« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

480. Q&AF: Biggest Strength In Business, Risking Financial Stability & Taking Pride In Skills

2023-03-02 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy answers your questions on the biggest strength young entrepreneurs can take advantage of early on their business journey, when's the right time to risk financial stability for your ultimate goals, and why seeking recognition for your skills is a recipe for disaster.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now. My thoughts from the book are still countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't both doesn't know headshot case club. What is up guys? This is the show for the real id say goodbye to the lies, the thickness and delusions of modern society and welcome to mother fucker reality guys. Today we have you, and yet that is where you get to ask the questions that we give you the answers. You could submit questions which can be about anything. The backbone of the show is entrepreneurship. Success, personal development kicking ass, but you can ask anything you want and it's open forum, so you can submit your questions a couple of different ways. The first way is a guys you can email those questions into to ask Andy at Andy for salah dot com. Thank you. Dj
you're welcome and then also if you dont want to use them in we are on you, too, are episodes are uploaded full length on youtube? I am aware that most of you guys listener audio, but if you go on youtube under the queue- and I thought so that will be this episode and drop. Your questions and comments will pick something as well other towns renewed. You know we have city, I that's crew the internet? That's exactly what it sounds like. It is. Ok, we pull up some articles off the internet, put him on the screen. We talk about whom we make fun, of whom we talk about. What may be true, it may not be true. We speculate and we tell some inappropriate use that's the gist of city. I! So if you don't have a sense of humor, you won't like the show. If you don't care about, what's going on society, you might like to show what, if you don't care, what's goin on Society should listen, q and a up either because the reality is for us to go out when in life we need a certain environment to win in no different than an aquarium has dirty fuckin water, where you fish die. If our freedom goes on,
What do you make money goes? Ok well, you need to listen to ctr, so you understand what the fuck is going on and then listen to q and a half. So we can understand how to be better. At everything that we do, okay other times the team, we have real talk, real talk, five twenty minutes, a real talk, then I think you need to hear and then we have full length and full length is based. What you guys are used to see in a most we have. We have a us join us and we have a conversation and that's the format of the show. That's what we do here there is a fee for the show. Now, if you don't know who I am I had this project, this park has called embassy o project for a long time is number one entrepreneur podcast of all time and it
is a comprehensive library and by the way you could find this library. If you scroll down the audio feeds all the way all the way down- and you started episode, one the first three hundred and thirty episodes on this feeder, the mfc oh project. So I for the trade of the value of the experience that have in life in business, asked for a fee refuse varies pull to share the show if we do a good job of rye value. If we help ya out, if we share some knowledge, that makes you better. If we give you new perspective and make you laugh, we entertainer please give us share, that's how we grow the show weave maintained a top hat cast for the better part of a decade strictly offered a mouth. That's how we operate, we don't run adds to promote the show. It stands, and I really onwards mouth was is something that we are very proud of here and by the way we couldn't do that without you. So those are you guys do share the show,
We appreciate you very much. Ah, thank you so much for continuing the process to the top of the charts, and I really just give a shit about what we had to say so appreciate you I in love, you guys and if we do a good job share the show and if we don't know, share the show, I don't like, if we're shitty, to share it as pretty very rare, though yeah yeah yeah, of course, there were good yeah. We just want post. oh much, do not somebody this question. I wanted to get your thoughts because I know gonna leave with you and I have talked about this off of air a few times. What should take on on the whole idea of dreaming right like eating wish like do you think dreams have deeper meanings like I, the person, I think the gist of the question was like no he's having this constant dream he's had it like. I think, like fifteen times in the last one hundred days, or something like that like think they have all like blood more meaning that you think we're. What are your thoughts on it?
legs. Underwear variants, like no other, the visualization aspect and how the universe works. Do you think that dreams are tied into that at all? I dunno yeah, I dunno man. I think you know I've had recurring dreams in my life where that made no sense. No, I I the recurring dreams that I've had my life have always resulted. Have some sort of like traumatic change, now dramatic, traumatic change in my life and I had dreams about me getting stabbed. I had dreams when I quit playing football. That was a massive part of my life. I don't know, do I really don't? I know everybody has theories on that, but here's what I do believe. I do believe that there's a lot of our brain, that we do not we, the peasant humans, that's us, do not understand because they don't tell us
What it actually does has been pulled out of it yeah. I I think they are well aware of what humans are capable of. I think the people that make the rules and make laws and tax us and fucking own the media and fuck with us and all the shias yeah. I think those people know exactly what humans are capable of, but I think that we just see glimmers and hints of it sometimes, and I think, like some of the work that's been done by Dr Joe dispenser and or people I have done work in quantum physics and metaphysics. You know a lot of these people get dismissed as quackery, but the reality is. Is that like when you start practicing the techniques that these people talk about? they work, and so I truly believe that, like these guys, events in the world exist for the most part, to protect the most elite people on the planet and to suppress us humans from understanding
true potential, I dont know how dreams work into that, but you know I'm sure they know Well, I do not think about coming. Was we speak all night? The untapped potential right, like you, look at civilizations the passage you look at the egyptians at rebuilding pyramids and shit right like I think it so I have to say, and we still don't know how the fuck, like with all of our technology and all of our advances, advancements that we have in our current civilization. I thought about the pyramids dude yeah, though it does not mean cut yeah. I always fucking rack my brain about how they built these fuckers, and nobody knows now. I thought about it. I thought about how you could how humans could have built it. They could have excavated all the way around it and built it from the top down ok, I won't make. Any sense could judge remove like all the data for you decent monica.
I fear it's possible- it's like, what's not possible, living a four hundred ton, brick four hundred feet in the fucking sky. Well, that's what I'm saying like if, if if their potential was not suppressed? back. Then how do we know what they were? Actually, I don't even believe that, where the same species of human- I don't I don't even like row, listen I'm so far off the falcon. reservation. What I actually believe is true there I dont believe I believe that there was a prize. Civilization to humanity that inhabited this planet that were. either alien or they had superstar, better abilities, better technology that we fuckin hat, yeah and- and I believe, that's known, and I believe that that's that's known by the people who know what the fuck the truth is. I believe we deserve to know, but I believe it's known and like dude. If you go back and there's a show on on netflix right now, I can't recall
name of it, but there's a show. Where was an ancient civilisation that when it is a long road- and I think that you talked about a roman talked about it got no here, that guy or we did. What do I mean like? Look if you, if you look into this stuff, in an outside the narrative viewpoint. Theirs lots of things it made. No sense like my do. Human history goes back twelve thousand years and then eight, thereby may say hello, and then they have, I resource that a million years I'll! Tell you shit about what happened between right, right, ok, but there's all these elements in architecture and symbolism, rope. Why is it that there's hieroglyphs on pyramids on every major continent, the entire earth the match like that, doesn't
accents and tell similar stories from ST robert were sold a lie and like people, people will hear me say this and there'd be like fuck the disguise and saying I'm not insane. You explain to me explain to me explain to me how It's the truth. Will let me play devil's advocate right so like they always say that, like you know, part of the reason is like you know what we could like. It's like the. What was that movie the gentlemen you can't handle, handle the truth? Oh yeah, do you think that, like do you think there is anything to that like me? Maybe we can't know that, because we ve destroyed our previous civilization. I mean there. There is a conspiracy theory. The giants were alive back then they brought Dave. Listen, there have been skeletal remains now have normally large. Smithsonian keeps him yes, sir, like these are things that exists, that most people
no exerts, there's been giant human skulls to discover that are fuckin. Briefly, a class like that these things have happened and, like there's brushed away from the public knowledge I promise people think fuckin, you all they think about fucking cardassians in fucking, elsie and my guess. What they're fucking like they don't look anything like dude the cool thing about the internet is allows us access to see all this stuff, but do you got to look for it yeah? So I you know like look dude, I'm not the authority on what the fuck was or wasn't, but I know this I know, a whole bunch of shit. We don't know- and I know, there's a whole bunch of people keeping us from knowing it best the fuck. I know that's a fact- ma'am. Well, that's increasing some people's potential today yeah and I think, there's a lot of things. For example like the law of attraction, which I talk, I talk about consistently. Do you guys really think I come on here and talk about the should have about was bullshit. What do you think I'd really come on you like you, don't sound like? This is real shit and like sometimes sometimes
You have to have faith that things actually work before you. stand. They work No, you don't need to know how light lie when I started implementing the laboratory. action in my life and visualization in my life, I thought it was total bullshit. I just did. Because I was Sopa. I was in such a fucking bad spot, I'm like well fuck. It can't hurt right now it turns out that she works. It does work. I don't care what anybody says and fucking works. So you know like you might hear this and you might save like you know, fuck. That sounds crazy, but dude. I've had some crazy things. I thought were crazy. The redefine my entire existence as a human. No, no, I dunno bro, no well, let's uh, let's increase some people's potentials. Today, man Let's do that and that's what that's what the the whole point of this show is so that, let's get into it man andy question number one andy: twenty four years ago in business when you were just getting started. What would you say at that time was your biggest strength.
During those early days in your business and then how how how how would you tell somebody today to kind of you know, build and improve and develop on that skill? What what was your biggest skill twenty four years ago? No one, no one's going to like this answer. I no one's going to like this answer. It's ignorance. my biggest strength was where I didn't fuck. You know, because if I knew if I were fuck I have known what I was signing up for and how hard it was going to be. I wouldn't fucking done it. Man yeah. No, he likes that answer. okay, so I thought I was smart. I thought I was capable. I thought it was all this shit and I had just enough cockiness, not confidence, arrogance, to believe that I could do it and- and I you know, I had an attitude of fuck you. I don't really care what you say, which I still have today and I think those that my ignorance to the reality of the situation and my ability to like look people right in the face. As a face,
both are probably my two biggest strengths while you know, but I dunno how you develop ignorance, you know what I mean like because, as you as you develop, it's the dunning kruger effect. You know like dude, like see these people are a year in their business or they're a year into their social media or whatever they do, and they think they got it all figured out. They think that they're fucking genius and shit and it's like bro,
Alger you go and anything the more you realize how much you really don't know, but, but when you start to realize that you don't know things that hold the whole time, you're starting you're, developing real skills would act which actually makes you credible. Do you know so? It's like you know. I. I think that I think there's a a strong, I think, there's a very strong advantage to to being a little bit ignorant to what the reality is of what you're capable I in terms of how fast you know, I was always someone who wanted things fast and they never went fast, but because I wanted them fast,
I worked hard to make them happen fast right. So this is where, like selective urgency concept comes into play. I was always urgent know so like, even though I I wanted to be where I wanted to be three years into my business and then three years in my business I still wasn't getting paid. I was still pushing as hard as I could to get to that point that didn't I didn't let that deter me,
I the way I looked at at that point in time was I to happen yet, and I still can't see it happening, but I got three years in now. So that's three years, I'm closer to happening than I was three years ago now and that's how I do so. You know, I think I think you know people want to have it all figured out and they want to have all the skills and they want to have all the answers. Then, where have all the information and then they want to go in that, doesn't work scientists out works. You have to go before you know anything. You have to go when you're when you you're unqualified, when you don't feel like you're ready like That's when you're supposed to go because do the truth? Is nobody really figures, anything out until they're fucking doing that's the truth in reality, mirrors that, like the corporate world and shit like yeah, you know they got us all trick. You have to have this degree and you gotta have this and you gotta have that you gotta have this in this next, but once you get the fucking job,
They just teach you on the job. That's every fucking job out there, whether it's. What does it matter? law enforcement as a man of the first things we were taught you learn forget about some people have this idea that they have to be like credible and because they have this idea, especially not produce ship that they have to be credible. They wait around for someone who is credible. Ok by someone like me to come and see. How do I believe in you could do this? I fell into that trap like I thought that I needed in the trust in the respect, in the approval of other people who are more credible to me is not new, but the only problem with that is that doesn't exist must not a real thing. Ok, so like a lot of people, will stall out their whole lives because they're waiting for someone to come around to approve them when there is no system, more game or operation or cultural norm, bill of a successful person going to a beginner and say
you're you know happen what I try to do that like when I see people that I believe- and I try to let him know I believe in them, but I also let him know it's gonna take everything they fought got because the believe part of somebody else is kind of a relevant guys like it doesn't matter. And we search so much for external approval, especially the way society is built. Now right, like you guys, you guys look for a proven instagram. You look for approval and fuck and facebook. You look for proven. Tik tok, you look for approval. You look for probably look for approval once you commission yourself to look for fuckin approval to be set basics. as for and there is no person or sensitive area or any system or eight that built the people that you wanting, that approved from were so busy. doing their own shit. I don't notice that you ve started. Ok, and so it's very lonely and it takes it's counter intuitive, but you have to go before you're ready, bro, you just gotta fucking start yeah. Let me ask you this Examine our god, listen to that right and then I think
like allow regime or on entrepreneurs, and I'm a look at him. I will fight. It appears like they have the ignorant right. Like nothing, that's that's something a lot of older! You know more. or in the game, entrepreneurs. I guess would say why? Are you don't really know shit? You don't know you don't know shit. That's all. The right of like, as a czech, biologically like a lot of these young. I see it like they have it somewhat, and what exactly are the missing other missing their conversion general? I think a lot of people just wait there waiting there waiting the waiting for that approval like waiting to get qualified like people like broke their when I went to college bro I took out for new ship is like my sub major, I remember going admired premiership course, and I am at this time Remember I own a business when I fucking came from my business, how my book back it's gonna class right, then I went to sit in the class listen to this guy right in this guy, a very knowledgeable and I was I was like well shit. This guy knows a shit right,
So I raised my hand one day in class. I said you know mister, professor, like well. What businesses have you run he's like? Well, I've never actually ran a business, but this is what I'm certified to teach and I know all the I've interview these people and I do love a lot so like that I was like were fuck, I'm taking time out of my day from actually run a business to learn about run a business from someone who ran a business right. There I sit well with me, so I decided to follow him out one day after class and watch what he drove home. He gotten this little easter egg. Rusted out shit box with a muffler hanging on the fucking ground, not joking either it was like sparking up rob home and I'm like I'm, not fucking paying
to learn business from someone who never ran a business who drives home in a piece of shit. That's not what the fuck my goals are and like at that point in time, did I get like on that day I gave up a formal education. I went to the bookstore, I start reading books I put myself around every successful person I could like. We didn't have things like artist indicate then writer that didn't exist because of social media and the internet, and that shit then exist, and I wish it had because I would have been able to get so much more guidance from people who are actually doing and in the game right. Ah, but it didn't, and so like. I went to work trying to in everything I could- and I just I guess- that's when I realized also that no one's going to come. Tell me I'm like good enough to do this, I'm just going to have to fucking. Do it I made my mission brown. I took a personal and, like you know, you guys hear me I Al Turk, sometimes what the ship people used to talk to me about and still give
real job? You know when you're going to grow up when I took the ship personal and I fucking ported in I said you know what I'm gonna show you motherfuckers and that's what the fuck I did and I'm I suggest that when you're young and you're in the beginning at you should adopt a similar mentality that you're going to show every motherfucker that ever doubted you or in your entire life, what the fuck you're made of and what you're you're going to create- and and I think that's a healthy attitude. No society now they're, so fuckin soft. They try to like sale. Us aside, a healthy thing: whatever is making fun yet there the fuckin make a difference, because if you get there now, you ve created a life for yourself and you ve create all kinds of different jobs for the people. All kinds of people like like there's a lot of people out there. I don't know shit given advice about shit that they should be that's basically bottom line on the biggest asset that you have, as is to be ignorant now listening ozma.
The fuckers and just fucking go love. It man. I love andy question over to moving right along eighty. I am thirty. Four years old I've been working in the tech industry for a long time. I know this Is it what I want for the rest of my life? It pays great support. My family, however- I am unhappy my passion is in fitness and that's what I love about helping. people in getting better every single day, I'm not a coach, just something I have a passion for. I'm just worried about my financial situation. If I go for it, should I go for a rest, the financial stability or stay put since I'm easily able to support my family were met. your thoughts on this, why dunno man cause like dude, you're, you're, not you're, only giving me part of the thought process. Let me give you another part that you need to think about, and just because when your, when your passion is, let's just say fitness and it becomes your career, you lose the passion for it. The way you had it before. Okay talks about that, nobody does talk about, because now it becomes a
we're and now like, while you may still enjoy it at you, you cause there's things about work that none of us fuckin, like everything, the person that has to work, has to do shit that they don't fucking, like that's the reality, there's parts of my job that I have to do even today that I don't enjoy and I'm not passionate about right, but I do them because it's important to myself it's important to the brands, it's important to people that I employ, so I fucking do them and I do them well, alright. So we have to understand: there's always going to be things that we don't want to do that we have to fucking, do that's the reality and because people talk about passion so much in this day and age, people think that they're going to walk into and career and no passion. In this case fitness and it's gonna be fuckin beautiful. This is gonna, be like fuckin people play harps and I really want you shop and values, and that's it.
reality even close to reality because at the end of the day, it's a fucking business. Now it's not just something you're enjoying so my first question is this person? be. Do you want to give up your main sense of enjoyment to make it part of your job, because there's gonna be parts of that job, even though your passion about that you don't like that's somethin. Ask yourself, then something ask yourself as this: what's the long term outlook economically for myself, going down the furthest possible path in both areas? Ok, then there is the question of this. How happy will I be? Will I be more happy with the path that makes more money, or will I be more happy with the path that makes less money but also understanding the path that makes it
as money may also be just as unenjoyable as the thing I'm doing now. Okay, so like there's a lot of things to evaluate for sure now, here's what I'll say about passion- and this is where it's important- it's not important for the reason that most of these gurus on the internet say it's important. It's that they're they're full of shit. Okay, let me tell you why it's important it's important Because there is a time right when I started in business on day one- and it took me three years to get a fuck- is targeting a fuckin paycheck. Ok, what do you think carry me through those three years, and I wasn't it
pay. It was my passion for training and lifting and working out and athletics and sports and sharing that passion with my customers. Okay, that passion is important, not because everything's going to be great, but because, when you have passion for something that you're doing you're more likely to endure the hard times and and and go through them where other people who are not passionate, they will quit at that time. So it gives you an advantage over people who aren't passionate. That makes sense absolutely alright. So that's where passion is valuable. Now a lot of people like to pay.
this butterfly fuckin happy bull, shit, fuck and story around passion, but if you notice those same people will go from thing to think the thing and then, when it doesnt work, what do they say? I'm not passionate about any more. My fucking. What you really not passion about is the hard work. It takes to be fucking great. That thing that you're trying to do so. Let's not talk about his passion. Let's talk about it as work. Work is hard. There's going be hard things that have to be done. When you go to a gourmet restaurant and we sit down and you have the finest fucking meal that you've ever had thirty feet away from you. There's a whole bunch of people sweating their fucking asses off working their asses off to make that happen for you to deliver, then there's no difference in anything that you choose, whether it be your what he said. It attacked you, whether it be tech, whether it be fitness, whether it be becoming a rest,
front or whether it be becoming race card. What does a fucking matter? There's a shit tunnel work that goes, involve their people to understand, right and so, like you have to fucking understand that, like just because and by the way, this is truth grass always does LE greener from the other side of the fence. Alright, especially in your career argued like did we get the shit first, formed it by people, think that will run around all day with a fuckin phones out. You know, do and jumping jack fuckin, Jim early law, habit of talking gray, but do we have phone here, fuck yeah, but do we cartier fuck yeah, we work hard that fuck. slogan that we use. We do the work, that's not from Jim, that's from life. Okay, so, like you know, we have to be right. Listing about things. We have to set realistic expectations and just because your passion about that, in this case, it happens to be agnes doesn't mean that you're going
enjoy making that your entire life so like these are questions to evaluate. So I can't really tell you what to do, but you should think it through yeah absolutely correct. I want to ask you this. If you can dispel this myth, that fatigue is a common one. I think people tend to tend to kind of lumped together passion and the financial success, part of it right like if you're passionate, like it automatically, is going to equal money. Do you think that is true? No, no! Not at all, not at all. Can it be true. It can be true, but it's not it's not fucking. It's not binary real binary. True, I have this habit like that. Like it's, it can be true. I am passionate about fitness amp like bro, I I am passion about working out your room. You know I am dude, I am passion about seeing people change our lives because I've changed my life and I know how fuckin amazing it is, after doing their work at what I The other day bro, if we could create a product,
You didn't talk on saturday and actually nate, and I were talking about this. I nate in a gym. Ah bro. If you, if you could create a product, this is a product view. My first create this. Do you be a billionaire? Alright, let me give you a free one figured the fuck out, but if you could create, I am a day in the life of your idea. Life ok like if you could like, like a fucking take fucking loser fat, fucking, stupid dick at eighty aright and like let him live a day that Andy now lives, like you know, take ninety euro andy, alright, twenty twenty five year old and a thirty year old andy. Who is all all the same? I didn't really grow that during that time,. And let him walk or fucking our fucking day. We may now get out of here.
two hundred times heart. I would have welcomed on anything you know, and it's like you could take a person and show them for twenty four hours what it was like to live in a healthy body what it was like to earn the money you want to earn what it was like to have the life that you want to have row you motherfuckers. Would you You would work a thousand times harder, because the real problem is that most people have never experienced any semblance of this lol, and so they have no idea how much better it is and what the fuck, the hat. What do you think is too far away yeah broke but like dude, if you could create what that felt like for people just give them one day, it would change your whole fucking lives. This is why it's important for you to be in proximity to people that are success. Absolutely
absolutely. But anyhow, I don't know what we're talking about, but I'll just go on passion and financial gain. Oh no. I think I think passion can help. Dude passion will make you great. Alright, you will never be great without passion nobody's great, Michael Jordan would not exist if Michael Jordan was not fucking, passionate about the game of basketball, same for Lebron James? You can say whatever you want about him, I don't care. He's the fucking. All time points sleep, look dude, I'm not a big personal fan of like some of the shit that he says and does, but you gotta respect what the motherfucker does he's a fucking is he was it unfortunate arab? He couldn't be that good if he was a passionate about now, you see what I'm saying so like passion is applied requisite, in my opinion, to becoming like one of the greatest at what you do, but not everybody's wired that way. Bro most people are wired for balance. Most people are wired for you know, for for, for a certain amount of time at home a day,
With the amount of time at work and that's how their fucking brain is wired up two vacations a year, listen, I'm not shitting on her cause. That's the majority of people, I'm just saying like if you want to be great passion, is a requirement of that. In my opinion- and I don't think, there's anybody. Who's grip up. The Wright brothers were passionate about fucking, creating the fucking human flight. They they spent their entire lives. Creating it. You see what I'm saying is like the best creations and the best things in in business come from people who are passionate, but that's not everybody so, like you have to like evaluate. What's for you right like like. I don't know this person like dude. Yes, you you. If I stand in a fucking, theater full of people- and I raise you- raise your head, if you want to be great, every mother, fucker is gonna, raise their hand, and say yeah I wanna be great, but if I say okay now do do you hear you. Gotta do do unwilling to do that
whose will suffer for the next partners, who are like an arrow like if there's a disconnected. Everybody wants the fuckin stake, but nobody wants to fuckin butcher the cow soon sand unlike bro. That's a real! That's a real disconnect in society because, like do we look around the internet, everybody's rich, hair but his famous noble mistakes No motion a butcher process right. It's full of luck in the lab grown stakes, era, hidden thing! It's all right! You know there's very few real states on the internet. You don't sound like We had this disconnect in the reality of what the situation is, and you know I just try to tell you guys the truth. While I was going to take like if you, if you want you, can be very successful, you can make seven figure income without passion. You can do.
by just being skilled by you ain't, going to make a nine figure income, you ain't gonna, build multi billion dollar company. You ain't going to be considered one of the greatest to ever. Do what it is that you do without that passion. So yeah to consider like. Are you at thirty four years old? Are you willing to fucking start at zero and rebuild to have this. Or are you willing to just understand that you had this career that can do very well, it's going provide for you and your family and you're going to remain passionate about this. It's a real decision, know for sure yeah. Absolutely man guys andy like broad passionate about cars. Right, fucking, love, cars, bro I'll, make cars, my business, you know why don't make cars. My business has every mother fuckin friend, I know that has made cars, their business ends up hating cars and I don't want to hate cars. No, like I like cars. When I walk in my garage and I look around I'm like fuck, this is sweet. You know what I'm saying
it's like real life, hot wheels in here. No, you know right right, yeah, but like I like that, and I would never want to start a business in the car industry because I don't want to lose that fucking feeling I have about that passion, which is one of the only few passions I have in life. What I'm saying absolutely man's thinking about it. The way it actually sounds. I think it would be pretty fucking sweet if you came on main to drown, fuckin car, whenever the of the lamborghini I hampered by labour game, a fireman fuckers gimme that car could of yours- and I love that Rather we are real rights or whether we have little story rats agua that Gaza the identifying resolute sponsor mandatory race to sponsor win the world championship in their fuckin race team can't get a fuckin allocation from.
Yeah, I sold all my lambo is one that people don't know that store as it's a grocery sold them all in one day, and then I I shipped in I bought I had at that time. I had three limbos. I sold them all three about two ferrari's which I'd never owned a ferrari. My life, you go back and listen to back in the day, bryce to shit on ferrari's. Here's the coolest thing about it is that I took a video of the cars leaving and the ferrari's coming, and I sent those motherfuckers. a lamp lamborghini. Oh yeah, let's go fuck a story. I just wanted to tell the whole story. They have actually made it there.
actually done some effort to try make a ride since then. I just never really got back into one but yeah. I mean yeah one day I'll be the boss, I'm a fucker yeah we walked through it'd, be like hey, I'm like yeah you're. My fucking can be at a fire yeah. These are your mouth, not real. Talk, though I'd rather on the cardinals that now do it, like legitimately it'd, be ST louis cardinals, not arizona, oh yes, and that that's not the other cardinals, I don't count, know cause. I ain't a real team but who yeah were right arrow? What does Andy our third and final question? No fancy guys from the corals edit, the question number three and a what are your thoughts on taking pride in your abilities or skills? I found it increasingly more difficult for people to respect my craft for the work that I do and so much
pride in having so much time on building emma pudding too much emphasis on the idea of pride. How do you look at it? I think people spend far too much time worrying about how other people judge their work and far less time, learning how to be great at what they do. I think people spend far too much time trying to be famous or pretend like they're good, instead of just putting their head down and becoming highly skilled and undeniably good, and I do not care if people recognize me or my skill, I do not fucking care. The real world results recognize me enough. I do not need other people's recognition. I don't care most people, think I'm a fucking idiot, like all you ever heard a sky talking, fuck curse, yeah. You know what I do: curse you're, an idiot if you
That is something to do with someone's intelligence. You know what I'm saying. I'm sorry, I don't speak eloquently yeah right here for your fucking fancy dinner mother fucker right now, but I'm pretty good at a couple of other things: pass them of the fucking bread, yeah I'll, take the chap to bitch. You see what I'm saying so like I don't I don't fucking care, then, like you shouldn't either. I think these are distractions. I think worrying about. how much recognition we get in. There is a saying right and if you're a leader, it's important to give recognition, but I fear leader, I think it's also important and I care about Personally, I have it there's a saying people, people who work for money, but the chill for recognition, and that shows you. In my opinion, the people are far too worried about. things that really don't matter when in reality, if you're fucking great at what you do in your undeniable, which do people have to recognise that you put him in a place where they have to?
organised that you're fucking great, like when the real world evidence, is so overwhelming that you're, that great, like you, you not really concern of people think you're great or not great, at your just you just are you. you are who you are, and I feel like young people, especially just so caught up in this game of like respect and recognition, are not respected. My work well, mother, fucker, you ve only doing it for two fucking years. You know many people are better than you. In fact, you don't reckon as the you have the amazing opportunity to even be sitting in that fucking chair that you're fucking sitting in you see what I'm saying so. There's there's perspectives of respect and recognition, and I feel like young people. And I was like this when I was younger too, so I'm not talking shit. I wasted a lot of time. Thinking about like, like I want to make this clear now, shitting on you guys, you're young. I was the same way I'm trying to tell you that I wasted
at a time in the same way that you fucking thing what had I just put my head down and develop the skills necessary. I would have been worse I was like round now, literally probably maybe ten years ago, It would have been undeniable like ridiculous success story of fuck, you known of I'm at its it's not going to matter to you like when you are great like when you are great at what you do, you're not going to care if people think you're great you're not going to fucking care because you're no you're right in your producing real results and do the open market, and this is why capitalism, ethical capitals with such a great thing recognizes that, like, if you're not getting, if you right away, you do and your producing undeniable work and you are getting what The money you need, or whatever is somebody else, can give it to you, that's the benefit and I think your we as young people
When we're young, we start to, you know we are caught up in this call. It's culture like dude, I fuck puts respect to my name and disrespecting me. Will fuck bro like real talk? What have you done, earn respect and what skills, if you see what I'm saying absolutely so like, do absolutely a concern yourself less with trying to get the approval of a bunch of people and concern yourself more with becoming undeniably great and that the recognition that you're looking for will automatically come know. What I'm saying like I do like like don't try to manage you, factual, the recognition or the respect, manufacture, the result and the recognition and respect come with that. Having said that, I would say: that's: that's. People's big is issued because how fucking works, which are to give themselves waits way more credit than they actually the abbot? Do you not food anybody, because there's motherfuckers like me a bit it again for fucking quarter, century dude, I look at my father. Like all respect role,
I seen you do this that you ve been doing this for a year and a half like you're, really not that good. In fact, I'm giving you a tremendous opportunity to fuckin develop and- and I'm giving you see what I'm sampson like there's perspective in this and like so we have to recognise that, even though we may think we're so fucking great like there's people out here that are going to fucking. Look at your shit and be like you ain't there. Yet you know the greatest people who are actually are great. They still don't think no and when you are that great people are like fighting to get you like. That's the reality like your ship was written if you are really as great as what you think you are. There would be a line out the door waiting for people to fuck and pick you up, Are you hire you fucking all that shit that that, like, like a lot of these I see a lot of these, do is trying to become speakers and shit right and then they they think that, because they've been doing it for awhile.
If they're good at it, no bro, here's how you know you're great at it. You know how you know how you know you're greatest speaking, how many people stopped us on a fucking walk today about five five fucking people in public we walked. Normally, we walk a private route. Today we rocked a public route. There was cars that stopped while we were walking down the road. There was four of them, therefore, for cars that stopped, while we're walking on the road to thank the bankers for the content, thanks for second that, like brought that people, you know you know you'll know people will be back in a hurry. You people would begging to pay you you know and that's when you you get recognition, but most people want the wreck. emission of a highly skilled individual with medium skills that doesnt work like that bro you never gonna, get it some of the analogies aside, If, when you walk out the door and you've got people lining up to fuck and shake your hand and say, thank you, you made it so when you, we are doing is not there go back to work
my grandma death. Does it's as simple? Do the real world will tell you later but you know I love a man Gaza city, that was three you know what's funny too dude is the the the best people at whatever they do. They don't believe them that good. Yeah, that's like grown in the inn, and people are like refused by that. Let me explain this to you. This is also the same reason why the people that you see, who are the most successful who don't have to work are also the hardest working people. Ok, you're not connecting the dots. The reason they are who they are is because of the hard work that they have been doing, that you witness now, but they ve been doing their whole life Here's looking at him in your same while you know you're, you like you, don't have to fucking. Do that work. and you're, not connecting the dots with the whole reason that that you're, looking at them in amazement like holy shit, here's this human in front of me that's this person. The whole reason, though there is because of that work out the way you think they don't have to do that may says makes
So I do when you see like the truly great people like when you talk to him, because I had the privilege to be around some of the best people. In a world of what they do, like the very very We are fucking best the biggest names in the fucking world. I've been around him. They don't even it's a great dude like dope. They are way more humble than the average joe walking down the street. I forget he does shit yeah, like you talked to some of these guys and you're like bro. What was it like? Is there, like you know, like I talked to Steve Wozniak, this motherfucker invented technology. Pretty much dude. Okay like go, go! Look at the road extra technologies. He wasn't talking to this dude and I'm like whoa. What was it like he's out? It was cool. You know we did our best and worked out. Ok, you know like it was like but he's still he's I we could have done this and this and better, You see what I'm saying like it's a difference in thinking like.
And the people in the middle are the most cocky or the most arrogant or the most fucking they're, the most they're, the people that raise the flag for recognition and shit and like people like this, you know like fucking dude. I got the interview paint manning one time like a fuckin already live like this. Dude is one like the greatest fuckin players ever and he's. Also, like Nice is due to ever. poor shit and like no. You go whatsoever, but you know he's got one on the inside. We everyone be able do what he fucking does You should say I'm bodies, but like do this dude, this dude is looking to get better and whatever it like do. After the talk he's like any. What you think, like Are those fuckin ass belike he's like me like? I will look at it. You know here's. This dude ask me like how what you don't say it like every other
people are always trying to get better at everything they do they're not worry about. They know that, if they're better, that the fucking shit will come with the money, the fame, the claps recognition, the respect that all comes from skill so concentrate on the fucking skill dude, because the skill will pay them all the fucking bills. I like the animal casual more one more follow up on that cause. I listened to this. I feel like there's a there's, a pattern here and I feel like that it has to come what time, where, like your maturity, reaches that for you to actually understand that, and would you say the only reason you don't see it, you don't like you have that outlook on the crowd, and all of that is because you actually have it and it's something you don't really appreciate until you actually have it. Which I'm saying that could be like it's just like money right like I might not become a thing until you actually already had it back or how I was before yeah. You know like I, I think that's a fair. I think that's a pretty fair assessment, because
even if you go back and listen to me, you know and the beginning of my show, I think I was I think I was a little more cocky than I even am now. No now it's more like maturity and I feel confident in what I'm saying where back then I still felt like I was proving shit now. It'll feel like I have to prove If shit like bro, I can wish approved it. I mean we got a long way to go, but like what we've done, what we've done is pretty exceptional in the short amount of time we've been doing so yeah there's that that's his affair The first statement, rather just think about you, like it's hard to tell somebody who's, never had a million dollars it. A million dollars is in a lot of money. While it is a lot of money to anybody, even if you have a billion Will you ever say like may make it a small Well, I dunno about one hundred thousand dollars. It's hard to tell somebody like one hundred thousand dollars is not a lot of money until they've actually had one hundred thousand oh yeah yeah. I mean that's. If it's a fair, it's a fair comparison, though you know I'm just trying to offer my perspective from where I'm at now, for maybe the the
the me the andy, that's out there that's twenty years old or twenty five or thirty or forty four. We try to push it together and I could tell you this the younger any word a lot about respect and fuckin recognition. But the younger and he sucked at what the fuck he did. So he didn't get the shit because he sucked at it, and I can comfortably say that you know what I mean absolutely so like. Let's You're, probably right, I mean it's easier for me to see that now I definitely didn't see that then cause like. If someone were to walked up to me and said: hey you fucking suck, which they did. I get my feelings hurt. I was crushed now. If someone walks up to me and says a fucking suck yeah. I like beer.
Yeah. I think that's a fair. I think it is fair perspective know why I love him and try to hat try if you're young to have that perspective. Try to hold the perspective that you're that you've got a long way to go, know what I'm saying. I think that serves me. You know when people when people come up to me and they say oh congratulations or they say something nice about. Whatever would project it is, or you know I I usually always say man a long way to go in the region. so ass to keep myself back focused on our move forward and not get drunk off the fucking praise. I give mother people, which I truly appreciate from you guys. Sometimes you guys think I'm like brushing it under the rug, but the re. The reason that I brush it off is because I don't want it to stick cause. I don't want to lose that hunger and that drive to continue to press forward by thinking that I'm actually
really good like if you could crack open my head right now and like look at like how I rate myself bro, like I rate myself at like a fuckin, thirty percent of what I should be, you know what I mean like it's, I feel just like you guys, fucking feel you know what I mean, absolutely it's necessary yeah and you want to keep it. You want to keep it. that way. That's the thing like people, so that's healthy, Andy, you don't give yourself enough credit. You know, I don't want the credit. I want to stay hungry, you know move and I got obligations here? I got people take care of my got careers them worried about. I got. I got the opportunity to do something iconic and in history like I want to do.
You know, and I don't want to lose my focus because I think I'm fuckin, you know whatever the fuck made it yeah, I'm. Never you never make it. You never fucking make it that's the thing I was thinking about that an earache this morning to like how many people fuck themselves, because they they they decide at the beginning. I'm going to get to this point and then I'm done and they never get to that point, but the reason they never get that points, because to get to this point, you have to shoot like way over here, because so much shit is going to go wrong during that time. That you're going to end up here, like it's, that saying right shoe for the movie land among the stars. There's a lot of truth to that, though, so like a viewer, twenty and you say when I'm forty, I want to have a hundred million dollars and I went to retire Well then, you better plan, I haven't my ten billion dollars by forty. You better work like that. have your hundred million euros especially because of inflation here's the thing you're gonna get to that
worrying. You may have your hundred and you're going to say fuck. I got twenty years in this bro another three or four I can get to here. It's a constantly yeah! I remember you know it's a it listened. The whole process is that you have to constantly audit your own mentality during the whole process, because, if you don't it's easy, when you, when you rise slightly above where everybody else is financially success, wise to forever for you to believe that you're like a fucking hero, but do what you what you? What you are is just a little bit better than everybody else, and that's that's nothing to really celebrate our thing. You know, won't be really caused, become poorly exceptional and then help pull these people up with you. Absolutely I dunno man there's a lot. We can talk about this all day cause it's like a lot of different ways to think about it, but you know, I think, dude.
focus on the skills. Don't worry about the recognition focus on getting better when you have winds, acknowledge winds, hey that was great. Get back to work, keep moving and realize that, like you, ain't shit like bro like livery, real talk like lotta, you guys, you know you you, you guys see me as like this very successful human being, but like in my eyes, I don't think that way, because I'm I look at motherfuckers like moscow I'm like, but that guy's ten years older than me, look where he's going to fuck around I'm way behind right. You know, right now everybody Frida thing about their life in their own way. I'm just explain, I think about it, because it was three Yeah go pay the fee for sleeping on the floor. Number jury box frozen, the fuck are still counting the millions in the kobe teach buddhist smoke got a rope kang doesn't know his shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-14.