« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

493. Part 2 - Entrepreneurial Requirements Ft. Eric Spofford

2023-03-29 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by entrepreneur Eric Spofford. They discuss Eric's early life and overcoming drug addiction, the journey and what's required to become a successful entrepreneur, and how we can collectively improve America through personal excellence.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The bonus number for the county, millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't both doesn't know headshot case club guys welcome back to part two or so so you sell the business. So what happens after that? What happens? Next, so the business it's a girlfriend I got a big old fuck, a check. I mean that process in itself into thousand seventeen back it up a little. This is neighborhood in new Hampshire, which is like the doping neighborhood in the state. and what I want to live in the men apartment. My first car was like this night, in eighty volvo that I bought for four hundred bucks and I used to smoke cigarettes at the time I used to get a big icicle coffee and go in enable neighborhood like smoke, a sick
visualize live in their vast ford, a by the second house in the neighborhood. Two thousand seventeen my neighbour cross street sells his business, which was a staffing company like three hundred million in dude again the stake. This idea of, like shown up of self education, a figure it out into the Seventeen, like, I didn't understand a single thing about selling a business. I believe you should. I did know a private equity was, I didn't know. I do nothing about any of this, but I would just watch is due cash with three hundred million dollar for contracts or what you do you're fuckin, learn it I was a kid broke. You may get lunch at her eye and ended. I I obsessive Lee started learning everything there was to know about selling a business in that process. I have hazard lee learned how to professional as a business at the time did on the man. Nobody can do this better than me. I got fuckin seventeen direct reports.
Dr myself, crazy, I'm burning it from both ends and a bottleneck in growth and you yeah the iron. So I start meeting all him and all these other people that I'm learning from and I see that he sold his business for three hundred million dollars and he hadn't been part of the day to day operation of fucking years was like how'd, you? That's who want the what had happened, and so I started to learn and all the staff and was very intrigue by end up in so I crazy story, but my first I learned everything I could about how to sell a business, and I retained an investment banker in two thousand and nineteen and we went to market and we went out with the the pitch book. In the end, the a's and we went through this whole process. Got it down to a couple. Final buyers picked one, my business
this value to fifty million dollars. Twenty things work out. I was her some eighty percent of it for forty million dollar check, which, from two thousand that's a lot of our money and arm during the summer of two thousand and nineteen and leaving visiting a marketing agency. I was interviewing in baltimore I'm at the airport, and I get a call- and I answer- and I been- I testified to the united states Senate on a date. in two thousand fifteen, I been all cool yeah I've been evolves. On the right side of politics. If there is one for a long time and dumb friends of the governor, like I was very politically active, the politics is actually what got me more attention mixed with the addiction recovery, earlier. I say,
fucking mfc yo for four fucking years and preach how to make millions of dollars. I go. Fucking start talking about bullshit on the world, my show gross four times over, it's crazy, yeah and- and so I testify in two thousand and fifteen. I make a name for myself. In my own state and in washington I help craft a couple of federal acts around recovery and treatment. That's awesome, comprehensive addiction, recovery act, one and two to participate in that with a bunch of different centres and congress people, whatever two thousand nineteen a method airport, my phone rings, its washington dc number, I think it's my friend a former congressmen is now a lobbyist. I answer the phone when I go what's up the woman goes Eric. Is this Eric spofford? I said it is she says: can you hold for the vice president police, or, should I say the boys. I swear to fuck guys at vice president. What she said about sir my nurture and eyes
did he says he says he wants to come to new hampshire and he wants to come visit my place anyway. dress the opium epidemic and addiction cry It says and of course, for those guys it was about the border and and all this shit- and I you know- was I cool with that- I said: shits are a moderate, says great I'll, be there tuesday. It was like fuckin, wednesday summer, call me from the white house immediately after their like Eric we're, gonna have a team on the ground to morrow to start preparing in and check the space out through the next day. I got this. I thirty thousand square foot office building. I gotta nine thousand square feet. Recovery centre, which is like I'd, see things like three hundred people used to host events there and did all sorts of cool shit for people in recovery, unlike standing at the window and like twenty five fuck and black, as should these berlin,
and I'm like. Oh shit, there is the real deal they didn't leave for five six days. It was nuts fast for a daily event. They have the whole thing locked down secret service, everywhere I got three hundred of whose whose sitting in this and papa to fifty to seventy five but sitting in this space, the vice president is supposed to walk through the door. Twenty minutes and the top dog from the white house grabs mean, says Eric. Where your talk to you as I'm shaken hands, a politician in the room is us these events cancelled no flocking. Where I saw. What do you mean this events cancelled? He says, there's been an incident and are all there, then tell me anything about it. They turn their forced to around vice presidents, not coming you're going to walk on that stage. You're going to thank everyone for coming and you're going to introduce me and I'm going to shut this down. I said fucking soldiers Now, let's go, let's go on the stage I fucking shut. The thing down. He shouted down road donald trump. A couple days later is on the you know. He was used to get caught
on his way to the helicopter on the little long. Bangor indulge I have this clip somewhere else and uses hill, where there wasn't a matter of national security, they're asking. Why did they never change your schedules? And so they thought it was russia. They thought it was china. They thought it was like all the speculation in the media would leave long and he says it wasn't a matter or national security. There was a problem at the sight, mother, go on the site, I'm the site, it's my sight. It was my place. I am the fuck. Do you mean as brought on wearing a tin, foil suit brow? I got my our fifteen lack. I'm bogged down dude, it was three weeks was actually twenty days from the cancellation of the event. I got this talk about like shit. We go through with people on the way there don t many days and it's a monday morning. It's ten a m. I walk out of hr, have a meeting with my director of hr, which he people off. Sir. a walk down the hallway corporate emma chief marking officer form, nfl player, grabs me and not yet.
cut a career. I did you play the giants play for the box, huge dude, fuckin, lovable guy If you met him today, you'd love of funniest bark is great says to me. I need to talk to you said jude busy? It's like ten, a m on Monday, like localised no real should any to talk is also where my best friend, post minos office tells me broached twenty nineteen. I just gave the dude a fuckin medallion for thirteen years of sobriety, narcotics anonymous like to move to move this guy's. This guy, he looks at me, go stood The crazy story by I tell you two thousand seventeen a relapse on pain, meds. It turned a federal and dope I met a girl. She introduced me to adopt dealer. I was driving them packages, he got us to buy the d. I got us by the de up in an undercover format for the de eighth last two fucking years and the D told secret service that I work here. I was in the building and that's why that event was cancelled out of heads forced me to take a fuckin charge and they d a release in the information right now I said
you say that again, he'll kill. You walk me through his own more fuckin time did the headlong item we gotta get out of the building. Let's go will figure this out We leave call my lawyers three weeks after the thing three weeks after the think, the feds fuck and forced the kid to plead guilty to a charge as part of his plea agreement and then fed it to them media political breaks, the story first and by fucking noontime, I have fought MSNBC, cnn and every other one of these four assholes you can think of in front of the house. at the national headline was my pants is visit to new Hampshire, cancel to avoid meeting drug dealer. I own a drug rehabilitation, business Jesus. It was a fucking Jesus. The private equity company caused me at three p m.
Is unlike firefighting, fighting darker pr people, lawyers and fuck in every other person explaining that I'm not part of a drug trafficking, operation and dumb fact picked up the phone also there talking about him here in the headline yeah guy, yeah he's the guy yeah they're. Not talking about your asked. No, no! No! He fucking there go yup, that's fucking, crazy, fucking, crazy and and the tourists fucking bananas pro the pro bowl, the private equity company guy guy calls me. I said hey yours were out ago. I figured out there, and so here I am in two thousand and nineteen with my dick in my hand, broil the ios. A couple million bucks I had no cash and to those left to fight for my life is crazy, is not spray. Was that was part of the process of selling that would have been. I would have been nice for them to just out.
fuck, and ask you to comma not asked to come to see you. I just I know, and I were but here's the crazy thing. I would about forty million that what I didn't know the time was we've got forty million dollars, I would have had to pay taxes on it and I wouldn't have for the dude. I ended up selling the thing for fifteen two years later, and so then I had two of those episodes not yet quite like that, but where, where we had big offers and I said no and both times on at the time I got really yeah exactly a garbage blessings, and the other thing I didn't realize was that they would have fired me within six months. I would add twenty percent aquitaine europhile. Are you fucking staff to all that's a whole another from the whole chain of their people right out of a miserable but anyways fast, what a couple years I close three minority deals to take cash off the table growing valuation. Finally, exit for the one fifteen after ten month process in december of twenty one. I had bought
also miami. I bought all toys and europe. the question which I sidetrack from policies, but it was what happens then Can I get a pile of cash in miami? Our reach we single dude and all those wild couple months and then- and then I got bored and miserable- and I was like I gotta- get back in the game. And so I like little, I followed and honestly looking back like. I knew it wasn't gonna last forever, as always Many days you can like wake up go out, go your boat like you, don't like try to occupy your time with. Like all this shit, you can't go from being that ribbon, were now to fucking nothing I'd. But I thought I would ass, longer yeah, like two and a half months. I was like don retraining and should then like, like fitness. Why are you always do to my dream? I wasn't like absorber sawyer, like I'm, going out
red bolgia hanging out pretty girls. Don't the dalai lama ride working out like unfolding. I think, are worse. Things would have been if you weren't arab yeah, have been a shit show, but then I decided to pivot back in the and start openings more companies and saw a launch another addiction treatment business. We arm, we ve been revenue, positive and open since general, First, we open a new year's day, Columbus, ohio, twenty three, so brand new brain it at school. Mimbreno months and we have the first one is oh when staff will be the last ninety days up on boarded a hundred and ten employees throw it back to them. What I love everyday yup, just up and at them, and we have the next four sites we buy, purchase the real estate. That's all being developed now, and so we will be, if all goes to, plan inside of twenty four months, will be out somewhere between eighty and ninety million top line asked craig,
must have real estate, guys are non compete or anything only for the new england state saga. What they really do. Honor me with that one. The fuckin hated here we're gonna going to miami yeah man. That's like the whole time like killing me with this new. So what you do so like you? and the people that listen right and they're they're they're listening and they're they're in the process. I mean where do you like? If you had oh, I know this is kind of put you on the spot, a little bit with coming up with skillful things, but like what do you? What do you think the most important you'll sets like. If you had a name like, let's say three: they may you that you personally have that have helped you go from. You know basically less than zero k like real in a really bad spot, addicted to drugs, where everybody doesn't want to be there where everybody does want to be where you live in an ocean a property in miami one, the coolest cities on the earth you're driving, cool shit you're flying on your own?
in airplane, I mean what what if you like, if I was fucking seventeen brow and I'm my life is a fuckin wreck right now, twenty five, my lads wreck. What would you say to those people. The on common path produces and on common life, like the amount of decisions that I had to do that when my life was a wreck, I had to look. You know your life. Is your life, those people that I was with at the time when my friends I had to look at all of them and say I gonna go, and I can never speak to you again or to be a long time What we do- and you know I, my entire twenties mister gotobed- almost twenty two years old, my apartment these. I never went to a nightclub, I never went out. I never like. I just lives in a very unorthodox manner which, at the time,
like I love the stuff you talk about like I started my business before myspace there's no instagram, there was no nothing. I give you a massive, a massive advantage of these data three attributes. I think resiliency right, after me, resilience like Brazil, it's a mix with optimism by getting up and and getting punched in the face every fucking day and doing it again tomorrow. Work ethic, which is kind of was talking about about Being able to go the extra mile and an, however, wanna. Look at it sacrifice or make the investment in your business it in your future. In back, to that ability to learn You really are limited by your capacity in which you can learn and so like right now, I hang out or a bye bye, seek mentors been guidance from people like you and and guys are worth hundreds and hundreds of billions of billions of dollars and they think in an entirely did away a billionaire. What
realized thinks entirely different. Then some they're, just cracked into a hundred million nine figure, more a deck, a or a millionaire leg and soldiers that self limiting mindset, able to remove that and continue to learn and grow and self educate I really. I really like your view on the self education part of it, because it's fine because we live in this time, where we have access to more information than with everyone add, but we also live in a time where people are utilizing the information available less less than they are have isn't that unbelievable? It's weird! Isn't it it's so we're in it I'd I'd show I did a little coach, a big. So I talked a lot of entrepreneurs and I'm, like you understand, I used to go to the fucking libraries and use what was called the dewy decimal system to find a fuckin boy, On a shelf too, for could take it home and read it
I would sit in Barnes unknowable bugs I can afford the book You can little look in your phone and and and have access to all this information, and they just take it for granted its that's. I think, I think there is a massive advantage for peace. Like you and me, who have had to to survive and and thrive As ambitious driven people without the internet, I think it's a massive, my advantage. Bromine me me running business that first, seven or eight years before, like social media, really became a thing. As remember, facebook was just for college kids had it wasn't for the public. first. It was for university students. Instagram wasn't a fuckin thing, so facebook, and that was really myspace, ok, which was now as I, what two thousand seven eight nine like that was it like. It wasn't applicable for any sort of business growth. It was just your friends right, the which, by the way, I kind of miss that about social me,
exposure via tom, bring background. Are you back? We opened the outer that opera is a bet, brow top friends, wow that many of my friends this time, rural poor tom, but like did those those guys. I know those guys. Actually they should bring back but anyhow The point is, is that like do you know? I tried it. wayne, this to these younger people- and they just don't fucking- get that I get a row. I had to go. Fuck and he'll. Tell my fat ass around fucking springfield Missouri, knock it off the fuckin doors, brow sand. hey guys and there who the fuck is anti minority, is a fuck india's back. Then oh you're disturbing my fucking. Whenever right am I well you know you're gonna get shaped like we got the stuff like dude, I did every year You don't say like there is different. Is the very thing
Well, then, I grew up without it because now I'm like a trip to do whatever the fuck I need to do. Do you know it also false the same line, and that is the fact that both you and I lived and worked and guided and hustled through away Nine there, through that research, will ensue you're right now, huge programme because of everything that happening now in. What's the come yeah, I just did a story on this and fuck energy. Yesterday brody, I was talking about like look. The real people ben through the should already like. I could tell you this, I'm fuckin salivating. Unlike me, all your luck row, I like, where all these other motherfuckers, that computer mere gonna, they did soccer stories and I'm going to gobble up all their market yeah. Because I've been through it. I know exactly how it's gonna go everybody, go in there, shell everyone. he's going away and here's the problem they they're gonna fall for the bullshit,
yeah yeah I'm down in miami. Like hey what happened? All you guys make millions of dollars on Falkiner wraye t share novelist, stupid Joe shit. You motherfuckers called us off stupid like broken. when you have these most sluggers with the nf ts, hit or look pro you'd shove this one and that one about most fucker. It is a fucking. Surely I know you want me to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars. I know this is guarded, like I'm sorry,. But this has to be the dumbest shit. I've ever heard my entire flock in life, did when I saw that happen outside this is definitely the top and we're fucked why they were far too area relic. Second, people are spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of this picture that you, own for his own bright to show some badia like we're, where we can Let's go down from here, because we have a clipped the stupidest book
shit, we could possibly think like. We ve created people voluntarily with chief that there are two percent people or understanding ought to take. A lotta hits for the noise of bunking we're shit. It's like I just looked at that whole thing in my emmi was but there are too many london ray we're. What I'm living room. We lived right now, right now we're having a correction back to reality back to that's what we're having one of the others would it that shit's falling apart, it actually is and you're gonna have to be tackled, a move through it, but still separate the real from the fear, and I can't wait. I cater I came away. I can either do When I, for the last eight fucking years, I sit on the internet, all these fucking guys don't do shit you don't have a cover, they don't shit. Product they don't a real service. I seen a making millions of dollars repeating it urging shit. I've said she I've said personally, I learn from growing actual com
please I see them repeating the shit and charging people for it. You might have fuckers are going to fuck nasby, like that's reality like you guys, the teeth kicked. Those people aren't in most of 'em term, though I'm thirty, eight years old and so in. I was twenty three in two thousand and eight and most twenty three year olds in two thousand and eight. Without starting business fuck off yeah, whatever is added, and so you didn't think, like everyone younger than me hasn't done, not not much recollection. of what that was like. That's what I'm saying they didn't know like dude. They don't know, didn't, watch people go out and Try to get a job for nine months. Do an interviews every other day. They didn't see. People lose their fuckin homes. because they got laid off there still not deliberately. Starting feeling that kind of paint a guy's name stars, you started yet do in everyone who, been around long enough it that I've talked to share
is the same thing. The we agree upon this hasn't even start in order, because data are seen it yeah whenever site like dude, I I've harmless worse. Can we get a lot of talk about where it is and all you motherfucker? out there saying why don't feel like working around on fuel we know going into law is right on this or that I hope you fuckin star, wrote you while they're gonna start there, these people have we united states of america. What were suffering with right now is an embarrassment of fucking riches. Ok, we so fucking financially successful as a country, then a literal moron could make money Lastly, a war with pictures of monkeys, yes for real I am serious, probably not so dude, now we're getting back into a competitive atmosphere where people are going to be discerning with where they spend their money. Yeah they're going to protect their money, they're going to be careful where they spend it they're going to spend it with certain people that they like they're, going to
port causes with their dollars like dude, we're moving into in a different environment in all these spoiled people who fuckin, You know they're, saying shit like You know, I think, I'm just going to travel the world and a fuckin ban and experience bro you guys are fought fox is about its content, so fuckin hard to earn money because money is going to become scarce, scarce and echo are going to protect in they're not going to spend it on your fuckin bullshit poaching. If you dont have real shit because do the he'll killers. They see this as an opportunity hundred acts. They see it as like fuck like do most of these people are saying: well we're gonna. we're going to show you how to survive. Mother fucker! No, if you think about right way. This is where you leverage up an eu level from where you are too. Maybe maybe we're three levels higher than you are because we else stops everybody else In their turtle shell and says, fuck did it
scary out there and do what happens. Is they never come the fuck back out? They never come out. You know a lot of the stuff that you talk about with politics and what's going on in the world and in all of that is so spot on it really it. It makes me think of when we came through to thousand eight nine ten the world was never the fuckin same again. It was this transitional period that a lot of things fuck unchanged. and we're going into another winter, another dark time that the same things can happen in what what has happened is the separation of wealth and the death of the middle class. And so like is wrong yet like this, so many principles of philosophy and ideologies that we could fuckin stand on and be pissed off at fuckin nang. The table over over europe pay it is up in all this stuff, but the end of the day the the game. You can learn how to far complied with. In your memory, get caught out there and you're gonna fuck die. You have to learn how to do it in the environment. That's all
does that apply five years ago. Do not apply anymore. They don't apply more you're still seeing people say the they were say in five years ago, not understand the war moving into a completely different environment. During its easy. Fuck and sell widgets when every He's got money to waste on widgets, it's a completely different thing to sell widgets that nobody fuck me when nobody has any money. You ve been a star great example of that is I'm in miami, and I got all these people that fuckin printing money during this good times these last few years in the air being be space, De the renting or owning fuckin spaces put them out on air being be Ababa. You know many times heard about the missed opportunity that I've had brought. You know what I own, I own fucking, be class residential, fuck and real estate, see fucked single family homes and apartments, most of its section. Eight there I'm not just fine,
yeah, because I always a need for that is always a need for their that's. What I'm trying to make health care services really got is one think again today yeah. It's also that sort of vertically integrating your business down for being real. I know most of the drug problem is in those communities, so well the drug problem that we see there's a completely different problem at the top in talks about at all that, yes, there, but the you know when we really think about a dude, You know you guys were out there sullen bullshit like like an dude. You could see it like. You can see it coming and unravelling, because you're seeing people who else I'm seeing it I'm pretty perceptive and I think I'm more perceptive and the average person when it comes to this well you're, seeing people who I have been around on the internet for while starting to come up with all these different ways to sell shit like it's the shit that they want doing before
and what I see is panic. I see ok, what they were doing, isn't selling quite the same, because there was a real value in it because they were taking advantage of the good weather economically right people had cash willing to throw a little bit over here, even if doesn't have a whole lot of value. I'll. Try this out now we're dealing with attire, protected class of currency right, like people have less money, so they spend their supper. They spend less. The more selective on where they spend the money and saw him seeing all these people now trying to like just what they do like I'm seeing it's you so like coaching now, the sun hawklike should the date does not core thing: all the sun there, their cell in it. You see a lot of these influencers for the last seven years who were making big money representing other products and then got too big to fuckin, really like part of those things that we are seeing them go back to their root rider like really hustle again and do so.
im starting to see the panic start to happen, but like bro, you guys, you have no idea how bad that's going to get, because it's going to get way worse and it's going to get to the point where You know this is why I say like if you're a small business, and you can stay on the gas right now, there's a tremendous opportunity for you to pick up quality talent, because a lot of equality, talented some of these other businesses that aren't manage or thought Phyllis. ethically led properly strategically led properly. Those people, wait offer their leaving her. So I do not looking at it as a massive opportunity for everything that I'm in, like pickup quality people gain mass of market share. Go when everybody else pulls back. You know like no, it's I'm excited I I know it's gotta be hard, but like dude, I'm built for two fuckin fight. I love the fight. Brody that's good. I get bored like like one language, like for the last six or seven years where it was just like it, was just easy. It was boring, like I'm, a fucking fighter, bro I'm bill for the fuckin battle
you like to media. Like I'm looking around like there's, not much, I like more than a gun to the head situate ass wrong, so I wrote it that's! The truth is: is it that, when your best shot, comes a hundred percent me. My best shit comes out when it has to come out its for the love of the gay I fuck. I have to do that now. Why does everyone for everybody, but most people a voice like a gambling sickness? Almost that's like everything. all the chips are able do think about it. Like this brown, most people avoid those high pressure situation. I love that most people a voice the daily discount for young. Now most people don't eat right. They dont train hard. They know four can take care of themselves. and the reason that they don't do any of these things is because they're trying to avoid the pain they dont understand in the pain that actually experienced by doing the difficult things actually is what brings out the best shit inside of you. I I cannot be met
ultimate creative self. Unless my back is on the wall and that's, why talk so much about cultivating zero option, mentality that call of aid that mentality of not having any options, even when things are good and I've been fortunate enough to be able to it's that the entire time, but now a lot of you guys are going to learn it by default. Cause you're going to get shut up against the wall and working find out. Who, actually, Henry bound under pressure and who does and like them my personal opinion. I know what you think, what I think there's a lot of people are. There has detestably you know Entrepreneurship is seventy eight percent of the population- that's that's been the that's been from for the last fifty years, one percent of those is successful, so we're billy. With a small myself, crazy dude is that it is crazy, but here's the thing how many people these He call themselves entrepreneurs. Now all everybody itself,
working cool thing. In reason, it's getting the reason starting see all these knuckle fox, they don't have any, experience starting to coach people in business is not because there good business, it's actually because they're, not gonna business and they're, trying to fuckin create cash flow? fund their business? Nor does so they can stay alive in unison. It's easy money in a lot of you guys do like your pain, my brother, Let me tell you something: if your pay some want to fuck and coach, you are you're part of a coaching group and that mother fucker hasn't built a real company. Had your way you're fucking money check the resume yeah How? What have you done? What have you actually built what you actually sold? How many employed like in detail? What is the fuckin resume, their people that they are doing this? You know it's gonna, be an interesting time. the market. It is the biggest gangster of them all. It's gonna fucking purge itself over these next couple years, and so the people that have bullshit products bullshit. quality that you
we little rounds and trinkets idiotic dune, who let us move around who's. Gonna thrive in this best in class operators, people that know how to build real companies that have real quality that have real people that understand the value of brand and know how to build a fucking, actual brand they're gonna, fuckin, survive and they're gonna thrive and do incredibly well. People that understand give it and move into stuff in products and services that are not ass. These over luxuries, it's like the exact reason why all desire bnp people are gonna. Fuckin died, many be. This is interesting. Do you many people? The last six months have come to me with it, b b businesses and asked me how to turn them into halfway houses and sober livings rye lot. Forty fifty when our brain. I thought you were killin amro, they sit dude, it's it's! The new. is the new easy fuckin spy golly shiny thing like that. You know they. They hear you just
like you, heard your neighbor exit. They hear you exit and there like we're, fucked you. I got all these things. I can do a spofford doing it. I think it's fuckin ease, but yes, but it's also because they're, not booking air, and be all for sure, because a large amount of money? Next, that's one percent! That's do that's what you're it's the same things. While saint a minute ago, you seen all these people who were typically doing other things now they're trying to all these new things, and it's like do reason they what it does work and spot or if this was fucking working here, when we do in all these new things up- and it's just cited six Actually, we all say it's yeah. It's the same thing I think, there's a lot. I think we're going to be surprised too. I think we're going to be surprised to see that there's going to be some very big. Very famous people eat a fucking, dick minority real there. The real, like I see, accommodated the allow these people were were extended. Allow these people are flocking highly leverage.
in every area. The cars will webber's your house's leverage of businesses loved how much, how much of going through two thousand a recession impacted decision over the last ten twelve years in your business building it in safety for the next allah exact Allah, the exact oliver I didn't. I never knew there were no other, as carers never lap of intensity urgency for me to grow our brand and build a secure bran like, for example, like I was talking, If you are an investment banker guy yesterday, and he was we were talking about valuation of businesses and you know we're a debt free company. So, like I don't owe fucking anybody a dollar and he was like yeah. Most investment beggars would think you're an idiot, I said yeah they word until they sought out eba until they saw their inequity until they saw that fuckin. Ten ex fuckin value that I my companies work for this. For the time blind sales that we do because of the way I built it over the last twelve years. It's probably worth ten times more than this company. With the same top line
You know it's so far. We own all our customer fuckin information like do which we seldom after the concert, because people don't understand that most companies are strapped with so much debt, and so, if you sold there's a waterfall structure of who gets paid first year, any new debt. When I saw my we were free. I've never had a dollar a day. I never too, I always ever a our dep rose gonna. No one give any money turned out to be it less than they had withdraw its marginally two thousand plus incinerator thousand seven right before the begging collapse. I want to fuck and thirty banks over the course of the month and a half bro Fucking men's warehouse suit. Fucking wrote no thousands answer was no from everybody: you gracing are happening up because I to figure out of what do without bootstrap yeah, that's exactly. As you know, I started in two thousand and eight. and I know because I was so new to business, a nude acclimated to real life and not the drug world like I didn't, to understand what banking had looked like. Prior to that, I couldn't remember walking
the bank of america in two thousand and nine may be early. Two thousand ten, with a hundred gantt grandpa, ash in the bag, which, for twenty two to three for well over all. She was a lot of fucking money back then- and I remember asking them. I said he listen. You know I fucked my credit up examine recovery. I made some bad decisions back in the day. I haven't done that a long time. I got a bunch of money in your bank. Can I get a credit card I got it. I understand you have is secured credit card programme for like people try to build credit, you give me a car, with five hundred you lock up five hundred all my money does zero chancellor, you two fuckin lose anything, no denied me yeah, that's right! They catch how hard cat yeah at people realise that to me, dad we had after after a couple years of my parents divorce and he was rent than a bedroom and all that he had saved up any a modest like one story, little ranch house and I I bought it in ninety ninety nine or something and saw it all over time. Of course, you build equity in the house and he had like
hundred thousand all line of credit, announce who he was extended. Fifty thousand dollars on it he would extended paid down, extend a bit down fucking overnight. They trot the line of credit from a hundred down to what he had spent on. It smoked his debt to income ratio and totally fucked him financial year, and they do that without, anyone who you think these people give a fuck about you erika egg. It start its heart. Sorry, miseries, buffered out, you know it's. It's pay policy yeah How is your relationship, which your data it did? I tortured that man grown up? I mean the amount we get too much into like what the haiti was like for me, but like dude I walked in that house stabbed fuckin guy heads little, but by a crowbar bleeding all over the fog black. Like I mean this stress, I put this tube under, was like unbelievable Now in my house, in new Hampshire, I was able he had some health issues in a couple: strokes, hardtack, oberon surgery and die
and seven years ago is able to retire him. Are you what double why you're successful Joe fucking cool was to make my dad proud, as I will, coolest things. I've ever done is make my dad proud, and so I moved. I I have this big like sixteen thousand square foot also really nice place in its got his own in law apartment, and I moved in with me seven years ago. Nobody had so he's like The best papa in the world and our two boys got Gavin whose, we'll be twelve june and I got the younger one. They may so a year and a half and on any just like a professional papa, though it I'll edward, but as tight as we be. It was always my guy my whole life. I just put him through so much rats or zero. The much vaunted overdosing fuck, you know it's such a weird com track of like. Like my message of what I try to put out. The world is like you: could fuckin do anything like ireland.
we're coming out of my fourth overdose and then pull me off a life support dude and their there taken me off the sedative drugs as they pull of breathing tubes. Out of me and I'm look, my dad and my dad's toughest nails to, but that's three hundred this law girl, fuckin worthy, office dudes, I've ever met my life and his staff the coroner low hospital room and as I'm coming, watch and cry for the first time, unlike now like I like to I dunno how else to ascribe that, but like like I get to tea, I get to take care of the man I get to make him proud. You know what I mean I mean I gotta tell him what I gotta tell him, I'm my dad. You gotta shut the fuck up and like stop bragging about all this shit, we got. You know what I mean like. I was the guy that, because of everything we've discussed and everything you've talked about, I spent years hiding my wealth and hiding my success.
The labour guinea and all that shit, and I would literally drive it out of my neighborhood trying to hide to get on the highway to get out of town to go out to dinner to somewhere, where nobody would see me with it and my dad out there with me for a long time to yea by data black. My kid ass freely and burn you two. Are you going to shut the fuck up a central role? I was scared. I was always get. I add my memory for a law, my first limbo there. For a long time, If anybody knew it, the only reason that people found out about it. That was because I took it to dinner. I took Emily to dinner one night and, as I was walking as I was walking in of getting I got out of the car, or as I was walking into the restaurant, one of my main employees was walking out and he fucking saw me getting out of the car and he he was pissed, not pissed about the car. He was pissed. I didn't I can tell him had the car and then I realized. Oh shit, like I got the right people, but that are
written from yeah. I like that changed my perspective on to my first car by first superpower, exotic car was lamborghini african dead, end, we all have a moment later. Did I was dry, I've in it and I ran out of gas. Stupid spot of the world, and so here I am on the side of the road auto gas waiting for I forget who someone to bring me a tank of gas to put in this car and one I treatment centres was close by one of the things that we reduce, drive the clients around in fifteen passenger fuckin white. Passengers. They must be as whatever, but does like a platoon of them. and so here I am sitting on the junta, my falconry about totally not thinking and six bans full of peace so my treatment centre advocate my staff by lose them. There's like shit, I'm now dude, I realized I had a good buddy of mine who told me gave me a good piece of advice about that. He goes up. He had some has some cars and shit and like was a
was a good influence for me, my life he ended up. Not now do it makes good decisions on him. Ah, but he's a good influence for me and he's. I said I asked him. I say: hey man, and this is my first coop more like around. Was a nasty martin vantage side like tat and ass to our advantage? This was like two thousand eleven, it was. It was o seven model the head, like thirty thousand miles, so it's kind of a cheat car right leg. It was like, it was cool, but it was also used. Heavily The last point is to ask- and I guess I know one thing for sure: I still got it though, and I was asked my buddy I'm like dude, I'm like, and he has some bad ass shit and I was like dude. Do you ever like get worried that your employees are going to fucking hate you for driving your shit and he looked me right in the face he goes. Why would you want any employees that don't want that for themselves and I'm like
Fuck, that's a fucking great point I never ever since then. I never gave a fuck like if you fucking get turned off by my success. Then you don't belong word with me. Bitch go work for somebody broke, the answer. I have spoken, how I feel about it. I love the yeah is real good advice. Instead For me, I mean where he was dead. Serious do there was no light. It wasn't like a conversation, has just asked me a question. hard for me with that topic because of the nature of my business is to waste to tell the story this Eric Spofford helped. Fifth, sixty thousand people change their libya, which is true and made a lot of money? Do it it ass, he fought, can should and built a big bills the other one was all look at him: getting rich off drug annex their help in people s eyes, and you can forget that you know exactly you know, I don't know I'm curious through I go those guys you grew up with Did you maintain any relationships once a year,
If you change your life, did you go back? Let you talk to me those people like, but how did that phase out? I tried to help all of em, two thousand twelve opera, Similarly, a drug called federal showed up. In america that we had a heroine heroin crisis, nazi cotton, graceless crisis and overdose death started the skyrocket in our country, which now and for quite a long time it's a leading cause of accidental death in adult americans. In more like the die of no period overdose as an american, then you are in a car accident and killed every single one of them dude. I have this vision. I had this vision right of like sir, stay year old eric at my dad's house, I got the basement. The balkan obey and I got the big speakers at the wires went out to the speakers. I got a hundred people, my fuckin back yard. The kegs go in fuckin, great. I will pass on the blog would drink in the bows
I remember this and we used to do it all the time and I remember like I walked through and in every face. I can fuckin remember that party is dead, all ok yeah! crazy, and so it was her honestly, probably like one of the most painful things I've ever been through was from like two thousand twelve to allow the the bulk of it was like two thousand twelve. The two thousand seventeen amendments dope still happening today. but all my people died in that time. This the epoch, the drug epidemic, the addiction epidemic in america- happens right under the noses of everybody. You go out in the world and if you don't know what you're looking for the sides symptoms of addiction, which is then you just won't see it. But if you do you move through the day like wholly below Not I see so many addicted people all day. Long noon and their driving his cars pumping the gas in the restaurant I seem eaten, their kids in their wife, and my wife has no idea that he's gonna dope habit in
I could see the mile awakes out lookin at me in an ant, but most people for condone most people. Their boss it's their families and here's the crazy things, the family aspect of it. how many times of consoled: parents, wives, husbands, kids, they had? No idea until the person die there? Like you know, it's not your! It's fucking! I can both ship row in a nutshell, fuckin sent over here by china fuckin run across the border intentionally. Fuckin ruin our or fuckin cut culture and country its attention, yet nor a hundred percent, so fuckin crime syndicate for all these, my fucking criminal I mean you guys, listen to the show. Yeah, that's the most shows I probably wouldn't even bring this up, but here I feel safe. You know when you think about when you think about the origins of this. Three in my native area, with the boston tea party. Now then said a. We want a little bit of money on the tea and we said fuck you suck our dick fuck him
in all honesty I your browser wrote like. Why would I do that and it was blunder sitting here. We are but two hundred and forty. Fatima later, but think I hide set about paying these mother thought. no moment. Why listen? Listen, we told them to fuck off doing get your guns in fucking, come and get it yeah who fought that war, young men fucking twenty year old, kids, look at twenty year old kids. Today you do fitness killing twenty year old, kids and if they fucking, dare their they're useless here. They are so high that will give a single fuck about they're, either hooked on drugs or psychiatric medication. I mean there's just sugar blockers. What's a puberty, but I do know, there's a hen. Oh shit, there's a whole fucking. Well, listen! It's a perspective shift yeah dude people don't even consider themselves grown adults until they're thirty years old. Now, if your power,
I know, but yet fucking, eighteen to twenty four year old, young men, fuckin fight wars, I know this we're like I know I do think about that. I now look at all these twenty zero people, but if you're, the powerful fuck and people and the corrupt fuckin bullshit that happens, who you fuckin scared off and who you gonna target and who are you gonna handicap? That's it I get gotta do, and so, when I look around at what happened to me too, dumb fuck, ninety, ninety, nine of fourteen buccaneers, old and fuck, my body, whose a good fuckin kid from a good fuck and hard work and family in Hampshire walks into my house with a forty milligram fuckin pill- that synthetic falcon heroin it had happened to me of every one of those kids die. That's all. We started yeah yeah, it's fun, crazy Do you know like me, and my friend allows the proper it allows them to maintain their position of power and wealth. Yes, because these young men there's threat
does. Your pocket are going to be scared, or what are you going to do? Bro, listen like reality, your thirty eight and forty three were fucking ingratiate at their listen, nude, there's one less than fucking, one tenth of one percent to forty three year old man that fuckin are in shape, I'm in two hundred sixty five pounds. I fucking lesson there. Ok, I'm just saying I am capable, but most the fuck and forty zero men are not capable, they're, not capable, and so We have to like really take a look at him. are there is there is a handful of very capable forty year old man, now, the mike lovers of the world, his whole network, all those guys but the reality, the eric you're fuckin telling the real shit. This shit was put into What year was that I do not deny ok for the last. When he fucking years plus they have inserted this drug over and over and over and over again and wilder inserting the strong, oh yeah
the way we're gonna infer this ideology of no competitive nature of the opposite. natural order, where you are He lodged look like a growth of focus, psychiatric medication on young people in this country. Well, it's insane! It's there either on fuckin narcotics, fuckin drugs, dick in order for can prescribing them, s arise and boots stabilize, and I was on a general level, five years growth fuck it and yet- and I dropped it last august august. First, joy, thirty, first last that twenty two I stop taking lax approach. Nor will I'm still fuckin. Haven't. Withdrawals looks like still, I know still like, I said through these phases, warlike for like three or four five days time. I can't cannot function, bukharin fog bring row have physical shakes. I now do not seen it yeah a thousand times this was my world broido get lucky in saint in, like the service it idle, fucking shit. The thing missing in fact, and young people is fucking outrage yeah. Nobody spoken out
aged, I remember a bloody war. I remembered america, you remember in america that I fuckin love. These kids don't give a fuck but they don't give a fuck by design. They never suggest I've been attacked here. It's on mean its social media. It's fuckin digital addiction, it's fucking drugs at psychiatric medication. It's fuckin! ideology is the broken belief systems they've been fed raised on structure of the to distract from the family. It's the distraction, it's fucking! All of that feminism! That's another thing like fucker, you know like bro work, we're all this shit. What our fifty seven minutes, the show and totally to shit now it's my eyes is this. Is this is a real shame, though your own ears, like we ass yeah, we got a problem Your man is fusses wide right, a fucking. This is why try to fucking gives you guys listening to engage what's going on, you know, like a lot of people, think that someone else's common motherfucker nobody's common nobody's. Come
fix, your it pitcher. That's true it is you every single person, listeners shades you to the fucking. It's about to the micro context of how you live your life in a fuckin data day at what you fuckin do in your hand rituals and fuckin routines and your goals in your vision in your objectives, like people don't you get from the mackerel context of hope, fucked up. This is too what you find king did today and the impact that you fuckin made today actually matters because every it it's the it's The accumulation of all the fuckin people write like we were armed in statement at my new treatment business, which is called treatment, acts is up to be the ripple effect of change and what they came from. Was this analogy of that we throw a stone in the pond and most of us all we see is the splash. The ripple effect touches every edge of the shore every edgeler for every time. Every time every single day is your opportunity to throw a stone.
you don't know the effects and if everybody for candidate no appreciable acquire now brought They need to hear if someone besides me, young people, responded. It's like! dude. I saw the study come out over the weekend. The show that the people who vote you patriotism is down. Patriotism is down from sixty eight percent in two thousand nineteen, to like thirty nine percent in two thousand twenty three, that's the opposite of what the fuck we me. I know the opposite of what we need and that's evidence of that. cultural demoralization of our society by these people who are doing it to handicap. You take firm, you steal from you use you ask cattle that provide them with their wealth, their control, their fuckin power and word were sitting here. Take
in it and you guys we're getting less pissed, not more pissed. What's I tell you it's the system has no more bro. Our people are broke, your people are broke and I don't mean financially, I mean culturally and fuck and spiritually and fucking personal pride like how the fuck can you like an how the fuck? Can you be ok like broke? How can any of us be? Ok, we're paying more of our money to the government that we get to keep ourselves, because that's where we do people think o my income tax, its thirty percent. You know I gotta keep seventy percent the fuck, you do you fuckin paid shit how what what are your whenever an over and what he had paid on your home? What do you pay? spend money. What do you pay to own a car? what happens if you don't pay the tax to register car went out o o.
What happens if you don't pay your taxes, people say: oh taxation is that taxation is not that taxation is fucking extortion, because there are consequences to what happens. You don't just lose the monies. To put you in jail- and I agree with you- that people are broken, the system is broken and that's the thing that's in dark. damn india being what you I don't think we're too. I think I'm really starting to believe we might be passed the point of return. No I dont disagree with a fuck is gonna. Come fuckin lead these motherfuckers like who who is like dude, here's what we really need. This is real talk, We need a fuckin real revolution and ass real shit. I ain't you got motherfuckers talking about. You know like ended. By the way when I say revolution I mean fucking cultural revolution, I mean raising a fucking standards, I mean living a higher life. I mean taking it some people who are actually oppressing you at all levels and fucking, eliminating those people from existence and in terms of their ability to do so. Whatever the fuck, I mean that
a vote I dont personally have too much fuckin bull if in our voting system right now, but if you think it's about time, Oh, but what? If it ain't a vote, then what's the action, I think we all fucking know right like dude. Where are those people? Where are these people? Where are all of you pro to a fucking patriot, mother, fuckers up until two in fact, twenty you're, the most vocal fucking bad ass fucker now your fuckin crickets. Yes, I should say that fuck, that's true, yeah, god. Damage is a book a truth. If we all stop this shit, you have zero fucking chance and like do why? Why are we not have closer rally around the people who are trying to leave these messages? Oh you, like my fuckin shit, you're like the rope all that this solution is simple: go out
and remove yourself from the system by becoming fit. They want you fat become fit, they want, you broke, become rich, they want you stupid. take advantage of the free information? That's all surrounded about you and educate yourself. It's very easy for us to fuck them. Without. firing. A single fucking bullet at very easy will know everything that you just mentioned. I am sure we can come up with more when we are what they want us to You know what we are to them. His fucking profitable that dude bets therefore on I've, locking you like no house exactly role. We are currently working livestock. There's a wheat. These elite quarter quota leads to I dare not elites to me their duties, Inga. If I mean you eat their food and a fuckin, they make money off the food complex. It gets you sick. You end up in the health care system like its dude, it's all directions in I do. You eat the food. Ok, we make money on the food. The food makes me sick. I make money on the medication. The food makes you fat. Now I make money
Second, I buy you consuming. My streaming services and my poor and my shit on the internet. Now now You have no ambition soon I'm gonna get well these we get out of that? Fucking? U can workers its consumerism and profitability and fucking control yeah and do people fuck it like. I have brought Eric, you know, dude. I have been on this as hard as anybody could be on. His heart is Anybody could be on his work. I called it I'll play by play by fuckin play for the last three years and you know it Again I get people tell me my dns I can't share your show man because, like you know, my my fucking sister in law gets offended and she gets on my case. your sister in law, brow, she's, the fuckin problem, she's. The reason that when you listen to the show you're shaking her head, yeah like where are we going to get our fucking courage, brow we're, like I feel like I was born in the wrong fuckin era like I was born in the like, but I should have been born.
Like it, seventeen seventy six s, gotta come to a fuckin boiling boy, maybe folk I was born in hi there. I was just going to say that that's where I was going to say: maybe you were born in the right era in it? it's gotta go right ahead for this shit. I will fucking dive british no bullshit, I broke. We don't save our fucking country from these fuckin tyrants. long term. I'm talking about russian, the white house about someone is crazy. Shit, If we don't get organised, we will create a fucking, actual movement, we don't we move ourselves from their fucking corrupt system, the box, us all. We are fucked as humans in your kids. They will die they will be sent to fight a war. That means nothing other than profit. That's what we're I do now, We curse not, Gary nobody falcon cares and that you know that's what I said earlier was that just a lack of outrage, for me, not real, roughly yeah, but just general
the society that just a lack of outrage of the shit that they fucking get away with him. You know, from my perspective, everything we're talking about is very through my little key hole on the world in the addiction stuff. and the mental health, and in just see, and all of that, the fucking, AMOS shawl broke in him, and you get these kids at a hooked on drugs are broken. They saw broken it my words exactly as they wanted to guess welcome Pra brought yeah it's for you know it is not broken its. I design right. We, it is fucking one hundred percent by desire, but they become lifelong too. You can look up a fucking clip of me at the united states Senate in two thousand and fifteen sitting on a panel of three people. One was fucking doctor WU, who is a chief medical officer for the
baltimore, and then there was a pharmacist from colorado in me and in the the conversation was the opium epidemic in amerika there was still health, education, labour pension committee, the united states, at the time subject, or you know that is so box or as a maintenance medication for opiates. If we took us a box on it now, we'd all be pious bach. They have a street value, their trade and sold by drugs. It's like methadone, almost it's a similar buck drug its it was originally designed to be a short term. Taper like a week to get people off of heroin or other opiate class drugs. They have made that in to a life, long maintenance, fuckin programme. Do I went head to head with us woman, fuck him on the united states Senate floor as a fifteen year old fuckin highschool like if you don't think you can make a difference here. I m is a fifteen year old, high school fuckin dropout, arguing with a dog,
for the united states senate, whose telling the united states Senate that they obeyed attics have to be prescribed, this fucking very heavy opiate class narcotic medication for the rest of their fucking lives. There will be a slave to it. If they don't take it, they will go into with raw they'll get sick in this woman's telling fuck in the senate, and then the senate of you what's happened since then: ass. They passed a bunch of laws. Around accessibility, fuckin distribute distribution around this fuckin drug and they just blanket cover every one with it even just as one little microcosm of of this boy. I design broken system. Is we use do as a standard for opiate attic, so heroin, attics, octagon, whatever like get them sober and off all drugs. Now by force, regulation from the government, we must offer them and put them on maintenance medications and offered to them for life.
Farmer government do you know hard. That was the commissioner commissioner, the department of health and human services and the state of new Hampshire called me into his office. They changed the regulation in two thousand eighteen, I fucking refused in two thousand nineteen. They said fuck him come in here. Meeting did he used. They put a video that I put on facebook falconry. I hate this shit broken you ah here without it, I haven't used a mind, altering substance. More than sixty five years of my life is unbelievable. As a result of it, I believe in people giving clean and sober off of luck and drugs they put. video of me in the conference room, fuckin, saying a similar type thing and then said and told me Eric. If you don't start putting people on fucking this medication and offering medication assisted treatment and recovery for your patience, we're going to take your treatment licence gun to the fuckin head, you want a business or don't want a business nonsense as fuck
the real and so then I lost my money and then about If so, then I watch my arrange some stuff and we'll get advancing. They fucking come in and they want to be bad. Asses and debt alike were growing up. We want to be gangsters, drug attics. We are listening, fuck, a pocket, biggie and fuckin. You know heavily influenced by gangs. Rapid smoke, mozzarella shit in a watch. All these people fucking to prescribe psychiatric medication go to minimum mandatory to normally friends, the ones that are still alive. Fuckin are at either have completed or are still in double digit federal prison sentences and do not that those people that I love, my friends and I grew up with- were incarcerated in federal prisons or privately owned by companies that are traded on the new york stock exchange, and you know while they were fucking incarcerated for full content. Twenty he thirty four years, I gazed with fifty fucking years on fucking conspiracy charges that fuckin they are forced to
doctrine into slave labour and these private prisons are fucking, are contracted with fuckin companies like the poorest secret. Fuckin american airlines fuck at all. If you call american airlines right now and talk to their call center if the probability that is very high, you're talking to a federal inmate, that's being paid debts being paid fourteen cents a fucking hour, I didn't know that they spend on canteen just to survive within the fucking prison. Eighty five percent of the prison population are nonviolent drug related offenders. Joe Biden, fuckin, pull the ninety. Ninety four fuckin crimea enough and ass all on the senate for falcons implementing minimum and a tory sentencing for fuck and drug related fuckin crimes. And so, like you know, you go and get for consensus and a federal prison. Those fuckin prison systems that are privately owned, fuckin employ some of the most powerful fuckin lobbyists and fuck. d c and make campaign donation
just like fuckin big forward does when I left when I left the senate building and I walked back of cairo stalemate so the w or something that I was walking distance in d c and that political district, I fuck, I swear to god. I thought I was going what am I gonna get wet legal vans, I fucking scope me or I'm, going to get my head blown off right now. I know the feeling yeah yeah, like fucking, crazy shit, but well I'm just you know we gotta wake the fuck up In light of you'd. You guys out there like there's the problem is the bystander. everybody hear me say what I just said and there like well, you know not either me! No, no mother, fucker, replied, hobson! Forget you I'm talking to you. Come here. A my shit for free I've helped all you motherfuckers make whole bunch of fucking money or improve your lives in all these ways. You send me all this shit, these nice cards and all the shit all a matter Can you do you stand the fuck up? What's right? That's all! I'm asking we
inhabitants, countrywoman fuckin shape. I may I do that. The tide is changing and more more people, but do the problem is Is that we're running out of fucking time, yeah we're running out of time, we're we're we're on the verge of probably the biggest financial crisis. That's ever existed like nah, we're not talking about great depression, we're talking about the fucking, great great great depression, we're talking about your fucking cash money being worth nothing. We're talking about hyperinflation, like they had. Nineteen thirties weimar republic and germany were talking about literal, total, decoration of of of society as a whole and like we're on the fucking cusp bit and like you know, I dunno, I feel like I'm wasting my at this point. I feel like I needed dedicate my time to people who are committed to winning, who are committed to fucking working themselves out of the system to become independently.
bennett you, you know the only way to escape. It is the only way until we fucking get these people gone. We get some real fucking leadership and You guys still believe the media you fuckin watch the media. He wants she's motherfuckers. Oh and eyes these these people, these regular americans that go to congress and sacrificed their time. you jump on the bandwagon, make fun of them because they seem like simpletons to you or they say some dumb shit hate these just regular people like you going to serve that's where our government's supposed to be in the media makes all these people look like fucking idiot. You know like look what they do to fuck marjorie tail agree. I guess she's got this just a woman from fuckin georgia and I'm not like super fan of this. I don't like I'm just pointing something out that I observe you know this woman, who is just a regular woman who went and serve to fuckin car, and these guys these people, the media fucking, destroys her. It's I do
destroy any body whose, on our normal, clasp, hasn't citizen that goes to serve. Why do you I think that is our entire gum It was set up for four fuck and we the people too actually run the government and the people who had been running. The government for the last fucking hundred years have decided that day, or in a club that we are not a part of, and that's not, the purpose of, government and never has been. It never was from the beginning and assures sure fuck. That now in these motherfucker, taken, all money they're, taking all our freedom, their trial. Pass the other. Now what the axe called now too, to ban tik, tok or without a fuck, it is which has all this paper fucking vigilant. Power for them to censor social media at whatever cost. It's called the restriction after something that restrict that, unlike you motherfuckers or like yelling, about trunk, get arrested and shit like you're like do these, people are move two straight authoritarianism, toto
terrorism, which will lead to real communism and you a fucking starve and you will fucking die, and so we were kids and do it if we don't fucking, understand that and they use dynamic hocker, twenty years now, I'm talkin file type your yeah guys, like fucking its twenty twenty three think about how much different world was. Four years ago, twenty nineteen, like it's only been four years since twenty ninth is not like the dirt. Here's the thing, though, the world wasn't that different issues that we weren't aware of it people than writing this play like do. People are, I call back in my long amputees aim is to back in my day you know that this was the news and they told us the real shit. Now they get it, they have been doing that for a hundred fucking years brought the minute they knew. they can fuck. I tell you lies and you believe they ve been doing that and they re doing that for their own profit Why do we don't even nor hugh, we don't even know our own history as human beings were? Our history
americans in human beings is kept from us intentionally. Are all human capabilities are kept from us intentionally, because real fucking way more powerful than they fuckin. One is to believe that we are an end they want to do is just like a movie answer bugs life wherever footwork logs live where the fuck and the ants gotta fight the fucking grasshoppers and they can't realise, like the ants, have been fuckin, beat and beat and believe that their disposed to work and produce for the grasshoppers and then the fuckin ants come up and start standing up to him and all suddenly realized holy shit. We are the ones with the power and we I have the power right now. We american people have a mother, fucking power right now and everybody's like, like somebody, posted a clip from my last show, with MIKE Yoder, where I was talking about this, and I saw the comments and they were like people get it, they get it, but they don't know what to do when mother fucked I'll. Tell you what to do with reforms. In years, I've gone over two thousand fuckin times and three years ago, had you listen about poland yourself off the fuckin system. You wanna bet, the system. By now
you're saying, like judicious, do people there so neuter there like they. I have no fucking, piss and vinegar in them any more at all. They don't have any fight in them at all, and it's just wrong Its honestly, like is disappointing, is disappointing because, like my whole identity of what I thought america was and who the people are is being destroyed and diluted in my own mind, because look around and like mother fucker we're supposed to be bad. Fuckin motherfuckers, you guys are fucking just like ok butcher pussy, like brown, that's where we're is disappointing, because, like if you're around here's a crazy thing. If you're bad motherfucker, you get villain ized, but a fuck, a target on your back. Nor should the media from other people from fuckin. You know for illicit my shoes, so fuckin my shit. They won't you gimme the funds, I like it when you shine, I'm all of what we already know, what the fuck happened,
in may the millions motherfuckers will hear it and therefore can be like flock he's right. You know that's why Ask you guys share the show I can share with my cousin of sell. You fuck your cousin, bro cousin, bro, it's a fucking die and starve, or do you want us to be fuckin free? I do think how much wealth can be created in this country and and a fuckin immediate point of time if our tax went from and where it is now to ten percent consumption or ten percent flat tax, we could do either one their mismanaging and stealing the money like you guys Oh well, they couldn't do that for just ten percent. I don't know if you're operating the fucking business, probably not, and if you it's not a big business, I have, I have operated big businesses I'm telling you you can fuckin. Do you could People are all on the flock and take they give a little bit here a little bit here, a little bit here, a little bit here. That's how the ship it's past, they print the money they take it home. They give you nothing, that's what the fuck has been going on for decades.
And like do work were fucking just over here like leave me alone, will eventually do Leave you alone. Gets you killed salt. I do trust me like it's fuckin frustrating from, but do personal excellence is the answer. Personal excellence is the ultimate rebellion that keeps these people fuck fuckin, fully gaining everything, and so you guys were fuckin fat and you're broke, and your fucking sue me. I d all day and you're fucking binge watching every mother fucking shout bro you're the fucking problem. You're, the reason are able to do all this action and if we all corrected our behave and by the way, I'm not judging another reserve because guess what we both in pieces, a shit to talk, real talk. Ok, I've been there have been three as long as all kinds: bro, iron fucking I've been broke, I've been fuckin consent; with the long shit. I understand it because I understand that. I understand how you can pull yourself,
Out of that, there is no use at all. Just that you ve been to up in lower down in life than most people ever will fuckin go I say it all the time and I dont know that when I say it, it gets the amount of respect or are people understand the power behind it as long as your breathe and this too low his as brow I flew here. My own for complaints have also fucking stood in a fucking gas station parking lot, fuckin ass people four dollars because I'm hungry It's the beauty of fucking america, it's america, that's my pulling that but dude that window to do that is now closing yeah. Okay, let me explain to you in your in your fucking internet terms, so you understand it in two thousand and twelve thirteen fourteen there was open algorithm on the internet and social media, meaning I went from fucking zero to one hundred thousand instagram followers and like fuckin for months.
You can't do that. Now, though you can do it. Ok so saw you guys out there who have others ram, accounts and you're. All like thought, I can't grow. My fucking ran account. Do you know why? Because you're free in that environment has been fucking taken from you and now you can't grow now plaza You're fuckin business in real life, now apply that here life in real life, your career, you can't buck and grow the way the wound in it. Ok, that's what I'm either I've been through the shit. I was fortunate enough to harvest during and fertile soil. We don't have fertile soil fertility and well, I did all these the fuckers, the economy and they're like Udi ooh. Why don't you stick to business you're, one of the best business podcast ever existed. shit. That's why don't fuckin do it anymore? It is easy for me to do. You know it's hard for me to do is to get you fuck motherfuckers, to understand We are in danger and you are in danger of losing your entire opportunity to fucking grow. That do and that's real shit like you got like
Tell the story. Air tells a story. You can't go right now the way things are in america, it's ten thousand said harder to go from begging for a dollar two owning your plain. Then it was fuckin. Fifty years ago, because of the ship it they have imposed upon us and people can't connect it. Yet I do too, would terrify you and you know- Shouldn't terrified me because I'm already here, ok, you should be way war outraged, and I am right now, I'm outraged for you and that's what people care like, if we were you does you jake? What are you going? you know, you're spoken not due to teach you as you know, I love your business shepherd. I love your political shit where you better learn to love. It cause you ain't going to have business shit without it as the thing of those restrictions get removed. How quick? an easy would be that's what I'm saying if we want pan fuckin fifty sixty seventy percent, all in and the sooner if european thirty percent income tax you're actually paying properly like sixty percent, all in when it comes to
comes all ships, nickel and dime, sir if you are only paying ten percent and you didn't have to pay tax when you bought detergent and fucking chicken, breast and fuckin cheerios and the shit that you buy and you didn't have to pay tax to own your car and you don't have to pay tax to fucking. so your shit, how much more fuckin money would you have get it? This is instant relief. We're talking about your old stimuli. when the eight stimulus plan is for them to quit. Stealing our, but let us take it from do, that's want anything just I could take it gets here. Unlike bro, these people real talk, their heads, both the blogger fucking sticks in front of the fucking Whitehouse real talk, This is just like it's gone through history. Over and over and over and over and over again their talents. They they're fucking. Drunk on their power. They are abusing us and we're taking it like a bunch of fuckin, pussies composed this shit.
like do ass, a truth anyway. Have you done with due to a great conversation? Yeah brother I appreciate you taking the time coming up here. I appreciate I your story. Dude, I think, is needed and I do not want to be clear. Yeah. You still have the opportunity right now without operate. Ernie is closing so fucking fast. You guys can't see it closing I always now to see a closing. Its could have already been doing issues I don't wanna ones, doom and gloom people, but there is a reality that we have to address. Dude and like these people are taking off what look at what they're doing like writ real talk. Look at what they're doing there making us fight each other all day, long, caustic, chaos
cries the chaos or taking our money all day long. Ok, there are causing us they're, making us work for them. Those motherfuckers in Washington dc do not fucking work that does not work. They are not creating or building or doing anything they are taking a fee from our percentage of our pay to sir, by all of their paychecks, all of their payroll. All of that wealth that three hundred million dollars that Nancy plus you had that came from your fuckin pocket bro. Why you? work in your fucking job and in that's. What's so what about the flock and socialist marxist movement there? There you go your arguing for shit and your fucking arguing for more of it. Like rigour. Government take our money equally district! Doesn't it equally distributed among, themselves, you shit and like do we? I ilo, like I just feel like I'm. I met my wits end like where I'm just like this
We were not going to get it and by the time you get it I ain't going to be nobody left to leave because everybody was fucking screaming about it. Like me, that has other options is going to go. Do those other options, so I dunno can't fix the world one fucking day, I'm with you now it's frustrating fuck dude, I mean who the fuck is going to lead us through this hoo hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, okay, trump after trump, who look what they keep doing on. As, dude. We need people who have done real shit when he real americans serving a fucking government. Just like real americans serve in the military yeah, it should be required. It should be if you're, if like dude. If I was called on to go, do a job like that. I'd go fuck and do it. I would do a fuckin well but I could tell you, when I'm not going to do when I'm not going to do, is give up my entire fuckin life. That's amazing and go beg motherfuckers for money
and you know, try to get you guys to elect me into a position of power. As some of the phenomena do, you sure recognize the fuckin leaders are and you should get behind him a support him and if that is happened in america grow weaker handled by elite some interesting times. Yeah is super. Arresting sooner may work, again do thanks for coming in thanks for sharing your story. Ah, I pretty it everything you're doing. Work of people find you out where you at most on the internet, instagram yap at Eric, spofford yahtzee, so guys go. Eric spell, follow he's putting off some very high level, good good business advice, that is real shit for those of you, like a lot of you guys listening your real operators are running rural business. He's given real tactical advice, which I appreciate brow and I yeah support this man cause he's doing good shit issue.
Likewise our guys? Well, that's the show. Fuck. All the tyrants are sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box frozen the fuck are still counted in the kobe teach buddhist smoke got a rope. Kang bo doesn't know shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-06.