« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

450. The Only Resolution You’ll Ever Need

2023-01-02 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy deciphers the lies we tell ourselves every New Year's day, how to use the hard times in your life to move you into action, and the number one skill you need to develop so that you're not repeating the New Year's Resolution cycle.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number for the countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a bank roll cake for dessert, no headshot case club. What is up guys Katie Purcell, and this is the show for the real estate goodbye to live, faces and illusions of modern society and welcome to the club the reality guys they've got a real talk. It is new year. So I figured I'd. Give you a new year's message. You know when I grew up, I had very little talent. I have very little gifts. I was fat. I was lazy. I was made fun of I was bullied. I was picked on my entire grade school junior high experience Ok, when I got in high school, I was still fat. I was still lazy ice. Still didn't understand what needed to happen. For me to become a good student, I got
these. Indeed out of hundred and twenty six people in my class I was right like one fifteen, That's where I was right when I went to my guys count sir and I said, hey man- I want to go to note today because I was actually pretty decent playing sports. Ok, now I was decent playing sports. My dad dedicated most of his time to helping me learn how to become a good athlete when outside of the realm of sport, I never put it together that you could work hard in these other areas and become successful. I thought like a lot of other people, think which is you or have this or you don't have this, and I struggle with that. Like most people most people, you guys you look around and you see people doing things and you see people doing, the things that you want to do, and you remember all the things that people told you like. They told me the same things. Ok, these things like Andy,
now those schools or cream of the crop, you know you're, not cream of the crap, like I was told by my guidance counselor which by the way happen to be the most valuable thing. Anybody ever told me looking back right, but I was told by a lot of my friends in a lot of people around me when I started my first business like what are you doing? Dude need to get your degree. You need to go to school. You do these things, you need to follow systematic plan for every single human being was what they were actually saying they were saying, sit down. They were saying be quiet. There were so calm down and settle in, fall in line and be like us, that's what they were saying, that's what they said the year. Your whole life, and so, when we look at things that we want to accomplish or lives that we want to live. We start to hear. These things in our mind, we start to hear all of these things that people told us all
his years about how incapable we are or how an ad. quit, we are or how regular we are or how dumb we are, how stupid we are how fat we are now fuckin way easy. We are in esteem stick with us, but they don't have to hold you back. Your have to be the person who doesn't live, what it is they want to live because of what people said, the eu and the things that you can't. It out of your head because dude? If anybody gets this, I get it as those things are burned into my mind and at first those things kept me from even trying they kept me from putting myself out there. They kept me from- really going hard at all areas of life because, I believe that I believe what these people said. Dude I come from a little global road, sables missouri, bro, very nothin Partial me:
and I believe, these people- that I was supposed to be there and stay there? and here we are twenty four. Years later today,. Ok, I own this company. And I always other companies and we employ thousands upon thousands- was upon thousands of people across the globe. How do I do that How did it happen if I was fat little lamby for the gravel road how the fuck did that happen was incapable like what they said: How did it happen if I was lazy, if I was stupid, if I was dumb, if I was in, adequate like they said how? we then happen they have. Very simply- and it can happen for you whatever your thing is, my thing was business now might, is discipline in all areas of life? Now
my things? I want to be the best that I've ever been every good day that I wake up and roll out of bed and I want you don't really think about how you're living your life today We all have new year's resolutions or you guys are out there saying all we're gonna. Do this not in this, but the reality is. Do you been saying that for the last fuckin, how many years. how many years have you been saying the same exact thing, and I must say in this to be a dick, I'm just saying how many years! Why? you been able to accomplish these things Why are you still in the same situation, why have you not been able to break free and I'm telling you the answer is simple. The answer is very, very simple, and it's this you lack skills necessary to execute day? in and day out in the skills that I'm talking about. You guys view as traits
You view them as things that other people have when you see other people that are great. you see what they have and you think men I wish I had what that person had Will you have to understand? Is that you do have what these people have you, you add the ability to do the things that they do and if you would just listening to the stories that have been built, ass into your brain for the last, however, many years about how shitty you are, and you just focused on taking the anxious to move forward, You would realise that all of that is bullshit. Those people that told you those things about yours, I do not know anything about what actually possible for a human being. Who will continue to move flower regardless of what's happening? There are only a few things require for you
You actually break out of that, and the first thing is this: you must realise that the people who abused you, the people who bullied you, the people who called your names, the people who said you could it all Those people are projecting the own inadequacies in their own countries any that they will never be anything great on to you? and your allowing that to keep you from taking action. So the first thing you have to do is you have to understand that they are full of shit. Those people same people who told me all the bad shit about me. are doing the exact same shit, twenty four years later that they were doing twenty four years ago and you may I have that perspective, because you have gone down the journey yet, but I can promise you that if you do- go on the journey and you do persevere and you do play.
screw. You will realise that it was how local that these or were telling you what you were actually incapable of achieving so instead of you focusing on it, instead of you being frustrated about it, instead of you, not taking action on that doing the thing that lives inside your mind in your heart, they're letting it tat you that way, start letting a drive. You the thing that my guy counselor said to me about not being cream of the crop. I have spent the last twenty four years it down that motherfucker stroke period. Ok, any feels good unease. he's not with us any more, but I promise you that he's there in Heaven cause. He was a good man and he was true. and, to tell me the right thing. In fact he was trying to buffer me from the reality of how the world was going to treat someone who was lazy as fuck who was undisciplined, who was unable to figure out there. I need the full.
guess on certain areas where I wanted to be great. You understood that concept, and he understood that. I lack that and he was preparing me for the asked breeding there was about to ensue and guess what he was right, but I took that statement and I got pissed about it, and I say you know what mother fucker, I'm fuckin show you and I ran with every single thing- that one of these motherfuckers told me and I've made It my mission to prove them fucking wrong and you will have people who was well. That's no reason to succeed. One Is that all the people who say they haven't a anything attention what they fuckin bill, okay, so the first things first take all this ship, it you think people about you and start using it to run faster. start use that as few put it down. His shoulder see it as a whole, other type of fuckin energy source, and when you don't,
feel like doing shit, pool upon these hurtful things that people have put into you to move forward. That number one number two anders then that you are, only lacking very simple skill set that you need to have the succeed. Most of it every single year we come in and we say oh month, but this can be the air. This nobody here, there's gonna, be and we tell ourselves this over and over and over again until we are fucking dec none of the shit that we tell ourselves every single year ever comes to fruition because by the time thirst or friday of this week comes around you all homey start calling you know all the weak point: for. Let's say they want to do the same shit you do, but by thursday friday you guys have group thinking yourself into a community drinking session to justify your coming off the fucking path. Already,
Ok, you have to understand the reason that you have to keep going through this process over and over and over and over and over again is because you lack discipline You lack the ability to push through things when you don't feel like doing it you value, motivation your motivated today, mother fucker? everybody's motivated today, everything no person in this country has motivation today, their town. cells, the same story. They told themselves over and over and over and over again for the last fuck it. However, many years about what they're going to do. and they know in their heart they're, not gonna. Do it the anxious about it? They have a picnic stomach. They know it's now gonna happen. They know they're, not gonna, do it in the reason they know they're not going to do. It is because they lack the sky. necessary to do it and most of the time, ninety. Nine percent of the time is because they misunderstand the discipline is a. Ill and not a trait, it is not
If someone is born with me Michael Jordan was not born with fucking discipline, Michael Jordan created discipline, he's the greatest fuckin achiever athlete of all fucking time. This dude didn't I create discipline until he was kicked off his fucking high school basketball team. Ok, then figured it out and we all figured it out different places and I didn't bigger tat, was about thirty five, thirty, six years old, ok, so, whatever age rat reverie rat make today the data you understand that Your duty is your obligation to yourself and every single person around you to call today this skill of discipline This is why I built seventy five. This is why I built heart, and this is also why I give it away for free if you want the programme its in its entirety in episode to awake.
there's a book about it, you don't even have to buy, but if you're somebody who has to know every single detail, you can buy the book. I appreciated, I think you'll get a lot out of it, but you don't need it. Ok, What will you do? Need as you need- stan that this thing, that is key when you from being where you want to be because you were unable to control anything, you kept ass up on the guy's now are the girls died out this coming thursday, friday or saturday Because you lack the ability to make decisions in the short term that will benefit you in the long term. You value instinct ratification more than delay gratification. The reason you do is because you ve never committed long enough to understand how big the pay out is on delay gratification right, sir, here's what I want you to do- and this is the second part I will
What you today to decide. I am going to become discipline. That should be your only fucking goal, because if you develop the ability to say no to the guy's knights and the girls night. If you add the ability You say no to the alcohol at any time. If you had the billy to say? No, I'm not eating that I'm putting that in my mouth, because I'm working on this project, if you develop that discipline at that basic law, How different will your life look a year from now? Why will you not accomplish that? You think in your mind, you want to accomplish. If you develop that level of discipline, how much difference will it make in your life? How much difference will it make in your finances if you're? able to execute the shit. You need to do in your career and do it perfectly do more because you're so fuckin good again. She done that. You could actually do
or in less time. Ok, what's that got to do for your finances? How many times have you told yourself? You're gonna, get serious about your business or gets serious about this project or his serious about your career. How differently your body. Look if you had done what you said brill four years ago? What would you like Why do they want you feel like now think about. dad nobly somewhere, you I think about it in your fitness, think about it. New business about relationships Would you like look like, if you add the ability, to remove the power of external circumstances from affecting your decision making. What would your life look? Because this here, what I'm talking about is the key to you, accomplishing anything that you want to. I wish the entire reason that little lady became who
Andy is today and by the way I got a long way to go bro unless it up here on the mountaintop preaching you guys, I'm with you guys I have a long way to go. I have a lot of shit. I want to do, and I know that in the last, for Here's when I figured out how to cultivate discipline and myself I ve been able to super it. I want you to have that feeling too, because guys for the longest time. I was just like what you see in society, the shit that I talk shit on all the time. I was that person. That's why I'm so adamant about shit about it. When I say the mother of workers, like I brought, you don't need a fuckin rest day. You been rest, your whole life, that's because I did that. Ok, talk to you about being, well to say no to a fucking beer. the reason they had so powerful because for years and years and years nears new, I couldn't I do that I could now, if you will I mean you hand me a fuckin beer, and I was a diet. I would like to drink the beer
no a hundred times out of a hundred, and I would tell myself this story about how it's ok, I would make it justify case, I would say: well I don't get to see my body too much or a well. You know it's especially all. Well, you know fuck. I need a little break motherfucker, read the whole fucking life and you have to ok we'll make this the time that you actually change in the scheme. but you need to get from where you are too, where you wanna go, comes entirely from discipline and you have to build it. So, no matter what you goals, no matter, what your dreams, no matter what you're trying to do this year, you must understand call debating a high level, this splendid is absolutely necessary and its net sorry for many reasons, ok, because when you start being discipline, you start to get gray, you start to develop fortitude. You start to develop the ability to persevere, but here's what's more important.
I start to feel good about yourself. You start to believe in yourself. You start to have self esteem. You start walking with a little pep in your step. You've got some confidence because now No longer you an inanimate external objects, making the decisions for you how fucking week is that really do? How weak is that that you can't walk past a fucking? A beer bucket beers or a fuckin appetizer platter, or go to a restaurant, order was healthy for you off the menu dude. I is that wife. I know what, that's what I know how powerless that fucking feels guys. I live there, and now I'm so far paths that so far away from that it like I can't even relate to it anymore, and these things, that you are mystified by that, you think are so give for a really, not that difficult! You just have to push through. You have to make a commitment, and you have to make a commitment for long enough that the new habits start
step in and by the way, twenty one days in shit, I don't give a fuck what the study says. Ok, most times, people will stick. Some ship or twenty one art and rid the twenty one days. Oh I guess I'll celebrate withdrawing all day, one or two. It makes no sense. Ok, we need when a change in ourselves, we need permanent skill. Development are those, and we also need to understand that when we develop these skills of discipline of competence of self esteem, all of these things that our skills, their skills we have to put into them. To get out? Ok, they don't you live inside of us. We and we start to do this- we also must understand go away, we abandon them. You don't just build discipline and then it you just haven't forever. This is why, when you see Someone who's where it is, you want to be there. Usually working streamline hard every single
King David is confusing the people. People look at in this fact. Dude. Why is that our workers or is already got a maid you're, not putting together the reason, he's gotta, mainly because he works the horn. Ok, that's what creates it. So. Let's get our minds realign twenty three: let's get our minds right! Dude! Let's start valuing the proper things. Let's start value in all of the ship? It's keeping from where it is. We want to go. Let's stop valuing all the extra partying in all the extra food and all the extra bullshit but all these fat motherfuckers on the internet, tell you all. Take it easy man. What are you- Why you gotta count calories on holiday, while you, god, you wrote their lives! their lives. There lie do not represent why's that you To live, these are people who are just the final or inability to stick to it.
Things and then making you feel like you should join their little gang of mediocrity. That's not! Ok! That's not self love! Self love is knowing what's best for you in doing it, regardless of what's going on that self love so if you're gonna hear anything if you're gonna think think anything understand that if you take the time to early build this skill in yourself it is a fucking super power. It is a superpower, because now none of these external circumstances, none of the other things that happen, we'll get you off track ever again and what would your life look like dude? If none of this shit ever got you off track What would it look like you and I both know it would be completely different. It would be completely different. Your finances would be different, you're wearing different sized clothes. You might have a different part.
You might have a different career. You dudley making more money. Things matter brow, and I guarantee you that all of the ship that you are trying to do this year is going to be real. On your ability to- saying no to the ship. It doesn't align. How are you going to do that? How are you going to build that skill? Well, I recommend that you start off of seventy five home. I don't get any money for it. I don't fucking, sell it. It's free, the only programme on the planet that will cultivate the level discipline that you need in all areas of your life. It's episode to await It's the last time going to mention today, but I want you whatever it is you do whatever it is? You decided to understand that if you continue on this cycle that you have continuously, done year after year after year after year, Where are you start a year off and the first thing,
Your four days, you're, like fuck, do all this shit and when the weekend rolls around, and your friends call because they've already quit on themselves and you join them. You are consciously joining. The club of mediocrity? You are consciously giving up your own life for that and broke. I don't give a fuck what any but he says, is your own life, not the most important thing in your life and then let us think about this. what example: all you study, we all bid you about the world were opera, pissed off back to work as a matter where your political views, you think the world's fucked up. What are you doing to contribute to the greatness of it? What are you doing to inspire people working? teaching your kids. What are you teach your kids when you saw them every single year? Gonna do all these things and you never do them. What are they going to learn how are their lives going to go because of that maybe there's something you should think about, because there's a lotta chatter
world about how fucked up things are, but I'll see a whole lot of people become in the solution, I don't see a whole lot of people, understanding that it is their obligation to become the as possible version of themselves. Not just themselves matches they can make more money or be ripped or feel good about. themselves or have confidence allowed love themselves, not just for that, but because it shows other people that we love and care about in our lives. How to the same banks that our journey, that's our obligation, that's what were required to fucking. Do you? You are a leader whether you want to imagine yourself or not, especially if you have children What are they weren't? You How are you reading them. It doesn't matter what you tell them. If you tell them x Y Z, do doing abc they're gonna fuckin let me say c or not: do X, Y, so Example you setting, because I've been real sick people could,
in about what's going on in the world, not seen any fuckin thing done, bought it in their own language. But I see people for the last three years. Which about what's going on the world, still look like shit, they still are disciplined there. Still fucking lazy, there's, still fuckin overweight, there's still time me all this shit are going to do in that done any of it. Well, if that's all well you're: gonna live bro you're, just a sheep in the fucking matrix you're, never gonna break the fuck out This is your life. This is the best it will be right now. Is that you knew I just described what you live right now: go look in fuckin, mere gloody. Your bank account go look here. Also, look at your cargo. Look at your fucking kids. What your wife look at your husband look at everything, because this is the best it will get. This is the best it will get so you're provided with a unique opportunity to They and you have the momentum today. Everybody does to make. The decision I am never fucking going back. I am never ever ever going back, because the way
your life looks right. Now is a reserve of the person that you were for the last thirty days sixty days. Ninety days, maybe for the last fucking five years, maybe the last ten years, maybe thirty years, maybe forty years. That's why your life is it is today, but you have a fresh opportunity today and every day to win Today, when tomorrow and change the entire course of who you are, and decided never go back to that because what you are right now is now, who you are what you are now is who you were then in it more decision, whether or not you want to grow from that point forward, and so do While you guys video talk about this new year's resolution, bull shit, why don't you just make this? The last day of your entire fuckin lie? do you ever tolerate mediocrity ever again for yourself and make a right the decision to change not a resolution, what a
of shit you're going to do and actually get done, because that's what champions du chambon please do not make resolutions, they make lists of shit that they're going to do, and then they fucking do it. I appreciate you guys. I love you guys. I want you to kick some fucking ass. I want you to have Great! Twenty! Twenty three! I want you to realise that we, the people all who are listening to this show right here right now have the power Change everything We changed the example that we are setting. I am committed to that. Are you sleeping on the floor now my reports from the book of still counted as a coach or teach Buddhist got all kinds of doses. No shop pays club.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-15.