« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

51. America ... F*ck Yeah! - Part 1

2020-07-04 | 🔗

While you’re poppin’ open bottles of Miller Lite and lighting up Roman candles for the 4th, listen as the crew takes aim at the tyrannical threats to the future of our democracy; namely, the two worthless political parties, the woke mob, and the Media That Cried Wolf. You won’t want to miss Andy’s essential tips for reclaiming American greatness, or his shocking prediction about events to come. He hopes he’s not right, but...when has he ever been wrong?

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Alright, so much easier to teach I'm going to get a project spoken to the laziest walla motion to fit most cars. The only way one was called to fifty was our guys standing for so, and this is the show for the realists say goodbye to the lies, the faintness and delusions of modern society and welcome to mother fucking reality. Guys. Today we have a. freedom pack show and I say: freedom with a capital. F and capital. Are bono lottery I am join my my but tat, healer, close. One of them is very urban. He's known as the pastor of disaster he's. own as dj. Do Oh god, he's known. What's the nickname today.
Ah, he's known as the man who can't think of his own nickname VON Helen born haleran. What's our dude, did you look different? you're a lot farther away and there's glass behind you I could observation this. This is this is the first, the first pod podcast a full length episode that we ve been able to record our new building and shrank. Yesterday was an amazing day we sold out of the seventy five hard book within a little over an hour. The app went to number one on itunes store within four hours. That's unheard of in crazy. I didn't know that part yeah dude, that's awesome, yeah number number one and two number one app and then number two paid app. Ah so that was cool. It's five bucks, don't freak out! It's worth it alright good day, man MN! We also got. We also got dj.
dj unequal, adjust these energy amnesia, god he's dead. We are credible, shriek airline, I'm dj god in your deja vu. So I was very dj on you. Don't answer room like you got together once ones urban by the same amount might one wants to be urban, yet a figure, dear dude, so the incredible shrieking dj tell people about what that means. I did I'm I'm gettin, I'm going out I was just telling mike earlier. You gonna become the black adonis yeah and I saw my earlier my dude, you know there's this jim down. Here I was, I told him. My dues will be closed for like three days. He like shit. What's wrong. Am I cause I can. the gains out of it fucking days. There are regional gangs, I'm amerika man, I'm happy were amendments leaf mentally more and more important. The physically do not start to see some shit. Changing its awesome feels good That's all man, it's a good day. I you weren't, you don't
Amy brown. I mean I'm doing it, I mean you, you make it easier to do thanks brow before we get into the meat of the discussion to meet. Should we are, should we tell people about kind of my new situation area. You mean like how you just quit your right, because the rumour males yeah you cause- you beat the crap out of me and asked me to Kansas, yeah yeah sort of urban yeah tell what you got gordon brown yeah man, so so about a month or two. I called anti at eight o clock. P m. And I said here you call me a day, and I know why you know: I'm not that do you think he call me. I was able to say that our set their bro. you're, what
You are aware. We for six years and you think unperceptive you gotta met. I you gotta admit that was some foresight on my part. There would be smart. Yannick is I'm always in a better moon alone. I brought up a thought to answer very easy, but I know I was great. He calls me up all nervous as shit and he's tells me you're staying and I'm like cool yeah. I think it was like I got another beloved. You may say so tell him what you're doing know what he's doing about all jokes aside about two months ago. I told Andy that I had been offered an opportunity that I basically long story short. Is that there's a there's, a catholic ministry in in manhattan? It's the ST andrew's catholic student center and it's basically the the ministry of the college students, there and they the priests. It actually listened to the the podcast, a capital
although he didn't know that I formed a, I formed a friendship hired you exactly, and then I formed a friendship with them and me. Long story short is the baby they really have for a while. They want me to come over and become executive director of this mystery, but I was like man is as such: it in a work with you and work with everybody. This is such a great, opportune and I learned so much, and I Men of reality is, is that the more I talked to the more it sounded like they were going to kind of. Let me run the thing like. I thought it should be run and I started getting excited about the idea of of taking everything from the first form culture. What I'd learned from you and saying? Well, let's take that to a catholic ministry and let's influence kids, not just to be people of faith, but people of excellence in mental toughness and and let's just start cranking out the next generation of leaders, you know and and so I told you about that new airlines did. I think it sounds awesome dirty hell for that.
I mean I just like every highbrow I appreciate, but but What's really cool is then you kind of catherine said, but I hope we can still do stuff together and when we all wish we, are, we are still still working together with the heat, is basically gonna. Second job exactly, but yeah I mean I. I have to just like selfishly- I you know, The people who are here- and you know catholic, like dont, think of it says me investing in a catholic thing. It's I really wanted just in influence culture in a positive way. I mean. Obviously it's it's part of my faith. It's really important to me, but I see this as we need to train people not just to be people of faith, but to be people of just like you said or, like I said, excellence and mental toughness people who are really going to, florence the world in a really powerful way, and so I feel excited about taking people who are willing to work with god. Not just expect god do all the right not just to be passive and not just it, not just the only other thing
to be honest with you is that I've heard over the course of the last five years I want to. To my own heart, but I've heard over the course to while photos. Well, I've heard that that a lot of you well- and I didn't really realize this when I was a pastor, but I've heard that a lot of people's experience with christians is that it's not necessarily positive. There are there. There are people who are judgmental. There are people who are like act all higher than you know, holier than now and one of the most positive comments that I've got over the last couple of years, is that I'm a pretty down to earth guy like I don't pretend to be perfect in and then I try to really disable, and so I'm hoping to bring that culture to just as many different kids. As I can and say, hey, listen! You can be totally sold out on your faith. You could be completely committed to your faith. That doesn't mean that you can't be real earth with people saw excited about it and is obviously I'll tell people that, if you're catholic businessperson and you when you come visit, you too, ass, the vision of the ministry here we have you need to invite me to your place beside,
it's my job. Now, I'd love become see. You usually slang. What it is make it added that out. I don't get there ever say. What was it was that what so was going to come, see you and at the end of the thing he's going to say you want to make a donation yeah. You know what, though dude look for real, We'll talk like, I think your bill, for, I think, you're gonna be great at it. I think this feels that you been cause do in I'm just be real like when you, when we first our weren't, you don't know anything about business. I didn't I didn't die now you become some. Why I'd look up what our allies did for a return on investment to pay, strategic, lucky assault, but you know Well, you've come so far, just from us working together and dude. I think you're going do an awesome job with Thanks man or shit. I'm I'm excited about it, but I'm not
so excited about like stuff you and I'm excited to have with you on that too cause like we talked I'm going to come help you with some of the adversarial yeah well at some point, if you know covert ever gets, kicked to the curb we'll have a you know: you'll have to come to manhattan, will do the texas suitcase date game yeah. So I e, I feel, like you guys, having pre lucky the last couple times already, he won't boy. Is it stop in luck and mine, I'm trying to well but But no man, I'm excited, and you know it's a refund. So today we a talk about what freedom. for our freedom. We got a freedom pact, podcast is he's gotta freedom or I must say some things that you prior can agree with. So as dj do you know for sure I say some things? I don't even know black, but he's not say some things,
von, you going to say some weird things too, I'm sure. But what's what's what's what's the main thing here, man, today's the fourth of July, the fourth of July was the fourth of July mean to you. Well, it means independence. It means it means freedom. It means all the ideals of america which,
I think is the greatest human experiment in the history of earth. The coming together of just such great principles- and you know we are by no means by no means a perfect people. We have a history, that's got ups and downs and it's got you know, tragedies and triumphs, and it's got some really bad stuff, and but I think the arts, our strength as a people, is that when we, when we experienced the bad stuff and go through the bad stuff, there's usually a center that holds and there's enough of a majority of the people who are who are right, minded and good hearted and we find a way to survive as a people and thrive. And that to me, like america, is just resilient. It's a it's. It's some. You know I'm biased, but I think it's great
country in history. The earth yeah. It's complete that you're, not you don't have to be by that fact. What was for July mean YE brother, a man as you think about freedom run an hour some others earlier did. I think I think, when I think of freedom, I think the idea of freedom has more weight than the physical presence of free rights are like the ability to say I can go to walmart whenever I fuck, and why, Means more than actually fact gondwana right- and I mean like that- that's very, very appreciative of the man at all. I know my one of those little. You know oh man, you it na da da DA I'm fuckin, I'm in a great space in life. I I live. You know not in the fucking mansion, but I have a great life if I have a great relationship not only in better and it's only gonna fucking about you know- and I am happy with where I've been maybe I am, and I'm happy where the hell I'm gone, and I wouldn't want. I couldn't do this and in the other country yeah, a lot of people right now. I have lost that perspective. I think alike,
people right now. Are you in dude, I'm getting you know, I'm being criticised by the people. You know. Why are you so against the mast thing? Well, You know. I have a problem with being told that I can, read the mother fucking air outside our problem, being told that I can't go to a restaurant, I have a problem being told that we can open problem being told that I can't do it a fuck I want to do and if we are real, honest with people were being this guy's. You guys all could cause, we conspiracy, theorist, say all the the share. You say fuck you want, but Well, no honest, they already took our freedoms. Ok, so we have to consider what freedom. It really is. I think today's a great data really think about that, and I think that's all we're gonna get into you know this whole short sighted see where it goes, Let us look at what we got here: no jobs, no power, works. No restaurants, no
tame. No sports, no concerts, no jim's, no funeral no graduations, no church, no going outside without a mask no toilet paper no, how much sense and now no fourth of July, people think that being worried about your freedom is a conspiracy theory or its. fallacy or its paranoia? Motherfuckers They already took it, it's already gone now. How can we look at the list of All the things that have been taken from us for a virus which causes less people to die, then inaction, a flu and then on tap of who we have all these things going on. We have all these weird things going on. Only we ve got All these. You know
ports of people, seeing positive and then you know the mixing the results with the anna body positives. And we are we have, and then we have all this new new contact trip. So where one person is confirmed case now: counting every single person that comes in contact with you as a new case, and they have agreed, some testing going on in all these places were all these things are going up. How can we not see what is going on I do not understand and people say, what's the big deal, what the fuck and mass the big deal with them. Ask is this is part of this is part of this whole thing I'm talking about right now and you might have workers are buying into and I don't give a fuck if you hate me for saying. you're egos and a way of your brain. And you may say that about me you might say, will you regos unaware your brain? Maybe it is, but I think it is I'm a pretty. good thinker and it seems to me that all the show
that we enjoy americans is being taken from us now these are being taken from us- it's been taken from us, but yet We have all your social justice motherfuckers, Trying to show him, everybody gets your little jollies, you know, say: where's your fuckin mask all the currents I want to. How haven't you mind your own business? About if you're scale use data for come about that How about a few rescue stay? The fuck home when, in the last. Two hundred and our know how many years we ve been a country. we closed entire country for a fuckin pandemic, We are now taking away the spanish flu killed. Twenty five million fuckin people, we close the country when it calls countries more people than that of fifty million, was a fifty million as globally right globally, I fifty million people we close it down for that.
we will present. Why are we? Did we wouldn't have fifty million? No mother fucker, you don't stan, a virus has to run, it's fucking courts that science. That's some boy: you're going to get covert or you're gonna get resistant to cope with. This shit is absurd and if anybody thinks that this isn't about what going on with the election in politics and the Democrats. First republicans you're wrong. That's exactly what's going on, and I told you that a march thirteen, so we people going to wake up and where people going to stand up in winter, people draw the line and say hey. I like amerika, I, like my freedom and and broad you guys disagreeing with me and you're going right now to listen something else or your about to leave. Go fuckin yell at me. fuckin right, some bullshit about me ask you this? Would you be Ok with all these restrictions that they never went away.
what are you willing to well mass forever. Are you willing to not go to the rest? rubber now this is open forever. Are you willing to do what we're doing that the right now forever. You know Ask yourself that. Because what real danger that happen, that's a fact and you're you're sitting here san? You're crazy! You was crazy, a marsh! Oh yeah! You thought I was what happened. Was crazy. In December, when I said this was gonna happen, I'm not quite and I'm not crazy now, so you need ask yourself before you get all round up about this shit. Are you willing to deal with all of this stuff forever are. You? Are you now absolutely forgot? Are you? Are you? No? Definitely not.
It's crazy? It's for you, because People try to shame you for having that thought like. I was literally tothers due to find ga the other day judge it last night. Actually you know, city in county. Did the mandatory mash ryan's sailors in saint louis right, but They didn't do it in ST charles ryan insane for those who don't know saint trousers like the third largest county in in Missouri, they left it opened to the residents who made their decision for themselves right and so that's my wall, should I guess I'm moving saint Charles right on the post and I can do hits me obvious. I will buy I why fucking page and guess what the fuck you is Fuckin. Arnold, though, do you Furthermore, our arnold is not included in the man were now. That's all the ambitious Anybody know what the what the fuck are. You don't even live here, you're living, it's fuckin, ridiculous man, bro
We are seeing what the result is of twenty five years of indoctrination into a new culture that does not think, logically, they think emotionally. and they follow the trends and we have so many insecure lost people in this country that they cannot think for, cells, and so when they see their favorite celebrity in they cedar favorite aims, louis answer, whoever doing whatever and what people are realize? Is those people are just doing what the fuck there told we improve and we're seeing y know, and you don't feel bad man. Because on top of that we have the democratic party and look I'm a central guy. I am normally very: very, very central, ok
my views on society and social or are liberal in my views, fiscally our conservative and that's that's where I lay the left right now: they're, no good. Period, that left ideology is poison, it's fuckin people's brains and If you're still hanging on and you ve tightened, you're hanging on a democratic party, because you hate trump, so fucking bad but you know in your heart That is surely right. You're fuckin problem you're too problem, because I've talked to a lot of democrats. A lot of Democrats who were like dude, I'm I'm democrat, these people that would fuckin normally like argue the fuck with me about even being central? talking about? They are far left people. Even those people are common insane dude, I'm not gonna british. This.
and with this year, I honestly think it goes even even deeper than that. There's two things that have happened lately. They have really made me realize how bad the situation really is regardless of what anybody thinks about trump something happened recently that made me cut chilled me a little. And that is, I dunno. You guys know this, but former cabin, members of george w bush is cabinet, are organizing a super pack political action committee in favour of either of buying. yeah, and that round me so much because my thought to that was ok. Let's put what you think about trump aside in terms of his you know his positive. Is of native qualities. Why would the former cabinet members of of president, that was at least on paper can airbus, socially conservative, fiscally conservative, a darling of up republicans. Why would they be supporting a super pack? That was
favorite Joe Biden alliance or is there in the other, guys right there all together. This is an old boys club. That's why, no matter what you think of trump, whether you think he's a great thing or horrible thing. He, is not part of the old boys club? That's right and then and then add scared the crap out of minute scared, a crap! That's got every scared and politics and media, which is why do I love the fact Fuckin, liberals or so anti bully. You don't bully people. Dont bully anyone what a fine is going on with donald trump the fuckers, a human to your. the boy in this man. What he's the work and anti christ, which he isn't your stupid, the rest of the fucking people were you just said: is the truth, Ok, I'm a trot loyalties by any means, and I am not to any man loyalties. Roma tell you I know you manipulated
by the way I am left these wonderful You don't give a fuck about you. I don't care about me and I don't care by none of us. They care about themselves in the reason that we see republican stay quiet not to his shit is because you just said born there? Let me burn just like the Democrats, relented letting burn. So I don't want to hear any this bullshit from you republicans either you motherfuckers ain't, no better. stay another step, a new shit, and Andy. You know as well as I do that. The reason why the reason they hate tromp is because trump do do do. Have we heard in the media that tromp was a fucking democrat up until twenty the twelve year, even though, due to how many of you out there that are liberals, even fucking know that either no the trump used to be a Democrat and he switched over your your. You know why you switched. Maybe should look into that.
Maybe you should look into the fact that he also used to endorse Hillary Clinton. Any changes fuckin, my maybe you should think about maybe he got a good look at what the fuck is going on here. I am. I know that these important. Do, though, when you have a guy that, so clearly has no party loyalty. I mean that they would send independent. He ran already the fuckin republicans iran's under the constitution does right period there's no loyalty on either side. Do you know me and like the other thing we need more than I do realise that they don't want that belt. Adrian lemme forgot. I can agree that truck, listen the reason you hate trump is: why he's good for folk in america. That's the truth! He's not! You hate him! because the media tells you hate him, why does the media tell you hate him because he said is dumb shit. You know why he says dumb shit because you, polish politician he's a fucking businessman. He's Fuck! You see all our countries
needs. A sea- oh, if you, I think so when you don't understand that, then you don't understand shit that another aspect- and I mean honestly, think that this is relevant. There are things tromp says that just drive me insane, but they don't seem to bother my mother and, unlike ma, am are you serious and my mom from Philly and she's, like trumps in easterner, They just sail like it. It's just a cultural way that we operate and she's like you grew up in the mid west. Europe made wessner people the mid west or nice, like I'm, I'm like you really think that's it, because, yes, he is a new yorker. He just says it like. It is he's not really concerned about being peaceful, pc or a hey. Winded pc become a movement all oh about twenty, five years ago when they remove the mother, fucking, a pledge of allegiance and they started talking implementing all the shit that we couldn't say and we started
implementing this thing where, if you said this thing- that you're a bad person and now look where it's gotten us, oh twenty years later in twenty five years, that all that we can have a conversation or otherwise big it. This is not my endorsement of trumpets, saying this in this news, but do not sixteen a fuckin boy, succeed, a vulcan attack by people who claim they dont buoyant tat people but bro. You know, that's that's their whole thing, though their whole thing is to make it so If you say anything hence the establishment, if you question anything at all about the waste thing, are in america. You must be pro romp and all other races and he's a white supremacist, so you're a horrible person, so we're just gonna silence you that's how works wait. Why is that fascist, that's two terraces yeah was to tell a tearing it. You understand what I'm lookin marks do people understand marxist now is what would explain of armed, and you know what it is right
well for one thing: it is that the state is the most important thing: it's not individual freedom. It's not it's not free mark good economy, it is the state and the collaborative cottonwoods reward yeah. More system is a transitional ideology right? It's the Two days later, gangways europe of coming here some through socialism, ok right along with the new, and we, all these people out there bragging about how their marches I'm sorry! I might that that doesn't make you an american citizen to me. It doesn't. While the other another thing. That is very very true. I mean they're, just very straight out open about it. if you read aloud the marxist textbooks like and in the end, the mark as propaganda near and their manifesto, like solids keys, bug rules for radicals there whole their whole strategy is
to incite discontent between the classes and beaten in between different groups of people, so that people- get so freakin angry that all of a sudden they come along is the revolutionaries who care about the poor person who care about the oppressed who pay care the downtrodden come bad with us and will makes the state subservient to your needs and because people are so angry at each other, they go yeah that sounds good. The reality is guys if you look at the history of our country. I'm excuse me the history of the world marxist. Has never worked where people are happy, never worked, its net worked where people are satisfied and they're, not victims. They they take responsibility for their lives. They would take responsibility for their own destinies and that's why historically, marxism has not been a thing in america there. Nobody listened this shows buying shit, that's right, ok, Thank you. I'm proud of you guys are about those guys not like we're trying to say
an idea that people already bought the fucking truth about true but like the truth is, is like y'all, mother fuckers got to say something may like you. You cannot just leave it to people like me or people. You know who are out there being in the forefront, say some shit, because what happens? Is We just get called office conspiracy, dearest or fuckin weirdos or this or that it is, and then their movement just keeps growing right. I need you guys keeps I can talk and Alex people do. I really love what you shine and what you're doing. But I'll see him say shit. Why is that? Oh, let's see you're scared, you're scared of falcon media. You're scared of this What can one happens when we're all scared and iraq? Why? Oh, they get their way, ran. You know we end up with we end up with fuckin chop. Sal you want to live, you want,
I a lawless society where no fuckin rules? I mean I'm fine with that, because I got the money to build a fuckin army. That's what we what I'm fine, I care, but I'm saying this: you now should be concern. This crazy do most to these most of these people out there. are they're not down with this shit. There's a saying anything. You won't say was a silent majority or doing you gotta. Remember, when they go to work. You got all the karen's right like do. This is a scary thing for people like you, you know you got all these politically correct people that are going to say? Oh my god. here were dj shut in the lunchroom and then going to go to a jar and there s a dj suppressing me in the knesset. dj fuckin fire and you I think this is a conspiracy that his fucking communism
communism. That's the way society works. How do we stop it. by doing the one thing they can't do, which is silence us all. They can't do it right now. You guys are being silent because you feel like I've, you speak up, you're gonna get fuck and dealt with. But they can't deal with everybody speaking up, I want scanning now know they can. He hears was coming. I think, the the dear little secret, I dont think people are afraid of like we're, not to the point in our countries, history where we have to be he worried about me for the most part. Speaking the truth, at the cost of our lives, but I honestly I think that the average american, the reason that we haven't said spoken offer said something. Is we just when we liked
we will win the we will. We be that guy, who speaking the truth and being it was being accused of being the hate longer or the white supremacist. Once we have what ever nobody wants to be called that and they have been very, very effective in making, people feel shamed and like bad people, if I'll you're a fucking jean outside our now. I'm proud of you forget Yeah, I know what I fuck and stand for. I know what my businesses stand for. I know what my people stand for fuck approach, HU? I am, but you know your core values, and you know we you stand for vast right, but most people, don't you fire for taken what the foot for saying, what the fuck you think too, I'm higher motherfuckers and I encourage free thought and free free thinking and You know what, if you're a Democrat you can work here too you probably love it. You ass, I tell you a little bit every year political thoughts but you're still free to say an exact and asked what the fuck we're about here. Ok, so if you can
fire for setting up for what the fuck you believe in I'm higher motherfuckers? And I don't want a big and best companies in the fucking world and were higher so stop you're afraid. There are people out there that, if appreciate your thoughts, there's people out there the need to hear your thoughts. There's people out there. They think there are so many people out there that agree with what you're thinking afraid to say, because you did its most people, most people it's a false fear, guys it's a false fear there a little bit of them and a whole lot of fuckin regular people do not like to think that that actually more people would probably think more people are going agree with. You they're gonna be fuckin happy that you said something because bid you think I'm no, I believe, will dj. We must help to people here and Saint Louis globally, for a porch with guns. They were scared.
Now they always suddenly warbles bc. Here's the bullshit, though, behind the rights so that that little community on this great right there tar community came together, others leather letter condemning what that both those two people dead right, we'll get away. Now, not, but here the should outdo guess what they did. The next day they prior secured, lay at the entire block and they build a bride brand new fuckin like fancies, you see you soon as you're fucking word, words and your fuckin actions do not aligned mother fuck. Now that's the point. What are you doin? This is people trying to pacify what they see on tv? Do we have ever fucking media channel every fucking, one of em off with the exception of facts, that's the truth. Showing that turn every body out their agrees with this, this fucking agenda overthrow there esoteric is down and burn this, and that that is that is,
a little billy percentage of the population that they're making it seem like its everybody and that's what's causing the fear. when the truth is most people ashes we agree with what being said my somebody, like Tucker karlsson, they're, afraid to fucking act on new and now You have to people in missouri in our town, the mcclosky who came out on their front yard hurt anybody, but they said hey you come here, it's like they see, in fact, in a tombstone, where they train a rush, wider and wider pulls out? His fucking guns sticks it on the one guys head. He says I guess what you die first, get it. no, my dear friends, might give me in a rush. Brahma gets you first, so you better think about it. That's what happened that's what needs to happen. What to defend yourself against the mob. You better! Let him know so. My mother fucker is going to kill
I still don't know what you're going to tell me are. You might give bootless that if that were that, was me a miles an hour in a word all my life, to put it to get where the fuck I am I'll, be damned. If I let somebody threat due to my fucking instagram look, you can criticise them, I mean like come on. I may the woman, and hopefully we will not be out there with a fucking polo. Took them attack you might yes, anywhere so we're sure, maybe I'll get you advocate what you really want to have it likely that come out when I would come out when you walk in american out ban and flew flops, no sir and then that'll be it so like rambo style, I would look american his final, be john rambo. It would be the black john rambo it'd, be the the the the dude from fucking tropical thunder. You try, while albert out a junior no been stellar? How come rather doubtful junior napkin attack for being a black guy whenever we do in the black? For us all,
Meanwhile, I remembered vertebrate animals weren't you people, it was funny. That's why he's not getting it exactly like what what a flock guys but friends route, what the fuck like what the fuck yeah lose. While why do that's all keep saying to myself on watch all this shit, what the fuck you like! I am very confident that you stick any of those while the fuckers in a room with me, we're gonna get along do work, has a full value, is let there be matter, maybe I'll, fuck, you that's going to last for about ten minutes. Until I break you down, get used start laugh at deja. You know that she is absolutely sure we all want the same thing. We agreed in black wives, like as a cost that matter, But while we all agree with Is an organization called black lives matter that is actually a bunch of way motherfuckers trying to take money from people who support them,
more idea that black lives matter, which is true, and we all agree with brilliant, it is really a marketing. This is how I got my ass are set on fire for not post and black lives matter and italian charity. No, I too the money directly to the community, which is what the fuck are. You should do. If you really want to make a change, but guess what How do I know that all I know that, because I'm fucked saint Louis What's it say Louis dj? What's I on the north side there, oh that's called ferguson and what happened in ferguson in two thousand and fucking fourteen near my all this shit, then all you, mother, fuckers, didn't pay attention to that you're dealing with now. So I know what blm the organization stands for. Well, that's where it was created That's. Why I'm aware of what the fuck they do all you motherfuckers out there right now you get a taste of.
I guess what you're trying to figure it out. Osha, it tastes like shit, does tastes like shit for everybody. and if you wanna really know the truth. If you want to really think it through, let's about. What's racist, what's racist, how about this An organization of fuckin white people who created an organization to appear to support black well that actually supports rich. Why people in their democratic views and then we're going to get the black people up, Now tell him we're the monies golan when they doting we're going to get them all up. to burn down their own fucking neighborhoods. We're gonna, do them all up to hate We body that doesn't look the same. You wanna know what racist I know to me. There seems racist. Am I And we were like,
Am I see a dj? You know what you I have to speak for all the black people buy up. So I am a I'm, the new speaker for the minority association of America. That's a whole nother thing, dude. How? What is this with all the white mother fuckers like getting her one black friend when black friends opinion like they speak for the whole black race like dude, you, mother, fuckers, are clueless out there of what's really going on and you're fucking, again in line and scream and fuckin break shit. Some time. with what you're saying in a circle back to the whole issue of the statues and pulling down his days. Nor, let me ask your request and young j too. I want you guys opinion. I. does it seem racist? What I just said like is it is it raises for a group of why people to get together and create organization called black lives matter that gets black people well up to the point. Where
burned down their own fucking infrastructure and create division in their own communities. And take all the money that's donated in the name of these black victims and deal with people. While ways is that fist, What they're doing you re not there, yet work in racist and is now raise is for you to say that I know I wasn't asking those raised by fucking look dude they're gonna fuel, jerry, maguire adieu. Yes, I'm so more of a conservative thinking on most issues on social issues. I am liberal, do pay it'll be a misled, yeah well, they'll be allowed to enter, be a manipulate, and I think that's the that's. The point, though I mean we gotta start looking at these people who are who are no?
these leaders in these positions that all in all it is holidays. You look at somebody's district. This is the truth Congressional district of California here media income, is a husband. Thirteen thousand right this district, has the highest percentage of homelessness in the entire country? Guess who's district, but is fuck? Our I know is that is that's nancy policies, districts, Nancy, Pelosi's,. So you have a median income of a hundred and thirteen thousand dollars, but the highest rate of only has a dns dj homelessness like like for real in Bonn. I want your opinion on this too. Why is it that people can look at that? say: hey fuck, you nancy pelosi of shut, but you u but, but you support and think she cares about you because she fucking meals, is some bullshit fucking. Pandering this.
What, if bull shit, what the fuck is going on and what can we look at the fucking facts? This lady doesn't give a fuck about you know or me off How can I think other, then all little cloning that role with her this is about freedom. This is not about. At quality- this is about motherfucker, politics are, four goes all. swallowing it hook, line and sinker every fucking day. Why can we not look at the fucking facts? Why can we not accept the facts? Why can we not accept the data? Can we not look at Joe Biden track record for the last forty mother fucking years and the crazy ship. He said where he said he didn't want to kiss growin up around blacks. He didn't want, is kids grown up around us
I want to term. He used to use like a real races, slang term animals, animals or something. Then you say something like that: yeah. He says something crazy or savages. I'm shells and savages mock fuck you by your so out of touch dude but why can we not see here and there Pro trump statement know that tromp happens to be the fork and option. We have. ok, those unless those complete difference between saying this. As the greatest guy we could have a fucking. Do I think trop is the greatest leader weak a fucking have right now? No, I don't. I don't right now well. I don't know I do do you think he's the best option. We have right now. No, don't know we're saying idealistic world because it is
People are ideal solutions for our people who could be better. There is people that could be better earlier, but these will arise but he's while we go right now that I've seen are you for all your truck lovers, nude arabic, what trump his great for what's going on right now, He could do a better job. He could communicate better. He could still. He could think a little bit before he talks. He could not be so antagonistic. He does a shuttle. Purpose, but you know why you does it he is here to. ro he has two to his own horn. No one else will do it. Nobody else is doing it. No one want to talk about the economy. There he's bill. No one will talk about this being the actual lowest unemployment, a black people in the history of fucking america. So you to talk about it, nobody says all you. Existing needs that will yeah I can see how you could see that cause. He has to I can do, is all
a guy to by all motor fork and war. When I say the ship that I say, and you guys commune idiot then come true and I got to say: hey motherfuckers, I'm due to sub showed a few months ago. How would you, by the way, guys. How many times do I have to say this shit before you start believe me when I say. I may have to say I am on I up not going over well arms was a man I have to admit, like you, have a vision about this, and you have a discernment about this- that I I just I'm just overwhelmed like I had. I look so the christian pardon me says? No, I really hope all black people are true with equality. I hope there is it racism, and I I hope, I'm not part of robin, but I tell you what I done the more people I talk to theirs at a case day that I talk to you and you know, he's he's a minority in their worries, we're talking the staff and he was johnny. You know at bonn here's what kind of crazy he said
Every minority in every immigrant that I know they're pretty happy with america there there like they, get their head down their due Their thing he said, if you go to the big like rallies and demonstrations and angry you know, gathering, he's on campus, like it's usually like angry white liberal. Like an and then and then they pulled a group of minorities around them, no, but basically they're the ones that are spearheading all this he's like most of us, guys he's he's from Singapore he's most of us immigrants are go like hey. Don't do us any problems like yours during a problems like everybody happy we'll get in here like we think this is a great place. Do you know what I'm saying people they went on everybody's fuckin page on drew second and fucking try to destroy their companies,
and destroy peep by me and destroy fuckin people who have literally dedicated their whole fucking life to building real equality in a fucking system. You motherfuckers kit, you're too. fucking don t even right recognize a fuck you're doing yeah. But I tell you what man I I this is. What is the same people who we in Egypt just talk, hey dj, you've got to speak for all black people, they call the three black friends. They put some fucking shit on, they throw a goddamn temp, tantrum and then they say you're racist, if only reason you were guided abad people saw it. Wasn't all young people a suitor one person I have talked to is like. Yeah dude I like it here? Could things be a little butter yeah, they could be, but I with those well here s. What I m do we gotta, then a further by these Potato now me statues, like all the fucking, far right people there
think like look at black people turned out of step. I can be out of this shit for the record not to completely open up a whole new can of worms, but I actually was supportive of the state of missouri removing the computer about a flight from their flat from lifelike I'd like you to immigrate only the two like that. I agree with that. Yeah die. I totally agree with that its, but Do you know you ass, a mother, fucking war right now? Rightly we all fuckin, soon flags, fucking losers, rare his fucking winners, mother fucker! Well, this flat that flat. I was where Flash really that's. Why pointed out, but like that flag, they represent all of us. Ok, there's the rope, federal flag. Is the flag about losing rebellion? there's, no reason they should be celebrated and rubber, the wrong things and, like all you, people from the south I know you think all means something different and it might, but if you really,
stop and think what it actually means. It's pretty fucking bad because it stood for fun enslaving other humans, other americans. They happen to be black. Ok, that's! Ok! so I address I agree with that. A hundred million- and I mean the other reason that I was in favour of it- was that that was the people of mississippi decided. Do it. It was mandated by the federal government. It was the people of missis maybe but here's wise guy. That's it thus has a lot. Here's what you say about the long! You know what that says. Oh says: hey, you know what does indeed rumor mississippi? That was a slave state There was a lie: allowed slaves in state, ok, what that is Is that people saying hey? This is wrong. Let's fix this. One more point: caviar to the state zip. Mrs issues asked what the last date to abolish slavery. No, I let you
That's that's pretty fucking thing like dude week we could say we're fucked a sugar a long time ago. Well, they should have, but they didn't they did and that's good that's. What I think I can say is that ok, so going back to the point now. that is, I think you can tell a lot about a movement from their founders, air from their leaders and what I found in in as I evaluate leaders is that either say things out of ignorance or they say things that they know they know right. Well, our total and fabricated lies. I mean like no question and recently, when shonkin came out and said like, we should pull down all these statues of Jesus because he's a white man and that that's a symbol of of whites, the premise the suppression of likely like ok, listen! If you don't thing about the history of coal. yours in history, the world and religion. You know that literally every culture in the history of the planet has portrayed Jesus as their particular ethnicity. So if you go to Japan,
pictures of Jesus. As a japanese gathers, a korean jews, yeah does a korean Jesus. If you go to, if you go to my wife, is her parents are from poland? If you go to poland, there's like one of their famous pictures of that is of the black madonna, which is like a with me, the virgin mary, but she looks like a polish woman for the polish women, why I I have to admit this is a very, very popular their gaining the poet polish women are pre hot the other, pretty generally they are, but the blinds madonna's, not it's it's kind of an ugly picture, but but The reality is that you go all over the world and people express their views, of Jesus according to their ethnicity. That's just part of what it is, because if you have somebody you care about, you want them to be got. You know one of us, you know so we there one of our family I gotta give a caviar yeah to my little common about them. We have, but I think most women era we but nobody, but for
sean king to say that to say that that that is an expression of you know like white jeez, This is our expression of why supremacy and beating down black people like dude. He there is no way that he doesn't know better like there's, no way that he does not know that every culture in the history of the planet, ass prices. All he said that to stir I project know he doesn't know because he's an educated guy. How do you know that did there are so many doesn't. There is no, I'm sorry there's no way a guy that claims to be in cultural and celebrating diversity aroun theirs. I end what an urban and urban right there is no way that that guy does not know that he knows that and he is intent, surely deceiving to stir up trouble, isn't that, along with what I just said yes remembered arose to another,
and burgers. I'm I'm not saying that everything Sean king ever says is wrong, as there are a few things that I recently that I've got a good show that he said they are right, but that to me, when I heard I was like here the guy who is manipulating space of supporters for his own himself. That's what I believe is ongoing projects. I guess he's region, you just finished our part.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-08.