« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

378. Andy, Dave Smith & DJ CTI: Migrants Bussed To DC, Facebook Spying On Private Messages & Ohio Teachers Allowed To Carry - Part 2

2022-09-17 | 🔗

In part 2 of Andy, Dave Smith & DJ CTI: they discuss the two buses filled with migrants sent from Texas to VP Kamala Harris' DC residence, Facebook spying on private messages of Americans who questioned the 2020 election, and Ohio school teachers being allowed to carry guns inside classrooms. 

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The bonus number for the countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't both doesn't know headshot case club, alright. So, let's get to it, so we can go for, like ever, I've had to cancel my flight. Let your podcasts for all right. It's is very. I have another one headlines, number one. This is that these are along a hang out one hundred percent, absolutely more It's too migrant buses from taxes arrive outside vp commentators, factories, and
it's so hard to not enjoy those. I love. I love how they all immediately just turn into like trump republicans. As soon as it comes down, they go. There's a border crisis. All of a sudden. We got a real crisis. Yeah soso president Joe Biden, Joe Biden's, reluctant joba Joe Biden, just not president sure that kind of cool yeah but virginia we couldn't do any worse than Joe Biden fuck. You rather have that lucky Joe Biden through yes, The vice president, kamala hairs had the migrant crisis dropped on her doorstep this morning to bus. is caring about a hundred migrants from taxes were deposited at the gate of her residence at the naval observatory in Washington DC. Putting the issue wearily in the path of the crisis, dodging deep the migrants. Many of them venezuelan nationals had been picked up now, eagle, pass taxes,
he's. While farmers can we write into her house, I mean they do down. That's what she's about about, though fight. Why does she have a gate in front of her house is unjust. Aids, whereby I do know is that this is a key opportunity for them to show the really about it or an ocean. you're really about tomorrow, you fucking to help and live in your backyard. You'd could form. Take your money in feed. people and all this shit now want me. This is coming days after she just made behind that interview, sand that the one where she went, I guess the border so secure rag. Her own we fucking mannerism the through our fuckin hands out that look like fuckin baseball gloves no like this and just say, not all share- and she says she says nothing. She says: in everything he or she was the other day here she was We have of secure porter.
in its our intent to. how borders in his country because no nations have borders because, as the united states in those mexico at hamley sidney, I what like wrote all world like what, this, is very likely reach like now what w h eighty, if I should work, W teasing here now I just got here, you gotta, I guess that's me like what it's it's baffling that shit. Is so bad at this is it all, I also see light or way too, though off his brown eyebrow. Listen, well yes, I understand that they got people these people they haven't play are the scapegoats here. These are the fuckin scapegoat that, like that binding kemal are tricked just like everybody, I'm just say: there's no, like that, not an enemy, there's, no other, there's not a better prostitute. They could use, listen dude. If
If there's a revolt, do you want your strongest people to get killed or your weakest people you we're ok is there a chance of revolt with what they're doing according them and already have right right through so we have to like. Let's, let's, let's look at this like a game of chess, you catch king or queen, Game you clear kemal, I'm fuckin zyobite it it's not for its people, Whose names you don't even Fatima right, we are sending out their ponds, then are wearing king and queen outfits. The stand there to make. You think those are the yes, you want hundred percent dude dude. This is for the history books. There is all this shit, like Joe Biden, give up there in his fucking hitler speech with a red share, like all that wrote him cold. Now what we're putin was in belgium and saying we remove putin from power and the net it's debut like oh, I didn't mean it that he didn't mean it and that after the speech he gave two weeks ago,
Oh you mean. He didn't mean it the colonel I visual, four january. Sixth, where no one forgot killed the right all want. One person got girl ass. She got charge eyebrows yeah for no end now, the whales cops for no reason. Then he got. There said the multiple police officers died from those rights. That is a fucking flat out. Why that did not happen and we are having a candle I visual for an event, that motherfuckers walked in between a fucking ropes when I got inside like a high school to about a hundred percent and add guys and a whole bunch of them are like have been sellers aerial there, I'm at first still there and as for the crime of entering a government building without permission lines during the new people, build royal right, which is supposedly their little, they re. So so, when you think about what all this is. There is shit turn of beer or being play here too.
to a story that is intended to be old fifty years from a true real, so we have to look at it like that. This is what these motherfuckers. What are you guys, you guys all think all will they'll be dead, will know shit, but these people will think like you. The question is: what do you think about family legacy and protecting bloodlines an infinite. While blood like all this shit that you motherfuckers do not think about ever. The question is: what do you guys think they plan to do with the people who know the truth, one hundred percent? What what I'm saying like they're writing history? Now, no, we know what the fuck is going. What do you think they plan to do with us? It's not a it's already ha. If you look at history, what's was a famous most famous saying about history. History does what repeated, so, what for king takes out all the falcon men in all the fuckin resistant people either a war or it's a fucking genocide or it's a pandemic
It's the only use all three of those tools to remove any resistance. You guys think that sounds crazy. Today, come back and listened in five fucking years and tell me from rather well, it's hard, especially when you say like well. This sounds crazy. It's like yeah, but If you had said any other stuff, that's happened over the last two and a half years was gonna happen that is sounded, pretty crazy, exactly resided, pretty crazy to see like at an It's interesting how you will treat you for saying the ship it you said because it didn't draw me super nice, yeah, there's! Oh there were some odds. I got called some names throughout throughout all of this. You know right and it was- and it's funny even to like one of the things that's eye, opening forever. It myself included, but especially for people who don't really like keep up on this as much is that then, when they like kind of it, that you were right all along? It doesn't come with an apology or any ignore like any, even like acknowledgement. Belike, oh, like
here. We called you a nazi the other day for saying this, but now we all agree with that's like now. It's just like. Oh yeah. Look there's this johns hopkins study that showed the lockdown didn't do anything. I know I said you were the worst person in the world for opposing, unlike oh by the way like all this, you know I was on with rogan, where we had this little clip I was more cause. He sat at knock. As I said I didn't care about. Maybe they get a lot about him, saying it but found she responded. so this segment that we had an Joe Biden responded to it to, and basically what I all, I said, I think it was that, like there's, no way, I'm given this vaccine to any of my kids, I didn't take the vaccine. As my kids are like little kids, they don't need the stuff, they have no risk from cobit and then, Joe said that He goes like he goes, look I'd say like yeah, like if you're like a very high risk for covert or something like that. Yet talked your doktor about the vaccine. Maybe that's like a thing, but if you like, a young healthy, twenty, I say be really healthy. Bike eat really well, exercise get
outside get sunlight, get vitamins, bead get vitamin d like all this stuff and then how'd she response it's Joe rogan and goes well what jody doesn't understand. Is that very delicate, but acts are needed for yourself. You get vaccinated to protect others, because if you get the vaccine, you won't get covert and transmitted to someone else right. You tell my real information and who their game well shit. Information right leg with Joe rogan said, is undeniably good advice. Telling young healthy people invaluable help me. It was the fucking available data appetite Hence our just pull the shit out of his acts. It was obvious from the very beginning, the euro, zero zero zero zero one fucking. They tell you rate for people under the age of fucking. Fifty now seventy or whatever was and then only working or guy, and then, when you
in there. Listen when you control for health issues its basically nothing like its base out. everyone who died of covert. You know there's there was this one hour I remember in the height of covered it with dino. and, like maybe may of twenty twenty mayor, june, or something like that, and they had this article the headline is, it was like you know, thirteen year old thought they had now. thing to worry about with cove? It is dead, that's the that's headline of the article paragraph thirteen. They let you know he had leukemia music with it and was in the team of therapy. I was it, but it is and that it so horrible its tragic, but in that state yeah hold or a flu, or something like that. It's can kill you. You know wayward stood. They were fucking, counting, listen, most people. Don't we realize, because they rode office conspiracy, that the house
spills were incentive ass for covert des. Oh, yes, yes, they were getting up front Thirty. Three arrived item: fifteen to thirty five thousand dollars per covert that, depending on what network they read, they were reporting these das as covered, when, in reality, the person, My have been able to test positive recovery but did not die of covert on the city single data side which, by the way I happen to be pretty fucking good at ok, I can read a fucking excel she'd, like the motherfucker matrix, I'm telling you six per cent of actual reported ass were actually people who died. Rip off from and have recalled with bright of those six percent. of them. Had average of three two point: seven or more call morbidity of those people over
eighty per cent of those people were all age of fucking. Seventy years old, this is the data it was available. Literally, it was available in fucking april twenty twond. Ok, this is this and it hasn't they counting. It wasn't just a guy with leukemia. They were count people who commit suicide is coloured ass if they had covered in the body of time by the way that was done now through a blood test, but through fucking pcr test that site go rate was turned up to four, in forty, when it should have been like thirty two, which means they can detect a basically subatomic particles of fuckin car with which everybody was carrying. It was whether or not the viral load was high enough for it to actually affect you actually get cigars and broke the average human can't rap their head around this basic information. their head is up, came carnations, mother, fucking, ass, an
and by the just to add cause it's. The same thing was true just about the hospitalization numbers to gravity. They will tell you this number of how many people are hospitalized, but then, like they did. This majors with the visa hospitals, where they found out that they go o of the number of people that their sang were hospitalized with covert they go yet the majority of them we're not hospitalized because of covert. They were just giving covert test when you came, it allows both if someone could break the arm of the house spit out for, and they give you a common. I your heart had as its now, you were hospitalized for whole license. Plate is not yet. It is only now reagents who brought anyone get into the fuckin terrible medical direction that was given out right. When you have people all the vets room, the vince with a big fuckin beer in the very. When you get put on events in later, when you have respiratory chances of coming to us, you change the coming.
the in living or lessen tempers less than ten or they stopped, and the doktor stopped putting people on the ventilators that was fairly early and covert. They realized. Oh, this is doing a lot more damage than guy. You know that I do not want amount rammed ecevit yet were literally fucking, killing people persia and by the way, when they were literally killing people, pentagon already knew that I respect and fuck and work, and they had rushed cork when help buffer. Every fucking knew that So just keep that in mind when you when you hear a say, crimes against humanity and that's a little extreme yells like keep in mind. Just like you know, it's a lot of people. Try it people have this aid The idea of like there is kind of like their social issues over here and then there's economic issues over here is really not true like getting really all human issues. You know what I mean like if you that you think inflation is an economic issue and not a social issue like ok like tell that to like the family, who
just got divorced because they can no longer make ends meet and the kids are grown up without their pants and their father. You know, put a shot gun in his mouth and killed himself over that, like as it that's not just an economic issue sets called also that yeah right right be but like something like two me. That stuff is also like a crime against humanity like forcing people to close their businesses. Like eight brought no idea, there are no more leisure object. You can't even measure at do. There's no way to measure like the ripple effect of Did the other divorce rate yeah yeah, like the breaking up of families, broke the device. Worse, raise an all time fucking high, because of those locked and the number one reason for people getting divorces all over money stuff, it's all over, like you know not being able to make any school brother. Why years, I've adaptive lies, a co, co financed doing come family mom and dad you should.
Really consider sticking together because for the time being is gonna get lost, fucking orders right now, I'll be fuckin real too immigration. Last autumn immigration, well, listen man. I mean this is all too it's kind of like the ultimate trawl by These are the governors who are sending these. These buses, there is a great look. It's it's Calabria and as a great publicity stunt in a way, it believes and pointer improves the point. What hypocrites the Democrats are and also isn't really a solution to the problem. You know there is a lot more funds backward, a cave yes well look. I mean if you are using taxpayers money to do it by thus the bigger like. I agree, I'm right there was a dj. The crimes of these immigrants are vastly under reporting. Only hearing about like this. Like the dude out and san Francisco a couple days ago, de captain, a woman street. There were only hearing about the extreme shit. We're hearing about the fuckin rates,
and all the gang rapes in the ship is happening which, by the way, haven't you fucking europe when they did the same shit. yeah and it's like look there's a lot of like levels to it, but the even in the european thing to like when there was that those mass floods of of migrants into Europe that was directly following the war Terrorism were like all of these countries in the middle east in northern africa were destabilized by the his wars and the overthrowing gaddafi and turning libya into like a complete, failed state was one of the huge things that led to the mass. You know migrant crisis in europe and in the same way, there's a lot of stuff that we've done destabilizing south african countries as well, which leads to the these huge floods of immigrants coming in, and but, the whole thing is a is a big mess. You just can't a spy actually right now in our country, it's you can't have like
These unrelenting flows of people from a completely different culture, speaking the different language coming into even short of the violent criminals that you know that are coming. It is just like their people are you kind of have this system again, which is not the system that a libertarian would like, but we have this. System where we have taxes that pay for the roma. and the public schools and hospitals that can't turn anybody away, and if you have that system, you can't you say it's open to the world the common in use when people have already been forced to pay for all of these things, and so a big part of it is just that to that people have like people. I have to have a right. They have a right to have a culture and have a community and to have some degree of control over who comes into that and everybody that believes that you need to speak up for that like one hundred loudly like we have a right to have an american culture here. The idea of america is that you can come. I'm fucking anywhere, and we can respect each
other get along worked together, build together, lived together, poor each other up right. You know help each other in harmony but molly fuckers, don't wanna, be a part of that. Don't have place her well, that's and there's has to be like it. It's you know, like the amount, Can experiment in a lot of ways does prove that, like this immigration Thing can really work like there can be all different types of people like me, Like I mean I'm, like you know, I'm a jewish was like X, european descent, my wife is an italian catholic. it was never even really big thought that, like oh, my god we're getting married and we have different religions and backwards just a couple generations ago, that would have been like a huge and yeah, like you know like it, I wouldn't have had an yeah, I mean my my grandmother was or or her parents one of them was, one of them was protestant and one of them was jewish and it like split up the family that they
two guiding after they had kids. The family kind came back the other, but it was like wars among the family like this is like blasphemy now we don't even think about. These things is not even like a big deal so that this can happen, but the way It has happened, and yet what? But the way it has to happen is like well, how did it work will first off, because when we had these big floods of of immigration in the, nineteen hundreds in the in the eighteen hundred in the nineteen hundred there was no welfare state, so there was none of this. Like oh you're, coming here and living off of the system. It was like you're coming here to work and the other than we had. That was a was a culture that was explicitly american, and it was like no get with the program like there had to be like a social pressure of like ok, you want to come here than you learn the language mother fucker, and you are now going to be american. You bringing over like you. We have the opposite of all of that lucky legal immigrants who come here have automatically yet like he's. One sire had always snatcher he's what these are
we went through the process of becoming an amount can citizen they stand when it's about they that woman soul process. There's some of our best look. There's some citizens and look even like these people. They were saying these were venezuelan refugees. Look I have nothing but sympathy. You know what they're fleeing their fleets fuckin problem, you know of any right, live thereat, leading like real deal so at least serious socialism, if not full blown communism. You know what I mean. So it's like I'm a lot of times those p. blunder. Understand the thing better than a lot of our our kids. It s elite universities, you know, understand it, but you can't. The problem is that right now we have a gigantic welfare state and when I say the welfare, I mean all of it like the fact that you can go to emergency rooms and get free medical care. The fact that you get free, you know you let three kate through twelve. You know education for everyone. I mean. I know in new york. City, I think, is something like twenty two thousand dollars per student per year. So if you come in and if you got three, kids you come in. You, send a mare, you're, already taken out almost seventy ground in taxpayer.
when just from spending it sending your kids there. So we This gigantic welfare state, and then we also have this culture that says that, like diverse, City is our strength and if any When tells you that you need to act in this way, will then that's racist and that's harbour and like it just this change work under these circumstances, so we got a kind of psycho were yeah, suppose destroy national pride is supposed to destroy your they make. Maker, they make it see, my nationalism is some sort of. fucking Sambre we're supposed to be proud by america and its and and and its that's just the way, Human beings are man like that's the way human beings are their proud of where there from their proud of their it's, it's like an extension of your family and then we have a man. I never do for you, go to ITALY. you say: are italians, fuck, it like us. We go there. We say man is really cool lawgiver than us. But you know I do think. I really want to live here all the time.
Really, nice too. This is now you go back to america were fought the broad, and now I hear that you can be proud of you from Boston right. New york, you are familiar, you say you're proud to be nor new york, but the men. You say I'm proud to be an american holy fuck. Well, it is, the route we were like like yours will identity. You can localize raw, didn't that's fine, I'm high black and proud to be gay, I'm proud of round his flock to be american know what I like it here under the temperature, though about the social temperature. Really hair. It may seem like who care. I argued here is what source temperature that green, but consider your talking about who fuckin so knucklehead vogler, says bad things about former my american flag will fuck Europe right? Hey when you get I'll get back to kid rock status: hey we're fucking, bad ass, americans or fuck off you don't like it. Iraq is the fuckin santa claus, a fourth joy for that fucking reason: ok, but he thought and says that shit like if you know like it,
shit! Well, there's gotta, be I mean, look if you're gonna be a country. There's gotta be something that like kind of binds, people together and even sometimes when some of these things are kind of like they're kind of like there's always been like Ethology is, and- and you know story, is that every group of people have now a lot of them are real and some of them are kind of silly, but it still kind of a thing. That ties everybody together in that part of it isn't silly like that. Part of its really necessary- and you know it's like we want you know we have. We live in a gigantic country too much you know so many those european countries you fit so many of them in our country. You know at three hundred thirty million people all in this one and we have vastly different cultures and in different parts of this, this country- it's not just like a left culture and a right culture. It's like there's lots different cultures within america, texas, lately movement of southern california, and they like the brain next to each other. You know and like theirs
So it's like a piece of what binds is altogether and at least what it kind of used to be was this idea that, like Well, we're america, and by we met, were a free country that was like so ingrained in us. For so why me late was laid down to my lady S. Light will that's right. I think all this shit they put on the news and all this shit they do on social is designed to make us sit here and have this conversation where you just as well, social narrative, the fucking, social mirror. This vague yeah right. I think another well, I think I think that there is a lot of truth to that and I get what you were saying and I think you're right. It is likely that have the same. It is our times issue or you think that, like you're, like a can't fly, my flag is fuckin dead, fuckin judy down the street, who used to be jolly fuck it The system is already dead, would be an american and they're going to write a fucking letter. Some may have thought that mother fucker yep
like brothers lie, that yes do, all this is real, is rudeness is kind of like it's it's to a theme that we've been talking about kind of the the whole show where it's like there's this there's this attack on on man school entity in this country, That's there's a reason. Why there's this attack and it's kind of because that's the thing that we really need? and you realize that, like you know, just like anything else, like me ask your energy can have its problems like it can be like. There are certainly examples of extreme of access. Ministries of talks asked unity and that this is what violent crimes as always land hasn't. Masculinity is bro. It's now standing up toxic masculinity being a passive man that allows these people to come in and invade and tread and step all over your fucking freedoms. That's fucking, toxic went home at the end of the day, because these mother fucker, a major life, miserable and just drawing your whole existence and coming home and being a bitch and pushing you. I've in the face for that,
liberty, you mother, workers are so fuckin week. You won't even stand up and you think toxic masculine, is someone who's. Standing up and saying. No you! passive motherfuckers of the toxic ones, because you're taken nay, abuse, you're doing nothing about it. You're taken the punishment out on people that don't deserve it. That's taxation, wherein, in times of a real serious crisis, masculinity is something that is very as AL. You are unimportant, as I know it I mean it's like there is. That's that's. I think what we need a lot more of We need a lot more than this country of people who like because, like you said it there are still are so many people who believe in this. Like others, America were supposed to be a free country. We will need a like, be willing. To stand up and say it at with it, with an attitude that, like the willing to defend that every time, every time you see someone say otherwise, you
should be resisting knees now the way communism works is they encroach encroach encroach encroach until they cannot encroach. Then they go back because these motherfuckers a week these are now strong people. These are the fucking nerves of society. Then I figured out a game, the system to make them the most powerful, showed the way they survive. Forking. Look at him, bro you throw them out on the battlefield. With someone like me in a couple swords, I'm going to fucking, kill them. Ok, this manipulation. This is weakness, the reason they feel such an obligation to impose their will on everybody else is because their so weak secure masculine men do now. Feel the need to oppress. They do not, and they ve got. You ve got you fucked up they had begun and someone who was wound and courageous, and police and freedom is somehow the problem. No there, the problem, they are trying to create roma over here, it's look here. Not there
look over there. It's not us and I think like- one of the things I really love about what you guys are doing here. Man cause, I think, in a lot of ways again like I was saying before, like there's kind of the. Sometimes people try to separate the economic and the social, but it's really all one unit, and I think that there is there's something about kind of like the end visual and the community. And the nation, even though we do give them a separate, it's kind of all one unit and the The solution to the big problems start small, like the saloon, it is like that. You It yourself together that you're good, the people around you. You know what I mean like you're. The solutions like looked like the advice to men is like you get your altogether. If I can take care of yourself, you you, you know, you focus on your guy If you change your goals, you make yourself a better person, you're, really good to your wife. You really good to your kids. You really, good to your family accent, and then you fight for all of these other things that we're talking about what the country that's like, that's what they dont want. They don't want like people who are
like independent, critical thinkers who like do right by people around them, but that's how you gain influence, that's how you actually like put this control that, on the proper course, personal excellence is the ultimate rebellion. That's it personal excellence is the ultimate rebellion. Your job is to be ever. We think they don't want you to be the reason they put four hundred fat and fitness models on tv is because they fucking want you to be four hundred fuck. pounds. Why do they want you to be foreigner pass? because you're gonna be less healthy Require more food you and consume more europe, consumer netflix when you're fuckin lazy, consumer video games. When you sent home your boy the consumer medication when you're wonderful pounds instead of at the proper rate of one hundred and eighty pounds or whatever the fuck. It is free. You can't resistance, can't fight, that's right and, and you kick in people can identify their not well able to identify that you. This under the guise of acceptance or being whenever I dont know what it is, that its whatever
they are making you weaker, that they are making you dumber. They are making them more dependent. They are making you more poor. There. hurting you intentionally so that they can have their way because these p, but in the real world on the mother, fucking battlefield can not compete, cannot compete. and so we're dealing with not a bunch of strong people were dealing with a bunch of highly connected week off pussies, that's what we're dealing with and when we and they when everybody figures that out, they are in deep shit. Does this move on behalf of two elements who reads: facebook, spied on private messages of americans who question that's weeds when he election vicious came out as well. Facebook has been spying on the private messages,
data of american users and reporting them to the fbi. They express anti government or anti authority sentiments or question the twenty twenty election, according to sources with in the department of justice under the facebook collaboration operation, somebody at facebook red flag, these supposedly subversive private messages- over the past nineteen months, and transmitted them, and in reductive from form to the domestic terrorism. Operational units have be, I hope, headquarters in Washington dc with out a subpoena quote. It was done outside the legal process and without probable cause alleged one of the sources who spoke on condition of anonymity. I says Facebook provides the fbi with private conversations which are protected by the first amendment. Without any subpoenas
On these private messages, they then have been farmed out. Ass quote leads to have beatitude offices around the country, which subsequently requested subpoenas from the partner. U S, attorney's office in the district, Europe's officially obtain the private conversations are faced. Look already had shown them hires a thing, though, when they then targeted facebook youtube users than they were investigated by agents and local f b. I field offices, sometimes using covert surveillance techniques, nothing criminal around turned. Yeah right, of course everywhere. But, as you know, it's really obviously it's it's illegal for them to be spying like this, but it doesn't matter cause they do it all the time his eyes on us all the times all yeah it's but with, but I find so interesting about this is like why, Why they find this to be such a threat.
You know what I mean to them and in a way, there's something encouraging about that. If you want this regime to fail, because you, like oh that's kind of europe, they are tat their very secure, their very worried about this being a major problem, and it's not so much, I don't think that, like you know it's like it's not, even like forget, whatever you believe about the twenty twenty election and what happened and obviously it was strange election. The way we do voting was overhauled into that. Twenty. We had never done an election like this before and in a lot of ways that just laid the degree to be right for some people to be like aid, the smells fishing, but there's something really profound about a huge group of American p What what? What is it really say? If you go, I dont believe the results of an election It means you don't believe in their legitimacy to rule kind of dislike and written deal in democracy right, which is that
ok, we all we get to vote and at my side might lose your your side might lose, but what kind of setting going in that Well, ok, this is the game and if you win, then you get to be the government now and I get to come back and vote again. This good this game has a lot of flaws to it. You know what I mean but as soon as one side goes, I don't believe you really one now, it's like it's, looks like you, ve removed, though Jim, a sea of these people in your eyes That is something that is very important to governments, governments or that they need this kind of perception of legitimacy from the people who they rule over, because otherwise there just criminals right. You know like the difference between the like, resent before the difference between the irs and a mugger is that right We just that, while they are a lot more organised, not a lot more guns, but that, perceived as legitimate by society are perceived as well,
Eggs are the price we pay for civilization, like that's the idea that people have, whereas when someone mugs, you will know what they are without, that has a criminal. It's a problem, but as soon as you don't believe, the results of the election year, closer to seeing government for what they really are, which is just like a gang of criminals who are running, who are ruling this territorial areas or to becoming a laboratory? There will that's right, that's why you that's what I think is kind of encouraging about all. This is almost like the next that, and I don't even really care because look I don't know, I don't really know what happened with the twenty twenty election. Like my, I don't trust governments I dunno if I'd trust any election ever, but I also go to the next step to it. Just in July. sophie here, if you wanna talk about it, is that. whatever is really make way, what difference. Does it really make? If election was stolen or wasn't stolen. Just in theory, let's say forget, even like trumpet and take them out of it. Just in theory, you tell me if we have an election and fifty one percent of people vote for this
forty- nine percent of people go around their die than be ruled by this gotten. That's ok, because, Forty, nine percent of people are being oppressed under a government. They dont support, but if that forty nine percent got two more percentage points right. They say they got fifty one percent, and then they while screw it you're still getting that guy. Now that tyranny because too, more percentage, people voted for em and they got it. You get the point I made in yes, thirty nine percent are still being so. My point is almost like. Yet none of this is really legitimate. None of this- is really legitimate. It's not legitimate for you to be. Have any service. That's provided to you to be brief. I didn't ask for an authoritarian manner, not you didn't choose that you do not, you have no say in this, you have no say address just because it the way it has been for. However, long is not a justifiable excuse
lots of things were the way has run. You now does mean a labour. It was the way I say that I am at your more rights and also in the same time that look if you were, if you were sitting around my good friend, my jean Epstein, always put it this way, because if you if you are sitting around in, like you know, eighteen fifty and you said like, You know this slavery has gotta, go it's gotta be abolished. People will like you, haven't you but can crazy. I mean that's just the way it's always bass ran. It always will be this. What but it wasn't it chain. like radical change, can happen in humanity, especially now with the technology. We have all the stuff. It's like. No, this is look. The truth is that if there is a huge per image of the american population, who does not believe in the legitimacy of this regime, like, I think that's kind of encouraging two may, and certainly if you don't like This regime see how much it freaks them at just look around this
why they actually do think of january six as being such a horrific line. If you start out against your fucking, terror was heart of its cause. It's the pretence. Note a crackdown on those people, but also part of its because they do desperately need you to believe, but with all of these things right, but with with the war in Iraq, they didn't just it's not me, the nine eleven happened and joy w bush and dick cheney in them. Ot Paul well, for which they obviously all wanted to fight the war in Iraq right. This was something that was on their mind since the the last time they fought it in the nineties, but they didn't just fight. a war in Iraq in the winter two thousand one didn't invades, two thousand threatened because they spent all of two thousand to launching a massive propaganda campaign to convince
regular americans that saddam Hussein was involved with nine eleven and that he had nuclear weapons and he was already involved with these terrorists who did nine eleven. So now he could hand off these nuclear weapons to these terrorists, and, oh, my god, you might get knocked at home, and why did they have to do that? But they had to do that because they had to get the regular dude to go along with this, but they had to get some guy advocates of a social europe. Yes, bialik will look there to get some guy to be willing to send his son to go fight in this war. What could you tell him that we will you don't make him willing to do that so and even with the covert shit right think about the propaganda campaigns that they push for all this. So member the videos Ahmad you believe they need you to believe in this system. You know and if you don't believe, that's a big threat to them, but that's a vulcan, we'll encouraging thing for us is. That means like oh shit, if we wake up enough People do not believe in this. They probably can't get
way with a visit, another thing, those I would have welcomed at least eighty percent of the people like that's me, their fuckin talking about its yet eighty percent of us. it's something you know there's no. I don t yet know that your arms answered site that that's moment, concerned. No man is okay. We can resist. We can not, by their bullshit they're gonna, have to usher in there all in forces. The next logical, fuckin, strategic move. Yeah, probably lobby lorries is already happening. You know it out or learning about voice like we ve, never fuckin. Seen in this country on the soil, yeah I'm sorry! I might well listen what we. What we have to do is ultimately hope that you wake up enough people and they back down near there's bins. several things like I do. I use the vaccine passports as an example before of where, like they back down on them, but there is, I don't know you guys remember when obama, announced that we were gonna invade Syria Magee announce that we're gonna have like a rack war style war in syria and
everyone just flipped out, and there was this mass campaign of active duty, military people and they be like covering her face with like a piece of paper, because you know you're not like allowed to say this, the commander in chief, but Could they knew what was going on the ground there? They were like. We will not fight on the side of Al Qaeda millions, because that's what obama's fighting on the side of it was Al Qaeda and mrs verse Assad. I wanted to take out a sought and there was this massive pushed back and then you just sit, then you just pull back of our minds, are doing on the only omit, so that my point is that so many people with it, such as likely they were aware of the shit they were like we're not doing there are really only eligible power than what people real here, like you guys all who's, gonna to figure who's, gonna fix it, who's gonna fix it. Mother fucker, it's real simple, you are you're gonna, say no, when they tell you to put the moscow you're gonna say hey. I dont think we should be sending fucking money that ukraine, I don't they
We should be in a war with syria all we have to do row civil disobedience do now, come why it is so fucking simple and I do not understand how our men in this country, especially our men, do not lack enough courage to stand on a mother fucking line alone. For one day, because if you were just stand, I broke You were just say: dude, I'm now, with this shit tomorrow, you have a hundred. People were all that's you, will only stand alone for a short period of time, if you don't have the courage, stand alone for a short pause, It is time you deserve, to be their mother, fucking bitch its role about my only concern. This is my I'm trying to be like that not devil devils advocate within a guy. I agree with your examples right. You got the obama example of the past for example right, but the problem is due. Is it
I don't think ever before those times if losing for them losing, did not equal their death and accountability for these crimes, where a place now brow where this eighty percent wins they're gonna be cause for accountability. Those those paper view things. Those are gonna, be fucking, real, very, very real probabilities, now, them losing whichever says yes them losing their burmese are death. I genuinely believe that easily fox. They know that now So are you means the death of a few people released at least I did and we are what you need. I honestly, I think, is an end. This is someone no smarter than me, would have like figure out exactly how to orchestrated or whatever, but, like you know how, like there are people in germany who were like officials like policemen something that under the communists and who are still collecting pensions to this day. You know like they were like the soldiers of the old regime that now
but there was just almost like this deal struck where it's kind of life, You know like you're, using like so cases. some people up at the very top who have to be. the council and then to like all the other ones like just in this. You know what I mean like regime. We just go ok. Listen, you're going away since you, like not here anymore, get the hell. The town. You have no power anymore, be happy with this deal, you know drag you through the streets, so just go. Do your thing and then like Ideally, although I really I mean look, I dunno exactly how it would play out, but I really do think there has to be some level of consequences. How are the people at the eyes ass? Let you and I- and I think that it should be- I think all of us should get like trials and not show trials. I think they should get real trials. I think it's really important that you, dont devolve into wherever a situate right, I don't become them where we're just tat people in our knowledge, you don't want to know who that is the only way day for us to actually to actually cope idle
It's our only way too poorly maintained, the structural about right moving forward is for the ec. inability to happen and also be legitimate, and I agree It's the problem, though, cause they own. The fucking judges, though you don't sound like corruption, does randy does, but that judge is the one that they fucking put on the seat. Man paid off his little league soccer team. You know what I'm saying: dude, their corruption runs deep, a hundred percent, but that's also, why like do? They just had a judgment? I believe it was virginia or one of those states out that way you may have heard of it where they ruled that the nurses could potentially be liable for the damage that they created on the patients during the coverage, shit, Ok, so all of you, nurses, out there all of you, doctors are inadequate Few of you lot. Do you like me, a lot you don't that's fine, all of you. She real
eyes that accountability for what just happened is come is put to hold on. Could totally following your shoulders, because the president was just set and so what does that mean? For you, that means for you strategically and arrow a pretty good shooting. we you might want to listen to what I am about to say, If I were you, I would collectively get together and point the mother fucking finger at the most there's a major: do it all the way up the chain, doctors. The nurses and those people at the very top should be held accountable, because I don't believe it's ok for the whole nurses accountable. As much as I was pistol every single time I had deal one of these fuckers on the internet, who work in the medical profession, mobile nurse. You have no idea how many people were actually forking dying of this law and now your signal. If fucking do cause, you realize your bullshit, you got power on it.
And now we have a situation in a by the way, all the tick tock shit. Your did, fuck it Are you fucking ridiculous? You people who do that? cops doing that during the file browser say that the whole fucking narrative was so perfectly formulated where they create this social virtue, signalling, oh they're, so brave the front line doctors and they made. everybody make gods out of these people. These people were not prepared to be got now. Ok and do those things was deserve to be at the end of a rope. No further useful idiots, communists, If you go remarks, talks about it, if you go red fucking any other mother, fuckers came after marks a talk about it. Ok. Those people don't deserve to be held accountable. My opinion today did did. Did they piss me off yet, Was I mad? Yes did I feel bad?
for all the doctors and nurses kicked out of their loss of jobs for saying shit, yes, what did really? The truth is we're talking about hundreds of thousands, The people were talking about a legit genocide that point of holding people accountable. The true, the matter is the people who formerly the plan, the people who finance the plan should be at the end of a foot well, it's kind of like em. You know like an analogy to it is like it's like. Then there are the soldiers you know, and now, if you look something like the war in Iraq. Where a million million iraqis are killed right now. The we invaded a sovereign country on lies started, killing a lot of people.
What do I think every soldier should be strong up on war crimes now, not really they were. They were lied into this. They were propagandizing acts by the way some of them did get into it, and, if you remember even back, then everyone, if you were argument against the war in Iraq in two thousand for a whole lot of people are like who are you my boys in the military? You know you're right. It's me I wise, yet those guys I get out. I was one of those guys. It's it's easy to fall into. You know, but the people who, like at the top who like knew it was a lie and where representing companies that were profiting off this stuff, should those people be tried for war crimes like should those people at yes, The one hundred percent, and not just an anna, get like from any prospective like animals I look at it kind of like a similar type thing like some has four straight it, as you might be, with some of the people at the bottom. Do keeping in mind that, like a lot of those guys predict the soldiers who went over fond iraq, for
a lot of a more people who came from absolutely nothing, and this was like they're only like all you let go to actual than to go to college or together then going with their lives, and then they were told like hey you're. Do is something noble like you're, protecting your country. This guy's got nuclear weapons and he helped do nine eleven and he's going to do it again. If you don't do it and they are alright, no patriotic thing yeah but see. I lie. Listen, bro, listen!. I was that guy I was there the fucking guy, who was saying I can't believe it. I support our troops. I can't believe this I give you the question so like. If I may, that, and, as I learn and grew and fuck and start to see the big picture, a lady, I should probably admit that you just got taking advantage of the exact same way in a different scenario. Dude, I can't tell you I've had so they covered she does. It gave us either a lot of guys who were You know I'm goin back said this to me.
If he would always say I wasn't even like really pushing them. It was kind of like just you just like offered it. He went at one point talking about the stuff and he goes man was I wrong about the war in Iraq and the patriot idea, because I got that to all wrong magazine. I really regret at and I like now, that was a really cool moment cause it's hard it's hard to do that. You know it takes a little. I had Michel mulligan, don't of you know what she is, but was like one of the major players like lend, went back to like the major players like at fox news during the bush administration. She said this and then to me she was on my show she was like a wrong. Paul was right about all of that stuff, and I thought he was crazy, but she, was right and there was an end its there's been a lot of people in that camp who have just and willing to say this. This is now going to be the challenge for the people, and I, like the democrat camp. Knowing our it's gonna be hard. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but you got you admit, like if you want to be, if you want to be
part of the solution here, you got to admit you got at wrong. You wrong about lockdown. You got it wrong about the vaccines. You got it wrong about all of this stuff. You got like you just did. it is in on you flocking, told people they deserved, a fucking lose their careers, I'm told people, they deserved a walking die because they would wear a mass or take a vaccine so much. maybe maybe admitting that you were wrong will help make up for some of that fuckin bag? I haven't you created because I'll be real. There not a single time, do I wish a fuck like I said this on the show I sat bro as much as I can. Fuckin stand these people right now they are victims of propaganda, and we have to rise above this. divisive shit that we ve all been doing because our own fucking egos, if we want to do right by the country, yeah
You know an end in both cases. You know using this analogy whether it was like kind of like the more right wing type supporting the war in Iraq or the more left wing type supporting all the corbett stuff. In both cases, as they were, putting faith in these institutions and just being like we'll know, listen following the science or following the intelligence, like you know what I mean is yeah, you think the present the united states would tell me this guy's got weapons of mass destruction. If you didn't have weapons of mass destruction we doktor found, she would tell me that I was there all day, all wing the authority figures, and so that you know it's like the bigger question their brows. Don't don't you think it's a reasonable expectation that we should be. be able to believe the president, the united states yeah. Isn't it a reasonable expectation that we should be able to believe our media isn't a reasonable expectation that we should be able to believe? Dr fouch? He is so that doesn't make us a fall. Buying into the the wmd shit it doesn't make. Those people is false,
they just a little slower behind the current adapting our differences, as once you realize you ve been fuckin, fair, you don't keep plugin by well, that's happening, but though the other reason why people and so forth, right to admit it, because the way the fucking operation was design, designed to be so vile, so hateful and so dehumanizing, then allow people are not willing to admit that they had that in now under its gonna like it's it's. I almost think. They need is so, I think, said, rob Paul and then later donald trump I think I did a lot to make it easier for right, wingers, too, admit they were wrong about all. That's none, because it's very hard lake if you just have like some left, winger like some hippy, you know, like type or like some pink haired. You know like, lady, by her something like that being like you were wrong about all the war in Iraq and all that, if you like, you lives like hey, fuck, you, not on this guy's team, who, when you had someone like wrong Paul whose like them,
conservative, human being on the planet, whose clearly, never even smelled pot and his entire life. That has been married to the same woman for sixty years and is a christian and is like the most like just kids. And he is going will know like I like strictly believe in following the constitution, and all these wars are unconstitutional, where it almost kind of like gave permission for right, wingers to be like, oh okay, I could be, against this war, and I don't have to be a hippie. I could be against this war and I don't have to I like. I don't have to give up my identity so just below Ok, I don't have to support this, and it's almost like the left needs that they need some like left, winger who's gonna, be really left wing, but be like no I will support any of this crazy covered shit, because this is all insane and like I don't know who that person's gonna be. The problem is, I think, there's been some people who have tried to do that, but the culture. Because of what we talked about the communication breakdown. Social narrative earlier in the show actually has created this situation where, when people violate the fuckin pack, no,
the chamber of the left or the I chamber of the right they get walking. straw yeah they get. They really do you see people like Glenn, green walled and we'll be like oh he's, a right wing or now she's like jane social as he is not a right wing, are now these just good on a few issues. That way, I lends itself to the point you were just making about them. Being so fucking afraid they were to be annihilated these people, if they had all the power in the herald, believe they have a numbers they claim they had. You would I'll be doing. You would be like hey bro, I think you're a little off liner. Our much different, our powerful people, powerful people. True elites are not tariff. five, no one had I that's not the quality that you see. People, yes, yeah yeah, well, they're, confident and they're comfortable in there, because they're they're there for a reason, and they know that they're kind of like the the leader and the when you see how terrified They are about all this stuff. It it lets. You know he has think about like how much
they all freaked out on rogan when rogan was having like doktor malone on his show. So, just like it like I used this guy, you can't even argue is not like as a crime, it is you could be in the field of em are vaccines and he's making these arguments that these vaccines have really negative side effects or repercussions. Put it on them on air to an audience. Twenty two is bigger than what their audiences able to see how tat replied. They were now. That's not the sign of somebody. No undoubtedly raised misinformation. If thou fringe shit like they say it is they have not even care will right and if it, and even if it wasn't fringe in there was a big audience, but it was misinformation the way there's they would want to go like, while here, let's get let's take apart, why everything he said was wrong and here similarly, the bay known and was though they know, they can't win that debate so they're, just like all we can do is freak out. We can save yelling about shutters downright ruin. The credibility ruin their life yet ruin their finances, ruin their marriage, ruth fucking. Everything.
you do that when you're winning now an a romans. Also good example. They failed. You know that it believes its a bluff. Ass became, They don't have the numbers that they say they have right. Cancel culture from the left is a fake thing. It's not even fucking real that rogan p of two million new subscribers yeah, my fuckin shit yeah, we're all they did was raising used, listen when you use your your powerful tools of deception and you could this imposing movement that supposedly going to ruin your life, and then people start seeing that it actually makes those people bear, and it makes bigger beggar and a grocer audience people stop fearing. And that's where we're out he will stop. I broke forth can cancel the final, hasbro. Every time you did like last time, I fucking guy again, forty thousand fucking, MR empowers doubter. no shit like got I get our last and third to follow a headline here. One of three four hired
he just cannot carry guns and classrooms. Vicious came out and others some interesting, libertarian stances on gun or maybe just true to a guys but oh get into a man so in a ohio law, hi law allow. Our guns in the classroom is now in effect house bill. Ninety nine legislation that its teachers and staff to carry firearms on campus after tat, many flowers of training in eight annual training hours I was signed in june. It became law. This pass monday, quotas, I often worked with the general assembly to remove her druids of ours, of curriculum irrelevant to school safety and to ensure training requirements. Worse but specific, to a school environment and contains ignition against scenario based training or high rebel republican governor MIKE the wine said, nay june statement regarding the loss signing
how's bill. Ninety nine accomplishes these goals and I think the general assembly for passing this bill to protect ohio, children and teachers. He added local schoolboy retain the authority to determine whether teachers in the district and possess possess a firearm on school campuses, though I'm sums Schools are pulling back from its and there we already know those same school, I just happened to be a more predominantly blue areas- and you know so, I dunno, if the kind of setting it up for issues to go on. But what do we got on this. Well, I mean I am all for it. I think that there's you know there is really no reason why, if somebody is a legal gone owner and has take in some gun training and then twenty four hours gun training. You learn how to use a gun. I mean. That's not, I think, that's fine. overall I go yeah I mean
you're, better off. If the concern here is over, like school, shootings and stuff, like that you're better off having a gun there as quick as possible and haven't, as we saw over in taxes, they are those cops be quite awhile away before, even if their close by my taken a while to get in there. So I have I have no problem with this, and I think that the young, Arguments that young people will make it this stuff, like like liberal, just tend to be very afraid of guns in general, even though their like it's not really base on anything logical the arguments, I've heard people I've heard like levels make arguments. Were there like, oh It's gonna be great, the next time the teachers pissed off what is just go. I pose genetically lighter, indicating you think, there's a teacher so reckless that he could like poets out and there's not like then forget the gun, The problem is about isn't teacher is teaching a class from people right now, my Jesus. I mean why, like you, should do that share the one propagate their own fucking propaganda, right. I mean like I do think there are probably like some
people who you'd rather not have guns, but that if there are problems they can't have guns. May I share your mama's your yet a bitter promised their teaching. I? What do you think that you are going to do when you tell him? I can't fucking, groom kids anymore, it's real. I got the guy was ugly beggar aspect for the amount of money they sent a ukraine. They could have fuckin armed entire army, entire funds will system we fuck and militant military veterans and protagonists schools. They don't want to protect the schools, No, it doesn't server interests. Their interests is to take the fucking guns so that they can oppressed you harder. They don't care enough to stop. because the solutions very sudden resolute, a solution that any of these things is very soon and the army conclusion that everybody should come to is that they want these problems. and they need these problems in order to justify their very existence? That's really it ok, they need high crime, they need fuckin poverty, they need control, green
green new deal. Okay, they they need you poor. They need you fat, they need you unhealthy. They need you educated. They need you this way and and all the while arguing with your fellow american yeah, you know allowed lighted issues that that they don't care about. Arguing about these things like you, abortion, like feel wherever you feel about abortion, I'm not saying it's not an important issue. I'm just saying that the elites don't care like the elites, don't care about that, and they don't care about trans bathrooms and they don't care about any of this other shit that they get people arguing over. But what they do care about. Is You look at your fell a countryman as you enemy rather than the people who are both being fucked over by them. You know what I mean like the truth is, like you know it's like you. Look it like to think about sing like inflation, like destroying our are dollar by printing up trillions of dollars. Yeah, is that screw over left wing people are right, wing people off
I think it's one of the really gets in one camp or the other camp. It's a bunch of really powerful central bankers and politicians screwing over the entire working. class and middle class of america and end even some of the upper class, although the upper classes usually able to at least escape the damages of listen to some degree, cause they own assets, and so they, you know what I mean like they get some of that benefit, but people living on a fixed income people I mean just get like destroyed and inflation low. To our right doesn't matter if you, socially liberal or socially conservative, that these eyes you ever abortions. When I was five g, I have exact way. Now is a so that there is like there is this, real desire for them to avoid people coming together, and this is out. This is how it always work better. This is the reason why the slaves were black. In a man go where they made the rule that you could only have black slaves and not white slaves. like well. This is what will keep the poor blacks and the poor whites from banding together, because you
you kind of like pit them against each other and buy them off, and I and the truth is that the institution of slavery actually fucked over the poor white people as well, not as much as the slaves, but it fuck them over, because they now they had to compete against free labour. You know so it's like that's like if you were someone who was like a field work, are your wages were driven way down to some? It could have a slave. Do it. So it's it's like really. I should have been natural allies facts. I only know that brings up the indenture. Servitude happens, watering, that's right, but in fact, within the the when they were expanding in there there were new states where they came out with laws that were there like. This won't be a slave state that was all pushed by The the white workers were like noack as we want to get paid to work, and we can't do that if we're competing against forced unpaid labour and so its end what the fuck is. A jack too, There was a nice, the races.
also as a bad one. I ain't getting upset, you compete niggers, a relay has jack. You know what I'm saying, because it's hard you are losing to the slave. When he's got big dicks and shit, like I mean that's a that's a lot, I mean I get it yeah? I know I know that little dick has that cause. You talk about how big dick you talk about having a big dick that's different. Subject. Although segment of the show, as always be our thumbs up, sure her lousy they'll get through thumbs up, meaning call it what you dumb somewhere, you dont want willoughby Sarah thumbs up Helen reads: huge chess world upset of grandmasters sparks wild claims of cheating, with vibrate sex toy or just off the back. It might make sense of this. As a I'll be honest, I
Don't know what the says or how would you cheat at chess with a vibrating sex too? As I don't It was good into it. So I cheating scandal is buzzing in the chest were with wild allegations of using technology include Vibrator vibrating anal beads it's a signal winning moves. After a teenage newcomer, be a world champion at a high stakes, turn HANS niemann whose nineteen years old of san Francisco California caused a major upset when he defeat It norwegian grandmaster, Magnus, carlson's, thirty, one, the cynic field, cop and saint, Louis missouri onsets an ocean happened here. I have been here backyard. And so in the wake of the stunning result: a chess world exploded in such an uproar that niemann faced allegation. of cheating and was banned from, dot com and even billion are elon musk weight in how the tweet mocking online rumours that a erectly in
started device was used in the possible scale weight. So he had no be these dangers are saying what they were like I braiding tonight. We must move if you may, the right signals. Yes, that seems like it was like you already wanted to have the anal bathes like that. Just get up in a different way than signals that any reliable- and I know I know how we could do it. I just got an idea of setting up my my brother vibrates right. If I read it because I was thinkin hand the question is: is it what is it like? One buzz for no or the like it's the signals here, terrible idea, I mean you want to be- this branch idea. No sane man like it's, not a terror lobby. I wouldn't have- I wouldn't think of cheating like that, has yet to be wrong to bishop five regiments. Everyone is already having to use in this shit and casinos, though about you maybe a year everyday see it. I mean
was three hundred and fifty thousand dollars online on the line, so I mean No, I mean I will show you as a pitcher of hans. You guys tell me if he looks like he shoved should up his ass. Yeah he doesn't like. I did. He doesn't look happy. I mean I dunno. How happy you would be if you had some shit up yet I dunno I listen. Man. so yeah. I think he did it. How new is this? Guy in chess I mean he's. Nineteen he's Dump rabies in states but ma This is like the proof today. They have none at all strip search was night light where this allegation, even those in only logical out like logical thought process, take a political altogether
the ban on financial autonomy like receipts lee bought this really foger like what are they gonna gillies, so you're told me they just went. Wait. You beat this guy. This is the original be desire. I must have it. They just came up with this. I say I dont understand something as well. That's of evidence. For me, you don't want to go my thumbs anywhere near the story. Maybe just maybe did check for aid will be heeded. For a bit of araby, it has to be our doesn't. Salaries sounds far stretched I'm a guess would have to be: thou ha ha ha ha Two thousand, that's all I got so far. You fuckers don't jobs, Oh shit, Dave brought. This has been awesome about a great time. Man who come in india. Thank you. So much for every man really really enjoyed it. Hopefully we can solve some of this in our lifetime that would be nice guys.
She loves guys and look forward to bring. You are more amazing content. Hopefully, without aid beach. I would appreciate, if you tell someone to listen to the show. Thank you for sleeping on the phone number jury box frozen. The fuck are still counted in the kobe teach Buddhist got a rope can't both doesn't know his shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-27.