« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

495. Q&AF: Constantly Seeking Validation, Competitive Edge Retention & Dissecting Obstacles

2023-04-03 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy answers your questions on how to overcome always seeking validation from others, the best way to maintain a competitive edge during your business journey, and when you should consider obstacles a part of the path as opposed to a sign to walk away.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now my jewelry for the county, millions in kobe teach buddhist, god of all things, rope can't fall, doesn't know headshot case club. What is up guys who stated priscilla- and this is the show for the really say goodbye to the lies to fitness and delusions. A modern society has welcomed the fucking reality guys. Today we have you and as that's where you answer the question, and I asked them right. Ok, so she just keep move moving there. You can submit your questions, One of the couple ways does email crashes into ask Andy at eighty four salamanca: ok the other way that you can drop those questions in. As you know, we are on youtube full length episodes for those of you that don't know we just started that we've been on audio for the better part of a decade. Most of you guys, listen to audio. If you want to check us out on youtube and drop a comment underneath the q and a half episodes, we will pick some questions from there to answer on the show
Other towns, you to noon. If your new show, we don't have just one for out of the show is shows within the shawl rear man. We do a better nobody else right, you're gonna get you're gonna get multiple diggings from the show. Ok, just the way it likes, calling to show gangbanger. I guess we're doing so. We a I have and that we have city I write city. I stands for crews, the internet, that's what we put up headlines on the screen we talk about. What's going on, we we talk about. What is true, what may not be true speculate on her is behind some of this stuff. And then we talk about how we can all collectively work to be a solution. The big problems going on in the world other times we are We'll talk. We'll talk is five. Twenty minutes and me just give you some real talk and then other times we have full length. Full length is like what you just her last week: with coty and export, so those are full length. Episodes now
We are an entrepreneur business success, personal development based show, that's the core of our show. So some of you might ask: why do we have city I, which is current events in the shell? Well, because without freedom we don't have the freedom to actually be successful. We don't have the freedom to actually build things. We don't have. Wait him to actually build businesses, build our lives, the way that we want. So we have to pay attention to what's going on in the world and we have to work to solve these problems otherwise It, creates an environment that we can't prosper and so covered all here. But the main theme is entrepreneurship, business, personal success and we're going to get into that sudan culinary are you could ask questions about anything that can be a buying those subjects or they can be about what's going on in the world? Or what do I think something whenever it is? That's what this shows about so offer me trading, you, my twenty four years of business experience.
I don't run ads on the show. I don't run ads for the show. I rely entirely on value exchange. All I ask is that if we do a good job with the show please share the show I have the shows good makes. You laugh makes you think. If it gives you a a and you know a new perspective, you learn some new girls, if it helps if it wasn't a waste of your time, I'll ask that you please share the show, tell people about us and helps get the message out. That's what I mean when I say pay the feet. So that's kind of the run down to the show, and so let's get into some q and a half yeah, so how's it going on good man good. So would you know you know nothing? Nothing at all. I was thinking, though, right because one thing: I've I've been with been with you for three years now and your approach to the personal development right like you, you, you explain it by focusing on skills, building the skills building these.
I use these tools on that tool belt right. Can we dispel? Can can you for a second just dispel the the theory or the myths, I guess about skills versus gifts and why people get those too? confused, and why do they believe that certain people adjust gift when, in reality that their skills that are developed? What what's? What's actually the difference. Lebron james, being six. Eight is a gift, his ability to shoot and dribble and pass and dunk and run an offense. Those are skills. Okay, so gifts are things that essential aid. Our skill set, what our skill set that if our skill set doesn't exist, the gifts don't matter all right so, this is. What we have to realize is that we all have natural propensities to do certain things. We are all good at certain things, sort of naturally, for me, one of the things I've always been good at is I've always been able to really see
What's coming down the road, I have good vision for the four what's happening in front of me, which has let let its lent itself to becoming successful business because, as I have acquired actual skills through business, a company with a gift, being able to kind of see around corners where other people don't realize. There's a corner that makes that makes the tall package work right, see what I'm sandra. So we all have gifts, but most people look at gifts the wrong way. Most people either a try to ride their gifts, their entire life and think that that will get them through and it won't because there's plenty of people that have great gifts that also invest their time and energy into being better with their skillset right. Those but will beat the shit out of anybody, would just guess right, awe and likewise, someone who has very little gifts who puts the money in this. Are the money, air, the money, time and energy in a building skill set. Those people will be people. It gives all day long as well, so
we have to really think about how people look at it and how most people look at it and not people listen to this show, but that the end pcs right of the world are unaware people most people, look at gifts as they see other people's gifts that are actually skills. Are those people have and they that's their story. They tell us why they don't have to getting it you see what I'm saying. Oh look out, and I learned this. I actually learn this for my guitar structure. We talk about it tunnel. I am quite often asked because he's a smart do not learn a lot from him, but one of the things he taught me, but you know we were sit down But he was teaching me some songs, you say any pick, some songs so I want to learn this song, the song this unheeded, knowing of songs, so we got on itunes. Replied the song he plays the fucker back like note, for no nearly perfect, like sound, just like what you just heard
I personally had never seen anybody do that before this man was in his fifties. At the time I fucking remember saying to him specifically I'm like Matthew, you are so talented and he got offended. He got offended. It's like dude. I've been playing guitar for forty years. That's not talent! That's skill! That's work that I put and out dude that stuck with me forever, like don't ever tell someone who's been doing some, for very long. How lucky day are how gifted they are? How you know How did they are we reality they ve been doing it for twenty something thirty. So The forty years bro, those skills, serum san, so there's there's there's a way then it really is and then there's a way most people see it and the way it really is is that we all have some. We all have things that were naturally better at another p. And you may be saying there right now thinking. Why have nothing? No there's something there you're just now,
recognising our giving it the proper attention that it's actually you know that actually warrants and that the cool thing about your gift that you have it is, as you learn the complimentary skills over the course of time. The gift actually becomes bigger and more powerful or I so that's how it really is, most people just see a dude. Is they see anybody with skills or or talent or gifts or any anyway, is good? anything. They see it as gift, they see it as luck, they see it as They were born that way, god give bro like think they think you know, people who are good business come out of the womb. When everything about business they think Lebron James comes out because he six eight he's better by everybody, I'm fucker and I'm not even a big lebron James fan. You guys all know that the gap, but you can't deny the guy's fuckin, how good a basketball player is, he's a fucking one of the best there. For complaint that guy works is ass off the fuckin bennette kobe bryant worked disaster. Michael Jordan worked as ass off there's a common theme,
amongst people that you guys think are just born that way and it's the theme, Is they worked fuckin ass off and most people just unwilling to do that. So they see everything is talent or gift or luck. So that's the the way they tell us what they feel more comfortable themselves, because there's plenty of people that are six eight there can play basketball right yeah I rose without that's the point of view make sure your environment that allows that give to flourish and then and then trying to give yourself an honest I spent a week. Gifts are and then kind of filling in the complimentary skill set that you need to really make those gifts work for you don't make santa that's what I mean when I say that canada another followed by like did you You know when you were nineteen did you were. You always a wherever you're gifts at that time, or did you just start developing skills and then realised and internal in a gift? Now I actually didn't think I had anything special,
here. Here's what I really thought I thought here's really, all I thought it. Ninety, I don't want to be poor. Well, I don't believe in the school system. I don't think the shit they teach a teacher is useful. It's not real! I want to be rich as fuck. Now do whatever the fuck it takes, and that's what I thought at ninety I didn't think I had anything and I also thought that the way for me to get something was going to be through good fortune or through a lucky break. I thought, like the people, I'm explaining how I looked at other people who were killing it, and I have always believed that they had something that I didn't have a heroes. Then I looked up to during that time. I have surpassed. Surpassed all of them in net worth its best.
His success business size amount of people impacted all the heroes I had outside of tony robbins. Tony Robbins is doing very well with all the other ones. I've I've I'm past those guys at this point at forty three, which is pretty fucking young pass. old man's life's work. So what happened for me was. I did it. I have shit and I looked at all he's due to I'm now surpassed as having all these gifts that I didn't have, and so I accepted that for me to ever become that And I must say that the bread, by the way, I'm saying that, as a matter of fact, I'm saying that to serve the purpose of the story, it's just true I knew because I didn't have the skills and talent that they had to. I was gonna, have to fuckin work, we're gonna have to flock and work really fuckin, heart and soul actually serves me right, but most people it does it serve because they don't accept the reality. That, though, just say fuck it out.
Do whatever I have to do to get there, they don't accept that path. Just say well fuck that guy's that guy got luckier. That guy was born there. He he was in the right place the right time, or this latter this and by the way, the our cases of that, but its nap warm the norm. Is you have start the little gift. You add experience, you skills and you worked a complimentary, keep building those things inside yourself, so I think most people, you know I didn't. I think most people never give themselves enough credit for their own gifts because they look at the result of their life, in right now and they say we're fucked dude must. I have any gifts, because I'm living in a seven hundred dollars a month apartment on dry, in a shitty car. I have any money in a bank account I must have any gifts and ashes. Not that ruth brow, your young, you have really tried it anything yet now say that to be mean. I just tell him his matter fat
What was the last time you did something for five years, we single day without any lapse ever you most people can name anything five months dude? I know, but it takes the five years right right so light at a minimum. It took me fuckin ten, you guys have different technology, so is different for you guys, but my point is that most people, when you challenge them on Are they really in a basque spot? Were they really unjustly? You know, by the circumstances, a wife, you dealt a bad car you really dig into any sabre. Ok, give me an example, something you for five years, every fuckin day, no matter what no matter what they can't give you anything and that's what it takes to actually built success. It takes that. So most people have never tried because most people don't know what's appropriate. Understand the amount of work. They greatly underestimate the amount of work they need to do because you see all.
girls on the internet telling them that can be done in a week right for nine hundred ninety seven dollars and then they don't go. Do it and they think there's something wrong with them they believe they have no gets, and that's just not the case. The case as you probably have some gifts that you haven't even learned. You have yet because you aren't going down the path and what happens is if you go down the path and keep going down the path year after year after year after year, you start to realize, like I did, I got to appoint about ten years, twelve years into my business, where I start Realizing. Oh shit, I'm actually better. At this one thing, then to the other people. I know, and I was better than most of the people, I know that we need a more successful than me at that time and so at first I was like Am I really better at that? Or or am I like being to cocky my too full of myself right What is happening as I started questioning you? Ok. I got this thing that I think I'm better at than these other guys, and I start paying attention to and I realized ok. Yes, I have
ability perceive things faster and in terms of a timeline these trends or see? What's happening where the direction is going in terms of like psychological. consumer bases and I realise just from keep going. I did actually had that and then, as I learn skills, it got stronger and stronger and stronger and that's what has been one of my main strength in my life in all areas. So yeah. I think most of us have gifts. I think most of us believe we don't, because we're not producing anything right now and I think the reason we're not producing thing right now has a lot more to do with the fact that you haven't done anything consistently long enough to actually produced a result, and so therefore we either we haven't. I guess we end up with. in our whole lives thinking, we don't have shit and we got fucked and it's just not. The truth is not that unit capable just a bit. That's it. I love it. What it is q and a plus, give the people what ask asking for any questionable one,
Andy, I have recently become aware that I am constantly seeking validation or approval from others when it comes to certain decisions, or sometimes even my own feelings, in different situations. I know that this has to reduce somewhat with a lack of. Self confidence or trust in who I am, but I'm wondering where would you start in learning to overcome this need of seeking validation or approval. man, you know I'll I'll ambient real. I think most people struggle with that. I think, no matter how for it. You are you're still gonna struggle with that and I think getting to the ultimate place of confidence is basically not giving a fuck what other people have think of, what it is that you feel or do or say, The reality is that some put some people to go to. I don't give a fuck and they become toxic piece of shit. So I think it's important to like still care with certainty.
four perceive your decision making or your decisions to be, because you have people that you care about that care about you and I think the biggest problem that we have in society when it comes to this is that it's not that we need to do not have validation from anybody is that we seek validation from the wrong people, and I think that The internet has created that mentality. We have six We should now where we are literally seeking validation and the terms of white shares and comments from Peter. But we ve never met, will likely never meet and we have no idea what kind of people they are. We don't know if there actually who they are on the internet. We don't know if there were. I need to be somebody. We don't know if they're the you know, if they're good, if they're bad, if they're piece of shit or if they're excellent, we have no idea so like we're out there competing for that, additional from people that we don't even know and we start work.
About the validation that we actually need from the people that we care about and that can get us all fucked up, and I think the internet, like you know, has done that to people I think the internet is. As I create a situation where most people look for validation from complete. strangers over their own family members, which is not good. It's not a good thing to be, and so I would say that first off and foremost, I really think about who it is. You are seeking validation from because if it someone in your family or friends who you look up to, maybe is doing a little better than you? Maybe they can help. You confirm that you in the right way or looking the right, where move in the right way or are doing the right actions in those things can be important to your success. Worrying about what the average joe on the internet thanks. That's something you need to get over because do those people, most of whom real talk like most those people that you're seeking validation from you'll. Never me you'll, never know they're, not your friend, now turn on you in a second like that, though there with the wind whenever, whichever way the winds blow abroad, they're gonna feel about you. So like your tenets, That shit out of your mind completely.
And just say I am who the fuck I am, and then you know sometimes, if you're in doubt, you seek counsel from people who you trust and know that care about your best interests. And you know you make a decision based upon that. Let's, let's talk about the elephant there, because I keep hearing correct me if I'm wrong, how much of this need for validation and confirmation of mothers? How much of that would go away if you actually have the confidence annoying that the decisions that you make actually produce good outcome. Most of it is that where it comes from yes most of it, because most people don't even believe in themselves because they constantly lie to themselves about what they're going to do and then they don't fall through and do it so until you've built a base. The level of self confidence, self esteem and self respect by following the commitments that you make to yourself, meaning like I'm going to get in shape you get in I'm gonna fuck and make a million dollars you make a million dollars. Ok, like you have to follow through on this shit, I get up at clock. In the morning I get up at clock. In the morning
small and large right and when we think about how much of it a republic if the validation seeking it removes most of it, because the reason most people seek validation is because they don't believe that they're actually doing the right thing in the first place. So if we can become confident in the fact that we know we're doing everything that we can do on a daily basis to move us towards where we're trying to go- and we can actually physically look at that and say, okay I did this. I did this. I did this. I did this. I did this now we're in a situation where it's like bro, I'm doing shit, no other mother fuckers. Doing why the fuck am I going ask them what what I want to make do by me when I know you're doing all the work she wants and salt I mean this is I plug this all the time, but this is why, You go listen episode to await seventy five long live hard episode and due to fuckin programme, because it establishes a baseline of self confidence. It removes you're you're at your propensities see validation, people there aren't doing shit like you will get
on what that seventy five first days and hopefully continue. I would live hard and at least at the end of the first seventy five days. You will look around you like these mother fuckers. Why am I asking this guy for advice? Why I'm asking this lady for advice? She and you should Are you start realizing that these people that you're vat cheating? nowadays from are actually fucking not worthy of your asked for validation. I'm saying oh yeah yeah so like due to a lot of it comes from that most people, though, like I said in the interest of the show most people, do not do anything or long enough to prove themselves that they are capable of doing anything so like this is a big problem, because if you don't, stick to something long enough to see a bear fruit? How can you ever believe in yourself that you can do things so you had to do things to know that you can do things sure I'm sam so like we have to get to appoint a society where we are
If baseline level of self confidence we understand. If we put in the actions the results will come your inputs, outputs and these things equate to an understanding that allows us to dismiss most of the validation seeking that we would have before that You have an absolute so like you have to grow past it in the way you grow passed. It is by making sure at you've got a baseline level of self confidence. Self esteem, self belief, discipline, grit, fortitude. These are things that other people do not fucking hat. How confident are you going to be in your when you can look around you could say no one noticed, What the fuck are you doing? This shit, I'm doing my duty, But this is how I look at the world right like do I get people, they got shit to say about me right. That's fine! I love everybody bro, I'm your truck. What I do I do for the interests of people, I'm trying to help you fuckin win you may not realize it right now. You may not agree with my politics. You may not see things. We assume that violence will fuck americans about.
But I promise you, I want you to win and there are still people out there I want to win that will take shots at me and I look at them and I look at their fucking shitty job. I look at their shitty fucking life and I assume that they have a pretty shitty bank account. Probably pretty fucking miserable, and so I understand and I look at it and I say well fuck yeah. I bet if I were him, I'd probably hate me too, but here's the reality. You see what I'm saying: here's the reality dude when you a baseline, led level self confidence. You can look at that shit and see it for what it is but I can look at that shit and see like well yeah. I mean it's do that yeah like. If I were him- and he were me out- fucking hate me too and you'll give far. Can you think just quit what what? What is a situation for you in your position right now, I twenty four years and why and when it is time that you were when's the last time, I guess that you actually did seek validation from an actual. I ve, David source right. Nobody, I went
It would also horizons do all time over. Where are you from people that I respect that I know of fuckin my kind of people they want to be like or or there that are strong people, maybe maybe, and by the way these aren't people who are seeking counsel on your decision making is a lot different than seeking validation, okay, seeking counsel from smart people who, ah, who have done things who, who may and do like this, doesn't have to be. People have more money than you like. This have had to be people that are richer than you. This has to be people that you respect or what
I have done and who they are and how they operate their lives. The confidence of that dude that who, who who do I seek counsel from I seek counsel from people who, I think, represent the kind of people that that I am right like I, I talked to my lead, a lot like as somebody I talked to a lot about like hey. What do you think it is? Were you thinking that or were you thinking this talked to my dad? A dad fuckin is a pretty smart motherfucker. I talked to my brother. You see, I say these things like allow me too, to cause. I understand them and respect them and I understand who they are and what they think of how they think.
And then sometimes I'll, ask people that, just I know, don't see the world the same way, but I respect how they do things and say: hey. What's this feel like to your houses? Looked you see what I'm saying so like dude, it's important to like if you're really it at the end of the day, what's really important that you're true to what you actually believe? But if you do have to see council see, council will seek validate you're sick, seek validation is is like seeking permission permission, and you know war and now This is where a lot of ceos and managers get into surrounding themselves with yes, people and these things can be very harmful to you, because these people are telling you what you want to hear. That's kind of like seeking validation right, you want counsel, seeking counsel means I'm going to seek the truth, even
it's not how I see what is actually going on, because that what that does. Is that allows you to see holes that you may not see? So I intentionally try to ask people who are outside my day to day, like actual being, sometimes to figure out how This appears to look over here this or that, and I think, having a variety of of of world views to make a decision is a good thing if you are still capable to make the decision autonomously on your own, where a lot of people get fucked up, is they listen every body and then try to appease everybody like we were at their spears? What six people in this room? Ok, if I went around the room- and I say hey, say what you think a fuckin dj. What do you think hey joe, hey, hey, ki, hey madonna. What do you think- and I said okay, you guys all think different shit. What most people will do and the reason they fuck up their lives as they try to like?
appease all of those things and create this, like compromise of all those things, and that's that doesnt work so like as Leader, which you are the leader of yourself, you have to take the council and then I have to make a decision and you have to say okay, I can appreciate all those views, but this is what I'm doing, and then you have to stand on that and do it you see what I'm saying so like if there's difference like it's a different thing, you know people can't figure out especially in a business environment. I can a meeting environment what most the reason most people second meetings is cause. It becomes this big clusterfuck compromised ideas. And now the ideas gets so watered down and the brand is so watered down in the direction is so watered down that it can appeal to anybody, because it has too many fucking ingredients and worldviews mixed into it. So my job and a business environment would be to listen to ever single one of you guys how you see it hey. What do you think? What do you think? What do you think? What do you think we think listen and then
I take all of that information analyze. What's going on, I made it Susan. I think it's gonna be best for all of us may not have anything to do with it with anything. Most have said. I may not have anything. Do we ate what any of you said or it may be exactly what Joe said it may like. I might say, Joe's idea is the best way, I'm fucking doing that. So, like you have there's a there's other there's a line you have I understand and walk on there. That is very, very difficult to walk for some people, because some people are so worried about pleasing everybody, instead of producing the best result for everybody and that really fucks them up, especially in management leadership. Absolutely man A lot of motives, thereby questionable to eighty I am a young woman. Twenty five years old, business owner less than four years in the game going
a poor, I was raised to be very competitive and that has played a big role in me being a high achieving after found myself, anxious, hyper fixated and overworked on growing my business for fear that if I'm not the best luck aim it allows everything while I'm in the beginning of this journey to become undeniable and my needs. I continue to be brutally hard on myself to the point out that it's hard for me to even enjoy the wins. Have you experienced this and what tactics could you give me to feel more at peace with my journey while still retaining a? petted image. What first of all, I think everything you're saying is pretty normal for a high achieving person, so that should give you a little boost, not wrong place. I don't think I think seen in exactly the way should see it, businesses
competitive. You will lose everything if you do not show up every single day with higher urgency to fucking get better. It's the most competitive atmosphere, more competitive than any sport is more competitive than any fuckin. Anything it's the most competitive thing to do is to own and operate and run a business, because people will cut your fuckin throat to get ahead. Ok, so you have to come up with that. You have to show up every day with urgency. You have to show up every day with intent. You have to show up every day with intensity. You have to do it. It's require, ok, that That's a requirement! It's not it's not optional, and- and I would say that you actually for where you are in business- are looking at it exactly how you should look at it, and I know exactly what that's like, because I grew up in. this doing the same shit and I didn't celebrate, wins now, didn't fuck it because did the winner.
I had today was still even a little bitty piece of what I'm trying to do. I didn't give a fuck okay, that's what I expect I expected to win and get those things done, and so. when we really think about how we should think we're our minds are sort of poisoned by this happy go lucky happiness, culture, where people think that happiness is the ultimate outcome of their entire life or their entire day or their entire existence, and they should do nothing inside their day. That doesn't create happiness and that's just an unrealistic way to view the world, because if you constantly go, to do the same thing over and over and over. That makes you happy you're not doing any of the uncomfortable things that force you to grow right, and this is big problem, because while you may be happy at twenty twenty five, thirty thirty five living a free, happy go lucky lie minimalist life when you get the fuck and fifty five and you still haven't. I
that shitty job, because you have to eat you're, not gonna, be very happy, so we have to be realistic and how we look at the process of her venus. So for someone who is so young, someone was willing to build a business. I think it's very appropriate that you can work everyday with urgency that you are highly competitive. That you want to win and that you don't oversight write your wines, because those win don't mean shit because only a little betty bump in the fucking, you know in the big scheme of things, so I The whole reason I've gotten to where I'm at in life is because of that mentality. Now here's what I will say to the contrary of that there are as a forty three year old dude has been in business for twenty four fucking years ago. I've been in business longer. There have that's crazy about like a real paws on that I've been doing this longer than I have it arrived at forty three years, something I do regret a little bit. I do regret a little bit nodded
creating the winds as they came, because I I could have easily appreciated winds and still got here. Had I got to work the next day, alright, meaning it's ok, celebrate in fact go celebrate hard, do for twenty four hours. After that, twenty four hours is over, get right back to it right. That's how I would have lived had I had a perspective that have now. I didn't always that's something I wish I would have done. I wish I were to have a little more fun with, the team along the way I wish I were to celebrate a little more and we did some big shit along the way, but at the end of the day you know it's all perspective. I have the perspective. Now I enjoy those wins. Now we have much bigger wines, because I had the attitude that this person had back in the day and I think that's a productive at its yeah, and anybody who says it isn't is probably you know looking at the internet,
all these people travel around on their fuckin self love. Fuckin discovery generate journeys, you know, and everybody well. You gotta see motherfuckers postings picture traveller. I'm doing all this shit. You know cedar bank account your focus. Your bank account you'll see. What's going in there, you, don't you, don't you ve, no fucking idea, nor the conversations when the can our here you're buying an ideal, idealistic look at wife that is an accurate and we'll get you a big, deep, ass trouble longer down there, because do? Do you really want to be fifty five working at a starbucks? Do you really want to be fifty five? what informing anywhere where major Furthermore, now let me go I take. A serious now that means you're going to have to show up just like this young woman is every fucking day with the attitude of I'm going to kick some and ass. They were high urgency, and that goes for entrepreneurs, because if you have a job and calls for economic nor is it goes further by their wants to win in this.
Bullshit idea that we can focus ballots out. Perfect happiness with fucking progress is, is it is a lie. It's a lie. It's a fucking lie told by the internet, that's handicapping lots of people and there's lots of people who are in their twenties right now and early thirties who, when they're in their fifties, they're going to fucking regret that they did what they're doing right now, and that's what I'm trying to save you from that's what I'm trying to get. You understand to this young woman who wrote this question. Do not fucking by that shit. understand, there's nothing wrong with you. You're doing what's real are to win and that's important for your face and life right now, and anybody who says different likely hasn't built a mother fucking thing. Ass an answered one. Now Fatima, I'm just say it is true. Shit doesn't like your point, though, because I This is not an ideal listing fucking. There is now a fair snuff buck and fair. It's not fucking easy. It's not snap its smooth. It's that happy
it's not any of those things level, competition were anything fuckin goes. And people will literally sabotage. You hurt. You hurt your fucking, We, however, they have to, though, do anything they can to keep you from At the highest level, that is a fuckin reality. If you can't get tough enough to go through it, you shouldn't be in business, because that's the way out your business. We have a lot of people trying to paint this rosy picture. A business. there's nothing rosy about a bro. It's a fucking, brutal ass way to live a you got. This wagons pissed off how why out you prefer ship has been so like horrified and like like they put rose colored glasses on entrepreneurship. Right, like it's, this fuckin amazing thing in la baby I'll blow: sweden's here's a rude- yes, yes, that's the reality of it and people think because you have all these Cool heads on the internet makes it sound like it's easy when it's hard for them. They feel, like.
I must be doing something wrong and you're not doing anything wrong. There is lying and they created a fake expectation and it's over a dangerous thing, not partnership. Right now, it's it's! We asked we are a lot of people who think its funding aims, and tickets in all lamborghinis he's fucking. All this crazy shit When in reality, bro, it's very lonely, it's very hard, it takes a long time. It's gonna. Take we more of your energy than anybody, that of your friends or anybody else, they're not going to get it they're going to fucking talk shit to you. It's like one of the hardest pass. You could pick in life. In fact, I can't think of one that's harder. I can't think of a at the kipping of a career path. You could pick that will be actually harder than being an entrepreneur starting from one. I can't think of anything, and so I do your literally picking the artist fucking way to go in life and then your surprise, those hard like it's hard time.
These glory stories that are toll on the internet for likes and shares and click some fuckin views and shit you're? Just not the truth. Man, I've never been the truth. It's never been the truth. It's fuckin scam to get you to buy their shit or whatever. thereby whenever programmer course or happy, though teaching that's what they tell you, because do they can't tell you the truth? I guess what it's gonna be the hardest thing you ever did it's gonna take fuckin a ass time is probably take three or four times launched. Think he's gonna take on the way. You're lose all your fuckin friends. you're, probably to loosen significant others too long. That way, are you going it may find out you're going to get boyd you're going to get harassed, you're going to get attacked on the internet daily right, you're, going You struggle you're going to make mistakes you're going to o people money you're, going to fuck up your bank account, there's gonna be multiple fucking days. Were you don't think that you're gonna make it in those days sometimes last four months, there's gonna be. Nobody's. Gonna relate to you. No one's can understand why you're doing it everywhere.
he's gonna question you're gonna have to answer every single time. It's going to piss you off and broke. This is the wife that you're choosing like you're choosing and then you can and then she can't be surprised that it's hard, that's just what the fuck Signing up for in anybody out there this is any thus shitting. True, I can promise you they building anything. They haven't anything show me somebody who says that, and I think I can show you ain't bill shit as a beautiful thing, though I guess We all those things are still a bill. Businesses around saying those things they ship motherfucking products. courses are information or some bullshit. There's lama fuckers, arthur line, is bound by its real. Let's get one of those by fuckers on the show about that about Let's get one of these fucking motherfuckers fuckers on show says all easy. It's all this is that stands in affronted. Fuck her account on the internet? Let's do that, looking good, it'll take about ten seconds father. What if I were real, quick
conversation about how fuck let let's I'm broke look. This is the reality man and like people, it's funny because, like people make fun of it too, like I You know like their lawyer, hustle grind decided row come get son. Is you don't get it? You might find it all. You want brow roma. Tell you this. They might laugh at you now everybody laughed at me back in the day. Fuckin everybody yes, whose laugh and now not them. Mother. Fucker me, ok, so depends if you want to be the motherfucker that last last or do you want to be the motherfucker that last first because the persons at last first they don't build shit, they don't become shit, they don't create shit, they ain't shit, but the architect who gets laugh. Last gotta worry about their bills. Gotta worry about their house payment Gotta worry about what carling want to drive. You gotta shit and all those people that lasted and beginning those people, you now their say, fuck in anything
Excuse the shit now no bitch, I know I'm the shit cause I fuckin built it day by day, while you were out fucking off so like do. We have to be real about the conversation. Oh, I love it. Man love it there's nothing wrong with that attitude. I fucking love it. I wish I had a million more people that had the same attitude change the fucking world with that does Andy our third and final question and request number three. I am a big fan of the show. I've learned so much from you through really often seventy five heart for each other. about the universe and corner, and I've worked raise my energy and attract the things that I desire. A things are found. When we come in insufficient and of course, there are still some obstacle. So recap. My question is: why do you consider the obstacles as part of the path and then went? you consider them is assigned to walk away yet so looking at it. If you are looking at it from the right
list viewpoint and your assessing it right and you look at it and say: okay! Well, this is something that can be overcome. They might be very difficult for me to overcome. It might take a lot of energy and my some time my takes resources and may not be what I want to do, but I could still overcome it. That's a fuckin obstacle. Ok, something where you would walk away from. Something would be an insurmountable obstacle that has no actual solution to it. Right. There are things like that there are things that happen in reality that make us change course, and so most people look at the first type, the bump in the road as a permanent obstacle that they cannot overcome, which is what cost and ultimately fail in life, and so I think, having a realist viewpoint, which is why we call to show real f.
because having a realist viewpoint is the foundation of success in all areas? Wife, you have to tell yourself the truth. You have to assess things for what they are. You have to look at the facts and the data. You can't wish things into reality: it's not how the fuck it works. Ok, so if you look at something and- and you in and by the way, if you got you guys who aren't succeeding right now, I guarantee you a big part of the reason. You're not succeeding is because you're looking at things that are speed bumps as permanent obstacles. That cannot be overcome and there's a drastic, difference in my twenty four years of doing this business, obviously, because I'm still doing it, there has actually never single one time been an obstacle that I couldn't overcome. All right, so they're, very, very, very, very, very rare, very rare or write an obstacle that I couldn't overcome would be the f d, a banning nutritional supplements, exactly
report in fact could have fuck insult know with regard to change the plan right, that's an obstacle that cannot be overcome. Almost everything else, almost everything that you guys think as an obstacle that can't be overcome or reasons as to why you can't is actually just a small part of the EU Bernie, that is more difficult than the rest of the journey and you should value those parts of the journey because those parts of the journey of the ones that actually teach you the skills. Okay. So if we look at things correctly, the truth of the matter? Is that most things that you think are insurmountable roadblocks are actually just little be hard parts on a long journey. They teach you the most shit, and so, if we re frame our perspective to see it that way, it becomes a lot more time herbal. So could I run a marathon yeah? Actually
probably could would it be hardest for Now what I have to train yeah when I have to properly pull a bunch of weight off yeah, but could I actually do it I think so. I see borneo old mothers that are a hundred pounds of wake, completing marathons, pretty sure I could fuckin do it. So it's it's not eight! It's not eight it it's a hard thing in journey right. That would be a hard thing for me. Is a matter runner? I'm saying I'm worried by the way, respect rules, women do that she's, fuckin credibly difficult shit. My point is possible. One man can do another can do all right. So if you can look at something that has actually been done and someone else has done it and you think that can't do it. The reality is that you probably can't but you're, probably looking at things. that our actual spi bumps as obstacles that cannot be overcome and our perspective. You know inaccurate
see on this particular topic costs a lot of people, their entire fulfillment existence, success and dreams, though sometimes right back into the first. The first question: man, it's like me with a look at gifts and and You get right back to the same thing that is looking for the excuse of the way our yellow do let moat most people and this is why they get so trigger by It- that's why they get so mad when you say this shit because they know it's true thing about the ship you actually get mad about. Like do you get If someone walked up to me broke now. I realize I may not be the fittest human on earth. I am forty three years old, two hundred and sixty pounds I see my answer. I look in the mirror right. There might be fitter people to me, my age, but very fucking money as a fact. So if someone were to walk up to me and say
you fat piece of shit, fuck broke fuck. I would laugh at that. I'd lavender fucking face right. We laugh at things that we know aren't true. We know they're, not true, but the reason people get so triggered around this conversation is because they know it's fuckin true, and they know it's cost him a lot, instead of admitting fuck it's true and fuck. It cost me a lot and now Can change it and go do something they continue to keep the blinders on and the worldview and just say: fuck a sea. Eighty! cell is full of ship or saying that or he's got privilege, or he has this or he has that are he was lucky Motherfucker I'm waiting to get lucky. I would love to get lucky. What I can promise you everything that happened to me in my life. None of it was we did the luck. I'm still waiting for my lucky shit to come around your san, like maybe some lucky charms or whatever the fuck we gotta do cause. I'm like wait, not go slide down the road, yeah, okay, okay, cause! I know
because he never got like no there's been a couple of times, but I never had like a big lucky thing. You know what I'm saying and. But that's the reality. Do we just look at things a thing was it? Was it luck or was it just the hard work that created the opportunity? We don't know, but it This is the result just the same right like do when you work hard day in and day out, when you take your skill, set development seriously when you pour into yourself self and you make yourself a priority, make your outcome a priority. You don't need look right, so there's theirs, there's maybe and then there's for sure and I'm going to take the for sure. This is why I teach the pressure. I don't teach the hack, I don't teach the. Maybe I don't teach that got lucky. I don't teach the high risk, you know high return, I teach the for sure and the for sure as long part lonely and will take most of your life and that's for sure
But you can assure sure get there that way and so like when we look at things and we evaluate what we can and can't do, we have to start looking at the we have to start looking at the things that are that our stories that we lie to ourselves about, as the roadblock shown sam's loom, ma'am absolutely fuck. How fuck how old you are, I'm care if you're fuckin, forty, our care, fuckin. Fifty care carefully. Fuckin, sixty and bro. You guys who think on twenty seven and I'm old, you're a fucking idiot. I tell you that right now, I tell you that right now you have no idea how young you are. I don't care if you're sixty years old bro, I even care for seventy, because if you take control and start to understand this. Whatever time you have left is gonna be so rewarding, because you start to believe in yourself and see yourself as someone who is powerful, Well, that's the way to live
The way to live is not the live like this week. Little pour me through life. The way to live is to be a bad mother, fucker that believes in themselves and the reason they believe in themselves possess earn that belief, and I don't care if you having years all brow- and you live to be. Seventy five these five fucking years be best years you ever had and that's what it's about so dont be one of these. People who hears what I saying trigger and say ah fuck him why blah blah blah blah. That's bullshit real. Shit. Really don't shit would be saying real, I had to would be saying you know what fuck I fucked up. That's partaken response, ability shit. I saw that I saw it the wrong way and here's You're gonna get really man you're really mad is when you started in that way, and then you start to look round. You start to realize their entire fucking environment was created for you to think that way. The kept you in that cage for a big part of your life. You cannot get back.
That's when you're gonna get pissed and then I'll see you at the fuckin patriot rallies right, ok, we'll be right there! Next to each other, you just a lot of people. The reason you guys don't get so pissed off. When I get pissed off cause, you don't understand what the fuck is going on yet because you lived through it, I've wash I do not just seen it as two happens too many times are seen. People start believing the shit of. Idealism about fine, easy, quick, all these things and then go on get their fucking dick smashed in and then think fuck I obviously it's me it's not you you bought into a false belief system, it isn't the reality. The reality is not sensible. I will go ro. I can't sell you how my foot If gonna sell you on this idea, hey guess what the hardest shit you ever did in your fucking life brow and by the way you're gonna fuckin lose everything, It's, like I said earlier in the show, you're gonna lose everything you're going to lose your friends or lose your family you're, going to can be alone for a long time. Many times over the course of your life, you're gonna go through depression
I have anxiety every mother fucking day like dude. How did you solar here? So I can't sell it just like in the dire culture you can't sell Well, I mean you can resell it. What most people up until this point time and in society. You haven't been able to sell hard work as the solution. We have been able to sell their. Minimal, sell you no discipline as the solution, but we have situation now we're cultural shifted so broadly that people are awake to the truth right they are. Stand that they cannot take a pill and lose a hundred pounds they under stand that if there are going to make a change, it's going to require uncomfortable things, and I love this because this is a true throughout this is the beginnings of a true cultural revolution. They want people to believe
They have no control and what's actually happening, as people are fuckin sick of what their offering us in their realizing, embracing that they actually do have control which pushes them into a life of true accountability, because now there, We stand at their actions. Create now put. This is a beautiful then go on the world. I know we talk about all the best. Going on the world one of the best things going on in the world right now, is you mother fuckers that listen to the show right now living that fucking? discipline, wife and spreading it to your fuckin friends and family and then waking up to the doktor nation that we ve all heard about living in this fuckin port, this little box than all of us since belong in one nobody else fuckin each stake alive, replies around a private airplanes. You can have the same shit man with plenty of room for everybody to have it so start bigger little I first started looking at a little different and you'll feel the difference. When you start to understand that and like I said, I don't care, if you're seventy you become fucking, powerful bro in those spots next, five, ten years or twenty years, whatever the fuck you are blurred,
to have left will be the fuckin best. Parts you, your life, real talk, because people live their whole life, bro thinking that they have no power, no control How demoralising that is to live? Like that? I think about how hard it is to live as someone who accepts the fact that whatever happens happens where whatever card? I'm dell is the one that I get and that's fucking it role, that is the weakest shit. Fucking every cannot live that way. It's not fulfilling you won't make any success and you won't be proud when your life is coming to an end, which is the ultimate goal right people. So I want happiness. I actually don't really give a fuck about happiness right now. Here's what I give a fuck about when my fucking, when my my ticket gets punched bro people are going to say, mother fucker did it best. I'm proud of that, and I know that's going to be the outcome cause I'll, never fucking quit and that that to me feels much better than living a comfortable, happy existence, and it's not for everybody, it's not for everybody, and if it's not free,
you get it, but that's how I live and that's how I think anybody whose high achieving that I know they live limits, shirt. They live along that framework and a very you know, even if it's a little difference kind of the same. No, absolutely man love it when guys ended up with three all got paid a fee for sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box frozen the fuck are still countless millions in the cold. They teach Buddhist got a blank row kind of doesn't know his shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-06.