« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

513. Andy & DJ CTI: Texas Mall Shooting Suspect Identified, Gov. Abbott Takes Action To Secure Border & White House Prepares For Possible Charges Against Hunter

2023-05-10 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss the Texas mall shooting suspect Mauricio Garcia, who killed eight people being portrayed as a neo-Nazi, Gov. Abbott taking action to secure the US-Mexico border ahead of Title 42 expiration, and the White House preparing for possible charges to be brought up against Hunter Biden.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number for the are countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't kang doesn't know his headshot case club guys for selling. This is the show really say goodbye to live fitness and illusions of reality. Guys today, are you guys are all smart and know you know, exactly what you're getting, but I'm going to say it anyway, because today you're going to have Andy dj cruz, the mother, fucking internet, that's working new. That's receipts! Yeah stands for. It means crews, the internet. This is where we put her
winds on the screen we talk about. What's going on, we break them down. We talk about what may be true. What may not be true we speculate, and then we talk about how we can all be part of the solution to these problems going on in the world other times you tune in. This is a personal development entrepreneurship business how to kick ass in life podcast and we take questions. So we have q and a if that's where you submit the questions that give you the as and these questions can be submitted, a couple of different ways. The first way is guys you can email your questions over to ask Andy at Andy for salah dot com or now that we are on youtube. You can go to the q and a episodes in the comments and write. Your question right in the comments we'll take some from there as well. For those of you guys it listen on audio and having checked out you to make sure you do please. Click subscribe ran a lot of fun over there to good good little platform.
for us other times you too, and we have real talk. We'll talk is five to twenty minutes of real talk and then we have full length full length, what you guys had earlier this week when my friend dean, and other unrest in gas, and we have been studio. We have discussions about things and then some how'd you get. Seventy five harbours is seventy. Five heart is the pro from that. I developed that has gone mega viral. If you haven't heard of it, you can go check out episode. Two, oh eight will explain the whole program. It's free, it'll, help you get your shit together and sometimes we bring on people have incredible stories with that program the seventy five hour versus thing. So that's the run of the show. We have many shows within the show and for this. Those within the show we have this thing. We called the fee. The fee means we share the show now we got a lot of value on the show, specifically on a half I ass, a teacher skill. And how to win and business life based off my twenty four years, a business experience and I've been pretty successful at it.
very simple. The show major laugh of major think of attach some new skills have helped you out, helped you down the road If a brought some awareness of its something that you think people need to hear, this is the one I here all the time everybody body needs to hear this yeah. I know man, that's why do show that's why I ask you guys to share the show, Well, you guys don't share the show, because you're afraid of your aunt on facebook, saying that you're, some sort of you know domestic terrorists or something because we're speaking facts on the show. I, if the message doesn't get out, nothing can change and I'm depending on you to put, message out so that we can make some change so unwilling to come in here. Pay for the show, put it out there and ask now thing from you other than you share the show just to get the message out:
I run ads for the show. I don't run ads on the show and don't stop the show and talk about shit that I don't use so that you know someone could give me money to talk about it. I don't do those things. Okay, this is straight up. Value exchange. If I do good dj does good if we do good as a crew. Please share the show, that's what we mean when we say the fee, so don't be a whoa show the show, as I know so, what's up dude. alive, interesting stuff going on. I think a lot of things we gotta cover for sure, but I wanted to bring something up, but I don't know if he saw this. I think it's safe for me to say I think I might be on the alarm musk bandwagon. Really. I think so this is a new developed as a new development do I've already. I mean it's like it's a heart that it's hard to get a red ones. Do re like you, so like psyche, easy but he's already still. Taxes from the army is no globally lambro ally you on.
but he could do a hell of a lot more to progress. The agenda in terms of freedom agreed I've just been lacking from within, No and like I'd. Try to like you know, play devil's advocate with it and then you're, maybe just know slowly increasing the pressure right. People do have to acclimate to the truth, for it not to be fucking crazy. you know, but I'm just really, I'm I'm starting become a real big family. This guy someone's just show you the one with guys seen this solution before you, sir. I got some real business that we discuss, So I just learned today, mrs this stung me in my heart: what I ve learned, the k, I see, no doubt is consider white people chicken. You are no doubt elapsed or reassure about this yeah sure net positive guy now cause, I can add makes sense
now. Some of you were both of you, I must say: newsmagazine half the world's me. Listen little better care of sea or popeye's papa I every fuckin guy. I agree with that man, oh, I know, I'm wake makes papa. So good. Is this shitty customer service. Let me just a little bit like how to like fuck you little. That's what I'm saying like I want. The movie is Anna fuck. You like I had to have that's what makes a great it's endearing for sure, Can I see you are really getting kind of like my whole brand, I love you, but quickly enough, fucking bitch, exactly what I'm saying is you gotta? Have it just a little bit of that? Alright yeah well yeah you guys listening a little bit is kfc. Why people Jaeger, let let us know alamance, you know I didn't I'd learn something new areas always be learning baby. That's what is about
I know it's only one adds on the shoulder, but if I why do ads on the show definitely would be for this orange sunrise. First form energy just makes my whole day better. I your admirable chink- and I know you know gonna spoke? First, I would be accepted at it. If that wasn't, I wasn't I'd pay for they pay me. The upper limit, Are you right now? They don't pay me enough either other flag. In fact, I really So I think I'm on the on the elon musk bandwagon think geelong likes. I bet he does I wonder if you would prefer kfc or popeye's, and then gonna throw in churches and less
follows a different category. I think here is a hierarchy. Okay, this is DJ hierarchy. Ok because popeye's, chick fillet, KFC liese, churches, who chicks lace like you, throwing inner. It's a different thing. We're gonna need a complaint just a little bit of Jesus, I'm sam. I want some blessed inside I have to absorb this. So, let's what will save the serious discussion ended? The shell? Ok, let's get all the bullshit, as is vital in the rural world, fuckin problems. Here we are, I want to show you this treaty just came out not long ago, the treaty reads. This is by far the beery. Ok, it's weeded out. He said quote- what's up has been using the microphone in the background, while I was asleep and since I woke up at six a m and that's just a part of the timeline, what going on, I posted this along a shows. All
the time that his microphone started, recording right and she starts at four twenty two am. This is why you sleep right swiss record him. I'm into stay now. Somebody chimed in on this and this is what are you almost? to say about it, what's app cannot be trusted. Okay now I don't know if you guys knew this, but nor will somebody owns. What's up, it's not like independent company re like it's a subsidiary of of a much larger Larger company, so Isla must continue the conversation. This is all what are its weeded out this he says yeah or that's what's: apps founders, la left, meadow, facebook and discuss, started, hashtag, believe facebook campaign and made major contributions to building signal.
what they learned about facebook and changes to what's up, obviously disturbed them greatly. Oh, I wonder what it could be be the things there were Snowden was trying to tell us fifteen fucking years ago. It couldn't be I don't know a certain vodka as host has been telling you that they actually observe you at all times it couldn't be that we live in a twenty four hours real estate. Currently, could it could it or is it just more timid, I think there might be a little tune for man up. Listen, looks like a duck Indeed, there is everything you fuckers everything they will talk and habits. with screen shot every photograph, we video every face time. every email. They we live in a surveillance state right now they just try to make you think that we now know
It's funny. You say that cause us exactly what what's up said. So without this response quote over them. Twenty four hours we ve been in touch with they twitter engineer, who posted an issue with his pixel phone and, what's up we believe. This is a bug on android that message: tributes, information in their privacy dashboard and have acts google to investigate and remain a definite, no drugs in here we definitely do there were definitely those are my drugs and arms snow personalities. Ma am, I said, and I who have they could see fit, but you know him and this is not the first time I feel I has been on this little quieter of. I wonder: is this going to be the beginning of may be some facebook or mehta files right? We got the twitter
As we know, it wasn't just twitter, where the facebook a metaphor that I don't think we're going to see those unless we have true whistleblowers come out from inside the organization, because it's my opinion that both both platforms that are owned by matter the penguins- you know, facebook and instagram- are actual information gathering surveillance, apps that have been run by our intelligence agencies now and we. Adah wife was a lifelong, lifelong, lifelong two thousand and four lifelong ends. The day, which is a cia program to monitor people in their day to day lives to get people to voluntarily share their lives so that they can get the data they stop this program on one day in two thousand and four, and on the very next day in two thousand and four mark Zuckerberg and facebook
well founded who does not make sense, as the like why Zuckerberg is one rogen and he's talking about how the f b I came to him and made him do this, and this and this and this it doesn't. It makes that don't you ever get a feeling like when you see Zach, I'll. Do in jujitsu like trying to be a normal human, which I thought was cool by the way I don't really care for zadok, and now the shit he's done. I think he's one of the most destructive But when it comes to our civilization over the last twenty years- and I dont know that he understands what he's done, but I think those that's the result of what is done now wishing to sit down and talk with them and say road, you realize what the fuck you doing like look what you look what's going on, maybe does realizing. I don't know, maybe just can't I get out of hearing. I get the feeling that he doesn't want that and that he's being leverage
heavily to progress that agenda, and so you know when we talk about you know, I don't know coincidences, there's really not a bigger coincidence, then the lifeline programme ending one day and facebook starting the next day and all of us for the last twelve fifteen years. Whatever it's been, has put in every picture. Everyday am every cash in every comment. Every like every share everything every message everything's recorded, and they have that ok and you have ever seen come out and say: hey man. I was working inside the intelligence agencies and, like these motherfuckers, actually have a search engine for you, they can literally type your name in enlarging all your cameras. Are your all your shit and guess what They do it all the time and that's where you gonna fuckin fought with four: that's where you got your basically banner
it's four and you all called him a traitor. A lot of you said: oh he's, a fucking traitor he's not a traitor he's actually fighting for the people. and you don't understand, what's actually going on and we ve living a surveillance state for the last fuckin However many years and if you don't fuckin recognised as to what this means instead that they can leverage anybody at any time for anything that they decide, because none of your perfect, if you guys think of all the ship, you said or done or messrs your pictures or you know whatever over you cell phone whatever for the last ten years, and you became a powerful person. and they came here and found you. well shit and said: we're gonna show this to the word up. Unless you this new business, most of you are going to this in this miss and that's the problem, and so now they built cancel culture around it. To where if this in this in this does come out here, life is over right, so they build in athens of weapons socially too,.
basically accentuate their leveraging, capacity are right. And that's how they do it, and so you It's all you guys got. I hear these people say: oh, I don't care if they spam yellow, do anything wrong, you're, not understanding. This is how they keep you in check and what we're going to need is where we're gonna need. People We will say yeah, guess what I fucking do, that. And I did this in this- and this too, you know- and I can still do fucking job fix all this shit. That is it act that that coming out is the exact problem there. trying to fucking fix and what, if all of your shit came out right? That's the thing they're not doing it to make you're not doing under another guy that control. You d want to make sure you don't do anything right. Yeah saint Michael, very, very simple control mechanism, man and in the cradle shit again, the army's it's really it's real shit, yeah, but I think you must also just woke up today and shows violence because he started growing. this rampage just complete
attacking the media right, good, so its weight. this is ice, says massive public manipulation, so the rat, whole debates between it out this report, basically in his remit quote. If legacy media is going to shove, bigotry point down our throats, it should at least do so in an honest manner, so people have an accurate understanding of racial dynamics. Time and time again, legacy. Media has failed to do just that. and then they show this graph, which shows the term frequency and popular. U S, newspapers And it shows the new york times the los angeles times, the washington post, the wall street journal or in step at the zack same time, any longer repositories has remarkable how at new york times at a lay times at washington, post moved in lockstep with at wall street journal trailing by six months.
And it and they have broken down verses topics of racism, topics of homophobia or brought. This is this is the proof that surround damaging brow, to show all you, young people who don't know you're fuckin ass from your fuckin. Well, that you are not living in the civil rights revolution. It's maybe shit was all solved, and these people came in fucking created it, and now you think, because you weren't, oh I've, fifteen years ago or conscious, are removed, number that now somehow you're. Some sort of you know right illusionary to the you, know the trans people or that the racist causes or sexism or massaging it's. Why here- and this is real data- the
I could see where they wrapped it up and guess when they started ramping up who was in office in two thousand and ten, when this all started, ramping up obama was in two thousand town, that's right, okay, and when did it get to it's height, twenty twenty, two for actually from twenty sixteen to twenty twenty one, shocking, interesting yeah, and, if you guys, can realise that their using all of these things against us, and this is why, when you go out in the real world, it is like that You're missing a big point of the puzzle. This shit It can be manipulated through the platforms that we just mentioned earlier through fake accounts through traffic through fake powers through fake everything to make you believe that these are the past narratives If you own meta or you own any of these platforms, but well, I'm just going to use meta, for example, and you wanted people to believe that.
I don't know. Let's just say, santa claus was real. Ok, You will go out and you would have a fuckin tweet. It said sam a clause was real and you admit, get it from a celebrity who, by the way, you also have leverage, because they were, they sent a picture of their fuckin dick to someone or something right. Ok, now that person pose santa claus is real and you're like ha ha, of course, is now fuckin real everybody fuck knows that, and then there was a hundred thousand comments from people. You don't know saying you know what I think is he'll too, and then, when you say this is fucking bullshit, all those botz fuck and attack you and they say: you're fucking you're, a big it you're you're a fake you're, a flag you're, this ok and they start violently with words attacking people, the internet to suppress their speech and suppress them. Saying: hey! That's right! That's
but they ve been doing for the last twelve to fifteen years in our country. That did it it's it's a classic example of, ecology, there's this there's there's this term has caught the bystander effect right. It's it's a it's, a novel saga, psychological and happening right arm and there's a there's, a beautiful example of this. They show like a person getting in the elevator right and he walks in the elevator and like three people there they're all facing the opposite direction after a while that guy, that person will turn up and follow in step with social media has done just taken that made it digital yeah that that's all that's done. Randy get new data to start now going along with things like makes. You second guess what you know it's fucking true, it says just opium brow. We we evil it's funny, but it is evil. It's funny, because people here No. This is gonna turn into dust, opiate bro we're in this topic. This is not turning into a discerning I wouldn't in it work in it. Right now,
what you see on social media most of its fucking fake? Ok, especially the comes from the mainstream media, especially if it comes from this liberty, whirl hollywood. These people are no different than paid for a product separates information about what's going on in the world right and people, the wise up to the what's going on this, data and these charge that you have here on the screen on our courage, people from audio to go. Look at these that are on put em on the website. You round, possum everything's, all websites. Are you to go? Go look at this. and you can literally see in the dataset when they went up this dialogue, and this is why all these genji, kids, their living in nineteen sixty four and six when a reality for one was grown up row like black people. Why? people every, but we were all americans where's cool, like that. We have problems yeah, but we didn't have these kind of problems like that crazy shit, bro look at the one on transphobia.
That's the most shocking when, by like you can look from nineteen. Seventy all the way on always said a word, not fucking. anything you didn't exist, then exertion well. Now now you have kids because they created this issue, starting, I dunno right there in about two thousand and sixteen ok. Now you have kids mutilating their generals and cutting off their fucking penises having their vaginas. Stop so shut and you were right how it all you have to do all you have to do to understand how evil that shit is because people do not get when they when they see people to have had the top surgery. They don't it's not an it's graphic enough. If you want to know how bad these trans surgeries are, go, find some actual photographs of what the shit looks like afterwards, pre and post on pre and post op them and
and in recovery now- and you tell me if you think, that's okay, yeah, what what how why I don't understand what was is very simple, because the data shows that new york times for exam I had an eight thousand nine hundred and twenty two percent increase of relative frequency The matter of just ten year now dj check about check this outbreak. Look at all the tension in society. Look at all the or hating each look at attacking each other. Look at all the fuckin like did we Citizens in this country deserved a live peacefully, and can see right here in the dataset, how these media outlets, who, by the way, are all owned by three or four of the same people ass. The super, ok, three or four of the same people have actually, wrapped up these tensions as society. Where now look look What's going on in the worst part of the arse country. Right now, it's inside
Shit. Ok, these people are costing people's lives. These people are costing people not only he killed, but also changed or bodies become we'll factor in time our lives away? Because- I want to stay in power and you got I've said this multiple times overlap for years we have a few hundred people and we're not talking like we're not talking like five thousand people were talking. We have a few hundred. People a few hundred out of a billion people Better, literally ruining humanity- For their own game and when a billion people wait the fuck up and realized through this four five hundred there may be many thousand people are and if they were handled, You will be able to live in peace. We will be able to have a peaceful world fur for your kid generation, for your kids, kids generation endeared. I that's going to happen yeah and the reason that this thing is starting to get more and more aggressive in these we're getting more more desperate and pushing harder and harder and harder is because
they realize, that's going to happen in a means means that means that no end of their life yeah. That's what going to happen? So what would you do if your life was on the line? You know each other You would do anything you have to do and that's what they're doing its there's no rules right now: Brunner they listen that day. They are literally this text, the shooter thing, literally taking guy, who is masking he's latino and there He's nazi white supremacist for russia, life, I'm so I don't mean alive to do, does not is not fucking funny, but like theirs late, our fucking stupid. No, they don't think we're stupid. We are fucking. Stupid were stupid. We as americans are stupid as fuck here's why we believe that we live in, free country. The sign on the outside of the fun country says freedom. We believe that
we go in and then we fail to observe the reality of what conditions are, because we believe the freedom so much. We failed to notice the things that make us now free like the fact that we pay all in all of us over fifty percent of our income to the guy, Who then squanders it away or figures out a way to have the money end up in their pockets as our freedom ok, you know what else is freedom not being able to go to the cities in the end in the towns that you pay too she's in without getting shot at our fuckin. Carjacked are fucked up. That's our free! No one else is now free being not able to defend ourselves because. It has become acceptable because of these people in the media to have sympathy more sympathy for the actual criminals who disrupt civil society, then for the good law, abiding citizens that actually try hard paid, access. We don't we don't live in a free country. Brothers.
This is not a free country. We were highly manipulative surveillance state at this toby when it right now, that's real shit, you may disagree with me and you may say all that's. That's your pusher too hard their brother but you're gonna cut down the road? And in this I thought he was right, we're already in it we right now the thought you know this is a good turn in the night here for george Orwell's book. We're in the book is right. Now, if you re right now- and we have a what amount of time to come together as human beings. And say holy shit. This is fucked up and stop it and it doesn't seem like enough. People have really woken up to the fact that, what's really going on because there's he'll buying this, and what this shows you right here is the actual data. That shows how hard and how much money and how much intent they have
behind dividing us at every point of contention ratio, Some homophobia islamophobia these all the valiant I set. It is you of that This is of ok, you could see it in the data. They ripped the shit up right. Why would they do that as of a simple statement that we ve all heard before. now do we stand provider we fall in. This is intentional and the same three or four people own. All of these media outlets the way. Some of these people in some of the biggest companies in the world to the companies that benefited the most from shutting down the entire world for a year and a half and closing the small businesses and fund when those businesses into essential businesses,
you gotta go to your local mama paths store because they are closed, but you can fuckin go to walmart. Aren't you can shop on amazon all fuckin day and who owns these places? Lets us look into that parachutes. I just thought it was interesting. Very good point I mean I thought it was interesting just to bring that up guys tell us what you guys. Think in the comments. Does this surprise you, you cannot argue it data unless you're one of those review was people in their low twenties, who think that they understand the social environmental and should take good hard look at this data and realise that you been fuckin played ro in the reason that all these people, that you say ok, boomer to ride Actually, no because they live before this- actually started happening. I was alive as an adult thirty years old and fucking,
two thousand and seven or eight or nine or whatever right like I was I was a man I wasn't, I remember that time in theirs, people there remember this time and then there's a lot of people, the dough and the people that don't think that, there are people who have are just like crazy. Are there saying all the old, the good old days there just racist? They dont want to change their waste. No mother fucker, problems had already been solve these people created them to fuck you and now you have older people actually, trying to save your asses and you fighting them when this data clearly shows that, though, telling you the truth, I mean you can see all the points you can see. Clearly, where fip the feminism movement started when it comes to sexes, ideologies that you see that clearly- and you see the reverb in no way before two thousand and ten, She rightly king with racism. Issues like you, see those points very, very clearly on these wraps. Yet you know this call
but clearly shows that the best time to be alive was the time between two thousand and two thousand and eight. No doubt no doubt we didn't have fuckin fucked up shit. Now we have all this crazy shit and guess what didn't exist in two thousand two thousand eight on wide scale. So comedian. I just thought it was interesting. Guys tell us what you think in the comments. Does this surprise you and or or does it not? Let us know in the comments, but I with that Let's get on with the shock, and I got a lot of insurrection topics guys remember you want to see any of these pictures. Articles links. Videos got eighty four so that our common could find them, link there or job down in the youtube prescription below and I would that being said- you alluded to an earlier- we got headline number one- the socket bottle of it there. new developments when it comes through the master issue down in Texas hold. the seller- reads out. Texas, mall shooter suspect accused of killing eight identified as me
ratio garcia, unsure about is followed up on this, but as there has been some major developments in this up, I was interest and so out of reach the guy. the who killed eight people and injured seven others before being shot dead by police at a texas outlet, mall has been identified as Mauricio garcia, a thirty three or the texas department of public safety announced on sunday, a Dallas home. Linked, said darcy s, parents was searched by police saturday night following the massacre outside the Alan premium outlets and officials also probed a motel where the suspected shooter have booked an extended stay. A law enforcement sources told the local news, outlets, now by sea or did not have a serious criminal history and was working as a security guard, though its unclear where CBS news report. officials are also investigating any possible ties between the suspect and radical beliefs after he was found wearing a patch on his chest. That suggests
white, supremacist or neo nazi leanings. According to a washington post, I'm FBI's involved shocking right but this narrative of the neo nazi white supremacist up it's everywhere ripe. So I want to show you ve just quickly just for reference. The motion that was gonna released once this. Initially, This is more ratio, garcia least when they tell us as Maurizio garcia. Right now, Large that every major news asian see out there. They ve all jumped on the bandwagon right. There's neo nazi sympathiser he's all of this right will most recently received and, of course, most ray. Certainly down on this. In the news agency. I guess, if you can call them, I'm gonna get the name: correct, bellingcat, okay, on bellingcat, apparently gained access or found deep down in the internet. Ok,
Maurice garcia social media profiles- and I guess web existence right- is digital. Thumbprint, yes, did thumbprint right and in an happen, very quick right, and so start releasing all of this information instantly right. Within a matter of meal, not even the forty eight hours. we're still waiting on the manifesto from the national shooting arose. A few manifesto were still waiting on quite a few. Ok, just what opening much all the ones that are done by left now, one of the first pictures that was released, I was this image right here: ok I'm sure by the about assuming this shows. A man does not show the man's face, so it's kind of him from the neck down, but it shows a nazi swastika on his chest and assessed at him and then ss tattoo on his right arm like by Siberia right now, if you have a shit, ton of tattoos sure do but a lot three hundred hours worth. That's that's a lot.
Ah, I see your tattoos every single day by god. I could show you, didn't you get those yesterday right. How fresh would you in your First, I mean that's a heart, that's hard to sank as a solid blacks kind of look like them. I mean that that could be on it, that that's a speculation brochure, ok They look a little fresher than they look fresher them that they will they look fresh, but salad. Blacking can look fresh for a long time six months. Nevertheless, right. This is the first image that was circulated right while here's the thing when you tattoo solid black, like that eventually it starts looking a little ashy yeah, so it looks just a little bit less black. sure like, for example, like a suntan or here yeah that at that at one point I was just black right and see how that looks. Now it's like it's. It's you tell it's black. We don't have to Fletcher For an outgrowth sex appeal baby, I can help you. I gotta go.
Yes, you're right, reach the right right right now. I don't know you know it. It does look a little fresh and looks at you love it because I could be fresh yes right, I mean like I just like you don't look like that's fucking, thirty years old. Now it doesn't ok. Now this is the first, They released right than this. Circle, laden We also show hands out to it. Once I mean some white supremacy she supposed to be. I don't have it. You see, he's really good. You know like even this one I don't know I don't like dollars. More new. Doesn't look their fuckin, all ok, it doesn't look so new that shiny, but it doesnt right, like old, red. you know so release that now. remember. This is the first much then they tell us. Is this motherfucker?
This is also Martin Mauricio. Those are not the same people. There is no chance. There is no chip. Look at that look at I mean that it's not the same guy, it's not the same guy. Who is this guy? I'm neither one of those guys white, though know they're in the kkk, yeah you to see them road that followed by me, mother, laughed in you. For here issues aluys! Ah, This: is more ratio right here's the thing this god does not mean, and this hearted because now now say that body looks like block like and it looks like it would be, that guy's body or are there. but the other guy. They show that ain't the same guy, not single now, but this is what they were with. This is how quick fucked up somebody definitely fucked up.
Do you know but oppose this are now there is a huge huge conversation: This is some of the other posts that he put up on his digital thumbprint right. Is this guy digitally nor they exist. You know five months ago you to pay just started in january? this year. Right and it's fucking, innovate. with all this, nazi sympathiser shit right even though it's already been like put out there than the like to subscribe, all this no user generated ratios would say that this is not a normal persons activity, even beyond extremists. Yeah situations I can do is his engagement. It doesn't make sense right now. There's this lady on twitter, I should cause us off the red headed libertarian from her any long. They they like each other shit. Quite a bit, I'm she paused in pretty good shit. Now outside I went with what this beilin cat did. They posted this right
An opposing all the stuff and inside of all the stuff and tried to pull out. Basically, the Fusion came out and when the red had a libertarian made this pretty close, she she tweets this. She scope so that I'm clear on this. A jewish lady, a milk chose fence, sitter radicalized, a man Psycho mexican neo nazi from a russian website into slaughter white texans, according the cia operative who broke the story, you almost replied very strange. He then continues to say Didn't story come from beilin cat, which literally specializes in psychological operations I don't want to hurt their feelings, but this is. either the weirdest story ever or a very bad sign up now This would be the first time that
government in three letter agencies have done some pretty interesting shit when it comes to manufacturing terrorism or whatever they deem to be the appropriate For the decade, there's an article by the innocent called the sting how the f b I created a stir, a terrorist and it goes in depth talking about how the f b, I found this guy named Sammy asthma cock right who was A mentally disturbed person, ok at our story, It's real story will link to that. You guys, like literally go you stop a video of a red. This fuckin storing then come back. It is very important, but the fact they find this guy Sammy just draw the slides and stories were talking. They they find this guy And he's mentally to start has no meant clerk document. A mental health issues is is very, relatively poor.
right has no real means of of income right and the video comes out of this man. Eight men, a video basically like they call it his martyrdom video. They used it to prosper. Shoot this guy right. He has guns and all of this stuff, and it comes out that all of the weapons that he had were furnished by the f b. I this was an f b. I undercover sting that basically created a fucking terrace. It's interesting. You mean how the uvalde shooter had a Daniel defense weapons, two thousand rounds of ammo. Basically, seventy five hundred and eight thousand dollars worth of gear and he was broke as fuck. Couldn't afford shit mental health issues yeah right, like all these guys, like you, it's just too good to be true to the same thing with above you. It right had mental health issues. He was relatively poor right
they've been trying to manufacture this white supremacist narrative of shooting people so that they can confiscate weapons to get control. Git gun can control support for the last fuckin. I mean how many you know. There has been right like that. The west karma man who drove over all was why sperms, yet. Turns out it. Wasn't the subway shooter cameras go down. Why supremacist turns out guess what is the black dude o supermarket shooter supermodel shooter kills black people to white racist guy or turns out he's far left. Ok, the nashville shooter? You can't get the manifesto, because apparent we the manifesto so dangerous to released in public. They can't afford releasing it. what that means is that that matter faster, so dangerous their narrative that they can't afford it in what could be so dangerous to the narrative of trans gender
other than hey these people? forced this shit army in a room. I fucking life in a fuckin kid, so fuck you and kills, and people that that's where I assume a manifesto national probably sets no ok. What about one. Other trans went out in denver when I'm right out of you. all of these shootings end up being by far by far left people, and they try to pin it on far right pro to a patriotic americans to the point where they're putting people on domestic terrorists list right there. Next to me,
alright, like this is the same. Fucking cool man know that you're that there's too many dots man will dude. It's like. I said dj. They're they're they're, so desperate right now they don't care if the ship does not have any more. No, they don't care about your kids. They don't care. Oh, can we kill a couple of kids, get pushed narrative, fuck, corrupt people. People can't wrap their head around that they can't wrap their head around that these people will do literally fucking anything that has to do to maintain their power and positions of power because it's their entire identity. Remember these people are not success. if the people that became politicians. These are people who got into political office by somehow and they became wealthy and they don't want to lose those wealthy connections and ability to make money or their political positions of power.
They have long ago sold down the interest of us, the american people, for their own interests of personal wealth power, and basically I you know, god syndrome, you know what I mean so dude. It's us versus them in like if you want to go back to that data that we looked at before you guys want to fight about you, black white, While the reason we fight about black white is right, there in the data cause make you want to fight about gay straight o the reason that we fight about his right there in the data. Oh you want to fight about trade oh there. It is in the data. Oh, so feminist, sexism massaging? Oh there, it is again. Oh, oh, oh way there at all. It's ok, so you you guys are understanding you're getting played in UR. The data show you that you're getting play and these people- there are washed in or not a fucking friends, and neither are the people in those three letter agencies there now
I will say this- there's a lot of good people in the three letter agencies by this point, if you're a good person and three letter agency and europe, the help and contribute to some of this bullshit you're part of the problem, to borrow your fuckin trade or the american people in a traitor to your own commitment to what you promise that you were going to do by serving in these positions. Right, the good people in these agencies. They always say the same thing as I get the arms from him. You're like fucking leadership. Brow it's a leadership, the same guy same thing with the guys in a military, same thing, police officers, The leadership is the leadership. Is the leadership will at some point brow your complicity by following orders that you nor wrong- and I Oh it's not just one or two area to whole bunch year, so we turned about who the actual problem is here. The actual problem, just like the quote Oh that's needed for evil too, see this for good men to do nothing. You're there Good men doing nothing.
and causing your federal fellow citizens, literally the birthright, because you're a fucking coward You want to keep a job and a paycheck. Her position of power no interact above the bro. You guys are fucking us man Those people should all beginning to gather a figure out who the good ones are an fuckin blow the whistle altogether on all this shit, europe and have you can all destructive? If it's true that, like you guys, say that there's all these are good people. These three letter agencies, then you got, should band together, tell the fuck untruth and say This is what actually going on. I can come out in they can't get ya just like they can't get all of us He bought the same time emerges just crazy shit, so we work keep up on this. I am sure my way you think brow Thank you. I mean listen knowing
When I have no say in the things that I've seen you know, this is something that I was perplexed me right, because we have a lot of friends that are you know their work in these three ailer age is great news about right now, and you hear these stories about the things that are government condones and is implicit in doing in other countries, all across the fucking Gloria within for some reason. We have this like safety mindset that it will never happen on american soil ache it we would never have. We do that. Other countries will never do it on all saw bull, fuckin shit where they can do. at least. We are hardly ever get started home Sarah lawrence or this
Is this idea that there's like the safety net and you'll be like this country so great that our government would use her own fucking tools and resources on us? It's a blows my mind what I'm saying, and so I think, a lot of the shit is it's. You know what what all can they accomplish with something like the texas, alum mall shooting they can accomplish a shit or what bigger agenda here? Obviously, to take the gun you wander precisely? Why do they want to take the gun so bad, so bad Are they manner? Why would they manufacture climbs that actually killed real people in order to take the guns? What's so important about removing the guns? That's the question that half of you at least do not understand the answer to the reason people are willing to die for their guns is because they under sad because they're fucking gun fanatics in a sad because we like jerk two fuckin pictures, the guns, because a deer and kalganov ass? Not because of any of that shit, what its is, because we I understand that we are the only fucking country in the face of the earth with an arm population.
And we have an army of citizens here in this country that is been than any army in the fucking world by a lot Why a locked you want to know why we're not are you now want to know why didn't kill a bunch of people are encoded in other. Andrews, because they knew that He still had guns here, arriving what sort of executing fucking people from calvin who wouldn't take the backs like You know trudeau gets on tv and says well what do we do with these people? genocidal talk right? This is how they, the rwandan genocide going you had. Media wholesome leader, saying what are we what to do with these people. Why are we gonna do with them? You like they create the merit of before it happens, and then they do that exactly just like them and not end in Australia. They did the same thing. What are we going to do with these people? That's genocide! Ok, it's my opinion that their plight and was to remove all dissenters just like they removed every body from the mill
terry who wouldn't take it, so they could get a complaint military same. Police, so they could get compliant police, etc, etc, etc. a plan on doing that with the entire population. I think they still plan on doing that at some point in time, which is why either such a rush to disarm the population. There's, no doubt they wouldn't they would have killed people brow and canada and fuck in Australia that wouldn't take the vast if, if there wasn't enough people, so why does it matter there are there? Why? When they just do it, because they understand that if we would have let's say canada or Australia, putting people to death for this. We would have killed everybody. the area where no one would have thought that we were killed. Everybody here and it's fuckin. We were taken up, the government and we wouldn't have went, killed them too, and that's why the fuck did you? Do it well and here's an important thing for people to delineate right like
You know if, if which is why they're trying to get the guns away, one hundred per cent right? But this thing, even with just trying to take the guns away, react like you know they talk. They. They emphasize these white supremacists, these mass shootings, There's mass shootings happening in every single democratic city, every single fucking day right, but you can't put them headline are already to disarm the black community? She can't put that people wouldn't support it, so they have to behind some narrative. You know we already see how the races narratives are wrapped up in the divide. Racially there is okay, so this blame it on the majority of the population. Let's get everybody to justify us, remove he's got so the only way they can possibly do what they had to sway. The public opinion first before they come in yeah or some outside force comes at. All you want to talk about real racism was tab, awesome, real racism, real racism is trying to pin shootings by people who are clearly not why
on white people, while simultaneously ignoring all the democratic cities, were every single day in crowd city. Every single fuckin weekend for the last fuck three years later, been more murders, then all of them Shooting combined- and they say nothing. and I'm not saying that that is that's racist towards why people it is, but I am also saying this race towards black people and for some reason, this is towards wide peoples, because they don't care that these black americans are dying because it actually helps their political cause. That's racism. People have confused when I try to point this out, like I'm saying, oh that's races towards what is racist towards wiping, is what it's also racist towards black people, its whatever conveniently fits their agenda can label as racism that their worried about they don't care about actual racism. They don't care about that. I'm that's going on the black communities. They don't care about all the murders happening in families being destroyed and the zero edge
patients system and the poverty and all shit, that's going on in the african american communities and all these democrat run cities they want, make sure that those places stay that way, so they could come in every two or four years promised the entire community. They're gonna fix all this shit that the white guy right right when in reality they did it office by looking the other direction! because they know a surgeon. I should say rob saw, tell us what you I think about this. I'm sure they'll be more to develop on this topic, so will try to keep you updated as best as possible. With that being said, let's we want a second time on any headline number to eat. Governor abbot takes action to secure. U s! Mexico border ahead of title forty, two exploration: More to come on, this is development down in in the great state of texas article reads: texas, governor Greg Abbott said his state is taking border security into it's own hands after please, the bite administration
gone unanswered in a video share to twitter. Late Monday evening, the republican governor showed that border officials and brownsville Texas laid bob wiring across a gap in the border that was previously exposed for migrants seeking entry for mexico and to the united states quote. This is one thing: taxes is due: to secure the boat. I wrote quote this: is the area near brownsville where migrants were crossing in large numbers a few days ago in the video the person carrying the camera and a flashlight walked briskly? along the border and pans over to show hundreds of feet of the spot spiral rearing some areas, the wiring his stack to create a partition, several feet tall. But added quote: we now have a wired shut. Other areas will surface for crossing. We will lie them shut. Also quote more to come: the texts, governor Honest now border crossings enough not at all border crossings have escalated in recent weeks and migrants have
been gathering by the thousands near different sections of the wall, including in EL paso, as they wait for title forty two to expire on thursday to forty two as a public health order signed under former president donald trump and twenty twenty in its exploration is expected to give way to a surge of migrants. This is that we, the gregg attitude it out, says quote. Taxes is responding to the chaos caused by Biden. Ending total forty to the new taxes, tactical border force will help intercept and repair migrants trying to enter texas illegally Biden sent fifteen hundred troops to the border to new paperwork. I deployed elite train soldiers to defend texas. Now the white house most recently said it would veto a border foresman bill from the republican house majority, which would restrict asylum request and construct a physical border, while quote Biden, is against border security laws abbot, also treated on a monday now
How many people we talking about any are pupils always about just couple hundred crowns trying cross no officials. My reads: officials warn that seven hundred thousand migrants are waiting to rush the border. Seven hundred thousand seven hundred thousand quo border patrol shared with us their intelligence that there are approximately seven hundred thousand as of three weeks ago in the shelters in mexico, waiting to come into the united states, how that's from jonathan lines he's a supervisor on arizona.
as Yuma county board of supervisors. She said this week. He added that border officials said there is a five hundred per cent increase in migrants crossing the darien gap, which connects south and central america. Now, let's head over to mama Kamala and see what she has to say about this new recent development, I I thank the men and women who serve. I have no experience serving the united states marine corps and I also believe that the administration made a decision to deploy them based on a political agenda, and I believe that it is inappropriate to require the limited resources of the united states military to be used in such a way and when the when it was you know when, and these these folks are
and to play there they're going to lie there if they've left their families, they will not be home, looks like for thanksgiving and all because there needed to be some demonstration for the tv cameras based on a political agenda instead of what is a national security threat, would you go to mama Kamala? Well, I actually personally agree with her, because Abbott is definitely not worried about solving the real problem. He's worried about. Looking like you solving the real problem. If you really wanted to solve the real problem, you would finish the fucking border wall in your own fucking state order or deploy fuckin, ten thousand troops or ask for a citizen militia to come, help regulate. What's going on to stop what is actually happening, which is an invasion. People are not understanding that these are not families who they they show. You like this is like a port persons, commercial on tv right now, you're right, like
I guess they may make it seem like it's these nice families cup that's what's happening. military age, males that are coming from the presence of a lot of these other countries where their emptying the prisons and sending them over to these central american countries on their dollar. Two then michael to the united states and our own administration. Who is it? opinion compromised by a foreign government. Is allowing it not only allowing it. They want it to happen, and now they're deferring and pretending like they don't want to hear then in saying you know, there's no problem at the boy. order, there's no this or that I don't know if you can't do peter, do see clip where he asked I pierre When are we really is green reworking neighbour? I ll be the first.
Black, gay or down binary. Why? How spokesperson? Ok, that's that's! All people should really rather spokesperson, who can gradually I gotta arise. so inclusive ain t easily forget juicy falcon aspiration. He says what the borders secure like You guys have said this entire time. Why are there fifteen hundred toop troops being sent to it and Ambrose she just fucking froze up. She ended. The press conference just walked out yeah man, okay, so we're talking about- and I know Abbott you know you talk a good game, but you ain't, fucking fixation brown, you ve had a chance to fix it for the last fuckin. How many years and now you have migrants causing ridiculous amount of death and destruction in your own state. You have them running over people at a bus. Stop you have fetnah, you have climb Had these military aged men actually being women at a fucking higher.
that has ever been recording the history of fucking clad rob. Did you hear the story of the fucking eight year old girl? They were sixty something seamen, samples in bro you may now and Bernie. I did hear that that is fucking out ridiculous. Do we're not even touching on the human trafficking wrote you guys go check out the fucking show the sean ryan just did on pedophilia, now open up welcome brains on it. Ok, but here's what we got. We got a compromised. In my opinion, a compromised government says ok! This is what they're trying to head on the buying laptop the fact that our own people, an hour. Why house have our are paying are getting paid to make policy decisions in the interests of other countries that are not in the interests of americans, which that is being a trader. Ok and they are doing every single
thing to destroy our country systematically and they have commenced. A certain part of the population through propaganda is somehow is a great idea or a high moral standard position. Then cheer for and what they know realises when you look every single thing that they're doing when you look at the hyperinflation of currency, that's probably coming ok, because they will not continue. They will not stop printing. Not stop fucking running our debt up eventually they're gonna, hyperinflated intentionally destroy the currency, bring in a digital currency. Then we talk about the crime, these blue cities, which we already touched on. Then we talk about what's going on the border, then we talk What's going on in the schools, we talk about the cultural. demoralization of this country, the removal of patria identity and we put all these things together and aren't these the exact same steps that a country you that believes in idea, illogical subversion who comes from a communist place
It's what communist do they're not coming in from a place of violence that comes later they're coming from a place of cultural subversion and are all those steps, the exact steps, then another country would do to destroy our car. St systemically here until until americans really understand. What's going on and resist this nothing's going to change. There should be a fuckin. Hundred thousand texans standing on the fucking border making sure not a single one of these motherfuckers comes across the border, that's what the fuck should happen and by the way- I put my ass in the white house and I'll go through the air our country and round about while the fucking person s, boast beer ship back where the fuck they came from, because that's what's gonna happen. To happen. Otherwise our country will be destroyed by this, because we are bringing young mill terry age, males when no help, no future, no jobs, no economy, nothing suit them right, and then
What do you think they're going to do when they get to your neighborhood? What do you think they're going to do to survive? we're going to do whatever they take and if you want to know what happens to the crime in these areas now remember. A lot of these people are criminals. The coming from other criminal background in other places,. Go. Look at what happened in europe in the crime over the last decade, but what's happening in england, theirs ass gang rapes happening on a daily basis? And you not what's iran? It is the people who route for this to be open or white middle class women who fuckin don't know what the fuck going on. They cheer for this shit like its antiracist, not realizing that they actually putting themselves in massive amounts of danger, because when this shit comes near neighbourhood and there's four, hundred men that you don't know gathered outside your brochure store where the fuck it is you're gonna feel did, worry about it.
these people need all be rounded up and ship the fuck out. No, that's real shit. Other countries have no problem, it is a melting pot. This is not, this is not a white nationalist country. Now this is us. We're topic from legal immigration. Listen. This is a country of people of all cultures and backgrounds who com here to absorb the america ideology and culture, which is we're all created, equal, equal opportunity, work, hard, get results, treat people right. a good person so shit make some money. Do your best high achievers capitalism, freedom, These are all things that these people must adapt to come to our country. It's not fucking optional, you're not bring in your fuckin shit here brow, you're, gonna, daft, our shit That's the mentality, that's made. Amerika great people from all cultures and all backgrounds and all corners of the globe coming together
to agree to an ideology and that Ideology is intentionally being eroded and destroyed because if there, is no american ideology to defend. Then what you going to fight for demoralized population wilma fight when they are tat, that's what they ve been creating. This is a big fucking deal to master they are merely you guys. You guys do not understand their there are. There are six six plus million people who have come here since Biden took over. There are thirty three states with less people. the map and now there's a damn near a million people waiting to come to him one day and do you think that's gonna, get worse or better. The real thing is the patriots, a fucking, texas and everywhere else ought to go down the boy They stand on mother fucker until it's fucking cleared up, that's what should be happening in gregg abbot, you're, a fucking pussy bureau, real talk,
running some bar wired. You think that these fuckin guys are gonna. Let bar wire stop them when they ve come ten, thousand miles. You know that this is optics, so you, what I thought of kemal falcons, I actually think she's telling truth there. I disagree with her completely but at least she's telling the truth and the truth is Abbott's playing politics when he should be playing for fucking keeps. I love it guys. Our third and final headline headline number three has an m three reads: White house prepares for possible charges against hunter Biden, federal prosecutors, investigation into possible crimes involving taxes and gun purchase peers near completion. Now I must warn this is a a guardian article. There are lot more left, leaning.
I thought I'd be oh brother, they're, super defensive and embracing the Biden's. I thought of fucking mamie kind of puke. My mouth. I mean it it's funny, because I do so many people understand. What's going on now, the more these people dig in you're being able to easily identify who's part The regime that is super fuckin spot on kadijah makes it unpalatable bit. Listen these people. are there the reason there so desperate is because people are awake for the most part and they don't know what to do. Remember what I said a while back months ago like they would either to pull back or go harder than they ve chosen to go harder, they made their marriage, is gonna, be. Is it it's kind of result. One of two things is going to result in a quick of their demise It's result. Quickening of our demise, though we also, quiet, it'll be organised, shit shared show, don't be home.
So the way houses bracing for political fall out from a looming decision by federal prosecutors over whether to charge Joe Biden, Joe Biden, son hunter with tax crimes and lying about his drug use when bought a hanger. We all know as much fucking deeper than that rights. Are you to start there, but in a signal that the investigation is nearing completion. Hunters lawyers last month a meeting with David, wise top federal prosecutor, delaware- at the justice department in washington, the Washington post set a separate whereby by and noted that hunters law long time. Lawyer Chris Clark was a man
those entering the departments. Headquarters republicans would be sure to seize on a high profile. Criminal case against centre is fifty three in an effort to inflict political damage on the. U S, president, who last week announced his bid for re election in twenty twenty four attacks on hunter and his alleged laptop and twenty twenty campaign fizzled, but the fifty three year has taken an increasingly public role at his father's side.
Appearing at a state dinner, honoring, the french president, Emmanuel macron's at the kennedy center honors and on a recent trip to the republic of ireland. Hunters, taxes and foreign business dealings have been under investigation by a federal grand jury in delaware since at least twenty eighteen. His membership on the board of ukraine, a ukrainian energy company and his efforts to strike deals in china have raised questions by republicans about whether he traded on his father's public service, and now the white house was so then I worried about it. So my question, and can you tell us why you believe the white? If the white house was not worried about this, why would they be banning press from the press briefings white house bands, the post from Biden event as hunter
tight knit wounds, I'm not worried about anything. Why would a lot and not just a few okay upwards of sixty six per cent and the only ones are laughs per cent, what they banned? Sixty six per se ne yeah, they're they're, cutting them out and nobody's even fucking talking about it and it makes sense, but but here's the thing: can you take a random guess if you had to just guess who the thirty three per cent that would be allowed to stay in the rosa rooms yeah. I guess I guess new york times washing their suffering on his times. Wall street journal No, no! No! No! That's albert cnn boot! Msnbc do you know so they're banning and so like the the newark poster their law in the west along there than not afraid
they're saying they wrote articles this. This article saying at the white house press office Bart the post from attending president Biden's only daytime public event monday, as federal prosecutors, near decision on criminally charging, first son hunter Biden for tax fraud and other crimes. The post has closely covered the president's ties to his relatives, foreign dealings and first reported in october. Twenty twenty on files from hunter's abandoned laptop that linked Joe Biden to ventures in china and ukraine Biden, who falsely characterized the post reporting as russian disinformation, which we all know, now's fuckin fleet bullshit, appeared with transportation secretary PETE Buda, judged to talk about airline policies in the white house, adjacent Eisenhower, executive office, build a Biden ultimately took no shot at questions at the venue which houses the set of a fake white house and about fifty theaters.
The style seats for reporters about twenty of which were completely vacant because that's almost half just in the fucking briefing room. If they did, they just been denying fucking press passes in a monday email. However, white house staff said quote: we are unable to accommodate your credential request to attend the investing in airline accountability. Remarks on five eight remarks will be live stream and can be viewed at white house dot. Gov. Thank you for understanding. We will let you know if a credential becomes available now we know cove, it's over. That's been left it there's! No, you know us. No social, the guidelines in place a y Y, all the seeds emptied they don't want about it. Talk about this! Should this cannot now. I think it's also important to note. the calmer, whose are leaving the house republicans in this investigation. He sent his supposed be big new small, coming
urging the deal J, I saw that click. Yes, very urgent. Very very urgent, and it was a very direct way you do not yet do not yet have direct quote my message to the department of joy justice is very loud and clear. Do not indict hunter Biden before Wednesday comer said in an interview with sunday morning feature futures anchor maria bartiromo republicans will present evidence showing how a web of ll sees is being used by af by foreign adversaries to covertly pay members of the Biden family in exchange for favors. The chairman said some massive tangled web of bullshit anti. What he got on this when you got on this, I don't think they should and I think, if they do, if they do indict hunter, I mean the day is still young right now. No, but if they didn't Adam today, I think that just goes to show it will
set up basically a closed case for everything else that could possibly come out of this. We will never anything else about it now if they do decide to wait to Wednesday Africa. Your say is: if they create the indictment now they'll consider the rest of the shit part of the case, and it will not come off the news one when they will intentionally try to cover it through the night. of cover up now, if now again, that the disaster it's a danger so that the the prot, the federal prosecutor, David weiss and he's already had four fucking leash about this right cause. There's, there's questions about jurisdiction and all of this stuff going on merrick garland has already said that he's going to stay out of right, so There's a positive job. Well yeah. You know, but me saying that was meaning that he won't nor try to you know, help or deter David Weise from performing his duties right. So I mean, if the diamond conscious says he won't stop it.
I mean, like that's, that's kind of reassuring and shouldn't shouldn't if he's, if the guy's guilty, and they have evidence shouldn't, he do the opposite of not stopping it. Isn't that just fucking job you would hope so yeah he would hope. So so I think there's a couple of things here, man, you know. Besides all that bind ties to china shit, you know that we've talked about many times on the show before about him being a compromised. You have to understand this. If he's taking money from china, which, by all accounts, it appears that he is and he's making decisions on behalf of china and then we look at what's going on and what he actually did. You have to understand that our government is potentially compromised by an asset of the
china at the highest level and then, if you think that they can compromise at the highest level, they've also compromised the media, social media and all the tools necessary to create these narratives to get them there. Okay, so that would happen first. So if you, if you think that them just having Biden, is not that big of a deal which is ridiculous, they have everything else too So all I shit aside, the time has come as we discussed on the show before for the media to all in unison pivot and bury the binds he service. purpose he has come in he's play the part of an delusional mentally declining old man, who's calling quote good natured and a good guy.
and he just really stupid and saw because he so stupid. You just did all these things in their hurting the country, and so that he's accomplish what it is. He was meant to accomplish so now, it's time for them to get him out of office, and so what I believe they're going to do is there are going to turn their medium. Sheen on him or remember. This is three or four people that own all this shit. This is not. This is not a thousand people. This is the this. Is a group of people, the number of people in this room right here having phone calls saying, yeah time to get rid of Biden. real, simple shit. So now they turned the same media machine they used on on Biden to get the fuck out. Ok,
to bring someone else in because they know that bind cannot win. The election that is coming up cannot win it. They cannot it's not even going to be believable if they cheat all right. That's how bad the man is. He's got the lowest rating of any president fucking. Ever he cannot win. So they know if they try to pull the same shit again, that they didn't twenty twenty, where they hide the dude in the basement, that she is not going to work, nobody's gonna, believe it ok, but what they will believe. As someone like michelle obama coming in sending a message of hope, change and unity and saying you know democratic parties off course, these people have, you know we have gotten away, we need here we come together. We have hope all the same shit that guess who said it thousand in eight
axiom shit, so they get everybody to come in and enough people will buy it because you're and the typical things that they've created here, which is racism, sexism, transphobia homophobia, all the cultural lines of contention. She will run on and she will say I'm going to fix all this division. The Democrats just got off course on the new face of the Democrats were going in the direction of unity and get all these people who refuse to detach their identity from the democratic party and actually vote for america and their own future to buy this same shit again right and I think we can all agree that michelle obama will get enough traction where they could probably try and pull their bullshitting. right and every one of you should be fuckin concept of what is about to happen. That's what I believe is going to happen and the gutter. This is another
I think this is another thing how you know these governors and these senators and all these people are full of shit state, I'm speaking to state level, representatives and state low level governments. Why are you not throwing a fucking fit about reforming the election laws to make it impossible to cheat? what happened in twenty twenty and twenty twenty two? Where are all the new election standards? Where are all new secure standards coming from all these states, their matt? And what does that tell me? Well that tells me that the people who are on the republic inside are also benefiting from the same operations that these progressive tsar and if they keep their mouths shut, they will be allowed to maintain their positions of personal wealth and power where they will benefit. Regardless of what happens to the american citizen
so it's my belief that we have an entire corrupt government that does not serve the american people as a whole. Do I think, think, there's exceptions. Yes, I do. There are people to fight every single day. There are Josh holly's. There are Eric schmidt. There are marjorie taylor green and you guys also order to ruin rune go to suck on trumps. Nuts has not to do a truck this is a regular human being recognizes. Shit is fucked up whose fighting for the right shit, ok and we can go down the list of of like people, but it's still a small amount in what it tells me that they won't fix this shit. That should be the most pressing issue. That's going on fixing the elections so that they cannot budge the elections, one fucking vote. It should be that secure. It should be that secure and we don't have any support in that. So so what you know what you guys need to do? You need to call your state government officials. You need
flood, the email. You need to call them over and over and over again and ask them what changes there, making to the election system to ensure that not a single vote is fucked up and then do the same for your national representatives state your senators at the national level, your congress, people that are in washington, people need to understand that the biggest issue that were concerned about is even even if the election fudges ten votes that still not acceptable unacceptable. Its unacceptable, because it's not you're a book. Can we have the technology we have? The resources were, should even be one. Well, it's a fucking joke, no doubt having also something superimpose. I do not like no hair missouri. We have a great election system here, misery. I worked the poles, I got to see a first hand, our shits, pretty fuckin, secure right, we're really talking about here. Five or six fuckin key state threat that have done nothing about this right. You I'm telling I brought, does not only mean that woman, but but
that same argument, though, like I mean with this new awakening, we can't even trust the old traditional blue states that those are still blue states anymore. You know what I'm saying like like. We know plenty of people in California. We talk to them all the time. If you walked down the streets of california, brow and say hey what do you think of? What's going on sing. A person's like prose facade, upshot rises. I've got me, I mean a lot of those same people. Dj will not vote for the other party because are so ingrained in their own brain as an identity. Debt they individually identify with that party so hard that they refuse detached from. There are unable to do it gonna there My grove you like there was a clip of those two kids on those two kids on fox tik. Tok was his name harry whatever the fuck you you know, getting paid two hundred thousand dollars to promote Biden area. There is a clear those duties on another show where one king gos he goes yoga.
What credit for cobra all the time bro they do, what they do a horrible job, though blah blah. I vote for him, no matter what, though, and that's the problem, that's the problem that we're dealing with right. Now we have people that are so fucking brainwashed, indoctrinated. that they will vote themselves down the river. It will vote their future down the river and will vote their children down the river because they refused to address their one. He go and say you know what I didn't know enough and I got fucking taken advantage of and that's what we're dealing with yeah man guys tell us what you think of the comments and let us know if you have one of those crazy states needs to reform their thereof. We need leadership, has no reason
No doubt we need real american leadership, we don't need. We don't need more politicians. We don't need more people who are just enough for power money. We don't need, in my opinion, anything other than actual american citizens that look at political duty as a service not as a way to get rich, not as a way to see power, but actually as a way to go in and fix some shit so that their friends, their neighbors, their community, the relative have a nice life, you put some We like me in there I'll drop the tax rate to fucking ten percent bro fire all these motherfuckers and you guys will have fucking you keep. Ninety percent of your money sounds fun yeah. I have one. Twenty eight bro have a very rare, that's what I would do. I fucking sinus shit on the first fucking day broke on the first day. I fire all these useless fucks fucking, all of them
and I'd streamline everything. Those people will get a taste of their own fuckin society they created they'd, have to start and actually go, get it real job and actually earn money and actually perform meritocracy, shit, meaning they have to be good at what they do to provide a living like the rest of us have to know not just suck up on the government teddy and get fucking paid. God says what you guys think with that being said: as our third and final headline, we're going to go to our final section of the show, as always a thumbs up or dumb as fuck. That's where we read a article talk about it, it'll get one of those too option so without being set our thumbs up, we're demonstrate calories. My son's school had an emergency meeting for his disturbing drawing, but it was all a misunderstanding. I have argued reads: says: kids, draw weird: check your java gyp man has the truth and so
Sometimes we as their loving concern parents can read too much into it, so it only makes sense that teachers who know I little ones less than we do can do the same that What happens a one man who sons teacher called him and his wife in for a for an emergency meeting about a drawing he did in class. Recently quote, would you mind explaining taking to facebook the marrow quote our six year old handed us a note. His teacher had called my wife and I, and for an emergency meeting we act. Asano had any idea why, and he said she didn't like a drawing. I did quote. We went in the next day and his teacher poured out the drawing and said I asked him to draw his. family and he drew this. Would you mind explaining? This is what the drop it was.
A dollar dollar dollar dollar gay so does withdraws. The mom replied that there was nothing to explain because it was just a drawing of their family on vacation quote we we're snorkeling off the bahamas, makes sense Guy now makes more sense to know the definitely see also mobilise, will riskier like problems like this little. Do we have a very pretty bad or conversations erupted in teachers, groups and forms were thousands weight in about how the teaching of the situation are saying it. While everybody's got a fucking opinion. Yet this is bloody hysteria. One person remarked quote Sid who needs that drama. Quote emergency meeting over this? I know it's not the a strong, but I think it's pretty clear someone else rope. I quote what kind of teacher was this asked? Another quote: children are innocent. They take pleasure from it
drawings once I quote, this is clearly snorkeling. If an Men or another parents, saw this and we hadn t hold, are adamant about it. We be in big trouble. The teacher calling about this was just covering their ass. They didn't get in trouble, so let me come ass, he is. Sat that's kind of how I see it. I mean bro. When I looked at, I didn't have a say good by our devilry, be like the house. I think I would have released phone call yeah a phone. I don't think it's emergency meeting a faker. I bet this is. You know I'll shoot. You stole. I'm ok heard of this little kid. Hang you all. All of europe is like that. Where you see the movie, the orphan yeah, I wrote that movie's crazy fuck, it's kind of fucked up. You know what I'm saying so I get it. I dunno what. Well, yeah, that's it! You know arriving to teach, you did the right thing: dude, I'm good brody's, like it's better than committed macarthur day. our group, would like for you
no calls, while the girl, like I mean the boy, It has been lowered. So why you know I you know, I think teachers have the responsibility to look out for this kind of stuff, bro, that the kids have more access to more harmful information than they've ever had in their lives. I was just talking to one of my buddies who's, a high school teacher this morning, and I were talking about how kids the amount of deranged negative shit that they see as a child. Now because of social media yeah, you know it's fish, fucking warps are fucking brains, bro, he's telling me how there's kids in in you know he's high school guy and he teaches high school. You know these kids are so disrespectful, one. The teachers out want to fight the teachers bro. These kids need their fucking. Asses beat that's the fuck, they need agree. Ok, they need a fucking ass beating and you guys who sit there and say: oh that's extreme! No! It's not! Because
few generations before that, by the way, all that their asses be don't act like the accurate no other, because drought, it does what robert they learned a lesson. I shouldn't do. that society doesn't like that shit right, alright, when we could all punch each other in a fucking face and and now go to jail for it just to correct behavior, guess what we had a much more civil society. It's real facts. Ok, violence, sometimes is the fuckin answer in cases of It's not understanding what the fuck they're doing, sometimes some fuckin violet, It is necessary to fucking corrected behave, the whole reason that I understand right from wrong in this format. The same reason you do brother is because my mom, what that right, at my one worried about my dad yeah right right right, I was worried about my fucking mom saved my bro thought of it, and you know what thank you thank you because I didn't end up like one of these
fox somebody like a little bit differently. I but do like. I understand what dude I ain't stupid Am I a decisive out? This is wise and this is why men This is why men get along better than women. This is why Men get along with men better than women get along with women, because and understand the line of violence. They understood and that if they say a certain thing certain way in time. There is a high probability that you're going to fucking experience, violence right then in the rain and southern mutual respect between in men and with women. The reason they hurt each other across each other and treat each other so disrespectfully and the reason many women treat men so disrespectfully is because women don't learn that the same way
and that's just reality. Okay, I'm not I'm not advocating for violence against women by the way I'm advocating for some corrective violence. When people are small to understand, when we don't play that shit right, right, ok, fuck dude makes sense to me yeah guys. What do you guys think was as thumbs up teacher? Do? Okay? I think they did good say thumbs up with your brother, ah well, beguines, arms up or debt thumbs down as beans off by what he asked. Why don't you come on you're too thumbs up about? Listen, yeah? We are nowhere. This is saying I'm on one list. I don't want to be on either base, but we know the fox happened in the guy's house Joe the beads care. I sure you subscribe like those issues,
irregardless all I got Toby hope you're. The show sleeping on the floor now mature response from the book are still counted in the code that teach Buddhist got a rope can't both doesn't know his shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-05.