« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

367. Andy & DJ CTI: Federal Judge Sides With Trump, Biden Has Fun With Jay Leno's Cars & Antifa Stands Guard Outside Drag Show

2022-08-30 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss a federal judge siding with Trump announcing her preliminary intent to appoint a special master to review the documents seized by the FBI from Mar-a-Lago earlier this month, President Biden spending time with Jay Leno on the anniversary of the Kabul bombing, and heavily armed Antifa militants standing guard outside a drag show in Texas.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one. The flow number for the countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph can't both doesn't know shot case closed. What is up guys for selling this is the show for the real and say goodbye july to take this and delusions of modern society are broke. Mother fucker guys today, yeah, oh shit,. I didn't realize this. What we had got his camera quotes. I got some special for you coming up real close now little closer guys today,. We have andy joe. The mother fucking intimate bucking right, we do and there is a whole lot of shit. The crew is allowed to cruise yeah
was, I do what's goin on man. What what's been, what you got a game? I say at the outset a bit. It was fuckin awesome. There was fuckin awesome, it was, it was slow. Hello reigned lay starling normal, but they will put off when sixty three up Gabrielle cars. Cars. Now, listen, I'm telling you do the cardinals got magic lawyer or your card magic, listen, I've, never followed baseball my heart and I gonna shit right here. We call on it I'm just saying I been saint louis gamma, whole life. I know what a fuckin magic team looks like they magic the shoe rolling us from rooster. Four guys other do in its especial do like new that guy you're, like you, could feel like we're a baseball town. You can feel it So they they, when they relieve, when the brain relieved that pitcher, ok, And brought him lefty, and so we brought pulls up walls outcome.
doesn't it doesn't it a heater comes out and the fucking stadium was electric yeah. It was far can take this man redo also pools Listen paul's last year, yeah he's last year. Maybe when rights Last year alone, Julia broke. These good young birds, like I know, utilizing, threw down for baseball budge, fuckin big, some mass and radio massive jaywalking awesome. Seeing pools do shit now. I do it it's cool. I was heart broken when he fucking less in lisbon happy war were barely had a store. It bar some shitty at ireland, and they forget, sounds like dude. I, like yeah every now like when he came back about s pretty cool. Now, I'm like it's he never left it's fucking cool nowadays. Man right is right, therefore, concerned were too well, yeah he's my eye than anyway. There are also those guys showed you have what else
scorn on where we know that. Yes, we have to work hey. You know always cool ass night. Oh yes, in, I baseball, you know pretty big deal using the cardinal starting line up right. There left bill for first form. Billboard I've, Ethel composure one of the talk so much like I won't like thirty. In captions of talking shit? my god, you sick, just post the picture business and enough europe. I will I like roller about put em my draft inflated, still got that little white russia bitch, like all these things, but I'd use, chose the list of speakers I was proud of myself self does. Even I think I feel my my mission by using carbon shit now the boy was. I felt like an adult. We sort of number is fucking awesome. I know, but you get I'm saying by not talk of shit. I wanted to talk shit so bad and I did it the growing I'm starting to realize is like the word
was better. When I talked a lot more shit I think the world was when people could talk shit and handle it. I think the world was better when you could punch your mother fucker in the fucking face there and he could punch you back. in the fucking face without stabbing you are shooting you with a gun, reporting your comment or calling the police, and then you could just work, fuck out here and you're gonna have a beer, and you now be your friend when the world was a good place. the cruise yeah do it see built on does river viewer to say: if you go into a stick it out again, any of these. You play football yeah. What happens when you drop the ball? You pick them up for grabs to go as scoop and score baby yeah, let's see if he can does that
it does. We will see a mother fucker to fucking about probably score a touchdown start dancing at the three yard line and fumbles have a mother fucking both ends. You remember when Bobby boucher yeah, let's go. Alright guys, if you want to see any of these pictures articles links videos go to Andy for salah dot com, you can find them all hyperlinks there, and with being set headline number one, The one reads: federal judge. Sides with tromp announces preliminary and sent for special master So this initially seemed like a wind right, a federal judge out of reach. that has sided with former president donald trump and announced her quote preliminary intent to appoint a special master to review the document seized by the fbi off more alive or earlier this month, ace special master would review the documents and materials to determine which operate. sector by attorney client, privilege and executive privilege.
Barring the department of justice from using them right. Mrs quote law enforcement is a shield that protects americans. It cannot be used as a weapon for political purposes. Chums motion set Therefore, we seek judicial assistance in the aftermath of an unfair said in an unnecessary raid on present trumps home, a mall of palm beach florida right arm. Chair motion. I forget it our judicial oversight and additional relief request. The core appoint a special mastic, prohibits the fbi from further review of the seas documents. The special master is a point of order. the government to release is more detail. Property receive every turn. Any item seized that was not within the search warrant scope. Now here's the problem. Just a day when this was recorded. Today's monday, this I reads: the justice department cells judged already review the documents. I don't care.
They don't forget the row, the row, no shit, the row, so the justice department announced in a court following today that they already review the document seized from part of former president we'll drop. I am while I go in there. They identified a quote limited set of documents that could include information protected by turning client privilege on the deal. Jay said they would provide more information in a separate filing beset the prior to the court. Issuing a preliminary order to appoint a special master to go through the documents a privilege, review team of their own, went through the back and so the row brow. What do we got on this? you know I don't know man, I don't fucking know, they they released. There has been a lot of stuff They haven't over the weekend and I kind of car. You know they released the ass one half a day without dublin. Act today rejected the entire fucking document, but it was so rejected that there's like
biggest meme of the last week. It was just a bunch of black lives across the screen burns and remote make america. That is funny, as it is now thought now and so this level of lying in this level of gate? Keeping in this I of deception, that's being put on the american people in the american public. In that dress of national security, yoke and fuck off with that. Ok, it's time for transparency, regardless of what's going on it. I think that's what most people want ryan, just as problem is in the recent we're not getting. It is because these people have the motives that are trying to push through and saw it. Should be very obvious to anybody with common sense, regardless of what you think of donald trump, that, This is dangerous shit because this is unbridled unmitigated literal oppression by our three letter agencies on literally the present united states, to me
Like I said, will happen. It still feels like a boy, intimidation, peace, would for america. First, if you stand for fucking freedom, if you stand or even think that donald trump may have gotten cheating if you believe covered was bullshit lobby, blah blah blah blah blah blah you're fucking terrorists and we're coming for free and that's what but they were trying to put down for the law. Ass to two years since binds been in office. Why they they'd done that. That's the question of the day. Why why? Why Page patriotic americans now considered terrorists. Here's why As they want you to not say shit, ok, political correctness, weapon designed to self sensor, you ok silent majority, a weapon to get you to be quiet. ok, censorship, another weapon to get you to be quiet.
Now this is I well if you're gonna keep talking we're. Gonna fuck you up that's what's going on So what should the average american do? All of you listening to the show all of you that following me for last, couple years as I've expose this shit over and over and over and over again what Should you do the opposite of what the trying to get you to do. Because the reason, though, trying to get you to be quiet is because They know the truth will fuck up their plan. I mean If you don't exercise your actual, first amendment right and you don't find some fucking courage wherever the fuck you gotta find it to stand up for what's going on in this country and speak it out if you listen to my show- and you don't show the show early share the messenger in way you
are the reason we are going to lose a mirror, not them not these fuckin tyrants matters you know, Oh well, you know what andy I agree with you, but they won't. Let you say that mo fucker. They won't. Let you say shit. If you keep being quiet facts you know. Do I look in the historical context? we all know this is a fucking coup. Ok, What no? We don't know that people are realised. You don't realize you shit, fuck it this is of this fucking. They occur january, six of being a coup the real issue in november that collect them. That's correct. It was called a collar revolution and if you go back, and listen, my fucking shows for the. Time. Leading up to that, you will see that I told you that's what was happening and so
were you all that it failed to understand. With the january session. Is it there were literally dozens of these treaties, say motherfuckers, better fuckin waiting and would acting all this information in the crowd. Instigating the crowd on I can video organic way. Ups. Ok, we we know the names of these groups. They don't who are instigating it, then what they do they stay between the ropes bro, they made the shit, look. The way they needed to look. so that they blame what they did. Another guy, that's everything they fucking do now. You have some of these politicians coming out your Democrat, saying they are using. This major fear tactic of we'd. All women in november we will keep the house in the Senate You'll never be able to vote again
you're insane dude, because that's what they're plan their plan It's a fucking, ruin and end the united. states of america and turn it into a literal dictatorship. Communist country. If you all stand up now, you will forgive lose either way. cause you're, either going to live in poverty. And submission and oppression in a communist country, but they say, it's free, which we ain't even close to fucking free when you have the biggest producers of your country, paying over fifty percent of their money in taxes to the federal government. You are not free at all. ok. So let's fucking be real, so you out they're gonna live like that or they're going to kill. You. And that's what communists do and I have a working? I have.
No idea which is going to happen- all I can speak for at this time, is that I am going to fight for the right shit and if they kill me, they fucking kill me, That's the to the fork in america was founded upon You are not fucking, taking my sovereign freedom, my bodily freedom. The freedom of my mind. Unless you fucking kill me and I can assure you That's what I mean when I say the shit. and if our men in this country don't find their mother fucking ball soon, If people are gonna get hurt, no I'm not I, the patriots of this country, either by the fuckin tyrants, because what's going on here, is that the way His mother fuckers in society are fucking trying to eliminate their fucking threats.
As they know they can't handle the threats. They're not equipped to do is dangerous. super danger that what I would say like in the historical context guys when, when a coup establishes power, one of first things they do. They eliminate the figurehead of the previous administration. right, and so this raid, all of this stuff was they did that intentionally put in the special fucking review before the court orders it's another, it's another. It's another thing. Further: future history, If they can do that's a whom we all know it's fucked up right, what the fuck are? They good ass its it's two things here: one, it's intimidation now and people don't try to it. Imitate you unless Europe, unless its task, must support your guy to their doing things for the future history books some vague in the old tat right now, we're all like what the fuck regardless of what you think about wrong, we're all like what the fuck
twenty years from now people are now going to remember what that is it that was necessary to save them. So that's why You can stay silent right now and the question is you guys need to be asking yourselves? What are they going to do with the people that know the truth? They're gonna kill him, what they do in every single communist fuckin establishment. They take with this, is our genocides happen in a late, the fuckin left. you shot for the banning of ants freedom average. We made a fuck alone, american they're dog, a fuckin. Do this too ouch it man better give open gas yeah people in these agencies a stand for fuckin freedom, you better start doing a better fucking job. She hasn't thing I with the when it comes to them, but, like I know, like a mink within that we know this. Is it There are people that are fighting inside these agencies,
and because I'm not there, I dunno how hard they're fighting. I know, they're fighting you know, but fuck man keep keep fighting fire fucker harder, Where, where it s a very, very dangerous time, I now man very very dangerous. but that was the first headline now. Moving on to headline number two, I wanted to bring some light to this. I didn't really see many people talking about it and by the understand pull out outright. So this have on reads: Joe Biden has a lot of fun with jail in those cars on anniversary of kabul bombing sleigh marines, dad slams Estonia, So this article reads the father of a marine killed lashers terrorist bombing in kabul, Afghanistan, slow. I president Joe body, Spending the one year anniversary of the attack filming a play, full segment with comedian, J leno friday, what the one year anniversary of the twenty twenty one cobble airport attack that left thirteen? U s service members dead during pro
president Joe Biden, disastrous afghanistan. Withdraw that also left hundreds of american stranded in the country which is swiftly taken over by the taliban following marriage, departure while Joe Biden did not appear a visit arlington international cemetery to pay his respects to the. U S, service members killed in kabul last year, white house, Secretary green, Jean Pierre suggested the president covered his basis by issuing a statement according to the transcript of her media briefing. when asked about hoover's remarks jean Pierre ass. I quote this an incredibly important day that he wants to make sure that he acknowledged, which is why he put out the statement the statement was basic was fuckin. Bland was dry, but there was no wreath ceremony for his disastrous withdrawal in the course of the: u S, whose lives were did at this. This is one of those situations, I'm just plain balsam I too there's nothing. He could do there's nothing that he
new personally to recognise how badly he fucked up. No, ok, that's the first thing I want to say model because almost say something else out from the students shocking. Ah, they fucked up, And it was on purpose- and I stand by that. Ok. No one else was on purpose can be with J leno yesterday on the anniversary, Whenever I was frightened rider whenever that's on purpose That's demoralization society. How do they It did not matter the things. The way, actually care about in this country, like the service, men and women who fuckin stand, protect the freedoms that we're supply, to have in this country? We? out of them. that's what we ve always done. So if you don't think that him fuck around with a bunch of cars on a day that should be focused,
recognizing how bad you fucked us up morning, kills fucking thirteen americans, ok, If you all of you, think that these people, people who are running this massive fucking power play, right now in the world dope, I understand the optics. of him being which a leno and cars. On the anniversary of this death, you are a fucking idiot. this is intentional. This intentional chess on their part to get you to not give a fuck about our national identity of things we generally cared about, one of which our brad as well. The falcon military. That won't be in the in the history books by the way gas, but but but life from capital january six years, rumour that that that's the history books that'll be there. Or is it gets you too
look at it and be like fuck. It doesn't fuckin matter The hundred know this at my reads: congress spends nearly a hundred thousand dollars on a meditation out for staffers that are distressed by January six. you're on Zan, as I like. thanks for social, try everything central man, what about what about the fucking meditation out for the fuckin servicemen and women that that survive the fuckin bombing? What about this? For these people, I realise that play in america and all of us get together and now employ along about that. How are we realise that were being manipulated? How about that? How about we await the fuck up and realise that we, we are the oppressed people now just a little segment of the people. Not who lets have a competition about who the fuck most oppressed people motherfucker? We limit country that says we're fucked can we, Though we literally pay tax, every foot,
in the russian that we look at It is free about that. What is free, about literally anything that we do a society or we could go to. the grocery store we get to have a job baseball, yeah bro. These people have encroached so fucking far, and they ve done it in such a new strategic way but you don't even know that you're fucking slave by. So until you fucking wake up to the truth of that, I understand that this is all optics reunifying, look at and to say, Will you do far more during a more may have thought these people are in fact care and they want you to go fuckin live your fucking life, not say shit. That's what they want question is. Are you do it That's what I'm just tell you, what is called the moral zation very reason there are trying.
Two demoralize you they're trying to Did you do not give a buck to use what fucking do there's nothing? We can do more falconers a lot we can do. We have fucking. This is why I say personal excellence. Is the ultimate rebellion there so much that? You can do in your life to say, fuck you to these people, one of which is get your fucking ass in good shape, get healthy, educate yourself, read books. We should not just along not means I'm talking about actual shit, real life. I understand their story become educated weren't. How to think through situations learn how to critically think in general, instead of just fucking shit as if its fat, ok, I think the situation through Make a photon money for comfort is successful proud of it because what is that do not eggs. You a lot was governor. Bull gives you options. It gives you for
can choices in life. gives you the ability to give back to your computer because we all know these motherfuckers ain't going really do it. You stop being falcon ashamed of you. Pursuit of success start thinking. It's a bad things. Start thinking Why do they make? It seem like it's a bad thing? Well, the reason they make it seem like it's. A bad thing is because they don't want you to fucking go, do it Don't they want you to go, do it because they need. All the little boys and girls to be fat to be stupid, to be complacent to be apathetic to be poor so that they can fuckin put them on their teddy. The rest of fucking time and they have no resistance. So what I say personal axles is out rebellion taken, look in the motherfucker mere and tell me: how much are you can? tribute into what's going on? How rebellious are you that's right? because you're either one you're either country
we didn't do it the problem Are you becoming the solution of the problem? Your kid see What does your neighbor see? What does your can we already see. that shit matters. You live in a fuckin, half ass life in america, you're part of the fucking problem all, but on freedom of all over, I want no you're, not that's the point, that's the point. What are you gone e bt stamps nor the healthy They can buy. but they can buy a fuckin shit tone of work and full sugar fuckin coup d him for in diabetes and shit right. Absolutely. Whereby all junk food by all the fuckers it is bad for us really motherfuckers wants you weak. They want you quiet, they want you fucking stupid. They want you nothin. I think they want you to believe that,
Fellow americans are your enemy because they happen to be a difference. Skin tone than you are they to have sex with different people they knew. This is now in true. We are the first be motherfuckers being pressed by them until we get on the same page, you are going to continue this shit and this should have this motherfucker being with working. J leno on anniversary, should piss all of you off to the highest degree. Sure does me, and I love cars, fucking bullshit! and that's another thing. Look at these fuckin young, motherfuckers dont know a fucking thing crying for what is a picture of. So this was the This was twenty! Sixteen, when I hilary losses, election, the watch party familiar fucking ever
fuck you one of those motherfuckers boys, every fucking statement that comes through the fuckin state, sponsored fucking media who have you had better enable here, the knees motherfuckers think learn. The fucking rebellious once know you're the useful idiots that they talk about in communist ideology. You're that people who are so fucking ignorant and believe any can anyone says doesn't mean your bad person because you could we believe the shit they say if you have a good heart, because what they say is idealistic. It's the way things should be agrees, shrewd does sound great now, but the power cease to make that happen, requirement will the dye required. Extreme oppression and they don't work in real life and you will fucking star of your produce and, if you produce. Then they put a boy in your head put in a ditch. These motherfuckers here think that, oh, like you, take for me and somehow you're gonna be me and I'm gonna work for it. It doesn't work that way.
In communist system, guys, like me, get richest fuck and everybody else gets broken fuck and because I come from a place. Regular people I've gone down the path of the american dream. I value that path which is why I try to get you fuckers understand. What's going on. It would be really easy for me to now give a fuck I fucking canst andy's people's faces. We change the picture, move right on guys headline number three. Thirty final one I had on number three reads: break heavily armed and if a militant stand guard outside texas, kid friendly, drag, show kid freely. Drag branch fraud ages was guarded against protest by armed and c4 militants carrying a our fifteen's. I thought the left at my guns now. Is it just me for all
I saw this guy had so the event called the barrel. Babes drag branch was advertised, as quote dancing, music and laughs journal. Taylor hands and said that the quote kid for only event featured vulgarity, centralisation of minors and partial nudity. Here's a piece Two of these anti vocs. standing out, there's ten of them now I bet combined, they were, a thousand pounds again unless kind of phase will have excluded Are they my way a thousand pounds? We call a thousand one. Listen. Well, that's the guy in the weapon in the kit and all this shit don't mean anything it's it's hot fuck untrained- you are in theirs. Literally, millions of fucking, angry veterans right
with their shit sitting by their fucking backdoor. I did you do They should other back portable phone. You, mother, fuckers, are playing with mother fucking, here's the thing they're trying to induce violence, oh yeah, they want you guys to go, put your shit on and go down and fuckin blast these motherfuckers, and then they want to come in with the military and declare martial law and take the guns so be smart, understand, they're trying to do, but this is fucking laughing again I train very little. I would say I'm an amateur, I'm functional is flagging. Up put one right you fucking face but like in even I would skill set, which is a very minimal. I can fuck it in these dude myself. Look, I want one guy, that's it people or understand, but this is a one man operation, your untrained, your unfit. You all know what the fuck you doing. You think you think this call of duty,
And I said this picture of Greg Anderson he fucking sent me back. One hundred laugh faces you like dude, it's just crazy that these people think that this, like you might have, but here's the thing, if you don't resist them, they'll get their way the brother away. They fell again do? They fell fucking great around the corner from kids, while kids are watching fuckin pedophiles. What can dance for a fact- I bet they fell. Fucking great you know so well, listen you, the fucking, the pet! feel your shit, in the sexual shit that there are you hiding it anymore now, so you I the to decide. Are you for that shit? You not know the only stories of de trains issues go. We go, go If I go on the internet and we the stories of people who are allowed to transition in their teams that cut off their dicks and fuckin all this shit, but we the fuckin stories, you'll change, your appeal.
What's going on just by doing now, Centralisation of ship children is gonna, be the line it gets. People fuckin hurt me art. And like do they. They even have this fucking sniper on the roof. My brother reform why are the police even allowing this police even come? I we were, and they did nothing about what a shame on you motherfuckers vex, you fucker, you motherfuckers. Let these The fuckers get empowered and now they all think they're the fucking law and all this shit Oh, what's gonna happen is you know, what's going to happen,. Society is gonna. Erupt in all of these people are going to get hurt that will be corrected broke. I know its natural order, brow and the pendulum has already swat. So here's what's happening, For the last fifteen years, they ve been movement this ideology into play: minsk and slow will slowly slowly, slowly, slowly and now what they ve started again as they ve gotten further away,
is some actual reasonest, ok and their solution. Instead, of realizing? Like all this shit? We ve went a little too far beyond their solution is to go all the way. Ok, and what that's going to do is that's going to create. A fucking massive backlash that we're talking about society. Like? This is how like people think trumps the dictatorship bro you wrong about that. This isn't. This is This is how actual dictators come to power and lit. one way or another alot of people going to kill. Ok, because if the left stays whoa they're going try to take all these fuckin domain? the terror and ninety percent of enlightened yeah right percent of american put him in a ditch, a guy, but that's not gonna happen because they will have the numbers in the know how the guns, like its net, that cannot happen. War have right, and people are already pissed off.
so the stragglers that are still hang on over here on the far left, their pushing ardor and their pushing me. war for the sexual liberation. their game more aggressive with it and do that's going to cause violence. And I've been saying this for years. I am not advocating for it, I'm just saying what I'm saying is what will happen, because when the an old swings back the other way it's going swing back. So hard that, like p, All common sense are going to be heard and You have to understand, who has the fuckin weapons and who does it and who, as the numbers and who does it the military is going to come in and fuck and stand up for these fuckin drag queens met, molest children, shit sexual eyes, and children should read a funnel. Do both I don't know, has been cases about hey, listen, I don't know what it is, but what I'm saying is people not going to fuck and stand for or whether there are member of whatever
it's the line in the sand, brow the workers, the thing is. I got a follow up hell on here and we ve talked about this on the show many many times where any, what We said when it comes to people who are inside this algae bt grew. Why did they need to be doing while they may be, if you're, just a regular, a man. Can you believe in freedom, and you just happened to be lumped an L. Gb, take you and your game which nobody fucking gives a fuck. You should be distancing yourself from these people who are up. You know these extremists who are trapped these these pedophiles now we're trying to fucking hide under the label of the gay community right because no one really does this whole division between like the right and the gay community. It's not real anymore, because the whole point the right has shifted to the left and so the old school have the right like. Oh there should be. No gay marriage is shit. That's a very small percentage of people now and most people
eighty percent are like. Yeah borough broken my browser. even telling you they're fucking gay like they come over to swim. My pool is just as common as the fuck is this. As common is knowing the black person liberal. No one cares It's normal shit like I can fucking get. If I don't give a fuck what you like to do, but what I do give a fuck about is that you make those decisions as an adult and that you're not talking about cutting off people's dicks, when the fucking, eight and you're not teaching suck dicks when they're fucking, five years old to kids books and all the other bullshit. We said that multiple times right and so that the the mace of the gay community, does not fuck. This is an important because we have a big conservative audience here. You fucking, People need to understand that most of the people in the l, the the l gb community, or not with this shit at all. behind or number three december,
reed's algae be dropped. The t only she turns on twitter. This this has happened over the weekend row. The hell, I read, El G beats algae be dropped. The tools are best. I mean your briefer good, you don't you tell me how you know I just called their heads. He did. It turns on twitter, as many in the gay community reject or reject the transgender ideology we didn't sign up, for this is the exact quote. What did you say? That's exactly what you just said do sometimes issues hard being as good as it is hard to imagine a matter to be in this good man being amongst like regular people like it's just it's a hard life dude, it's a hard life because I'm game called for lazy, all the time. What You don't worry: seraglio announces the shadows and intelligence human. I put you on the fucking heart. Is it so hard
fuck fucking hard to tolerate these fucking. furious peasants. Its if, but he has to do it s. Somebody does have to do, and I guess yeah now bro, then show us what is well thought through and through and through a guy on the second smarties. Well, maybe not but why do you want to do much more of the same? Maybe on the first modest. All I know is, I guess, write a whole lot of pretty funny. Actually, I guess, where the whole lot in all. I was having this conversation, my boy from fucking, england, england, I'm talked him a couple years because a covert because had disagreements filing today reaches back out to me, like you now he's matter me right. Ah you know because I remember like he went with them, shit. I went the other way day. We had our are make up talk who by their
and it was like you know. I had disagreements with blah blah I say: look bro! Let me be real with you. I don't care if you fucking disagree. Let's look at a fucking life scoreboard. Okay are you don't need disagree with me in this calls for any of you. You can call on this. You can! not as ones that you you could disagree with me all the fuck you want. I do not give a fuck, because when I look up that motherfucker scoreboard It says, aid for seller a whole fuckin lot and that's not just money in all areas. That's my fitness! It's my mental fitness. It's in my fuckin businesses, its how my standards- it's in my leadership, it's in everything. I tried to do I try to be the best and my score after all, Fucking town of playing the game is pretty fuckin high, so I don't give a fuck you agree what I say or not because I already know so. Let's get therefore conclude, What if you're smart, you listen the people with high number on the scoreboard and I'm not talk?
about just money talking about their whole life right as a fucking beautiful mega. Their role is a beautiful nugget. Why the fuck? Would I give a fuck someone disagrees with me now. I don't care you're free to do so. This is why I get on the fucking show and say whatever the fuck I want, and I you are hundred percent free disagree, but just remember when we look up at that board, We see what the fuck score is. Maybe you should rethink your disagreement just based off the credit. Quality of decisions that have been made thus far in life. I have some perspective. I've been through some shit. and this is fucking. Awesome bought the gay people standing up for themselves. On the point of your disagreement point, you ve said this earlier that their rights- People who really want to improve will need convincing there see your work and your proof and they will take that and work in their lives. You have said that multiple tie us
That's what I'm not here to convince you! I don't care! I people the roll out of it will try to get you club, I like say I in any for full shit: listen broke. You could think that all you want What were you going home at the end of the day exactly there? It is I, where I'm going yep pretty nice, I'm not trade with you. And then the and the right people who really want to improve yourself themselves, they'll, be sitting in summer have across the world. And they look at you and they'll take what your teaching absorbed that and make their life better. Why aren't you one of those guys, I would say so, young may aren't you a guy who just listen the content, this is not the sort of maidens were content and then a guy said head. You wanna fucking job yeah, make a more or less money than you ever made your life more unimpressed, and I'm the best shape in every area of life, us right. There's your bad mother, fucker. I love you. I love you too. I know you love me back. Yeah
I mean is just fucking awesome, so it's been has been trending on twitter like crazy. This were once we says, the tea hitched I ride a few years back, invited itself for dinner and the show to make out It's always lived her. It didn't work sweeter one! personally now very go. That's a great fucking analogy: do- and I here's another three says remember- to keep the hashtag algae- be dropped the tea trending. It's getting noticed. This one was pretty funny to me You know he know the meme is like the white guy black guy super fucking buff, guys right that are like that's from Freddy, that's from frederick you fuckin fucking. I have no idea in predator there's this fucking iconic see you just think it's bad is honest. words and I have not yet, and that is fuckin car weathers about, isn't it hawk you're, not even american. Oh the me when me correct you, the more arnold Carl
our saying whatever what they're saying a predator? We never noticed because our muscles were so fuckin jack contain handsome Ok, that's why I'm muscles, because I've just cause, I saw those muslims and was welcomed. As to your point, dude I saw only muslim. One was a fucking muscle, yeah, I didn't say: hey to orange muscles. Are so fucking unrealistic, they're making that point. You also don't agree with everything he says. No, I fucking don't like screw your freedom. about this fuck. You do well about their muscles now listen! This goes back to my. This goes back to my policy of high george orwell's, made way more passive department deposits over the course of his life. Then that fuck it
stupid withdraw that he may know, and so I still love all sorts and anger. I think most people should remember that we should consider that greater scope of what they do. I just my personal opinion I think are of sorts niggers. A fucking amazing example of one american should be The command comes from whatever country bills. This amazing career service, country as a politician he's a fucking brightly lit the high standard is whole fuckin life he's done as he done some shit. You pray dont like for sure when he said that no I fucking hated, it may be mass fuck. Were you know what, when I look at the impact of that man's, for can impact on my personal life. I be saying in the small african building that workarounds worsen now, because he did anything for me, but because you spired me budget being ass. That's that's how it works That's why you can't hide your mother fucking winds! That's why you kid
be shy of your pursuit of financial success. That's why you don't fucking! You know Be a shame to want to go and be But that also well, its nobility, because other people see it may become so anyway, back to the mean that what that means you so now you can go ahead and explain the mean properly here now, and so we have all old and we have carl locking arms here, united jacked as fuck right arm, says: l, gb people and then the call with his arms as straight people and at the and says men are men and women are women I think one fucking awesome bro, you know what gets me row. Is this fucking going yeah. This final tweet, I'm show, says I drank too much. First, form energy, no ads on the show that same was blocked. This tree says we didn't sign up for this shit. We don't want
groom, not wanting men in our spaces or to have sex with certain genitalia, does not make us transphobia. We pray MR wasn't a slippery slope. They feared took advantage of our good will is gone too far, rather than other user rat. Also he's around algae, be johnny dramas that wasn't the slippery slope, because the whole reason that gaze were resisted in the first place in terms of being marrying having rights in all the shit they deserve. Ok, does he agree that deserve the reason it's always been hesitant is because the people that this was going to happen, and now the falcon sexual book predators have figured it out all parade around under your rainbow and focal people's kids, makes a dangerous for you guys I've been saying this for fucking years: it's nice see the people are doing, is beautiful man. I know
just nice where I saw him on and off in the show off with so finally our final segment of the show guys we have our thumbs, there's a massive difference between teaching children that there is, certain percentages of the population that our gay and that that's a normal thing? Ok and there's a whole other thing. Teach you don't a gay is completely normal because it's fucking not point we normal it's less than Four percent of the population is actually statistically, an anomaly. Ok, so we don't build the world around anomalies. We don't know there's a big. So there is a big difference between teaching kids Gay is and what it means and leaving it up to them to figure at the fuck out. It was taught to me now: ok, times rose time the koran and telling motherfuckers that they should be in books to their kids about sucking dixon feeling like a girl or feeling like a boy and doing
while the shit when their fuckin, seven or eight years old or five women fuck your doing now, no big fucking France and everybody knows it. Even the gay community, Gaza final segment of the show we have a thumbs up. show her long as you don't get two thumbs up or to them somewhere, you dont want them and without being set our thumbs up have armies. Very school district, reinstate spanking as punishment we ve had people actually think us. This have on reads a bed, so A school district in Missouri announced that it will reinstate spanking this school year, but with a parental caveat, caspian school distance Superintendent, mare, merlin Johnson, said he did not take the job a year ago, with a plan to reinstate corporal punishment, comedy supplementary measure that nineteen hundred students bury county dish, drink abandoned in two thousand one
ass will, as a small town with population just under four thousand and sixty miles south west springfield near the arkansas border, parents were recently notified of a policy approved in june by the school board. So one Again, allow spanking in school, but only as a last resort and with written permission from parents, each family will be asked to opt in or opt out people have been saying that a majority of people that I've run into have been supportive. I been was a quote very traditional community in south west Missouri Johnson's appearance of log expressed frustration that corporal punishment was not allowed in the district of the day. and begging for it. many play, and I now so the run back and, and one of the arguments was that there was hall. What did I tell you guys say was gonna. Do hold what I tell you for the last two years. What was can happen? about your? U Sheng had yet, where want to tell you, I told you we were going back
we're gonna go back. We're gonna go back. There because we're gonna go back to traditional customs. We're gonna go active men, being men, women being women, we're gonna, go back to fucking the men's code of this honouring man. We're gonna go away from technology. We're gonna go back to in person. Technology will the way we use technology now, will eventually be looked at like cigarettes were in the fuckin fifties, it was cool, but it was killing people and broken That's what's gonna happen, and so I'm not saying that technology will be removed, but we My opinion have as a society realized some of the damage that this technology has created and the sphere a world that is created and that the yeah did you, and I see that promotes, and we run denies this not fucking, good, ok, and so the natural thing to do what
dive more into the murderers. I dont think people are with it. Look at her fucking stocks. People are going to go back. This is why it is important for you understand, socially, if you're, especially if in business, that you need to run an actual company, we need to build a real shit that people need everyone. Is going all in on the fucking metaverse and is no longer little. It's all the same other fuckers that go from thing to thing thing thing: mother, fucking thing you know go out build something real for real people. Real people are always going to exist? There's going to be a huge. You know. Exodus back into normal life. In my opinion, now Do I say, they're gonna do I think that can be beaten. Kids, every school across country pry not now? Ok, even to me, am I right now if I want some because, like broad at
when I went to school I was a kid. I'm asking my teacher one time: I've brought in reserve. you don't know. Why am I as be whose fucked up to I don't think, I'm a really told the story. Had a fuck man teacher a male teacher. Then he's dead now, who are I fucking? went to school Like a grabbed, a parish shorts that were dirty to take the school for Jim, and, and in my dirty shorts, was a pair underwear that I you know like when you're a kid you fuckin, I was in like fucking fifth grade or something now, look you pour your fucking on wearing your fuckin short at the same time soon enough for school. I grabbed the fuckin shorts and there was a pair underwear in and he opened my locker and my fuckin underwear fell out and I fucking got embarrassed. and I thought this a while. I don't do that, like no one thousand
paris at a whole school saw my fucking underwear come out on the fucking ground. I didn't know what to fucking bank and he fucking like kicked my ass, because I was lying to him. Let us not open now: it's not a blouse I'll, be ok, so pushed into a locker, I'm ahead bounced against the locker in front of my whole flock and class, and forty three. Fourteen fucking years old, I still remember it. So we should be real, careful this is as good as I'm saying this. Is there still teachers that pieces of shit fuck with your kids through some really? what you should probably be doing- is disappointing your kids at home. In teaching them how to behave at school. So they don't have to deal with the ship that, but that I could not have said that beautiful, more beautiful myself as it yeah does it because you know like think about That brown like like we'll talk, I'm very three years old, I'm richest fuck. I got all. How is crazy, shit and life, and I could still
number, a story like that, you don't think that's fucking traumatic for a kid wrote. Especially when you didn't do they wrong now, brow just embarrassed I still remember it. still remember the motherfuckers name and I would like to go beat the fuck out of him. If he wasn't can a hundred years old or debt I say his name, but fucking get it the whole things stick with kids that's why all this fuckin sexual orientation in the ship there doing there doing it on accident, they fucking know what its doing you, kids. Not only will the soil, where would you give this there? I mean do look. I the idea that it that there be some accountability for Behavior is a great fuckin thing, nor do I think it should be. maybe with a real yeah rang. I don't know- and I dont know, listen, I'm not
I don't know where the line is with this. I don't know the. I don't know the ins and outs despair, but in general I think it's good for kids, some sort of real accountability, because I just posted a video, my story today of a fucking Probably twenty year old man saw ok going up to a ring doorbell and trying to force, his way into a house. The girls father, fuckin blue. Ass, this do rightfully so when he dies fuckin dead now, ok,. And the reason he's dead now. Is it because the person had a gun he's not add, because there was an overzealous fuckin right wing domestic terrorists with a gun in his house, he's dead because for one fucking years. nobody held him accountable right, he's dead, because it gets away with all these crimes and then ran away, ran up to someone who was gonna fucking take it, which is what's happening in cities all over the place right now. Okay, he's dead because
He thought there, no matter what I did. I don't have any hope of a man. That's why you fucking dead! That's! Why he's dead. You motherfuckers think that it's ok to let these kids run while all over to modify complacent do anything. They want say anything they want. We see all these videos of these little betty kids. We covered it that one fuck, if we are four year old black kid in the city that was fun, could punching the cop saying the cop was fuck? You caught wrote that kid will and being ten eleven twelve years old and get shot by a cop. The cops fall. then that's what will failing to understand society if we don t wear I said this on the emma c o project for fucking years. we are going to have this where I used to say this. Is me two thousand fifteen saying this we an entire generation of kids that are coming
back up, ok, I have not been held accountable, who have been old or special, who had been handed trouble, for finishing fuckin seventeen place when was kids get out in the real world there going give gets. and now we have those kids who were fuckin. Twelve are now twice he engaged shot the face. My mother, fuckers, In the old house, defending the long kids because we ve been accountability, so I thought up on the accountability. I dont know what it entails, but I can tell you this. Here's what I say if that fucking up That happened to me in grade school in my head, its national occupy a grown man kept me from getting shot by a and disrespecting someone and always remembering that, there's someone can fuck you up. I'd rather have that I'd rather have the drama in the fog. Story and the young The feeling, weird about the whole,
situation which is driving life. Yes, that's rule. As for gas, so Maybe we should think about that? Maybe if a teacher beaten the shit out of a care with a fuckin paddle teaches them to not go. Do some bad shit, it's gonna, get someone killed or get him killed. Her killed or us have to kill them so We don't have a society for degenerate box there. With everybody, which is what we gotta. Now with the fuckin twenty year old generation. We have we actually one of the twenty five year old men think there's no. What the fuck row you're gonna get kill. People are tired of the shit. So maybe we should start all your kids accountable going, I think, gets a pretty good fortune idea replaces start. Yeah So I actually as much as I would say that that's a little trauma story, a mine I'd, say it's a good fuck em, because I'd rather take that little trauma story and still be here.
My fucking hate their do right. Then I learned the lesson here through the roof. Gosh people are like. Oh I'd, never beat my kids while your kids are gonna, suffer this fucking fault, yeah, that's a problem! If your kids are going to suffer because you know, they're going to suffer, mate beat freedom, but I'm saying like if you Your kids understand that there are real consequences real world, they are going. while in the real world they're gonna get the fucking faces, start. Ok because are still a whole bunch of people. In fact, the Successful people the next phase- a billion earth, the next phase of like torrent, Influential people are from thirty five to fifty five right. Now. Ok, we don't fuck him. ro, we don't grow up putrefy road, we understand will winnings about and we tower at your bid shit now my
phone companies, ain't gonna happen very one. Mother fucker works like that in this place,. So the mega frustrating legal commit crimes. Do this shit what my bill, big jails, humph and care you guys are was fucked up. You, kids, I don't have to. I should have to fucking deal with their bullshit like I saw people come on that ring doorbell video the guy, like he didn't have to kill mo fucker he's lucky. He didn't kill him. He said kill them sooner. What the fuck are you? I'm talking about this whole this whole sympathy, bull shit to try and pretend like your phone. can some sort of really nice person is actually getting people kill. Your comment should be well. That's why you don't try to break into people's homes. That's why you don't run up on people in the fuckin street and people are becoming prepared, No more progress he walked around on now
ro in Missouri, no father people Missouri. like every motherfucker. I see I went to a while ago. It was It was wally's, I was wally's getting gas more for every fucking dude. I saw her fucking weapon, you'll, never see we purposely, rain to look for. You know every do had fuckin there, they're, watching the bold ass he sat there every day broke the we're, haven't you shit no more but result. So I was, I would say, if you care about your kids, makin shot the fuckin phase because I don't understand the fucker people, your whole accountable when their kids guys aid that is alive. Oh yeah, you guys we had this thing called the fee on the show, if it's by the way better,
find all of these articles on our website here and if you sell it, I come dance all of you, one of the watch and see the videos we're talking about. I soon you will be able to watch the entire relay f besides from here on out in video. That's an announcement! That's coming pretty soon. So whether you watch or listen moving forward, understand that we had this thing called the fbi. If you fucking, like the show, I need to share the phone number for both fuck are still counted in the kobe teach buddhist, slow growth kang, both doesn't know. Headshot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-27.