« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

387. Andy & DJ CTI: White Lives Matter, “Homophobic Weirdos” & Agencies Misleading Public About Ivermectin

2022-10-04 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Kanye West wearing a 'White Lives Matter' t-shirt during a surprise Yeezy fashion show, Billy Eichner claiming the reason his new gay romcom flopped at the box office was due to straight people not showing up, and the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) saying that agents mislead the public about Ivermectin.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number for the countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph kang, doesn't know his shot case club. What is up guys katie for summer, and this is the show for the real and say goodbye to the lies and delusions of modern society. Welcome to the mother fucking reality that day we have Andy and dj bruise, the mother fucking internet. What's up dear, what's going on man you a cruise ready to do something if you've been crews in all weekend. I counted out some of the there are twelve hundred miles and bike in about forty eight hours. That's ass, crazy down to Memphis then we flew, saw leg down. A myth is back to savers, savers stir you tar backwards, St louis ST there was such back ST louis. And you get all your work at it. I forget it stayed on seventy five or state alma
If one isn't it, I was walking off me out. I was crying fucking. tat. It was technically sunday morning like too, in the morning having your fuckin, circles around a motel six yeah for about oh cried hour, and I want to do that I hope the motel six you have had stay at a motel. Six is fine. It was actually nicer when it went terrible. There was security guys. I was like ok his? I brought your letter to the down or if I miss the forty you ok, I'm like. Yes, you did I don't work out in his eye Right now. You gotta use like nervous a little bit. Oh my god, it's fine going to rob. You know, we're broke out in we'll do on priority man. It's fucking bad ass has been so. I know that you feel good about that, though I do you had already I'm fucking exhausted. I, like my body is exhausted, but, like I mean it's day, twenty eight, so I mean it's like it's about that time, I'll be crews in here in a minute you know, keep and others fucking kittens driveway
how brought no narrated like a lot of u s house. So we went up the you taught to do speaking about with raw bay the Anna Keaton, the muscle you guys No, you guys know genus, ah from diesel brothers, the guy, and we were up there, contributing to their that wish. To me. Those events are meaningful because you get a chance to really pour in some people who are willing to take the step to move forward and- and I wanted to contribute to that- they wanted me to contribute. Thus we made a trip. There was good time, great of that at long last I had a really good time. Hanging out with the boys is out Do I very often, but I could tell you this driving you. Gotta have fucker, has that's a different level of steep and like long row and like the first thing I said, and by the way keep looks, awesome. Nude he's been training on great, but I am I broke Just did your party on that, DR. Where do you know what the fuck? You would look like brow
Well, here's the thing that pisses me off. Ok, ross, arafat, hard! It's a fucking, great thing, but really bothers me. Man, is when you have a conversation in your head and you have a fuckin thought. The very second you acknowledge, knew that, like now a bitch I'll give dyke oh, my fucking god, it happens, I got out of my guy- got, do cardio. I looked at this welcome helmet. I maybe I just walk around the actual house yeah and there was I merely nope Yola fucking bitch. I thought my eyes are going down the fuck outta here half way down the hill am, I forgot, come back up, the smartphone again, I all yellow bitch. I feel our down their maritime. Go back up, my man I'll, just go up half way and then just come back down and I'll just keep doing halfway yeah, no yo, bitch yeah. You know what I'm saying. It's all my fault. Do the whole thing like I now: can you just go around the house libro, it's these instant fucking like little arguments with yourself. While that's the whole entire. What is pulling shit man? That's all
entire point. If you think back to all the times in your life and are not just talking, you I'm talking to everybody and you think about the little conversations that really we have with ourselves on a daily basis of justifying the Your path, if you can just how that conversation in your mind, you live in a completely different life right. and that's really where the source of all? Your frustration. All your! U no regret! Ah you know that didn't do this or didn't become this sooner or didn't. You know, that's all cause we're not a whit, we're, not first. Well, most people are aware of the conversation happening. It's just you know they think this now I thought too, I'm just weak and it's not- that weakness dude? It's that you are letting yourself who is, best salesmen that you could ever know is yourself, you know exactly.
what to say the get you to do the thing. Ok, it's easy and you could fit out and tell a story, and you can why your way, through the most ridiculous connection of that come to the conclusion that you should be fuckin lazy and were so good at doing that that you know we think were weak, but the reality is were unaware and when? become aware of the bitch voice. Your brain that tells you tat. the easy road and then you become aware that you ve been following the directions of the weakest, parts of you for years and years and years and should be a very welcomed realisation that whole shit. I've just been following the directions. The wrong parts of me when you start, listen to the strong parts of you, the parts of you that when you sit at home, after a long ass day in a way thing that you want to do is get outside. Do you, outdoor cardio and europe people to say: hey, no fuck,
going to do in a right now now you're in control now. You live in a completely different life. If you can teach yourself to listen to that voice, more and more and more and more, now you're winning you're becoming who it is. You are you're becoming that bad ass mother for conversion of yourself that we all have there. Is it within our heart, then we're all afraid. tell people about, because we're going to get fucking laughter and you and your job, to listen to them, strong version of you so that you can pull that part of you out, and actually becoming in real life. That is the okay, so Peter, want to dissect this in many different ways and over think it. But the truth of it is simple: it simple Once you become aware of these two voices- and you get to a point where you're so dissatisfied with the current life that you live and you're, able to listen to the voice of telling you to do the things?
now, you know you want to do so that you could become who it is. You want to become now you're fucking, doing something it's a huge thing, man and so like that. What you're talking about That's really the whole game now do it its powerful shipment. I I was thinking about this, the other night too Saturday night anymore. Not everybody cite the other that But the more I now break in the habit of being yourself jonas to talks about another like these. Relations our processing them internally is that you know. I was just thinking about what this new fit bad ass dj does not what the current dj. That's right right, and so, though, the bad ass fit version of dj go fuck and gets this fuck em no settled heart out to work out in its voted through in the morning. That's right what that guy does rash right. And so is it it's a whole new perception change, robot like I'm on it.
So now, now you're figuring it fuck out there they did. This is where people permanently changed. you're insane once you start to become aware that you you, may you may. Go back to the lazy you once in a while, but now that you are aware of it, you can't become unaware. It's like watching, see the ship it's going on in the world and what you kind of break free from the propaganda you can't unsee it right like you can't go back. I can't go back to pretending that all these people in power have our best interests in mind exactly when I've seen that they don't exactly. I can't do it neither can anyone, and so when you realise that you do has been listening to the weakest. of yourself and that you actually had the stronger better. more bad ass inspirational. Human inside of you, and you start become a brother and go you'll. Go back, you don't go back in a lot
We'll just don't understand that this is a mental war that we're all fight. and the way to win it through awareness and execution and force. Ok, because the first twenty five days of this programme are gonna. Kick your fuckin ass. your feet and I knew was come. You're gonna hurt nobody like worse than they ve, never hurt your leg, you're gonna hurt you're going to go out every day, the first ten minutes of your work argument flock fucking sucks and then you're going to get done, you're going to be like fucking right, and that builds the confidence that builds the belief that builds the grit day by day a day and when you do that long enough, your home entire life changes for those you don't know we're talking about we're talking about the live, our programme, which you can get for free episode to away. If you go back, this is a free fall can program Macedonia, mother, fucking thing. I just want you to be better. Go down, so to await listening
entire episode, ill, explain the whole thing we're talking my favorite things I can drink these unmentionable drink one year on the programme, rigour can't talk about those drinks and show, because that would be an end. We don't run out and what, if we were to run ads, We would certainly talk about these amazing first woman to do absolutely absolute would be. The first went first thing target but we know that the answer We can talk about how amazing they aren't good, they taste and how good it. Make. You feel pretty good yeah matters about I talk about it. Our lives through the show man, these people turn it they tune in to hear about the foot. in fucker factory yeah. Let's talk about the fucker, that's fucking kidding. Remember! If you guys want to see any of these articles, pictures links, videos go to Andy for salah dot com. You can find them there. We link them all on the website,
and I were actually doing something come at all right now. If you didn't do to do, as you have rightly do working breaking up, she's really meant that america has been administered. Everything's ever got my heart, my bad. She tat a moment at most a break new Zella reads: congo where's shocks, and why lives matter. T shirt during surprise, easy fashioned, show and is joined by candice owen, recently called his ex kim kardashian across its love. there's a daily mail headlines. Roller the rest of others dive into this. So I'll call you west made a statement the prize, easy fashion. Show today, when the shows recorder wearing a black sweatshirt with slogan white lives matter, written across it fashion. Models in the robbers show also wore clothing with the message ridden across it a response
The blacklist lives matter movement that was founded in twenty thirteen following the fatal shooting of travel martin by george zimmerman, also opposing with west forty three, Was the right wing come compensated, the hand is owens who beamed our Complimentary version of the white lives matter shirt. I says The statement says I quote: I am yea and everyone here knows that I am the leader. Wes was forty three set at the event, while referencing his new legal name, adding you can't manage me it's not the first time that yea has stoke controversy surrounding race. After saying in twenty eighteen that he thought Four hundred years of slavery, was a choice. According to page, six west gave a speech to the crowd while wearing the garment references, ex wife, Kim, kardashian paris, robberies. We succeed where she was out. I'm point. He also as well as this fall out with the clothing giant gap. Here's a pitcher,
gay in the yard. He sure he's here with canada sullens what guy I what do you guys? I say where the fuck can I order one another paragraph, four hundred bucks, but yeah I mean look dude. It's a statement for. Does this? That's? How got me what what's the statement? thing is challenging the fuckin. What what is perceived as the status quo ray. I think it's it's I it's actually pretty fuckin powerful men It says this is not like a new thing: for him. You I'm saying this to get this guy sets the falcon each island status quo all the time now it sets powerful messaging heaps. light on things and nobody wants a fuckin talk about new. He talks about their hypocrisies it seemed to be jam down. Everybody's fuckin throat swimming I'm down with it loaded at risk. are less. Ok, yes, no! Maybe so what am I like you,
There is currently a fuck him does what the fucking stands for, he believes in what he does. Any he's he's openly unapologetically him. I appreciate that I think more people should be that way, If more people were that way, regardless of what they had this The media and these people propagating us at every turn would have less control. So That's my take on it as far as the action. issue, white lies matter black lives matter. I think that discussion of races, fucking ridiculous I've always been taught and always grown up. Believing that we are all the same we had the same. You know red blood flows, in our veins and women, different cultures. We may differ. Backgrounds remit, but that's what makes his country great to be completely honest, I'm so fucking tired of the divisive nature of the conversation that might add We just don't want to participate in any more you're insane like margo if the king had right row like he got it
right. There is no need to rehash the shit overrun open orient and by else, rehashing it over and over and over again we're playing into their narrative, which visually cracker and so like. I don't know, I'll buy into a one way or the other now can I observe and sailors definite hypocrisy happening? Absolutely Every single race can be proud of the race except white people right around That's a reality and that's a truth or the fact that no other race can be you know talked about. It discussed, accept your war condemned except the wiring yeah. I mean it's, the it's that's a reality right now like anybody whose denying that reality is doing so for political put, prop positioning But I don't agree with it from any standpoint, I think it's fuck in saying, I think it's insane that in two thousand and twenty fucking too. We are argue about mother fucking, skin pigment right like that. That is ridiculous,
the way I don't want to run around so fucking, proud to be white man fuck, I'm proud to be me I'll, probably who the fuck I am. I don't give a fuck My color happens to change pretty drastic and the little time on a pretty foggy. Why, in the summer time, I'm pretty falcon dark? Well, you know I've got different racism in my blood you're Camelia yeah, like I'm sicilian blood. Like her, I have fuckin multiple races in my blood to me You know and have also got up, other races to in their american indian shit like that. Like these, these, like people, You're, not you're race, but he just are. You? Are you you're who the fuck you are, and why do we need a quick pointing the finger of this? like device of nature and whether its true or natural, and do, I think, there's definitely a double standard. Of course there is, and everybody fuck knows it
at the same time, I dont think that are you wing back and forth about race is a productive conversation by any means issues not just now I think we should handle at issue by your shoe by issue, for example like this is worth race would be appropriate to talk about a lot. The black communities in this country have been abandoned by the people that they vote for may typically vote Democrat we have to start to begin. Ask ourselves who the real race are. come into your neighborhood every single for years and say we're gonna fix shit, and then they go away, and then they make things harder on those communities intentionally grew so that they can come back and another four years and keep the vote. The million next promises on the ship they really fucked correct and they fuck it up intentionally. So to me. That's where the real racism lies, and that's all real discussion.
People don't want to have that discussion and people don't want to point out that you know these politicians that we were elected per se, ok, allegedly a london people I want to talk about. Whose really doing what, and who really stands for what they just don't know. You know they want. They want still vote the way they ve always voted because Lack the awareness or the humility to admit hey, maybe I'm misinformed, Maybe I don't understand what's going on Maybe you should just listen to people when they feed your full of shit. I'm ass was wanting So we have to start looking at things like we had to be real, like are the black communities, getting better or they getting worse and who are? They voted or who had been voting for theirs very definitive answer to what one common denominator along theirs? undeniably definitive answer to them and if you can t
need a vote that way, knowing that your life has gotten worse. That makes you not very smart, because gas is ridiculous. Food prices are ridiculous. your life, no matter what you say on in two grammar you, you know you got people haven't these big voices. Your life is harder, right now than it was two years ago, and that is an undeniable statistical reality, while fifty percent hot cup on irish so until we were able to look at the actual statistical realities and then change our minds about who we have yea and associate with nothing, will ever change and that's if that's F they don't legitimately control the election process. the way there a lot of us believe they do so at the end of the day, I love
and I love candace owens too, do I met her in person I talked sure, occasionally she's, wonderful, human being a lot of people hate her because she says the truth Maybe if we had more people? That said, the truth, instead of said what the supposed to say we all and be, in this scenario, and so I don't have to agree with everything and it says, or that kind he says, or that you say more than, any of you out there believe I just want be the best me and if we were all the best us we wouldn't me under the thumb of these elite motherfuckers who use our own human nature against us through so ass. My take my love it. What I wonder whether nuff might look, women are gonna, be saint on that We know that I'm ready for the three they're gonna hate them and when I say the same things that they say to you, where
you, as our climate, ah monsieur they're, gonna, say you're out. You know uncle how or this or that over this- and I think it's time for everybody who is a reasonable human, come down hard on those motherfuckers, because those are the people who costing us our peace. Those are the people who work costing us our unity, and those are the people who are costing us our actual economic opportunity and safety, in this country, guys? That was our breaking news. movie right along headline amber why a lot more straight people didn't show up rose it or billy. Agnor blast homophobic weirdos after his gay rom com disappoints with just four point: eight million a box office to see rave reviews and twenty two million other budget headings, its
to say that this movie sucks dicks ha ha ha come on I've. I that was yeah Is giving out my phone you, I've got russia at maybe uh huh Ah manders arose rider an actor billy. I ignored such as whether on sunday to reflect on the disappointing performance of his gay rom com box office following its opening weaken. Forty four, your act or comedian issued a series of tweets about the film which is a first algae bt. Q. Romantic comedy given the large released by major studio. Despite its many two million dollar production budget and brave reviews. The films again just for point eight million dollars and landed fourth place at the? U S, box officers, a fifteen second intro guy, that's bobby labour! Having to you in the future,
some of the lgbtq plus museum, everyone is really excited and totally getting along to be bisexual awareness week, and I think not like straight lesbian history month was in march and then a guy thing worse lesbians gonna month and we get a week? That's it no, nobody washed it just. I me that to me I think the most important thing by the trail is like the first twenty said. I'm just saying like we're doing You are more read the army, and I got I mean you weeded out. Basically say. I said that everyone who is it a homophobic where it should go, see the movie tonight as it is. Special and uniquely powerful to see this particular story on the big screen, especially for queer folks who don't get this opportunity. Often he wrapped up saying I love this movie, so much go brows.
I know and at the same time, a new poll coming out saying that sixty nine percent of american voters are opposing the child porn and books in school, libraries and stuff. So it's like this battle. I think revealing the true line. I where everybody really so where which would take on the same wall? take away what the movies. We must stop your business there's four per cent of the population that fall into that community right for from the last Decade, at least those views have been Aggressively pushed into society no matter. How you feel about it. That's the truth. Now, from a business standpoint,. If you are to create a product that is
only four four percent of the population. You, have to understand that the ninety six percent of the population of automatically not going to be super interested in right that doesn't make them all my fault. It doesn't make them any form of the phobias. Ok, you made a product for a limited audience and because there are is limited your item. radically cutting down the bureau ship of right now instantly limit, less knives. Statistical data do if two percent in the people make energy dried herbs, drink energy drinks, you think we fuck and make I'm ok. So let's that's that's the first thing. The second thing do you I think that if I went out- and I said, if you don't drink- first form energy drinks, you're a fucking homophobia-
you're a piece of shit shit. What I'm here I drink now view is an effective marketing strategy is an effect. Is it, but is bullying people who may not be for your exact product. The way to actually get them to use it, it's not so let so that's the first. Ok now whether the movie is good or not good. I have no idea what I can tell you this rate movies people go to sea Movies at all great they do I go to see great products. People buy shitty products. People do not buy right now, We can sit here and talk about the right or the wrong how you believe and we could debate those things all day long. I'm still reality. That's the reality, and A certain person has been telling the world for three fucking you
where's the day had been using technology, and media to manipulate our perceptions. that person is me if you're not catching the sarcasm, we're going. Yes,. Were you fail to realise and are continuing To fail to realise is that they prop up Whenever pies they deem to be what they were society to be through advertising. Through the media and through the culture that is controlled by This one organisation called the world economic forum. That organization has all of hollywood them all a big tech. They have all the big companies the big fuckin fortune, one hundred brands, all of them in part of their Financing and arranging financing in relationships is to push me.
Certain agendas down through those tools, so If you have hollywood- and you have big tech, and then you have to do no media and you combined no three things. how far is it really make people believe anything you want? to believe and for all one time people had called the game, but now with you on, must coming in and offering to buy twitter and exposing twitter for being allegedly almost eighty percent. Take twitter users, which means that twitter has what's cobb, bought farms And what they do when someone who is a activists? these causes makes a statement. They take their traffic and they artificially inflate the popularity. And then you look at the other opposing
views and it may now, it may be one tenth of that amount of traffic. So what is that, due to the person who we're traditionally stand opposed to these viewpoints and makes them quiet because they feel Why you're? The only one that believes that an that's what we're dealing with here. This is why the concept of political correctness is such a dangerous concept, because the concept is built around not offending other people with your opinions or observations, and if you are willing to offend people with your opinions or observations, that means you're willing to censor yourself for the benefit of other people's feeling. and if you are not willing to speak up because your censoring yourself that gives them all the power to do it. Thing, they want it now. We ve got into this point, as you just pointed out where
ass. The majority of america is not agreeing with the direction that a lot of shit is going when you have kids were second grade reading books about sucking dicks. Most people are not we'll be ok with that. and I would believe that pole is now seventy nine percent people really knew what was in these books and they actually took a look at these books had been ideally be. Ninety, eight percent, that's the truth! So that's what I think. I think that You make a product for a limited audience and then we asked take it into reality and the reality of the market says we don't want this product probably shows where most people sites are just saying trying to point this out for a long time. There's theirs. There's a lot of ways to read between the lines. You know it in the pandemic, when they ran a pole on yahoo and they said would
You be willing to patron to patronize a restaurant that enforced vaccine passports and over. Eighty five percent of people said no. What does that tell you that I was U. Eighty, five percent of people aren't with the agenda that they're trying to push down see these people who are running these organizations. Like you know these big media come please are these big tat companies based Are we to believe or all nation? I believe that people are with this shit, when the really not and what happening is in this. They make mistakes, a false sense of common rights. They make mistakes because they put out sure poles on their twitter and people vote on and then they deleted because it in turn out the way they want right. You know so these people, happening is inside of these organizations, the people who are in there We are unaware of
how manipulated the perception actually is and then the little things mistakes they make like putting up alive pole on yahoo, asking, Question no five percent says no, then you get down. What's it look like that's people say it. Oh shit, we're getting exposed. Okay. So fuck? I thought they said they turn the butter yeah. Well, I don't even know that all those people are actually aware of that. I think that is being most people are not aware how highly manipulated shit say: oh yeah. What are you their becoming more war where every single day, which is a great thing so yeah to me? This has a lot less to do with the propaganda that these people, pushing and a lot more do with those guys not reading the actual market and making a product that people want to fuck can see. So I don't know, I think the movie philadelphia was a pretty big mother fucking hit. That was about.
A gay man with aids never seen yeah well, if Tom hanks the huge fuck movie now guys bouquet, like I think, if they made a great movie, about their cause. There was actually entertaining and funny people will go, fucking see it, because I dont think that most people are homophobic. I actually think that most people are I give a fuck. A foam are okay, just leave me to fuck a load of foam. That's what the fuck most people are about. Yeah right, everybody wants to be a foe of fucking everything or este. No, about this? I will go see the should. I want to see a new it go see the shit you wanna see and when make a movie that has masculinity and fuckin. bad as shit like that I've people go fuck and see it because that's what they fucking like you, don't see it You had a reform in whatever way That's what I'm saying the same logic and we burn me so you know
they they probably probably, maybe you should have thought about it before you went invested a year and a half or five years, whatever you put into this one or two million under the same I just don't understand why like why you targeting, like you submit it? Doesn't it just doesn't make sense that I'd? Why are you trying to target and then make you know this law the percentage of people were not naturally and clients, even like this shea. Why are you trying to tell them shit and the goal just be? Ok, you got by four percent. of your audience then go enjoy that movie just go fucking like no I'm saying, but I'm saying like maybe the friends and families and like maybe there are people bro, here's the bottom line. If the shit good people going to fucking by us from what I'm is the same argument. This is the same bull shit that we deal with in the business culture and the culture. When we How can the entrepreneurs shows all these motherfuckers want to make it worse product and sell it for the highest price? instead of just making the best shit and seemed like so robot. If you make a great product, if you're, making falcon
widgets in your widget is fucking great entertains people, it impacts people. It makes people falcon, laugh, makes people think it as some sort of fuckin value. Ok, whatever the fuck it does. I don't know what you're widget What are you doing? Well, It actually is something people want to buy, guess what they're gonna buy so your movie, brow, probably fucking, sucks and in It- and you know what at this point, I'm in the social climate, half of your movie, probably being bad, because the liberal humorous fucking, not funny. Ok at all, to be funny. You have to be offensive road, The way it is like. We laugh the fucking shit, clearly obvious about all of us that is fuckin humor. Ok, so you should. it's not funny anyway. Trying to lodge in a market where people are literally up at arms about certain segment of your social grouping, trying
over sexualized kids, Probably wasn't a good idea That's what I would say, I would say, hey guys, maybe we let the social climate combat a little bit and their launch this. You know but this is now how they think these people think force force. Worse force force. If you dont lockstep with us, you are a racist, you're, a big it you're, a extremist, your a buck. Terrorist threat you're a whatever the fuck. They call you right beside they. The feminist movement, did the same. Probably but women soccer shit. What I'm Let the yellow do they go? Have you been? Why haven't you been to a woman soccer its thus other aim? Shit where's your fuckin season ticket their uniforms, anti roma like the road they yelled, or why why I wondered how they leave women athletes don't get paid out. Much will have you been weeks, had a male version of their flag in sport,
there's a hundred more than forty thousand people, their pay paid to be there until you can create a product that day that creates that result. You will not get paid the same amount now. Maybe they come up we women come up with a whole different thing to watch that, by the way nobody watch it due to only fancies our jargon mollified, it goes no, how about equal pay and only the lestat. About that, though, I was to see my bow saying like the one where nobody wants to pay see mine either bro, I'm a fucker start a fucking hashtag about it. This is fucking bullshit, I'm trying You pay to show my bottle. What you see what I'm saying. Oh it's funny, but the it is the same. Ok is the same. It was just the market is the fuckin market. People either buy your shit or they fuckin well, and we Are you all day is a right is a wrong. I don't know dude. I don't know because, like there's people, I've been
to win in sporting events that are fucking awesome, you're saying like do you, key styles, who played basque, Missouri state when I there. Who was that for a long time and cia scoring record was best mother fucking I've never seen play a fucking sport ever she's, a female, ok. She should be paid whatever it, but The problem is that the fans don't come and the city mother fuckers that are yellow everybody about not they don't have tickets There was not. Even there were why aren't you wearing the jerseys of these women? Exactly? Why aren't you like be what you, as you actually believe, or shut the fuck up exactly because the market is the market? Is the mother fuckin market and that's the reality. Nobody wants to discuss So I'm sorry, there's double standards in this. There's lots of things that women can do that. People won't like go
well, these women rehab shows are these women cooking shows their fuckin massive, but do shows are not the same. You sure of san. So there's the pluses and minuses in every area. There's there's we could. We could dissect this, but every if the problem the problem is people do not understand that the market dictates the value, no matter what no matter. What, if you're great, if the entertain people people will can pay, but if it does it, they want and shaming them. Calling them names actually pushes. The away from you ever getting to where you're trying to get so There's double standards in everything, I'm sorry dude. I didn't make the fucking rules, that's what it is. Shall we I dunno? Well, the point is: if your movie was better, people would see it move and rattle. I have a quick point to make on top of what he said.
so this director tweeted that in l a there was a sold out theater and all the hetero homo for people are not watching it. I did some quick math or percent of three hundred and thirty million people. Approximately thirteen million people fifteen bucks a ticket if all the people who are gay lesbians, went to watch this movie. The net, the net money that the more we would be making would be hunted and ninety million. now. Guided over a billion then means even like two per cent of those four percent people did not go to watch the movie correct correctly. The movies there does indeed about the data, a syllable date and all the data never lies. never lies that, like people are you guys who listens? know you guys are like amazed at like how I was able to see all the shit that's going on. Well, mother, fucker. I look at the data numbers. Rome trust the trust, the math
And now the data they show, you were right right. You have to look between the lines and look for the actual indications. Like the example I use. for people a lot of times. It's like there's these little things that I notice right like what you notice offer which dealt with when they sat on the airplane. Hey, you guys can take him. Software mass, many more and every single person are three under with the exception of two took, their shit often cheered. that tells you the real market right now on fuckin, cnn or yahoo, or why these companies that is controlled by this organization, that we talk about all the time I tell you now percent of people, what the mass that is now with the fuck reality shows you. When you see out of free hunter people only to keep it all right. So you have to look at the reality and you have to be willing to look at the real data to figure out what the fuck is going on, because these people are willing to lie about it. So there all kinds of indicators that you can look at and by the way, you should learn to see everything that we like
those of you. We have a big entrepreneur following here. Those of you guys, that's how you should start we'll look at your own business, look at the rear, truth, don't look at the fuckin shit, you wanna believe look at the real shit, that's how you gonna most people Look at the real dude. They won't dig beneath the surface to find the truth, they will look for information that validates their own beliefs or the of what they want to happen. That's is them dangerous skill or the dangerous habit, the fall into as an operator of a company in this guy's learn the lesson here directly. So does move arrival law along headline member to and to reads fema. Fema head said here. Aid will go to all communities, rejecting harris's call for equity. So chief of the federal emergency management agency, insisted sunday that hurricane in aid will be
provided to quote all communities dismissing vice president campbell Harris's earlier claim that the assistance should be quote based on the equity quote: we're going to support our community that are committed that to the governor, commit that to you right here that all floridians are going to be able to get the help that is available to them through our programs. Diane Criswell said on CBS news' face the nation on sunday, Chris wall was responding to a question from host Margaret Brennan about harris's friday. Comments on the bay Why should they prompted, including from forty government governor on scientists, are re reelection campaign which set the remarks could cause or undue panic? Criswell risk bonded that she had been on the ground, assessing damage from hurricane in florida on fiery answer today in court, There are a lot of people that are going to need assistance as a result of this
she also insisted that the federal government will remove any barriers that hinder people's ability to assess aid to access a. I quote these will that need our help? The most are going to be able to access the help that we offer. I know that the as president and the president, they share the same values. Criswell said adding we are going, to be there to support everybody that needs help. the vice president's calmer officially was. I was this quote. We, to address this in a way that is about giving resources based on equity, understanding that we fight for equality, but we also need to fight for equity harris told actress, reactors shopper, an interview at the democratic national committees, women, leadership form on friday and since in the white house, it's been silent on Kamel Harris's equity, came relief. Marked, says
I won't say if it official administration policy we got. I think these people are pieces of shit. That's what I think very, very simple, but yeah. I I think That for you to make a statement. That says we're going to distribute aid fun a natural disaster that affects everyone in the geographic area, for certain racial group, whichever racial group that may be, is literally the dumbest mother fucking thing. I've ever heard in my life, which doesn't surprise me because everything she says is dumb as fuck. Oh, it's word It is an. She says it where the fucking death do go to athens. Who at least like you're, the worse actor em like the worst like thing she does with her hands the way she like does like gold, if
it'll get up, there lie, go fucking, go to acting so learn lot, whatever you like obama, I get so painful. The fucking watch her talk in him to write and What am, I guess you stupid more stupid, eliza share that, like we send them First, that the for. As part of the show the brake news it's the device of shit that these people push that is designed to get people to argue about what what what talking about right now, like it black that comment I guarantee you is. civically typically to get people to fuckin, argue and or debate on whether or not it has value your validity at all. Also it's it's. It's exposes there thought process. Therefore process is we get the two six dollars, and we get to do what we want with them, and so these people in florida, no matter who they are.
Are just trying to rebuild their lives, you, ok and she's. you could tell she's thinking of it from a perspective of her own, which is How do I get the most for me? How do I get the most for me? How do I take the tax dollars from america and get it to me. That's why she stinks. Because that's what they all think and they are assuming that these people, who just gaff fuckin blasted with it terrible natural disaster are somehow on the ground thinking about the extra food, I hundred dollars, they're gonna, scam out a fuckin, fema role. These people are trying to lift these people we're trying to rebuild their there. The community's these people are trying to. Ah through one of the worst hurricane disasters that we ve ever had as a country and these fucking leak. end quote: leaders are trying to divide people along the lines of fucking race. It's absolutely disgusting.
I just wish we could get to point like when I say I mean where we are, black community bro like, albeit not, fucking, tired of all these fuckin politicians like acting like no we're just not. capable arena smarter. When I fuckin europe's airlines, but how fucking inherently racist racism that what I'm if I can get ideas, we need to help farmers, because you know I believe I wonder how many fucking multi million black multimillionaires their dominant in those same areas at the talking about it, insulting row. Like I'm, so sure that black people are less capable of fucking every other race? While we know get the fuck outta here where we could even get the vaccines cause? We we don't know how to use the internet bow like at what point do you say? Ok, but that's gonna say that's what not saying I was a call from by. I know that you share legitimately saying that black people in a man we are less capable than anybody else,
has been. This is not new. This is this is new, What does haven't been reading between the lines for fucking dumb, It broke all good, I'm glad the fema female they caught it cause. I was really good of her to do that. I bet she lives in mother fucking florida right, my dude, it's just fucking gross shit in may. I am you know what the positive about is a great thing like I'm a willing, I'm glad that people are willing to stand up and say no we're not doing that crazy shit, fuck them, which is what she said loosely loosely here, those any andy of that gaza third and final hell, I moved on headlines number three wanted to pull this one up: a cigar. Wake flash in the past this headline is from august starts the twenty one so young news article that the usa today s fat check. I respected
is not approve and treatment for covert. Nineteen. Ok, ever ever ever, has not been proven a trick over nineteen. I remain and has been promoted as a covert nineteen cure throughout the pandemic, but scientists are still studying what the drug could be used as a treatment, but so far there's little data to suggest its effective against cover soda If use, it is not proven. Thirteen twenty one right now, let's let's fast forces September it's twenty! Twenty two I this is another yahoo article I says, are the f d, a misled. The public about ivermectin and should be accountable in court, argues the association of America. In physicians and surgeons, hm hm, Ok, the associations about the tweet they made about what the horse But that the jargon and by the way, are still up we'll talk about that although my horse and listen here, is that you have more
how'd. You know we were going to jump into a man. There is documents the came. from the pentagon. In april of twenty twenty that showed that I've met in was an effective. There appeared a fitness programme, law will had rocks equipment, Ok, we ve covered that topic on the show multiple times these people killed. people by denying them this medication. I took this shit myself when I got home, I got better. Right away, your rogan said the same thing: every other mother fucker, said the same thing the ticket themselves, to maybe instead of getting so divisive and brainwashed and political and being angry In calling people grandma killers and racists and bigots and selfish and
cancelling me for action, we're trying to help. You see that you could actually get through this safely or other P. Or like rogan or fucking, the million other people, the frontline doctor, the actually went and jail time over the same exact issue maybe. you should listen to him and so What's happened here what's happening here. his crimes against women they knew that this she worked and where they were trying to kill us off chronicle like and then there's only eight is now happening, listen seems to be that way. Brow the youth, The amurri I'm another street from this article says the uk government confirms nine in every ten covert deaths over the last year been among the fully triple vaccinated now
I am, as I say, ninety percent listen, I'm I get torn when I see this shit, it's like. I never wanted to be right. I never want like I see that should happening now and it's like people want to look the other way and act like it's not happening, broach fuck and have no that's happened. It's no, it's going to get way works and it's it's very frustrating. I was just talking about this yesterday with some friends. I feel very good about where I stood during this whole thing. I feel proud about where I stood during this whole thing. Lot of you guys don't lie. Did you guys are ashamed? Why have you guys you're a shame? You went with it all, to realize now is a better time to redeem yourself. Then wait For another second and say dude, I got taken advantage of because what was happening. What happened to us still happening to us. Biggest psychological manipulations ever happen, the history of the world milan.
run into, has never happened before, they didn't even have the technology to do it before. Ok, so like what just happened couldn't have been done before social media now, California, just pay the law where the doctors who know that this is true what we're talking about that these therapeutics actually work here speak about it or they will lose their medical licence. Maybe if you live in California, you should start asking yourself what the fuck- that's, not a bug, message, co, meta shit, I said this young, that's completely Communists how they do yeah. That is how they do it. They make a lot like if they do wrong shit to you, then they make a law. So you can't talk about or will put you in jail as what they do. California, with, as of that
passing is legitimately communist, that's a legitimate communist fucking move and the police officers and the people on the front lines out. There should be standing up against this. This clearly and I've said this multiple times his crimes against women, their absolute. We should be accountability for the people, the organised it people who knew that what they were doing was wrong and pr and put it out anyway, those people should all go to fucking jail at a minimum, but with key at a minimum forever forever for their whole life. Because here is the truth. Hundreds of thousands of people die because they were, they were denied that effective. There appeared that was known to be effective. quality, a liar lover of I have had to have a pandemic, Where are you shift? The guy wealth.
Away from the middle class to the elite elite have a pandemic. Where You steal all the fucking tax dollars, ok here have a pandemic too. Initiate the control of a digital idea, vaccine passport which veiled nobody bought? You can't do that. It there's is a effective therapeutic known sixty days into what the fuck is going on my opinion, these people knew the entire time, but that worked. and from the data that we ve been able to see that's that alliance. They knew. And they chose the fuckin, shame and bill and eyes and hurt people who decided to look for a therapeutic and try to save their fuckin family and friends, and I don't care what you believe that should piss you off to the deepest point in your fucking soul. These people are evil
They are not fucking on our team and no matter what you believe in what you think of me you know whatever you're on the same team is me: do It is not a single mother, fucker deliciousness! I don't care. If your with the fuckin freely agencies. I don't care if you with the police, I don't care if you with the military, we're all points to them. We are all points to them. And until we all get together figure out the we're on the same team made on it and vice versa, nothing we can do about it. It did this I'm trying to stay calm, because I am, I know to people personally who died there were vaccinated who are under the age of forty. I know a bunch of people who had a wash their fuckin relatives die over a phone. Consume call, and I know a few people who are literally completely fucked up over it in
we will be their entire life. Imagine living your entire life with your fucking, dad being your best friend and they won't lay in a hospital when, when motherfuckers generate die,. You watch it on a flock, an ipad. they manipulate it ass. They lied to us, they use technology and they use them. The lack of education and under. Standing of the general population against us. They divided us. They pay against each other and they did so so that they could get more control and more fuckin money. they closed, your business but warmer state, open values, network I closure restaurant in your neighborhood bar your neighborhood pub and fuckin sam's, club and fuckin coca cola and everybody else got to stay open because they were fuckin.
essential amazon, though, that the fact that people are not enraged, This is beyond my understanding of the human condition. First thing: man, the accountability will happen unless the people demand it. That's the only way happens. So I started out da yeah. Maybe like three the fucking years ago, yeah and if you're one of these people who are like man I bought into this hook, line and sinker. I admit it and say it you can be the people that actually changed this. Like that's we're waiting on you, you would do my world look in your view. People who comply! knowing that it was wrong and then now you're like what the fuck are. You fraid to say something because you are be embarrassed, or you know, You're ashamed you guys coming out in saying, hey, I bought into this, and I was
fuckin wrong in this is fucking wrong and we need accountability. You are the motherfuckers the matter. The most now The people like me who do not for once we are the people people, I mean never bought it. We were. We have see people were make a shit. We're a danger to society were on a fuckin list. No you guys who complied who went on. Along with the narrative who now realize. You were taken advantage of need. A fucking admit that and say that and be pissed off about it. That's what will change it. So if this disgusts me it makes me. Angry is fuck, guys are finals Segment of the show, as always, we have our thumbs up headline where I show a headline as you get two thumbs up or two thumbs somewhere. You don't want them and with that being said, I found up headline reads: dog
at ohio middle school middle school. It's her own yearbook, pitcher for second, you know how it was pretty cool, so silly the dog is making ways at our high or middle school, with her second annual yearbook photo meg a tuna. have your old gonna retriever has warm the hearts of staff, students and parents ago, goshen middle school about public school. In the book I state claremont county she had a yearbook stock photo. Take him with a red bandying, Dana barrett, her name, I, which pops net her golden fire and blue gray background are the phone. Was shared on Monday september. Twenty sixth by the official, gosh local schools. Official social media accounts here is yearbook photo of meg Ah man ass, I shall go. Girl has ever so here. Look at her
What sweetie, ah buggers they put it in your smile. There, that's fucking it picture perfect dog. Have such a perfect dog yeah like after, like nor the boughs, kansas shit that it right down? Yeah. You have she's a model as the days as a young, smiling pooch, was trained for service from birth by circle. Tail an accredited assistance dog training organizations as natty. Should a middle school principle. Wendy flint old fox news. Did you This is our second school year I gotcha middle school flint set maglev With MRS Kelly, the new, a seventh grade, math teacher and her family, the new as a professional in addition to being one of mixed trained handlers according to fling a quote during her time, thus she's provided hundreds of students and staff with love, comfort and affection. Some I thought I I think every school should where these fucking dogs and then no,
Greg anderson's in the hallway. I think we should just get rid of people traditional tasers, I'm a fucking dog colony, yeah yeah. Maybe the elites were artisan, His last time I checked, they didn't, kill the dogs, The primary I mean that's a lot of fucking belly rubs bro, I mean how do you get that I dunno? I can't keep up with mighty dog they get pissed off at you, what I'm saying yeah one one's belly and not the other one dude like they know your will they'll sort of fucking fight, fight or like. If you rub one and you don't on the other one, the my fuck failure on the house to rub it like there. They know and they not account ro like they know. When are you gave him free for gas and we had to know fibre especially retreats. They know. Dogs are way smarter than fucking. Understand. Oh yeah, anyway, is awesome. I was pretty fucking cool. I just I mean that's that's cool that he dumps up two thumbs up. Bro, I'm down,
why MD? That's all I got bro, alright, guys! That's the show, if you liked the show, if it made you laugh if a major think gave me some good perspective? Please share the show sleeping on the floor. Now. My jewelry box from the fuck are still countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a blank row kind of doesn't know his shot case club.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-27.