« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

463. Andy & DJ CTI: Non-Citizen Voting, U.S. Sending Abrams Tanks To Ukraine & Project Veritas Sting Video

2023-01-27 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss the Vermont Supreme Court ruling in favor of non-citizen voting, the U.S. planning to send Abrams tanks to Ukraine ahead of expected Russian offense, and what the latest Project Veritas sting video has uncovered.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The my number for the countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't kang doesn't know headshot case closed. What is that guys can do for salah, and this is the show for the realistic about it alive, the illusion of modern society and welcome to mother fucking reality guys to death, eddie, DJ, grooves, the mother Fundamentally, that's we're. Gonna do weren't crews, the internet if your unfamiliar, recruit the internet. This is our current events socialist you show its also are most fuck around shell what we do here as we, but hell on the screen we talk about we make fun of them. How do I was true. What's maybe not true We talk about how we can help collectively solve these problems in society.
Other times and you to name. We have many different formats on the show for to be exact. You may I thank you and I asked you may ask is where you get to submit questions. I answer. Among show you could sum Questions two guys, email, those questions and to ask Andy at eighty four solid aka or you can drop em in the comments under the queue, nay, F, episodes on youtube We are uploading full length episodes on you too, for those of you that don't know- and I have got really cools youtube exclusive. Content getting ready to go on there. Having do some cars? Will you guys, like cars? Let's see we have real talk. Real talk is fine Twenty minutes of me giving you some real talk, then we are following. The full length is what you see see: most most podcast much people sit around partnership. we have a fee for the show and the fee doesn't cost any money. All we ask is this: if we do a good job, we make, you laugh make you think. If we teach you some shit, if it was entertaining if it wasn't a waste of your time. All we ask that you share the show.
I dont want ads on the show. I don't take money from people that tell me what to do. I give you my authentic self and I try to teach you guys and help you guys as much as I can, and we've been able to you create a great relationship between us and you guys over the last near decade of doing this. You know him and build a really nice show off word of mouth. So I like it that way. Ah so I'd appreciate if you'd just pay the fee, if you'd like to show that simple, if you don't like to show, don't pay the fee hosts yeah yeah, I It was one or another much man now in your wife. Emily she's, very witty, very white, witty oh yeah, I she's fucking, quick, witted, yeah and just leaves you fuckin speechless. She got me this morning, how was your your o b g y n visit. I dunno you haven't, had a vagina and then she walked out on that one. There were around man, job yeah and you
when she's not getting you, she could get you, but he's yours, russia's it having mercy on yeah. That's what yeah it's prejudice! Oh yeah! They ve got my one checked on law, will will be Jay Kogen and there was an attack on it's good. It's good, expensive! You know it's good a lot of organizing ibuprofen that you have set out the crushing essential numbers here: bro yeah nah, it's cool though man, it's cool, it's a it's definitely different than the first round through, but also because I had zero answer. Yeah I get it. I get it. It's dr, like I'm, not an old symptoms. It are different. She's all the morning, signa shit she's. She each vulcan everything That is what she says. I buy you bra We changed. She read marcia sailor like a fuckin out there ragnar. So if I could not get on the guess, you go it's an alright place for you because have, but you should either way
It's cool man yeah, it's just different it! It's interesting! It's kind of it's yeah, we're just Just move a groove. May I call you on you. Ah, how much man now just get over this fuckin shit. Hammer me out for last last fucking. We that now a two fifty nine. and when I got sick and they're gonna, wait all the way down to forty seven shit and then it now I'm back up right around to fifty nine again, so I got on my way back I feel I feel pretty good. I was able that do my for them. exercise yesterday, which fell I got in all my requirements, even though not I feel, Seventy five hard, I'm gonna, pick up and finish it to the to the finnish day. My finnish date was like edward and are something when I give it what I can from here to there, because I our trip plan right after that, and then I, when I get back I'll, give it another go. No real real hard amount was was disappointed broke, like I think really.
super safe, but I think we made it really worse is how disappointed I was that can continue, because I had put more into this round. the others levels of what you can put any tax write, like not saying I didn't fuck pleaded before, but as you got through the programme multiple times you start ones need to give more to the programme, because you understand you get more out of it. now. I had really been fucking diligent about everything on this on this round, meaning, like everything, was done. the proper intensity. Everything was done with the proper. You know I'll, come in mind. I felt the best I have felt I think I made a most changes. I refer me fifty two days in I got some before and after it. My post for my day, wanted they fifty two, because it could have been a whole fuckin. Seventy five hard, the amount- I and I in that time, but ah, very happy that you know like it is what it is this, my second day being
the get machine shit in economic field. Mental feeling, a little bit better. You brothers, oh, what there's nothing cool about being sick. you're home and I lay in it like you know, like I used to like someone not hate it, because I was able to be lazy any whatever the fuck I want, but brow the amount of depression anxiety and like loneliness. Unlike frustration that I felt- and I think lot of it came from just coming. Having acquit seventy five hard, there was just fuckin brutal Think there's a couple of like thanks to clarify here, but I think that one of the biggest things people struggle with is what they tell themselves. What were they tell? Their theirselves is really out of their control right, like what's in control is one more than you think it. Oh yeah, and is everything relevant role. You know, as well as its interest in like no in because I know you I see right am. I
for you to go down like that. I mean guys we're talking about a guy who, the day after complete surgery or the did like ours after a complete total, sir shoulder surgery you're fuckin doing cardio. So this is different, it'd be pretty vulgar back now I couldn't move yeah, I I couldn't. I couldn't go up and down the stairs in my house that might I have concierge doctor so my by doctor, tj williams and nick bodie, these guys they own the nature and natural institute of health here in ST louis or my concierge doctor, and they both came for two days the entire day and they have a massive practice. That's how sick! I was like they, they insisted that they were there. You know what I'm saying cause I should have minimized you dirt, whether or not I look rough. I real time. If I didn't have that, I will my would have in the hospital for two or three weeks now lets us again
I don't think. That's just the difference of life. What's really like. This is a situation that without EU control yet to handle it wasn't. I feel like this. I was like this ain't. The fucking sword. To guys you know what I'm saying so, listen dude! I couldn't have done it yeah. Let's remember what we'll get there we'll get through it. While a t t I yeah there's a lot of crazy shit going on yeah. Well, I don't man, you know like I keep seeing all this stuff come out and, like I I you know we are. You know I make these jokes on the internet right, like I told you so. I gotta be real. Man like I was thinking of this last night, especially after that project ferrotypes video the came out yesterday, which I'm sure you got on the list cover but You know I had a really fucking best thing and like them, I say it
brag. I'm just saying that like it makes you feel good like fuck, dude, okay, I didn't lead these motherfuckers down the wrong route and you know what I'm saying like like them: You know, there's a lot of people out there right now, they're, probably holding a lot of guilt for like forcing all the family. You fuckin vaccinated shit, you know, Her body, we think about the type of welcome pressure. I think about it like that, like the night here, the fact that you have held on one thing I want to fuck it. Can I ever three years tell people long shit right like yours, And like my duty, there's a big writ, I've been wearing that stress the whole time just fucking life. Hoping that I'm on the right track, and we I'm pretty confident I was like there's, also a chance that you're not so when you speculate like we do on the show, and you know I don't I don't like you know it took a lot of of of belief on my part, because how heavy the pressure was on the other side, you know like bro. It's not like I'm saying this thanks thanksgiving dinner brow like work,
you guys all save wages on quality or say this, your relatives and there, like you, know, fuck, you, I'm saying it's the whole flock world brawler. You gotta, remember like emma bitching, but I've got a a lot of and abuse for this for a long, fuckin time and like to see all the shit on rabble. and to see people recognize what's going on. There is an element where I'm like fuck, it's like relief. You know what I'm saying like and in you know it's on article. The other day yesterday somebody wrote fuckin article I felt like it was trolling what it was like. Why didn't? They tell us Why? Why didn't the unvaccinated people tell us that they knew But they don't tell it I swear I found do there was an article about this, right, I sent me like a hundred times. It's just like brother zero responsibility taken like you guys have, I understand that you, like, I tried to tell you over no bringing this is not the whole mistake. People are met. king is thinking. This is like a fight amongst the vaccinate in the backs new so what this is the fact that
I ve made it into a fight as has allowed the truth to be in right last. It's not. This isn't like Oh, I was right. You were wrong. That's not how it should be. Now when I say I told you so I'm going to toot my own horn, because I got my ass before it right But the reality is like: I never wanted to be right. I don't want this to be found in the way it was and because we have this Attitude in society that you know. My size right, your size, wrong on both sides that the truth, the reality, which is usually there's three sides to a your side, my side and the truth. Is not ever allowed to expose itself because everybody's too busy about who the fuck is right what I'm saying like dude in this scenario, that ego of people is causing a lot of people to be her really bad. it is causing all of us to be hurt financially
because I'm rosebud effect yeah we're dealing with the economic implications that are just now, starting in that's going to affect everybody. So you know me me at society level? We should understand that we people are not enemies. We are fucking the people and they, the government, are fine. King enemies until they show otherwise, ok, because that's the truth, these people problem aid. As the media propagated us, the fucking farm accompanies propagated us made us hate each other. They create as much division on the street is they could so that they could profit and gain control, because what the fuck This is what's going on in the world if you have figured it out. Yet is a global coup d ha that's! What's going on, led by these guys at the world economic forum, who were all in cahoots together to come up with a great risks. that ok in the great reset happens to mean that we're all gonna be in crickets and thereof.
To be fuckin steak and they're gonna tell ass, the we shall need stake, but they're gonna have no problem with just like they do with the climate o the climate, but then they fly their fuckin g six fifties all the fucking, switzerland and you know I don't give a fuck, because the rules that apply to them browborough rules apply to us, so there there's cut, they need to come a time when we realise that we ve been amputated in the interests of people that aren't us, in a way that damages us damage our economy, its may people sick, it's fuckin. May people divided his ruin. Families has done all kinds of things ok. We get over all the ship, they did the us in terms of hope. We each other accountable and start to fuck and hold the people who ran and accountable because they were talking about a global coup. This was not just farm accompanies trying to make money. This was not just you know, coincidence, like it's all I d gatherings connected. Yes, everything! It's about gaining power
our over us and putting the new society. That is a communist society that we will all suffer it that's what's going on. I think the interesting thing, though, is: I think they like it's obvious it they're all in I just the reason why all in is still unclear to me, meaning light. Are they all in because they are so confident that they're going to succeed in their plan or they all end because they had no other choice. I used to think it was Why you're all in now, because they have to be here but like you heard some of these duties at the world economic forum, this past week say that they can't really, they were home, before a great reset, but that might have to be put on delay because the world so polarize now. Is that how the guy phrased it? Well, the reasons polarizes. Could we not buying your bullshit row? We're gonna combined a year from now going to buy a five years from now. So you should just give the fuck up
that we should even allow and get the fuck up. Those people should all be dealt with They should all be imprisoned or worse for what they ve done, because this is not just something they didn't united states- this is something they ve done virtually every single country in the entire earth. It was a coup. We effort to push the middle class. into poverty create? In a week class that had total control total surveillance, you know every zero freedom for four peasants. Ok, they get to have everything we get nothing and I went on across the globe this, that's. Why say it's a global coup. It wasn't a fucking. It wasn't like this. For this thing, with the vaccine, like the came on a project very tough, that's only a part of it, because these companies all played a role and they all work together? Ok, do we have to take everything? That's their goal to take everything from the middle class and pushed middle class and have two classes of very small we class, which is then, and only then
then everybody else, fucking crickets, guess what I wanna crickets a near to most of you. So it's port, in that we all recognise what actually going on here, and that is not just oh pfizer being greedy or its this, then this is all fucking coordinated and they're all working together and until we fuck and understand that we're not gonna get we were now. The good news is, I think people are starting to understand because you have people who are forced into the vaccine were advocating for. Vaccine, who are now coming out publicly india like fuck, we fucked up guys, that's what needs to as a first step a first step. That then the second step is to sit back and ask yourself. Why, and why did this happen? who did it and wise. It seemed to me the same people that are in charge of this and what you're gonna to find out what I just told you. Ok, it's a fucking global coup
now and then taken that anger that you would have on your people. The people who are involved in is all deserve. be dealt with and held accountable and there's a lot of them There's no major think, though it's like it's my few. thousands, if not millions, of people, it's the organizers, most people need to be made an example of where history will reply. so they need to be made an example, I'm in a way that people remember for a thousand fucking years safe. So when I say prison on being extra fucking nice, because it's not actually what needs to happen, remoteness, we're that well, I've always had a hundred times on the show last four years as crimes against humanity. What's happened. This is legitimate crimes against humanity legitimate. What was that? look into this matter, see what's goin on and guys, remember if you want see any these articles, pitches linked videos go to eighty for dot com? You can find them there.
so they go down this description below so exact have headline number one her london one reads: vermont supreme court. Rules in favour of non citizens voting. This came out. This is an associated press article nonsense. A residence may continue to vote in municipal elections in romance capital city of my pierre. The states supreme court ruled Friday, stating that such voting in local elections does violate the state constitution? in its decision on an appeal, the higher court upheld a lower court ruling dismissing the claim boat, the staff
shoot allowing non citizens to vote in local mom. Pierre elections does not violate chapter two section, forty two, because that constitutional provision does not apply to local elections. The supreme court wrote on twenty twenty one. The democratic control vermont legislature approved two separate bills. To change the municipal charters of montpelier and winooski are how the most diverse community in state to allow legal residents were. Not? U s, citizens to vote and local elections, republican governor feel Scott vetoed the measures by the legislature over road, his vetoes, the Republican, national committee, while lawsuits against two vermont cities, asking judges to declared Non citizen, voting, unconstitutional and loss. Both challenges, federal law prohibits non citizens. From voting in federal actions, including racist president, vice president senate or house of representatives,
so you got that going on and I think it's interests I want to get you take on the sandy, but I would like to remind the people. What just happened last week, I believe with eighty of putting in that. So I think, Are we seeing them strip away citizen rights and then at simultaneously giving non citizens rights that that are you? Is that how you see it? Why do you say it, but that's how I see it well, yeah I mean, I think, that's clearly. What's going on I think also you have to recognize that what's actually going on here is that you have a party that is in despair, hey the democrat party has taken loss after loss after loss after loss are getting their asses beat. and people have lost the ability to believe in that party. Ok, they're losing people by the day, especially with the spoken vaccine shit coming out now those people are now weapon rising their numbers than they currently have in the legislature. Ok, before the next vote, right
all the while they had the power now they're saying a fuck only way we're going to be able to keep powers. If we let non citizens vote and we promised those on citizens all kinds of special shit. This is what they ve done: the black community for fifty fucking years ok, but now they're doing its non citizens because they understand that the majority of them. a community is waking up to the same bullshit. They been pulling right. So What you have here, you have a bunch of fucking traders who, instead of saying we want free and fair and the best for this country. We have what they're doing is where change the law, so we can keep control, and that is that it anti american as anti the public interest and those people justice department, because of what's been going on for the last three years: Basically, all the laws without window were now also Ruling in the judicial system for
this shit, even though they understand and know that is wrong because their beliefs that they want to maintain power. So that's what going on where these people are we're now weaponizing their position, because they're losing so badly in public discourse. Yeah they got. They must have some really interesting zoning shit going on. If you have a republican governor, but then both your your state house and state send it like there there's owning in district, like a hat like what the fuck do, I go and how that even had a possible now listen. Two years ago, Everybody was a fucking democrat because that was like you're not two years ago, two years ago they were lying already about it, but you know, let's just say two thousand and fifteen two thousand eighteen everybody got on the fucking anti trump fuckin, I'm a moral soldier you no fuckin
but your signalling democrat party, bullshit okay, so they elected a bunch of these peoples. These radical people in our Those people are now sitting in in the legislature and they haven't, had an opportunity to elect more people, since they figured out what the fuck they did so we're dealing with the consequences of people. who felt one way five six years ago, who now feel another way There are few answer, though, but let me ask you this though so so play devils advocate legitimately. Is there like? Is there any possible good reason to allow non citizens to participate. No, absolutely not absolutely not this is the united states of america? Ok, citizens have rights, non citizens, do not have the same rights as citizens. Have that's the reality that,
election integrity law should be much harder than what they are. You should have to present a valid idee every single place that you vote. You should have to show a current tax return. Every single placed you vote people say what's that about what this is about this. Why should you have a safe you not contributing? Why are we taking because all you're going to do is vote for the ship it takes from the people who are contributing in the democrats know this and they weapon eyes that mentality and the way to fix it. Is to make everybody have to be fucking, contributing You have right now you have a shit on people out there. They don't do shit and there, the loudest people on instagram. There are a people there at these protests their fuckin crying about everything but bitching about capitalism. No capitalism has provided every single fuckin luxury that they have in their life every single fucking item. They have every single thing that they wear has been built by capitalism. Ok it all.
fuck they're talking about and the reason or what the fuck they're talking about, because they fucking don't qatar. into the system. So why would we allow those people to have a say in how Everything else goes into the communist behind all this bullshit. It's been going on for the last fifty years in this country. They understand that eventually they get the numbers big enough to where these people have all the power and our whole fuckin country where there sixty four Right now, I know what it's getting closer and people better wait the fuck up, because once that number happens to where they like, I don't believe the election was secure in twenty one. I don't believe it wasn't wine! Twenty! That's my personal belief. I've seen enough evidence to be convinced. Otherwise, if you don't see, the evidence is because you didn't look- and you just list and what the cnn said. The same reason you took the vaccine, you read it now. Ok, you look at the evidence.
So I believe that they did that to fucking accelerate this plan right now, I think, I think, is bad. inspiring, I think even almost everybody I see is like holy shit bro. These people are fucking, ruining our country didn't matter who they voted for in two thousand and twenty. However, you still have a number of those people who will say what I fucking voted for donald trump fuck him blah blah blah wolf. He ends up being the nominee and they these same people have another nominee. Are you? What are you going to do right right? You see what I'm saying and not to mention the truth. The trouble is that you only hate him, because they made up this. Russia collusion evidence which has been proven beyond doubt to be true that they fucking made it and you believing in basing all of your dislikes off of that. So we had, we do have some humility when it comes to the reality. Now, by the way, do I agree
everything the trump does absolutely flock. Not. I think he couldn't a lot more to unify people. I think because I think he I understand why people don't get unified ion. I stand why he comes out and why he was so aggressive and you should do you should to people like to say: lies fuck, you Cities policies were bare were the best fuck we're ribbons country by lot? Ok, so you Have to understand that the reason that you fucking hate him cause you were taught to hate him in the rear. And he had to come out and be a fucking cocksucker oppressors is being the media was so fucking bought in on this Drawing him, then he had to come out and basically attack back? Otherwise they would have beaten into submission brow he's gonna come out when people don't give you credit, you have come out and tell people no. Actually I did this in this this this nets and that's what he did and it took people the wrong way. People think fuck disguises. Those out of luck controls this in that no.
How would you react if nobody would say any of the good ship that you were saying you agro? What would you do different now now do I think you could have done something. Differently yeah I do when I most smart enough to recognise that he knows a lot more to me he's well more, well read in any of us in what's going on, knows all the shit you guys in we sit here and speculate, airy. Fuck knows it and he's doing things for a purpose. So he's a twice my age powers where's my age. I be twice as focused bart Are we gonna start like giving some respect to the reality of the scenario here yeah for sure, but this is bullshit yeah, it's fucking wrong. It's anti americans, fuck and, like dude, guys should all be against that every single one of you listening you you should before idea to vote, and you should before fucking paying in on your taxes about period
Look at me like that. The whole lot of legal system is based off of one thing and it's got precedence once precedence to set its falcon set and so that this supreme court of a state saying that this is ok and local elections, sets the precedent now happens when all the local elections are not fallen. This this precedent, it doesn't mean that they actually always have to do that. Because my shall definitely there norms, and so I don't know man. You know that I think I think What we're going to see is we're going to see them be a lot more aggressive about actions like this understanding if the only way to have power is too now appeal to a new group of people Well and that's why they're letting in fucking ten twelve fifty million people across the border, which I told you this fucking two years ago, y'all call me crazy and said I was a fucking. I was you your believe: you're propagating the great replacement there. It's because that's what the fuck
doing their fucking doing, and you know who should be the most pissed off about it- is black people, because there are no longer interested in fucking. Pandering to you, they're not going to they're going to turn. to these new non citizens ass. Their new thing, new college girl for thereby school it's the truth. Have you ever cared about black people start with those all why they had to have black people maybe the best thing for black people, because they have I had to have black people in this extreme situation of violence, lawlessness, poverty and and and dependence on the government to get what they want, which was their votes they needed. They needed them to suffer so that they could come in every fucking four years and be like hey vote for us. Fix that these people rear keep. What can do it in her brother s been goin off fifty fucking years at some point, appointees now people are waking up Messina fuck that that's nice.
certainly the most prosperous, but we shall understand now that we share Get together on this and understand now they're doing this with a nonsense. Ok, we stand by what they do it with no demographic romam. gaza without Annabelle, one remove right along headline number: two elements who reads: u: S will soon abrams tank to ukraine ahead of expected russian offensive ass are the key points of the story. This is a MSNBC article by the way people it says the bite administration will send thirty one and one a one abrams tanks to ukraine as a country prepares for a fresh russian offensive and Coming months, the move is a reversal after the: u s hesitated for weeks to arm kiev with tanks celebrate came as germany also move to send to help ukraine in its fight says.
but the thirty one m one day, one abrams tanks, which amount to one ukraine in tank battalion, will expand, on the more than twenty seven billion bows. U s is committed, gives fight since russia invaded nearly a year ago. The tanks will end quote, enhance Ukraine's capacity to defend its territory and achieve its strategic objectives. President Joe Biden said from the roosevelt room of the white house: that's a before! Here's the after pitcher Ukraine live work, dates. Russia launches massive strikes on ukraine after western allies groups in which makes no striking and start coming to you ass. Careful? How long are we gonna hold on bro? Do you have more on this cause that that that's pretty much all you? I hope you guys understand what's going on and it ties back in what I was saying on the last question people are losing. The truth is coming out. People are waking up and,
now they're gone. You intentionally start a major fucking conflict globally to hide the crimes against humanity that they just committed for the last four and three years. I remember a few episodes again when I said I'm at ninety eight percent, the shit that I said that I said and just have haven't yet now. I said this, what happened before mid term. Ok, I was wrong about that. That's what this is about. This is about instigation. This is about fucking getting our entire world into a major conflict with russia, so that these people, who did this thing over the last three years and their offer and work with each other. Don't have to be held accountable for that's what the fuck. This is and it's gonna get worse there should be massive outcry about us being in that fucking were withdrawn from this year.
Saw. I saw something and I was not able to verify I've been looking for, but their sources that are saying that russia is planning to by all of the key They laughed Afghanistan yeah, you talk about fucking demoralization I get their buying from our own, like since, say, wrote, listen man, these these politicians and these these corrupt people at the world economic forum in all their associates. They're all in on this war. The reason the rolling on the wars, because they want to avoid accountability for what they know. They are guilty of the last four years which the world is now seeing a guy's minutes boat, so there and to tell you all the same ship. I told you about covered all the same shit. They ve been line. You they're going to start with this propaganda about why it's a great idea for us to do this in its not a great idea, and end up with american citizens getting killed on our fucking turf here in amerika and like you, You guys think this is you guys
you guys all have a lot of people haven't now you guys, but a lot of people out. There have an opinion about this when they don't have any fucking idea, yeah! All of this shit is connected. Mrs all, connected shit. No I say themselves with their moral high horse, but they walk past homeless veterans on the streets, every fuckin back and you from course. so others there's tyrant how many tens of thousands of homeless bats in this country. They don't get real melick like broke. We have our own problems, look look at our fucking inner cities, but look at our fuck inveterate community. What we're on problems going to homeless problem, whereas the billions of dollars going to listen man, people should reject this. No, he will should reject this in those politicians out there who say. Well, if you don't go with this, your aunt, america, no mother, fucker your anti american
I did a slip. Did you hear that slip? She did the other, or else he said the eye, something to the effect of basically that not immigrants were more important than uss. That was the justified, Was with regard to actually allowing them to come in the country ass? She was saying that be mexican citizens. Art report sing at the proper eight? So, yes, I wish we had an us. I require additional then go. These people and I have an interest in itself its as an army is now we had immigration programmes, we have always had them. We allow immigrants. They just have to come agree not to fuckin, be their country, be our country. That's the fuck, it's about that's what I have to go through. It is people Drawing the world and are going to destroy the world's licking escape accountability. This the best thing they could. It is if somebody figure this out and rest all of them right now, because dude, it's
I are think going to happen. I think they're like what are desperate people. Do that's desperate those pursued this guy Joe binds getting fucking caught up in this classified documents. Shit everybody's realised how much bought and paid for he is everywhere. Realizing that pfizer fucking fucked everybody, everybody realising that the world economic forum ran a massive play too I can literally overthrow every democracy in the fuck entire world. Ok, what do you think they're going to do to avoid accountability if there willing to do that. What would you do to avoid? They would do anything they would do anything. its being rejected a mass scale. I'm even the people who are for two years ago, now pissed and their rejecting. So at some point out that you have done so at some point there
take that welcome veil off you know a guy's assure you spoken communism. Here we fuck yeah nine, you do about it. You stupid, you fell for it. Under this needs. The this danger, as sending these taxes, dangerous brow, pune's gonna have to respond in a heavy way and take some dry such measures which is going to escalate everything it's fuckin dangerous is dangerous, not just for its, not just No, you guys think all nato just kill russia, you don't fucking, get it wrong, they know you know you know who knows that to russia, and you know what that means, whereas you say desperate people do desperate shit. You know what their only defense is nuclear weapons now and you guys out there screaming about it. Like you, fucking know, what's going on you don't this is dangerous dude, it is ma'am and this
One hundred percent a result that I've even set in the park ass many times and called for olive Asher. I told you that they will start this war in a major way. I thought it would have before midterms out wrong about that. This is the thing this this is. The thing do do preventing these tanks is, is going to Was this heart won an apparently to who's? Gonna? Stop! If you watch putin speeches. Putin has empathy for what's going on in the united states. We want the reason he hasn't for combats rifle he stands that the majority of the population is not with this bullshit. He said that public, but they dont show you this. You have to go, look for and find it he understand, is that were dealing with a rogue fucking government whose whose loyal to some people that are outside of our country understands its nose is why were not fucking a new killer wasteland already through
now you can say whatever you want about Putin who fuck a and he's this he's that guess what he might be all those things. But I'm telling you I'm telling you he understands that he doesn't want to kill three hundred thousand million people because of the actions of a few fucking idiots and these We are continuing to push and push and push, and some the bad is going to happen here a barely Biden supposed to be going back to poland for the one year anniversary of the start of the invasion february, twenty four where he fucking went upon stages that we must remove exact putin from power and then a whilst apologize for the next day. They did after the fuckin footage for the history books That's what they plan on doing, and you could say good, ok, good, but europe, finest good! You are given the prudent and I really don't I'll- carry the them out, but here's what you gotta! stan getting him out his work to cause nuclear war, ass report, getting
What are you and you, you think all well, that's worth it know that will ruin the earth forever. Human species forever all the shit that you love all the shit that you, like all the shit that you live for gone forever. So as it really fucking worth it, we need to stop being a fucking world police bro. We got our own fucking problems. You motherfuckers put me in power bro, paying ten percent tax will be hard on violent crime. Street will get cleaned up, and I'm gonna tell you this. We won't be fighting bullshit wars, no, a bunch of other things to all good yeah. Whichever is It will now be part of the deal, because that's what it would take to get me in there. Yeah no shit, well guys, it's sound for our third and final headline. We ve all been waiting for have another three that's hard about a project very tough, have on reach project visits us targets, pfizer scientists in latest sting video, so project visits us has released aid and other investor
Eight, a video this time showing a senior executives from the pfizer pharmaceutical company in charge of research and development, talking about the possibility of deliberately mutating the virus in order to develop new vaccines, and that's his nation of the emergence of new variants, the video shows a man who was on hold on. Let me go back. Let me explain what they're saying ok, because what they're saying is pfizer deliberately mutates the viruses to create the vaccine ahead of time. Now, if you go back a week ago, I sat on the show they create a covert to bring in a vaccine and you guys could argue civil, that's not what the says well Do you think that a low level researcher at five There would be aware if, if were actually releasing the viruses that they create
in order to sell the vaccine? Do you think they be aware that no they wouldn't Would they be aware that they had the capabilities? Do it? Yes, they would on that's what this man is saying, This man is saying that this is their standard protocols, what the fuck they do. Ok, or he's implying that? Ok and, if he's implying that what that actually means is- and they have the capability to. mutated, iris potentially have the capability to mutate a virus create the vaccine there were these the virus if they wanted to now they're saying that they would just be prepared for the mutation right, we're anticipating the meeting But the reality is: let's just ask ourselves what we think of the character of these people if they were doing this, but this is how they do things which we don't have proof other than this person's word. But if this is how they're doing things, and we know how greedy they are. We know
what their willing to do to fuck and make money. Do you think it's possible that they could be? In addition, two mutating, these viruses to create the vaccine also figure out a way to put the virus also that they saw the vaccine a reasonable conclusion. I think that's a very reasonable implausible. Ultimately, I think it is too, I think its irresponsible to think that it's not yeah, I saw it, The video last night I saw a lot of people are like this. Isn't proof of anything? It's an improve anything now it isn't. It's not proof, but it's a pretty good indicator of they have the capability to do that if they so choose to do that. Now. You just remember what the fuck we just lived through zagreb, you decide whether or not there doing these same things are not. You really judge. yeah, so they are doing this and it comes out. They are doing this, which this story, the project berytus did, is a massive fucking store. Massive hippo,
lotta people understand massive. It is because could lead to the understanding and scobie that they actually are doing this, and if this is what they are doing, its crimes against humanity, brow and they gotta be held accountable, possesses die. Work directly gave a functional research on american soil, which has come We illegal, not post behind. Even that extent, then internationally farming, citizens so that you can all products will profit from one member. What else do they do that with a lady you know what I'm saying like what? What else do they do that with fucking everything? We're gonna make you sick in the know, and they just they literally just did it with their axing, etc. Look, look our problem. Slow young, look, look how they fucking glorify being unhealthy, exactly look how they glorified body positivity. It's not. howdy positivity anymore. It's not like I'm animal loo and secured the pool, but don't worry about it. You do a good job like your work, hard like. Ok, you don't have to
six pack abs, cool man. You look like a normal dude like that body. Positives are escaping it. Yes, you're working on it. Okay, you know. Oh you're you're fifty pounds overweight don't be so hard on yourself, that's body positivity. What body positively isn't is encouraging people that and telling people the lie can lie that four hundred and fifty pounds fuckin fitness miles are healthy. Know nothing about right you have people saying that obese is now a slower somewhere to anyone. no real dignan culture has done, and victim culture is weapon eyes. Well, you have a lot of people weaponizing victim culture, because it profits them. Look at all the people out there that speak only to the perpetual victims of society? somehow get paid off. Ok there that the victim heard shit it has been may intentionally popular for culture to hollywood through the media through pull social
political movements, virtues signalling this fuckin bullshit row, They want a sick They want to unhealthy the reason they want to sit- and they want to some healthy is so that they can fuckin make ship it. They make money on to quote quote solve the problem. In reality, they don't want to solve the problem. They need you sick. first giving some shit row. It will be. It will be like me owning. Nutritional supplement company that helps people get healthy and then also propagating a bunch of fast food. holding a thousand mcdonald's and talking about mcdonald's all day long wrote you don't sound like the to think I'd be pushing the one thing and then the other things like this is their speaking Both sides in their mouth- and you know, dude it's it's a collective effort across you know, they spend more money on advertising than almost any,
The other industry combined. You all know farming. Industry, spend more money on advertising than almost all industries combined. Otherwise, saw one of the very few concert that allows the farmer to advertise direct to consumer. That's correct, so you don't think they have porn. What social initiates are pushed you mean you don't think they can pay fucking people in hollywood to say whatever the fuck they want to say or buy up all the ad space. so were those those more even own the companies or have shares in the companies that make these things that they can just run their marketing like dude. This is all design. This is why I say this so much personal excellence. The ultimate rebellion, because when you become personally you're, not falling for any other shit. Your work. looking to be healthy. You working to be intelligent, you're working to be wealthy europe, your independence, from their system, you not depending on them when you become that ok, they lost a customer and when you become now the people become now because they washed should become it. So if you really,
want change, that's what the fuck you should do. You handle your own business and get yourself in a spot where you're, not one of these people, that's dependent on these people know. I think one of the the the the crate wildest part about This doesn't surprise. You wanna wildest part about these stories, which you also it's hard to really. Finally, like no cnn, another they're, not really covering ok, but news. We did- and I will show you this autumn, whenever you guys happens in the video- will link if we came but is this: is this article came off newspeak? It's a fact check article. Ok, I think, there's cub things quickly at the headline says fat check does project there, toss, video show pfizer is mutating cove. It actually fat check. No, it doesn't we just said and show that, but it implies exactly, but that the problem with the facts ro, and then they know they like that. With the intentions of a fact check, as nobody spoke look past a headlong rush,
that word fact jack and think that whatever is imply its automatically course bro weapon, eyes, general media right and suppress truth just read. Do this just a little bit? Ok, so it says and by the way this is written by tom, Norton and morgan examined a minute, a hugely I will video that purportedly shows a senior pfizer employee talking about carbon nineteen vaccine experiments has exploded across oceans the gathering millions of use, sparking speculation released by project visits ass. The video includes what is says, is undercover footage of a conversation detailing covert mutation projects designed to pre emptive lee research potential. New strains of the virus before they may find naturally, now what is the next? Exactly the very next thing it says it says, quote its worth noting that project visits us which describes itself, as quote
journalism, expertise, I'm sorry, journalism, enterprise, the controversial organization that has previously produce investigations subsequently labelled as false or on evidence, by fact checkers another midi, that's assume you had the authorities say that anything slot false. That's it the debt that emit all of this. I you pursue wrote this he's label anything, is false and makes a false dispatch a response by five. This was exactly like when they try to. They try to say a couple they like like. This is one of their examples. Basically trying to do this credit project where tyson says quote among other stories in twenty seven, seeing the Washington post reported that James O keefe had tried to dupe the paper. It's a publishing, a false story about former chief justice of the alphabet supreme court or more
or how project for its ass claim that representative Ellen omar was linked to both the cash for ballots. Voter fraud scheme an investigation by? U s. Usa today found no evidence of such as guy who owes usa today they're, not even illegal fuckin law enforcement agency andreasen, I used the media, the media, the media paid more by some of the people who are perpetuating this entire fucking bullshit scam on society, the size that these things are false. their false visual drove out. You might have hunters, created this system of instinct fucking communication, you thought you didn't used to control everybody? Instead, you fuckin downfall right. You have all heard the ruling the ruling of the article and by the way you have to throw all the way down in the bottom of the list as unverified and verify they even give you a nice little chart of of wet unfair sir unverified is, is
over the line of fifty percent should true correct according to their too there cry. So, what's a purpose in writing, cause nobody's going to look past, that nobody's going to scroll down to the bottom of the fucking page, to find this cute little fuckin graphic, they decide to push in their bow. You know and and and by the way, anybody with fucking. Any sort of discernment can watch that video and it realized a couple of different things. One, the guy, the guy that was talking was super into the person that he was talking to me- was brag. Ok, number two: he Like he was a little bedroom, ok, so we gotta take those things into consideration. Nobody, watched. The has real discernment said all that proof, but the fact of the matter Fucker was saying that this is what the fuck paper usually do, and this is how they have a massive red flag. it's been going on. That's all anybody is saying and if they are
doing that, what I'm saying is as crimes against humanity, and I think after the last three years of how we scenes play, now in all of you guys who got this shit now regret getting it, who now have to wake up for the next fuckin, however, The years of your life wondering if this is going to be the fucking day and you're all pissed off okay, you should think back and wonder if this is actually what the fuck these people are doing, because, according to my personal opinion, I think it's well within their capabilities, and I think it's highly probable that that's what the fuck they Yeah, that's my personal opinion, whereas interesting thing, so they give us this little chart okay and we're over the fifty percent line right, but here's the disclaimer for you, okay, just in case you're, not sure, okay, says unverified. The claim could be true or false, but there is at the time of publication insufficient publicly available evidence to prove so either way
our aim should be treated with caution, scepticism and some methods comes available. it's over the little wine so which one is it yeah me loaded clearly that someone who I guarantee you, if you go back that programme, guarantee this. My father was champion in all the vaccine or euro. This Moreau there and pro fuckin you know put in peace. We're on vaccinate out of society guaranteed any these. This persons having a hard time coming to terms with what's then going on or any and a fucking history of the I listen we know, but might hurt her the question of the day, who gives mister Tom Norton Who isn't even the citizens of this country is not now. born and london england, who gives him the right to decide what reality is. What says right there in his private profile views are my own.
So so like who gave this little fuck, it says a right there in his profile. His views are his own, no shit. They are having a hard time seeing it though I don't fault. The guy sounds like he condemned it all the way, but like he condemned as far as he could, with as much obvious evidence as he had, and that tells me that he's one of these people that helped propagate the shit and probably hasn't come to terms in reality: yeah, I bet if we went and saw his tweets or whatever I bet they. I bet they will show that, though, now that speculation, because I didn't fucking who can fact check europe, yeah. I don't think it was. I don't think it was a totally unfair article for him to write. I think that was stating the obvious yeah man, the dude, and I think it obvious should be stated- emmy- we need to be fair borough mummy for sure, but I mean dude, I'm tellin you like more how my brain computes best what they're doing to prepare and anticipate and there had hundred.
Billions of dollars at stake to make and they can week out. Another version of this to make another version the vaccine over and over as the media, is not what they just did with the fuckin boosters. and the man. You know that in Britain prove anything but surest fun. we'll see more likely, it looks like a duck walks like about the fucking baby, alligator and I'm sure that's the equation, yeah. I know If the races here were guys, that was that was a three headlines assigned for final segment of the show. As always, who do you see? Oh sorry, gosh did you see and have you seen how they're trying to say that climate change is caused by racism? Oh yeah broadcom. It's always been racist, black ice bro,
May I say that I, like I said so, one gets you will show the snakes. Albania is rooms, they love you of your house. Second wreck. Your car raised his eyes You know you never heard if I can get songs about like ice. This pudding songs about white, no pro what what a lack of focus, stupid of a human being. You have to be to believe the climate change comes from fuckin races, her I brought there and it is highly were people people like all how do they actually blue they? Don't how they stay relevant. They relate to say this shit, I'm just like the one girl there said be affair. Phobic goose is also raises everything race. That's why nothing's racist exactly you're. The most racist shit is Democrats going to black neighborhoods for fifty fucking years, Zhang they're, going to fix the problems and then go back and do the shit that causes the problems intentionally so that they can keep coming making the same promises.
racist, that's fucked up, that's the lemon races, ok, yeah, no last attacked channel. That raises shit. Because it is time for a final segment of the show, as always, we have my thumbs up were dumb as fuck article we should have on the table one of those two options and die with that being said, our article reads: generous alabama, former secretly paid strangers pharmacy bills for a decade by dropping off one hundred dollars every month. Pharmacist reveal, after he died an alabama farmer spent some of the little money that he had to help members of his community to pay for their medical bills. not even haughty children's family members new about his generosity and so shortly before his death at the age of eighty on january. First,
first, the revelation about his acts were first reveal to many at his jaw january fifth funeral after the towns pharmacist told family members a children, s daughter, tanya Nix, told the Washington post ass. She didn't know what prompted her father to go to the geraldine drugs and Geraldine Alabama, a town of around nine hundred people each month. and gave a hundred hours the pharmacist to help those struggling next did sped delayed that when her mother struggle with multiple sclerosis, medical building jobs were expensive from other peggy passed away, a nice name I now he began his altruistic tradition and two thousand twa. said that a woman recently wrote to her to tell her that children is money allowed her to afford an appy pen, far sun, while another said that she burst into tears and store when she was tall
There was a fund that would help her to pay for her and her daughters, prescriptions. The pharmacist at the drugstore brook walker- said the children's told her when he first handed over the money, but don't sell, was Seoul where the money came from, if they ask just tell them it's a blessing from the lord, and there is Mr Childress. I thought I was just don't call the story. Man has called me talk about america, values to the fucking community yeah. It's awesome, that's one way do a man. He added that I wouldn't be surprised if you know when he was struggling with those medical bills for his wife. If he got some help somewhere, it seems like that was that was what inspired him know or could have inspired him know for sure. Ma'am, yes, thumbs up for sure more well, I got many more of them now more than her selections. Man I'm here, do driving those an obligation when they can do. You know
or take all last night and we talked about how we talked about being in one of the things that I think. One of the reasons I feel like I've been somewhat successful to this point. My life is that arm I always gave when I didn't have anything I gave when I have shit and on you know I think people don't understand, our that creates in the universe when you're willing to give what you they don't have to give. I believe that creates tremendous amount of good energy and good karma your way I think it actually is way more powerful. When you give a relevant amount to you know what it is that you have, you know an amount that matters to you now when you, when you don't have shit and you give away one hundred bucks bro, that's fuckin at big deal now you know that's a much bigger!
If someone, you know who's worth fucking a billion dollars given away a hundred grand, but you know what I mean and- and I always did that I always did, and you always did it come coming up, and I I I really true. We should feel my heart, but that's a big reason why I have been able to get so far in in my own business ventures, because I try to do good along the way and do and do good back. You know to the people need help and I think that's an obligation, for anybody out there, who you know a lot of entrepreneurs. Listen to the show. I think it's an obligation for you as an entrepreneur to do it's a big fucking deal. We have to take care of our own communities because if- these. These people in government had no interest and take care of our communities. They only take care work, nowadays when they need when they need a vote. They give the minimum and they want the problem, the festering it worse. So they continue to get try to get the promises to you so that europe, over them
and so the way these problems are going to actually be solved or now can be ever saw by the gum gum is not a fuckin solemn. It's gotta be. The people in the community and the people in the community have been fortunate enough to be supported by the community to become financially says. Foreign have means do happen obligation my opinion to pay it back to the community. I a big deal. Having the more you do it the more success you find to release. That's been my case, so I think this is awesome, though the thumbs up there in the end. That's all I got that paid a fee for sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box frozen the fuck are still countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a blank row kind of doesn't know his shot case club.
Transcript generated on 2023-02-06.