« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

384. Andy & DJ CTI: Spanish Minister Calls Paedophilia A Right, U.S. Gives Ukraine $457 Million For Law Enforcement & Voting Democrat To Prevent Hurricanes

2022-09-28 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ talk about Spanish Minster Irene Montero saying children have a right to sex as long as they consent, the U.S. giving $457 million to Ukraine for law enforcement, and Senator Amy Klobuchar telling Americans to vote Democrat in the midterms to prevent climate change as Hurricane Ian bears down on Florida.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number during the fucker stole countless millions. In the kobe teach buddhist smoke gotta, thank both can't both doesn't know. Shock case closed. What is your guys? It's anti priscilla, and this is the show for the real say goodbye to the lives that statements and delusions of modern society and welcome to mother fucking reality. Today we had Andy and dj grooves, the mother, fucking internet. That's right! This is cruise the internet, that's what ctr stands for okay and what that means is that we're going to put up a number of topics, a plethora of topics and then we're going to gus said topics, then we're going to make fun of the topics. Then we're gonna talk about what may or may not. truth because, as we all know, was printed out there for us all of us to consume and mainstream media. Well, We may not all know it, but most of us know it is total bullshit
Sometimes we need to know what can have q, and I ask you- and I have is where you submit the quest. since, and I give you the answer so guy operator Have you they're unaware? I have one of the most popular purse well the success podcast of all time, while the m f c o project and what we try to do there is we try to your question, so that you can be better to personal, development type episode. Ok, so with city. I we talk about big problems. The problems that we didn't necessarily create on our own We can also be a solution by being excellent individuals, and then we talk about human. I a f how to become an actual individual. That's what The theme of the show is about sometimes We do our real talk. Where I get on air for twenty it's you, and sometimes we do full length and falling where bring an especial guess. We talk about who they are, what they did, how they got there, and then we talk about how you can also become unique and
resting, especial unsuccessful like them, suggested the show we want you to get better, because if you get better as an individual- and you are born of what's actually going on you understand how to better be part of the solution, and the solution is very. orton, because no one person can save what the fuck is happening in society. We can We all save it together by becoming better that's the reality of the show so city eyes what we have today. What's goin on euro yeah there, so that way now about it. Ok if the goes way right. Let's gig, you get into the army, like do don't run away behind a. I didn't Do a show. Yesterday, people young, about no show up my father the same my full time job. Yet! Yes, it's almost my full time job, but is now quite yet will be very soon. I can't wait but
is not sometimes I have to be real business where you are like you, actually run, run other blood. You run businesses. I'm trying now, a man, I'm just a fuckin influence or right right. I am a shit. man, you know, I'm trying to you know we're doing some things in my life that are going to allow me to do what I do best and what, You bet I feel like it is help people get better. Excited about that? You know for those I that you solicitor, embassy or project we are bringing that show back. You are going to be very very very soon. Eyes at how we're bringing back and what we're going to do with the show concept It's gonna be amazing. It's never been done before. And you're gonna fucking love it. I got you you to show common a brand new show like it's brand new, You never seen it before. I tell you what it is, but it no one's doing. Ok, relay apples,
to be uploaded on youtube, also your able to find this content and the youtube show an all my other content on youtube. yeah. There's a lot of really cool should happen. I'm sorry so I know you guys are too, but you need to pay attention to the show, because I probably not going to talk about concerning the emma ceo on my internet, my Stu ram shit, because a special cabbie out for the first people that sort of start listening, I figured out something really cool for you awesome eye if you're interested in listening to the msc. Oh, you need to really tune into. What's going on the show, so that you're aware when we launch it because most people won't be able to find it, so way holy shit. Man has a lot going on. There is a lot going on. Yeah are there? There is a lot. what onslaught of lotta weird moving pieces yet bro! Did you see the witching hour now
wait you order your order. I was gonna order. I was gonna order, another ferrari is order, another four, I you know and make that like ten, yeah, but I decided I would stay with nine for eyes. I don't know how many have wondrous making this up and then number. Ten should be a wood chipper and I'm gonna pay it fuck em ferrari, nero they tone a black. I know you like that, color with your colleagues, And then we're gonna do carbon, Carbon ferrari shields on the witching hour. Only only in the shield. It will be instead of a horse. It'll be a pitiful. And I want to create the world's most high performance, fuckin pedophile, because we're going need it
It's clear: I actually do like that. Color, I'm not there wasn't like the available. Color is actual a degree. You don't order your order near daytona bro, you know or niro tech cars near daytona as metal flake in rattles. Or you don't know, cars. It's a beautiful friendship for your views. I get my manifested by town is surely jokes were. Where shows annabelle. I'm telling you I dazzler see the dj hasn't grown up to the point of understanding how to properly tell a joke he's naturally pretty funny. Like he's a funny dude, I got some good with yeah, I know but see. The thing is: is that you brag about how good they are before you tell them and then they're not as funny as they would be so like You know all these people out there. They listen to me. the arms and I'll give you some free free game hero. Don't talk about how funny your shit has just spoken. Tell it That's real communion shit like that. Ok,
or is this good use? Can keep it in a meal at I feel like this might be like this exception is pretty big, but it's not an exception. This is the way the work I tell me on realises do not alone may way. Yeah. Let's get started. Man was get into this may guys. If you want to see any of these articles, pitches links. Videos go to eighty four, so that our common could find them there and restart whereby member one a lot more reads spanish, equal opportunities, minister, cause pedophilia right why you know what I was talking about. This is who I was thinking about. What I was thinking about my custom. My new customer rig, the wood chipper yeah roads got trapped, she could drive it Can huge row like we listen. Apparently this is such a big deal were any need. Some big wood necessary
The little ones that they come into your tree limbs with and shit ain't going to fucking cut it for the amount of people that are out here in the open, saying that they should have sex with children. Yeah I mean that's my anyone, unlike that, doesn't make me a big it. Well yeah. I want, in this article specifically guys, go read it yourself: wanted to find. A business video I posted correct yeah, you guys, have seen the videos this does. The spanish minister talked about it since Obviously, but there's this captions there, but I wanted to fond of respect. if that was actually from spain re like there was in spain? That, though, is with the temperature. So that's what this article is coming from and you come here The rage- I guess from this this this author and might hear this. Not like a a far left far right guy. This is a fuckin centre. Spaniard. Well, first of all, let me stop you Anybody who is not far left. He's consider far right right, right, right, I'll, be the new italian prime. It
stir whatever they call it over there. They the line, the line the media is using this? the first italy for this is the exact order. Italy's first for prime minister since Benito mussolini and every mother, Fucking media sources, same exact same mine, it's no different than all the other shit, they ve been saying where they. When you look at the platform aside, all fuckers, regular shit, you look out almost all this galicia, centrist, leaning, white like this common sense, should you fucking crazy, ex, don't rule the world deirdre. I know you think you do because for too long ten years, people have taken your shit inch by inch by inch by inch, but I can promise you The wine is drawn with this pedophilia shit. and anybody advocating, will fucking be dealt with and that's the beauty with a man like that, the marathon,
like that message, faster jams that she is even advocating a forum. Public isn't a bear meant to fucking humanity. Her she should in jail or fucking executed right now, that's what they're workin on actually does this dive into this article, so I says not good at any time. Let me tell you, I know this is common to the united states. Now, ok, you're, all I did know, I'm taught, did you have a wash? video. She says in the video. Doesn't matter who prove what fame they belong to. They have the right to decide. what sexual experiences they're going to turn in our inner could set to, and when they want to brown, we will fucking kill you. When I say we, I mean ever a decent human being on this fucking plan.
The issue is, and I don't give a fuck. You bear me off. Every mother, fucking platform in the planet, I'll be driving. My tracks for pedophile killer, alter the neighborhoods. Looking for you fuckers. I only want curbside, though she said, anyway, it well shoot them and all end you saw little extreme. No, This is what we ve been warning. You about for a fucking decade in here. Is this woman in real life advocating for fucking children, shoes and quote: consent to have sex with an adult and the day. Have that right straight Until a mother, fucking would shipper you go period. There can be zero tolerance for this and, if guys allow these people, the brow, beat you and boy you into this. You will pay by the judgment of god. This is wrong. and it's wrong by anybody standards and any kind.
Sense american. That is ok with this into the fucking chipper brow. You call that extreme. The now give a fuck you fuck call whatever the fuck, you want. You ain't touching our kids. This is what this is by the way, so everybody can get real clear What the fuck em problem is, where you don't understand you, you have no idea what the fuck this is caused by like. Why are they. why are they are? You know try to do this to kids, like you know, gerhard people, they ve gone along with these agendas and shit. Why would they do this all the more because they are caught? They ve being caught and guess what the all into their all into this shit but it was always comes out which is gonna come out. Ok, Snowden was just great. In citizenship in russia. Do you not think that every fucking being a dude knows is not going to be pushed out. Do you not think
he understands what these motherfuckers or into an you guys think this. conspiracy theory, because it sounds so outlandish, but the reality of the situation is not This is a weak disgusting shit, then a lot of these motherfuckers or into and their caught up in it, and so what there? I do is now normalize the fucking, situation in society, so that way comes out weed. Fucking revolt, kill em all because a trying to build the the that this community to accept that and then it protected by societal norman? It's gotta be applied in it. It's gonna be up to the algae bt. You community to Saint stand against now like if you I still stand against it. I have to tell you Don't stand against it you're putting yourself in a very dangerous situation, because people will not stand for it and they will kill people over it. Now I guarantee it, people will start getting killed over this. That's what you've created with twenty fat. Fuck intensity
Years of no accountability for any the shit of tolerance of land that live of this is not a far right. This is not middle. Is not left. This is right versus fucking wrong. and I will tell you right now: do the shit ain't gonna fly here in america. We are not going to tolerate. No, no, no, so what I meant the men and women that are common sense and by the way that most democrat well, if you're a democrat like we'll talk let me list shown your Democrat. It's probably time for you to consider what your voting shit is contributing to write like You may be a good hearted. You may agree with you. I don't know how you could cause Democrats noteworthy, have policy volume. agree or lean laughter, whatever that's fine, But you voting that way in the current climate of the situation is going on in the world, is actually contributing to to this problem, and so You need a set. Your pride aside say what what does this
say I'm advocating for because your part, He has been hijacked by eight strong number of pet fucking pedophile people. Now, I'm saying they're all pedophiles, but there's a I've won the day, Trying to normalize it to the point where there's no punishment for it s day. Curious fact there's enough of him who you know: maybe they're not doing it, but they will say shit about it. You have thus, logically, voting party keep the ship movement, you no less a man. These people are criminals had a pair Failure is the most disgusting crime. This is not a socialist or this is not a sexual preference. This is a crime that in most Presence will get you fucking killed by the other inmates. This is a crime. Ok any will be dealt with. If you want to normalize this, this will be fucking dealt with. I will be the only one with attract fuckin lowry. Right Around the falcon neighbourhood bro fuckers annex I will, I fuckin- will
I guarantee you there will be thousands of fucking p well. That will join in with that night and fuckin hundreds of that millions of people This is wrong shit. It's fucking, kids, brow soldier yesterday and we are going through this article is says vocs yesterday, it found a motion to reprimand oyster the reason this is happening. For the same reason I sat on on on the q and a where I said, the reason it's happening, is because people are passive reason, it's happening is because all of you who think this shit is fuckin super fuckin wrong. I was using to stand up and say what the fuck I'm saying about your refused to draw the line in san, because you don't want to be called a big it. You don't want to be called a fuckin transfer. You don't want to be called of some sort of some some some fuck, your fuckin feelings. Brow have some
fucking courage. These are fucking innocent children that these grown adults are trying to propagate to use so that they don't get caught up and get their asses killed for the ship they ve done to people. right wing is fought. You think, it's a coincidence that none of the obscene people had been fuckin shone out. I gotta go and see what happens. There will be in the b now brought the writ. What you're trying to hide, what their trot? Whether what we are trying to hide even a secret, in my opinion, is as a whole. Bunch of more adds deeds. Oh yeah, there's a whole bunch. More brothers, so the china lower the age of consent from sixty, which is worth at now to twelve and the issue with this? Is that because also including the bill? The main headline here is that your quote: children Should have the right to have sexual relations ever. They were not as long as they can sit. Children should have the right to see. Actual relations,
whoever they want as long as they can set as youngest twelve years of age. Oh you things not stop there yeah! That's what the bill! The san go out. Not only did you crazy, but that there is such a silver lining survive. sousa one of the other amendments, he said he. I found a motion to reprimand the minister and a criminal complaint for what she said. which received by the santiago epsco as a promotion of pedestrian, which is how they define pedophilia. Quote. It is an international scandal that this person is still minister. Today it is direct threat to our children, the party he or she was before she was the minister of communists. Should. The minister are now had a failure. You know she was before that fucking cashier these people
these people out of fucking nowhere they did the same shit, eo senior they poorly. People are nowhere that are good, like yelling and screaming people like dude watch this woman, soap surely describe that does it matter: who's, fucking, family, the kids bullet bro. I will cut your fucking head off. I, though, I don't have kids, see that worry about me, but I am speaking for the fuckin. Real people The real people will not tolerate this. They will kill these people Fact that women should be in a guillotine fucking today to prove a point: when it won't happen because so many of these people into the ship. It's gonna, come down to a fucking. It's gotta come down. Real violence broke people pussy most stand up like how we do you have to be. How much courage you have to learn to not stand up for children who are being fucking, basically were innocent.
Princess their set up you're setting them up be literally fucking. There lie ruined? I fucked up adults whose lives are already well. You have that little courage in you do Like you're that big of fuckin, what neutral I get respect that you, Anybody who doesn't stand up against this is a fucking part of it. In my opinion, it's fucking disgusting. Are you fucking liberals out there like Y know, there's gonna be no fucking, well, I'm sure you know you start that shit. I promise you'll end up in the fucking chipper with the people. in an obviously you motherfuckers, they don't fuckin advocate against it, Why, then up been there to list and wars. Cars, no saleable already under its due to understand, have said this number time on the show wars coming wars coming
When this should happen in nineteen thirty, germany, the why my republic, this is real shit when the war, ok, what happened all these crazy people. There were fuckin transgender in kids, the first gender surgery was in fact enacting thirties germany, it's a nazi procedure. You motherfucker. advocating for this. Your advocate four nazi fucking shit, it is that ok, now you call everybody else all this shit fashion. nazi blah blah blah you're the motherfucker I don't understand what fucking fascism really is. You don't understand. The fascism means corporate and government region against fucking? You but you are you're fuckin celebrating all these movements that are pressed down. the biggest governments and the biggest flock and companies in the world whose the fucking fascist Ok, the problem is the useful idiots but you know what happened to these useful idiots in and when the war happened in germany recovers alone,. you go first, but how did they go do like did did? Did
U s obama! What happened! I tell you what happened The decent citizens they live in in germany, there were tired of fucking crazy, fucking, kids, shit and all that kill all of them. They kill them all. So that war, why? My account is a Dana. there is a war coming, a big one. So I would think long and hard work Are you a line on that issue? Because I've I am sure that will be the fuck away from him. Guys move around a headline number two one, some clarity on this, because I guess there's not a moving pieces. We gotta talk about. I love about russia. I got a couple a headlands whom we talked, from the stuff on the show nora haber. I hate that in saying that people are like this for good aggressive far what you know what brought till we
and have a civilised society. You have to have someone on the front. It will take no shit monsieur le with stands, protect yeah. You fucking take oh that's extreme, to put pedophiles in a wood chipper or hold criminals accountable. I dunno! Is it look at a fucking society? We live in exactly looking at an inner cities. Look at our fucking crime rate. will the motor rate. Wouldn't you if the families being destroyed. do you really did. Is that extreme when there's a room full of people, ransacking a while, but pennsylvania, and there a person at the counter asking for I can get there sandwich made as if this is perfectly normal behaviour. We have a fucking problem. We have a fucking piece, on the standard of america's our living has been intentionally? Fucking fucked with and destroy?
And you actually now whew, that's a little extreme. No, it's not extreme! Because of I really did what I want. I couldn't even sit on the fucking air right. That's the thing! Marriage! We're at a point now If we want any new men out there, that don't stay with me on that shit, you're fuckin, weakest flock go fought. You should use your fucking problem. Europe, fuckin fucking looked the other way, because you have liberal fuckin, left, leaning views on fuck, pedophilia and you're gonna catch. the vote for this shit a clearly is obviously a problem within that fucking community. Well we're at a point now where it's like. If, if we truly want any fucking glimpse of civility at all, it's going to take some uncivilised, you know what's funny bro, what we say we're pedophilia, typically committed by conservatives. Will you know what children to put in fuck would word has been the normally I don't know. haven't seen what they say like cousin, the church shit. Like all the shit you know like bro, it's a problem,
yeah, it's a problem with the world's tolerated. Far too fuckin long. There's a thing like it is, I mean you look at any point in history bids been a part of that history, yet I'm way shape or form. So you gonna, to put you gotta. the conservative first one serbia, europe the conservative in the wood chipper goddamn right up for the right approach. any you motherfuckers fuckin kid you're goin in reverse, shouted up method. But moving on the number to do I get it, I get it who's. With that bullshit. That will thus the other pilot about with because the site you know Where, where are these people? you say that we see these sporadic things were like I: where are they? I agree with their work. Were: living in a situation where the fire far left extreme. These views were talking my right now, this fuckin pedophiles,
sympathizing in fucking train gender mutilation shit when their fuckin twelve years, all those people are propped up by the intern. their pravda by the media and like there are so few our between the average believing citizen. The problem is, is that day, It seemed like it's some normal ok prevalent yeah, it's not ok and then they make the they make em they make. The people were reasonable. Sulphur fucking, of the other side of the isle, which has not even true, ok, all these Three violence cases are not being committed by domestic terrorist or beer. By leftist. That's a fucking fact! If you go, every single one of these issues and you actually the brain actually works in a little bit of a way, you'll be able to see We can go down the list of all the violent crime in the last fucking year. That's been made the big shit running over the motherfuckers at christmas day,
the subway sure the sugar. the shooter. Ah you ve they shooter, ah well- whom, on this in there's like three or four, the ones we talk by michel, consistently, all fucking mega left people they left manner. Ass, those of fucking, crazy, ass, communist shit,. so like do they make the other people afraid you know of of they make all these people who are like centre left afraid, of everybody else because of the dead I like they use, you know you got Joe Biden on tv saying that everybody- that's not with him, is a fucking nazi. Ok and a danger to the americans. Now the shit, bullshit, with fb. I just came out and said, there were literally making up the nurse explores an fbi of I we covered on the show, the friend guy, who are so
and that the f b I's, making up cases to to fucking support the narrative and taking them off of what cases the pedophile cases to focus on most cases wrote This is what I think of some deep, really dark, fucking nasty shit. The biggest People are going it s, a history, they will ever happen where people are gonna, be re there, there listen hard to believe, because it's hard to believe I believe, will know you out of how titian on tv who were of the progressive fuckin left here. of the world economic forum association. Advocating saying it doesn't matter who their families are wrong. People are saying it public. Worse thing, it's like. I think Why does it was because of how addicted the majority of the world is a sound social media? If they can convince, you the social media? Reality is the reality. That's a wind for them because work
focus of being in our fuckin folds instead of going out into the real world and realizing that fuck, these people do not exist. We are the fuckin majority here so massive play the aims and it has been working for them just fine there you know, thought we'd Could I followed follow their weren't, a mass, ok cool about go out and mask That's reality and look around. I really want to fuck him ass, their it's all from this a phone there are more people the pull apart, a pull away from that you nothing. thus, the only your bro relishes incredibly disheartening to me that, like I, don't, there's people. I know that personally, Like I said that I, like Well, when I shall I video I sent out like a hundred people, You know how many I'm them fucking reposted it a handful, because they don't want the flag on their social media, broke, stopping a fucking, pushing stamper some but if there's something stand for your entire fucking life, this I think this is worthy of it holy shit. Now
as rapporteur, I have to two guys moved over on the rush. so there's a lot of moving pieces. I wanted to go to piece together this stuff for a quick for people to help out. Ok, so I want to know What just happened? Been monday or yesterday, when the show was recorded. U s gives a new form of fifty Seven million dollars for ukraine more force mocha well on how come our law enforcement don't give form for fifty They now reside were half a billion dollars had broken law enforcement quitting the guy are under pay their overworked. Moreover, fuckin scrutinised are over regulated but they're. Not they know. They're not have proper access to resources or training. Our best officers are leaving their some five hundred million fucking dollars to fucking Ukraine's police force, the same people whose hearts at milan gassway omitted monopolies, you people who are caps and fuckin federal agents, and shall I make you feel exactly.
This welcome and say: maybe it's time to stand up: It's you have these yeah, so so this was. This was Monday, I this past monday, at around ten thirty. In them, ok, not even thirty minutes later. Ok, Russia comes out they give citizenship. Sandwich noted to right. right now. I just want you got state with a time connect the to they give citizenship to to our no new story. Nine nor for the united states, was given asylum. A russia he's been there. For ten years then all the sudden. Now we are now officially give him the citizenship right, and we know that he's. Wanted right now by the united states on acts of espionage, violating the espionage act message: terror as malta, good stuff. Then, today something interruption, hap cry this hell. I read something: broke the Nord stream pipeline lothar
this morning, uncontrolled pino right at the same time, but in the crazy thing, is is that all of the fuckin gal of allies rock teaming up together and trying to point the finger at russia saying that russia did this sabotage, or they say that they are. That is the actual you're right I didn't happen because russia, Very simply, walk over to that. Trump has learnt all internal motherfucker border blow me explain this. For the last. I don't know since february, when the ship started, they have continued to pump fuel to europe. Why? Why would they do that during conflict right, Ok. Why would I do that during a war? Well, because one putin doesn't pay, all the people of
this is gonna. Freeze them out. That's right! This is gonna, kill a lot of people bro, and we did this shit that well the world economic forum did it. You know what I'm saying they're going to think. We did if it's really bad very nice, that's what I'm saying the russian people are going to call for accountability and that's how they all european people are. You know what I'm saying, although. You guys, are you guys are allowed your government, they you fuckin rooted for you didn't like Donald trump is now going to get your killed is free, well, you know in theirs you think so I got in the warm. I will say more about this work which will guide you finish by out, so that just happened today, but that this headline says, but guess who written to take the russia Nord stream pipelines offline before they were sabotage this week, Joe Biden, good alpha,
Joe Biden, here's a video clip for you guys, the first, if germany, if, if russia invades that means tanks for truth, crosses the border of ukraine's again, There will be as week there will be no longer nor shaped we will bring, how will you? How will you do that exactly the project and The project is within germany's contracts, we all. I promise we'll be. Do I'm just a week now: ok, you got more or just just a small pieces. Here is the fact that this report just came out, ok, says so As for reference to be launched in this, the nearest russian military base. Ok is two hundred nautical miles away from where the brake happen.
going back on the flight radar data was shocks all their flights, both military and civilian, guy. There was not one single activity of any russian aircraft were either ok, there was one aircraft activity, was united states navy helicopter, their flew out. Nights in a row around the same time. This was have time, so looks like a duck walks like a duck just like those people, gonna get us killed, put nigger fuck around and always learn. The people of europe are critical, fucking insane I fully so by the way. I am They realise that ninety percent of the fuckin citizens in this country are not with that shit. Unbelievable did ok this down so. There is a war going on in ukraine, correct proxy war. Sure, ok, it's your correct is an hour. Now, it's an operator. poor, called it an operation from get me. He
trying to do not the the the basically the eastern region, dumbass a fucking, you two areas that are asking and begging for fuck. The russian side were correct. These people want to be part of russia, he said this on the first day, all in fucking Sea- and I saw It- and I said, on the show and y'all fires. Bullshit right he's never called the fuck and wore a guy and become It's not a war, and we are being told his war. Russia has continued to push the gas through the fuckin pipeline because it's not a war right. It's not military operations. There trying to run right there on their board right. Ok! Now, russia, is talking about turning it into a terrorist de terrorist operation, direct And basically de escalating it from what it was to this other operation now. And while he says that then the united states, or whoever regularly
I believe it was the world economic forum caught their call the place for this by militia son. The gas steps now was sending the gas through the whole this whole last fuckin eight months ago, while we're supposed to be a war. Why would he do that? For war, you cut off enemy supplies. Why would you do that? Why would you continue sending? Because he depends on that money: And on that shirt themselves- and he also is not some sort of savage fuckin dictator, like you, mother, fuckers, think you're told that you believe it because you're fucking stupid, I'm sorry what also hurts germany to cause. If you guys actually look back the first week of the the practice proxy war germany shut it down right and then, my two weeks later they had to turn it back on because it was gonna cripple them too. They could afford it. So if russia Has the ability to just walk over to the mother fucking parts term turn father.
The only reason they would blow the shit up themselves, is to make it appear, as if the united states did it right, which is what they're, what the unite the united states press, I believe, is going to say in iracing, say or they say that other sailor, russia, but again, that's of course that's what they're going to because they say russia did everything that they are right. Russia, illusion story? Bullshit, that's been proven by We are also hang onto that shit. yeah, like all the shoes, but bullshit lies, created russia has the fake enemy to cover for all the evil shit they fuckin do and now, because these people, in this world economic, form green movement are losing control, their losing fucking, complete control of everything I They have decided that the best move to accelerate their agenda would be. What do you do when you want somebody do something they won't fucking. Do
for some guy you make. It suddenly have to do so. Now you have a situation where the whole entire fucking europe will be forced to go to shit, because there is no fucking fuel flowing through exactly ok but here's the problem. They can't do it. It's not. It's not pass the fucking infrastructure. The ability to do it is not there and every single energy expert and world agrees on this, but you listen: gretta greta, Thunberg, fuckin, morons, birdie,. and so what's going to happen, is for long time they're going to create, and this body parlor plan may report, plan is to fucking, kill off half the fuckin world wide. Build this fuckin structure out because the structure to handle the electrical load that again energy policy would actually take to run, is literally a twenty year project. Some pass for the next twenty years. You know.
people will start ass? Freeze, yes, yes, I mean enable surat and robbed. You think, It come here, united states, you're insane, that's what's come in here next, just like the child. Molesters shit, that's coming here. Next, and so I do. We have a situation now worth I'm gonna take long for the world to figure out who the fuck did this and it's very dangerous. These people are putting us in a terrible position. My hope. The world leaders of the fucking that are not a part of this fucking, the communist organization, world economic forum, are start into ah. They they realise that the people- america, not not responsible- you were at the wheat, we have a fuck. What I believe to be of illegitimate. Fucking situation. I mean they either. The truth, is that mean we its obvious? They want the, u S, a crumble, and I want to start and I think we're gonna horror as much as possible, so that only two possible likely situation, very, they gonna a round of travel
Internal conflicts to destroy us right which does not work into. Are you know? where they wanted to hear right or there's gonna, be an external conflict there force us it's a beautiful goodbye situation what better way value of maybe blow up a couple of Naturally I see here is a thing. Man, young person today Fuckin war, you know the actual war, no wrong. I don't know Our economy care fucking stand right now, where's, here's what know people who it's fucked up. But who are doing the shit. It's like it's like litter Like two thousand people, like two thousand people in their creating this hardship for the entire fucking word. While there we are. Therefore, yes, these people richest thought do they are doomsday bunkers in all kinds of other shit. You motherfuckers don't have an end. Here's what you say Had you not worn the mask that we will be here? I told you thought
what was going on three fucking years ago, brow. I told you not to fucking where the shit they were gonna run this through in what you do you went along with it because it was easier to go along with you. Locked pedophilia should same way just fourteen years old row. I can't like this place that we live in a canal, stan how more people enough fucking enraged about this, bad! This is bad brow and says this is gonna. U going to find out bro because gas, gonna go get our gas is gonna, go twenty five dollars you, by now and at the vidal companies, I had a very big ones: us control that the prices at the park, you think some fucking stupid gas fucking nation owner from falcon nowheres. Just marking up this shit unreasonably like.
You guys have more employees but a lose out an elegant money from underpricing. Here's what's not talked about. Do you know how many businesses out there they produce in america that are unable to produce, properly right now because inflation is up, the cost of the raw goods is crazy. Ok, the prices then have to be lifted up which people can afford, because everything's fucking going up all right. So a lot of these companies that have been around for a while they're gonna, fucking wanna business, because they I'll have the room. It's math, its math, understand. How do you know, work basic math and in business. Now, worse, This is going to push so many companies, like you, think the companies went out of business during covert right. This is going to push a fuck ton more out of business. You guys don't understand, what's happening in your last intelligence in your lack of being able to Decatur connect. The dots are even look at the truth.
dependency on mainstream media is gonna, get you fuckin kill. It really is vast our third and final headline headline number three reads: people have to speak up. Do you fuckers have to speak up, you have to stand up. You have to get off your mother fucker if that doesn't happen, do yours a good chance. This ends with you in your whole family don. I so it's so irritating, because people still look at em. Somebody see cnn fox and they think these guys you're tellin us too, none of them are telling you the truth. cnn. Msnbc in the liberal media are all fucking lying straight. Your face about almost everything if you haven't figured that out by now, there's something wrong with you. Fuckin brain or your is so big that you are incapable of that you're, ok and then fox has,
the people they don't believe it, but that instead of of of life actually showing him away out or tellingly solution. They tell you to vote for their fucking establishment, rhino republican motherfuckers and if you No, they want a three day hit campaign like they didn't cathy Barnett or they spent Ten million dollars on running death may do the default. Defamatory fall. Statements like they did against air grinds here in Missouri. That's it beat his fuckin kid then Eric's consumer is going to get ten million dollars and what you don't understand is they're happy to pay that because they're going to make it they're going to make a billion from him not being there exactly you guys understand, fucking game you're, not gonna, get it these. people on the right on fox news, with the exception of Tucker karlsson lot of people. Think all talk. took calls on those would have worked. Well. Maybe she listened to. With the exception of that man, there is no truth, it's all right, began a bull shit? they're doing their work. Can you into.
Oh my god, you guys see this, Oh my god, you can see that this is an outrage. Oh Why ingram welcome to the show I would argue she all. You see that. This is outrage, oh, terrible comedian guy like broke this. This whole thing of like the walking you into a new kid. You guys were not able to read it, because whatever reason I know, but I'm just telling you this People are lying about fucking everything it till we get it till people take an interesting like for real. They get off their fuckin asses and they get their selves and a good, healthy spot become physically fit, become mentally fit, become fuckin interaction, rushing by marriage with its financial. Until you wake up out of your fucking slumber and realised that your wife is met, to be shit. They are intentionally
creating a wife for you to have nothing their intention. Creating a wife for you to struggle until you wake up and realise that until you, I got to say: hey, I don't fuck and accept that these people will take everything from you. There is This has not happened in this is a problem, a lot of the younger people that that the sea- going on, they don't stay inflation, because they never fuck inexperienced deflation, they don't stan, but this is the normal ebb and flow of societal politics, because not old enough to have lived through. Any other situation all that is their baseline row. A lot of these people do not stand because they never had the experience of anything before with sweat. You know I'm fuckin, forty use all bro allow these people was the show right now, twenty five. They think this is like I and he's just fucking. You now he's Is it a heavy these an alarmist? I don't have anything to find out how alarmist I am. How come
How many things by the wrong about last rears proponents, another thing: like why? Don't you, mother, fuckers, tell the people how how much like? Why would I go online and look in the comments and shit? And you guys talk about oh fucking, the, like this is annoying as fuck. Oh did you. The speech the italian prime minister's gave about them. king identities and our families yeah she got a lot of parking show I mean I only say that for three fucking years now, all of a sudden it's a woman on tv telling you you're fucking blown away like why the fuck. Do you guys who listen to the show now fucking tell people hey this dudes, given the real shit like fuck? What do I do this? for you, you hear what I'm saying like. Well, I had a video sent to me forty fucking thousand times polish do. Did you see the speech sounds just like the one I been given you a hundred, and forty seven thousand times last three fucking years. I'm glad finally got it because it was on.
fuckin cnn holy shit. its aggravating. As fuck I made you try to dedicate my whole fucking time to warning you fuckers when I could be driving my car beer fucking yacht or doing What I want- and you guys, Applause, this is what is happening. just because I'm battle bucking fucking fox news or cnn, by the way, tell them no I asked I tell no it's it's infuriate like when I have said something for three fucking years that these people, trying to remove your personal identity, we're trying to remove your national identity, we're trying to everybody parted binary system, so they have no gender and they have no this and they have no. That. the reason they need. That is because, without that indoctrination, people love their country. Love their family. They love
community. This is the actual set point of all humans, their territorial, they like their mother, fucking country, they liked or p and until you remove a personal, daddy, philip, why were they say? You, kids ain't, even your fucking, kids? Ok, they can't Oh a one world government with a bunch of money. because a loved to be american or italian or any other. Ever nationality happens to be. I've been saying that. For how long. and now all of a sudden she says it and like all, should you see a great speech gabbro? I think I wrote it because I'm pretty sure I go find fucking tudor literally row. How many clips fifty clips and me saying the same mother fucking thing this last for three: it's it's it's it's aggravating as fuck yeah
and saw the quick? I would appreciate it if you We show me a little love when people say I gather For so said, a fuckin, however long ago, maybe help me a little bit holy shit anyway. Canonbury them worse. I have an m three rates. IRAN ran a hurricane in will cause catastrophic flooding in life, threatening storm surge, and we have plenty of friends of florida. Yeah really good people down there. This is it really does sat right. It's a major hurricane maximum, sustain winds and expected to hit the coast within the next four years. Our shoes, the problem. This is a big moment. There's gonna, testa, floridians down their right and as always, we see people on the left trying to uses us as political capital. Raw ironing You're talking about culture,
Already now I saw the go ahead: So have I you're talking about a dumb pratt, possibly the one to three damage. People in washington dc elsie fucking club glad your name is a mother, fucking Corey bush, sassy com was up there. Do you know them moved about Democrats. We normally hurricanes is agraea. Laugh you all get wet. This is absurd. I sought. the vote, democrats da barricades that senator Amy blow, which are before us Adding binds record on climate change. So when are you hire? Who kidding how fucking stupid? Is their voters Well not be real like how can you that why wouldn't have to cut the shit, all rolling, listen you in two hours and two hours time you can stop being a complete fucking. Eighty
you can go watch agenda, an agenda to on fuckin amazon, prime and in two hours you will never again fucking ever think about voting Democrat ever again. Because you realize that you are applying to them. Nobody likes being used, nobody likes being upon So in two hours you can fix a major fuck and weak point in your own fucking game, and you won't go fuck watch movies, always shit Yeah, are you and also to evolve? You can have all the abortions you want to live this is the one thing I get a free for can pass you get like a fucking. You know, like you know, like a frequent, I regard the lead with a here's, my problem, these bills, like they have fuck and everything, could you no one else is included in this bill. The electoral reform act. The people and nobody's fuckin talking about which, The whole january, sixteen right when, when MIKE pence prince, had to certify the election and all that shit right. Remove that entire process from the alleges bit it were all along. I thought he couldn't do that
The other say that he could do a lot to remove it, and I thought you knew that it was illegal. I was treason, so I did they have to remove that at the processor. Make sure go. No, it doesn't it make sure if you If you're, not a blind, fucking lose your fucking flower, fucking sheep ok, you should be a barrel of yourself for following this shit because it's embarrassing at this point. The fuckin Take everything else out, because I do those things people say we ve prove true. fuck, it is sure ass, a dollar eighty, seven bitch fucking, your grocery, Fucking were cheap, but you can make an tons of money if you're that book and stupid to utter those fucking words in this current climate. you deserve every ounce of mother for campaigns come in your way.
Because it's gonna get away more and it's common. This person's face makes me angry. Look at that face I use combinations a face, an inner voice, it's every really gets no broke, but how can you? How can I as a human being like sit there and watch these piglets? Who got flew back to the thing that she's the quote now, but that will not happen. We just did something about climate change for the first time in decades. That's why we, have to win this. As the hurricane bears down on florida, we have to win the mid terms, there's no more hurricanes of Democrats when we turn off hope Airbus does rouge; no, they won't. Miss rose, you know it's real israel, syria, which real, but like people rain, so that voyage for you by ready for that,
there's so much shit that I know that I can't even tell people because, like I have to regulate my fucking shit so that people will actually like it's like so its power of yes, like ya, think fuck. It Alex showed some fuckin crazy thought because he's like loud mattresses, fuck. is one of the actual, probably say the same for me: brom loud martians, fucked, you, but if you motherfuckers like we're getting, the information that is lacking. Calm way- and you actually looked at it and of saying? Oh people just crazy, you would be fucking devastate. Look at that fucking face. Both for me, I'll fuckin, stop her work and by how well you know the best. What is now a hurricane those to give vaccinated? Actually, I saw that was a thing. They say you know that there really lies now
we said has risen bro, you got people fucking, have you they're running children's mile card? I just commercials on motherfucking tell him yeah, there are still pushing this doubt. You got fucking corners, ok, They are saying they poured out like six and seven foot, long blood clots out a fuckin dead bodies. And we have all these people who are just sudden death sudden Thus in rome you know We are the craziest, the greatest crime against humanity. That's ever been perpetuated against humans in the entire history of humans. You see this. Only one point: five percent of eligible americans have gotten the new covered booster percy dc data. So, as I tell you, we're gonna shit are actions right now, a very
small for compulsory sample. All that's not good on that that one point five percent, that is the amount of people advocating for all the crazy shit, no shit no shit. Ok, you have to look at the data within the date now to have multiple things. That is, that its impact for that is as impact the anecdotal data of watching the video when they are now. The mask mandate, was over on an airplane. Ok, they fucked up watched personally Let me tell you why, because some you can read between the lines, clearly saw the data for what it was. When you have three people on an airplane and the poor and gets on the microphone says. Ladies and gentlemen, I I must have all tell you that the mass mandate is no longer service and everybody fucking cheers and every single person on the fucking play with the exception of fucking four out of three hundred. Take them Mask off immediately that
how'd. You where the real numbers lie, and so you guys out there who are why cause you're like the want get the backlash row. The backlash comes from fake paid social agitators, I meant to intimidate you into silence: ok, to use political correctness the last twenty years, I know it shouldn't say this: where people get offended, she said x, people are going to spend it and that got y'all conditioned to keeping your opinions quiet because you didn't want to get the fucking. You don't wanna. Third, anybody them with social media. They started. The council calls you shit and it went from at wanting to offend anybody, do not want to waste. It on social, then now it's gone from. If you, disagree with us at all your fuckin domestic terrorist. And by the way, that's Ninety eight and a half per cent of you listening According to that data, you oh, they want domestic tears. I don't speak out if you're, not
them you're domestic care since zagreb so welcome Rose of sir shipment, crazy staff, more power perception and and by the way she's right they do have to win. The election has if they don't they're fucking wiser over completely, because the tide will fucking go It will swing back so hard. The penalties can swing bats. It's gonna. Happen either wet weather they cheat. She the election And sadly, one or whatever, but the panel the swing back and brother. I don't let the night. Listen if you don't think they're gonna, fuck international, followed him off throw away brought because it means delicately lighters f, as right now for a lot of whom it does, because there's a lot of treasonous activity has happened like fuck, you I got a part of me- believes, wrote thy week is half still fuckin. Eighty percent vote for fuckin report,
kids and they might have to look at. Do that's what's happening all these conquers vague as long here's, the thing men, because I said earlier as long as they fuckin control the perception which this fuckin cell phone and these tvs and what's yours. Can see it begins to pull it off. Get your fuckin about the fuckin phones go live. In fact, a real world in other thing is, is like you guys, to listen to the show. Like I'm talking directly to you, you are the people they have to get people The vote guys are ahead of fucking the curb and you have to take every single person. You know you have to spend that day because, like dude, if these people, like I'm just gonna, tell ya, These people, when, on november third on november fifth gas, will be fuckin fifteen hours. You're their ruin, everything that you ve worked for. Your entire life when sold a bill of gonna hurt fuckin, all the rich people. Now it's gonna kill you
also like, and then there will be no chance. If I can take it back. You bye, bye, normal constitutional me. Us, Well, that's why I've been so fuckin. You know what unquote passionate or alarmist or whatever pupils out poverty pretence. I'm trying to warn you guys like it. So it's a real situation now whereas it is our final segment of the show, as always, we have our thumbs up headline where, sure I have on the other to thumbs. Opportune them somewhere, you don't wanna know. That being said, I thumbs up headline reads:. My skin turned black from horrific reactions. Are common inside that sounds races. Sounds racist or are you just wait sounds raises a lot of them It was a dark depressing tale at sounds racist. A louisiana man's attempt secure his anxiety with a common antidepressants, backfired horribly due to a boy.
Flynn side effect that turned his skin completely black video detailing the pharmaceutical fiasco currently boast eight point: three million views on sector the epidermal calamity began in january of two thousand twenty one after the pest control filled inspector started, taking an answer. The present depressing that is doctor, prescribe trees, depression and anxiety. The kinder resident was giving. Ecstasy. I selective serotonin rehab taken inhibitor. commonly known by brandname. Prozac It is commonly used tree, depression, anxiety and another mood disorders. Fortunately, not only did the mood booster fail to remedy them. Mental health issues, but within Several months, the father of two's complexion mysteriously began to darken per the affirmation. Tik tok video. Here it is for you,
So I ll just give you what exactly is going on, We have taken the occasional sauntering colours as far help wise after say I'll, help you several, my I see tee it's the point, to edison's or whatever, but I didn't have any other sort of eggs from That is a really don't know why I'm changing colors, sailor still China gave a day on vague and so on, jealous, so he's also saying that since this was happening, overturn high traffic stops what has no way of knowing that was your job in other words a guy I asked Zeb tyler- is not new neighbours now tyrone. The by march toward it's what you want.
Turning a grayish green. Tell me look blow you he's not even his dogs me broke! No, not that much but listen that credit goes drop in as we speak at a look right. Well, you know it's worse than haven't. Oppression are legitimately, haven't oppression and turning black at the same time. Who's bill and all that oppression albert, I didn't say, yeah marry a man like I don't know. Is it about big loosen its great yeah like em, he said it already seller our said it. Oh yeah, so the goal that he's particularly gets right. Those job we're meeting will reverse buckled rehash the fog bank
he would tell you the biggest rather know people made a lot of jokes, he said, but we joke a lot. So you know we just laugh along with them. It's all you can do it's been cool man. You know and miss new christmas. yeah. The ballpark throws up a fucking the boys are wiser, there's, a colored man busier the girl it to get movie. as a solid about one of my favorites. There's where all this you know I like, I said I think, there's benefits like yours benefits bro, like Right now, it's not cool, be white. I at all fuck it so I mean. Maybe this is just god saying: hey, let's see a bunch of product waters. Come here knows tat number one am now: did you notice? It said mood booster here, Anyone who does not want it mention is now boucher mood. I do not be confused
You know there are running commercials, nonsense, for you guys of people acting like this is a mood boosting thing. I just got off the anti depressants lax approach I had taken for ten fourteen years. Let me tell you something: you know which rules they make it So you can knock it off like a week person somebody who's really struggling, could never get off, and me tell you another thing: doesn't boost your mood. It makes you know the everything and good or bad. Like you don't soldiers. They like you, don't feel good about the winds. You don't feel bad about the losses it just what the fuck. It is. You feel zero motion. You feel zero attachment, it's not healthy. and a lot of you have been on the ship or so long. You forgot what I'm talking about, but as someone who just come off and been off It was very difficult to get off and I would not recommend trying to get off that shit without some serious consultation help support.
Yeah. It was really fuckin heart. Like really really hard like to the point where I was fighting at some points by the fuckin, you know minute till I get through it, those fucking bad and on that someone who's like literally gets a lot of his lifestyle to developing mindset an answer, and I like, where someone who doesn't do that will be. I think that's really what it comes down to man like you know that, like I've been doing some more looking into all of this shit too, as far as the depression and stuff- and I think what it really is man is that you know ability to process true trauma, hardship, renew your thoughts, ike, The skill re, like you, gotta work that some people are just born better at panel that should than others right, but I don't think you'll taken this vile computer the taken whatever medicine is not didn't. Have any research backing it up? I can. Degrees any faggots, I'm not telling you it's not the end obvious, not the fuckin, perfect solution to that I'll shop
you're fuckin brain s, learn how to fucking progress shit, but it's like I tell you do like we talk about this all the time. No shit people the press. The bilaterally invasion, is what these farm accompanies run on tv, where it shows a woman who doesn't feel like doing your laundry right. Nobody fuckin likes to launder jack Ok, I saw one yesterday where was like showing this woman like. Do a sheet around the house and then slid like all my moods off, and then I got my proscription lord. There was a mail order, proscription brain at a presence. there are literally sends now. That's the thing you unbelievable and know anna they're, sending it to people through the mail and then like a shoulder, take the pill and all of a sudden, she's, fucking, happy again bro that is complete bullshit and like dude, creating like look at what the creating in the world, the cashier loot. If you read that book, I ve been talking about the chaos machine You can start to understand how they, when this is all this?
is fascism, what's been happening and the amount of anxiety and depression, and all of these things that you feel are manufactured from your addictions to this fuckin technology, not holding my phone, you. Guys, I'm not saying! There's no benefit to it. I'm saying they intentionally make it. So you can't look away right in their strategy to understand thousands of working people that sit out and fuckin wherever in manufacturing thanks for you and you're, not living as a human being you're not out in the sun you're, not eating health it's bullshit these people manufactured and make you sick, you're, not you're, not putting good things in your mind, because your constantly looking at this fuckin phone of course you're gonna be depressed. Of course, you're gonna be anxious, broke. It's in our dna too hot. Gather and kill and succeed like that is enough. can dna of a human being, ok,
What have you done for the last how many years in your life, what have you done Have you been aggressive? Have you gone on congress. Should you like tried? Things was sidebar. My bet is that you live like most people in your fucking them a lot of time on your phone. You watch alive porn? You fuckin drink a lot I'll, go you wash. Bullshit netflix, you probably fuck out of shape, and ah you probably fuckin miserable, ok. and like you, you wonder why you're fucking depressed you're not depressed because They say or depressed you depressed because of your fuckin lifestyle choices in your now. Doing anything to correct them. So it should come as no surprise to you that you feel like shit when you're fuckin way overweight, under performing in all areas. You're broke your fuckin nut. You don't have a purpose. Nor have a mission. Normally discipline by his should come to no surprise that you are fucking. you're, like shit rather draw befallen about ya
an empty, and then they want to give you a medicine. Ok, that Gonna take for the rest, your life, which makes them money, ok, we're just which makes doesn't make you feel better. Just you, you forget, fulfil its role in it takes away or edge. It takes away. You're fuckin. I broke the fact that I'm on it I feel like I'm on the other side of the withdrawal. Stop at this point I feel like a fucking animal dared but I feel like I felt ten years ago when I was fourteen billion. This shit right like if it like I forgot and. You know that makes me wonder like do. They know that it does this the people, because You know yes, I've progressed on from that point business because I had to like if you're a normal person without a co like I had to do the business bro had employees. I had obligations like if I didn't show up every day: it's not just meat, it loses lots of people, and so I had to progress,
what had. I not had that zero option situation, my life. What would I do when I just pursuing my career. What I just stop pursuing what do I do my opinion? and what I can observe seems to be that way. intentionally creating a scenario were, like I say, all the time: you're fuckin fat, your fuckin, uneducated, you're, broke your sick, you're frustrated, you're angry do this so that they can control you in every single nozzle way you're using only everyone is angry and emotional well, because when they- tell you to be mad at the other people in society. You get Romagna whales, easier emotion as control It's people understand, as it fear, is easiest fuck. Emotion to control from the outset by,
we're controllable. When that is how about a frequency you from Africa, you give, you will do anything for me, fuckin thing. If you're scared of your fear, I can get you were ass hassle, you didn't. You shut the fuck up ass from the sale of new energy. You really think that all of this shit in society is an accident like this is about these people getting their way in contributing I'm sorry, and in may Training there power over humanity which they had for fucking a very long time and are willing to ruin your life to do so. you're not willing to speak up about it, because why. now willing to try to get involved, because why gotta clash, everything I don't know like how much work and keep saying like it's like. I said in the last few and say that we do everything was last. I was so we posted note like this is coming you people who refused, take action or the problem. There's lots of people taking action
going to take everybody taking action and the fact that you agree with the people taking action in youtube com Early to stand up and joined them is going to cost you everything because the team that you're rooting for will lose without your help and asked him america by the way looking right or laughter any this bullshit? So anyway, I break our social. Yet, as the show gauze, Who say I will give tee comes up to now we fear you figure it out. Yeah like say, seems to be healthy. For the most part me, I, like his purse, active is making jokes. You know the whole world be better if we all had a better sense of humor. You know that's another They try to cancel our society to make you angry to make your rage to making not be able to. Can you know, connect with humans from different backgrounds? We connect for fucking humor and they took them.
Well now you wonder why everybody's on edge right? So I applaud his perspective on hastily what's happening europe is really weird. I ve never seen before one of your family. Guys that's the show. We share the shell sleeping on a number of other points, but still count. It means that these Buddhist got a bag of king. Both doesn't know shock case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-27.