« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

411. Andy & DJ CTI: Elon Recommends Voting For Republican Congress, Biden Says "No More Drilling," & Aldi To Sell Thanksgiving Items At 2019 Prices

2022-11-08 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Elon Musk's recommendation of voting for a Republican Congress in the 2022 midterms, President Biden responding to a climate change protestor saying there will be "no more drilling," and Aldi selling Thanksgiving items this year at their 2019 prices to help those struggling during the holiday season.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number for the countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph kang, doesn't know his shot case club. What is up guys? This is the show for the real say goodbye to the lies. The fitness and delusions of modern society welcomed the mother fucking reality dice day we had Andy and dj cruise, the mother fucking internet yup. We do we got that and that's what we're going to do and is the internet. Reassemble gas we put up three headlines what about what's going on in the world. We talk about. What's true and not true, we make fun of them, and then talk about how we can fix these things Sometimes you to nato be q and I ask you and others where you could submit your questions and our answer them and you could submit those costs. since they can be about anything to does email those questions and to ask andean additive salamanca, sometimes
return and you're gonna hear real talk. Real talk is five. Twenty minutes of me, given you some real talk, and that's all it is Then sometimes we have full length and full length is where we have a gas come on the show and we talk, we have a conversation, we talk about how became who it is. They are and how you could do the same and usually it's a conversations, not interview. So. Don't inspection like magical fucking, it s, not what the fuck I do so there is. fee for the show too in the fee, for the show is simple. I don't run ads on the show. I pass up on eight figures a year of income. For that And I believe in it because I don't want to have answer. Anybody and I dont want to fill your ears full shit or thirty minutes of the show. maybe that'll change one day, but for right now, that's the way it is so. Return. I ask very simply to please pay them
in that means to share the show. If you thought it was funny, if you thought it was informative, if it made, you see things, a different way gave you a new perspective. Please tell someone make opposed forest share. The show That's only way we grow it. So that's that was our man monday. Every monday, yeah, I'm a favor. Can people s policy, Monday morning. What are you doing here Ro takeaway won his jerk trophies now you're taking away one of his joke, trophies yeah that is weak to start shown. Our call me a yes worse the first women, whether I'm taking no one left to monitor that. But earlier you need it. the other one has taken hold see I wanted to left and the one in the middle and take off both of those. Alright, I laughed, I know you did hurt.
Yeah, it was gone over another man, fucking I'd, be how big data re election day. when the show airs. Oh yeah, I'm sure the day is Monday are gonna fuck up, pat, as the show airs it's going to be tuesday, and I personally believe that people are overcome for it. I believe. Everybody thinks that someone else's gonna do the job and I believe they're gonna fuckin fractionally steal the election right in front of her fucking faces. That's my opinion. I hope I am wrong all the points, although on the energy audits, social media traffic everybody's. Even you know, even people who have been typically democrat or now like yeah fuck these people. So I know I'm wrong. I know I know there is a huge red wave out there, but whether or not they show up it enough,
worse, matters are not forced to widen the gap. Ok or, if they're, going to just patently cheap, because what I feel like may happen and could happen was- is for them to We just do what happened in Brazil. We could half ago no and just blatantly fuckin steal it say was close, everybody knows it wasn't close and they call the bluff. and they say, will now what what the fuck you gonna do. Because I don't see these people walking away. I don't see him given up and if they do happen to be voted out, which I hope they will. I think the wreck, everything over the next five sixty days, blame it on the fucking republicans. So we're a dangerous spot and we just kind awaits you absence, but my personal I'd say.
I feel pretty sure that it's going to be blatant fraud right in our fucking faces and they're going to call america's bluff and say well what the fuck you guys going to do about it woman is devil. I got some supporting evidence were for sure you, u S, that's there's always were to see what the when I saw when I saw Biden speech a week ago, last week when he basically said you know with the vote, may take a few more is the count man in any event he said you know basically, like you we need to accept the election results, no matter what they are, never what's gonna happen on boat, like though their pre framing the narrative massive our and an ended. They seem worried about the fuckin turn out, which makes me that, there is some legitimacy to the election which may Me personally believe that they able budget a certain small percentage, and if the voter turnout is big enough, we there can be overcome by. you know the problem is none of the shooting being question we have,
The technology to make it a hundred percent secure right, it could be done so very easily enough funny, how the more secure elections are the longer it takes account. He no shit, not crazy, I don't know man, I'm not optimistic about it, and I hope I am wrong well ask in some of these may cause. I got we got some some shit and guys remember. If you want to see any of these pitches are no bought. Biden was on tv just now. I dunno your pride and pick it up cause. It was literally just now santa that, if, if they win, though, revile codify review will be way and then it goes on a bus and other things are going to do and then at the end he says I will make sure no one can ever steel and election again, which is him saying, will make sure that they With that, no one ever winds and election and accept fucking us river. That makes a mere is over. I I don't know man, I don't know people that no more than me and are more plugin me, sir,
to believe that this is this should be a pretty disastrous day. I hope you're right but, like I don't trust him we'll see america, that's it must have a duty, pretty serious man. My god saw me now actually why you gotta listen to this, I'm actually at the fucking balls as an election judge monitoring, I said, nor what I can on my end and and- and so I mean what we'll definitely see, I think Missouri be fine, but do they're definitely pulling some shit in some of the swing states for sure. No doubt yeah why don't I weren't see what happens now? She's my personal tat like, I really falcon hope. I am wrong But that's the level of trust, I don't have in this. No, no, I just don't trust it, and I think you know. I dunno. If you are a gambling man, would you say I am not sure yeah, I'm I'm? I I speak in realistic terms, and I think there is a strong chance were happening. I think there's a chance,
also that it could be a fuckin law as it should be, if it's fair everybody knows or if it's for one row, even the people, I know that are democrats personally are like yeah bro. I'm voting the other way this time like they get it. You know what I'm saying so like tunisia, people that are like very fucking laughed about that. but like when I say they like these fucking tyrants. They know that bro! That's why the fee down these narratives! Oh the the you know, roaches voting for for raid and shit like that, trying to scare these people If I can do that, there's nothing to be afraid of them, whereas I was often gettin fixes shit is none. Beef What are they all? The names are out there, but they tell these people like look away. They tell me people that people on the wider falcon extremists in like in racist and pieces of shit and like then you have people like Hillary Clinton who base we talked about everybody who is not
team as a torrent, fuckin scumbag, like a deplorable person less than human like these things that these people insinuate and were fair and infer with their language makes people who don't understand are being manipulated, truly afraid I join with that site and that's why, like this, I attitude customer certain segment of the right of like you know. fuck these people, it's our way or the like, yeah and certain issues. I agree like we shouldn't be far conceptualizing children. We shouldn't be fuckin. Allowing mutilation of fucking, teenagers and shit. I one hundred percent agree no fucking chance. We should do that, but, like bro, like that, the conservative side, the movement as matters conservative side, these people are just as aggressive as the progressive left. I give you The fall in line with everything because I know- and I get fucking shit for Malta and Cyprus,
The fine for your ship, but, alas, fuck fucking, three known sand and because I, like the smoke, some fucking, we or I don't know. with a modern fuckin, you know a choice. Situation with, like you know, A piece of shit mentality, that comes from the left and the right is what keeps people from getting together, because the truth of it is bro. We, have to live with all different kinds of people, with different kinds of beliefs and the real solution here is a non approved some government, the dozen overnight citizens that allows the capitalist nature of humanity to fuckin thrive because it wise. The only system that works, ok,. And any socially kind of allow people to do whatever the fuck they want to do outside. insane shit like the sexual liberation of walking eight year olds and german manila. Yes, like that shit that patents file bullshit that, but the has infiltrate infiltrated. The fucking
trans community? Ok, that that part of it needs to be fought and stood up against by everybody most gay people today not identify with that fucking crazy shit. Now they're like they're, like That's not us you're insane. So most people are common sense, mice and people need to understand, and then people on the fuckin, far right who are like, all your mega conservative, you motherfuckers better start making room for people there. just exactly like you, We're gonna end up with the fuckin same situation had the last three years forever. You know it like do. This is a fucking. We have to have a reasonable common sense: Unified effort to build a better country- and that can and when, when, if you following line exactly like me and fuck, you That cannot happen by default,
you know what I'm saying like bro. I hate to use the word compromise because I am a non compromiser. I will say rejoice We have believes that's what you go off yet, but this country, was designed to be a compromise. It was designed for free religion and free thought and free speech. That's a compromise. That means that you have to allow people they use, I agree with that a position and respect it to the point where at least you don't fuckin therein come away and get him fired from, fuck and jobs, which would have thought we are now so you know Everybody needs a chill the fuck out. No, you know our are. Can media has nip like both for the last for the last? in three years, they ve called up anybody who try to tell the truth of domestic fuck terrorists. It put him on it We'll terrorist lists another asking for amnesty just row: it's fuckin tomb.
god has given to these man. That's why I tell people, it's not that it's a culture. Cultural reform that we need. It's not a fucking, violent uprisings. while an uprising isn't going to fucking solve anything because dude. What happens after that? But. are, are you really are you gonna start raising you kids better after that, the I live in a better example. After that are you gonna raise your standards after that, because those are Things that are actually going to create a culture of the above the direction that america needs to go. So so I do you know these people or who think like whatever happens in the votes now, whatever happens. Right now is going to fucking matter. A lot were at a pivotal point. but in a normal situation it doesn't. It doesn't matter in america who fuckin present is in riga, your life and that's the reason you should be voting for the guys this time, because if you don't
We will lose that. Will you have the opportunity to be great or to disagree or two fuckin bill? What we want to see you're Gaza's greater crews. I remember, if you see any these budget items links videos. go to india for salah dot com. You can find them all there and the first african women over there do do do do do do do do do do do negatives. He got breaking news as breaking news headline reads: nike halts relationship with mba's, kyrie irving, over anti semitism controversy, and it's it's it's a pretty big deal- is coming out. So the article reads: nike halting Its relationship with the brooklyn nets. Carry irving on friday, ahead of a new product of the company, was set to launch, with irving, others part of endorsement deal that the company has with them hope at nike. We believe
eve that there is no place for hate speech and we condemn any form of anti semitism company said, but we are deeply saddened and disappointed by the situation and its impact on every one of the team issued a statement. This week saying that they have suspended irving for at least five games without pay for failure to quote on it, equally say he has no anti semitic beliefs. adding that he was quote currently unfit to. associated with the brooklyn nets. Over the last several days, we have made repeated attempts to work with current to help them understand the harm in danger of his actions, which began and with him publicizing a film containing deeply disturbing anti semitic hate. The team statement reads: I can It says quote: we believed that taking the path Education in this challenging situation would be the right one in that in and thought
that we made progress with our joint commitment to eradicating hate and intolerance. The price was driving. They started when he shed a link to his millions of followers of a film called ebay. The negroes wake up black america october, twenty seven after birth Lash ensued, urban tweeted quote the answer: semantic label is being pushed on. Me is not justified and does not reflect the reality or truth. I live in every day and then he deleted the original sweet, but did not apologise. The anti semitic film quote includes extensive anti semitism, including claims of a global jewish conspiracy to oppress into fraud, black people. Allegations that Jews arm part response. Support for the trans atlantic slave trade, in that the car the Jews, falsified, the history of the holocaust in order to quote conceal their true nature and protect their status and power. The answer
defamation league notes, I says the so called the film. Also Amplifies longstanding anti semitic, tropes about jewish power control and greed, including false, I that use control the media in disputes, the identity of modern juice, claiming they are religious converts who descended from the cause eyes and have no historical connection to the land of Israel. This is also from the jewish and tie inside me, correct. Word from the anti defamation league credit this on our website. This I says use have too much power. These are some of the myths that people are spreading out there. They say quote: Jews, a cow for approximately zero point: two percent of the global population and yet anti semites
its belief that this tiny minority is not only on a quest for total world domination, but has already and control of banks, the media, industry, government and even the weather. So I mean it. Thing: ok, capita gotta do now. He That's a pretty racist shit roused by right. president. I already it's ok, we ask why people have ever felt, no less Fucking, can I don't live ribeiro? It's been ok. Spin, ok, be restores why people for a long time this country. Go at the narrative, you'll be all right. above all, I will be the fogarty. That's that's what I got him and this fact But my pay, but where will you go? I think that kind. yes and cairo earnings point being made right in front of the world for everyone to see period, the body
shall you showed a video link with impatience. I think this crazy how these do speak up and say man he's my fuckers. Do anything to get you in line mob lie, I meant they say had they both lose all their shit. Come on dude, where's, bug, breakable, listen, p! People are afraid that people are afraid. to say anything about it. That's how that's how bad it actually is. That's how bad it actually is. People are afraid of I can say anything about it and I think we're cod, will contribute to this. More nay thing is how these people use poor language too slow jews control. The media is not the way to communicate the point trying to make the way to communicate. The point you trying to make is. Ex family ex family next family patrol the shit, because those people do not rapidly an entire fucking race of people, wrote- and
I've been saying this the whole time ramos I, don't I don't understand, I don't understand it's very simple: there's evil people we in our civilised society in civilised world. If we want accountability, we want fairness and we want things to actually happen and the good of the people we can not. Identify, evil individuals, as entire race of people, because that makes it easy for people to say that racist right wing, a favorite true of all of these people, who are at the very top to divide and conquer do side. It do so with identity, politics and identity, media issues. It was your what so, if people would get smart. and say these people right here. These specific people are the people that control shit ok, instead of saying
the whole range of people troll shit? Maybe something would happen. these people, no matter who they fucking, identify with it doesn't matter. These were black or if their white or if they're fucking american idiot horrible It doesn't matter what religion they identify with it. Doesn't it doesnt fucking matter these people? That's right, these fucking people. And that's not being said no and the biggest voices in the world who are still up right now, making massive errors and what they're trying to do because they're, not I find the individual which is giving those people the power to do. what they're doing to them right in front of everybody. It's not a person is watching this right now that that doesn't think this is fucked up a lot of people just won't say a word. That's my problem. Dude arab fucking, like I, I see the shit in the comments you go to fucking Shea we got. Eighty of them have a lab.
You know what's gonna do for say some shit. You know what else bro, though, that this is what why people had to go through for black people. For the last decade, anything we fuck and say, has been racist everything we I can say every point: our prime data you're fuckin, racist, you're a this year that why supremacy this blah blah blah blah blah. So maybe. We can all use this as a learning experience, to why we shouldn't do those things because a say people there were going out why people say we will do in the share exactly common denominator. I am fucking denominator. Rather, grades the same people, the same brigades, not the jews, road, unquiet quota, the Jews, these people exactly, I fucked up well. and all those theories that man said about, like all others, a global conspiracy, no drugs under there is
A global fucking there it these evil people, the most powerful people in the world, do control the banks, the media, the government. industry. Now I dont decide whether those same people Ok, no matter what fucking race no matter what religion, those individuals they do, that the absolute We do in the world economic forum. Is their fucking front to push all this shit in that we're dealing with now so. It is what it is man, that's you know most. Ninety nine understand, how hard it is to understand and that's not anti focused cement. racist or fucking. Anything if we can't fucking say that these individuals are doing fucked up shit, what the fuck him, how can we fix anything dragon recanted addressed in actual fact, mu? Shu, that's the point The point is that we were not we do this.
Because your line about you're, just a racist and then they you came and look at the problem as a whole. Fucking point Then, using that for fucking centuries dude, these families had these people, or these are like that dynasties, like secret dynasties of people. This is not good. spears and shit you're, even over the fact they are. That's the point we didn't know who the fuck they are removed. Move rwa guys those was our breaking news, move around headline number, one: The one reads: elon musk I recommend voting for a republican congress to just came down the pipe reads billion. There were two c o elon musk, endorsed republicans for the mid term election cycle on monday telling voters to cast ballots for republican congress must
announcement comes months after he first announced plants of overbooking republican earlier this year he argued Monday that having a government split between two parties is ideal and noted, oppressed and binds possession of the white house for democrats before saying congress. I should go to republicans. This was a sweet. He says quote to end appended minded voters. Shared power. curbs the worst excesses of both parties. Therefore, I recommend voting for republican congress, given that the presidency is democratic. He also says this is a squirrel. I've vote overwhelmingly for democrats. Historically overwhelmingly. Like I'm, not sure I might never have oil for republican just to be clear now this election, I will, I also self same time republicans are expected to take the I to take the house representatives on tuesday, though control over the senate is atossa according to poles
endorsement comes less than a week after musk took over began making vast changes to the platform much to the church, urgent of media figures among democrats. Ah, but here's a day here there is some of the articles of starting to come out. Ok, I think we should just all be fuckin. Aware of this headline reads how the weather could impact election day, twenty twenty two, the weather or at an amen, know I I'll be real, like go ahead with what he said, but I I I think the biggest problem is there's overconfidence, yeah yeah and if you couple of overconfidence with the rebels, the fudge even five or ten percent, which I believe they have. I think they do. Maybe that's a ready, we don't we'll find out. That's real man, but I don't think there's the person out there.
Would deny that these people are highly fucking outnumber right. you see it everywhere, you go so I don't know man. May I say that like was this specific article says a collaborative study published in the journal of politics, found that the correlation between bad weather and voter turnout me be more than a fluke theory that is trotted out as a talking point every november, the others found a voter participation dropped off about one percent per inch. Arrayed in snowfall decrease turn up by nearly half a percent for every inch of accumulation. But the weather is not really gonna, be too bad, if not as a thing. So I for people, dont repass? The headline, though, see that maybe fucks with him? I don't know I know it points out. It's going to be warm in most of the country, be fine there is probably a lunatic lips, but that's at five, seventeen. I am
Storm systems gonna keep the south east coast unsettle, but as not tropical, it's a low pressure system as we find This might be a little bit of rain on the west coast are like, like guys, it's not the wrong well. Here's another headline reads: when will result of me. Terms be in it could take just hours or almost a month for control of congress to be known But beware of red and blue mirage states that appear decided before they really are. What the fuck are you talking about? Yeah I mean this is what they're doing in writing de we got my stay I brought this is this: is what people do? when their being deceptive. There are eight a fuckin narrative for him. They're gonna eat some do Well, I don't. I just don't know how much they can and I don't. My personal opinion is what I said. I think I think it could be as bad as like. no man, it doesn't matter. What happens?
Are you saying that forty one million people have already voted in by meal? The abbot also you're saying that republicans have way outvoted democrats and my mail so far, which is like unheard of exactly so. That's true, that's means like bro. I just don't know. I don't know how much they can Cipro know. I I believe these fuckers cheat. I mean I've. Seen enough evidence overlap you I don't care railway says I'm just saying what I believe: You can believe without a fuck you want, but I have seen not evidence personally to believe that, though, action, twenty twenty was fucking illegitimate. One thousand percent that that's my personal opinion. Ok, Not another number, two thousand, I'm: u s a documentary on top of all, the other bullshit every like it, I'm convinced. So I I believe what
The fucking deal is that they can t wait. A bit so I don't know what to expect. You know. I hate it republicans come out and massive force, three two one. You know and fuck him then my cabin? The way that everybody thinks is going to happen? I don't. We shall see away. If you listen to this in the morning, dude you better get all your fucking friends to vote like all of them all of them, because we'll be fucking slaves if they win. We'll right along headline up to them to read, read it You are more sense, blunt message to thirty: seven hundred fire twitter employees, Mcgowan pulls up erica's, obviously Is this man is an entrepreneur? You employ a lot of people We'll see your thoughts on how we handle the situation so it's dark which reads you I must the incoming owner of social media platform, twitter, notify.
Thousands of employees, whether they would be staying at the company or departing amid efforts to reduce operating costs. I report merged earlier this week, indicating that the world's richest man was preparing to this miss thirty. Seven hundred of the seventy five hundred employees at twitter- some managers. I've been to create list of employees of fire or with the slated to occur before employees are scheduled to receive stock benefits as part of their compensation. The first email included in full below formed fired employees that they will no longer have access to twitter systems can expect information about their severance packages. With the weak. Although they are no longer expected to work, the employees will still receive compensation and benefits through january, as virgin you. I thought that was extreme, generous and the second email separate, email included in part below tal remaining employees, that mosque had been listening to customers, I'm another
They called it or suggestions for improvements where the word Others were reminded to demonstrate respect for, dismissed colleagues and refrain from talking to the media in accordance with company policy, twitter offices will be closed until monday, I'm, so this is the first email this was sent out to the fire employees reach flow. Shared earlier today, twitter is conducting a workforce reduction to help improve the health of company these decisions are never easy, and it is with regret that we rights when inform you that your role, its water, has been impact. It days, alas, working day at the company. However, you will remain employed by twitter and will receive compensation and benefits through your separation date, a february to twenty twenty three. I says this time you will be on a non working notice period and your access to twitter systems will be deactivated. While you are not expected to work. During the now working notice period. You are still required to comply with our company
policies, including the employee play but and code of conduct. in a week or receive deeds. Hauser severance offer financial resources extending beyond your non work notice period. I'm at that time. Also receive a separation agreement. I'm jack. Dorsey. Former owner sea of twitter responded download all genetically. He says folks at sweater. If the president stronger resilient, they will always find a way, no matter how difficult the moment I realize many are angry with me. I own the risk. Possibility for why everyone is in this situation. I grew the company size to quickly. I apologise for that. situation, I'm sizes, I am grateful for any love everyone who has ever worked on twitter. I don't expect that to be Mutual in this moment or ever and I understand. So are we got on this anti? We met right right move
Well, I dunno cause. I don't fucking know the numbers. I don't know their data know what I'm saying I don't know why he fired those people are who they are, what their jobs were, but you know What I will say I never I do see anybody loser reared. Even if they don't fuckin. Like me, these are the same people that will say I'm a domestic pair driver, ok, but I still like to see them lose their job, that's not good, and the reason that jobs are getting caught. Him probably has something to do with the silencing of free speech by people that day don't agree with. This is exactly what they're doing this little peaceful coexistence is that a massive drop in revenue due to activists groups, pray shrink advertisers, even though no nothing has changed with constant moderation. We did everything we could to appease. The activists must tweeted extremely messed up a trying to destroy free speech in america.
That shit's on a celebrities leaving won't go bird. Think I even yeah see it You see her video on it. I don't carry the peace uses. So people are fighting tired of her. People are tired of this whole. This full progressive fucking their new tired, bro we're tired, ass americans. We all events like we're, tired of fighting retire to be divided we're. Tired of being told that every idea is the wrong. Think we're TAT being censored, which were tired and an p, Both are starting to understand how the people should react to these. that we react by deciding not to give attention to those people and look the other way. This is why all these hollywood films, you're fucking tanking at the box office, the free. Market of america is rejecting I ideas with their dollars and their attention is how it should be done. I'm not saying cancel culture, I'm saying
be selective with your money and intelligent by buying decisions, culture and like dude like this shit, that's happening the cairo in Congo. That is, cancel culture. You know Someone fired from their job because they have a certain political ideology. That's cancel culture or made a tweet ten years ago. That said something that you now deem offensive. That's cancel culture. That shit is bullshit, only a technique we should all be identifying. Now, with what's going on with inquiry, then, to divide take away anybody who thinks outside the narrative: ok, that's bullshit What you are doing is exposing this real time, what what congo inquiry or doing supposing this real time and that truth of the matter is, is I feel bad for those people losing their job, you know, but they were. They were propagated a culture that was against the market of what the
market would be willing to accept this as a manufacturer. Yes- and so you know now- or paying attention. The celebrities like cancel culture isn't working at the celebrity level now, which is why we're seeing it at the fucking ownership level with carrying conway, it's not working at the cultural level, there are no advantages, they have to do it yet other. Just taking a ship right and so like do. We have to always the the people identify what the tactics are that are being used against us and be intelligent about. Norton santa blue. I feel bad for those people like, but but do you can't do that america now biology to I'm sure there's a decent percentage of those? We will think I laid off. There were very, very complicit in the main I also like you have to remember: These are the same people that we're ok with everybody losing their job for fucking, know batsy or being,
and from restaurant or potentially being put camps for being ok without a child fuckin pornography, their runnin rally, don't insult. Like dude, it's hard to like feel too bad, that's all I'm saying I mean I'm the thing, though. Now sure order, always corexit evil people get what the fuck common to all, eventually, what's happening now. Is that is reorganization of clearly the people are in their getting smarter, really seen and business no people are supporting pro american. Business is again nurse. The people are looking for alternatives of of companies that support freedom which have gone through years ago. I guess I thought People that would be the next train, and here it is, you know- and anne had people understood, that would have been the train and just spoke before got two years ago, even if the was for their own benefit. I don't give a fuck at this point. We wanted b. You should have said absolutely moon
I think I think he'd do. I think he was being when I think we're gave us will. I think we're going to a point where people are even than a bicycle companies. It don't stand for no one, it was like so you and if you look we're so motherfuckers replace some of these guys comply People like me, I don't have the nike budget. I don't have the fuckin. What if maybe we we're together. I could get there in reinvest. I don't have a monkey budge about or have slave labour. If that's, what I'm saying is he has the power to help develop. Some of these are american companies. No fucking, you aren't you. the above bro, I'm happy to fucking job up with you. I really truly think there's an opportunity there to take. Some of his pro american companies and position he has opportunity to do that. you're, saying there's a bit, so maybe that's the point. I'm in my mind, that would be the best play like these guys want to fuck it fuck. Would you will foot then start building up other people?
well I'll, be the first one on the list. Bro I'll, come down tomorrow, we'll fucking talk all about it. I'll buy a fucking beer. What I'm saying is it? You know it sucks dude, you know, but dude you can There has been a lot of people in this country. Who had been lied to you know a lot of these points: all who are losing their job did. These are people who were brought up in a doctor believe what the fuck they believe right. and so now the imposition of authority and power were they These far left marks. type ideology, views about, speech right and now we have authority over the fucking, actual speech and so like dude. That's what he's doing. is basically removing that element. It appears but, and those people are going to have learnt a hard lesson yet do that america and it's not going to stop a twitter. It's gonna fuckin continue to flow as the market will demand
If a market to demand and these companies that are big, like these big companies that are now boycott, twitter, they're gonna you're going to see these stocks plummet? Just like we ve seen falcon facebook stop plummet. There's like we ve seen. Fuckin, all these other big. What company start to plummet consumers are choosing to spend their money with companies like companies which are actually pro america pro freedom, companies that fuckin actually Create american jobs right here in the house, community and actually donate their profits to the community to help build it up, we're gonna get back every fuckin area of this country, and so like You know it's just a matter of time. It's already happening, you're gonna, see these companies are boycotting him they're, making a real basque strategic mistake because now just had tens of millions of people that are going to read that list and me like. I'm, never do that again. I'm never do that again. I'm never do that again. I'm never do that again.
Spend their money elsewhere, as is its reality. In it creates massive opportunity for the american entrepreneur. It there's this why I'm starting m f c o because There must be your project will help people understand how to build an actual company get through this phase? Yes, welcome bro. This is the right time. This is the time to be planting. Fuckin seeds like if you're in renewed aired and your foot scared. Shitless, you should pull in all your fuckin resources and weather the storm, because, on the other side of the storm we'll be the biggest, opportunity up now how quickly the storm gets better. I don't know that depends on how active and how vocal we're gonna be. How this she goes today is gonna have a big impact on the true and if people, if we, We do not get what we want the elections, they people better fucking stand up about it.
Guys jasmine run along a third of my only reason we're here brows, because people have been silent. silent majority has been seen as virtuous. There is no virtue and fucking silence giving your silence is allowing them have what they want: political correctness. They ve outlawed truth for people's feelings and if it offends, people are now ok, when you can speak truth and you think virtue is in silence, you're setting yourself up the loose, until the moderate, the independent and Fucking conservative, voter in this country or an reasonable democrats, all fucking get on the same page with that thought process. We're gonna have problems. because the idea of a free country is that when the ban, if the are presented we take the best idea, and we run with it and when We don't allow the best ideas to compete because deem them as a friend if somehow or to some certain group or whatever, when the truth be
offensive. There can be no what a solution that benefits everybody, because the best ideas can even be talked about the case, ideas can even be compared so it's it's a recipe for fucking slavery in this country. You have to speak up You have to be viable. garlic, how the selection goes. Never again. She be silent about your fuckin viewpoints, because that's how the fuck we got in this position replace guys. Rattler, third and final headline headline number. Three three reads: And says no more drilling stumbles stage and last ditch effort to save Cathy wholesome from surging lee's elden. so president by repeatedly said no more drilling and tripped onstage We joined governor caviar I'm in yonkers sunday in a last, ditch effort to help her try to save and stave off gm
p charger leaves out in abiding who hasn't been doing much mitchell. The campaigning was among the other democratic heavyweights who have tried to come to hotels rescue in the past week as zeldin catches up to her in the polls. Here's a quick video from speech more. There is no more drilling. I am form any new, no drilling. No, that was before I was pray. and we're trying to work on that. Get that done now, of course, that just comes you're, not even forty eight hours after Biden, just you know, demanded that we produce more oil. So I didn't see it oh yeah. What do you do? He demanded that we actually produce more oil. China ledge shake
These are all companies to produce more oil that is the one, is keeping the eminent now allowing them to companies, while in forty eight hours I do, I was just at falconer, take conference in seeing a dinner with can and gas executive adieu to run these companies. you should hear they might like that table. I was sitting on the back of the room, though not the first one. The second one due to my right, is an executive of fucking oil, gas and woke big, a big ass. Well, no shit, yeah. these will forget sitting there and I'm like so what the fuck is dealing like. What were they want? Let us fuckin drill or holding these are holding all these patents that they want. prove that are actually going to be economically friendly. Productive and all these things they want to prove the patents because they want to fuck and x the whole fuckin He actually believe that this is the biggest opportunity ever, which is how I see the situation as well, but it was entered, I here from someone in that industry. There You remember what he was going all in on that and so on, and I actually think that should like brothers,
this shit, I like him opinion We're gonna be no gas cars by two thousand thirty. Five in all that shit. That sharing can happen. I got stuck real shit part of their narrative like in the energy industry. She can't even handle. I came and do that but actually happen for us to do that we would have to go through a period. Extreme suffering, which is their goal by the way. That's part of the twenty thirty. Jan martyr than twenty thirty agenda is to burn it to the fucking ground, sit. There were alike time. Let us suffer for a long time and then come to us. Ok will fix it. Here's our plan, though, and as to say, has been so I you know what the alleys crickets ok, you don't say, forget I'm starving Ali whatever for opting out my fucking neighbors ass in the middle of winter right leg, that's out of here. But you don't sound like for this, decisive movie alive
you probably haven't seen the lawsuit alive. I remember going like that nobody's acids and shit, but not in the fucking good way. I'm gonna, think is there. I don't think, there's a go age by his axe anyway before talking about right. Yo you anything, you have read afforded boxes. What are you gonna trophy give you back for that Well, those are onto onto this, though it's all kind of ass you're going to eat. You think black people or white people taste different. You didn't like I'm living eyes were. Apparently they taste. Why, moreover, that you're, a little salt pepper up up up up up up up to do.
folks were how long should out everything friction really does got everything by apocalypse has plenty of forty four eggs rhetoric is not easy bass how may always shit beard? we're somewhere with us, we're doin hell I see that you were, Nobody saw Biden has been so fucking bad bro. In the last two weeks, let's see and in fact checks Joe Biden the article I read cnn fact checked Joe Biden on several false misleading that he's may well campaign. This is our last week. Cnn See while cnn believes that they're to start jumped ship like this, then be more. There must be. more power in the elections- and I believe there is This is a saviours. Save the brand
see why they realise that they really lose this election and they haven't started the separate from it bear fuck now, if they steal the election. These mothers were right back to what they were saying. we're gonna go check, not least at the she has stolen you're gonna, see, should get real fucking bad. It's gonna get it's very worst anyway, but we have. We had the opportunity to they're to get worse for a little bit and they get better more, it's gonna get worse, and it's gonna get way worse than that. That's where we're at no as a result of president Joe Biden has made several false or misleading claims, while campaigning for rational democrats before the mid term elections according to see any other fuckers propagating for fucking per year. Exactly so, they say that since october, biden- has been out on the campaign trail trying to boost at risk congressional democratic as the party loses momentum, the home stretch of the mid term cycle ass though these are,
couple of things that he is flat out about. So the first one is the trump tax cuts on thursday claim. This is a fact check. Rights was claim. On thursday in new mexico Biden stated former president donald trump. Twenty seventeen tax cuts only benefited the top one percent, a claim. He also made at this year's state of the union address the very heavy redress. Yes, yeah product was fuckin. Do what I say I get the box car dress, exact, more fucker vaguely For the verdict says this is as while the tax cuts benefit a top earners middle class amount. Can also receive significant tax cuts in the following years after the legislation was signed, No one was lowering national debt. The claim was that the claim says flora campaign rally on tuesday and at the same new york or new Hampshire, new mexico rally bite
you claim that his government had reduced the national debt and half the quote. Was we cut the? federal debt in half a fact: that's what binds walls the verdict was at the guy. That claim is false, as the. U s, national debt sword past thirty, one trillion for the first time I not sober cnn, what about Biden was most likely completing the national debt and federal deficit, which was reduced and half between twenty twenty one? Twenty two however, even that is also misleading, as the federal doves, it was expected to fall in fiscal use. Twenty twenty one, twenty two after record high pandemic relief spending and twenty twenty another one was a social security. Now we know about that one they had to be the tweet gas prices. I mean it's just.
For these is easily my father's lie by everything about everyone has finally tell the truth, and that has become an hour lease yeah. Well, they that I think their prey. nobody recognising the trend, I've been saying is happening, which is the pendulum swings back my concern is that it doesn't swing back so far that we end up in the same position that we were just then moment. The other mother answers that right either I we're have one of the other. I take that those let's because, at least in that scenario, it's which led me to fuck alone in her look, how creepy looks where I this actually is back, thought up up up up up up work he almost double you wanna, see so crazy shit. The received this better now so poorly. This was that way: Did you see that girl she had broken harry armpits, yes, where's woman on the. Why did you just assume that a woman I yeah? No, she could be
I don't want to fuck it as easy, anti wealth opera. You know what. wherever there is right on this But what would you watch these fuckin conservative rallies them working women, Oliver shit man, and for that reason I take it that way, always shit dear. I am. This is crazy, What is a big deal is massive back. They got up Ensure a fetterman next to obama, am I go bomb is like six too yay fetterman looks like a big ass mother, fucker man holy shit, fee fi, fo Fum, the deal that is losing zoo heap it well that motherfucker wins. You know that guy, like this dude kid literally not talk you know and like do he had health problems, the it's embarrassing that they keep put them out there,
I wrote to you what he said. Did you see the fucking clip of the flags flying over ro? Did you see what you said before that some of you, Watch the whole quit salt lake they keep showing him just speaking in the flags fault falling over. But if you watch the whole clip of what he said, he said yeah whereas on the stage were trump you know at summer at the rally they're doing when he said, I to be on the stage with a real president. Bush obama in a non seditious scenario and as he said, that the fuckin flax yeah cut that before now brown, if you wash the hope, we hope thanks. You really like a super fucking creepy if you can fucking find it real, this fucking previous fuck while there is rather not damn it. What the fuck man trophy back, now, as the escanaba have this fucking video you wanna get his adds off to fuck, it's great
both are even got caught. We would goddamn, it we'll tell each other of euro, nor was it was the ets yeah. Why How could he took off the hook up? Let's get to fucking. Let's get to the point. I will make funny you later. We will forget them I got your eyes: it's gotta be standing with donald trump on the stage be proud to be stated with a president, That is a hundred per cent Well, that's why the as look at that? That's creeping! Do that's fucking! easy do that is god there is not a coincidence due back again right. That's what that's! What I'm saying nobody's play in this part of the fuckin clip row. Sidney
Well, that's just as well Shit dared not ignore that shit man, that's a fuckin sign that crazy. That's for a while, and I haven't seen that live on the internet like very much, I should now it's just the last point where the flag follow, whereby, ah, what did listen to what he said is pretty can afford yeah that's while, anyway While we are Gaza was I had another three times for our final segment of the show. As always comes up, russia, latitude to thumbs up or to thumbs somewhere. You dont want em and with that being said, I thumbs headline reads already: restore returns to transfer pricing for thanksgiving items and limited time. Do you see this now yet so now
possible recourse, a throwback, thursday and friday. Folks, article reads: all de gaulle restore announced this week that for a limited time only it will be selling thanksgiving items at twenty nineteen prices back from when, yet all president normal j tromp was present, Quote providing amazing products at this absolute lowest prices is what we ve always done, and we know right now. That's, important than ever all the and Dave Rinaldo set in the statement. The coveney noted, that puts shoppers can look for the thanksgiving price, rewind icon in their local ad and throughout the store for extra savings. In order to save the big boy according to one market research firm that average thanksgiving meal will be roughly thirteen point. Five percent more spencer this year compared to last year and its more than twenty percent. then what I wasn't one nineteen you that's a big fucking deal, the mass of the evil
like do was most people listen to the show. You guys are well enough off when you hear that in your like fuck. That sucks, but is now at the end of the world. Right now, there's people that won't eat because absolutely. Absolutely run our lead. Yemen you'd be lucky for confined to turkey. Second, mother, always somebody knows a trait usage dj. It's in entirely avoidable was entirely avoidable and if you believe me take fuckin time go, listen to my associates, two thousand ninety, Well, had I been one issue? We would you, in a billion wheel, you can say whatever you want, but I got receipts this shit's insane highly avoidable and urgently motherfuckers the kit. Europe's care fucking face, giving absolutely do. We have focused homeless people in a fucking streets everywhere, like like This is insane we shouldn't be since any one single fuckin, dollar, ukraine or anybody else
for a long time. Like a long time like a decade, we should put. the fucking freeze on on foreign aid for a fucking decade and addressing issues in this country are their new sap and it's just hair will grow and saw me I'll, keep fucking going after, because a social issues like you going because you weren't, you wanna sound virtual. Yes, that's it! when people away all understanding on it, have you not actually being fuckin virtuous now you're hurting people, you hurry people I new here's other thing: people Look. This is an amazing thing and let me tell you why this is amazing, this actual virtue they're, taking a loss to do this. A my ass, always taking a fucking there's an all. These did not have that, because What's going on in the economy,. That the amount of money that is taking the ship things has gone up threefold. Ok, people are real,
is that like when they say all gas prices were up and they think about fill in their own tax? they don't realize what that does to the fuckin supply chain. You don't think about it. Ok, now. In addition to that, we have a scenario where we have fucking high inflation, meaning people can by less with the same amount of money. So when you add the cost of goods go up, ok and then you have inflation tab. It's a double hit to your economic power. Right then on top of that, these! companies. People like all these companies are just being greedy. Won't. Do you? want them to fire all of their fucking employees, because that What this step is that's how way off happen. So like it's, not If the companies are being greedy, it's that fucking companies can bear We afford right now to keep all their people employed because of the scenario that I'm describing ok come most companies don't have. Forty points margin built into their fuckin into their system,
Oh that's out. Isn't america's never had to be that way, so them doing this is is a massive fucking deal. it's them say, we're gonna. Take a fuck, embossed feed people to me this is like what you just said. That's real virtue, like that. That's real shit are doing. I mean it's probably their supply strategy, their right to our young people, I mean to say: hey, that's fucking, awesome and given good press, but is justified because as real as a matter of that's why they did Karen, actually helping people absolutely moon. ronaldo, not ice ass quote. We expect to welcome tens of millions of customers in stores listings giving season for them to know that they can count on us. So why not attempt the additional side dish this year provide a few more fully? and their family members where you can. Rest, easy known already, has your back this thanksgiving embryos? It's it's probably a pr move. it's a great welcome pr move in no care there to pr moved his fuckin real.
gonna really help people now it is our out is actually like. So I would like all here. We are given a millions of dollars, a free, fuckin advertising by broke. I think it's amazing one the coolest exam do they there they actually because they say we should send a money, nothing like then. I started How do I get doc? Anything they just part packs boxes up this coming straight out of whatever cash reserves they have or the owners, the owner, like there, the losing mass of assets to do this year. What I'm History will remember them for yeah. I think it's. I think it's amazing to thumbs up fuck yeah. That's it that's an amazing story to adore them. Let me know that's what americans do america's fucking each other when the fucking type you I'm sam, like were at work. we need to have more, that no more
People looking out for people more people do in doing what they can really good example for them do through the guys, any thought out. Yet that's Ass, a show, if you guys like to show if you, if you it was informative. Few laughed if you had a good time, insured shop, sleeping on a number of german box from others, both thought the stealth count. It means their booty spell. Gotta bank can both doesn't know. Shaath case closed.
Transcript generated on 2022-11-16.