is arresting how, if you listen, rageous machine lyrics today, it's actually further fuckin conservative side or the pro freedom side, like it's the opposite of what they actually believe like back when they made those songs in the ninety nine. These, which are awesome songs by us- and I still less listen to rage against the machine, and I feel great about because another talk about me now. Yes, tat is now Tom morality, actual rage against the machine band of today force you to be back to go there sir they're, all pride america, all the cooperation and lustrous came out and say we're doing rage against machine for these motherfuckers road It would lead the whole revolution area. They were Suppose you, I know we finally give them an opportunity it and they like, like heroes of the same culture out, they did and that's what meaning it so funny like I'm a I'm, a pretty conservative guy. I I'm not like us. Reggie dude, I'm kind of melt us like I'm a white blind right like
I can't imagine yeah yeah, I'm like subculture, like I'm cool. Now, I'm like against the machine and all this stuff, it's just so wild how culture is flipped and the shift shifted so hard, it's insane and so same with the pride month thing it's like. Is it too much to ask a company not to deck out everything they do in a rainbow flag for this entire month? It's add another color. Ever here why can we go back to normal? That's all I want row. I just want normal as shit. It's super gay. nothing. A mere overbear actually really funny. Does this mean going around the internet, its Kurt Cobain sing a song and it's the everyone, as gay. It's like that lyric from one of his songs, and so the meme is like a time traveler from the past lands and then in ass, like what's the future like and it's the Kurt Cobain thing saying everyone has gained, highlights basically Our societies turn into is just a celebration of these things that we weren't even talk about. Gay people are sick, they are,
if it goes against girls, as opposed to think of it, I think of it. I was talking to the ceo of that of that, while the owner of that movement or whenever she calls herself usually on the aims and do like beat these people who are gay and lived there life this way, fucking hate this shit these are making their being made, look ridiculous are beat, and it's in there is more to do with us, removing all the work that they actually did and is dangerous. Do it is because this is such a small percentage of people, you start including the the no the peto aspect of it or the targeting against fucking kids, they're being lumped into those same fucking, rainbow colors right like you, it's it's dangerous. It is dangerous man, it's all like just talent
It's hey, you know, being gay is part of society, and some people are gay and you know what it's normal for some people to be: it's not like they're, even stopping there they're like they're, like letting these kids change their names privately without telling the parents encouraging them to change their their gender. Like it's gotten to that point, we have grown men dressed up as women going it. Reading books, why do they grown man dressed up as women have an interest in reading books to children mommy's home, no, yes well I'd parade in florida when Rhonda. aunt said actually were not allowing you to have kids at these pry breads. They cancel the whole bread, like you just revealed you're right your intention there while always can common EU canada but see that's the problem with the gay people have with pride. Absolutely because they know what it is actually about and they're all these wrote. Listen, twenty years ago, these motherfuckers will be on the news with a mac hansen or whatever right.
The presidency has it right. There, like now. These Bofors get awards for that shit. Oh shit, okay, like they're being celebrate, it's oh there's, nothing wrong with them. They're, just a minor, attracted person. Row minor, attracted people go into the fucking wood chipper and sorta fuck. They go the first okay and slow too slow speed and high speed with a shot of epinephrine. No, no yeah, no, nothing! I think it jams and that's triggered by lie before sat there for awhile yeah bro. This is a real time, thorns by lighting. It makes me sad brow because, like I come from this community, I understand the pride that company. I I have pride in their company that company, inspire me. It's been a big part of our lives, not just from like the beer drinking but the cultural things they didn't our community. The great things that, if I guess, if you're not from here, he probably dont, know about they literally built the city, the sit, this city that I live in and to see that do this and to see
my friends suffer like I have great eagle, distributor right up the street. We actually do business with the to see. my friends who own that distributorships suffer because these assholes won't just say: hey we fucked up and just own it and move forward it just it it it's it's fucking, infuriating, bro in it. It really hurts. I drive by that fucking distributorship dude wearing a fucking cars. There know what I'm saying like these dudes have employed fucking thousands of people for fucking years and years and years Fucking bullshit, doesn't us nor the commons. Where you gonna stand honest. It did budweiser, do it right, long ago, drowning out a long way to go. You don't fuckin thing sally fuck, you! Ok, I don't care what you think. this issue. These sea level executives need to be ousted from the company or they need a fucking. take ownership and fix this because real american people a fuckin suffering because of it the people that deliver the beers, the bar owners, the fucking distributor owners that
play your neighbors. They are having to lay people off because of this, and I am not blaming the people boycotting blaming then for not taking accountability of adjusting fire and sitting, though their fat asses and their big fuckin. Sir. calories and lacking a shit about the people who depend on Gaza, was hella. Two that's move onto our third and final headline headline number. Three number: three. James calmer fbi confirms existence a file allegedly leaguing Joe Biden to five million dollar bribery scheme.
so this is a a bit of an update. The f b, I confirmed the existence of an informant file. The bureau refuses to provide congress that allegedly links president Joe Biden to a five million dollar bribery scheme, a confirmation. The justice department previously did not deny house oversight. Committee chair james comer, out of kentucky revealed Wednesday a comer and f b. I director christopher wray, conducted a scheduled meeting wednesday in which the bureau chief confirmed the file's existence the file allegedly details an arrangement involving an exchange,
If the money for policy decisions between now president Biden a foreign national vote, today, f b, I director re, confirmed the existence of the f d. Ten twenty three farm alleging then vice president Biden engaged in a criminal barbary scheme with a foreign national farmer said in a statement quote. However, director ray did not commit to producing the documents subpoenaed by the house oversight many, while direct re after a month are refusing to even acknowledge that the form existed has offered to allow us to see the documents in person at fbi headquarters, We have been clear that anything short of producing these documents to the house oversight committee is not in compliance with the subpoena comber continued. If
it'll be ourselves to hand over the fd ten twenty three form, as required by the subpoena. The house oversight committee will begin contempt of congress proceedings and the newest update is that you know the f b I director again, he said he will let just two people on the house oversight committee. Look at the document has me in the f b I headquarters and a closed room and that that is their attempt to kind of bag out or stave off commerce threat to hold re in contempt of congress. And now the white house's continue to be silence on this. There was one development you have this guy in sam see decides sir. I tweet out about this. I said quote this silly charade by at james calmer is yet another reminder that his so called investigations. Are political stance not meant to uncover facts but to spread thin in a window to attack the president and get himself media attention the fox news spotlight
Now this sounds a whole lot to me reminds me of something that is done. if you guys, I dunno MIKE, have you seen this video by now and you've seen this remark? I'm gonna show you guys what this reminds me of right now: okay, this is kind of where what I see you You won't matter, no job job. Get this thing you about that. lose your job. That sign I mean the other serve as what it reminds me of bear. Or that was the best suited twenty road. It says number one yeah your job it for lighting a dead character. I brought the nation together that too that's one of the best videos So is such a clear at the bank go sogo is so girl, Jos gotta. A black records. Is that plan unworthy,
absolutely says, absolutely look man I if, if, if there's nothing to hide. Why hide it yup? It's that simple yeah, plus by the way. Why isn't the fbi doing their job and being the ones leading the charge? that's my fuckin question: why are why doesn't have to be a regular congressmen doing this while the while the everyday field agents that dm me on a regular basis and say this is fucked up shit, theirs war, going on. Why aren't you guys standing up to this shit? Why are you speaking out in mass? Why are you guys not getting together and saying hey fuck? This is fucking trees and shit. Okay, we have a president of the united states who took money for policy decisions that were not in the interests of the people they were elected to represent. In fact, They were in the opposite of the interests it wasn't like. These were like little deals, whereas, like hey, will scratch your back and you throw a little point over here was shit there,
decided to actually make our country weaker and more vulnerable and easier to devalue and conquer over the long haul, and that's what we're talking about so when we talk about why they won't release this, they released and for the same reason I said earlier in the week, which is a people actually understood what was going on. There would be a call for mother fuckers pets. Ok, that's right shit people don't understand like this. Guy pull back to the to the guy, which made the tweet, whose name say: okay, this silly charade, there's not us about a bitch I'll write. You you think there is this. Is damage control you little fuckin nerd are, as we all know, what's happening. At least we must us do in some of. Is that no we're gonna tell everybody, so you guys continue to defend this. Your heads gonna end up on the same other fuckin stakes, everybody elses your vigorously. Of course
cap n sam's. Why me what a sad existence to like this is what you do you just defend this tyrant with your time on the not loaded. Do you know this is sort of uniting. Lives is out of work and we are so this dude can go in and he can say, look what I did. look what idea defenders you on twitter at dear friend Now. Give me something by these legal ask his ass and look at him. He could tell from london isn't the same. People that are like speak truth to power. It's like dude. You have an opportunity and you're actually criticizing the guy who's, trying to speak truth to power. Not only that everybody always wanted to know. Trump's tax returns. Show me trump's tax returns show me, try any rich republican businessman. show me their tax returns. Why aren't you interested in seeing binds tax returns like this? Dude has made a killer in millions and millions of dollars you ever boated by his family's house down in naples, florida, Marco island, you could see it from the beach millions of dollars gorgeous estate. They made their money in politics. How did they do that congressmen make one hundred and seventy grand a year
How are they get rich on the american taxpayer? Heller's? Aren't we want to know that? Well, I mean a big pour None of the american I q is under the level of eighty Ok, so when they hear a hundred seventy thousand dollars- and they see a thirty million dollar house, they think that you can buy a thirty million dollar house on one hundred and seventy. They don't understand that while with share with you a hundred and seventy thousand dollars when they ve made thirty five thousand dollars and they think fuck via hundreds thousand. I could do whatever I want. This is not true. Okay, so there's there's that two right, but. What's frustrating for me as these people that their lives are much worse like take that their their household is worse because of the decisions that this person has made weakening the border depleting our story.
Fiji: oil for an election manipulation of gas prices, sending our weapons to ukraine, sending hundreds of billions of dollars to ukraine inflating our currency. climb running rapid in and the people who defend these people. their lives or actually worse and there willing to admit that and put them ego aside and say: dude it eventually it's going to have to get so bad, where they're going to say fuck fuck this right but dude by the time that happens like it's going to be too late. It's stockholm syndrome, it's people in love with their right and What's it sacks do because just hate you for pointed out exactly yessir criticize As for standing up for your family's own rights and interests, you know it's interesting to. I think that what people need to realise this goes back to kind of it's not like right laughed. It's it's far more of a good versus evil thing like there are so many people in this country
At work and old school blue dog democrats, union workers call country those people Republicans there are there. The whole hide is earnest same way that rage against a machine that used to be allowed. Starting now, they're messaging resonates with the right is the same way like all you guys who believe that your Democrats are largely the listen. Ok, you guys say shit. I see it. It's all good too. By the way. Replace place in america, but will you have to, understand, is that your belief system which actually real talk. If you go back twenty guess what I am I'm a fucking democrat from twenty five years ago. Ok, its shifted so hard that these people are still identify. flying with this old label and they're, not understanding the shift, that's occurred, and if we correct the shift, you can go back to being a democrat bro that you can be that thing but remember Democrat, is it indoctrinate our kids at school to be trans?
sexual. Ok, it's not what climb run ramp. It's not order, open borders, it's not inflate a currency that is not democratic policy bills come in its initiatives that have been put through the current democratic, rubber, Innovation and you're, not understanding that your actual belief system that you identify no longer exists, and you ask We belong on the other side right in that that's a big problem with such bro ended in republicans. You guys euro fuckin. Let were these people come over its base you gonna make space for these people. I d like you to see this all tat, because I call for unity all time. I'll never be unified with the nurse who yelled at me in, little for where mass gas, what these people listen dear, if you can't I understand that these people were highly manipulated and scared into that behavior and that you cannot. Old them responsible, but instead hold the people who scared them responsible, you're missing the point,
We, the people, or on the same side, like all you people to watch my shit even you If don't like me, Still on your fuckin team in euro, my team use, don't see, I'm fine for you back the horrible set a hundred percent. and we don't have enough people spreading. That message it's so easy to get wrapped up in the in the extremes of the messaging. This fact, these guys role I see this bar lightship in it. Fucking legit bothers me, though, like legitimate business, normal people that are getting screwed they're caught in the crossfire, and they didn't ask for this. No, did it didn't sign up forty there. They get it wrong I believe in it at all, no and by the way, fbi, agent. Friends, do you talk to take guys? It's you gotta step up now it's time, because you didn't ask for this either. You didn't sign up for this, but to be honest about that, you do sign up to be a political hack yeah, if you're in kind of middle management of some of these woe corporations you to sign up for this time to speak up like we gotta have those people a mayor. What an opportunity did. Well you
an opportunity to actually create the best america. That's were exhibited by back you, the did will back, you will pay a business. That's what we tell our business for the joint public square cycle. We have people sign up. We tell him all the time. You're now you're now in the family, working to support you with everything we have all the resources, the fire power, the legal help. Was a business that joined in the early days on our platform in chicago, and they had legal fees because they refuse to clothes, even when Chicago told them to is that we can the value of our business to our communities, to important the freedoms of our consumers, to make their own health choices to importance or not closing they incur a lot of legal finds public square paid for it for criminals. We don't need to it. They created a farm. We don't need to want to thank those people who did that? What can you tell me the name of that company in the sadly there on a business? Now, that's fucked up, it is their restaurant out of chicago and am yeah there. Their amazing commies, phenomenal, phenomenal local community restaurant that serve their country and their community
for years. Emigrate, family started it phenomenal phenomenal though let him I pulled it stood up during covered. I hope eventually, society recognizes who they are. You know like ants, from belmont our such a at his actually here and yet so. But he like this do risk everything lost everything got persecutor for everything all for you guys all for you guys and you guys still column streamers in this, and that that mother fucker really pay a price for everybody. I hope one day dude! I gotta tell you this. If I were getting any sort of position of power like when I become the new leader right now by election, either I'll, give you around awards.
I'm gonna, gaudian smith! I wanna go to you too, so I don't deserve that. We we just want to provide an outlet for those those people to thrive and, in fact, one of the early agreements that a business had to make when covered was still really going on when they join. The problem is that they were not going to infringe upon the rights of their consumers or their employees to you could not force your consumers are in place to make any health decisions, otherwise you too we're walkman, are bought from cause. I want this. I want this marketplace to be a place where rose valued, went when it aimless on it. When that vaccine mandate came through they, they we have about five hundred employees in house. They told us that if we, then they told everybody. This now think people understands that if you didn't for sure your people to get back stated by a certain date, you
would face fines up to seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars per employee at how many employees you have here almost five hundred out of business too, and that was their intent Yes, that was the intent they wanted to push that through a by the way. Just like you has resisted that. If you resisted all this shit, it would start because they can't do it if you if everybody's goes together, but but you won't go together when you're arguing about the nuances of race or the two ounces of gay street or the nuances of you know. I agree with this or that like mother fucker, we're all on the same team, do we're in the same boat, half you mother, fucker to drill holes in the back of it like it's a it's a big problem ma'am. Gaza's rumours show on home final signal chauvelin
as always, we have thumbs up or dumb as fuck. This is where we bring the article up. We go through it, tear it apart and lie at one of those two options. So with that being said, a thumbs up for dumb as fuck headline reads: teen walks two hours for eighth grade graduation in ST louis. And lucky they made it. So a six mile walk for an eighth greater to his graduation. Money, may have secured his academic future quote I remember something mr seals told me he said if I want it, I got to go get it said Xavier jones quote, so I wanted to graduate. So I was going to go to my graduation when the fourteen year old didn't have a way to get to his wednesday's game. In middle school, eighth grade graduation ceremony, he enlisted the help of his brother and a friend they walked from west florissant up in north, ST louis to midtown.
Devilish lack lucky they made it look like yeah literally here aren't emits out. Joneses journey took more than ten thousand steps in two and a half hours. Then I got him his diploma. Here's a quick video from our local news, affiliates I'm perseverance of six, my wall for an eighth greater to his graduation ceremony may have secured his academic cute? I love this story for his dedication to his schooling and making that track terrorist stow university stepped in with a full scholarship boxer hydrochloric spoke with the team that or you ll see you all new tonight by there's an old proverb that says a journey of one thousand miles begins with one step exhibit joe His journey took well more than ten thousand steps in two and a half hours, and then it got him his diploma. I remember some day MR sales told me he's a if I wanted. I gotta go get it so so I wanted to graduate so
I went on graduation wednesday was exhibitors yait when middle schools, eighth grade promotion ceremony when the fourteen year old didn't have a way to get there. He enlisted the help of his brother. And a friend and they walked from west floors it up in. What say Louis city, the midtown. I start my speech. I call on my boy and was not gay- everybody get off your fee. Give up standing ovation again. A platform enables light wall, this boy walt doktor, latona, collins, smith, stop by the ceremony being held on the h bc, you campus and was moved by excessive use determination. So She decided to take a few extra steps of her own when I heard that story and
I see that young man who was so bright and just excited and driven it spoke volumes to me is spoke, resilience, persistence, perseverance, I'm, regardless of what the adversity years, I'm going to press my way to this promotion ceremony, and so that is what sparked my interest in saying hey. This is a type of kid that we once a recruits. A hair was still. She said you gotta full rights. As you know, what I mean is, I think you know, at the school I might know, you'd get around the college, say women don't have to pay for cause dentist or hit them the presidential scholarship from herriston state university covers four years of tuition, books and fees for student. It will be waiting, for example, who must first complete the next. Ernie high school? How much even some great by graduating look invite you don't want to be an s budget adheres to
state university in midtown there that is fucking lost That was just walk in a row. That is amazing. We weigh more that way more of them do that. Young man do that's issued the gives me help. You say it like there's so much negative that we talk about. It's all is by these old people who are just stir in the past? that shows you, the human nature and the spirit that lives side, young people and later they beat it out of them. They date they they wear it out of us as we go through life, that is, that is fucking awesome period. The dew wants a job. After he's done, column, she's got one drought, dude I'll, send you to nascar school rodya real talk. We just had to sign this kid up for consent, him nascar school gun. Yet we actually just we had a car public square. Had a car in a net to nascar raises serious away, because the driver J J wanted wanted to support the parallel economy, so we need to get em intact. We got
good. Nascar connects over here and the patriarch economy. It was it you get us various guys. That b, I would love to do that would get on what that is. Cool man, unlike dude, honestly, who rose to that to the faculty and the staff for recognising that, because, like dude, There's a these kind of things happen a lot and nobody cares well, there's all kinds of kids grow up with just parents that do not provide or refuse to provide or can't provide because they're trying to provide right like and they don't get taken care of by the community do and lies whether community state an absolutely do this. Is this? You know That's why I love ST louis dude, because ST louis is with people like that, and it gets a bad reputation because we get these ridiculous prosecutors that do crazy shit and don't allow the crime to most of the people that live here are great.
Rape, people and like do this- is why I get so upset about the polite thing. You know what I'm saying like it's. I see the effect it has in the community and it just bothers me, but but dude this I mean this is awesome news, fuck, yeah man, that's thumbs up for sure Andy, Michael all, I have yeah bro thanks for coming on the show man, it wasn't a short trip, but I'm super glad you made it worth it yeah. Definitely, thank you so much for what you're doing bro. Thank you, alright, Michael. What can people find you quickly on social media. Yes, and finally, on twitter at rio, Michael cipher, the first four letters will last name you can. Finally, on instagram at rio, Michael Seifert, you can head to public askew dot com to find all things public square. You can download the app their joined the community all free to join. We love it. If you join the parallel economy, were changed the country with the power of commerce and was blast, we'll talk about it. If you guys so public as Cuba can best placed to get started on us.
hey fuck, you, I know you guess what I say now behold, nowhere you gotta say arise, asked the show, and then I Hey my line- and you say you're alive- the first on the seven so say, Irregardless then that's all I got alright, don't be a whole other shelf for the are countless millions in the kobe teach buddhist smoke got a rope. Kang doesn't know shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-05.