« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

488. Part 2 - Andy & DJ CTI: BLM Received Nearly $83 Billion From Corporations

2023-03-17 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Hallie Biden revealed as the new Biden family member who received money from China, Russia planning to retrieve the wreckage of the crashed U.S. Drone, and BLM & related causes received nearly $83 billion from corporations.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now, my german for the countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph kang, doesn't know his headshot case club walking back guys onto our third and final headline headline number. Three number three reads: black lives matter and related causes received nearly eighty three billion dollars from corporations. Now I've been subdued, garvinus got some really f exclusive. Eighty three billion billion. There has been no that that patrice tree woman, the fuckin fall personnel listen. I am not going to say I I learned to have a heart cause. I I dug into some shaving her she's, definitely fucking, corrupt and fucked. Up
always outcome that which is also the fuckin figurehead. That's all the website that that the fuckin far left democrats, the people who go into the black neighborhoods every fuckin, two and four years. say we're gonna save you. They wagged all that money. Apple. You already know the story. Free fucking do grow, it is fucking outrageous. They robbed them. I rage. If you in a black community and you fuckin thought to be a lamb was Joe. When you get money just now that that went to the same fuckin people to come to your neighborhood, every fuckin, two and four years and say they're gonna fix cry: and get y'all. You know set up picture education system make life good. And never do ship a mega. Worse just understand they stole that money from you you ve derived from. It was always accurate. A very ok, okay cause. I haven't heard the whole story, but I'm I've been looking to it there on it, though. The part like I used to think like this right cause
like bailum started here and Saint Louis. Why were we both dollar forty right august and so I've I've? I've had a chance of seeing it from a few different perspectives right as you have as well. And I always like one: when bailum first came around a first got goin my biggest issue was I'm ok, we're doin. All of this yelling, screaming burning african communities downright and locate where what? What? What is it Are we producing like what has been done about it right and I used to think like fucking like ok, all this, and crying is unnecessary because it didn't do anything right, like the community. Still look the same and now you're realizing like no ok like its clear. They did something because a call corporations all across amerika to fuckin donate billions. Fuckin dollars.
He didn't go anywhere because they didn't want it to go anywhere, because how can they continue to fucking say that it's a problem if they don't create the problem, and they can't give you the solution if they're not different, creating the problem. None of these politicians, with the exception of the the people who are non union party, non establishment non lifetime. Politicians, not a single one of of these people, is in the fucking business of solving any problems for us. Now they are in the business of maintaining power and maintaining relationship and maintain their income extreme. This is why Nancy Pelosi can go into office being poor and leave worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and we could say the same for a number of politicians in, is there a true red, blooded freedom, loving American, who came from doing, and these are the people that they make you hate on t v by the right. These are the people who they make look like bumbling fucking idiots on tv, okay, and they do that because those are the people that can actually take the shit.
From so you know when they criticise like america. First politicians who come from You know main street america realize It's the reason they're doing. That is not because those people are stupid. They actually the the the media, believes those people are stupid. And what does that say about? They think about you right? They think you're fucking, stupid they think you're gonna do enough to believe so the minute that you try to get into their system. They start making. You feel like you're, less than your worth your worthless, your dumb fuck raisins. you're wasting your from you know east, but for milk, erica. Nobody cares about and that's what these fuckin far left elite people think. They believe the world is theirs and we're living in it and salt or you could find out about who the people, the real people are they're gonna create change by see who they attack, remain absolutely absolute, some others, diamonds As I say we go, we got some some, but we got some shit here. Ok, so this
a bright by article, by the way, it reads the black lives matter or blm movement and related causes received an astonishing. Eighty, two point: nine. billion dollars and corporations new funding data base from the claremont institute has found. The claremont is the two centre for the american way of life explained the necessity. Of their report in an article published, a newsweek where the sensor asserted that the twenty twond A b l, a movement was a more than just quote: rioting and destruction. The sensor explained that quote the b l impression panes harassment and moral blackmail also amounted to possibly the most lou would have shakedown of corporate amerika in its history, but as a point of reference, Eighty two point: nine billion dollars is more than the gdp of forty six african countries combined in twenty twenty two, the ford motor company profit
was only twenty three billion dollars. They also noted the sum of Eighty two point: nine billion dollars include. More than a hundred and twenty three million dollars the bail impaired organizations directly: ok, as well as much more to other organization. As supporting belgium's agenda. The less reveals that several popular corporations from a wide range of different industries supplied the movement but large sums of cash walmart, for example, which is based in arkansas, giving whopping one hundred million dollars in support of bail and the related causes, focusing on racial equity, amazon gave more than a hundred and sixty nine point. Five in dollars, Meanwhile, a pharmaceutical companies for this one particular abbe. gave the movement over sixty two million dollars in funding all state, pitched in seven point: seven american express gay, fifty million apple, gave a hundred million. Eighty anti gave too
When one and a half million dollars I mean It's everywhere! I get my money, my my little enormously, Indeed, where I know where you were here where to go to the actual fucking community. Her home saying about when I gave up my money that you- which I gave way well in some figures, that you too small businesses, em fucked up by the pandemic,. you see I'm saying rome, georgia, rewrite real people, take care of the fucking people, the government, not the corporations, no man and fucking disgusting a came from everywhere right. I guess who else was in it black fuck sharpening eight hundred and ten million dollars towards be alumina related causes, I, with other powerful financial institutions. Also bank rodents, move capital, one financial gave ten million morgenstern. Only gave thirty. U S. Bank gave a hundred
sixty million hours. So the question remains: where did the money go? Well before you get into where the money went? Maybe we should look at this list and think to ourselves. Why do these people have so much money to just give up and the causes that actually don't benefit the real people. The only reason they have the money is because we use their services and that's a fact, something to think about. That's a fact: im. So so I see this as a list to me for elena how to fuck mess right now, and I personally see this list and am not telling you what to do. I'm not I'm not fuckin. This is what you're going to do. I'm telling you I'm gonna do well. That's a list of me of of people that I will not do business with us without its work.
fargo gave two hundred and ten million dollars. I mean: do it's crazy, it's crazy! So so I had this question my office work the fact that these billions of dollars go too well. Here's the other question: they fuckin drug, that patrice marxist woman, unquotable founder of be alone yeah through the mud over a couple of million bucks yeah. That's what I'm saying that I shit hold on so now we're not only talking about fleecing and, like you want to talk about racism, everybody wants to get pissed about racism. Let's talk about this for a second, they stole the black communities. Fucking money. No doubt they didn't that those a lot of a lot of people like normal people that gay might they believe if they were actually helping absolutely that money disappear. All you got was a yard sign and hundreds of beer or eighty three billion dollars right that money never went to those community fuck. Now. Ok, people realize
Their money never fucking made those communities, and then they take the black founder, the same companies that we just listed all the people that are part of this movement. They take the black founder and make her the scapegoat for the griff, the fogger yeah in the name of fucking pro black, actually, a correctional to any some of the money did go back into committee. Does not the way. We think that's what's about get exposed here. Ok, so I want to be a limbs website. Black lives matter will have lincoln the description of course right and one other pages on the website. Is this be alarmed transparency, censor and they go through all the ways are being transparent and all other values in all their initiatives movements and they talk about the things that they theyve. They ve done in this part of that
page. It says what our b l global network foundations plans the further support victims of police brutality in their families, while they say they and they they say: they have invested twenty five million dollars the black community right, but when look at how that money was invested. A large amount of that money when too organization that does bail bonds, reliefs, which means that the very people who are terrorizing these communities get too. Go to this organisation and get up bond and get their bonds paid for it to go right back into the community's and continue can turn around the community. So I went back to the community and efficient. What do you mean, and also they they publicly listed. There are their farm, so hold the subway. We the here be alive
gave over twenty five million dollars, reinvested in the black community also collected eighty three billion dollars, which means we don't eighty point: zero: zero, zero. Three zero percent of our funds back to the community in the name of black people. What is using zero zero too far easier? Three decades, three. Did you guys are so fuckin virtuous, ridiculous, rebecca? it's my here's a day. They also so, let's get on where we can. no money to disappear, isn't it? Where did he go? Nowhere went where I know, because I mean all the farms that they have. You know like bitter charity. They they have a Ninety, it's up to the public, but an end you know, hey, listen, they only have to employees anti. They got about fifty. three thousand volunteers, but they only have to listen employees, ok,
and they're all the same that they actually received seventies. Seventy six million dollars in twenty twenty. now a new contract, this is organization I mean these are some like they have a grass roots were so. Where did that? So if they, if aid only got set, the three million? Where did that the other Eighty two point: nine million dollars now abracadabra eight point: five billion dollars Oh, oh, the the healing justice program. This is the one you know they spent forty million dollars to get these people terrorizing. Our communities back into our communities continue to continue terrorizing. The commune And this is all public ass we have. Therefore, you add a bit that took the time, art and culture. We spent two point. Seven on that and its interest
Let me do. None of this ship makes sense. I gave an employee here, cayley scales, whose a farmer managing director who are average hours per week that she works zero, but she was paid a hundred forty thousand dollars a year where Trees callers says that she works average on forty hours a week. He has no notable fuckin payments will clearly you ever filed. This paper is fuckin eddie. It's right. There is an answer, something cause we got stressing were so loud, others be other money, went to names and business of Associates is listed here on this bowers consulting firm I'm right, they got about two point: one million dollars the strap heels LLC there. About a million right in an interesting yeah, but where did the rest go watch list about who that at least this money, where we could start there not tell you who went to it talks about it. There was an independent audit that was done on blm covering the year twenty twenty, and
as that, like one of the examples was a sibling of produce. Collars who owns a private security protection company was paid about a million dollars for a security says one that korea bushel eight. took the words of a mouth man she's, No accord was not like users ledger like Why not what so I work with someone who knows what the fuck's common but hard guitar understand and like one of the things like one of the like, but they list as where the biggest pay out this bowers consulting firm, its currently owned by the board member shall loma bowers. Look. She owns this consulting firm there have been and pay them. So she said the boy to be alone, get it. what about this? When what about the fact that damon turn on the board of the alarm and then be I'm uses her quarter woke and services on top of and pays them or or
or this trap heels right. This trap hills, elysees owned by damon turner. He received about a million dollars for life, production, design, media turner's wrapper he's an artist he's also. Produce call was baby daddy hm yeah, but still and like that at all at eighty two I'm just say it like the dude who owns a security. Come that's your fuckin brother Paul, but look row we're still talking about we're stay small, smaller still talking about less, like a fucking fraction a small, tiny sliver of the money actually collected, whereas Emma, where you what I think I mean. Well, I forgive you are obviously not soberness row. I dont know if this was it. This is, the case any more, but back where we all these donations were being made. It was linked directly to act blue website, which is a website that promotes all the democratic movements. In light of these people were fine.
Being the literal election of Joe Biden and other far far left marxist people during this time so it I'm gonna, go to my money was found to have tax. And where that money go to yeah, it's fucking. This is the like. This is a fuckin, I'm aachen, I'm fuckin sick of this corruption. Fucking second I have everything. Having a mean five other things I like do the average human being like look bro, look how hard it is for us to fucking follow. What's going on, we do this. What we do know what I'm saying the average american Now follow the fuckin breadcrumbs because there's it's too complex area who must shit and did guys, wonder why, like our country so depressed and so anxious and so mentally fuckin unwell, while if you lived in a concentration camp in fucking northward-
yeah and you live inside the walls of a reality in all. You knew and were expected to believe is truth what the people told you was actually true, even win. conflicted with what you observe with your own eyes. That's called psychological fucking torture. that's what they do here in the united states of america at the current time. It's been going on for the last three years, extremely fucking heavy, and before that I don't know how long it's been going on with the fact of the matter is, I think, Most of us can agree that we, deserve to know the truth. We all are, they know the truth of. What's going on in the world, we know we all certain know the truth of our own human history. We all deserve to know the actual facts of the matter without it being drawn out political leverage, piece of information or quarter quote classified or reductive or listen. They treat us like we're fuckin prisoners in this in this country, that they call free will know what they tell us. They all allow us to know anything.
If you aren't allowed to know anything, you were in one of these camps. What do you think the state of mind would be for you? It would be very hard to made a same normal, high, functioning, happy, human being and these people are actually doing is their stealing a fucking wife there, stealing a fucking life pharmaceutical. How can I find a presence and thanks, I D, medication, all time high people, people are hurting. People are scared. People are mentally unwell and its because A big reason is because we are constantly shaken by the media, we'll cut sleep pitted against each other. We are never told actual truth. We are pillaged and fucking waived, financially by our own government, and we have We understand that this is going to kill us all long term if we don't figure it out and get these fuckers out It's a real problem: did you like how can you have a peaceful life with the way they ve creed?
it all about. That's now will we all deserve bro worldly here for a short time they stole, in three years of our lives. Maybe or for a lot of other people for a lot of people. the commission to take this fuckin shot they'll, how a life anymore or they live a life that is too drastically altered from the one that they had before that these people are stealing our fucking lies bro. We know that time back. It would be nice if we could all come together and like unify and stop arguing bickering over bull shit and realise that we? we're all being played by then and we are not them and they are not, as I do that all we need to have happened. If that happened,
on a massive scale, brow that these people can do shit ass? We will fucking get this country back. It will become a place of prosperity, of peace, of harmony of unification and we'll get back. There were great becoming a great nation. This nation is now fill with weak fucking. Pussy people brow it's fun. It's still a bad ass mother fuckers and they amplify the voice and the vision and the optics of all the worst parts of our country, which is why I said in the previous segment, like these other he's better fuckin realised that that is not the accuracy, patient of our country. What's really here, yeah insult, you know it's it's a problem, but the problem stems from us now being smart enough to recognise that we are being pitted against each other economically socially, racially politically, and every single point of contact, every single point of contention is being broken.
stan an agitated intentionally which dude it's ruining the millions of being an american and being alive for a lot of people like us? can wrong romeo, and this is crimes, Hence humanity like what they ve done is crimes and humanity is the biggest psychological manipulation shit that I think is ever happening the history of earth and the only reason they ve been able to do. It is because they don't many rules about regulating technology because technologies new now good enough for us and great for us is that their own technology that they believe was going to help them. Control us has now blow up in our faces everybody starting to see the truth the reality is not enough was speaking up not enough for us getting a ball now, not us. engage still too many of us scared of what they I say what they might do: the reality. Is we don't wait? The fuck up rope were fought, so I
it'd, be mr doom and gloom, but now it's real shit, man, nothing. I think it goes back to what you were saying in the first topic. It's like you know it's. We have to stop with this whole. Giving These facts, the benefit of the doubt the evil monopolies are absolutely will be. Yes, you know, and giving people the benefit of the doubt like it, it sounds like a good thing. Are you wanna, be tolerant of everybody else's feelings and beliefs and values right, but like this, If they have learned these evil fox have learned how to take that and use it against us. We ve become too tower. We become waging to wait. Who taught you, don't sound like endued, it's it's it's! It's I think now it's it's a good where we're at a good place, because now I feel like they have. You know this metaphorical mask that is being unveiled and it's slowly coming off right and if, if people just take a few minutes
just look and see the true face of our enemy. I think we'll see. An amazing level of unity that we we haven't seen since at least twenty two Thousand one in my life you norms. And the reason two thousand one they were able to take like whether you think is conspiracy or not, but fundamentally We were extremely united as a country right and it's because they gave us a common enemy. We had a face of an enemy yeah right that if people just take some time, pay attention that faces being revealed right now and I'll give you a hint it's, not your fuckin extra neighbour is that. Why supremacy now, why supremacy is not gay guy? This walk down the street. That's right not just like people, know that's not face of enemy. That's not the face of our enemy. You know, and so, if its communism, brow and the figures in the face of our enemy is a cultural insurgency, he's going to fuck and destroy everything that we ve ever known america to be in its already working like do this. When I,
while we're living. We are living in a very, very probably the most critical time ever in the history of humanity in terms of the preservation of the human race. As we know it, no, that's the truth, though. And so we should feel very fortunate that we have an opportunity, were our words and actions actually could make an impact. My field away now. I know this. I know of whatever kind it to me whether I fucking live along healthy life or whether get my head chopped off we're saying what I said the reality, is ongoing peacefully, because the re out, I'm I'm going with peace in my heart. Ok, I'm not going peaceful, but I'm goin peace. What piece of my heart because I know I thought concerned did everything I fucking could do and it's going be real important for everybody to have a come Jesus moment with themselves about where the fuck you stand right now. No, absolutely you know I think it's very dangerous where we are brow and I think people are misjudging. You know like.
They're not seeing the enemy because, like I said, there's too many bread crumbs to follow and like the enemy is very easy to identify borough its. If you just take away the labels and you look who's making what decisions When you have a billionaire a multi Billion are the who's, never That was not a medical professional. I don't say his name when you have a multi billion air whose whose medical profession who's, not a medical, professional talking on stage about depopulating the earth with the proper use of vaccines, and then he's running pandemic exercises one before and now another one just a couple months ago, and we and then lift him lift him up as a fucking growing he's buying. Although farmland he's putting in the sky like this dude playing god. Ok and we're like you, know how Two fuckin, you don't have to know his name, you would say, that's not a good day. In the same, the same line of thinking should be for all of these people
when vladimir is linsky when ok, let's take his name out of it. When you have a president hold on of another country coming to our country and then basically shaming our p, well into not sending money so that he could fight a war that does that's not in our interests, ok We have a president of the united states, regardless of what the purse- His name is, and there have the border of and there are allowing the crime to go on and they are, you know, making decisions to send all of our money over to this other country instead of taking care of the problems that are obvious in our face here at home, that's me, in the interests of our country and do we have to let go of labels and biases and what we thought might be true and start to accept. What is true and what is true, is we are losing this country, the peace in charge are selling it down the drain because that's what's happening, we just don't see it yet. You also see it there are being paid
their sell out or make it our shit in her fucking us and are fucking you kids in a fucking, you, kids, kids, and if we don't wake the fuck up dude we might not get another chance. So I think it's him for everybody to really fuckin, think and observe. What's going on and leave your political bias and what you think too, like do? What better way to get people to Allow us to sell this country down the drain than to get them fight amongst themselves about something as simple as skin. Color geronium have time to pay attention to What we're doing? And then you wonder why racism is so heavily propagated, right, What what will we have in terms of a fighting force and with the amount in in ten years, with the amount of propagation it's happening in our in our school age? Children. What kind of fighting Israel's are we gonna haven't ten years, none to be very very to start asking ourselves. These fucking questions, dude and being real honest about it.
Of chemicals in our water, we have forever forever chemicals in a world that are reducing our our fuckin testosterone in our men we have masculinity under attack. We are feminism being promoted from the last fuckin twenty years to the What now we have drew barrymore on her knees in front of an actual by logical male, basically, eyeing on national tv sympathising with this pert like bro, we women women already there allowed to be women anymore. There, it's women plus, which is kind of ironic, because, if they're, just women, why do they call them when the plus right? you got men in the pool with colleges, girls witty national championships and well we being fucking raised and they're. Not even barely any women or say shit, because they're scared of the bad, clash, the backlash by the way that they all proud, get it into over the meat to cancel culture there, ism and all this shit over the last. You guys have to come here.
He's a man, you gotta say: hey, look we wrong! This is fucked up and their steel and identity, their steel. Our sports are still our jobs are still in our presence, as up as a fucking, be ok, Are they doing that? Why are they? Why are they promote? Why did they promote feminism? Why did they promote this bad bitch culture? Why do they promote this alpha bitch culture, where you know now now women have to go on, compete with men in the workforce. Why do they do that? Why are they bring men down? Why? Why? we really doing this, if it wasn't accomplish what they want oman, why are they doing to do? Tell me why I need it's very simple: it's one! two things are they doing to make us stronger or they doing it to make us weaker, which one is it obvious? It's obvious, you know
it's obvious to me: bout base my identity. In some of these fuckin social movements there toro bullshit, I had the ability, she threw them and look at things for what they are now I don't get caught up in fuckin rhythm, a role hubbub hysteria. I look at things on my what any right and duty All of these decisions that we're talking about, if broken down the bottom line, simplicity of them. You can just ask yourself, an open border make us weaker stronger. This crime city make us weaker? Stronger was teaching our kids at well, most most be warrant, that's fucking, create that's forget. So the put the point as we go through all these issues. Right as the economy stronger weaker. Is this: is our military. Stronger weaker is is, is our already to get along, stronger weaker in all of these cases, its weaker and all of them, all of them
and we all have to come to terms with that. Because do these motherfuckers or we're in these other countries are not like it is here do over in china. Men are teaching their kids, how to disassemble and reassemble fucking firearms when they're eight years old, they're the rewarding in the tick tock algorithm. Solving the rubik's cube solving math problems and becoming great stood at all the things that we used to do we used to promote american excellence here until you I start calling fucking racist The message is that all right, that's what I'm saying like do all of these social weapons have been used against us in such way where you going dude. I know I already know a lot of guys are gonna come on you're. So what can we do? Do did so? but I must say in a forever personal. Excellence is the ultimate rebellion the systems may be fought right now, but you can control you, we're excellence and you control your family's excellence, and if you can control
your excellence raise the standard and raise your family standard, and other people will be inspired by that. Your neighbor, your cousin, your aunt, your uncle your niece, your nephew, you're, even your grandma. grandpa other people, people that don't know you will see you making these changes. They will see you rising above and they will want to rise above as well. Because do we all know here in america, it's all about keeping but the joneses mother, fucker, rational everybody around. as the tide starts to inspire and raise all ships to where we are no longer dependent on their systems. If we're wealthy, we don't have to play by their games. If we're fuckin help, we don't have to buy their medications if we're lazy, we're not consuming their data if we are or their problem and you should have seen in this the solution. So when you guys say what what what can we do? Well, the first but you could do is get your shit together. That's the first thing after that, bro
you know we have other discussions, but I think for most of us here in amerika we get healthy. We need naturally strong where I am economies due to how much the economy actually affects your shit, not much only once Few of you that actually effects or the people to have over two hundred fifty thousand dollars and liquid assets and you lose some money, that's it most of you don't have any real talk. So like it's not going to affect you that much it's going to affect you more is what you can sue How you move who you associate with goes, you said you know These deals using these knows you aren't like all of these things. These are, the revolution that you're looking for you see revolution. Just like you. You see the traditional definition of war, or to be missiles and guns and lacking in fuckin soldiers, were fighting a different kind of war. Now we're putting a cultural war. Okay, so just like we're fighting a different kind of war,
the revolution that we're looking for is also different and the revolution that we're looking for is the personal excellence aspect. That's why it's called personal actions all through rebellion. That's why I say that because it really is it's what we control, it's what we can handle and eventually maybe we'll get some unity and we can actually handle some situations society, but somebody gotta go first in that's you that's me, that's us and I work ready to be better bro. I don't take anything for granted like, I think you guys know If you follow me at all, you know that, like I try to get better and I perfect, will we not when I try to hold a high standard and be better and better and better and better, and I've done that across my whole life and you know, If we all do that, we all worked beaches but better in all these areas, they wouldn't be able to control astute. You know.
As they like to make us their strategy. In effect it completely you're not like. I want to talk to the person. Could I just had a thought come through my heart aside, you know what I heard I can hear it now. Somebody saying well fuck Andy what if nobody has a rebel effect of people seeing you raise your stand, will fuck what if nobody looks but fuck? What? If what? If somebody does, Everybody always does you know, and everybody all we need everybody always underestimate their own ability to impact the people around them You you are a leader even if you don't think you're a leader and if you a true leader, and you actually give a fuck around about the people around you, whether it be your friend group, whether it be your family, whether it be whoever you would become the best version of yourself, or at least try really fucking hard. That's that's! Where missing in america we're missing the pursuit of american excellence? No, china's when it russia does it say, fuck and outlaw this crazy. I shit. Ok and we have to look ten twin years down the road. Those view with children
You, your silence right now is a death sentence for your children. We'll talk, Like your silence and cowardice and afraid nests of what's going on is a death sentence for your children, because by the time they are fucking if you've got a five year old now, by the time, they're twenty they're going to be fighting a fucking war that caught that was happened because you white or complacently eaten, crickets, yeah or or or cricket us right, we're living in a society that so this topic so third world that they can barely survive So why do we, as americans, have two fuckin rise to the occasion and come on? to the reality of who the fuck we are absolutely Gaza was our third and final headline sangfroid final segment of the show, as always thumbs up or dumbest fuck.
Guys. You know how this works real sure, how long it'll get one of those two options: a thumbs up or dumb as fuck headline reads best cry: I've ever heard cops describe relief after saving unconscious boy, three trapped in car seat completely submerged. Reviving him with CPR asked this or that this is an incident that took place a couple weeks ago, but the body can footage everything just got release Amado. reed's officers have described the utter relief after they buy. to save an unconscious three year old boy who was trapped in his car seat and completely submerged by water for three minutes before he was rescued and revived by the police. The child was trapped in a sea after the car it plunged into the canal following a car crash, according to the miami dade police department, for which was called to the rescue, despite heroic efforts, the father was unable to get the boy out of the car, even after good samaritan saw the accident and tried to help here
Stand by helplessly as cops perform, cpr, honest sign body covered footage. It has now been released of the february twenty. Seventh, an accident officers can be seen rushing into the murky water to free the toddler officer. Manual, Walton third rescued the boy and set about the moment he was revive, quote: They father, if you here, there's a child under water and a vehicle and the parent can't get it out. The first emotion that clicks in your head is go. Officer junior clerval added what, when the baby, not a cry. I started crying to because it was the best cry but heard him alive sergeant
Webster, who is a father himself, said seeing a father helpless, put the officers who have children themselves in this difficult situation, but he praised his officers for their work and added that it was a great team workers, a quick video screen. When I get a the car, I see with a car that- and I immediately on the radio and asked for more units to help, because when the car was aunt, access to the people in the car wouldn't be very difficult. So I asked for more units to get there as quick as it could. This one was different because, as a father, when you hear a child so your water, they can't get about first emotion, that clicks in your head is I agree ok,
as the boys recovering metaphor, recovery. And it's not relish clear on how is that? The report ended up in that specific location, but the boy I breathing enemies, russia, baptists, health, homestead hospital. In florida he kept telling a boy it'll be fine, you're. Ok, I and the boy started shouting and screaming and crying which is always a good sign. So yeah, that's the one that's a story for the for the segment where we got on it. Well, I mean I think this is. This represents the type of people that most police officers are. This is why they do the job. Ninety nine percent. Ninety nine point: nine nine percent of occasionally you have some bad instances, and usually it's because these people are put difficult situation, over and over and over again as a job. This these guys are fuckin heroes, dude and that's it it's that these should be the kind of stories that are shown and told about the police officers and by the
way, is used to be the kind of stories that we're going to behold about police officers, and this is why I say all the time: set of sending billions of dollars over to ukraine- or you know, funneling our tax dollars through a bunch of different holes, so that these politicians can come into office vs worth it worth nothing and then leave worth hundreds of millions of dollars. We should be taking that money and police officers should be paid properly, and if we paid police officers properly, we would attract even more good police yours. But the problem is, you know: we've got a bunch of greedy fucks in washington and just like teachers. I saw the other show you know where repay these people couple of hundred two hundred fifty grand a year to do a difficult job. That's important our society. This is another example of that similar reform that I believe that we need. I believe police officers should be paid much more than what they are.
If I believe there should be a higher standard to become a police officer than what may maybe we have right now, especially with the unpopularity of the profession right lot of departments are getting desperate, they're bringing in people like. We saw that situation in memphis where those A lot of those police officers that they brought him were numbered gate gang members fast track. we got gay activity inside the police force, so we may the profession actually financially attractive for active at your quality individuals. You would attract quality individuals and then you could push out all the power hungry. You no fuckin one percent bad shit bags. They would be
Stout. Very simple! Would you rather, if you knew you could like do some dumb shit and you lose a job, that's paying two hundred and fifty that shit vs a job that okay yeah that's right. They have seen at some seen, share thirty something thousand dollars to do a fucking job like that. It's fucking absurd, that's obscene! It's unacceptable and it needs to be fixed if we want a true, peaceful, harmonious country, because these are the people to have to keep order when when we, you know have that one percent or two percent of shit bags in real life. So you know that the police need to be to do their fucking jobs. Bro like this, this these prosecuting attorneys and the leadership, and you know politics and all that shit bro. We major reform here same with the teachers like like the teacher union, should be thrown the fucking trash and we should go straight up to approach. A hundred percent free market capitalist situation where there is no,
he's your union. We pay, we pay him a lot more money. We attract quality people read out the fuckin shit bags and we have a functioning system. That's that's how he soldiers were you an invite, way people so horse. I money going to come from what fuck do too could come from the hundreds of billions of dollars that we send the ukraine We do, though, should ever you what before was Ukraine was gasping for I guess it was. I wrap foresight It was something else or gender studies in fucking, then as well there's so much waste that it could like. Due to this was an act, What business like this is. This is why you need of true business person, run the count. Because they need a bus, another successful business? This was my business. This was how they run a we'd, be out of business right. You have to have cash Well, you have to have a positive equity. You have to have you know you can't spend more money than you bring in right,
and so there s you're always is to bring in more money more money, more money not to solve the problems to steal it, and so until that proactive bro we're not going to have any real solutions, long term, but you said thumbs up or thumbs down, spoken thumbs up, no doubt- and I think this represents the heart and soul of our police. Community this, is also why I truly believe that the police still still believe this lotta people don't. But I still believe in comes a sharp police were to hold a fucking life freedom. I believe military will do so. You know now what what please if the military, gotta figure out in three letter agencies need to figure out, is that if you guys all just fucking got together, because we all know what's happening, there's a political battle among just like there's a political battle happening between us, the people and our leadership in the country? There is a political battle happening inside these agencies inside the military inside police departments inside the teachers, unions, ok, and if we
could get everybody to understand what exactly is happening and that there is a lot of people like most police officers, most military most. we are most yet most of these people are actually pay. Dramatic americans. They think this shit is fucked up. If you guys would all stand for, got in unity. This shit would start for the rest of us and that's an important thing. That's what you signed up for you signed up to uphold the constitution, not uphold loyalty, teach fucking tyrants, and so, if these people would all figure out that you actually just like we, the people in the country have the power over. the foreign government, the foot soldiers, the street officers that the now leadership of all these agencies. You guys the power to do You guys want our tears. You have the numbers, it cannot function without you. So why not together and say fuck, you guys in the benefit of like most of us all. The crucial role may way.
This raises that's very weird, very ad, weird- how the cargo in that spot, supervised by superwomen guys? Andy all I got that'll be a how the show sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box frozen, the fuck are still countless millions. In the kobe teach buddhist smoke got a rope can't both doesn't know his shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-14.