« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

431. Andy & DJ CTI: WAPO Confirms Hunter's Laptop, Katie Hobbs Colluding With Twitter Employees & Eric Schmitt Releases Full Transcript Of Dr. Fauci's Deposition

2022-12-07 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss the Washington Post confirming Hunter Biden's laptop story after discrediting it for over 532 days, internal email documents at Twitter revealing Katie Hobbs allegedly colluded with Twitter officials last year by flagging accounts related to so-called election misinformation, and Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt releasing the full transcript of Dr. Fauci's deposition.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number for the countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph kang, doesn't know his shot case club. What is up guys, it's, the eighty or so- and this is the show for the really say goodbye to live the same delusions of honor society and the fucking reality guys today, rehab Andy and dj grooves, the mother, fucking internet yeah we're going to do too crews. The internet is very simple concept. We throw up three to four lines on the screen we are examined them very deeply and serious. They would know humor and then we talk what may be true were probably isn't true and how stupid the people are, the believe them. Now we make jokes about those people that city. I know we talk about how we can solve it. Then something as you two name, we have a q and a half. That's where you get a chance to ask me questions that can be about anything
person, development business. What's going on in the world literally anything, and you could submit those question These two guys him all those questions and to ask Andy at any for solid icon and and then other times when you tune in, we have real talk. Real talk is five to twenty minutes of me. Just talking shit and saying what I think needs to be she at other times. We have full length. We got a grateful length shows coming up over the next few weeks. Some really really cool shells I'm excited about. and that's just basically conversation just like you used to see it on any of the other great podcast that are out there and and also the shitty ones. So anyway, we might be one of those library, including us dunno anyway, that's the show and for the show you know we ve run a tap rank podcast for for nearly a decade now, and we have see for the show and in the fears that skies make a lot of money taking advertising money from other people telling you guys I use their shit and
So you guys some bullshit, ok, but I don't do that. maybe I should I don't know, but I dont in the main reason, I don't because I dont want to fill your head with thirty minutes of bullshit and then also Would you guys to question that I'm like playing between whatever? Are these people to pay me? andrews are like I'm not alone, rich guy. We understand that my piteous my opinions. I thought them out no one's p me to say shit and I in exchange. For that, I just ask that you should the show man, you know, there's a good start that you you finally sharply shared out. That's we ask that it must be so surrounded known as much here, which is reminiscent of childhood here here before a shop tat bury my was unique. I had no idea. Why did I don't know? I don't know that it's normal for kids to roll up like leaves off a tree in the smoke them like. We that's
we're ready ice ways. I think about it. The row now everybody do an issue. We tunnel I'll, ask other nonsense. I we I want our airlines do. You smoke leaves off betraying so some like that in no way I'm sure you did and now you this is my own- haven't justify the doves shit sense, because now I understand what the fuck was embrace. Ozma preserve. You burn up all yours with. previous yeah. I burned up my way actual marijuana was. The right thing is like I feel like. If I did that shit now, it'd be like accepted as, like. You know, I'm just more virtuous and a woven yeah you're one in nature. That's what that's what it is! You can definitely turn that innocent ramp up. You say shit like bro could just I dress up when he put a whole bunch of beads, honest shit and like where, like a fuckin loincloth our sit outside like fucking buddha tell her body. You have all these unique thoughts that everybody else is already thought over the course of time
smell, says: you're dressed like you. Would right right, like in your natural clothes and especially the beads brow, the more beads the better and you sit down, you taught by being more when it I mean, do you could this could be so smoke smoke. Get woke yet recently brought your on something No, we figured out how I got you guys. But if you want to see any of these pictures articles links videos go to eight. If so it I come, you could find em they're with that being said, headline number one If one reads grin kastler wash imposed quote immediately, confirmed hunters laptop after discredited it for five hundred thirty two days it is magazine rounds so the washington post top fact, checker going cast claimed. On monday, the post quote immediately went to work in mid twenty twenty one a year after the presidential election to authenticate
Hunter binds laptop from hale after trying to discredit the story on october, fourteenth tweets when the same day the new york post initially broke the story now kessler, whose paper refused to acknowledge the authenticity of the laptop from hill for five hundred and thirty two days after bright barton, his image of broke, the new story at the new york, findest, tee at the washington post did not quote assess the veracity of the hunter authenticated emails, males a laptop because no source provided the Washington post with a copy of the laptops. Hard drive this whistle tweet. I says I quote not until mid twenty wanted a source provide the Washington post a copy of the hard drive. Then my colleague went immediately, work on it are. We hide experts to assess the veracity and produce articles based on material that could be verified. This was just suggest we should this out yesterday, I'm at the time the recording based was shocked,
from the shut up now and everybody soften about it and We are not even there's another deal, the chimes in earnest that said, philip bump as this is also a major reason why other outlasted mash in euro posted visual laptops, nor are they weren't given access to the laptop day. They are thus the reason, but actual reason is because you have to f b. I told you mother fuckers to shut the hell up about it and push it off. Is fucking hacked and leaked information? That's why you guys didn't talk about and yeah and let's also talk about their own fucking political bias like the media has been weaponized, make these people. These people will give a fuck about anything other than getting there where they don't care about you. care about me. You don't care about. What's good for the country, there are group think dumb motherfuckers, who all agree with each other and jerk each other off behind closed doors, about how smart or they are then all of us,
there are smart, we're done. There are two fucking kings and queens and the rule class and we're fucking, cockroach, peasants and and- and they think we're not smart enough to elect. Make our own decisions and therefore they feel justified make decisions like with holding incredibly pivotal important and from asian from the americans Well, I give you went on to say this quote How do we know the email is authentic, key question: we do not the new york post, published pdf, print out of several emails, allegedly taken from the laptop, before the smoking gun email. It shows only a photo made the day before the story was posted. China cover up yet that even the white house is now finally say. Somethin others have our reads: white house finally breaks its silence on hunter Biden, twitter files only to call it a distraction, an old news.
green jean Pierre says you. I must just wants to divert attention away from the site hate and this for me, has a video of where you were made answer report. Leading up to the election. The was isn't the way view that these decisions- appropriately in light of what has come on, which decisions by whom I swear by twitter on ok, so look we see this as an interesting or a coincidence, if I may that they that he would so haphazard, Lee would also have positive push this distraction. That is a that is full of old, new, if you think about it, and at the same time, twitter is facing very real and very serious questions about the rising volume of anger, hate and take him, it is among their platform. This was a distraction or is it all moves with? Which one is it it's? Neither
it's not one for her. Only what the five very critical information- it's, not old news, all you motherfuckers, try the covered up? Yet and then I would accept that was the excuse, they're trying to make. I would accept that, except if you go back in remember, and you go back and look at what they were saying. They were calling it a scam. They were calling a bull shit, a russian saying it was made up. They were saying it was rushing disinformation when they had zero evidence that it could be russian. This information they are making shit up to state, to state Up and cover up for everything and everyone that they want to be. Ok, Like everybody else, weather failing to understand is that everybody else makes up the majority of the fucking world. Though I mean our. Here is a good thing and I dunno, if you're, seeing the same thing that I am anti right but like I am starting to see a lot more. You know centre left, leaning people there even colony shit. What yet a half sue
ro we have two they have to, I sat on yesterday's show. The wind is blowing the other direction. Her ok, mostly people who have integrity. They don't have courage. Have values they. They are there in it for themselves? They is this reverend these empty mergers that pretend like they really give a fuck about the country, but really what they're doing is gripping the cell, stickers and shirts and other bullshit right? Ok right is no different. These people these are these pick. This is their whole career. This is their whole life. This is their big fuckin moment. This is their chance to being spotlight. This is what they were, their entire life for they are more worried about themselves than they are the job that they are supposed to do This is why you see them consistently focus on these ridiculous stand words of who we have doing what job. Oh. This is the first Why sexual interest,
actual automatic, thereby automatic mother fucker. We don't care about. The first recur how well you do the fucking job? This is america bro and like actions. a break when someone is good enough to get to the point two do the job better and everybody else and be the four of whatever it is. They do that's cause fuck, but when we are taking people who are dumbest shit, we're parading them around case in point, right here as the first and that's that the obama administration by the way is all a bunch of I'm actually glad that they got all the first out of the way. So we can get back to fucking business here, real soon, oh shit, but this what you get you get a bunch of people who don't care about that. job obligation, the duty that they have to the people that their supposed to serve and their more worried about the career. So the reason that you see all these journalists swaying the wind now, is because their realizing, my opinion too late that the american people
fucking sees what's going on. Ok, they see it added ratio. Eighty five the fifteen or ninety to ten. In my estimation, so I'm still hanging on like this one. That said this is a MSNBC article says: it sure seems like elon musk as purging left leonards. Reading your twitter account musk, isn't the champion of free speech claims yeah yeah bc. Here's the problem! These people have fuckin boy. views the platform fucked with rest, every single human being that doesn't go along or even questions there narrative. This is supposed to be a free country, and they talk a lot about respect. Above all, they don't respect this group or that group or this group, no mother, fucker, you don't respect anybody else, the new posts, You you, you impose your will on every other fucking group, it's out there, thinking everybody owes you respect what
I bought some respect in return and when you show some respect and return, it won't feel like everybody's out to get you yeah. You know these people are fucking they're, fucking out of their fucking minds broke now. and now what's happening. Oh, here we right now, it looks like he's choosing to intervene against the left, while simultaneously reactivating accounts of neo nazis and other far right ok, neo, nazi and far right. Why supremacy violence were? Where is it? Where is it? What is the crimes that say? who's committing the crimes. Where are the fucking riots? Where are you destroying the country in two thousand? Twenty for a whole fucking year with antifa in a fake ass black lives matter shit ok? That was a rift on black america figure. A fuck about black lies, not ok, and they got everybody to go out, destroy the fucking country, destroy their own towns.
for their own neighborhoods in the name of what so you could donates for money and by some fuckin houses. Like the rest, everything. You got your nobody's, buying these this shit anymore, the credibility is gone, and the more they come out and say, stupid, ass shit like this, which is completely contradictory reality which even the most left leaning her and can recognize showing how fucking stupid there showing the nefarious nature of how they try to manipulate with the mass media machine I have no ok. So what dealing with people who still think that people leave this nobody's believing this brow note he's believing this? Your about a fuck, a monopoly on fuckin social media for fucking, five or six years in reality, ok,
Did you get real bad? The last yak are real bad super, but it started away before that in any body whose there are social media for enough time could tell you that's true right so it started, was shadow banning and no taking your team traffic away. Whenever you get like, there's all kinds two things they were doing the whole time did you are as the only measure Aren't you saying that those there they're gonna keep up with you on? I dunno? If you guys all this this, this just came out. This is arise exclusive, Musk nerli faces federal pro employ backlash over animal tat yet, but but but- and I bet you already on it- How do you want to look? I'm not look exerting, because I want to make sure people know what a fuck that I'm fucking on it. You gotta talk about found. She spoke
shit right zubaydah you spend on tat s right said: oh shit, fuck you right out of her best right, my girl exiled nobody'd nobody's. They talk about anti voucher, fucking suffocating letting bugsy fuckin beagles fucking faces. Often she exactly that I want us to a federal first of all, at no opinion, I gave you the animal testing running huh, ok, like when I still gonna fuckin bog I feel guilty about. But I don't like you. Taking my russia, I think taking wife. ashley innocent life. Whether an animal or insect or can. Human is a bad thing about it. Ok, now, if you're fucking piece of shit again justified. Ok, that's what you gonna do. Sometimes certain people are just fucking on save. However, I don't think that this kind should even be legal. Only the day, animals as yet all at all, yours like that, do think. I guess I mean
ro shampoos and showed that they test on like that. Ok are all about. I think I think I mean obviously the the fucked up shit yeah. I I you know what the truth is. I haven't thought enough about it yeah I dunno where the line is, but I know this I don't like, I don't like these people implanting sharing falcon animals and fucker dice keeping animals and letting animals giving given him diseases and shit. Even if it's a fucking rat and it's not like things fucked up Firstly, the fact that our foreign medical system has to do things to get the results that they need. It advocates by thinking It is indicative of medication. The humorous probably don't fuck me road user. How much longer will be lit? How learn how commissioner were humans, lid, that they were pomp of all these pharmaceuticals, entire fucking life right. seems to me like should not getting better there's more diseases, now there's more cancers as we I'm it like yeah.
creating that makes perfect sense to me, because we wrote, if you this will be no different than like me, owning a business that intentionally made people fucking fat, I could then sell them nutritional supplements. whenever I like robin not a mcdonald's and also on the gym next door like these people create the fucking disease, and then they want to sell you the cure, so they can get rich and there the richest people on the planet, there are already the people like when you guys all the witch or the enemy you have I do the rich on the ridge of the peoples whose products that use everything fucking, nay, without even thinking about it when you go to grow. Restore those are rich people bro you're, buying these In all these things are these fuckin products from these bigger companies? They don't have to fox about you. In fact, they put shit in your food and in your products to make you unhealthy, because there
those companies work together, morocco mingled, when you trace them all back. They all go back, She would never does it make if we put this highly addictive chemicals in your fuckin, fast food, so that your craving stop over and over and over and over and over again, if risk all these are working to sell these people weight loss drugs on the back, can my brother's these people like once be ones So you see what's happening, it's impossible not to get pissed staff in an orderly coming on your life. That route through me we're gonna, do Look man what I was saying earlier: the fucking mama to miss one. And what you're seeing is you're seeing the fuckin rats on the sinking ship jumping off onto the fuckin ship. It's nothing and and you should never forget who these people were, what they ve done. journalists who have done this shit there complicit, in the literal destruction of our entire fuckin way.
Life here in amerika, we have a lot to rebuild, because these people think that there are more important than fucking you guys that was held on number one, right along headline number two atlanta, but to reach leaked aims: I'll alleges arizona, gov elect katy hobbs, twitter employees colluded two cents, election related, miss information, tat man them The article reads: internal email documents at twitter reveal areas. A governor elect and secretary of state katy hobbs, allegedly colluded with former twitter officials last year by flagging accounts related to so called lectures, misinformation, the bombshell leak comes in You mosque, releasing internal company communications through journalists, matt tabby late last week.
When the company had previously censored service at the behest of the democratic party. So this is not just a hunter binds laptop. Is that what you're saying? But that's not the only thing that they since it it's everything interesting, its everything. It's every election, that's gone on last fuckin, three or four years, that's. Why? I'm? Ok, it's what all the ship it happen over the pandemic, which includes sensor their periods that actually worked the deep platform of doctors, the suggested I'll turn us airports that actually work. in hindsight. People know this now the deep laugh warming up people who are coming in and saying: hey we're treating them with this. And this and this you they put some of these people in fucking, jail, bro, Now we re ruin. Their lives has taken their medical credentials. They put him a fucking jail for to off of what
because big farmer wanted a fuckin sell vaccines. Ok, okay did. This is fucking treason, ok, airbus crimes, humanity, nope, and when you start to look at the big picture of who was complicit in all of it, you have. The twitter is being expelled but then you have all these other social media companies right you have all these other big giant. Corporations that help push this agenda and who are they all? A powder what are they all a part of right like they're, all part of the same organisation. We talk about all the time common and urge the new whose leading it wrote a fucking book called covered. Nineteen great reset or I any talks about we'll go out of chaos, and you know you'll. Nothing and be happy, and all these other crazy shit we're gonna have to do
over the very angry population. Yeah no ship row hope you're fuckin ready for it now air is only just so it's not crazy. Let me but like it's fuckin issues like this, The perfect synopsis of this is a tweet by christina about she says unreal, katy hobbs office contacts twitter to have posed, remove right that we have email to follow so. The democratic candidate who ran the arizona elections since her political opponents disrupted action they vote right, the machines. If it were shut down, you can even vote and then she, threatened counties with prosecution if they did not declare her the winner. And what's a radio san now the noise on a sort of fast tweets. Twenty two election, despite some geo p complaints. Attali is just a couple of complaints, yet when I was on the top officials. Certified the mid term elections results Monday, Formalizing victories for democrats over republicans, who falsely claimed the twin,
Twenty election was rigged, phony Honestly, that's what I'm saying talk about what are we talking about? these people are massive fucking damage, control, ok a small percentage of people out there that still watch them right. you can tell by the ratings tell by the economic support. Or that americans are offering these big companies affiliated with this work. We economic make form mission of completely calm, uniting the entire global network of countries? People are rejecting it with the fuckin dollar. Which is exactly what needs to happen, but this matter of james local. Yes, yes, yes, but if people just start to read like if everybody would start to realize it and they were direct their dollars to companies that actually were small, regular citizen own companies. Ok, the ones I'm involved in we're like the ones that People are involved in small businesses. Ok, not these lobo corp fucking.
idiot, but want to rule the fuckin world. It will move a laugh ass. Katy, hasn't hobbs, wouldn't debate Harry I go. She would and should have read the same play by ran twenty run. The same fucking play row. The fact that she, even able to oversee the election that she was running for me. once the role at this point, like real talk like starting to, like think. That maybe this is all for computer like an they already know the outcomes gonna be in that this has to happen, step by step by step for peace The really see what's going on and I don't believe that's the case, but there's like a percentage of me that start I believe that might be the case because of how fucking absurd Third, now this shit is its flocking absurd. I'm gonna run an election groundwater run for
and then I'm going to be in charge of counting everything and make sure that it was fair. I gotcha makes perfect fucking sense. Bro Kerry lake had fucking. Thirty thousand people are fucking, rallies dude, this woman couldn't do a rally. No, wouldn't do it yeah and like the people of arizona like, I really hope you guys are fucking making this known. You're curious though she still hasn't, could she is not considered shouldn't, and I don't think she should by I'm in here is a thing. You can't play that game With them bro homesick, like the whole night, like. that's a whole nother topic that's a hold. The political game is so lacking in road, the people, the people who were not on the left. They don't they don't play the same way they play not realizing like why you're losing is being- they're playing one game which is I'll, do it
fuck. I gotta do it's important to. This is important. It's important that the rules be followed and it's important that constitute should in the processes, be respected, and we have civility and have more in time. The problem that is that it's not being enforced right, by one being yes, these people, but then the eighty percent of regular americans. The notions fucked up are not calling. For accountability the way they should be ok, and if you don't, and accountability very vocally loudly you're, not gonna, get it's never gonna happen. Are these people not just going to you know. You know us nearby, ok, us by bro caught they like bro check out the next election. They committed crimes
better literally punishable by fucking death. Ok, they poorly placed on the entire electoral process, the constitution, ok, everything that makes this country what the fuck is and always has been, they just shit all over this. first time in history. This has actually happened And- and I don't I'm not- set the people don't know what to do, but like guys, We need to call for accountability for this bullshit We need to be relentless about it and there are still trying to intimidate people into not saying anything If you say something like that, bro that will get you, they call you names like and that's a whole nother thing that same purse that same group of people on the right. You know like dude, you watch some the talking heads in the in the in the conservative media, even on social media, not just on en masse me writer, I'm talking about even the influencer's. They don't ever promote any sort of course of action
yeah. What they do is there like, while they do not do what by my right, that's, why broke ass logan, crazy? That's what they do! That's what the the amazing minimise nato, promote they don't say, hey guys. We should be doing this in his and that nobody says that shit, no, no fucking body says it. Nobody me, let I say to my fucking dame would save for fucking years. I haven't. seeds during all this in a fucking. How many hundred so I've done on this shit. we brought the same. Do like it because no they do. This thing where they're like, oh, my god, you I can see that what's happening, see a bird but everytime. You guys do this! Well, my god see what's happening? We inch further, then I'm having everything having nothing. You is cumbersome, roof arkansas, guys listener, though
the reason those people don't call for action is because I know of when everything gets fix. They will no longer be realm and bob I that's their fear by these are people who you know three years ago were nobody's you now without a lot of the conservative influence, Look at him the fuckin infighting if they were really about know that due to actual fuckin problems, fuckin fact I'm just as happened each other. I command you make yeah. I got a phone or attacking each other at a critical time, when the other side is completely self destruct. No, this is the time where everybody should come together and we like fuck, let's buried, They are worried, songs, irrelevance well, yeah, but I'm just and maybe that's true- I never thought about it. Like that. I I would hate to think that people would be that selfish, but it does strike me as very strange how people are like. Oh, my god, did you see this mic where it wears like we have to
Do things for us to stop? You wouldn't say I'm not saying I assume violence on the same riot amazon you that shit but I am saying that you have to find your fucking nuts sack and you speak the fuck up, that's not happening, and it does not facts, people clearly see what's happening, dude I can see it yeah, we see it, can you believe this was. They said that yeah do no shit, they fuck it ass. They hear you they'd everybody, they even hate the people that their fuckin. There they sail on their doom, they its I have always said it dude, I'm sort of four years. It is us and them, and us and them and ass means all of the peasant class us, ok now- wealthy dared. When I come from the fuckin peasant class, right lots of them. You stop hasn't yes right, ass right, which makes me on your fucking ok, now people think it's left
in writing a linear? It's not it's, not it's up and down. Ok, it's them at the top and us at the bottom, and that's it what they sell the social with communist crowd, as, what's actually going on. But what they're not telling them is is that they you're telling me miss at the top, are actually the people they're trying to make these people the key we in the socialist people believe is like people like me right, in saying that business owners that fucking there. S off for the whole fucking life re tons of joy, and made these money and done some things they make it so that they can create this division amongst the mode of to them. Cockroach, peasants for sherbet, you see what I'm saying absolute and bro. This is not a tie. This is a time for everybody to wake the fuck up and realize that they don't give a fuck about us. They don't care about us. They care about them and not say anything
but they have to say to remain where they are, because that is the pinnacle of their existence. These people have- in their mind, they've earned the right to be in the position to dictate to us how going to live our lives. How what money we're going to pay to them? How are going to spend that money when they're supposed to be spending on the country. Their figure out ways instead steal it from themselves, and this is happening at a school All that is unprecedented has never happened before in this country, and people really need to fuckin swayed the fuck up and understand what's happening, but this is not fucking conspiracy. This is not bullshit, you moscow showing you the truth. He shining light on their fucking game and people in need, people are still trying to be loyal. You know I hate speeches, what's happening onto that's, not what's happening, grow that that not the issue here
we want to work with you on the real world. It and people get along, people go on why people get along age. People get along all people get along. They get along when they don't get along, is when these motherfucker with their massive and trillion dollar media machine start the pope and prod device I along every difference that we might have when in reality, that is in complete, it's a complete contradiction to what america actually is supposed to be America is supposed to be a united people that is served Why people that we elect that's how we have right now we have a bunch of identity, politics, people in little groups- and this group belongs to this party. and this group belongs to this party in this group over here. They belong to this party, and these people feel entitled to those groups They also feel entitled to create divisions
do whatever they need to do. Ok, creed- Hysteria anxiety, stress, restoration of poverty. Ok in order to keep their position at the top and, if you think about it, if you think about it like you you come from where you are now and now: you're you're in this little club. they were everybody- gets privileged information. Everybody trays together, Everybody makes money together ever buddy is immune to the actual laws of the common man together. I'll stand up for each other who's, gonna fuck, that up. Sure of san people aren't going to fuck that up because it's the best I ever had like them. Without a baby nobody's ass, correct and so we have to find out for his room and that we will actually reckless away and saw a third and final Helen had another three somebody who is actively working to fuck. That shit up have on reads, updates
attorney general Eric schmidt releases, full transcript of doktor, vouches, deposition of missouri, louisiana, lawsuit against Joe Biden, etc. so the day before thanksgiving Missouri attorney general Eric schmidt along Louisiana attorney general Jeff, Landry deposed anthony faculty. at the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases or any iD the national institutes for health or in age and bethesda Marilyn, the guy way. Pundit, who wrote this article article previously reported in may that the missouri in Louisiana attorney general's a fat a lawsuit, very VII viii Biden. Again, the binding administration, including Joe Biden himself, anthony faulty department of homer insecurity and nearly a dozen federal agencies. The secretaries now here are some of the big main key points of this deposition. So far far gee, frequently live unless
and until it was confronted with alternative facts, affords ample. He claimed he wasn't really familiar with Ralph barrack creator of the with virus or peter, that's it who brokered values, and I d grant money to money chinese by a lab and mohan until you confronted with evidence that his own chief of staff, emailed whom describing d To come back as being part of algae team, You claim that he had no knowledge at his communications team did not coordinate with social media companies to stop information, this information, and so he was for to admit that he actually be no of certain instances of coordination found to contain pushed the now debunked assertion that call, It was a naturally occurring virus. We now know that is complete, crap and thought you knew about it fell. She said disinformation alone, not only know about it. He funded the creation of it and the guy who created it was on his team.
now about value said this information and misinformation information he disagrees with basically put lives at risk. while she refused to define gain a function. This is all the deposition gas. He refused to define, gained a function, research saying it was to broaden its home to the fire. Here's here is no fun factor, came up until very recently found His daughter worked at twitter that was russian connection. repeatedly claimed that he couldn't recall could remember. In fact he said I recall a hundred and seventy four times during the deposition. Here's some answers Mr falconer claim that hydroxide cork, where was ineffective, entreating coat, but he couldn't site a single study to support his claim. Ok, fowl He also rejected the list of three hundred and seventy one studies on dioxin work and its effective this in treating the disease when he was presented with a list.
He had no scientific evidence to support any of his scientific conclusions in his did the deposition at all. He simply prefer to use invective against positions he dislikes when confronted with the over three hundred seventy studies. Finding h see Q was effective in treating covert he flailed and had no meaningful response. Now eddie, I like to add something else, is another thing that he did just so we're fucking clear and by the way I know Eric Schmidt. Personally, mother, you have a track on okay. This is this Our attorney general here Missouri, who just got elected the fucking. I state Senate and you shot be very fucking thankful that he is going to the united states senate cause he's a bad mother fucker. This dude faulty also rejected the studies. that showed that masking was an effective, including the and ninety five mass ruin, effective and brain stood in a name. He pushed it anyway. Ok,
He had no scientific evidence in he. He pushed it on you anyway, which goes to my point of the divisions ship. They tried to create ok,. This dude knows his fucking ass. His on the fucking lie. You ok, he's lying. I was told he was. The bottom Eric told me tat. He was the most arrogant. Persons are met his life. In fact, when the court reporter was was doing the typing, she like that, and he told her she need to put on a mask which is what brought about. The question is about the massive game which he had. No I'd, like your response to I'm glad you bother should act now, shoes, focus my beliefs. I've spoken personally with Eric, since this happened I got before run how I know that story? these I just do cause this. Is our court reporter cos it's a woman actually found she goes up
I will put a fuck a mask on and then they go right into the masking. Quite certain great wrote: what's here's what's funny. how many times over the last three fucking you years. Have you and I ve been asked where The proof where's your scientific studies, worshipped bro, we ve been showing them to you along the way you ve just refuse to listen to you. Automatically assume that somebody like found she is somehow more intelligent or small. whatever then people were, can actually looking indonesia and do you guys have fallen for the propaganda, and you should right now at this point times should say, fuck. They got me book. You should ask in these fox, where their fuckin science of external shit cause. Guess what they didn't have all how dangerous is it that how how danger this. Is it that so much population believed I mean look at the damage caused row. It closed hens,
that hundreds of thousands of small businesses for good? Ok people the wash their loved ones die, I'm fucking, zoom right. I people were denied effective therapeutics that were known to work and scientifically proven to work the entire time, because this motherfucker wanted to sell you his fucking shit that he was getting paid to push. Ok people die because of that lots of people are still dying. Do lots of people? like we'll talk, we're talking about literally dude. It's the worst crimes against humanity that every fuckin been history, the fucking earth, but guess what the that's? What the other it was only one country global for conveying the simultaneous yeah we'll begin with them by us to say about this rope. Anti vat Is there the six to intervene in Missouri Agee, Eric schmidt social media, lawsuit visit? I what that's the response to this saying your neck,
This is a single article. This is from a giant when Missouri independent. Ah yes, for the reeds for vaccines sceptics, Whoever each been accused for years are spreading. Medical and misinformation are asking a judge to allow them to join Missouri attorney general blacksmiths lawsuit alleged the federal government colluded with social media companies to suppress freedom of speech. Oh however, to have kennedy junior factor. Joseph mccullough right and tying charlene bollinger filed a motion with federal court louisiana asking the interview lawsuit, arguing that each has in censored indeed, platform by social media. Every single fucking doctor who went out and got punish and lost they should join the this has nothing to do like with people fuckin stoop, and I just can't be wrong wrong. I don't care.
No, like this fucking, do you do the due to wrote this? What what the fuck? What the fuck are you getting for aunt, that, and this is it. This is a symptom of the bigger problem of over generalization in every scenario. That's going on, or culture you don't like the covert vaccine europe anti I've? Ok, you don't think that this is what's been going on. The last four years is: ok, oh you're, a conspiracy, her! Oh you criticised fact that you know what's going on in statistical data, oh you're, a fucking racist. So what am I now do you? You don't know. So what are we now? But I'm just saying like dude? It's you can't. We as a culture can now Generalised entire groups of people like that we continue to prosper. Flourish. They will not happen. We have
start judging individuals for individual behaviour. This whole fuckin concept of the republic of the united states of america is based on personal flock and responsibility in personal accountability. This didn't politics shit that these people have hammered into our fuckin heads for the last fifteen years is counter productive to all of us, regardless of who and what and how you think in what you like, and what fucking who like to fuck everything like bro Shit is dangerous and its intentionally installed in our culture so that we can make any progress and they elite. People of the world continue to control us because we're all in judging each other and always fuckin stupid shit, anti of action? Because you don't want to take something that was Study is improving wasn't even fucking needed, ok and dangerous for your aunt I've action. No I'm just called smart move
right, I'm caught up with me as long as they're. What we now call me old enough to understand what it looks like five. Six years after big farmer puts drug in people's fucking bodies, even with adequate tests, because almost not every time but a lot of times, what do we see views held by this view, heard by that, if you are love one yes here what you like smoke openly row approaches a like dude, I'm sea, like these young people, who are twenty years old shit fallen over. You know him say like these people were play. There's that we have a response. We have a reasonable expectation that, people who run the media and the people who run these organizations like the world health organization age. Yes, I'm all of them, or the fbi or the cia or the FDA, or all these to not be
politicized and to tell us the fucking truth to tell us the truth, and we have people in this country. You were great people who are fuckin good, Are the people who believe the media and believed the shit as they should be expected to do. and now their suffering and indeed this is the problem I have with with the people for the last three years, like you motherfucker, who were like whip me last three years on the same via was on and now you're like saying, fuck people in this and that this row that's right either I can see that with the people who organised to be not understand a lot of good hearted people got wrapped up in the real the expectation that we should be able to trust these fuckin box Obviously we fucking can like dude saying all like, like do I see people posting like when people die from life My card dinosaurs, the sudden death that we ve covered on the show many many times
like celebrating it's like bro. You know better now, right, like that's. That's disgusting shit like we're to make work. If we ever want to get anywhere in this country, do we have to make room for? everybody who's, been fooled by this lot. Yes to join in with the people who were not fool and if we do. That will never have the unity needed to actually fix the situation, a hand. and we were like no amnesty. I agree. No amnesty or fucking him exactly people like him and the people at the top who knew what the fuck was going on, like these motherfuckers twitter, who knew what they were doing when they were censoring the shit, because they were old by the biggest most richest, powerful group of people in the world, which is called the world economic forum to fucking do that and when you would get it that the emails fully, that the truth will be see for everybody to see you know you have,
can sorrels over the last fucking ira, no fucking twenty years, placing people and our prosecuting offices that will not prosecute fuckin car there. There dude, if you come here to Saint Louis, which won the highest crime, cities, pregnant, This will be arrested and be out in fuckin and our same issue. Does she want You should be asking why that all happened at the exact same time all across the country there all on the same footing, page dude. It's about! destroying civilization to a level of fucking laurel destruction. and then them coming back in and say how we have a solution here is how we can do this mask off, yet it rope it's fucking, disgusting and people were seen in like you really who are seen it like you just starting see it there's a lot of new, people it listen shown here, is growing and note, though, a lot of those people who were no against like this
We say that we were all this right. and then conspiracy to arrest and falcon racist and fuckin massage earnest- and I got me all that shit, but then we could. We need to send the message down. Yeah, okay, now a lot of those people are coming around, and I know this because I get apologies in my four condemns every fuckin day in a lot of ok people are waking, the fuck up you guys were waking up. It's not enough to like wake up. understand, like all ships and fucked up she's, going to really look at it? It might really fuck and look at because what's happening here, has the potential to keep you and you're fucked, family from ever realising any of the goals and dreams or any of the bright future that you think of when you think of what you want for your family and look up We need unity to fix this, unlike nobody's gonna the fucking ground level. is understanding like they're, letting their ego in their pride in their act. Would you so yet unaware? of like say: hey man
I'm sorry that you have to take that medicine that you don't wanna take or I'm sorry you fucking. You know like that. So and then that I say what do you know what I'm sorry for you fuckin saying that you are a piece of shit, because you, when we're fuckin, mask right when in reality the whole reason that a lot of us What were the mask was because we, still was happening back then we understood that was a compliance exercise to get everybody to go along. That's what the fuck you, was we still the stores and we see people who sheepishly blindly without reading a fucking word of what the truth actually is. Is available widely. This point still following for the shit anyway, fuck doktor faulty broke here's. What people are going to come to the they're going to come to the realisation of understanding is that this man is kill more people than any fucking disease in the history of fuckin planet robot, and look what you know eight right. Look into that shit wrote about the look of a testing that he's gonna fucking young children, which we ve covered.
Open the mass graves you talk to buy this. Is it no human, being Doing the work of other evil human beings and is not an accident, it's not a misunderstanding. Oh, we didn't know they fucking new and it was intentional, the entire time with a fucking piece of shit. What what what was arise I fuck involved cover whatever was there was a little girl was alive, my fucking, so bullshit hollywood magazine where the propaganda ali celebrities, like the he looks row now. He looks like a fucking piece of shit. may have the new vow lay in his I'll instead of any but one on like lifetime. Now, that's it. She was everywhere, brody propagated him up to be fucking price, slight figure, the fuckin safe you dont, buying religious candles of him. that's real! Yes, Bangles bro, that's real face. Stop it at Google
it up, but there's no fucking way from my promise. You can still fire telling me mother, fuckers were buying candles right there are you fucked? I thought that was a fucking joke. How much is how much is it goes for it was listen. They named. this man into an idle to get in. If you British do not remember no army. I do I don't remember the candles I remember all that shit, although I was not tracking monroe. You know how many people were like fuck. You all were you so mean doctor, fao chi? Well, because he's ruining the fucking earth ruining your life and you're so fuckin stupid. There you go along with your begging for yet your yeah and other people. After trying to save you, the people you hate the most are people you hate the most are trying to save you from the damage. These motherfuckers are trying to do to you, your family and your fucking future, and you hate them for it. You hate him, for we have to have unity on the falcon bottom level, brought no matter how bad of a tastes we will have in her mouth about each other, reality like,
people on the way or the knocker forming people, whatever the freedom lovers, everything all of you motherfuckers need to quit. Fucking, you know attacking these fuckin people who were food and the people who were fool, you need to say, hey, you know what and talk to your fuckin homes and say: hey. You know what, for I fucked up I believe that shit thanks for stick up for me and then join. Those people show when accountability more many anybody. How can I help through its role could also fuckin schmidt, the rope yeah for sure your weight about really starts to reveal itself do like. Do there so much more shit but you I got access to and win if slightly, if slash win, decides to release it all brow. You're going to see the level of corruption that you could never pass we imagine across all platforms across all companies and across all countries worldwide in order to push this global.
The agenda you're, going to see things that you won't even believe or true, because they're so fucking evil. They do not fucking care about, you they do not care about me. They do not care about us and you have to understand that as a fundamental reality before you can accept any of the evil ship. We have actually been doing. They do not care like do they do not care If you die your family, does everybody? Does they don't care anyway?. What guys that was a three headlines, hope you enjoyed them. Some for final segment of the show can even call it comes up, it's dumb as fuck. That's what it is: yeah yeah new segment yeah! did just dumb EF I have on a dummy. I fell. I read I to my eyeballs purple than blue. Now going blind shocking.
So hindsight, is twenty. Twenty. Ok, mom, a five brushed. Four dollars. Advice did not get her eyeballs tattoo due to potential blindness, and now she lives her vision, nea petersen mission way to hear hope. It was worth a dumb. fuck man, you wouldn't want to be so unique and so cool, and so like star winners, as I eye appears this person's proud going to act like a fucking victim wanna bet, I could see it. I see a common already. she'll be soon. The tattoo artists shall be soon falcon. Everybody she's a law student now she has austin, looks like shit to by the way, Maybe this is her. Now some is action it's hard to do not yet know it's like dude. I have. I have immense amounts of empathy for people. They make mistakes fuck up the shit, but naturally
I kind of shit y. Here's like I was going to. I should as well, because you also like you, have a unique perspective right. You have over a hundred hours of three hundred hours. That is rice, although you hundred you, you didn't highly, lay tat all motor camp. I everywhere most people don't know people don't everywhere. On the most, I got a guy a lot of catching up. A lot ran bilbil, I m so like and the way I waited until I was fucking thirty, four years old start. You know why cause I was shitty. Tattoos were good ones right as don't I don't get it man, I don't get it dude. You can't. The don't even look good man. Do these people care about looking at the care by shock we live in attention to all these people. Care about is in goodman, yes, yes, yeah real. This is why we have so many lazy foxes. Society broke people
people are not willing to pour them el to create a life that actually mean something or contributes to anything. or matters because are too busy trying to like get attention the fucking internet. Where's the issues are lodged a bit. You are you gotta go to court. Looking like that, yeah you are about to lose a moment to shit. I would, like are you? Would you hire her as a client? I mean, as as, as as you know, because clearly she's dumb as fuck, I got my eyes down to like this are cool dude. Now The other thing that goes without saying a man. Ass are dumb ass. An hour I had I feel sorry for yeah. I you brought if you did this to yourself, it's fucking ridiculous, but there's a lot of cleaning up and society needs to happen like this is the total degenerate. The collapse of every fucking thing that we ve ever known to be right, and it's intentional
and people are ruining their lives day in and day out over it because they want to u wanna fuck and look cool for this fuckin phone just did. I don't drag it's gonna, take a lot it's gonna take a lot rural. It's not, as you know, so yesterday, a lot of people really would not gonna happen. You're not is going to happen. If you sit there and say nothing happened no, what's gonna happen. If you sit there, every single dangerous act like you're out, when, in reality, you're not willing to take any fucking action whatsoever to fix the problem, not contributing to it. You're actually hurting it like I don't know, man like I just don't use darwinism now the arms and I take the warning labels. Other everything It would be a serious brown, but when you gotta put warning labels on a fucking tb, commercial for a fuckin diehard battery the says: don't drink,
inside that ipod. Listen it's time stop that shit and let people for consort themselves out like a view that fucking stupid to do shit like that, then you deserve whatever the fuck happens to you and that's how we keep done people from fuckin us have, two obsess over the dumb realities that these people can do like add ons I don't understand what's hard about that now it will be burdened by their consequences. You will not only burn by their consequences. We are now oppressed by their consequences, because these people, Then I'm talking about vote hit right right I don't have big push again. We finish up with it, but don't a big push against allow sixteen, I was now to vote, I guess I wrote the shit's already spread of no use be able to vote. Listen! Ok, I'm fine with that. But unless you have a valid tax return of showing that you fucking pay your fuckin taxes that you have a job,
you pay taxes, you should have no say in fucking elections, you shouldn't know well, ok, because what happening as we have so many people that do not contribute to what's going on voting having us having a say in what all the rest of the productive people have to deal with, by the way those people are getting away more, if not for the last. You no fuckin what is sixteen years, your yet eight years, a fucking obama, then we had for years are trump, though now we have fought for years. This don't fuck no like broke. This is bullshit. We need major reform and that's not like not unrealistic like why the fuck should people war paying in one could trigger. We have a saying what decisions we make mowing I can feel like. I don't even want to contribute like a dirty over voting. You know what I'm saying a working class, the people who actually work and pay their bills they're voting
for themselves to get piece of that. That's fucking fucked up now ok and- and do we as americans have to stop with this excess. Thing intolerance, mentality, because we're gonna tolerate ourselves right out of fucking all of our shit. they're going to come and take a shit monsieur you ever sticker, though superpower Do you understand what I'm saying absolutely bro, like? and people here that and they're. Like my god, that's that's fucking Ratan yeah. It is radical but clearly look round. We fuck a radical change. I don't like bro, I'm not listen to the people than our focus on the fucking field right you're not paying in why the fuck. Do you have any say in anything that goes on? I don't think I don't think that's ok and because of the center of the vote for the higher incentive for themselves, which comes out of the pockets of the people who are building and contributing, while the true representation happens when those people who are actually contributing to society
and they have those opinions and beliefs of how she should go. That's fine, because the now So the true nature of the fuckin republic in rather believe, like that's completely fine, if I get outweighed by people were also. I agree, that's cool, okay, so so so back to my point, totally. Finally, sixteen year old voting, if they ve got a fucking valid tax return there. we're gonna part time jobs there working to fuckin their workin wherever warm. I don't matter to me, but you it gets a brie. Now, that's gotta change! Bro with it. Alright, guys that is three or pay the fee. Guys. Don't forget I know we're audio heavy man or audiences massively audio heavy. We ve been audio only for nearly a decade, Where do you live shit, we're doing the the shows on to now as well. So if you go hit subscribe on youtube for those who are unfamiliar with how to use youtube, intellectually notify you demand that it comes out so could check it on you to work.
we're good shit, people are starting to actually realize that I'm not just angry and pissed off all the time actually give a fuck which actually feels good, so I'll watch the shows he was sleeping on the floor. Not much response from the fucker stole countless millions in a kobe beach, booty smoke got a rope. Kang both doesn't know shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-01-03.