« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

500. Andy & DJ CTI: Sex Inclusive Condoms, Texas Dairy Farm Explosion & Biden's Family Dealings

2023-04-14 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss the world's first skin tone condoms launched to make sex more inclusive, the Texas dairy farm explosion that killed at least 18,000 cattle, and the Ex-Obama staffer blowing the whistle on Biden family dealings.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box for the county, millions in kobe teach buddhist, god of all things, rope can't fall, doesn't know headshot case club. What is up guys it's teddy purcell, and this is the show for the really say goodbye to the lies. The fitness and illusions of modern society welcome to the mother fucking reality guys. Today we have eddie These problems, the mother, fucking internet, now we're gonna, do that's what city I stands for. It means crews, the internet. This is our current events. What's goin on the world segment of the really I've podcast. You new to the relay podcast. We have a number of different segments. This is city I this is where we pull up headlines of the current events go on the world. We try to decipher. What's true, what's not true and speculate on what it could mean for all of us and how we can work together to be a solution to problems
nor on the world other times we have few and a ask. You nay, outages question answer format. You could submit your questions, one of two ways: the first way is guys email, those questions and to ask any at anti facility, or now that we're on youtube posting the full length episodes on youtube for ninety days. Now, if you go under the cure they thought the surgeon drop questions inside the common section. We will end for some from. There is well other times each. Now we have real talk. We'll talk just five to twenty minutes of meter. giving you some knowledge. Some information, maybe even a rat, sometimes about things that I think should be fixed in things. I think her valuable to all of us trying to get better and at other times we have length full length. Is you know where we have one of our guests come in? We sit down chop it out. We have a good time not in our view to conversation and that's the way of the show now. The whole underlying theme of the show is personal development, entrepreneurship, business and kick it ass? You might
ask. Why do we have seats? I in terms of all of that other stuff, well If we don't understand what's going on in the world, it makes it very difficult for us to be successful businesses if we do not protect the freedoms that we have to make it impossible for us to be successful in the business several of you, people who say I'd your personal development content, but my sloping doesn't comprehend why you talk about what's going on And the world, that's why a and we have a fee for it. And the fee is very simple: I'm sharing with you knowledge, dive obtained through experience through ships through acts really doing real things. In real life regarding business, success, personal development and its very valuable and I'm giving you free and am also giving it to you without ads noticed that I'm not gonna come on here read a bunch of sheep, than I own actual use and I get paid for it where they connect troll what I say or do on my own, shall not doing that. Latchkey bluff antics,
the fees very simple. If you got value major, think the major laugh major better. It wasn't a waste. Your time daughter was good. Please, air that particular episode. Ok, please share them Now we only grow the message. If you guys share the show So a lot of guys say to me all the time that everybody should be hearing this. Well, that's in europe ass his hands, that's not in my hand so, If you believe in the message, please share the show it if we don't do a good job, don't share and ask him that so anyway,. was a man Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, it got some bad jokes to tell her. Alright, we got a lot going on. Is there is so busy. I had no idea boot. I got black condoms. Am I going to admit better was like the masons lack kind of black condoms. I got updates on bud light this lot. Okay, there's a lot yeah. There's a lot of the dates on by light, I saw my.
I thought. Well, I don't wanna ruin it. I think I saw that one, maybe but anyway, for me, the wind surprise me yeah, yeah yeah I mean for for our listeners like we don't like indian. I don't sit down and go through these headlines together before we do the show. No, we keep it a surprise intentionally, yeah, surprise, for you, I mean. Actually nobody in the room really know was what exactly except you yeah. You know and it's fresh that way, yeah and also guys remember get involved in the comment section man tell us what you think about what we're talking about oh, like we love this community. That's why we do this. We do this out of service. I want to make you guys better. I think if we raise our standards. We all got better. We can fix a lot of problems going on in the world, so let us know what you think, You don't say like if you disagree, disagree view agree, agree. It's all good. This amount, the command. You are willing to help I'm willing to hear anybody's opinion on everything unless they're stupid. Unless that's true, that's very valid point, but as an actress there was
this guy's, a member. As always. If you want to see any of these pictures, articles links, videos got any facility com or drop down, and the description below and with that being said, we actually got something come on over their ways. It's been a minute, but we, something coming over right now did you do do do to do? He got broken news, breaking news, breaking news headlines, breaking news with worlds. First, in tone, condoms launch in a bid to make sex more inclusive. Finally, small condoms: What do I know? also this
actual wellness brand called rome. What the fuck are we doing, they're, making they're, making skin tone condoms to make sex more inclusive. Let's, let's dive into this, we gotta dive into a bro sexy, safe sex, okay and it's important. I can't wait to hear this one important okay. So the article reads: the world's first skin tone. Condoms have been launched in a bid to make sex more inclusive. Sexual wellness. Brand rome based in london, have created the condoms to help. People of different ethnic groups feel more represented. It I represented in the bedroom. There are available in four colors or you got dark brown, medium brown, light brown and also original latex, almost others said lad next for a minute there. It. I think you would be the medium brown how you think, so I think you'd be the medium through which which one of you eighty, I would probably not be on that list
because I work on it. Well, here's the thing I mean like, like nobody truly has a white dick right like them, I guess purple, oh well, that's hitter! one of the other existing. Oh, so, let's hope of color purple books, Let us also to listen to this may accompany playing is absurd. She has written to missus biddle out forever. This isn't new, there's always in black condoms, there's always been read: condoms and yellow ones, and all that the protocol was it tastes like strawberry ass. Not I don't know. Strawberry. That way, every day, the company's claiming that they are the world's first made in the uk. That's all philip! That is what we are really sad and so mad intel brow guess what it suitable for vehicle
It's our know how that is important, so vegas. Me without me: doesn't work on impossible me, your arms and on them the maid. Ok, so I says for those trying to cut down their plastic usage. The contraceptive product packaging is so made from forty percent less than plastic, than traditional cannon soils. Every time a skin tone condom is bought, one will be donated to brook a sexual health and well being charity to help make contraceptive contraception. More sensible, spokesperson from Rome says Rome has been built to end the stigma and shame in shopping for sex for everyone. Legacy brands have failed to it Ass nuance needs of all sexually active communities. The launch skins on condoms, resent a choice
It never existed before. One that celebrates individuality are designed to be the perfect balance between sensation and safety. To protect your pleasure and community. Condoms are priced at fifteen dollar or fifteen pounds for a pack of twelve or twenty pounds for a pack of eighteen and thirty five pounds for thirty six, sizes include slim medina Magdalen march. I don't know what the fuck is going on. I don't care how focused more decades here, no ways slim nobody's by many of you. I walk up to a counter or even enter your credit card, or someone else can see it ordered. If I could slip a fucking happy brow rather had that fuckin magnum shit followed on fire. Rather slim beard holy shit, something else. You bangalore those more endearing like petty minimalist
a thing man. What are they doing? Do these columns and it's like bro. Like I mean this is uk opposite america ride with the target in the darker communities right Let's be honest. We really medium clambered and I was thinking the same thing, but I will not even using no. I was thinking the same. Shit honestly grew yeah, not that I was thinking I grow. We have all this mutilation of children going on. I all sterilization sterile. Asean with abortion all time high the last thing we need is like people pushing actual condoms romeo You know we knew we needed people reproducing yeah, that's a fact, but I don't think that that you know people are wearing these to prevent, reproducing they're wearing them, not to catch stuff, yeah for sure, but brought like habit Skin tomkins been around imagining this or like that. That nasa have definitely feel like. I've seen him broke as I do that lady. but my lady from
today day that photos were blown up like yellow and red condoms, and she wants you to use a blackboard she raised, but I didn't mean it ass. They drove me or use a black oughta, be reasons for this. every white dude out there who put on a black cotton black thunder yeah fuck neared, this is just wish. It just meant. I don't get it, I don't get it, but you know it is what it is. We have worked out there we got there. I brings about a voice words well paid, you there's, no doubt free outplacement for gradual haitians, Guys I was breaking news as move right along got headline number one have london reads new Details emerge over mistake that lets to but lights paid marketing, engagement with trans influences. That's a new details have emerged over,
what allegedly happen inside and heizer bush earlier this spring that led to a highly controversial transgender influence or landing a paid marketing engagement with one of the companies top brands but light and how the company has responded to the backlash. Now quote: no one at the senior level of the company was aware of but lights polarizing partnership with Dylan mulvaney sources close to the situation. Quite a company is also allegedly pause. its marketing efforts and scrambling to implement a more quote, robust process for evaluating future influenza partnerships. The claims com, despite the company's vice president,
marketing recently touting her mandate to make the brand more quote, inclusive and after the company issued a statement confirming the partnership in describing it as an attempt to offensively connect with audience across, whereas demographics and passion points, influential concern of activists, rogan, o hanley, known as dc drain on twitter thou, said last week that sources inside the cup and he told him that sea level executives were angered over the marketing engagement will mulvaney a farmer News max host John cardella wrote on twitter that it appeared that those same executives did not approve the mulvaney campaigners. Deasey drain, oh sweet armies asks quote scoop and has a bush inside it tells me exacts are angry everley. It's a dilemma of any: can it wasn't posted on any a b b o or that's a has a bunch of bud light social medias?
the leading theory is that a leftist manager secretly did it on their own to push trans agenda new pr statement expected possible lawsuit, as we know they ve lost almost six billion dollars on the stock value on John cardella posted this, he said quote as I've been digging into this, I'm finding this to be one hundred percent. True any tax at an hauser bush has donated far more to g o p candidates than dems and far more than woke at me, and course it looks like the dylan mulvaney campaign was not approved by senior execs heads. Should roll at the daily wire spoke with two sources close to the situation, who also claim that the decision to have more vanni be a part of advertising campaign. Targeting younger consumers was not approved by anyone in the quote senior level of the company and isn't like you alluded to earlier. It came out that you know that, but like
vp, who said that by lybrand was friday and out of touch she's been seen time and time again party in it up drinking fuckin vodka, shots at a condoms and not drinking by light at all. while engaging in that friday I hears of yellow time right there and the strawberry flavoured. Yet the rio shooting the black one area. Where we got on this, you know I I think I think we said that when it could have been yeah? It was one of the options for sure, and you know it makes sense. You know I I you know dude, it's it's a sensitive topic, because I I you know as a business guy like I can understand how that could happen very easily and you know and then to have so many people be affected by it. Is it's fuckin sucks man and
sucks that we live in this culture, where we don't think about things like that, but it also sucks that we live in a culture where things are jammed down our throats. Where you know. Everything is politicized. Everything has to be. You know, promoted around some sort of political position or social agenda, and I don't think that people wanted want that shit anymore, and I think that's what why they're seeing the backlash- and you know it sucks that it happened, but it's it's happening and they're going to have to do something to make it right, because people aren't wanting like it sucks, because bud light has probably taken the brunt.
And of this backlash, and they happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time? Had they made this move three years ago or four years ago, when it was like the cool thing, you know, I think they get far less backlash, but the pendulum. You know, as we talk on the show us one so far to the left, that its swinging quickly to the right and people are fed up, and so you know it's unfortunate that this this was allowed to happen, but I think it's also something that companies should be aware of. I think it's important that you have policies in place so that your marketing team doesn't see. It's ok, just a totally alienate apart a business that you ve worked for for you I'll fuck. Since nine forty years, try to do by light, you don't mean like. I just you know, I think a lot of things. I hate cancer culture bro. I think it's fuckin ridiculous, but I also understand why it's happening because it happened to the people cancel the people that are cancelling
while light right now are the same people that were cancelled for the last decade for saying anything outside the narrative, richer, and so there's like up there's like up. There's like an energy there that is pent up in an aggressive, and you know we have to come to terms with the reality that, if we can so every single thing that we do not agree with are we not allow people to have their opinions than we lose the essence of what makes america america right right so like we have to be very careful about where we let this go and I can understand the backlash poor business decision, and I don't think it's gonna get corrected in time. soon, but at some point guys we have to get over the cancer culture. We have to say right. We can't punish people who work for them,
being for the decisions of one or two rogue employees inside of a company in the companies need to do a better job of making sure that they don't allow these people to come in and fuck up shit. They ve been working on. their whole lives fisher. You know, there's a generation of people. The quota quote woke right. Whenever you want to call on their far less progressive people. Are they come in? They have built, anything they haven't done anything. They went to a college that told him of the all their opinions were right and they come in and I think they know better you know when this woman's on tv and she's talking about. How her you know, let's say how her the brands Friday, and we need to know ray. Imagine the brand or, however she's put it. You know that shit is you're not experienced enough to make that call. You got the number one beer product in the united states. You ve got the number for beer product across the globe and you're talkin about how it's been a brand in decline,
Could it be that people are just becoming more interested in their health or drinking less alcohol in general? Could that be the tr? I mean there's lots of ways. You can look at this trend to try to figure out why that is. I certainly don't think. The reason beer is down is because the brands to france and you know we need do Dylan mulvaney become save the brim. That's a bullshit cop out. Your decision were likely happened here. Is that that's her political police? She wanted to do something that she thought she was gonna get celebrated for because all of the stuff for the last time years has been celebrated in people have had enough and all of those things of kind of come together to create this one situation, and it hurts me because I have lots of friends who are affiliated with by wiser we're here in Saint Louis this work and has a bush comes from.
So we have a lot of communities, a lot of families, a lot of people who are good people who agree with the people who are pissed off and that are now being affected, and and that's that sucks man. Let me ask you this: if you were to put yourself, if, if your I mean, did you run, you run multiple different, decent, like really decent sized companies right? If this was to happen in one of your companies or or, let's say put yourself in the shoes of the shot caller and anheuser Busch? What are you doing right now, this very second. What are you going to do to resolve this? What what's the best way to go about it? While you know, I think what they're doing is a good first step of reevaluating their processes. You know, I don't think it's ever a good idea to and to take ownership of things. Unless you really mean it, and so
they, if they were to come out and say well we're sorry for doing this, and then they were to do some more progressive stuff? Later it's going to make it ten times. Worse, that's another call. The first thing that they have to do is decide where they're going to go and are they going to? You know, decide that their established customer base. That's carried them for the last forty years is going to be the one that they're going to continue to to go towards, and if the answer is yes, which I think it should be and you're going to have to make it right with those people and say look. This is how it happened. This is what it was This is definitely not what we wanted and and basically that you're going to have to fucking take responsibility for what happened, and I believe that that woman, you know, while while those types of marketing campaigns may work for certain brands, they don't work for azure bush and they're, not gonna work, and so you know I I would fire her one hundred percent for doing something that acts that expose the brand. That way
and you know I would take whenever a backlash I came with it, and and- and I would roll followed my quality, as has been carriers for forty years now, follow up on that. What's what was there like a time cock might write or they are they on the clock for this? Do you think that Neither should the public is very like a reasonable expectation or hey. You only got a couple of days to do this, or you mean you're gonna be approaching this ike irreversible damage to a b. Is there a time clock for this? I mean you, don't obviously there's urgency to stop the bleeding right now and it seems like people are pretty intent on like boycotting bar, but I don't think it's going to let up. I don't think it's something people are going to forget about and I think the when it when it when it's the laugh, canceling the right, I don't think they've ever actually had the numbers that they presented themselves to have. So I
I feel like when you let that kind of just go away. It does go away and a lot of those people on the progressive left to get there. You know they get aggressive online. Those people aren't producers and they're, not really consumers either so now you have a situation where you're facing real cancel culture, where there are numbers- and it is your actual audience- and these people are consumers of your product, and it's in that situation. That's not going to go away so, like them being quiet and thinking it's going to fizzle out, I don't think it's going to be an effective strategy for them. I think they have to take strong action.
We're going to have to take action soon and and that doesn't even guarantee that the people will will come back to the bread. You know what I mean because, like it doesn't look good when you do something like this to a lot of people and then apologize for it looks like you just got caught doing something, but the truth is. I think that anheuser bush's commitment to the red white and blue american over the course of the history of their company speaks for itself. I think they're, one of the iconic brands here in america that still represents you, know red white and blue and freedom in terms of you know what we perceive them to be, and I think you know that some credit should go to what they've done over their whole career. Maybe they should take this as an opportunity to remove these kind of elements from their brand that people are perceiving his anti american and harmful. Wanting percent do me when we see it like when removes like natural disasters or this turning
those are hurricanes. No ab is filling up beer cans with filtered water and and distributing those to these communities that are affected by natural disasters, and things like that. I mean you definitely their history. Their reputation should definitely like have a play in that they should not just be completely wiped off, but that the for me to be submerged see to stop is bleeding fisher. We'll Gaza was headline number one right along headline number to allow them to reach tax is dairy farm explosion by far deadly is born fire for cattle after at least eighteen thousand killed nonprofits Now this is an interesting thing. I know I'm sure a few of you guys have been seeing the circulating around through such meetings, off down, but there are some interesting stuff about the serbs are. This is auctions radically reads the explosion that killed at least eighteen thousand cattle bury form endemic texas. Earlier this week is the deadly barn fire involving cattle? Ever?
according to a non profit organization, the animal welfare institute or aid w. I told fox news digital and they statement. We email that the incident at south fork, berry form on Monday night is posed by far the deadliest bonfire for cattle overall and the most Davis adding bonfire in texas, since we began tracking bonfires and twenty thirteen team. We hope, though, history will remain focused on the issue and strongly encourage farmers to adopt common sense. Fire safety measures set out granger policy associate very w S. Farm animal programme quote it is hard to imagine anything worse than being burned alive. Nearly six point: five million farm animals have died and bonfires sweet. Thirteen courting to an aid of I report report said that in twenty twenty one alone six hundred and eighty one thousand eight hundred twenty five form animals were killed in bonfires,
farm animals are often packed into barns. Lebanon, the opportunity to escape during emergency and contributing to the high number of animal fatalities during bonfires. Not profit Report set the castro county sheriff's office, previously confirm with fox digital that the cows were in. holding area before being brought in for milking when the blast occurred. Cash or county sheriff sow rivera, toad chaos ba. That, while some cows did survive, others quote are probably injured to the point where they have to be destroyed. The cause of the far east of under investigation river rovira, told the station. It is likely that a vacuum- that's ox in manure and blows out. Water may have I'd, never heated and caused methane and other properties to ignite. The WI analysis, said that of the five hundred
and thirty nine total bonfires between twenty eighteen and twenty twenty one. The cause or likely cause was reported in only one hundred and seventy nine cases. it's about thirty three percent. In many of the mermaids and cases, the destruction was too severe to determine a cause and in some cases the cause remains under investigation I'm in those one hundred and seven nine cases. The report stated that nearly two thirds of the bonfires involve electrical heating devices or other electrical malfunctions. Ah Now we know recently like these animal crises across the country has been a big deal. Some of the deadliest bonfires recorded occurred at a facility in bloomfield Nebraska, where four hundred thousand chickens were killed. I was twenty twenty than other anne was sech. A county Minnesota were twelve thousand pigs died and twenty twenty one. According to report on the blast, the south fork bury form also critically entered one employee issues being treated in a hospital. No update on her condition was immediately available
Now I try to look around and in and find a little more articles, but nobody's talking about it. You go to cnn, you literally type in their search bar verbatim no results MSNBC, it's all or nothing completely silent on this, Is this? Something deeper are the too many new too many common dynamic? he's goin on here. What what what you take on this man? You know, I'm now appears to be something deeper. It appears to be. No, we have chickens dying, chemical spills, food food, plant, birds, burning down a cattle die. You know like we have all these like. This is all food supply, manipulation, stuff. You have bill gates, buying
yup tons of farmland pushing you know, fake food, you don't see, none of those places burning away, yeah, no dude and, like I think, to look past it and say: oh, this is just a coincidence in this happen I mean, like I don't know. I just I dunno it's hard for me to swallow and I think anybody with common sense or critical thinking. You have to be able to look back at all the things that have happened over the last three years, especially and then combine that with the thing
is that they say you know where they're trying to you know, remove cows and remove those emissions from the environment, saying that people should stop eating meat and, like I think, what's very clear, is that these people that are in control are very dead, set on getting their way, regardless of how they have to get it, and if they want us eating critic crickets, we don't want to eat crickets they're, going to take away all the other food until that's all we had to eat, and that seems to be the play here. It seems to be the play and how they operate in every single environment that they operate in. You know you, you guys, will either adapt our thing or were ruin it and will make you do it. You know you'll either take our digital currency or will inflate the dollar to the point where it's worthless and you have to take it, and you know well you'll, either take our vaccine.
or you can fire you'll either. You know abide by our covert policy for the vaccine or will find you seven hundred thousand dollars per employee like these are not. This is not freedom. This is not free choice of what we want to do. This is an agenda that is being systematically implemented over the course of time, and their plan was to sell it to us in us to take it and people are taking it. So now there forcing it before worse and that's how I see it playing out now. Could it all be coincidence sure it could be coincidence, but I don't think it is I'd, be curious to see what you guys think. Let us know in the comments for sure, but I mean dude even like on the climate crisis thing right, like you know the planets eaten up forest fires right and like when nobody said anything when the report came out, I believe was in twenty twenty one. That said literally Eighty per cent of the forest fires were all arsonist. You I'm saying I go look at who those rashness was in there all climate pushing yeah
yeah. That's what you're, ok alright nobody's listening I'll make them listen right. I guess, as it's a very common thing, it's not uncommon, and for this I mean dude, eighteen thousand cows. That's a lot of beef row, it's a ton and it's hard to believe that it's hard to believe something of that scale could happen. Just random know. I mean I guess occurred, but like do when you tied together, I said with everything else that they've done how they operate, what they say, how they say the world's going to be what they're pushing for and their actions. I mean this is just a clear example of them inching the their agenda into play, and you know getting us to a point where we're completely dependent on their food supply and once they control the food supply. Bro it's game over for freedom. Now So I don't know man, why don't you think cnn, like any other left leaning, because I got it
remember how the biology tell on yourself. Why would with? If you are in charge of the media narrative which those same people are? Why would you have your own media chance put point at the things that you are doing things up? You wouldn't do that, so I think the fact is not on seeing as you more evidence that its intentional stuff, otherwise it would be, yeah, yeah, good point man, yeah dude, I dunno man that I dunno. I know they say they like everything's, bigger in texas. Maybe I was just one big barbecue yeah. I dunno.
I dunno man what Gaza was doing now it is. It is bro, like you know, like it's sad. It is it's a lot of fucking cows, man yeah and it's that's somebody's fucking entire life's work there. You know what I'm saying like there's people that are going to suffer there: it's not just the consumers, the people that produce it. You know the cows that, like it's just it's just fuckin, I'm so fucking tired of seeing this kind of stuff dude, no. Did you see that? But I bet about the cash up dude yeah, you know who says shit like that. We want a digital dollar. We want to track people's finances and the guy who found a cash app, who know said no we're not going to do that now he's dead or somebody was a close associate or some shit, but I mean that the point is like these ultimatum situations that they put us in. They eventually will do anything to get their way yeah so whether it be sick, kill the fuckin founder of this company to kill eighteen thousand cows. I mean.
The the history is there I dunno now forty five million five million yeah, it's crazy. I didn't even know there was places like that. Just had that many fucking couches there, I think, there's bigger ones in that really yeah. Man, Gaza was headline up to third and final headline headline number: three and red x obama, staffers, blows whistle on Biden. Kickbacks came after hunter, John in the charisma malfeasance in office. Did you see this believe it was on fox last night or yesterday I believe, and the soft crazy. So a former obama administration staffer is blowing the whistle on the Biden family's business dealings. This is little annie. Dom is coming in. accusing the president president Biden of being involved in a kick back scheme in connection
with this sun hunters overseas business dealings, while he was vice president, might mccormick a stenographer for the white house for fifteen years old, fox and friends. First, the fbi has been ignoring his alarms on the matter. Despite his willingness to testify under oath for the federal grand jury investigating hunter quote in February, I went to the fbi and found one of their tips on their website. If you do that and you're lying to them, you go to jail, I'm not lying, I'm telling the truth and I'm not going to jail Mccormick set thursday quote Joe Biden is a criminal. He was conducting malfeasance in office to enriched his family, Jake solomon as acres better in that, and there is more or bomb officials involved in it. I believe mccormick who works with Biden from two thousand and seven to two thousand. Seventeen detailed
key dialogue involving the vice president, eight jake solomon in the press on air force to before a trip to keep our ukraine on April, twenty first, two thousand fourteen sullivan who is the current national security adviser outlined in a white house? Transcript binds priorities for his trip to the country, which included: u s: investment in the ukrainian energy sector days after hunter join the board of bereavement according to the new york post months later and well after the trip congress allocated fifty, Elaine bow a sea cranes. Energy market quote I'm sitting back there with a tape. Recorder, Jake Sullivan comes back, and somebody ask about franking. His answer is we're bringing a lot of american assistance over four frankie charisma was the direct beneficiary of that fracking, and that's what I recorded and that's in a white house, transcript Mccormick, said
I put in the transcript, you don't know who jag solomon s, it's a senior administration affair official, I'm the witness the says: Jake Sullivan, is the guy who said it and he should be investigated because at the time hunter Biden was on the board of charisma and Joe Biden is bringing american taxpayers money to enrich that company and himself. His family, he continued and it's interesting because, while we're allowing crackings happen over in ukraine, one of the first things a binding did in office was takeaway fracking here right I'm hunter join the board of the ukrainian natural gas pheromone April eighteen, just three days before Biden and his team travel to keep that critical piece of the puzzle was not made public until may twelfth Mccormick argued the time of the events suggest that Biden funneled american money overseas to enrich himself and his family and used his own influence, say two sons, rookie energy career, the foremost,
I therefore made it clear how he wants to present the enough information under oath before the grand jury in delaware, probing hunters, business dealings, which is led by u s attorney david Wiess hunter has been on a federal investigation since when the eighteen or suspect The tax and foreign lobbying violations are the province. Answers alleged violations began after suspicious activity reports or essay hours for guiding suspicious foreign transactions were. Why now a lot of that has been in china, but we know that's been in ukraine and there's another another development. Does remember: seymour Hirsch, right the nobel peace prize, winning journalists I just referred at the same time- is up. came out this hell, I read ukraine, wars, linsky embezzled, four hundred million dollars allocated by the. U S, a purchasing feel shocking, very shocking, very shot. He's been telling you guys that for a couple years
There is no way that deeds worth. our since day one and has over fifteen falcon properties. Couple of which are and how much money is embezzled. Before we started in all this money for the conflict over there like who knows how much money was sent forth boot and guess what That's one of the fourteen billion dollars today, yeah, of course, you and also to make him another fourteen hundred bucks, but do this this stuff is crazy man. So, by saying that the issue If true, this is Seymour hersh writing this is this is in his walk. He says the ukraine permit its head above Lattimer Zalewski has been using american taxpayers funds to paid dearly for the vitally needed diesel fuel that is keeping the ukrainian army on the move in its war with russia,
it is unknown how much the us alone ski government is paying per down for the fuel, but the pentagon was paying as much as four hundred dollars per gallon to transport gasoline from a port in pakistan, the truck parachute and so have Ghana stand or in the decades long american war. There. The issue of corruption was directly raised with zaleski and a meeting last january in kiev, with cia director, william burnt his message. The ukrainian president, I was told by an intelligence official with direct knowledge of the meeting, was out of a ninety. in the fifties MA movie, the senior generals and officials in kiev were angry at what they saw as the lenski s, greed. So burns told the ukrainian president, because quote he was taking a larger share of the skim money. then was going to the general set up over their arguing about whose gives get my guess wasn't this? Could it be
Can fire to be rid of those outlines coming out there? You fired ten of yeah. I remember that and guess what you know you may this big speech about it. Right, but this article read this as a linsky who, more generally communicates to praise, is forces did not go into further detail on why the two generals been fired, did even give reason was because they were saying you taken too much were not good enough. yeah due to shady shit, hole thing shaded, though it's fucked up man Is it so? It is not going to change until americans realise like like wake up and actually get it. It might do the problem. Is we too many people in this country with their head in the sand? I don't know what when we have too many people that are willing to be ignorant to the situation at hand in order to not be disturbed or not had their peace disturb or not have their day disturbed not have their life disturbed and the cost of that is going to be you losing all of those things enjoy eventually and while you're busy living your life and while you're busy doing the things that you do there are people.
In our government selling our country down the drain, sending our money inflating our currency, which is why your shit doesn't go as far and you're sitting here. Thinking, it's red or blue, or it's like the simple things or black or white or a democrat Republican, or you know gay straight like dude, it is not listen. We have an entire group of people in the world that are intent on bringing america down to third world level, and then we have people in our country who are been bought and paid to to take action. Do those things and that's happening right in front of our face? We have so many people with their, in the sand. It's it's being allowed to happen, and so no, if people don't wake the fuck up due to start getting pissed off about. What's going on they're going to run this country straight into the dirt all the way down and we will be eating crickets and we will be rationing, our energy usage and we will be having to bend the knee so that we can have access to our own funds that we earned, that they
I already take fifty sixty seventy percent of them. Whenever we calculate our all in tax, you know not just income tax, but you know real estate tax. All these other else fails that all these things that we pay that we don't think about when we say how much tax do we pay to the government and so dude until people wake the fuck up and realize what's going on nothing's going to change, and these people are criminals, they are doing very treasonous things to this country. This is really happening and the only way to stop it is for people to wake up and say hey. This is fucking bullshit and that's not happening at a strong enough level. Yet now The reason they ve been able to do all they ve been able to do for the last three years where you know they take all these unprecedented steps. They had they had everybody in such an uproar about trump than when Biden came in on the first day and signed all these things. Grow people didn't care, nobody questions, nobody cared what they actually were. They just saw the action
this guy's coming in meat and when fixing everything, even though there was no one, knew what he was undoing. All of the amazing things that all of us enjoyed about our economy and our way of life, even if you didn't like what tromp had to say or how he said, if you don't have san, so why do we have too many people that are willing to just like sell out their own critical thinking in their own thoughts? process, so that not to be disturbed. No, I'm not really a political person will fuck dude, you better become one, because it's going to start affecting you. In fact it already is you just don't realize it because you're not even painted I entered may well and so our already struggling to pay for fucking gash brochures bills, all the generals in fucking ukraine, a reaction, and who farmers eighty ban is again like no? Your lot? I was one of adjusting the way I formed million bucks brow yeah. That's that was just one of the gifts they got there. He got all the new generals, fucking brand new mercedes, that's insane! You know what I'm saying
and and and Seymour hersh. You know this is the guy. We talked about on seats yacht a couple of months ago. I guess he's the one that broke the shit about the Nord stream pipeline, saying that that was a. U s. C, I a fucking hot yeah. You know same guy that broke that and- and that was not categorically fuckin denounced by this administration, and the evidence seems. I say that that was fucking. True, so I'd imagine this guy has a pretty good batting average yeah I mean like dude. How can you? How can you look at that and and be okay with that when you look around what's going on in our own? it's in our communities when you look around what's going on in the inner cities of almost every democrat run city in the country is a fucking, shithole and worse making these guys, who aren't even american citizens rich off of the dollars that we earn and pay and trust our government to put back towards our own interests here in this country. That's what they meant. So it's like. Okay, so so pudding, a trans persons face on a but like can and its every ages. Yeah rages, everybody there,
he's generals of arrogance in an innate distilling, fuckin taxpayers, money at your man. I think I want your money yeah and then, when you go around your city and look at how big of a shithole it's become now and then think about those guys where, where, where where's the cancel, where was the cancer culture for that while I tried it on the first day we went in there and I said we had no business going in there, but you know apparently didn't catch on now. You gotta stand with ukraine, the exact Are you guys know less? No, what you guys think Should we be sending these people are harder and tax hours? While we have laws early, millions of homeless veterans reassert our country and you know die. Since, in dozens and dozens of communities that are impoverished in our own borders, should we be felt in fighting these wars all over the world and spending our tax dollars to do so. We I our own country that needs our own. Our own help. Let us know either I I'm interested to see what you guys don't push to extend with america.
That's what and saying what's around I don't know man who wish it's crazy. It's not crazy! I dunno guys. I was headline number three, a psalm for a final segment of the show. As always, our thumbs up were dumb as fuck. Segment is where we show an article. We go through it and it'll get one of those two things and with that being said, our thumbs up are dumb as fuck segment headline. Is, it always goes back to chess bro. Listen chess got some weird people in their shit. The chess community like the internet. Your task brother, they got some problems, did I guess why they arise? Got problems brought now brought. This is different. hello with male chess player, disguises himself as woman sheets way through championship tournament, we remember the anal beads right, yeah baby,
We'd like judging males, okay right now that just not now they're just identifiers women. Why mean read the story cause? They understand it yet so in a bizarre turn of events at the kenya open chess championship and they roby media man, dressed as a woman, managed to cheat his way through the female section of the tournament. The cunning impostor, who kept his true identity, a secret by wearing a cop and never speaking to anyone registered under the name millicent a war following even falling, even the tournament staff. However, his cover was blown when he beat former national champion Gloria Juba and ugandan tot player impara para hera arousing suspicion from other players and the operators at the turn staff
Initially hesitant to intervene finally decided to investigate after the fourth wound, according to chess dot com in a private, room. The man was asked for identification and he eventually came clean, meaning that he was a university student who needed the cash despite having an international rating close to fifteen hundred, which is pretty fucking good and a blitz rating close to seventeen. Fifty the imposter player has been kicked out of the tournament and all of his points have been awarded to his opponents or the kenyan open chess championship with which boasts an oppressive prize fund. A forty two thousand dollars has attracted almost four hundred and fifty players from twenty two federations at the tournament ran from April sixth to the tenth twenty twenty three Sarah expo centre in nairobi, kenya, the bazaars scene, again followed another major chest. Scandal that set the war by storm relate twenty twenty, which include a wild allegations of using technology, including vibrating anal beads.
To signal winning moves after eighteen age, newcomer beat a world champion at a high stakes tunnel, and so this is what, as his costume, the calendar ro, you get another mean still tell her to do. You know it does to me anyway I look at her face. Yeah come on man he's like melees and there's no fucking way or good. There's no way. Dude, to who is gay, yeah dude that man
I mean: should there really be different classes for men and women in chess? We're crusher isn't just some something that we can all competing in internationally at an even playing field. Haven't she will show the queen's gave it yeah. I heard enough work, something I mean like whose work we are saying. Is that doesn't make more sense? Doesn't it make more sense than having full grown manage when poor women or full grown men on on on a soccer field? Were women? or competing in power lifting with women? Doesn't it make more sense that you know competing in chess as an equal playing field will make sense? seems like one of those things where you know people could compete evenly I'm not a chess expert now, but It sun indicates to me. One hundred indicates to me that the people who organize these chess tournaments, don't really don't really believe that women could compete with men even on a on a mental level. Well, we should. We should say, though, that this is kenya,
no. They don't play that shit over there. You know what I'm saying like well, I'm just saying like this makes more sense. It makes more sense to have one division for chess than it does for any other thing. I do when they what I mean like I talking about, hitting a baseball or or a brute force, or how far you can hit a golf ball or how fast you can run or how strong you were talking about how mentally mentally capable you are strategically. You know, and at a certain game, because it's chess is it's own skill set. It's not you can't just you know, you've got to practice it like everything else, and I don't know this is definitely dumbest what I will say that I'm here to preacher I will give thumbs down or whatever we again these days, bro like somebody should have. we let the market may not talking not begin to. Nobody here, you know like where is it normal? For women in canada, dress like that, Is that a normal thing? Well, there is a there is a islamic population for sure. That's a that's a traditional like I like
one is the other. Women are dressed like that. None of us here gets a mother, that's more than a religious think, ok from the copier. Now I don't know that's why ass well. No cheaters, never win winners shouldn't cheat yeah, that's real! You know it's real, so I'm giving a thumbs down alright domus fatmir, yeah, Dallas fuck. Those guys tell us what you think in the comments don't forget to subscribe. Don't forget to you know let people know about the show and pay that fee and see next time sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box frozen the fuck are still countless millions in the bank. Teach Buddhist got a rope, Kang doesn't know shop case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-06.