« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

497. Part 1 - Andy & DJ CTI: Nashville Cops Should Receive White House Honors & Former President Trump Under Arrest

2023-04-06 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss a police group suggesting “the highest honors” for the officers who shot down the Nashville school shooter and former president Donald Trump getting arrested in Manhattan courthouse.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The number for the countless millions in the kobe teach buddhist god of all things, rope kang doesn't know headshot case club. What is that guy's insanity for priscilla- and this is the show for the real say, goodbye, the lies, the vagueness and delusions of modern society and welcome to the mother fucking reality guys today react Andy. Dj grows the mother, fucking internet, we're going to do that's why it's called ctr by the way it stands for cruise the internet and that's what we do. Okay, we put up headlines on the screen. Whatever's current got a lot of good stuff today and we speculate. We talk about what's true, what's not true what we think is actually going on and we have a good time doing it. We tell a lotta jokes. If you don't like jokes, this isn't the show, for you other times youtube
then we're going to have q and a f q and a offers. Our question and answer format show. You could submit questions that we will answer on the show two guys email those questions and to ask Andy at Andy for solid icon and then, if you want to drop questions under the youtube episodes of the sea of I'm sorry, the q and a will pick some questions out of there too. So, if you're watching this on youtube drop, your questions right there in the comments dude will pick some out of there as well I other times real talk. Real talk is five to twenty minutes. If you listen to the podcast this week, I did one on overcoming adversity, basically hardship relationship, getting punched in the dick when you don't want to and how to get through that. That's what real talk saw: their five twenty It's a major, given you got some real information. That thing is relevant and then the jobs we have full length full length as what you see on most of the other part. Just a bunch. People haven't conversation now
The basis of this show is a business entrepreneurship podcast about personal development. How to the gas had a winning life Is this all my twenty four years of business experience? I give a lie. a valuable information that other people try to charge, for which still isn't is good for free. I, in exchange for that, in exchange for my my friend dj. Here's amazing sense of humour. If we make you laugh. If we make you think, if we change your perspective, if we make good points if it wasn't a waste of time for entertained you, if you like, something if it helps you build your business. We have this thing. We call the fee, we say pay a fee. What that means is, please share the show, please tell people about the show. Can we don't grow the show? If you don't tell people cause, I don't run ads for the show. You ll notice that I don't run ads on the show. This isn't like most other podcast, I own this package. This is now the network. I don't do adds the people pay me for not because I couldn't, but because I don't want to be.
Behold into someone else's opinions about what I'm going to say, especially when comes to this shop and you be asking. Why would business show and entrepreneurship show based around personal development. Talk about current events in what's going on in the world reason is, is just like the goals, fish in your aquarium man? We can only survive and business of the environment's right gay and a lot of us as entrepreneurs. We not pay attention what's going on in the sun. show political blow, environment, because we're so busy to build our lives. Where we have a responsibility, understand what's going on, so that we can preserve it, and if we can preserve a good environment, we can be successful and fruitful. business? So that's why these things tied together, it's kind of like peanut, Julian. That's why we do it a lot of people will say why prefer this content. Why prefer that cut content will good mango fucking. Listen to this! What we do here right! So if you love the show, please pay the fee. That's all we ask now
wait, a minute city. I been a minute I'll, explain the summit. Instagram story the other night, but I'd like to explain it again, How do you guys have been asked me because we were doing to city eyes a week now we're doing? Basically, we want a week at the end of the week. Can recap a whole week. and unless they were due, do that forever. But right now I purse We believe that the best way that we as a country and as humanity, can overcome what's going on in the world is to raise our standards. I believe that we need a culture, revolution. I believe that a lot of people out there. I understand what we actually need: they they're waiting for someone to come in and fix everything and make everything back Therefore us well, let's just say You say aliens game if a fork in my region. Like a bare towards consuming. What's going on in the real world right now and adopted all the all the people who are making life difficult for humanity on a daily basis and they took him away.
Or let us say we had a violent revolution. We fucking kill them all, which people call for every day What do you do tomorrow? We're not next day? Well, the week after that, our lot the month after that, what about six months after that and see here's the thing we need to raise culture and the only way that we can raise cultures by helping people get better. Helping razor standards living to a higher standard ourselves. Included, ok, and I feel like that. My personal development content is proven very high up on the food chain there in my life, and I think I can help more. with that. I now that I came with the other thing that space, why we're doing so more personal development content come in your way, emma ceo project, for that exact reason I just explained, because I think people me it will be launching soon there's some weren't, you a couple. Things differ with that you got that you really enjoy it would be more interactive would be personally I'm excited about that. The attitude
I just think that we need to be helping each other. I think we need to be written for each other. I think we re picking each other up this toxic culture of Terran everybody down and cancel culture, and you know all this ship roads. Gotta start we have that we have to, come together, we have to start changing the ways that we we not only treat each other but treat ourselves, and I feel, like personal development content is, is where I need to do my work right now. So that being said, this will be our ctr. Is that for the week so thats going on, if I can just add onto that dude, I think it's super important, because this shit will like we will win right, in the soil of america, will be ripe once again. Correct, so you gotta have those skills. You should start now started right now because that way, when the fuckin shit clears up you're running at full speed when entrepreneur yo these last three years, man a lot of people, because at the beginning of covert a lot of you guys will remember. I talked very
very very consistently about using that time to progress your life, whether be your personal, here, whether it be your your financial discipline, all your skill set the time to improve, as always when everybody else stops. Because there's so much chaos going on in the world right now alive, people who would otherwise be going our pausing in so that gives us an opportunity to move ahead. We could talk all day we can say these things. It feel go like up only capacity what myself, but in reality, that's not true. Ok, you're competing that's a whole bunch of other people and want to, same shit that you want, and there is a limited supply of that. The unlimited, abundance mentality is true to a point. There are still realities that we have to deal with their still data and market share and things that we have to take and win, and so
When you guys, who, especially where entrepreneurs when you go into your shell during difficult times and wait for the sun, come on shine, you're putting yourself disadvantage because there's a whole bunch of people out there that will continue to move regard so the circumstances and those people are the people I experience over twenty four years of doing business that end up always ahead, so I want you guys to be those people so We're gonna talk about personal development, a lot more we're gonna talk about that allowed. What we keep talking about this, but she's getting, your brain and like these hard times, these chaotic times, everybody else is slowing. The fuck down Well down triple down your effort and when these clear uproar, he'll be running you you have so much to that. You have gained over the course of time. No you'll be glad you did it. Absolutely man thought it was important to put up her
yeah. So I mean in this city I got got, got a lot of crazy shit going on anyway. I bet it's important for us to to clarify and try to sift through a little bit. Yom does don't forget to like subscribe, if you're watching on youtube and that the incentives and into it I've gotta. Remember if you want to see any of these pictures. Articles links videos we live. them all in the description on youtube, also and if so, when I come to find them all in there and that being said, man this would have on number one hell of one. This is a topic that I think we should bring to light into our definite gonna get your opinion on it. Was damaged. The solana morn reach, nashville cops should be given. My house honours. Police group says that article just came out. This is a new york post. Article was time to this says
the officers who skilfully gunned down nashville school shooter, Audrey hale, should receive the highest honours, including an in person visit to the white house, a police group said friday, metro, national police officers, Michael collazo, an rex angle, bert, who fight upon hill, bringing an abrupt end to her fourteen minutes. Shooting spree their team displayed second to none. I heroism which, when way rushed into the covenant elementary school, said. Joseph impertinence found the blue lives matter. New york city quote these offices are heroes, and the actions of the white house should reflect that with the highest honours awarded to them in person in washington imperatives added metro, nashville police officers, were seen in body camera footage running into the private elementary school around ten twenty, a m on Monday minutes after hale twenty eight shot through a lot side door and slipped in a transgender hale killed three sculpture or sculpture.
and three staffers before the officers were able to get to her. On the second floor of the school, a spokesperson for tennessee rap, Andy anglaise told the postage costs Simon, belize, Engelbart colossal quote deserve- to be honoured by the entire country, including the local community, the state of tennessee congress and the white house angle. is had already introduced the cup The school here us congressional, bold metal act this week to honour those officers Now it does say they are courageous. Has pressed Joe Biden did phone the office's earlier that weak are that weak, but others, I have taken to social media to say in person. Recognition is warranted. It's important to remind our listeners. Viewers know that, outside of the phone call, this remit, and then days after that. Shooting happen in a day come out that the shooter was transgendered accidents. Where issues
but days after the shooting Biden condemns violence against transient women, not the violence against religious group or people who belong to assert. group, and this is an actual. This is actually from the white house tat gov, a proclamation on transgendered day of visibility. and saw the bags users that passage to the shooting heard, I believe of march twenty eightth as much less yeah. You know so, its interest in everybody's been found a light num up again How did you know now. how the other media and then again everybody jumped in on this talking about you know, what's transgender and adjust the show, the other side of the aisle, I guess what the other no more left, leaning news articles were talking about. This is from the new york times was watched. Twenty seventh correction says there was confusion later on monday about the gender identity of the assailant in the national shooting officials, use she and her to refer to the suspect to quotas was
social media posts linked in profile, appeared to identify as a man of recent months and that's pretty much. That was the same narrative throughout all of us, leslie media MSNBC. I tweeted update a previous posed by the, nashville traditional shooting sullen so So what am? I am understanding? Here's a human being came in and killed three kids and read out. School threat and the national media choosing to focus on pronouns weather they were missed. Gender, the! U s, usa. Today police on Monday afternoon said that the shooter was a transgender, manned officials had initially misidentify the gender, the shooter yeah. Well, it's confusing this very soon. They all motherfuckers, make all these tik tok videos talking all this shit about how, by miss genders your fuckin shit, we're yards confusing. Now, ok, like first of all,
ninety nine percent of the fucker people out there or look at you in there like what right like? What do I look like yeah that video that that dude at sonic the sonic boom you know who who's yelling at this poor manager, because the there it's it's sick. Then you got people like this on twitter, this tweet just so sick of it. Five times at cnn, miss gender, no correction, a mass shooting is horrible. Entering does not make anything, but look at a profile picture. Exactly no fucking cared carry them in a moment. I promise you I do not make this stood up its without these
people are fucking sick. You know, and I just get sick dude I mean like the thing is, like you said mean it's three kids, three adults through the the six humans, six american citizens that were killed. They just so happen to belong to a religious group, and then these two officers, you know, came in and they did they they confronted evil. That's what they were supposed to do. and I think it does deserve a little bit more than a phone call. You know, especially when we can bring ls you in georgia, to the white house for winning a fucking basketball game, which I understand is a tradition. That's been going on for years. That's all cool and dandy. You know but where's the the actual recognition from them. I don't even think that's important. I don't think that these dudes work for recognition. Actually, I think most of these police officers out there are working to keep society civil unsafe and are doing the best they fucking can do they deserve, recognition yeah absolutely, but we don't live in a normal world right now.
We all live in a world of logic where, where people think, logically, while we think like I, but the media won't allow us to think. Logically- and you know when we were Look at everything is going on in the world at all fuckin backwards. Right like the shooting happens in the white house, comes out in all these fuckin far. Leftist transgender advocate people come out and say There's this. They like stand to protect transit, listen dude, I see, I saw a bunch of posts saying, oh you know, trudge bind said the stranger your people deserve love and respect your mother fucker. You should give it first because for the net last fuckin, however, many years your comments, should these shipments society shouted down everybody's fuckin, throats shouted in, it its faces, including grown men with a dress As women shaking their fucking, dicks and little kids faces, and you're talking about us, not respecting you,
you see what I'm saying like broke? I don't give a fuck like. If you want to be dragged and you wanna go to a drag, showed you wanna dance around and do all the shit brow cool, quit involving the kids know, one gives a fuck. No one cares antigay. it's not dilute lesbian fact get it. Lesbians, and bisexual people are fuckin sick of it too, because the transgender, community, which is infiltrated. Pedophiles, has fucking work. Itself into the algae, bt community, and now it's true. down the whole community of were otherwise normal fucking people who just want to live life. A nation don't be able with wild without giving any fuckin heat for what these crazy, fuck and mentally your mother fuckers are doing. reality is a simple. So why do this shit is discussing in than you know look at it from a deeper level we we should for and by the way, if you want
betrays genuinely vulgar problem that nobody else does. Nobody cares. Here's what they can about you, chauvinism, everybody's, for campaigns. Everywhere they fucking look saying that you you're the most protect the class and society and you're saying you're. The most villain eyes were. The reason you get in here now is because now mother fuckers are good, the point where they running into schools and killing people because of the perceived pay, that they're getting when in reality you when you get the hate, if you just leave the kids alone, This is a hard to understand, but The reason they won't leave the kids, why won't daily the kids alone is not us. Why what is wrong man put on women? close and feel the need to go. Read books to children, and furthermore, why would a grown man dressed like a woman? and because you know that we see the other way around europe, see women, dresses and men doing the falcon dancing it's always fuck man dressed as women do in the fuckin dances in front of kids,
and the real shit is. We have a whole infiltration pedophiles doing this shit and your mother. because you're celebrating and enabling it and it's bad and people hate it and guess what they're now going to fucking? Take it forever and do like until your point about the infiltration it's been proven countless times that these these men they go into these drag story hours ripe couple a month later they're getting arrested for jobs out of here, or holding one, and I have read in the press exactly, but it has been proven time no dude and like people like to try this into like the gay community, so they can call you big right. No, the gay community has a problem of pedophiles who infiltrated the fucking community needs to be regulated by the gay community, the guerrillas, by such communities, come out like a lot of martin and say fuck that you know,
This is a dangerous thing. Man very dangerous, as it is a real truth that the hate and the violence towards the transgender community hasn't even started If a it has, it has not even start nodded and ended. no mass shootings afresh, remember just started a pendulum when pushed one way to hire you push it the further you push the harder its wings back in this has happened before in history. This has happened before in history. Nobody wants to talk about it exactly what happened in nineteen? Thirty, germany? Exactly what happened? The transgender community in the Pedophile shit got rapid and in fucking people got fuck and violent about it and the results of swing back yeah. looked in its has happened over and over again, and then we have to ask ourselves. Why is this happening? What why did I, as the white house, issuing statements, not I ngos, time, saying: hey quit! This is a hate crime against christians.
You fucking it absolutely worth it is. They were targeted because they were christians. The school was targeted because it was christian and there they aren't say it hey crime where its headquarters miss gender, someone, yoke and fuck off with that how america feels more, of america as common sense says: hey no fuck! You with that they're not buying that shit, we're catering to focus more little one minority and even the people who are left of centre do not agree with. It therefore consider the two degree peanuts, poisoning their movement to its making. All pay Left of centre look fucking insane because europe allowing legitimate pedophiles to go and fucking indoctrinate people's kids people who want their kids to be fuckin shown dicks and man dressed.
as in bongs and shit. I guess now what they want. I don't want my kids to see a fucking heterosexual, fucking, strep dude, that nobody wants your kids to be talked to about sex at all. Childhood should be pure. You should have fun opposed to discover sexuality, not had a rammed down your throat, a fuckin two years old possessing does. Will you got where we are? Let us, nor does it already know everybody sickened, wherein all what they think you motherfuckers blow We are all day long. If I could see it. I only know what you fuckin thing I mean the reason it keeps happening because you're fucked Let me know what you think: what you all at the rest of the world know what you think this is fucking bullshit, it's bullshit wise, the government pushing it. Why is the government coming out and saying all these supportive statements about trans people with it saying it's their life blood of Earl
If our nation know they fucking on, there are small, tiny minority of people who have caught a trend now and we have a larger percent. Why is it that every single age bracket you go down from forty to thirty? Okay, it's four percent from thirty to twenty? It's six percent, from twenty to ten, its eight percent? You see what I'm saying. Why is that? Oh cosette: feel oppressed anymore. Ok, what they don't feel oppressed anymore than what you talk involves hate. By the way Dylan mulvaney, I'm buzzing Let me ask you this. I see budweiser, giving you a fucking commemorative ten by the way was Oh, no, I understand the whole animals which you have today on her. I will talk about that minute I see boys are giving you a fucking commemorative. Can I and you got motherfucker say I got a commemorative care for three hundred sixty five days, a womanhood. Why
you were born in lombardy, mother fucker. We talk about three hundred six five days, womanhood, You were born in the body shouldn't be twenty seven. Ears of womanhood I dunno, I mean that that doesn't make sense to me. I thought you were born in the wrong body, so you vote so which one is it see, there's all kinds of holes in these people's face. in the logic that you're not allowed to poke holes in I'll poke holes in them all day I'll give a fuck what you guys say: poke poke poke yeah like bro you're, not on it. This shit is fucking way out of control. I'm a reasonable american and twenty twenty three doesn't have any problems with gay people with fucking lesbians with ice shawls, there's no rights. There are there there they get just as many rights obey else gets in those by the fuckers. Wanna go live their lives to they don't want all this heat and all this attention- and you have this small percentage of that community, making a can loud noises and and and causing all this shit and its foot
im, pissing everybody off so like. If you think that there's hate now he pushing keep pushing and by the way, the reason the government keep trying to get to this point. But I keep the government wants violence. The government wants twins floyd. They do they want what happened with george floyd to happen, which france shit? That's their next fuckin thing. Ok, so their pushing. Right now, so I do were or were they push further? While I get that We have an open wound. Six people get killed three little kids, their stick. Their finger in a fuckin wound intentionally the piss everybody off. Ok, why they want violence, here's why they want violence. This is real shit. They want violence. Because they plan to disarm our country. They want now no to come in and fuck and disarm. Our citizens to use our own military combined with nato to disarm archive, because they know they can never do it, police won't do it the local
lorries won't do it. Our military proudly won't do it. So how do you get it done? You create so much fuckin care ass in the street that you have to call in The group that you are a member of to come in and how regular peace keep in this country and so be fuckin smart, because that's what they're trying to do there trying to get people to kill this group of people to to come in and for can take the weapons away? when they take the weapons away, they are going to give a fuck about trans rights any more because they're going to be totally off their authoritarian and we're going move right in the communist. So that's. My personal personal thing has nothing to do with elections. In my opinion, I think we're gonna wiring the thing I don't think they won t even get two elections? We talk about that later, though, but these do tat, they could get recognition, they deserve get it from this administration whose bought and paid for from China, whose stands for everything
is the opposite of american values for an eighty percent back in america. Ninety percent of america dank and do it you're no fucking chance. So Will this new thing about that aspect of them every year why it wouldn't even mean anything honestly they're not going to do that now and if they do like do they're not going to do it, they're not going to do it These people are fucking, so anti american bro. You don't understand people do not understand they fucking hate. You owe you voter form them hate. You too, I hate you. There will be voted for by the EU the most. Why do you think they coming destroy your lives every four fucking years to create problems that they can promise solemnly. They never saw black we also did all this hate and fuckin blackberries visor phasing out wander percent black me.
finally seeing what was going on there, realising the trump isn't some fuckin racist, their realising the trump was an outsider in came in always buck fuckers are corrupt anyway. I love that by way yeah. I love that see a fuckin lobby people. I love it because, due to the black, merely has been marginalized, just not the way they told you right. They can more by the p, whether they told you that rolling, that's right and if we it's it we're gonna, wake up to the truth. The truth is the Democrats that, Our committee has traditionally both before, for the last forty fucking years, havoc in intentionally meda, harder for black communities so that they can rely in power and come serve. The same all promised over and over and over again and people keep buying it. But I think we're at a point where they're starting realized, especially with this fuckin prosecution.
A drop all of us get into the gaza was held on one. That's all they ran into headlong number. Two, oh did I hid it, you hated, you know, I don't have the fucking people's pray. Think I know this unit and it does not see any of these headlines. Articles beforehand. His are fresh off the dome yeah, you know. So yeah. So I hit it again. Huh you hit it. A little andie Dominick landed on was that headline number two big story: there's a lots of cover here, we're gonna. Do our best to to methodically in this I get it. I have another two way: we're a quick before you get an airline number two. How come how come it is that you never see. Women dresses man do and drag shows dancing the shit front of little children. The same reason you see women treasure since to man and go fight in you have seen the minsk glass from just saying: you'll, see it and then and then, by the way. Who killed all these people, these mass shootings, less. I don't know the last
here there is actually six mass shootings. I trained gender people for people that identify in that left this file. Our lot, this that's great in every single time: the media swoops in. where's your brothers and then are like the germans later the stories gone right then answer. The real fucking throughout here, exactly who is the real threat. People are starting to see the real threat and here's the dangerous part for this community, this community, people. There are some really good people who are transgender. I know bunch me, I really. I really do people, my family, retrace. Generally fuckin, wonderful human beings live gray, light. Look. I am very proud of this, not aunt. I trans. This is aunt. I fuck around with us Ok, we're fuck entirely. We all gm or shit down your mother, fucking throat. Ok, we aren't I
screaming your fuckin basis, same fuck, you fuck, you act like children, ya'll act like fuckin children and you fuck with people's kids, and then you're supplies when people get pissed and hate you keep pushing mother because it We worse than hate, that's the truth. Dessert maybe people out there like that day, and that was at the high school over there in virginia, and I was at a place called in virginia and at the high school yeah, his daughter, was rate in the woman's bathroom by a teenage boy who dressed up in a fuckin skirt and claimed to be trained gender and then they they transfer returned to another swore he did it again. Those dad's are gonna to start killing. Motherfuckers, so don't be surprised. And by the way, be smart, because women, what they're trying to do their intent, the only way for us to remove these motherfuckers from power is for all of us to unite
and not be violent and say no. No. You're all done when our voting for you when Alison and the media were now in your media, we're not buying goods; from. You guys, support this shit ever again and we cancel them peacefully through unity. That's what has to happen. And there has to be gay people, there has to be lesbian people that has to be bisexual people that has to be trans people that aren't pedophiles as be black. As we black people ask me why people as we asian people as be any americans, we must get. Americans has We all of us we all say: hey no more, and we I'll, give I lit we'll fuckin when they will lose its roma love to reach former president donald trump under arrest, surrenders to authority Now. This is a lot more illegal use, bail, bondsman, I hope so obvious dog
I doubt very much that the budget, the baby so bucket body boot theirs. Calls a dynamic and shit They allow the bee baghdad. Tell me, thou employee into the fucker stereotypes about rare, there's a liar- may lead to less- was shot a shot of paint. The picture this Paulson, whenever we can out of this fuckin shit man so so now drop was arrested, a cab. Former president donald trump has entered police custody around one thirty p m in the manhattan courthouse where he surrendered to authorities before the upcoming arrayment before arriving too the courthouse, tromp posted on truth, social quote seem so surreal. While they are- going to arrest. Me can't believe this happening in america, mega chop
Left trump chow around one fifteen p m to surrender downtown at the manhattan courthouse tuesday afternoon, the media captured tromp walking to the motorcade that proceeded to escort the former president soulier aim it. He turned gave his supporters a fist bump before or ducking into one of the vehicles. Now, let's, let's really diamonds, some of this okay. So this high alarmist by bar by the way I one is that the cut shameless plus a bright by real quick. I think they have done an incredible job, covering this the store. I like I've, looked at guys like it takes me two hours to do the seats. The eyes look at both sides, bible, has been the most unbiased colleges? This is what the fuck it is so shameless, but ah Let us allow me this as brag allegest trump falsified business record, secure europe. Crimes relating to twenty sixteen election aims Thousands who says Manhattan district attorney album brag alleged that former president donald trump falsified business records to cover up cry
times relating to the twenty sixteen election brags spoke shortly after tromp was rain on thirty four counts of falsifying business, in the first degree, in violation of new york state penal law. One seven five point: one zero now says quote: why did donald trump repeatedly make these fall? statements. The evidence will show that he did so to cover up crimes relating to the twenty. Sixteen election brad claimed rag allay It's that trump executives at american media incorporated- or am I a former attorney Michael Cohen and others developed a quote- catch and kill scheme in two thousand and fifteen to suppress negative stories. he accused tromp and others of making payments to three people as part of the scheme was zoned and on porn star stormy Daniels, brat claimed that Cohen, made a one hundred thirty thousand dollar wire transfer to porn star stormy.
Those lawyer in the weeks ahead of the twenty sixteen presidential election Hi damaging information from the voting public. Now this has been ripped apart, both left and right by attorneys people. Why, at the highest level of respect the law community, all kind of pull back the same thing there's a couple of issues that go into this and into this indictment. The first in like a kind of port apart, was ok. What was to to damage the election and the voting public in there saying that he tried to hide these negative stories by paying people to keep their information out of the public so that he would more likely be elected, correct right, but here's the problem without a bad being a dossier for new york city for the state of new york. How are you attacking
Amelia you on the federal level, because you don't have the jurisdiction to attack that where our federal attorneys have already declined the pressures on the same issue, not to mention? in the state of new york. Trump lost pretty bad the other nine percent to thirty six percent right and whose the other Obviously they wire insane right this. for that fucking old had bitch fox everybody who talks alder mad shit. What am I as to your fuckin faces you you're, fucking thought down. Tromp was the fucking bad as mother fucker on the planet Well, here's what we're gonna find out! We're gonna find out there in the course of the last fucking thirty years they have always had control the elections. That's what we're going to find out like he'd, go now that's massive bombing, but until that point it's like okay. Well, what about the proof that came out that Hillary Clinton completely made
the step fuckin still dossier and pay for it to happen where, where those tare renown on the show at seventy seven fuckin times right, but none the less right. So this is daily daily wire article reads I held on reach. Trop indictment is vague about a key requirement: the underlying crime that would make it a felony right, and so one of the things that he did the kind of made this whole fuckin case crazy. Then he took what is typically a misdemeanor crime and opted to a felony This is why you couldn't get a grand jury to fuckin, indict trot fact, and it was interesting that the day that fuckin he gets somehow magically the indictment for tribe. All these the country's united around waiting trade alliances and end. Oh you got that other later you know about.
The first thing that I would like to explain to people by how an indictment works right like this is when the prosecutor does not believe that its his responsibility, which remove political I is right. There he's goin he's not going to charge and innovation he leaves it up to a jury of your peers. He brings them into a close courtroom by himself. No judge included when he presented no counter argument. Does not is it just a man convincing an entire people that we should combat this person for this threat right? and nobody sees the evidence you resent it, none of its fuckin checked he can, but he could literally prs. whatever he wants to present to these people. So that's how we all got here, but one of the things that- and this is again this is left leaning lawyers as lawyers on the right, they've, all kind of concluded on the same exact thing that the key element of his and I It doesn't exist.
It. This article is this: as when new york prosecutors charge former president donald trump with thirty four felonies, they employed a law. That can turn a misdemeanor into a felony if the misdemeanor took place while carrying out another crime. But the indict It provides little explanation of what that crime is leaving some election lawyer scratching their heads of quote. This appears to me. to be a very weak aspect of the indictment and associated statements of fact, given how the critical or how critical the quote intent to commit another climb element is to know looks case said Robert Kilmer, an election lawyer with covington unbundling, aloe pete. The indictment is surprisingly vague and art, regulating what the other crime is, though. It certainly appears that they are relying on alleged federal campaign, finance law violation, if that's the violation.
wanna call in a minute you in the federal case as it appears to be so it's an awfully thin red to rely upon, because the kohen case itself was weak. I'm a couple of things: women porter hers, whose here's another surprising thing that came out of this If you saw this this Article reduces daughter of judge. Overseeing donald trump case, worked on Biden, harris campaign, shocking. the daughter of the judge overseeing fond president donald trump case worked on the Biden harris campaign according to report as well as an online search judge. Juan merchants daughter is lauren merchant, president and partner of authentic campaigns, a company that runs digital campaigns for democratic candidates. According to merchants, archived linked in account, she tried to delete everything off a social media but nothing's to off a socially according to merchants, archived lincoln!
I don't. She worked as the quote director of digital persuasion for kamel Harris for the people from February twenty nineteen to december twenty nineteen, which was during the twenty twenty presidential election and according to the company's website, the Biden harris campaign was also a client of donald trump junior he's the he he tweeted, this out says quote, seems relevant. Yet another couldn't action in this hand, picked democratic, show, trial, bs, never ends. Folks, daughter of judge on trumped case worked on Biden, harris campaign and gas. You see for yourself lincoln on the website, link it in the superscription. This is a screenshot directly from the website at sir, from raising a we're authentic. It says, with a picture khumalo harris from raising hundreds of millions of dollars for progressive campaigns to launch a groundbreaking digital persuasion programmes, a k, a by programmes,
That promote fucking narratives, that aren't the truth. Ok, that's what digital persuasion, programmes and that's fake shit that they used or technology. They forces as to go into the social media networks and block narratives that no one believes in and suppress narratives that ever body, believes in to make everything we feel like polish the world's going crazy and what's going on and here is the house of cards is goin to crumble, because there is very few people in real life that actually agree with any of this progressive bullshit, especially at this point, time, especially when their pay and all this money for african food- and there have been all these fuckin hardships and all this crazy shit on. Basically what I say The guy's allegedly allegedly, is take from raise money to get people in office, and so.
When they say digital persuasion program that even sound. What do you think that means right? What do you think? That means? What does that mean digital persuade here? What that means, if you speak out against our candidates, will use our bought network to destroy your fucking instagram account or your facebook account. Guess, who's been a victim of that, let me guess how many times a few ok and they'll do all kinds of shit. Fuck up your account to they'll, run it we're fuck. It they'll run comments on your post of people that don't exist to make you now hateful shit to suppress you to hopefully sensor you you'll get your shit reported, not suppress the traffic. The leader falcon by fake flowers, to throw onto your account to fuckin ruin your accounts, fuckin rating. They do all kinds of shit fuck with me
who do not go along with this shit right? That's what did your persuasion programmes, its evil, fucking shit to fuck with people that don't go along with us? These people are fucking bullies, brow their fuckin boys, here's the thing, there's very fucking few of them there's very few of them. Your digital reality has been manipulated by digital persuasion programme. For literally years, and so we have all these common sense. American people who were hard working, good, decent people who fuckin thank god. Dang man worlds gone crazy, world gone. So no one actually hasn't this why, when you go out in the real world, it's pretty fuckin normal. What are you get abused for even thinking for yourself in any way, shape or form? Do you think that they use these digital purse? asian programmes during covered. Do you think that, oh by the way
make sure there was a show that proved that I think it was a show that prove that was a struggle. Aren't I it's called real as fuck. You look at all these people ass. She spoke Why had our clients? Let's just name- amount, muslim, few harris khumalo for the people gavin for governor Adam shift adam sure alone, omar corey, bulger yo, see I mean like that's the whole crew. That's the whole fucking corfu, europe stands on. How many of you guys were persuaded digitally by this fuckin reservation we already assembled fuckers run, is progressive. Had these motherfuckers put em an office and then get endurance wish your money. I don't trojan horse the fat out of no shit like without trying to do the job as what they they ve done it to the jail about it. They ve done. It did a geo PE. This is the difference between establishment and an proof
freedom. People, like you guys, say all all republicans or piece of shit. Now I agree about half of them. Are But there is another half there actual, real people from actual so these in towns across amerika who ran their elections and one are there representing us and those of the people that they hate the mode which is another reason why they hate donald trump. The most why they re largely marjorie taylor green, the most widely, low and our long barber look like a fucking area. These people idiots their normal people, they don't play along with the fucking establishment,
I go along with the mitt romney's and by the way, I believe, mitt romney even said that fucking shit with trump was bullshit. He did and he fucking hates trump yeah. I like this a little, but it's a great thing. It's a great thing: they did it yeah it's a great thing. They did it because it's showing people that these people are willing to weaponize our legal system against anyone for any reason to get their way, and Biden came out yesterday. I dunno you saw the video, but what he said. He came out and said basically paraphrasing here where will you do? What are we have do the heat this man can't run for present? He said the choir party set at him fuckin public alike, this little client testimonial. This is from us senator, like john pic and labour. Listen to those guys quote authentic. That's the company did a masterful job, capturing our voice and raising tens of millions of dollars online. They were great partners and a key reason. We flipped colorado seat blue. I mean
come on. It's all. There exists you shots believe I mean brought. This is what they do is in and not just think. It's funny, she's, probably all of her oliver social business. Whether she is that this is the judges daughter who is the chief operating officer that pretty much means that she's this the main mother, fucker at that organization. A sea oil is the next person behind a c c, o comes in and draws up a game plan c, o. Actually our sea oil actually does the game gets you? Ok, that's what she does she opera you're up this game plan, then the most progressive damn Jeanne game plan that we ve had this country in its history, and this is the judge's daughter. How far off do we think he is from her beliefs, right right where or how about those illegal system? Do we not what's the symbol of the legal system the scale yet and what I am an average
This and lay justice has one on her face a blindfold. Why does this posavina biased, clearly that major by I want you percent causing it goes down. Just like this. Any ok like now don't give a fuck what you think about you want you percent value that that's the dangerous thing guys like that. It has not What to do with your right, like that? Not even the dangerous thing to just the president's that it said. No, that's not that that's what the left should be worried about. Yeah last thing: ok, because here's what's happening, you have the pendulum And at the same as for literal years, the pendulum is swing back to the right centre, common sense way living people are already showing like so many people, how many when was the last time you heard someone leaving the right for the left. Now, I'm serious, you hear all people all day long, say man. I thought used to believe that shit? Now, with you guys, all day long, I get home Words are those messages over the course of a fuckin weak. I
never ever ever do we get one in absentia. man fuck somebody, but this experience is swing back to the ride already right and what these people are doing is desperate action and what trump did was a great marketing move, which doesn't surprise me because you're a businessman, alright, he could have told them fuck. You and that went, and he had the full support of by the way his main rival, rhonda santas, where they come from, belong yeah. No shit, no shit! you have said this isn't is doing that pussy way of of navigating, then the whole situation. Then me and Yoder, and you do a show and say hey. This is why you should say, because I love you too verbatim row hire me dude. I can show you how to do it. You need a consulting fee, but I ain't doing it for fucking free
that's what I'm saying. That'd be that'd, be a fee, and you know what I won't even do it for money, because I'm gonna do it, for who the fuck is the right mother, fucking kennedy? That's real man! That's really! I don't care if you can't play with one hundred or one hundred one hundred mil ain't doing it yeah. I think that the interesting thing about this, not unlike because we've seen this time and time again, this situation with a daughter and the judge. like others, this than others goes down, and you have a daughter that works in the south into company right. What will bear no fun? if the company were million dollars, you guys could decide, but I'm going to have to come back and lean on your father. That's the judge at some point in time I might come cashman, that's how the system and that's how this works, and this is your different, listen our gov. This is something that's very important for everybody to understand our our our judicial branch, our executive branch, the art art
Government in our systems of accountability in society do not work properly. If people are bias, We don't have actual americans in these positions of power better looking at it as a service, not as a way to have power or get money Ok, nobody elected the congress, this, or the house should walk in worth acts and walk out worth acts plus twenty six! Unless there, actually have a business is operating a home in the business. Grew. Ok shit like that insider trading bullshit should be stopped immediately. This I being bullshit like the bribing that that's what it is that she should be should be completely illegal. Ok, these people should not be able to do that and our system. If we allow that sort of influence to infiltrators, in which our system is all about that its pay to play its all about it,
That means our system is completely infected with a disease that makes it not functional all right so for our government to actually work the way that is supposed to work with fairness and just laws and and and accountability and two before the people has to be by the people and right now: it's not by the people and by a lot of people who are in there for the interests of themselves and not of this kind drink. Now. Are there some people in there that are for the interests of their country? Absolutely and some of you guys will say yeah, but they fuck took money from this guy or that mother, fucker yeah played game, get it. If you can't afford to advertise, you can't fucking get in ok, so you dumb fox, who continue to poor everybody down who's ever taken a donation from anybody. You're you're, a fucking moron like you, couldn't run a fucking snow cone stand because you're too stupid know that I asked walker well how much money the Jews?
spencer, support again: listen, listen! You have to have people have had to play. The good people have had to play the game to get in. That's the reality ok and we have to eliminate that that has to be eliminated like when we talk about cleaning up the government. What should be fixed and eliminating lobbies and bribes and trading. and all the shit inside is a huge deal? It's not a huge deal, because I don't want them to make money, it's a huge deal because it influences the way that they pass laws and the things that they do, which affect us, the peasants in our lives and so like do you cannot have a people say? Oh, it's. Listen. Fuckin such bullshit when capital pebbles non, does buys downright it's the most fuckin better is your way of creating
if society the problem is. We don't have that we don't have this, isn't freedom any bro, but we don't live in a free country. This is a freedom. Okay, we have a government that is bought and paid for by kinds of different interest groups going out of ways and what their actually doing is there in their arguing over what these interests. Why, instead of what's good for the people and what do I by the way? You know what that's called? That's call fascism. Okay, so like do we, we have this whole group of people. Don't you understand the fucking what's going on? saying I am, I ain't, I fascist, no, not you're the fucking You! I have this in a white gloves of their fuckin agenda. Like you, the army and they're using your your uneducated in an understanding and awareness against, you know this. I want to bring up this part. The sticking digging on this trump case right specifically about album brag writing something that
that really disturbed me that everybody should be paying the last two during his or his media press. Talk press brief. This article reads this: as the headline reads quote, We cannot and will not normalize serious criminal conduct brag addressed as media after trump arrayment. He says quote: these are felony crimes in new york state, no matter who you are, we cannot and will not normalize serious criminal conduct. Now, let's bring up some stuff, since you know, felonies be prosecutor. I thought there do in such a great job against felonies. That monopoly is no soft. Defying were I'll just since march, twenty seventh of this year, just until April second of this year, has been seven murders- thirty rapes, two hundred ninety one robber,
as far as in a seminar, felony assaults, two hundred seventy five burglaries, nine hundred and twenty two grand bar sneeze, eight hundred thirty six assaults, a hundred, a five sex crimes, eighteen shootings, the twenty two victims, nine hate crimes and that's not just an entire country- that's just in new york city, o o. Let's spend two hundred million dollars of taxpayers. Money makes sense shutting down the fucking city, four hundred and thirty thousand dollar alleged bra. That both parties say never fucking happen. by the way, if you are going to pay hush money to someone that you fuck, that you wanted them not to talk about you sure as fuck wouldn't do it on public record through your fuckin. Your your campaign, Finally, that's expose, if at all, I was sure yet malware like dirt the reason is that isn't even covered on flag in Libya? media is because these people not only know it's wrong. They know it makes them look, fucking, desperate and insane
No, it isn't indispensable. You can't say anything you can do in this. Free circassian actually calls it out. That's that exactly exactly what you, just as seen in talks about a to worry we're part how nobody else, talking about it when they say on the left. Leaning I see up will appear a shocking, the Senate top them, Grab steer clear of trump indictment because they can't do it man, they can't do it, but I want to talk about brags quote, because that I was able to find a couple of other articles. It completely contradict this man's. message that he just stated like this when it says soros linked de Alvin, brag reduces any charges for career criminal while hitting tromp with felonies manhattan. New york city district attorney Ivan brag linked to billion. Oh George, soros has written felony charges against a career criminal convicted felon, while his office pursues thirty four felony charges against former president donald trump,
this guy, that they're about this his rodney johnson, ok, he was charged originally for CBS robbery was charged with third degree attempted robbery and for walgreen's robbery he was charged with third degree robbery, which are both class d felonies under the state criminal. But in court bragg's office reduced the charges against johnson to mere misdemeanours, and The judge set the bail at just one dollar, one dollar man, that's just one case of the most people or what? What did that guy do after he set free? Do we know that all he did a shit ton more or did he just like this guy the seller is sex being gets sweet deal for men, hadn t brag on teen rate charge. then then then attacks five other sources say I mean dude, it's it's riddled all over it and, like I said I mean, we've got that going on here, ST louis too long now and all the respect, every single place that George soros has contributed money
Well prosecute this exact thing is happening, yeah and I mean so they're trying to paint the picture the day. Donald trump surrendered right, painting the history books, listen bro is all crock of shit. Listen, there's a couple things that this could be. This could be: let's talk about the options. Let's analyze the situation, number one could be completely guilty and they could be enforcing the laws like her. Could he be guilty? Maybe but they're not enforcing laws equally, because if they were, they would the same shit, Hillary Clinton for the shit she did and they would be putting these people in jail, and we would You know I actually real talk if they were enforcing. the fucking laws the way that it should be, and in this guy did whatever the fuck they're saying the dead, which I don't think he did, because why the fuck would you pay one hundred and thirty grand on public record to pay someone to shut the fuck up that you fucked? You wouldn't do that, but you didn't fuck
would we then they both say didn't happen. Ok, it's weird do super. I like it. You like you, you guys who die like you were not thinking it through you wouldn't do it s how begun? Ok, so second thing this is. This is. A massive it. A marketing move for donald trump. Okay, he's very smart one of the smartest business strategy, guys that I've ever been able to observe you guys can say whatever the fuck you want. You guys can hate him. You can have opinions, you can hate this. You can hate that you can have him as president. What you can't do is deny what the fuck he's done in his life, the guys And successful he's a fucking winner and everything you fucking dots and you can say: oh he's- got an ego yeah everybody who wins all the time. If you were wondering like that, you'd probably have a dude, it's necessary in the formula of that input. Did you were ok, I think
use a little bit more. On the other side of that fisher. Ok, I think he's got some. I think his ego creates a scenario where you get some people around and that all the best fucking advisers and it s got in. I think there could be some improvements there. That's my take or it could also be that down. Tromp was playing along with them and walking us into legitimate fucking communism in this country, a guy because there are things I don't make sense like how he continues to brag about this vaccine wins flock and people are like. He continues to talk about that there's things and I'm not saying that's. What's goin on science, a possibility I was also under this- should even make some of the statute of limitations. I did he shut the country down. He had to shut the contract, he fuckin shot the country, right now. There is tremendous pressure from all sides shut the country down, but that was his he did it right.
There's all kinds is, in my opinion, I think if you were me, it's hard to say cause, I'm not him and I never dealt with that level of pressure before. But I would like to think if I were in that position and I was getting. all of the things that he says were actually happening. I think I would be more direct with my directions toward the people of amerika about what actions they should take, because what I feel like has been happening, is that we are all waiting for something like to be told. I do something do this or do that and as our happening there's no ruction happening, and if your true leader of the people, we are actually in the fuckin people right, because I can t this and although much people that are like ok will tell us what to do. If I can do it, fucking do it right and people are like they're waiting and so like the fact that there is
You know this is all happening and were seen of the collapse of the financial structure and all these things and he's not were given a direction. You know asia dream were like he's talking about your head trumps, one of them he makes good points about you know what I'm saying. So I do there's so much confusing shit going on. It could be a number of different things. What I think it is where I believe that it is Is it I believe that donald trump is very fucking intelligent when it comes to strategy? I believe he truly does love the country, and I believe that you guys all the people that listen to show that don't like them. I believe you been taught, and I like him, and I believe you look into that- any of the reasons that you say you dont, like them in your city, ask me right now. I could show you why those reasons are valid and you don't have to his personality, I'm just talking about the narratives that had been told right in believe it. He saw this as
amazing marketing, opportunity to go in and and and and do this and be a part of their show, because he understood that it was going to show americans how they were weaponizing justice system and scare them into supporting him, and I believe it's going to work, and I think this is going to blow up in their face and all the polls are saying. Here's the fourth thing that can be true at the q theory could all be right, could all be right. Okay- and I hate saying that, but the truth of the matter is- what what like one of the main merit is one of the big points he made. The big boy was the first, a rational, shocked. The world. Ok will reach a gap, but the good news is as the first arrest. I'm wave regressive emotional diameter, and then they talk about obama seeking refuge in kenya and and I saw some stories in our off their true or not, but I saw some headlines the said obama taking a leave of like
this heinous in kenya, these that I see that their that's true naughty that could be bullshit You know also that you think could be just like operation truth during the bolshevik bolshevik revolution the end of this, what I actually think it is now. I think it's just the same, exact play the communists using the bolshevik revolution. If you don't know what operation truth is it was base equally, a very similar operation? Why cue to give people hope? and maintain hope hope hope hope hope that some it's coming so that they can walked right into this communist agenda and by the time they walk in it was too late. Millions people got killed, ok and so like dude, Another thing that makes me wonder why, how involved like Whose working with who doesn't apply Do what we really need brow is we need to burn a motherfucker, the ground. We rebuild but with american citizens. That's what needs to happen so, however, that an end you know now
we don't have a pure system anymore. Did we can't we, as adults would be doing our kids a dessert this to allow this system to continue the way the it's going, because our kids will be slaves. Now, how many kids, your kids, will be slaves real time so you ask yourself why get on here and talk about this every day running the have any kids and I'm rich as fuck off you shit? I come on here and talk about the ship, because I love this fucking country, bro, and I love the falcon opportunity that allows- because I am a product of the fucking soil, this country- I could do what I've done in my life and countries that have more restrictions or less free young sand like so I value it. and I think a big problem is that so many americans don't value it because they hadn't. Utilise the opportunities they have you know, which is why we talk
while personal excellence being the ultimate rebellion so much because it is if you, if you have, if you were actually able to prove to yourself how fruitful this country can be You would value the freedom that offers in the soil that it provides to grow our dreams. But if you ve done nothing right, like most of these people on a far far left, every browser, nothing, listen, I'm not talk a shit, I'm observing a fat. When you look at them, they all looked the fucking saying they have a look. right, there always fuckin heavily overweight. They always have some we know what the hare they always have. Fifteen fucking. Thousand piercings, they always look. different than everybody else. Fine, that's the right to be that way. I seriously doubt that many of those people have planted seeds and the soil of this country and grown anything So if you haven't done that- and you don't understand what the fuck it is, how can you value it or- You're insane so like dude, it's it's there,
cultural, demoralization, cultural, marxism. This is the big the extension of communism and people should be fuckin terrified, and I don't think that body can save us except ourselves. I dont think any I don't they die, Tromp can save us. I don't think the fucking, I don't they can save us out big fucking. Anybody could savings. I think we ought to personal responsibility, save ourselves and that's what's going to save the country and that's what's going to teach the example to the people who are watching us, what's actually possible what can be done and the inspires people to try themselves like when you see someone that you know go on, do something great, No, no! No, your whole life and you see them, lose a hundred pounds or make a hundred grand or do some the incredible you look at and you like, fuck I've known this motherfucker as well. Why does a normal if fucker look what he did right? If you can do that? Dude, that's the whole gay
and so many of us arch, look. I'm exclude my group from myself from this group when I say Many of us normally also me included brown. I will not may include on this because I have worked every mother fucking day since I was fucking nineteen years old, build what I fuck. I have every fucking day I blood for I swear for I fucking grinding, for it I've had nervous breakdowns for it, a sacrifice for it. I've lived a fucking life of total stress and anxiety for twenty four fucking years to get where I met a paid mother, fucking price, to a high standard. I care I care about my fucking example. Now. Do I set the very best exam? will they body. I know. No, I don't. I have my own thoughts, I'm workin on those things. We all do what the point is None of us are recognizing this responsibility that we have to set this example for other people to see it, and I I have done my part when it comes that and proud of that. So I'm not gonna include me in that, but we as a country need to do much better with that
the fat man too? Fat with Gaza was have another two was also part once when we come back I read the headline number three and our thumbs up section, rebecca sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box frozen the fuck are still countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a blank row kind, doesn't know shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-06.