« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

425. Andy & DJ CTI: Biden's Nuclear Waste Guru Stole Bag, Russian Crypto Billionaire Helicopter Crash & Protests Against China's Lockdowns

2022-11-30 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Biden's nuclear waste guru using a Vera Bradly bag for a month after stealing it at an airport, a Russian crypto billionaire killed in a helicopter crash near Monaco, and protesters standing in front of vehicles and police amidst lockdowns in China.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number for the countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph kang, doesn't know his shot case club. What is a guys? Eighty percent of this is to show, for the really say goodbye to the wise. The patient's delusions of modern society. Welcome to mother fucking reality guys. Today we had daddy, dj crews, the mother, fucking internet, that's right and that's what we're going to do we're going to cruise the internet. That's what ctr stands for in case you guys didn't know now. We all have short attention spans these days, but cruise the internet, Now the basis of this shows very simple: we throw up three headlines on the screen. We talk about it when they fond of them, and then we about what the truth might act will he be I and if I didn't mention that we make fun of on the shows for people's sense of humour. If you do
not possessing sense of humor. You should turn the fucking channel go. Do whatever those people do what they do. Watch hgtv yeah cody that other times when you too, in your face, now that we have multiple formats we have shows within the show, guy, sometimes we have culinary off. That's where you some the questions, and I give you the ass those questions be about anything life, business some labelling may how to kick ass. I what to do with your losing What's going on in the world a thing you want, you can submit those questions to Gaza and all those questions in to ask any at eighty four sell it. I come yeah. Why answer? on that show, then sometimes we have real talk. That's basically, a five to fifteen a twenty minute speech, I call real talk, there's a lot of cursing there's a lot of intensity, there's usually a lot of fire and it's not for everybody. So I
that and then sometimes we have full length and full length is more what you used to seeing on most of the other part cas more like an interview, format. but I'm not an interview. I have conversations I like to think about is higher than it does so there are some higher. We descended that means there's interruptions, so that's the show and for the show we ask that if there's you know valuable content in the show you guys like please share the show cannot take money from other companies to talk about. Shit. I don't use and waste your time. I don't. I don't let these well, tell me what to say or not to say in exchange for that. All I ask is that you share the show, so that's it we'll pay the fee. Yeah but sv now that's not to say that no I pay- and we say, pay to feed us demonstrate, Just give us some good all border mouth sharing your story. Now you fuckin friends who something yet
one can do something don't be a whole shall show area. That's my co host dj children is black, yeah, ok, We didn't talk about this earlier people. Sometimes people are confused yeah I, Thank you thank you for seeing her head. You seen ah yeah. So that's what we call cultural humor exact. If you don't get it. Go somewhere else, yeah, what's goin on you know, yeah. I don't know in armenia. Yeah I feel like the world is losing it's fucking mind. There's a lot of weird shit, holy shit, the lottery She had grown all right now. So that's an understatement. There, let's make fun, was due. guys I remember where it sooner from. If you want to see any these pictures, articles links videos go to waiting for cela dot com, I define hyperlink there, and I would that be
Let's get knocked out when number one and when one reads. Bite and non binary. Nuclear waste guru use vera bradley bag for a month, after stealing it from airport and unpacking females or victim's clothes, but claims it was an accident keeps job is by being charged, as white house says nothing. So this just came came down I hope I get good friends sam. I am I remember sam. This is sam here on the right. but that that other guy yeah I've read guy. it's definitely a do. Bro, you gotta, listen to the police reports written cause, they shot it. They tried to be sensitive. But there are already now by mary, drag queen working- a senior position and Joe Biden department of energy has admitted to stealing a suitcase from a baggage carousel, I'm using it for that purpose.
No travel over the course of a month first SAM britain, deputy assistant secretary of the office of spent fuel and waste disposition, told police they quote accidentally took the suitcase with cards. It's worth twenty three hundred dollars for many annapolis, paul international airport on September sixteenth around for forty five p m britain. Was not travelling with the czech bag when they arrived in minnesota and picked up the very rarely twenty six inch navy blue hard side. roller bag worth three hundred dollars. However, he finally came clean and emitted had taken the bag. Although blame tiredness for the mistake, britain, has been charged with felony theft. It is only from the job in the department of energy charging documents, police officer, I say that they gave ross you're here
says on leave from their job. Is this either now they their meals. They tell yeah he's only from his fucking job, exactly how did I read it you read it. I wrote it fuck, look at him We just got worse enshrined as well, I'll leave his job, The department of energy, but a charging dogmas, police officer, that she gave britain specific instructions on how to return the back, something they have felt something he felt You got beer and sundry After initially committing that there have been took, the bags were hotel in Saint Paul, please say the bag belong to a woman who is travelling with her son from new orleans. Two days later, Britain board The flight to washington dc wit, the suitcase some time. Between September eighteenth and october knife britain trip to europe with the stolen suitcase documents on ass.
On acts of his all accidents, we was required by surveillance, footage bringing the back through washington, dulls international airport on his turned from Europe that same day, Britain was contacted by officer in catch mark of minneapolis, saint Paul airport police, I would urge that if he had taken the bag had not ambient responded by saying now that I've noah an hour later. The bird brid responded to catch mark, poligized lobbying for the eyes he admitted accident and taken the bag blaming tiredness effusion so If he's vow, if he's found guilty, ok in about five years in jail at two thousand found or both. So he also said that he, he left the clothing in the hotel room, but nor clothing was missing inside imagined, probably also wearing some of those clothes. We got any
And they, let's be real, take your money. Ancient was listening this surprised to anybody that these types of people think that they can do anything they fucking want? is it is it? Is it a shocker? Anybody like that these people have been able to do, and I'm not talking about trans people, I'm talking about people live here. Who are The far left category of on political scale, They are allowed to do anything they want. They arrive to say anything. They want they are allowed to lie they are allowed to. got their own rules. They are allowed to still they are allowed to steal your tax dollars therein to pretend, as if they're not doing anything wrong when they are clear? I doing a whole lot of shit wrong, and this is an example of that mentality I mean at ever. Very eddie small level, and so how I would
Consider people to ask and think about this is like this mentality of someone, someone who could walk through an airport and look at your bag and say you know what I like: that bag, I'm fuckin taken a bag and walked to fork out and not have any more regret or any. Hesitation or any shame or any guilt like any good hearted, person would have ok, that's you, and even if your for these people, that the far left Progressive most of those people who are now empower reason. They believe what they believe is because they have a big heart and they feel for people like this, but we have people. All over in every aspect of the political spectrum in the media in the government. In hollywood who have for the last decade, or so
able to do and say anything they fucking want an had any repercussions whatsoever. Should not surprise people in what it should do as sir as a wake up call for people who think these people are just good people. or misunderstood, know their ship people who take advantage of your big heart and do things that benefit them that not benefit you and they are perfectly ok doing it with you, cheering the fuck along. So it doesn't surprise me whatsoever if these people are willing to steal billions, fucking dollars from our taxes and send them to ukraine only to be then funneled, drafty acts and they have T x. Take them honey and anne and put it into their election processes for them candidates. Ok, if their willingness to bank wrapped an entire country for their political agenda if they are willing to cancel and remove people from their jobs and close fucking companies because of
therein title political beliefs. Do you think they will have a fucking problem, taking your designer back from the airport, so not surprising at all Second, the shit. Your way Second, this shit and its time, that everybody rejected a hundred percent from across the board and people who do crimes should be held responsible for fucking crimes, no regard. of who they are regardless of where they stand politically regardless. Of what the fuck race they are, what gender they claim to be or whatever. it doesn't fatima road is wrong. Civil Society must have accountability for fucking crimes and, yes, like you said wrong, is fucking wrong, so thought this do Ok, I'm cigarettes, shit, I'm sick this damn sick of all of us having to go along with it. I'm sick of all you have had to pretend you know and pretend to be, like well, I'm not playing a wall.
I'm not playing along, and if that, whatever the fuck you think of me for that, I don't give a fuck. So it's fuckin, bullshit. with what other things has his person done right back. There was just the tipp of efficient if there that comfortable doing that and then give? You will that I not that I recall ok, fucking Eric schmidt just depends: doctors out you, ok. I know Eric Schmidt he's from Missouri he's a new senator, which I am thankful that we have because he's a bad mother fucker. Ok, that He fucking came out, said doktor found she could use? I do not recall on every single question that fuckin ass, like these, Oh yes, he said. Yes, he did that's crazy. Yes, he did. He also because locked down for the pandemic awful One single trip: we set a person to china, to observe how z she paying a fucking communist locked out. His country
and stay. There is deposition as the. Main piece of reasoning as to why they lack the country down here and why they could. used all the middle class businesses. Here, while the big bills, This is their bodies state oh, it's perfectly ok to go to fuckin walmart. you can't shop at your small mama path, restaurant or your mom and business. This is all, about communism? It's all about closing the middle class. It's all about creating wealth division, because when they create more wealth division, it's easier for them to convince these people that there's a problem with the system, which is their whole play not we're standing that the people that telling them that are the people creating the fucking problem. So you know I'm sick of these fuckin entitled flux, ruining our country It has nothing to do with their gender or their fucking. If they're, gay or straight or black a wide early, any these identity politic issue. These are bad fucking people doing bad
shit and they need to be held accountable as individual bad people there who have done bad shit. So all of america gets on african page. The chaos will continue beautifully said We also summer number one we ran along headline number two at time: oh okay, where you got it That would you do with it. I designer team has missing ah fuck. you promised all have haven't you, Heather number two reads: russia billion there. Fifty three is killed in helicopter crash, nor monaco and latest crypt. Don't listen to another way, another one. This is like the fourth, why, we're after another passenger cancelled on him at the last minute, fucking weird
So a russian billionaire has become the latest crypto currency businessman to die in mysterious circumstances. After his helicopter crashed in good weather near Monaco or entrepreneur, I am not going to try abroad how'd you do that. What is that? You know what vaginas aaron yeah? I don't want to do him like this. This would you would you say we just love darren? Thank you. Thank you. As he shot that's the shot and he's the smartest man in the room he's our international translate and foreigners come handy, yes, you're only size that sometimes like when americans are too far. It's stupid of by he's very three died in a helicopter. Cannot even a foreigner anymore broke your marriage fuck American now fix the bureau actually joke. You hear more. The fuckin american, the most natural born americans are because where the learned the shit to come here,
all about the constitution. You know all about the laws you all about the bill of rights, and you love it here when most people who were born here are so fucking entitled energy, don't understand what this country supposed to Look at the videos are people walking around time, swear san yo, who was the first present their buck insane, like you, know, bozo the clown like a fucking anyway. You're more american than most fuck americans you're, not a foreigner your nose, drank a joke. You know red white and blue to the core within with curry, that'd, be different. You that's right Alzheimer's is really three die. The helicopter plunge nerve resort, town of village, frank samir. Taking off from the loser in switzerland. Time is a third crypto currency entrepreneur. goodbye unexpectedly in the last two weeks,
this year, a colander whose authority he dined asleep or unquote. Allow allegedly allegedly budget out in his sleep, then fellow crypto millionaire nikolai Michigan, who is twenty nine. He allegedly drowned. I'm on a porter rico beat after tweeting that he feared the sea. I am Assad. Rwanda murder him for hours. Before his death, there's a rising tweeted four hours before his death. He tweet see. I am Assad and Peter willie are running some kind of sex trafficking. Entrapment blackmail ring out of poor go in the caribbean islands. They are going to frame me with a laptop planted by my ex girlfriend who was a spy, they will torture me to death for fifty seven a m. He tweets that
at nine, a m mused round in the fucking ocean. Interesting sure, it's a coincidence positive it is, it has to be. There definitely devlin, nothing to see. yeah. So so, since the crash that killed turn happening good clear, whether when, after a another passenger, reportedly cancel last minute, history now surrounds the millionaires. Deaths ran the co founder of trading in investment platform. Labour taxes for ex club was fly from losing an eye with inexperienced pile in a single engine, H, one thirty helicopter when it crashed at around one p m november, twenty fifth thirty five year old french pilot was also clear that a public debate public
if the prosecutor of nice who visited the scene said, the fault of a third party could not be ruled out, another unidentified passenger had been due to join turn on the fly for the cancelled last minute. According to local media, I highly successful offshore specialist who lived in monaco for the last ten years. The three children I'm with his wife, olga ashes to founder of hello, monaco media, so very, very interesting stuff man and, on top of you, know the by administration. This gambling scrambling to fund twenty billion dollars and lost ukraine. Aid there's a lot of weird stuff. Could it be that the people? But no where were they, rebellion is other. Could it be that this they're the same ones goin down? I know well. I mean anybody with a fuckin, logical brain who cannot dots, wish.
Doesn't seem to be the most most of the people, would think that if you critically think. You know maybe there's more after axis: no and maybe all of these crypto people at the top were in on these can operations, and maybe that's the reason, they got mega rich and maybe the whole plan and a long was to pretend as if we were creating a secure currency alternative that cannot be fought with, which makes sense, ok, but nobody likes the government dipping their hands in your bank account. No, He likes the government control and now there, Actually shutting off bank accounts because the cancelling people, young it, sounds like a great idea, but maybe the way they got the traction behind it was, I don't know by wandering our tax dollars at a mass scale, crossed the fuckin spectrum, and maybe now that after ex has
been shown to be that they are cleaning up their mass. I don't know that's. What it seems like it could possibly be right on the other, sucks yeah, if I can really does suck in, especially when you see this guy up your pictures of his family sheila. But this is also why you don't do corruption or corrupt people. Don't fuck with people like that? Now they re were fuckin cast you out any chance. They get nothing. I think you do. The crazy thing is like. They're, not like they're, not well. when I say they establishment, tyrants, right leg, not doing it any justice by doing libraries to obvious that this is I mean balenciaga: just fuckin throws child porn right, you're fucking face he child mutilation right your face, and you know even more than last. it was more, like cannibalistic graphic,
ritual, is shut. Yeah, satanic shit right in your face. Ever what are they getting? They get came carter. Ashley and saying all you know, I'm gonna, let them react to re, evaluate the relationship roe head situation been offensive. The black people offensive, gay people or offensive the fuck in any of the groups that every single person would have jumped ship anatomy, but because its That, in its southern thing, right you don't it weird immature. Do how people have such like. It's almost like there's, true cognitive dissonance. When it comes to the child molesting, had ophelia shit because it clearly happening, or hundreds of thousands of kids that go missing in this country, allegedly up to eight hundred thousand kids. Ok, if you picture that as a visual right, ohio stages played miss. Again last saturday awesome I can gain by michigan by the way if you fit. If you
picture that stadium and its filled with a hundred thousand people. Then you picture allegedly eight of them right, ok of children where the fuck do they go and who's taking them. And how's it happening. That has to be a massive operations being run. Ok and these people want to act like this is some sort of conspiracy. There's been people are here talking about this for literal decades. Ok, No one is going to actually admit to interesting organs from children or creating sex houses, where they actually enslave women and force them to have undocumented babies, because Actually they want to molest these kids or or fucking eat these kids or whatever the fuck memories of honor into ok, and it's also weird to me that so many
people have such a hard time grasping the idea that these evil people even exist? It's like broke If you have good and evil right, ok, like there's yeah yeah, there's good and their slacken, evil Ok, we see the good people. That's us not and by the way for those of you who think I'm some right wing motherfucker. I am not a moral libertarian than fucking anything else pylon, I believe in a free country leave and personal freedoms. Ok, I recognise that this progressive shit so far out of line. It is fuckin immoral and disgusting now and by the way, none other policies. Fucking work there that its idea realistic, nonsense, shit, ok, we get into that another time I want to address them far right like I was gonna want in a far right. You fuckers, listen anything I say. So you have good and evil game, and you have
eighty ninety fucking percent of this country is good. Ninety percent now included democrats and republicans, alright, most Across the reason, the Democrats is because they have a huge bleeding heart for social issues. They recognize is that they live a pretty good life and they want. Other people to have a pretty good life and they feel guilty for your own good life, and they think that everybody should have a good life like they have most of these people. I'm from some sort of privilege. They never had a really grind it out at the bottom level of life when it comes to Democrats, there's too, democrats in america. There is the ultra fucking rich democrats, and there is the ultra poor dumb. rats, and everybody in between there considers themselves, not part of ok, so you have to understand, like even those people cause democratic, get a lot of heat. Ray,
right in most of the regular citizen democrat people that you guys argue with the thanksgiving in shit, the reason they believe what they believe is because they have massive fucking hearts for social issues. Ok, there's nothing wrong with knowledge? Is the were misled there used? Then, you had the other people who are democrats. The people and on the people on the right? Most of those people also have massive hearts. But they also have massive breaks and they undressed in certain things right wrong and they dont have this they don't have this understanding or this belief system that. Is idealistic? Ok, meaning like that standards, good and evil right now how to actually solve these is yes, yes, but the fact that so Many people deny that the evil is out there like you, have
you have the same rights as saying the greatest trick that double ever poorer as convincing the world they didn't exist. Ok, now think about that. if you are convinced that the evil that we're talking about here, especially with this balenciaga shit right words right, you're fucking, face you're going to deny that or you're going to deny the car grew up. That's denial, more you're, going to deny that these things are happening. You become part but by enabling yeah. once you are aware of your new to write absolutely were so. We you have to understand? We have to come to an understanding, that there is a segment of the populace, of the world who are true- we fucking evil and you're, not coming out saying, hey guys, we're fucking evil, because what would happen and that there would be done they will get killed her ok,
so they have to hide in plain sight. Mustn't gives they don't belong to any political identity as far as by why like they don't maybe they will truly below zero. These people were talking about that are evil like this. They don't have common core belief systems that, like like we all had like. Oh all the same. Oh, we all deserve fairness right. They believe that they are better. Then everybody completely separate from yes and and they also believe they are entitled to steal, your money to do evil things to your children to ruin your lives for their benefit. Ok, that's what's happening on a mass scale, were wide right now in starting fuck. What started a long time ago when it started coming out with what happen during the pandemic, ok and all the wise and misleading information in the fuckin, bullshit and censorship. You know, and although the ban, Shit happened during that time. That most people have come to terms is true. Now.
We started to see it come expose and now its becoming exposed more more because they created this this. Massive platform of tat, How would you call social media which they intended to Into the world to further control our thoughts are speech. Our ass Hence our behaviour and it worked, they were able to put How narratives that make no fucking sense to the common sense person and give enough people? to believe in it with the use of artificial, botz and what algorithms sensor humbling with censorship of the opposing voice, so that's how they create these trends and peep and cut I said this the other day broke these hollywood people, but you guys look up to and you think are special. Those people are no different than an interim influence or being paid to promote a product, except when they are paid a promoter product. They are pushed to the top in terms of glamour, wealth
business. If its favourable attention to get free marketing and all the sun nineteen year old kids become billion airs because they agree to sell their fuckin soul for whatever message these people want to put through our right and when they step out a line they take. All of that, so they set in I got a social media influence or where you might lose a contract. These people lose their legged blacklist or lose the life. They lose everything. Ok, When you ask yourself, why is it that no mainstream celebrities are standing up against what blood, yeah, I just showed you write your fuckin face. You should play, probably asked the question and really think about why it is that none of these same people who were up in arms about lgbtq or whack last matter or ukraine,
Any of these other massive social pushes that we have seen over the last few years. Why oh, why silence now, Maurizio rachel man. where, and why is why isn't and ask yourself this two wires, Why is the the only mother fucker, our own media talking about a top comparison. Is only person this happy about other, like I was Look it up on cnn last night and then also on MSNBC literally didn't have fucking anything. Now I couldn't find anything on it. I would see it in and all they talked about was km per day She re evaluate relations. They said nothing about they base. Equally. It was basically like a it seemed just enough like a check box. Article like we had to presented because we had to appear like we weren't being biased. If you read the article, there was no like condemnation or like outrage you're any of the ship it. You would see
any these other situations yeah, and why is that. We have to ask why that is: ok, there's evil people. In plain sight doing. streamer, evil shit like the worst possible xiv, comprehend a fucking children and you guys don't pretend. Like is not what can happen at this point. my opinion that the problem is in the people doing it The problem is recognised as a fuckin wrought. The people who recognise is wrong. won't say shit about it because they're afraid. If everybody stood up against the shit, it would fuck. Yet again exposing themselves in real time? Yeah. It's crazy dude like at this point, I feel like everybody seeing it, I don't even even people, even the people. who would consider themselves progressive or laugh are seeing it as well in the rear, How do I say to my dams, girl? I get it
Democrats like progressive people who, like flock, do usually, I think everything you say, but issues. This shit is crazy. Yeah we'll know shit. Do we ve been trying to tell you broke you and me, you're, not on the different teams were on the same to reside, and you guys think that on a different team. No mother fucker there is like the good team and then there's the evil tee and if you are willing to stand up against the evil team. Let me you're part of the evil tee. Number I'll follow. You just had I want to read this rock works. I sent some whereby list. Thus I her post, automobiles, jago and stuff, and she said arms. and she and listened she. She can. She dubbs herself. As a conservative democrat she wrote a Democrat for justice, not about yeah. She said I'm still trying to figure out what balenciaga has on the celebrities, because no one is outraged. We mean trying to figure it out now, like she's, like know that, like she's she's, trying to understand like why nobody's talking about it, she's like how? Much do they actually have only celebrities,
love the right. What do you think it s. The island was used for that's it. They met people, a potent put in the pauses together, What do you think? Why do you think they recorded every single out of any visit that at that, Anyone ever heard that went to empty island or his new york property or his his desert property or any one why do they have cameras, multiple angles in every single room when he just came out today? another another person just came up today with a lawsuit against another c, o that claim that she was raped at Epstein mansion, while just today, what the beautiful thing, in my mind, But all this is that the weapon that they created try to control the narrative which I'll say two men are ago. When I got off track a little bit,
regarding the internet and social media. You know that was their goal. Their goal was to steer. It was an act to create a community or create business opportunity. If you think any of these fuckers care about us, you're fucking insane, they don't give a fuck about you, don't give a fuck about me they see us cockroaches. Ok, they created the internet they created, sure media, with the explicit purpose of controlling the narrative, ok and The best part about this is: is that their technology that they created to still are, turkey into a communist mentality, overtime twelve years or so. Is now blowing up in a fucking face, because the information cannot be reconciled with can't stop it. It's too quick. So lot of these evil people that their times common dune, because our a whole lot of fuckin regular people, and there are very few of them basically, two thousand people, fifteen hundred
Two thousand people on this planet may the entire rests in the plant suffer once eight billion people figure out. That is two thousand people making a fucking world a ship place within her happen, will be good for them, the gray for us, exciting new, it's an exciting time, because I believe that people will come together on this. I believe the peace are going to come to the conclusion that when we look at the world economic forum and we see the fucking clash, schwab and all these other fuckers up they're talking about trade. humanism and put fuckin. He argued yeah making us he crickets and be poor and fuckin. Pretend like we wanted. Bro, no we're going to be steak. We're gonna be rich as fuck we're going to win we're going to be americans and fuck. You, ok, that mentality needs to come back with a vengeance right now I ain't no fucking crickets fuck, no I'll give a fuck how many people fuckin you got Nicole kidman on t v. It's funny. You got Nicole kidman on tv eating fucking
like worms and shit were, but it is also in the balenciaga saying shit about that. Where did interesting. I mean, grow this kid's bro. Like where are these fuckin peep, where all these celebrities that you think are good, wholesome people? They tell you the truth talking about this. at that. There needs to be used is like the limits. As like limit says, it is let mister Like anybody celebrity fuckin, mayor fuckin, you know all these senators and fuckin preventative if they're not talking about it. Their complicit, adjust our look. That's that's how I its having it, and I think that that is how I see it what, if you're, not willing to stand up against pedophilia satanism child torture. Cannibalism, all this shit that they appear to fuckin, be about. There is a very good reason. Probably why and you being scared of it is not a good enough reason in my book, Gaza
My third and final headline headline number three three reads: the spirit of cinnamon returned so hot china's communist leaders protesters stand fire We ve been a vague vehicles and police amid lockdown demonstrations. Echoing the heroic some nineteen, eighty nine, so protesters defy China's brutal communist regime and its harsh zero covert policies are being compared to tiananmen square famous take man and the move I should of censure, is down spines in beijing. One piece of footage thought to have been captured in the city of Shanghai. and clashes at the weekend shows a man standing in the path of appeal. His riot van before he is bundled to the floor and beaten by officers, one clip of another young lady do in the exact same
he's tried, lose business. The print suppress information coming as well as goin in since the shine their failings, ascribe images of blank sheets of paper being held up by protesters from the internet eyes. Anti regime or a four revolution continues across the country is not a clip. he vehicles over This is all over the country Why has ignoring the violent crackdown worsen, the latest statement?
and then all the shame of this poor, the rights protest but didn't say anywhere else. They just said here in amerika. The statement specifically said quote president: I going to speak for protest is around the world, the speaking for themselves. That was kirby. He said that when he was ass, my report as if we had a specific message, the protesters in china, but a good news it's poor up on what we saw this, but this headline reads: how thirty three thousand, I will have their covert penalties repaid authorities admit they had no legal rights. A fine austrians for offences such as now wearing a mass son baking were traveling five kilometers from their homes. So there is some wines that are going on. The latter would stuff- and I got some theories and simpson for theories- What do you got on his any woke? First, along.
This is why you never give an inch to communist, ok, these people in china have accepted this inch by inch by inch over the course of many years. We see how hard they have crack down on the people. They blocked them up for months at a time. I their apartment, building. What what started this whole thing was that twelve people were killed in a partner higher because they were held in the fucking door shut, the doors were able and governments around the world on the the direction the world economic forum and the world health organization have abused and taken covered in my opinion, intentionally taken the code the whole reason for covered was to take powers star communism across the fucking globe, which, if you re klaus, schwab's books that he wrote when this She had started
and you go watch films like agenda, one min agenda to which are available amazon. You start to piece together what plan has been all along, and this is why it is important for you to read eyes what is happening now and not comply with, any of the shit that you boy leave is wrong. Ok, the people of china made, a mistake, and now they have a huge mountain decline, one ever be what they consider free in their freedom and our freedom. Two, if a fuckin freedoms, their freedom, the freedom on that they want is, like or hell you're saying root cause. That's how far the scale has moved to where they feel like you know, just not being with a brute on their neck. There still to deal with most of the oppression, and that's sad now you know and that's been going on china for a long time. Now, with that
being said it's hard for me to trust anything's coming out of china, because do sensor everything that comes in and out of china, and they do so with a very heavy hand. So it's really to tell what is true. What not true what propaganda we s because do, if you remember back and twenty twenty they were shown People walking down the street and just following the fuck over and its beak very clear to most people that the intention was for them to literally economically destroy the rest of the world so that they could be ahead. That market share for you. So now I dont know what think of these videos, because I dont know how big they are. I dont know if the real I dont, trust anything that comes out of this country, just like just like nor korea, like those people in north korea, they they are I do believe that, like we're on verge of attacking them and that a mayor- in all these other countries are going,
chill all of them and they propagate that these people over the course of time. and they had a believing and so they live in fear all the time, which is why they go along with the crazy shit they go along with. So it's hard for you understand. What is actually going on just from these videos you have, I have a theory- are also the full time a little bit right. Just like you, so it like when they were shown the bodies, beginning right, like jazz, one you have to go in thinking that anything that's coming out of china is was was on purpose right the videos overcome another reason for that right. nothing. It's easy to say that in beginning the reasons why they were knows the videos of bodies drop, embody. Bags was wet, install the fear so there we took the shed serious rain now for the last three years, thus call it what. as our administration been adamant on trying to take control of our citizens
Their weapons has been a big deal right to stay with me now. They ve been using mass shootings. It's been that's been proven by it. I know some through that. There's a lot of questions to be asked about these matters. Yeah right, I don't make allowed under makes that we are at the cameras, are always broken. Think the bottom line is that it comes down and we are handing out we ve talked about this- is that they need that they have to be able to, justify that move right and how do they justify an uprising? If we're seeing what's going on in brazil, China has shown us that no pay, so maybe, Maybe we'll have that their use is to spark some type of uprisen from us then comes down the heavier norms? Air yeah I mean it's definitely not outside the realm of possibilities You know it's clear over the course of the last few years, especially that they have tried to bait people into violence, allowing certain
and you know that's clearer january sex, the exact you know my awkward, you you can. Look January sex and half the people out. There oh, my god, I was fuckin sudden knows, seven people do not fucking die six people to not fucking guy. Ok, the personal was fuckin killed. What An actual protester who shot who was unarmed and and You gotta promotion, so we comes down to laziness on the average person to look into things passed a headline. So it's hard for me to understand. yeah. I don't know that that could be it. You know do once once they get our guns they're going to drop than the boot on our next. The same way they ve done here exactly may have to justify yeah Let us forget all man shits his pants on tv, saying the same shit every time. So who do you think a deer
is running round with, as you have all of us k, dumb fuck. We all know we want our guns because of people like you, news agur in a shit that you all fucking do and what we think you're kay for we are you try the way it's written into the constitution? Ok, it's in the bill of rights. And when you are not taking our fucking guns and none of you, people who think you're going to take guns are going to take guns. I and bite you to test that theory. Look I ve never been able to do it and people like that. They pretend, like the the, we fuck in areas that thank you. guns for deer hunting are the people who don't have guns, don't like what It's how they're trying to to get these people to go along with it and bro. It's funny because with guess what were selling the most that we ve ever sold in the history of our fucking country. Why do you think
This do you think we're selling more guns and ammunition now, because people are buying into the idea that that their use for deer hunting right now say that even the Democrats understand what's happening and they're scared and there, like thought, you'd better, get a couple guns black for I think the thing I thought I think I saw it was like almost two hundred thousand so like the largest in one day, browsers and its immediate. It's it's embarrassing to watch. These people go on tv and try to sell this narrative of no guns to like the air. we must be honest guys, like you really any really don't need an automatic semi automatic. Gmail Amir chapel shit sailor, you don't need ass. If you dont need at you, don't need it. Thirty round magazine, clip extension exactly with power. You know with kevlar grips but wait yeah like
like, if you guys were going to like try to talk about guns, the least you could do is like understand a little bit about guns. So you don't sound like a total fucking idiot. What I mean yeah you, don't say I do talking in their little echo chamber. Take the safety is often lacks, will do in this goes back to what I was saying about the social media a minute ago. You know they have you social media to pay their narrative and and proper these celebrities with tons of traction on social media right which appears that these people there's a lot of people to support these people write. What, if you consider the fact in what you I've been trying to tell you guys that day? twitter has used bots to prop up their political, narrative and then use censorship to suppress the opposed viewpoint and then Think about what that could create. What does that create a creates? The perception that there's
far more people over here and very few people over here when in reality in real life that is inverness. Ok, sir Leon universe. Yes, so that were then these people who have bought into this shit over there, who are hard core, far left people. they believe that the nuts? we are with them when the new, where's are not with that road and I believe there within the ninety percent. when reality there in the ten percent and so We're seeing this real time, if you're paying attention, because there's big times I like model monica lewinsky the other day, made a pull the said. How should important decisions be made by twitter and one of the questions was a the options on the poll was by a pull on twitter and then one of whom was by you know this information border whatever ever,
there was ninety percent. It was eighty nine to eleven percent. Eighty nine percent voted paunch. What level like an You go about three months ago before you are Not twitter, what would that poor said that Paul? would have said. Censorship in all seventy percent rash it would have been flip the other way, and so a lot of these celebrities and a lot of these activists who have been propped up by false numbers, are now learning in real time that they are the minority and they should learn that real time because they ve been put very dangerous situation by these sure media companies to believe that their crazy ass views. are somehow the majority of america's views, and that's not the truth, so It creates a dangerous situation right. What I think too, like those people the left? But they also understand that, like that tide is turning I, like the. I know for a fact, I'm seeing it like a lot of these, these the crazy left
super firefox after a shit there are suddenly turned the common sections off. There the restricting engagement because they know that their backlashes common There are destroyed mon, our external. now unfortunately dared to eight whose people have already built your brain, like you know like, Is the alyssum llanos bill her entire fucking existence on this political activism based off boss, and fucking favorable algorithms and now she's come not saint dumb, ass shit, she's get blown up where she says I gave my, I gave my ten look back and I gotta volkswagen av. Why dumb ass volkswagen, was actually started by fucking nazi germany right, ok and lots of you motherfuckers driver in that's. Ok, because they're, not a nazi company in zagreb, right That's what's more, how horse gadget you're so fucking stupid! You know you're fucking history, which were being honest. That's the entire problem. Our problem is that people
Don't realize that there's Thousands of years of history human race and They all nations and bail policies and failed ideas that have passed hundreds of millions of lives. Ok over the course of time, and therefore choosing to ignore these things that have happened in the past and assume that they're not happening now because we're much smarter I would argue that will actually dumbest. We ve never been as Society fucking ever and that's intentional move by the people who propagate the information and who control the school systems, who intentionally keep your kids uneducated, who don't teach them? Any to call skills up. Why do you not learn about balancing a checkbook? We hear this all the time I never learned about any real life shit high school yeah, no shit, dumb fuck, because they, your fucking debt, is their asset. You being in debt, light them to enslave you, so you have to do
operate inside of their system. This is what been going on for literally ever, why don't they teach you how to be financially responsible high school because they want you to forget your shit so now you're indebted in that extend wealthier, which is exactly what we do. So you know people it opened open. Eyes broke and realise that this has happened over is haven't before you know the fucking the peat? Oh shit, and all this crazy shit has been going on that happening. He'd thirty's germany. Do people only won't talk about It was wasn't the weimar republic people, we were phone talk about. If you talk about it, you some sort of fuckin, crazy, it's fun in history. Do right it's fun, history, if you're willing to ignore hundreds of years of history and failed fucking? Attempts at this certain ideology that you all think has some sort of utopian ideology: cocaine.
Ism socialism, ok, agnes you're willing to ignore the tens of millions of- why do that? Ideology has killed more people in the history of fucking earth than any war than any natural disaster than fuck anything and people want to act like all while they did it wrong, no no you're done very fucking idiot. If you read me, and your we saw linsky. You understand that in most yard can't read it because you read the shit, you think that's a great idea, but if read what if your intelligent and you can read- and you could understand what they're trying to accomplish. Ok, You start to understand that they are using people who have big hearts, who think that ever things should be fair and equal, and you know nobody deserves it. Yeah, ok, You all assume that what they're gonna give you
its equal as some sort of like great life right? when they say oh everybody's, the same and everybody's fair and everybody gets the same, they mean you're, going to be eating. Fucking crickets out of a bowl of dirt fucking floor in a shitty house, where the water leaks through the roof with no fucking electricity, because it's good for the fucking environment, like your you do people just don't get it. And the reason I don't get it is because they are not taught the truth of history intentionally so that apply I continue to be run so that the benefit very few! Mount of people. Ok,. can get richer and wealthier and the better lives and the rest of the world can fuck off? And that's what these people believe? and if you fall in line with the new believe this is some for good thing, for you you're what they call All in this literature, useful idiots, It means someone who has done enough to go along with this in order to Have the numbers necessary to implement what's happening in the minute that those p
are no longer useful. Do you know what they do to them? them to turn around and face the wall and they put a fucking bullet in their head. That's what these people don't understand, because those people who put this who get the numbers necessary to put this ideology in place, measures they dont need those people, because those people dont permits and they ve convinced these people to go along with it, because ass, they don't produce and they want. They want food, they want a decent life. They want the prizes of work without the work Ok, they are useless people and for communism to work. Theoretically, you have to have everybody producing, So all of you guys out there that think this shit is like some can rainbow shit like all. This is amazing. This is really true role, gonna be ok, we're all gonna be we're all gonna live like Andy lives. No, there
to kill. You were and are going to take all the rest of your family and they're going to fuck reduce reduced the quality of life to zero and they're, going to make them work to the fucking bone so that they can continue to beef. and, while on this planet, that's what we're dealing with. on a mass scale spoken everywhere. It is everywhere. And what we really need is a fucking global fuckin revolution. That's what fucking needs to happen There needs to be an understanding among all of humanity that there's two thousand people calling the shots at the head of the snake, and there are eight billion fucking good people on this planet. Once that becomes understood things Change very quickly, well guys that was, I was three sample. A final segment of the show we have thumbs up. I worry throw
headline up anything, it's true thumbs up to them somewhere, you don't want a member. That being said, our thumbs up headline rates. warner brothers. Nineteen they deny that mobility is now on sale. He had a bad About you, your comment: you a couple of they're gonna cobbled. I got a couple I might have I guess I have the coolest bat will be all that exist on the planet right now that nobody, seen yet might have that, but no come the allegedly let its alleged related so bad man doesn't tell bodies by mobile right james, exactly ways, Make me the above the dude now you're way. Cooler than alfred upper offer was briefly go you're, like the black robin. The fuck you ha ha ha ha ha the mom you're, not thereof in dies set them. There was now a brow early out of work.
Over its pretty fuckin cobra school. our modern offer our I'll, be I'll, see like young. You can be offered offer for its part, has unease about Ass yeah he's bad ass. He helped with the cool shit he gets out. These essentially is Conny more support. I guess he's the tactical guy. I grant you you know, and also he he provides some council once in a while. The pre, accurate, gotcha, it is like doubled, People, the age, a bad man, that's not the case here. Yeah. That's alright sees the reverse of wisdom, is inversely proportional here. Yeah data is pretty well as for such a young man,. What's the best debatable whereby gave me a fucking job It's like using shower now. None. Yeah your jokes. Getting repeated did a bolder trophies will be taken, effective immediately heard a man. Communism me,
so yeah member bills build up for sale, the I bought TIM Burton's live action, films, batman, eighteen, eighty, nine batman returns. Ninety ninety two is now being sold by classic auto more on consignment following its appearance in the two classic films, a car. Would end up at new jersey, six flags where it was used as a prop for the batman returns rollercoaster before being purchased by an avid movie car collector, who now lists the historic vehicle to the public for the very first time. The exotic machine features a glass black fiberglass body with one off trades that is a jet engine turbine mounted on the centre of the daytona prototype. Like knows bad style, thin savaging, the close cockpit edition, Exterior features include various erin takes a large air scoop on the roof steam punk style, add ons and fifteen inch wheels wrapped in mickey thompson tyres stepping up
serious, take inspiration from both motor sports and the classics featuring a steam punked black fiberglass build an excess of bells and whistles inside Dela touches I designed by illustrated julian couto handled, John Evans, only as a top speed of about thirty miles an hour so but it does cool, a working flame, thrower and a side mounted hook loungers, so there a lot about mobility currently being offered for one point: five million well when I was a kid that was the coolest fucking car, like pirie piri yeah pirie success, Only those thirty yeah. That's what I that's the look at that thing, its brow, combating fraud is in looks like has been saying, does not look real that now, my friend, so my fur no you re Jesus doesn't look him up. He actually had a bat mobile,
the tumblr one year, the newer from a one, although he had a actual fucking one to one scale: replica made nothin yet fucking. Also Jesus tumble, No, no, it doesn't do all the ship I mean you drive on. The road motion is fucking cool. Did I was that thing, road legal I don't think it was actually wants them. I would urge those quartier legal. What's that yeah exactly I mean people can still back stray from the fucking airport I could drive my car would afford. I want that's. Awesome. Somebody's gonna buy putting a garage and never be seen again but won't be me. Am I saying photographer I can fit fin yeah, it's cool, though that's a cool fucking shower. That's why I think that's the second coolest batmobile yeah. I think the tumbler one is the baddest ass one
one from dark night. I, like the motorcycle, he writes yeah the talk, but I will get that the motorcycle there s thumbs up did go back, that. Why is the steering wheel? the backlog, because I think in the movie- that's how it was. It was all growl. Cambodia to sell you actually guys pretending to drive the guy behind bribing correct, Gaza is, I think, the guy actually driving sits here, benny and then that the bad manson said he now. That's why the buttons issued at the work in actual driver sits back there on the fuckin floor, got it back. and in the sea the fake see got it sometime, that's where they did that yeah. huh cool, though I'm sure you good reason, because you can't see shouted at mass, so Maybe it was like not safe for him to drive I dunno as possible, as funchal do
without having global parades it'd. Before I mean I could see, Definitely like not a mad being read my thrown aside. Oh yeah must first former up the sand, is totally desecrate history, Early on the cool down recent moves you should do. I think that's the! I think. That's the! I think that's the by right wing artist, fuck, history, Alright, I history, fuck tradition for culture. Do whatever fuck you tear down statues, you know like me, we history, they believe in as the shit that accidents happen. No ship ass, deep, no shit, no shit here, that's crazy! I forgot my living room. I guess that's all we got today if you, The show is valuable in any way, not sure that it was,
but if it was please share the show sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box frozen the fuck are still counted in the kobe teach Buddhist got a blank row kind of doesn't know his shot case club.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-27.