« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

426. Andy & DJ CTI: Democrats Launching Attack On Elon Musk, Scientists Warn Of 'Zombie Virus' & Bob Iger Contradicts Himself

2022-12-01 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Democrats launching a coordinated attack on Twitter’s new CEO Elon Musk, scientists warning of a new 'zombie virus' being a threat to society, and Bob Iger contradicting himself and expressing regret after denouncing anti-grooming laws.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number for the countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph kang, doesn't know his shot case club. What is that guy's theory priscilla- and this is the show for the real say goodbye to the lies- that they can save the illusion of modern society, welcomes mother fucker reality guys. Today we have the dj, whose mother fucker minimum this we're gonna do and crews internet nice, nice, easy crews we'll take three headlines or we're gonna, throw up here on the screen now the ruin you youtube, you guys I see these actual things like if you watch it on youtube retard, shit about it. My dear sir,
and I m here to talk about how we collectively can help solve these problems, and then I wouldn't do so with a with a strong sense of humour, especially, are what we call cultural humor and then Sometimes you today and there will be other formats because, unlike other podcast, This show has shows, within the show that some of the other shows that we do here are q and a half. That's where you get a chance to submit your questions in an agony. The f answer the Questions can be about anything guys can be about life business personal development success. Politics society issues, I don't care what it's about, what could be about anything, but you could met those questions to ghazi mo those questions and to ask andean eighty ante for salad, aka and sometimes you gonna get a real talk, which is exactly what it sounds like. It is five twenty minutes of meat burn your ears up. And then sometimes we're not falling.
like this kind of what you use do with other people, shows you I call it a review. I call it. A conversation now have a fee for the show. The fee is very simple. Tell somebody about show do we not take advertising dollars. We know yet paid by other companies to talk about their products here on the show because I don't wanna, be leverage by these massacres and so in exchange. For that I would appreciate, if you guys, we share the show. international organic. So what's up man, Was common measure- oh here, why? How god? That's our? How are you doing I'm doing very well, we three of seventy five hard book. You feel really good already. Definitely. And the more you do that programme, the more it you automatically Look into that sound like the first time I did. It took me like twenty something days, to really flip into that, like bulletproof mindset zone.
And I must say on their stay three, but I can feel my son of going. There is still a common yeah brown in like it feels fuckin good. As rare new lowest for me to the day when you do to eighty six really low is sadly russia be. Rubbing dick knows, and there is it written tech areas it. Well. I I'm getting there, you are, you gonna, do Man spoken awesome, what's going on in the world today, dues and any crazy shit or what yeah I mean, there's always that there's always some crazy shit definitely got got the latter there. For you that Sweden, sir? A I saw this sum I saw this hour. call a cab member who was at the new york times. I think was in your times. and they wrote this article and you might it beyond this already, but on The headline said
fashion meets She went on shit, the bloody augustine where I saw that were all did you that article you're, what piece of shit article that once the term tell me not complicit in doha, tell me you're, not a pedophile without telling me up here are telling you you're pedophiles nobel earlier you guys get a chance to read that article if you go, look it up. What will we get when we get on the website? Ok, dude, like it's poorly, like like brushing it off as conspiracy like they do a fucking everything wrote that ends up being true and their blaming the cure non movement. Like wrote, you fucking eighty, it's out there right The shit like you're, a fool people. Remember, first of all, can I open anything? I'm just saying you don't fool anybody like nobody's re to be calling the names that you fucking dished out, like all these names that you just blasted people with for the last
Ok, all the stair racist success. massage earnest, fuckin, whatever Homophobia knock out the nazi cure non blah, blah blah blah blah blah. Nobody fucking cares. Do you guys are clearly fucking guilty of what the fuck we're talking about, which is doing enough. Are we talking the fairies, nasty shit, the kids and now you're, trying to like convinced People still believe on a shred of europe's credibility that this sum q and on paying this has nothing to do with fucking queuing right. motherfucker you you guys are fucking with kids you're caught Are you trying to be alive all yeah? Well, there's some people know there is a whole lot of people. stand what's going on less, the thing about it, the right like everybody's, all this shit than the means nobody's all that shit, nobody's all that shit. That means we are the majority and the road is easy
like, we can easily find out who's got the hand. I was talking about this, my history and last night like it's. It's abuse four thing to watch these hollywood people who have been propped up by the parallel angry. I dont think people really understand what's happening like I don't think people, stand. What's going on with this twitter thing, whites import like, I think it the service level, they are like all fucking you. I must goodbye twitter, airbus pissed, but they dont understand why they are these all the media that the the fucking cabal of millions fox our pissed. Yeah and the reason their pissed is because their proper in a machine is being exposed. Ok, some rambling, yes right in front of your face. You guys could pay too. If you start paying attention right now, you'll be able to see this happen, but. Your whole life in my whole life.
Hollywood has served as the propaganda insertion point for culture, ok- and you have to ask- Well, who owns the studios? Who may the calls about what message is get put down both in the credits. Almost producers well, do there's a whole lot to this, and I want to explain this, how I'm seeing it so that people can maybe pay attention, as this happens, But you're all life do the fuckin media. Hollywood celebrities. You know be a few other places. But I'm not thinking about my head right now they have been basic, we programming you with whatever it is they decide that you need to think is right or wrong or morally acceptable, or you know terrible right, and they ve been aim. You down this road, ok,
and they ve been removing all your culture moving your common sense and were moving the things that are actual fact such ass, a man is a fucking man and a woman is a woman and they ve so far down the road do were all looking around we off first, while we all think were the only ones to think it. The second of all we feel, like you know this shit is totally out of control, but people are afraid to say things, ok and so on happened on twitter, and this is accelerated over the last decade or so and what happened on some of these social media platforms and what's happening on twitter, but this is import. is that your seeing these hollywood people be exposed just how a relevant they are. Ok because they ve been propped up by fake accounts. They ve, been prob. up by favourable narratives. They ve been propped up by fair we'll algorithms and then
Anybody who stands against them is silenced or de platform for work in that country. Eight, this scenario where You all observe what's happening and you think oh there's, all these people out there that agree with these people fuck the world's going crazy. I guess I'm just not with it. You shut your fucking mouth, it's an intimidation factor, so they make it appear to be that their agenda and these hollywood people are highly influential and you know, controlling the shots and controlling the culture when in reality, it's all a fucking programme front. Ok, go on the real world asked people. If a man is man and woman is woman, asked what the fuck they say, you're going to tell you everything thinks takes crazy. Brothers are very small minority of people that are even with I. and what's happening right now. As these people leave, which has hilarious, is there realizing, like. Oh shit, do like actually now
but he cares about what I said no who cares about what I stand for and nobody It gives a fuck that I leave twitter and that's the first. It's going to happen, but what's going happen after that, in the important thing is going to be that peat we'll start to see the real numbers, yeah, ok and people, we'll start to understand the manipulation? It's happened and then people start to realize how fake the news is, how fake hollywood is, how face the headlines are in power there. Actually being used and so what's happening. In the reason these people are being panic. reed's or panicking, is because their machine. They ve used for decades to manipulate humanity in the worst possible. ways is actually being. Exposed in real time and so. this is not just about you. I must this is about how we are controlled, how narratives our created, how propaganda is pushed and there ability to push. It is coming to a fucking screeching hop its awesome,
Now there are four love: it's a fucking. Awesome ended people people, you know what I think is a freak in the fuck out to it Well, I like brother, losing their fact remains that, it's not over anymore when he, as I say, one person should control the the ideas of a million people yet well, that's what you guys been doing. That's exactly what the fuck has been doing. I I fucking love it man I do to row its exciting- the watch and I'm not even on twitter, do what its certainly enjoyable to wash he's hollywood people who think that better than fucking everybody, realize that nobody gets a fuck about them and the only reason I have what they have is because they ve been propped up by people with the fucking. ability to do something that well, you know it's fun to watch No, if people had a really go earn norfolk in place, I think the boys all their souls due to remember light. Like all those welcome hollywood celebs and on their actors. That's what the job as they are actors. What are they do
they act your arms and so I mean we hold these people and it's the same thing in Washington brother. We hold these people up like these are the best and brightest like these are the smartest fucking people that we have to offer and as that's not the case and that's also being fuckin exposed so I love it. Man yeah it's a good time to be elaborated by like dude. It's just I what I saw that article this morning and insight you really gonna trot. You really know try. The same will play there might be on my father. You guys are far too. you guys are really in trouble I was getting into this guy's a wherever tuning in from. If you want to see any of these articles, pitches links, videos or go to any for dot com will have them link up. There were you headline number one Furthermore, reads much Democrats have launched a coordinated attack on me. You don't say shocking, I'm shot.
with a twitter c, o ilan must said this past susie that several top democrats launched a coordinated its act against whom They were nothing more than quote: actors on the political stage, not directors or scriptwriters must respond. It's when an account, a claim that must have not been political in the past only became politically active in response to attacks from Democrats. This was the original sweet, the call them out. I reads: Ellen I wasn't. Super political on twitter and so Bernie sanders above his elizabeth worn, started attacks. for no reason than others followed of all the deuce I could have attacked, they chose the guy most capable of helping government solve problems. Strange choice, and are you responded saying, quotes other major democratic politicians attacked me too. all around the same time. It was coordinated outside of party leadership and independence like mansion. They are
Actually, actors on the political stage, not directors were scriptwriters on, and this come in the last of this come allows come out of the exact same time that the extra their safety chief amidst the hundred by laptops censorship, with a mistake saying, we didn't know what to believe. We didn't know what was true. There were smoke and, and ultimately for me, it didn't reach a place where I was comfortable removing this concept from what it roth said. robert I set off every single one of my family tune at twenty eight hack elite campaign, alarm bells. She was officially axed But so it was a mistake, and he said in my opinion: yes, At the same, exact arms were is coming. Remember, saying that what has actually interfered in elections.
Replies, which we said exactly the obvious reality is long time. Users know is that twitter has failed in trust and safety for a very long time and has interfered, interfere in elections to the two point out will be far more effective, transparent and even handed as he calls it. What are we got? I mean there there's a lot of weird shit. There there's twitter going on against an apple. Apparently that's trying to come on, and now all of the news cycles are all started. Come together and saying that it's gonna get his ass hand. It's who is? He lot is what they're saying. Minorities runners spent up that narrative? I don't think so yeah I'm either not newton. Neither does the republicans in office there s in there it's party line, if that happens,
The called out apple for apples simum potentially be platforms, whether from the appstore, at the suggestion of whom right and why I already know do you know I mean I'm sure, has through letters it the whole country on your side, the fucking ocean Our europe pays hundreds of The UN's avowed attitude to operate in also, manufacturers. Ninety nine point: nine percent of their hard goods in this country is a why apple silent on their protests Not only are they silent, they actually turned off the airdrop features so that the protesters couldn't communicate with each other. Ok, so there's a whole lot to this, and I dont think that pulls going to get away with doing what the fuck they think they're going to do
goes back into what I was saying at the beginning of the show. These people are freezing to fork out because we are all in the know of how they control culture in this country. They understand that the social media, is an extremely important tool for them to get where they are trying to go and if they don't have the ability to prop up redeem, he'll narratives. That makes no sense to most of america. Ok such as a man. Is a man and a woman is a woman. Some basic fucking, factual, On arguable date, ok, most of america. Most of america understands that this is that's fucking, ridiculous, shit, right, ok and then been able to take all these movements all these narratives ukraine black lives matter, the the corona,
virus pandemic vaccine agenda, everything everything, everything, everything and they ve been able to pump hollywood, and this goes on for years. And years and years they have taken, in over many decades, a very conservative country, I believe, some family values and they have inch them over to the left in the name of tolerance in the name of not offending people in the name of being politically correct and they have finance we changed the literal look and feel and culture of this country. a little at a time and they ve been able to accelerate that with social media, so they have situation now, where most of the country it agrees with the narratives they push. However, people don't like revolt, or get up in arms because they believe
that they are in the minority when in reality, everybody's look around, say what the fuck is going on right now, my friends believe this. None of my people, actually believe this shit nobody's really with this shit that I know and looking round can view what reason your confused is because they have kicked off ten thousand plus a cow? of twitter with over a million fucking flowers. Ok, they have supplied. And censored and shadow ban and de platform. Anybody who speaks out again any of these social narratives. Hence the reason I have been on these platforms with the show and I've been writing it on I tunes in the fucking. Under the cover of dark, blue. So long, ok,. We all believe that everything somewhat fair, like we might be
Oh they yeah, you know they paid. They suppress mizar racism by is impressed by what they let those guys go wrote and in reality there are accelerating, there's their pushing traffic to theirs and they're. Taking all of anybody who opposes the traffic. In that it's a perception of being alone, a b demoralized of being desperate, a being frustrated Rates are very dangerous place for the people who act We fall in line and believe that shit because the numbers are actually in verse of what their portraying, and so, when this collapse, since which it is collapsing, is collapsed. right now. We This collapses, a lot of people are going to realise that they ve been fooled and that they be women nebulae and there they ve been lied to for many many many years. And never to believe that This is very wrong and very evil. They're going to. To understand, what's actually going on here? There are none
I stand with the elite. People of the world had been lying, manipulating achieving us rural time, and when that happens now we a chance to come together and actually change. Some should have real you, yes, but we have this group of fucking left people we will not come the common sense realm of reality because they he believing in fucking this fate narrative that is being built. Ten, surely to deceive, you acquire social media platforms, It's gonna be interesting to see what happens when a collapse as well, because people their whole reality is basically I feel sorry for people little bit there have had their had had her headed up their asses last year, because I do you're coming there with their dealing with right now is like something that it's gonna like break, their mental like the whole entire fucking world of reality, is going to come. In a very short amount of time, like all the ship.
people believe draw the fucking. Marches, they went on all the shit, they did all the money they donated that got stolen from them all this shit, when you come out the light and people start to see that they used the media. Hollywood and all the things I measured the beginning of the show to manipulate. The fucking social narrative and did it's it's a beautiful thing? What are you lawns doing? It really is and people think all their allowing all this hate motherfucker. You guys- are the ones that hate you. Guys are the ones that have cancelled. You are the ones that have de platform. You are the ones who have caused people, their fuckin jobs. You are the ones who fuckin car Everybody grandma killers and gotten fired from their jobs because they didn't want to take some shit that hadn't zero fucking science, mind you're the fucking evil people you're, the fucking haters you're, the fucking, the the cancer. That didn't backs all of society right now, and it were. We would appreciate
as some of you could admit that, maybe you got a fucking played, As say man, you know what, because like dude, I would like to think- and I could tell you this to do like the came out that, like I'm, the one getting played, I believe My big I mean, if you gave me your drive us good shit, but unfortunately, for them ammo smaller than the average bear. Ok and I'm a critical thinker and I've had to be because my professional life has required skills on new reality, then there's a whole bunch of people out there, the sea, the same shit. I'm seeing that What can one say anything because they believe that they are the ten percent of people when everybody else's fuckin insane and that in the end you have to understand it Those numbers are flip flat I have been saying that, for I dunno years yeah I mean I could go. We could go back and find a fucking one hundred clips of shit that, I've told I've, told you guys it's over and over and over again you can see it in the polls. They ran.
During the corona virus issue. Ran up, they ran up porn yahoo. This was a big indicator during the pandemic. It said, would you Would you visit a restaurant that require vaccine status to enter and if you remember it was Eighty one percent said no yeah, ok, when, when all the other paws on every social media on every platform were showing that yeah everybody's with it like less. Kick him out of their jobs was keep from society. You have people on that tv saying? Aren't you any more? why, for the mayor of chicago saying our I wish to make life extremely uncomfortable for them, but those on yeah, if you think you think we're trying to make life uncomfortable for those people you're right, I broke. Let's not forget the evil shit that was said and done to people. We were just hesitant to go.
with the shit you see what- and this was propagated through fucking this tool that is now crumbling in front of everybody space. So, yes, apple wants to remove it because the part of the whole fuckin they all these people are part of it. You all these people, we, the american people and the people of the war, oh ok, this is not just an american issue. I talk strict eyes. I talk a lot of times in the framework of american patriotism. Is I'm fucking amiss right. My family has died for this fuckin contra home team that that's my tea, but this is really a global issue for sure, and you know that the people have to recognise that we'll all seen by them. As fucking cockroach presents, They do not look at us like we're equals like real and that's fucked up thing to row. Most of these people that are considered the cockroach peasants by them. Look
them as if they are the best and brightest, my fucking half right well, these people are garbage their true We're wires cheaters, they're, fucking criminals and their taken bandage of all of us and making all about. As for the fucking bullshit. they were both bribes. My ass, Well, guys. I was Atlanta one I mean what the fuck do. You think dude yeah I mean I do. oh, nothing! I gotta do this. Is there doing themselves. Any justice for making the your way to fuck an obvious and make it like that, you're, not helping themselves good. You know in an uncertain, eventually brought me nothing when the wheel of a more people to fuckin way. from those dreams and really see what the fuck actually gone on call of what it is we are required. some fuckin humility, yeah for sure
I m sure I grow so me all got a lotta. You got for complaint. Real talk and there's no shame like if I went through list of times, I've got played my business career row I got put in Early days I got flock, that's how you learn yeah. I think that's what it requires humility, but it also requires like some some. I don't want to say empathy on our part, but I mean like we. We know that fucking play, we will it's hard to have empathy, thou brokers, I've been a big big proponent of empathy is well. I've said molly we'll times on the show overrun over oregon. These people are victims of a fuckin trillion, plus dollar, pro again a machine that pumps shit in your face twenty four hours a day, and I understand that I do get it. However,. How'd. She comes on tv last week and says: oh what he should get wear a mask again and for questioning your relatives commonplace getting and you go the grocery store now and half the motor for it a worm mask have the nerve to fall
can? I say something you about it so, the time for but for this shit is wearing fucking thin with me, my brother, sick. Motherfuckers coming at I mean say who wears your mirth, We must show them ass would be fuckin ass, like I'm fuckin, tired of it just so we're clear, Eric Schmidt just opposed anthony vouchers and found she not come up with a single study showed that any of the masking worked. In fact, there has been a study that was brought to light literally today that showed yes, what that you're in, your precious and ninety five mass that your fuckin virtue signal about when you're fuckin stupid ass, users and shit was irrelevant. Does it work for fuck you? If you think I'm spreading misinformation? That's the fucking! science right you're, a brain haven't change jobs. I imagine this this fuckin. Why have you motherfuckers think that you're gonna come back and fucking abuse people
and your info a rude awakening. It's not going to happen. not our mixture, make I like those the p, those people continue to go alone. They deserve no everything. If I'm not some of them, There are three within a waken up and see in the shape of a year, flagman Judas, employed the lesser there the fine line across at some point. These people made their fucking bed and they're going to fucking lane. That's real man a through and through. We ask that was headline number one. Moving right along the headline them to, let him see reached speaking a faulty. see this one. Hella marine sciences warn long frozen. Zombie virus is public health threat amid, though so yeah right, yeah, a rather good, rave tories, win for boro know she do that, get ready, Hola You ve been saying that I have been saying: What have I been saying.
There will be more lot bound, rice life, we don't stop it and they will do it again and when they do it again, the virus will be stronger. Capsule row. when there are some in our algorithms They are potentially prying the Pandora's box knobs? I say that they are intentionally, I opened pandora's, how do you know they didn't create the whole box do you know they got this out of the ice How do you know the new create this in a fuckin lab likely? They were covered in society, a fucking know anything that these people say about anything They ve ruined the public trust and at a level that is in my lifetime has never even been close like a post. a meme day my story of this do where an altar and for all to live. Well, I guess I bought my gay. I got one of those and well fuck did we might actually needed these dumb ass, his release and other fuckin thing? You'd. Look this these p,
By doing this work, this should be Global illegal did it and the people who decided, Do it anyway should be fucking killed. This is not important work to humanity. This is all out there's no way. Oh, it's so funny. They found it under a frozen lake. Where where, where do I hate the most hate russia s, work has to be found. Of course brow. That's we'll call. It was from to know that you know Z. She paying and mock invited we're booted, maybe together, but they mix up in their fuckin. Bathtub appear sit around and are fighting in robes. You know at the fucking, not what are they called the bath elsa their children, those mix up funding balkans in vodka yeah man yeah I'm release it. Nothing though the crazy, like the dumbest shit, about this, those like their claim they're doing this. In the name of climate change is the same.
she's, gonna know anyway, we might as well get jumpstart on really yeah. About your about no rhythm of what it looks like this. Why does a little? Actually there I see it for are you how close schwab is up on this? way to go. I got some shit for area I aroma, as is like loaded it's my opinion that these sorts of you tell me this shit's melting, one, that's nominal, throw up It's been frozen for fifty thousand fucking years and is going to melt into got it. they may say in it for fucking. Fifty fucking years man there's innumerable amounts of fucking documentaries from people. who blow the whistle from inside of the climate agenda, saying that has nothing to do with the climate, and it has everything to do with installing. A one world government that is coming
and based a quest. The glow there's been people who are actually. We leave fucking programmes these ports because that's where they are there inside and they're telling you motherfuckers what the fuck is going on and you're fucking still won't. Listen, go far, go look. look into whose the founding father of ecology, Why don't we go look into science. Why don't? We go look into the natural cycles of fucking he and cold across the earth over hundreds of thousands of years Why don't we go look into that sort of thing, Why don't we understand that and bro here's, the truth. We have people that are so. Desperate for meaning in their life. Oh shit, desperate for meaning in their life, because they have none what anything they dont contributed. Anything they dont build anything they can't pay their fuckin bills. I can't take care of their fuckin family because they have been done
created and taught to be literally fucking on able to produce anything in society? Now? Ok,. And these people fleeing onto these social justice purposes? because it's literally the only meaning that their wifi has. And it makes them incredibly easy to manipulate it makes them in credit. please easy to lie to and get to believe communism. They call these people what you swear it because they are These are the people who give them the numbers to accomplish the goal that, sir, None of those people, and only the people calling the play and, like I said on yesterday's, shall I believe when those people, when they finally get the only people who are running the play, finally get what they want all the useful idiots because their unequipped produce in society so What you have here is the most vulnerable people society do
The dirty work of the people who literally fucking hate them a virtuous because they have no purpose Any other area of their life This is why talk about personal, excellence being the ultimate rebellion, because we, dedicate yourself to being personally excellent magically, you find kinds of purpose in your life. and you're, not as easy to fall for lies and manipulation and propaganda. Like some of these people. Do these the reason you can't talk these people any sense into them, because it's the literal only piece of them that fucking matters in their brain. You I'm saying so do we're dealing with someone were, did their very smart, how they do this. we're dealing with people that cannot be taught out of like They can the facts, there's no doubt from other states, but it does not matter bro, there's not a little girl. I don't know
does it matter because they're so body and emotionally that they cannot hear it and what's going to end up happening if this continues to move the way that they wanted to move is it. They will actually do so take her own demise and its it like it. It's it's in it. Then you got more farmers like us in a bunch of people that are like trying to tell people the world right who are like fight like hey. Don't do that, like all you guys, you're hurt yourself no more than they do to you, erases beauty, fuck it try to ruin your lives words. The most credible fuckin dynamic, like that. I've ever witnessed like what it's like impossible to believe. Like every that people like me, are you or any other guys out there tell him the truth. All they're trying to do is to stop these people from.
in themselves unintentionally and ruining their alive, so they hate you for it. You're a fucking bigot you're, a racist, you're you're, the blackface of white supremacy director. I am as you stand up and tell the truth. You Larry elder yeah, that's my bad yeah! Ah fuck man, I mean! Am I off no fuck now I just wish these people stopped doing this dumb shit they're not going to stop notice how there's not one black person up there, Well, it looks pretty call this. The abbe Our sincere so, like you know, one other either now reflect that shit were now watch too much national geographic. Well, you know what happens when they take black. We blocked place like that right now how they fucking die.
now looks like some sort of like word venture that we're gonna go on this. Zombie virus expedition first spoken, wanna go yeah yeah, you can I heard here so you devastated, walk away, bro Who Gaza was headline number two? who, right along Finally, airliner number three number three reads: Bob contradicts himself over disney's fight with florida. Expresses regret. after all, we are denouncing inside rooming. Oh, oh, I pick the warmth. He beer, could fill for the propaganda and ruin my entire company and got thousands of people fire among us one ceo you very
In tune with, what's going on, I only listen to my ultra rich liberal friends, and they all told me to snap to do this and it was the right thing and I ruined one of the most iconic companies that ever fucking existed in the face of the fucking earth. That's what he meant to say that that's what it yeah you must have been there those idiots get charge of these companies. Do I actually reading Neither the placed yeah we're fucker install, thus would so disney returning c, o bobby agar, has expressed regret. The company got into a fight with fought over the states, anti grooming law, not telling disney the recent employee town hall, meaning that he was quote sorry to see us dragged into that battle. It might be hard to accept iris contrition at face value, since he is directly contradicting himself in statements he made earlier this year before, returning to disney eiger, publicly denounce
flawed as law uneven. Nor should it corporate seals not getting more involved in politics selling cm activism, is important, even if voice an opinion on those issues potentially put some of your business in danger so am I base town hall. Eiger was asked about the busy, impact of disney's fight with forty, specifically, the states decision to revoke disney self governing status in orlando, as the reedy creek improvement district, a privileged disney enjoy for nearly fifty years. Quotas that I have to get up to speed. On that completely. Obviously, I followed the news that develop when occurred after I left. The company sorry to see us dragged into the battle. Eiger said quote. What I can say is the state of florida has been important as for a long time, have been very important to the state, afford all you
report on the state of florida, we know paying falcon taxes xaver, they fuck you do boom in the cool. Ok, listen. Furthermore, I must get off his eye. His tweets agnes within five february saying this was in response to Joe Biden, the Joe Biden twit accounts. Reading this and what I want. Every member of the algae bt q plus community, especially the kids, will be impact by this hatred. bill to know that you are loved and accepted just as you I have your back. My administration will continue to fight for their protection and safety. You deserve either responded quote. I'm with the president on this have passed. This bill were put vulnerable young algae bt, q, people in jeopardy. We all know that your business stock as far contained. A few months ago, I know when we about. Initially was the worst performing stand in doubt I was tired, like facebook area, means that over a fucking the last, while my group-
good job only to give watch cnn believe in believing fucking rich knows not ass. Do you think this is a ploy, though, is this want to try to win back. Some of the fuckin publicly accept israel dude it's fucking, grow sphere oh they're, sexual innuendoes, topped bottom in every one of you, rode last thirty fucking years everywhere It's disgusting, if you really paying attention, it's, not, ok, ok, and the reason it added a lot to say about this actually the reason that people look at do you understand why so many democrat, some people on the left, like it so pissed about saying grooming gives us exactly what they're doing now, because they most of these people believe you were born Or strader trance, they believe you're born that way. So if you believe that people are born that way, then. Group grooming, a you really believe that
grooming is is just a is just like a negative insel right. Okay, okay, can understand and follow, but if you follow the data and you look at the person of people that are gay or straight or trans, that now versus even ten years ago. It's literally gay went from three and a half percent up to twenty percent of eighteen year old, kids And their reasoning is that they believe, because we live in a less oppressive society, that's what happens and then Most common sense people realise that when you read kids books when their three, in or five years old and an you know about second dicks man sex and you got teachers, walk in so teaching and the abc and want to trees. Wanna make tick talks about Our own sexuality and talk about? You know all
get on there crying all this child business gender me. Those people have zero fucking interest or like there's there. There's then they should never be around children. never ever. They're, not even capable of understanding who the fuck they are they may have but will literally lesser no, they have a little and melt down by the way. How will you choose, lived in adult in this country. I am cool, I believe, a fuckin freedom, I believe in you to do whatever you want you just shouldn't be indoctrinated to be there and you should make them decisions as an adult, you can't get it how to when you're fucking, eight result when you're fifteen, but there's general reassignment surgeries happening in this country, the younger people as young as fifteen years. All ok,
That means that removing brass or removing penises were over, create yasser, and these can It's now, there's a massive movement of because It's been going on for the last five or six years. Now we see these kids now coming out, who are, the transition nurse who are twenty years old, who look fuckin forty, because harris fallen out because they ve been on hormone shit, we notice ass, what would have like do they fucked up? and you can clearly see it in a light brown. The saddest it the most infuriating thing to watch, because these kids had our whole fucking lives, stolen from them by people who don't know who the fuck they are and decide that it's important to somehow direct kids into that and there's
me telling you that that is people who this has happened to telling you that road and they'll being completely ignored by mainstream media and people's, don't start to ask your staff to ask why? Why is this happening? Why is this so k? How has this happened? How did we get here? What we got here because of the thing I just explain it: does it make sense to most people but because they own the propaganda machine, they can get enough people who don't know it is better to go along with it to allow it to happen. And then we must consider well. Why are they doing it Why are they doing it? Well, what better way to conquer a culture or a country. then too, to legitimately remove the personal. Identity of human beings? Ok, when you can get people
to believe that it's ok to switch from man too. To non binary? I'm not I'm on both in everything and I'm nothing at once. Wrote to woman we only want one Were they choose? Ok, you ve effect and you get the rest of the people to believe that that's normal now, you you've moved a fundamental reality from society, because if you can get people to agree, to something so basic, such as you know, a man is a man and a woman is a woman if you can get them to doubt that or question that, or believe that that is not the truth. Release fearful not to say that what can you not get them to believe And this is mental conditioning and they don't care how many peoples after how many lives ruined or what's created, because of this.
and by the way, what is accordingly, a conspiracy theories? What is the matter? an objective of bill gates, what's its main objective of population, now, who doesn't reproduce do people that you have there who do get people reproduce. Well, how do you get People we produce they adopt would have to adopt better reproduce at all. yeah, reproduce ovaries, or not, no fuckin, okay, so ornaments down there now. Do I want to be clear here because, like that, the algae bt q community is very hostile to anybody who critiques them in any way there nothing. I don't have a problem with any. All on this planet wanting to do fucking anything however, you want to live. However, you want to be don't touch you fucking, kids, ok, don't groom the kids,
don't talk to the kids about sucking dicks when their fuckin for ok, don't look, don't mutilate kids, and ninety nine point: nine nine, nine percent of gay, lesbian and trans people agree with that, because they did this. Things and became these things or started to live out lifestyle when they were towards or are ready in adult. Ok. So, like you know, when you criticise the ship people. Take it like you that automatically like your fuckin bigot. No, We're we're just asking some very reasonable shit like state fuck away from those kids bro and honestly, the algae bt q community they are doing now. Goes against rumours and they're. Doing amazing work because they are creating a platform for the the vast majority of the gay lesbian by sex. Who population to say, hey
If we don't agree with that either me for that row, there not, I know a lot of gay people bro and there is not a single one of them. That is for that shit that I know you see what I'm saying right. Like people aren't view about the? Why? Behind all these things are just thinking like? Well, that's fucked up, Yeah bro its way more fucked up, and you realize, especially when you take a ten thousand foot view, and you start looking at all the others, things there duality of georgia that we ask that as many by Didn't check now ass, the night on open borders. Ten million people now have come across the fuckin border, who are illegal immigrants, guess what they mostly art. Most of them are like. Christian, patriotic americans? They come from a different fucking world and it's one that isn't here right and so, what's that going to create and and like we're taught that you have fucking up Chuck Schumer on tv a few weeks ago, literally talking about the depopulation agenda
I'm sorry, the the great replacement theory right. taught he's he's like weighing it outlines closer to an end. And what, if I say it or you sad or anybody else out their says, it there's some sort of fucking conspiracy, terrorist or racist, no bro. It's not races to observe what is actually happening in front of your fucking fix dude. Then we talk about the destruction of our currency, Ok, we don't want devaluation of our currency broke in flight She does nothing. Inflation is actually theft we time they print money. That means your money is worth less. It also means that you're, fucking houses, worthless and your assets are worthless
every time these motherfuckers print trillions of dollars. They are literally stealing equity from you and giving it to them right like the fact that most people can understand that concept, and why can't they understand that concept, but they don't teach that shit. School and the? Why don't they teach us shit in highschool? Because if you learn that you lay be able to do it by people understand, what's happening demonized people who do know it, You know what I'm saying or have learned it or kick them off the fucking internet or you know, take their bank accounts warp ruin their lives in any way possible like or and people in her house to try to intimidate them now. Button happened, just that it only happens once every thirty it's me here for groundwater now bitch, I may give you soon sambre. I wish people could take a step back and just your stand like what is why this
being jam down peoples throughout, This is not about tolerance and acceptance in any of the ship that these people believe it's about has never, because there are not tolerating you're fucking views. Agri, they're, not worried about offending you they're not worried about how your kids feel getting taught about this case. Z, persons, fuckin sex life, men, their vessels They met the beauty like that, the their policy. Ever though I they talk about oh, no, the minorities protected. I thought they were the majority, so wouldn't write. Do they don't care what they say it does I don't care what they say? It doesn't have to make sense. May no, it makes perfect sense as the problem. It's crazy shit man what a time to be alive I hate it. I'm not like do like yeah, I'm ready to do whatever the fuck you gotta do like. I you know what I said on thanksgiving special. I mean, like I'm very thankful, that.
out of all the people. In the history of this planet we happen to live in a time where we can actually make a fucking difference where, whenever we do at this period of time, is going to actually determine the future trajectory of humanity. I like that at, but what I don't like is that I've worked my whole life for the last twenty four years. I have the most bawler is life on the fuckin planet everywhere. I point my mother fuckin cellphones of flax and hemp, Get to enjoy any that, because I got talk about these fuckin it. You know that class robert yeah. By the way, and by the way, these p or pieces of shit you guys to understand these people. The way they get their wealth is by being born to the right situation, not a single one of those people has ever had to scrap or flight or fuckin. You know do all the nitty gritty dirty shit in the beginning, of starting a successful career, successful life and they ought in by
way, I have done all that shit. So any of you, there are wondering if they believe that you guys out there. You should take your little scraps and go built and they said This dream: bats toy, bullshit and borderline impossible to achieve at this point in time. Are too busy. Robbing us of every fucking dollar that we make they tax are How come you guys have no idea how they tax entrepreneurs it's insane and they too yacht producers of greedy people know there are the people who actually create the fuckin economy in your town. Right now if you add little economy, leaders in your town, wouldn't you two remove the restrictions, so they can continue to grow. All other greedy right there, point some of more agree. However,
you can leverage their greed by allowing them to go, grow their company, which creates fucking careers right here in this country, which we fucking me instead do the exact opposite? No, no, they stay capture income and what are they doing to go? Buy something new attacks, ass, good! ok what what are they do every year on your car, that what are they the problem is actually go, oh yeah, but I thought you were to pay tax on carbon registered. That was the cell sex, but now this they tax you every year on top of that for just owning property,. really do unless we sell some. That's the pay tax on that too hm. What do you do when you die you tax better? What Do you guys? How is this ok? To able? You know why it's ok to people, because they do teach people. How really works It's so confusing! Intentionally, like If you sat a normal person now, seventeen years old, his eyebrows
That's gonna, work from here on our europe. Go out there, you're gonna, fuck and work. and for every dollar that you make. I get fifty cents off from here until the end of time. Is that a good deal well I'd better news for you. it's not actually fifty cents, it's actually more like seventy five cents, because when go to spend the fifty says you gotta keep your head to pay me but again for This is good news. Ours is good news because you know what you're doing your civic duty right, a good citizen. Aren't you happy that I take three quarters of the dollar that you make from now until the rest of your life, and what do you get You can deliver a shitty house and draw the shooting, fuckin car and what can live a shitty life, a shitty food that we manufacture the makes you fuckin sick. So there you don't take up too much time on this planet so that we can continue to do this to people.
Because we want you to die sooner before you figure it out look out and that's. Whether those videos of white kids, I say, kids at sixteen year old, kids out, will you go get a first job and sharing and the pair to recording the reaction as they get the first fuckin paycheck and nothing and like all men, gig now make him. And they look at their fuckin. Farewell conjecture like what the fuck is that And then By the way I got even better news for you going to fucking love, it was it's going to it's fucking great, it's a great fucking deal, So then what I'm gonna do is omelette, take the seventy five cents that I keep instead of building an awesome country. Everybody fucking has opportunity and there, no political divide read this amazing utopia which I could easily afford to create because I took on money yeah, you got me, you got a shit ton of it. I'm just
we're put in my pocket. I wanna go by sixty thousand dollar refrigerators and live in fucking and an. Now when I came in office, I was worth a million dollars, but now more three hundred, don't ask: why otherwise you are terrorist or her they won't countries, you may do get lobbies and money for gender study was wrong about if I said that to another heat. Like think of me explaining that you, and I said you were like literally just mean you and you're gonna fucking, give that's me broke through you, gimme the word I don't know, if that's fucking criminal shit, that's criminal shit! Now, I'm not saying we should pay tax I'm saying we shouldn't be taxed to little fucking death. Words stifles our economy. It kills the opportune- ready for the american dream- it makes it almost impossible for motherfuckers level up. Ok,.
If we all paid our ten percent tax, every citizen in this country, ok, the vote? You should have to pay their tax, because why the fuck people have a say dont, have any skill in the game. They should ok. but if everybody pay that ten percent jap bases pay ten percent, I pay ten percent. You pay ten percent the guy sullen pretzels in the in the divide, the highway over there. He paced ten percent. If everybody pay their ten percent in the money was spent properly. This country could be a fucking utopia, so why don't they do? Because, better. They steal the money. Another route yeah, let me say, they'll, live a better. Life makes too much sense. Bro mix too much fucking sense. Alright, thumbs up Guys this is where I show: how long did you get getting thumbs up or to them somewhere, you don't want him, then
the thumbs up headline reads: tie buddhist temple emptied after all, the money, monks test positive for miss eyre they didn't have real. Hi, the draft article, it's a bad habit of four. this. Monks in thailand have been shipped off to rehab after they all tested positive for math The holy men, including the temples abbot or head monk, failed to jog test and the patch above province, bunks bunk, Pham district. On Monday official told agents, France presse quote the temple was now empty of monks and by villagers our concern how they do any merit making said the official boon learnt? Ah, then, sap tie police. Forced the monks undergo urine test, after they raided? The temple? Is part of the provinces crackdown on drugs?
monks who have been named have since been since you are health clinics undergo drug rehab. They were also immediately booted from the market market in the wake of their positive chest, leaving the tiny temple without any really, his leaders I married making as a buddhist practice that involves following a followers donating food to monks. As a good deed, her back up marks are being sent. To the samples of villages. I can progress over these obligations, the affair, You said it wasn't immediately clear if any drugs were found or stashed him simple. Thailand is a major transit country for methamphetamine flooding in neighbouring nations, and peoples sell for as little as fifty cents on the streets still deposits. Meth test is just the latest estimates, high marks behaving badly, apparently a drug added monk?
im, a not below whose thirty four was arrested earlier this month and northern talent after allegedly carjack into vehicles and leading cops on a frantic police checks. So are you wild entirely a man We have heard in jail, so I've heard that whether you, while in time a man, a man you know, The hell do. You know actually have experienced women really yeah on accident on accident. The elements me I hope so so yeah so I'm very at you know not a hard drug person. I would smoke a lotta. We are, but I dont other drugs and back in the day of the the early days of the internet. There was a drug that was,
failing for weight loss because I was lazy back then, like I wasn't I I I wanted. I want to get the most for two fuckin least: that's why my first ten years of business, sucked right right. And there was this weight loss. Peel called died rex right off the internet like without a prescription, because back they're back in the day it wasn't like tele mad. It was just like the wild west, like you could find a website that had the shit and they'd send it to you I found a late like it, I thought it was just like a weight loss, drug I found out after like because I also have stupid back then I will just take Shit that like look into it at all, and so I got it, shit. Now my I took it no ma am I thought this is amazing there, but I felt a great like dude I fell so like I'm, not sure you do. I felt the best. I therefore felt my fucking If I had tons of energy, no shakes, no jitters like I fell, fucking good will and I'm sure,
took the ship for like three or four days dude and I lost like ten pounds. No shit, yeah re re, it fucking worked. What's it called yeah I do assure you got banned, I know, that the prior the reason abandoned banned. It cause my work too good. That's crazy and reason. Then a federal back in the day. That's another topic, however. Ah so I It took the shipper like a week and I lost like ten pounds, and this is amazing I shall read about it. Looking at it, how was it where looking at it and reading it and I'm like what. It says right here: it's a method, amphetamine precursor! I knew enough, then what that means is, like you put it in your body, converting the math right so like. I guess what I'm saying is I get it.
Twenty workers is forty bucks you know, just saying like and I do not condone drugs. That was my. It was an accident for sure yeah. I know that sounds like bullshit, no background right ye and believe me at first did you know I was just like this magically ended up in your pocket or by g yeah. Nazi genes got it right: oh fuck, dude yeah. So anyway, I've done If you like I don't grow. The shit really like. I read that it scared me cause I'm very anti drug yeah, but like real talk like had I not been scared of drugs, I would have kept taking the shit like I like you, makes you feel so. Fucking good brow like I could see why the fuck people do it yeah and To the point like view it, if you had fear of drugs and there was no moral question of drugs, and that was like just ok,
To do drugs, staying why the fuck people do that now, and this is also why I understand like what as the people to do math now their whole life collapses. Because that's how good, if I could feel so, if you say away from the rio know about you, don't care about nothin you like fuck! I feel, so good, doesn't matter, you don't fucking care about, like what other people think you understand, but you don't know. If you have a job, you don't care. If you take care of your hygiene. You don't like these things that normal people think about you don't think about, because you feel so fucking good, and you have all this amazing energy the best year ever felt in your fucking life. So, like it's you know, I can see how weak people. or even now we people, people that would just have an affinity or openness for drugs could get hooked, that shit really easy for serbia,
so like predisposition sooner and abolish genetically there's predispositions to have protections yeah sure. So We want what we got on this. Ah man, you know, I mean I've got enough act, no comment for me tat. Like. I can't comment, I think my cases has may like, and I am I would don't do it you ruined my life for sure, but, like the? What are these? as do all day, nothin they're just chill endeared, alchemy food and yet some unknown, however, some of those most fast for, like fucking really like long amounts at times like now used. Trying to figure out why they can do that yeah. It's all I mean I told you, everything is a flawed book or a while. Don't do math as ru does eighty? That's all. I got all right, bro guys, remember the fee
if you laugh, if you buy, was useful information, if a major think of an interchange We wiped our handsome fucking faces. We shared the show sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box frozen the fucker stole countless millions in a kobe teach buddhist smoke got a blank row kind of doesn't know his shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-27.