« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

489. Q&AF: Being The Best Intrapreneur, Tough Coaching On Kids & Building Personal Brand Vs. Building Business

2023-03-20 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy answers your questions on how to become the best intrapreneur inside a company, the best way to handle a trusted adult who publicly humiliates your child in front of their peers, and whether it's more important to build a personal brand or if you should focus on building the business when starting.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number for the stole, countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph kang, doesn't know his headshot case club. What is up guys? It's handy for selling- and this is the show for the realise, say goodbye to life, the favorites and delusions of modern society and welcome to mother fucking reality guys. Today we have q and a This is a question answer format show we gotta numbered formats on the shop is your first time listening, but today's q and a f you can submit your question to be answer on the show one of a couple of ways, the first way is guys email, those questions and to ask Andy at Andy. For so, and I come in by the way is most you guys the summer audio, but we are uploading, be full length. Episodes on you to make sure you subscribe that police, but if you go on you
when you go to our cue, nay, F, episodes drop your question. The common sexual pick, some from there is well now like I said if this is your first time listening, we have multiple formats day you're going to hear q and a half sometime you're, getting your city, I see tee. I stand for crews, the internet. That is where we put topics up on the screen, and then we talk about him and usually We make fun of them and usually make fun of the people that believe him and we make fun of the people that ride them. We make fun of fucking everything, and usually it's not very politically correct, and I, It's your personal lesson of the shop. Where is that, Then we have real talk. Real talk is five to twenty minutes of just routine. man is dire. Lane us we'll talk of what I think needs to be said the world. Then we have full length length is up what you guys to see our most biogas you have a guest on the show in, and we have a conversation so. You pray wonder why we have all these different formats on this one podcast and the reason is this most.
at the show most of the content, most of the things we do here are about winning about kicking ass on entrepreneurship, about how to make more money about how to be better so development. All of these things And the reason we have city I intertwined with that and socio issues is because need to understand our environment. We need I stand that if we want to go out- and we want to make money, we want to kick ass. We want to be better. We want to do these great things. Then we have to have the freedom to do so, and if we take our eye off society, we I off the current events, and we focus we on our personal lives. We have chance of losing the freedom environment that we have to have in order to operate. So can I I have one without the other, it's like say you can have peanut butter jelly without pay about. You can't do it, so it's very important for you guys, even if only interested in personal development to understand. What's going on in the world, That's why we have all these different formats on the show and for the exchange doing this show
now running. Four hundred adds without being told what to do from global court, oh yeah, he's very simply the shit you share. The show ok, we ve been able to keep a. Very high ranking in the park. Ass were over very long time based off of it early word of mouth, which means if we do good, please show the shelf. We don't do good dolphin obligated to share the show it straight value exchange? So if it makes you laugh, if you learn something, if you change your pursued if it gives you a new way, seeing things have a tissues, some skills that you needed. Please sure the show. That's all we ask for we say: pay the fee. That's what that means. I that's the housekeeping, think where's the shower monday, okay, alright, as housekeeping alright, what's up eddie, how do you take hours. The fucking louvre useless. Like yeah, I, like a fucking brand new leaf and a pink one to ok were made
nobody a year over here trying to make fun of lupus. I heard you know I use a loofah, oh you did. I use, I usually do see I'm over here doing my thing and you guys don't think I hear ya. I've heard you know, because there was this day that, like no, we talked about how the the pantries are racists right I saw this article and it made me think of because they were talking about things that, like I guess, like black people, only black people do and apparently it's a black person's thing to wash up with a washcloth. To these washcloth. Here I shall use them grown up, but I stopped Well, I use ones lights because they came out with louvers restaurant. I'm saying like I use the loofah I feel like it gets in there a little more. Would you drive a flint? it's one car. If they had a regular car, no okay. Well, then, that's why you don't use washcloth you should use.
Yeah? Everybody knows that aloof is good for you and exfoliates skin, and that's what I'm saying clean it. It's in there yeah it's good stuff, yeah. What colors your your liver, blue eyes, bloom black room, black hair. I got the dove loofah thing because I have sensitive skin yeah. I get the big deal, I'm actually kind of insecure about a little bit, but I get a big deal. So I gotta be careful with what I put on my skin in a relationship, but yes, I use dove, though I know what you use. I know you, you are now produced Jess no. Is that why your skin? Like so? No? No, no, we know we are. We know what you use, what that that extra large black s right, get my sulfur somewhere fifty percent big ass wrangles. What is wrong with it? mama whatsoever they also get the man yeah, then good sipping on over their business.
Danger up my post work out here. Conference really bar happens to be the mfc, oh c, o smoothly, what it tastes like it's it's like a chocolate cherry cherry chocolate beds ago, goer as good as my favorite what is against my favorite one has got to right: macros yeah, you shut up look, you want grams of protein, twenty some grounds carbs longer at its group. He I like it. I just got untrained legs so in school You have again trains going good, everything's gonna river. What excuse? We have to choices, one good. Sorry, I was enjoying this amazing non ad They are to do
no they're not out. I think I'm on day. Four again, you know I started seventy five whole heart over and when my one buddy and I yeah and I'm excited because, like it's kind of weird cause, it's not really day for it's like day whatever day you're one hundred know it's like day, twenty twenty four for them I feel. Good governance won't go, managed raw man there with me. This important right now, for you know, I think it's important enough for people to really take it seriously like what what their controlling, because yeah I've heard from so many of you over the last couple weeks. Just a through the socialists. Are struggling right now, because, while the panic and the shit going on in society- and you know like guys. This is the reason I ve spent the last three years and dj spent the last three years and other people as well have spent the last three years trying to warn you what the fuck
was coming, and here we are- and now everybody seems to be losing their fucking mind- I I'm just kind of like the I fucking told you you know but like in these cases. At times guys you have to realise that its extra important control, what you control, because, if you don't control, would you can control? Because in the nature of society. You're going to naturally feel anxious. Your image reveal depressed are going to naturally feel, like things are spinning out of control, and so, if you don't make the effort to really make a conscious effort, to control what you can, which is how you move, which is what you drink, which is what you eat, which has the information you consume, who you spend your time around? What execution you take these things matter, especially in times of chaos, because in times of chaos, most everybody else kind of stops there like fuck. What do I do? they pull in. This happened to me in thousand eight and two thousand and eight in business.
The all the should happen. Brow and all my competitors stopped trying they still completely stopped and they went into like survival mode and usually the reason they went into survival mode is because to them the way overextended they were. They were they were. They were running a business responsibly, so they had to fuck in the pool all their all their offense and they had to go into their shell, but what they don't realize, where you guys gotta realize, is that if you go in your shell during times like this, you never come back out. It doesn't happen. So it's very important for you to recognise that whoever you are whatever you do, whatever it is you're, trying to do whatever business you're trying to grow whenever career you're trying to grow when these at times happened. It's actually our biggest opportunity to jump ahead because everybody else stops. So these are the times when the gaps are created over your course. life, big gap between me and all my peers. The first one happened in two thousand
everybody I'll. Stop that kept going mad created a gap write another wanted to. When you twenty everybody else kind of stopped, we cannot go on. Like my, my message to you. Is this whether it's just your person, whether it's your business, whether whatever it is, you hyper, focused hyper intentional on exactly where you control and make a solid effort to control those things, because it you do not you're going to fall the way of everybody else, which is panel cas and perilous asian and lack of progress for maybe four, however, because a lot of these people, like I said when they go in there, shall they never come back out and remember. This is the tortoise and the hare analogy that we ve all heard, doesn't matter faster movement. What matters is that you keep moving, and so that's the message that I think really. Everybody needs to take at this point in time. You know I have put in my effort and my my
put him. I do is trying to warrant everybody. What's going on a lot of people are aware of. What's going on in their panicking now and people want aware that these are the people. The people who are What's going on in there just a holy shit? All this shit's happening they're having the same kind of anxiety and panic that people like you and me dj know that we had in march of twenty twenty. You know what I'm saying I was about to say like that. That's probably I mean that's the other side of that coin. Men are the people who are realizing how much shit they have not been having a control, and now scrambling china put everything in control, There is definitely a population of that too. Well loved it. It's eia. It's it's scary time. People were fuckin scared and a lot of you We were all were extended over elaborate on their bank stuff they're, going to your fuckin smashed mats. Reality and this could slide all the way down where everybody gets smash. But even if
buddy a smash. What can you still control? You can still control what you put in your body. You could still control your movement. You can still control the information. You put in you can still control all the things I just mentioned a minute ago. So control those things in your fuel and much much more, a much better sense of peace and instead of feeling so anxious, and so so crazy right now. So that's just my my little two cents at the beginning of the show after show what you can control. This is why the fuck I developed this program Do the live. Our program, if you dont know what it is its episode too I give it away for free. You change your fucking life, no change your fucking life drastically and that's why, given away for free self, you wanna bet
about that sub. So too, oh wait. It's audio! Only on that not on nets, not on youtube, so ailing mother, that's the importance of like this specific type of episode. The q and a's is because we're taking the people's frustration and panic and scramble and trying to give some clarity of how to actually before. During these times so sure, that's the symbiotic relationship. Well, look do I wish you all would listen to me and twenty twenty. Just being honest, no, you are the best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is now So if you thought I was full of shit, and all things. I said when I said: hey Put that shit on. Don't take that thing. Don't work, don't comply with that, because that's going to lead to this this this this ness. Well, here we are, we are banks fit failing. We got economy, fucking, tanking In my opinion, it's gonna get allow worst fourg, it's better. So.
I think all of us, everybody listening, would do ourselves a big service by really walking down and focusing on what we can control and moving far from there and then addressing these issues as they come now, because right now at this point in time, I don't think it's gonna stay, I think, is something that we can stop from happening. No room ma'am unless some major changes take place. And those major changes we talk about on the csea, so sure. Well, let's get into these questions man, let's make some people better and starting off a question of one's the great intro to an andy. You have talked about how being a eight interbrew, nor is a route to financial and career success. That is often overlooked as opposed the glorification of being an entrepreneur. What advice would Give a recent university graduates who was on the first day of full time, work in the real world so that they can be the best interpol nor as possible, especially
if the company they are joining as remote, friendly and opportunities for an person, connection with other team members. A managers are limited how'd, he become the best linchpin or I will, first of all becoming essential renewal is that's the same method that we talk about become the best anything so that that this is I'm gonna give you a real practical tipp here, but becoming the best Becoming the best anything you want to become the best popsicle salesmen, it's the same. Fuckin rout is becoming the best entrepreneurs as becoming the ban sadly is becoming the best musician as becoming the bat becoming the best becoming the best da the shit you're hurt. You heard me talk about it for ten fucking years. Here's a tip When you knew in an organization this is, this is extremely extremely important. Right when you are new in an organization a lot of people come
new and organization and they may try to like feel it out and they try to get comfortable? And I stand this rags, it's scary, to go to a new thing, tat corner near school, right away foreign to the very fairly ones intimidating. It's scary girl get that, but where people fuck this up is they come in they track they get to comfortable ok, so they find the friendly people they find that they find that their little group inside the group right and they they sort of get caught. war, and then they they start to live work. The same way that all these other people work and they start to kind of, followed their lead and what happens because of that war those companies- and this is not my companies but in companies, wednesday happening as you, Anna falling along with people who really art that great of employees and you follow their path. Ok, it's kind of like joining the cool kids in high school. I too call kids, don't we ever amount to much
everybody knows that So let me offer you a very practical, very real tip from someone who ran companies, big ones for a law, time employ thousands of people. You, a very unique opportunity when you first join an organization to stand the fuck out should utilise that or and what I mean by that does mean, come in dressed up like fuckin superman stay, now- that's what I mean is do not let yourself get caught in the churn right as soon as you get comfortable soon, as you recognize what needs to be done as soon as you understand what you're supposed to do go, do it and do it so fucking are and so fucking good that the peace, who just hired you were like what their condition they just hired Michael Jordan of intrapreneurs. Okay, I only have one chance to flock and make that impression in a lot of people. They don't do that, because its uncomfortable to do I understand that the uncomfortable things are two things that led the biggest rewards. Okay. So
If your new organization Udall has the opportunity to stand out by doing an undeniably great job and, at the very least, show undeniably great initiative. and drive and skill set willingness to learn is a big thing to just do what you can wear. Can you help? What can you do? and by the way. This is on top of you doing your little job perfectly right, and if you can do that, Dude your chances are moving out of the churn quickly are drastically improve and that's the goals and entrepreneurs, because, like dude entry level positions are churn right. There's people to calm, there's people to go there, but the calm. There's people to go. You do not want it. You want to spend his little amount of time. Those roles as fucking possible, and you want to display skills that are valuable as quickly as possible and you want to display initiative as quickly as possible so that you,
stand the fuck out, because if you can do that right away! You could skip a major long step that most people have to go through, because what most people do, like I said in the beginning of the question- is the date they get comfortable. They start hanging out with The people and a lot of people don't even get planted into their company because they fall in with the wrong people and they end up getting cut out or you're marked for writer tenure. So dude, it's very, very important for you to understate this! No matter what organization your joining! You have a tremendous opportunity at the beginning to make a ridiculous impression in the first four to six months, ok and then you also have to be realistic about the time for six months. of that kind of effort? Can such you ten years ahead? Real talk because, due to vote just use of my places an example. There's people to come here that that start off in the gym or start off you know, maybe back in the warehouse, and they do so
great job, that I noticed some or one of the senior leadership notices them we're like. Ok, that motherfucker right there that's a winner, let's earmarked a person move through here and, let's, let's move them up quickly. Aright insult, while it doesn't always work that way. Sometimes you move people through and then they fuckin suck because quit, trying right away. So that's the second part of the lesson is what you It passed that her keep going. I must say, maintained that stand by do the amount of success that you could have quickly is dress, sickly, underestimated, because people think because grandma and grandpa and your mom and your dad all said. Oh, I gotta be there for ten years and then you get reward. There is no reward for sticking around a place for x amount of time anymore. That's not how the fuck it works. Now gotta win, especially that the challenging economy like were entering now, they have to wait and are looking for people that want to win are looking for killers and if you come in a killer right away. You're! U can fast track your own career,
tremendously by jumping through the churn fast possible. That's what I'd recommend allow them. organs on maintaining that standard. Once you get there, I could mean how many maintaining some maintaining bro it's not maintaining its. Continuing to accelerate the standard go just like. I talk back on my last few, nay f, where I talked about standards, the meeting, high standards and then people expecting those high scanners. It's the same. just last week. Last one for companies were the same for employees once you ve been ended yourself in my mind, is a high standard, individual, that's the expectation so now, instead of noise it from an entrepreneur, I'm the cost, because on the fucking guy making decisions about your career path? Okay, so what you have to fucking and make me believe that you are who the fuck your pretending to be in the way that you do, that is by continuing to love love and level up and level up and level at the level of the men. You go into mates, maenas mode. You stop
because if you really think about how careers progress like really fuck and stop and think about this, usually what people do as they progress through. They get one job, They get the next job they the next shop in the region. A stop progressing, isn't because they stop progressing it's because they get to a job. Just don't really perform that well at an end, they stay there. so really it's like accelerate through the the hierarchy of jobs until you get one that you suck at new state are forever and that best now what you want to do. Bro you're, what I'm saying so you have to continue to up that standard and get better and better and better and better and it's a lifelong journey. It's not something you can do in six months, so don't think about it and maintaining you know, ah companies get in this in this conundrum, as well. I'd sure, like like companies, oftentimes, will look back at the good times and they'll say: fuck did back in two thousand eighteen, we were taken ass, we're doing all this shit. We gotta get
cells back to that that's a losing mentality. Ok, because Roy really what you should be doing in the way you should be attacking. It is we're to become so fucking good version of us in two thousand and eighteen looks like a fuckin frog, ticklish, shit, fuck and log right. We're gonna bet is that version of ourselves in that for ourselves that goes for our companies. It's an attitude, it's an outlook that we all need to have its now make some maintenance. It's get back to your best. It's me Your best look like it ain't shit. If you think about it like that, then you can get it rested and that's when it gets fun gets funded, win, win you when you the right attitude when you were when you create this attitude about yourself. Personally, for example, When I was thirteen years old, I was the best, I ever was. I just want to get back to where I was thirty row. That's a desperation! that's not! Even in the past year, that's now attack right an attack like do wrong to me.
Their version of me like dune, Israel talk. I say right now, aversion me when I was fatuity fifty five house a year and a half ago, I'm gonna make that do it like a fuckin pussy guaranteed right as shit down, look check, rahmat six months, cause guarantee you that's what's gonna happen, that's it tat. I have that he had to winners, have that's. It We all need a haven't. We think about you know. Maybe we did something. Back then, but you know, de I m p p the high school football game right. Well, let's make that the smallest accomplishment you ever fuckin had your entire life jumps Andy different perspective at a mass of different perspective. I want to touch on two because you know often you say you know, for business owners you know being good in the business right now. Is the easiest quorum quoth that has ever been because the opportunities that right when you say that the same exist, entrepreneurs by becoming a really great financial. Manure is the easy it's ever been because of the way
social dynamics, we have people, oh yeah like would you would you say others elsewhere? Also the vanished all agree. What you're saying is how I always say it's the it's the best time to be an entrepreneur for starting out, because nobody trying right and the people who are trying to pretty weak right. I have bad. They have very very, very rounded edges to them and in terms of what they need on their tools. We really need a fuckin razor edge right right. They think everything supposed to be about feelings and have all this fuckin boy. well shit when in reality bro this is a fucking life or death game. It's real shit and alright there's a lot of killers out there and that's the biggest this service. That's been in in entrepreneurship. Is all these fucking gurus out there that make everybody think that they're supposed to be an entrepreneur. Let me tell you some brow: you're gonna trade, your life for being an entrepreneur utrecht. Entire life for it. It's not a fucking job a job is, is a job being an entrepreneur. Is a life and not everybody- wants to give an that's. Ok, it's not funny
Everybody is horace. Fuck do there's a lot of days round like fuck. Why do I wonder I do this All I have all these. You know like anyway. The point is not always bill for mere ok, and It's the same when you're an interpreter, we have all the Crazy shit go around the world. We have always entitled folks around like to think that nation We can see how, in six months for posting group I think you know all you know I worked hard is here and I get paid to mow fucker, that's how to fuck it works. the system we live in, you have to work through that first hurdle of the mass turn mature and you have to fucking oval jump that you'd get everybody goes through that everybody, whether it's a business, whether it's a person whether it's fuckin, however, you know whether it's a day that, like it fucking matter bro you ve gone through the fuckin churn. That's it that's reality in so like because there are so many people out there. They don't want to go through that or think that you know
This isn't for me or I don't really like how this is so. I will try something new. Every fuckin gear right over two years, rope to be a valuable Key part of a great organization has never been easier because everybody so fuckin lazy, there's that there is a massive shift look. There's a massive shift and perception from what. actually tags to what people think tanks and they ve shifted the perception over the last ten years with twelve years from everybody knowing back then that this was her Fuck and now you ve got the end, because People were predatory right and that you gotta. He's guru say: no, it doesn't matter. It is easy. Twenty two march, you'll be a millionaire fuckin. I would run mouse basement the penthouse in six weeks now this bullshit these people we made now. This has been brain is so hard that the people now believe that anybody can do this in his fuckin. Isn't true
ok, she's, not true to her about. On a macro level, but you had me: I'm a bad ass, hard mother fucker to withstand the fucking long game of being out produced. That's reality. Its now for everybody. not that far, neither dude is it rewarding yet, but do most of being an entrepreneur is solving other people's fuckin problems all day long, that's what the fuck it it's and when you look at it from a lifestyle perspective. A valuable instrument can still make fuckin. Seven figures do depending on what organization in the red lee six right so their little pretty good, fucking life and not have to like bear the responsibility row like. Do you not taken any of the risk europe carrying any of the fucking notes. You're! occur in any of the real way you get to go home and live a fuckin life, whereas the entrepreneur does now is their life. Well fuck around one in four years and in this I am on the phone.
we day, this is real shit. I'm on the phone, every fucking data till eleven or twelve o clock at night every day every day, matter. What, like I know, when I go home day when you when we go home and you leave- I got Can conserve more hours worked to everyday? It's been away since you know me every day there is No now am I smoke some fuckin. We do my and calls and have a good time doing it and you know, but the truth of the matter, is it still fuckin the we're, never stops and then The reality dude and anybody who tells you different, run a real shit, a challenge, any fucking person tell me effort and let me see what the fuck you built, because drew a love. Him I would even say that shit the easy, quick fast about la blah run run runaway run, and becomes a finnish same thing, easy, quick, fast, falcon run it ain't. True tars! Fuck.
but the rewards are worth the work. That's what I'm about that's we're about here! That's why it's called real f. it's not fantasy! F, it's not. Everybody wins a f, it's not pussy pie, it's fuckin real as fuck. This is I'm just telling you it's hard, Now some of you may be a lot more than me and you might be a lot more skilled me, maybe easy for you, but I know anyway like that I dunno one single person. I love that man yeah, so new entrepreneurs get out the fucking churn as soon as you can absolutely jump. The churn dude, as I was move questionable to any question of the two new play sports all have grown up all your life lowly right and you ve had your fair share of great coaches. I'm assuming we're culture that you didn't like in the beginning, loved after wrath and hides, I had some good coach lie, some really bad coaches to so that's that's what this is. This questions, gonna pertaining to questions
How should one handle when they trusted adult, such as a coach publicly humiliates your child on several occasions: all for the old school, tough, coaching mentality, belittling them and defaming them in front of their peers to the point where they are no longer wants to play their favorite sport for faced our team. Ever again, for he summoned some examples. The coach would say is: quote your fucking week. You haven't gotten any better sixth grade and you're incapable of juggling a fucking ball. A stab in the dress, this kind of discouragement, or is it better to not intervene, accepting that it is a tough coaching that the kids need to go through. People are he's alive. I am not going to like my answer. You kiss me fuckin, tougher, do ok, you're a deal was shipped bags. I don't agree with that coach. I don't agree that that coach should be thy heart. If we're talking about six graders
There is a way to deliver that message that doesn't fuckin be people now fisher. Ok, however, however, of your kid should be built in a way that you prepare them to handle people like that, because people like that are real and it happens in real life. Every fucking day ok, to get where I am, and on that dude I'm just start, I am just fuckin starting I've had to do so many of those fox that, like dude, I've had coaches like that to this day I still wish. I fucking see him in the streaks. I beat their fucking ass, no real talk as russia, real talk, okay, but the point is as even as bad as as fucked up as they were at the times. I reshape what they did, because it a condition me for reality and salt. I personally think that that's the discussion, that's the discussion you have is with you and your kid
and you get your kid mentally prepared to deal with reality that not we bought he's matter. nobody says things in a nice way and real talk. You sure, to be anything real life. You're gonna have to deal with a lot of that shit. Ok Oh that's my answer on you to make your kid tougher. That's real now I will say. I've had a number of coaches that there have been ridiculously fucking heart ami do and I fucking love those people. Now I had a coach. high school, my south boy you're baseball, and it was my villa and my villa was a choice. Being shipped socket coach. I haven't seen in twenty something I don't even know, if he's still around that motherfucker call me every fuckin name, fuck in edinburgh, There have been this asylum or your baseball. I was fuckin fat outspokenly, z, repeater. Knowing a lot. You all know the truth. You tell me the truth about,
just tell me the truth. One day too bad in practice, and I get a wine drive, so fuckin hard napkin one is ass because it's here deflected off his glove. He's. to me forth every single fucking game for the the season because I have also worked hard at him in ireland is respect you know out, up and bombs out the fuckin off the field. Destroy fallen yet well and here's the here's, the thing it's horizontally was on me. It taught me a valuable lesson. Like one look back on the men who have impact me who have helped me who have it molded me into who? I am he's. One of those guys- and if you were to watch that if you want to watch the interaction of time you wanna thought this guy was a fucking asshole lock them up yeah he wanted dude. He wouldn't make it these days. There's no fucking way. There's no fucking way there are people are too soft now, but my point is: is a lot of times. You look back on those people who were hard on your like fuck, you brought the best out of me, you taught me, oh I do you have.
she actually care. Dude. Totally very thankful for having been able to play just even one year with him as a couch, because I think I learned more about competing that one year than I learned with all my other coaching combined now, so I'm very, very thankful for that experience. So maybe think about that as well, when you think about like a coach being too hard, you know what I mean. Absolutely it's it's too hard today, but you might hate him today. I hated that mother fucker back then, but now, like I love that dude, you see what I'm saying, and I would You know personally, that's kind of last we all carry to like. I understand that some people don't like me right away today today, but in five or six years you listen to what I said, or at least you ve gone out and seeing that what I said was true. You start to understand that I was actually giving a fuck about you absolutely so at a very thankful for that matter, but a book the point is
that, with your two of you, this kids in six gray may be right, but my time is in high school. We might deal with another coach like that. but he also respect by shutting up their motherfuckers ass, because that- the reality dude sometimes you have to fuckin really push people in the face to get him respect you and you can become one of these p well who cowers when somebody says something out of line because people say out of my shit all day long what are we going to look at the internet dude look out the internet is. The internet has no fuckin mercy on fucking anybody, brow, ok to terrible place, you're kidding. Six gray is going to be introduced to that. Eventually we have to make their skin tougher. We have to toughen them up, and so it may not hurt to give the coach feedback fine. I doubt that someone like that's really gonna, hear it because they're probably very comfortable with how they're doing things, but I think them focus here is to make your your kid
I understand that this is a part of life. You're gonna deal a fuckin assholes. And just because some was an asshole doesn't give you excuse to fucking, go in your shout and power and coward down, you know, I would do add, fuckin practice with you kid until he so fuckin guy the coach like holy shit. What happened yeah. Well, I got me looking at me like. That would be the first step. Bullshit is what he said is there any validity to anything? does it have have like I've been like acids, Excuse me, like me, will like You know what I'm saying, but you gotta. Like I mean it, is any truth to that. I think. That's the! I think. That's a big problem in society right now now people don't ask themselves if crisis. Is actually true. They automatic, we call a hate where they are we put it on the other person was swept out, xenophobia, duties fucked up, maybe he isn't asshole, but if he said If what he's saying is true, that's actually opportunity to improve, never sure. So you know the way it's about how you respond, I think so. Yeah
but like do like you know, I think it's The important freed realise like you, you can't shelter, you're, fucking, kids from the shit this reality dude. This is reality and in the goal should be to get your kid to appoint, and why, we're when someone does fuckin do that shit, it doesn't matter to me you'd like it doesn't matter. What someone's an asshole to me makes no fuckin difference. You have to understand. We I can live in a society that is meanest fuck and if you're not prepared, handle it in europe, percent up yourself, you're, not prepare for any that shit. Where are you going to crushed that's reality and that's not some hard as shit. I'm saying the truth now, absolutely man, I love it. Any gas. Third and final question question number three, eighty
How important is it to build your personal brand when starting a new business versus focusing on building the business exclusively, for example, or spending time posting, recording content versus focusing on building teams and systems? I understand both are important as a personal brand helps the business in the beginning, especially when there's no cells, but in your eyes, how should a new entrepreneur allocate their time within these two categories? We'll have a history from personal brand, doesn't hurt ever and never hurts. It only helps okay. If you're doing some people argue this, they will say. Well, I do business b to b sales. You know I don't do b ticket and do business. Where do business business you know, so I don't really need a personal brand, and so they don't they don't bill one right, but then somebody like I dunno me comes along. Who has a fucking massive? personal brand and wants to do the same business that you're trying to do with the same person. Who are they gonna do business with
who's gonna sell more product, who's gonna buy more product, and why is that? Ok, so a strong personal bran is free game! You get people to know you are you get attention, you build a reputation and that will never hurt you. I will only help you there's it. There's a flip side. Having a personal bran, if you get a big enough becomes its own fuckin monster, ok and you don't have very much privacy. He were always fuckin with you. People are always in your business. It's annoying. It's fuckin you're like what the fuck ride like dude. I am by the way, don't do this. I must say this work with you. I show up here to first form to fucking meet with me, unannounced. We have this problem with with y'all doing that. No don't do that. It's very unsafe. To do that. We handle that very serious yeah. We do we do and.
It seems always be the same kind of person, it's their having it's almost like, so people, having like a manic episode where they ve been up for three days. I drove seventeen hours to come, see you re doing that, so don't waste your fuckin time, don't do it. I just want to say that knowledge and so those are some of the things that are building a personal brand. You know there's there's some fucking negatives to it too yeah, but in terms of business dollars and cents doing business. It's a mass of fucking advantage to have how wash time should you spend between one or the other. They really should be integrated, correct, like your building, a common and annual building yourself. How are you going to build a company even a building? company by showing it to the people that you're building yourself round were right, so it it's, it's related. It's the same thing. When you build your personal brand, you're building your business when you build your business, you're building your personal brand, it's the same thing. Alright, unless you choose just to run a business,
page, but like dude, here's the reality. People don't want. Do business with global port there's no way business, race, labour market organizations, anymore. You guys look like the company, They are getting slaughtered overlap three years. It's all the biggest companies in the world and the reason is because they are using their their business acumen. I'm sorry, business, traction and and and growing their weight around to push socio political issues on people and do business in a way, because I think they're too big and eight that we don't have a choice. We do have full control And people choose every fuckin data shop at places that are by real people, not alive with the same values that day align with and I'm to give you a hack here. Do you want to know what Biggest trend is the next biggest trend which is already happening. Is a man can own american jobs and an american companies here in amerika. Ok, not not fucking walmart, not fucking, amazon's
fucking bad Joe stevenson down the street who owns this company- and you know Mary jane over here who owns this right and employees, you down just right, you're right! That's where people are going right now, we're going to apparently, all pro america pro freedom companies because they are sick of the fucking bullshit. Being shut down through the fortune. Five hundred companies sorted tremendous opportunity, a tremendous. Opportunity and for you to have a personal brain and build your business plays right into that, but that's the hat! you want to know where to stand still that side of the fence, because that's where everybody's going for sure I could see it happening. I predicted this for the last three breed a half years, I told you was what we were three years ago. We were in politically correct company, like if you didn't say this evening, imposed a black square fucking, not shop with you. We ve gone to the opposite side of that now. We are over here now, where people a fuckin they we stand. What that all that shit is, they understand.
woke shit. They understand, though, the weapons zation up of politics. They understand, participation of social issues, and they are going towards people who represent what The idea of america is supposed to be meaning. People can have their own thoughts. We wish with our own communities. We too carogne employees were from here. if cetera, set cetera products or from here you see. I'm saying people are looking for that option. Alright, like do moat if you're a company right now, you're, not transitioning your goods to be made in america like for us right now. We we don't have We made made the usa, but everything from here on out we're moving to source two that, like it's a massive operation for a company this size to development at all, it's fuckin massive, but way, more expensive to do why its super what in the world and when you start to do that people start to see that they recognise that they are buying from those companies. So that's, what's going, that's the train
get the fuck outta by says on her way means I'm fuckin grew, say their fuckin wrong and I'm fuckin right, and I can see that numbers now. I have been saying for three years and in three more years and we sang guess what motherfuckers a fuckin told you when they. Actually. This, though, so, have you seen where me how I'd how okay so so, building a personal brain and your business brand their integrated, the both valuable, extremely important but What what? What? What some? What's? Some words of caution? I guess that you were put out to people who are focusing too heavily on their personal brand and not enough on the business brain. Re like about grow. That's a big problem. That's a great! That's a great foul question there, because a lot of people do get caught up in appearing to be, instead of actually being and that's a big fuckin problem, Now we see is everyday and entrepreneurs space. We see people who own a business that sells widgets and you know
They they they come on the scene, trying to sell widgets and then in fucking a year now, the sun there an entrepreneur, coach and they ve got a group in their trial. Like dude, listen, the fucker. You need to worry about your own business before you try to be some sort of superstar on the internet and that's just a that's. A product of people not understanding that people, people recognise results. They recognize credibility and by you eating trying to put yourself out. There is like some sort of superstar guru, entrepreneurs fucking beard when you are really built anything bro people see through that, and that's why you have trouble fucking get people to follow, wrote I don't I don't posts for our two poster I make about art the very few little right by the way we do it. as for Sarah bill, saying yeah, but that's not a post on a post. I just got it, but while we're talking about it, we do have tickets for RT live on April. Twenty second, a few few left
you guys- are interests in that come see. Us live tremendous, lineup cool, but that's the extent of it like, like you, motherfuckers out there try to do this shit we're your quoting quote: coach. When you ain't really built a real business reasons, the post, seven thousand fuckin times is because no one foot in recognises, use an expert, and I know that hurts to hit a hurts to hear but will you should hear? Is this I'm glad build a tremendous business and their dominant talk about how I did it and because people get consumed with the game application of the internet, which is followers likes, shares ripe? They want more followers, they want more likes, they want more shares and want more views and they become they start to get it. into it it becomes a game and they're like fuck. I gotta get more followers. I gotta get more shit. I gotta get more this and more that and they think that those things will automatically grow their business, which they will grow your business because they bring attention. But if you have a shitty, is that people only come to one time and then leave you're not really growing anything over so
I personally am glad you ask that question because I think most of I think most people then coming onto the. entrepreneurs. Social seem right now spend far too much time trying to act as if they already are and far too little time actually becoming, who it is they're they're trying to represent themselves to be I can understand someone you know when Your young, you, you know like what do Everybody when their young is lawful shit right, you kind of, like you, know, you're trying to pass sure, because you really know that you're weak a totally get all that in everybody's gone through that when every grown man who has
wound up into a real business. They went through that shit. I I fucking get it while you can't let that take your eye off the focus of building a real business and that's the biggest fucking thing you have to have, because if you actually want to be recognized, which is why people get sucked into that, you actually want to get the recognition you want to get the life you want to get the shares. You want to get the views if you actually want to get that you have to have something real, that people can fucking see oliver yeah it's just it's just. You have to put the fucking cart where the cart belongs and the horse where the horse belong. and and and if you get them backwards, you don't go anywhere, and so I I personally you know, there's a lot of young guys, listen to hear what I say and I think oh and he's hating on us, I'm not hating on you bro, I'm teaching you how to, actually do this so that by the time you actually do know what the fuck your actually talking about. Because, let's be honest, you don't ok when actually do know what you're talking about you'll. Have this massive fucking credibility that people can fuck with cinema Do you probably you know like? I do have multiple things like that, like you're, going
this company you can have this company even at this company is services this company and you're gonna build something so impressive over the next fifteen years. Now you become, legitimate, fuckin source of knowledge and that an several lasting like that's, not something you have to hustle. for like pure come you for and so its import for you, young guys, young girls, to really walk that balance properly. Nor am I hate not Ebay's hustle bro like I did it, but if you don't do it the right way you end up having to chase you tell the entire game for them for the rest of your life and stir in nature that that's correct, and that is a churn. Alright you're in the churn of hustling people to believe that you're credible when you're not really credible, instead of just taking the time to build the credibility, and then those people come to you without the hustle show, I'm saying that's sustainable. Doing it doing it the other way around. That's not sustainable, just not and here's the problem with that when you do it like that
I've metal, I've met a lotta young, really really good entrepreneurs who come out and they do what I just said not to do, and then they are ruining all the other credibility for a long time like people again will that, as for shit, pain, designers, nor the people above the latter row, its that's exactly right that you that that's except it's not the people on the internet. The matter broke now: it's not the random fuckin hater or troll. It's the people above you that now look. You say fuck there's this person's kind of full of shit. I wouldn't do anything with us. The people in the rooms are trying to get into the right air at roche. Delicate line to walk and you have to be mindful do not get sucked into the social media. I mean, do look it's far more fun when people come to you because they recognize you to truly be what it is,
You are right, then it is trying to convince them that you're that there is a lot more fun. You I'm sorry in the time, don't you dont be in a hurry like putting the town to build a business bilbil thing they could chicken as in eventually people are going to recognize another black, fuck and you're going to be glad you did it because now you're going to have this real asset over here, but that's the other thing this part of it. The the coaching thing. That's cash flow that you ok, this one We're here you build a fucking cash flow, an asset. It's a big fucking deal. Now arrived whereby you only need the the urgent wrecked, that's correct basis. You know, and it's why too hard discussion, half because a lot of the young people or their in such a hurry, and I get it because I was in a hurry to there I don't understand that if you just put that first ten years into really just fucking building your business, you want to worry about the other part, because the other part comes with it. She won't say absolutely man. I love to do the work first,
talk about how you did that's it. Don't talk about how you doing there you go what gonna do I do I mean how many posts are we see a day? If I were you, I see nothing yet obvious about have not found for the last seven years in a row, but for can get less and people get tired here the guitar here and we all know like We know you mean it by certainty I am for your own credibility? You have to follow through or fucking people won't listen to you. So stop talking shit start doing shit. That's really the bottom line, I love it. Man that was three will pay the fee for sleeping on the floor. Number jury box frozen, the fuck are still countless millions in the bank. Teach buddhist smoke got all kinds of doesn't know, shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-14.