« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

366. Andy & DJ CTI: Fauci Defends Disastrous Career, Ukrainian Parliament Give Themselves A Raise & Biden's $20,000 Student Loan Forgiveness

2022-08-25 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ talk about Fauci claiming he has nothing to hide after announcing his retirement, the Ukrainian Parliament voting to give themselves a raise thanks to US taxpayers, and Biden announcing his decision to forgive up to $20,000 in student loan debt.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number for the countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph can't both doesn't know his shot case club. What is up guys for solar- and this is the show for the really say goodbye to the lies and delusions of modern society- welcome to mother fuckin reality guys today. Today we have something that is so special in near endeared, your heart. Today we have Andy Joe grows, the mother fucker minimum as right. We're gonna do with some ruin all man. Yeah, I don't know-
apparently emanating from Missouri that doesn't know anything and doesn't and what does anybody obviously out? So this is really f Andy. maybe at the runs, the shell from Missouri. I don't know anything I just speak out of my ass and your most of the should, I say, is bullshit. When you turn and you're gonna hear our budget differ, keyser shows you're here see the I, which is where we can the internet and We talk a lot of conspiracies about the internet. Then sometimes we have few and I thank you and I Is where you submit your questions. And then I answer them with my zero existent life experience information that will certainly
cause you to lose and life. Ok, that's what q and a half is then we are real talk, real talks, where I bull shit, real harm guy? This is where I like dig down deep into my loins, and I look the bullshit flow, and I do The enthusiasm abed bears full length and the full eggs go real fuck, indeed to gag we make perverted comments? I bring all my friends who are frauds: they all fakes and they're all actually broke in real life and they're all stupid. and not only ever done shit. me and all my area, friends, we talk to you You about you could be an idiot friends, that's just the show is that you to the show for all you, the fucking hate me
The show is that what you want to hear gives us the show holy fuck. Like I could call the play anymore fuck it accurately Now we are Alex jones, get the credit for it. Oh allergens, mega. Video said that they're gonna put an hour, dropping look. They did not drunk Why said at a year ago your fucking idiot, whatever do I don't even know why I do the show like honestly like to be honest. I really doubt I really don't. I don't even know why, Nothing at this point is more just like self assurance. I think this points therapy for me, so I don't kill fuckin. You know thirty fucking people on the way home from work.
I I think that'd be a good reason. I think that's where we're at you know, there's a lot of truth to that. You know men do go to therapy, they just start podcast while on the fucking good podcaster. So I guess I need a lot of therapy. I don't listen to. I try to help you guys. Try to tell you you know. I guess I don't get any respect in the fuckin real world. Like I called up fuckin trumps advisers, I called a fuckin, his closest friend, and I said ebro. as for the last year, by the way cyber? Oh, going a pen, this fuckin narrative on you, you know if you don't come out, struck out calling for accountability for what they did an opinion on you and then put it on you. They're gonna, pin it on you brow, I'm sure you got that in the headlines
there have exactly that actual is at the first one is a welcome move up. Ok! Well, let's get it Interior is getting someone to talk about it anyway. The breaking news guys ass, the breaking news headline. First: will without this common saying this headline reads: I have nothing to hide and I can defend everything. I've done. Every decision I've made back to fancy defends disasters, korea, after announcing retirement, so we have that from faulty right. Now you can, you can Well, it can have put in on trump the You know in the and we ve seen a lot of the lot of sellers both in seats It is the same as other running for seeds, saying that they're gonna try to hold him accountable. That's all been well. but at the same time this article comes out. Then this headline reads bad medicine, bad policy doctor,
blast rush to, they prove amr crime. Cove it vaccine with out human data. Well, are all you doctors, when you you're fuckin, put no shots. Mother fucker are they were pushing for it? You fuck you, you fuckin wires role. We got receipts and a whole play by play on. his flock and show of all the headlines and shit. They did the same. Doctors, are the ones who were jab motherfuckers with the shit back in the day another thing that was just rushed and we have human data who who rushed the vaccine? Maybe not. Who was this doctor this is I mean it was one of the front line doctors that actually want people that got the platform. their lives, ruined yeah. This was actually a group of federal health officials, critical being critical other agencies for sure, but the palm It is colleagues there helping Hope left walk this shit right in That's not how it was rushed to market will and we go through and look
How was it rushed? It was run because of operation warp speed, which was the white house. The seller reads: unveiling warp speed the white houses, America first put. four corona virus vaccine, or this one? The says operation warp, speed head, says trumpet, Illustration responsible for ninety percent of the vaccine, roll out another saying that mob lasting the rush to approve it. While did you know that, although to that last week, just this week, I was the first person in public to fuck say this was going to happen and whether you look you people out there that are afraid, fuck It blows my shit that listen because you're afraid your friends are going to think that blah blah blah blah blah you fucking pussies bro. I've called the play. Every fucking play. I've crawled the fucking I've called every single move with accuracy. I told you was gonna happen now. It's happened.
You know like to me. This is to me this. This feels pointless to can continue to talk about the past. now. This is the point where I'm sort of like you know. Maybe I shouldn't even do this shit anymore, because Truth of the matter is your fuckers? Don't listen! and you don't act when you do it now. There is a strategic play there. You know it's possible that trump could play here. Ok, and maybe this is his play. I don't know what Maybe he plans on taking all the heat because he has proof of because the proof is- It's all through the media. It's all right. we all remember how they pay I should have to shut it down, and then they criticise this pandemic response and they try. The blame him for not going along with all the crazy shit. The way
did they want it? We all remember in its all, on video the proof of the ship was planned before twenty nine twenty twenty. What what? But what I'm saying is what I'm saying is theirs. Not everything is out there if people choose to fucking, remember symbol and understand that, rob was resisting a lot of this shit. so maybe he was smart enough to have all the proof and keep all the proof Of what all these factors there, maybe not would they were looking for a moral I'll go when they waited his shit. Ok, because trump's, not an idiot, but if this the movie? He happened to let slip I'm here, fucking. Eighty ok now hold on. I dont think years, maybe- and I think you super falcon smart, which makes me think that he understands what's going on, and so the play here is definitely going to be from here on out of, if he understands what's good and he's a smarter
Did you do like? We all think he is. play here, will be to get the fuck and left to tell him themselves about all the shit, they did have the evidence that they fucking did this, which is revelling in the media and public opinion. Ok and then take all that mass and put it over here right, and then remove himself from the equation. Pushed us fantasy and the net generation of fucking america, first leaders to the front to lead clean up this mother fucking mess that could be the plan. Ok, if he's smart, and he cares about america and each The cares, while people, which I think he does ok what he's done is he's exposed the fucking corruption everybody out there were tired of it we're all fucking sick of it he's expose the corruption he's taken, a ton of heat, his family's taking a ton of heat, we're all thankful for what he is
opposed, but it's time for him to hand the reigns over to the young smart next generation forty something you old and fifty something year olds get all these fuckin old fox out. That's that's the play. That's his only play right now alone,. I am saying this because if he doesn't do this, we will lose the country So I understand all of you: people who were jacking on donald trump, big ball. Was a right that we all agree for, perhaps ok You should recognise the strategic play them talking about, because this corruption In this battle in this all this shit, they. They will ruin trump they will ruin trumped junior. They were ruined his fucking
its they will never stop this mother fucking, which it will never work and stop. So this could be the way for him to kind of remove himself and his family from this shit, knowing that these younger people he's pushing the power will remove him from these fuckers trying to it. all these endorse bats and making this with what I believe is going on and make sense. Ok,. Otherwise he would have fucking went on the offense already for accountability from solar. Has to be something there has to be something there: ok and that that's what I think it is actually, that's not big, and send to that point, though, that even makes sense we think about you, fuckers listening the show. If you will say almost could watch It happens that it's going to happen in winter, Happens you could allow talk about how far can some one else fuckin told you first fuck to the wire gobbled up
Whether it makes sense, though, because even if you think about us is that that famous lie says I'm in a drain. The swamp as she never says that he was going to remove any of those people from the swamp. He never said he's going to deal with those fucking people is I just drain it, which I will make sense, which we sat on the shelf yeah, which will make sense. If he's going to step aside and let somebody else actually remove those mother fuckers from the from the swamp, it makes sense to me this is find the fuckin bites. I want you team, I'm taking the team to go, find fuckin. By where I told you they were gonna, fought foot this autumn and blame anyone here. Ok You guys can go! Look that up right now, as I'm talking. This is what they're going to do: where's that listen they're, waiting to pin the accountability on trump one hundred percent; okay, that's their whole plan, yeah, alright, and remember how we just went back
wade the clip from twenty twenty in two more years. You'll be playing this clip that what I'm saying right now, what what do you mean they're, going to pin in the fucking vaccine, damage that on trump, the closer that it gets to the president presidential election? When we get closer to twenty twenty four, they are going to say trump fast tracked. The virus trump did this trumpeted, that drop and trump is so poorly falcon managed by his team, that he runs into it not sustaining. What the fuck, like everyone like all these five d, just really easy because I'm pretty sure I ain't donald trump, but I can see what the fuck they're going to do right. I told you this would happen. Which all would happen now. I'm telling you what I just said is going to happen. That's going to happen. Ok, an end to be real, real talk, the same, This is the fucking guy anyway. Ok, the scientists, Forty three years old, younger, ok, he's a fuckin super smart guy
He understands. What's going on with the world economic forum he's now tied in with any of these old guys. Like trump is: ok, you don't understand trouble. Tied in business wise with a lot of these fucking people, because they ve been in the game for fifty fucking years, are. You know they were gonna fuckin take over to modify fucking world. Do all this crazy shit and he's bill. Fuckin business deals with some of these people. right we remove all of that. This is why the scientists, in my opinion, is the fucking guy and everybody should everybody there fucking things all drunk drunk on wrote, should really think about. What's going to be good for the, country, for the long term, I'm ready to nagging my face kitten. Over the same old shit from donald trump neurons.
And, like this whole, the whole disruption of our lives. That's happened since two thousand. Sixteen has been necessary, because It showed us what the fucking problem is. Now we all understand what the problem is. We ve nice healthy, tasted it Which none of us like aright it's time for us younger people to run his fucking communist shit straight out of america from top to fuckin bar. and this is why I tell you all right: over again, it's not up to me it's not up for donald trump, it's not up to Rhonda santa's, it's not up to rogan. It's not up to your boss, it's up to you to hold the line on what a mess can values mean to you when you see them being violated a real fucking life. This. silent majority shit gotta
in this fucking mess and being vocal. And standing on the mother fucking line for what america actually should be is, what's gonna get us out and so but I think the biggest thing is I bet that's. The only contingent I see is that the majority of people, not believing the bullshit. I tried to tell these guys at you know, look man I hope that's the play, I really do cause if that's the play and that's the only strategic play that I can see not destroying the country. The regional languages be real yeah, that's them still in the election in november. That's them like a lot of stuff that big there's a lot of straw, learn to flock and make this if us into this fuckin dabble too, but we must be fuckin real brow. The scientist represents america. If you don't fuckin, like the same this, it's me
cause you don't represent america, that's the fucking problem! Ok, you don't You been brainwash with this fuckin socialist fucking, true fascism, ideology and you're, not smart enough to recognise ronald- and I don't think I'm in the- I know- they'll try to bash him, but, like I mean they've, already tried that doesn't really work just because he has a. I don't give a fuck mentality like they did it with the the the the don't say, bullshit you now I fucking box fuck with someone. I guess what exactly exactly why he's not afraid of the press? You talk to him. He answers questions, you fucking showers He doesn't really give us. This is why in cancer culture, you doubt for complete in two, so yeah, whatever, okay, you've, you ve, given movement holy fuck. Through my warm me. What will I know this
analyze the small motherfucker he's gas with small people around him. He also has some dummy artistical people around about what we don't: listen to people that come from other places like Missouri. he's rhiannon temperature checks from people that they have no actions well say entourage did he's, relied too much on people who don't Have their finger on end sort of reality from the ground level at all. Then that's dangerous is fine. I know I know and I mean, like I wouldn't say that his is necessarily his fault for not realizing that because, like how do you know you're what saying man if he makes the move? I just said everything will work out. Fucking amazing it'd be better than it could have been this idea of you know like dogs try like brother, these lists months are crucial for our they're gonna run him through the fuckin mud. There try to make him the scapegoat for the next two months of the fucking whole pandemic. We all know it's fuckin bullshit,
we all watched it row, these people blame trump, for all the des, because he didn't go fuck and harder. remember that like Let's not forget that these same people that are about to unload all these lies and lies and lies. Lies lies there covering their asses They are the ones that did it. When you are the president of the united states, And you have every mother fucker that they're saying that you're, the fucker rob cause you're not going along with us. I posted this into a fucking march. Twenty twenty. I said that president hat, do you guys now remember the fucking propaganda campaign they fuckin unleashed on them on the world bows and said the fuckin death toll clicker case click every fucking day twenty four hour coverage for literally a year and a half body bags mobile morgues- I mean it was your.
And now they're gonna turn around and say he fucking did all the damage like bro trust me, media fuckers, well? Who did this work? We know who you fuckin are, and we call on we're, not gonna fucking. Forget we, no fucking did it the people know. Who did it? And while we, We probably all recognize that we want all this trash, fuckin wives. After the side we want the young people become fuckin, run this, yet we know who did it in a one fuckin donald trump wrote but in guys I like think about it, that's why they're whether the getting Brian stelter out. That's why they're getting down lemon out the rats, usher sure, in the new faces of transparency. In area you don't say like because people want the fucking, we want what we believe is true right. We want the truth. We want transparency there already set in the shit up for yet you just. I don't fucking look outside the fucking. Only thing I could think is what I said: dude like he's going to push all the
if people in office that you know and they're gonna, but they ve got proof of who did what and that makes that would make sense, would the be. I was fucking doing a moral order, but the orange relinquish. Well, so we'll see where then, by the way, if you're done enough to think that he would store those kind of things in that kind of proof. At his fucking residence you're, a fucking moron holy shit, you even wash all the forensic files it could be. Your watch we observe how to get away with murder. No man you watch netflix and bigger ass. She had our holy fuck movie right, all guys are breaking news answer headline number one: you did that the on the the unashamed lack of care for what
Happening at ground level, america is unacceptable. Like do these people or I'll play in this. fuckin war game And are ruining the wives of people like it. we're talking c4 apathetic if they dont believe towards them. Ok, they'll pay labelling will react, showed it are Louise, the entire due in the shows, because we cannot now because the these same people wouldn't allows ruined or sit in a book and jaded it. I'm out here. Somebody who's affected, probably, way less than most people, ok, that them kill it. my shit all good, your answer was be. Will that's what we said the other day, Well, I'm very well. Alarm, I'm in here for defined for these people. These people born in five themselves and only speak for themselves. What the fuck am I doing? What do I do this. You see you soon as I get it,
come in here and I'm like ok yeah, is what we'd, but ass. I was gonna happen now has happened. Well, you know how nicholas! That is like it. Just ridiculous, like no You're fix this, for these people know what It's coming to save these people. They don't stand when I say the personal excellence is the ultimate rebellion that you have to raise your fuckin standards. These people want you broke, they want you weak, they want you apathetic. They want you sick. They want. fucking on fuckin technology, twenty four five: seven! What is the ultimate fuck you too, that its to become rich is to become successful, is to become healthy. is to spend your time. Britain, the mother air, not worth a fucking muzzle all through your fucking life. It's about expressing your freedoms ok, living an independent life being as. dependent and self sustaining as mother fucking possible away. government assistance? That's what fucking freedom is? if you take shit from the fucking government, you're fuckin for europe
now neither are the rest of us who are paying our quota? fair share. Motherfucker, when you pay over fifty percent in your fucking access to the government you're paying your fair fuckin share. Mother fucker. They figured out how to make people feel like their free when they actually work for the government. How How am I free if I pay more than fifty percent of the fuckin money that I earn? That's sweat, god bless that I fucking given up every single thing in my life to earn for the last twenty three years: and I give up more than fifty percent of that of the fucking government, how the fuck am I fucking free, And neither are any of you, you don't fucking get it. we're being oppressed by our own fuckin system in their calling a fucking freedom and then these other dumb fox call
for socialism, communism, ok,. Guys moved on her, my mom warm furthermore, reads capital records. Severs ties with virtual wrapper f in mecca after inward consumers, now I got a hell of its waste on this spot thing, because more information is come out, but Of course, the bare wagon goes the capital records, dumped a popular tik tok virtual wrapper. It had just signed after the ai programs. You, of the inward in its song sparked outraged from activist who called the act. A quote direct insult to the black community. Are the virtual, after a black avatar with green drat locks, thought f in mecca his voice waste by a human, but the songs written by art by using artificial intelligence to analyze popular music. According to its creators, capital records announced last
that it has signed the wrapper, wet tinville, your followers hyping the vote draw character, as quote the world's first, a are artist to sign, they major label within shit when sour. Social media uses an act of this round, roundly labelled the project as races, o, F and making use of the slurs like the inward. It's as the grammar. now also included: a pitcher of police beating the animated wrapper in jail as once we from a lady. She says no one and then it says white music exacts left in a room unsupervised. That's create an art fish arap who says the word and stimulates our deepest vanishes and fantasies about black materialism and he will never get arrested unless we want him to which is a fun. Storyline must try that Other people are saying that we find fault, This was a statement from from the music labour says quote: we find fault lack of awareness and how offensive that caricature is,
music nonprofit industry blackout wrote on Tuesday It is a direct insult to the black community and our culture, an amalgamation of gross stereotypes appropriate, creative mannerisms that derive from black artist, complete with slurs infuse lurks. Ah, so it's and here is the character for you, Now, here's the twist you got all these working people cancels this fuckin virtual wrapper right this, this black avatar Oh brad communities up an uproar era, is vulgar pissed off. Yes, voice behind the avatar, a fuck, your blog wrapper. an actual black wrapper, This guy is names cow, the hooligan he's a black, a black man alone. Do your job let the entire fucking community of democrats and laughed and
social media on the left power plants, thomas, the inward, with the are like, like not even a soul, sure songbird row yeah like that can be a term of endearment depending on who wants to be offended and who doesn't at your leisure. which, by the way is over you saw, were clear when you allow an entire community of white people, because they pull legally align with you, get a pass for saying that clarence thomas is an end word with, are ok that's literally what they ve been saying, tweets like their record monkeys. Can america about everything, your shoes? it doesn't europe, your I'm a offended done really carry the same weight as it did before. Ok, and to be completely fucking honest, if we're going to talk about the
I, let's make a fucking decision about the word, ok of because this this up to the perspective of who gets a pass to say when its appropriate in this. in that and this and this and this this and howard stern can put on black face and say whatever fuck you wants, but rogan could tell a joke and ease the fucking devil. Just because a political ideology guess, what you lose. The ability to use that as a weapon anymore, ok, and by the way we ve caught onto it, we don't give a fuck so called You may call me everything for fucking years. I dont care the rest of europe, I can get on the same page. Ok, this thing, always baffled me man, it's you know what you get is a song. You can't say that site. can't say, but I, by buy by the song, though again
I supply the race every rap song that uses the word and then I think I think that's ok, let's go every rap song from culture since its offensive, where let's erase it, if we're gonna, have we're going to continue. to propagate the racism narrative based around a word. Let's just me yes or no one uses the word alone. That's fair! That's fucking, fair, oh, but it It's ok for us to use the word, because its term I endearment work and be a term of endearment for anybody. That's words culturally gone to. Okay, so now. Everybody wants to pick and choose, and it's usually, by the way, either way. It's usually why people that is it the weapon right leg like they re all black like when you said the black communities up in arms. Are they really are? They really will vacuum back me remember to be ok, because I don't believe there because
black community, from one I could tell pretty much fucking gets you ok, it's usually some polish age white people then make these things in the big fuckin deals that people feel an force, yes, which, by the way, is racist right right when you decide how A certain group affect people should feel about a certain thing: refund you're, not of the group of people once I make you feel, makes it It makes me just the way I may certainly makes it makes you believe your superior and in a position to make such decisions for this lower class of people, that's races when it's based on skin colors of more you know, let us
so I urge you know, I think, any per cent of america's rate, a move. Past racism, shit, we're broke off. We want to have a discussion about you, talking about fucking hose and so and drugs and, like all the shit I liked to cause, let's be real brow. I like to listen to it, because it's a very parallel story to building up a business in real life like theirs. householders lot, rhine, there's a lot of lonely times. I lied, trap music because that lifestyle is entrepreneurial and I can relate to it. That's why I listen to a lotta young Dolph right. However, I can also recognize that is probably not the best message for fuck and children to be pumped into their heads with a b with a ribbon.
or harmonic beat over and over and over again So if we want to have a meaningful, deep conversation about culture and what's offensive, I would say that the word that they're talking about here is far less offence, If then, the entire indoctrination of our youth to do bad shit for sure and this coming from someone who King loves that kind of music, I'm just saying that discussion. but why you prefer You sure this is not at this growth we idolizes fucking, surface level, divisive she dumped it one hundred percent. What I just said is a discussion whose right to have that discussion right now, many of you, because takes us admitting
that we have contributed to the cultural degradation and that's not very fun. No, we idolize of stuff that make eyebrow and to be real. I'm not even sure I want to give it the fuck up, because I like rap music, but I think no it like knowing the difference but, like you said, I mean there, there's impressionable young minds for sure that day It already believe years, all around a lot of shit, I'm a different position than you, average ten year old girl, when you know that I can. I want them the other seven, I'm saying the one hundred cent like they're there we have let off start addressing where This is why I talk about personal excellence being ultimate rebellion. I'm not Jesus bro, I'm not here preaching you, whoever you are like, whatever the fuck you do. We all got shit that you know we do in private, and probably you wouldn't want you fuck neighbours to see right. You're like let's be fuckin real nobody's. Jesus. That's why Jesus was Jean what a guy I, what we really need is Jesus
that's what we really need, and I must say whatever you believe like you, you, you know the values that that that man stood for is the values of a civilised society that works so when I say you need Jesus, we should all try to be a little bit more like Jesus. You would have said Fucking imam move an insult. I met don't ever think I'm sitting here on my eye ray tower preaching: you guys, like I'm, some perfect mother fucker, because our struggle with shit to you, what I'm saying, but what we have you have to become aware of where we are contributing and how much about do, we want to participate in ethically and be ok with no budget in the process of raising the standards that work. I'm out of here. and I will say this I followed my were when they I wanted to get off my chest on this is that this is like congratulations. This is what making
everything raises, creates restart cancelling your own fuckin people because now the regular able dropped him he's not getting no more money, he hasn't yet they receive a cheque for other. Both the songs of the uploaded on those guys will probably end up making his whole career as a whole. So yeah, not a one hundred percent. I hope so, but I just know right now: the music label dropped him having homes and sorts. I know he's he was, breathing is races they draw tommy vexed to. We back the photoplay recharge out. There has room. That's me and kwame. I hope he makes it a giant pivot. I just want to expose that to the yeah. He answered the people that were valid point. You know what I'm saying like that's a real point, Racism is so like. There's nothing like. We were creating the shit to be fuckin pissed off about and doing that, uk Will europe for the people lemon? The same people you're advocating for I have been looking out there that ninety than I can say this because I I used to think people were much smarter than what I figured out. They actually are.
So, when I say most people, it's probably maybe not most people and allowed a lot of people. They cannot can understand. Context pretty easily, like I understand, when someone's hurling a racial flourished, some one as something to like an aggressive posture. That's a man to offend it's meant to hurt It's meant. I understand that I also understand variations of words. I don't mean the same fucking thing and I think that we all understand that as a society I mean this. This idea of this polarizing shit like this. It's almost like warrior shit you so does but yeah, but like bro, that's not when the contract yeah and like we ve lost all ability to have any kind of contextual disagreement or of or agreement.
All or nothing on business. Even just understand. I'm gonna tell you this sucks for me because I'm a common sense, human. and I gather from the right and again from the because I'm not all or nothing. I have independent thought. I think differently about different issues I value differ candidates based not based upon the name next to him, but based on what the fuck do stand for and when you think like that in your an independent thinker. You get a bit from everybody. So I don't know when it comes to this look. I that you could say my opinion no matter what my opinion is that this is pretty fuckin region If you shit, when you allow the people who politically align with you to literally racially attack somebody in your race group and then to pretend like you're offended about this I mean as garbage. It is garbage bro. So I you know, let's, let's
let's be real about it. Now it's romeo yeah. I just wanted to call it out. So I'm in that, though, We run all guys have another. Two time to talk about some alarming favorite, favour people free, let our agency, while wage agency all the while we granted for. We can see that how we get and fuck those people, man, fuck em. Let's get into this man have areas. This is real. Ukrainian parliament votes to give themselves arrays thanks you s. Sacks bears a country, bans free speech and targets information terrorist. This is great. This is this is absolutely great and well I some follow up suffer shortly with article reads: the ukraine: in parliament. Just voted themselves rays. Unanimous vote passed on July. Twenty second, just four days after was submitted, nobody's even talked about it
Joe Biden amounts to just as past tuesday that he was sitting another three billion dollars of. U s. Taxpayer dollars ukraine for their war efforts that raises its head, it also seventy billion dollars in six months. The bible We have a long history of business and kickbacks with the ukrainians. There's a crazy thing. The members of parliament, added to increased our salaries by seventy percent. Seven be perceived how you gonna ah said that worldwide inflation that your fuckin let happened, seventy fucking pursuit row. And why I say let happen is because you didn't educate yourself by what was going on. So you did let it happen. When local enough to stop any there and its aim. It is unclear whether these additional government expenditure will be covered by international financial aid for the military right.
in this area, the quote: no additional funds from the state budget or funds from international partners are used for this. However, the decree. Seventy five. Sixty one dish animals to the salaries of debt. These are used from the state budget which include international financially, so that what the fuck. There is no room in here like this. follow up stuff because a lot of stuff happening over there are row. What are we going to do about it right right? They just so Seventy billion dollars of the people listened to the show, won't even be vocal about it and they think it's going to stop crazy man, unlike the like, I think, the my point is showing these airlines may understand what I'm saying like this. Some say that what is what have they not burn? They're gonna keep goin. I know I know I know.
I've been trying to warn people. I've been trying to make people understand. We are intentionally ruining your fucking wives have been trying to explain for two and a half years. that they are trying to eliminate the middle class completely. I have explained the various techniques that they be used over and over. And over again I know- and you know Yeah germany bring back the covert mandates mass mandates for the autumn in the winter. you know, you got Mccrone Saying there's gonna be an end of abundance. I saw that I saw that clip. If I was in France brow. I dragged that motherfucker right,
whatever the fuck places in and they will do that out. I hope so I hope so cause. I saw the comment he he He said in his speech that you know if If you enjoyed abundance, you know it's basically it's it's over now and you know you people in france, like It's time to do something here I said to the various the various material and social comforts many had grown accustomed to were now disappearing across. The western role says I believe that we are experiencing. We are experiencing is the order of a great shift or a great upheaval. Where new world order, or something like that, you know you got to ask me that brother all tied in its all connected and they're, not fucking down. They're not even close dinner, like everybody,
If anything there ahead of what is supposed to be very thing, people think that, because vouch. He resigned and like these media people and like there's, no, we don't have to wear mask right now and all the shit they think that we're done like this is not their done had they got the way that they wanted. All the people that resisted would be in camps in shit right. Ok, so it didn't go the way they the implant yet Well, what they're doing now, just like is explained in the agenda films. Ok, that I've taught you guys to watch a hundred times agenda one agenda to avail boy amazon, just like they explain these people push push push until their pushed back. Then they stop there. regroup. We are in the regroup phase. And people are celebrating like we want, We have now one we are not even was to winning back. figuring out how they can escape the.
crimes against humanity. They just committed and are now caught in this, goes back to the original topic, where they're going to try to now blame it on trump and other people like that globally by the way globally. This is not just an american story, they're going to try to blame it on trump lovely, but ok, know. I had somebody asked me yesterday and I I got kind of pissed off, but he asked me it's one of my close friends. I've been through talk, my stuffies I like so you mean to tell me that they put all this shit in it like it's all like out there, the open, its welcome available to be read and looked at and like yeah he's like. Why would they do that and if they were like? I said because I know you fuck him lady to go back and look at it. you have no interest in it. Don't keep me fuckin happy with the fuckin tv in this way in the fuckin social media? You won't take the interests or the fuckin time ago. Fuckin look.
That's one little have two fuckin hide it. How'd it go down in the mid term, since yeah. Well that was the same. I got. I get the arms like that all the time- and I dm like a couple days ago and. Like when I post that bugatti video, the video that guy trying to crack the window on the bugatti and and he was like yeah dude, you know every fucking august that the arabs this exactly. He said I'm quoting him. The arabs fly all their wealth and in london and flung it and for everybody in times are tough, and you know maybe it's good for them realise, like that times, tough for everybody and blah blah blah- and I said well- that's marxist- and it's very marxists of you- that's all I am linen would be proud. Yes, the plan the plan is for you guys to get so frustrating so mad
any sort of wealth or success that you kill those people, that's the plan and he's like. Oh, I know I didn't want it to be. True like. Well. That's why I've? I don't know I spent millions of dollars and sat here on my fucking ass, when I could be like on a yacht, trying to explain to you fuckers for the his flock and harmony years, get kind of tired of its be honest,. You know like I wish some of you would carry the message on your own eyes other talk about making money. I rather like live a life. that I've earned. You see like here's the saying that you don't understand, I'm, where you're trying to get to. I'm already there for me to come in here and do this shit and reason there's not any other people doing this shit is because their smart and they ve gotten there and they go live their lives right. So so
so I've been trying to help you because I care about your future I care by your guises future. and I spent millions of dollars, I don't want ads on the show I don't get paid for the fucking show. I speak all over the fucking country. Alright, I come try to fucking tell you guys what the fuck is going on and do all this shit free. Seventy five hard power list live hard fuckin. I don't know what else I mean the embassy or project we goin on guy. Millions upon millions upon millions upon millions. Fuckin live change right. As I am mentioning what we do in our companies. And I'm trying to help you guys, so you have opportunity refused to. I can stand up and take an interest in so light. you know, I'm a I'm starting to ask myself what point like what what when am. I went
had become a waste of my life. She know people don't think about that. But I'm not I'm not hurt for fucking money motherfuckers I can make slackened. and figure I'm sorry aid figures a year, fucking retiring on the show. I don't do it because I want the message to be pure. I want to be real. Its name in a flat can show real as fuck. Sadly, a realist fuck. If people pay me to say is it, you see. So I do all these things, but must without their make myself a target- and I don't even get The people, the fuckin, really take control, oh shit, she wants, and so at what point Is it just like our guy, while these people are gonna, get what the fuck they deserve because they're not taking an interest in their own fuck, a
you gonna sandal, like I love these people. I love this country. I love what is provided for me. I fucking Indeed at the american dream is real shit. I get real shit, you couldn't do maybe now maybe it's questionable right now quest You were in a way that gives go in the way you will not have that opportunity and that's why I've been so passionate and so dedicated to continuing to speak. What I see is actually happening in our and at some point in time no like People aren't going to take an interest in their own shit. I'm just going to go. Do whatever other fucking due to my position, does you see what I'm saying now.
I enjoy seeing people when they decide to say you ve done enough. Why don't lie? I don't know I'm SAM had I done enough. I am only forty fucking three years. I know I'm talking about like as far as like sounded the alarm die body. Should I think that I think personally, that the I've done enough. mentality is the reason that we fucking arson. for right now, as society and I feel like if I actually buy into that- that I'm not representing what I preach. You see what I'm saying, because the it's good enough, done enough. I am a blah blah blah. That's the reason that apathy! That's why we're here oh like if we're gonna be here- and I want to continue to do this- I would appreciate, if you guys, would like fight you. idols in in real life man, you don't sound like use these free tool, Then I can give you like become better, raise your fuckin standard.
Understand that you're an example for america, your example for somebody Being you know, I'm not asking to be perfect. You know for people to pile on kick people when they're down, we all fuck up less. be perfect. When I am saying is ask yourself why the fuck you're here Ask yourself why you exist: ask yourself what it is you're doing to contribute to the future of this country or to honour the people that came before us, the fucker. You know wait. I would like to thank my dad's. Biological debt was killed fighting for this country and I would like to think That the reason that he was killed is solid I give working like live. Vulcan dream cleared the dream for others, and I take that obligation really fucking serious. I take it to heart.
I think everybody thought a little bit more like that. We be in a much better place, but what the fuck do. I know I know. Am I don't know what else to do, because at some point you people listening you're gonna, have to stop a fuck up and you're a In your own ways, you raise your fuckin standards. I can't do that for you. No one could come do that, for you There's no fucking secret, all the secrets there really are I've, given you fuckin, free, whether it the park asked whether be through the programmes that give out from fuckin free and the methods and the fuckin structures and systems that bill success that give for fucking for ok. All I ask is that you fucking use. If we all use them and you went bill better laws, we wouldn't be in this situation.
Another did. I ask, was quit being dumb mother fucker being dead, serious bro like stop believing that these people on the fucking tv stop believing You know the entire fucking idea in society that we are Somehow these dumb fucking humans, like that, need to be replaced with computers and shit, ro we're living in revenge of the mother, fucking nerves, right now, ok, This is the nerd fuckin wet dream fantasy that we're living in right now. Ok, the real life is the real fuck issues outside those doors. It's a fucking up there in sky. It's your friends! If community, it's your fuckin fitness, It's what you're contributing to the world and getting paid to do it's, how much you're getting pay. Why do you don't like to think about that? But it's true.
There's a whole bunch of other shit that goes into it, but bro america, as a mother fuckin place for winners, bro we're winners here you mother, fuckers, need to start winning atlanta three a lot of three Joe Biden announces decision to forgive updates Forty thousand dollars per person, I'm so boring gas on the fucking inflation fire. marguerite. President Joe Biden announced his final decision to forgive up to twenty thousand dollars to debt for american. Making less than one hundred and twenty five thousand miles year. The president, Details of his plan on social media, citing his campaign, promise to give. Working, a middle class families, breathing room student launchers twin says: keeping with my campaign promise my administration shabata. announcing a plan to give working, men and middle class families breathing room as they prepare to resume federal, stood mon pay me
in january of twenty twenty three I'll have more details this afternoon is that nice little pamphlet. That comes with it, saying that twenty thousand dollars. If you went to college on paragraphs ten thousand didn't receive bell grants nominally plaza those make less than a hundred twenty five thousand. Remember poor, combined household of two fifty and then it also saying the payments based on income. So, if you have undergraduate loaned, you can cap repayment at five percent of your monthly income when they restock just add not the inflation fire there there are. Economists are estimating. This is gonna cost about three hundred billion dollars, that's coming from god, knows where your pocket yeah water, god knows where yeah that's true. With from you. Everything apart gummy eyes is, as I think it s about them. It is estimated two thousand hours per america to pay for this at you guys voted for it. You get, which ordered
I think this is something that will be more sinister to this too, though, you know. It's funny, work at my latin. I have the artist syndicate. Ok, it's like fuckin around four hundred bucks a month or some shit like that where you are literally taught how to build shit from the fucking ground up by people who fuckin did it again and those people out there. The focus is fuckin terms bit university chump trunk has have liked, shit like job university there as a vulgar scam, but you can sign up at eighteen years old for like half a million dollars worth of fuckin lifetime that you can clear off. I think about it, but that's not a fuckin scan wrote. Right but by, but you gotta does not guarantee a lot here out of school. You pay like it's there. greatest scam. Going like these big university. Go like let's charge someone
seventy fucking thousand dollars a year, some whatever fifty, what fuckin twenty does it matter Jim him a mirror it's too much less, but he took a hate. America. and then not only will teach you the hate. America will intentionally teach really dumb. She made him fat yeah, whereas it was fifteen bright listen, I met and know how to play. For I love my college experience. There were lucky in love I was also running a business. I didn't graduate. I dropped out. Everybody knows the story, you know I had some of the best times and that some of the best, people those times. I've never falcon ever forget my entire life. It was lost but to say that as an intelligent investment in her future aright you're there zero fucking shit now, ok,
not in today's world and they know that I know I know, but I could just funny cause like how, like you can there's there's there's things out here: Like real tools, the learned, the real shit and all his books, You don't care about right how to fucking with near. Hola among workers. Look at it they're like I was walking scam, then I look They look at these while fuckers at all. as there are no money is like a bright. Does it show you the problem with america? I don't fucking know what that's like, like I'm like Let's just draw the line right here. I am for the people who are smart enough to recognise that you're, better off worrying from motherfuckers than have actually done the shit that you want to do right through like come from, then then
not for the most workers, the think that you're, better off learning from people who never done it and then paying hundred times as much promoted from like, so This less just draw the line. That's who on for Mccrae, I'm not for you if you're from that other can you play I don't care for me too much and I get it because I don't care for you either that much no, that's real! It's mutual! That's real! Do I look at it? I see light so we are. the fund colleges of staff from a meal, but you name it's all right. I got real talk, Rita writ real fucking talk. In the in small business world. I am very recognise people over to fuck. I am, I would venture to say, I'm pretty fuckin famous and well known that in their space
Well, there's a couple of guys: maybe that have been around a lot longer than me, but I know everybody and let me tell you something bro. This is for all the college. Bros. We don't hire you When you can come in here with your fuckin fancy paper, businessmen and women, and small small business middle business, the businesses that are going to take the fuckin lunch of these big corporate fuckin, fascist brands? that pump this woke shit down through the culture when you not a degree from fucking, yale or whatever, you calm and show it ass. We we see that the warlike ghana, She was an like because we already know. We already know what you know right alone, And why you know is that you're smarter than us, because you went to fucking yeah,
So we are. You know that you're smarter than us, and so we just let you go- be smart, other people what do I thing over here? Just a small business, salt and pepper, I'm just like you know in some of your plans, in places. depending on your education. Depending on where you want school. What you believe. That is a massive liability for you moving forward. Everybody should be aware of. people are starting to identify these fuckin fancy asked agrees as indoctrination fuckin sheets of paper, the red flags in us. Yes, they know you're gonna come in be some sort of fuckin hr nightmare you're, not gonna get along with people in europe, They say why can't we fuck and do this. This is this. Is this? Who is at the mercy of inclusion officer? I'm just tell any man just tell I'm just being fucking real, like people are now hiring people who come from me.
schools that are alter awoke because they're afraid of the fucking culture. Shit that you're going to bring into their system which is rather do in this shit, because it is news great news for the rest of you here. You know for the rest of you out. You're smarter than people I mean I want to work hard and bill careers and create and be a part of the next, generation of companies that are going to lead the way. That's great news for you, because the people who think There, the smartest or automatically being we did the fuck out The thing like an that's, ok too, because you they gotta governments it for you, your arms and like the boers, would give it It's mouse. They, like the sinister part like the now may be wrong. but just knowing what I know now and knowing what I've learned the last few years watching all of this crazy shit happened. Dude. we know that these colleges and universities are fucking red flags right there, forgiven
these students. Now what do you think that the fuckin high school students are thinking my now when they see the shit I may walk? go to college when, when colleges are having the lowest bucking rates, of attendance right now we're trying to get the next class at both that, of course, people are waking up there. It's not yours, see what I just said why Kids are seeing their like thought. You, these degrees, fucking balls, meaning all the good companies are hired on skill. Let me go. also and skill make some screw by the way. That's americans fought to you so we're clear, The long way we're fuckin hustle and skill development and hunger, Why am I am lars? You fuck anita of like, of course, if it's like a profession, a fucking degree. You need school, of course, get well. I'm
and I guess you can go be a doctor like dummy, pretend you could try. Well, I play doctor all the time they just dictate the directions down the pipe know. What I'm saying you and Alex were doctor all the time. I know I I caught it the first time just wasn't funny and what alex and I play doctor all the time. I'd say he went to a gym for silva school of joke telling where, if you tell the joke multiple times, eventually it gets funny or you been there Okay, yeah there you go yeah so another that the second rule of gem for solid joke telling is like you, laugh a euro. She will get there man, you're still young man, hey or I'll get you brought up the right way. I'm trying you don't need a degree for it either. You know that's how you tell your fucking job. Will somebody have pay for it yeah getting there alright. But my point is: is this good news for you guys it's good news? If you're going to
doctor. You gonna, be a fuckin attorney private. I did have degrees going to be an engineer. You know you gotta know some shit you're going to be in. You know those kind of things professional degrees totally going to school for just straight up business like straight up like oh I'm, gonna go to school for business, bro, you're ten times better off with people who are really doing shit know that's the truth. Don't put yourself in fucking invent those people to know that those people, because there's a lot of people that are full of shit. You know what they really bill. Can you actually one of the products? Are they just selling coaching, or have they actually done shit? It matters? You want the motherfuckers who were actually dungeon. and are doing shit current legal because they are in tune with what the fuck is going on and what working? What's not working well? You know I would like to see a resurgence of the trades coming back. It's going to like it two, because there is less and less people. Ok, there's less and less pete, in the trades, which means the pay is going to have to go up when the peg
Is this a capitalism by the way when pay goes up yeah I know people. who are you no fucking younger, are going to say will thought they recommend x, you know becoming a carpenter, and you know what they do. They learn how to be a carpenter and they make a fuck ton of money. This is the natural flow and, above how things work. this whole idea that the government should be doling out at the supply and demand of every little fucking thing, for everybody is absurd It's never worked, never gonna work. It disrupts the natural order. The natural order of things is, you know we had some, we ve had a period of weaker men that don't want to work very hard right. And when conditions are? Now? If you go to the trade, you have a lot of like older, and then you have some really young dudes. But the middle generation. We didn't get them because their fucking play video games.
The good news is that they really young due to start in recognising trades again and their sand Indeed. I do well here because I am in broad. This is american eat, it's an using thing There's a lot of not well listen being in the trades is a good fucking life brow like it's a good life like you you, you know, there's a lot of nobility in and building shit, creating ship being a productive member of society. In that way, in a way it's hard and weight is difficult. You, those people, they're, going to start to be honoured again, but in a star to be thought of, as an honourable thing, not you know all you know like help, of these fuckin white liberals out in California think that those people are like the deplorable You gotta say area like there's gonna be out. Restored to like being able to do this.
Alex. I think it's important to get that shit done two before they push the technology shit even further, because that's what they're, trying to three d printing houses and all of that to replace these people we as a. society cannot allow that to happen. We have to recognise that what will happen if we allow these people and we adapt that's what I'm talking about we'll talk about being aware of how much we contribute or not contribute to the I should like you guys, don't understand I could eat, we automate all my shit in the back of this building. But there is a reason that when you go out- and you look in the bow the building, there's a whole Watch your fuckin humans back there. There's reason for that is not because I can't afford automation it's because I take there. I think, there's a moral obligation for us to create fucking jobs.
Automation actually cheaper way. Fucking, cheap I'd, say the shit out of money by allowing people think I'm fucking stupid for not doing nobody. Business could solves walk through the building. You know, and the like I automated not, therefore, you watch goes all made that, like all the current quota experts well hey my felina. What sometimes there's things that are more important than a fucking profit like jobs in your fucking community. It's a big fucking deal all of you got. This is why I was upset with a lot of people. Are my friends were like fucking web three? I met a verse, do brow do not fucking get what's going on. you're you're willing to like them. I don't know man. I think we all that's. Why I'm getting back to what I am saying we I have to make more decisions about how much we want two to be a part of this, because
They are going to stop it from happening. When they shut up. You know these conversations that I had on the show in two thousand and fifteen and sixteen emma ceo project, you know With VON and some of these other guess where we talked about it business, one of the biggest situations that we were coming to face and we're going to have to address was the fact that technology was replay human beings, we talked about it, that show a number of times em What I said at the time is that people should have a moral understanding in this. I've said repeatedly. This is why we don't automate all our shit but the powers that be they chose another. You know they the power This is what everybody has to understand so big point. When ombudsman they have the power to say,
Hey, we got all this crazy technology, we can replace these people and then someone could have raise their hands said yeah, but we shouldn't. And they could have made law limitation they could have made, but the restriction and you you fuckin socialist fucking people there, This is almost like. The ship serves. What you think is right. This. And then you are supporting the people who are wanting to kill the fuck american worker, like you, you you, you. People are literally the dumbest people in the fucking work. Ok, but that's neither here nor there point of the matter is that they could have made a decision legally. Just like they make past all the time about technology about fucking weapons about all kinds of things. They could have made a pact across the globe, they were truly globalist and they were truly for humanity
could have made a pact across the globe that would have retorted would have protect. the workers of their nations instead of replacing them and what they chose. Instead of protecting them legally. Ok, by making things against the law like saying hey, you have to have a human do that job songwriting right, instead of, allowing the technology companies. Padded, these motherfuckers pocket so much, That's so rich from this shit that They chose instead to depopulate the plan. And at the core of your being measured piss you fuck off, because they don't think of us, like we think of us, like we think. Like all you know celebrities or like three
see yo released. They don't see. None of that shit. Brow. They see me. They see you. They see all everybody you listening. They see us as fucking peasants. They see it as an annoyance They see us as scum and do you understand that just like You probably wouldn't think twice about, but sprang fucking beehive. There was annoying to you. They didn't think twice. When they made this extremely critical moral decision about the future of humanity, so it's something to think about So you want to know what drives me that drives me. That makes me angry. That's not right! That's not good! For anybody. It's not good for people. It's not good for fucking countries is not good for economies. It's not good for fucking anything is search them.
And they are few and we are many once people figured out the fuck out, everything can change Guys onto our final segment of show, as always, we have at times up in this may not be the best one. In the car I was going to technology, but nonetheless items, thumbs up headline jobs, apple, one computer prototype option Nearly seven hundred thousand dollars or so an author, to apple one computer, prototype. Mid seventies have sold at auction familiar seven hundred thousand dollars. The prototype was used by apple cofounder, founder steve jobs in nineteen. Seventy six demonstrate the apple one to Paul, to rail out or of the bite shop. In mountain view, California, one of the first personal computer stores in the world boston base are
action set in the statement, a bay area collector, who wishes to remain anonymous, made the winning six hundred. Seventy seventh Thousand dollar bid on thursday, the auctioneer said but there is no apple one without this board. It's the holy grail of steve jobs, an apple memorabilia said bobby, livingston hours executive. Vice president, the board has been matched while the road for derives are taken. Mozzarella. Nineteen, seventy six showing the prototype in use with us. examined in authenticated by apple one expert, coy cohen, whose note arise. Thirteen page report accompanied the sale, the prototype resided in the apple gradual I'm for many years before, given. Before being given by jobs. The seller about thirty years ago, has a pitcher of it and when we get on I may look dude. It's cool. It's loaded on that anti technology. Right right, look, I'm dying,
reality taking over a fucking human rights, and you guys that's crazy, I'm thou using technology too, which every decision that we make because they tied to a currency or passport, or so I'm up. That's what? I begin to be. I may die technology when I open up my fucking, instagram and even though I dont like or or scrap or search out like naked chair, eggs. I am shown only naked checks right right, am, must saying that we want to look at him. Sometimes what I'm saying is their prey aggregating information and they've weaponized technology to hurt us what I'm anti technology placing the movie terminator our budget. What we're here, Therefore, my lads now we're headed out of flogging super falcon passport.
It's gonna be worse than that. You know, I've had the fortune to meet and and become friends was with the sea. Wozniak co, founder of apple. Did these this because they invented this technology, doesn't make them evil people, because I'm gonna tell you right now. Stay wisely act is one of the kind is most Amazing humans, I've ever met my wife, definitely the smartest human, but by a lot too, like button like on its unexplainable, a level of intelligence and imagination. I've never met anybody else, like my entire life nice, fucking do never great heart great man, and you can't hold people like
wife. What those guys did tat was the american dream. Brody innovative they created The problem is like you know they create that that the ship started running and now its being used as a weapon that that lie that that responsibility lies with the people currently using it as weapon. You know So I think islam is a sober with electric car, like cars were not meant to fuckin, kill people but whether they can manage of reason and pretty it. effectively in brazil, when people overdrive, carjack imperial shoot, you bought it, This is cool man. I actually feel like for what this represents. That cheap I'm a jury of him. I mean that's a seven figure things out my opinion when it, while you guys think about what these motherfuckers dead like every piece of technology that you fuckers use this microphone. Fuck in all. This shit has been touched by these two by these two guys,
You don't say it like: Wozniak invented all kinds of shit like that their technology and what they did like it should be. Celebrate is an amazing american achievement I'm just saying you know we should be using it responsibly, I think this is a bad thing that some huge I mean as an japan, aerial approach, a private appreciate, simple entrepreneurial history. I mean it's pretty big fucking piece of it right there. I gave it to thumbs up right right, worthy road guy
Maybe that is all I have yep. That's a shell you like to show share the show appreciate it sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box frozen the fuck are still countless millions in a cold bath. Teach buddhist smoke got a rope kind of doesn't know his shot case. Club.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-27.