« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

388. Andy & DJ CTI: Elon Musk Proposes To Buy Twitter At Original Offer, Pelosi Believes Dems Will Sweep Midterms & Trump Sues CNN For $475M

2022-10-05 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Elon Musk proposing to buy Twitter at the original agreed-upon $44 billion offering, Nancy Pelosi telling Stephen Colbert that she believes Democrats will sweep the midterm elections, and Donald Trump filing a lawsuit against CNN for defamation.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The bonus number for the fuck are still countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a tank road tank doesn't know. Headshot case closed. What is up guys, potato salad, and this is the show for the real and say goodbye to the lies- the pinkness and delusions of modern society, a group of awkward reality guys today, Riyadh and he d J, cruise the mother fucking internet, as we are going to do we're going to we're going to cruise the mother fucking internet before we cruise the mother fuckin. Internet! I would like to remind you that if you are an entrepreneur, view are someone who wants to learn how to become more successful, You are someone who is looking to Be one of the people, who is running at full speed when this
economy clashes, starts to come back cause, that's gonna happen. Ok, and you want to learn what the best attitude and the best move and the best way to be is through this process and my lead- and I are having alive- big engagement in nashville tennessee on november. Fifth, from our are tastes, a syndicate, if unfamiliar with art a syndicate. Is our entrepreneurs group some of the best most purpose driven success? for entrepreneurs are in this group and they work together. This is a great event for you meet people who were of like mind. This is a great event for you to meet people that you will be friends with for your entire life, resourceful people, people that will be there to help you, so If you are interested in attending that event, we have a few tickets left. they are available at our updates, syndicate, dot com and
I would go on. Go get those if you're planning on coming because will be sold out very soon. That was my add her announcement or whatever the fuck, you won't say, but I see there. It's gonna be amazing and I got some really really really good stuff plan for that day. Now with. That being said, welcome to the show, if your new to the show this cruise the internet. This is where we put up three topics: that are relevant in today's news fee, and we talk about what the truth, what's not the truth, we talk about what we can do. fix the overall problem. That is and created in our society right now, and we do so by making fun of it so you don't have a sense of humour and you take everything black and seriously. Please turn the channel. I hate you motherfuckers Guy but I love the rested and sometimes when you tune in, we have q and a half. Rene up is an old,
but the old m, f c, o project, which was the number one person development, prague, podcast of time on itunes. for a long time? It was number one. Nineteen months uninterrupted, no one's ever done that before or since you can see mitya questions that have to do with your personal development, how to win, how to be better, how to be more successful, which is going to be come more important as we go through this ok and you could submit those questions to be answered on the show. Where can you submit them gazebo those questions into ask eighty and eighty four seller sometimes when you to name, were real talk. Five, it's one! minutes of me just telling you the way to fuckin is and then some eyes were now full length full length. Is why bring on my side As for interesting, kick ass, motherfucker friends and we It's you how to be successful in arresting and kick ass as well, because the truth of the matter is
None of those people that you look up to now to those people that you think are so different than you. None of those p that you, ah you don't think, had these schemes walls that you don't have are any fucking different than you and purpose of the show is to teach and inspire in point you in the right direction so that you can become who it as you were meant to be right and we do with a sense of humor saw again. If you don't have we'll get the fuck out That being said, what we got today, reform party. Still you motherfucker. You didn't like that. They should do so now. You know I suggest. You know that, like all t shirt, you got the button. I kinda just like hanging on, but you still wear it because you know it's just like my cricket t shirt. You gotta have buttons bro like a button up. You know sh t shirt though. Oh it's, a shirt. Okay
but an usher are like the buttons like canada there, but you still where it is like you know, you, like the shirt come on how our country, as you know, it's that buttoning and all. But look you know, there's a lot of people out there that refuse to acknowledge what's happening. You know a lot of people, Fortunately they haven't, they don't have enough. experience to understand what's happening in the country is not normal. It's not a normal ebb and flow, and we, as americans are truly in danger of losing everything that we hold these special about american. no matter what political party you think you are familiar with we're all being played, we're being played each other for the benefit of a few people at the top. That think that we are fucking. Cockroaches, and they are willing to do it We're takes to get us to fight and disagree and her harm and hate each other for their benefit.
and until every body starts to come together and Your stands at this is what's going on will continue to slide down. Now we will get an end if it goes far enough, we will no longer be will be on recover. There will be a hundred per cent, there will be a new order of things in the world, meaning we won't be who, with we ve always been in, you won't have the opportunity you ve always had. Then you may say will never be an opportunity for me, yeah mother fucker, that's because you never been anywhere in the rest of the world. You, your uncultured, you don't, stand up with the way the rest of the world works? What what happened here as a result is the light style for the working class. American will literally go to extreme poverty. and you'll be working, the same job you do now for like fucking, five dollars an hour ago, What's gonna happen, if people don't get together and fuck wake the fuck up. I think this is a good thing. Nor its We are seeing more and more
but it needs to happen now but like there has to be some type of catalyst to speed that up. Well, there is a catalyst up. Look at the gas prices right. Look at the grocery prices. I look at the cost of goods if you're accompany right whether the shipping prices look at inflation. There's plenty of fucking things happening to push people the right way? You know right now, today, gases, array dollars. Gown in los angeles nygaard If you walk round talk, these fuckin idiots on the street they're blamed it on trump. Sandro. It's like bro, get over your own fucking ego, you're stupid as fuck You are uneducated, you'll know what the fuck you talking about you. Inheriting shit, that you heard something Can hollywood dumb, fuck, say and because you are refusing to admit that you were played its cause in the entire country, and this will cost you everything and while you may think, why don't have anything? So that's fine, it's gonna make your way worse, for you
you're having nothing in america right now is being rich by other countries standards at almost every level, and I've been saying this for fucking years. So you guys you will at all will lead fine ridge is gonna. Fuckin, know you're, going to crumble, behind yasser and do we. this situation, where you know you have people who believe in the traditional values of Democrats, who who traditionally claimed to be the party of the people and on the shit, and then you have the people on the right. Who you know have been tradition. really big business over the course of time, but the The matter is that no longer the case, what actually happen here is that the biggest companies in the world have mobilise the left to commit to do their bidding they suffer their hearts and therefore that our action in the people who identify as Democrats, that are still hanging onto this. They think they're, though
burning, the man and they think, like small business owners, are medium. Business, like me, are the proud of fuckin man, no, the man, as a mother fucker, whose pumping this shit down through the media and the top one huh the biggest countries in the world that don't pay fuckin income tax, that these are the people who put power, policies down that are racist, that are visaed, that are fucking not in the best interests of this country we ve got an entire side of the country that thinks that those people are good people, it's the plea communist deceptions what's happening, it's sad because dude, if pete, I I mean broke over the last twenty years. They have reduce the amount of history, the now of understanding the amount of intellect the the ability to critically think intentionally in our school system, so
they could run this play at this time. Do you think it's a coincidence? They started with pc called or removing the american, the pledge religious from the classroom or rewarding is forgetting fuckin, seventeenth place twenty years ago. And now they're running this play. Now. You think, that's a coincidence, if you do, you are a dumb mother, fucker and I'm sorry to say it like that. But it's the truth, they ve been waiting a long time to run this play to take the power from this country. and people are allowing it because the eagles or so big that they can humble themselves and look each others say: wait, pull on. all of us are giving flock and that's what's happening and so do we have to come and by the way, this. This calls for the people on the right to I talk to people in the world all day because they think I'm with them all the time, and I for one am not, and they say
Oh no way would allow you to fly with them. Well, you're fucked problem than brown you're the problem. Concerning those also jurassic rye is anathema right away. Here we have to have reasonable fucking? discussion here in amerika. We stop with this polarizing shit. This you know social justice movement, bull shit, we're somebody creates a fuckin hashed, had. And then hollywood and big tat pollute, put it out there in your gobble at the fuck up like We have to get smart. Most people are now in a fuckin t. Look what they do. With ukraine all you motherfuckers, gobble, that shit up and then there's they're sending, Literally ten billions of dollars to these motherfuckers and they're, sending nothing a fuckin florida right. While you Gas is through the roof, while your costs of goods or through the roof. While you
fisheries or through the roof, while your pen, thirty thousand dollars for a fuckin cheeseburger at that when in two thousand twenty it was fuckin eight- and you think this is fucking trumps fault, you motherfucker, Please don't get it until we can all get together and realized. What's been, happening on a mass scale we're in a loose and we Maybe we will be learning chinese here we will be learning chinese, ray dalio. Did he wrote a book about this and he did afore? If I may, to video about the idea. in the change of the world order. I got what he called it and it was gray, video except in the video he says the left. You know they want to redistribute wealth and the right ones to maintain wealth for the wealthy. That's not accurate, that's not accurate. What, actually accurate is the top one hundred
companies in the world and the members of the world economic forum have pretended that on the side of the people on the left and they ve got these people can be. That the medium size and the My business owner is somehow the fuckin problem and they're trying to get these people to destroy that class of people. So that their big businesses are the only ones left. This is highly ever by anybody who paid attention during the covert lockdown now you're you're Husbands, business was closed. Your uncle's restaurant was closed. little grocery store. The family owned store was closed, but the biggest want that Companies and world get all that fuckin business. Now that business went away right out, redirected,. And that was more about social training and redistribution of wealth, and it was about a fucking virus. Anything else get there aging. You how to sit at home or teaching. You to be dependent for teaching how to do everything off your phone and through technology why
I do that, because it serves them and it hurts you. So you know your debt is their assets are you guys all understand that the more debt, you are the more Controlled you are and then more rich they are marry me. People like me do like the left. They say the same thing. they say the right shit. They just have the wrong. Fuckin fingers pointed the wrong people, that's right, you know. So they are. They say all the time or you'll see like no, oh fuck the night. though, though, the one percent, where the ninety nine percent yeah apps movie right is not only about when you pointed the fucking dude, whose in your task creating round resident zag. That's not affiliated with these big corporations as the problem, you are missing. The mark examine your misses, the mark it's a stephen, a smith on fucking, a on on fox news. Last night and how I turned it up, because I'm going to be fully fully honest, I can stands dna psmith now for the last twenty years I cannot fucking stand now
stand, other duties do show with eater that if they both have like watching too drunk and right. Two bottles of wine argue about shit. I can't flock and watch us react. That's the truth. As locator blight, I have always felt, like stephen, a smith had a race problem. He was really has a bit. ship on his shoulder about rights, so I turned it up because I wanted to see. We was saying dj, sat wash it together and so he says some really powerful shit absalom. Really good shit dire that actually haven't nautical already meagre I reject seawater process, even a smith or not, over defending column, comma harris, so you're saying its violence fall. Now dora to be fair article. They cover nobody, they included all of what he said and, like you say, and it was a powerful stuff, but are you out of reach fox news? farm time hose jesse waters, oppressed S p,
say ever stephen a smith over his defence of vice president kamel Harris after smith, described harris as equal. highly intelligent woman, whose capabilities have been style what, by limited professional opportunities In an interview on jesse waters, prime time monday, smith was asked whether he agrees with me John doe more, who suggested over the weekend that president Biden should cut harris from the democratic ticket. If he chooses to seek reelection, calling her a quote bad upon a politician, well. I wouldn't go that far psmith at it. Believe it or not. I think she is highly intelligent woman wasn't really doesn't have an opportunity to showcase her intelligence, and then Walter's waters responded saying what She's got the second biggest job in the country. He hasn't got the opportunity smith in here
has repeatedly signal that quote. Other people are running the administration and that he believed she is being forced to suppress her ideas to quote parrot talking points of the administration, Just you announce ass to you says so so you're saying it's Joe binds fault that she's a bad vice president smith said no, he said well, ultimately comes to It's a hurricane absolve, her from accountability. You acts with. I see you are in that seat. I dig she needed. About a job and about no doubt about it, lotta really really good points. He also addressed issues of the rising crime and homelessness. He says quote: there is now question that we should be against an extremely progressive agenda that is calling for people to be released from prison on multiple occasions. ignoring a lot of crime has taken place in the streets there is no doubt about that and then continue says
while they are not innocent and all of this in some instances the division that exists and has existed for so long has contributed to some of the. Since there has been too, in place in the streets? It doesn't excuse, it doesn't mean it doesn't have to be addressed. He said quote, but a lot of them deserve criticism. They are getting. There is no doubt about that. Really powerful stuff man yeah, I was, I would see the here's. The thing I I didn't like him, I don't like when I walk when he comes on tv. I turned my fucker off, so I. When I was willing to listen to what he had to say yesterday, when I open honest, most of what he said. I agree with I agree. One hundred percent is not allowed to say what the fuck she thinks, but where disagree with them on it is, I think, if she was allowed to say what she thinks it would actually be worse. Moselle. They arrived at my side. So that's how I feel everybody knows that, there's people behind the scenes calling the falcon
Every human knows. If stephen, I smith knows that, and I know that- and you all know that everybody knows and going back to the little monologue at the beginning of the show People all see it. Ok, the only people that don't see it are the people who are literally these people that are being posted, lives of tik, tok, right, ok and if we're holding up unifying because we think Those people are with us. Those people will never be with sight. Ok, So what we have to come together and realize here is that we are all on the same team. I've been saying this for a very long time. We us it's us and them and nobody that you look at that you see in your entire life. but you know in your entire life, not a single human medicine, I'm talking to every single person. Listen the show a single person. That you know is not on your team
not a single person that you no person, It is not on your team, you doubt Anders and the game? It's them, and us now and you can look at people like me. You can disagree with me all you want just like. I look at stephen, a smith and I disagree. We're stephen smith, a lot but you know what we're on same fuckin team right, and so maybe we should listen to each other. Maybe we should back and stop being so hateful and divisive and buying the agenda this put down that doesn't benefit. Any of us. Last time I checked when things were good pain, eight dollars a gallon for gas. Last time I checked when you I could buy a house for eighty or you could buy a house on the income of eighty thousand dollar person in the midwest, and now it's one hundred and forty thousand dollars in the midwest. That's not a good thing when you understand that our debt is
Their asset now you're starting to understand what that means. Is the more wearing dat time we have the more money they're making zagreb, so until american have money, control all this physical little control. All of this is about money and control, all of it and what you're seeing is the democratic party? He has been hijacked by the biggest companies. The fuckin world and design to rob americans of being an american. You know this is the land of opportunity dude. This is the only country in the world where you can like me born whoever unlike grow up and break out of the the social class and economic class that you were it. That's all country, That's what made a special and because people have had it so good for so long. They they don't realize what they had and then I realized what they're losing and when you finally realize what you ve lost, you can't get it back, because the
technology is so overbearing, then it can't be escaped from This is why things like a digital idea in digital currency, and all of these it's a very dangerous slopes for us to go down will be no return because you can't break out of it so to go ahead. I would also say the seeds like to your point, though it's I know I think that I'm speaking to the more you know, conservative right, leaning, people right the same people that oh we're not on the team right. You understand those whom you like a million more focused even smith. the enormous energy, a million fuck him worthy of that same person who you know the guy. You will have seen him off. I can t we in turn them off. Announce, ok, we'll share. What's he saying we see the shit. Look bro so I'm gonna be open. All go away, go read. The com is ok, then the big The big media wants us all to believe. The story we covered yesterday with congo in cairo was gay.
the big media wants you to believe they're, getting destroy glory the comments on the social channels rap or a rap house. One. How do you hear pop any any moral store? I only ever go redefined, can comments Tell me what page everybody's on everybody's, tired of the division of we bodies tired of the hate and every he's tired of being taken advantage of by a bunch of motherfuckers that don't you a shit about any of us were all tired. Stop pointing the finger at each other. We stop pointing the finger at your local business, guys we're gotta, stop pointing the thing rat. You know somebody because they have a different race or different beliefs. Systematic mother this is america we're all supposed to be free. Dude. I would, but we want. Unless involves children exactly, and in that case you go in the mother, fucker worshipper
I'm tellin you grow like people become joker, I'm crazy. Now, if you motherfuckers put me in office, I can fix this shit and back in one month in one month like a legitimately want like night and day night, and I can fix all of it Now some are gonna, be an uproar but again if you give me a chance and you let it watch out play out for six months and see how your life is. After that I'll be your biggest fuck, and here are the younger fuckin. Had your whole life does relay fuckin. Sixty six, the hot air will be robbing a gas will be sixty cents to be any fuckin violent crime. They'll be none of this child molesters shit. There will be none of this racial division put down through the media. We we We'll get alot of people will be happy and productive and prosperity is an that's what the fuck it would be like but I'm just some crazy, fucking idiot from misery to some of these people, and I don't get it yeah like this, It's easy to solve the thing you're missing. If they dont want to solve it,
If they wanted to solve it, it would have been solved, wrote that's the biggest that like do look thrill for real. Do I'm not that smart, ok, I know how to operate and get things done. I'm not a flock ingenious, there's a whole lot People listen to this fuckin park, ass, much smarter than me, and the basic things that you guys think would fix. This country would actually fix this country if we pay our police more ok, if we pay our teachers more, if we reduced the stealing and eliminated stealing a prosecuted, the stealing lobby, we could pay fifteen percent tax. Ok, if we got rid of the corporate corpse interest, lobbies and made it illegal, we would have their government because people wouldn't be motivated by money and when we return to the idea of a government that is by the people for the and that's what needs to happen.
And while we will say well, that's populousness nationalism, piano shit brought, I'd like it is proud to be an american right, as we should be man. I, like dude, It's very simple and if it's that simple to solve- and I could go through fifteen other policy- changes that we could do to make it way battle. That could be literally after going do exactly what binding sign every mother, fucking executive order on day, one to shit be done. I wouldn't do that, though. You know why cause is not democratic. What he did. That's the move, a dictator, Wine is if they wanted to solve the shit guys they really could they do, I don't want to solve it they're getting what they want in the biggest mistake that you all can make right now is to believe that these people are just incompetent. Hmm, let's see
The thing where, like like these pilots, have you ever had someone of your lives around like the falcon end, all be all of them. Ask you this. Have you ever had someone in your life that constantly fucks up your gate and have, and they in the first three times you're like discussion, fucking idiot, ok, but then there's like four or five times when you're like wait a minute. this guy's, not an idiot. Mrs intention disguise starting to fall, can take advantage of river. How that happen? That's what's happening in the car. Right now from people's view of our government system that exists right now. more importantly, would you would you continue to allow that tab? You want at we wedding. So yes, because I Welcome pants Sudan, in fact, an american flag pain. What makes it different doesn't so so you have to look at it like that these people are pretending to be dumb, so they continue to get you to go along with it, it's so hard it's so hard for me when I Recognize the intentional behaviour that
so many of you are such good hearted people. You think. There's no way. Someone would do this just just for that, its way to destructive version. The way there's no way somewhere do this intentionally. That's where you wrong somewhere, like better women's syndrome. Bro, you observe I guide it's a it's. The same thing: man, it's like no victim women that are victims of domestic violence tend to go back to the same abuser for peace, solace and fucking comfort. You know continue to fuck and face the message roused to say, is better ones in parliament, though, is essential. they snap in california, husbands. Or the husband kills him with or that in that the road where on earth, dangerous, bathroom, dangerous path but I was right. We have to understand. Nobody understands what's going on for the most part. Now you guys have to do a better job of uniting together, yeah, okay, those people that they post on libs a tick tock. Those are the
far. Point zero: zero, zero, zero, zero one percent that ain't coming back then stop waiting for those people to join along with you, they're, never gonna the move along. Sorry guys we gotta keep moving. that's what has to happen, and that goes for everybody. That's now, In that point, zero: zero zero one percent on a far left side that's what I'm trying to do to us their animals. Fuck along without us, if we don't fucking performed the gas that common sense america, Is that understand what we're talking about here make up ninety plus per cent of the population The fact of the matter is: there's just a large percentage of that. Ninety percent then, are just still not wanting to say anything because they identify with this this political party, their entire lives, when you identify with something your entire lives right. You ve been a car span your entire life and then they do some shit to piss you off, you don't like it, doesn't feel good.
If your natural to go out like say I'll, fuck, the cardinals pool Houldsworth repose yeah, I mean that's a guy, say that's what I'm saying do like you have to think about another terms like you you. Are being played by your own inability to be able to fuckin recognise, what's happening or least admit it. You might be recognising it, and you might be like that these people are saying shit like this shit's fucked up better trump you're, a fucking idiot dear like you in earlier book Could your wife look at your life looking it's happening. There's no more mean tweets gratitude, No, nobody really feels that way. People just say that shit deflect the scapegoat. Yes, because the right and the left have become so fucking vicious. Now people are afraid to say anything So that's how they say it without saying you know what I mean with room rose was good to see steve.
Yeah. I think you did a great job in that's coming from someone. That's not a huge fan. Is it hasn't for a long time, I think I think what She was very reasonable. I think we need more discussions like that we too have those discussions very fucking fast, and when you think about how you are going to vote coming up, you the cash your vote to the place. That's furthest away from the people doing this damage the furthest away. Whenever that means I know what it means it means fuckin republican and it means non rhino candidate means people who are bottom pay for us. What the fuck me, as much as you hate to admit it? It is you hate fucking, tromp or whatever his little organization is exactly that. I know it's a tough pill for a lot of people to swallow. And I'm not even a huge trop fanatic
I'm very fair, my sesame we're things about, from I don't agree with ok but words. We're not gonna, sell our whole country down. The drain, because Oh, like some dude who they made up an entire story about with right Her collusion made an impasse. before him to really do his job. Ok over the for years he was an office. That's been and they made it up and there's been no accountability. So if you think but the intentional division that one or two or five people created the Clinton's. They ve done this country. Those people have done more damage this country than any fuckin people they have ever been in this mother, fucking country ever. social damage, economic damage for their own benefit For their own benefit, real were guys moving on up, but we're actually getting something right do do do do do do do do do do do do do as we have breaking news breaking
mademoiselle already land was proposed. Going ahead with twitter, take already full price of forty four billion dollars as trading is halted after share sore by thirteen percent. Follow disputed deal was just weeks away. given this little bit, elon musk has backed down in his legal fight against whether it is once again proposing to by the company for forty four billion dollars in a sudden about turn away. Before they were due to go to trial must change course, because he and his legal team father they would lose a trial anyway, according to sources cited by Bloomberg today, when the shows recorded had he lost. I would have been ordered by delaware port to go ahead with the sale after a costly and embarrassing battle by the way. are we. covered on this to the judge in that that case over some some biden, fingerprints on that as well,
the judge presiding over the dispute is chancellor catholic mccormick, who recently rejected his request to delay the trial and we, feared might not rule in his favour, according to Bloomberg sources. If the deal those three busk with all the company within a matter of weeks how he is commons. It publicly about new offer them instead Tweet it about his ends, that satellites not making money on tuesday and act as follows for support weighting of shares was halted between as news of his offer emerged and drove the company's share price up by thirteen per cent, and when we got on this, you know, look man, I dunno, I really don't know yeah By all accounts, it seems, like yuan is very common sense person. There is a lot of you know, dear opinions on on why is motivations may or may not be in who may or may not be aligned with to me
how I read it is, I he's just a dude who's out he's a cop. Was there dude wants to make money and and bill companies and do shit, who also recognizes the the bullshit going on, and I hope that the case. I hope I'm reading it right but you know there's a lot of people who talk like he's. You know that you could try what the opposition or some other shit you know and dude the truth is, there's been so much weird shit. That's happened. You know, for example, bill Barr, pretending to be trump's best friend and then completely fucking him Ok, habits have happened, yes, one say, and so it really hard to know like it's hard to know, and truth of the matter is: is these Big laws. that we have in this country to protect it from trees. This activity in these laws, games. These people are for complaint or not being enforced, and so there is a free for all sorts, really hard for me to tell where he's at
but on the surface level, and by all the things I've seen I've watched his documentary have looked into in quite a bit. He seems like a pretty cool mother fucker ok makes a lot of money. He's done a lot shit. Do I agree with his push on a you know, green energy and all that? No, I don't but honestly he's, a critic of that that same put, you say bowels. Who so you know I would detrimental to his company. So it's out yet so do you know it's the gas like broach? Really love me, you know, but I know this what he's done so far is a huge service to our population here in amerika to the world yet not not in his companies are his money or as well. There is lamp pierre any of those things. What he's done is exposed the tools of big tech. Ok,
he's exposed how they use their technology to push agendas he's exposed that a large percentage of twitter is actually fake and its control by twitter. you add traffic and juice to whatever narrative or whoever spouts their now, Then they use that same traffic to silence, people who are not walk, step with their agenda. Why. slamming them with hate, and then you know trolls and all that shit that do happened to me a number of times, so I know it. I know it will entail you guys this happened to mean two thousand sixteen. When I made a critical post by Hillary Clinton within fuckin time, minutes, I have five thousand comments of pure fucking hate for shit. in it's possible. It's even more impossible because in two thousand sixteen I wasn't even fuckin. Well no limit.
I am looking at this more now like, and I remember we talked about before, like no maybe hit his goal wasn't to buy. Maybe was just expose it, but like now that way, when that happened yeah, no, how you haven't in real life. You know how my business, in real life. Nothing they're, not no, the next day came in, and obama shit I was talking to block and sean wayland. At this event, I was out over the weekend. He happened to be at an you know. He discussed locking drug by the f, p c. Why do you guys know what happened and we were too can in, and you know his companies up like forty percent. Since then, and I ve been telling you guys. You after year after year. Let them give you the attention because you will win. If you actually stand for the right things, because what happens is people distrust? it so much that when they start Hating on your company. There
already intelligent enough and aware enough to look into whatever it is. You do and most of those people end up becoming fucking fans So let him sailor shit. Let him talk their shit, let em postal shit and you pick up what the fuck you far from it, that's the way the game works, but I dont know one person who's been can't political cancel. Who generally I don't quite a few. We had come If you on the show. are they are better or they do worse right, nano we're doing better how much better a fog you can't even calculate Why did a bit better because her speaking up and standing on the truth now and to this point, If you want a business in a brand and you're being quiet cause, you Thank you. Dont want to rock the boat. You are now not only. Selling your integrity down the drain, because you won't talk about what you truly believe we are also you're missing a massive opportunity for your own fuckin company. I've been saying this for blocking. years and some of you guys
they'll gun, shied, even say anything. So it's got they're going to miss the opportunity to because there's enough people now starting to get on that pro erika, train that those people are just gonna like it's gonna be obvious. They're, just like ours is a little progress and here's a thing like other people are smart enough to know that. I know that I Trying to get these guys. I understand row did some balls, yet some courage- some fuckin voice and stand for what the fuck you believe it will pay off the truth, always wins when it comes to these things. Integrity always wins when it comes to these things, if you believe it, if you believe it fuck and say it and stand for it, your brain stand for it, you will win because of it. Might you get some, can bull shit yeah you will those people were not your customers
to begin with its a false, it's a false fear, but they intentionally have created. They want you to stay silent, so they scary, you understand silent. This is the an game of political correctness as a weapon starting with it started don't say that cause its offensive. It hurt my feelings and now it's graduated to don't say this are well flock industry are your business except it's always been a bluff because they to utilise the technology to prop up false narratives, actually have a camera blocking hurt you I think with this, though it must mean like I'm looking at it, and I'm like. I wonder if, if that this was all a part of the plan like like not put the transparency out, there show the pub. What the fuck it is because now they don't trust the current operators at whither he comes in now. Those is new
but so that goes out to say, like yeah he's increasing, the trust could be as a viper that could be the whole play nominated. continue to run the shit the waiter been running out and always say that, because I buddha in a moment he announces the fuckin stocks, go shooting on debts. Did you hit on a very important point that I don't put a pass these people to operate that when these people are very fucking smart in their various routine? and there is an opera there is a very there- is a chance that that's exactly what my hamster. So we have to wait and see. That's what my personal opinion is. I am personally a fan of the almost, but I'm I'm going to sit here and say. I totally trust him, because I know because I don't trust anybody totally it's important to go back on what I said about. This cancel culture. Shit. Guys, though you know I'm talking about for politik
reasons right. I'm talking about things like people think that government count god suspended, but that's not cancelled rolling stock. Listen listen, the conservatives are just as watch your pussies as the motherfuckers. They call policies not tell you why, because they say one thing and then their traffic sucks, because there page socks because or not post and real content and they'd been hold your tongue Albert yeah. I suppose one fucking opposed to know about. Do they show bed? That's not what I'm talking about. now what I'm talking about we're talking about a relentless efforts to speak, the truth and wait. People up and most people will not do it. Ok, it's cowardly! Not to do it at this point. It really is because, if especially, if you have kids, if you have kids and you're not speak up right now, you are legitimately failing them, because their future will not be like your future was a you fuckin squander by them. and you don't have to squander it. You can see,
he'll turn it around? If that were true, the matter is the only way The total wound the slide that we're on- and this is one great thing about dahlias book that he talks about? Is that the way to turn it around and the way to stop what it is I guess we exclude all on line, it what it is, the smartest man in the bucket world guess what it is personal flocking, excellence, raising of standards working hard and being good? Do each other that's the solution that the smartest economic mine that exist in our fucking lifetime is offering for us to save the country. listen to the show. Now he doesn't he's this listen, this guy is
a gazillion entire, smarter than I could ever hope to be, but I was very pleased at the end to find that he thinks the same way. So maybe Were the reason of what's about to happen, because it's gonna be hard to stop. Maybe we should get together. We should get unify, and maybe we should take pride in this country again of working hard and produce sin and having high standards and being fit and being educated and being independent from the mother. Fucking Government, because, according to ray dalio, that's exactly what's going to fix it. Just like I've been saying so it made me feel good. made me feel like I'm. I beat not saddam when my gun cup counselor, it's real, What are the major news was right now you got should go, Watch the video on Youtube hold on I'm going to tell you the title, because it's important for you to lincoln on the website pan
lincoln lincoln. On the wall. Yeah yeah, let's link it on the website, it is called. The video is called, though, for those of you that don't go to the website principles for dealing with a changing world order by re dahlia. You can watch it on youtube. Has twenty three million views? Twenty million views like that yeah yeah? It's us! It's a summary of the book he just wrote, but if you the video, because most of you won't go, read the whole book, if you watch the video summarizes, the book at the very end, he gives you an action plan and I would appreciate it We spend forty five minutes watching that video to understand. What's going on there whither. He says in the video that I do not agree with. That, I think is completely off is when he compares the left to the right saying that the people in the Who are wanting to redistribute wealth and the people in the red are wanting to maintain wealth? That's not actually what's happening. What actually happening. Is the top one hundred richest country, a compass,
in this in this world, are utilizing the blue people to be their foot. Soldiers on the ground to quota. What redistribute the wealth of the medium sized and small business owner so They had zero competition at the top. That's where you have to understand That means for you is no jobs for you. What that means he was no opportunity for you what that means. It was no career for you. What that means for you government assistance for your entire life. I'm talking the blue people, that's what it means so understand. It's not red and blue anymore. It's red, white and mother, fucking blue! Forget that's what it is and if we don't get back to that, we're gonna fuckin moves show gas move at all I was broken, is moving on headline number two to reach: We will hold the house below. Tell stephen colbert ass. She believes Democrats will sweep
midterms capitalizing on backlash from Roby wade was overturned. J, six riots. This welcome ladybird. Why? I think that's the way, I think that's a real concern. Now. I think that's all real concern. I think that a really happen, one Do you guys not remember? In twenty twenty one Joe Biden have come out of a smaller fucking basement, did every event and everybody was in their cars. Eight. Sixteen cars there, while trump's doing trumps Europe. At least one hundred thousand people every fucking day super spread it around hold on hold on. Remember that member what they were saying or in that time, What they were saying was you weren't win. we are when we got on control. There are very good. Remember, people knew saying trouble not be the present. We never seen a very confidently reorder. She saying this very confidently: Agree. I see what just had people then see what just happened in Brazil right, the wash. Just happen in brazil literally yesterday, with the elections,
Well scenario: has million people showed up at his rally, though the other pictures of it and then there's piastres, there's less than a thousand people at the other person's rally and The person got forty percent forty seven percent of the vote in bosnia that forty two percent, this impasse, it's impossible, they're fuckin cheating and they plan on cheating. again. So I told him I know I know in enters over. confidence amongst the people who are red, voter They believe all this is gonna, be a big deal, so a lot of those people will probably not go vote. So this is a big fucking problem, I actually agree that she's, probably right people don't wake the fuck up you think I'm talking to you, I'm talking to you listening view, get you friends in your family in europe become epicenter of your little group to get them to go vote. doing your duty as an american, because for us to actually get back in all of us? If we lose our election, there will be two. the our gas after the election
understand about the day after shit life is over. If you lose our election, I'm talking about middle class families, you're fucking life his own, so you better put your you. You better put your whenever you believe you had a sad you like ever. You voted for in the past aside and realize was recognised. happening now. Because if it happens, we're fucked me locked, fought and ended, swine We think that she her going out there. I think she probably It was a whole bunch of shit that we don't know they already have it set up bro like that's the thing like I guys. Listen like I know. It's easy to get stuck in echo chambers right but like we're seeing everything everybody, Fuckin knows a shit is, is fuckin his. She came us at all. You know we have a good shot. I wish she say: you're gonna sweep it. That means,
the breaking of man ass, an overwhelming vote. Again, that's like a hundred zero. I like how is that fucking passanha? It's only possible they're gonna fuckin cheat and you know hear you can hear the voice I got the is, is how much are they going to cheat he's exact? This is the overwhelming force has to come out the vote. argued Nancy Pelosi has claimed the Democrats will sweep the mid term elections and hold the house because of the back. To the Roby way decision in the capital rights. The hanging J. Six. An abortion are the speaker of the house was a guess on the late night show receiving colbert last night night and she displayed her optimism for next month. Both the eighty two euro way bright, pink suit on the chat, show and made a dig it downloads
but the hosts saying they should bleep out his name on the broadcast. Here's the video for you. It predicted that the Democrats were gonna, pick up seats in the congress hall large scale. They did. picked up forty seats and the a real wave. What is your prediction? or the election. That's a little bit more than a month away. Ass speaker, you have the floor. That you thank you very much I'm glad you asked the question because I believe that we will, and hold the hot paths, and we were halfway by winning more seats. So we won the forty seats. Then we lost some when trump was on the ballot, we lost someone that trump districts but we held, piling up seats to hold the house, but here
when the baron he's not on the ballot now or did I say his name- I didn't mean to you again. Perhaps you could believe that listen, audio noise is definitely pumped in one hundred percent We are losing the covers. Vulcans primmer state media. There are one hundred percent like road. This is the dude who was on the tv doing the vaccine dance with people dressed up as fuck needles josie like any, it's on the show is their propagate, the falcon anything anything that motherfucker says a guarantee that a guy's got no opinions of his own noise countless anything, I don't know what he has or hasn't accomplish homies guarantee tv for a long time. I'm just saying at this point: that's what is show is ok and I wonder if he's going to be as he you know, with all these people there suddenly
Just dying there can be any accountability for people like that are now. If I was paid Let me be, whereas those fuck advances that here's the interesting thing, because I wanted to show you this too, nobody's even talking about the shepherd. I've got something new for you. They just came out. Ok, I'm incomes action with the election shit right so matter or facebook right. I just came out with this, nor put this on sides became a notification of gas check your facebook pages, I'm here it is ok, it says information on prohibited Related of voting and adds about social issues in elections, ok, It says restriction period for the united states, twenty twenty two general election in addition no prohibited adds relating to voting. We ve take additional steps to help secure integrity of elections by implementing a restrict.
the period leading up to the twenty twenty two general elections in the united states? In addition to our efforts in certain key countries to help reduce this out of misinformation, about voting there putting a restriction period from november. First, twenty twenty two two november. Eighth, twenty twenty two without monitoring ads about voting, pay now What can I do? They gonna be managing ad, targeting the united states, brazil, Israel and italy with the following content will not be allowed. Aren't allowed adds that discourage people. from voting in the election. This includes, as that betray vote, as useless, meaningless and or avatar people not to vote as they call into question. In the legitimacy of the upcoming, our ongoing election and add with premature claims of election. Victory
prohibition includes adds that call into question the legitimacy of the methods and processes of elections, as well as their outcomes, so basically, if they cheat, you can't talk about it or they'll, delete you from the internet, the law absolutely and you guys, think we're free Sets falcons amy, I think the important thing to remember here is that they are clearly afraid of the election results there. Terrified right and what does that mean? That means the election still matter. What that draws me to conclude is that they had the ability to cheat some, but there's a how much they can cheater fudge and that's why people have to Overwhelmingly vote you after you have you you if you think that,
This everybody else is going to go out and changeless tree and we're gonna win. The elections can be a landslide red wave. Like everybody san you are misinformed. and it's very dangerous to think that very, very, very dangerous. That's what they want you to think. If you don't think they're put now intentionally. These people are smart Intentionally making it seem as if red wave is coming back plays into their benefit. Sounds Look at me like that asylum adores note its no different, it's no different than you going into no different than alabama going to georgia, one versus too in alabama thinking well, we're gonna smash these motherfuckers faces, and It doesn't matter what we do and they beg allowed for kindred The direct efforts during the fuckin ass, his beak and that's, what's about to happen. People await the fuck up. You re read wave
Yes, I was thinking there can be no railway, bro! You you! You! People have to make the red when you over, through combined, way just so we're clear picking the lesser of fucking two evils here and some of you guys are gonna say? Well, that's why don't vote no mother fucker, because if you don't vote, bad guys automatically when they win worse things get worse you're gonna vote regardless vol. Even if you don't agree If you ve, never vote that way in your entire life, you must vote for freedom. You must vote anti tyranny. must vote for common sense and what these fuckers have been doing for the last. However, many years is now common sense, and this what you, the hall. ships you're seeing right now, not temporary or permanent and they're trying to get you to accept that as the norm The lifestyle you leave right now we'll get much harder.
And they will not in ten to fix it at all. They will keep you they're, so this little taste that you ve gone for the last two years. You can bet we'll be tenfold worse, not a little. ten fold worse and you will not be able to escape it, and this is the truth. These are the facts and if you are a traditional democrat, you should really concern how important it is for you to vote blue versus vote for your fuckin self interest. That's our third and final headline- and you guys are not you guys their red wave, we're fucked, kickass miracle, blah blah. My fucker, you are highly under estimating the opposition. A third file Helen had another three out of my way. D, J t donald trump sue, cnn claiming
information. Seeks foreign minister five million dollars. Half a billion dollars should be more three three hundred million quadrillion chilean millions. Biden said that I was just a number. He said by our creeds former president Donald trump sued cnn, for defamation on monday, seeking four hundred seventy five million dollars in punitive images and claiming that the network has carried out a campaign of libel and slander against him. A chump in his lost, who found in the? U s: district court in fort lot, Adele Florida that the network has used its influence. As long as a leading news organization to defeat him politically, I see it in the clients common on the case, of course, tromp. A republican claims on the twenty on page lawsuit, cnn had a long track record of criticising whom, but had wrapped up its attack in recent months, because the network feared, but he
to run again after president, twenty twenty four quotas as a part of its concerted effort to tilt the political balance to the left scene. It has I too take the plains of with a series of ever more scandalous, false and defamatory labels of races, russian lackey insurrectionists and ultimately, hitler lock out who claims the lawsuit, the several instances of machine and appear to compare trumped hitler included january. Twenty to twenty twenty two special report allows free. The korea that included footage of the german dictator tromp who, in twenty twenty lost, they re election bit the Democrat Joe Biden is not said whether he would seek reelection last. who comes as a seventy six year of former president, faces considerable legal woes, including a criminal masturbation by the justice department for retaining government records on which we know is bullshit?
and obviously cnn, has been struggling. Here's a picture of their stock so far it's been pretty bad down. Almost fifty percent brow. I think this so I think this'll bury bury the company asked if he wins this, which I think is a very good chance to win the suit is filed in Florida. There is clearly false. Statements being made should there and there is clearly malice, which is the part that people think people think that you know, People can ask anything's inaccurate about you, yet they came. Encourages has built them, but when I malice is involved, meaning those that people dislike the person or they have a a competitive interest- or there is a reason for them to punish this person intentionally or they get to where they just hate. This person.
I hate trump, that's malice. So all the key elements of a defamation case are there it's not a new york where they have anti slab laws which make it hard for the defamation cases to go through. Ok, even if he wasn't new york, you in this case is proven fucking criminal. as he has all the elements that were wire so he's really smart, how he did this. He let him keep talking and keep talking and keep talking and keep talking and keep talking and every time they set a new thing. It added more do his case and so in these situations. Sometimes people like to stop the it from happening the bleeding, but the reality is that if you let the people keep talking, they talking themselves into a lock tight case so He was very intelligent, which is not a surprise, because I think trump is highly strategic and very intelligent, and and if you don't think that then you're not paying attention or do so
I think, he's gonna win this case. I think it'll bury this he'll, probably end up owning cnn, which ends up here. The ultimate fuck you like unspent bore it. If that were to happen, when we learned ass, I live for a little spot and what the fuck it. What if it means, are winning in taking cnn and put himself on a practice that girl, oh, you, should watch it rose now become number one station. Are you always be a win win? That's all. I'm saying is: if you listen, do you hear when you're laughing now the streets of amerika and you're, asking everybody who, what do you think It happened and they're saying I'm a fork democrat, but on both for full control, you're right, I got we'd bring truck back everywhere. You go Maybe he is more loved by the people than they wants you to believe you regret. Could you imagine? Ok, seven o'clock pm here we are expecting the slogan see down limit or some shit. If it's fuckin trump
now, do you know what I would do go to america? I I'd fucking keep down. And make him do the interests of the shell I will do Probably amerika planted about his right. Oh yeah, I'd make him do it every night, man, an fucking, I bring rambled I'll, give Como bacchus job, you take it ass. He needs the fuckin money. so you take job. I make an interim me. Both brothers had indeed a hand off we're. Both is actually happening alone. No admin Do the hand off, let me tell the whole planet I gotta hold plan. make them do the head off. You know where they put the split screen up and start talking. Shit had put in both the screen and then I'd start How can share and it won't be a goddamn thing of all can do to stop me. Dude. That's how I would do it. So you vote me and that's what the fuck you're going to get a we're gonna have some fun lucky for you, I will be role, will be fucking. Where is hope happens
Let me tell you to say just purchasing and into the future. I love it about deniers, say like a couple of months ago that if that of CNN's ownership switch, they could save the company or something he said that he did know. I do remember that he did say that now I mean the thing about abroad. The fucking cnn stocks will go through the roof he'd be. You're on top of the hand you re about to break. This goes back to the conversation we had yesterday about that movie. The brows like I couldn't, good, then I, the mark, reality all we want, but the market fucking loves down truck dude, that's it try there yeah and if you heard what suppose he said in an interview. She said, well he's not on the ticket, so they expect a lesser book. Voter too now, because he's not on the ticket, which tells you that voter turnout is actually what the fuck are afraid of so turn a fuck out through a man. We'll! Gaza was three times
well our final segment of the show. As always, we have thumbs up where I show a headline. If you don't get two thumbs up two thumbs somewhere, you don't want them and with that being said, I thumbs, I have a rich man eggs. Twenty one thousand dollars selling greedy print guns during new york attorney general's on buyback programme, a capitalist, fifa. yeah so I knew your man claims to have me. twenty one thousand dollars during a gun buyback programme by three printing over a hundred, lower receivers and turning them over police quote. I freely printed a bunch of lower receivers and frames for different kinds of firearms. The man who had only identify yourself as Kim come says he The gun parts on a two hundred dollar three printer he received as a gift for christmas then made the six hour drive to you. Could new york, where the unicorn,
his department was hosting a gun buyback programme for the new york state attorney general's office. I quote: He sees the toe and says how many fire Do you have- and I said a hundred and ten Kim recalls There came said he spent the rest of the day negotiating with attorney general staff over how much the payment with three different parts would be quote in it. ended with the guy in the lady from the budget office. Finally, coming around with forty two gift cards and counting, in front of me come said: twenty One thousand dollars five hundred dollar gift cards are Kim laughed. Off claims by the attorney general's office that the utica gum buyback programme was a large success. Arguing such programmes do nothing to reduce crime, quote I'm sure. Handing over twenty one thousand dollars thousand give car to some punk kid after getting a bunch of plastic john, was a rousing success. Him said quote gum by. backs. I fantastic way of showing number one, but your pal
please don't work and number two, your creating perverse demand, your causing people the show up to these events and they don't actually reduce crime whatsoever, avenue attorney general's office did not immediately response were fox news. Request for comment, but so w katy viii last week that it is close shameful that this individual explode, The programme as successfully taken thousands of guns off the streets to protect our communities from gun allowance and bite in those thousands of guns off the street, she means by law abiding to a citizens. So let me let me rephrase her quote. We're a pistol at this dude. I figured out how to screw us in an pope holes in our own system and make how much money do and make us look stupid. Basically, basically, It continues you, but we have parted with local police throughout the state to recover more than thirty five hundred guns and one individuals. Greedy behaviour won't tarnish our work to promote public safety. The statement continued
We have adjusted our policies to ensure that no one can exploit this programme again, a personal gain so. I love it. Here is a stand up personally, I think, is above the other. Is the ebony systems operate this topic three? Now this systems now. This was the desire systems, outcomes. Africa, like her spent. Maybe emmy boys is how you do. It is probably in all five hundred bucks. Maybe you know the last seven hundred with gas, as this is how you make a point. That's that's it. everything legally, he made the point. He talked about the point, articulated it well and he's correct People any shows how stupid their policies are. Actually I give him an extra thumbs up so like three thumbs up via three motherfucker. he would Oliver was the other media. that is what you get all three years. Why? Because it was,
create a ship as well. I'm a big fan of this guy. Is all summer like any time you can make a point. Do it fairly? Do it oh and make a whole bunch of money. Doing it. That's like that, sombrero brow, a uterus, fuckin one you don't sound like a wind, so does it mean be the best ones out, we're happy I'm giving a street last year alone it another war that's all. I got right. I got hey the solution to this is personal excellence, and it is also uniting with them. people who are not your enemy, so be more. Mindful of that, raise your standards become smarter, become better, become less dependent,
We called mother fucking people that you think are different than you and let's get the ship fixed sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box frozen the fuck are still countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a rope kind of dessert shop case club.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-24.