« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

524. Andy & DJ CTI: Moscow Drone Strikes, LGBTQ+ Book Pulled From Target & GOP Holds FBI Director In Contempt

2023-05-31 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Moscow waking up to the sound of drones striking the city, the authors who had their LGBTQ+ book pulled from Target speaking out, and Republicans holding the FBI director in contempt of Congress over Biden documents.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box from the stove counter, millions in the kobe teach buddhist god of all things, rope kang, doesn't know headshot case club. What is up guys it's anti priscilla, and this is the show for the really say goodbye to the lies that make the same delusions of modern society and welcome mother fucking reality guys today, we at Andy Urdu those above what an internet and then we're gonna. Do that's what city I stands for. Crew the internet we put on topics, the screen we talk about. What's true, what may not be true? We have a lot of speculation about what may True and therewith about how we, as individuals can work together collectively to solve the problems going on the world other times the two men we have two and a half for those of you don't know this is a part development, business entrepreneurship show art explain that here in a second you know
If we add to your questions, live on the show, you could submit your questions a future for ways. The first way is guys you can email those questions and to ask Andy at Andy for solid outcome, or now you can go to youtube. Click subscribe and then drop a combat right in there and will pick your question right out of the comments. Do it right here ok other times you chair? We have real talk, that's fine! many minutes of major, given you some stuff that I think is valuable and needs to be said and heard. Then we have full length full It is what you see on most other podcast much people sit around havin a conversation, usually We have winners on the show. People have done extraordinary things. They bilbil businesses. They ve done. Amazing feat of humanity and we dissect those stories to figure out what qualities they embody so that we can also embodied qualities and kick ass in life, and then we have what's call seventy. I've hard versus seventy five harbours is where we bring people on the show of completed the seventy five hard programme. We talk about the lessons that they have and then we are, you know, get their story.
Because those stories of people massively taking control their lives need to be told. We believe that here the ship are, you might be asking. Why does see tee? I go with all this other personal development mumbo jumbo well together, like peanut butter and jelly years. Why? Because to be, successful you have to have fertile soil, the planter seeds in and when you think The soil is going on in america right now. It's very poison, it's very difficult to grow things and is more difficult The growth things in america, soil now than it has been in the last two hundred forty plus years. That's a problem, because we all want to win, and we were be successful and we wanted too bad as shit with their lives, and that makes it hard and so rest actually do those things. We have to pay attention what's going on in the world, hence city I saw it. we get activated and we take control of our communities and we make sure that the soil is now referred fertile for us further for everybody, the comes after us. If you can understand how those two things go together, then you're not
smart enough to listen to the fucking show, so don't listen so that we have this fee fee is very simple. I don't ask for money and also shed on the show. I, don't want ads on the show you'll notice this all. I do I ask you to share the show ask me money to do the shall actually quite a bit of money or I do it because I feel a deep obligation to do HU it so that you guys can all do the things that I've done in business in life and become six. As for your own ways, This is me giving to you and you come to me all the time- and you say everybody should be listen? This shall I agree. The world will be a much better place, but that's your part the deal I do the show I paid to do the show I keep the show free of influence in all this, will be asked. These other guys have to report to just for a couple bucks, and I hear job is to show the show. So we said the fee,
Let me share the show, I think its authority, The show sucks, don't know sure it makes sense to me yeah who alright, what's up? Hey: hey other door going another man their emission. Is you this? What you do all we can stuff? You know stuff, I text she didn't text me back for the first time ever. I thought something happened to yahoo. Listen, it's been, it was a. It was a been writing my ass off there, because we gotta get this bay become. In a normal be locked down cancer. Go nowhere. Riots on china scratch all those issues right now, europe bad? Ass? Hardly tell the harley folks what you got it's a twenty one. Robot has its ro gotta, know glad your arms, and I just how I move. You know it's not for everybody and then what are you fly back it up the thing you fly on the back. Your bike thing called the american flag. Oh they see dj, go down the road big black, do on this fuckin back. Ass harley, this big asked
american and off the back people over it's fuckin! Awesome people are that's. They love it cause. It's fucking us Anyway, we are united in our memory. You know I've been think within the last last eight eight days, maybe ten days I put about three thousand miles holy shit, dude yeah, that's a lot and scooting have been scooting, so it's been. It's been good, though man, it's been gutted, there's nothing like riding a bike for me, yeah yeah. I agree with your sobriety. I've been riding dirt bikes since I was a little bitty kid, though I know I got brushed by a car in traffic in two thousand and twelve. I got hit by the mirror of the car and I was making a right turn. as in the traffic, and there was two lanes in in the far lane. There was a car coming, but there wasn't a lay a car coming in the close lane, so I emerged out in in writing. I merged out this car was behind this other car. Any
accelerated and fuck him well. I went over to the side and he hit my arm with his mirror and bro. That was enough for me, man, like I, I have image responsibility I have. I just have too much responsibility. Do you know if something happens to me? It hurts a lot of people so for sure I still like to ride dirt. Bikes with the guys here in every once in a while, I like to do that more often had been able do that last couple of years cause my shoulder, but with afford him back into that I agree with you. Do like there's nothing. There is one immensely, it's one of them is mentally refreshing experiences to go along by great know about I been doing I mean my my I've. Been I've been I've been on it, just scratching that itch for me, man, it's a it's been good, though man, it's been good so am I a city are, but I feel like there's an obligation we have to check in with somewhere or people on the left for a quick. How do we're second round make sure they're, okay, huh well yeah. I mean, I think, it's important, because they've been taken a lot of hits right. Like I mean we, we
see the the people cool in their hands? Starbuck, counters rain, very effective, fuckin up paintings and you know, our salaries browser. You know that not upsetting anyone here, I'm enemies, but not only there, not making any of the enemies that they don't want, like all the ones were, guns were not yet not yet working in the most recent. situation the seller reads: camera man takes out climate protesters who stormed the stage at dancing. Competition show and we have a video. Now there there's two versions of this video show the first one, the original one
then, that let's just play the video the burgers he got. I don't know I like. I don't know I dunno about the camera guy, but I mean how heavy are those things. There's gotta be more than fifty pounds bro he hit him with force like the banner. So for those of you that haven't seen this video you're listening audio. So there's this dancing with the stars is what it looks like to me and these people come out and by the way, she's throwing something polluting the environment, never sure awry laying your own code, lady, and this comes out the banner in front of his face and the camera with this giant boom
grams the dude and knocks him out, and it's amazing it's like that. It's like they're, real that people make. You know they do like the the the the college or the nfl football games right. At the Lyman fucking saying you're on of syracuse university aside. The camera gotta needs make what for bugger laboratory. Let's look at that video they put some like w w sound effects over his ears? the version as you get it. Well, the do is so good if you are watching our europe listening. You have to go to the youtube watch. There's gotta watch this is funny, is fuck I'll try to cut down on the words man, you guys on you to wear a bunch of pussies right. You guys fuckin report me for all the bad words arrive at a try I'm just gonna gostar hosting the stuff on my own page because, like you to get give in
your plan was, she wouldn't well, they better put the show on the platform. Are we do that whenever we censorship or what we're trying to open up a new chapter, we actually want your kind of content. We would love have haven't? Oh you guys turn my stuff off, because I say the f word ay bro. We really do like we are whole entire generation of kids thinking about cutting off their dicks and you're mad at me cause. I say the f word right, a con man. What the fact I welcome what are frequently our duty to go back you'd. Do I start right? Let me do the thing I thought this was a wise man. It's hilarious bits also sad, and you know what else it is dangerous, because do these people are or are messing with the ball at this point right, like for tat for ten fifteen years, did we ve been dealing with the stuff we haven't? You people come in.
Ruined works of art that were created hundreds of years ago, we're having these people disrupt traffic, disrupt daily life. online, bully people for having a different opinion, because they were made I believe that they are the people of majority by these social media networks who are taking drugs. action from the fbi to do this, so they're propping these people up and by the way these people have a term the appalling, not aware of it, but in the books that the people they worship right, they actually call these people something do you know what they call him? Well all useful idiots and they sure are upheld so like these. People are now getting put in a position of very dangerous position because dude they're they're dead wrapped the lives of regular people who just
want to be left alone, who want to live a life and people are connecting the that's ok. So people are starting to understand that the green movement is actually a front for communism. The average person of average intelligence is starting to understand this, and if you don't believe me, you, don't think. I'm telling the truth go. Watch the film agenda and then watch agenda to ok, go red Karl Marx book. I read it It talks about all these things. These people are being used to disrupt people's lives and those people's lives were being disrupted, are conducting the dots them and communist ideology. And so now their understanding they allowed the paying their feeling in their life economy, in bad them agri situation, the crime situation that the prices of products in the economy, the value of their dollar, being destroyed, their earning power being destroyed, cato jobs being taken by these
things they are recognising as communism and they are can that these people, who are basically the enforcers at the social movements of these programmes are the actual threat and by the way. These are the weakest people society there also the least intelligent who think that the most intelligent and there may the enemies of the people who have the guns and make no mistake just so we're clear Have you ever try to talk to one of these people? Are you can't talk to row there there you, Not what do they do when you start corner Scream temper tantrum and they draw fit you. Are they They call you raisins? Yes, and we see this over and over again, we never see the right wing people, ok, going to the left wing, this is creating all this quorum quote violence that they could do exist, they go there. and they say what
This is why I think this tell me why I'm wrong and they get shouted down and they get shit thrown on them or eggs thrown at them. Like Larry elder did. Okay, these people are fucking tyrants and the state that the majority of the population? the world is making. Is that because these- regular, decent people that have empathy and Karen understand. These people are just misled, your train, reason with them its allowing them to inch their way into. will power, and if these people get to actual power who do not Listen to a word that you say and will not have a conversation with you at all, and they When we say this call you all these things. Races massage it is done, stick terrorist. They call you all this shit Do. You really think that if you allow these people to become more powerful, that they will not just kill you and think they did an amazing thing right This is the italian presidency later row, people the these kinds
people would have no problem with killing. Every single person now stands against them, That's why they cannot be tolerated any longer that this cannot be a passive thing where you just look, the other ray and take the highroad anymore. When these people pull this shit, it's up to us to stop. It When I say this shit and a boy people online, it's up to you to jump in its a hate, no fuck, you were terribly shit. Were I think, that's that's the real thing right sectors. For the last ten fifteen years, the majority of people we ve been all things are there, your yellin less to do right, be tolerant, loves but we ve been doing those things right and all of their pushes they ve been met with with no consequence right and what starting to see now is that we starting to see more consequences for their outrage, His actions, whether that no they didn't drop out of the street by their hair or you know like a fuckin hundred pound cameroon, hitching a fucking
He's right like there are seeing these consequences and that stops gonna keep happening. I haven't even more- and you know- hopefully it doesn't crossed the threshold- is a fucking extermination. No because, but about but again like you said they would have no problem. Doughnuts us now they want it. And they openly say so yeah. I just thought we'd check into a quick check temperature check over there see how they're doing da you know what looks to me like they're having ourselves a real nice shit, show yeah yeah, there's no doubt about that. Give that oh man, a fuckin price, we're probably going to farm. Will you come work here? I need media people. I mean real real talk if you're a great media person- you come here, this guy included we know you you're, the bullshit doubles. The security is rife I get a boom, just let him run dry the door to shoot gratitude
yeah! Alright, let's get into this mare, we got a lot to cover today, guys on ctr. Remember if you want to see any of these pictures articles links videos go to Andy for salah dot com. You can find them like there or drop down in the youtube description below and find them linked there as well. But with that being said- real art. Like answer us in the comments dude, are you guys got tired of this disruption? Are you tired of having your piece disrupted. Are you not tired of just like living your own life and being the best. You can only to have it fucked with by these people, who are highly misled. Agreeable you won't even have a conversation, won't listen, rural, it's because, once you tie your identity into something which these people have these people, I about the environment, although you don't really care about the environment. Like I care about the environment, owing to do these things, because I care so much about the environment even though year so stupid, you don't believe it off worse who better? We all believe it then go away. Agenda watch agenda to explain it back to me. And then also explain this- why, when the state
sure liberty was erected. The water level, the exact same as it is today. Why are all these tyrants that are pushing you in in you. This global green agenda shit flying in private jets, every single place they meet by the hundred Why are these people these same people who are selling you this? Why are they doing the things that you're doing why they now in the streets, making a difference. Quorum quote why Are they buying thirty forty? hundred million dollar pieces of property or hawaii like these people, the y Y Martha's vineyard. What way to me as if the sea levels are rising and we're all in danger, then why would you spend fifty million dollars of your own money to own a home on Martha's vineyard, Why or flora like nancy that? Why would they do that? Why would they fly around the world and private jets while you, you ve, got up by some green food, bullshit cricket stuff,
Yeah, I'm saying is the butter has peasant wrote year you our brainwashed into believing something that sounds very virtuous. That is it actually factually truth, not real not real dude. It's not real. All. The more you show me environment does not really That's exactly the fuck, I'm saying a plaque that's exactly what I say. You guys have been fucking food and they have a for you and communism called useful idiots and the more play into this. The more you actually quickening the downfall of your own, only an old friends of your own wife will, because what happens to those useful idiots They get button? I kill communism comes in the killer, because com depends on everybody producing ok, so these people are unable to produce because they don't have skills. Which is why their useful now its though not useful. Once these communist actually have power, they kill these people by the mass because they will not produce these people somehow think
it like. Oh, you know. Well, you know Other people are going to have to do that. Work, vineyard, you're, listen I can understand the heart of somebody who believe like have you if there is real it. This is real shit and it was like ok, we're really gonna fucking die. Everybody would be with it. Do not do that I believe that, like you guys, I believe the shit. Do you not believe that every other person out there we not say: okay. Well, we need to do something. The problem, there isn't enough evidence to show that now, real evidence are there other thing in the environment. Better disruptive is their trash in the ocean. Yes, is there is their pollution, that happens. The shouldn't happened: yes, arthur things that need to be done to protect the environment, absolutely we all agree with those things with this idea, Where is gonna end in twelve years, because elsie says so. That's a while. It's been told for fifty fucking years, two inch in communism, step by step.
step in a lot of you guys weakening your own demise, because you want to be virtuous and right instead of checking, legal and saying. Do I gotta play. And now it's putting you in a real dangerous position, because you're going to continue to push this once everybody else has woken up to this and it's going to get hurt. You know I love her face, look at the girl in the one, the one on the right. Look, how serious she! I think the other one looks absurd, like I look at both of them and I'm like dude. What what are we fucking, with no new oil oil, no charles and blew the mill You ever notice how the biggest sambre I'm hungry look at that, because I don't fuck Good for you, man. I was not once a science around that too? But let's not even talk about ass, she used to say it now, your moral veto
because you love animals, I fucking get it dude. I love animals too. I really do, but I'm I'm going to be as healthy as I can, and that requires animal protein bro. It's like that sign. You know that. I would cite you know. The shows, like all the animals is like a billboard eyesight. Where do you draw the lie, not its? I heard about. They're right between the horse and the cow her america about europe is between the horse and the dog road ran, that's where it ends or europe the door. If you go to china, it goes all the way down to gerbil. Okay, so let's be fuckin real, so like its, it depends on the culture here. Here, Roma need only horses are we'd, only dogs. but they eat horses in europe, but they do. I've had horse before no shit yeah. It's not that bad with home, and what's it taste like, I dunno it tastes like fucking, every other meat dishes, the red meat just tastes like it's like kind of salty some like sandwich meat row.
Why right about there for me either white is clearly between cows and or worse. I never regarded I'm sorry for your horse. People are getting a lot of hate for that I was starving. I'd eat your horse a and what do you think twice about if I was not any jew that that's exactly why for me, as progress, keep going to probably our houses and wage big exact. I think there's a bubble around the doctor. I think for shipowners protect agree. I think I think we'd only docks. Maybe yeah, but are you may meow psyche where he's lost in real time? are you in a bid to sum up, I look out forget. It a bubble around dogs ever should and we also want to adopt our k forward dogs, I'll say that
had to progress aid just be real man. Russia. up up up up up up up up outdoes guide this vital everything I'm sorry, what you gonna do with south africa, thereby me no, no, he said you're gonna, be don't be added. No, we got show to do our work. The show gases quit messing up, Magee guy is, if you want to see any of these articles, pictures links, videos go to edit for salah dot com. You can find them linked there or or drop down in the youtube description below with. That being said, he got headline number one on the move he's going to go right is right up to care about it. I would
I'll put those shit on a fuckin kebab, their DA mayor. I'm just be real I was that we think about I mean ambulance island. I couldn't do a dog of Eden. Worship at did. I couldn't do dog now, I'd rather die condemn by the way I was there. I would avoid eating all of those animals We live in an amazing country. We don't have to eat those animals right right, that's why should be protected, so I have to eat your cat right. Keith he's going to go home and just hold his cats. Hashtag protection, chaff, save America Does the law not reward? I'm worn! Reads: moscow, wakes up to sound of drones, strikes against city buildings, damaged in blast, Should in all our people over in russia, man, so others this is daily mail article. I read a russia's com. but it was hit by wave of drones tuesday morning, prompting the kremlin to complain about,
without irony of a quote: terrorist attack a war in ukraine made itself felt at home. Again, this morning, as a wave of drones attack the russian capital with air defences? Taking on what a dislike to be added, eight unmanned aerial vehicles, a mosque, owls mayor, said: citizens woke up tuesday morning to the sound of explosions across the city. Now the russian ministry of defence officially claims to have disabled or shot down whole attack? Although several buildings in moscow were damaged early tuesday, either by drones, that stuck through russia's defenses or by falling wreckage? The drone attack, which appeared to closely resemble the now almost nightly drone attacks launched by russia against ukraine. I was a kiev regime terrorist attack, Moscow thundered as they revealed the incursion ukraine
for its part, stuck to its usual policy of officially denying involvement but expressed pleasure at seeing it happened. I russia's account of the attack states of eight dry. once three were down by electronic countermeasures and five by anti aircraft fire state media released a flurry of statements on the attack in the hours after the blast, insisting that there were no casualties in oh hospitalizations, and that the city's airports were operating normally this morning, damage to buildings in the city was quote miner. The official statements insisted now. Let's move over in it were. There are reporting on this as well the supply routes,
Crane denies involvement in moscow drone attack, saying that ukraine is denied direct involvement with a drone attack on the russian capital moscow on tuesday, but of course, we enjoy watching and predicting an increase in attacks, but of course we have nothing to do directly with the ukrainian presidential adviser Michaela Cadillac told the breakfast show you to channel. He also said quote: what is growing in russia. Is the comic payment that russia will gradually pay an aggravated form for everything it does in ukraine? Not think we should also check in with lonely girl
I. This headline reads: lindsey graham offers fiery response after russia issues warrant for his arrest, see you in the hag now sen, lindsey, graham who's, a republican out of south carolina came out swinging after russia issued a warrant for his arrest on monday, challenging russia to make it's case before the international criminal court, where the icy seat russian officials announced a warrant for graham's arrest after the senator accused russia of war crimes in ukraine and said us, military aid to ukraine was quote the best money. We've ever spent ram made the comments in a film meeting with ukrainian president vladimir, don't ski or he now says that he will submit to the judgment of the ic, see if russia offers to do the same quote. Here's an offer to my russian friends who want to arrest and try me for calling out the Putin regime as being war criminals.
I will submit to jurisdiction of the international criminal court. If you do graham said on Monday, I followed up by quote, come and make your best case see you in the hag he added we got on this. Well, I know everybody likes to you know, be pro ukraine say all this stuff, but shouldn't we be asking where the footage is of Vladimir Putin, saying things that he says allegedly. While I'm just saying we don't see it then I'll show here in america, it'll show speeches by Vladimir Putin. They don't show what he's saying can't find it really on the american internet. Why is that? Maybe that's the first question. We should be asking ourselves because what you would know if you didn't live in america,
Is that Vladimir Putin has been agreeing that he would stop as attacks and agreement he would start showing if the united nations would investigate ukraine for the buyer labs and the united states involvement in the bilateral regard in the release of carbon nineteen, which, by the way vladimir putin believes, is one of the biggest crimes against humanity in the history of earth all done up october, nineteen came out of china yeah well, and apparently it didn't wait in the un said that they would not investigate the. Why would they do that route? And why wouldn't they show the messaging that he said as on- why wouldn't they show him saying the things that you guys say that he's about the media says that he's about? Why would they not show him and by the way they're sending you know? All of these hundreds of billions of dollars to you They're sending all of our military surplus to ukraine there
fighting our dollar to do so, which decreases you're buying power, hurt your household. And, while they're doing this? Let's keep in mind The president united states, in his son, have traditionally had massive business dealings in this country? They've had a lot of the business dealings that they've had and in fact bragged about it. On tv, okay, George soros was involved in the overthrow of an actual of the actual government. I dunno eight years ago I was fourteen at nine years ago. Okay, somebody also helped them with that yeah. I think his name was Barack Obama, absolute gap and- and so people don't understand what's been going on and they don't they get caught up in this pro ukraine, social movement war fever share. And what you don't realize. Is it not only are these people trying to cover up for the crimes that they committed there
willing to destroy your household and your life. To do so, I mean what other narratives of they garden gus, stand behind and believe in that turned out to be taught to fraud. just covered one in the intro homes and might have been worthwhile black lives matter. What about that? Ninety million vows gone where they create big and by the way black lives do matter because our bales life for sure. Why aren't gonna matter? Everybody else, way, thereby once no matter, and so they matter to actual black list. One thousand precise and that's that's. That's sucks Ok, but these social movements that are planned get a buyer media and they pay social media influencers in hollywood, celebrities to post the shit to seem virtuous so that you just go along with it without us many questions, but I would really like. If we're going be fair, I think we all believe in fairness right,
without calling each other names and saying hey you're at this or that or this don't. You think it's fair to hope to hear at least hear both sides of the argument and maybe consider the fact and ask the question why they don't allow Putin's narratives be told on national television or in the media are on the internet here everything's. Without context, why won a couple of wires sentences? Why would that be? Would it be maybe that if there, if you actually her what he was saying, that would actually well calls and their entire narrative and make you think differently about your own leadership. Was they sense of our governments since her like frontline bouchers, doing the same, as I think you know, they didn't just sensor them wrong. They they put him in jail and they remove their medical licence. For saying that carbon nineteen could be treated with address a clerk when an ivory act in which both of which turn out to be true, actual thing, Ok and these people spent one of them. I think, with Simone gold spent time in jail for saying this,
how many wise that do not denying that truth cost over the course of time. They all knew it to be true that the science that a treaty This disease existed for many years before this, so they knew to be true, denied it in a deep platform devices and did in her every single person that try to defend it, and you guys keep playing it he's narratives over and over and over again, and you have to come to the realisation that these people do not represent you nor care about you they see you as a nuisance, they see as an insect. They see you as a parasite that they have to deal with and their interests are their interests and our interests as american people do not matter. That's why we live in this country, where we are legitimately oppressed and saw the idea of freedom. You guys think we're free It may be freer than other countries, but we are far from free and we are far from what the founding fathers of this country designed it to be the idea.
america is a really great idea, and it works perfectly when executed by the people. For the people, the problem is it's no longer executed by the people for the people it's executed by the tyrants, in opposition of the people for the time yet and if the page, you know we have memorial day just a couple days ago, if those do my grandfather, down in world war, two right after normally used his. Can very young man never met his death now never met. My dad never saw us grow up, nobody's vince it is great and seventy nine years, ok! Well, what do these people die, for? We have to start asking ourselves the truth they actually die for freedom. I believe they did. It should do is frustrating man and you guys do to wake up to what actually happened at least asked some critical thinking quest.
It's not it's imperative man. I think another point to that. Like just further proves this whole idea, like no vladimir putin right. Is that has he. Vladimir Putin is had numerous of reasons and opportunities to destroy this country. If he chose to write, and I believe that he understands that there is a difference, though he understands that there are two things to two two separate classes that abroad on these tyrants if the american people who, in general overall a good fucking people the humans right and I think by him, you know showing that was strength and not just you know completely. Decimating spoken country he understands who is actually fight. Nothing. That's the only thing. That's home, just pure Chaos on our soil right now from russia some understanding, though, that that fundamental point there walt
I actually agree with you. I mean heat. This man runs a christian nation. He understands that a lot of amerika as christian he understands as a christian you're, not supposed to kill christians or really anyway. I am. We're dealing with the situation of provocation like these a little drone attacks like what do you think they're actually trying to accomplish, or what have I been saying for the last couple of years that we're going to do start a big war. Ok in and they're gonna, come up with a mass of distraction to keep trump out of office or any which way they can if he ends up being a nominee, we're going to see a mass of war or we're gonna see him another pandemics where they tried or some other sort of distraction that will shut the world down so that this do can not disrupt their power base lizzie
as a fat, little turd, ok and your south carolina and you find an actual person represents, who fuck you guys are. So is this dude ain't that this as an establishment. Fuck he's he's, bought and sold country in your state and he has now he's b in the war drum. Would then you go over their fight. It bro and send your kids by the way to send your whole family tree to go, find out all you guys, beaten war. Send your fuckin people this fat disgusting politician whose socks as a human being, who has no care in the world for any of us. He said here this man has the power to send your sons and daughters to die for his coming up his crimes. he's they done in their monetary, carry a dress and make money offer good, and then you think about what they're doing to the country like due destroying the country broke. This another weapons or whether they sending I'm looking
going on in los angeles, san francisco, denver, saint louis chicago, philadelphia, new york atlanta, let's go. Let's go down the boar bro climb nonsense. No rule of law whatsoever, violent crime, those being let out arc she isn't worth what it was three years ago when we have the best economy we have had in the history of the united states. You can't biased Many things now you're you're mortgage has gone up. How many dollars that some twenty percent now listen man. These people are guilty of real bad shit. and they don't want to get caught and they're going to do anything, they can to not get caught and they know that if trump gets in there will be accountability and they will burn the mother fucking world down to keep that from happening. So you should prepare for that. Bullshit. It's going to get way worse here. If, if here listen.
if trump ends up being a nominee, which I believe that he will they are going to burn this country to the fucking round to keep mouth shut. stan melodic, I say: well, then we should had muslim nominated global gap. Will you ask yourself question. Would you rather have tyranny and this corruption for the rest of your life? Or would you rather pull the bandaid off and rebuild shit? The way it's supposed to be something to think about real talk. So by the way you guys, I said unless show how I felt about these jokers. I don't feel like I'm ok, but we have to have people who are not represented. establishment from it, because, just like I said a minute ago, it has two before the people by the people cannot be the elite running the people, which is what we have.
Right now selling us this idea of freedom and we're not even free. We pay most of our most of our income. We pay to the government dude. We can't own shit without paying them. When you add up all the taxes that you pay in your income, plus the taxes you pay to buy stuff sell stuff keeps them that's more than half a year income and they tell you you're free you're, far from free brother, far from free. They sold you freedom and you believed it we're not free we are a long way to go to be free freedom, would be saying: ok, we're all gonna pay. part of our income like ten percent and the governments I spend it responsibly in our interests to make the best possible country that we have. That is far from what's happening. Now we wouldn't have to be raising debt ceiling and shit. How much different? Would your life look? If you only had ten percent tax which, what about you guys little better, would affect your bottom line? What about you guys listening, I think, would make a difference for everybody
We have to ask yourself: why do they taxes so hard? Why do they do that, while the reason they do? Those same reason: they feed your poison in your food. That same reason they feed your point, simple your mind on tv. The same reason, I tell you that every single thing the baby was good for you when reality, every single thing they do for you does a bunch of different things, just cause you to be a less reviving human being makes stupid, makes you sick, like the making of eternal customer out of all of these people. by creating a situation where of dependency and then getting people to cheer for it, like it's a great thing governed me hardy, ready and it's funny, because those people think they're the radicals, they think they're. The revolutionaries, like your bro you're, the revolutionary, look at you. Do you sit on your couch, you're, consuming mindless television in social media you're? Here did you like shit you're set because really like shit, you're taking their drugs and you're fighting like you're, the anti establishment. Do you? You are the establishment you're. The reason exist.
And people say all no person What's with the ultimate rebellion? What's that mean? It means dude you're in the matrix and, if you break out of the matrix, they don't have any power very simple, so they want you, fat become fit in what you broke become wealthy and once you sick, become healthy, and once you brainwashed on, but your way, which is very simple concept. The better we are as individuals less. They can oppresses perfect man. Does the first elements move. Let's move on over knob to remember to reach authors of algae bt, q plus book pulled from target speak out this is ago.
the creatives behind the products and targets algae boutique, you plus pride range, have spoken out as the retailer continues to recall more products amid a backlash ash in chess, which designed a series of products for the charge, arrange subjects, products had been removed, quote due to threats from them, the terrorists. They anybody. That's us jury. They said they were so that in the stable rules on friday as a demand, terrorist battle cry out there? I need you. I will talk about this just back on them now, it, should be the biggest patriots of them all. vegans out there. You should be fighting for this shit as hard as anybody, because if shit gets bad enough to eat all your animals know, if you really love them that bad, you should be compatriots and stop pushing
It's liberal shit is destroying our country. Let's be real dude yeah man vegans against communism. A very niche is the nominee I'll, be anything over that just for a little while because he lands right about here. You know there was a bubble glad so back to the guest yeah
who is gay so actually molest so and a chess need him who run ashen chest. They wrote a children's book, titled abc deconstructing gender that has been caught up in the controversy targeted space boycott calls from conservatives and threats to its staff after displayed a range of merchandise, to celebrate algae bt, q plus pride month, and it stores such as rainbow themed, clothing and algae bt, q, plus friendly accessories. For if it's an children, one item has drawn particular scorn, I was at peace, was a one piece talk friendly swimsuit aimed at transgendered women, which provides here. It was aimed at transgender women to provide extra material to cover up the penis.
whilst some argued that the range was contributing to the indoctrination of children, others said it is positive for young algae b to queue plus people and allows them to express themselves in clothing. Now here is the official statement from Ashton. Chess, I says quote: we are saddened to say that the majority of our collection has been removed from target stores due to threats from domestic terrorist. Emotionally, we do not currently have the bandwidth to comment further on this. We appreciate your support and love. We're entranced people exist in the past present and future. We are stronger together. We love you all, except you, dont, mastic tat, separated mr tear, that don't want the kid to see this stuff
that we write right, the fuck, those people and their kids, because their kids are ours right. The flu convert your children. Remember that I remember that yeah I mean, and it also. At the same time too, it comes out that the target one of the targeted vice presidents- he was a board member for this- a k through twelve transgender advocacy group, this a a bright bar article, so is reads: target shareholders lost nine billion dollars and stock market value, because the sea sweet mix mixed its professional duties with his personal agendas, including advocacy, a transgender, isn't the poster boy for this high risk policy, as targets vice pray
did it for brand marketing Carlos Saavedra. He moonlights as a board member of an advocacy group for K to twelve transgender ism, engage status. The group child geo s in as an acronym chosen by the teachers who form the gay, lesbian and straight education network and ninety. Ninety now target website says a visa for leads target. Brand stewardship and campaign development for initiatives, including holiday back to school or college target, run discovery, inclusive marketing and digital and social engage any. What do we got on this nonsense? What it first can be addressed, the domestic terrorist call. Why do they really do their stuff? Poor was certainly not because anybody's an actual domestic terrorists, the domestic terrorists, are the people who are pushing there
own personal views that belong in conversations for adults on little bit, kids and common sense, paris that just want their kids to have a childhood and not have to have conversations about transgender Confusion of gender kids had a hard enough. Bravo trying to figure out basic stuff and we're talking to him about like not where we, but they are talking to him about things like. Oh well, it because You are your mom's high heels through the house. You must actually be a girl and we're going to call you stacey instead of steve. Alright, people have a problem with that and that should be ching heart, a shimmy to r for anybody to comprehend or agree with. In fact, most of the gay community agrees with the two and that's the thing: gay people, lesbians, bisexual people, that's a different thing than the rest of the fucking alphabet that they attach. After that, ok and most of those people fought very fucked
hard to have the rights that they had. I believe the first gay marriage was unlike two thousand and four so wasn't even that long ago, but these people were even allowed to live a regular life and the danger of what's happening here. And this is another division tactic via the communist agenda. That's being run right now is that they are actually making good regular american gay people who just want to lead their life and be like everybody else would be like all the ones that your friends, whether on friends with seem like the enemy and it's working because we're seeing more more gay and lesbian hate we're seeing it from the far right and that's not cool man like everybody, deserves to have their their freedom. That's what this country's about. This is not a country of just your beliefs. Part of freedom is, have to understand that some of people's way of living is gonna now rapidly the wrong the right way: ok he's gonna, be disagreements on philosophy, but
as long as they don't intrude on you, you don't intrude on them, is supposed to work properly, but what's happening here. Is we have this you know, trans element of the and by the way, there's actual trans people that are very normal human beings as well, but these are not the people who are running this shit and pushing it in the people's lives and the way they are. I mean wrote how many videos of like men have we seen dressed up with like lipstick? being like look I'll hot, I am here with us. Actually, I am row you're you're delusional, like I hate to break it to you, have a mental problem and we used to put people like that in the institutions because they were disruptive and dangerous to society and their proving to be dangerous again, because there forcing the ideology into people's lies via their children, and these people actually believed communists actually believe and they ve set it openly Why you said it?
Gb said it. Ok that they may say this america's show. they are not your children, there are children, that's a com! in a ideology. Ology may mean it. We may have every single right to indoctrinate your children to believe their agenda and not your own teachings and if you teach them Outside of that agenda, you're a quote: unquote: domestic terrors, you're, a quorum quote, unquote: white supremacist I just saw, an article this morning where they said the rise of latino white supremacy. I saw this in mother fuckers. This has nothing to do with white supremacy. You guys just use that to shame people and guess what it's not working anymore. Nobody cares call me whatever the fuck, you want, I'm not going to be quiet about this. If I was gonna be quiet about that, do you think I would shut up by now? Like it ain't gonna work row, you call me every name, you want short my house. Do whatever the fuck you want, you can hurt now. Well, I did what stop and nobody stoppin you're not going to do this to the kids. It's not gonna happen fucking over and your should retreat it before you today, and by the way this thing
sailors to do now. Let these these three people in this movement make you hate, actual gay people and stuff Do that. I've seen a lot of that I've seen a wine black too. We have seen a lot. I be seeing a lot of peace on both sides. That conversation be openly fucking, Lastingly race submit the point all right as the point by you Then what they call these people they play on your emotions, they get you hyped up. They they may force well all these things to divide when, in reality, bro common sense and love and unity, is what's going to prevail here is what's going to fix the problem. Okay, so we can't look at like the l, l, G b community and say there The fucking problem because do there's entire communities of these people that are united to defend this year, go to the internet and look up gaze against rumours. There's an entire
We are a community made up of gay people that are like hey we're not with this bro. Those motherfuckers belong in the wood chipper right I do this. Their movement has been infiltrated by. the files ok now they're, trying to normalize pedophilia they're, calling a minor, attracted people. Well, that's enough! Isn't it weird how they can call us all the names, homophobic transphobic domestic terrorists, but we can't call them pedophiles and that we knew we can't know what I'm saying like? Oh, don't call them. Pedophiles were in a shop to people with his other things, you gonna call you fertilizer. Ok, you have spoken with the kids bro. gonna happen is never going to happen. Now it's gonna, allow it it's a habit. It's not very long before, like these pedophiles written decapitated on their fucking front, porch like bro, please won't do anything in the f b. I won't do anything in society is going to force this shit and it ends up with kids grow people will die of hunger.
another there's an important thing here to right. It's like you know it there there's! No, you know lgbt alphabet community like they didn't approach, target and say hey target put this in here and I think that's the it's a suit from where they did the same thing with the berlin right. I'd want to be alone, clothing were always shores. Are none of these people actually puts pushing for this stuff valued, but most of the gay people merida couple post from nursing and screw. ok, this post was made regarding memorial day has to be So that is absolutely atrocious that are quoting quote: community gets an entire month and now season in many cases dedicated to us, while the brave heroes gave their lives to defend our nation, get only a single day. We dont want the month, give it to them. as if they were less than the memorial day section in target. It did dude. If you celebrate more? These people call your domestic terrorist. You know if you fly flag grow you're the part of the domestic terrorism they villain eyes, a
Look how many years for the last like before the ship really sort of people started. Waking up rapid people really waking up now. What Look how they made the american flag appeared a certain people as their flag, but not other people's flat right, like David, they ve made a large part of the black population believe that's not their flood, when in reality it is their flag and all those veterans that they're talking about here they died for you, too. Okay, the problem is that y'all keep voting for the people who come in every single year. Are the actual races who make law in policy and do things to do but your community and intentionally cause crime which, as you, the decimal relatives, friends family members of your house. Community aid or had a funding for you. Schools and they come in for forty- here's a tell you they're gonna fix it, and then they don't fix it. What that tell you Sure they want it. Ok, because if they did, they fix it. And they come in. The fridge will vote for right. So like we have
Wake up to what the real racism is. The real racism is not saying a word, Racism is not, you know, are silent the real racism is silence to the actual racism, which is the democratic party in the play they run in the black community for the last fifty years. And nope. Nobody wants to say it, but it's true! Okay, when you come into the community for every fucking two years for sixty years or fifty years, then you say: it's the white dudes fault we're going to fix it and then you go in and you don't fix it. In fact, not only do you not fix it, you take the money. that was meant to fix it and your photo back to yourself. Are you follow it to your friends and nothing happens? in the community, and then you allow prosecutors, who don't prosecute crime, to allow these violent criminals on the streets to hurt your family. Friends, they let the gangs run the streets, ok and these We'll do this intentionally. So like? What's the real racism here, the real racism telling joke
A black people is a real racism, actually creating situation. Were black people die, show sandra, we ve been taught them, we ve been taught to look at the wrong racism. Look over here, come out here. Yarborough and the good back. This gaping yo, gazing s, gloomy here's another poseners! Ok! telling a child they need to transition to feel happy is literally teaching them to hate themselves. That is evil. That is All that is something everyone should be against new A child is born in the wrong body and adults. Should teaching them that they are perfect exactly as they are. This is there. Presentation of most of the gay community. So please do not art hating them there. following the same fight? Remained them into this group. You guys have to carry that. I'm talking the gave me you have to carry that torture,
Are you have to be the most vocal people against the stuff? If you don't believe in it, one hundred percent were em. If you do believe in it, I challenge you go. Look at the pictures. Profound pictures: of the the the surgically transition human beings on the bottom part right go. Look at the pictures they're hard to find. Why are they hardly Why? Why? Wouldn't they want to show you that, while probably the same reason you'll show you vladimir putin anything? He says: okay, it's very hard to find pics of it. And if you go wash and you look at pics of it and you actually taken and think about it, you start on it Damn? What's really going on? I think I do love myself a little bit. Actually yeah, I'm saying man. This is really bad stuff to do. It's happened, for by the way I've said this many times in the show. What are you guys got? Really it really mad at me when I say it, but this is Actually, what happened in nineteen parties? Germany, nobody talks about it. It's the weimar republic, ok, total.
Degeneracy total removal of standards, total. demoralization of society, for for the effect of these. Paypal is right, that's that's reality. That's what's happening And we need to be smarter than the fuckin movements that they keep pushing and to our faces. guys. Let us know down on the comments which you think where you, where you stand on this issue, and I would that be Let us move on to our third and final headline, guys number three. This is ass, a major breaking news for you, guys who reads republicans hold fbi, direct array in contempt of congress over Biden documents. This just came off hot off the press. Article reads.
House oversight. Committee chairman James comer is taking steps to hold f b. I director christopher wray, in contempt of congress. After the bureau notified the panel, it will not comply with it's subpoena related to a possible criminal scheme involving then vice president Joe Biden, a comer who's, a republican outta kentucky has subpoenaed the fbi for a document. That allegedly describes a criminal scheme involving Biden and a foreign national emerald wading through the exchange of money for policy decisions. The document is, F b, I generated F the ten twenty three four comber. First painted the document. Earlier this month, the f b, I deny turn it over and instead explained that it needed to protect the bureau's confidential human source programme com, said another deadline. Last week, giving re until tuesday may thirtieth eternal
were the document after the deadline was set. Re set up a call with comber for Wednesday may thirty. First. However, the fbi notified the panel. It would not provide the document to the committee by the tuesday afternoon deadline. quote today, the f b. I informed the committee that it will not provide the unclassified documents subpoenaed by the committee comer said tuesday, the f b I's decision to stiff arm congress and hide this information from the american people is obstructionist and unacceptable vote. While I have a call scheduled with fbr director ray tomorrow to discuss his response further, the committee has been clear in its intent to protect congressional oversight authorities and will now be taking steps to hold the f b. I director and contempt of congress for refusing to comply with a lawful subpoena Homer said he added vote. Americans deserve the truth and the over
If the committee will continue to demand transparency from this nation's chief law enforcement agency or the document is being sought after a whistle blower approached comer and sen, chuck grassley of iowa, alleging that the f b I and the justice department were in possession of it and that it would reveal a precise description of how the alleged criminal scheme was employed as well as it's purpose. Comer attempted to quote narrow the breadth of the subpoena. In response to the fbi staff criticisms, the committee to determine quote additional terms based on unclassified, legally protected whistleblower disclosures that may be referenced in the f d, ten twentieth reform, the terms included june thirtieth, twenty twenty and five million the
back and forth between the old man. I mean out five million dollars for the big guy right. What's that mean well advanced there were I mean, but here is it they sought at this sum dignan I looked into by the way, the f b I this is their their their stance. They've maintain a quote. The f b I 's mission is to protect the american people. Releasing confidential source information could potentially jeopardize investigations and put I was at risk the f b, I said in the statement, the f b. I remains committed to cooperating with congress's oversight, request on this matter and others as we always have, but not this we're not going to do this boot whose lives are gonna, be put risk by this and whose lives great genetic and of course the white house has maintained that the president never spoke to his son about his business dealings and has continued to say that the president
never involved in them. Officials also say the president has never discussed investigations into members of his family with justice. Parliament. Now I looked up. Penalties for congrats contempt of congress and penalties for violations
the misdemeanor includes a fine of up to one hundred thousand dollars and a jail term of one to twelve months, which requires prosecution by the department of justice or the us attorney's office of the district of columbia. This means a contempt. Citation may be a purely symbolic gesture if the d o J or u s attorney, decides not to prosecute. However, there is precedence where congress does have the power to actually arrested and they can use the inherent contempt power of congress, where the offender, after being cited for contempt of congress, is tried on the floor of the chamber of congress. Invoking the power, if a majority of firms the contempt charge, they may instruct the sergeant at arms to arrest the offender and detain them until they comply with the subpoena or until the
end of the session, given the extraordinary nature of congressional detention and its lack of constitutional majority is often seen as a last ditch and unlikely ever anyone we got on this. Well, I mean we have apparent proof. That is a vice. Presently, nine states is making deals for apparently millions of dollars for change for policy decisions for whom, what countries for what interests. It doesn't take much to deduce when you look around some of the decisions being made. You know stopping oil production or opening the border allowing crime to run rampant, allowing this,
lasting evil ideology. Repressed upon children allow the education system. Avail should be pretty apparent, what's actually going on. If you have any common sense whatsoever, you have a guy. Who, by all accounts in all evidence, appears to have been taken, Large sums of money for policy decisions that are now in the interests of the american people. and he's following the money down through his son in the west, with family members. They actually convinced fifty one intelligence officers where you want to call them to sign a piece of paper. That said, the information campaign on the laptop has all of this data that we're talking about was fake, Russia disinformation now that's known to be a.
It also known that the russia collusion were trump and russia was made up by these same people. I'm an election that was. Controversial would be like the most mild word you could use for it. I lotta people, don't believe, and I'm one of them I remember when the lap obama, when you can't tell me that shitty pass Joe Biden, got more votes the morocco bomber. Ok, I believe the election. I believe the election was highly manipulated by many different means, and actually that's proven now, because if you want to talk about what actual manipulation is. Manipulation is covering up disgusting stories about people who sell policy decisions for money to protect their reputation so that you will vote for them. That's electoral manipulation, absolute or has just one way they did yeah
and so, if he's taking money from china- and that comes out to be true, they should be worried about lives being in danger. But it's not our lives. That's what I think and that's why I think they're lying, and I think that these people in the f b I who are the good, hard working patriotic americans that actually give a fuck. I think the time for you to stand up to this shit is probably way past you, because at this point, you're complicit. The league, it tell the truth, stand up to the leadership. people. Now we have three letter agencies. withholding information from the american public
Now we would all benefit greatly to know people don't understand it like they have direct evidence that this president is compromised and they are refusing to to to release it accurate, that is treason that is treason of sedition and and I mean we said the swamp is fucking deep man, but like holy shit yeah, you know what I'm saying like I mean it doesn't get much clearer than that yeah, but here's the thing What I said about the environment, mental activists, these people believe they're doing something virtuous. They believe they're doing something that is right in good and they believe that day, whenever they do and whatever actually take, is justified up to and including. Literally stealing, an american election. shutting down the economy for vaccinating all kinds of people
weeding out all the patriotic americans from the police services every single segment of society de ville arising white people in any who believes and patriotic america has met domestic terrorist white supremacist, causing all of this division. Maybe our lives, fucking, suck, ok, ruining our buying power. Allowing migration promoting crime promote, backwards as shit like telling kids, they can be girls and boys when you know that girls and all these things. Ok in their doing this, why? Why are they doing doings they're doing this because they are being paid to do so? And these people value money and security over the patriotic duty we talked about, which is by the people for the people. These people are by definition, traders. Mrs trader shit,
and when I think that they say you know, o lazarus, that I actually think they are talking about their lives, because I think of them. americans understood that our president was being paid by others trees were paying him to make decisions that are in the interest those countries and not in the interests of us sending all our money overseas and stealing it back to themselves will campaign contributions. and setting our weapons display oil reserves doing every single thing strategically possible to weaken this country, and they knew that this do was taken money for that. What do you think people would do lives will be at stake? They would be. they would be yeah well, we'll see we'll we'll see what congress. Actually they got a few options. I mean what we'll see what what what what comes of this man as it's? It's newest development just happened today, so I mean what what see what comes this wicked gaza business now run of the mill politics now like this is what
that's what allows this continued to continue. People think this is right. This is all this is just a cycle apart. No, it's not yeah but again bro. When you look at how like how deep this is right. Well, okay, well, who who's going to press charges would be the d o J won't shit the deal Js interrupted your arms answers, I mean on every single facet. The only way this is gonna get fixes if the american people en masse demand accountability is the only way the same. If you doubt, you're not going to have anybody speak up for you because they're going to come for people like me, they're going to come for you and they're going to come from anybody that stands against them once they do. This is the communist playbook. They come for the people spreading the anti message first and if you guys don't speak up there come for those people and you will have nobody to lead free. You will Nobody speak up for you, we'll talk.
that's when they started doing the the the real bad shit and once I realised nobody's gonna, do anything about it that he didn't do anything about that. Also very dangerous, dude superdome like theirs, apparently you guys claim cause. You hit me up enough, be eyebrow aggrieved everything you're saying it, those messages quite a bit. we all better. Do sound the man also mammal gaza with a third and final headline, let's move onto us final segment of the show. As always, we have thumbs up there on the spot. We are sure her long to get one of those two options and die with that being said, our thumbs up are dumb as fuck ally reads: sustainable til death do us part and forty five days beyond mushroom coffin a last best wish for
Little interesting but there's a new thing going out there and I'm speaking of people's lives at risk. So let's let's go to this. This is a story from a a p news out of the netherlands. So This also reads for those seeking to live in the most sustainable way. There is now an after life to a dutch intrepid inventor is now growing coffins by putting myself from the roots structure of mushrooms, together with fiber, in a special move that in a week turns, and so what could basically be compared to the looks of it, unpainted egyptian sarcophagus and while traditional, what coffins come from trees that can take decades to grow in years. A breakdown in the soil, the mushroom versions, biodegrade and delight.
where's the remains of nature and barely a month and a half an hour twenty first century, when the individual spirit can increasingly thrive way beyond the structures of your death and funerals are our sincere development to develop. Gotta go death, information, gotham funeral, We are all so often still hemmed in by tradition that may fall short of the version of the deceased or their loved ones boat. We all have different cultures and different ways of wanting to be buried in the world, but I do think there is a lot of us, a huge percentage of us that would like it differently and it's been very old school. The same way for fifty or a hundred years said Sean Harris a you Adventure in the loop biotech company that produces the coffins bob hendrix the twenty nine year old found a decked. In a quote. I am compost. T shirt at a recent presentation said that he had researched nature, a great he'll, especially mushrooms,
and I learn buried it and I'll They are the biggest recyclers on the planet, so I thought hey. Why can we not be a part of the cycle of life? then decided to growing mushroom based coffin moss, can be draped within the coffins. Were the burial. Ceremonies are for those preference cremation. There is also an earth they grow, which can be buried with a sigh appling sticking out. So when the earnest broken down, the ashes can help give life to a treat quotas of we die, we end up in the soil and that's it now. There is a new story. We can enrich life after death and you can continue to thrive as a new plant or tree hinder said in a you quote. It brings a new narrative in which we can be part of something bigger than ourselves, so the coffins cos
nine hundred and ninety five euros more than a thousand dollars each and the price for an early is a hundred. Ninety six euros or changing twelve box is a couple of pitches. Anyway, we order man, you know what like tat, I d really care We really care what you're buried in I'll give shit. I wanna get dropped into the sea. I want like a sierra really there for a while how's everybody come see. Then I don't want my cv. for. You know, attachment to mamma how early and dropping the faggot ocean their homes their low, do well These people are part of the group that I mentioned earlier that this should be the biggest patriots are more because I promise you they're big into a guy like I'm done with your stuff, that's cool innovation. Her I gotta be down.
us like stop. Stop perpetuating this crazy shit realised that you're under attack, and you won't be able to make you who mushroom mosque coffins if these people actually get their way. As my point I don't care where unbearable. Look, really, don't have nothing like none. No, there is me. we also have an old unreal is due. Don't make any difference eventually, Robin I'll condign, as that is what it is part of the deal I image rules and also like to me. It makes no difference to me. I mean, if pit
You know I dunno there's the funeral is a fucking billion dollar industry. Yeah, it's costs a lot to bury people, I mean I I think it's a little bit of absurdity will be cherished for sure. Okay, so they put families to pay ten thousand dollars to bury their loved ones. When ten thousand dollars is like more money than they've ever had in their lives. Bro that's absurd, so I can appreciate the cost effectiveness yeah for sure. I actually do think that The growing out is pretty cool but other that's cool. Well, you know some guy label, entrepreneurs, capital, I saw a need and that new product totally get it. I'm with you, but just remember, If we lose this fight, I mean you're fucking cats, now
as don't be a host sure the show sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box frozen the fuck are still countless millions. In the kobe teach buddhist smoke got a rope can't both doesn't know his shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-05.