« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

52. America ... F*ck Yeah! - Part 2

2020-07-06 | 🔗

Ever wondered what happened July 5, 1776? The Founders of America followed through with their plans and, 244 years later...here we are. You might have listened to part 1 but now it’s time to cue up the sequel, listen to the end of the conversation, and carry on the fight for the soul of the USA. Andy and the crew finish strong in this one, and make one thing clear: if we keep fighting over the mistakes of the past and don’t find common ground in the present, our country has no hope for the future.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The ongoing project spoken to the existing law to fit most cars. The only one mile was called to the past. It goes along with what I said. Let me do that at worst. This is my opinion on the whole situation at at best. This is this is a planned coup of america. Okay, this is plan. This is planned by white left elite is who hate democracy in hate freedom and hit capitalism and its You know we have. We had those people who are literally letting their cities burn when no we are now they're changing right like this lady up in seattle. All this be the summer of love. While now two mother fuckers are dead because of you, the what you think about that, I actually don't know anything about the oh, really, oh yeah,
Well, yeah. I have no idea why you care so much about your people and so much about black. We are two more dead black people because of her so fuck you and her name and airwatch. You you see her. You see his dad's interview. It was terrible. It was horrible. Oh, this is gonna, be the summer of what do doubt is because they wanted to fund the police No, it's just shoot. It wanted to leave that trap situation up and asked her on the news. Where were you when, when are you going to bring this up? Well, I dunno. We might have the summer of love with her little fucking smug, shit and out. There's two kids that are dead because her because of her because she wouldn't fucking stand and that that number is going to grow and grow and grow and guess what color, those kids are probably to be there'll, be black. These fuckers are hypocrites, dude, I and you know what more more. Every day more, we're everyday dude. I'm sorry to think this has absolutely nothing to do with color at all. Well, know
shit bike by everyday? I burned. I would do it. I remember we talk about it like I'm like this nothing to do with fuckin race at all. No, it doesn't get do power, it's all about powers, our that's the same exact thought the other day. I was like what what fuck you guys talk about tony the shit marsh now. Do I mean I'd really like like a view the fuckers. Don't let me let me know now we're we're just re emphasizing what you've been saying. No seriously, though cause I mean think about it like in terms of just black people right, and why does why, like Democrats are so hard and went to to show this same face and this facade of like we love black people right? Why people only thirteen percent of the population? it's, not really a big number to really do a whole. Fucking lot wit and is so it's really make idea. That's what's really really push me like this, like another, do a color at all, I'm just abuse only how we're manipulation of meaning. Like denmark,
it's personal, you ain't black of your vote, Democrat right. I said it binding I would remind you are: you must have been jochen in awe? but you know why her pride. I mean it, I mean I doubt about our woody. It was yeah, he meant. Something else. Is that you know alright yeah fuckin bullshit, but not just like that percent. It's not a whole lot to really like no move one way or the other, especially when out of that eighteen percent. Only like seven percent actually votes. It doesn't do a whole lot to win polls. You know what I'm saying it's like, but why? Why would they? let us use all its useful to stir up less animosity. Using the hey? Listen, here's the goal. Ok, I already laid out the planned. Oh do not is love I could tell you motherfucker why I drawbacks was only forty five, you hear me say: coded riots covered, lights and if they don't want what I say, aliens yeah right I stand by
we're already inclined to early is don't fuck with his name is probably hey I, when I said as shit Remember when I said that shit We were having riots and we are having this. No one gave a fuck about coca cola. Was older, people are lower rate, now where are we may we're right back? Where I shall we be in one we're going be from here is coming. I said that then to whenever these motherfucker cops they get off. Both in atlanta and in fucking minneapolis, because they charged him with crimes that didn't actually commit, meaning they charged with first degree murder when they committed manslaughter or third degree murder they did all these crimes, these charges. So that whenever they go to court, what's going on when DJ guys. Oh sorry, guys. We tried so hard to shoot down again yeah,
national experiences with renewed growth. If we want to have a real revolt against the people, their controlling us, we will not riot when those people get off. We will now right now or no we can, but we shall radegund so fucking agee. That's right! That's right! I don't do this thing when I am all for people being mad it should be made of the rifle can be, but actually it s a great point. Nudity You know what I really think this is the there is a lot- and I say a lot, but a lot of people lot of people right now that have this this this. This idea that people are inherently good- and I just don't buy I agree. I don't buy it now. I'm not saying I believe all people are inherently bad now. But I believe inherently, there are bad people absolutely and what I also believe and by the way there is good and evil and all This is I this is what this shows about this, as I that's idealistic, fucking culture, and that's why ruins people the reason all do look most of these,
people out there that are protesting in doing shit. The shit there actually fuckin that they mean well like date that they're they're they're there bleeding heart stood like a lot and will say bleeding. Liberal, like the bad thing, look, do being and pathetic- two peoples causes great absolutely, and I think these people are actually went. There is actually there. I think most are well intended the remoter from then you get enough said they say no more diesel trucks, desert be met? You'd be pissed ivy man, so so so do what I'm saying is like dude. I believe these people, but what I also believe that most of those people think that, everybody else is like, like dude everybody's, person, everybody's, a grey heart and those people begin to take vantage the well. They they next day day intentionally victimized themselves by following people who are willing to take advantage of that known fact about them right.
That would be like me, saying: ok, all these people are good. Intention are good heart. What was going to say a bunch of ship, it gives them the south. Who did Andy? So they follow me and don't question me and all Do that's been going on for how many years now dude how many years we're gonna keep voting for the same fuck? people over there on the left. The same should happen in the same cycles over and over and over again, but then they get to keep doing it, though, because it's broken promises doom I get to keep your hey guys. I tried this on, but look give me another four years that I'll try it again bro, but the every year right before the election, they try to create hardships for their voters, so that then come and they go platform. We're gonna fix this shit. It's the rights fault, it's orange, guys fault it's. This fought normal mother, it's your fault! It's been your fuckin paul. This what a fuckin time and people are waking up to that they are. No and in a cool thing, is to do as a lot
A lot of the middle of a lot of the middle guys are shifting over a little bit more to the right, dude binders going to get fucking destroyed. I'm sorry, it's just the fact of the matter. See. I think so too. Both my brother's adjust their like now he's gonna win because a country's too far gone. I said, bro, honestly, I don't think so bitter buying the media hype. I swear. I think I think, thereby in an area of everybody. I talk to it. Here's what I got here's base. leave it they entered lie and what I tell you and when I set a what when everybody say Hillary is going to win. What I tell you, oh you told me months earlier. That trump was, I told you a year, early yeah yeah, me I'm yours before he was even the candidate yeah yeah. I know I know we? I remember that but here's how the standard line goes. You know what I'm really not huge faded down tromp man. He is better than the alternative. That's I hear that for the memory literally all like all put polluter was baggy embassy. I think a lot of people say that cause they're afraid to say they like down from low. Maybe
what matters a lot of people to secretly really like him, and I think, he's funny as fuck laugh at all the ship that he does and they give him a little pass and say: ok, that's donald being down and they fucking. Common sense and airlines, this guy, he is from He's use a little about weirdo, but but he's doing a pretty good job and I think, but You know right now, that's a hard thing to say for people because do there's so much aunt. I you know like do how how do we get to appoint were like I remember a day like when George bush, you know and Clinton were going at it like. I can remember back then in what was at ninety four when Clinton won from within was before I was tie. You say it was ninety. Ninety three is eighty eight. Ninety two was george bush senior yeah, I remember that you know- and I remember do- people had Clinton bumper sticker. If people had bush bumper stickers, people in all were they openly we'll have that openly but should any more, and the reason is because this the shame from the peace
crowd has become so powerful that people who are willing to say their days go back to what you know we were taught grown up, which was we don't talk about religion? We don't talk about politics and that's that right, and so you have all the people who are well who are ready to vote for tromp, not saying shit, and all that shit scare, the laughed because the left thinks all due regard these people out there and we have if you say, and trump yeah, but Why is that? Why? Why do you think that is because you intimidate him to the point where they won't say shit and you ruin your own caused by b into a wrestler, I'm a firm believer that actions speak louder than words and that that's what we're going to see we're going to see actions speaking louder than just fucking yeah. I agree with that. Yup and, like I mean I do I feel like we shall look at that would put when it comes to politicians right you, you, don't I mean we talk about chechnya, but why is it serious question. Why is it that these people can see all this evidence like you know, on the left in a black or white, one left how
can they see all this evidence of the ship Biden has done his track record and an issue. He said things he said. That was, you know not now cool new. For me, it's it is not even the show that he s ever gonna show that he has done we clearly have a dj when I'm asking it important way, you'd anxious to what. Why do we have Why are people? How can people see this but not see it on a zebra? I think there is a deep seated history in the democratic party on on the far left that they have been extremely effective in communicating to minorities and to press people groups that we care, and I think, what I think people they they look at the facts and they say: ok will the facts
indicate that binds really problematic, but no I mean the democratic third, her air of the kurdish democratic and, I think, isley, I think, theyve they ve been so smart in there in their public relations. They ve been so smart. The fact that they ve troll public education. That's there for the last fifty years. I dont you know we're not know these guys are old enough to remember this, but you reference Clinton bush will in a very, very famous a debate between bill Clinton and george bush. George Bush was asked a question about the state economy. This is this: is this is h, w oblivious, H, stubby bush w dad. Yes, George Bush was asked about the state economy in house. People were struggling and His answer was this very cerebral kind of numbers, type of thing and he I got a little defensive like well, then I dont think you really should be prejudiced against people with means. You know cause
not here the problem any. He gave this really really, sir answer then the camera. went over their bill. Clinton and bill Clinton had come tears in his eyes, and I dont know if this was the moment. He said it, but he had something like this. He is actually said, like he looked at the person who asked the question he said, I feel your pain I experience. I grew up I grew up in poverty too, and so I know how it feels. I think the Democrats are really good do at appealing to ocean and they've been really good about it, and the reason that this current president is just like a train wreck? it comes as some people is up trump? like zero emotional iq, zero, bedside manners. zero, bedside manner. Zero, like I think he I care about people, but as a complete inability to show it. Why would you why If you give up the new luck. This is what it comes down to me. I, but you know what I'm saying That's why you don't look at me like what I'm saying is people smart enough to understand that. Why would you Give up!
The life that he had to take a step back in quality of life, but are you tat. They might do this job. Easy dude. Do look at him. He's asia hundred years. Fuck abbreviated dude. This shit. is a hard thing to do here. To do this. This guy's malta, Malta multibillion here with reason what's all over the world in full. in crazy, like this guy's life is crazy right. Scottish sgi want usually the most hated man the planet easily. I think he's yeah. but I think the people to love him really love. No, I But I'm saying of he, let me rephrase it, he is easily the most targeted man on them.
A true. That's me now only eddie didn't see other baby like we're, just since he's been in just just having it was like, since, since he got off, is there's been twenty five was ass, nation intent on. Why is it not talk about the new rebel? Really don't like a million was saying good about it, like every chat like do militia in all kinds of messages to me, but, like I, don't give a fuck like dude everybody that the economy I can't believe you say anything good about truck. I had a guy dm me and he goes I you know, I voted republican. My whole life and I voted for trump, the two thousand and sixteen, but it's been such it's been a fucking train wreck. Really wait! Explain that to me. I have been a train wreck. What know what's going on right now? Are you like, are you fucking serious, like every area of the country, that's in distress, is run by Democrat trump purposefully
Allow the states to handle their own business, and our opinion did it so that every you could see what they're fucking agendas are. and now you see what the states better liberal, the counties in the end in the cities that are liberal you're, seeing their plan you have to look at. What's going on and think what I said earlier in the shop, do I want live like this forever. And if you want, if you ask me what I think trump is doing, I think trump is exposing that agenda the socialistic marxist, into communism agenda down the road and your all going to see a real free preview of what life is, but to blame him for what is going on now to me, I can't connect those that I can't see their enemy comes down to. Do I believe that donald trump is poor
we'll and in some cases, deeply problematic. I do, but I how so well, I do think he does that he says things in does things that shoot himself in the foot? I think if you just stay away from some of the stupid tweets. I do think, though, that it to me that, his father for his enemies to stir people up aisles. things that sometimes he should be clear on some of it, so people that follow him are a little bit goofy and I think he should. distance itself. Yeah did ass in cigarette and I think he should not leave it open to interpretation where he stands on innovation, racism and stuff like that, but that said, I believe, with all my heart the downs, is not the biggest clearing present threat to our democracy. I believe it's the left. I believe it's ivy. I believe it's the far left the marxist slash, hyper ultra woke culture, it is all about. Like the politics,
identity. Colleagues woke, you know, I don't even because really what is your sleep? It understand what we are about, what can sleep or students news? I refer to reinforce a point that we then show me how to make and through this whole, through this whole episode. Sir, I think if you were to watch the media and watched the people, the control, that the social platforms you in I that there was a revolution going on in the number of americans. They said. Yes, we need to get rid of. The racist statues and we even need a question. You know whether we did some of the presidential statues in mean that's the narrative, but I think you're getting the major media. Can you guess what percentage of amerika is strongly opposed to pulling down as we said, ninety yeah interact, museum reports in there. Comparable reports, nine the person. And of americans in you not asked to include a huge per cent, of minorities. Nine percent of americans are violently,
opposed well to pulling down all these statutes of our history. That thing look, do you geyser her. You know you guys who are tired and not hung onto this shit because you're afraid to like say: hey man, I'm not down with that shit, now's the time to stand up and say right, hey man, I'm not down with that shit in any get a big ol hug you're, not gonna, get hated on you're, not gonna, get fearmongering you're not gonna, get track your way. You re yelled out by your own people, but there's a whole biddle group people it's much bigger than the people you. tradeoff yeah. They don't give your hot it every day, but you coming you gain that's right- you don't say I notice love for every two years. You is that you get two hundred exactly maybe thirty, sorry guys I've I've I've. I should lapse as but thirty eight percent of voters, according to rasmussen reports now
This this show were all about reality. I'm gonna, I'm gonna, be honest with you. Rasmussen does tend to break a little bit conservative, but they are in my for my money, they're the most accurate polls over the course of time I followed them. That's how I feel about fox yeah yeah. But that being said, this is really funny. Thirty, eight percent of voters think that Biden has dementia third if the irene VON come on guys real talk like real. How can you say he doesn't agri? You know we, the people, you guys know lesson. That should be a real concern. Ok if you're someone supports them- and you have to ask yourself ok. What if he really does have dimension yeah and What's that mean like where and and and the people who support an hour.
they know that he has it, and I think they know the people behind and we're going to push this fuckin far left crazy shit. Yeah now again, here's another pole, most he'll personally less safe and are ready to turn to Biden like what ok. So according to this well fifty percent of likely you as voters, feel personally less safe than they did four years ago and are more open to a change in direction with but Biden. Oh, I don't know why you feel less safe cause. You're constantly seeing videos of my of you know violence and and and and it's all language tron whose whose he funding those police departments are creating that situation and maybe even more fuckin railway and say please do it now, We I got a though has there has tromp defined into police department has trot caused a riot as Donald trump allow a riot to keep going
ok societies for corresponding, that's the only reason chopped our close down. It is because you fuckin carter today. You do. What do I do? Yeah yeah, that's me We do that it all our man, Guy's gonna, we got you guys got away. Job. You gotta wake up your friends, you gotta wake up your fuckin family, these cat I was having a conversation with a of rigour. Friend of mine and she was telling me he or she doesn't she's blue She was telling me she didn't know how to talk to her friends and family, who were just being the shit up, and I said you got you wanna time, she's like what you mean, I said you wanted to time. You guys think, the divisive of post on the internet changes minds, doesn't just entrenches people further. You can have. conversations one at time you know offline in person through text
yams about what it is that you know you're trying to get your point across because dude these device of posts in his device of means in this crazy shit there. Nobody seems to be posting sures fact and not help anybody I agree with that. Do not have that. We talk to you about it. Do I might not inestimably people that I have my circle that light I really want them to see the light. Gotta turned my delivery on yet another one thing: that's all do without by the other. They do that's one thing: the Democrats definitely have them. They have their fucking delivery. Delivery is forgotten, my you, you can't you got respect. That was our degree What would you do with the way they get it right? The where they get people that sets a get with them? delivery and that something now that the ad they're not really deliver anything ass. The poor I it works, though not while their whole fuckin engender right now is fuck. Do whatever you want yeah. Do it We want you not do you know, what's gonna happen whenever they went if they went at election,
all these things will be fuckin rambo, they're. Gonna put, you know, we're not gonna. Let you do what you want, then take the people who quote unquote what you want and are lucky the fuck away forever, And then they're are to do what they want. Dude scary tyres man, so well. I dunno how much longer you want to talk, but I I thought it would be appropriate since it is July. Fourth to talk a lot about our little analogy that that we've used for our tastes and to get to try to communicate to people. You know just what america is all about, and I know years ago, ah, probably two or three years ago, when we first had an nfc, oh project episode. You talked about the analogy of the dollar bill. If you take a dollar bill, you can look at it and see certain things that are that are representative of the way america was supposed to be right that it as it was originally conceived, and we talked about
I wouldn't look at a dollar there's. There are certain symbols on there, there's certain kinds of architecture. There's the eagle there's all of these symbols that point to an earlier civilization. What was that civilization, rome right wrong, and well, we ve talked about before is how the original fund, of this country wanted to borrow at idea in rome, Bobby If the student started think it's aliens or as rome know as rome and we we talked about, you know how the the founder, really when they, when they could see them america day they were. To borrow the best idea from ancient rome which ancient rome got from ancient greece, which is the concept that excellence or the greek word our targets.
right and I think, when things that we all need to remember on July, fourth, is that one of the fundamental aspects of what it means to be american is to be committed to the exceptional. It is where a person of excellence where, in your own backyard, No, but what? What area of your life you talking about every area, all the areas? all the areas and- and so I think what what I think. All agree on in this room is fundamental. so the problem america is that where we ve lost that, like that commitment to personal it's exceptionalism, it's all about, egg is any is everybody else's fault? We're victims were oppressed, If I can find somebody else to blame, I don't have to take responsibility for my life, and I I mean you like That's just not america or formula for losing in that
and that bats and antithetical to the whole concept like marxist marxists, are all about. You know, put state first, don't take personal responsibility, let agitate the different people groups of their so angry at each other, that we can format revolution. It's just so anti american? So that's the first thing that the that the at you know we notice when we look at the up a dollar bill than the other thing that we notice about dollar bills. In god we trust and I know that there's a lot of people in america and I think the founders of very clear that they didn't want to establish a religion or estate church, but spirituality was really important. Morality was really important to the to the original founders.
And what so? What I think is just so beautiful and awesome and just unique about america- is that we have this country that has literally fused the the graeco roman commitment to excellence and the judeo christian christian commitment to just being a good person. You know- and I feel like we've lost- that if we can recover that, ah, we can reclaim america. You know, I agree with that. The problem is guys, and I do I totally agree. Obviously I agree. We fought do not. I live that way, like legitimately legitimately every day, and are you ok. I obviously agree, but that's really hard to get people who, for twenty five years, have been told that they will have to take responsibility and they will have to take counter billy or they will have to be accountable for the decisions they make. And you know what
you know: you're, gonna, win, everything's gonna, be ok and what we're fine now's if fuckin, eight and work with this country, Is designed to have, a situation where all people have an opportunity. To pursue what it is there guaranteed the great life right. There doesn't like there it seems to me that there is a disconnect their people hear you the opportunity and they think you automatically git or you are entitled to recognition, is not the case and we we have entire generation of people, with some exceptions right, there's some action, since, but we have an entire generation of people who believe that just because, They were born in america that they are entitled to. Let's say the life I have when they are
because you didn't do one fucking one millionth of the work done. So how do we get people understand that you're gonna get out of life, what you put into it and I'm going to tell you another thing: if you're waiting around for the government or Joe Biden or black obama or falcon. Donald trump or fucking anybody. to come and serve. You you're I on a silver platter, no matter what like, no matter, how much you burn, no matter how hard you fight, no matter how the tantrums, you throw no matter what you're gonna disappointed? That's the truth, because I tell you even if now, See Pelosi could allow, To come, stay her house and eat out of her fifty thousand a fridge Indeed, eat ice cream and shit. She wouldn't she would let you and you guys think that these pete
people care about you. They fucking care about you, you have to care about you, you have to care about your family, you have to care about. What's going on, you have to get up, and do the fucking work and that's what this country's about people don't fuck and get it. People have lost their and you know you shall we can regain america individuals can regain american, they want. Like a fool, Do I feel really american right now, I'm kick it s. Best shape our been in business it's going. Well, all of them. You know why. Because I'm privilege, motherfuckers, privilege, but you know what I built that motherfucker privilege but anyway, I'm here Why? I'm here is I wake up. Every fuckin day and you have a man sitting at this table that can attest to that because he's at my house every fuckin morning I wake up every day I do the same mother fucking thing
I never met anybody. That does the same thing as much as me. Now you're you're, you're you're, pretty you're, pretty strict you're scared. That's why I wake up. I kick how the fuck and ass all day- and I go home and that's what I do and that's why you do whatever the fuck I feel like doing, and if you wanna get to do whatever the fuck you feel like doing you better start Waiting for someone to bring it to you because it ain't going to ever come and you're going to get to a point in your life when you're seventy eighty years old and you're, say fuck I bought into the room shit this whole time and I wasted whole life period and action scared fuck out of a lot of you, because you're gonna fight you can fight, you could be mad. You bullshit you do all that shit. It's doing. Change your situation? Only you can change it Indeed, if you ask me what america's about what the best thing about America. Is that fact it's a fact it you know a fat little. You know turd from saint louis Missouri me.
grow up, be made fun of and bullying and totally wasn't shit and can cider he's done with that shit and can do so. the bill somethin I can do so Did you ever to fuck he wants, and then everybody's mother fucking face and may find of. That's what makes amerika great. And maybe you guys should instead of like saying our body picked on mean urban. Did this nobody believed me well, maybe you should focused are blaming yourself because nobody fucking fuckin bleeding either so. I'm just tired, I'm tired man. Tired of the lack of responsibility, I'm tired of the lack of personal accountability. I'm tired of the entitlement to a great life motherfuckers. deserve what the fuck I have. You can do Fuck issued on that day- and you can say whatever you want, and you know what there's people listening to their way more successful than mean just what I dont does We have what they fuckin head, because they did shit.
They did that not undo period, what you know what my best friends will. Am I let my let's much, who is a wealthy got more money than we do flock inhaled. Although my learn so forget my lot for haven't all this money and I don't have it no, I look at it. I say well he's called it's ten years older than me he's a hardest fucking worker I fucking know maybe him and my brother and my wife, okay, they're, all tied jason too. Alright, let's be real. You get the fuck you get out what you put it in its view, very very, very clear to anybody whose them in the work longer than a fuck and weak. You know, I don't know, I don't know man I'm I'm worried. You know that here's the bigger worry like this is a worry to do.
I feel like a lot of these people who are who are? I man is really gonna, pissing people off dude. I believe for last twenty years that the education system was designed to keep people from learning actual real skills to keep people from learning real skills. Suddenly, neither so that they go out and then, happens when they go out in the real world. They have to have the government fuckin subsidize him. You know what kind of government that is a socialist system, so. We have a generation of people that lacks skills. then are mad and they flock and should be Madam, if I'm talking to you right now, you're young and you're, like fuck, yeah you're right I am at what you know how you get on mad. Go motherfucking skills, recent books, the board of trade. Trains or necessary guys, like
There is no shame in being a blue collar fuckin worker dude. Some, the bet, my favorite people in the world are blue collar. Fuckin workers learn trade. Go to work, were you ever have shit when you sit there and stop your fuckin feet and pound your fists, scream. And we have we watch somebody's fuckin videos like did you see that video of that fat, fucking young turd, gallagher yellow that woman, like you ve checked, fuck it privilege, lady of but he's gonna, beat her ass. A mother fucker wait until the are the fuckers are just want to be left alone. Stars shone. But the shit. You are babies about package, but spanked. That's the truth. Nice to black people, that's the developing! That's too! The fuckin seventeen eighteen roles that don't have a fucking life experience of fucking shit out there. Intimidating older people. Trying to
like you're gonna, be a woman's ass because she's there saying opposite, you motherfucker, you will get your fuckin face, stout there's a lot of People in this country is still stand for the right, shit and they're, not say anything right now, I'm gonna tell you, you want to wake up some fuckin bullshit and you want to put the bare keep poking because all these guys out there. You know: there's three hundred eighty million fucking guns, united states, less than fuck fifteen percent of amr urban areas- austrian, suburban or rural areas, so keep fuckin with people keep fuckin with people, keep show up at the falcon houses, keep fuckin do and shit just don't get worse and worse and worse, that's what's going to happen. Because I'm gonna tell you right now: dude. I got a place on the country whereby knows that ok, I got place in the city albinos. I do not talk to people in both in people fuck pissed in all it's gonna take as a little birdie thing for a lot of
but that you don't want, show up to show up and fuck you up. That's the truth. He's little kids or stop at their feet. Verona, fuckin tantrums! Did there danger in their lives. I think, in my opinion, what I think a real chance that we could get, crazy motherfuckers from out no the fucking boondocks? Now, now, that's all races. People either. You guys think Everybody lives on the fucking countries, some sort of racist, no most source, poor, very equal and level in there. Thinking they just love american. They want to be left fuck alone. Wait till you start fuck what people want to be left alone. you said I was a movie weeklies clooney's off my lord arguments. Arena yeah, but When do I get my country, was gonna. Be the it is going, be bad and I'm I'm I'm nervous for some of these kids that think they're doing the right thing. By doing all this shit, that's my opinion. I'm not gonna lie the thought crossed my mind too, that that there are people. There are a lot of people in this country and in just to clarify we're. Not I'm not
saying that this should happen? I don't want it do not concern it's going happy. I know I am gratified to our great look. Do not want that to happen right like if you if you, if you add the fuckin words and yours, the gather your home, using it. I d like to just think twice dude Sadly, this, like that, like I'm telling you still got a triangle, that's what I'm trying to us, as if I've tried here too, I guess you know like no stolen annoy exactly what you're saying in, and you know that the analogy what I've been here and lately is this: it was released but let me let me strategically blameless, for someone who may disagree with me: all those police that they're, not support you all you the fuckers out there spitten in their faces, thrown rocks and bricks and shit police to be society? Gonna be ominous happens. gonna, be on your side, but rest say fuck it. Let it go marguerite, evolve. In my opinion,
I think the police are already there. I've talked to a lot of police. I have a lot of police friends. I have a lot of his family dj, this same dishes a police officer, ok, we're still police officer, but the policemen policeman when you call that when these people show up in there the pickle trucks with us. Can guns and you the police. Just remember you already fucked told a police fuck off. Why people listen I see it happening due to bad store it. It's a bad storm ruin in an acre. until november for its not happen now now and do that's concerning I mean the lights alarming roaming, there's gonna, be people have spoken they putting their lives in danger because they keep poker in poland, broken in poland and broken and broken, not realizing that there, the ten percent minority,
you can do is just like is not scheduled. I mean when they move. to the mayor's house. You know why they did that way. You resign what Nobody. You know why they're calling for that, though, is because you fuck went on on alive. Reading of names of people who signed a petition to the fund, the police, and now all fucking word or no. No, no, no! You gotta go yeah. Well, if you want you find the police, that's where you want. If you sign a petition. That means that if you want a word about our now, you feel unsafe, yeah weather There's do this! The problem is, no logical common sense here, really at the root of that. De Dj is that these people lack perspective never been to any other country. They never been on. Only inside of your life, you, these people are You don't understand that. Literally is as good as a fucking gets, and fuckin bitching about it. Now, all about here in your vision I am, but when it starts to fuck up the fabric of this,
country in the constitution and cross lines and other people's rights. That's why I'm problem you want to protest. Fuckin protests. Will you go burn another humans house down am I with that. You fuckin, kill a cop. I with action then that's a reality. Ok and. You guys have to understand that if you want to contain, to live free and you want to continue to have Opportunity, member, I talked about a minute ago with the opportunity, if you even want hat, listen Go anywhere else in the world, and I mean literally anywhere now or to improve is not there. More stock, we read your either tax to a point where you can't make progress Your flat out, all because of your race or your religion, or you this that you know what you're you and that's you and stay in your place. That's that
what we're dealing with here and we we A country lack the perspective. Ok a lot of the younger people, lack the perspective of what this is really about. What this place is really about and what it stands for. You know do they assume that you can go anywhere else in the world and have an opportunity to go from. You know regular Joe to wear where we want to be you can't do not anywhere else and people in the good, I didn't even get it, they don't get it and that fact fact that they know understand that as what's creating and beating this fuckin monster the people or feeding your emotions and getting mad. They understand this perfectly. Understand this poor thing perfectly and I agree with: You d j. I think that's comes down to an amiss judgment of people's character on people who are inherently good people.
their misjudging what their dear love, people, propensity to assume the else like that right. This is the biggest challenge that I that I have in business with people. I try to teach people you are. You are not your customer. Okay, your customers all have different perspectives and they have different ideas and they have different thoughts and they have different this, so you can't make decisions. closely based around what you think in business. This is the same thing and what's going on in the world today, you guys assume that your leaders, the people who you been told to follow and told a vote for four Ever generation after generation after generation to vote this way, those people you I think, are inherently good or not good. You think they think you and they dont think like you, what they think is we got these mother workers full when they are in
conference room on their own and there's no fuckin, people listening Conversation sound a lot fucking different than what they say when they get in front of a tv. Can we need, I understand that. that's reality, that's not bullshit! So if we should understand that not everybody is as good as what we want to be. Well, then, what we have to do is show moving the people who aren't from their positions of control, and we do that a couple of ways we do that by, in what we believe is true. Having our station with our friends and peace casting votes in the direction. We think that it should be now I think there is a real possibility that this might not an peacefully before the election. I think that Truth the media seems to want this. They want a battle, they want a thing and what I think what they We do as they want to incite some sort of skirmish or or
I shall now war. Ok, one of these areas was gonna, be I know, but but that's why I'm trying to say, like I'm, trying to bring awareness to it now, so that not everybody is sucked into it. But I believe there trying to a site that so they can sit, so they can turn allow just like they're gonna turn well, when those those cops get off and say they all each. Both workers earn yeah yeah, but there nothing. You can do because those people won the election without them. The last time exert so did whole idea like we're, going to get all the black people to vote left. First of all, that's all been that that ship has sale. Lots of black people. Have look up and said: do you guys don't represent our interests and they said a vote. In that way, not a famous people, have games black people so If we have you had ninety, one percent of the block vote in two thousand sixteen And you only have
fifty percent? Now what the fuck makes? You think that you'd outcomes gonna be any different statistically, she said So when you start like work, together to keep something terrible happening in the meantime and that's This crazy shit, the media seems to want to happen why do they want it to happen because it just consolidates their power, because there are all those media types and all the people who are sort of the behind the scenes and politicians they're all in cahoots? I agree: why do they want to happen, though? It's real, simple, Attaboy I'll write this man brought our country a civil war. Did he order? He just left states regulate themselves and you got exposed to what their agenda once we have. We real careful. and I'm not arguing with any you motherfuckers you motherfuckers and means a similar me There's no arguments
Are you with you? If you don't want to see you know, what's it s, fine speaking on your behalf as well, though, to try and stop this fuckin shit from happening, so you disagree with me and that's cool but what I do want is I want you think about it when this wit, when war violence starts to happen about what your post, what you say in how you contribute to it or help solve it, because people real p just like that young man got killed up there and chop and his father was on line crying and he said I with them. This about my son. That's. My son is point to assure my son. and we ve lost, sat in society. We ve lost that humans, zation of people who are actually dying there actually dying that that young man he's gone gone forever conference family he'll never have
maybe I don't think he'll never have you know any of the things that we all aspire to have spoken. Nineteen years old son gone over what sir fuckin, bullshit political shit. from some woman who allowed a dangerous situation to come entering distance because she wanted to make a political point, and you want to be donald trump that that that that that that doesn't connect. That's the local municipality, allowing dangerous shit to happen, and the thing is. If trumpet rolling stopped it with the military, which is what I said on Abso forty five as well well I'll, be say, no peace. I could turn a military on united states citizens. That was the plan. That's what they wanted him to do. He didn't do it. I didn't know what to do And assures didn't know what to do when the modest are shown up their own house. This left camp,
or culture bullshit is eating itself is eating itself and it's gonna get more toxic. It's gonna get worse and worse and worse until anybody that doesn't agree with this are speaking up if you enjoy the privileges of amerika and if you are proud to be an american and you ve, benefit from being an american all of you listening have all of you. It is your duty to say something right now is your do to be vocal Duties, support order in society because it's gonna save lives. A lot of these people are completely manipulated and their believing things are true And the right answer is not just to go, kill. I've seen people right saying that lets fuckin just go, get em and must be done with it.
What america's about either dude, that's about! That's tyranny. Just will just as well. You know insane So I can get down without either and we all a greater responsibility to be adults and hand situation like adults and to be so and say hey whose whose Fostering the constitution, the best whose putting the cost to show values into our society, the best our loyalty is not to a person are, He. to a set of police and values and guidelines that create a situation where we are allowed to to create and live and be free and do things that we want. And if you choose to not do that, and you end up with now much your choice, that's your choice, but if you what this to go to socialism or communism and you think, that's cool, because you don't really know what that means.
basically what it means is you're going to remove the choice for yourself. To be better. They everybody deserves that choice here. I think that choice to be better has been fought, for people have died for it for hundreds of years and we an obligation, as grown adults, to protect that choice, and you might think that You want socialism or communism, and everything will be fair. It won't be fair. That's the lie! the lie. They tell you. There will not be fairness. It'll, be them having everything and us the people having nothing. Do you think that's fair. Because every other country go to, I'm pretty sure the people in charge of really fucking rich, people that aren't in charge, don't have that so we have. Where's that conversation
Is that where's that video where's, that you know statement all other people that are out there, Speaking right now are screaming. And they're saying the most device of shit and they're saying the most political shit and there being unreason? so, why are they doing that? Oh. Because they want their video to get some fucking traction on the internet they wanted to share and they want to be loyal to their base. This isn't the time to be loyal to your base. This isn't the time to pump out four likes and shares abuse. You guys, I think it is which wrong. This is Time for us to truly consider what we stand for, what
we believe in and what we love about this country and supporting whatever. That is it's when you get a stack of a bitch, I'm going to get a project spoken to you are so welcome.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-08.