« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

505. Andy & DJ CTI: Tucker Carlson Leaves Fox, Americans Stranded In Sudan & Harriet Hageman Calls For Antony Blinken To Appear Before Congress

2023-04-25 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Tucker Carlson and Fox News agreeing to part ways, the White House warning Americans stranded in Sudan that they're on their own, and Harriet Hageman calling for Antony Bliken to appear before Congress on his role in discrediting the Hunter Biden Laptop story.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now my jewelry for the county, millions in kobe teach buddhist, god of all things, rope can't doesn't know headshot case club. What is up guys are changing for selling. This is the show for the real say goodbye to the life, fitness and delusions of modern society. The ultimate mother fuckin reality guys. Today we have edit tj bros, the mother, fucking it and then, as we're going to do that's what cts As for crews, that internet guys this is really up and we are a little bit different than most of the other shows we have shows within the show and today you ve been here, see tee. I that's crews, the internet, that's our It's going on in the world, show politics, culture occurred events, we breakdown withdraws from headlines on the screen. We talk about what maybe true. What may not be true? We speculate on what it means and then which
about how we can all contribute to being a problem. Well, some contribute to being a solution to the problems in society other times you to name. We have two and a half. that's a question and answer segment on the show. That's where you get this. The questions we answer on the show, the quest This can be submitted. A couple differ ways. The first way is guys email, those questions and to ask andean anymore. So about that's, ask Annie, Andy purcell dot com. The other way is that you can now go on youtube and watch the q. You may ask ourselves: the comments section after you click subscribe can drop, Why should we only take question people actually subscribe? we tell that, but I'm you we do it. We're gonna have we to write. Their saw could subscribe these questions. Why answer on the show? other times you today we have real talk. We'll talk is five twenty minutes just some real talk that there needs to be said, and then we have full length falling
is what you see on a lot of other podcast, where we sit down with yes, of conversations now, This is a personal labelling Michel and your probably wondering why we talk about current events on a person develop Michel. Well, it's kind of like the fish in the aquarium dude if the waters dirty fish dies and if we don't have free and we don't have the a fertile soil of capitalism, this country, our dreams, are not obtainable, so most of the show personal development based on my twenty four years of business experience a success. I share that with you for free and then we talk. the environment, which is not the environment like gratifying, the environment, the virus, We live in the personal business culture which requires freedom. I saw freedom is a very strong theme on this show so that's how the show kind of breaks down for that viable information that we get away on the show. We simply ask one thing You will not hear me read ads on the show, you
I see ads for the show. I don't take money from people who talk about things I don't use or like all right. If I talk about something, because I really like it, I do that so I can do we're not sent a message, inauthentic point of view without having to deal with a bunch. Knucklehead tell me what I can't. I can't say: right: inaction, for all that we have this very simple thing called the fee. The fears please share the show, please share show if we deliver value. If we make, you laugh make you think. If we give you a new perspective, which you! Some tactics that are gonna help you, if whatever it is, if we give it up. not a waste. Your time say that's a good fuckin show up. I learned I've been there right thought something there. I changed my mind on this or got me thinking about this. Please show the show, that's how we grow the show. It's the only way we grow the ship. We ve been able to maintain a very very very high level elite level, podcast for almost dec, based upon the simple idea, value exchange. If we do good, you do good I appreciate you guys so much. The do share the shop, so
the one down on the show. What do we got? We got some good. We do how a man who visit loaded episode I'll just loaded by saying that ball for ball sack? This is girthy salty chocolate balls I mean like it. I mean brother they're, swollen balls yeah right ready to release. We are now. I wanted to check in with you, though, before we even greater face. Was somebody space How do I make it awkward? I mean it was caught me off a little bit for sure. I know man. I want to share with you value and how I was weak in at a great honor. I mean let's listen, brown, I'm I'm sitting here in this matter. in company with all these amazing people.
Amazing work. I got to speak to a bunch of people this week and I got speak with David goggins at my. Let that help watch people sitting here drinking this amazing first form protein drink that you know we sell. I didn't know. If you know we sell those things, it's not an ad right. I am jat ten and rich as fuck having a good fucking day night. So that's how I'm doing let's fuck it up for some tires, then let's do a better job while it lasts before they put me in the gulag, yeah for sure cause. Apparently Tucker's go in there. Yeah What will you do it? I'm good, I'm good at it. It's a beautiful monday, And I will record in this and down their weaken was good man. Italy was get, it was. Finally, I was fond of you around
It was fun to be around people that want to get better. You know real talk all jokes aside: I love being the personal development space and I think a lot of his corneas fuck. I think a lot of the people in your corneas fuck. You guys know that, like I don't really vibe with a lot of these people, but. the people who actually give a fuck about getting better when I'm around those people do that. Just like super energizes me and makes me feel good, and I'm very very grateful to be in the position where I get to be around that consistently. No, that's cool! Access to that yeah brother, like everybody, I talk to you your honour, because I've been in this in the space for so long. The person development thing yeah, I'm kind of surrounded by people. I just want to get better all the time like whether it's here inside of our companies or whether it you know go speaking or whether its people to follow me like everybody, wants to get better. I fucking love that dude, because not everybody has that and I think I'm problem
when the few people on the planet is literally surrounded twenty people deep, a hundred people deep in every direction that truly want to get better. a bitch and are not wine in there not be a fuckin pussies, we're same fight, I maybe I added, have the ideal position in life where I wasn't born with a with a perfect setup, but I'm gonna do everything. I fucking can be better and pro that to me as a pretty awesome, neil know what I'm saying: that's a pretty cool thing. It's refreshing duty, just as in its I'm used to it, because I've been around so long, but sometimes like this weekend when. You know, I'm I'm I'm reminded of how gorgeous you are. A man is just this is fucking cool dude. So I'm feeling good man who energizes me fuck yeah man. Well, let let's piss off some tyrants do that man we got a good show guys. Remember if you want to see any of these articles, pictures links, videos go to the anna for salah dot com. You can find them linked there. I'm also dropped down to the youtube com. Description
low checked it out, but you can always see the description if you subscribed yeah, you can only see us if you subscribe actually did. We only exist if you subscribe and we don't even fucking exist if our balls stay swollen. If you don't and that's painful everybody knows that so please relieve us if our pain by clicking subscribe there, you know there's a lot of audio people like our podcast is all audio folk, so, like eight and a half years on audio everybody's use. Listening on audio, but it's cool, it's really cool, because what I discovered is that, even though most of the people and audio do not go over to you to the youtube communities like its own thing, you're gonna marilla gave you too much attention. You know we did a lot Instagram and I've been doing this random fuckin over it, and that was a mistake of mine that best but I wish I were done from the beginning right, but
doing it now and like even though we're just getting started at it. I love the community. That is that as on youtube versus other social media platforms, because, like that yeah, you get a cup decades but like for the four generally do like ninety nine point, nine percent the people are cool. You know that. Actually have real questions, are real comments, though not rude inside a more civil public discourse. Fuckin, I think that's that's cool like we should be able to have conversations. We should be able to disagree with people on certain points in nafta. On, follow and found a good dude. I don't fucking care val for this, like bro airways leveraging their own fuckin like their their followers. number like nobody cares, did fuck Well, follow you want to buy my shit, get the fuck out. I don't care, know what I'm saying. You'll still see it yeah you're still going to see it. still gonna be back bitch. I guess away works so like that, but I just feel like the
You two community is like just cooler gets like than other social media platforms. Our different by is Nothing, I think a thing there's a whole new. It's like a whole, its we're we're being introduced to a whole new audience like allow these people. They don't listen. The platte packing audio and they're not on Israel, and these are people that just go on you to back up our man. big regret a minor. I knows I didn't do it soon, I'm about a thing like it's hard to be omnipresent on social media, because the platforms or so
in the brief for you, you either gotta. Just do that or you gotta have a really I mean you. Gotta have a lot of people to help. You know you know it's just a lot so, but yeah youtube is cool. So we're appreciate you guys yeah, we do yeah. So, let's, let's get into this matter, we got. We got there's a lot out here. Why are the lights? Let's, let's dive into this, where I get the show started headline number one atlanta, london born reads: Tucker Carlson. Fifty three leaves fox news. Network's most popular host agrees to part way, sending share price plummeting. Nearly four per cent. Just days after broadcasters read several hundred eighty seven million dollar dominion settlement as four per cent in like half a day and it's a lot to shut down. So yes, we'll talk across it is out fox news. After a seven year, rain as its most watch nightly, host and fourteen years after first joining as it can
tributor in a shocking announcement monday, the network announces departure, saying his final show was on April twenty first I quote fox news, media and tackle Carson have agreed to part ways. We thank him for his service to the network as a host and prior to that. As a contributor, the network statement red host Harris Faulkner also announced his departure honour, saying quote: we have some news from within a fox family, fox news, media in sucker cross and have mutually agreed to part way. Suckers last show was this past friday, an interim roster of host. I will take over his in his absence, and so the permanent replacement is chosen. Karlsson, who signed off his final shown friday with well- that's it for us for the weak
We back is yet to come. It shares and fox corp. The network's parent company fell by five percent after the announcement, wiping six hundred and ninety million dollars from its market value. Here's a quick look at that. I mean do that. I got the ship That's it that's between the hours of ten, a m and twelve p into our timeframe to our that charges to our time hour,. like half a billion dollars in fucking two hours, is going to get worse. So Carlson's departure comes just five days after fox settled. With dominion. Voting systems which had sued for defamation claiming hosts like carlson, knew president trump's election frauds claim were untrue, but pushed them for ratings dominion sued for one point: six billion and settle for seven. Eighty, seven million at the un,
I'm with our merrily. Avoiding an embarrassing and highly prized publicize trial were karlsson. Another host would likely have been called as witnesses. His departure also comes just four days after that of not dan found genome and several months after five, spot it weighs with president trumps daughter in law, laura among discovery submitted before the trial were text, messages in which karlsson described his quote, passionate hatred of president trump don't know how much I place into it, but is there now crossing? Show tucker cross into night? Was the gleaming jew, a fox knightleys lineup, drawing on three and a half million viewers every single night. But a series of recent controversies, including the dominion claims, I in his own comments about the january six riots led him into how to water. had to water than ever, even ass. He was used to and at the same time bombs
in the same exact our the same out. Those there's more deep stuff here, I thought so darn women have always dom women fired from seeing and stunned by how he found out dominant. The controversial agar have seen in this morning has been fired from seeing in an abrupt ouster follows a slew of scandals from gas poem anchor and a fiery tweet on Monday, lemon claimed to have been blind cited by the new saying he was informed this and fired him via his age. It are you ts. J shore shares his tweet says quote. I was informed this morning by my agent that I have been terminated by sea in it. I am stunned to seventeen years. Asean in I would have thought Some someone in management would have had the decency to tell me directly at no time was I ever given any indication that I would not be able to continue to do the work that I have loved that the network. It is
clear that there are some larger issues at play with that said, I want to thank my colleagues and the many teams I have worked with one a credible run. They are the most talented journalists in the business and I wish him all the best. The scene and responded to that. Those they said quote don lemon statement about this morning's events is inaccurate scene and also treat about what he was offered an opportunity to meet with management, but instead released a statement on twitter separately. The posters line, a lemon has tat former scene and flash flak alison ballast to advise him during his acrimonious split with cnn eyeglasses foreseen in c, o jeff suckers girlfriend as occur in gaol for both ousted
and I work after the affair came to light in twenty two. Now here's the interests and thank all- we also got Donnie BT donald trump he treated in about this. I oppose the truth he says quote. good news. The dumbest man on television don lemon has finally been fired from fake news cnn. My only question is what took them so long sought me out at will, that's a valid point, because you literally drove the rate him enough without a got como of their fuckin ratings in the shooter and they ve not been able to get him out, saw me like what did take em so long, oh well, we're trying to push fuckin narrative, that's what the law yeah! Now I will say this, though, so I mean you both. If you go to the fox news website and you go to CNN Cnn's website, they both have published, publish an article about your dominance, firing on cnn fox soccer on on fox, and they both are eerily similar they're, very, very short, very, very sweet. They give
No, no hey! We thank him for service yeah, no insight, no insight into anything and- and that was like that's it- it's literally like maybe maybe a fuckin paragraph or two right and that's pretty much it man and so I don't know what you got on this. these are more sent me. What are you looking at here loaded That's what I've been saying for a long time. These people are all friends, they all know each other there all! coordinated each other mainstream media is that this would be like you own cnn, and I own fox and we're friends but we're running you know like do like for me, like I'm friends with all the, the gap generally, almost everything, while the guide that owns a company in my spaces whatever face I'm in are usually know all the other owners have working really emma fucker I gotta talk to honey every working day. He owns origin. I talked to the guy's own fuck.
all these other companies on a regular basis like we're all cool we all get along people think we think each other, because we're competitors we're competitors even Everybody gets along behind the scenes. Ok, so now imagine that dynamic in the media, imagine that dynamic with the biggest companies and world and imagine that dynamic with the politicians right, that's what we're talking about and what we're dealing with, and the fact that these two guys we're let go literally on the same day. and then, in the same, like our span, that's a red flag, ok, and why that says to me: is it says a couple different potential possibilities, one. I definitely feel like its coordinator. it could be service level could be they fired top it's such a massive fuckin story that they try to sneak the fiery of women at the exact same time and basically let it go go way because, like he's such a pain in the ass, can't you can't you visualizes guy
klein racism crying victimhood sooner crying all this shit like that's what this fuckers about he's always been about right he's, not real journalists, he's a fucking talking head, for a narrative. They promise focused green someone else right. Ok, now that be one scenario could just be that could be talker got fire because his positioning with the dominion thing, and it could be that the jay six thing it could be. It could be they're just fucking, tired of it and they said fuck it, but that doesn't make sense, because Tucker is fox news right and they are going to fuck and suffer and I actually think this work, your fox news. I hope if there is any reason for people to watch fire fox news after this man leads? as all the other ones are so clearly bias too, you watch Hannity brow and like added, no met shockingly, I'm never talk to him, but if you watch him his brow it is so hard to the right into the sea. I wish my right that it's like not powerless.
But anybody, even in the middle and any they paint tat her as far right the reality is the dude got the biggest show on television for reason, and the reason is because he resonates with most common sense americans. So. Does that make american all far right? I mean this he's gotta show is ten times bigger than the vacancy and a network, you're saying so like. Why would you cut them, now. Why would you cut out your highest perform, and so that's the thought process that I think about, and I think about it for a while, if I own the network ripe and what else What I personally think could be going on and this is just speculation, but what yeah, I think I do need to put the hat on hold on. I figure. I think I need some help and so on need some help now on. I think I'm getting help
Are you are you so I got some help right? It's working. I could feel the help and let us evacuate here and I'm going go out on a limb black considering the fact these motherfuckers all know each other and they all talk and they all coordinate our right. Could it be, that they are deciding as a whole to go a completely different direction with their left right narrowed. Could it be that they are either going to all coordinated, go the same direction right or could it be that there are actually go to take away the divisiveness for awhile, because things getting so heated that people starting to realise whose pulling the strings and who the public masters are. Okay and they know that keep pull the strings and who the pub masters are. There's a lot of us in that very many of them. So could it be that they are trying? calm down because their plan of the twin thirty agenda basically,
global communism, one world government- I don't I explain it all, but I go listen. Last three fucking years of my show and base we require schwab's book. Could it be but they have failed and they realise that they have failed and instead of continuing to try and push this plan. Could it be that they're going to potentially. Smooth things over and not try to be as divisive to try to bring back some sort of sense of normalcy, regroup and then execute their plan later, because the history, how communism works is they push push push push push when they start, get real resistance, they stop they let go back a little bit. So it's like five steps forward. Two steps back five steps forward: two steps back: that's that play so in my mind. What makes sense I said I believe us started show I believe, they're gonna run. Michelle obama became It makes sense that potentially they are, to try and unify america around
michelle obama, the exact same way that they deal with Barack obama. Remember that do pope change, We have come together, unity, ok, and they can't do that with divisive, ass, a coming from the left cnn MSNBC, All these other may mean, and in fact they can't do that they don't get their way with two of the most polarized ask her so so how I see it- and you know this is pure speculation. but I see that as a real possibility, and I said that they have not got where they want to go. People call bullshit they smell bullshit and there's enough people stay not now looking at like what happened. Azure bush right looking at what what's what's happening, The left no longer has the fucking cancel culture power. The right has all the fuckin power, which is what been telling you guys, for. I don't know the last three and a half years the numbers of always been that way they shift. They ve always been that way. Right so, we're dealing with what I believe
small minority of people who are making coordinated decisions based around the fact that they haven't been able to Impose their will enough on us in the I'm frame that they selected and their regrouping and coming up with a different strategy in the strand it makes sense to me, builds on what I said last euro, which was gonna. Try to run Michelle obama, we're gonna, try to do in a a unifying message of hope, change and try to bring back that Barack Obama magic based around them shit down in society, because they can't do it when things were like how We are right now tons and tons by the day. Percentages. Big percentages of the black vote are shifting to the right. starting to realise that this is bullshit and what they need to get Michelle obama in is more idea politics and the only way that they can start the bleeding from the black vote from going from the left or the right, to calm shit down a little bit, so
that's how I see my mind's very strategic. That's only thing that really make sense to me. Could it be something it could be a lot of different things. But that's how I see anyone lobby and make them makes completely sentiments and when you think about it in the terms of like very very gender right, they try bade. They try to expedite this whole fuckin a and they tried to do that with a kobe thing and because I was just enough resistance. The kind of factor plans right and so now people are way more privy to understanding of. What's going on, I there was this three year lag. More people are waking up, more people are realising that shit that's going on, and you actually alluded to that with the whole dominion case, thing I think that she would have been to trial. It would have expose exactly how the mainstream media fucking operate. Yeah. Such is coordinated veiled like baby
these elite left is by these these elite fucking people right, they were expecting that their plan would have been way. Further progress down. The road was and so I think I agree with you completely. This is them taking off the push yet sawing off the push, because shit, ok, fuck! We got me all about it. Let when you are puffing your chest right and because that's what happened here, you have to think of it as a pure numbers game. they own the media, they own the technology, the big tack, okay, so they able to create an illusion for an end and impose. Or will on society for the last twelve to fifteen years, because they unable to use technology. Fake accounts bots. Algorithms suppressed you have one narrative, the propping up another like due to view just even just one of those things suppressing of one side and the
open algorithm for the other side, the open algorithm is going to appear to be the popular algorithm, because you see what I'm saying so they manufacture this. But here's the problem- everybody's awake now everybody's waking up to all of these things that we've been saying for years and years and years and other people have been saying them to for years and years and years when you look at donald trump who, regardless of what you think of him when he gets one hundred thousand fuckin people to come to a rally in Joe Biden gets fuckin. Twelve cars were to people in each and they say it's because a covert first, Airbus thinks it they think all while that may kind of sense, but it doesn't you can't anybody on the street and support show by fucking anywhere. And everybody knows ok a word: a situation now work Everybody seeing that the numbers are over here and we're seeing it economic data now anheuser Busch bush. Remember when they ran that pull that back in two thousand and twenty and twenty one,
I call bullshit on on the show where there was a yahoo paul where they said, likely are you to patronize a restaurant who requires vaccination and it was eighty percent. Eighty seven something percent? No thirteen percent, Yes, I will go there. Restaurant murmured ass, a big mistake for them because they actually put out a genuine paul instead of a fake pole and people are, and people start to see the truth remember I do recovered it on the shelf. We did. I we did. That was a big deal yeah they fucked up right there yeah and remember me saying that they fucked up like hey, look, there's a fucking data right there on yahoo, yeah, okay, so What's happened here is that they will they, our small minority of very, very rich human beings, very, very powerful general. surely powerful been in power for fucking decades in decades. In decades, these people are very few and we, the peasants, are very large. Ok
They are at risk of exposing themselves to the point where they can't fucking stopped. The backlash I actually believe they're already passed. That point I think they live in their little bubbles. I think that there aware of the real vibe on the on the street. They they look at they look at new york. Chicago and allay as the main fucking up a centres of what people stocks are when reality, everybody else lives other places where even their own data? That's what I'd say! That's what I'm saying it's like! It's like an instagram! liberty that has fourteen million fake fowl, I believing real celebrities right, so they start to believe in their fuckin power and and and they run with an eye- Did they ve crossed the line? And I don't think there's any coming back from it. I think too. People see it too many people, We stand it, I dont think whatever they do fox news or cnn? I think this will be the death of fox news. I think that.
people, will stop watching. Msm and all the information will come to us free and people like us, yeah, okay. So this is actually a good move for us honestly, but in other independent you know, media sources The point is that there is that there is more like dilemmas set it. This is what he said there's more to this are there's a big what he said. Pelvis thing his statement. He said in his statement. He said with that's all so it is clear that there are some larger issues: a play, ass right, ass right, he's telling the truth and I want to be invested in what he says after this, because apparently he's fucking he's pissed off the right to life. We're going to find out and here's the thing and, like I mean with this stuff, it's hard to, even because cnn is so like full of shit. It's hard to even tell it like. Is don lemon being honest did cnn actually reach out as this type nomes elegance hearts. Even what then it says she said right yeah
because they've they've they've dropped the ball with the public trust for so fucking long like taught to believe in either one of those. I I I in this case I believe cnn probably did do that that which was offered him the meeting and she yeah yeah. I believe that, but because I think Donald It's a fucking, poor or fuckin asshole. Like do if you're gonna sit on tv near, I tried divide people, along race divide people, long vaccines tell people that they're gonna fuck it they should go to jail for not taken a medicine is not fuck unproven. and all that is potentially dangerous, you're a piece of fucking shit. One hundred per cent- now I mean now- I will say this, though don lemon. If you see this- and you hear this. If you are really that fuckin pissed off would in it at all truth, stressing it yeah television, I was going to start your going to start seeing people come the fuck out late, these whistle
or types more and more and more, and the reason is because of what I'm saying in this conversation that the potential for true exposure of their agenda- is is happening more and more every day they are getting closer and closer and closer to being fully exposed are right, as we get closer to that line, where these people are fully exposed for them for their nefarious. New agenda for the united states america and world and we're closer and closer to the mainstream enorme, so to speak, waking up and seeing it the people who are involved in it gets scared. They start getting nervous they're like fuck dude. We get caught, fuckin, hang right and so you're going to see more and more and more people start coming out telling the fucking truth, because it's getting too close to that line and due to the end of the day, It's always a numbers game. Its numbers game, there's a whole bunch of peasants in theirs. Very few of them peasant by the way we're all of all of you, listening you're, the peasants
you mean you guys nap behind CIA you're, doing your fuckin work. Your peasants due to them is realised that you're just useful peasants work, there's more of us than there is fucking of them and their there. There very aware of that and their plane hasn't got his plan. It's my opinion that things are going to do one of two ways: one there either gonna go full blast and try to get too like that that communist state as quickly as possible, which might be the case because of what Joe Biden did with the mortgages. If you guys didn't do we cover that now recover? Ok, so last week Joe Biden creators are asleep, but a system unless you're having snuck in, but basically where over a certain credit score, you pay a higher interest rates you ever lower interest score. You pay less than his trade and the interests that that there were warding people who don't have good credit scores and punishing people who do now but pissed. Had that they're saying all its unfair. It's unfair! It's unfair! But there s If what is wanted,
Actually is: is there incentivize mediocrity there inside? devising, though the lapse of work ethic and pride, and doing good and being excellent rarer. I tell you what's that what's autumn of rebellion personal excellence. They want to remove personal excellent, so they incentivize mediocrity in order to create the pen, It's on them as much as possible and there I note accelerate so when I think of the indicators of how we're trot, what they're trying to do with a complete demoralization and the removal of achievement, culture and personal actions from society that mortgage move. That's what that point was. they're. So all of those two things, those things this thing covering with lemon and tucker, and that this thing with the mortgages tell me there we're going to accelerate their plan because they're all fuckin, but it could be the other thing too. It could be the thing about, we're trying to calm shit down because we're going bring in this candidate who everybody loves and we need identity politics to work, and we can't make identity politics to work when
when we are literally pushing the population. The votes for us to the other side with our device of behaviour. So there's two ways neither go real fast or it's gonna slowdown. little bit and they're gonna regroup, but I believe it's it's all strategically being done for, or one of those two reasons will entail a where our minds ass. To be the same, your responses, fuck you, our responses, we're not fucking complying. Your shit we're again we're not going to listen to you, we're not going to believe you were going to validate everything. You say to see if it's fact or if it's fiction- and we don't trust you anymore ever again- nannies be the response. One hundred percent, along with the color accountability for sure, yeah the people who organise this, that, starting with the covert shit, I'm told by the main players I'm talking about the people who are the organizers, I'm not talking about the doktor who
was told, buys his and not talk about the who was told by the debate. Show I'm talking about the people who I am the shit out to be made a fucking example of in public domain, so that this never happens again and by being made an example of I'm talking about maybe like a hundred or two on brothers, too our people that, if they were eliminated off the face of the earth, will be a peaceful earth. No, like do we deserve peace. We deserve prosperity and industry, he knows, the mother, the that's what I'm saying and so like Do they understand that? That's that's the outcome that will happen if they continue to push and that's what makes me think they're trying to back off, so only time will tell, but that's how it breaks down. In my mind, guys, how do you guys see it? Let us know in the comments tell us what you think and with that being said, I was telling him one us move right along headline number to allow them to reach white house warns. Americans strange.
it in sudan. They are on their own, tells up to sixteen thousand trapped citizens to shelter in place. Had it's not safe evacuated during brutal fighting between rival military factions, Afghanistan, through one oh, it's kind kind of around given on this right- was this dive into the so white house, spokesman, John Kirby, set on Monday? It's not safe to have accurate, the remaining americans out of sudan as too powerful rival military factions battle it out for control of the east african nation, united states evacuated. U s! Embassy personnel on sunday
thousands of americans still remain, and president Joe binds administration ruled out a further evacuation. Oh, we are providing the kind of support and facilitation to help americans who want to be able to leave and americans are in the process of availing availing themselves of that. He sat at the white house press briefing, but when questioned, he said the assistance was too convoys arriving at the red sea with people looking to depart the imports of an some. U S, civilians are in a: u n led conway en route to the red sea which the? U S, is marching jigsaw of inside the? U s placed intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance assets over the land valuation route to help facilitate safe travel by land, firm khartoum to the port of stand by the? U s does not have any troops,
brown quote. We have started to see a more regular pattern of convoys voice to arrive, including conway's. It have americans in them Sullivan, said, but once at the port, then we are using diplomatic facilities in neighbouring countries to help those americans with their onward travel, so they can get safely out of the country. Kirby said the same thing in his appearances on the morning: television news quote. There are several dozen americans making their way through sudan and the? U n led convoy a way over which the? U S, has got some intelligent surveillance and reconnaissance assets to ensure their safety. It's a very like like that, is a a in approve statement that was given to them to say in my purse north I'm cause a sane literally word for word, debate on the exacting, but I could change says what the united states military is. Providing over watch do unnamed, I'm sorry!
mad ass, at so watch over that com or to make sure that way, but to see whatever security problems they my face, of course we're looking at putting naval assets in the red sea nor ports dance help with any evaluation or assistance at american citizens might need kirby set on CBS an estimated sixteen thousand private. U s. Citizens are registered with the? U s embassy in khartoum as being in sudan, but officials dispute that number warning that it be too high accurate. You know, I'm speaking of left, leaning, mainstream media sources as the sea bs. This that's cover in it I'm. The same the same thing now again, I I just I worry that we may see a a a worry that we may see an afghanistan coupon. You know and note just couple of weeks ago you mean in terms of them just leaving americans leave, american, their americans dying sand and, like I mean, let's be honest, like you know, there were saying that we know. Why
but we also know that our own government has been used to create. These type of disaster is rivals in many countries in our history right like so many do intentional intention of right, and so I mean I don't know anything about two weeks ago. This autumn comes out. Where is the hell? Iris Biden blames trump for afghanistan, withdraw mess. and snakes away to camp David, and so I'm just I'm wondering is the Sudan fluster. Is this transport to realise what
well. Is they don't have one single argument, bro that doesn't involve trump's? Now, like listened to this in a sign of the administration's priorities, the name trump his mission mentioned. Fourteen times is talking about the the afghanistan withdraw trump's name, the name trump is mentioned fourteen times, while accountable appears just once right- and I mean so like. Okay is this: is this afghanistan two point? Oh and a just final news on this or the rival generals came to power after a pro democracy, uprising led to the ouster of the former leader, omar
omar Al Bashir and two thousand twenty one. The generals join forces to seize power in a coup bron and the gallows fell out over recent internationally brokered deal that was meant to incorporate the rss into the military and eventually led to civilian rule. Room is not clear who is currently in control of the country. If you are president, how how do you send the message? How would you send the message to the rest of the world that are made comfort they can't that's what this is about? This is about showing that we are actually incapable of rescuing our own citizens in front of the entire world. You say: is the complete opposite percent. This is this is about showing entire world that we are incapable of protecting our own people intentionally so that nobody is afraid of arrest.
facts or country. This is another step in the long line of steps, starting with Joe Biden's first aid office, were cancelled, keystone pipeline that kept the border open. They pulled out of Afghanistan intentionally fuckin printed trade dollars to inflate the currency? They ve created every single scenario that they possibly can to make us weaker. If sent all our weapons to afghanistan. They ve depleted our strategic oil reserves is the intentional dismantling, both literally and culturally and image wise of, united states of america, which has been known as the greatest country on the planet or literally hundred fucking years. Okay. So that's what we're dealing with this has nothing to do with any. If you think this has anything do anything other than that you have not been paying attention, so this is just another step to show these guys. These guys are ripe for taking and to give morale to our enemies to take us, that's exactly what the fuck it up.
we're saw your argued about dumb shit? Ok, so that's how I see it now. You may see a differ and maybe there some other ways to see a different now sure, but that's how I see it after sitting here every day, importing thousands of hours into into this exact thing. How I see it is a move to show that we are incapable of protecting our own people abroad and that it's ok to fuck with america. We arrived for the picking, and I think it's too embolden our enemies embolden the world against us all of our. Old allies are now siding with china, the allah That's what I'm saying why did this is the How far from african real time too, and like you guys, you guys call that conspiracy, your fuckin stupid, like yours, you're stupid. I not there's a conspiracy yeah, but it's nice. Theory yeah, you know, like I'm just saying, like people tried, deny it and say it's now we're having we'll. Let me ask you this dude
that were the mission at the mission were to weaken our country and to keep it are to present it on platter for our rivals to pillage destroy and conquer. What would you do differently now? How else would you do it? How elsewhere you do it. If you wanted to demoralize all of your citizens will yet up there they're making people understand demoralization. They don't understand that their try, to remove the whole, from the citizens of the country, so that there is less fight. Whenever the time comes to fight whether that be with our voices are with weapons so like it's, maybe say well, fuck it doesn't matter what I do this is gonna have liked you, see this on the earth it works. Right look out people say nothing's going gonna happen, yeah. That's true, but not there's gonna happen. The reason not that's gonna happen is cause you fuckers, keep saying nothing's going to happen. Is that a stay and vigilant in the like an argument in in an entrenched in the information warfare. That's going on
you know knows, there's gonna happen, flock there's gonna happen, yeah, no shit because of you because you keep saying that and you keep just go it alone, it's your own excuse and your own. way of letting yourself off the responsibility of actually having to stand for something at this point in time. That's how I see that too. So, like it's working, absolutely ma'am, I do there's all a patriotic people that are saying now. Well what the fuck we're gonna do. We What the fuck we gonna do! Really, where the fuck we gotta. Do you really ample yeah before we're do what whenever, if what we have to do now. otherwise, your kids can be fuckin, slates lobbying, but people understand eyebrow, they think they. Somehow. Think that things are just going go back to normal. Things. Are, never going back to normal unless we force normal right, that's reality. There. We do that politically or any other way. These.
His way is way. I always tell you which culturally person Well, excellence is ultimate rebellion. This is what they're afraid of afraid of people saying yeah fuck. I'm gonna fuckin give shape. I might take a career serious, I'm gonna take her my family. I want to raise fuckin, kids right am I take her neighbours it's here, because there that's fucking piece of shit, rama, take responsive, already for my own life, my own community, to be a great example for everybody else to observe and that spreads and when that spreads creates a ton of humans that they cannot control Because their plan, if you're paying attention should be pretty obvious to see, is to make you fat they promote being obese. As like this thing, that's you should aspire to. They make you sick, they, fiji food, full, a camel. Those that you have to then take their pharmaceutical drugs to fix those things. Ok, make a stupid, they indoctrinated, they know teach math rope most high school seniors in california, read on a fuckin six gray level.
They're changing that that they're changing the requirements for algebra, removing it from schools in san francisco because to be racially equitable. So, basically, what that says is black people are too stupid to earn our Understand outward that's their fucking position and then call? Everybody else, races threatened weaker bob workable, so much so we'll just move the requirements instead of actually teaching us, There was a robust megan that are incapable of learning just cycling, kay we're getting a driver's license for voter. I d, just like during cape like bro, These people are the most races people on the fucking world and they are projecting when they while everybody else racist excited The words it's about the actions when you could it is more racist than ignoring the hence amount of violent black crime that is literally destroying black communities in every single fuckin city and pretend it doesn't exist and then saying that we're not people from other side talk about it that the re
for pointing it out. There's a fucking race his bro people are dying. Yours and raises, is acting like, is not happening and not offering any solution, not giving a fucking just letting these people kill each other. That's like that wash racism. What's going on right now or intentionally doing things that make it worse, broadened What you didn't motherfuckers are doing. That's great, but do note that's races, that's what I'm talking about all that shit together by the the eu races because you didn't both for combined sandra, like I replied you're you're that you're the fucking You have to tell you about the black face of why supremacy you're, all this shit over here they're calling you all these names and over here their dismantling, the black communities and fuck and letting them kill each other and then saying that you're races for say no, we should fuck unaddressed. It's ok So that's that's. Races sticks break my mother, fucking bones, but you know what kills people fuckin tat. What they're doing intentional it's cool!
families brow, and these are not black families, wife? These are fucking american families period period. And both sides are guilty of letting this happen. the conservatives are letting it happened by having not the balls to say, hey some, these be done about that. Ok, they're afraid they're going to call racist, the fuckin progressed, the people in the middle hoof vote laughed. They think. they are doing some sort of virtuous thing there confused and then the people that they vote for our little literally fucking racist there you're killing those I can communities intentionally so like that We have to understand. What's going on to address the problem you see, so I did to me all this shit is going on is. all intended to literally weaken us and then also cultural weaken us and then also
ruin our morale and our patriotism for the country. Why do you think they said that if your patriot, I brought a government sector, throw the government put out a warning. That said, if people call themselves patriots. They use the word patriot patriotic american that they could should be put actually considering what does domestic terrorist railway? talking about hot dog, eden chips, non fourth of July should powers, mother, fucker patriots, domestic terrorists in this country, fuck you was that they were too You call me braga promise you this I'm a fucking patriot where necessary. Because we can remove that national identity, we can remove your connection with this country. You wouldn't you five four I would. Rather, where would you five You weren't, you won't even resist. They could take the country with our fire shot. That's why we need a code to revolution. That's why personal actions is the answer and that some people say well
see it's never gonna happen, not just going to yeah nothing's going to happen, cause you're going to sit on your fat fucking ass, complaining about nuts going to happen instead of getting up and actually making something out of your life. That's why? that's gonna happen, because this this part of the deal is an individual responsibility that we all have? Is americans every single one of you listening and everybody else? We are responsibility to live at a high good, moral level that represents a values what this country is supposed to be. We have reached possibility do so. That's the responsibility of being a citizen. Here sure said this is a fucking free brown people died for this shit. For your shit, they died for you to sit there and you fuckin bullshit, and failure mindful for propaganda and fucking, now try give up on your dreams. They people died for that you're, insulting them. My grandfather, my dad my dad never met as biological father because he was killed, fighting for this country and fuck in france a few weeks after What can be done,
fuckin sacrificed for this, and you do people a zero service and zero respect by living your life less than what you could be and that's the problem. A whole country is flawed because we have too many people that just don't value what I just said. So Thousands have another two sample. Third third and final headline headline number three number three reach exclusive. Representative harriet hagman calls for anthony blinkin to appear before the weapon asean committee. This is a big deal with actually pretty decent print can take especially come from by they ve been to I'm really really well. I got him up great, I don't know they had a dessert. they like they they covers a very, very well. I think I've got better yeah! That's what I'm saying. I remain more balanced and less less right, leaning where they just take their opinions on the ship
so that is what we need are. We need a fucking news network because it hey. it's going to rain today? These are the facts, not umbrellas a racist matter. What do I think of the facts right? These are the facts right right, but that doesn't get fucking clicks right. That's true! That's true, but the the doing it So, let's, let's dive into this representative harriet hagmann, I was a republican of wyoming on saturday called for secretary of state antony blinken to appear before congress to answer questions about his role in the crafting of a letter by fifty one former intelligence officials that discredit the hunter Biden laptop story weeks before the twenty twenty presidential.
Action in an exclusive interview with serious exams, bright bar new saturday. I with host right. Why news washington, bureau, chief matthew, boil hagman, who sits on the select subcommittee of the weapon asean of the federal government, said boat he better. He needs to, we have either the judiciary or the weapon asean committees. We need to find out what happened here and we need to find out to what extent he has compromised because again, as secretary of state his obligation, and oath. You see the united states and the american citizens no higher above republican representative, Jim Jordan, chair of the web innovation committee and might turn a chair of the intelligence committee on thursday revealed. That's former cia deputy director, MIKE moral testified to congress that in october, twenty twenty blinkin, who was then a scene, your adviser on the bottom campaign reached out to
Regarding the new york post hunter Biden, laptops story: prompting morale to write a letter signed by fifty other former intelligence officials suggesting the story was rushing disinformation quote based on the rail system only. It is apparent that the Biden campaign played an active role in the origins of the public statement, which had the effect of helping to suppress the hunter Biden, store jordan in turn, wrote in a letter that reveal blinking in warm hagman, said: lincoln's involvement in trying to cover up the post story on hunter Biden's laptop, which contain evidence jesting Joe Biden and his family have profited from the sun. Shady form business dealings called into question whether he can be a credible secretary stay representing the american people. But how does he interact with counterparts in the chinese communist party, russia, ukraine or whatever hagman set both? What this is demonstrating, that the corruption goes exe
Only deep, but the big question is: how does he interact with his own boss when he knows the level of corruption in the white house? How does he protect america's interest abroad? When he's doing the bidding of a man that he knows is absolutely corrupt and absolutely compromised. Cheer blinkin quote continues: blinkem knew what was on that laptop and he knew that lapse. I belonged to a hunter Biden and he knew- and he knows now that the chinese communist party has paid the Biden family millions of dollars. Who does he choose? Does he pick the Biden crime family to support and defend and protect them, or does he protect the united states of america? We now know what the answer is she at and and of course, the state department, badges questions complete andrew. The fact that this is coming out is fucking big deal. It's a massive deal. Do some math. We talked about this. I dunno how many times in terms of the fifty people who sign that piece of paper, that's actually fucking treason,
freeze as treason there, they knew was fuckin fake. They knew they were protecting in a minute frazier now they're saying in public wrote. This is right. This is what, this is fucking any damas. Four thousand point: now you say it is a big deal. Now the state department
though, dodging and questions has already state department, badges questions on blinking discrediting hunter by laptops story ahead of tory twenty. The state department refuse to comment on whether secretary of state, anthony blinking disputed republicans assertions that a senior adviser to the twenty twenty biden presidential campaign he was involved in recruiting form intelligence officers, officials in an effort to discredit the hunter by laptop story when axed, specifically, if blink dished disputed the accuracy of the assertions and if he had plans to comply with republican lawmakers request for more information state department, deputy press secretary, veteran patel responded quote that that is not a state department issue. So I don't have a common for you on that and dude
with all the fuck listen like this is. I know the house of cards right like you, but they're fucking collapsed. This is why I was saying whistleblowers and true tellers are going to begin to come out in this could be also part of why they moved removed hacker cause. I know Tucker put him on the fucking tv. The alamo fuckers will absolutely absolutely merrick garland he's fucked like do it's all fuckin rodney listen! This is treason like we have to be very clear. This is sedition sedition. This is this is complete abandonment and not just a ban, but acting in the direct opposite of the interests of the people of the united states of america. These people, I've been saying for years, fuckin the compromise we have an agent. my opinion of another country that wants to see his fail in our fucking. Why house, with a bunch of people, that are willing to go along with it, and I truly still believe is my opinion that the elections
fuckin stolen and that we had a fucking coup at that time. That's what I thought was the while I did. The original coup was back when they kill kennedy with the cia. That's all right, but I think what we are seeing now we're seeing extreme obvious measures to maintain that the sad because they let it get too far outside the boundaries of what america people would it. Would accept so now there in a situation where they are basically there willing to do it right from your face because they have to because they understand what happens if they get caught. This is what's going to make them get caught, So this is amazing to come out. You- and I talked about this many times. It's pretty cool see it actually come to. The nearest For a lot of you guys, keep call me all this shit. You call me, but you know now I don't know that. Well, you know you call me where we want back at the annual you're right itself am I going like this is. Are you really know it's fuckin, real, even the lost.
journal they're gone off on it. Okay, this is Hillary's walk. What is fox news helena says: a wall street journal blast blinking intel officials, media for spreading false hunter Biden laptop, but this is exactly what I'm talking brought so. These people were all complicit in spreading of the narrative in the first place. So now there backing off because they're like fuck, I don't want to get implicated in this. Oh and you're, going to see everybody fucking jump ship that this week the next next month, or so I it's gonna be really fuckin. Will there is a real, were actually read the statement? This is from the zero about that one hundred percent the wall street journal has been pushing that nerve. So now they're trying to remove you know. I guess I notice that this they want to be able to say the minute. We knew we stopped me indirect right because, They know what the punishment for this is eventually going to beat. This
So this is from the editorial board from the wall. Street journal read this as a collective, a memo. I guess you could call it this or their statements, as quote intelligence officials. Farmer, as well as current, have a particular duty not to spread disinformation because they have access to classify and information that the public can't check. The press overwhelmingly went along with the false Biden campaign claims because it wanted Mr Biden to win these. Fifty one officials have done more to damage the credibility of the cia and f b. I than anything donald trump has said: did for the complicit media. They always shit yeah, but this that's in washington. Water journal so do now you're, going to see them all jumped ship, and this fucker she's gonna turn fast. My brother's divers baby. It's big because,
It could lead to the potential removal of the fucking swamp, what trump cards it, which is basically the communists, fair station that lives inside of our government that is bought and paid for by communist countries, we're doing communist country bidding. Starting way back. Who knows where started first time, I noticed that when obama came around and start talking oh shit, right, that's words are we started warm up to the idea, then for the last. You know fucking, fifteen years sixteen year, wherever it's been, it's been consistent, progression, progression progression and then their plan has fucking failed because people are not buying it. So, like they're they're in a fuckin pickering With new homes, and so that that's how I see in this isn't just like this isn't Biden see, They are starting to realise that the truth is already out and most people understanding. Most people really understand that coldly was a coordinated, fucking siam.
Weapons zation of their power against the people of the globe, for profit and, more importantly, for control so that they could create the one world government based around environment, which is really based around we're rich as fuck, and you all are peasants. Okay, I dunno what to do with the It's sprout and that's why they make this fucking narrative up about overpopulation we're, not overly populated our birth rates, are declining at record fucking pace. In two generations, societies gonna collapse, cause around a fuckin. People are right, so you half a million so people they base it around the population and the environment. Shit like that, but has nothing to do with that. It has about its about deep, happening in the world so that a very soon all amount of people can control the ends. world more easily and effectively, and I think they ve crossed line they realize they can't do it at least at this time, and then
Fucking they're, going to hang these people are a few of these people out to dry and get the hammer no just a small little. This is a smaller tip for you guys the whole. Idea that the ecology bullshit go go do research who founded ecology and just get back to us. Just let us know in the comments I dunno I just looked at. Therefore you guys you'll be surprised yeah, so I mean, as I say, foot We keep the foot on the gas these mothers and ask you ve gone well: listen man, you are still a lot of people like listening to the show that don't wanna, ruffle feathers will hate these. The fuckers iron ore, prime rough, when you're fuckin feathers do they. They don't have any devaluing your currency, making a hard for you to live. They don't have a problem, for Dividing you against your neighbour for your political police. They don't have a problem. Imposing there will, in terms of
experimental medicines that you have taken or even a fucking job. They don't have any problem, doing anything they need to do to you and your life, in effect, your life in a negative way to get what they want. You don't have the fuck encouraged speak fuck up and its allowing it to happen. so revel some other fuckin feathers. Brown get speak what you believed to be true. ok and this will all end much quicker and who could it will cease to exist, and this would have happened. This paths had people woken up in twenty twenty. Ok, We would still be on the path of the best economy than we ever have. We would they'll be moving up that curve manual. actually would be back in the united states at a higher level because of the trade tariffs there are put on china We wouldn't have all of our military equipment overrun fucking europe. We won't have to pleaded oil reserves, we wouldn't
haven't inflated dollar, we wouldn't have interest rates. at the highest level. They ve been. Don't you know how long. We have you. Thus we wouldn't have this crazy, fuck and crime. Shit wouldn't have this over sensitive racial division inside the united states of america. We wouldn't we want have any of this shit, we'd, be moving the right direction and everybody starting realized. Airily phone realise oh shit. They really fuck this up, and so that makes this be people are in a very bad position known You don't hear much from the fuckin people in your life, Right now, who are you The eight o c fuckin far left fans, They say shit. Are they now that you know? That's all fell all thy feminists shit. They be fuckin talking for ten thousand years. And you might have fuckers are saying quiet now, while dirt win National championships and girls fuckin swimming. You're for women you're full of shit, You can be one of the other young.
To be both their world. Those people act We gave a talk about women, they would be leading the charge against the transgender fuckin sport. Shit no maybe the label behind charge of men. Not being allowed whether they were a wig or women in a woman's private area like here ever like dude. I can't even comprehend I came to comprehend me say oh. You know what I'm a woman and walking, and you like our female locker room like I can't even like thing feeling so entitled that you get to walk into a women's locker room and see women changing, and you know like the shit that is meant for private. Europe's in my browser. Think of that and that action we happen, they haven't everywhere, and then you have a certain segment of women because they're so body on the progressive coolly, their cheering for it more. Many are saying all there.
I'm a feminist, united, feminist bro, because a feminist stands for poor woman. What is a feminist nor can it be a feminist because geared to find a woman, you just the point is that feminism is and is about women empowerment and we parliament is not like run on the internet. Bitter fuckin whore empowering strong, independent cable do men do equal citizen, which all is true like real feminism, like says, women are equal to men like those like that's theirs, that validity there, but like this, shit we're your advocating for all this crazy shit, because you're so bart body into a side. It discredits everybody bro everybody's for shit, everybody! Everybody little political shit for the last fifteen years your bitching uncomplaining fuckin cancer culture, bullshit, it means I don't any more the careful everybody bro. It doesn't matter not cause you're shit. Does a holy water? Never has people are seen it. No, I didn't
The council now is all this anti american shit like put no a trans dude on a fuckin beer, can where all the fuckin drinkers like red white and blue american type, people that just with that shit. Man is one drink, beer what better ones she shut down to throw out the most those people honestly, don't really give two fox about it. You wanna be trans or not, but then what should a women's locker room, then What you didn't shake in front of kids, they don't want you can do not rush it. Otherwise like. I don't think anybody curse. I really don't so like with one drink beer, it can be left the fuck alone and not have to pay. Fifty sixty seventy percent, all in tax after everything is accounted for? The nice yeah? That's you much! Well, listen That's gonna happen in my lifetime. Mother fucker is still of this fuckin money of all of ours to go fuck and steel. And do whatever the fuck they won't come on office. I'm going to make it my fucking mission to get everything. fuckin american behind that cop politics. Downstream of culture. Ok, then, that means of
culture demands it. The politicians will abide because they have to go so get honor Can low tax shit, these motherfuckers waste our money, they steal our money, they send our money overseas and then follow a back into their political. Campaigns and maintain power continue to oppress us over and over and over again, and that's our fucking are you doing that to ourselves demand accountability make us it wisely banned fuck. Lobbying ban, backed ordeals term limits. laws that are passed have to be abided by. There is no diplomatic immunity, All these things. We have to make the people who serve on a government. abide by the rules they pass and an answer to the p who fuckin voted a man again and all That's gonna happen if some through pay radical americans, which I believe we have inside there now, but more of them get in there. Change these laws, so we'll see man yeah
Gaza was a a third and final headline it this time for our final segment of the show. As always, we have thumbs up or dumb as fuck. That's where we show a article. We read through it and we'll get one of those two options. So with that being said, article headline it legendary plymouth, rapid transit system muscle car on earth after forty seven years. I know you're somewhat of a cargo yourself right, yeah you cars, there am, I have a am I from
So I thought this was a pretty cool story manson. So this article reads says: it's definitely not coach class, a one of a kind plymouth muscle car has been unearthed after being hidden away for forty six years, the rapid transit system, nineteen, seventy plymouth Khuda was one of four custom cars built for a caravan of speed, promotional tour, a plymouth commission hot wheels designer harry bradley to pen special versions of several of it's models to highlight the brand's performance image and sent them around the country to car shows and events. The others have shown up in Calais
chickens and passions in the years since, but until this month the coda hadn't been seen since nineteen. Seventy six youtube channel, auto archaeology, the documented the uncovering of the car which has been stored in a garage all those years, its current owner who remains anonymous, purchased it and drove it for a few weeks before putting it away and storage, the coop remains all original, including the four forty cubic inch six barrel v eight engine and has just nine hundred and sixty seven miles on its odometer cars equipped with a spare child on the left front, but still has its original full size, will entire, which is damaged and flat. It is now being put up for sale at the meek, m auctions, event and then the annapolis on may twenty, if make em, hasn't offered an estimate on its value. If the other rapid transit system cars are anything to go by, will be well into the six figure range here, a couple of pitcher some, what you think
it'll be more not now that the actual argue that this is the actual car. Now that's fucking bad ass, dude, that's fucking, bad ass! Yeah! That's going to go for seven figures, that's not going to be a six figure or I can almost guarantee that that thing is fucking ass, yeah, that's a crazy colorado too! I love it. I think it's fucking awesome totally. Ninety! Seventy two You know you, seventy also not ninety. Seventy two, I liked the ninety. Seventy two would have worst worst body lines in that year, but I liked the the front of it being like just the the way that yet where the paint goes down up under it like that, after nineteen, seventy all the styling change, all the cars and they're all for the most part, the the chevelle went to a single headlight which didn't fuck it up too much, but, like all the other cars got super weird. Looking
the seventies bro. They were doing too much drugs too much like you had just enough at like sixty nine and even seventy cause. I think the greatest muscle car of all time, my opinion. Ninety seventy chevelle ss four for supersport ls six. I have one yeah, alright, so it's I think it's the coolest muscle car ever know everybody's got their flavor now, but after nineteen seventies, chevelle, not less alaska looking and assorted everett everybody out there. Let me ask you this, because I do like a fool I am now we have been able to meet a few other know because of you harsher awesome. I feel this is a common theme. The right like these are like they. They tend to be these old guys old people and they have. These views it was just been setting for men. They don't tell anybody there there's size that
do there's just so. What could I do? The reason? Why is because car culture so inclusive that it attracts all different kinds of people so like dude Noah gives a fuck and a car me whether you're, fuckin, black or white or democratic republic it? Nor gives a fuck you cars! We to look at this cool car right as it like. This is cool. any really unifies people in a special way, and so like one of the unique components of that country is that you have like the right minutes like sometimes it's like the remnants of a car person in that family tree right, like grandpa, love cars. When you know he asked away in lisbon, sit in my garage what my car, I Chevelle came off reform in alabama yeah so like it came off one arm and I had a completely rebuilt so like yeah. But how does a ninety seventy trellis six end up in a fuckin field of farm? You see what I'm saying so,
there's all kinds of cool stories and where the coolest things about cars is a story behind They got there, how you got them and people that don't understand cars or the car culture, they look at cars and they think, like oh he's, just trying to show off well yeah, that's part of it. It's cool as fuck I couldn't have shown up to a restaurant drivers. and no one else has no one else has seen, is fuckin cool and I hope you get to experience it one day. Actually that's? Why do most this content so that you could potentially be that? I think its awesome? But the point is Is that really do what what cars or about is? Is about expressing your unique taser individuality and appreciation for the car and that transcends all other beliefs alike. You know, it's one of the reason, I'm so doing car content on you too, because I know it will help people find common, listen and enforced, often if you're, not in the cars cool too, but like the key
sure, of car community brows? I think it's one of my favorite part about the whole thing. Now, this ice buying cars and that in that do like like, like dude, I got this our forty right. I got this ninety ninety one Forty it was found in a bar in sicily, arise, It was in this barn for like thirty years we found it had it rebuilt, that's how I got it has six hundred miles on it. Alright, so, like that's a fucking story, dude, you know what I mean like all these cars have stories and all these cars have for all these cars things miss miss they. They mean something, and I don't like it anything cars bro, I'm fucking into. I think this is cool fuck I didn't car schools. Fuck am I ve been My father was an answer. Those questions like it's bad ass, regarded. It was for this meeting was not there were no better. I mean it. I guarantee that no, I won't by car reply.
I don't believe that I think that's probably something car you're, fuckin sweet, you good or bad. Ass brown and an hour or two on our these guys, like the like. chevy or for out library. I think cool in their own right, like you know, there's been some really cool, fuck him. Also cars made. You know, sir. It is mustang which everybody by knows, you guys all call Eleanor son fuckin. Eleanor two shall shelby mustang eleanor for the movie going Sixty seconds its kit sought a real fucking car, a guy, Sadly shell, yet sixty income, you that you know the old lincoln's the old and powers details at every year, like every fuckin single year, there were made are awesome like old cutlass. I do there so many cool fucking cars that are out there.
and once you start understanding the differences in like I don't know, it's like an addicting thing. It's it's something, I'm very fortunate and thankful to be a part of no, no! I'm I'm looking forward to sharing it with people. I think it'd be fucking dope yeah, so so what we got on this I'll fuck? This is bad ass, bro thumbs up. This is like five thumbs up the liberal method. Either math is racist. That's right! I did it That's right! That's why I had to say it's five comes up or does That is all I got there guys don't be a whole. The show sleeping on the floor number jury box frozen the fuck still counted in the code. They teach buddhist smoke got a rope, can't both doesn't know shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-06.