« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

417. Andy & DJ CTI: National Greatness Agenda 2024, Republicans Win The House & Sam Bankman-Fried Extradited From Bahamas

2022-11-18 | 🔗

In today’s episode, Andy & DJ discuss Trump unveiling a national greatness agenda in his 2024 Presidential campaign announcement speech, Republicans winning the House after four years under Democratic power, and FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried being extraditing from the Bahamas.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
On a number of other, still count. It means that each Buddhist got a kind of doesn't both shock case club. What is your guys you take me for saying this is to show for the real estate abiding lies, the biggest ain't illusions, promoters society and welcome the mother plug in reality guys day, wait a minute spearmen we warded off you things are here, but I am pleased to announce that today, We have to and dj crews, the mother, fucking, internet and ass- wouldn't do we're gonna crews it. So this first time, listen the show, welcome this is see eyes is crews, the internet. It is exactly what it sounds like it is. We crews the internet. We have a screen here in the studio we put up three topics
we make fun of them? We talk about what truth there may or may not be, and then what by how we, the people, are there actual solution to these problems. And we do so with a sense of humour. He can't take a joke. The fuck out, yeah yeah yeah, Don't you have like a joke that you need to explain free tell? How are you sure That's it. These are. Let me make the bad joke today. Only me hang. I got you the odd uncommon. Second half I yeah. I Sometimes you today we we have- and I are that's. Where are you submit your questions and I give you the f. The questions can be submitted at as emma those questions and to ask eighty and eighty four seven hour come yet and asked me. A question asked me a question. like your heart wants to like about what the fuck you got going on, what you're trying to figure out as opposed to burn. How is this supposed to burn.
I'm not sure that yeah, some things are supposed to barter those too like the clap is supposed to be. Maybe not but run out to get it, but if you get it give it away roof, no, that's not that's. How does instead. Did you hear that you get aids, bro aids, yeah yeah, it aids you gotta give it away real, quick. Otherwise, someone stick to you. I don't think that's how they taught us. I don't know if that works I love you rather like a child. I don't know Too bad jokes. So anyway. Sometimes we got the q and a other tausig are real talk. We'll talk is we'll talk, it's five twenty minutes minutes a medium use, rural talking and then sometimes we have full length full length. Is I basically an interview conversation with my successful interesting? I kick ass friends from the internet.
and we talk about how you can be successful. Kick ass, bad ass, like them! That's what we do here. So our goal is to make better goals to bring the individual to a high standard, so that us collection We as individuals can fix what the fuck is going on in the world. We do have a few. For the show the fee is very simple share. The show. that's it if y'all had shared the show when I started this relay fm two thousand and nineteen, maybe we wouldn't be where we are, and I got the receipts to prove it so anyway, scorn on it. We got some. I got if it's menaces, we did a city. So there's been a lot of shit happen where I think, To make a lot of shit is flop too. some guy, it's been hard to tell whose telling the truth why, yes, rather than the heart league, in my opinion, the hearth, weak yeah, we've had so far. Well yeah I mean there's a lot of big stories. Row I mean like look. The media is complete,
We silent on a lot of shit happening all over the world. You know, like you, got Brazil up in arms about there. election being stolen, came a you find guy, that's weird! Isn't it isn't a weird how you can't find anything about what's going on in brazil and is weird how that every rally, the ball scenario had he had literally tend to fit ten times as many people as what luna had it isn't a weird that lunar gonna hit out and is isn't a weird that the peace, Poor brazil I'll say the boot that the election was stolen. The world leaders, the ones in the world economic forum, are all reaching our congratulating Luna isn't a fucking weird. They use the same election software in the same election systems that we use here in the united states, who pretty fucking weird that there's a lotta things that align there. It almost seems like the exact same fucking thing is happening there. That happened here. What's what's Brazil's population? Let me see a lot.
It's fucking, you know he's no. It's also like there's a lot of things that are asked. What is it two hundred and fourteen million? That's a lot of other people. Do shit. Seven people yeah, you know an end, but it's people like. Oh, what are you? What are you guys think? I do think that, like you, This is all. Like who do you believe here? You believe the citizens of the country or if believe, the corrupt, fuckin media and the crop world. Population are the world leaders the world economic forum fuckers now, would you believe right same here when you boy do, you believe, eighty hobbs who ran the election for arizona maricopa county. That fucking was all literally at seven o clock at night back and twenty twenty we believe that actual like? Do you really believe that their tell the tricky believe she's telling the truth. Now, when she's been
literally just drawing by even Cnn and MSNBC made fun of to look like a fucking idiot and she runs the election. That's going on and do you think it's weird they took a week. Thus, all sudden she beat carry lake who had literally a hundred times the fuckin people show up rope. You people that go along with this, because it's your party is actually one. You are fuckin treasonous dude,. and in this is what's going to happen. I'm gonna call this right now, the p, Bullshit, you are afraid of winning are going Start playing the same game: they're gonna beat you at it now. You people are gonna, be fought, we will. people in this country that are going along with a lot of fraudulent shit, because It just so happens that their people are fought their fuckin party. They are so fucking brainwashing supporting, ok, you're such fuckin sheep are, you can understand the bigger picture? free society.
And you're willing to go along with fraud. You are willing to go along with force vaccinations just You are willing to go along with shutting down mother fucker shit. Just like you, khan, everybody grandma killers, we have literally a huge portion population that doesn't give a fuck. What happens in this country as long as the people that they have in added themselves and attach their identity to actually winning wrote? The fact that you have that I too just to some one in the first place, show. that you're a fucking sheep. Ok, you your things, Donald trump people, Oh no, my fucker europe flocking cotton that man is interest him in europe. I don't know what makes me more mad if, if it's the events that these these people, were actually cheating or that People that I know in a real real world are actually present I that they ought
Well, I've been talking to a lot of my friends and, like they've, been looking at the soviet. I mean like here, missouri eyes, were here? We have a very secure election system here, where we have voted idea outside the city- yes bout outside of the city of say, louis, yes, side of the city of Kansas city, yes, but inside those cities a shift, corrupt as anywhere else This is why no fucking! This is why, when we look wrote this why, when we go up in the fucking shit and into the hood, and we say who the fuck you guys, like you guys fucking like trump, are you like Biden, what the fuck do? They say trump out there, bro fuck, that fine, love trump share was way better under tromp. But yet these fuckin plight, like these people, continue to rain in those areas fuck out of here, do you can't walk down the street and find a single mother, fucker two says Joe Biden and Warren ST sure. sailor city is one of the most work and blue places traditionally in the in the whole country,.
You cannot walk down the mother fucking street and talk to someone who isn't ok, There is a very specific crowd of people who will say binding and their people were fuckin their faces pierced all over can face were heard in prague on air and they gonna fuckin coexist, sat on the call on a car which date mean anything about because they don't believe in coexistence. They believe domination, okay and ate them Fucking hang out with the fucking. You know at the trendy little fuckin place where everybody looks the same as them naxa same as them, and support the same shoes them- and they talk about here- that there are the fuckin resistance, no europe fuckin robotic what call useful idiots. Allow these these policies that destroy our country, live and breathe; ok, but you can't walk down those same neighbourhoods and find someone who is now a part of that crowd. That agrees with anything in wrote that
That's where I keep trying to say on the show, is that because technology has played such strong role in propping up whilst narrative false narrative being theirs. Fifty percent, of the population, is these kind of people write and fifty percent of rest of everybody's, a domestic terrorist rain, these people who have been propped up on? This fake, woke ideology and are in our culture, have been propped up. My fuckin twitter had been popped up. My facebook company matter instagram fucking you to all these companies favour content. And use bots to promote like like these messages and then on the other side, the people who say the shit like I say,
Our shit is suppressed so hard, but it never gets out and what that's done is his creates a creates, a false perception of reality where these people, who are who I'm talking about who are the weirdest fuckin mentally their mentally How can damage people think that there? The majority now because we so download yeah broke in the minute? Then it becomes absolutely clear that these people in a minority which is, I think, becoming me more clear. Every single day there dangerous position, because the the big tack in the war the economic for the people, column plays. have been so imposing of their views on to the rest of the population. I call them the eighty percent incense americans that these people are getting fucking angering like they're getting fucking angry like broke, I can't tell you fucking angry, I am to see her. Watch an election
where everybody knows stolen, and then you see People on line, who I know in real life, who are fucking progressive liberals bragging about winning the election that they know very fucking clearly was stolen. And I'm a reasonable human. I dont want around hurting people, theirs he added lose everything either know, there's a lot people who lost everything because of these policies, the last three years and these people, cheering and rub it in their fuckin face, rather, it's a very dangerous climate in our culture brewing very, very fucking, dangerous enough for people like me, yeah, that's real Alyssa. Let's start to spread some of this truth out here That's a guy's when you think broke the buddha! Might there with you, I might there without I think who's seen her like that. One hundred percent- I think, there's a lot of people too- that, like I think, where they're kind of getting us out of that
they're doing all this shit and it's daring us to do something about it. Yeah, that's it except the people there. During to do something about a have all the fucking guns and the numbers and all the fuck him. You think power there. But I guess I beside beware that where were they had their new know, what I'm saying should have been taken over This is where it I feel like bit. I fly like think that comes down. I think that comes down to people's loyalty to donald trump I think that there were, or the erosion of the law has not happened, They rose, let right euros in law. Abiding citizens are still only people being held to the letter of the law as it right, criminals, another bottle and yet, but I think a lot. People believe that down, rob somehow like broke this queues. It it's been infiltrate. People do a lot of people know a q is lotta people, don't.
Here was a plan basically and they did this in the bolshevik revolution. It's an intel plan they put out into the fuckin real world as like a secret plan ok and what they do? Is they tell you all the shit's gonna happen and then, as it happens, we watch it happen and it all seems like it's part of the plan when, in reality, what it's designed to do is to get people to wait. Wait just wait listed, just wait! It's going to get fixed, just wait here, it comes here. It comes here comes here comes a bucket storm. He you eddie comes, except whereby the time people figure out that it's just a vulcan AP and, and they don't understand that it's designed to get them to fucking, stand still and let these other people continue to make progress. It's a problem, yup, okay! I I think a lot of people think that Donald trump's going to come out do something and and and
donald trump was going to come out and do something guys you would have already fucking done, ok, he like the whole military arrest, and he could have done that. insolent, there's an insurrection act. He could have falcon called in in the ship was going on. It could have been done. You didn't do it. the other thing he doesn't do. Is he in and by the way, I'm an address, I'm retired, to talk for a second, One of our top always asked for travelling I too am I call sobbing them. Why didn't into it down? John have unrestricted enveils national greatness agenda? In twenty four presidential campaign announcement speech, I found a present donald trump announces third campaign for the white house. Here, tuesday night luxurious, seaside resort, moral, a lago in front of thousands of fans and hundreds of media outlets Sixty nine minute address trump unveiled. What he called for a national greatness agenda quote
This is what we call a national greatness agenda, because our country can be greater than its ever been trump said, quote: country is not great anymore. It's a mess, but a country can be greater than it ever was for that will be more much more in the months ahead. So many things that we need to do the road ahead of us. I will be easy, you know they ve already like they tried to dispel a say? No, I was low energy around and nobody was covering it. There's nobody covers. It therefore can terrified of this dude exactly. Joe Biden was quick to his no panel is required to put out a sweet from his personal account. I say donald trump felt america. If he was so relevant, Why did all the media come out so fought instantly talking about ensuring She was is donald trump. Why
donald trump, like they start right out there all shit again or or how this I have a little ways website you can, you can't say, is irrelevant and they come out with this fuck, a full blown fucking assault on the american, pretty white. Listen in the last three years. We ve all learn how this works, how he? like the fag low, even like there are those Democrats already china block. from even running for office. If he wasn't gonna win, why they tried to block what what's the point, why but here is something that I was kind of cool. Forget it to do so. This this had. I reads: facebook too fat checkers, remember: tromp is off limits. Again. So I do not know this but According to matters own policies, around fact checking political candidates, maybe pigeon holding them it's hosting a groundswell of new immaculate nano chump, authored ravings. basically saying if you running for office,
can't sensory. They cannot censure yes and guess what I'm running for roma say I mean do I voted for governor one, which is also governor missouri and twenty four, if, as we right now, just just decided, I think, never fucking. I see yeah yeah, I mean I guess so though the quote from facebook actually says it says it was a memo they sent out to all the fact. Checking was too small for me, it says A former president trump makes a clear public announcement that he is running for office. He would be considered a politician under our programme policy. Therefore, Exempt Romania fetching so did you watch the speech? I did not see. The whole speech I wash level of better here I am a body over Jesse piccolo, one of my good bodies. in town, I watched every single fuckin word of the speech. I got a lot to say about this.
First of all the argument of. he's a relevant and he's this unease that, in all this shit wrote these people are telling on themselves I have someone really wasn't like this is like this like someone goin on the internet, I gotta, haters, though bother me every fucking post. They posters about fucking hate their haters right right life, yeah I'll tell on yourselves- and you know I, like you Well, these are the people that say I don't give a fuck way by thinks every candy fuckin multiple times a day, bro you, where the most about ebay, thankfully one be fuckin, saying it, you just be doing you so the it is telling on themselves and you they're, trying to while up this fuckin january six bullshit again and that's what it was. It was bullshit and everybody they fuckin has looked into a pass, what MSNBC or cnn is full told them knows. It's bullshit
yeah. I was heavily involved in what the fuck was going on. They won't even answer questions directly about it. That's all gonna come out the next two years: okay, Most of the january six committee members got fuckin removed from office in selection. investigating Joe Biden. They just announced today about another c c tell you that for shell, we buy me. Do I do my fucking homework here. You got fucking, you got fuckin, you know by the way, trump looks really good data. He looks fucking great, while tanner um. so that's bullshit right, but always relevant. Now, let's addressed this war amongst the fuckin, dumb ass conservatives, ok, you guys are fucking idiot, Let me explain something to you divided, you will be beat right, and I see these people there like a fucking dissenters, ok, the scientists.
Agree, I like to say that I agree what experience does scientists have on the world stage. Does he know Does he know Z? Does he know Putin? no kim jong does he know any of these people does no one knows fodder and where you re on, where to go to school with yale and went to yell, ok, we're all these other politician conflict, school, yeah, okay, so am I not sold on rwanda, santa's island what he says, I think he's fucking great, I think he's a strong fuckin guy But when you talk about global issues and that state of what we're dealing with right. Now, AL and the urgency of what we're dealing with right, now, trumpets afar better option for that, because he has the experts France, already in he's already done what needs to be done. They just undead That's all he does his show up make some phone calls: hey Putin, I'm fuckin back
bitch. You have put your shit away. Ok, hazy! Guess why we're? fuck, a train with you anymore, fuck, you, ok, the service ain't doing it. because he doesn't have the relationships nor the fear these people feel trump liberian. Ok, now. Does the santos make a great candidate africa, possibly maybe I'm that saw the he's, not part of them. Yet, I saw that he's not martin them do now like everything he's done, but it's after seeing the corruption I've seen for the last. However, many years it's gonna take some commencing arrived. And all you people who are fucking jumping on the bandwagon of I'd rather vote for a africans worse than donald trump will you're a fucking idiot. Look at your fucking life rain check the bank. Can that's right, you're a foot really it like. You sell your own shit down the drain because you don't like the waste,
do tweets. Would you rather have this old cresty piece of shit? Shit is pants, making an embarrassment of us and putting your kids into a fucking. My situation. Twenty years from now, I guess that's what's gonna happen now and eight. as we have often lose so I now I personally believe that of trump and stay away from this. Stupid shit where he is and by the way, the stupid shit. I like, like when he gets other talk. Shiro s walking was because that's what I would focus right how do people mistake why he talks the shit? What when the media won't give you any credit like human the fuckers won't go around, tell the whole fucking world anti said so and he's proof. Then I got What can I say and people on that when I got to say yeah who fuckin told you that I've I can told you that
times you gotta get tired of hearing it, but I have as to to remind you of my own credibility, and this is what this man does when he has to go out and the pressures as to remind people what he's actually done, because the media, won't give him a fair shot and what does this creates him to look like he's bragging when in reality, how are you going to know what the fuck he did otherwise right? Ok, so there's that now I think if you could stay away from the stupid, unpalatable shit that most people can't palette of most people can't you know. understand or, like I would say it is not used to really what he'll fuckin dominate there. Ok, if he folk, if he hears, What I think is going to happen. I think things, nobody said these two things one. I think, because, he flocking criticized the scientists and split both got created this rift.
Donald trump. A winner brow by this motherfucker wins he's wanted. Everything is whole fuckin life and you can't say otherwise. Who else is like that? I'm like them, you ok, now do do you know what happens when I get I start getting pressure on me. I get way flocking better way. Flocking better, when I have to fight, I will flock and I'll find any buddy and see now he's created a scenario where this motherfuckers gonna have a fight because the vote is an automatic with guaranteed for him I think we're going to see a highly improved thou trump come out and campaign highly fucking improved because of the risk that he could aid and I will also say that. If I were him, I would have created that rift on purpose, and that makes explain why, because what would happen if
These two. We went down the campaign trail for the next two years. Ok, in there flock and fight each other theirs This division inside the culture dissatisfied rotten. Ok, What would happen if trump came out And say you know what I like Ronnie he's good dude I shouldn't that shit and raw Comes out says, you know what donald trump strike from job I'm gonna sit this one. I am. I get behind fucking him. What what but at the moment we'll get supercharged. It would be like a nuclear bomb, went off inside the fucking problem a movement now and if you think he's, smart enough, the santos- is smart enough to calculate that. Ahead of time you know restating the level of these. My father's player, ok their power. In fifty moves ahead. You think one move ahead, you we think a move ahead. You react these guys.
You're planning out step by step by step by step by step for the next five fucking years for the next fifty years. Right, Some it's my opinion that this rift was quick. And intentionally so that it can be healed supercharged movement across line when the time comes so. I think you're gonna see. I that's right here. so taken taken there and then I'm thinking as anybody set at no. Nobody said that by, but here is a thing like you why nobody said that cause nobody fuckin smart enough to say that mobile Look. It makes a lot for consensus here, because you know that As an essential nominees of canada's, they get elected right their problem. gonna, like the doors he had already say, like they're they're gonna stay away from trauma make over have a choice. We may perfect fuck incense think I haven't
it's as if he knows, there's gonna, be some bullshit in the orient seas and the rnc called de santis yeah we're not they're going to pick the sciences and fuckin falls right back again. It makes us the man, a man. I could be wrong pride. So yeah and by the way, listless dissect trumps, actual speech, I wash the whole thing Already being cut and twisting the bullshit that it is, I woke up the day after the speech trump set in the speech. He said we're going to sk that drug dealers better caught are put to death There are several every drug dealer: five hundred deaths are out there and I wake up. I got a voice of the people which is of page here in ST louis and irene on the voice of the people
they're, trying to hang up a couple comment: not all of them? There is a lot of protract comments to what there was a mobile comments were Black community was saying that trump is going to try it, they're still buying this racism, narrative that was fuck implanted in their head for fuck with wise years ago and They're saying well, look at tromp he's trying to genocide. Young black men get caught up in the system. No he's not, and you didn't watched the speech you only watch to clip of speed. what he was actually referring to when he was talking about that was the mexicans cartel that's assisted. The chinese government that selling that no inside of our flocking country. He was talking bout, those cartel members being put to death. and people are twisting to say racism now road. This whole with all their weapons. Have been depleted, no one's by in the racism narrative anymore. Ok, so
they're gonna have to come up with some new shit to make this do cause it's gui faced all the fuckin. All this they got and they had to make up most of it. and you have a lot of people that are all passionate because they feel like they are fucked out of the last fuckin for years If I were to see a movement like we never focusing before you ask me, I I think the rifts on purpose. I think them, I think, at the right, perfect, fuckin time the riff will come back together and and be. It will be done strategically. I mean you know, but like do the black community, you guys like that, do a lot of The black me listen, the shell, you guys cannot. Allow this races narrative, we pushed down on top eu light like day I've been for so long like they're they're trying to you guys to go along with something that is in fucking. True at all, Who is things up and see the couple us of louis
a year ago he posted this guy His name is jerry. Wayne monroe lack do a republican. Actually, and rose at the guide, it went to the fucking thing. Yes, that was awesome. Yes, I brought so I went to I checked out his page bro, I'm like dude, he's leading a massive amount of fucking of of the black immune good as a mask When I say that to say this vice, like you know, we followed reptiles. We see these pages railway and light thing, is you see those comments from people that are lagging off know? How do we know that those people actually even fucking exist? We don't because they are always private accounts. There are always fucking, they always feel like bot accounts yeah. But then I see these other accounts to come in, I'm like nah what the fuck you talking about and I go look at it and it's all genuine real chanel. So it's like Now it is to play on the data. Remember do when, when they pump this racism narrative, so fucking heart dude
The charlottesville narrative was completely fucking made up and then a push the social media. You have all these. After this out their propped up by this digital fucking. Persia too lab that narrative up and its in it was wise, that was they of what while work. But what like about trump on waste said there was good people on both sides. Is you read that you watch? well now you gotta do is watch your videos watch it wrong. If you watched a little video and you have a functioning brain, you can see, clearly what the fuck is. Lagging people just won't watch it. Well. That was a those donnie. So let us out o man his plans and perform good me by his withdraw from the fucking green new deal he's gonna. Can get out of the world economic forum. He's gonna fuckin guy
We have our flock and tax bull share. The election he's gonna whole violet criminals, accountable and drug criminals, accountable term limits. On my congress in the lobby in ya these things. That must happen for a free country, that's the guy. The fixed this shit, you guys don't like them. I care here's I look at it. I don't care, you don't have to like someone who can do the job but actually like him, either he's fucking worries, I think a bad motherfucker did not sing one. You motherfuckers, listen! This show so fuck fuck fuck trump, katy would sit down gimme a fuckin, real reason? You really care, and if you think you can, come on the show and sit across from me and we'll have a fucking talk, will bring up the fuckin data right here on the screen will have a fuckin talk. They won't do. No, they won't do it they won't. They won't do it. They were to hate the guy
they ve decided. They hate the guy in their unwilling to back off their position is the same shit about the fucking covert thing: we're these people bought into its shell fucking hard that they refuse to come off it to the point where they are. Taking medication that could potentially fucking harm them and now it's happening, broke way he's about to face is gonna, be the hardish. It's it's gonna to be ten times worse than I think so too, and I mean they were he's already. I gather knew everything broke and it wouldn't be. It's not our list. What do they do? Last time keep my office. we always they just bullshit. Bullshit bullshit the law. What bullshit stood ass, you know, what did they do in all of twenty twenty to win a fucking election? A lot was now that's right with a cobra sure, that's right and if you know Think that these mother fuckers ain't gonna do the same fuckin thing again and this time, potentially with something that actually really kills a lot of people
stay in power and protect their interests. You guys are insane, that's crazy. That was one of the headlines. I saw that in pig it, but they're gonna don't make sense, though, because neither say at all, you know the ice age. The ice caps issue nelson? Releasing all these new deadly talks that we ve? Never that good a couple years to go before we see. It, though, makes sense. Lesser nude, it's very dangerous. What these people will do to keep this man now and people on understand. They think what he must be really bad. If you're willing to do all that, that's not what let's call it what it is that he represents a threat to the whole power structure that the entire globalist community fucking praise on us win. he's an outsider that wrecking their shit and they. Do they were born in the world down to keep this due from wrecking no shit so Something has to give between now and then in terms of
this is gonna be handled, because if we just go through business as usual, and we think that they're going political allow this man to win with rigged elections. Fucking insane. That's not going to happen that way. The one criticism I had of him in his speech: ok cobra. Yet you're running in one of over. You accept just lost the last election because they fuckin factor five or six same places, but they stating this fuck your actual ass we weeks ago, your real result so suppressing trot. I would love the opportunity to sit down with you and discuss this year. come to come on. My show any time you'd like to, but I'm trying to understand how we're going to elect you when our vote start counting the with assured in all areas of the country. And also I have some suggestions. you're already in extreme, as you might as well, not to join the dune. Oh shit,
here we are die: yeah giant, wood, chipper, dude painted red white and blue okay. All I'm asking is you. Let me have I: You know what I like, I I I and you guys who were like terrorism up when in two weeks ago? You loved them before he said that little thing, maybe you should realise that you're, just a sheep, assess the far left people. Because one do. I do can say one fucking thing you don't like and all of a sudden he's the fucking devil fuck. You man like you're the problem he's got those guys go make all your look stupid for arguing over this back back they're. Both patriots brow, I think I know trumpets. I think I think the Santer says too. We'll find out guys move right along headline number two to reach: What is team publicans, eke out house majority after four years out of power?
So republicans narrowly regain the majority in the house of representatives on wednesday salvaging a a measure of success on, I would turn out to be a worse than expected, mid term elections for the geo P. The race has put the yup you over the top at you. Eighteen members in the lower chamber was income at republican. Representative might by sea his victory over democratic christie, smith and california's twenty seventh national districts are the race, while was seventy. Five percent of the vote in more than week after election day, garcia leading fifty four point, two percent to smith's forty five point: eight in a statement. President Biden congratulated the house geo p in its next speaker, Kevin Mccarthy for achievement on wednesday and signalled his willingness to work with the opposition party. He says I congratulate leader, mccarthy, on republicans winning the house majority and I am ready to work with the house. Republicans deliver results for working fan
is the seventy? Nine year old president wrote. just added that on Europe. Take my fucking joke Is he gonna be willing to work with the fuckers investigating here I must say as well- we got back ass geo appears to probe of Joe Biden. They security risk in connection with shady hunter deal so to chop house republic, you follow me well said today that they would examine whether president Biden quote is a security risk I'm a whether he is compromised by foreign governments. In connection with this first unanswered biden, shady overseas business, deals representative james com, comber, And Jordan are the respective income chairman of the house, judiciary and oversight, committees, leveled the accusations they announced their first order of business will be probing the Biden family pope Investigation is about Joe Biden. Comber said quote
Joe Biden directly involved with hunter binds business deals, and is he compromise? That's our investigation? He continues. Saying quote: we're not trying to prove hunter Biden is a bad actor comrade it. He is. then do there's a lot of stuff, they shouted you know, lay an outright probably their claiming that he's compromise. by his by hunters. Foreign deals involving over fifty countries assesses bank accounts were Co. Mingle, and the white house spent up to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to deflect the damaging stories, but we spent two hundred fifty thousand dollars facts that reflect his family stories back. You know where those all everyone s pose nothing, a real action which Mcconnell he did when the Senate seat again Whilst I have gone, what do we are? First, while he looks like herman and its aftermath, MS mcdonald trash
When you look at him, you should see the stabbed judgment political elite base. That is right, this country for the last fifty fuck in years. There's a lot of young democrats that that are not crazy, ok, but I'm talking about these corrupt ones. Better inside our fucking gum He is the epitome of that he's. No different than nancy Pelosi he's no different than fucking any these other people. He that's him so dont. Let there These rhino republicans, that's why they're Paul Y know the crow rhino, because republican in name only right, everything else? There is no part of the only party establishment in these. people that are making life difficult in this country that's the same guy, the took tons of millions and millions of millions and millions of millions of dollars of the republic, the geo p Campaign money and you
used it against the. the regular on affiliated on bought and paid for citizens. There are running forgotten this governed it is designed to operate from the people for the people by the people. ok, we shouldn't have people in our govern spending their campaign allocated funds to keep those people out of office. That's not that's not hey, that's what's happening. A lot of people do not understand the dynamic of all that's happening, and a lot of people on the left here, this hunter binds laptop story. they don't really understand what it is. The media has an allowed it to be explained and I'll explain it for you. quickly. You have hunter by now turbine, went out around the world and and created all these business deals and while he was creating, I these business deals. You was doing a bunch of like nasty shit. Fuck, it
all kinds of women and drugs and fucking per day, actually under age women. What the boy? business deals? You were doing using the name of his father general as vp. Every time I get there over so all of these deals that this this unqualified human being, who is an old degenerate of a human being? Ok was doing was he was leveraging himself to be the spokes person to have access to Joe Biden, and this started when he was vice president of the united states, it is extremely powerful relationship the have if you Somebody from let's say: oh china, Now, where do most of the company's originate from that this purse? was doing business deals with hunter by they all regime from two places. You know where they are you where else russia? Now China was your guy,
So these companies work there are now there was a rush connections well, but most of them here have been between ukraine and fuckin, china. Ok, so companies pay him a lot of money. And then he had heat and there's email proof of this and bank proof of this. This is what these men are talking about, supporting That that money was then filter to Joe Biden. Ok hunter keeps a commission for Joe Biden gets the gets a share. Ten percent for the big guy. Now, what do they get in return right? Do you think they get nothing in return or do you They get the president of the united states in decisions that are in can surely in the interests of the people,
who are paying him directly through his son hunter by those people being ukraine in china, but you have to ask yourself. Why is our economy software? Why are they in billions and billions and billions and billions and billions of dollars They giving all this money to ukraine. We just had the f scandal happen. People don't understand the FDA. Scandal either is at our next. Stop it up we'll talk about that, because it all links together these people, The people that a lot of you fucking voted for, because you don't like a fucking man who loves your country more than you fucking love it. Understands your future and the potential for the few Should that you may or may not have more than you do, because you don't like his fucking tweets, or his bedside manner. I so now we're stuck with this man.
Who is literally leaving the borders wide open. Allowing me millions and millions and millions of people on vetted come into our I have no problem with legal and with immigration. No problem immigrants are the best people in this country when they come here. The right way, because they appreciate you have a man is ruining economy. You have a man whose letting clock, why. Are we allowing crime to do what it's doing right now. Why are we pushing all of this impressive shit like realising our children. Why we pushing. All of this woke shit like I don't know, people who are fine, hundred pounds being called healthy when they're not healthy. Why be inundated with pornography
on our devices every place we go and you could tie this all back to the influence of fucking china and the world economic forum. We are under attack attacking this country because there's individuals in this country, many of them High levels of power who have decided that they will put their own personal finances ahead of us interests of generations of america to come, and I ve been working on for years, That's what people don't like, they don't see the long game. This was in two thousand and eight they started doing this. I know dj these people here the hunter by laptop store in their life. Why are you guys picking on hoddan fucking cares, while the reason we care is because there is a potential but the president of our country right now is actually an employer. Fucking China. That's why we fucking care
Do we care about russia gate because for Six fucking years you made our lives miserable based Offered the steel dossier that was fuckin manual. That, too, create a narrative that sky was somehow a traitor to our country. It's been proven that this and by the way they put these people the court of law, and they let him off. Some of you. people do not understand this. They dont understand Hillary Clinton had a fucking face. Manifesto made to appear as if russia was somehow compromising the election to accuse trump impeach him, while he's in office do you realize how much trump didn't get done? because of the scrutiny and bull shit he was dealing with that was literally made up ip.
or not understanding? What what what's going on? You know you talk to listen hot democrats and will again whatever you what s bullshit, It's not bullshit road. We have fucking men running our country and in the end people running our country who are making clear and obvious decisions that are not in the national interests of this country. Why do you think that is well up until you realise that these people are being paid heads of millions of dollars, sometimes billions of dollars to me? these decisions, you fucking. Do this thing where you say: oh, do he just fucked stoop so stupid, be such dumb motherfucker fucker? Is he dumb or you done because it's very clear to me. What's happening, you have people who are pretending to be in it act when in reality they are making if they were up there make These decisions and doing all of these things
intentionally instead of like playing like it's a fuck up right What were the reaction in the american people be be up in arms. Do I have nobody was up there saying yeah, we fuck important business in this because we're gonna fuckin devalue the currency yeah we're letting tens of millions of immigrants come in. You know why if she were said it yesterday, the great replacement fuck in theory, is real shit. How can you say that they, then? How can you pro abortion. and then also proof Why can anybody come here from anywhere because no one is have been, has no one's haven't falcon babe in sport and then tell me you're not win you're not doing what the fuck we all think you're doing reside were forty and slip up these people, these people, all, I want to say they think were stupid, but they don't think we're stupid. They actually know we're fuckin stupid,
not only do they know were stupid? They also know we're fucking cowards because if we work katy hobbs wouldn't be fuckin still relax, reiner fucking face. Some sand browser it's that the thin line of good people, thinking that the law still gonna hold them accountable. when that roads, people by the ilo, I thought, but I know a dedicated the new. a ten percent of my entire life. Now to try and you're fucking. People understand this so that that doesn't happen. guys. I was mistaken hello now to my third and final headline: day her london three reads: well, This is all one right, but that the situation august, the renewal collapse. The Salaam reads now collapse recover this a couple of days ago on city. I
new and upcoming information? Ok, this alarm reads: FBI is now planning to extradite sam bateman five from bahamas. Crypto concern contagion from after ex collapse, spreads to twenty bill. In block five- that is also preparing for bankruptcy, The article reads: american and bohemian authorities are discussing the possibility of bringing empty expounder sam bateman, five to deny the states for questioning bloomberg news reported on whose deciding three people familiar with the matter ass, we have collapsed, crypto exchange of tax, which filed for bankruptcy in the united states last week, as fan fears about the future. Crypto industry after outline a quote severe liquidity crisis, Since then, regulators have open investigations. Law makers have called for a clearer rules on how the industry operates. Several crypto firms have also been bursting four fall out of the empty ex collapse, with several key
seeing their exposure and millions. beleaguered exchange a blue. If halter withdrawals over the weekend, as is also considering bankruptcy as spokesperson from the manhattan. U s. Attorney's office declined to comment on the matter after did not immediately responds to a roar request for comment bank. Then fried as the sense listed his five bedroom bahamas penthouse on the market, forty million dollars now could timeline for people She started and twenty nineteen ok, there was founded Gary. Why weighing founded have t x? He was a formal do we're employee long sigh, assuming the fat, ok by twenty twenty not even a four year later: ok, a mobile portfolio tracking application, lock folio for her in a fifty million dollars now I dunno, where they came from, where the one hundred and fifty came from just came out of nowhere. A year later, there are two basic,
a billion dollars and funding. And they receive in eighteen billion dollar about evaluation. My view that year, their capital evaluation, with twenty five billion thou? So in the matter of just a couple of years ago, these fuckin assholes f t x, signed a sponsorship deal with mercedes formula. F one: that's like my fucking dream. This fall! can piece of shit stole my fucking dream, lying and cheating everybody, yeah fuck him I look in their eyes they're trying to run them as if I can. Oh, no he's not he's not that bad of a dude he's. You know Is it the here's, some good news for you? Ok, yeah, listen This is from the. U s house committee on financial services: okay, this is just came up chairwoman maxie waters, the ranking member rincon member henry making re announced december hearing to investigate empty ex collapse. they're, gonna, investigative, okay,
is good news for us. Ok, today, the chairwoman of the house financial services committee, paddle woman maxie waters in the ranking member of the house financial services committee, congressmen, Patrick ma, I'll stay by partisan hearing into the collapse of algeria, in the broader consequences for the visual asset ecosystem really really good. Fuckin thing. That's I mean it's. Fucking luck! Wiser good! because you know what they're gonna do right now? That's max you importance. I understand, but. Their repression of the road. No, that's! Not what they're doing that this guy's the fall guy owe you ok. this collapse gives them the reason to regulate digital currency like this yeah like they already enough. Members of the? U S, bank, meaning launch proof of concept for a regular. A digital asset settlement platform. While we trial that up
gotta luggage progress where those up here or there I did it. Leave it at that. Well, so lets them talk about this in real basic human fuckin terms, they create did this fuckin platform they founded this platform, got the good press behind this platform. They got the people who invest their money in this platform you people. Are you celebrities by the way the celebrities did know about this. the hombre. You know radio shack did know about this Ten went after the most clean cut, believable celebrities out there, which are shack and fly Can Tom Brady? Ok, so they years tom radio shack to make people believe this shit was working aright their victims in this.
I want to pursue an sag cause. They're, probably gonna get fucked up in. then, they still billions of dollars, the american public, then they take the money that you all think that you put. There and they send my mother fuckin well, what was back up for a second? They may start ukraine now we've got to send billions of dollars to ukraine, And if you remember me four times over the last years, since has been one hour roughly I told you that they launder the money laundering money, I've told you how they done it told you they done it back to their weapons companies. If you noticed slip little donations from all these big fuckin warmongering companies where the fuck do they go? where did all the donations from fuckin be alarmed? Ok, so every every few years they create these schemes who find themselves. In this
particular situation. They started back two thousand nineteen. They built this company. They use polish celebrities to convince you to put your money in their case, one thing: now they start this thing with ukraine were sending tax dollars our money. Our money, my money? your money already ukraine and happy you fuckers, are fuckin written for every time. Could you stupid right, Then zaleski takes their tax money, puts it in the after effects, one with all your other money that you already invested in tax, then they take that money and then they invested in the senate and congress campaigns for the Democrats and the governor campaigns for the Democrats in last week's election? You know what else funded with that they funded the only study based show that I've ever met was ineffective against covert, have tax funded that so, which means you funded that exactly
Then they turned around and how many people died because of that study in the We're suitable industry made how many billions of dollars. This is what the Democrats fucking do they create. These grams in these scams to steal you. fucking, money and finance their fucking campaigns and their initiatives to keep power over you tax us launder the money, put the money back into their campaigns. Ben that money to defend Any body a I'll trump Ok, Eric writings, ok, anybody Who decides to stand up against them in political opposition? You pay, for We must use our money you fuck and paid for it They did. It would be a lamb, they do. What,
the weapons manufacturers. They did it without tax and there we get a bunch of other ways too, George soros does this for the richest people in a fucking planet. How does he keep money, how does he keep getting money? Oh he's occurring? see trader. Ok, I says when other banks that are participating in this new digital kurds- two. By the way I was kind refreshing to nazi bank of america at lisbon. yet city mad, because I think that's probably assumed, if we're being on three may go up that that you just mention is very tight into the gun city mast. Car piquancy tv- bang- u S, bank wells fargo, there are gonna, be participating. If I were you.
I would reject their digital currencies. I would tell you and to reject the digital currencies. I wouldn't had adopted because remember there's: no customers, there's no product right disney, I yes right, re more, making an impact again, the narrative, Being selective about what we choose to adapt and what we choose to not adopt, don't support the companies who support all the shoving of propaganda down your fucking throats They changed their ways because they have to do same with this currency if we reject digital currency as a population, and we make it like uncool to use like bro you, fucking, use digital currency. What are you fucking? Sheep is ok and we start fuckin. We re acted that way. They king, They won't be able to do it. That gives us a thing on a try to use the social pressure from the social media yet oppressed.
I don't know they're going to go out and run a hollywood. Can pay us look. Dude they're gonna get fucking are going to get brad, peer and fuckin angel, the jolly well jackson. All these people, to talk of a house in the digital currency is undergoing a pain, valuable on it? There in a pale with your tax dollars, you're actually going to pay them? to sell you, the idea of did of digital currency, which, command enslave you basically in always on an ostrich, you're you're paying for for them to. To you your own demise. Just remember that we see that, but then Gonna go on and gonna run influence or campaigns to people know what an influence your campaign is right. We'll find someone who's got a social media presence and pay them to wrap represent a product. But people realise that the same thing- hollywood is mass scale, but it's just it's just you just don't know.
They don't have the fcc regulations there. in reply to these hollywood people like they don't have to say this is a fact and I wrote they come out, they make statements on talk, shows they come out and they say things and public right too nourishes areas because, like they have they were able to produce real horse power that the have real effects. Ok go get the vaccine, I'm samuel, just write them, get the vaccines, but he's not hell. I'm not well, because there's no there's no federal disclosure on whether you get paid to do that. But there are several disclosure from every other company on the right People are immune to the fuckin laws. That's what people stand. So they're gonna come out. They're gonna run therefore can play and it's gonna be up. Uptown to be able to say well now, or be let go. This is so providing a fuckin slave myself can differ currency. Did you got it Do you have your digital currency or their body? Oh you're, Europe. Can you are slow you when you hear it
you don't even understanding or keep up with the pace of society like that. You know from some fuckin due to looks like he fuckin sucks on soil milk tidies. You know I'm sand for in this area before we know what the fuck I'm talking about a sword. Milk tidies was right he's of another man who has so. I found my brow. I have noted that a new role in the other saki noticed it. viewed. You know that fucking me with a girl with his mouth open like the that, so jack me am. I think it's called whether they're all ideas opponent you're talking about, got the same foggy mouth don't get any worse. nor were. Would you would you say to me was called it's you seen umbrella? That merit is right. There
yeah. Do you ever notice that these motherfuckers, with low testosterone really do make their face in every fuckin photo well all you men out their google testosterone, do like every single one he about you know like you, frill git your test check. If, If you have low t brow you're making these faces here, we look I'm doing this clown shit so avoid. So he melted You know how to talk. You know what I'm talking about. I told her about the do their ways for her fucking pounds. There has a fuck. Ippolito but though, is the main ass? These star wars, shirt on what quantities, but as a dude you all know, reform talk admired by listening to that There's a few of them right. There arose a view I look to say yeah. They do have it. They say that about us too, though, yeah that's true, yeah they're, all fucking jacked,
huge dude with toxic men with reform. beards and muscles and muddy a few, don't even have a gluten intolerance. does a hashtag did. You know he broke, You don't really care unless we start hashtag, otherwise it is pretending to care. Do you stand? I stay with joy. as a final segment of the show. As always, we have thumbs up rational allows you to get your thumbs up at your thumb somewhere. You know, well, these people state that we talk about This. Wasn't you and me talking about this with official characterise shit,
How do you do it will sit around and that we will be like opening up? Inverted, hey man steered the king, fuckin, say hey peculiar character, whom her What do you think we want Kenobi? We think about. The whole truth is that you do the forced to stop. You didn't use of force manner. Skywalker, whatever with they attach themselves these fuckin home again, that's what I'm saying do I get the same kind of people where everyone knew calls will honour what tobacco, the same thing I'll, even though the shit you can't do that you are now you it's a debate was that was able to see you back on it was. I can't do it I'll? Tell you why layer? Usually I could do it.
I took the matter was his earlier. I am by cadmium is for That is what the real should as true. They you're. I lie all legal here now majority, that's right, because I post on my history I saved you bought the fuck. Are you The force our third observe segment where we should allow you don't let what these by funding to talk about those mfa is act within you. You owe me one, I don't we what's gonna stop trapped, as is found, was bitter Can you bake a cartoon for me of obi wan fucking stop donald trump, so I could post on my instagram story. Please yeah Please make it awesome. on yeah there we go easy.
where I saw this one day I dunno, if true or not, but it was a dude that look just like this, and it said I I had surgery yesterday and my wife boyfriend? Surprise me with this, and it was a fucking legend of zelda game and I'm like? Are we is this fuck. Is this shit fuck unreal. Why is this really where the fuck we argued I truly hope that you fuckers, that are making these means, or just be an extra mean like ruthless like. I refuse to believe this is real shit. Is this fuck real broke out on cities, see fuckers like I really don't just like. I don't see racist motherfuckers round those reeled out. I don't see. Ok they came on fuckers browser nazi, I must go. I haven't invited you to meetings. And still the obligation browsers fuck. I didn't know that or how I better step up. My racism
I was from one side, then Alex spent all night making those masks. Alright, though, man, that's a fucking great scene, it's a great one, holy shit dude. I laughed hard at that Are you guys are thumbs up? Signatures gets cause, I'm races. I thought your Bela reads: kids, never seen of the ages tape before he says is about. like they ve, actually not seen the tat. We ve never seen one, not a movie, that's on the tape right, so you know what the tape its exact So I dont worry. This also has a lot of shit he's oklahoma. Kid was stopped when he came across an old age s collection. watch as well. Mickey's parents quiz him with a copy of disney's jungle book on tape. He says it's a book whose care guessing our gases in this funny parenting fail whose video
thought hang on once I get grab one and open it up again. Once I get the jungle book opened, the book What is still so the commission still sail away. I will give them a figure way row it does make a lot of sense, though I am a bro. How do you expect a kid he's? Fucking eight years, always nursing. That shit is true. Well, I'm surprised, you know what the fuck they are pro this and I used to play my heart. Will cars not use that shit as buildings? I knew exactly where they were row. I used to take the tape out of the tape
And make it the ring rope where I may My g, I Joe guys fucking Russell S, rice and it's pretty fun create like did you get. You know I would take like some pencils in our. wrap around that's pretty fun creator, and we have. We have been off top robust shit, it's fucking awesome, I remember, Pcr broke, to take it out? Rwanda by here it would play forward, but it would not require you press a button to take ten minutes reminded one. Do that so we had to go by here. I said yeah exert. How long does it take a minute? A minute he was too big and I will ask take a long time. It's a longer, while you are the costs, you can use a pencil, some shit yeah these relocate your use, your finger to fucking, get it yeah like I wrote We found the arms they now real talk. Do you hadn't
should you wrote people in order for the road or phone as a kid now does not hide dial eroded urged phone? I think they're probably try to bring this back in like another five to use this. It always comes back right like she's back now, right man, real talk like I'm so fucking thankful that I got it. Experience like pre this Technology shit because do life was way it just just really was not trying to sound like the fuckin duties at all, like life was better back and they all day long like I'm, almost nl lounges statement. We play the others too. You know People were better, people were tartar they were nicer to each other. They weren't you, epileptic twenty four hours a day through fuckin incensing amounts of data that never fog is relentless. Her head there were present yeah, we didn't have the anxiety that we have. You know like these kids.
oh up with a whole different set of problems. We grew up with, in terms of you know, the bullying, the happens online. You know the over like they're. All like do these kids shouldn't be seeing these girls out. This is why I was saying in august talking about this on different shows, your men and women both need to get better, because you know these young kids, seeing the ship we put out as adults, very fucking, bad failing them by living. Like still flock seventeen or eighteen years old and cottages, given up on the standards society. You know like We always as america's americans fuck up you like these fuckin kid. or looking at these girls on Tik tok. In sheer outfits bounds in their terry's and shit like fucking ten year old, kids,.
Did you like? Nude assures fuckin fatah, and you know technology like just you the peace of mind that takes from you, because you're always on call. You know like People are realised, like you, don't even think about this, because technology most of these people, most of you, listen, show, haven't even grown up without it I do not remember, but like. You know when you were in a business back in the day. Let's just take this back to running a business So. Are you guys? Are entrepreneurs, listen the show. When you got to go home. You got to go home when you, the office you got to go home and be with your fuckin family and be present now impossible to be present ever because you can't get the fuck away from the fuckin technology. in the expectation is built that you should always be on call, and that's
Not that's, not! Ok. It's now how the fuck we're supposed to be as a society oars individuals so you know I had that perspective in its. Why I'm so angry at what they ve done, what technology, because they ve normalized so much. Behaviour that is so bad for people and they continue. To do so, and we have eventually ask ourselves why they contain. You too, a road culture and a road good, wholesome freedom. Culture in this, country and why do they do it? Well, How do they do it. I know why they do I've been telling you why they do it for a long time, but you just don't understand how it all ties together. You think it's conspiracy is conspiracy, but it's their conspiracy. you know it is designed to make it a weaker sicker. More dependent,
population that is easier to control and they start with these kids. They confuse them now. They're confusing, Are you a man or woman or your boy? or go when they're fucking, five years old, bro. like how much album power. How much of dont be real. How much of a fucking me can. You have when you fuck up all the children in thinking. There's something they are. Are you Given him surgeries and shit, guys dollar stan There's other countries that want to conquer our fucking country. Doing it right now, there's just not doing it. The way you recognize conquering the doing it. fucking, cultural and ideological subversion has been going on for fucking years that's why it's so important for you to recognize it admit it and then make the changes in your personal life to be less dependent.
Any of their shit, damaging have to make more money. That means you have to fucking. Become smarter than me, Become healthier more fit and more able that means you have to spend this message that amnesia Have to look after people, your community, they won't you, I hate everybody. You shouldn't hate everybody. You should be the opposite of what the fuck they want, that that they are intentionally. Destroying our country from the inside out. in all of this place a pardon What can we do? Well, actually, you can do everything necessary to stop it by just taking control of your own life. You're, the one that's in control, how much money you make you're the ones in control of how unhealthy you are and how healthy you are most of the time you're, the one that's in control of the information you put in your brain you're, the one that's in control of the situation and the information that you share to others, you're the one. That's it! control, how you raise your kids you're, the ones in control
you're, a patrol blot shit they just want you to think the yarn. So you'll accept there's sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box froze the fucker stole countless millions. In a kobe teach buddhist smoke got a blank row kind of doesn't know his shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-27.