« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

467. Andy & DJ CTI: Capitalist Bernie Sanders, Hunter Biden's Lawyers Concede Laptop Data & Chinese Balloon

2023-02-04 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Socialist Bernie Sanders being labeled a hypocrite for charging $95 per ticket for people to attend his event promoting his new book, Hunter Biden's lawyers conceding the data on the laptop is his, and the Chinese spy balloon floating over the central US.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number for the county. Millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a bank roll cake for dessert, no headshot case club. What is up guys? This is the show for the real id say goodbye to the lies and delusions of modern society and welcome to mother fucking reality guys today we have Andy and dj proves the mother fucking internet and we're going to do this is cruise the internet. That's why it's called ctr. What we do is we cruise the internet. We put up headlines on the screen, talk about them or we talk about. What's true, what may not be true? We make fun when we have a couple of laughs and then we talk about how we as society, us have a duty and an obligation to solve these problems and how we can do so other time you need to name. We have multiple format of the.
Joe you're, going to find that we have a q and a f episode. That's where you get to submit questions, and I answer him and you could submit the questions do guys as always, email those questions and to ask andean. Eighty four solid outcome or you can drop I'm in the comments on meat, the youtube episodes for those of you that don't know we are uploading, full episodes on you, tube all right now, and if you drop the comment of the, if drop a comment underneath Q and a episode of what question you want to ask, we can pull from there as well. And other times we have real talk. Real talk has five at twenty minutes of me, giving you some real talk and then other times we have full length and full length. Is you know? I have my interesting successful gas come on here and we talk about what's wrong. That's kind of the show in exchange, for the value that we provide on the show. If provide value. sometimes we may not, but if the show made you think if It gave me some good information if it taught you some things that helped you for inspired you,
It helped you in your life please share the shell. Ok, we don't run ads for the show and pump this shit everywhere. We do entire our entire traffic strategy is based off of war to mouth, which are like myself, I do good job tell someone about it, s pretty much it. What else would also missing If you are addressing our tastes, indicate our tastes, syndicate apple, patients, which is my entrepreneur group that I co founder with at my let it is the entrepreneurs group on the planet is for real entrepreneurs. Not internet fuck pretend entrepreneurs. This is real people on real businesses. Lahti guys message me all the time you like Well, I can't find anybody I align with all my friends are this and this and this, how do I at work, while being a part of a group like this will not only you learn things, but, more importantly, it put you in contact with real people were doing
real things in real life and opens up a rolodex for you and our lie. You young motherfuckers alone. Rolodex is basically it's your contact list of a bunch of people who could help you get where you're trying to go. That's what art a syndicate is we only on open up locations out couple times a year, not everybody gets in. But if it sounds like something you're interested in application, our open right now now this could be for anybody this can be for day wine. This could be for a billion dollar company. It doesn't matter we intentionally mixed group so that we have people inside the group, all helping each other along the path. So don't feel like you're, not good enough to be in it and also don't feel like you're too big to be in The guarantee of their motherfuckers are bigger than uranus right. So too great group, they're all aligned. They all want to succeed, but, most importantly, they want to be the best example for what the
good shit in the world looks like ok. This is a group with a mission we are here to do good to be purveyors of good shit to facilitate good change and the to pursue a culture that you have in your business is actually what changes society, which we talk about a lot narrative anyway, I'm not going Now go on and on about it the point is: applications are open. If you want to apply apply, if you don't apply, now, you won't get in till next. Time are over, which I think is an middle of summer. So dear me all the time was it open with an it opened its open now so go apply. Full transparency. I had no idea what a rolodex was. I didn't know it was called that where they, the I just had to look it up, you see what it looks like. I'm that young motherfucker yeah, it's like you know it's like you're black book. I've seen it as an actual item or that you used to be able to like it would be on someone's desk and it rolled and it had everybody's contacts. It mostly
people are nowadays a days. They don't really know what it was like before cellphones right, so yeah, tartars back there. mean I think it was a lot better times, because at the if to win, you had to be actually great to do shit. You had to be great, Do shit. You had actually do shit now day you get enough credit for just talking about do it, so I actually like a better man fact big business is going back. That way. To be honest, I think a lot of people are rejected. Technology. I think a lot of people deleting the minster grams leading their fuckin softer phone, realising that it's a time suck that's in jail and that they only to spend their entire life glued to an act that some billion are made in pretend live when reality were supposed to live out here in the real world, and I think people are starting to wake up to that. I agree- and I think it's great- and what and I'm really excited about it, because I think business is going to trend that way as well. I think we're going to see more opportunities. businesses that war,
necessarily be based on the internet social media and will now be based, brick and mortar real life again, which takes tiredly different set of skills to run? excited about that, because there is less competition, because people are forgotten how to do those things. A guess who hasn't forgotten recognize me. For anyone smell like I had it. If do that shit that you people like when I talk about what we are doing to beginning days, a business bro people fuck and act like it's like always show that wasn't that long ago, dude, you guys just been spoil for a while. Now get into a situation where the customer base is starting to detached from technology. They don't want to go on the matter. Verse, they're, not and go to webbed three. Trying to buy real estate and welcome adverse and, like all this shit, you motherfuckers trying to push on em you're, not doing it. We're going to real world, and I could tell cause I own brick and mortar businesses, and I could tell you what sales are the best they ve ever been, and when you pull the customers,
ask why the shopping with you are going to tell you what we want to support real american jobs. Real american businesses, real people in real life and people are getting back to that, and I think it's exciting time for business because of that now, that's for sure you know we have two polarities. We have a lot of companies going towards all tack, automation and then we have companies they're pulling back and concentrating on the people and is a gamble both ways now really because the people people always going to want to do business with people, and I think people are We recognise as a whole. How difficult and damaging knowledge is actually making our lives. You know, there's books out there like a chaos machine, where people are actually reading. It started realise that these people, who own these social media companies or not. I satisfy, which is being some of the richest people on the planet there actually trying to enslave. in capture our entire lives on their fucking technology, which is wrong,
we think back to instagram bro instagram used to be fun. Instagram was a fun place back in the day. It's not more row, it's just a bunch of what controls, it's a bunch of bucking bullshit. bunch of drama everyday people get their funding, views and her lips from chasing clout turn other people down like it's become a toxic atmosphere and people does not like it and so no people, be more selective about where they choose their time, choose to spend our time who they want to spend their time with and are doing it with people in real life who are of like mine. You know Another reason why artists and it has so cool because we get together in person you meet. These people is not as bad as fuckin events in gas and a great memories, man, it's real yeah, it's gonna be addressing you, but you know I talked about this two three years ago that the trend was moving away from the global corpse and back towards. no real human, american own businesses, at least here in the united states he bore being select
with their money, their learning that at their selective with their money, they actually can facilitate change in the culture of how things are propagate to them Propaganda will never stop, but what they pay began to you, will change if you are selective with how you spend your money and that's happening now in people starting a move back and like that's, why you see in a lot of these lay offs when alive his big ass companies, but if you check in with a small business, you check in the small shops in this not business, is gonna fuckin right now for sheer speaking of propaganda, We were on a? We did, cardio walk earlier and a counter. Yet it was weird do, and this is free, when recording saturday when gaza listening but propagate, though the weird part about we saw its. We have no explain. for re ass for tat will happen when we were out of cardio walk in and out of nowhere. This like real
we are trying to do a video we didn't do justice. It was a loud ominous fighting under role thunder. They didn't stop like a mood bullets we second, while ten seconds after out. No, they started recorded and We know we were seeing whereas sounded like it was come from. There was nothing more on over the real movement. There's no planes not sounded like I'd like a low flying like military jane, yeah. You know like out like a fuckin, f, eighty or sought might then be yet so it was with a lot of power and that's what it sounds like said, there was no airplanes. There was no smoke. There was no really sound like those coming from the ground. What so its interest me say that, because our not even our after their cardio. This article comes out saying artic blast could trigger a rare weather phenomena, frost quakes. What did I've? I've done, I've been some real earthquakes, a medium sized earthquakes and that's actually what the fuck it sounded,
now that you're nothing about my are you ok, you know and the saying that these these things are happening the northeast new england area this week in because of all the cold air that we have. The changes in temperature cross quakes, also known as ice quakes or creole isms are seismic events caused by a son. fracturing cracking action and frozen ground, soil or rock Actually, with water rice possible. Will there also predicting this? the most likely to happen are susceptible to happen. Again, nor the northern states, I'm frock waste been reported in recent years. In connecticut massachusetts, main vermont Michigan was, No higher indiana and missouri yeah, so why did you know like in within a frost, quite bout? It felt like it felt like earthquake. That's what it felt like
It means what it sounded like to yeah I dunno we get that we get some of those medium size, earthquakes here, yeah we a fall on your new madrid fault. It's actually one of the most powerful fault lines in the whole I must say that what was the last think of remember with Alex two thousand saying me: it was like night and early ninety hundreds at with ninety six, yet they had a big one and actually the earthquake actually rang church bells all the way from Missouri in Boston, no shit. one of the most powerful fault lines in the whole world: geez yeah right here, Missouri, but like we get, we don't get like these big ones. We get. We get like these little once I consider that is what it sounds like me, yeah I've never heard of a fuck him What it sounded was right there it was. It was weird man, supervision, viewing thing Now the great that's what I'm saying brown was a shake like it sounded like it was like probably like ten feet above ground, and it was just weird. I was weird super weird. Yes, I dunno
that was just propaganda. The china feed us some bullshit and I are him. I don't know. I thought it was. I thought was you, you, mckenna, shit, buddha, I bought a review you having to take shit now brought out you're the one that blocking sets up shop for four hours. They may well be tell my black people secrets mia, I what is easy. I here who easier beyond phantom earthquakes and dj movements, for you, it would be a good shot, a hub guys remember if you want to see any these pictures articles links go to eighty four so that our common could find them link. There are also check it out damage description below that being said, and number one. Furthermore, its walking, retirement for why the left is full of crap social, Bernie sanders is labelled a hypocrite charging ninety five dollars per ticket to its end event, promoting it but it's ok to be
grew about capitalist, german shut up man, so their daily work will therefore fucking trolling, globalism sober her baby. I guess you're right itself may have brought these people don't care like they don't care, how big a hypocrite they look like they do. Anyway, keep got here. I'm not no. I mean his daily mark was reads. Bernie sanders has been played, labelled a hypocrite for charging up to ninety five dollars a ticket to an that promoting his new book about capitalism. The senator was eighty one worth about three million dollars by the way is prepping. I has dropped his newest book. It's ok to be angry about capitalism. On february twenty first, which retails about twenty eight dollars like me,
the authors, the democratic socialist, is hosting an event following its release at the anthem in Washington dc on march. First, with tickets, ranging from thirty five dollars. Ninety five hours all tickets, fifty five thousand above will come with a copy of the book. that's good, I'm whereby this hidden them up the line mob on twitter. My says. Anyone else see the irony and bernie sanders selling tickets for its. It's ok to be Angry about capitalism, book and greg on foxy. He lit a mob. I liked his comments we say have once here right. He said: quote: is our union, the great gulf out guts out, brought like a little be real brow? I don't know if it's the fucking the way or shows supposed to be but you guys need a new joke. Writer, like I ain't fucking playing like mother fuckers, like you, you is that how it's supposed to be. supposed to be signed fell dish is our lives cypher like seinfeld bill he rose and though he was fucking ridiculous year. Rule.
Ok, you do like this. It's not funny! when I never understood the fuckin at like that, the appeal of that too, like the hard punchline jokes. They are hard. Punchline issues like it's just like the sarcastic apathetic attitude. that, like infects people, she's, I'm just wired away, No I'm, not I'm not cynical person so, like the humor, doesn't stick to me you're insane. I believe I have a pretty good sense of humor. I would agree with that. Yes, It's not like a more or which your prior, wrong, saying george carlin redd, foxx, cousin, eddie murphy before he is doing kids' movies, Bernie mac, that's right, yeah! That's where I'm at that shit is funny that's, let's get a fucking comedies, let's get a fucking nighttime political show with eddie eddie murphy actin like eddie murphy, you're right. I must do that got to do little shit. Yes, none of that fucking family friendly, bull shit, I'm talking about the real shit Little microbiology, you know that we have no idea,
I will use this impression of mister t, which is phenomenal. You should look it up and plug your right in here, because it will make your fuckin laugh right, hey ma a boy add a cute name: g, the I dunno if it's raw or delirious, but it's those two dude one time atleast. This is how fucking stupid I am so. I had a girlfriend back in college who was who English was like her fucking fifth language guy, and I m like due to our had her over to the house, and I am like ok, we'll have, moreover, watch a movie or be great, you know so I fuckin writ eddie murphy raw kay, not right in that, like theirs, chance that she's gonna, fuck and understand one fucking word that he sang or once you're right over here yeah, but I don't care I sat there left my fuckin asshole, I loved my ass off. I look over and she likes it. They're, like my I'm like that
are boggling to think about it. No a shit is, I mean yeah. I had a great time. Sorry, that's! Like half my jokes yeah, that's right, I'm fucking laughing matter. I know it well, would be funny if it and tell people about him before he told him sure we are be trying to play a larger. My elbow, though organ while you're still young got time. Maybe me a great can get together, consultants and shit You know what I like. This was good at no, I liked the show I'm not hate known the shovel I'm just say man some of them beards they're, not, therefore, any young, sam, at least now he would soccer. Sometimes he has a little bit. I dunno sometimes sometimes he's not a comedian. I actually think it's funny as fuck would Tucker starts like by being, like laugh, integer, Latvia, that there is real, now look, what you read that felicity says: cronies of the tickets should be free. or at least forced the audience to pay for the tickets of the other half. He crept on the show I says or
or maybe more like. Twenty percent should pay for the remaining eighty percent, so the prices are like five your per person and everyone else is free, then the people- pay the five hundred have to be next to the eight p that did not pay at all. Not that I was here. We shit we're yeah. They all do it here. Elsie he's got a sweat sure. I hear tax the rich, this fifty eight thought could not, es complained about functioning has reared its kind of funny. it is kind of funny. Oh man, these people are so full of shit like they really are. Others thought those was hilarious, yeah. Well, you know why is the budweiser book cost any money if care? If socialism is such a great idea, why can't you just get but for free I think that's a good idea furnish a figure out a way to meet. You know like, if you're so about socialism row, you should
we're on to make it work so that you give the book away for free right. So the problem is you fuckin idiots, don't know the difference between journalism, capitalism in you, falconer stand. You can't make chivalry, that's not how the fuck it works, in a situation where you do have free shit, it means that somebody who's very, very fucking poor, is producing it and being pr, it's being produced by force, know like broke Capitalism is the way to fight world man. Entrepreneurs are the people who create jobs. Entrepreneurs are the people who saw problems in their communities, if you don't see the fucking Bernie sanders donating millions of dollars to their own community and building all this shit bro, they don't fucking do it. These people are just totally full of shit know and they don't care how easy, it is to see any more. They don't care that date the estate. Told the morlocks nation is demoralization of all of us, like they don't care. If you
see the nefarious hypocritical ignorant ship. If they do, they don't care. I dont care, because Think well, you're not going to do anything about this. We have not well, we can't because the law is only fucking replies to one side of of people if you're a few and the progressive west side you do know to fuck. You want you per bird These cars you can march in the street. You burn fuckin, say it out, you do it. Are you are you are held accountable? You got all these were oppressed. giving attorneys turn he's all over the country's democratic cities. What prosecute people who are shooting people in a fucking face? Shooting kids, So if you're one of them, you can do whatever the fuck you want. I broke, the law needs to apply to everybody in We don't have that right now and you police officers, especially the officers up Jane you need- are putting pressure on these fuckin on these fuckin prosecutors depressing
the world people in your town on your watch getting killed because your prosecutors won't fuckin, prosecute actual violent crime. That's your fault, Oh, I can't do anything. My hands are tied. Okay, so people are just gonna die, see what I'm saying right like dude I going on here. It's a lot of bullshit and fuck bernie shape. It can be real do like you, fucking idiot, the fucking, this dude, you don't know shit about anything like you guys. If you are going to live in this utopia where everything's fucking free, you know, know, there's a whole book about this. You can read it. It's called atlas shrugs when the greatest I have written, but basically summarize it to you in fucking two seconds when you get enough people who are profiting in living off of the people that produce meaning right now we have a fifty fifty split in america. We have fifty percent of the people who aren't fucking, contributing and we're fifty four, the people who are contributing they do have jobs are paying taxes and those
ex dollars or than used to float this fuckin. Why style for these people who work for this fucking idiot, ok and they think it's fun. it's not free. Some of those around you were gonna fuckin asses off, so that we can be too, acts that a higher percentage than we actually get to take home so that you can sit on your ass bugging you nothing with sure enough left over? That's where I get that? That's? Why one of the electoral reforms it needs to happen. and now know that this will happen, but it needs to happen. Is that only people who have a current fucking tax return who have paid taxes in our current Can have a vote when the votes come around because what you're crazy is a scenario where you have enough people who who art contributing where they go get the vote in this is why the Democrats continue to push this year. body can vote. You know you don't even I be you could be. You could be an illegal immigrant. You could do all these things. The reason they want their votes because they're trying to get the number of people
dont contributing in the economy to appoint that's overlap? Fifty one percent so that way, when they do have votes by yes, they're good Would you I sort of voting for other policy, but the plan is that's what happens right before the fall, so what s happening pass. That point is that the People over here that are producing see. What's going on, I fuck it I'm not producing shit and then the guy. It says. No, you are, you are going to produce shit and you're all producer, and then what happens? Is these people who were in that fifty one percent both the shit in you don't wanna work, they say well, fucked up we're not doing that shit. You know that you're those people they fucking kill. That's what communism does so all of that root foreboding sanders. All of you that fuckin, you know you think you're virtue, signalling, really fuckin smart and with all the shit. figure out how to write a book and give it up? my socialism, and give it away to everybody for free. Without any fuckin money and that'll be
let me stress, river works. Doesn't fuckin work, there are various russian. What I was there was a lumber one, that's good job. We have on them too. Now I do have a we ve taught. We talked about this in the absolute pete. Morgan, there's ethical capitalism. There should be article about a boy would give greek its allowed in the caribbean. It I swear it does. But that's also the consumers. They should look at those companies where their spending their money and ask themselves or is this: company running an ethical entrepreneurship or capitalism programme. Now both come, and I guess it that's the thing by they support the companies with a most guilty of brought the bay is ones in the world and will have no problem. They'll fuckin trash. A company like mine or some small business. One time it's fucking fuck! You guys a piece of shit but they'll go
I the companies that shit without even thinking about it, that literally enslaves them your amazon's fuckin current I'll, fucking villages and shit for warehouse is well yeah you're right, your local of businessmen, who's trying to do whatever does one fuckin thing you're dragging them across the internet. That's what they want you to do, yep! That's the purpose of cancel culture. The purpose of cancer culture is to protect them and destroy us and fucking. Us are the people who profit data and perpetuated and actually do destroying long saint buck, and he doesn't make any sense here Gaza was a lot of one that sir smooth over headline number two elements to read, how'd you by lawyers can see the data is his question laptop story, so the visual its official Today, lawyers for hunted by the controversial sign of president Joe Biden appear to have admitted at some of the.
Later associated with the story of his infamous laptop are in fact is. I, however, they stopped short of meeting. The laptop is so the dead all allow jobs, but It's abnormal, what's now is laptops not is really because he the contract and said with a ninety days. The owner of the computer shop is gives his as it is, so there actually telling the technical truth. It's not his laptop is the owner of the computer. stores laptop, but the information, which is why I see when they're trying to sue these people and criminalize Rudy giuliani, the owner of the computer store. That's why it's not going to fucking work because he signed in the paper. That said hey. If I don't pick the subway ninety days, it becomes my property So what they're doing here, as always, is a play on words. No, it isn't his laptop me, you just caught as a by catch yeah. Well, that's
for non, that's crazy yet, and what this also means. Well, do you have more I mean we know the basis of that, but you know and then, at the same time, it's also just to remind people that the new york times's headline reads: new york times waited more than five hundred days before reporting. It authenticated hunter Biden, laptop emails, they're all in it, and apparently there's talks that even. Why house may I'll do the ship was coming out for months before came force it So that is all I mean. Where would you got on us? Why do you think they created such a fucking? This was discovered, I believe, in december or november of two thousand nineteen. So why do you think that fuckin brought in and did the fuckin siad of covert in falcon. Yesterday, information, Yarborough and created such a fuss closed all these businesses day. All they created a mess to intention. We hide the fact of what,
supposed on that laptop and what's exposed on that laptop is a lot more than just dick picks and fuckin hunter. I do in shit with under age girls, which has on their apparently Allegedly there's! No there's! No! I didn't see the girls ids, but they look pretty young and most people agree with that and up. But that's not the main story. That's on there the main story. That's on there is at the biden, families completely compromised by foreign agents, meaning they are taking money and getting paid from China are flocking biggest enemy, ok, they're, making all kinds of money from ukraine where we're than were sending billions of dollars. Now, ok, and We have this scenario where I dont. What was Adams If and how many are, how was it like? Fifty something intelligent,
hell just community fishing vessels? Yes, I signed a letter and it said it was russian this information and they all fucking, knew when they signed it, that it wasn't they all knew that it was. They knew they knew it. That's trees, it you're protecting people who are guilty of selling out american interests for sake of getting them in power, that's a fucking coup What makes you wonder why was is so important for them to get them in power? I think it's is. Currently clear, I mean every single move. This motherfuckers done over the last fuckin two years, two and a half years were fuck. It's been has been bad. every single thing he's done here. He went on the first day. He saw the shit out of executive orders and every single executive order that he sang, then everybody cheered for because they fly can hate the orange man, but here's what they don't realize. That's what caused the inflation. That's, what cause
immigration. That's what perpetuate the crime, that's what If the situation going, this isn't about crew, aging chaos so that we will eventually say fuck. This is so, but this is so fucked up. Please world economic form install your great recent agenda in here, because this is so bad, then I can't take it anymore, taken thing else- I don't care and that What this is all about- and this is the demoralization. It's about creating the worst possible scenario in our country. It's about creating as much as is humanly possible and the good news is that we have enough people, people who listen. This show people who listened rogan show people who isn't like there's a lot of people would be. voices who have been told understand what is asked, we going on now, so these people, it's too were, has no clothes there out in the fucking open now doing these theatrical because they're not during a four combined, they dont know how to get out of it and the tiny
I'm just say a man like I wouldn't want to see them right now, but here what they're gonna do just so, you know and write this shit down. Ah they're going to start a fuckin massive. war, and I've been saying this since the first fucking day they started with ukraine. If you go back a year ago- and I did the first episode on ukraine- I was one of the first people say, as was fuckin bullshit and your foot, The elder me about that to dislike yelled at me about when I say cobra was bullshit. Just like when I set a vaccine was bullshit It's like when I said all the shit was bullshit you're, fucking yelled at me. You keep. fallen for the same play over and over and over again and now point. I don't think people fall importing more because they just try to run it. With these five cops, Memphis wrote they too do intentionally create a massive fucking race war, what race riot and it didn't work more fuckin enver that no Not only that brought merrily that people are over the races I grow everything's, fucking, races, brow when you when they, on tv and say to fight
black men beating another. That man, death is widespread, see every white person the world like yeah, fuck that every boy What person the words like, I know, bro I just like it ain't working on now, like the the guilt that used to try to put on the and say all your forgiveness you're that are you this? No one cares You can call me whatever the fuck. You want, bro, that's bullshit. We all know it's bullshit, we body I'd. There knows it's bullshit solace working anymore. So now these people are what they're gonna have to do. Is they're gonna have to create a distraction your diversion that is so fucking bad. That's gonna truly touch us here. Ok,. I think, they're going to start a war with russia and ukraine with china and taiwan, and with iran in the middle east- and I think we're gonna be fighting a threefold war and I think there is a high potential likelihood that Gonna get tactically new killer. I don't know that it will be totally
destroying the entire united states, but I think there is a high likelihood that we could be attacked here on this soil, and I don't think people realise that fills and if you go back have you been listening to me, I've said this. For years I said you fucking people better figure. Now there were all on the same page. We're all the same tee, thou, black white asian? It's that gay straight. It's not working left right wrong. The same team and we're over you're busy argue with each other over the pigment of our fucking skin while enemies are considering dropping mother, fucking missiles and bombs on our country and taking it from us, we're all gonna to learn is lesson real hard. I tried my best to warn people. I tried my best to tell people what bro people, just I don't know what else say or do man. This is why we have a new and so many city eyes, because, like I've kind of cooked, the goose
like I've laid out the plan. What am I gonna keep talking about the same fucking play and they're doing it. So that's my prediction and I think that they're also on top of that, because I think we covered us on the show to do. We cover that exercise. The gates ram. Recently, yeah, we do yeah, you know, gates, ran a fuck. Another pandemic exercise, just like in november or December, the same thing he did with event to a one right before covered. So if you think these people want And in this disease, this pandemic. The model was a virus that was strangely deadly to children, and so what I think they could potentially do as they have the capability to do it is to reach, least another virus. That is rick actual truly there and then blame all the people that said hey covered was bullshit, for actually killing all these kids
She actually just announced another bed than a tracking, a quote: potentially dangerous, corona virus variant colonists authorise see each day one that will grow yeah Jimmy kimmel, doing a fuckin song on this new one fuckin two weeks ago, like no nobody's firefox, or how do you get people to far forward again with russia? Put some real shit out there to actually kills motherfuckers rain from their faces, and these people have the ability to do this that's. Why said? I've been saying for a number of years now, if they're not caught and held a cat, annabelle and demand accountability, we're going to junior to run the same play in the reason they're going to continue to run the same play is because a fucking works for them All these people are so evil won't believe it because they fuck it and they run the same play over and over and over again do when they were cobra, the first time how many businesses closed the din, reopen the total likes like seventy per I'm just saying do how many
how much money shifted from The small middle class business owner, ok from small community to amazon and walmart, biggest companies in the world. How much money envisage shifted to them? Because I, like you, with three trillion. I know what it was, but my point is that do they're gonna run that again, because the whole goals to have four or five companies that provide you with everything. And then everybody be dependent on the government in these companies in these companies are part of this communist playbook they're, all working together we are all part of the world economic forum that give money the economic forum and people are confused about how actually works. Well, how it works is this? The world economic forum gets him with the banks, the bank's, then dick what strategies these companies have to implement in their culture in there in there you know in the way they do business in order to qualify for the I in which they are dependent on ok, then these cuts,
please put this shit into play political correctness over you know all the social issues. Are you know if you do by the eye the narrative you're fired, and you can now you're this man. So that's how they put all this shit into play and then that culture them closed down into the actual real life, and this is why People don't understand, like small businesses, guys who are like would be as an artist shit like that, like you, motherfuckers actually control the culture and what we do. We are fed right now we're the small business entrepreneur is looking at the big companies of the world and adapt putting their way of politically correct wit when, in reality, bro you should be imposing your opinion on your employees. They should be free to think and say and tell the truth and be who they are and basically before Fuck and americans have a fucking job. If you allow that in your company what'll happen is and you'll be amazed at people. Why
surely gel like they do in america, you'll get a united front and then you have a much more productive company and by the way, because the trend of the consumer are shifting to companies like that and they're getting from these woke fuckers you have a massive opportunity, not you. You you have a massive advantage over the everybody else. By doing, and I've been this is not new. I said this a dozen times over the last three or four years, and its happening is real shit. So you know when we think about communism and we think about how its implemented its implemented. It's been women are very slow, longer amber right. They took the pledge the legions out of the schools can't do that. That's offensive. Ok, they started given trophies for seventeen fuck place. O everybody needs to be recognised right, so you took away peoples, in their country, and then you took away their pride naturally achieving or then you move on. You start this political, correct culture where it's like
We can say this cause fucking. You know, even It's true. It offends this person right. So then what happens? Is people start censoring themselves. right. Then we introduce cancel culture. So now, if a company your personality or human being or whoever says something outside of wine of Whatever the narrative is, we fucking cancelled so I'm never mind from them again. Ok, cancel culture was introduced by the treaty, companies by the media is a weapon, its intentional right, silent majority. Let's tell people that is vital. Who is to stay silent and while their stay silent, we can encroaching take every single fuckin bitter their freedom. But all of these things are part of what's happening, and what's happening now as we are at the end and enough people have what could not where their resisting it. They say fuck that, but these people are so locked in that they don't have a choice. They can't returned. They can't go backwards, so americans We need to understand the potential of what it could,
I have to actually maintain our country in a minute and it could be violence from our doorstep, It's just real talk. Oh, I don't know how battle where people are with it. You know we'll people who say that shit. You know what I mean it's getting closer and closer to that point where people are going to realize like holy fuck, we're gonna have to fucking fight for this country. You know legitimately yeah and you know, do I sail the time person Excellence is the ultimate rebellion cause. It is ok, but these people getting so much power that we might be in a position where I don't know how I don't like to the police, the police and the military could easily stopped the shit they could stand up. I gotta say we're not doing that. Ok they're? Not doing so, I you know, I don't know what the fuck is going to tell. I would almost argue that that's like a natural byproduct right, like I mean yes, personal excellence, is the ultimate rebellion, but that creates a rebellious society yeah.
So they're going to challenge norms and then it's real, simple everything that they want you to be. You should be the opposite: they want you fucking, fat and unhealthy. You should take pride in being fit. They want, you broke become wealthy. They want you to hate your neighbor, don't hate your neighbor love your neighbor. They, these the personal excellence, is such a powerful. and sat in the reason they shit, honest so hard is because, when you be I am personally. Actually you are no longer part of their system. Confusion, yes, and then you you're not dependent on them so that they have no power. In that so you know that's the reality of what needs to happen, because as a cultural, issue that's happening come only way. Communism comes to be is. If we call surely degrade everything that this country stands for, which they ve done a pretty effective of job of doing so
we as individuals have a collective responsibility, be the best that we can also. You know, I think, we're getting too. point we're like this is like legit, dangerous know. For sure we're sailor. I now actually with this new rights, third and finally come on what has been talking about it, it's a bird, it's a plain spock in china, the seller? Reads: china, chinese spy balloon over censure? U s will be in? U s airspace for a few days. Pentagon says it's this pretty fuckin dangerous is tomorrow's vote. It's that they are real. They are basically telling you like look. China can fucking fly spy drone over your fucking country when it can do shit about it, everyone? No, we don't want to hurt you guys. Okay, yes I'm in charge of their own or otherwise of mass store. When all I know delicious kind of like new decipher what the fuck's goin on on the first department spokesperson.
Brigadier general pat writer said friday that the chinese surveillance balloon hovering over. The united states has moved to the central part of the country, but declined to get into specific about its location writer said, north american aerospace, defence command is, closely monitoring the balloons. Location. is moving eastward across the. U s Balloon continue, smooth eastward currently over the center of the continent's united states, again, we currently assess at the balloon, does not present a military or physical threats of people on the ground. At this time says the balloonist currently fine about sixty thousand feet above sea level. That's higher than civilian of aircraft fly them national, whether service in Kansas city, Missouri posted photos- us was about fifteen to twenty minutes ago, postal photos of a large balloon, visible from their office, unpleasant hill at the casey metro that appeared to be had in south east.
What we have confirmed, that it is not. In w S, whether balloon, I'm in w S, kansas city, said- and here is aware thing- it also is common out that this. Balloon is maneuverable. Ok, most Whether balloons they cannot just go up and they'll use, the fuckin jet scream to around this one is able to fuckin change its course and is in each direction a few times and at the same time your china came out and soon the best buy balloon is just a civilian ershade homage These foreign ministry on Friday initially denied any knowledge of a huge surveillance, boon floating through the american airspace, but then They came out and claim that it was just a weather research airship. The big the god respond. It's a baffled questions about. Why the incredibly well funded? U s military was unable to detect fort, or DA the balloon by claiming that attacking it could jeopardize people on the ground in montana, and, as that is also happened, canada this mouse, they all
I have one goin on nourish base year they launched from their own country yet it is, are you lie with china? Now you know and saw apparently biden- and this is this- is seen in like thereby socket amount of this is seen in article they have they been doing some reporting on their staying. The Biden was briefed about this on tuesday armies briefed on tuesday on suspect, a chinese surveillance balloon. Why houses and the president since quote, continue to receive regular briefings and updates from the national security team. After it was reported, that Biden was advised by top officials, including different secretary lord Austin and chairman of the joint chiefs of staff general mark milly, not to take act. Since a bring the balloon down due to the risk of people on the ground. Here's a reverse backward trajectory of the balloon it does show it originates, from china. But you can
See the dramatic change objectives have, and this is what the forecast forecasts to project a projection is right now, yet flying directly over wit and air force base year Missouri, which is where all be tooth. Stealth missions are flown from mom. its flying directly over the top of it. It's also gone over deasey there. You know trump came out and had a common noise santa shoot down in his wife. he was the right. You know, that's that's the thing just the weather bro. These are all bought pay for that If this is an example of why the fuck this is the hunter lab top? She is important. This is what this is. Why. we had a fuckin general in the united states. Military go up on stage today, feeling quite ecology, showed that is that large, rubber, brigadier general more right well, this like an asshole, is up their answer in court She's in a reporter says will depend while the united states have a right to know what's going on and he
well, they have a right to look up in the air and sea. The balloon, Matthew, You just ask members specifically irons, piracy location, Otto VON. You do like these. People are selling us down a fuckin drain, and here we are this guy who supposedly some powerful fucking human patriot general for our country telling us fuck. You it's like our militaries, not even looking out for our interests, like you guys, Would you forget your fuckin oath brow was our yeah or you just get in fuckin money from these motherfuckers in china, it's fucking disgusting, do we think to brother like on the military side, the generals they want war bow, that's a ass of profit machine. You know answers I saying so: it's like okay yeah, we brawler I'm staying my my my my personal speculation that these people are completely compromised. There are in our office there destroying a mirror. Unintentionally- and this is just another part of that, its very
clear that our government does not act in the interests of our citizens. Very fucking, clear, Otherwise there wouldn't be the crime. Happening in democratic cities. There wouldn't be Tens of millions of fucking people coming across the border pfizer wouldn't be allowed to do the shit they do based. We all this shit. You know they wouldn't do to print mine and sending overseas by the way Did you fuck and see what happened yesterday with all the cranium high, ranking officials, still in the money that were sending them largest resit. Mass resignation in the history of ukraine wrote these. These people are not americans. They are not americans they are selling us down the drain or selling your future down the drain in their selling. Your fucking kids future down the drain, and if it doesn't stop We will never have a free country ever again. It'll never happen.
In these days, or do enough for a few million bucks, think about that. What would it take for you to sell out your entire fucking country money My brother, that's unbelievable me like you're, gonna, take money, and so all the people that you're supposed to fuckin protect and support and facilitate Wife, liberty and the pursuit of happiness down the fucking drain for money like broke. nothin to their natural horse kind of people with us to think it's brother not realise that no efficient gets installed. there are no longer to be usefully other donors in the air. Yeah: here's a couple of mary because what we stand to make like no you'll be done to they have no inner stating that they don't they don't get it. They think it'll be safe. Yes, they think a free shit. They think this'll be utopia. They think that, like everything, will we free- and you know, tax the rich and they think that, like the rich, is going to continue to work to fuck a pay for their fuckin, useless,
assets that I'm talking about even like the Biden's him and like all this, you know what I'm saying can be safe either I am too it's it's fucking insane dude and then I'm up their own tv today, talking about how. the rapporteur asked when they said I? Why Taking take responsibility for the economic a situation. Inflation is because I inherited that inflation was here. forgot. Your midday mother, fucker, like bro. These people are straight up wires straight up, fuckin liars. They created a pandemic unintentionally closed rowan, you guys it will trunk did that. Oh, he did because I pretty much remember every fucking official every fucking news agency, every fucking media outlets, every hollywood celebrity demanding that we shot the country now, and they put all this. pressure on this man, and they said ok, we'll fifteen days and then we're trapped. Fucked up was
handed over the spotlight anthony fuckin rat voucher, ok, who then took it away with it and they fucked up our whole country, So, let's, let's be real your job growth like duties he's a fucking tv ragged about gas prices the other day and some dude ass. Well, when are we getting a gas prices that we hadn't trump era and, and he thought It had. Some smarter shit wrote look at the way he talks to people looking away Jane saki talks to people looking away. three air the fuck and to people these people fucking hate you they forty hate us. They don't give a fuck up. We asked questions because they thought king are doing what they're doing intentionally you, guys, you're they're, just dumb dumb, there you're done their smart. you guys, if you guys, walk around the gorgeous some feeble old man, no joe is the perfect gotta put in position because he appears be a feeble old man whose dumb and you motherfuckers
I didn't hook, line and sinker every fucking day. God these people are fucking up our country they're, so stupid, no they're, not stupid, you're stupid cause, you fucking, bought it and you voted for him. Well, at least, I can't believe how stupid kamala is. You really think she's that stupid bro she's acting she's acting these people are acting. It's frustrating dude that that blues should be shot Walk down there and then a fucking up, you know, but like dude look of his china's not going to allow water balloons or we need to get back to vlad the impaler days like if you fuck, Thus, your head ends up on a fuckin stake on the front of the white house long, and we take pictures but we postpone instagram on twitter and everywhere else says: hey fuck with us is what fuckin happens to you That's what we need to get. because we're vulnerable right now and people stan you guys were to think of
differently when there's a bunch of fuckin nato troops, chinese troops, all over the country trying take guns. That's gonna be the move. The move is gonna, be cause. They have to disarm us. Who? Is it going to be some legislation about guns when they, when the mask five? becomes off. and by the way, there's people openly on left. Talking about this, oh, I should like to find out how hard it is ever there's your facing this alex militaries in the world and coming to get your guns like yeah, see what yeah there was a tweet the other day. I can't remember where, where I saw it, but it was basically You know you guys will fold, you will fall because the millet these power, military and we brought in disarm you and we will have like these people are so fuckin stupid there
I understand the only reason: we're not a third world countries, because we have fucking guns like that, is how fucking stupid they are bro. It's frustrating man, it's frustrating as fuck. You know, and people fucking continue to think conspiracy, conspiracy, conspiracy, you're right. It is a conspiracy, it's just not a conspiracy theory and this fucking asshole, this gentle, brigadier fuck face with the deserves to be fought like broke, you're gonna go up there and literally fucking tell people to bad. So sad, we're not gonna. Tell you what the fuck sport, We gotta chinese spire craft over a fucking country, our
military is supposed to protect us, not fucking, work with them right. I can tell you this bro. If I was running, should I be run a lot differently. A lot differently we wouldn't be fucked with we will have. None of this shit happening know that everybody wants to argue over fucking. The santas and trump, like you, think, that's going to fucking solve it brought nothing new nothing that we have goin on here will be solved without drastic fucking measures. That's what people have to protect our guy here people further mind for that. We were moving beyond the realm of peaceful and easy resolution here and I think that's intentional. yeah sure about in the nineteen thirty. Germany, brow the weimar republic that that that If you go back to read about it, ok. That's what's happening now in our country. It's happening
right now about him. You know I haven't africa where war fuckin too. There's no coincidence. His brow history repeats itself, We have some major fucking life. Changing shit happen if everybody can't fucking get these motherfuckers out and out of the way I don't know how to do that. Well, you guys like two fuckin orange guy like the oars guy, because he was fucking in russia. Now it turns out that Adam shift and all the people who fuckin the fifty intelligence officers, a piece of paper saying that for sure this was russian. This information and that it was fake. They install these fucking people into our government. and they lied were complicit in that? Yes,. And the reason you hate trump beyond his or bedside manner of even think its poor. I think it's fucking funny.
the reason you hate him, is all based on the russia collusion, which has now been shown to be a complete fucking lie and completely fabricate by our three letter agencies and completely fabricated other politicians who want to do anything they can to keep this man from running? What do you think they're going to do for the next two years? here's to keep him from running again and winning now respond in that ross. Others, article, it's gonna, give way works. I was some bc article they said luxurious, had now this. We're gonna sound more bit morbid, but this is how he this is, how trump won't take the twenty twenty for office and, like basically, he just wears, there's no hope that he dies. Yesterday, I was like what the fuck bro
while they'll kill him if they have to yeah, there's others from the already pre cut like they're fucking, putting about I'm surprised they haven't already, though, or at least like fucking legit tried to. But you know like dude this, that you know people say: oh a focal once so and so to run. So in solar, I saw a sort of most fucker you need. You need a fucking racking ball to come. If I can run your remarks on the paper, If that's what you mean, you need someone who's going to fuck and correct this shit, pull the band aid off and strained breathing out one fucking day. Let us sort itself out. No real people are fuckin. Stick in his ship. And I guarantee you bro: if they fucking steal this shit again or fucking run these plays again not always, and it is not going to work they're going to end up these people end up on those fucking front yard. Like I said, oh gosh, that was
third and finally, alongside our final segment of the show, is always they're going to try to get people back in line bro They're gonna released a pandemic and they're gonna have a war happenings. You people get people they're gonna fuckin kill from a lot of people with an actual virus, that's very deadly. If this continues to push this way. that's their only option. The only option is to do that so that fuckin nakedness. The accountability for the crimes have already committed. If whole world's a nuclear war. These people can be held accountable. They know that hey, fucking, know that and know it is going to make a factual, more money. While we all suffer, we send our fucking. Kids are reared five for them. These people are fucks. We need new leadership in this country. We don't need these old fucking bought and paid. For you a secret, handshake, fucking cross skull and bones motherfuckers We in actual americans are gum. Everybody knows what needs to happen
Gaza was our third and final helena sound for a final segment of the show. As always, we have thumbs up with dumbest fuck. We shall I allowed you, then you were those who are two options in, but there being said. Our headline reads: thirty old dog, named world's oldest by guinness rural workers, so give guinness world records and introduce Bobby the world's oldest dog ever phobias, already year. Alison as Bobby, is about yes bobby inachus. Some, why people wrote a shit about africa who bondage for laying her Bobby? the hague us bother now man, you know how it is. It's almost like a jack shit, yeah she's, all right. They set out a fuckin, make these goofy. spellings there to be unique, not realising your handicapping your too, to go through the whole entire liked have spelled out every single time. Someone asked the undiagnosed dyslexic calibre so that they can feel cool, so they can feel cool
action with five axes excerpts as scared like like live next row it so they can feel for the same reason: fucking there's all these trans children ship wrote. These children are fucking. Children are manufactured by propaganda and insult people converge. You signal about it like we're, ruining children's lives, ruining people's lives for fucking people grown adults, personal feelings, so they can be cool with their friends. I do fucking disgusting. My we deserve a fucking reckoning. There should be a rapture is serious, do what this comes back and balkan does what he needs. There were because duties is disgusting. There is disgusting, so bobby yeah, it's gotta be bothered about.
No bob. So, sir, your own here, thirty years, all ok, two hundred in these thirty years and two hundred and sixty six days old, guinness said in his statement thursday, that the portuguese dog took the wreck. good. I'm a twenty three year old dog named Spagna. That's no special spikes. Does your spike right. No, that's fine! Ok, I have enormous bellies otis his name before we got him despite yet I think yeah, when he was on the little like the la website that we found him on his name was spike. We named modus, the spike really was our oldest sounds like right yeah, but he he has like the spiked personality, like sometimes he's just a little shithead. That's what needs to be a spike yeah. I can see that raise. He took the reins after the twenty three year old dog named spike, who was named the world's oldest living dog. In january so bobby guinness at has broken the merely say three old record for the dog ever I was set by Blooey enough
brilliant cattle dog who have twenty nine years five months between a nineteen in nineteenth, Bobby is thirty years to urging a sixty six days. All as february, first He has lived his entire life with the car. The family in the rule, village, maybe bobby there in Portugal listen. I knew my ancestors were like tapping into me. A Bobby just fell right: ok, ok, That is why I would everything man There was some like a progressive log in jack jack should actually access speaker. Maybe it is well beyond the falconer. The other reason is Portugal. Man he's a pure bred. Roughly earl, dough alan see, who, which is a breed of livestock guardian Dodd, with an average life expectancy of twelve to fourteen years funny. Part is according to the cost family, barber or whoever bobby,
I was never change or attached to any leash and is always roamed the farm land of forest near the cost to home. bobby is always in human food rather than standard dog food. According to Lionel costa, here's a pitcher of body, May he looked at all now. He does it man. He really. I like that the men of his utilities. The others will tidy the gallery a ragged down there very still get get no rounds. I am. I use it good, bad smile as our own, you know where your Bobby had about you know what man lodge a really good devised for early both thirty years old. That's crazy! That's it! That's all dog! These big! to my knowledge, of what a little like happy dog and apparently wherever he still teaches new direction. Jose has got a rocket ready, go wow, well,
look around find out. I'm armed ridiculous, Yeah fucking to a round here right, Soria, I mean what we will we got. It's awesome, that's fucking cool, yeah man. I hope he lives another thirty years. That's the biggest problem with dogs. Man is that it's a short life. can harm. You know, and this is coming from someone who only has done it doesn't have kids, it's like everytime. You lose one. It's like losing your fucking kid again, yeah, that's true! It's fucking, whore well, but it doesn't outweigh the though the joy of having them rather like a lot of people in other. Fuck! I don't. I don't have another dog but honestly do like we're so many die. is out there that need homes of people are going to love them. I mean, like, I think, you're doing just like the only thing that replaces that that that that hurt almost man but I can imagine what it would be like a dog for thirty years and then out of luck and I thus robbing at local level
older than me. Yeah fuck, that a bigger winner or two why has it been asked by movie every veto, it liquor Bobby That's all I got me Alright guys will pay the fee. That'll be a whole other show sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box frozen the fuck are still countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a blank row kind of dessert, no shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-14.