« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

381. Andy, Linda Catalina & DJ CTI: Putin: "Not A Bluff," Atlanta Fed Announces Negative 3rd Quarter & Man Ran Down Teen He Thought Was Republican Extremist

2022-09-22 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by entrepreneur & "Mostly Peaceful Latinas" podcast host Linda Catalina. They discuss Vladimir Putin doubling down on the threat of his nuclear weapons to the West as not a bluff, the Atlanta Fed announcing a negative 3rd quarter in the market, and a man who ran down and killed a teen he thought was a Republican extremist.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The number for the countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph can't both doesn't know. Headshot case closed. What is god's eternity for salah, and this is the show for the rear. Let's say goodbye july's, the preakness as delusion a modern society welcomes mother, fuckin reality that we have eddie and dj and Linda catalina cruz. the fucking internet right, you guys know window, you know, are really well wake up with went on instagram host of mostly peaceful latinas, thanks for coming in thank you for having me, I'm really excited. We've never met in person, but I am a fan of the show and, of course, of the contents. I'm really excited to be here. Thank you. It's it's a that's mutual
some were excited and have you and I, and into crews, the internet absolute so before we into what we like to have just a little discussion about how you got here. you know you and I have been following each other for a long time on instagram. You know through the pandemic and all this nonsense, lol call a scam, nemec and you know, you've been one of the people, has been very vocal. You're in miami dealt with a lot of the far left wing domestic. terrorism, which is their only the true and I we just connected over that of overtime, but how did you get into this whole political saying? Tell everybody where you're from how you guys all these things so I am an immigrant although my haters, think that I am a white supremacist as well. All welcome who I ever saw a pause, so I was born in gambia. I I've been here since nineteen, eighty, nine, eleven miami and and beyond
with you, I was always into two- are mostly like international politics and something back as our back on an international business at a little bit of american politics, but I wasn't well informed and it wasn't really into after the trump election that he started to post content on my personal instagram mostly on my stories, and mostly they trolling means that I, having received very small account. We're talking about, like friends and family private account but I had a lot of my friends were like dude like you're, really funny. This is hilarious, like you should start like your own, and you know instagram we're blog about it and at this point. I know that there was an entire like network of you, know: conservative or right wing or republican influencers like ipc drain owned typical liberal, I'm kind of putting out discount. tat. I had no idea knows I go crap. I am the first to occur, I followed, were actually gay people, so is that the gay, whose straight who is now the founder of case against rumours and broke? My patriot, anna
like? Oh, my god, oh there's, gay conservatives, Haider So I started my it was called wake up with was just like a funny name that my friends like you should just steam at this, and I was like alright, whatever. Let's do it and I started posting a lot of content about big farm on so there as conservative like republican stuff, but it was more. It was no censorship back in two thousand and eighteen restore good bedroom. We were really good, so I could post about vaccines. I could talk about. You know. Pfizer and vaccines are killing kids in this, not in a lot of it was literally that was anti vocs content. and of course you had a lot of pushed back from republicans themselves out of your crazy, like this, just say like. Why would were driven talk? Well, vaccines, equal can. I was one of those people by the way I was one of those people who thought that all the people who were anti backs, pre pandemic. Where don't shit working, I just you know to me, I thought they were just.
ok on the wrong thing, I just start right that I couldn't stand. What's the big deal right, I was like What these guys are right, yeah, well, yeah. Definitely we were trying to warn people what was to come because it's a very complex subject: it's not so much like I'm pro or anti cause. It's it's, not black and white. There's no such thing as like. I just I'm anti vaccine because that's not what it is right, but once once you through the entire ecosystem of the vaccine, industry you're like holy shit, This is how they're gonna get us, and that was really our message to people like you guys, don't understand how you, we're they're gonna get was extremely vaccines and everyone's going around. I call it. What are you talking about? Why would it be the vaccine to vulcan moron? Why? Because, x Y and see some telling people hey, listen, there's gonna be how much time where they're gonna kill and I still have a screenshot save and I go. There's gonna be a time when they're gonna to cre has lake some sort.
like mass collective in all insanity around a aunt em and everyone's gonna be forced to get this fact scenes? What are you talking about you're crazy? That would never have and perhaps, as I have that screenshots save I'll, probably posted this week from like twenty eighteen, twenty nineteen- and I wasn't the only one I mean there was several- was talking about it so That's really like what got me into the world of political were truth. Her accounts Am I really never wanted it to be like up? I was an insult, answer personality because most of my quantum was like education, in based means and funny stuff like. I wasn't gonna, be like em influenza. Here I mean I just kind of like develop that way, because any sudden networking with like other influences are organisations and I started doing speedy events and things like that, and so that's gonna, like time here. Obviously, a lot of things have changed and a ban for turns from instagram soft to walk
on eggshells to make sure I don't get banned and that's why we didn't you know it's crazy, though, like it at all What's account for years, YAP now the thing that you say is Outside the realm of what I believe to be common sense, you know Most of us are common yeah people like that. its absurd me that. They have created an environment where you know people are afraid not you not me, but the theirs. Lot of people like us all to every day who are like men. You know situation there is drag. In story our happening here and in our town, and I you know people are upset about it in, and but rightfully so I don't believe that's a thing that should be happening. I don't have a problem with how you live, but fucking this bullshit about the kids dude. No an arm.
I'm I'm watching a play out, and I have here You know who have kids like why. I don't want to say anything because my kids are in the fuckin system, when my kids will be targeted like In the school, though, be punished and like all these things in or even their jobs, mainly that extend its unsafe. So now we can even say like hey. We don't want that We don't agree with that. That's not right for fucking kids, or stating just common sense, things that are clearly happening right in front of our faces and we have to feelings, idea about speaking for those things like that. That's the one. Anti american thing I could possibly think I mean I think it all started with the silent minority rights like the fact that from supporters from twenty fifteen twenty six, bein, where ok with being the silent minority and not wearing the mega, had not bothering your neighbour and not pissing them off will I would put the longstanding because I dont want upset. when democrat neighbours bob
sure mentality. That weak mentality is why we're here now you do that. I would political right- and, I would add, is owed ideas. Only five right. You don't know I d, how many people come up to me whenever they see me out on the street or whatever like? Oh, thank you so much for what you're doing I wish I could do the same wounded. Think I'd like! Would it? What do you think I like a superhero, like you think something like medically, like wired Only then you epistle Never anything, but, unlike all thank you so much, but it pisses me. The fuck off like a really pissed me. Your speak in my language right now, like august so walking man it's when people say that to me as unlike broke: do you really think that after the last twenty three years of giving my literally, one in four hours a day, seven days a week to building my life finally, giving in your place we're like yours Two pretty contravene do well. You know an accurate like go travel that my life and just be the fuck alone. Do you really fucking think I wanna do is
that I enjoy standing up because you're too much of a pussy rice stand up real shit. Mouth We're going to have kids What I do I really give a fuck. What happens to your kids must be real. No, I don't. You should be taking responsibility for your kids, like do that passive, that that passive sure that we have it. I grew. That's! That's! Less housing go home alone, emo leg that the lack of male representation in this movement, particularly interesting at the school word like I, don't have kids and I'm someone that has advocated for you antis critical race theory that out you can t stuff on schools the massacre. I was the first be boy miami with isabella. has been banned from everything. Might my pockets partner. Another like influencers, who were helping these parents to the school, where meetings we were heavily targeted, that's what my comrades Ben four times cause antivirus reporting on my content. I in harass I've been talks have been intimidated. I mean you need
you know what I am engine the ring. I sleep would like Michael lock. Next simulate ready to shoot a mother fucker began, I think they're someone's gonna come kill me because I I I am exercising my first amendment right at a school board, meeting yeah, but they don't. That is all fucking awful. I know I know that because I'm always trying them like yo come talk, shit to my they don't no one's ever said, shut to me in miami ever like. Rollerblade with a mega heart like the dark red mega hot and not one person has ever said, fuck you or Europe is shared or nothing at AL ever in a warlike, seven foot tall, yeah, that's true, but it's it's it's! It's really bad! That people I mean. This is what I tell people all the time. I didn't move here right from columbia from columbia and where we actually lived a very comfortable life, well off. We had a maid. Well I mean I, we lived a much more comes, more life than when we moved here for me to be intimidated by you. People have to exercise my first to memorize. I go fuck yourself network like I'm, not know
what why would I move here to the land of the free to be oppress by some fucking idiot on twitter, earn instagram or whatever are the media? Like you, I talk about this on the show. All the time you know I tell you guys this all the time, there's nothing to be fucking, afraid, like dude, It has been one of the most outspoken people on the on the fucking entire internet, she'd been called every fuckin aims. Later they had her fucking out. I've watched it we may get a worse I'll tell you that began because I'm not afraid whereby afraid of that, like they re added people won't, say shit to me: bro cause they're like fuck this dude. My actually fucking hurt me yeah. What I'm saying but, like the truth, is it's all fucking book sure it's all hot air, it's all illusion. It's all buck! in laundering and you guys are letting them get their way, because you refuse to stand up for what You believe is right if you can
stand up or children do. If you can't stand up for what you believe is right for children bro you're, a weak, ass, motherfucker right. That is it. look at my hearing about shame. You deserve to be called yeah that'll happen. You deserve to be covered and no one's conquering us. I tell you that much because no yeah, it's scary, I mean for women. I tell people all the time whenever they come in. You know even arts. Even not I wouldn't suicide, but even conservatives call your grifter this that and blah blah blah and I'm like. Do you really think that being a women? I look good. You don't think I it has three million followers by just literally to working every single day. If I wanted to like, let's be real right, as this is car rios montt- know you're a conservative woman's right like you, don't think I could we just doing like saudi thumb videos on miami beach every fucking day and have millions of followers. Unlike our are. You are working more on the nice thing about what you're saying they griff knew what bro Walter
I mean what are you? What are you insane here guy like the way that why shouldn't fame attic, I read somewhere, aren't you like is raised by yet you're the also is really spot and then also paid after. Media, yeah, f, undercover of course, I'm a free mason refugee over there is the black face of white supremacist. While you know I'm the lobbies I like it is that we are at an ivy knew that the he's pay by the illuminati- oh yes, m, exerts with atomic ami, makes sense, because what I all found each other so long together can remain unaware. Illuminati lizard people here. That's why I, like my heat lamp all right for huh. Ro semi, all crazy fuck man like The reality is good. Fucking people their standing up for you guys and honestly, the people that are standing up for you guys we're getting fucking tired of strong we're getting fucking.
Will you know that ring wednesday of my oppose both now before? When are you supposed to la it's like almost none, because I'm just so tired of it? we of the accusation you know it's just a black. I sent from out online shots thing. I don't mind ass. You call me whatever the fuck, you want here's, what I can't stand Why are you allowing them to just say that shit about people? You know it's not true, because you're fucking scared like if everybody, who believed in and in the shit that shit Fucked up, say: hey is fucked up. This shit would cease to be fucked up like right immediately, like look at what happens whenever people say no road like like people somehow had this like this fucking, believe that. We'll powerless in this situation. Where not yet know if we will have a lot of power and we have a law, the power we have all the power, dude people,
just our believing the propaganda in like do you have to ask yourself real and real, really ask yourself this if we didn't have any control, why the fuck would they be propagating us sore right right. Why, the label as domestic, why? Why is buying up their calling half the population domestic terrorists in his hitler speech with the what can read background all this shit Why are they doing that? If, if they're in total control, somebody tell you do we, Bing teams dont behaved that way, winning teams I'll act out of fear. They don't act out of you know yeah. I guess we're here. That's really here here's how they control you cite the low by scale young. You know it's like love is like that. But it means Wanda, maya's frequency and then fear and stuff like that, is like the lower one and you gotta
so realised how spiritual this is three. I e whether people believe it or not, but be I understand how to control us three motions, which is why I don't watch any news. at all, if I dont even watch right wing, every colleague, just left wing golf course psych you to an end. I will watch Tucker's segments from time to time, but you tune into like boomer hannity in his like china, scummy, russia, like anything that we need to go to war, that was about eight or kill boy, anomaly, dude. What are you doing I, like ben, any money on on cable news because he's just ridiculous. It's an another state of panic and I I see it a lot with. my followers that sometimes I do like you and they re. A lot of questions are like. How do you do with all this stuff? Like? Would you thing. This is goin. You could tell they have so much fear like ah
were you scared of her future? Her like a hobbled, their friends are like. I don't want to have any kids, because I'm scared of what's going on and on like buddha, you can't let these people stop. You from living, you're alive if you want to reproduce, maybe you'd? Oh, maybe you do, but for you, if you do you're scared of having kids, because a what's goin on like you have. Control. That may realise needs is a duty for europe. I think, what's happening is wrong. Then duty is to have a fucking family and raise them right right, it's a duty, Ok! Now I don't have kids from your being a hypocrite here, but obviously brawl you all for the further fats yellow. But our scared to have kids based on what's going on here. You know I always tell people to like everything is second goal that ve been here before my enemies so like to don't like me to say this, but we were at once in the way my republic
I would like to underline this unfair? All I bring it on Israel. Is I mean there there's no tinfoil big? No, it's usually reassure you. Re real size is discussion. I must tell you that like aliens are coming for us like this is historic, eric and roma reserves row and also like a lot of people, are we like you guys. A lot of you guys believed it like do. This is not a pro or pro tramper, not trumpet. Whatever, But both organised one do Naturally, one mother fucking one person do you guys were sitting there waiting for this due to come back around in an end, sitting there and you say: oh fuck wrote you are
stand that yours, you're, risking your entire future by fucking lavish owning in the patriotic movement to restore america. All your waiting, the store room lucky rose to a path. Shit, crazy gas by ross, like my people, are still dying from violence, not fuckin cities, where, like all, why you only waiting while you waiting for you, so you gotta come this earlier in the car, with dj about people thinking that, just because you have a republic, Can governor aurette state your safe? It's like. I literally fought with the city of miami for a whole year during the pandemic, because. of our many tyrants thou, where entire here, including- and I told you the republican, mere- was now a congressmen. Courtesy menace he's now representative in the house of representatives and he is a chubby guy. No he's not! Okay! Why are you an american did and he was the first one to republican mare first, one damascus up.
inside outside look of friends as farce, and a republic Amir. This guy had people. Walking around their dogs outside with nobody around them? With a mask on I saw the city like. I was up there, any person in miami to sue the city and I see them because I wanted to add When we had our first hearing in the county, lawyers It's are, are presenting their case as to why we need to be massed outside. You could tell that the judge was very sympathetic to her case because she said so you're telling me that if I am outside in a park- and there is no one around me six feet used You'll have to wear masks and the excuse like I'll. Never get this one of the excuses of the canada was like yeah. Well, you never know when somebody come papa behind you like what the fuck are you talk. about you know who this is very simple here like let's, let's we wine of motherfucking tape, ok to flow
in two thousand and fourteen ninety registry white with three thousand ninety, if your skin to get balking circuit, stay there for co. That was the proper move. Literally that's what we ve done. Every other pandemic in the locking history of earth and you idiots who still think that any of that was about your actual health. You are the fucking problem, Ok, go in you're you're, either now old enough to know any better which in that case, I understand why you should then listen to people such as myself or such the thousand of other people who said, wait a minute this isn't what we do and pandemics we protect the fuckin border We tell our grandmas and grandpas stay home. We try. Stay away from him. When we have to go see him, we wash your fuckin has real good. We sure we don't cough autumn. This is all shit that everybody knew
into nine. I gotta go to stay home. That's listen. People are distracted. you're, gonna, get, doesn't work and found their fucking look at it, bridges ass, his own pocket instagram shall therefore can do it I've heard through it all right: do they're, fucking, distracted, okay and you, if you don't have the perspective of living through up each one in one or fucking, add by the way, if you like, the fuck and actual decimate when anyone right on top of the real des of covert they're fucking. Exactly the fucking say Finally, and by the way I said and marched to wash twelve twenty twenty and you fucker said I was insane, but guess what I was right in you all were fuckin wrong. Ok and people are noticing my business I would ask you fran, but this young guy, that both my cobble bar in miami is about twenty one years old, neither ale
is talking to me about climate change being a hoax and who like oh, how could you say that at whatever point is that he just texted me about right before I got here a tweet where there. There lay now how cove iD, why as a How do you say like at ass, an exercise, an extra silent for compliance, seems yonder climate change, lockdown gold, overcome you see where I was telling you about about the climate changes that we don't care by the planet or I don't care about pollution. I am actually very environmentally friendly and I do believe in and in ankara serving then environment. For a fact an end. You know me I'm gonna, mindful environmental right here. I conjure, which I agree with that to correct most of us in europe would only there were like. environmental mentality? Shit is even if its communist, that's her. One read out is due: implementation will harmonise the what my the point in trying to make is that we're gonna go through climate
those again and it's because of the idiot stout we're getting here because you complied one time. You're gonna complied and every single liberal that his passion about climate change is gonna, be the first one to be like our literally freezing death in alaska if thou means have to save the planet, yeah I'll. Do it my muffled? Please do it so we can fuck him left alone harry? Did you see that NATO chicken? there is therefore a cup of apparently there was, I got a new stuff. where you going on right now that, like people are cooking their chicken on the grill and thence people are like. Oh I'm just learning, and I and I write to my friend- I go okay, but why are we worrying these people? Let them that allowing those ngos swallows I why stopping the? Why don't you just swallow all the time to let them eat their type pots and their nike chicken? It is literally now may provide good. listen. I know you're not met all the social dominant along out. I want to say something that is going to be controversial, related people, but this
how I feel about abortion. If you don't want, dumbest fucking? If literally, why are you stopping people who can afford who don't want fucking are literally in the worst positions. Why why Why do you? Why are we doing like? Why are you? forcing them to we produce and reproduce and reproduce because of your own ethical standards right and they're, making their taking everything from you, and I shall out I broke, but there's you been in thy war brow like in business in everything you never stop your enemies for making fuckin mistakes. I read about it yesterday, yeah it was worried about her from a cut. Lego right wing account that's anonymous on twitter. It's like take the red pill or something they were like. I am now begging you to stop with the anti abortion stuff? Let them the abortions they're killing the worse than I was like ice cream shouted because it was like. I am now begging you to stop
in parallel with my duty and look. I get it. Man like of semi, arduous, better people to me why I must be well. You know, like you, had academic, that I'm just saying from appears for two jack standpoint? That's how I yeah, that's how I operate. A business guy live longer long game. Burlon. Why? The fuck would you stop your enemy from self destructing, play the long game. Bro, like I fucking, don't do that you gotta, listen! If you're anti abortion you go, have all the kids you want. You raise your kids with the vows you, you believe, you're right, while that other person who believes in abortion is not having any kids and not able to pass that shit down. By the long game. Eventually it'll be a whole community of people. I don't believe I mean it may make sense to me we stand by my makes us me, but that's evil was here s the thing I like that, I say shit and then their life at all This makes a pro life and one of your kids haters that much and we like you, yes,
life down just say it like. I don't like to me. It's very like atlas. I really hope you don't have legacy left behind europe's alone. I was due to be real, like I agree, Why? Some of you guys cause you do the truth as you just better them, but europe morally, better person, the name because like for me, I've lived long enough. I've had enough bad should happen to me. I've been fucked with enough like that old man, clint eastwood network, a movie. Remote grant, reno job. My fuckin lynneborough, like at it for real, do like dashes me like, I see the wolf or what the fuck it is now understand. Why were arguing for these people hate you tat. I got it, I don't know either relaxation that people need to come to row like I've said a multiple times like ok, I got I personally obviously I mean I'm a man like habitable, and the laws of what they think out there. but you I don't go. There will be a decision from my family right like no problem. The other day
when you have these two polarizing sides, you can not try to win that argument from a position of authority or morality. It won't work. Right, like you're, trying to argue morals with a person that, like they they're not there, so, okay, here's here's, a quick fix! You can have all the abortions you want. I just don't wanna pay for right. I think, though, that we, you know this discussion, Maybe that's the galley challenge right, maybe maybe that's maybe that's the truth. Ass of morality like like, because jean cause, like dude Jesus. even had compassion for his enemies right and I dont know. Jesus. I know what I'm saying is: maybe that's the test undressed posing an pie, maybe that's the test, maybe I'm feeling the test, maybe I should have more compassion but to be completely honest, I've been a victim of violent crime. I been thought had been fuckin betrayed by people superfluous to me literally dozens of times
I've tried my hardest in life. To do the right thing, I've kind of tired like fuck off like, It is very easy. You know like we're having a conversation now we can give our thoughts on the abortion and say I don't care or I care up to fifteen weeks or twelve weeks or there's gotta be. But when it comes to Paul, seeing when it comes to like legality, its question of where the government, when life begins and when the government leaders in our constitution has the right to protect her light theo s with a constant avowed arguments. So so so it's like ok sure. From a personal standpoint, I don't care if you will get an abortion all in all it would it morally. I think it's wrong right, but at the end of the day, whatever you know, ah, but then it's like its. It doesn't work that way when it comes to policy legal matters, because when does the government have the right to protect an unborn child right. Is it conception? Is it three months? Is it said
it's months? Is it like the Democrats? Don't care up to up the point a birdie days pass or if we're talking about some of these states allow infanticide I mean that's, that's fucking! No, that's ache! That's lizard it's a little late term shit all that shit, something that is that right light. They found five, you know or intact fetuses in Washington DC those girls and by the way those grocer actually progressing. The active is that that are being on have there been incited, but they did go to jail aids. All they stand for its called power and stands for progressive action. Something something there actually progressives left tis, but our pro life, because their ideology is that you don't bunny, and violent spray. That's where they also don't eat me in whatever. So, they say that abortion is violent and so the only half pro life progressive activists,
and these women were the ones I've found were able to convince the guy that was taking the trash? What is called the there's, a name, tat medical waste right. They convinced that man to let us have a been and the guy was legacy whatever here? It is? I he didn't think anything of it turns out that they find like perfectly be intact. Like babies, you know and no one's looking into it, because it's washington d c as the most corrupt place in america, we're talking about the swamp and and it's those women who are going to price face charges. Unfortunate business should be called regression like if we're being completely on its not progressed Christ, I get it. What we have here is progressive in the sense of like further towards their fuckin shit that they want about these people are most of these. People like yes on the rescuers, is ok. Ok, yes, on the organizational level, the management level, the ceo level of that movement. Yes, a hundred percent, the fucking
useful idiots that are propagating the idea know and what what then what they ve done. Is they commit the much people that I believe that there is, is like the civil rights era like this broke right, all the shit. You guys think your arguing for has already been fucking, argued and now you're trying to shine away from. Like literal, amazing americans, who fought and had real oppression right, ok, look a king shit like guides us. Why do. there? They ve convinced these young people that, like there This is the moral movement of their wife and because they indoctrinated them in a school system where they haven't time any actual history in reality, in all this, people believe it or you talk about our all time is the victim untilat. when I got out of the loopholes. So even though, when I said the other day you you actually commented on the post, when I said you know that you gb tee,
community represents less than five percent of of the population in the very very small minority, even though the media makes it seem like its half of our population and they already have rights on those who writes outcome. Nineteen sixty four: if they want to get housing, they wanna get to get an education banking ever single right that a street person have they have it as well. right now the one privilege to privileged teach kids about anal, sexton, third gray, the privilege to actual pornography. Think about a learning, be inclusive action. see your point yeah. I guess it's no longer equality. It's it's! It's prevalent! Yes, rights, never been a acquired. We've had the quality for fucking, sixty fucking years minimal. Look dude like when gay Who can get married shit like that? Ok, like ever the actual remember. This is like it was dont. When there was no longer knows I ten years and everybody was like, you know, people there. I've always been like people think I'm fucking face,
I am not at all, and I never saw used, I mean I embrace it cause, I'm not gonna fight which you unhappy because do what I do. I understand without means anyway, you, like your people, The call you that you're incapable they don't even understand we'll, have to write me no issues, the fuckin thing they heard they call. You re like so always been. I have always believed that you know gay people should have all the fuckin rights that we why the fuck would. but although we with our was a big deal, brow like animals, was that allowed than we had it. We did have the extreme conservatives who were like due to slippery slope. Be careful, and they were right. You have what's funny is like ours. The guy who is like bro, shut the fuck up there Are going to do that, then an under you know what they didn't do that what happened? Was there I can move mega hijacked by the fuckin perverts, ok by the foot, the mentally ill. You know like Stu, whose wearing these big, fake, a brass, I've school in our rest, like dude weirdo,
That's a sexual pettish and you fucking people aren't you you're not be able delineate between mental illness, section That is an actual rights, and you know the algae, take your committee right, has not only all the rights that everybody else has, but they do have privileged bouquet I them for the last seven years. If you say one fucking anti, I thing about that whole posse. They they crush you, unlike do that The is happening now, which I love is that most of those people are realising hey. With this in doktor nation of locking up my its most of them are now and so do. I think it's an important responsible thing to note rain that, because there is people of ultra conservative nature, who are like forget them your role. It is now all of the yeah it's it's. A small group of people within a small group are right. It'll, hijacking the movement and making it appear as if
The everybody and algae beach there there with this and they're, not they're. Just not right, Most of them are not with its ears. Andy is usually just allowed voices. He also it's no different than the last making. Everybody knew crazy when you talk Your democrat friends? Most of them are normal people who are not. You know with the you know, child, no, not at all you know if they believe in abortion, is a very balanced view. What right? yet their lumping those rain with the limits to dial. Exactly that's why those of you who are reasonable democrats? We have a lot to listen, the show Why do you guys you to wait the fuck up dude and you need, as you like, if you want to have a respected position and viewpoint, wait. You have to realize that your entire movement has been hijacked by crazy people you know what I'm and you have to say, hey I am actually a democrat that should is now what the fuck democratic. As you know, in that we are having that enough. That's happening enough because
our voices are? The ones on the lap, when I'm scared about it's the same thing that you and I talk about for the last two years, what's going to happen in the backlash You don't say people I read, people are we talk, you gotta be clad in it. We like this, oh yet will do You know what you and I have been to the only people talking about this backlash this is how real dictators come to power and no one's, what about you guys think the trap is a dictator, you're fucking, insane trumpery for liberal trumpets. Trump is a fucking man the people there is not connected all this bullshit dizzy. Did he take some farm? Ammonia? Yes, he did do I the modest action since a hundred percent. I don't, but at the end of the day, The reality is he's not tied in with all these fuckers, which is why they weapon eyes all the resource. They guessed started. Another law suit in new york against him. The day. I saw any vanka then and trumpet brothers area, because and other authorities right. So I
you know for those of you and we have a lot of those few crazies. I think everyone scented including mean you were like just what ever average americans look you when you sit here s, why everyone's in terms in it, the other persecution against from you this is on an act if you think that we're its gets, a frantic like go seek help as this is not an act. This is real life. They went to jail that man an it's something that colombian americans. Like myself, we warned learned, more about it, because we already saw this with our old precedent would eat it would even was on house arrest. Why was the house arrest. Why did the cabal come after him because colombia's best, years woman, this man, who was a right wing extra, me extremely heat. He resembles a lot of the president kelly and El Salvador. He was going. After the korea greed ass. He was sobbing com I'm he was very tough, yet an iron fist. You don't like that. They don't like it when you country does better so Wendy? the sky was in power. He had
all of the agreed our corner. He was bombing them, he was killing them. Who cares? Who cares if he killed them? These people have been we've. We had a civil war in colombia for sixty years they ve been the present rate they're the ones that rape women, they're. The ones that make child soldiers are the ones that traffic drugs, who in the night obama in its all, based on this political correctness, inclusive eighty bullseye it, but then we have to give up. Equal rights. People don't understand row. Big did not even one job. their hands up and send them to you, that's right and running the same play across the world. That's what people here do not understand their running the same falcon play. We optimize wanted out where we say what they're doing to trust. Is that any what they did to whatever anyone even was on house? The rest will, do you, no doubt it out there doing the bolsa narrow too. Oh yeah, yeah, like I, was too some friends of mine eleven Brazil in their like get outta this election it's coming up, gonna be oh they're, probably they're gonna try to steal it yard they up for us look I do get out of jail. The other dollar do just out of jail and they're gonna. They think it.
That he has a real chance of winning, because they're gonna fuck the election. Well, the poles, in brazil, khazars skewed and their liars and their showing that new lies ahead of us scenario, which is natural. Nowhere for scenario just had an appearance about two weeks, so will one point to Michel resilience where cheering from him. You know how many people, its bigger than even the carnival crowds well you're, take on this dude like. Why is it what? Why is it that. When tromp was here, ok and no one here, your perspective. because I'm very much so like. I am not a follower of anybody do like I'm. A follower of like the code of what this country supposed to stand for yeah, I want a great leader whose, from the people who is going to represent the mother, fucking people and whoever to fuck, that is that's. Why Well, I'm not goin to anybody outside, but. and that's stupid enough to now vote for the better option ripe has like
Some people say I can't let go you fucking point of order, because I brought my fucking. You know like everybody else. I don't even lunch. I don't care if you are saying- and I block you like year, pisa shuts assured this luck employ way to think about tat. Look at what we just sit in miami data voting did it matter. We overwhelm the pulse for these elections of the school board and we flipped it to literally all conservatives, dude and when it is clear to us that they beat bit there. So scared of we have done a mammy theme that way, We had a vote last week that I know if you saw that I posted they wanted to make october out to meet him on. This would have been the second year. Every single mother! You got a month correct! but still you must choose well well, then, a second kits or not in school. Because they're not in school and join. They have to choose another month indoctrinate on which was supposed to be miami did in october. So we made a big do about it and we actually do I think that there are going to vote against it right. because a new members don't start until november, so we went up.
There would be with no expectations, but we are still gonna protests and tell him you shouldn't: do it eight out of now Nine members voted no in and for the lgbt of last year. It was seven to one because one go what it? Yes, you know what that means. The fear of the people names are that we went to the polls. We replace two of their square. members we said, okay, you want to fuck around and vote against. Kids and parents interests we're going to replace you right, we're going to do the democratic thing and we're going to pace They have a fear in their asses that you would not even imagine that's all. We were in shock when I was watching it. I was like. I can't believe this is happening there scared. That's one hears a hare that has to happen every everywhere. The thing the tears so revisiting. The point I might go back to this point is very important a lot of you guys, boy. in that, like well everything's gonna be solved in november, and you know that
You're assumption, like you have to understand, like you, need to go, get your entire balking family. get a ring of fucking school bus, drive them to the fucking poles and registered You don't you do not understand this. This over conference, because they have the ability to fudge the fucking poles by my assertion, ten to fifteen percent? at a bare minimum. Did you see my last post it literally what you're? Just saying? Oh really, I warrant. I said that the scientists election is not safe it is my last person in cigarette- goes for everywhere, knowing whilst the country we know that, but I talked about overconfidence Yeah overconfidence is literally a killer, yeah everything you're saying when I was in my thirty second real. My story- I am, I post, went out because he bore in about ten years. I didn't say: is this answers these centres? Are you
and eighty it's now just pretending I didn't see it is used on the show. No due for real you're right, we have two fucking. You guys, like you want to vote for fuckin freedom, liquidity, women, I can about on the show. I got my taller bullshit freedom. I told my freedom, their fucking talking about until my real fucking freedom. You guys have to give activated and get people to the looking pulse, you have to do it or will fuck it loose. Now. Ok, the bigger picture question I was gonna. Ask you on this globe cause. You know. I know that you're No, you you don't look at just america, you're looking at the global scale or in what europe take on the fact that I, Now all the biggest villains in our media all seem to get along with each other. So you got balls in our own brazil. You got him jeanne own? Ok, who, I believe is fucking insane you have put in you have,
your job in india. Ok, all these dues, all of you these dudes or getting along and when rob was here, guess what we got with them to right. So we have to ask ourselves what does what about people? What does that mean? Yeah What does that mean? And you guys can the average american cannot remove move themselves from the doktor nation. Long enough you consider the fact that maybe the same people who are destroying our country right now? As we record this fucking show? actually the bad guys Maybe we are part of the bad guys and me maybe the reason they bill. Ionize, all these people and by the way, all those places. I just mentioned, with the exception of north korea, do pretty fucking good there, better than were doing right now. I really don't even other trick of a north korea. We pause they it. We don't half, we don't see anything they don't allow where they have their own propaganda. Now that I believe it's a good place no
but will always don't we anything not right, and not only that. We don't see this as an argument had been making about putin for ever You have as well right is like you, those like the little. Fucking shit that you see come through. The screen on em is highly selected. Ok, when you actually dig- and you go listen to his actual speeches- and you see what he actually says, and then you look at what actually happening in russia and how their people living and how their recruiting christian there ways to come to russia and fucking, giving grants and shit to resettle their role? actually are living more by our constitution and fucking. We are russia, Are you guys out their think that because the media as bad bad, bad, bad, bad. You kid like put this puzzle together man because like why the fuck is trump, out of office, all of a sudden we're going to get into a war war with all these mother fuckers and by the way we'll lose that war.
We're always well you we are losing the ukrainian words like that, it's actually about loss, you think it takes summoning billions about, First to win a war knob world. I walked out some money why they were exactly so is taken all so. Okay to start off. I would say that if you notice conservative media attacks china along the hate, china and russia equally, but it's always. china, china, china, china, china and then, if you turn over too Democrat media is russia, russia, russia, russia right. So you have these two sites where the Democrats are ups ass with everything is a russian acid and then the other side is obsessed with everything. Is a chinese acid looting, tik tok order both of those countries? Are your everything's fine? I wrote a book, but so what I will say is that right now Ah, there labeling half the country asked fascist domestic terrorist white supremacist extreme is the first question is what x, you think that the same way the labelled the taliban- one
before I used them as these extremists, religious extremists, you're not gonna. Do it you now right does not mean that I agree with sharia law does not mean I want to live under Taliban. It's not worth talking about how the perceptions, the pain of p, correct, correct I do know those of you who were going to ride in and say you fuckin, saying good shit about Putin, they'll, tell it and yet another disaster, if we're talking about how they create perception writer. So when the taliban, why I did a lot of research and I still have a lot of thy research safe, which had any even post, because there was so much untied taliban sentiment from conservatives that I just didn't care to get into fight to everybody someway dm, but one of the things that I saw was at the People there outside Kabul, whose kabul is a very more progressive in o city. That's one city rain. There is only really a ten percent, ten percent of the population that was against the taliban
echo were everywhere else was celebrations, because these ah them as freedom fighters, they saw them ass. We're taking back our country from these americans have occupied our land, for it twenty years. Right again, does it mean we have to like their system or not when it comes to pool in re? Who, in is loved by seventy percent of the population, has a very, very high rating approval, when you see that's a conservative, the first thing they say it's because of the propaganda you fucking moron. It is the same thing they set about trump. The same way that you refer to pull in his supporters is the same way that did the human you a mega, you fucking moron yonder and were like they're, not these two things for some reason, it's not it's like the neurons are not connecting in the brain right. So who, in stance against the new world order us right, otis choosing being over in china, does them at an eye, but I want to live under a communist dictatorship in china.
Or what not conservatives and those are happy. So so you guys easy shipping work working with them. world economic form. What you're actually seeing is them. Working him. They are courting him right. you're trying to wines YE shipping's they're, trying to him into their movement, he's out part of their movement. Also, when he's on wife, never shaded on any single person. I've gone to speak at the world economic foreign, because, just because you speak so where it doesn't mean that your pardon over that's part of how they create the perception that everybody is part of rises. How they got tells you gabert me dry up in it, So I never said anything about her, not even at that about than Crenshaw that I dislike him, because he is simply not true you. I am a world leader, even if I am a miami emir and you, invite me to the world economic for to speak, I am going and if you think that, because that I spoke out at a meeting with the united nations there. So corrupt people still go, there's just talking to that
right now. World leaders are you when talking, because that's what you're supposed to do, even gaddafi, that was killed by americans. He went and spoke for an hour and a half or whatever, and gave a speech one of the best. Actually, when the best people did you ever watch and an end here is from Gaddafi? warned us about our. It gets going on right now, but that's neither here or there, so you can makes it because you go to these events and you speak your sony part of this new, where the agenda so back to poo in increasing ping. They understand right, the washington DC is ready. The enemy of the people- and I mean worldwide- bear the enemy of everybody right, so they are trying to protect their cunt. Freeze from that american invasion. We They say who in puts the opposition in jail? Nano. That's not read the true. The truth is that you guys sent his bad actors right Clinton associates like the one that is in joan russia debris
certain laws from being a foreign asian from committing an teeth, a terrorist acts, and then they lend themselves in jail and the russians don't play just like they have that dog, but the basketball player in. Do you don't play with our laws? Are actually a country of law and order? You don't their laws, don't break the law, don't break the fucking law. Right? We some of the issue here so with poor in conservative, especially and I have to say, conservatives because they're the ones are obsessed. and when they have a pdf syndrome, potent arrangement syndrome, they still thing we're in the cold war, they all they knew they didn t think there were pre. Ninety ninety one right, fuck you re iron, and yet I think it's ussr. Yes, russia's that a communist country re date, they'd, be they who this they add, I don't even know like they have a a strange system of their own, but they're, not a commune. country climbing. I still want get how religion can borrow. I speak. It comes from how harshly they enforce laws
I am really was no german, which, by the way, that's what I would do. If I was in charge of this fucking and remain so you re ready by fucking repressed. it brought would look like this mother building looks like that's what the fuck country would look absolutely I would have already deployed them, though the military to certain states and take. in over yeah because you're what I would have answered, why would have been jailed like the mirabelle eight example, you would upset she's a dictator and I would have been like I dont care, because that's how you get shot, that's what putin. Thus they don't like it. If you're going to talk about these people being communists, which china is a communist country. We do know that, then. Why is put in such at a fervent orthodox christian why is it that they redefined a constitution to say marriage? between men and women ray. Why do you have so many mauro laws? You can go into it's more about. Ah here
or a you know. Whatever democratic theocracy, I don't know you can't actually say that is a communist country, specially specially when they change your constitution. A few years ago, or not a few years ago, when the uses are happening on stuff to ban re or not ban, but basically are even how to see or not but eliminate the communist bullshit from the ussr, so people among I can still read into that in its region. You are not allowed to have their conversation, they're not allowed to see. It must read it or not, question! No! No! No! No! No! You can't question it. You can use no dude they're, not even allowed to see that information know how hard it is to dig up the information you're talking about it's very fucking difficult. so like it is you guys are off taught that you know Look in now, korea, sensors, everything that comes it mo fucker, we're north korea yeah you just. forget it
Why not hearing anything that does it serve their agenda here in this country, when poland said that he was gonna put journalists who live about the were in jail for financing. here's. Why would you do that? rain. To me why you wouldn't do that. For now we have undoubtedly we see in order to allow my journalists are in the end, the united states, a target individuals all day. Long all day, long. No that's the norm. Now. Look at tina lawrence who's obsessed with the women behind its of Tik tok re shyer, whatever she writes a hit piece about shyer every single week telling her that she is responsible for the bombing threats of the boston. Should a hospital she's incites domestic terrorism, you have somebody that writes Washington, post plundered ball. Application all that account is doing is taken shit, that these people make on their own and re posting they're, not saying anything, they don't even cure. No is
a jet repose site and like these people, are freaking out Well, if you don't like that means Stop doing it. We share posting yourself in a classroom talking about your crime because of the third greater didn't call you they them here, her stupid idiot. Fucking z, Z, They are, you sure, look when it comes to suit to china. Some isn't that american. So when a recognized, even though it is a communist country, we know that the ccp has control over. The government know that that's established we're not going to fight that. China has actually lower the poverty rate by an insane about my can't even give you the number china li china is actually proving Their model works, and I hate to say that, because I don't want to leave, communist. My love, my social crows worse surrounding all around, but we usually see somebody like venice. What our cuba's hey! That's cool! I innocent that's communism and it is, and we see a failed disgusting shut I've been to cuban his terrible right,
I remind my work? They might be out of poverty, but they're not living a happy life, the pencil you are well, I mean live, had american friends and move there and they love it. We're rich delivered w and ensure higher forgot. Would city impede a lot of money? American dollars getting paid a lot of money. They have a driver. The wife teaches english We are told by the rich people talk about mostly be right, yeah round You know it s hands with a pencil. When you talk to there's a lot of these Democrats, I would like to live like China, where are my friends, I remember seen at the very beginning, the pandemic I wish cause she went to visit. The other grudges told me about. I wish you would. Done what china did. I said what or when you go to china and you you come from outside of the country, during the covert pandemic. You literally have to be stuck in a house. You know they put those things, those. I'm systems in europe to work so that, if you open the door would start ringing, she thought it the greatest idea of her. So you be so.
Prize how many Democrats would government Lorna. Why don't they gave to be governed harder you when I say a few walking out of here? I'm not wearing my master come after me and this because we have that american spirit there's a lot of these docile democrats, not that people and there lay yeah of course I wonder, government to keep me endorsed for three months, because I'm doing what's best for humanity. You I care about you. I can, about? You saw where my mass I'll give vaccinate. If I vaccines, I don't kick his on the good. This is morality. This is humanity. You see Lester wanna kill themselves a stone at your me yeah, but you know so Yet I have haggerston is everyone's puckered insane, along with with is where it seen another thing that I've always say that, as we have no proof that China's doing what they say there doing what conservative say there are doing to the eagerness population. Zero except for american media. How do I know that is true? gotta go. I don't know how there's a bigger question
How do we know that literally anything is true right, like russian everything. What alone. because this is how I feel about right wing media. This is why you fuckers they say I fuckin right wing extremists you're an idiot because, like dude, I actually feel like this. I am really feel like that right. Wing media is part of the fucking major problem. If you watch the wiring media, they will do this shit. Oh my god, I again we thus have a good. You guys believe, as happens, is absurd and that's enough the fucking show us. If tomorrow, where they do the same thing again and again and again, but notice they offer no productive steps to try to stop it They offer no solution per year trash and then basically what they do is. Basically. make you believe that your help relies on and on lecture process, which is clearly compromised
at some level at what level we don't know by its compromise at some level. Even democrats admit that shit so. My opinion of right wing media is They are literally walking us into the shit intentionally and we look at who owns right wing media they're, the same of because only if we mean yes very, like I think one american use that word new smacks like the smaller ones, are a little bit more independent. Although I am firefox or foxes owned by them. Same people, you, that's why they're theyve, they turn again strong. That's why didn't even have when I have shrunk back in there or, in two months ago said that she was over tromp that we need to move on from trump. It's all part, the same agenda right in their walking people onto the acceptance of this in this global reach, absolutely looked on as they there may only rating it. Do it their basic looking at the americans insane fought with it. This is fucked up two member fuck what are we do
when in reality it's real, simple, like we don't have to take up arms, we're not talking guns, we're a shoot anybody all we got to do is I know it's really simple and get involved in your local and state that's elections where nobody wanted to be part of, and thank god that we now our doing that because had it not been for covert most will would have never notice that they have so much power right? Who was who is? and misery was an hour lockdown florida. Wasn't our luck down, I would have to leave miami dave and go over to another county unable to use the beaches, because my beach was close because we I and from a blue county to a red county by the way past pamby spoons pen, beaches, a piece of shit to so would have to leave the tri county area date. Brower and palm beach and go all the way to ports and lucy two hours away, no brought yes absolutely to go use the beach know anyway. Guess why, yes way, how that go. I think they opened the beaches after the flowed protest, because I wasn't it
thing. Then we got the job was doing onto leech right for three or four months. Would it have a beach? I would literally drive up I celebrated July. Fourth, ingenious springs, which is six hours away from my army, and it was all american was absolutely not a single donor limit wearing a mass and allow the super spreader events. You guys had loya lorna. Almost and I was one of them member elbows on another- you guys fucking killed. It was amazing. It was amazing, Alice I July. Fourth, I was one of my fair joy for celebrations because of the true american patriot away where people setting fuck you like fuck, you were in the middle of the springs and there was not a single person. I was gonna, stop anybody and it was in turn about battles and saw thousands of people and nobody There are those in mass nobody care super spreader, There's there's alligators around like it was, it was crazy. Do it. I would have to leave my butt trifecta county to experience freedom, in florence, in america and in america. So
yeah. I remember the up. Remember: legatee ozarks ifor July twenty lawyer. Therefore, everybody was an fuckin at the bars and shit. Just missourians laura therefore reserve mazarinist guideline florina without ocean. This has happened This is most crystal meth area, illegal yeah lake of the so the show ozark is like yeah to do not hours away cause. The boomer hannity was freaking out during their lifetime, I thought I know you remember when they were because we were in pool party with these young people and I'm like you, fucking boomer. This is why I hate hannity lionel. I can't believe this irresponsible young people, the lake, a body wants to do protests be a home and like there, due to hamley was on tv. So this is This is what made me first think like these. While the fuckers are part of the whole thing they are because he he was on tv say now. I believe in freedom. I believe in everything I believe in him. I agree with all of you guys. You know what.
If they want to meet masks to go to the ballgame and sit my beer beneath the mask? I do that. I'm like mother fucker, what fuck. Are you talking about and that's where I first put my ears up, I'm like what are you just say: you just said. I believe in all the ship roma do what they do like and then I started attention, especially to his show. I got here just showing their. I can't not know because he starts he's. Do the look man these while the fuckers walking you into this fucking global isa like you, don't get your. We agree with you before Where do they say? That's that's not on your team do honour our on your team would be I have, and actually I will give tucker credit on this year, like hey, you have the right to not apply.
Do you have the right user mandates he's gonna fuck, you lot yeah and he said that shit on the fuckin her. You know and that's a true to our republic, a mere called homeland security on to Jim owners for the fine him, because he opened up the gene without these two by restrictions, including the mask indoors, and you know whatever all this bullshit and then a weekly you're insane, o o o o cases are growing up. We're going to close them again. Jim owners gap hisses how and though and they were like ok, we're gonna go protest outside of your house, and solutions are driving their end and putting everything social media paper I share the mayor to actually rescind tat back, but before doing that he call homeland security on citizens. It can never have those security and homeless, he showed up to their doors. To be like. Are you threatening me because a mayor was scared of Jim owner snow, that's because they want activity hierophant families protesting is protected, for the first one of the men. I do this Anyway, we got a to do
get into her mate as it is. It is the dea, so we got some good ones for you. If you want to see any of these pictures articles links, videos go to Andy, for salah dot com could find them all. and I were actually already talking about on food- and this headline reads: big- you have a one reads, not a bluff. Oh, putin. Mobilizes reservists threatens west with nuclear weapons, so this just came out so development stores of steak I'll with us you're out of a reads. Russian president vladimir Putin has ordered that. Has many three hundred thousand reservist I'd be called on to fight in ukraine and threatened to use nuclear weapons against the west stressing that his words were quote, not a bluff and they national address that was televised wednesday morning with the show was recorded. wouldn't war that he would use all the means available to protect russia's territory in what appeared to be a veiled reference to the country's nuclear arsenal? Woe
when the territorial integrity of our country is threatened to protect. And our people we will see, certainly use all all the means at our disposal. Putin said adding vote. It is not a bluff. Putin accused the west of engaging in nuclear blackmail and noted that statements of some high ranking representatives of the nato of leading nato states about the possibility of using nuclear weapons of mass destruction against russia british foreign minister guy Gillian keegan till god news that Putin's threats should be taken. Very seriously, because represent an escalation I continue to set it while it is chilling, the serious threat, but one that has been made before she told the bbc in a separate interview. So in the rushes russians, warmongering address, which was shorter than his previous speeches about the situation in ukraine. Prudence He has already signed the decree of partial mobilization. I was
you start on Wednesday, so I After about day two today correct, yeah, though about three hundred thousand russians are gonna, be joining in and then of course, Biden had a little snapped back as well. Oh god Oh, it's all right, while addressing russia, and I guess nor the rest the world by at the european council, a united nations security council, uneasy sock and there's this article reads: president Biden, torrents of Vladimir Putin addressed at the united nations and of assembly. Said the russian president quote shamelessly violated the u n charter by invading ukraine and trying to quote extinguish it from the map, these kids and you saying quote- a permanent member of the united nations security council invaded its neighbour, the present began his work, his words before the leaders. He says russia has seemed shamelessly violated the core tenants of united nations charter just
president Putin is made overt nuclear threats against europe. Reckless disregard, are the responsibilities. The non proliferation regime. The president said I noted that russia is now calling a more soldiers to fight so donald trump beat beat even chimed. In on this he says I quote: An imprudent of russia's now threatening the use of nuclear weapons. Saying quo: it's not a bluff ukrainian coughing should have never happen and it would not have happened. If I were present, as I have made very clear for quite some time. This could now being well worth three who told you that who said I were worth three was gonna happen blows up. An election was a guy's name well born who said that his randy, what Joe, how many times by sudden last fucking eight months, he just you may think thrice. I blame you said
he's gonna blow up the enthusiasm that I read or less a man rio for real death. I hear he's never do there's a daily blows daylight by broad, like those nukes, a nuclear. They are released. I like your own intelligence, saying they have earned, stop gap there. There s a big deal. They hit. It harms her mouth yeah low man, for those of you with a smooth brain that doesn't carry a lot of and brainpower with. I love that Let me explain to you what's going on here: you have a man who believes. in his own national country, the nationalists I believe russia, russia is proud. What is a satellite thousands Fucking America, like america, gay marriage, We country has the right to be sovereign every. Country, has the right to have patriotism. We are not stepping on mother
because that's now we do across the fucking glow. We respect each other's cultures. We go visit there. We say no, I thought russia will differ, the? U s boy, it's russia, locker So the way the world has all We worked when it's been as most peaceful times. Ok, Now. Would you have? Is you have a network of countries? Ok, who will have all agreed to go along with this global risa the world ec, but lead the world economic forum, revision by close schwab and fucking king Charles. What you don't understand yet this gift king, Charles who's. But in the media for the last seventy fucking years, gonna have a big role. What's about to happen next. You have a man who is being bullied by this group, countries in his viewpoint. Ok, now
their forcing a hand because the people who have unified under this world economic forum. I act like I would like for you guys to understand this very clearly. they started this in the fucking sixties. They dedicated their lives to this these people are now eighty and ninety years old. This is there only time to see through to flourish in their entire life's work and its failing in its nailing people. Rejecting it. People are saying: no, they thought. That we'd all beyond digital ids right now here in amerika through the vat, sing passport that they were. They weren't able to push through So now you had them stepping on the accelerator because they as humans are out of fucking time. ok, so they are not going to pull back there not going to change course. They realize hey, we're, fucking gonna die anyway workin push as hard as we can see. If we can get this to go
and you have a man here. How putin is what is sixty? Something who said no, we don't fucking doing ok, and now you ve got him to sixty nine. Ok, good, ass, good, great caution, that's great! yeah he does look good. He out, I would have argued that he was low. Sixties I always said he was like sixty one, my right, but you know, the guy works already fucking takes firms buddha lights. Vulcan bears with his shirt, highlight licit witness you can get most of your asses should be fought in room. I This issue is now saying, and you have to look at the subjectively. You can't look at this through your lens of bites. Ok, you been brought of through the fucking you, let's, let's interchange The united states, with the fuckin world economic forum, push that date If was in charge, they be doing the same shit him they be force, it is fuckin hand in every way possible it. So Now you ve got this dude
who is not a fucking bitch and not a pussy. and not weak in any regard who is literally threatening to retaliate when nuclear weapons? Ok, that's! What's up It sent a bluff right, absolutely not worth saying it's a bluff out a few father owns a blow. No, let me explain to you something for the people. I don't understand, I'm not I'm! No! Do you political expert on odd that use during the ukraine conflict- but I will tell you this from my research who in has been bullied by the west for about thirty years right now about eight years since the war started ended dumbass region of ukraine, has been warning for that many years to fuck off and leave him alone he's been morning. Don't put this nato bases iran my country. I don't want you guys here. I won ukraine to be neutral right. If
If, in wanting to take over ukraine, he could do it in twenty four hours. That's the reality. He can look the shit out of everybody and take over a thousand happen, it will be no way so when they think when you guys, like nuclear weapons, you think these massive hiroshima type weapon right there are attacked appeal tactical. You weapons that are much much manner that don't create the fallout. We're talking about where it ruins entire fucking regions for like Hiroshima hundred year, so they have yet understands like theirs, there's different sizes are different uses, there's a whore, arsenal of weapons with the intent to get jobs done this is it straight up. Scorched earth knew the whole fuckin world out. all right. If this motherfucker does launch nukes they're gonna be, very we're going. We targeted at specific individuals, and if I was a member of the world economic forum, I be
fuckin really nervous riding rain. While nobody wants to acknowledge what's going on in the dumbass region, I asked we had one of the seven western journalists on my podcast and got a lot of shit for the sea was actually beer. So whenever you see anybody from the western media, whether from fox or cnn, in ukraine- are usually in kiev. Safe, and sound, and then we have the little fake you no uniform talking about we're here and a disaster area, no short lily like rain or talking on the tv with a fuckin bulletproof via a helmet.
A fudge and women are jogging behind unrestrained would actually like to walk in there. You are right that the real work on its happening in western ukraine in the dumbass region has been happening there since two thousand and twelve re easter eastern gary and has been happening since two thousand and twelve, where you have a population. Ninety percent ethnic russians who had been I guess you'd say ethnically cleansed by who nazis yoletta ukrainian neo nazis. There is a battalion and nobody wants to acknowledge, stop right before this year. There was a lot of intelligence and a lot of articles on that is avenue, neo nazis and when they were doing there now since that's out there, they care, will you take it back a well? It's the percentage of their population, which only ten percent of the army like now they have to like what so Ok with neo nazis, then, is what you're saying, because their fighting their front on my not surrender profoundly and these people are we brutal they commit awful crimes. They have.
And some of the worst things of this nature. These this russians buy because america has used to hating russians and there is russia phobia they're, ok, with the wars being committed against and in the end it what's happened to the russians. There those people, the majority of the ukrainians, that wanted to be part of ukraine have already gone to the west of ukraine there living in kiev. Their living and other cities are not they're, the ones that are left weren't on boss, and the looney ask, and then in that, don't s region. They want to be part of russia. yeah? I don't wanna, know bat like day why to be wrong on the fighting. Show your there's a dollar a day, the fuckin warcraft off I say I was a library are like I hate this lake, I'm not going to argue with people about it, not imposed the borrowing workers, I'm. So it's just not my problem they see Putin as a liberator, and so does the majority of russia. They think that about them.
Ukraine is not even a fuckin country, it's not it's. Some of my own country are conferred. Lodgings haven't made up billions country they get so. Madam. I like europe, made up country about the fact that the source foundation and source owns our country even the open science foundation, dot org, you can go and verify. King fact check me on this. There is an entire ah few pages on on on sources. Open cited that a word that go yet org page talking about how he has been there since the inception of ukraine, with some made up country out of that occasion that those ukrainians have gotten has been manipulated by tourists soros under the media. They have urged by your sores everything they have is by george soros. How, when ukrainians deeply hate russians their literally a product of the run of the sakharov prize began they get so might have you tell him this, but I'm like hey it's right here. It's it's! It's right here. He says he has invested this many millions of dollars into your education into you.
Independent media. There's no such thing as a free country. Crane is soros democracy. This report- I want to talk about that. So this man has been telling us for years, don't fuck around, don't fuck around in the only president that he recognised as a real president was tromp. Andrew tape taught talks about that because andrew trait, tate lives over in romania, and he says what, is blood in said whose vladimir putin with the burma. He, though, with Clinton he says, everybody else was a puppet. The only person that he recognised that he respected shoreless trop. That's because he doesn't. He cannot be bought by these fought right people and because trump understood the conflict in ukraine and trumpet, like don't worry, I would like trumpet the funding, nato people don't talk about that enough and trump did not like nato. And from said, we need to respect what bladder europe wants and his borders. It's. It's actually
He liked the guy's not irrational at all, it's so simple, but the? U s our bodies, the? U s wants to take over russia. They were Do the same in china and they want a b and an and him and the imperialists. Ah, you know that that's what they do binding, sure and this guy's like? Well, you got the weakest link in the white house. I'm gonna take advantage of this. I'm going to start a war, I'm going to take back those regions which, for the most they did already, even if the american media does in one admit it library it a lot of that done. Ask the looney region, this russian dominated now, even a bitter one, a recognised said. and I don't think they're telling you they're telling the opposite so that they can continue Milk, the american people, money feather winning not where you are getting the feedback we need an hour later at all, but yeah we'll see what happens Do you think that arm? You know something
you said earlier when you were goin in your speech. I we gotta respect in ivory once cultures and stuff tat. There was a really good thread, unlike certain of its retweeted, on on on twitter Our or he liked, then I sighed, and it was like this, this one guy very, very. smart thread, and he goes. You know the americans. We just cannot accept other cultures like we're, not Alice, we're not talking about us as americans turn on washington, d c and the military and us are trying to go everywhere, turn into fuck you right inside, even america, they're trying to turn it into they're, trying to turn it all into this. By what you said of of Ukraine As I look in sorrels right, world economic airlines are fake, the markers yes, so he said you know that's why they have to use force because they don't want to act me. Why is china, however, very ignorant to how the rest of the world views they hate americans. Why is it that china is making more progress in latin america which I'm reading them out about it? To be honest with you, because I'm a realist and I'm not a, I don't see things from like
Just my perspective, china, making a lot more progress in latin america pieces echo salvador because we're not trying to enforce their culture and their system on them by their very varied diplomats. They want to talk about diplomatic. China is that I want to talk about how they're not into interventionist at all. China has the sort of wearing over a hundred years, but I want to talk about that. Was it like china, so they have places like Al Sabah door who are in I just don't eat at all. This did this beautiful building in El Salvador. I think it's like a library or forgot what it is like a public in a thing and its well received, because it doesn't come with any strings attached. Like the american, oh yeah, you want. You want security. You want this, you on foreign aid, you gotta do this. He did it to colombia. You want Foreign aid, while also deleted. I asked I believe. That's there. You know china is very good at playing the very long and
they understand that the best way to infiltrate is to be invited right by doing well plunged us right, You know that it is a better way. Well, you know ocean future. For that I absolutely the world if there are the bad guys- and I naturally hope that our strategy takes a hundred years for you to figure out what the fuck is going on now, you have you. No big swaps. Of american farmland owned by the chinese people right. This happened over the course of long periods of time. We allowed it yet, but we allowed it because they were friendly. She owns an yeah there's no stories attacks like that. Just produce the strings attached. You just don't see the strength for one hundred years, exactly yeah exactly because we want to headline number two: but to reach a breaking atlanta fed now it negative. Third quarter. Growth for third quarter
oh, that's a recession. Now is not a recession. It was at that they set transitory, a transitory there's. Someone here is a graph. Does you didn't? You can look, the weather's hyper went on and if so, when I come back, gdp, is down everything's fucking gone. The government spending now I'm going to spend has been steady, instead of going up and go up there now, crazy, so either way I love for having depression so. we see gdp going down we'll go. We see every other fucking category were now she government spending going up. Ah, what do you think that means from the american dollar I'm tanks? Now I'm no fuck ingenious there again I'm no warren buffett, but I'm smart enough to look at this graph and say what that's fucking not going to work these agri. So you
I think that all these people that are putting all these monies, sending him all over the fucking world which then are getting kicked back to them, intentionally. Trying to crash are fucking? U s dollars, so that, They can then convert thereafter. That's in a new currency. May it's pretty fucking clear what the doing gaps. If I were evil fuck. That's what I would do, I was to destroy america that about you. The problem is that most of the people in this country don't even know what fucking gdp is right. They were picking burgers whenever they fuckin talked at school for will do, they are no idea, though they have no idea there play and fucking laura craft. Five years old, it's like when they say that the president doesn't control the gas prices which is like okay. I understand that the sentence itself its true like that. Actual president doesn't set the agenda to be right and just write and change in the by what they are not taken into account. Is that if we use
our oil reserves and if we drilled here, of course, you're going to have lower gas prices, which is what was happening during the trump economy. Right, we have new mexico, we have taxes most of my work as we have to spend for transportation and get it here I ve made. Now you may not oil drilling right? Oh yes, of course, that's how he controls it, but then you somehow strategic to media will where and control they. Of course he does him, but he controls x Y, indeed just play on words correct there. It's it's legal ease right, it's a lawyer speaking! You know! That's that's a whole another issue right. We had this whole intact, fuckin media government run by a bunch of fucking attorneys. Who are Will hang you up on fucking language like this is well actually, but that's not true. It is for, in true asshole, you wanna stupid. While most of us are ok like
you ready, the moon is around with their one of your friends. Are shun Wallen says: get your head in order a really six with me that that phrase, because some, like oh shit, like it's, so truly get your house in order as your savings are gonna, be snarled. This is all part of the intentional implementation of a communist state, their job. like I've been saying or two and a half mother fucking years. Now more than that, during three quarters, to push the middle class in the poverty, the ritual it richer the port. middle class and the poor will become so destitute. Their hundred percent depend on the government, as well as the plan where, for most of you too, legitimately be broke as fuck, depending on what the government decides to give you from here on out for rescue life. That's the play but you do not understand like you could be right now, making fifty
sixty thousand dollars as a household and be struggling and thinking. I fucked it like monies really tight. You have no walking idea with their about duty. I mean look at two thousand and eight crisis: Look we're not dude way, worse spent tricking these people, these people who are struggling right now there are telling them well. this is gonna, be great for you, because one we're gonna, take from the rich and we're to make them pay their share and you're going to live a better life. When that's completely untrue that this the car marx philosophy, which is to unite the working class, ok and they try to unite the working class against the pretty is your class but actually owns the companies and They say well, you're the ones doing the work, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, and they get these people all riled up right to were like fuck capitalism, I'm going to fucking work. it'd, be all going to share the wealth except that's now what happens? What happens? Is they push you down so far? That is important
I sible for you to recover, and then they say well, we have this government program. You could just had this money right and then people like we're fucked The governments can give me. I had thought that sounds pretty good health, housing and then before you know it, you have nothing. It's like. Have you seen the videos of this independent reporter africa has them right now if he interviews homeless, people in l a and he finds out that they actually pay you to be homeless. So the homeless people are like we're all here, because we want to be homeless, It's like a big number onto do something like that to denver their recovery. Yeah. Those about us about homeless nightly train is right in we're gonna, give him like a certain amount of of money and stuff. Of grant of grant women transit and but people people would rather they nothing though, and get twelve grand then work hard and make a hundred.
fifty like broke your mother, fucking life is going to be hard either when my, if you're homeless, in your on twelve may and guess what could be harmful the grounds would be are at least at least If you choose the other path which the work, your ass off become independent, investing yourself, become fit, become healthy, become edge. created, become more wealthy, earn fuck, skills through experience, etc, etc, etc. You life still going to be fucking heart. But you're going to have options You're going to have some freedom you're going a better existence and you people who are buying into this fucking bullshit you have no fucking clue what they actually mean. You all see them say this shit that they say which the opposite is true, like you all of you guys who buy into this socialist mentality, you all see them pass the inflationary, doctrine at which points true. in of dollars and and Working causes more inflation. You all see it you're
you're denying that you see it because you want to be right where you are not that stupid to and not believe, that's exactly what's happening, and you think that they care about you you think they're going to somehow because you supporting them that they are going to help you or take care of you or do something for you now Oh they actually once they take the mask off of communism, of what communism really is they kill you because you are useless or andy take a look. What's going on with the venice once I talked about it and I know- and sometimes I feel bad sane acres, I sound like a classicist bitch, but here's a reality of the situation as somebody who comes from their country when things get tough right so for colombia, wasn't communism for us was the war with the with the cartel I was in the left over from the will know that left over from the collie merging conflict, I lived in kali, which is one That was one of the most dangerous citys after many jean ray and all
rich family, because it was threats, not being and murder and stuff like that they took their share. and they went to spain within a month. Everybody had left because we have the means to do it right came here and then my family left to spain, the people, the middle class in the upper class, are always gonna, be ok, everybody Thus these behind, which is what's going on about us. What I now they're the ones that are china cross the border to come here. I'll does people were sold aid aid, aid, alai, social democracy, dream by china? and now my ludo and all those people are struggling. Where all the rich, venice, one and storing miami turned around their owners are great people, so he Poor people are the ones that I get stuck in that demographic social has. Both shared goals were also nobbler, knows you're. Also the people, a rude afford to come right
so it's hard to feel bad for not- and I understand I do it's hard for me to fuck and have I sympathy for you, motherfuckers after three fucking years, a meal literally getting on here and stating fucking fact. After fact, after mother fucking fat and watch you not say mother, fucking, word and at their message me, and so can you believe what fucking happening? Yes it's going to ruin your entire existence, because you think these people fucking care about you and they don't. my dude. The people like me that you call fucking all the names and say I'm all the shit bro. I'm fucking fighting for you, fuckers yeah. I don't get it I'm already where the fuck I knew to be mother, fucker, technically, you could be in a jar and, like the mediterranean know, I should should be talk about it every day when you, actually, when you and dj walk up today, I was talking Emily bye to Emma what the fuck am. I even fucking doing what am I.
fucking doing. Why am I doing this yeah I'm up you're, fighting against these fuckin tyrants who want to take. Everything, except there I want take for me. They want to take for these people to fucking hate me. For them? Why they fucking attack me what the fuck am I wrong, peeping trumpery needed to do any of them. No, no! No do that's why that is worth went down. Do that? That's why I use the example of the time it doesn't matter what you fuckin think a trunk from so fuckin paid Erratic america g, its de it. So fucking frustrating. To say you're a fight for these people? that will not take their eyes off the fucking this news thing right: the newest social movement wrote the people that you guys fucking hey? Are the people literally fighting for your fucking wellbeing? It's it's my duty
like refusal, allowed listen, get familiar me like the days of me doing shows like this are coming to a fucking it. I can promise you that no real, because, like dude, I am So fucking tired of people just like sitting there, my brother, fucking, exhausting. Take your no shit fuck you I'll handle my show. You had your shit fuck off, that's where I met that's ramat like bro I've handled my ship. My whole life. I've shown up to this fucking job, and I had this creed that for twenty four, fucking years bro much longer than most of you listening a been fucking alive, everything candy seven. Fourteen days a week, Do you really fucking? Think then I want to come in. And embraced by the way. If I wanted to be fuckin famous, why am I not posting on tik, tok or instagram or facebook, or you too, or for any other shit. I do too
least about possible to get the message out, because I'm fucking tired of talking about. dude. I just want to go and live my life. You can literally just be showing off your car collection and tick talking, eighty million, The views I should be doing now- sarah say like that: serious that that bats literary what people do to become payments, but I don't get it. guys onto our third in the most frustrating part. Is that these pete, like I think of my like democrat friends right and I think, of their fucking lou? venus and they're fucking like it's, no big deal blah blah blah bob la you workers or about us fuck. You lose your ass forever, but you don't get it. You guys are about to lose your ass for fucking up and then in but on the far right, fuckin white supremacy fidget for I'm a fool, I hope a full fuckin,
because I don't want transpo yeah, I'm a I'm a fucking whatever, because I don't want kids to be shown pictures when they're fucking, five people second dixon shit, literally like zero wanted. It's third areas in sex, and that makes me antigay or anti trans or into anything what do fuck you it makes me about it or are set about my enemy. They said they were going back to new york where politics and oblige lilla foot down a buddy called the air just because we too want to teach their greatest about, but sex It's worse than adds now, and I do innocence, that's being robbed like we all of us in this room. Ok, even even you! We dj cause he's the youngest dude here. Look we will all flogging allowed to have some sort of childhood like we were allowed, like I had a great childlike. Do dry has full of shit going on in my life, and I was a kid absolute looking back yeah but like who
if didn't have some kind of booked up shit like it's called living life, ok all those things. I've learned lessons from became better, so I don't fuckin make myself into a fucking. In order to fuck off bro, but you can learn lessons from whatever the fuck happened you and you can move forward. That's the reality, but the point is that we, because these people polish names and they say you're the you're that you're a this year. That is by the way not of the ship, means anything anymore. No because they were over Fucking used. Ok, it's like the boy. You cried wolf! Wait when you fucking cry! Wolf What for fulfilling and there's no wolf? Eventually shit, don't mean anything ok. And this is why the backlash it's gonna, be so fucking heart of people await the fuck up, because What will actually happen? Is you guys we have been told tromp as a dictator. Someone like me will come along and say: hey I'm running for fuckin president, and this is what the fuck I'm gonna do, I'm on it,
take all the fucking pedophiles and I'm gonna throw a fucking word chaperone on live fucking tv and I'm in a collective rose you them for and I'm given the fucking kids. Ok there I want to take all the violet criminals, economic kill him on live tv and we're gonna take the procedure that paper view and we're gonna fucking. Back to the families of violent crime. and when you little industry, you're gonna get pain like they do in singapore, That's how I would run shit motherfuckers, the all on I was set. There is a danger that dude you you guys who think that we're living in some sort of fucking dictator, Should we have no fucking idea, and I have no shame in saying that, because to actually what I would do? Oh and the like here speaking out against it is you show me where I live, and I don't like that. I'm one of oppressed you should be thankful, I'm just tonia these prob, firms that we have in this world for all the good people
the civilised? I would also lower taxes, a fifteen percent- and I will put every politician and mother fucking jail that has ever it's like a broken down from us. Ok it's all kinds of shit. I would do well, that's why they they. You know when a lot of conservatives say that the taliban throws arm gates off of buildings. Why they don't talk about. That is mostly pedophile, so they Buildings are the first things. Why do we see all those men running to the plains? Because, wouldn't what do we see now? The reports from the hs, what is it a wee wee We did in any of these people from Afghanistan coming here, the majority of them work criminals are reaping Kay. it's in military bases why Why do they run on women who s lazarus were told, look the other way. Why were they? Why did it? Why were they running towards freedom and people? Will I feel Why? For them not another runner penelon consequence they were running from the taliban, was a swift justice and would chop head off or hang you in the middle of the street fucker so yep.
listen, bro, railway, small testament waste malta- has no real dear real, for he people think people. Think g like do you know my. previous podcast, was with pastor. For a long time. No one, pakistan, a fuck world rope for nineteen months straight g This was not a passive know. You guys do not understand like, like I said, these things like that, I didn't do is to turn the other cheek. Yes, when some persecute you wrongly, and judge you wrongly, and they misunderstand you you. Yes, you turn the other chicken keep moving when there is evil. When there is, you have a fucking biblical duty. to handle real evil and we are not doing it. Christians are not doing it because they are fucking believing the turn the other cheek live and let live shit, which is fine when you don't when you are dealing with people that are going to encroach on your every inch of life. What they also believe that
If we allow ourselves as christians to be persecuted than the end is near and juices would come so there what then? What would you make so? Basically, they say that part of being a christian isolated, the manufacturer, they're gonna men, actually no they're just there just in this like delusion that they think them being a christian part of it is being persecuted and Andy and of times. You know how they say that though, come for you before they come from mere whatever in your face, persecution or like world. This is a good thing, because nowhere where a lot wish. You know this is what the bible says like we're, gonna, persecuting son. Ok, your christian yeah, if you had a son. you're every day you see your son getting his fucking ass kicked by people for no fucking reason. And then you see your son, Look the other way when children are being literally fucking
actualized, molested and fuck and mutilate by people. What would you think of your son? Not great right, like I'd, be pissed off, like my kid got bullied and kept getting bullying he did in punch back like I would. Rather, you punching getting detention. The principal calling me in saying hey your kid hit back a kid today and I believe the job do you guys really love son? Do you really think god is looking down on the earth right now you, those of you, who are? Believers those of you who are non believers, you're fucked anyway, she's before as the truth, that's a fuckin through god's real there right I'll cars followed by says yeah there's, moreover, this says is not as an insulting bring forty five grants, emotions and then talk to her or or one grandma line one hour auspices, yes, but so fucking, you weren't a graph. So the point is
Is that do you really think that god is when the judge you properly And reward you for looking The other way when kids are being walking, mutilated. Innocence are being stolen, there being adapt, by literal fucking perverts, do you really that's going away good on you now, because it is now I mean anti. We had a christian crusades for a reason rain yeah and the majority of the of the conquerors of the world, especially from europe, were what christians so this whole mentality is actually it is. This would be a congress patient for another day, but this this actually pacifist mentality is also the brainwashing that they have done. graphite. The nineteen forty correct its anti christian correct. Just so, you know in a high go there's a I'm to pick up the mother, fuckin sordid and I am not advocating for literal violence. That's a figure of speech you fucking yet, but
unless you literally have to say that I know I do like the other day I have to like yeah. I have to say it all the time because well, The truth is that this is the truth. The truth is for us to gain the power back. It has to be peaceful, non compliance. It can't be weapon ized war like do we we walk. There were people, it will last thirty fucking years to go to war with our own in our own country, with guns and fucking eyes and wax. Yes, no I want to say why do they not bloody and now see and you'll, be familiar manner and, like I said on the show yesterday, but the weakest people, the ones calling for you, what the fuckers for any of peaceful non? Compliance is the only way, I'm on record forever saying all you have to. Do all we had to do this whole time. We say no to the fucking mass that's all you had, did it so when they rode away with this next fucking around a bullshit. Remember I do say no, you sound modern and it, and if they can't they can't fucking force
can't force three hundred and thirty million people doing anything we had the cheap even that, even on our side, you should see the people You should see how many people in miami are still worry mosque and in in red little areas, because a lot of He knows how hyper contracts and how many of them ran to get the vaccine knocker from told em they're, just believers in the back seat. This also that one side that a lot of our internet friends, don't like to admit when it comes to the vaccines and trump. Where You do have a very large the percentage of republicans who are adamant, row vaccine and wanted a vaccine- you oh jack in the park is in is in the middle of a little maggots. how in miami westchester ninety percent and population there voted for tat you drive on right now. Today, you see from flags in their houses and most of the people
We are vaccinated, waited a lines for hours, tropical part just to get the boxing idle talk, vaccine is, as is the demarcation the line of whether you with it or not. I think there's been a lot of confusion put out I think we also have to consider two because bro, like I don't agree with her stance in the back seat. In fact, I've reached out to him personally her fucking, my many channels as you, this I've told I this I've talked to fucking everybody around him, the guy seventy eight years old or wherever he is like he's prone to this, like this is the way of the world they choose change the definition of fucking vaccine MID pandemic, like an immunity that yeah A whole lot of variables that were at play here, So it's definitely not the line of like a whether you're patriot or not. but, however, I do believe this vaccine. It personally was a big part of the crimes against humanity committed
and you know where that's all going to shake out. We don't know, but I do know this is that if you fucking mother fuckers, don't start standing up for what's right, you are going to be fucking slaves. I know that for sure we are not a segment during our third and file headline guys had another three. This is, as an interesting one to this have on number three reads man, ran down guillotine, he thought was republicans dream. I wanna makes it ok as completely by the way this This is what the fuck happened when the present in the united states goes on, tv, in red, light like mother, fucking tyrant that he is and says that we're with anybody who doesn't agree with them as some sort of fucking threat. Looking do ass. I saw it. Story that just pisses me to fuck out ahead but we have now the north dakota man who cop say was drunk.
When he ran on down and killed a teen alleyway claim that the eighteen year old was a quote republican extremists. Had been threatened him threatening home. After an argument over politics, cord to police running these people is raging, voice, its having of handshake, handshake or hours your roads, looking hauser roads looking eyes, nine forty one year old man doing this twenty ten year old is insane I believe there is also shared and brand whose forty one was charged with vehicular homicide in the death of tyler ellingson sunday in macao, ray a small town, two hours northwest fargo city court aside in court dogs. Minced w d, a. Why reported that branch to police the death stemmed from an argument over politics is approaching I think I draw the car noticed that eighteen in rome
Many also was the one who called nine one one to report the crash. I said north Dakota highway patrol captain, Brian. Yet you know why anyone you know why Because he believed what he did was ok, a brake on now, and one around through thirty, a m sunday and told the dispatcher he had run down. Ellingson are the same, reported, citing criminal complaint brand who police say was drunk said: ellingson was part of the republic and extremist group and was urging others to attack brandt after political arguments, I reported prosecutors allege ellingson. Cod is his moments before he was killed to say bran, who she knows was chasing him after an event described as a street name. By the time the woman arrive at the scene, her son was dead in the alleyway way the mother, told police. She is not believe her son knew his killer. I quote still trying to determine what exactly transpired at the time the crash implies. That is well knew said. Continues. He says
I would not know of any witnesses. We are still making attempts and potential witnesses from the street dance people that were present prior to the crash happening ran his face. Up to twenty years, if convicted. Now they should take the guy put him in a fog it alley and drive them over with a fucking car. A fuckin tv nobody pays watch, the money goes to the kids family he's ready out embodying the lawyer long payment bindings. Already our fellow thousand waters, Paden he's already up, and that's literally the problem right now, would have been just like fire, and here, let's go. Let's break this fucking down Chris miss day killer, drove down all the people out there in africa wipe out what What party was he affiliated with democratic order, and he was finally that he was a black supremacists answer: iraq, the subway shooter. What party the rapporteur, the fucking, shopping center shooter there what that was fray,
seemed to be some sort of white. Supremacist was actually what democrat. Let's go down the list of who the fuck is violent and who the fuck is he you fucking burned down below. J, six invasion, brow I'm getting really fucking fed up with this fucking violence. Shit like bro everything they say. The opposite is true and I'm bewildered, like I'm almost to the poor, I'm getting to the point where I'm like fuck, it fucking But what I was gonna happen happen: let people fucking no retaliate out here, but sit here for three fucking years, trying to get it peacefully resolve. And what can happening over and over again is safe people from the same motherfucking party from the same group keep fucking killing people from the other group who they say are violent. Am I the only one fucking sees this now I think most. I think most people do, but the problem is
We are under an occupation and illegal occupation. We don't have any control of the media and we don't have a lot of people in power have a lot of people with money on our side, but we don't have a lot of people in power that actually speak out and hold things like this economy. I haven't seen single, ah republican, senator or allow me his career pushing their pussies talk about. This idea should be screaming this at the top of their lungs. Like there has been some. And this is the first one. Don't you guys remember that anti from member from portland a shot, a trump supporter during the twenty twenty election, and then he went on vice news before he was killed by us. One more thing about it too. ragged via that's right use of importing literally when unwise, news and soda
Kosovo, I killed a trump supporter, and then later he was assassinated. Less marshall right, strong son, remembered from other way I'm evolved issued or what football policy with the brook. that's nice of violent, fuckers road that we talked about this blogger shown anti far row? We talked about this yesterday. I know you're hurt show. Yet we literally talked about this. You you do you progressive people doing this shit are about to unleash a fucking Fury may you are not prepared to deal with because I dude I'm a reasonable humanly like I'm far far from the fuckin, far right extreme shave you get back, it called. Well, I do this is getting old, yeah yeah, I mean we're, seeing it everywhere before
We started the show and they don't have the numbers. They don't they'd, be fox in all our fault. We, I told you about less pieces, shouldn, t, tifa and twitter and end. There is a really big thing. That's been happening for Quite some time now, which is that twitter allows and t fought to operate free on twitter, walk, conservatives are suppressed and it would be ok if they were in violence and wooden escalate, stuff outside of social media, but they do so was this marines latino marines in Chicago that were assaulted by antigua for literally standing there and doing nothing pay. I guess it was. a clash of this was two years ago, but we're not talking about it, not because they are. The charges were dropped against these men. Dissenting famine, but there was to marine somewhere in the middle chicago standing just minding their own business antibiotic for than come approached him
probably you're, probably your problem. These men are like nowhere now. What would you talking about what is even a probably like? They had no idea, they beat him up. They said you know hateful like slurs, you spick, and this and died and blah blah blah. These men are received obvious marines, pretty badly and they were facing charges. Not just it was action. The first time that they were going to face hate crime charges because of the type of language they were using to abuse. And, ah you know assault these men. Other charges were dropped this week, not reduce, do seek juice like if I went and beat up without ever happens, you're everyday area abbot. Will we have a source for prosecuting someone without then allow later, we have a mere their literal criminals. There's one case him particular that we've mentioned a number of times where a man, let me go ahead: a seven year old kid I xavier you umaga was killed in the drive by
it was for greenhouse gas. I'd rabbi cupboard go by die realises oh shit. Why did that? here is also in danger, Kyoto care turned himself anchor facets of the crime and sorrows find a prosecutor, refuses to press charge and says that his confession That's it that's happening across the country were to happen at the about the approach I've clinic in miami it won't by the way, the black community. With I know: they're talking they're the ones that one police we don't seem to report dude. In these Democrat, this fucking media, the I'm not gonna, say, democrat- was a progressive because it is progressive. There's a difference. There right marines cause, I am guilty of saying democratic lot right and I'm trying you better about it, but it is the far far laughter of that side of things but drop row of your democratic! You ok without your part of the problem. I'm just. I say that to what
these situations that are happy, In all over the black commute, He is starting to realise holy fuck like we're being branded as a whole in our communities as like criminal people and bad people and It's the people that we are voting for, that have been creating this image of our soul, They had come in every year, pretend that they're gonna fix our shit. You know so until you guys looking to the black communities until you start to actually get by opel and realise that these p we are allowing the criminals in your neighborhood do not only strong, your lives. Families lives, your cousins lives. Your answer otherwise you're there all. Oh branding the entire whack communities. as problems in america which is not the fucking truth will look how I just happened to that wrapper. I know I guess he was like a lower are there any other foreign right right.
You finally had like big time influencers into we gotta start cooling. We gotta stop killing each other. This is a third. first there was nip see. Then it was this one, then it's not when only yet what we ve been studying the whole time that a white men are not the man and are not killing. You guys are literally killing each other. You are chosen, yours problematic. But that's what you ve been telling them problems raised in the people. You guys keep voting for over and over again are the people allowing these criminals to run free intentionally so that creation of fucking perception about your whole fucking community. So some we can even we're like blink anymore and go slow, its gash with groceries or to lunch where their girlfriend without being shot and allay. So it's I could the black leaders got to stand up for the worse. Then you know who that is even even tim, scott, laura international body, I'm not talking about, but those leaves ok, I'm not talking about, though the the debt, the black leaders that were appointed
why the white, progressive liberals, that's not what I'm talking about about the good men and women in the community's, our actual leaders, you guys have to stand up have to understand what's happening in. You have to admit that you guys have been lied to and exploited were literally thirty to forty fucking? You expect sixty and it has to stop, I understand that colombia is, has the second largest population in south america, of of a black like africans, and I tell people all the time that the the black people outside of the? U s are pleaded the french beg. The way that we were raised and the way that we saw like black people in colombia, And the way we interact with them and stuff items up black family were our mix. They just don't have the same mentality that the black americans have here of oppression and anger and stuff like that. They just Don'T- and I know if it's like the cold,
you're out an empty lost, their identity and culture hear what it is causing colombia will not have a lot of african culture within our music and afford them our inertia bit. We just Oh, it's just not the same thing yeah, but how easy of a story this is so You got a black community should say here: sentence and crime rates. Crazy murderer, it's crazy, the highest murderous, any city per population. I think right now and then I states, if we don't right now, it's all it's near we're number two right now Louisiana has ever won, or literally just beat us yesterday, okay, so so so so fuck, you have to understand you're in a year in it a community right and it the matter it just happens to be blocked. Ok, but it could be. It could have been any race that they decided to do this. And you're, not you're, holding that community to a different set of rules than you are the rest of the guy meaning you're not prosecuting crimes
your allowing criminals to run while you're allow drugs. Your allowing all these things, all the shit. They get the get you in jail everywhere else in the fucking country is allowed in your community. Ok, you're a good you're, a good member of that community. Now remember this be any community. It just so happens to be the blackmail and you a good you're just a year. You want you want what every other american, what you want opportunity. You want the opportunity to succeed, you want good schools, you want! You want equal opportunity, what the fuck this country supposed to be about, and for thirty years you watch the police not do shit about the violence. You watch government come in every four fucking. U every two years and safer for me will fix it. It's these people to fucking. Do with a in and for thirty, here you see that eventually, what you're going to believe is yours,
We too believe that america doesn't give a fuck about us. That's the natural conclusion is going to come to an. If you talk to most black people, that's how they feel. They feel that they don't have a place under that fuckin red white and blue flag, and we all love, because that the people that are supposed to protect them, and supposed to handle their the issues in the community. Just like your hand on every other community are not handled the haven't been handle for decades, so you can't fault the black community for not feeling part of what this is because they were manipulated by people who are fucking evil. That's what ok, so The black communities out there have to come to the realisation that well that's my black last matter took off rain a kind of gave him no representation that they thought they needed or yadda yadda sand, and if you're gonna bush comes from hearing the fuckin worth, I hate that bitch so I've had some fun with she's the fuckin worse
oh yeah. Now he has my calls. It would always how happy I am representative in congress. These black communities deserve the exam. same shit. That all the other communities have been getting for fucking. Thirty years you can fall p, who live in these communities have been born in these communities. Who are fucking. from these communities, have liver whole life for billy in they don't have a place in america when the fucking arrogance who they vote for over and over and over again, never fixed with fucking problems and don't hold them to this same esteem, accountable. Yes, like dude! This is What's happened here in this country? Is bullshit I get it like? I did it, but the people that are getting wait for it or not the people who did it it's a people. That is that that come in these communities every for every two years and say vote for us we're going to change your change hope black,
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and then do the same shit when they go to fuckin washing in fact now they're doing shit we're there. actually making it worse, intentional, tee act boy here, it's so fucking free straight row: brilliant! Wasn't me like the fuckin purrs moreau- and here I am January rose from here. I am a white dude who gets call fucking racist we're even addressing the fucking issue at all rapture. it gives a fuck about the quality of life of all americans, because I'm not going along with their fucking bullshit plan, they being these fuckin progressive motherfuckers where we all grow. I can fix this. it literally. One day, why do it Words washing dc nervous, ended facility, you're gonna fix all the shit. I could fucking make a list and fixed All this shit and one mother fucking day. But they won't allow to happen people like me won't run for president, because
the reality of it is is that fucking media is corrupt. Voting systems, corrupt, the hollywood's corrupt, it's all by the same mother, fucking people that have shown power. They can fuckin do anything. They want look what they just did Eric rights. They spent fucking. my twelve thirteen fourteen million dollars. I believe it was still finding out that it may be as high as twenty million dollars to propagate store in I know this man to be friends of this man for fourteen years, this guy loves his fucking kids, bro, morland, fucking anything and they eleven or thirty million dollars that we know of in the month of July before them senate primary here, Missouri two's run. story that he beat the shit out of his fucking care. Its which was now shown literally less. Should a month after the private eye, his support it. Yes, accra, ass, a month after the election came out
already been determine that all of those things were fabricated, so like data, but do that I, the people Missouri now believe this dude beats the kids because kids Now that the amount of money that you eating he's gonna get from defamation there, It's a look. I was willing to pay very shit cause compared to what we're about to make a fucking serious. They are willing to pay the defamation suit, he's going to wear a twenty thirty million dollar suit, and I know that it's already there they're willing to pay it, because what he would have cost him when he was on the inside right there saving money so until everybody gets on the same page that every corrupt motherfucker needs to go. Well, somebody like me or somebody who will actually give a fuck about the rules, there's plenty of people that actually give a fuck, but I'm just saying Those people will not put themselves through that and ruin working lives to fix this problem. Until everybody stands a fuck up and says: no, it won't happen. We you guys have one for folk in the last four,
fucking years, and you off What made him out to be. I fucking hitler for real. You say what you want. Do I don't agree with everything a trump welcome does want. Neither can I I don't agree with anything everything. Anybody does. That's called being a fucking human, but you guys what the media narrative you bought. It now look what the fuck you got and we still got half the more fuckers better, so Y know It's really shitty, but you don't ever is still better than trot right. do you remember opportunities owns from there with opportunities are or how the fuck he literally be paying double in rent rippling gas. Your monies worth less your grocery it costs twice as much, and this is real shit every fucking human, listened this noses. I went to billy jeez, fucking, cheeseburgers, eighteen fuckin hours brought them yeah burrow, and this is like a neighborhood real like a reasonable place. Ok, I love this place on my mac in it This is what they had to do to stay open. Ok,
you guys still fucking, want to say watched still better than balkan trump, you're lucky, you do what you're gonna fucking ruin your whole lives to be white started going to be broke. Dude boucher know what I'm saying like. I got our library sure as fuck. How the fuck, someone could louder lives, could be literally ruined and now be able to say, were fought, ban a shit And taken a fucking left her there might go watch the commons under like these urban council, bawler, alert and ah t, like all those urban account, and you see how many sheep we have it's ridiculous while you also see a lot like, I am so much ass. I come back and say man I wish we had trodden. I am I am he a lot of those viral videos of disguised cheney, rich. What the now poise and street interview all those very miami, almost ninety percent of them.
lock men there are any are all protract so Well, you know why, because our humble enough to say hey, you know why I wasn't. I founded orange. That's right like four guys, you ve all been played, no none of you! It doesn't make any of you, lesser people, you what you What you did was you you, you trusted what should be expected at a reasonable expectation like we should reasonably, expect that anthony to she's telling us We should reasonably expect that if they're going to force it accede is healthy for us. We should be able to reasonably expect that when they name something real inflation reduction that actually reduces deflation. Were you? who all or failing to realise is that they are blocking it pensioners, manipulating. You is happening at a mass scale until you wake up and realise what the fuck going on It- will not change, and if you
ten you down this path. You will literally white they advertise to. You owe nothing the second part of that. You won't be happy, you won't be have their say and you will be in your won't be, do It's all I've try to do Linda's ever try to do any of these motherfuckers that you been taught to hate had tried to do is give, you're a fucking understand so self destruct your own fucking existence, correct! people like me, who much fucking. I have many options. I could do whatever the fuck I want or getting tired of trying to convince you. I am too point where like well, you know what it is, what the fuck it is you're gonna pay the price. If you don't wake the flicker of us are, I think, we're getting to the point yeah it's russia, you're, my fucking arrows their arrows. I've taken for these people that fucking hate me hate me safer. You fucker
Just to my account alone have been banned for times. You know, that's, that's dumb. You know it's kind of like a very superficial thing to say, but just in general, even my safety like poor living conspiracy, terse tinfoil, while the fog. Now it's christa fascist, that's what I mean a leg of what point and one point when someone has successfully predicted almost every fuckin step with what why are you going to like stop hating me and start realizing that I am doing this fucking help you like a what point because I do I'm fucking exhausted with the shit. Imagine thinking that the government has your best interests, bert, just regular american citizen do? I don't know the people I dont think people understand like. I couldn't like what you said about the yacht thing like that. I could be there too no tomorrow.
An absolutely absolutely well. You know And I have a bunch of people dm, I don't check my any more. My team does but does the m on fowl, but they will fucking be I mean it was a matter of consensus. Frustrated. Take it easy. We all believe you, we all fucked, All behind you know that. You're, not all behind, because you sit or message we are private. Instead, it get fuckin vocal instead of up a shit they behind shit, you're carbon out you're being a fuckin cow. and it's gonna to cost everything. So message: mewed food, some prostration. I need you fucking right automatically vocal, because not everyone has the same scale said you're going to have to be supporting the people that are you're. Gonna have to be funny. I live when you shoot em reading all around all over the internet. I know you step fuck it and say as a whole. Should you help fund the re says: maybe you write a chairpeople avant, maybe the foam bank,
Maybe you can best for your favorite representative, but you gotta do so. thing do science we can do about it will do so, I love to do so in a monster liberty, chapter of southern mother or reposed, a fuckin me right a bit on the internet or complain. I feel you any. What have you done? I don't know I a couple million hours year put on the show, I don't charge a fuckin add for I made myself. Fucking insane fighting for shit, doesn't matter to me well and so young players shuts on people, so that alone law is doing something. So with the other issues, I shall me riding the backs of everybody in fucking yeah. What goes onto our final segment of the show, as always, do round the angry, like I'm getting fucking angle, like. No life really angers you yet
angers me every day, but no one ever like I'm saying like it's making me angry towards this fucking country like it's, I'm getting fucking angry. I row. I grew up in this country where, like do being a patriot, loose like that, those honourable mother fucking thing you could be loving your country and contributing fuck neighbours helping them. Therefore, the pudding I'll fucking, good shit that helps people doing that shit. What the fuck we didn't. Have you seen the Democrats, how much the pre site ukrainian patriotism, where even puerto rican patriotism, everyone's every other country, everyone's allowed through the patriot except americans, like when you look at puerto rico, for example, this rain others a lot of talk about prettier equal because of the hurricane. but are we are as super power, you would a printer recall, Andy's, motherfuckers wheat from head to toe and put a written flag and its everybody.
Right. There super proud of their look at that and I fell commercial k. There's an end. I fell commercial going around in this pisses me to fuck off. Ok because do I am of be real white people. Many people that will allowed the fucking say a goddamn word about what can be proud to be anything ok commercial on nfl, with its geared towards latinos great coup, love it, and therefore talking about were proud, whoosh belong where this, then they got a black commercial. For that same thing, we're brown We're strong where this, except by say, hey, I'm fuckin, proud to all your phone. Can problem bro why people are not allowed to organise, really strain but that's now racist races to racist. There say fucking massive hypocrisy of people. Britain will double standard that double standards are happening in our country. Every mother fucker knows it. What now at last, we will know it.
I've people know it and nobody wants to talk about it because you're a fucking racists? If you do, everybody should be proud to be who the fuck they are. everybody should be proud of who the fuck they are in and be american. You know I'm fuckin proud to be american. I can tell you that I am to wasn't. I wasn't even born here and I love it or leave it. I'm sorry that was boy white and like some your fucking like that, but just like you couldn't help whatever the fuck you were born, as neither could I always shit flock and by the way fuckin sicilian and if you don't Think of our history, sicilians were conquered by the fuckin moors, which actually makes me more black. The most be Specially deja, especially due to just so annoying like. Why does it even matter? But why does it even matter even re now, with the whole crying about the queen
in and colonialism and stuff like that I was watching sky news. My mom window funeral was going on and they went to jamaica to enter view, a black fruit for bender vendor, and he said best years of jamaica, where the nineteen fifteen and nineteen sixty who were so a colony of britain and I was like oh shut up. should I the answers like I wish we were still under cause they're like some also, I guess the king Charles, is not a head of state, but they have their own government and they became independent in nineteen. Sixty two and ever since nineteen sixty two they become closer to cuba and castro and jamaica's shit. You see what I'm roget zalm and we got rose to lessen my father why people are parricides just like that. Do not arrive at their work. can all evil we're fucked locust? You should exterminate us, you know and we're just going to go quietly into the fucking sunset man fuck off with that shit, we're americans bro. I don't give a fuck what color you are. I don't give a fuck where you came from. I don't give a fuck what, whatever the fuck
Is that your proud to be your proud, not to be or whatever? But if you live in this mother fucking country, you are fucking american don't like being american, you should fucking go somewhere else. I'm just fucking overdue, Like I feel like I'm ready, I'm like ready to lose my mother fucking shit on this shit, don't lose your shit. That's fine, we'll be alright. We are the ones who our final segment of the show. As always, we have our thumbs up headline where I show a headline girl. You know the commercial talk about nfl now with the with, Although the area, because noncommercial talking about now, it's why laying a little it's like this lieutenant do would like some curly hair and he's like dressed like up like they ve got out like They got some barrows, often like it's actually very almost like candlelight stereotyping, their race.
But like guaranteed a white or white liberal made one hundred percent dude. That's matter, it's like I'm look, I'm sitting here looking at this commercial and I'm watching it and I'm like man what, if you took out everything that they're trying to celebrate and you put the If you put a white dude in advance- and you know what I'm saying like broke, the world would lose it's mother fuckin mind. I want to see it was latin private, commercial. That's what I'm! Let's do the thumbs you gonna fuck, unchallenged. elsewhere in the most woke fucking globalist corporation, on a planet now, but they knew whether retargeting I remember when the nfl as geisha came out and was like, oh god, what then, I felt was gay room at our last of for like a day, is it. The guy is they got such a great products like the product on the field of so fucking greater that people will do or with roger good bull shit fuck, and why,
watch the goddamn games the issue. I like college, more for ya. For that reason,. Because our final segment of the show we have our thumbs up headline russia headline into them to thumbs up or to thumbs Were you dont want him without being the a up headline? Reads: eddie and police roasted online for bragging about taking rusty, non functional gun off the streets? So at around, so police have set up a twitter page, showing all the guns they have taken off the streets, but the latest firearm on the cow elicited ridicule. On monday, the toronto police departments, we had a photo of a rusty gun, one that clearly hasn't been functional for many years, that's what he uses a power. On the with the witticisms sarcastically thanking the department.
keeping the mean streets of toronto safe. So here's once we with the pitch of the gun club floating brought, I wasn't that parliament is backing pockets. I tat, like the police department, three, that disaster off the streets this week, fucking another then the kabul says the serial number on this gun is one yeah, here's another one. It says is this because I killed all the dinosaurs yeah? Oh my god, really really good good work in the streets of toronto. You know it's fucking awesome. It just reminds me, like I've, seen the the sad drug bus where these cops celebrate. This shit like this one, what the hell here you here a little three eighty, the three eight year old hair. While you were like Ah ha these model,
if August, took a picture like that for that gun? Oh my god! As the clowns do, they deserve to be made fun of forever. As far as fucking canada bro, I dunno what this is well. This is a above it never photoshop, What does not augur well, what are right, dude, write duties, promised superpower, Who is this? watch out for the new idea, I'm tired over there. Thank you for keeping to say It's are wherever give us, There is also the last night at the bottom of the national literally lay our brother gas, it off the streets, bro grounds can see somebody walker around. This, though, may think about like brown paper bag action member. They did a bananas turn turning your guns, it for you cry am I am. He was ridiculous for anybody would have fought out. Where would you Democrats returning them in absolutely good? We will same thing as abortion gray, when I,
no, no resistance, greek the more we got on these guys. What hall I don't I don't know how the thumbs up works, but if it be somebody, funny, I'm gonna give it a thumbs up social areas, and I don't know if I have way. I feel I need this humour in the world. This is really a funny that dinosaur common action is like, that's I'm gonna go sir. and I was not like what I hate social media that the sunday times, it is as yeah It does, though, not yeah me too. Linda thanks for coming. Asia will argue for having me everybody where they can follow. You ok, so on instagram is where most active outbreak, but linda an or pot cause is on every up. You know spotify youtube and and apples yeah. I mostly peaceful, latinos, mostly peaceful,
is how are you gonna, listen, think he'll die, welcome, base, guys crochet, listened churchill sleeping on a number of german, but from other both by the stalls count. It means that each buddhist, while gotta bank can both doesn't have shocked. Case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-27.