« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

469. America's Mission Ft. Shawn Ryan

2023-02-08 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by former US Navy SEAL Shawn Ryan. They discuss how America looks weak to other nations based on the incompetence of our leaders, the role social media and the mainstream media is playing in the demoralization of our country, and the best way for us to build back America into a stronger nation.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one the flow number for the county. Millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph kang, doesn't know headshot case club. What is that guys are changing for selling? This is the show for the real say goodbye to the lies, the fitness and delusions the modern society and welcome to another fucking reality guys. Today we have a special full length episode that gets to that just a second. If this is your first time tuning in this is a little different upper shell. Ok, we have multiple formats within the show we have q and a out. That's where you get to submit your your questions and wants from the best we can. These questions can be about anything special. quickly. We like questions about personal development, how to win out a kick ass and how to be a better version of yourself, but they can be about anything will answer. waste submit these questions is to email them to Gaza and all those questions and to ask eighty and eighty seven com or.
If you didn't know, we are posting full length. Episodes on youtube, so you can go onto our q and a half episodes on youtube drop. The question in the comments and we'll pick some from there as well Other times you to name wives, de I see tee. I stand for crews, the internet, that's our current events, news fuck off! show k. We may find of everything we we. We are not politically correct. We talk about at the media lies about. We talk about the problem is that we talk about how we can all be solution to that problem. Other times, Hu Jia and we have real talk, real tavis, five. Twenty minutes. Let me give you some real talk and then today, what? and here is full length and full length. Is that what you're used to see almost podcast as some people conversations. Alot of people call interviewing, I'm not a very good interviewer, I'm a conversation so ass. We do here when you conversations and Speaking of conversations I'm sure excited too. I have my friend.
Sean ryan as a guest on the show, what's happening. Brother what's happening and thank you. Man yeah it's great to have you here: dude, it's good beer yeah, showing I've been talking for a long time by getting together on some on some content, and this will be the first of a few different things that I think we're going to do together. But bro really appreciate you, making the trip up from national driving up here and spend some time with this man pleasure man. I just want to say on the matter you for about five years and to see like where you've come, and actually see your business in operation. It's just top notch in and thank you adulation. She I held a team, dang awesome. Yeah, we're fortunate to have people that we have a long way to go, but I'll, let you know of we will get there you'll get there, I'm sorry, I'm just trying to compete with the chest here right now. I don't ever jaeger myself he's got my guy I'll, go Don't you shave your chat, a ways to go. I do got a little ways to go. I just didn't know why you gotta be over thirty to have like proper chester. I've had chest hair since I was like thirteen
which is like three years ass: a private property travel. So as the strata beavers is now you gotta get the hamburger meet where you got it yet, as they still out there the way to go. No, it is you're. Still in puberty is heard. You gotta worry where we know it's a hard time for you to meet you over you, don't you do so four listeners man just give people five minutes summary we are and what you do. I so grew up. in small town Missouri not too far from here Join the navy were right in the cell teams, yet a short stand with the sealed tabs at six years. Afghanistan, iraq, whole bunch. Other places then got out move back to saint louis, and I went to a fire academy disaster when he came a real turf, Please falcon disaster have relied on. That too, did you really has? I did while I think the only
it would be worse than may be in a fuckin, realtor roman watching I owe my not about die. Then didn't so that didn't work out got a phone call went to work for sea for about nine years. I conch I can form and then left that It was time, to come home don't start attack to portray company which one the morphing into a podcast, believe it or not. they are now the massive back yard. It's how long you been doing your show three years, this christmas New got over a million serves only to one million. It's fucking amazing! Thank you. Your kitchen, as I oppression, I don't think, there's anybody out there doing long, long format, interviews better than you. Thank you. I am a nasa lot, yeah, it's the truth, dude with you on there. What what am I happen? I you know like we were just talking of air in, I think it'll be a. I think that would be a good show cause there's. A lot of,
about my life. Now share but I'd be willing to share. On that cause. I didn't you know what what will pique my interest about that was whenever we first started talking about it, it was a while ago, and you said I'll, give you the best interview of your entire life. And am I you know what nobody really ever interviews me nobody Me shit. Like I don't know our thinking about I'm like forgot about people would the unrest here, some of them some of the real stuff or watch some interviews that you gave in bro. you have a very, very high school level for interviewing people, really cool man like you, I am proud of the pack has come about. How did you come about? an honest, I just got tired of the tactical immunity just got tired of it, though the eagle lives on god's yup lottery. He goes. I just slaughter know it alls and I was just like you know what you guys can the shed a move on and on then you know, on top of that, its political
right and they gotta make a living. My living was on youtube at the time and those like an hour a minute try this and see how goes in this, I can make a little different than what everybody else's down and I gave it up. I am first one was like? Actually I remember, I remember messaging you on. I e g, His I'd always listen to this guy, now, as I always shit, we're, unlike the top falcon one hundred and then these, like yeah, they give you a late night, triple your fuckin downloads on the first, the episode or some shit yeah, but it did it did it took off from it. That's how we got to go into the row really yeah. That's how mfc your project got going. We took advantage of that first, ninety day window that they allow, which is based. quickly, they so what they do. Is they basically take the algorithm out of the equation for new shows and on itunes. They do there's an arm and see the into this is the beauty of it right like? If you do, good sticks and you
you are the same as we did. We start somewhere, The first shall we do. You know what I d like four shows and we were- straight to the top like straight to the top ten now as a whole same as you and then we we drifted back into the teens, but the count it was received. Well, so we stayed up towards the top and I feel like that it was up I may I guess it was a little bit of luck you now, but it was quite works out from that yeah. Vulnerability. I think, is a recipe for success there. They so our absolute yeah. because a show and showing the struggles. Yes, you know that's that drew me to the end of the year. I actually gonna give a shoutout campbell Williams, he's my marketing gang odd turn beyond your show about five years ago, while was building my studio in my in the attic. house at the time and- and I was just like man, this guy's like really getting vulnerable and talking about weak.
It says and shit like that it just. I was I thought nobody does that you know, I think it's because of what he says what you said about tat community, not not taken offence. Those guys are anything but like dude. Everybody feels like we have to like that Taught we just record a culinary episode, read for you got here and you don't want, the things that people think. Like that, are listeners you see these people on? You two were here, I'm on a podcast and you think that they're like an expert and then they know so much more than you in there so much further down the road than you and why they might be further down the road from my experience? I'm just be real. Do like I still feel like. I don't want to fuck. I knew it. Like every single day. You know I'm just trying to figure it out. I know a couple of things and only reason. I know a couple of things. It's because I stepped in those holes and I got fucked up. You know what, I think, vulnerability. I think, it's just the real shit man like I. I respect people to tell the truth when they talk about
their struggles. Anna. I think it's a shame that there's a slack celebrity culture in podcasting or or social media that makes people feel like. Like I, I think there are certain individuals out there and I'm not going to name names but They don't allow people to see the struggle at all and so what does it sets up a, on realistic expectations, and for the listener, like oh these people Have all these gifts and all these things that I dont have and the people they're talking about, if you ask them talking and they know that their there still trying to figure it out. But they choose not to be vulnerable, and that sets up the scenario where the list feels like there's something fucked up about them when in reality bro you. in an interview? Do not people to know everybody's fucked up? it just depends on how and how back so?
I don't know man. I just feel like. That's the. I feel like that I think this is the reality of the situation will be a gives. People hope too, because people realize, like oh shit, the sky didn't get handed falcon. The first form yeah for this I didn't get handed. You know the sean ryan show and in it. So when you talk about the struggles and and and and the shift that one through, like sleeping on the second floor of the of the supplement sharpen you know, however long ago, like people kimball late to that? It's it's the you know it's the it's! The fake, both nobody mulisher were born and to me I mean, but but we'll get to see what you can achieve. Massive amounts of us said says, with hard work, yeah and you're gonna fallen You're fuckin ass. You get up and and keep moving forward now all, but it he will appreciate that kind of stuff. I think what are you
Think about, inter how will you, forty okay, so we're close the same age. how do you? How do you see it from you were perspective versus, like maybe a twenty year olds perspective in regards to How capable we are in this country to actually achieve success. I feel like. I feel like our generation we understood different way. And what's understood now with his younger general, patients of how much is actually possible for us and I feel, like I feel, like the younger demo- Rafik they ve been indoctrinated to believe that, like that's, the american dream is like something that does not actually exist. I mean: do you see that oh absolutely absolutely So is there anything there's like a completely inverse
as I see it from a difference like perspective, I'm a lot younger than you guys, but I don't know I I see it like that. I think there's a direct inverse correlation were you know you think back. eighty years ago right, they act all barriers to success where, strongly high, but people were so fuckin succeeding. And now it's completely inverse, where now the barriers to truly achieving success. very small, a minimal, but We are told that the very area has become sweetly inverse and I think that's where a lot of people get stuck in that that place now, like I see a lot of people that I grew up with friends and eleven and they've just completely accepted and bought into this whole narrative. That, I will never be able to achieve success because of all of these things that are going against me and I'm just like what the fuck are you talking about now, back in the fifties like there was real barriers to fuckin preventing people from seating men as there is not even a race thing: it amuses life, our real
Well, what is was the actual? No, we plagues yeah. You know right. In my two I've been in business for twenty four years, do just in my lifetime of doing that. I think you're right, I think the perception is, is almost become inverse, complete, feel like back when I was starting. There was less tools, but everybody appreciate the opportunity more and now you have all the tools are you could pick your phone and there's dues in a hundred million dollars a year of two fuckin phone, but people. choose to look the other way from the opportunity that comes along with it. It's almost like, like we're spoiled yeah, I mean, I think, if you look at the housing market, I think that's like a a big, a good example of why people don't feel like they can achieve much. You know, because because housing prices one through the roof, and so the younger generation is
I say: oh, I can't buy a house. I can't buy a house with it. That's been ingrained as they've been indoctrinated, that and then you see I've had to people who work for me. They ve been complaining. I can't buy houses in unlike well. If you talk to a mortgage broker for a loan officer, know well he taught you know if you talk to this person and then they go talk to it, both those people on our homeowners now, and so I think I think it is like an indoctrination. You know it's ingrained in their head, like you will I can see. Ah succeed you can succeed because there's this wealth gap and da at the door. In the end they just find all these fuckin excuses. You know for but bro honestly from firm for mac succeeding that's what they spend their fuckin. They do and is looking for excuses, dude what's weird, is like You remember what it was like to be twenty years old. Twenty years ago, brow there
far less proximity to actual success back then? There is now so now we have all of these. These examples that you can actually listen to learn from you follow me and go to their advance lectures, where's proximity to like these people who are actually building shit. We're back! In the day we were twenty dude. It liked her tone, robinson yeah, I'm saying there's a book you could read You could can reach some some stories you know what I did you know about like sam walden nor dave, thomas, the founder, Wendy's, vhf tapes and shit. Oh YAP, pro Umbro you, you don't even know how old I am. There was fucking their ship before that. You know what was before vhs or a track or something now that's an audio. Oh, there was a thing called betamax. I'll be, and I guess you don't even tat other guys. Porno know dude Google, a beggar turned our member states,
So yeah, it's weird dude, like it's a weird dynamic like we have it's like. We have more opportunity than we ever fucking had and then we've got more excuses than we've ever had at the people are losing originality till you, nobody when they would be age the influence Where is everybody everybody's trying to do the same exact shit all doing the same exact shit. You know I may look it look at coffee and the veteran community we also see crushed it, and then you got all seven hundred out of brains behind that are trying to do the exact same fucking. there is result density there is, it will do genuinely there's no passion either because you just trying to do with somebody else is doing an end I like these newer generations also they're there. They just put these limitations on themselves. You know, and- and I see it more and more and more people will just putting these patients on themselves and then we know why they're putting them on.
so let me ask you as this. If you had to die like let's say we had to diagnose this problem like how exactly did we get here? What do you guys say you think is like would be the three top contributing factors to this I got us complacency quite a bit. And with well readily real roby fucking reeled out, and I think it's a communist ideology- ideological subversion over the course of time. dealing with what I do which is a people that are lazy or teachers that didn't get to achieve their dreams. I personally believe we're dealing with an intentional dumbing down. We removing ambition, removing competition, removing the things that make amerika great over the course of time I'm too intentionally weaken our countries so that we can eventually be conquered in people. Think tinfoil hat. Why don't man is it now? seems to me that's what's going on, that's devlin on. I think it's that, and I also think it's a parenting issue had been how many how many times have you gone to the store fast,
ro ori, I humbly bow. He can't, something very bird you know in these fuckin kids manages looking at shoes, they have zero confidence. Zero confidence in issues like well fuck really focus your dad it You know right here like why? Aren't you lookin me in the eye when we're talkin ran out? Why me can't speak up cant do anything in and I used to give extremely rotated you know, because it's like show me where the falcon paint section like do your job? They ve never been taught me The bree tried to shake your hand. Fathers are not empowered bring their sons any more men it it's it show it nationwide. Now bro, their put him right on the tablet. Did the young sand eight? These people, like due to a lot of these people for being honest, should never have fun kids, but you shouldn't have kids just because you're supposed to have kids like that
not going to take an interest in them if you're not going to fucking raise them if you're not gonna teach them how to be a productive member of society. You know I feel like a lot of people have kids because they're supposed to have kids and they don't taken into account. the responsibility of having kids, it's just like it's no different than my fuckers that give people dogs for christmas present, and they don't like consider the fact that you have to take care. you have to raise it and unfair that animal, if you don't do that and apathetic nature society that are. It's hard for me to to to connect with, because, like dude like I don't have kids in in and it's not because I don't want him its cause. We just couldn't have, and I You know, like I look at the way some of these fuckin idiots have their parents. their parents in the way they teach her kiss? Unlike you, fuckin asshole, haven't you have no idea how lucky you are? You have the opportunity to do this, and you're fucking shitting you now That's my perspective, because it's not an option for me
You know what I'm saying yeah, it's sad! It's is it sad and I think I I do think, though, back to your original point, the dumbing down of america it huge near thing to know bro if we can make these people now competitive We can remove. You know ambition if we can move, remove dr, have we, you convince them that there's! No! point trying. If we can do all that right. How easy is it to conquer that country eventually, for example, bro and be real- and this is this- is this is real top, like I think at the current state of our country, if it gets much worse, I think we're gonna be conquered. I don't, I don't think there. We had the men necessary in number to actually make a defence for what we would need to do, against some of these other countries, especially the united against us, in a scarce fuck outta bro you and I were determined about it. The other night, like it fucking it like
People think that's alarmist talk, but like look around people are clueless. You know, let's talk about the minutes as well. below right, the spy below the just came. You know from me the northwest all the way to the southeast. You know and I get a post about it wherever who gives a shit I agree that we need a post mortem. There was great, don't you know what The only reason I did that, unlike in rejecting myself in that shit kazanovitch, I just don't like that. Toxicity you know, but the falcon point is up what I'm talking about. As I went through some of the comments which I shouldn't, do but when I saw the comments and these people are falcon clueless and it's not their fault, but they are, fucking clue sitting in my arms and should work the foreseeable no big deal. could I got that on Google, satellite or google earth and it's like- oh my god, dude. You are so far
in rome right now. You know what sold. I think this satellite or the yeah yeah. I think to be the despicable and was it read sixty three and feel around twenty thousand vin mighty guy told me sixty thousand feet. You can see. Basically, six hundred miles out to the horizon. That's a twelve hundred mile radius right. A lot of this shit works line a site. It's, fucking. It could have been can't say it was a it. You could have been sucking dad up out of your phone, your business out of the new, We're silos out of every fuckin classified site that flew over within a twelve hundred, so draw a line. It's a whole united, strong line, twelve hundred fucking miles wide, ok and then go from washington to where leaves south carolina all that data, possibly possibly Well could nor satellite steward yeah, maybe they're satellites could do it, but
the closer you are the more effective you know. Certain tec is not about a ted guy, but I did work for certain organisations where we do these guys. Thanks. I know how fuckin capable that shit is, and that was that was almost ten years ago. We are you now, and so you get these people in that's what they think they think they think that you can pull up on Google earth or for that we also minority- see it from her satellites about it. I don't think that They consider the fact of the the ancillary motivations for doing these things right, like there's other, yeah, for example- you know what message does a sin I'm see anybody really talking about this. But what message does it send to the rest of the world that the big bang united states freedom, eagle, asking motherfuckers allow aspire craft to go across. The entire
country and do nothing and it's all over the media in every single country across the world. What message does I said This is a dangerous message. You know that what? If I'm in you know, let's say iran or I'm somewhere in China or I'm in russia. I'm looking at it like bro. These guys are full of shit already be taken now, and that's how I see it. You know nobody talks about those things in motion. Four things, because if we were to go to an actual common. which I believe that's where we're headed. That's a morale booster? For them? They don't they. They don't fear the country anymore, they ve always been had respect and fear Now they see it as like look I'll fucking week. They are due to our whole. in my opinion, do all hope. Illustration now is intended to demoralize us, the citizen and also emboldened the enemy I may do. We have we have Joe Biden who shit is fuckin pants. Ok, we have
We are generals and our military that are that are fucking wearing dresses. Okay, we have. We have them doing tik tok videos with that dude with like four inch long fingernails, you can't tell if it's a man or a woman, rather the fuck it is, unlike do I think they should cute. What were they don't understand is I'd, motherfuckers will kill you, people will kill you like the average human in the united states has lost the understanding that, people want our shit. They wonder country? They want our resources, they want our lifestyle and they are not our friends and as it it's it's confusing to me. However, what he gets caught up in this like identity politics, internal conflict arguing black white left right, gay straight this that when in reality, bro everybody else in the whole entire fuckin world sees us is one thing which is american: how
and everybody else in the whole world sees us and american. We can see ourselves as that because as a propaganda war, yes, I am were happening than that You know, americans are our very misinformed right now, dont think oliver mars. You know as bad as is with in his lazy, I think, but their misinformed, just like the satellite, You know when I read those comments, I'm just like. Oh my god, It's like we gotta. Take it back like ten steps here and start from you know what I mean. Yeah I thought the ship was common knowledge and and and people you know, people are starting to put the pieces together. You know they are seen it and in hey, let's get to go down the list of this shit. The china's doing you know when we talk about the financial crisis with the cartels be fenton all crisis. Cartels is being enabled by china because all the supplies to make the fat now
from china, china sense chemist to mexico to teach the cartel how to make the world's deadliest fetnah Now there are already now they're moving pass. The sentinel they already have the next drug. You know, if you remember that I took over heroin now this next job is gonna, take over fetnah, which is even more fuckin deadly than sentinel. That's all come up through obviously the son of southern border, under the: u s and canada she's massive fanton, all price. People drop and dead now their use and that as weapons on cops yeah, you see more more, more costly nan because people or throw in an atom or whatever the hell they're doing right. That is, I mean yep. We got to deal with the cartels right, but the problem stems from China because that's who's that who's teaching that she's delivering or the or the product you know to make the should and it's coming up
for the border. Then you know we look at me. Look at I mean. What's our goal, their goals, global domination, right, look at africa in africa people are realised as africa's being settled by china right now. Their building mass events, infrastructure, my target talking about You know, you're you're, in the middle of the horror and you go through, and you see a little chinese village we're talkin cities we're talkin for the space over there eight lane highways mass events if infrastructure that there their aiding these extremely poor countries and in into building this infrastructure. Well that shit's not free. This so now you have an entire continent it's coming under chinese influence, and look at all the resources they had their look it up with him. Yet look at afghanistan. Who was there before we ever even pulled out to negotiate with Taliban his ears.
the biggest lithium deposits in the falcon world. What are they doing? What are they want? The lithium? What's the big initiative in the. U s green initiative as you ago, who's gonna, supplies all of our batteries. China they all the lithium minds. We can't The producer I'm fuckin batteries. China owns all the lithium minds throughout the world are also bind him up in mexico, so there No we're talk about this. You know a pout and you know we're gonna be self sufficient energy, wise, that's bull yeah we're not gonna, be self sufficient energy wise, because the shit breaks fatter, go bad, who produces a solar panels, china, hooper is the wind turbines, china, it's not even possible you know, and so they control they control the entire. If we do this green initiative, then they control the entire infrastructure. Never fucking power, but not to mention all the the spyware in the end they computer chips and ship. It's gonna be in the in the power grid
How can our information out you didn't write directly over and so there's no the thing right. What else are they doing they're buying our politicians? We already know that it did that's how they are enabling the the social initiative right. You got all these people out there that vote for fuckin Bernie sanders and thank you know if cars of the future and all this shit, not realising that the people propagate That's your on China's payroll telling you this a great idea when, in reality bro you did the whole concept of, green sustainability is even possible signing a possible. there is not enough natural resource on the earth to create enough electric view, calls for everyone in america to own just like we would all these vehicles, and so the next initiative is going we share transportation. You don't deserve to own a car. You don't deserve to own a car. You don't deserve to own a car. You guys should carpool in that cup. That's coming world economic forum which works, which I need it to theirs. Storing american intentionally and weak.
people. People say all is fucking conspiracy, bro, been your eyes like you. It's happening right in front of your face and not always happening. It's happened. A rate that is so fast. because these people are now on a timer, because I'll bet part of the world has woken up to their agenda and understands was actually happening, So now we are seeing accelerated effort to push this through, which is good it's gonna leave conflict It's gonna leader war, where it were were already in conflict yeah. You know, but in an that's exists, Yes, they are dividing it. This is the hardest thing for people to wrap there had around, as is the the propaganda piece of this with the media with the politicians with its all ties, ended the propaganda you know, and so what I mean: they're dividing us on everything, republican democrat division, black and white, the vision,
and straight division, trans and not trance division. It's all meant to divide mean you ve, heard the phrase a thousand times divide and conquer their dividing us every possible way well. I think the the big one that hasn't happened yet is rich versus poor. Oh yeah, that's that's the ultimate one, but I think that's exposed to get addressed tonight because Biden supposed to be dropping some next to in the state of the union. While that's it's the marxist, that's the marxist way. I mean that's what we're talking about we're talking about marxism in common is, and its social The vision there are already starting that shit row like you know their commencing these younger kids that you know roy If people are evil and they are the source of all their problems, and this is why they can't get ahead yeah. Our previous conversation with the fucked up party's dude, is that the pie well that their labeling as rich are not as rich as they are
goes ahead, so like they're they're, trying to convince people who don't know any better than enemy is their local entrepreneurs who happens to drive a Bmw or some shit when these people own almost all, of the wealth on the planet and they're trying to create this rift between the you know I guess I would call them the not as rich right there you're still put like, even which pay or poor compared to these people, and so there too, put a label on the amount Can business already american entrepreneurs the idea success as a whole. That is bad enough. Trying to convince all these people at the bottom who have been in acclimated over the course of last twenty years. To believe that you know, success is bad everybody special. There is no such thing as competition. Everybody gets a trophy xx etc, etc. Cetera are creating a class warfare, there and then, while they're sitting back with all the resources, all the money, all
power and fucking laughing at us laughing as well like If I was there. I believe- and I assume I believe look I'll, fuckin stupid. These people are like look I'll focused. But like it's as simple as us. Pay Somebody on the media to running story this as this and these people believe it like we, I have to get smarter or we're going to fucking lose yeah. I mean it's it's it's that you know they're controlling the media too, which is you know, partially china. I'm it in and you have to call it out to it. Is it's a fucking, everybody man, everybody, it's not just Biden, it's not just. No Bernie sanders every its it everybody, it's much mcdonald's. Every critical contact point it's exactly on its! Everybody is in place, and under the payroll like much bottle, therefore carnal bones age or shipping company. A chinese shipping company now mind you, China's gun This country, right so,
I go well whatever. What are they going to just take his business? Yet that's exactly what the fuck they're going to do: they're going to take the business if he does not fall in line with whatever under they tell him to push god or does the shipping business billion dollar shipping business whatever it is not on. The financials, but it's obviously big and that's in in in in people think that were so far advanced in tat. Maybe we are maybe we art- I don't know my previous information, but what I do know. Is all these texts police who are now going over to china right well, under chinese law. If you develop something that could pass, we help their military intact. Then you have to give up that information so you know now they ve already said you know the first person who, when the race to apply the artificial intelligence race, is going to achieve global
domination, while who's over their building ships facebooks over there You are mosque is over there. Microsoft, is over there, whereas a where's, your fuckin apple phone, I made over there? And you know, and so all these development google, I mean I dunno. If Google has anything over there or not, probably the because everything's manufactured in China. You know all this tech. All this europe chat. Gdp and all this energy be dear whatever the fuck it. As you know, all this shit, if that's being developed there They already have it. They have it before. We have it because it's chinese law do you know and if they don't give it up, then they shut the bill, this down, and there goes your computer chip business. You no end. You see where I'm going with her yet fucking on everything do an end, and we in the problem we have. We have american citizens like our president, who is willing to sell the fucking soul of this country for money.
Now with this country's about bro. You know this more than anybody, but like this countries about freedom, it's about people from all walks of life, so by opportunity to to pursue growth and happiness and success it's about, treating china right. It's about. You know all this, cultures coming together to work together in spirit I think so far and what's interesting and when you brought up the chat, jpg shit out of you see miss but have you seen how bias it actually is in its polluter, police, like people typing in questions like saying right me, a poem about Joe Biden in a rights, a poem by Joe Biden, write me a pole. by donald trump? I can't radipole about down tromp because he's a negative figure, blah blah blah blah blah. Rob you write me something good about why people can't do it? but you can write something good by every other rates. Arabs yeah, but what's funny is you know we are being paid? bulgaria with all this information about inclusive anti right where we're being propagate.
with all this information. About you, know Now we should accept all these illegal immigrants from all these other places. In this try to fuckin immigrate, china, bro. They fucking hate everybody there racist fuckin people on the fucking planet and if you ve never been there, anybody who knows you have been there. They will tell you that these people care about their people their propagating the entire fucking rest of the world. With this politically correct identity, politics, you include this. You should allow for immigration that you should Do this and if you dont you're a big it when they are the exact opposite, it's a when then I don't know it's a social fucking weapon do and people think so brainwash by what's going on dude china doing the exact opposite of everything we're doing breathing we're doing socially they're doing the opposite. With no rewarding their kids on tipp, for solving rubik's, cubes and next day and complicated math problems.
well rewarding kids on Tik tok written tied parts, while there, sir actualizing our our kids yeah, so This is what they're doing you know, and this is why this wildest sexuality is getting all fucked up Yes, so here's what you have. You have The algorithm is set for these girls. You know these young, girls, the size and sex trafficking, and also the shit, but young girls, you know they get rewarded on tik tok for show in there, You know shaken there ass to again, whatever you know shown some cleavage whatever yeah they push them and then they start pushed in the limit. So he got up. thirteen year old girl right, which she until I don't know you norman but she's, post in what she said. Well then, but she's not getting any attention. We already talked about the parenting now. Parenting is a fucking disaster and not guiding her, so they get so where do they seek the attention they seek? The attention on tiktok the show some cleavage they get some likes
it serves. The algorithm knows this: you know if their. If their section rising themselves, push it through the algorithm Then he got all the weirdos. You know who or send em gifts, purses and all the sellers money. You know that there. You know that a glance voicing their behaviour exactly I, and so now you have all these years. girls who are getting all this attention from these older guys or pay for their shit? even on the legs than the next thing you know in the algorithm is serving them, so they get thousands and thousands alikes and girl in their accounts to millions. Well guess what Thirteen year old boys have nobody to be interested in because the thirteen Girls are not interested in thirteen boys there and arrested in for five year old men can compete with forget a thirteen year old boys gonna do while they wind up on poor right and one at porn. You know at the number one searched thing on porn. Is its incest, shit
adds vulcan their daughters. You know what it's that shit and so The algorithm is serving that is, it's the most searched thing. So you get these thirteen year olds they get into porn, that's not enough! Then they get in the incest shit. Then it gets real weird you know, and so it's fuckin their brains up and now now they can't even beginning to have sex with a woman, because our all their so fucked up in the head from the porn they ve been watching. You know- and so and you see where I'm going or yarborough and then the men their promoting on top this law I've styles that lead to zero reproduction. Ok, you know the reason- the algae, bt, q plus seven seven to eight six four. I've style, the fuck they call it. These days is fuckin problem and so on is because these people dont reproduce, ok and choice. Guess what they ve We produce a lot, they fuck and billions of people living
we don't have that many. We have three hundred and thirty five million people. Ok, if, if another generate people understand If you take two generations of people and teach them to not reproduce cause you propagate stuff, that causes the gnat reproduce it doesn't a very long before, there's no active military age, males to defend the country. It doesn't take very long. Man and they've already been doing it for twenty fucking years. So that's it's something that people don't think about. Let me ask you guys this. What's so cause I mean obviously like the the main, in relation to at least where we ve bins experiencing in america for the last four years is overreach of government on the on the p, right. Ok, Louisiana passed a bill. This year house built one forty two which require as users in that state to prove their eighteen water so actually be able to access these porn sites
Right when we talk about government over on the people, but then also protecting our youth, because obviously the parents are absent where do we draw that line on governmental reach him in these areas at a good idea? Where other doing the right thing I mean how do we saw that problem with our youth being so misguided in and left to fend on their own. I think a smarter than to do would be dead. an oversight over the algorithm. If anything, but it would have to me you know. If I mean how do you do that everything's unbalanced? Ever way off balance now, and so, but I think that would be Are you do that you, wouldn't you would force, algorithm did not reward thirteen year old girls actualize themselves to forty five year old men who are gonna, send em fuckin presence the algorithm is is do these people attacks have figured out. This is largely tik tok brought this matter too no one has ever yet. This is this. Is I don't know how it is on you to ground?
I started my youtube, I don't know much about it yet still learning, but I can tell you this: It took me a concerted effort like like, because we're in the fitness space I like there's. A lot of girls are worked out in there. You know I'm like in these photos, because their part of our team, centering cetera one the way the algorithm works is it will push you, it will push. more sexual eyes, content to it, took me back, we four months of not liking any female. photos at all to get rid of these fucking reels. There were in my feed of these guys I was wearing like white, see through t shirts. You can see their nipples and shit and dude I remember the one who sent me over the edge run like I'm so fucking tired of this broken like dude. I'm a red blooded do grow like I like
all this shit, everybody else like just as much as everybody else, okay, that that, but it got saw it got to the point where it was fucking disgusting me ram, like disgusted by it, and we have these grown women who were in their twenties in like shirts, where you could see their fucking nipples and shit, and their bouncing up and down like they're, getting fucked on a bed for there lay in their like bouncing up and down ass. You can see the fuckin tidies bounds and the fucking captured on the thing was: when step row gets home from college, see what I'm saying yeah. I saw that shit and I'm like this is fucking fucked up and indeed, it had like honey it's an hundreds and hundreds of comments and they weren't fake either. You know what I'm saying and I'm just like holy fucking shit This is way worse than I thought it was an inch, before months, where I couldn't like anybody's photo at all all I could like car photos a dog photos,
clear the shit out of my feet like they make it so hard for to actually not see the shit. talked about on the show. Remember I said: do where are you guys getting the same sugar feet? It's the same as cause. I don't fucking like that shit on instagram dude, like I know that when I, like some shit, people see my name on it, like I'm very conservative, about what I like. You know what I'm saying, and does, unlike in these fit as follows, is now showing me this fuckin bullshit, you know me, and, like that's, how they progress you down the path of of the demoralization of society in a very liberal way- and I do you know- really like it, if we're being real about it in forced me to reflect on like how much of the problem was. I personally like when I was growing up or go. You know growing. As a younger dear, like bro, I was like most younger. you know, I'm saying like I'm fucking. Party and I'm fuckin trying he laid I'm trying to be girls, you know
I think you need anything about the ample than on setting or forget anything like that right and now here we are, are doing that anymore. You're, not a mean talk to these kids are not doing that. He talked to you know: college goods do not party in which grow maybe there's area. What am I going to do it? I don't know I don't know what your boy- I guess, my fog at least, How can we were kids brow I mean it might have been fucked up, but at least we went out like four could try to conquer some shit. I mean it's her issues. That's why We life at that's what you do and in its everything is changing so fast, as this text should now and then and then in the propaganda war. Will the algorithm sue broadside even just lying, the pitcher there they? This came with that, the document iran efforts caught the social dilemma, but the algorithm can track when you sprawling in your news feed. It can try how long that posed is on the screen
hmm, so you don't even have to like it if you, if you're, if it sits there for more than fucking three seconds- bam. Okay, he does like this will give him more of that, it's so in say men and I promise you this I like inaction or watching as undesirable carbon up into their canoes feed off of what our like in our own for tax I'm just like they. There they're trying to like everything that they can possibly due to state that it leads to. This question is like. What's the point of that? Why would they want a population of of men to be engulfed with something this. in achieving what we are doing. It so advance that it can even tell where your eyes are. So if you go down war tab right. You got like mine, I got maybe some watches some cars always always gonna be centralized lemon on honour because that's what they said, of every man. You know and so where's your eyes go. I mean I am dude, I'm a straight mail, you know
my eyes are gonna, go the women, sceptical, was a modern, alighted unintentionally. Gonna, try not to look at it, but your drawn to you just as by us. It was all conditions track where you're fucking eyeballs gaps on money, so that it takes all that I mean if you post, that hat picture with you in that hat or with your shirt were of the brand. Is it will pick up the brand and start to serve either because it knows what you like. But what was it the other day we were talking about and fuckin two seconds later of iron fully retirement, and I were I do and cardio the other day and we were talking. We talk about something like ten seconds like it was just a row. It was no random shared met them like a row, he pulled his phone out and it was a fucking. Add for that, like they are using you're, lucky voice, and you converse like do. We then that's an order, then do we, edward snowden try to tell us what the fuck is going on You don't say it like: you guys think these people, like you guys I'll, call him betrayers eddies this and that they do so,
you're tellin you they are listening, watching all the time. all the time. How do you feel about that? Like you guys listening? How you feel about me, fathers listening to everything you say to your fuckin family or your wife, or your husband or every but you do within fucking visual shot of an actual camera. You know tvs and shake our cameras in rome and like you're you're shit on the phone couch, rub one off and brought these my father's watching you do it, how you feel about that you have no privacy young. Would I do We don't we, is the concept that I have such a hard time getting people to understand the idea real freedom in this country is got longer its long fucking gone, this is no different This is no different than going into a restaurant that just changes the sign on the outside and serves whatever the fuck on the inside. We
on our country we had the sign on the house. I says freedom. But then it was served on the inside Thus I was served. We our condition to think that freedom is the life that we have. We do not have looking freedom here. Bro. You guys think we have freedom, we do now. I have freedom now, do we have more freedom and other places still? Yes, we do, however, that's fading fast, because People are failing to recognise what is actually going on, and when you boy get down, and you really think about freedom. What freedom mean what is it the essence of freedom. Why could tell you a few things that it isn't? It isn't being savell twenty four hours a day by your devices when you dont really agree to that being the case now people, so will you click, the terms and conditions. Ok, my fucker, I get it. Everybody clicks the terms and conditions but to to
plug all I should in there where you, people don't understand, what's actually being done, that's fucking wrong, ok. Secondly, when we think about our tax cuts, you know there was a revolution is country with three percent tax we're, but we all of you the people in this room and everybody listening it doesn't matter what your income taxes when you right down what were actually paying tax over the course of our entire lives. We, are paying more and tax than we can to keep my alarm? it's a little by little? Either people live think Guam only pay and thirty three percent or forty percent, or would have no you're, not dude, because you're paying act. Only property you pay intact, if I can buy shit you're paying. Oh shit. You're paying all you're paying tax to four can travel. You pay him ever you pay tax on gasoline you're, paying fuckin tax you're paying more tax than you're, making every single fucking, american, every single one,
and we're talking about freedom. They fuckin freed dude enable freedom for a long fuckin time until we'll start really breaking that concept down in standing that the idea of amerika Actually, America are two completely different things like due to view brought what the eye the idea of what america should be he drew the shit out like what it was, it upon what it was supposed to be and what, It is these two documents, these two pictures, don't look. Anything like you might as well be drawing a mountain and an ocean are two different things and he'll people really wake up to that end. thinking that its left or right I understand that it's the whole system is designed to oppress us and keep us poor to keep us sick to keep us uninformed. Keep to keep us complicit in capacity independent on them. If we do if we can recognise that is truth, how can we ever actually be free? That's the first step to it right. The first step is
admitting, that we have a problem here, and I mean I don't know about you guys but, like I don't feel good about paying more than when I get to keep now I'd. I definitely don't yes, we want it all goes to ukraine. the biggest bunny laundering scheme of all, that's a whole another flag on their behalf, People no understand that, like they don't stan that when they take your foot, in tax dollars and they send them to ukraine and then fucking. is he then goes ahead and invest enough tax and then, after donates into all the democratic campaigns for the primaries at the time hundreds of millions of dollars you just paid for the Democrats to win the election out of your fucking tax dollars, how the fuck do you think these people go in this average joe's and come out, forty years later, which is a whole nother topic like forty years bro you should we able to terms let's get the fuck out for this reason. But how do you think these people are aims to go into office worth nothing.
and come out with hundreds of millions of that word. Where do you guys listening like real talk? Where do you think money comes from. Do you think they all of became entrepreneurs and their fucking get a business? Do you think that they figured out a product itself. You know how hard it is to sell a hundred million dollars product fucking heart. you guys listening know. This is entrepreneurship based show it's hard fought, so these be now just selling a hundred million dollars they're coming outward to three hundred million dollars which we so on, that you would have had so billions of dollars a product and that's the scale of the money that their stealing from you it's it's it's insane its reserves. Absolutely insane! Do you know I used to take pride in pay. My taxes broke. I used to fucking believe that paying taxes was an actual duty to this country, like you should pay taxes if you care about this country, and if we had people that acted within our interests as the people of this country,
I would feel that way, but now at a level of sixty percent or seventy percent, you know like is just. The whole idea. Man like if you really break it down to what freedom really is like. We don't have it now. Do we like. I said we have more than maybe like iran the way we have more than a button. I like dude, know your? right now, it's it's! It's it's fading away. You know it's not slowly, but it's it's! It is it's a slow bleed of just freedoms is fading away. You now and and- and they put the and then they put these divisions on it. You don't mean so that everybody's fighting yeah, I know and it is in, and it is a lot of this- of is a big distraction to I in even the balloon. You know this back to the chinese bible and well
happen? Everybody's thy words, the distraction? What did we do? You know we did released, one of the masterminds and nine eleven during that week. There was fine through you know. I went totally under three hours and the main thing on the ground that we were supposed to see. I don't know you know I mean it. You never know I've lottery. They may have just taken that opportunity. You have made not been planned, not and I think a lot of people also give the government way too much. Fuckin credit you know? How do you know there's a lot of stuff is well. Maybe we should try to do this now because there it's actually happening in everybody's eyes, wrong. That's was slide, some should under the table, radio you know and it's not always this big, drawn out conspiracy, salvage shit. You know Just ambient damas fuck do numb shit exactly I was told that so my body, air guidance He told me that same thing he was on. He was like do look he's like A lot of a lot of the ship that you say makes sense when it
giving them too much credit. These people are actually pretty fuckin down. You know, and that's all hard thing for me to reconcile with two, because I'm like how to fucking. You actually be that it and in well know- and I I looked. I definitely lean more towards the conservative side. Obviously, but you know one thing that pisses me off is that college dead, like at first I was passed. I was like fuck that they need to pay their own debt. Well, final, we finally we're gonna reinvest in our country. You know in the education system, which is a complete fuckin disaster, and so you know we bitch, we bitch bitch. It's all gone to. Ukraine is going to u grain, it's all go in Afghanistan is going to these wars. Will now it's We had a moment where was gonna come back to us and we were reinvest in our own people, and just because you didn't have to you know just because, just because it's easier for them now, you know to pay the. I don't think vessel
right mindset were still reinvesting in our own fucking country. You know in the educational system getting people through through through universities, I think put people through universities is bad, bad idea all crash more. I think, I think they become toil indoctrination centres even when I was in college rhone I dropped out. It was just like I'm with you with these. Bullshit degrees, but we still need fuckin physicist in an doc. listen. I agree with all that. Shit down, nurses and and The problem people saw what that was that, like, I think there we're thinking about like that. There were more so thinking of the fucking liberal arts degree with the pure pink hair in the fuckin people who just want escape their own personal responsibility. They want with fuckin media narrative there and that's what everybody bought offline? Nobody. nobody is thinking outside of the box and everybody knows all all of the media channels, have a fuckin agenda now piano everybody
everybody knows it. Where you know you hear it all the time you know you here, somebody bitch about the fake news and then fives, seconds later they're sending an article from the news. You know, and it's like, oh, but these guys aren't buying this guy's telling the truth. It's like what the fuck and I'm mb I guilty of to me to lie. But you know it's it's it's by The inability for american people to think outside the box nowadays is very odd. It's alarming I saw this sum I saw, interview that my body bradley did. Are you familiar with the app public square? Now? Ok, so it's an app I can't remember the guy's name off the top of my head, but it was the founder of this app and public square. App is basically an app that is a community of american businesses. Like that, are not global, corp world economic forum affiliated company's so it's done alternative because it's a bench, that's that's. Essentially what will fix the problem, but the path
hasn't been executed a got. Exe. Against properly. Is the redirection of our own consumers now's right, like this, set of ordering from amazon. Why don't you go rapidly to the company order from them. Instead of like you, don't feel getting into these big companies like the coca cola in the nineties, in these big company, I'm guilty of rome where nike shoes right fuck now, but the I'm also a capitalist make the best fucking product right now, so just what makes about a product as we're gonna do I'm gonna be wearing a shit because hurts my fuckin feet, but the point I tried out. I used to call there. She is right to collect shoes anymore. I, by less their shoes. I wait till my shoes were falling apart by another pair because I'm trying not to support the shit and if we all just me, efforts to try and draw our consumer dollars away from these become These we would have, we will get a lot more leverage on them and be able to create a lot more change for me. If you look at disney disney can fuckin hammer because the woke shit there
trying to propagate all these companies are I trump said: do go, won't, go broke, his real shit and You know. We see a lot of these companies get hammered and the here's the fuckin funny thing about it in I actually think this is a great thing because it creates the biggest business opportunity. That's ever existed in this country, so many people under damn. What's going on that, if you act We create an alternative to what these big, companies that are now instead of just in companies rather than political operatives, are right of ukraine. alternative like we do here right, but we have an american company with american jobs. People like to support. For that reason, people will shop. with you so like a lot, we have. We have a window now to attack these bigger companies that never really existed before, because five, six seven eight nine ten years ago, these companies, what fuck it up and for people to shy away from how do you copy nike when I give cause for concern on the planet all the way
if you start to compete with them, is when they fuck their customers and start propagating them and pissing people off and now you have an opportunity compete, and that exists in every single category, and so point I was trying to make life without the full support of the whole fuckin talk track publics I he was on bradley show and he said that michael by the way, my safer yeah. It was a good interview. I I didn't see the whole thing, but I saw a couple of clips of it but he was I loaded. You know a lot of people think these people are evil like did they think you think these people we voting Democrat, are actually evil and that's not where we think sometimes we tend to think like these people are fucking evil, because we realise the big picture what's going on but if you were not. comprehending the big picture. What is actually happening. Is these people just go along with what their told to go along with? You know they're just saying you know like,
It is what it is. You know I like they think. That's the cool thing to do like it's called a vote, blue right, no matter who, and these these people are not understanding that they're, the ones ushering in all the bad ship is happening in this country. and it's not out of them being evil stumbling ignorant and not taking their eyes off the fucking car, actions or these. Reels on instagram, with tidies by in his shit long. To actually understand what's happening On top of that, only ten percent of the population votes. That's a problematic as that yeah. You know, ten percent, that's fucking problem, dude, that's crazy! Thirty million people a three hundred million per year, while young and your buying a million rose in that way where are you can postpone people, and you can only come up with thirty or forty percent of the people to vote? our I'm sorry ten to twenty percent of the people that but vote. But then, when you add Fuckin boats.
It's way more, not there. That's it! It's a it's Trusting study on roma scholar, Browborough else hale had only listen to me, I mean, do what's the solutions when they wouldn't like we were We have done a good job, identifying the fuckin problems, but like where the solutions- and I mean I think the solutions are at some point, what some of you these issues they did then did they they'd need transcend party lines? Light like the spy below like I don't know how you boys, don't know, caused an uprising. It did, I think everybody is starting. see it. But you know when I see the comments in the cycle. What's the big deal, they can just see can say the same thing with the satellites: no, the fuck. They can't you they can see the same thing with satellites they might not be able to. You know extract the infirmary, in the same way, you know they might no better or if it was a dream.
run for any mp. I think that's a stronger Really you know maybe the next. I understand that people understand that What you just said, what an impact? actually is like a lot of people do, but not people don't have you and if you, if you, detonated nuclear revised altitude, the creates an shockwave that will kill all electronic ices and put us in the stone age bait and by that, attitude I was reading this analysis of that I forgot. Where was basically because of the attitude and the power of the bomb that that could actually carry they? Could a debt David, a m e m mp over the centre of the country that black out the entire country, all of it? While there was just one too, I mean what do we do when there's ten thousand follow wants here? You know come on over now. I mean demoralization, I believe, is the objective we talk about this as well One thing that we also have talked about on the show showed one thing: those interests, unlike postmen eleven, is that we have.
a common enemy. The hate could do you think that This could also have been used as a ploy to gather in muster morale from America said and giving us a common enemy because of a war is ultimately what they want because of how profitable it is, and then A thousand goal is to get china to take over american eating. It could have also been that that could have been the reason behind. It was just a give us something the fuckin hate and pay attention to and justify us going into this work The generals have been alluding to, and I mean what surprised me, but no I don't. I don't think that I dont think that, because of all the poor you know I mean remember in the president's role that it at the presidential a bit debates. You know the last ass run problem by Biden was all your zina fob and it and they were so. It was it. Was this big narrative? You know that if, if, if you thought that the virus
was developed in a lab than europe xenophobe, your racist right, and so I dont think that they are. I dont think this is like a. Flags scenario, whether creating aid aid may that is actually there. I think The enemy is actually there and we're not doing anything about it. You know that's what I think I think there are and so deep that. Maybe the can't do anything, their hands are tied. Hands are tied with the blackmail with the foot with with the financials. the businesses that are over there- I mean I was found one my bodies bro, whose like super like he's super tied in like super super title, we talk. Eventually mother say his name. I can say what we worked for anything like that when he fucking knows, because my father knows.
And he told me that he thought that his opinion now he can prove it. This was This wasn't like he knows he knows, but he is a pretty good fucking perspective. And he told me that the reason that he believed that the boy was a shot down was because. if they would have shy down china would have released. All the data of the collusion that happens between burdens both hungary and Joe and china, and an exposed him. finally possible yeah done now with a number, yeah. So this do this dude, like people, think like always bought and paid for yeah. He he is absolutely bottom pay for fucking. Absolutely like that. The hunter by laptop, like let's talk about that for Second, if you don't understand what that lacks, a lot of people think that laptop is about dick picks and fuckin proof often do in drug smoke crack pipes and shit, but they're, not realising that the media is intentionally pushing.
That part of the laptop out to Me- contra Biden. Look like some can degenerate dumb fuck. Well, I got news for you he's not a dumb. Fuck is actually pretty fuckin smell. and not only that they got ten four according to my laptop, they were given ten percent or private equity funds in a tree these private equity form. That was worth over a billion dollars, which means a hundred million dollars when Joe Biden personally, ten percent now. that's the ship. They don't want you to see on the laptop. They want you to see his fucking. You know dig in his fuckin. Cain on the credit card and parmesan cheese, all this shit and they won't you. think he's like fucked up which he is fucked up. But what can I tell you is? Is the information on laptop proves. If true that our resident in our administration that serves america, white fucking now is actual, The chinese asset is actually a trot.
I watch, you may disagree with me and you may say why that's fucking crazy, that can't be true. Ok, that's If that's not true, why is the evidence on the laptop show that they have been receiving hundreds of millions of dollars from a foreign country eyes it that our borders are open their allowing all of this fetnah come across. Why is it that their allowing all these immigrants to come in, which happens to align with the world economic forum, globalist plan, which is to create a sob human race. Ok of me, thrace they're trying to leave it all fuckin cultures into in there. To create one culture: interbreeding there there and by the way, china's completely against this in their own country, completely Against this background, apart, like dude, when you're in china, you don't you know Mary, a black. person or white person in and dilute the race. It's a fucking know no.
Why are they allowing a spy satellite to go across the country? Why are they allowing the the currency to be super inflated? Why are they producing all this money and sending it over to this other country wires? doing these things, if you don't think they're doing so, because their leverage, you think, they're just that dumb, they started about his people. I'm just sit. No I'm just saying, like people, people think that's crazy. Talk like In my opinion, I think there's enough proof and there's there's congressmen and Senators, even saying this, echoing what I'm saying that we have a chinese asset sitting, fucking white house, and people and people are like, do there's no way. No, that's exactly the fuck is going on in every single day. We deny it every day. Will they resell? It can't be true, Annie, you're, just a conspiracy guy I believe that every single day they
celebrating the removal of the culture of the country the freedom, that we have as humans, you autonomy that we have the sovereignty that we have and they are removing every single aspect of it makes america fucking america I mean they're. Doing I mean that's exactly what they're doing it's better. You know divide and conquer, lived there, dividing everything and in that's what I was saying, You know trans things need to france and party lines, and then I thought this would be something that everybody no matter what even if it were eat. Let's just say even it was just a mapping saddling. You know you shouldn't be here, not should not fuck be now you know that would be colbert on tv today. It should not be here say in what she said: she said: well, you not is spy on us, we spy on them. The world continued moving around it's not that big of a deal yeah. Well, that's another, propaganda. Bro them like do like
How how is Whoopi Goldberg, like still relevant, will that's what I'm I want to say is what how is she relevant on this fuckin top notch? There's an actress and they're paying her big money to go on there and say certain fuckin banks who act, which is. Why would she said the shit about budget community Talking to me, we spend up a show for two weeks You know what I'm saying like bro this. This shit is so corrupt that people do not fuck, they cannot comprehend. What actually going on in like do, there's only a few solutions, and this really is there is violence. which the gay, by once nobody wants fuckin violence. I don't wanna fuck and violence here right, there's the idea of reading, the consumer dollars which we covered and then there is the idea of personal excellence like you, have to remove yourself from their programming. You have to become financially successful. You have to become healthy. You have to educate yours
all you have to like become knowledgeable because they don't want you to be any of those things and when you any of those things, you're no longer mass consumer of their product and when enough people switch over from being a mass consumer of their information, mass consumer, other chemicals on that consumer of everything, the propaganda. If enough people become excellent and rise above that, then they don't have anybody to propagate too. You know and in the cool thing about that is. Is that it contagious when people see you do better, they do better when they do better their people there, what them do better in its up. It's a culture, that we used to have here in the united states. We used to have a culture of excellence we used to have. and allow the young people listen. You guys don't remember this because they remove this. When I was twenty years old, ok, Oh, I grew up in a culture where successful people were celebrated hard work was celebrated. It was
admiral ambition to want to create and building become wealthy and successful. That was the american dream. That was it american way and they completely removed it. You know why I dunno, but to fix it I mean it's going to take it's going to take people like you and me. Look at what you're doing her. You know what I mean. Look at all the culture you've. created you not just you and your brother and whoever other business partners were there at the beginning. I mean you started out in a fuckin shit, all their building right up a thousand square feet now, you're can't remember how big is this place with almost two hundred look at two hundred thousand square feet, yeah, look at all the people that you've influenced in your life. You know that's a major impact so kudos to you that, like my show
I'm showing fucking culture, no invulnerability and all this shit and in its its it is its changing people. you know, and so it's gonna take sure it's gonna take people like what you're doin and what I m doing and word you know, somebody's other guys. Don't because your create your her keep in the culture alive in the shit spreading them the fuck do you know in in, and we have to take the debris asian shit out two words like it's like. I know up, I'm fucked pest. Do man like the right and left shed, but if you, if we keep saying that left the left, the falcon Democrats Biden at that time, half the falcon population off whether you like it or not, because if you look at whose jungle do that. If you look at the channels that they're watching you know in any take the time to go or what are these people seeing where they feeding these people? They don't fuck, no man They don't know what you know, how how
flew. Eventually, educational system is now you know it in and how they love bombing people under and become a trance and an end in all the positive reinforcement fer. You know to turn to bring up racism and on all this Shit, you don't know, seeing that one on the media that they're watching it's gone totally. the falcon radar and then we hate them for it. they turn off immediately because they don't even realize what's going on with what needs to be done is we're gonna find, in common ground and you have to finesse people to what you you have to finance a man. You know you can't turn out. the population of otherwise it just to focus echo chambers, which is exactly what we have today you have to. U have to you, have to finance a man yeah they deliver, you have to make a delivery where people
we're going to realize you know what I mean, or they are gonna realize, but they realize it in and in and in a way where they think you're, open, yeah, think you're old. In mind, I think rogan does a good job of that yeah. You know you do a good job of that. Thank you, yeah I don't do is get a job, but look did like at because my personal beliefs- and I agree with everything you said you'd like No coded really fucked better because covered propagated, that's so hard where people created identity based on what they believed about covered and there still not like willing to let it go for the whole part. You don't owe me like brothers. People walking around see in these people fall over in the fucking vaccine still saying I'm glad. I got it but come on dude, but you're not glad you got it like the we listen, we've all fucked. We all made mistakes. Let's just get to the point where we say it. I was fucked up because a here's how I've you I Didn'T- go fall within you that should everybody in the world those that
I view those people who thought differently than me. I dont view them as the enemy. I view them as victims, because that's what the fuck they are the victims of propaganda too. We ate damage to our society and its not their fault. They fell for it like how how don't think. Rather we wish a reasonable expectation to believe. What's on the news we use When you and I were grown up, they told the news, but I mean I think it's a reasonable expectation for anybody watching tv to say what this has to be. True, it's on four can tv like their shit, they need reform in that area, where these people can't do this shit or the need to have some sort of liability to the freedom of press has been totally abused. I don't think they're going to be able to recover their finessing it in like what I like kind of like what I was just saying. You know that, because people have to watch the news they have,
you know when he had tornado season. You gotta watch the news to watch the weather to see if a tornadoes commoners you know him. or are just any local moves like in work those I mean you have to you have to get. You have to watch some to know a little bit about what's going on in the world and what they do. Is they slide these issues and nonchalantly, while your viewing that no domain and commercials and advertisements and in and an opinion pieces and then the appeal in pieces grow in the air. sure moves becomes bout, you now ten percent, but what You watch a ninety percent as a fuckin opinion, peace and now people are getting abuse, and I think the opinion peace is the actual factual moves. Is not yeah. That's that's. Propagate yorba are pushed down the road through the quick bay culture. All this is engineer again everything. That's half
right below it's hard for me to see a way out of a dude, I'm being real. Like I know like I try to stay out mistake and I try to say we can fuckin do this, but When I, when I think about what is actually going on in the scale of it. It's hard it's hard for me to to like. But how long is this going to take to fix? You know like It's almost as if you know something the revolution or war would be quick way to pull abandoned off what the fuck is going on, and you know in a bar. It scares me because I don't know the we're in a position to win those wars scares the shit outta me too yeah now I will say you know on upon the good on a good note. Our attack is phenomenal shadow and so I dont bag, I think ground. Doors are becoming obsolete. To be honest with you, I think, be the old you know. Unless latin, it'd be like a last resort, but I think from now
from here on out it's gonna primarily be tech. It's not gonna be boots on the ground. It's going to be tech, I mean they, don't they don't have to you. Don't have to subject yourself to that any more. You know, because tech is so fuckin that's will fuck bro how many steps aware we ve actually be in china right now. Anyway, I don't that yeah you know I wish I did. I don't You know we might already be when we might be allowed farther off than I'm thinking. Hopefully you know the latter, those two but but we have to you know the only way to solve this or to fix. This is to rebuild the culture and it's gonna. Take people like you and me in all these other people with with, with with influence to to push the culture now and create culture
we gotta live at bro. You have no idea the impact that you've made. You'll, never see it. You know, you'll, never fucking see it, but just I mean how many employees have are here. Roughly four hundred four hundred, that's four hundred people, you know and all those people have friends, and it is its webbing out you'll. Never. Stand how much of an influence the culture here first forms making it she's wedding webbing, I appreciate that, but I'll be with you, don't feel our it doesn't feel There were, but it's happening. You know I do, I think, there's a paradigm shift happening. I think when we come out, This whatever it is, they were to see some major major advance, that's what I also bro, because my opinion, you know. I don't think that democratically Republicans the solution in all of this, I believe we need a fuckin reckon redo of the entire system in terms of how it actually operates. What america's I used to be, and I I think we need on a revival of true merit.
in culture? You know the basic shit bro, we judge p on the content of a character. We were together with other cultures and celebrate them, not oppress them. We dont, hacks ourselves into poverty. No part of the reason why these people can't pay attention. Dude is because our soul fuck em busy trying to survive. They can't doing I think if you're someone who's making fucking thirty something grand a year which a lot of people fuckin make a lot of people make less than that, and you've got a couple of kids that you're trying to feed and your year. fucking do in all you can to like survive. How much time do you really have to educate yourself on what what's going on it? Yup, exactly you know and they've created that scenario intentionally and You know, and this is why people buy you. Like the class warfare point, the EU made its easy to its easy to believe it's easy to make People believe that people, they have shit, are the reason that you don't have shit. That's a very. Is thing to make people believe that they have their. Struggling that hard to work like you know their word about the fucking last
boxing, your bank account which a lot of americans arbour, I read a step. Yesterday or the day before that fifty percent of people we're making more than six figures actually live, paycheck to paycheck, damn no shit, In a seventy percent of america is actually paycheck paycheck as a whole that ro, that's insanity and that is that's socially engineer as Egon amicably engineer, I can't remember the exact statistic bud I do know. I think it's like seventy thirty. Seventy percent of the new millionaires every are foreigners was at doha. Seventy per now foreigners, immigrants? I could we often than what what what what what there's more? What do you think that's new millionaires every year? There are more new millionaires that our immigrants, then there are actual americans. It shows you, howard, demoralising our own fucking people, not that
is opportunity, ass, correct. You know there is a lot of opportunity here, still yeah freedoms, yet they're gone away. You know slowly, but surely there they are disappearing, but there's There is a lot of opportunity its if you will, it's these false patients that the people are putting on themselves because the propaganda yeah. They want you to believe that you can't do it, the immigrants come here, a little billina shit fuck this came from a shithole all about her look at this is great. That is not the case. This maize from India you know he's from Bosnia. You're insane like. Is it not the case guys? we showed him. Oh yes, I mean you see it all the time and do you know people europe's common here who are saint, who had been her for while her saying especially cubans. You know if you adopt any on all the others, but I got a couple a couple days. I talk to india, that are still in cuba right now,
talking about it, this shit, what are they satellite fuck? We ve seen this she ever oh yeah, I've seen the ship before That is what I say you know, and it is it's happening it's happening, and you know there is a reason. In saying that americans will just they won't do it right thing until its end until a last resort. And then they'll do the right thing. Why wish we would hurry up and get there? The one saying like I? I wish we would hurry up and get there because the way I view it, you know I was talking to my body bernie character, but here again allowing a soap saw him phones morning, we're just you know we catch up. He came to my house, I had an event for I want my bodies and he came out with giuliani. This is private, what about a year ago, yeah an arm. stay in touch, and we just talk you caught catch up on the phone, but an hour every couple months talk a shit who ass dude So when I was talking to him, we were talking about bad things are in here.
He said, something that really piqued my maya, my interest is, I loaded here's what they're not telling you. It was actually way worse. It was asked he's been way worsens he's island when I was at that in new york city, our crime was three to four. Times as bad as what it is right now and so. like they're, convincing us americans, we have no chance in our own country. Other people are coming here from all these other countries. In their say, fuck did. This is still still free, so how much of our freedom had they really stolen that regard? Probably not a lot, you know they demoralize people at such a level that they don't believe that is possible and if they don't believe it's past was not ass. You know I'm in your example arose the way I look at it. We feel like I was telling him we were talking on the phone and on what we want.
all the shit, and he was talking about how badly I said, Siberia. So here's the problem, bro I've worked One in four years get whereas life I'm in the press. prime time and my whole flock and life. I've worked every fuckin day since I was nineteen years old to get to this point in life and other fucking. Taking it not now I'm having to consume my life with this fuckin bullshit like the west. Look at this in the reason I'm so passion about it, I care about america. Yes, I care about the people, this country, but I also amis selfish person when it comes to my own life and I get them as their stealing your fucking city when abroad they stolen the last three years of my life. They storm last four years of your life storm the last three years of everybody's lifeless. Listening that we'll never get back, So how much longer are we gonna, fuck and deal with the shit? You know like. its frustrating? Do you not like But were not given the time back, In a time back row, I'm trying be happy, I'm trying to live a peaceful life, I'm trying to like we left the
walk alone and enjoy some of the things that down and I can enjoy any of it because of the ship the causing in the world as I could. I guess I could look the other way like a lot of other people do, but that should not who I am now you know That's why I the whole show dude, you know you, you win, not connected over them. A ceo project. you don't think I would love to continue just talk about making money, a success and kick ass. I forget love that I don't think it's the appropriate message for. What's going on in the world right yeah, you know because we don't fix this. We will have the opportunity for that you're right, you're right, I'm a man! Why are you last night room there just I just want to say you gotta, keep the faith have two. You have to keep the faith and and and and spread positive.
but a piano, because that sheds contagious and our people People are starting to come around. You know, yeah we're just if you'd look round in a look around what you built know. Everybody here, you know their hard workers they take initiative. You know in this. It is spreading. You know and you're not the only entity out there doing it, but nobody's gonna fuckin promote this is as against the agenda. You know so You realize yes, shits, pretty fucking bad right now, but it not is bad. Is it the media makes it out to be? If it really? It's not quite that bad. You know they're making it look that bad because they wanted fucking, divide and com father, died and conquer, and how do they do that they make sure look really really fun. Bad sites. You know the answer, so you have to know like men, men, you see it when you go out
it's not as bad as what the media makes. I agree with you know: I agree with that. it's like when I see it all the real world. I don't see the shit, they say you gotta, keep that shit up here. You know what I mean otherwise, you're fucking insane yeah. You know though, if you won't dose reality get out there. You know: don't watch the fox news get out there the upper herself. Yet somehow I don't do enough. I'm I'm here my little by little If you know I go from here six miles down the road back and forth every single day, I think, if I got out in the world a little bit more would help me feel a little bit better yeah. My it's easy. get sucked into that shit now sure is better and that's why so effective, no ship but will do Seriously appreciate you coming up on the show man foreign honour beg you it's an honour to be here and thank you for having me and I appreciate nude everything that you do yourself. You guys haven't checked out sean show. Where can I find your show shall ride? Showed? Is google editor it's all over
you killing on fucking. U to brown, I give you. Guys I had, I just want you. I just want you to really think about what we talked about. We talked about like deep shit today. And I hope you understand I don't come on you shoulda been alarmist or to like. Wow, you guys up till I fuck fuckin having zaire to your stress dude, I'm legitimately concern you know, and I think you are You are absolutely concerned serbia, and I think that, like. we all realise that his country and what? What? What is it? What they're trying to make it is now who the fuck we are you know, we ve never been a country of division. We ve never been everything great december. Come of this country's come from the unity and the different cultures and all the ship. They tell us that we are that we aren't. You know everybody's racist, everybody's, massage monistic everybody's. You know a fucking
domestic terrorist? You know it's just not the truth. Bro like knots open up a whole other came a worse but like when rule when they first started con everybody there was a patriot. A domestic terrorist might be heard what the fuck, same like how like, as someone who's you know, contributed to this country and dedicate a large part of your life. This country, I mean you're, fucking patriot, broke out a patriot, he's a patriot, these people listening or page it's. We were all government calling us fucking domestic terrorist. Like would you Did you ever think in a million years about happen now for what they did to my gloves, Furthermore, the fog and actual watch lists the site, so this insane its falcon said insane dude the same men, the same men and women that
Then this country for the last twenty years and all these fuckin bullshit conflict are now being tossed away in trash untold it they're fucking domestic terrorists. see that's part of the reason. Why hope it goes and yes to a resolution, quick because all those manner, forty years old the un's and like you when you don't want this to happen when the fifty or sixty. you're. Absolutely right! That's all the same. I bet I guess But ass, the other show us, Well, anyway, brother. I really appreciate you coming up yeah. Thank you, eddie top notch organization. Here, I'll love, it's it's really falcon go and in just no man, you're, making a big dead and all these problems She had a man,
we'll see how it turns out yeah. I guys that's the show. I appreciate you guys and love you guys and please pay the fee for sleeping on the floor. No mature response from the book still counted in the code that teach buddhist smoke got a rope. Kang both doesn't know shop, price club.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-14.