« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

490. Part 1 - Restoring High Personal Standards In America Ft. Dakota Meyer

2023-03-22 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by retired United States Marine & Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer. They discuss what is the biggest threat to our nation, how the politicians in Washington are intentionally dividing us for their benefit, and why we need a new generation of leaders.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number for the countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph kang, doesn't know his headshot case club. What is up guys have changed for selling. This is the show for the real say, goodbyes the lies, the faintness and delusion of modern society and welcome to reality guys. Today we have a very special full length episode and we'll get to that. Just second, normally. When you tune into the show, we have q and I often see T I and full length and real talk and people are confused. So I won't explain that real, quick, sometimes have q and a f or we have shows within the show, q and a half is one of them. It's where you get to submit your questions, we answer it live Michel. Ah, this is an entrepreneur business. Ah how to cook
as a live, show at it's core and that's really the solution to everything at it's core anyway. But the point is you get to ask the business questions and I give them you the answers for free based off my twenty four years of business experiences, which has been fairly fruitful. You can submit those questions, guys come liver ways dj secondary raw he's really do not just what the hell happened. You can submit these questions. One a couple differ ways The first way is DJ guys, email those questions into as eighty and eighty four so that I can have you feel much suffering now. You know some to listen to your days in a random times, sometimes taken ill. I know you're. Ok, my eyes me you fucked me up there, alright! Well, the other way. You can submit your questions and most of you guys listen to audio on our our show on audio platforms. We are uploading, yeah, the full length episodes onto youtube as well, and if you go to you too,
and you find the q and I half episode beside you could rob requesting the comments there. I remembered his subscribe. As you know, we have city, I see tee. I stands for crews, the internet, that's where we put topics up on the screen, regulate about. What's going on in the world, we talk about him. You talk about what's wrong. What's why? How stupid. Some of these people are, and then we talk about how we can collectively become a solution to these problems. Other time, we have real talk. Real talk is just five. Twenty minutes find its way it's a major star, giving you some shit needs to be heard, and then we have full length, which is what you can here today and I'll introduced our guests in just a second for all of those things we have what we call the fee and the fears not You send me money, I mean I'm not I say: no, if you do send me some money. I take it, but the fee is very simple. If we do a good job, if we make you laugh make you think. If we teach you something, if you learn something for changes,
perspective, its good and just not a waste of time. We just ass. Very simply that you share the show, that's what we refer to. We say: pay the fee one thing you notice about, the shows you will hear me reading adds I dont want. Answer to anybody when it comes to my personal opinion on matters, so I keep the show advertising free. For that reason, and in exchange has asked that you share. If we do, if we set I suck in the show sucks no sharon, that's it's as simple, but if it, if it doesn't suck, which is most of the time we shared the show right without further delay, I do have one of my really good favorite dude in the whole world, are sitting here across from Mr Dakota Meyer. What's our brother man are, you could see I see too, for those really dont know. Dakota is a medal of honor recipient veteran patriot. Smart dude, also a very
service minded good man. I could speak from experience on that. So it's a pleasure to have you here, man, no man, it's so good to be back here. I gotta tell you I got I was just as walked through. I was just eaten lunch and I got I just I was like man. I need to be out here once a month like this places like you just come here and like the energy here, like the the atmosphere like it just you know it, it just makes you want to be better right, like emea, everything about it right, the people I mean you know it's just Such laws in place man well, you may get better- were well appreciated. Source horner, which ran up to you. no living. The dream living live in the dream. Had such crazy tom and anyhow justice trying to try and do what you can write. I to you, know you just I was given a speaking here today and I, as I cannot cover its occur the time when you gonna put all at once in its right of of
This came out of the world. Are the nations longest war right in a way which would you not an atrocious x it right You know we were staring down the barrel of an economic. Ah, you know Who knows what it is? Depression recession? What whatever cause I collapse, yeah and depending on how panicked you are because how bad you are right. We just came out of a pandemic that you know created or whatever you wanna call it yeah and then staring down the barrel of a nuclear war. You know retired yeah, you know so, but but but you know, I mean listen. We we still live in the greatest country on the face of the planet, yeah will they cook it until they cook it. We still do right now. That is a good day today is a good day is a good day right there. You know what you get to the point and you and I have spoken about this quite a few times and you know dj.
talk about this literally every day and you guys get to hear us talk about it every day. At some point man, it's like it becomes too much too like take too seriously because it it's too much shit like I was telling emily the other day like she's like what's wrong, I'm like fuck. This is just too much is too much shit, we are like everywhere. We look at the world were told that we should hate each other. These people are intentionally collapsing, our economy there. fucking craziness, going on every direction that we look? There's there's real consequences to decisions made in business right now and you starlike thinking reflect on all ro. I, unlike you, look at it like you. Look it's it's interesting because I am to the point where like, unlike where you are lacking, we can't really control it. I'm I'll do what I can to help, but at the same time not going to go home beat my head in the fuckin wall like I have been for the last three years and it gets
Your point is kind of like I Well, what do we need to do thoughts? You know? Look. I am a marine, so I gotta keep things very simple and they're, not very smart like so. If it's more than three like you know so, here's well, the cat array is, is I I get. I get in the same position you're talking about like so looking at this I'm like oh shit, whoa gosh like like. Why you know? Do you ever get the question that comes across that says you know you start going down this road you're like well, why the fuck do I Ivan I may have a try any more yeah. I like like that's what they want. They cannot all. They showed the more knowledge and roma so like when they start getting guys like us to rule that to feel that that's what they wanted, that that's too bad
great debate, it's not all these the symptoms, it's debate of that we can't handle the symptoms right, and so I kind of got the point it's kind of like in combat. You know I have been in gunfights to where you just didn't. I mean you just didn't know like well, I mean gosh. What can I do like they have? They have whoop their ass right here, but guess what you do you go back to the basics. You go back to the basics right, and so, ah you know these. These are times that I look at it right like like well. What can I do you mind if I, if I do these things, if I go back to the basics- and I just maintain doing the right thing so, like a dinner, they all say this honest pie cast in, and you can take this to my grave. There is nothing tat. Anybody can do its work changed my life, where the way that I live or the principles that I live on right, I was going. die for them overseas. I damn sure will die from
right nobody's gonna change the way that my kid sank nobody's going to raise my kids for me, like, even if they're doing it, the best that they can. I'm still raising my own fucking kids right right nobody's going to change the way I think nobody's going you changed the way I live nobody's gonna. Give me the compromise on my bow use, no matter what they say. You're. All these aspects right nobody's gonna, get me nothing that they're going to do is going to change. the trajectory of my life right like a deal day, if you want to collapse the whole economy system if you want to shut the grid down, whereas survive go to my my family's going to survive. You know why, because I've been taught and I've been raised to make sure did. I know how to do the do protect and to provide right, like that's my core, and so what does that mean? It means that I'm always doing thanks too, to make look. You know I've got my friend Brandon here right I'll, take him away like a man like when you make sure we get ammo that we need to come up with a plan.
it's like. Let's start talking about like what we're gonna, do you know how? How are we going to go meet if, if something does collapse, you know the grid goes down. Where are we going to meet at right? So I know that the motherfuckers making decisions on this are not even close to us being able to survive as we can in this room. So no damn chance are going to do that and if they do they're going to fix it really fuck and fast, when they realise how screwed they are yeah, durum wheat. More and more the temperatures get hotter and hotter rearm but then, at the end of the day, when you want, when you want to look at it like, we can't go, look at what the problems are. When really the problem is ourselves right, like what scares us This is where our vulnerabilities are right, like while her health like what do I know how to survive. Have I put the work in the effort into a me? I think our biggest our biggest risk to this country is. Is our nations
I ivory right, like you, will talk about he's? Not nuclear war is not these other factors, it's not the economy. It's our health! No right like like when, when we're not healthy, like you talk about being able to shut it down, I mean you seen that right like they they could. They can play on that in the only way that the people shut, the united states of america down in the american people, the only place where they start making us question. It is when we think we're gonna hurt our fellow citizens. and right in like that was the only play they had off of kobe once we realized that we weren't hurting anybody else, and these stupid rules and regulations, weren't saving them fuck that they couldn't shut us down. try asymptomatic, spread out right right, but but but but like as much as we worry about it, man like well how big of a problem do you think this is dude like, for example, like we gotta Walmart, we got a fucking, the grocery store would go somewhere. We look around right. You tell him
physical inventory of our men or nation physical him into a fuckin good. May I once and our people thought that, but I would add a psycho I'd like dude samurai had met months. Do their best you're thought I'd, never man, but I gotta get. You say I don't know where I'm going away like do these motherfuckers they look like a fucking couple: scoops a fuckin shit, the honeymoon yeah and driving the fuckin cart meant for handicapped people around. Like look good, I think the interesting thing about what you said, which I agree with about the health is that to get the health you you, you you own. All these other traits are skills about yourself, a confidence, the belief. The ability to endure discomfort, discipline right these things there are needed for auctioning society, and I actually do believe that our personal standards are the entire issue. That's happening in our culture. I do tat with arguments.
central to write. Like I mean we talk about the other likely out asylum or allow so that at the individual still makes decisions for the fuckin cells when it comes to the things that really matter now go back this I'll go back to the thought out in this is not going to be popular by opinion. The a hundred per cent of these problems were talking about is because a man the men have failed and let me tell you: women have failed at that's, not unpopular well. No, it is because, like men, it felt like the problem is: is this generation's men have been raised by women because men didn't stay there and they didn't stay in the house? They didn't help raise their children right. Women are the most resilient creatures on the face of the planet. I'm italian! I will give you the example, when vikings used to have to go off to fight everything that a man did on a daily basis, the women picked up. Indeed,
world war. Two we left. We left to go fight the country's battles, the the the worlds battles. What did women do? They picked up everything, so everything that we think that we do that women can't do. Women are the most resilient creatures on the face planet. They are the greatest gift that God ever gave us right, and men shouldn't protect women because they can't protect them well! They should protect them because they are that fucking important right, and so, at the end of the day, when a man leaves and a man doesn't want to be a man, he doesn't want to do his part in the partnership. Guess what women start doing they start picking up. The slack for those men who thanked it weekend. Dad's any day, society all. Why can't? I can't do it because you, this is what the judge gave me one The fuck he should have fought hard, and you know all this aspect is because man didn't stay in there and raise their children, and then all the women you take every woman who hates a man. Every woman who has your issue with a man. It's because of me
and somewhere fucked, her overwriting, and so when you look at this whole aspect of wire generations weaker, it's because man, that being men they stopped being principally based. We stopped holding each other counted. We starts in man. Are you hook put that chick wire cheat known your wife, a gazelle. Also. May that started being celebrate in that's. Why toxic masculinity, started, giving represented by people like harvey wine city. In all these piece of shit instead, a man who are stand up, man with principles who are there saying hey, look I'm going to sit here and I'm going, I'm going to fight for my kids and my wife. It's been a fucking media campaign, for you know this holiday, you thirty yeah, you're old enough to know dude that the it's been immediate campaign for the last twenty years, what they were how to get it out of every. We can't you. How can you you weren't start albert, listen to real think about is how can be something that you don't see there. You go
right there. You don't see it in the home yup, you don't see it on tv. You know see movies you'll, see, culture and if you do seed and culture its villain eyes, and you told that is bad. So how can this is an intact? This is this is the societal,
true indoctrination around something that hurts us the people in a mandatory and helps them. The people want to control us a lot more because we are you what we fix it like me. You just talked about before we came on here. We gotta go back and we ve got to make like doing the right thing, cool again, not not doing the easy thing. You know everybody, the third there's that you can be one or two things in life. You can either be light or you can be trusted. He can't be. Both politicians live their lives off of being white right popularity. Do you trust him absolutely, but you look you can buy us, you can you to be light.
you can live off the water being trusted and integrity and discipline and telling people what they need to hear right. This whole sense of brotherhood brotherhood, you know when, when I was growing up, brotherhood was like and- and it was still rare but like I- I was fortunate to be surrounded by it and brotherhood is like telling someone what they need to hear, because even at the at the at the risk of compromising them liking you Because you love them that much absolutely right, you loved him. A man like is not they will do the same, but you will you hope so right, like you hope so and right accountability, everything in life is is dictate off of accountability. None of us are perfect, you're human, that's a fact, but it's not a fuckin excuse right in that's. That's words that right and so like we ve got not this path of
why don't want? I don't I don't gosh know we? We all worry so much. I I counted my phone calls the other day, and I did this this video on it, but, like I'd, had five phone calls that morning in everything the whole conversation, all the problems were based off of gosh. What what? If? What will I want to say this but, like I don't know what Sarah, how they're going to act? Who the fuck cares right like. Why are we worrying about? Why are we taking aspirin for headaches? We don't have yet. Why are we worrying about problems that can be answered by questions? You know what I mean it's like it's it's! It's so crazy mindset. It's like it's like men like. If, if I was fucked up you better, you better call me out, because it you they're, not, let me keep doing it. Rivalry yearly same thing right, but it's like we ve got to do that. To me, we ve gotta, look around and say the hard things like. We ve got a star standing up as much as we pride ourselves in and in and being hard
I mean how often how many people- and we we all, know cause we. We we fail at this. All of us do it does. Every day I mean people, you know making a shitty decisions and we we neither stayed out of it. Can we the other way every look the other way, and so that's so when we look at you talk about always these. it's walking through real shit to it. It's real shit and the only way we stop it is. If we stop it now and we starts, we start is not about getting out here and talking. You know it's about living it it's about living living it! in pursuing everywhere. You go, you know, I think it takes a little bit of age and respected, understand how valuable what you just said is because I'm on the oldest of the three of us on forty. Three dj twenty seven year: thirty, four so, what kind of all right right round the different phases hasten built. Her in speaking speaking be of the perspective that I have already
so my life and I think back the things that I once thought were: ok cool or the things. That I would look the other way. I would see my people there, I love my friends do and I look the other way right, Ambrose like when I think, back and really like Take him into worry those situations every time. I didn't say somethin. It end up really fucking hurting bat like whatever that was. I looked the other way on being a really hard less for them, and ask them a lot in life? dude. You don't really know that you don't see that that way until you're, a certain age of sand because like in my twenties and even my thirties, part of my thirties, you know I was like dude. I never really anderson the value of setting an example in that way, and so you're? Now you look like for me and I'm just being honest
You know when I look at the world a part of the reason fight so hard when my voice, my platform, where I could easily just talking about make money in shit, which is what I like to talk about. Part of the reason I fight so hard for brows, because I look back at the culture of what it is and I think about the little things the idea or didn't do that contributed to what he's going on and unlike fuck I fucked up. You don't sound like I was talking to. I was talking to my body kid. Who is the coach run a radio, yeah, yeah, awesome, nootka, fucking which might have got their reserves. Ah, and you know, we were like one of the things that I that I gather from just talking to him is like yeah. He he's really by into building these pro american and now after building under armor, and an understanding that some of the manufacturing was sent overseas and see. So it's like it's almost like a reconciliation for things that used that you feel like you
tribute to, even though they might not be real right, like it might be little bed, you know we always I figure because men we take response stability a lot of times for things that are our responsibility to take your way, heavy on us, but I also I think it's important to recognize the things where we did contribute I and try to correct those things. So it's it's! It's like it's like taxes like I need to take. Whatever happens. I need to take. I like every penny, that's mine, it's my responsibility. But I, like I, ain't, taking your responsibility for the situation right. We all we all got skin in the game and everything right. We we've all got skin in the game, in everything right and and it's like taxes like I, I need to take one hundred percent yeah you're right like this, like I, I love jocko when he talks about extreme ownership right but, like you can take like like extreme ownership, does it
In that you take the responsible for everybody's actions due to bury it can take it too literally, it can be if you take it literal, but like man like I, to take all modern sucked into that right, you can like in its own. Would I have talked about this rope. When I'm having a really hard time, dakotas one of the guys that we we can talk to her. So I appreciate that valuable, but a man, but that's no part of the problem you met last time we were talking, you talk about handling stress and anxiety and one. things I came to realize after that conversation was browse, the I was taking responsibility for things that work my responsibility to take and it was fucking russian courage kureishi I in in in in it, and he can hit me you can come in and take responsibility if you can find a way to take responsibility for anything just as much You can find a way to blame, so my elsewhere within right, but you need to take what which was personally years- that's good in it
figure out how to do to divide that bright, but everybody has gained a game right in and and look you know you go back to this. We were taught can earlier about in a well what about these other? We see these men walking around many biggest skin again to write like that they made their choices, in a year, but they don't see it bro, because the hope that the hoped for themselves that's their sale again in a way that the recent, but isn't that at some point at some point I got I hear you you're saying what I'm saying is is like dude. If you take away everything that matters from someone, to the point where they have no hope for their future right like if you make a victim out some one if you make someone believe The reason that there are four hundred fifty pounds is because of genetic sir and is not their fault, and their eating twenty thousand fucking calories a day and still not their father, just hungary, because they got that gene fat june to mother fucker So imagine, but my point is
We remove all these things like that. You can't control and take responsible ready for anything in your life there it's impossible to have fucking hope. but its euro say so I do not have hope. How do you? How did you get home but what? How do I would? How did you get out the cat forgotten me? I've seen your story right. How did how did you could just what? while the really always news, my own fault was so so so so Does everybody else like I hear you would like how many years did you go not on that path a long time, and how long did you know that whole time it was your fault, yeah how'd? It was so these other people that I don't care. I don't I don't care who you are if you're, if you are a, if you can thank and if you can make a decision to to find a way to justify, you also can thank enough to know it's your fault. As well right here you, I hear you as a good point. I hear you on it, but like people just refusing to admit
but they know what what so so. I caught I've I've carter. I call it now these echo chambers- and we are getting these echo change right like this, this most dangerous part of of, society right now. I believe right in its it's a fact that I dont have. to listen to the other side anymore. Now I can do is I can choose to listen to and follow things that make me feel good. It's like ie, it's like now. You don't have to go out and raise your referred. You'll have to eat healthy got all these things like now. I can go out and eat like shit all the time and I can eat all this stuff that that makes me feel good in the moment right in its easy. For me to get in it's fast and all this other stuff, and then I end up looking like a bag of shit and I'm unhealthy, and in in fifty years what I'm having a stroke and I'm on you know on high blood pressure medicine, all this other stuff, and it's the same thing the same thing right. These echo chambers are so dangerous because we get in it's like its literally like surrounding you aren't you can go?
I can't do this- supports your bullshit everything everything out, What you're looking for inside me, like you know, I was this reason, I'm on bringing this stuff up is I damn talk about myself. Now one thing: you do well browsers like you're, always a strong voice of reach you know you and I don't always agree with everything we ve broken sanjay. I'd appreciate that you yeah you know, but you're always. Your are your are more faith. You have more faith in people than I do. I do You know because man like, like I've, I've seen people when she did the fan, like I've, seen people I've I've I'd like the fortune. Far from it. On september, eight, two thousand and nine, like the the real like. I like the real fortunate part that I was provided was I got like in one day in a matter of eight hours, I got to see the very best
in human beings and I got to see the very worst in human beings, so I've got to see both sides, and I was like so fortunate of that. Unlike man like you know, people are gonna like athena day. People are gonna, do what people are gonna, do yeah right and so all I can do is walk in and know that, like I'm going to give you my best, I'm going to I'm going to give you my best opinion based off of the nation that I've got right. It might be fuckin wrong, but I'll tell you I'm wrong. If down the road they arrived bit outright, I'm gonna give you the best me. an ideal day. Man like like until you show me the like. I judge people off one thing: that's our intentions! I don't care what the rest of it like. Are you ugly there's two types of people, there's goodness evil at the end of the day, there's goodness evil and like I'll I'll go down to that, like people are going to hurt you, accident. I heard people, you are people, people on accident did I mean to do it? No, do you mean to like that's the differently
What are your intentions- and I go off of that and I feel like I'm pretty good judge what people's intentions are in the rest of it? We can build offer right now. You might be a piece of shit, but, like You don't owe me anything. You don't mean way out there that I So I do believe that most of the united states of america is filled with people. Good intention either if they might be misinformed or not understand the facts friend of mine that I talk to pretty regularly. Dj now, I'm talking about whose basically, on the other side of the political spectrum from new york young friend, got it right. young man we, first met poorly on the other as other sites like he was actually with like one of the higher up with black lives matter, and me: ok, so, like different opinions differ different walks of life. Different everything
and one of the cool things about our friendship- that's happened over the last couple years has been that we kind of argue with each other. But like it's, always with good intent actors. Never it's like I understand that he's a good man may or stand there, and he understands right and that you know what I mean yeah, it's cool, because if we could just get by that is as society. We could actually solve some fuckin problems, but we got the problem. Is we got all these people? we're making lots of money and getting them it's a power by suppressing our ability to do those things and just be reasonable humans even more in even more that, but the way they suppress lot right like so so young people talk by civil war, never have and I will tell you why- why won't be assessing war, be revolution? Well so well, so I hear you but like
tell you what the last disabled, but I'm going to, but I'm gonna tell you what the problem is going to be is like the the powers that be they they seen what happened in the civil war right. There is two sides: so what they ve done now is. Is they knew they better, not divide us in two sides they bear device and about fifty That's right, so lighted it off identity, politics divided inside their own. Inside their own right so like what they've done, what what do you do? You divide and conquer, not correct there, and so they they weren't gonna. Make that mistake that mistake again, so they divided yours up so much, but all it's going to take- and this is why you know we were talking earlier about like why I wholeheartedly believe that they're not going to do anything to distinct, like shut the grid down or shit like that, because let me tell you something
I know for a fact that if they do something that makes a common enemy that up like you, shut the grid down, nobody's gonna, give a shit about anything else other than getting that electricity back on and who the fuck did this. They got a common enemy in they angle, that they're not gonna, give us that common enemy, because I know if they do that the united states of america will wreak Have you never know when they do not go into their? Not don't you because that's what they know You really win. Listen. We have two fucking have unity, dude like the whole reason that any of us and by the way, I'm with you I'm not kneeling to any of you, mother fuckers, so it doesn't like you're gonna have to kill me, that's what it comes down to and And we ve lived long enough, yeah, broad that all that's the only thing like I look around like people people. I get this a lot like rocky believe. Will you say the shit
you say on your show, will like bro. What have I have not done? What am I not done? I'm fucking done everything or you could close my book today. And I lived a pretty also wife and I sure, as fuck, I'm not gonna keep my mouth shut for a bunch of fuckin pussies up in Washington who fuckin one is maintain power by just making life miserable for everybody else and do what there's me man like this is what really bothers me about what's going on, is that rick rick dude? I grew up in, and people think this is like the racial that people like these young kids. They think this is can civil rights right like sweet sue. I jody Fuckin happened, did when it when I grew up as a kid, who do everybody was cool. Ok at now were there citizens of shit bags behaviour on everybody sought absolutely. But the point is there wasn't
tensions that there are now an end, when I look at all these people that fight about all this shit like, I could see so clearly like its everybody's fighting over the stuff and then there's this. These people appear there like laughing and there like blood it. Look at these fuckin this presents down here. arguing and wider arguing. We could take off shit man, they won't even notice and then half of whom it when we take their share of think. It's good thing right, like it's, this whole circus, the drives me in saying do like to talk watch it like the fact that I'm alive right now during the It's like it has to mean something yeah, but he has to. But you got to like I hear you on it. I hear I hear you like bro, because people are good dude,
They are, but when I do like you always were gazelle reveals are good, but you don't you no sooner be like god by the lion edam right I mean I hear you're selling of say what I say is article stronger like these, like, if that's what I was able, if more people would like but but again like, I always tell people at the end of everything you say: you're gonna. Do I want you to put at what cost you I'm not going to say something that person for doing this? What what cost is long, as you say there, in your ok with that cost cause. There is a cost everything there's a cost to you, passing up somebody on the side of the road who is who is sitting here, trying to change their tire wear in heavy traffic. You could pull you could put behind him and help, or if you have, you know how right I'm going to I'm going to pass them up, what what cost right, one they could get hit, get killed and then you gotta live with that on your conscious. Do you care do not you know it could affect their kids or whatever write me at what cost right, and so my pizza.
Is this is like the these people up top you're right that laughing and in where I realized how how truly it is, the people up top and in washington, as things are bullshit right but like where it made sense to me, is when they brought back this rachel hmm. So you look at when they were rare. So what's the boots that can I dunno, if there's a statistic, but what? What? What's the age of our our politicians up in washington, what what's the median age robbo, their their elderly, their elderly right and guess what guess, what the issues were in their day, race race? So when they tried to push this back on us? What are the average age of? Congress has fifty eight senators sixty five, so so again, so centers it actually literally is elderly, literally is so so the fact of it is they're trying to push, and this is why it didn't last very long, they're trying to push their issue They were real for thee on honest there that disconnected from us yet
I bet that they don't what they don't see that dude you're right. They are disconnected like you and me, and we go real world row. Everybody's cool, I mean, did they like? I, like you know what I mean like I like it and I know you're black right. You know I might me, I don't care yeah bro. I was trying to tell you. I couldn't figure out a way to tell god damn it. I thought what I mean like is that the first thing you think about like you're, black or me being white, like it doesn't matter right like did they ask? Are you a good dude like? Are you a good mother fucker, but that's all it comes down to but like these are the real issues and they try to push back on us and its white and they didn't stand very long right there. Didn't stand now, people see through the bullshit for the most part. They do it like that. What the fuck are we doing that? I have a question for you, though, cause like I mean on this line of unity right and you're, saying that, like no, they, they won't shut down the power grid because they know that that will unite us yeah. My question is what what so? What do you think will happen if we get united
before they shut down power grid. So is it not as equally dangerous for them? Is it not the if we wait here, but but I'll take this like their banking, that we won't right like they're just there, going to keep going right now I feel like we have a face of the enemy. Like I mean now, man, I'm, a large majority of people were starting to get a consensus of knowing who these players are now. So let me tell you they're doing them, eat them. Like look so this finance, so the banks came out like that was the hot topic. Therefore, like they were talking about the equipment can talk about it. We then had to bring all this, which is also now the throb stuff came right and trumpet getting arrested. Today's can be next week right. I think that they're trying to figure out, I think, what back office when they realise that he's going to play into this new they're going to fight it. Yeah he's got like no yeah. Let's go because I'm going to get real nightly riot advantageous another like oh shit, riah, their figuring out.
If they do, that, it's bad for them, yeah, it's terrible and so so it'll be. What's the next thing to note, I'm sorry said just quick note on this usa today, just put out an article saying, Donald trump, I want you to think he's constantly the victim or they're already trying to downplay the high percentage they're, all at yeah they're already trying to downplay right. So so then, so then, the next is going to be me. Look at it that it's going to be the next thing right. They gotta keep us divided right. They gotta keep it in money. You they gotta keep off the war like they gotta go down at right and then so my opinion is is what they're gonna do is: is they're going to they're going to buy august august september timeframe, and you know so what we're going into this economic issue right. You know, tax tax rates are and if interest rates are going to the roof. Well, what's going to happen, though, is all these builders are going to stop building you're going to start?
having you know, unemployment is going to go up and you're going to rocket back Democrats can't win it next year. We're going to have to be setting good about spring of next year. Democrats can't win on on a busted economy. Bro the I don't think they see. I disagree with you on this. I purse we believe- and this is where your faith in the sis yeah, stronger than mine. I personally believe that we may not even get intellection know. We were well listen, I think after good, I'm very good at seeing the field before fucking comes it's what's may be successful in business and. in December, two thousand nineteen I fucking switch. My entire show from emma seo project, which was the number one entrepreneur show to relay, have to talk about some of these social issue, and I said ah on december- I believe nineteenth two thousand nine nineteen I said look
We are going to pull some massive shit. I dunno what it's going to be, but they're going to pull some massive shit to keep this dude out of office. Talking about trump Now what I see after seeing what they did, because I believe in from my perspective, that covert was one hundred per cent engineered to happen at that time. For that reason, as the main thing alright make it so that they could- in a fucking see now old man keep a menace basement. He didn't have to campaign Nobody could see how my how little amount of people that he was actually drawing and then, when elections shows up, oh he's Eighty one million fucking boats, yeah, fuckin, right, bro cats, couldn't saw me on that in a million fucking years I was alive when obama got elected. I understand. The enthusiasm? You cannot can tell me that the negativity of donald trump beat the enthusiasm of Barack Obama
Joe Biden favoured or no fuckin well in my book armada. So I watched this whole thing play out step by step by step- and I mean like- we were talking about every day on the show. I personally believe in what they did before the pandemic. Was they ran a pandemic exercise, call event to a one funded by bill gates right, a few other key people. they ran another similar exercise in november arrived I personally believe they're gonna reintroduce a pandemic they're going to what is at war and we're gonna have economic collapse at all at the same time to to get their way for the election. Now, there's em, We don't have an election zambia. We now have a country, Does that mean what, like? I don't know what the fuck it means so when I think it means
is that we're going to go through a whole fuck ton of shit is going to make kobe look like it was nothing not thought saw, or so I hear you, but if you, if you go back to and you look at and write up before the election of of Y twenty rang that they art with what like, whenever, with the I ran thing, oh gosh, we're going to go to war, nuclear war that right. I think it was a start. Not this you, our trump drone strike the yard yeah. So we're gonna go to war, foreheads, baby man, and then there was another thing with trot came out, o indictment like that they brought in diamond up like all this information raw should, if it's like. I was always shit right Like all they were doing were were was trying to get something to stick making it up but again that they are going through. You're right euro? They fuckin made up
entire russia thing was made up, but but let the bullets go back to one hundred percent why it was made up. It was like it was like hey, it would be like me, and you and him sitting in a room say hey what what the fuck can we do to fucking stop this one hundred percent we can make up this fuckin lock. You say she was sticks right. What's, let's see what the american people care about re are higher than that was proven, because Hilary actually got fine, because she used campaign finances to pay for the fuckin shit to get done. She does she got about russia. got that. Actually it's treason, it's just the way it is treason but but but but let me in so let me finish or so, but then what they got to stick was in this. Why believe in the united states of america? What stuck was also the same thing that makes us great when they made it like. We were hurting our fellow citizen. That's why it stuck right like go down to whatever that shows. The show up. It shows that we as the american side, we will talk about each book about each other. They played
that when that was it right, so you you're right you're, one of them right, they're, going to play out a good point, play off this nuclear war idea, russia and china. What the fuck ever right, o taiwan all this right. I don't believe any of its gonna happen. and I believe, if it's going to happen, it's only going to happen so that that that big contractors can make money period like it's just a wash of money. But I also don't think it's going to happen before the election and I'll, tell you why? Because they also dont want the republicans to be able to come out and have a better solution than the Democrats right like that. That would be. The problem is if, if they're gonna teach it but not have it well, they don't have public support for the war effort at all. that they done right and if, in an all dude any republican running the next election cycle? If we, let's just say we had fair elections. If we have fair elections, any report, can running, should run exclusively on no fucking war
Here they will win and who the fuck once a democrat leading us in a war, yet the cinema, nobody can do over the fog, invite nerves right, yeah, so so against item. So I hear you we're we're going to. They want a war bro because it eliminates their fucking own opposition, one hundred percent yeah, but what when it makes them money bro, no there's it's bigger than that. Make some money does make him a lot of work and not a fucking about the same time, if you- can send your most patriotic men to fight a war that they don't want to fight, gonna fucking dying, it cut, it kills two birds ones, Oh, I make a lot of money and island the motherfuckers that then I won't forget, but let me tell you what you also do, though, right you just sit one person over there and you made at least two people now against the war I hope that everybody's got a mother and father and most people thereby started with a mother and father,
ray unless you painted as a patriotic thing to do and like that was just a war here. They re opened his eyes. If you guess, as in all you fucking money well yeah, but nobody, nobody, nobody thinks that we should go getting the war in ukraine, not nobody. Nobody emmi, I dont. Let me for a moment tat. The causes are not the only people that are the only people that are totally in favour, that are our fucking establishing politicians like linsey grey, beats the wardrobe every fucking lock into every fucking day. They guidelines, they got John Mccain, a still kick in re error or are fucked sean heredity who's been around the came out and fuckin lynn. Graham and amnesia air. All homey is giant january. I mean where I may never held a gun. You know in this new, that's what I'm saying and listen his mother went inside and outside the judge. On the one hand it now, I like the shit yeah but bro you're fuckin way off. You start that shit cause you're out of touch with your actual listeners. Maharbal knows it's not your. Has the
not even so he has to get are groundless nobody wants. No, nobody wants a real talk, the only people they wonder people they are for sure, for sure certain that they are not going to have to fight and their kids ain't going to fight what I'm saying, and so I think so I don't think and again I don't think that donald trump won the first time. I think that hillary lost that fucking bad people vote. Because they did not ones that are highly dislike about woman, I'm with you, but that the next part is as I do. I think that Joe Biden got that many votes are absolutely. I dont, like the one I said, cheat right, but I also think that a lot of people loaded, not offer a great right so that any delay holding back on it. It was against values or by not providing riah same thing that dangerous its lesson. People in american you to learn, you cannot vote for the other guy, because you hate one guy, one hundred per cent and- and so but at that I do think. We've hopefully learned our lesson on that
one bro. That's actually how fuckin hitler got power. People understand then all understand history? They looked back and they say: oh Hitler killed the Jews. Nobody asked any questions or other than o. Hitler was bad. Hitler had was the result of the exact same scenario. That's happening in our society right now. It's a result, a pendulum swinging back, which it is swinging back right now between words and people, were mistake, he only calling donald trump hitler when they don't realize that there are people who have for me extreme ideology beyond what donald trump has an that's? What happened in nineteen thirty, germany, the pendulum was, it was so crazy in the end, the weimar republic, where you had child prostitution You had a totally morality like fuck That's where we are now all the trains generalship started, then, like the operations and all that all of these things we are hyper inflation, there's all kinds and its
right now we are right in the mirror of it, and people are so fuckin, sick of it and it was so disgusting. The people when the pendulum swung back had swung back so far. We put this dude in power who solution was well I don't really know how to get rid of this other than we just fucking, kill him and like that is that's the danger that that these people on the far left don't understand, and it's not donald trump. It's the mother fucker after donald trump, one hundred percent, but here's the thing you ears when I go back to is we're still talking about donald trump. Like is, donald trump and Joe Biden is this. The two best at the united states of america in her life and like the thing is, is like look like like whatever like pick you up again. I am not a factor I would Joe Biden just needs, go to nurse norm right, but but but
these too perfect guys. Whether do we use is like, as republicans like step like, and we keep blame and, like others by the way election I gotcha. I got you, I got you that there is still an election period, but we know that now. But if you looked in, you said man, am I going to compete with companies who are doing it the right way, man, he other all, fuckin cheat, not your manner all doing this. Would you have a company? No, no! You wouldn't so it's like ok there, feeding, so we better find a way to fucking beat them right, like we better, come up with a solution to get people together to come up with a way to fucking, beat air or feather people to cheat, but it's like, but it's but her tennyson man. I told you I had a glass bro like I did. I can't say what I think those people deserve like were it like. I think people that really like I've truly believe that people to interfere with the democratic process is late
down to be the fundamental foundation of a free society. I believe that people that interfere with that deserve death in any way. Anyway, I provide all round. You know I don't like you, that woman in Atlanta brought in all the votes, wrote that, when deserves doubtful that the interference between what like what internet like these relocation, all harvesting listen. This cannot happen because its now, within the boundaries of the structure that we have and that we have agreed to live in inside this country. But but here the hard part is, is right. Like I, I went to Iraq and afghanistan, and you know that the people who, like the woman who carried the the ballot there, you kill her, there's five people try to place her right like the mother, fucker who's kill her and they fucking realize you get killed for it. They stopped doing it. No, I mean I I mean I watched in Iraq and afghanistan. You killed my fucker setting the bomb and guess what you just pissed off five. more motherfuckers inside of his house and they if I'm more enemies right, but isn't that will differ with its
differ here, though, like you're talking about one country doing that to another country. This is this is essential if this is the standards of our republic right, but it, but my point of it being is: is you gotta go at the head, you gotta go find where the top of it is. We all know where that is well. Sir world economic forum, george soros federal reserve there you go ahead of the fucking snake. There always has been. It is right, it is. It is It is you and I see no media, it's it's big! It's big tech media in this fortune, one hundred companies colluding to create real fascism, real and these anti fascists think that that they are, who argues? Young kids don't know any better, and they, they don't even really understand what fascism is around actually enforcing the fascism. Like it's fucking insane
it boop. Yet this same same should, in nineteen terms, germany. It same shit happened it down to what I just described that happen exactly the same in ignited, berries, germany and do this is what we have to be responsible americans about. Do, I think buying in trump are the best of the best. I definitely don't they binding but trump has lived a life where he's proven over and over and over again that he's a fucking we're ok, at once. When he was in office, she was good. Aren't, we might has a mean tweets in the media was going to say, but take away the media take away the hype, take away the fuckin bullshit. We had actually the best economy that we ve ever had. We had the fuck in some of the best economic rating points that we ve ever had. People were happy, there was buckin winning and good. She was happening and good. She was happening for all segments miracle.
and the media and the complex. Ok, what's the fuckin global gotta guidelines were yeah, he's motherfuckers rule, I just name them all. Those motherfuckers dont want that dude in and you can argue whose better right again looking like do look trunks, working seventy seven years old or some shit he's twice as old as me. That means is properly twice a smart, we'll talk, ok, it did when you're twice they come smart, you going be when you're sixty ships and my browser so you're. Saying Biden is that much smarter than you know. I'd say: Biden was probably pretty smart before he fucking losses. My area, but, like you, q, can't discredit that I believe we need somewhere in the middle, I believe, will a young leader we need someone who understands the principles of our country who understands what is going to take.
I hold that line and it's there is a big problem. Bro like it's a big problem, because if you took somewhat less you say you took someone else and you put them in there and they're going to attack that person. The same reason they took the attack They attack trump because he's not there is not one of them. I wish my lifetime politician. As independently wealthy, he doesn't need to fucking, the scams to detect any money, he's lived, this crate and credible fuckin life that did he actually downgraded to become president right and they fucking crush them for it. With with the media and the complex right, they crush him for it, because do they understand that? That's the exact time person that can ruin their whole fuckin scan and so like do. We have to start looking at candidates
like are they actually real americans and by the way real americans can be democrat and they can be repaired? Nobody I don't care. What are they bought into the fucking cheat you see what I'm saying I hear you and are they do they have enough? Do they have enough integrity to go to washington and knock it sucked into the fuck? cheap, but I call you know the difference at a very very easy way to tell us who they go after an who they dont yeah. Let's go back this up so so back to the basics, like look. We we need a different so like we dont, whatever it takes to get this administration out is whatever the fuck. We need right now period. Right, but I told my language but again like like like, but again I go back to it. That see someone might later. If not it's not donald five. This five had matches up. If not donald trumps, you wasn't nobody
of course, not it's not donald shrubs job to fix our country. It's not any propaganda. Savior he's gonna fix a night. There's not one position we're we're all like not addressing us. There's we're alive, the world or united states messed up, as are looking for. Somebody else, why I had fixed travel shores, nine, a fixed now we're talking about us. I know they ve got things right like if you want to fix it. He's gonna help. You raise your cue If you have enough energy, overweight, edgier, like I'm, not left right, I'm not a lot of them. right that I see out there right now, that's representing what right is up for the people right, I'm for I'm an american right in all those make up america, all those years when I went over season was willing to give my life for this idea of democracy. It wasn't for it wasn't for republicans, it wasn't for damages it was it for libertarians. It wasn't for. If it wasn't, for you know,
ass. If it was price, he was four and guess what guess what I see is all of those yeah right and it takes all those eyes riveted end, and so I want you to the best you can be in whatever you want to be. Four can be there I agree with that. But again, like don't do shit that affects other people. Right, don't do shit. That makes you know did effects when you start doing things and making decisions that affect your neighbour in a negative way, we'll got ally dude. I totally agree and I
we'd, rather you and I both come from the school of live and let live. Don't step on my fucking toes. Go live your life yeah problem with that mentality. There's two problems with it. One I think most of america feels that way. Most of the most of that, what you and I would consider you know quote unquote traditional americans, like people who believe in freedom, people who love the flag right most all of our friends. Those people are all because they understand what freedom is. They are all of the live and let live mentality here in america, but the problem with that is that when you get a group of people aka a communists, okay, people who come with communist ideologies, they start to push it and by the way this is not progressive left. He said
your communist? They start to push our cross, our fuckin boundaries, okay and when they cross these lines where they have to force you to wear a mask or force you to use. Pronouns are admit that you think they're seventy fuckin genders or for short, needs to learn about gender ideology and blowjobs when their five enforce enforce and force and force, and force will the problem with a live and let live mentality is that until it comes to our front door we don't address it and so that allows the the. This is what allows the cultural demoralization to happen in america because we're all like cause. I know, dude, listen. I know what I can control. You know what I can control. I control what I eat. I control what I put in my brought my I control the people I associate with I control
I move and how I train a body, etc, etc. There lotta control there and that control has allowed me to build a fruitful life within this ecosystem. However, most people when they think about what they can control and what they dont control come to the understanding that they are out of control of everything so happens is that by us having this live and let live, mentality and then number of people thinking that someone is going to come in and save them that allows this fucking shit sandwich. To gain momentum and gained momentum and maritime and gain momentum, and there we're dealing with a big problem when it comes to the door, and so that's what I see happening in society, because I do the truth of the matter is I don't give a fuck what you do brow. I don't care if, if you want to be trained transgender as an adult, betrayers gender as an adult and be happy brow, I dont care, but when you start to force
me too, like except grown men swimming pool and winning a national championship against women, I'm not okay with that that's not reality and in doing so line becomes because we all say well, fuck it freedom. line of where freedom exists continues to encroach on what we perceived to be our freedom writer, so inch by inch by inch big, ass, fuck it I'd go back to, but I go. I go back to it. I know bro, but like look in the house, okay, if people, if I go back to how long you area, but like you're right we are we going look. This thing is like a huge fucking ship well. This is why I always say the same shit. Bro, it's personal excellence is the ultimate rebellion, because it's a cultural battle. The the best thing that we can do is ensure that we mitigate this and we are raising,
kids, based on the principles that we know are right and wrong right, like again the you're not going to go, fix, you're not going to turn the ship that you know it's. It's like. The Democrats have been playing chess while we're playing checkers right and, and we're not you're, not to turn this. The ship is now little boat. Yang will turn it too easy writing happen overnight. I mean nothing, great happens a guy losing weight doesn't happen overnight. All these things die all this right. It's going to take time, but the way it starts. What can we do right? The best thing that we can do is fix her own fucking houses. That's right get her own fucking houses together, get her first off start with us before we raising our kids it to some deal. We gotta. What are we willing to stand for Are we willing to false were right? We need to identify those things into around his start. Put knows morals, knows values and again, if we're true about this- and we really believe this if, if your school starts teaching all this bullshit, I've never seen it in my kids' schools, I haven't seen it. Does that mean it doesn't exist? Now I didn't say: don't exist, but I'll tell you this. If it happens in my kid
Back in school, I will do whatever it takes to find a solution. If I have to pull it out. I know your kids are hopeful. Row right now the kids are at school. They don't fuck with that school basketball skip this one, but but but back to my point, though, is is these people do fear mother fuckers? They know that will hold them accountable. They do They do well. That's why the weapon their weapon is always language. It's always but I wonder whether the web is always manners and languid and your line by raising your voice you're out of your distress. actual by using occurs. We hope it. It's always reality, but guess what you know what they can do I invite any of you far left There is less than the shell to come on showing the baby, and I will be there with I'll both with the fucking, destroy give my word, but he says all you got. You can look at the can't call me racist right you call you can again but like about june,
When are you gonna change, because I know, and I dont look, I don't look to anybody. Tell me who I am sure you can question we all. I don't give a fuck this rule Bab within my lot. Don't let me take this, I'm not looking around for, like you can think like man. If I offend you now in me, a bid you but like. I still now what I say what I said, but you are due to my. I don't know what guy year, what man like like with I'm here to help you if you ever need help- but you know I mean I don't like grandmama my his bath. Don't make me think the size of my large bad. My like I can live with us a thing like dakota digress, a thing I agree with your eyes. Tat starts in the house, one thousand percent, but there that there it, but, but there is a truth here- that for any civil society to flourish, there has to be a majority understanding,
of some type of structure, the right only one is hell yeah right, because it is a thing because it is ok. You run your housemaid off your morals and your standards right, and I have the freedom to raise my house off mama wasn't standard right like ok, we're one of my moral standards says it. Ok, I don't stop establishments. Where does it say well like there has to be a collective line that is being held by the people who we're going to hold it but you're, but you're, but he hears. This is the issue with it right and out of fact, I'm glad we got this point because we've been like kicking a ball around a circle right, The problem is, is like work, work, work, blaming society again we're sitting your blaming we'll society standards like society made standard to stop it stops. need to verify trainers, and I ran on that report. The stand yeah, if you want to rely on societal standards, need to be considered a dad. You see your kid every if I weaken and you pay child support, that's why
being a man of being a dad, is in society. Now. Would that's your fucking problem if that your fuckin state, you're right like that. You does yours. If you want to live by society standards then be weakest book. I don't. I don't need society standards because My standards are going to be upheld higher than that. It's my own individual standards and guess what? If you don't like, like you, I mean you, you have been like when I tell you like good guy. Really, let me find who I am like: you're you're, a huge you're, a huge piece of that right because guess what they like his standards are higher than fucking everybody else's. He doesn't give a fuck he's not looking round, seeing whose are with them were, oh, you know is, is this the right way he's made a decision. He knows what its foundations in principally based on and he's doing, right and guess what, if you don't want, do it like I'm not in europe? she's, my beliefs, whereby else, but if you come to question me like a hub brahma, look at you and tell you like, oh well.
No, I like admonish Curtis, are ya. Do this is miss, and you know what a you start tell me where I caters. What's a fuckin loser, excuse of you, wanna keep sit on that have at it. That's your world, but like don't don't bitch about being loser right, and so I think, the only thing we owe each other with a bee who we say we are and how many people around you do you know all may well. You know my title, I'm I'm a good! father and a good husband and I'm good this bitch, you suck you senior, it's in a week. All you do is work. You think that you can write a book and check to pay for when's the last time you talk it's your son to go out and in and shoot a gun when's the last time you spent some time with your kids like when's the last time you took your wife out on a date right, like you, do the easy shit. You call these things the title right in and it's like, the the the factories is we we're looking for laws relating to the law makers, we're looking for all these things in society to set the standards for us live by those too
Well, why you're saying bro is that the basic shit has now become high standard, yeah and like this is our laughing when you're saying this is like this, is I motherfuckers and want to work right. Are you sure, hire me, I'm a hard worker at most about alleged surprised, admission brown who are right, then I write those others. Like me, everybody thought here where desire it's like now. It's just like this right in the nutritional world eating healthy food is now called dieting. Yeah, I think about things that right so again, society standing greasy have just it's what I guess it's the standards of what its is completely various level functional human standards have been have been now celebrated as high standards. That's not high standards, that's the fucking. What we're supposed to do like! I totally agree with
and unlike so so it has been going on for a long long time there and if you wanna, if you want to fix it man, you gotta, like you, gotta, look in the mirror right like thereby listen is by gas like like look in the mirror. Like take the three things the piss you off the most like, not like all the government bala take the three factors that piss you off the most in your most disheartened in her frustrate with and go look in the mirror and say: are you accomplishing those three things like? Are you living up to the standards that you hold everybody else to around you? Are you doing a thing yup to help solve those problems yourself, yeah is he doing anything yup I tell people when you're fat. Okay. What was the last thing you ate yeah gee. What was the last thing ate right? Would you an hour ago, you noticed they look. Take your phone. Your phone is done this one great thing: it's god screen time and I want you know if you're
if you're all the way, you're not happy with. When you look in the mirror, if you're not happy with whom you are, then I want you to take your phone look at the screen time and I don't want you, take all the old shake. Fifty percent of that screen time that you spend on that fuckin and put at towards the three biggest problems in your life, and let me know whether, at sixty days there that right, yeah, right strategy and we're like looking at all this shit, and it's like you know when it comes down to we're consuming all of this negative shit right everything is, is is, and everything is his momentum. It's contagious right I'll. Never forget, like you, know you you're, in a battle you're, getting your ass kicked or or or it's talks on a high girl training with the marine corps. Whatever right a man like if, if ever I started, king. Morale will go down, but of airbus too much worse rumours the way it is. We start
I often write we'd find a way to laugh man. This is fucked up idiot fucked up, but god it was fucked up, but we'd find a way to laugh at it right in and because guess what like, like everything in life is contagious. You know if I starts in you're talking about, and I had to wait for a fork in our key believe how long the line is at chick fillet right, Everybody else is going to be like man yeah, you may have swung below de ma. Fucker was wrapped around it three times over. If somebody came in and said, ma'am not chick fillet him, it's good ain't it, Norway has got our baggage ablaze right, everything's contagious, and we have got to get better at chain Jeanne the momentum right into a positive way right, like I gotcha now, I think that's a grey point you know what I mean yeah she's she's guilty of that sometimes shit looks up and it feels good. It feels good to bitch. Why that's why reality t v sales? That's why it feels good to bitch it's kind of like a donut
no, you sit here and eat that fucking doughnut today. But how do you feel the next morning when you wake up to go workout like shit right on sugar right in the end? That's what that's! What negativity years it's like at fucking, donut right! That's a fucking, great point, muscle until we fix it, we fix it by saying okay, I got it if, if the economy collapses tomorrow check like we're, gonna figure it out and we'll go back to the basics, you know what. If this happens tomorrow, I'm going to fix it. I'm gonna go back to the basics. If this happens, I'm going back to basics is restoring it's restoring high personal statements, and I really wanted- and I agree with you addressed sustainably cited. This is me, you're, actually saying the same thing that I always say, which is if you hold a high personal standards you, you remove yourself out of their customer database by default. Ok, if your healthy you're, not here you're, not fat, which is- what they want. So that means you're consuming less fucking food that they sell. You you're, probably consuming
a shit unless medication right so that's that's the revenues and that's how you hurt them when you when you become, Educated and you start reading books as opposed to consuming scrolling the internet, now you're, put you're substituting something that is toxic causes stress the causes, anxiety that causes the lack of self worth and you replaced it with something that is there to improve you when you recognise the fact that you're fucked, and broke and there's nothing noble about being fucking broke and you start to actually educate yourself to at least get to a level where you can take care of the people around you should certain circumcision this arise you'll be. Humming, financially responsible with removes you from the financial we illiterate, which depend on them for everything when and this is getting into their proper shit, but when you grow your own food now you're eating,
that isn't infested with the chemicals that they put in to get you addicted to food, your life changes and and we're talking. What you're saying is the same thing that I've been saying for a long time person. Lacks balance is the true rebellion we're looking for and because, just like what you're saying it's contagious soap, I see Dakota raising standards and I've got respect for dakota, which I do have immense disrespect for and I see you say: fuck, that's not cool bro. You know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna fuckin say you know what that are you fucking, who I'm not gonna fuckin, do and then all of a sudden stain restart to get rays, and that is what that is what we're lacking in this country, that's what it takes! That's what it takes man in like I'm like that's! Why, like you know, I mean go I mean I know I mean seventy five horn, miss literally d,
We guide the start like if you don't know where to start like you start there, it's it's like you fuck. I don't care who you are. You start fucking there right and that's where, like you know that, yes, we we agree on like in edo, where we start to where we start to like when we do start to disagree like if we go back to the foundation Ali hurry. It's how its agree that I in so it's like. I'm telling you and while I think it's fun at debate and he would not would the debate yet, the debate is worth that that's the fun part, but at the end of the day, like shit hits the fan, we're all doing the same shit and we're all on the same page right in and again, though it takes us with these ideas made the iron shop his iron right like we have to challenge. You chose ideas to be oh fuck. I didn't think about their right, moved them debt. was when I was gonna miss right because we're all looking it's like it's as both looking at this vehicle in the middle
and you're, staying on the driver's side and I'm sitting on the passenger side, and it's like he does look different. He does look different as I may. I don't see it side but remotely to probably come to the front of it together, meet in the middle to see what it looks like from the same we're both talking about the same car, but it doesn't look the same and they and they do everything they can to make sure that never happens one day. That's where it's at right. They do whenever everything they can to justify. Just because you could be right and I could be right and we might not be saying the same fucking thing, because it could be the different perspective that we're looking at it from, but they won't You would be right and think that, just because you're right that they have to be wrong, yeah then there on the opposite side of this, of the products that may have. That makes only a reality. Those degrees to perspective that makes inner enemies among other, do this famous me Y yeah? How does it go on as a good?
in there yeah gotcha. Look at you. Are you made a funny joke that was part one dakota meyer when we come back to that part sleeping on the phone number for the countless millions in a day teach Buddhist got a rope. Kang doesn't know, shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-14.