« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

358. Andy, Dan Hollaway & DJ CTI: "I Tried Attacking The FBI," CDC Eases Restrictions & FBI Raided Mar-A-Lago For Nuclear Weapon Documents

2022-08-13 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by one of the Drinkin Bros podcast hosts and entrepreneur Dan Hollaway. They discuss the armed man who was shot after targeting the FBI Ohio office, the CDC easing the Covid-19 restrictions, and new documents that revealed the FBI raided Trump's Mar-A-Lago residence in search of nuclear weapon documents.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now. My jewelry box for the are countless millions in the kobe teach buddhist. God of all things. Rope can't both doesn't know can't shop case closed. What is that guys? It's a reseller if this is the show for the real id say goodbye to the life. The illusions of modern society welcome mother fucker reality. Today we have eddie and gj and dead highway crews, the mother fucking in the ass right. body down here for drink eyebrows, starting new podcast tells bonaparte casper, yet the new ones called citizen its. I you know. I got You you, and I talk about a pretty much the political space and media is dominated by bitches. That is drifters grafter, grifters yeah. They is wine about everything. It's like a regatta woodside, your on politically.
it seems like the are. The strategy for most people stood lean end to the division and try to make money off of it, but I can't think of a bigger piece of shit move to do yeah, but it's it's also easy to fall into economy, as things are quite fucked up, but citizen is about me A choice about whether you want to be a citizen of a kind river or a subject of a country right now that the differences. At a citizen, is somebody who has rights and responsibilities in the subject, as somebody who is subjugated to the whims of the petition class right now. That's to me as unacceptable, certainly not a mere
and selves. Really not the only way to choose actively to be a citizen is to do the shit you're supposed to do economy, and if the government is our forum by the people, the people or the feeder system for our leadership, and if our people are shit, then our government's going to be shit. I agree. I love the personal excellence is the ultimate rebellion. It all comes back to that Guys, first of all, bro thanks for coming in man, yeah for sure excited happy on the show. I've been wanting to get this done for a long time, yeah while you're busy. I'm sorry, I pretend like I'm busy, so you you do in a couple of things you do in a pretty good. Guys this your first time listening this is see tee. I know you know that because I already said that, but that stance crews, the internet. Ok, what we do today is we throw up a few topics up on the screen, three to four topics. We laugh about them. We made fun of the dumb shit that they say and they expect to believe and that we talk about the actual problem at hand and how we can solve it. Some time
when you two nan your here cuneo. That's where you could submit the questions I come on and do the answers. I have one of the most successful entrepreneurial personal development pocket, as the wall. Time called the mfc o project, where I helped. Entrepreneurs learn how to fucking win and that's sort of an ode to that, because the truth is, we can't fix the macro problems that we identify cynthia I unless we fix the shit, go on your own mother, fucking house, so that's kind of like the pin butter and jolly and how we're in a picture sometimes when you to name we're going to real talk. We'll talk is where it's like a real talk. Like I'm gonna, pull your side, a motel, you fuck untruth and alive. people don't like it and it is what it is. The people who don't like it can either choose to listen and improve or could choose to ignore the gunman asshole, I'm fine with either of us there Sometimes we are falling full length. Is where I bring on my successful interesting friends, people with differing opinions. We talk, we talk about
how they became, who they are. We talk about how they got where they are, about how you can get where you, want ago and basically guys. The whole concept of relay F is a realist perspective. On what action We takes to win and improve and ultimately live in awesome free america. That's the show, that's how we do it and we have a fiend fears very simple, I dont want ads on the show, don't run ads for the show. All I ask is that you share the show the major laugh and major think, the major you I have a new perspective learn something if you thought it was good. We share the shell for two, There is now I combating. ninety nine percent accuracy and what the fuck is going on in the world and not one percent, I'm just given you cause. I can't think of anything aright If you want to show the show back a fuckin, twenty twenty may have a little less damage. So a show show was fix it anyway. What's up,
did you notice the cdc, as now said everywhere, everything's different for some Who would what happened? It's like you, don't have to quarantine anywhere on that matter. It we got all that it. Never man right. It's weird you got that coming up all your eye as soon as I saw jumping the gun? Let's go through the process. yeah, it's all good may have a program. To get into a magazine, you got some juicy stuff and guys remember if you want to see any of these pictures articles links video, he juicy like ale, searing juicy booty, yeah. That's what she says that only worse nuts I went out that I know I'll has always she wants her juicy booty viable. Nobody wants a data,
That's a pretty good strategy. If you disagree with everybody that critical view one day chance, that's where I say we're like when everybody hates me on the internet. On my you, I just want to see my debt valuing that's what you're jealous George bush said. They hate us because they ain't as this is not just another addition. There does add your dick to just add dick. Yes, that's right, good relics! Everything needs like a hamburger, helper buffer sociable. Man, that's just what I tell myself is probably lie, but it is what it is something things some things we do, the cope whatever makes just think at night. I saw that You juicy a of you, see any other guys go to eighty four so that our common good find them all. Then, sir, you into this fucking around man are waiting. Wait, not warm! I mean you know be like that. Yeah? We actually got some coming over guys who do do do do? Do do do do do do do do do do. Do you get breaking news, breaking news, breaking news! Just read this one breaking news headline! If you don't hear from me, I tried attacking the f b. I
armed man shot dead. After targeting F b, I ohio office warned of attack just hours before on trump's truth, social told supporters to kill feds after mar a lago search, and he also attended the capital right. I'm. Guessing as though there's there's still a lot coming out about the show is the guy in ohio that they got into a chase with yesterday right yeah sounds like there was this- will allow the stuff's coming out, but but so far this article reads if the police shot dead, an armed man who attempted to breach the f b I's ohio field office and an attack after he boasted about an untruth: social former president Donald trump's social media platform, just hours beforehand, a ricky walter shipley, a schiffer, awesome. Name is forty. Two first warned on the site, tuesday that he was quote proposing a war in response to the f
The eyes, monday rate of trumps marla resort, schiffer called on his followers to quote be ready for combat and quote kill the fbi on site. Escalated his threats by thursday riding that morning quote. If you don't, for me, it is true. I tried attacking the fbi I mean either. I was taken off the internet, the f b. I got me where they sit the regular cops while Ohio police confirmed he was killed later in the day I was sporting body. Armor had and saw a rifle, apparently he'd fired a nail gun inside the the entrance in and there was there was a short please chase on the highway or you abandoned and initiate seventy one with a fuck, brings a nail gun to a gunfight. That's what I'm saying I mean he had brought. What does it happy? Gilmore is all he did. He was watching. What's that movie with Denzil brow, the equal? equalizer made I've ever legalise god, damn it stop
That's a bad who gotta watch. It worries me and it doesnt work like that. I have been in plenty. Gunfights had never works like that. You did even when india, with I again urge the EU. To be honest, I would have loved you buy it now. That's easy! It's arrests and thing because I, like it's important point this out. we've had a lot of these. I don't want column your black flax, false wise, where we recall them. but there is always a very interesting common denominator. Fbi always knows about these fuckin people before this shit happens same thing in this situation, so he's a construction electrician. He attended the january six erection, at the EU has capital, but he was also an investigation for having ties to extremist groups, including the prob boys, we news report it citing to unnamed law enforcement officials, so they knew about them, and then this happened. So it's like I'm in I don't know either area that tweet put out of the day the day that he decided to you all that shit. He drove thirty five miles to get to the fbi office in ohio,
well, what are we? Actually? He posted a follow up like hate. What a world where I knew nothing about another point on the glass haunt go back on a red that working in between well, I thought I had a way through the bulletproof glass and I didn't if you dont here for me it is true. I tried attacking the f b I and it'll mean I was either taken off the internet, the f b, I got me or they sent regular cops so that so this guy thought maybe He thought the nail gone. He was going to build a penetrate the the glass and then shoot throat or some I know what the fuck I'm not. I had away through the hand- and I are united you know, said he saw a milk. Is this glass? Is that even glass, it's fuckin composite? Then it's a bunch of layers of glued together? That's what they do not get through. That with any are now doesn't work. Abortion. now. Well they they also said he called on his followers like what twelve people right. How how'd you fucking people following this knucklehead, there's a lot of spencer
brother trying to visualize like visualize the fucking truth, social shit? I mean there's a lot of course, they're going to use it as much as they can. You know my opinion on this. Is there I think they're trying? But if you look back over the last, last week. You know you got Alex jones, fifty million dollar five. You got fucking eighty, eleven thousand arrest agents, armed, got trumps raid and now they're trying to say it's: not it wasn't a raid mo fucker ray Now you got this dude attacking. You know the f to me. It feels like they're trying to incite violet. And what I think they hope to achieve here, and this is why I keep telling you that, like it's important to fucking, not be an idiot and is some sort of moderate unorganized up rising, that they can come in and just fuckin crush for intimidation purposes and hopefully just
worcester system man without any more resistance. So I think what they're trying to use bait people in the inaction? No, I wrote them in its it certainly been a coordinated attack on on the mega stuff. We re witches whatever, but you know I I don't and there's escalation from the government's side too. That's something that ah a law everybody's talking about about this iris stuff and eighty seven thousand new people in addition to what the forty five thousand they already have. That means each agent has to audit twenty two people a year to audit literally every swinging dick in america and that which is possible. definitely possible makes them the biggest government agency, like bigger than the f b. The state I thought about this too did combatant. So do this could be applied.
empty move on their part because a part of their plan they probably happened. I've been these people are not stupid. Did they place stupid to run their play, that you guys, who think all these guys just fuckin, incompetent you're the stupid ones here here's, the here's. What I would say their continuously probably is. With with this irish shit, I either thought that it's for the staffing of the social credit score system that they plenum putting in or they have planned and understand that as this progresses and things get worse, people are going to quit paying their fucking taxes and I think that they need they are planning for that preemptively. They understand that, like the the like big. If we were another country like if the people of this country were a country and- and they were another country that we were trading with, think of them as england and in the early days of america. And they say you know. Well, you gotta pay this tax.
We all just say well, fuck you we're not going to pay it because we don't believe in your government any more. That's the natural move of a revolution is for us to cut off their pay first, so that I think that that could be a likely scenario. New repositioning are when everybody says well, fuck you and I and uncommon to take it yeah, I think that's probably accurate and I here's some evidence of that effects on the irs's. Basically they're they're hiring it's called eighteen eleven. That's the m o s! I guess, if you wanna call it that an armed special agent is an a or an armed, investigator called especial special ages and eighteen, eleven and the federal government and among the job requirements listed on this leaked iris. A job posting is quote: carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force if necessary. Now that's interesting right, because this is this is an f b. I job posting them about the read from it says: a high level of physical fitness necessary to effect
do we respond to life threatening situations on the job, see the difference in language. Their wine is like you have to come, kill people in the other ones like. Oh, we serve and protect still like, certainly not even higher as the ones from the f b. I wanted the one that says you need to be ready to kill peoples from the iris and the other. One is from the f b I, which does quite a bit more dangerous work than the iris does. You see that every outsource it's out of place. Well, that's, that's! That's part of them! That's part of what they do. Is they fuckin fuck with the language? You know that doesn't make sense Is it all? No, it doesn't want me that does what it does it does, but it managed you know these people see it and they say: oh what the fuck does. This me it means what I just said fuckin a minute ago on the ship. The means they understand that our republic is,
probably going to at some point say: fuck you we're not paying our shit and they're going to have to like enforce the fucking tax code. Yeah yeah, I mean these conversations about taxes at the federal level always are about. Who do we tax, but it's never about? Maybe we should spend less fucking dude. I was thinking about that this morning, like dude, if they're collecting more than fucking fifteen percent, all in tax stay and falcon federal tax, all in it, they can run the country on that. The nation fucking do a better job running the country. We are the seventy billion or so dollars that have been allocated for ukraine so far. Seventy percent of that doesn't leave the united states he asked of them their industrial complex and then it comes back to yeah yeah. It's very bazaars and I mean yeah. Is it bizarre yeah? It's There there baseline safeguarded gambro seventy percent, you gotta understand. Seventy now reflected the other way Thirty percent of what actually goin is. Actually going over there yeah yeah, like it's insane.
That's quite a bit, and eventually people are gonna, be equal fuck! You you guys, can just do whatever you want print when every one and when happens. How are they going to collect the money? And I think this was a pre emptive moved that certainly minutes. The the irs's, basically, the sheriff of nottingham right, yeah yeah people, the armed population of america, is collectively robinhood. You know that that's kind of the the in look if they want that fight. I I dunno that that's a good idea. It seems like with the antigua, for example, all of these leftist activists over the last five years or so have been like begging for some kind of fight, and I'm like dude, you do I want this fuckin fight. Like I d, I eat sleep in fucking shit that stuff you don't wanna fuck undue delay to those people still understood and that are only want one percent of the people at the most like they're. There such a small minority and there being hyped up by the media and by social. You know me:
this, that they are using fakes. Social media accounts to put traffic behind interaction behind to create the percent. These people, like data, we talked about this yesterday- this is due to california that one, a lawsuit, Gabriel guy for irma from and he's a fucking open communist- and you know now they commander grayer through your salary till because he was indoctrinated, the kids and saying that he wanted to make em into revolutionaries skies like a hundred falcon. Forty four compounds, like a totally sickly look unhealthy and he thinks like like like bro. You guys should be what I don't know what the fuck these people back yard minutes there. The extremely delusional urine ben their delusion is Ben, propped up by the fact that these district attorney's won't prosecute them yeah. You got him in the eye the it's there. There shoot
I'm in the fucking fate, the other being embolden and then one of when they, you know, jump in front of a car and focused our pounding on the hotel, pointing guns people and a short while ago, one of ours whatever like fuck, you do. You, u colony and there's gonna, be consequences. You know, you know what will it take that absolute will notice they don't ever fuck with people like that. you know why they did one guy nothin and he was a military veterinary smoke. The do through his fuckin windshield. So good right, you gonna gerda nothing evaluates laughing a thing is over there, nothing once people realise that it's not necessarily that the law won't apply to them. In the reaction like like, given the the these fuck heads are consequences right because obviously they're our justice system isn't, but they once people get over the fear of being
Charged criminally or having any type of repercussions with his bow, all hell will break loose yeah, it's broken window theory, and- and please I mean That'S- that's kind of the ideas that if you treat your environment like shit and you don't prosecute small crimes that people commit bigger and bigger crimes, as time goes, this continues to grow them yeah and they're. Trying there were what anti what you said about the deadly trying to create the perception that there are larger group than they really arts almost like a blow fish, but they are often up to make themselves look about Iraq's that's its, but it's it's completely transparent, like you know that it's not true and here's there's this anecdote about a roman senator talkin to assume a slaver and the slaver. The slave seller would bring slaves to run seldom out people whatever the fuck him when he brought him.
and they were wearing earrings or collards some way to identify them right and and the slaver asked the roman senator. Why do you remove those things when they get here and he goes well if we left them on, they would realize how much how many more than there are. Then there are vos know what I mean. So it's like it's been like this for a long time, powerful people trying to create the perception that they're, actually powerful power, resides where men think it resides. That's it. So this idea that there's five hundred and thirty eight people in washington,
going to stop me from doing what I want to do, what you can get fucked brother yeah, I know where I've been dude. I've been doing everything I fucking wanted last fucking. However many years like dupe, think about all these motherfuckers that fucking, through their fucking lives away over the wreck, we're to get to that we're going to get to that no anyway, yeah bro, I think they're in for a rude awakening. It's going to be, you know, look you! If you want to improve your situation, you have to be willing to put the work in to do that. What does that mean? You know you have to be. You have to
improve yourself. First is something that you preach about all the time. Now you talk about it from I or I I guess it began as a as a health and wellness fitness kind of thing, but obviously that includes mental health. But beyond that, it's about what you do with the power that you have. You know what I mean, I mean think of it as planting a seed and cultivating it if I'm using my power to do hero worship along with everybody else, and pretend that one of these geriatric old white dudes is the savior of America or whatever the fuck, no, no matter what political side they're on then you're failing yourself and your community. The reason that the
publican system of government was set up and the reason the federalism was set up. The way it was in the night than tat. The men of the constitution is that anybody with any kind of sense knows that the most effective form of government does one it's governed from the lowest possible level upward right. So your vote in local elections are like way more important than anything you might do at the federal level. Even even I, like you, who you vote for for congress and Senate, is really important who you vote for for president. I don't really give a shit about that. To be honest like you, because it doesn't really matter if, if you didn't vote for the bugs and congresses yeah grazing and it matters that you judge people by their ideas and not the letter at the end of their name and bureaucracy. Asiatic
I mean like if you're, if you're voting based on, if you will, if you want to have popularity contest, then go ahead and do it? That's fine but you're going to live with the results and that's what we're doing right now and that's one thing: bro a lot of these fucking politicians think they got down packed like you guys see that video of a baby do shall Roy. I am calling on you to mother fucker. We haven't seen it oh dude. He was at like you that low campaign speech. What ever talk about taken, our fuckin guns and shit right. I guess there was like the guy. in Michael Moore, whatever and he's talking about the Ivaldi shooting trying to use that to justify taking guns and shit and the guy kind of laughed like he chocolate or the reason the guy chuckled is because the sentence prior robert asterisk orourke, I said that the weapons are used to shoot through a guy's arm
with the helmet from one hundred and seventy meters away. He survived fee. Is seventy meters like nope, as he's like down on one knee or whatever, and so the guy like chuckled yeah, the guy, was like nope. That's like I mean he said something stupid and the guy was like, oh, that stupid yeah and it got to be honest, there's a decent chance. The dude was a liberal that has happened and while so what had happened to unroll demographics yeah he hurry up here. You may think it's funny mother fucker, but I dont like thereby also like four conceal scotland, because you fucking my called the godmother fog it like that the craziest thing to me is like such a bitch da. He he doesn't get erections. He just folds his dick in half and slides it in that way for her I don't want to visualize but Do you like? It is crazy thing like watching their video. You see how this fucking people clapping in form like that I understand- and I got your own fucking demise bro when I
that's the. I know they don't get it do when they think it's your demise yeah, that's the thing about on. You know the when people participate in their own subjugation, whatever happens, we through ignorance or through complacency, and and that's what we ve done here in amerika like we ve plato, said that if you dont, if you choose not to take an interest in the running of your government and you're, doing to be ruled by four, right and that's that's exactly where we are now. If you choose to live that way than you you're, an active participant in your own demise, that's fucking stupid that suicide, it just takes longer you're gonna, be doesn't make any goddamn sense an Oh you when you align yourself that way when you say I'm this around that or I support this person or I support that person- that's fucking domini. I support liberty. That's an end I think that's a very interesting and and like we can talk about what that means now. But if you just say I support Joe Biden or donald trump, I'm out, I don't want to hear that shit, yeah
because then you are forced to defend whatever the fuck they do, the that is not a principle stance. It's not even its yeah, but they ve coach, everybody in the thinking that wake to their benefit well I'll fuckin. This is why you have law enforcement, fucking enforcing bull shit on unlawful things that they tell people to do like you can't fucking powder born the ocean was arrested, as I did I just got arrested this week for fuckin swimming in the it was the east river or some shit or rockaway beach, maybe have somewhere in new york. They arrested him because he was there after hours when there was no lifeguard like dude I go drowned in the fucking ocean, I'm going to do it fuck! You are you going to charge me with my own fucking best russet him, they put him because it took into jail for swimming after hours in the water. You didn't make that shit. Nobody owns a water, not applaud out of control.
Their side and maybe a man, there needs to be a up a correction here. You know, because do we have too much litigation to many fuckin bullshit laws to dirt? That I mean Part part of me things like an easy to crumble. the only law that really matters is natural law, like every civilization in the history of human beings as develop the same general core of laws, which is don't steal, shit right, don't kill people unnecessarily. Things like that? They they exist in every single ethos. Its ever existed. Now, you know, Certain cultures will dehumanize people. So ok, it's ok to kill that person right right, but the idea that is outdated to kill at will randomly that always exist natural laws. What matters and it's not something that's informed by any system of government or any philosophy. We do know that that's the right way to live, wives. You know what I mean and it's a I at some point. It always comes back to it. The autoimmune warehouse yeah well dude,
That's why, like none, these fuckin movements of you know a dude swimming in the falcon pool with checks. when in a fuckin woman of the year, when you have a penis, none of it Shit will ever forget last like its doomed to fail, because it violates fucking nature like. Now that you may, like me, when I say let you go round is you you can grow, money out it is you want you can hashtag You can movement, you can fuck in march and do all that shit, but the end of the day, every fucking person, even the motherfuckers out there marching know that is fucked up mess right now, but I think I think, on top of that, to react before we launch our next topic, but like with that, though, too they're also making it easier to get back to the natural way, because of of all the fuckin hypocrisy, unlike the all or nothing thing I if I've say I'm left liberal. That means that not only do I support trance, no women that say
but also support feminism right like yours, also support grooming of children, exactly you know what I'm saying. So it's like it's all or nothing thing, and it's making like. I like people, to say all you know, there's more like liberals are now moving deserve. Not me really, they just move the goalposts of worse, you know what I'm saying like those people are still right there. The skill has slid in so far to the left, yeah also, but also dude, like that's. That's, indicative of a of a of a misunderstanding of how to fucking actually think no you know I mean like we have lost, the ability to think like any of you who, like agree with every single thing, that fuckin donald trump does or says unity, you're you're, no different than the the these brainwash people over there on the fucking. Far left now and like they have, everybody has a hard time recognising their own fucking collectivism. Thank you know when they're in it, you know- and you have to understand, like as a free. society. It's ok to disagree,
we know as well. As I do know shit. We were just taught by this locker room like dude, if you, can't have a conversation and make salad points it from up an opposing standpoint, how the fuck do you ever solve problems? You cannot do it and that's the problem that we have in society as a whole right now who the thing is with culture, I mean yeah, but like that's the thing, I think thomas Ever since the said quote, you know got five people in a room, thereby everybody's thinking the same nobody's thinking What I'm saying so you'd mean to tell me we got three hundred and thirty million people in this country. Right and half of them are supposed to be thinking this way, all nothing and then the other half was to be in this way. All or nothing like it. It doesn't make sense at night does not work and nothing. Just as in as it is. For you know, diversity of you know people experiences diversity of thought as equally important. You know what I'm saying like I don't want to fuck, I agree with everything, but I'm not gonna agree with everything. While you have an experience, yeah but dared here's the problem that that collectivism type thinking the group.
Think has now shit, and I warned about this like two fucking years ago, has now the pendulum starting swing back to the other side, where, if you don't agree with everything that these motherfuckers say on the other side, now they're like yelling at you and it's like bro, you guys just adopted the same technique that they've used for the last decade to divide all of society. this. Fine, because you know what will happen. The ninety percent in the middle There's a lot. You guys crazy works over their fuck. You guys greatly fox america fuckin freedom. Let's go, he added the prob, like I said yesterday about the middle east at the middle typically subscribes to the idea of live and let live, and you can't run City with no leaders that all because everybody wants to live and let live like you have to fucking like a moral person. You have to fucking led otherwise you'd be led by people who are not moral, which is the predicament that we fight in ourselves now yeah. If you,
sitting in your home and you notice your neighbors building like a fuckin siege tower and thriving, and we get up a mine mighty time to fucking, go over there and asked what is up to you. But that's that's what the fucking I say want to do that. I want to do that to troll the federal government I wanna buy properties next, a federal facilities and to start building like a short like all like roman sacks down at the back of the gay them choose. Just like this, like what are you a big old trojan role that instead of this dumb, ass saturday afternoons about your buddies, grown and inside and out this big horse designs and something but this is in a right. Verses, left thing: now man it's like they want to make everybody. This is so the patrician class, the ruling class aristocracy what they will protect. more than any individual ideology, is the aristocracy itself and you can see
is that like when a trump started to disrupt stuff, you saw old school republicans that people like lindsey graham, is a total piece of shit which economy Mitch Mcconnell's another one, Kevin Mccarthy all these dudes would. You know like try to fuckin subtly attack him and shit like that, and it was because the establishment itself is more important than any individual ideology. Well, that's ass, fucking backwards. You know what I mean like the estate women is always both to exist. To prop up our idea is highly ology ryan's. You know if their aim, if somebody's trying to divide you're trying to conquer that's, why the phrase says those fuckin words in that order. You know what I mean. So if you make everything radical and divisive all the time for people and that's so if you're, if you're a Republican for example, and the only thing you know about liberals is what you learned on fox news. You, as you have failed as a human being in this country, and
They are able, it doesn't matter which side of the isle you're on they're, able to weaponize that shit and that's what we're doing now right, like the media, isn't the problem there, disk they're, just harvesting the fuckin crops that we planet that's what's happening now you to blame, have you want and it sucks they're doing it, but then we did this shit, that's where we allowed all this stuff to happen, and it doesn't like it if you go into your corner, everytime you get into a fight. It's like alright! Well, you know fuckin, everybody should be allowed to do what they want, or you know this or that or this fucking rest on platitudes and talking points, then that's bullshit, man or dude, and if you watched, if you do watch that the fox news it it's it's hilarious, As you know, it's like people get mad. When I say this, but like those modifications walking you into like like do when gets on their every week, ngos another day, it submits amiss and then It is another This then that's all
he does. As I keep saying what the fuck are you doing here, training year to just point out and do not accept you. Yes right, you should treat these people like children. So if you got two kids for example, and one saying one thing: what you oughta, They go to the other kids. What what are you? What happened from your perspective? That's an instinct to do. Because you know this kid is definitely come in from someplace. Oh, you know maybe they're making it maybe not. Who knows airport. I.
I can remember the desert- there's a name for it philosophically. But if you can't articulate your opponents, a thought like, if you can't describe exactly what they believe, then you don't really understand your point or there's economy and something that Jordan peterson does in his in his marriage, counselling to have a a fa cup or arguing about something and it becomes intractable. He makes one person explain the other person's point to their satisfaction before they'll move on like here's. Why I like it like? Let's say you and I are arguing over whatever the fuck. I have to explain your point back to you until you're, like yeah. That's exactly how I feel yeah. Otherwise We can move on from that. There is no there's no appetite for that kind of discomfort anymore, but discovered is the only thing that really fuckin matters. Vienna life, it's it's the east, should be seeking it out. Always you should be immediately skeptical of anything. That's too easy,
You know what I mean. Probably a fuckin trap broke like that's to me, and you who s private common sense, but I I shall video on the fucking internet yesterday of a d walking around ass can be. This is like in new york city and like them. If the video was like four minutes long, it wasn't like it was one person there was like forty people in it and you're asking basic shit. How many states are in the in the union. Fifty five you don't what saying what country is is arkansas in the midwest like just ridiculous stupid as shit like these people have fucking clue. I didn't even know it was. How many days are in a year, I think I'm like dude. It was like they asked him like basic shit like how many days are in a year and are like oh no, four hundred like it was. It was humbling he's a digger, but I mean he is because everytime they answer. The question like he's like yeah he's like yeah yeah, four hundred yeah yeah, but
I mean dude like its eye opening, because these are the people there are in. Common sections of all these places be lying from priority here, browser the useful idiots no, we're not dealing with people that are capable of actual fact at all because you have to have experience and understanding and some sort of based knowledge team, a fucking thing. you're, not keyboard, but that's an institutional problem rhapsody its lake weave, While the of human has not gone down, they just been condition. I resilience used to be one of the most remarkable and and and honourable trade to have like you, you respect somebody because of not what they went through, but how they went through it and how they came through a right. So this, like this or saka woman, the plays Gough the young, the young lady, that quits all the time, because she's got mental health problems with
fuck respect that everybody's got fuckin mental health problems. Brow everybody deals. Are they shouldn t? she doesn't like. She wasn't like criticism from the press or criticism from fans in there and then in the autumn miss rise as a showman. What takes does it? She pulls out of it and then takes months off at a time because I can't handle it, never go at so brave the talk about middle, health, no, it's brave to flogging, get, help and and pushed through and be a fuckin adult. That's all rave or yeah or what's brave, is to take shit go, get better and shut down their mother fucking throats. That's the only reasonable solution to that problem. So far as I can tell, but the way we ve told I've gotten through it yeah yeah. We we've we've coach people to think that self care is is like them or I'm sorry, yeah self care is the most important thing in the world and I think that's mean If you spend that their we literally have. thousands year old stories like narcissus, for example.
Was so enamored with his own beauty and and getting like he'd stared into a fuckin mere until a god turn him into a flower. You economy, enlightened, that's what narcissistic means We have stories imperils about this four thousand years, saying not to do this ship and the weak for some reason, this latest generation last twenty years or so it's like all- you really gotta, take care of yourself and this led to take a mental health day in time. For me, like fuck, you dude grow the fuck. I think I think I see I think their definition of self and self love is fucked up. I think you're gonna get the base, like being honest with yourself, like that's completely our bureau hunter. percent. You know what I'm saying: listen, this dude. Of course I've been talking about this for fucking ten years, bro the fucking Well, I gotta be kind to myself when a fuckin go take a bubble bath and fuck me fuckin, dirty
goes and bonds, and I love myself when I'm more hundred pounds, overweight, right and I'm beautiful and now the fuck you're not, and that's not self love. No, it's not self love is saying: hey fuck dude. I got my. I gotta have some fucking issues and having the fucking love of self enough to address them and be better like an undue like because the truth is, and I've been fat. I fucking know what the fuck it's like, you can't fucking get close. You don't go to the pool, you'll go to events, your suit never fit due to its, it's embarrassing, every which way fucking possible and people too, well yeah. All the time are like. Oh, you look great. You look, fine! You look good bro, they're fucking, light anytime. You remove the consequences as a solution to something you fucked up. You know what I mean has consequences there for reasons like pain, pain. Is to tell you that there is a fucking problem that you need to deal with. It's not like paint.
Not intrinsically good or bad enough. Your pain away isn't fixing it. Now, it's just depressing and its debts. This is the main premise of the the new show citizens site era. He wants to sit around a talk about their fuckin rights, all the time, moreover, rights, my rights, my rights, fuck, your rights do because what? you do to earn any that watch. How are you contributing at all? that's why I believe truly like I believe, like dude. If you don't have a fucking legit like tax return, you should be held to vote like have you're, not welcome putting in the system at you should be held about roma now. Clearly I don't would use that against us right now, because they weapon eyes the fucking. Well, that's that's! The problem was saying if the agency was fair, yeah. Well, that's that this is the crux of pretty much every government debate. So let me that's the thing about this when its walk this always through, while you're at it for the voting thing. whole tax was a thing back in the day right. So in order to do you know, racism yeah took to make by people have o exactly right.
In order in order to wild, I mean that is why they use it. In order to keep black people from voting, they would have literacy tests and were in war or poll taxes, and you had to pay three bucks right, the only wealthy land owning white men, which is what they wrote the constitution. The first place could achieve that goal. So let's carry this on to gun stuff cause. I think this is a really touchy subject and a bunch of my buddies have gotten hemmed up talking about this over the last couple of years, TIM kennedy being one of them arose ago, TIM's anti gun or Evan haber from black rallies that guy, like mother, fucker gilligan is gone. His gun, clodagh yoda me like he gives out guns ashes free, gives us guns for fuckin presence for holidays as a clunker fuck and be a taters pressure Let's talk about so let's say, for example, if you want to talk about these red flag laws, say that we have the ability Lee, through whatever means to identify the kind of person it's gonna, do sought lug mass shooting before it happens. What what responsibility do we have?
use that information and how well, I think it's a good thing. It's a fair question to ask, while apparently Dan they already know who's going to commit all these. So I mean what I'm saying as a population will do to look for real to listen to that they have if they got the guy, who drove over all the people, the guy shot up, subway the guy shot supermarket. You guys look into the other. How do they? you ve all day: ok fucking, album guys pretty much everyone of gas so but here's how red flag laws going to fuck it. And yet, when they already know, that's that's the that's one of the points, yeah sure yeah, the quite you you have to ask these tough questions and not to see its has shown. Albion, friends, I'm ok! I gotta do but it's fuckin talk about their lives, but not a fucking platitude, but definitely had. Likewise, I loved you away I'll be right, but those definitely some like those restrictions right like that.
Be in place life? I feel like everybody that can hear the sound of my voice. Right now knows at least one person who should not on a gun right, like some fucking, crazy person like studies on person, if they ever stand right in front of you, would you hand them again grass. So, but here here's how the conversation has to go. You say, okay, so what mechanisms do we have to enforce? Somethin like that? Oh it's, the fbi, it's the get the federal government like The reason that second main exists is for us to be to protect ourselves against than we cannot allow them to have any control over. That's a red flag laws, no fuckin go right, but What responsibility do we have within information? That's a good question, as you can't just shut down. Our to walk away, because if you exit the conversation, if you echo that conversation that people you hate and disagree with it to be left there, in the room to talk about it and decide your fuckin future? You know, and you have to be part of the conversation and throw in your hands up and exhaustion in disgust, doesn't cut it, be a fuckin man and be part of the conversation. You know what I think
easy fix, would be like I mean I dunno, how I mean it. My opinion is pretty fucking easy and we've talked about this plenty of times when it comes to crimes where Maybe with guns weather is drunk driving, whether it's fuckin your pedophilia in your fuckin, a little kids. If you make the consequences of those things so fucking brutal and sole fucking harsh that just there, mere thought of committing somethin like that. Knowing what the consequences you would see, a mass the redoubt. I'm not talking to that works. I think that wars while a violent crime, I think you we're talking about like other shit. This non violent, I don't know, that's appropriate and also that considers the fact that you know we have a government. That is fair. and elsewhere, which we do not have or no certainly not. Yet. So that's that's the point of the like. You have to do tat. You have to have therefore conversation to arrive at the point where nobody actually trust the government. The left doesn't trust them in the right. Doesn't trust them for different reasons, but
nobody trusts them agri end through the only are the people then yes the only obvious solution, so we have this tendency for some resembled a wide, as maybe it's laziness, but we have this tendency to want to solves solve problems downstream like how can we stop once his kids because, radicalize. How do we stop them doing that about stop them from a radical, exactly right? Well, we know how we know how it's it's: a combination of first fatherless homes and then poverty. Those are the two biggest predictors of young male crime and it's an affliction of nihilism as well. People will feel like they don't have a place in society and they've completely divested from society, which now I fucking praise on Yasha yeah. Well, I mean yeah. I don't even know what to say about those guys anymore, like all all the unnamed co conspirators at january.
It's odd. I dunno, if you've, how much you've talked about this on his show, but the governor whitmer kidnapping thing two of the guys that we hit on the door. There were eight people involved in the conspiracy. Two of them were f b. I agents two of them were f behind formats, so fifty percent of the people in that fucking Room, that's edward reappear, that's fucking! You leave entrapment like do you know, but that's the thing they need these things to happen so that they can fuckin propagate him to push if they're fucking married yeah, but we all know this right. We know that the government can be depended on. We know that they're corrupt as fuck and they're pushing their own agenda. So the only way to solve any of this stuff is to solve yourself yeah. So if you're in a community, if you're a liberal in a community and you're worried about fuckin mass shooters, you better go shoot. You bet, while going learning, how to shoot, definitely helps, as we saw with that kid in indiana
if I go to the boys and girls club go somewhere where you can fuckin mentor young words, no, who don't have dad's like so the ninety seven crime bill when good point. That's the only time I billboard earlier that he talks but then stand up now he's a human fog. You don't give a fuck now, if you're funny bull shit, nothing like the example he used the stand up. Was you off can talk about equal pay for w nba. How many you gotta game make a name for contain named three. They make in fact our size breeding ground, but I think I think the question was to name a player in the city she played yet he said you all could be. Would aid the fuck teeming european city like the road where there was a dumps? Are there the foger of a guy you. He even thought of you do on the streets like I'll. Give you a thousand dollars. If you can tell me The wmd eighteen here I can do it will turn around there's the stadiums right here yeah? Well, that's why there's not equal pay?
I mean holy fuck like, but do we have this? You know these. This fake sought You were limited to two realities: brow. We have this fake social world. Ok, where Things are supposed to be one way, and then we have real life where things are complete give way and that the one I'm gonna kick your while the gap between the two is is getting further further work? This is called the the is art fallacy right. So there, is the way the world is in the way the world ought to be. Our confuse the two, if you think, while the world ought to be this way homage to pretend There is, in fact our heads tat yeah, but do you like so upstream solutions want to stay with us for many, because that one's very obvious, the crime dollar? Ninety seven, we took europe, there is a bunch. A gang miles
the crack epidemic was kind of. It was on it's way down, but they needed to do something about shootings and stuff, particularly in big cities like chicago l, a new york crime bill passes. Okay, now we're going to fucking, go get these gang members and thrown in prison. Okay cool five of that you're gonna be a violent ass. All the praise on other people fuck you there, but we left a bunch of children at home, would know dads and we knew a goddamn thing to say that problem we knew it was gonna, be a problem throughout all of human history, poverty and fathers, as are the two biggest predicted a crime that stuff like they just ask were this. Now now we ve got to get out of respect for that before the crowd below the boys. a club of america been around for a long asked time out. The boy scouts have been around for a long ass first date the committee that that's another I like to a kind of tongue in cheek jokingly say that at least conservatives had you have the decency to ignore the problem, whereas the left created a welfare state. Where are you get people hoped on the ted. You're gonna mean nothing better.
with no upward mobility and your enemy and not creates a cycle economy. Now it's a cultural thing, it's that well we're not going to get any help for anybody. Nobody impacts us and that leads to nihilism. The same nihilism that leads to young black latino dudes joining gangs in l, a as the same nihilism leaves fuckin white. Dad was dudes to fucking, go shoot up of scores and the same goddamn symptom, and we've done nothing to solve this. We want to solve everything downstream, That's stupid, like women. Inanimate objects now brought its action it in my list that we need a cultural revolution like that. Nobody tom focused gotta, get up and go fuckin blah blah blah motherfuckers, gonna be solved in that letter, because if even if you go remove the people who are causing, all the shit which I'm not saying should happen but
in addition, you're stolen and need to fix the culture at the beginning, none- and that's even that's the part where I've been trying to get people to understand like that's. You or part. Like your listing the show right now you have responsibility which Probably no one ever talk to you before about ever to actually you do things in a way, that honours the people that set the fucking opportunity through even be born in this country and then to live in a way that inspires the people coming behind you to preserve that We have an obligation, as americans wrote people, I, then they go out and serve they ve been in. Overseas. I'm. How would you like to view dedicated at just five years? You have five years bro, let alone, but yet listen, but as long as you're hundreds, I'm alive unavoidable in culture, we have service too, and the service that you have for these countries to live a good fucking life to bring your kids up, set a good example
hold yourself to a higher standard. Try to be better. That's the america in standard that we're missing right now. That is required for us to turn this realm. Your people, when I post that quote personal excellences, is the rebellion people like the fact is, that even mean it means if you continue be a piece of shit and your neighbor continues to be a piece of shit and everybody else continues to be a piece of shit What america is going to be now piece by piece of shit? We all do better when we all do better. That's it dude. You know what I mean it's waterways saying there, but I like bow and because it says better twice, it's easy to remember, but yeah psych people be, I feel, like I people know where to start its, why guys, like you and ed in twenty robins or so interesting, because there's a road map involved, it's not platitudes, you actually talk about what to do so. This is all about discipline. Discipline is all about. Building habits are no, but nobody is just
you see? If you see, I liked him kennedy like eyes so disciplined no, he chooses every single day to do every fuckin thing either does regardless how I feel yeah so start small there something that you ve been walking past in your house. I guarantee you like your kid leave something out our you'd. You leave your fuckin water bottle on the the bedside table and go to work and in pig. later at night pick it up right, then you know what I mean just little shit like that, and that gets you bolo, like being on the lookout for opportunities to fuckin, make discipline a part of your daily life. That's how you build it from the ground up right. It's everybody wants of the fix now it up. If somebody had the opportunity or the choice between three months of hard work or taken a pill to do something they're going to take the pill right, but the pill gives you cancer and that's the trade off know what I mean. It's unacceptable
the thing that that that you said there that's really really smart and really good and something that you know that I've done and try to teach all the time is those little opportunities what'd. You call them. well yeah be able look, outflow yachts like beyond the look out your guy, it's an acronym, so here's work people have to understand when it comes to discipline, is adds a perishable skill. This, like shooting rifles, a parasite liberty. I leave was just like for all that shit was in Washington who said liberty is always one generation away from extinction. I remember who said well, he's right, yeah man. Maybe it was eisenhower, I don't remember, but the discipline part bro. You know if you're on, if you can understand that your discipline is either going up and it's a it's a skill. It's like John man forgot its perishable scale, ass, so like your rhetoric putting into. How are you taking out of that account in every time you what
pass that fucking water bottle that you know you should pick up your taking out of the count of discipline and every time you walk past it do the right thing. You pick it up your depositing into it. You can start to understand that that's how your skills work than when you deposit in they give stronger you and you become like what dancing on the lookout duality. At every turn like you, I would for specks of fuckin dirt. That's how this place looks that's. Why looks like this because Nobody here is always looking for opportunities to improve their this. But you know people are always like wire. The weight? So straight, first form you guys like have a guy goes and does that no We have a rule yeah. They have to be that way. But the reason everybody follows the rule is not because of the rule. It's because of what I I them the rule is about and what the rule is about is when you take the time to put the way back straight You're making a deposit into your discipline, which is actually going to pay in other areas of your life, and these people have started to understand
and that's why we don't have a problem with that. No, it's also important to to like surround yourself with people likeminded people in that sort of sense. Right, like we, you hear the saying all the time you are, what you attract of your staff to high eventually going to start a track me other people who standards are also high, ray and think about the mass ripple effect that creates I like I go home and I don't leave fucking glasses. Among my my because I know how high the steam darn here it becomes part of your life artery and it's you know I'll, take it another step here, we're talkin about man, Well, labor and cleanliness like being clean and shit. That's that's one thing, but what about in the social environment like how? How often are we taken advantage of opportunities to help other people, because you know everybody is struggling at some point or another? And one of the things I like to say is that if you can turn your pain and suffering into empathy for other people, you can save your life and there's an end.
That is, I don't think, there's a truer maximum out there. To be honest, so one of the the show citizens kind of organized around these principles and one of them is I'll, do something everyday to help my country, my countrymen, are all men and that's the same general idea beyond the look out for up to new to help you maybe it's his hold. The fucking door no mean that could be that simple, but once you do of australia, fuckin stay there after after a couple of weeks of doing that, shit like your brain automatically, looks for it yeah, but more than that bro, it's not even about you. It's about what the other people see. You do, you know you're, you know you're setting an you're, bringing back something like that womanhood yo, you hold the door open for our whatever their like man. You know I was It's so rare now you that this is how the how we treat people better like people see that they observe. it, you know, maybe the family that you hold the door open seas it, but also, maybe three other people in store saw you do it and those p again that was really cool, then I do it and that's all
she gets better like that. People have forgotten their own role in leadership like date, they think because they know how this massive audience or like bro, that oh bullshit world eating in our focus on light. Like you look like you know, what The questions I get here is like why you get everybody to fuckin do this or that it is well. We all fuckin hold the standard, and that starts with our actions. Everybody observes it and because everybody observes that nobody doing and everybody else does it that's the way work and that's way it works out there in the real world to it's. Just we have a lot more to correct. Then we doing just this building, so like if we all go out there and treat people better and do things in by the way no other people had there been a warrior. Doing that to manipulate the and protect mother fucker you're fuckin matter? What difference does it matter because I'm trying to flock and create a good example for a mother fucker to follow polish
it did like people want a bitch above mother fucking everything like fuck. How about this we go out. We treat people good, we we fuck and do we can we look for opportunities to be better and do you know where all the sudden, in a very short amount of time, if everybody adopted this, the culture could fuckin go back the other way, but that's a big problem that I think people don't understand is that this could be corrected very quickly. They it's gonna be: twenty years: it's not twenty years, it's twenty! yours for your fuckin kid that's born today to be raised properly. That's twenty mother, fucking years. you to behave properly and for other people too. start senior and the ripple for that started that being real world shit. That can happen today. Gotta move on to our first headline: we catch good, I think we have. We got one in one, Linda good conversation,
come on. I wonder then alluded to this earlier. This have I read a city c major league ease is covered restrictions ahead. A smaller, methodical reads: on the cdc released new guidelines, thursday. that a major early eased, the previous social distancing restrictions of the past ahead of school reopening the new guidelines dropped requirements that no, that's daily six feet away from other people. That's gone, Most americans have at least some kind of immunity, the corona virus through infection or vaccination, both both the law. it is guidance from the cdc should give our students, parents and educators the confidence they needs a head back to school this year. with a sense of joy and optimism. They? U s. Secretary of education, the girl, Cardona said in his statement thursday, I quote, while Kova can t
new to evolve, so has our understanding of the science of and what it takes to return to school safely. He continued quote thanks to co, vaccines, boosters, new treatments and common sense de precautions as well as funding from the american rescue plan. Our schools have more resource than ever before, to provide a healthy learning environments are, students needs to grow and thrive, academically socially and emotionally. what we got on, there was how the fuck wandered through the fucking airport, motherfucking bubbles, yeah. Okay, there's people there are fucking guy, Getting mild part itis, there's people that are dying, there's people who lost her fucking jobs, there's people who fucking got abused for the last fucking two and a half years called grandma killer called this call that called this. While, if we're going to have shit to do with your resources,
has to do with you fox lying to everybody, why everybody there's a fucking massive amount of people decide impelled it and we're villain. As this is a pandemic, the young backs unaided in fucking candidates. Put these motherfuckers in camps, in fact, in Australia, their put me mother, fucker than cats, their plan fuckin failed. The whole plan was fuck and eliminate the resistance they didn't do it now. They gotta regroup, they're, pulling back to fuckin loosen and funding, people, the crimes against humanity, bro end of the flock ended motherfucker robes. For these, that's what I'm trying to get away from all. Absolutely like lightning, A united and marking killer fucked right now, not correct of social learning inability. Well, I'm just scratch the surface, but how many fucking things can we go into here? The business finds the dude there's cut
the the amount of insurance companies now now the insurance companies are dealing with all these unexpected deaths and and saying bro you got fuckers you're lying cause, they're having to pay out. Will you know? No, no organization in the history of mankind is paid more in civil penalties than the american pharmaceutical industry. Isn't that weird, no because a piece of shit, you're, sure yeah, but it's again it's weird that you know we have allowed the. I look there's another conversation where consumer can. We disagree enter the fuckin ropes with these motherfucker yeah yeah, a guy fucking, thoud cheese and the fucking world economic forum and the fucking so or else is that created this crime. This fucking broke how many businesses were closed, how many people lost their shit store how much money from the american people, by leaving the big box doors, open, smashing all business, and now you I understand why it was seven hundred thousand- privately on business close for
She will never reopen you're wrong and these motherfuckers got richest fuck. Now, though there we, the people at the top of this fuckin plan- have to be found out and have to be dealt with physically in a terrifying way, so I never happens again be called a launch them, into the sun or chocolate bar, I'm talking straight up or bone tomahawk. I've heard that decine is pretty brutal. I want to bone tomahawk. Have you seen that I haven't seen it yet either, but people keep telling me that it's garlic, the most throw these fuckers can't these communist fucks are the most brutal people ever in the history of thought. This is what you motherfuckers gotta understand these people when they kill people and fuckin russia and nineteen hundreds. If your fuckin sixty million mother, fucking people, you don't even hear about it because data. What should know about ok, call the whole moors. They were it sexy the talk about hitler and the twelve or so zero million We don't talk about MAO. We don't talk about pol pot. We don't talk about
Is thou hast, thou because they're letting because loveday all that's right and broke the actual. more people if they kill people dude. If you go back- and we stand. What actually fucking happen? The way these motherfuckers kill people is the most brutal shit you could ever comprehend. They fuck enforce their soldier. Here's to rape, the men and women and the children. Then they fuckin dead. In bow them by steepling, their mother fucking test into a fuckin pie, oh and making your run around it until you dead and you mother fucker Wanna have mercy on these fucks row. These motherfuckers rave hartstein on paper view. With all the funds going to everybody lost her shit, I'm not I'm not oppose them. You know that the really interesting analogue between both now and stalin- and today's is the yes g shit- let's go on. I would find right so
the most of the people who died in china, their mouths revolution die of starvation because of what he did, the farmland yeah the decisions they made to to use food as a weapon against people you starvation as a weapon that that's that might be. the most. Anybody has ever the most people that have ever been killed for wanting one particular purpose is probably MAO's revolution and his rule afterwards in the way they use starvation. And now you see it in holland, right and and here in america and Canada, where they're trying to use easiest g scores to fuck over family farmed and shit, like that, it's the same game plan waking the fuck up bro. The one advantage of bombing it, but it's, I think it's difficult for people that that live in relative comfort, as we do here in the twenty first century to to believe that something that evil could happen again. You know what I mean it's happening, but that could have but again, that's what's happening and ended you, you guys dollar state The only reason they stop this shit because we fuck and stop their fuckin plan. We didn't go for it
and they're not gonna, come out and say I got you one, ok, but right now there this! the whole intimidation play that talked about earlier in the show this is them realizing holy fuck. We don't have enough horse power to push this through and their retreating, like I told you, they fuckin would If and by the way had you stood up when I too, you stand up and fuck in march twenty twenty, none of this shit. What happened to remember earlier this year, when the department of homeland security tried to stand up and organisation called the disk information governance boil nina jenga, which nina bell acid about three days. Juicy booty. Oh shit, yeah. I guess I dunno, I didn't see it, but I'll take your word, for you would be the expert yeah that lasted just a couple of days or delete that only works if I say yeah, but That was a very modern example of how the government tried to pull some bullshit and everybody was kind of on the alert for its and tired of there.
bullshit, and they shut it down immediately. We'll do my part, that's a power that you have at home. It's not like that. This ship was over in three days and she was free. I, by hope ahead, because one thing nothing people need to be very. Very cautious and understanding of okay is not we are now trying to do. Is they purse and then once they get? Ok cool will slow down of gmos. Because a thing, though, is the problem: dj. Here's the fucking problem. Now This is the problem that we are all. This is what you gotta be on your fuckin toes about now their shit fuck and fail. Ok A lot of people like me and other people were like hey. This is bullshit. Now They say they didn't released, but there's all kinds evidence than other world leaders who were saying the: u s release this shit from their fuckin via labs, okay, so other I'm just saying what other world leaders are fucking saying. So we say what they're saying whoever released it, however, got out. Well,
What happened now, because people are not held accountable. What if they really want to do, is really something that was actually fuckin dangerous, see, that's the problem that we have now or polio, just popped up and Jonathan in your city ass. We are right yeah. I saw that in very bizarre. Well, like guess, you guys out there This is dj. What you're saying is one hundred per cent right, bro and the reason of the reason I said that those because I'm trying to find the actual date, because it was just a pause, the the the formation board their run in their back and that are trying to turn it back on here in august, when they change, I am I say, is as actually act that the crazy is fucked their voting on it today. to day august twelve. Twenty twenty two, the gettin voted if their vote. Now this is a private little. You know secret meeting, but yeah. It's not it's not open. Like that's what people have to understand. It's like the distractions that we get they they like it's easy to, for
get what's actually going on right, like I, we got three have asked, talked about, but geysers fuckin, ten other thing going on beyond the back there. probably won't know about, or tomorrow, fuckin money. You should ask yourself why you distracted arguing about up and Biden what these motherfuckers you're doing. Fine the scenes widened the region and your wallet and how their taken your liberty away, and you know you can see it with the not just the fact, that their hiring these new iris agents, but the the language they use, the job posting their building, fuckin army, no new, damn sure better, be building your own. That's domestic terrorism, fuck em, monitor this Andrew was built around. It says in the mother fucking constitution that we need a well regulated militia, yeah, yeah, counterbalanced there our compatriots, that every year on the terms, servicemen has taken the oath, all enemies for it, mastic me as well, and if you ever get another browser, my enemy mystic means home means ear the avenue
it you damn sure need to be building your army, whatever it is now, I've got some news for your armies, not gonna, look and think exactly like you do, but if you get, there are core principles that we all believe and leave me. The fuck alone is number one on that fucking list. Number two has got to be if you want to be left alone, when your neighbor needs help you album and eighty in eighteen, fifty we didn't have a regulated police force in this country until the early twentieth century right it was contractors or sheriffs that was in and the deal was as a as a male right, your neighbor, it's fucked with we posse up, we go fuckin kill that do now has at It is unacceptable in it and then I'm ok with you. I am too You fast for to nineteen. Fifty you how to ride horses, while you I mean you can eighty v at these days oh yeah, I serve ass for the nineteen. Fifty your neighbour is moving the some some new persons moving into your neighborhood. You go over there and help if you, if they don't need help, and you come some food or something right is it. This was the agreement that we made
that I want to be left alone, but when my neighbour needs help him get album and we stop doing too so we lost one period, that's argos from god. What the fuck that has to do with a shit look broken conversations hold onto these various people that are psychologically damage from this shit forever. There never walk in coming back. Children, especially, I know wrote, do look at me. children one round say: where's your mass where's mask where's your mask Oh fucker, I again ass, worry, that's right, united breach. Kick him into chestnut and like Leonardo has kicked that the years other thing when these words are now fucking. Let's say these: the eight year old kids, there I remember this shit when they're fucking eighteen, they do she again and I think it's normal just now normal. Now you we hold, it wasn't normal from the fuckin first that we definitely do to maintain this record hit. The problem with this situation is that nobody will fight harder to preserve a lie than people who wasted. There lies believing
I mean that's that you have to remember. You have to defeat that shit or I'll have to defeat that. First, that's that's like the most. Maybe the most important part of this whole conversation is educating people on how they were lied. To cite the science didn't change what we know about immunizations like we were. Miriam Webster's dictionary changed the definition of vaccine for children. They wrote that this is listened like this is nineteen. Eighty four chevrolet er DU den, these people aren't complete. Like I keep posting the same thing in my story. I keep posting, I basically the founders of the fucking communist movement of what they wrote in their books and shit And- and I keep putting a poll like do you know these? people, and it's like you know, fucking thirty percent, you know, and then it gets like thirty two and then it gets it's like bro these people they. This is not what you'd fucking think it is this.
and insurgency that was, we ve been subverted by a fucking ideology. There's not american, all of it these things, they don't seem right, you they aren't right. They are not. that's why they all seem right and so many many of you are stuck in your own identity, that you know like I get these people to hit me up you programme to now that they're like bro? oh I like do I had this. Do let me up for two days ago he was like do he's on. I follow you for your business. I've always thought your politics will bullshit he's but you know now I'm starting to realise like fuck the bull side. Bullshit I say I say: ok, that's a good first step german I now ok, that's a good first step and we start talking and in due time big problem, the reason that a lot of these people that are waking up, they they stay cut. What they're saying is, I feel, politically homeless. That's the thing they keep saying no mother fucker year, understanding that we are being attacked by communism and you're afraid to say it,
and you, you think that, like somehow your little ideology and compartmentalize leaf of what group you belong to still exist when it does, it doesn't exist, ya, think about nine twelve, two thousand one s right and our nobody really give a fuck about politics for awhile yeah. That's pretty much all you should feel right now, yes Yes, and I don't want to hurt, you guys want the other guy after eleven. Nobody gonna fuck about republic is definitely one in the reason. Why was because- and I have said this before in the shrubbery, like the reason- why is because that was that the most united that america bell was a day and is because we all have a common enemy and we their enemy had a face. It had a fucking, nay. Might we still have a face in their name communism is the world economy. I look forward to, and it's all the people paying to fucking put these fake prosecutors in power. So we have chaos, no one, fucking cities. It's all these fucking government officials who have taken fucking money from these fucking communist organizations who they put up on their pages
all young world, leader of fucking, embroiled, and they go into office in they fuck problem is we know that, but A majority of americans aren't very well. You gotta be willing to have that conversation with people in a way that doesn't dance on their grave. Like it doesn't matter like in the foot. I want a conversation like thou who you zephyr, you raised the you didn't help me buddy. Well, that's very seldom yoga. These people, who are politically homeless right now, are being fucking, taunted and laughed at and reach, guided by the same motherfuckers like me, who went out and fuck untried wakens motherfuckers up and now these people, instead of like saying hey thanks for wake yup. Let's fucking do something they're like oh you, fucking idiot, and so now there's this David. The the far the right has adopted the same fucking principles as the fucking left that stupid how can stoop a deadly doesn't help anybody gotta be willing to have that conversation we need unity, brow amongst the fucking, the craziest thing.
Will be able to get the people. The main people on the right that are doing a shit are the same people alike. Were over on that's hard and had a quota awakening, yeah fuck him. I just figured this out last year. Now I'm an expert or you didn't even know what the fuck score. well yeah. We talked about this. A locker room to literally anything. You know that you're right about right now you're wrong about right. Up until the end, every moment you're right about you you're wrong about everything until you're right about it. For us a why the fuck are you celebrating the fact that you're right now know you your job is to make other people right as well? How about a second were about this, but you know what I used to fuckin thing just like that here's what I figured out. What I know about that data reminded me of it, because I mean that works. Oh yeah! It's important member reminded me of this, but my favorite books I never really thought like that. Well, how about you just fucking, given the space to come over, makes some room for like nobody, If you start out the conversation, like listen idiot,
conversations over yeah but if you say hey, listen, I was. Idiot too? Bro trust me, I get it. I was fucking pissed a good way to do. It is to ask smart questions that people need to find the answer to like here's it. Here's a good question to ask on left is people who are into prison reform, while the george soros fund, two hundred and eighty district attorney and judge political campaigns over the last five years, why why did a foreign national billionaire do that? What what possible reason could he have for that? Why did he put one point? five million dollars in the cabin nuisance, recall action economy and not as an end and wait for the answer. When they say I don't know like ok, maybe she look at it, but don't be a deck about it does not you're not gonna went in then they pull out the anti semitism bullshit like. Oh, you criticise like do that. The w
We have put out world economic forum put out a fucking notice, the other day. That said something to the effect of if you are against soros and you are against world economic forum you're, an anti semite, no mother, fucker we're not we're just pointing out the fact that you, mother fuckers, are. Who are you do a lot of shit? It really has nothing to do with all the other jewish people might have it. Just so happens that I didn't realize it, he was like the fuckin monolith for all Jews in the world. Will that's therefore, that's their front man though that's the defense, you can't crit, you can't say anything about them or it's anti semitism mo fucker. No, I'm pointing out the fact that you, individual fox or fox, you not now not these other jewish people that you claimed like represent in this house. Money, though, like how you can say anything about a jewish person, can say anything about why people have.
That is already a comes when it's all why people would have raised here is here is that there is a deal and end when the fuckin nazis were wholesale slaughter and use. It was men like me over their fuckin, stop in their ass into the ground and weak little bitches like them doing Whatever the fuck, a nazi high command, told him dude, so you can suck my fucking dick. How about that listen bro! I fucking get it I'm just heart like that's the fucking, that's the one like rachel, no fucking cultural boundary that everybody won't touch? Listen Nobody here saying all jewish people are fucking bad. What we're saying is you motherfuckers or bad? Ok So, like this anti semitic falcon label, you try to throw in everybody, people, by no more anybody that says. So? What you're saying is this it's like Nobody I get ends is so what you see is you should treat in the same way you treat people to have pronouns in their bile this term,
around a walk away. Don't even let him finish the to start, does walk away and there's not a conversation happening. There are ethical, I guess interesting yeah, their common out your saved the rattling. You remind me of it. Book. I read that this is a book that I recommend a lot of people series called being wrong by katherine shawls, but it talks about the stay. Ebook do noise, it's actually a really good fucking book. They got one says telling bad jokes, I have read. I one now read okay she wrote a book called stop chewing on on lover, recording yeah, its task that harmful shock different on the wide eyes yeah, I'm actually struggling over here to be but let's move on helena over to your gyn right along I, the a lively move, brow interesting, her mother, but you reads:
austin children's hospital offering gender affirming hysterectomy brought a kid throw who can't even legal leader row. I saw this. It made me sick, as and the other read it so so Boston children's hospital rank. The number one children's hospital in the united states is offering quote gender affirming hysterectomy is to choose children who aren't even old enough to legally purchase alcohol according to the hospitals website bc age, first comprehensive medical care for children from birth to age. Twenty one- and that includes quote john- under affirming care, for transgendered youth as well hope. The sensor for gender surgery at boston, children, hospital offers, gender of affirmation, surgery, services. To eligible adolescents and young adults who are ready to take this step in their journey. The hospitals website reads calls it is they it is,
first centre of its kind in the? U s and a major pediatric hospital setting a video of one of the hospital spokespersons did you catch me is very similar. Most hysterectomy occur. Hysterectomy itself is the removal of the year s servants, which is the opening of the arrests and the philippine tubes which are attached to the size of the rest, some gender curbing instructing. These will also include the removal of the ovaries, but that's technically a separate procedure called a bilateral movement and not every gender forming hysterectomy includes and people who are getting gender from you struck me do not I their ovaries. I love how, like the music makes it so much better that we're like castrating children. This is insane. Like this is insane shit. This is this is fucking. Why republic broken shit from money? Nineteen thirty germany were an affair
Lay there saying that children as young as fifteen can go under the knife or breast augmentation double mastectomies in the name of gender affirmation with private, and so will you have. We talked about it. Have you ever looked at these people? The data Transitions, ah yeah, so you know Deborah so familiar with her she's, a friend of mine, she's, a canadian sex researcher, but she wrote a book about this stuff. I you should have her on the shell for sure to talk about this very smart lady and yet like the the the amount of people are these being transition jail. I know that you be executed here, like this to me. This is like you, you and I's as men as adults. We can settle our problems the way we settle our problems where you fuck with kids, you die. That's my fucking. I agree like he had left like any type of innocence. Islands area is of innocence in and talking about, the transition is at the same time. This headline just comes out. This is in the uk, disgraced tavistock trans kids
clinic faces lawsuits from one thousand families. Oh it's coming. I mean. So in the next couple of years. You alluded to it earlier with the insurance companies, but some time in the next two to five years is going to be a like, it's gonna, be a huge settlement from Pfizer, specifically about all the issues that came about from the vaccines itself. In an hour Well, it's going to take for this, but there's going to be massive lawsuits and people go to prison for all this weird shit that what they're seeing is, I think, the average I think they say that is like anywhere from five to seven years which amount of time it takes for a trans persons, understood yeah. They made. I think it's like seventy two percent of people that diet transition. So it's like an incredible amount of people. You know, but these these these are kids, If you don't want the one of the cases, one of the families in this a lawsuit they're saying that I know she was fifteen started getting on puberty blockers. They started testosterone at seventeen now she's fucked for life, and nobody talking about go. Watch these videos of east of these people, yeah fucking, sad,
it's fucked out, there's there's nothing. So what other gender this, for you is, is a psychological disorder. What other psychological disorders do we perform physical surgery on people to make their delusion reality now you know what I mean right like that. Might sound harsh, but that's what it is. It's ginger gender dysphoria is a is a a delusion in your head that you're not in the right sexual body right. Your your bodies Rock sex, no other infirmity when we ever do that for like me, and I feel, like I don't have a left leg- was amputee. There's a cut it off. It doesn't make any sense assigning. in good medicine? Have you seen what is a woman? Oh yeah yeah? We have Matt Walsh coming on the show soon, actually, He's funny assumes seen he's not he's unintentionally, very full. That's what makes him for this because it is so dry and he, very here he knows all the arguments he's very dry. as soon as the you can tell that he's is waiting for that person to finish
They're, dumb, commenting, ask them a question. They cannot answer it's hilarious to be. I think we're done here yeah. So that's pretty much how it goes yeah. We know these people needs to be fucked up. Man. cause. I mean you talk about. Why me the instinct is correct to say here's. This is something I also wanted to talk about. We have this a tendency, particularly people that lean liberty or conservator. What are you gonna call these these days? I don't think it's really conservative anymore, but that's a political freedom. That's a that's a different conversation, but we have this tendency to see the solution to a problem and say that solutions fuckin stupid and then ignore the problem. But that's like a pain, receptor economy. Just because it's being treated incorrectly doesn't mean it doesn't exist. There is a fuckin problem. We talked about earlier, the average twenty one year old, male in the united states and twenty twenty two has forty per cent less testosterone in their body than the
in guy into two thousand right: yeah, fucking, crazy, it's because of micro, plastics hormones and food whatever their about israel's. What has all kinds of reasons for it? Well, I mean it is that that was not a window. Piglets like you they data they made Alex Jones in the light such an example that people think my broke out. eighty percent of the ship- and he says I'll- take his batting average and yeah. That's what I'm saying like a three attitudes on a hall of fame list that shit but dude he ain't, he that is spot on people. Like him, because he he's kind of a goofy guy and he says some fucking, while their shit you look into the base of the what trying to say it always I can comes out to be almost always comes out to be real shit, he's gonna end up paying, I think, honestly, it's gonna be like maybe fifteen million total, some like that, which is like a fast think. I gus,
It is true that that's that's the max your pay, and now what he said was like a ridiculous that that's not one year salary for him. That's not! Even though yeah I dunno what you mean by you, have you seen info wars? Their shit has been going up too. So I mean, I think, they'll be fine. They've been averaging about eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars in sales a day, yeah great but saw a week a week over the past, like fucking couple with asia anyways This latter cool thing is that people come out fuckin when NASH It happens. People come out the fuckin. Given it that's how you ve. That's how you, if you're at home, you're wondering how to defeat cancel culture. That's how support to people to come out and not my point. Oh guy, like that that that stuff, like where he is, I go we're facing cancer wholesale. I do just also ensure calm down like this if he getting get removed from a platform anyway, this man, every time I get falcon cancelling it's fuckin, pretty regular, like theirs. A week that, by our have some other fog or to come and see me for some fucking reason, it's good for business to be his eye.
the last time. It happened again for cambodia, certain thousand powers like it's by I walked in your everyday life over the last two and a half years, I'm like that. Look at fucking jason, unlike I'll get my thumbs up. What could he knows? It comes up billions thumbs up means. Are we togo. What every fucking day were fucking growing and, like I tell you, guys, have broken down well episodes on this bro, like pro american freedom stance, is a great business strategy. You know and like you have, but it's not just like that. The the way you get in trouble about it is by bacon, you gotta, let your employees say without a forty believe you gotta four can be. You got a rubber. that american a real way and these fuckin, this fucking cancel shit like
You know that the problem I have with the council shit is not like how it affects me, but my argument is how many rate thinkers, how many great entrepreneurs, how many guys musicians, how many people they have in him to be great, won't go out and do it because now we're facing fuck this cultural phenomenon that, like all Great people never really had to face like. When I talk to my dad who was in business, you know before the internet he's I gotta, know, people falcon hate you dad you don't know shit about like mother fucker, like You don't have the internet, you have a treasure. we about eyebrows in the most and the most asked question I get with like entrepreneurship row is well. How do you get over there and how do you push through the
and like do the the reality. Is it's nothing to be afraid of you fuckin, take whenever there saying you are they write? Are they like? Oh you're, a fat fuck rowan? They used to call me fast, like be like. I love your ship, your fat, you know at first, like, I have for you, man, like a win? Look in the mirror and on like am like I'm forget that success will happen. I forget addressed the problem. last lost hundred fucking ten pounds I came up with fucking live hearts. Seventy five, more change, more lives than anything I ever fucking did because I fucking actually took the fucking, beat back and went and did some with council that yeah well, I do my point is: is we have these kids. Now there have great ideas, great solutions, great things offer the world and you want to fuck controls, rather just fucking destroyed like how do you like? We have to get back to like pushing me if it's like Tik tok in china broke, but
they're showing people solve a rubik's cuban record time, unlike sobbing empowered math problems and Building yes and we're over here, showing fuckin forty year old, moms dancing with their kids like a fuckin, hooker, rebuttals yeah. It's no shit or she has worked up, but we have to get back. fucking, admiring achievement and fuck and encouraging achievement, and we do we don't do that by tearing down the fucking achievers everytime, you dont like some, they do from it does moved on to our third and final headline him. A number three gonna talk about it reads: be irate rated marilla go to search for top secret documents on nuclear Your weapons report claims. Just today This came. I heard about this. So they say that the documents I found a more go were nuclear weapons information. So
federal law enforcement officials were allegedly searching for highly classified documents on quote nuclear weapons when they re form. Where president donald trump home afford florida. Earlier this week going to report the Washington post claimed in europe or that those familiar with the matter did not offer any specific details on whether the alleged documents on nuclear weapons were about weapons that were possessed by the united states or foreign nation, and they did not disclose what was recovered during the search. But that is the allegation in the saying that quote that is true. It would suggest that material residing unlawfully immoral. Argo may have been classified at the highest classification level. Said David lawfully in the former chief of justice department, counter intelligent section. Listen, we can't fucking believe anything these mother fuckers say they were jump, started yeah. No, no yeah, I mean trump trump's already announced. It said it's a it's the same thing as the the russia, russia, russia, bullshit
you know that, then you have, I they: u s attorney general merit guy when he doubled down, saying that he he did. It hinders the interesting thing. The moment that that report came out, you have The ex cia director Hayden and you have MSNBC, contributed michael bash loss there calling now for the execution of tunnel trot, heightens the guy that sign onto that with the other, a hundred people from your tells us to really saying that the russian collusion was real, was absolutely then there lived in the hunter Biden. Was russian disinformation, absolute goal? so you can demonstrate a the worst thing they could ever do is to ask you down they're, not you not understand. This is a fucking misdemeanor pull out the factories fuck it. This is. This is the case. Menaced way of eliminating fucking resistance. They are paying this person to be there
the reason they call tramp in all those people fucking nazis. Ok, is because their painting him to be a far right extremists. When they are far left extremists, Here's the problem that you will have if you arrest and execute donald trump someone we'll come along with a very aggressive and a very strong fucking voice workers manic and will call for the fucking end of all These people and people will rise up and fucking. Do it. So you what, by eliminating trump you will create. Space for someone who truly has that authoritarian type fucking traits and you will create space and natalie space. You create a fucking vacuum people that what that now. So, if you do that hold on, if you do that,
you are ensuring that all of you will die. Maybe that's maybe it's what they want to happen. They wanted our history does repeated so long. I'm talking about nuremberg. Again, though, hang the media they'll hang the fucking know, hang everybody they'll be fucker. Thousand dead bodies on the fucking. Why house long fuckin people who did so and in the people here they won't, though there were fucking cheer for it. So, like dude trump is not who the fuck they say. He is, a very reasonable fucking person, you guys fuck with him and you fuckin. Look I'm not a fuckin trump job. Sniffer I'm just telling you the way history works, bro. You want. You want a real hitler, fucking execute from now, and then, moreover, this is all. It is really fuckin, pedantic and stupid down.
his brain dangerous, do so Obama's got thirty million pages of documents at his residence in chicago right now, five years later nobody's comb through those to see what may have been classified or not classified early, this bullshit and there What they're using right now is the court of public opinion there, accusing somebody of rape knowing that does it matter if their guilty or not because everybody on the left is gonna, be like oh donald, trump still, nuclear secrets. That's a thing now: the problem is the rule is that they don't have the horse power the head two years. they don't have the worst nightmare public drowsy boy extremely flag in awe skeptical than it and it is to me this is death rattle on them. That's how I'm seeing shopping weather I think the problem here is because we saw the same thing happen with their great insight they're going to, because what they have their disposal as a trillion dollar. Fuckin machine is true if they his hammer that in long enough.
Europe's air, my gummy, we understand I people's mindsets right now, as the average new cycle is what should be three days. I am so I agree with that. Do yeah, but I see so. I don't know man like I see people than when you got fuckin Andrew como. coming out and saying: hey, that's fucking bullshit. We might have a problem with guys like bro, no for real as real shit, yeah and like remember, that was like they're fucking next, president for ya, Will you excuse me and a lion oh abroad? There's a lot of people on both sides coming out me like fought against it. Like bro. I put that fucking pull up last night said at that. What would it say hold on? I fucking screenshot it. I said it said something about the iris and f b. I it was up here was the pole. I said I don't think the f b I might have been leading people must be real. I dont think that
an the thing and the irs's you're hiring is still is sitting well with the people, and then I put a poll up the options. Were it's okay by me. I'm slightly concerned, I'm concerned fuck that shit yeah. Ok, that note bro and I've got a pretty fuckin like diverse group of people. To follow me, one percent, okay by me, one percent slightly concern six percent. I'm concerned ninety two percent fuck that shit. Ok, we'll have made What now and I understand we're in a little bit of an echo chamber- okay, like I get there's people outside that can be completely fucking, definitely yeah. but not a hundred percent worth. You don't say it like people understand what the fuck is going on at some level. Here is now right, so rob Furthermore, I dont know that they can adapt unit those same with this. I don't know they can do that with the same effectiveness as they have lots. You know where the bear arms are what woman, but how much
they need to. Actually, that's what I'm saying as ninety two percent, but if, if they get just forty percent- and I think that's enough enough to do what exact to to flip to to make There's a thing is cochrane the reality that the only need a little bit of it. Anything you can create the rest of your arms. this was a mac. Might mopping is our great well. How much do they need a thing in this? Why chaos? I'm begging forty percent of the riots important for everybody out there, whether you like trump or not, likely. adamantly. Even if you hate to recognise how dangerous the shit it so What's a banana republic right leg abstained. Typically, banana republic, we see, is every previous leaders imprisoned by the new leader known me. That's not really a great way to run a country. that- I wouldn't call that a peaceful transfer power no and we Just go back from this that to that- and we are some point- we gotta stop the shit. Oh listen man,
While some games, the only way to win, is to not play, you know what I mean so, if you're, if you're going to play this game of of my person versus your person or my party vs, your party you're not going to win that game that game ultimately leads and everybody failing where you are because you're a person in my personal go fucking play golf at three o'clock. While we fucking struggle to pay for our fucking grocery bills, that's one hundred percent, accurate yeah. They don't give a fuck. That's that's lawyer culture. There are all these people are fucking lawyers yeah every single fucking, one of I dunno Jd Jd up and down boy. This guy's, a fuckin nor his shit is that other specialist staff, a guy worms, column his he started strong, fucking, healthy american male super strong super capable completely on governance there, not a pervert by any means. Definitely does us no children tat. This was a sweet though we did rosenbergs were convicted forgiven. U s nuclear secrets to moscow and were executed in june nineteen. Fifty three
also they're gonna, fuck and say they are controlled, gave new vessels that china, russia now and then the tree Cia trump, hating, former cia director, Michael Hayden John, been said, sounds about right yeah. You know what, though bro, like that's a problem for you guys like that's what you don't understand, because all all the people like dan and everybody else like like there is a lot of them. There's a whole fuckin culture of theirs. Twenty year war you guys just created and some men over to learn how to fight and kill fuckin, defend them. Africa and europe, I tell him about what the fuck they were doing and they realize it now and now you've got a problem because they're on they're on the fucking streets. Now so how the fuck you gonna do. This dude cause like I'd love to say: look, I am a half okay, I mean I don't to shoot, but I want one of the one of the plans was the whole mandate thing right, like they're, trying to gerrymander the ranks of the institutions that protect regular people in america, the police
military hm. Oh yeah. They try to weed out all the americans, but that's fine, because then you're left with fuckin, these type of dudes to fuckin, call the shots I abroad I mean I'm not gonna listen to the nut. I'm saying like that. This isn't like look at the leadership in a military now, so I said we're getting earlier. Would you say as natural order, yeah Water will be restored. Hassebu ass, you natural order whose whose where's the strength is the strengthen. I don't know. Pronouns alone is a strength in a hundred and thirty pounds fuckin, vague and string beans, can't run or shoot or lift the fuckin way provide from their family, or is it that is if the man who were you just produced from twenty years of fucking war, who know how to fight and kill and fuck and provide? Who honestly are sick of your shit, so I mean like where's who's going to who's, going to end up at the top of that natural order, the fucking bank,
Well, ultimately, strength comes from purpose. You know what I mean. That's, why natural order? Always I it's it's, why it always returns in every society at some point, because certain certain things are required for society to function? And rotarian straw to remove those things a b, the arbiter of those things right. So the church for a long time kept the bible only in latin until the fifty eleven king James version, because they wanted to be the only portal to god that any commoner might have china to the same thing by keeping people illiterate. So if you wanted to start a business or whatever the fuck out, you had to go through a governor bureaucrat to do that shit. Now, while he's explaining this, I don't mean to interrupt think about everything harris topsecret top. Let's keep everybody in the dark about which really going on and will only tell them this because for years now would people that can know about this stuff or the people they get an office crackdown, so
Well, the reason the natural order inevitably returns is because authoritarianism doesn't work. You know what I mean like people want what they want. People have a very pioneer spirit about them, regardless of where they're from and eventually patience runs out for that bullshit and you know it. It's it's about. Strength is in purpose, in my opinion, right, if you're going nowhere, you're gonna get there, but if you're, if you know, if you and a bunch of other people, know exactly where you're going nothing and really stop I would argue that the stronger purpose always wins yeah. Well, that's the purpose. That's most stronger is is, is a redemptive way to say it. I know what you're saying, but think of it. This way, the purposes most align with natural order will always win. Now that the one that preserves and prosperous life that will always win authoritarianism will dissolve ultimately in any situation because of that right. So it is technically you're right. It is stronger, but it's stronger for a reason. It's because that's what's required, you know for life to fall. I think the also do there suddenly be set for the belief in the
purpose to like how much do the people actually believe in the purpose. I believe that more people here in this country truly believe in liberty in a much more power passionate weighed and then these motherfuckers think about authoritarian. Given how do you like that is a good question I like to ask people: how do you exercise liberty and how would you answer that question from your own perspective than answer the question from this perspective, like a fifteen year old in high school and in a sixty five year old, retiree like how do you exercise your library in a way that maintains liberty itself? I think that's an important question to ask yourself actually we're, and I also think that's important for people to understand and that's why it's super flocking important that you say things when you think that say no yeah fleeing no say no a lot. I think a lot of people have trouble say no, because it's awkward, somebody ask yourself can you feel cause it? It's a good instinct to feel compelled to help other people or to generally be compliant when things makes sense its
good idea being a rabble rousing for no reason is bullshit, but where it's time to say: no, you have to do it. You have to say no, I'm not wearing that fucking mask it's stupid, I'm not keeping my kids at home and and having them lose eighteen months of the most in education there ever gonna get the first six years of their life is the most important sixty years of of their education I'm so far removed from that. Like it's weird for me that that's hard for people yeah for sure, but you you know it's saying no and away like a lot of people been doing it and I feel like the early.
Stages of. I remember when it was hard for me to say no yeah yeah yeah, so you gotta. Think of that. That's a good! It's a good example, because you have to think back to when it was difficult for you there's a story that I heard from though that show the west wing back in the day and they talking about alcoholics, anonymous and the guy tells us anecdote. It's like guy falls down a well and he stuck there can't get out DR khan's binds. I have doc. Can you help me out, as I'm sure he writes him a prescription and throws it down the well, then a priest walks by and he was a father. Can you help me out is sheree, says a prayer and goes goes on about his business that his buddy walks by he's like hey man gimme that gimme outta here buddy jumps down in the well weather means I do what the fuck you do when he goes to worry. I've been here before. I know the way out so it. This is what I mean when I say turn your pain and suffering and the empathy for other people. I don't mean the
feel sorry for that. I'm not do something. I didn't tell you you want. I mean it's like we ve been talking about bullies a lot lately the past, what five years so anti bullying campaigns the instinct is right, but here's how I recommend handling that situation. You would you stop the bullying first right, so you, the immediate action, is to stop the bullying, make sure nobody is getting physically injured or whatever the fuck you tend to the victim, but you don't treat them like one like hey. You, good sweet go on about day and any who asked a bully. What the fuck up what's wrong with them. Know mean that that bali is cancer and their cancer. For reason, it's something that happened to them that made them that way that, as an excuse, their behaviour does give me the opportunity to change it and, if you're not willing to fuckin, you know get involved It helped change their behavior. Then it's going to metastasize is going to get there's going to be more and more suffering, more and more nihilism. More and more mass shootings, more and more gangs, more and more fuckin bullshit, and you have the
opportunity. Every single time you witnessed some kind of bullying event: stop that shed its tracks right, but it doesn't happen d by say: you're. A bully get out of here is that's the guy. The needs help not the one get and bullied kid's going to be okay. This is already a big support system for them. The kid that's doing the bullying, that's, who needs fuckin help and the people that are weaker afraid to say no right now and stand up for them those are the people who need help and if you're not out there doing something to help him. You re severe trauma gas. Our final sudden the show. As always, we have I fucked up headline. Why should I have added to the younger two times up a tree found somewhere? You don't want a man with that being set a thumb up headline reach, Taxes, man, shoots woman and neck, but bullet exits and kills him. We say what imagine Bullets in texas over the last, what seventy years or so this is a back into the laughed as there is a brooder film for this. What the fuck, yeah man
from his injury after being taken to the hospital, so a texas man accidently killed himself after a bullet. He fired from an accident, a woman's narrative. It was in dallas to what the fair and showed him in the leg. So dallas police, she's rife actually Dallas police responded to issues in fucking, instant karma. I think we need to investigate this when she may be a superhero, so Dallas police responded, was shooting around eleven thirty. I am saturday at an apartment, complex on medical district, near being bengals bengal street, we said officer saw a large amount of blood and a trail of blood in front of an apartment, but no one was inside ass. They did some searching confining they next thing. You know they get a call that there is two people that crashed in a vehicle not too far from the hospital. So are police then the man is twenty. Six year old, a byron, redman The woman's identity was released.
Ass said that redmond had shot the woman in the bullet accident and struck him in the leg Then he led a bad from his injuries. Woman is spect, make a full recovery well, we got on this gas or how I wouldn't know how havin a domestic one No, no! No, how the fuck you shoot. Someone through in a hate you in a leg. I think it was there. They were in a car or some exactly like. ricochet, ok, how they resembled how's. It came back here, probably hit from artery someone yeah. This is a good opportunity to discuss the different types of shots to take right. So there's an ink, there's a kill, shot and there's an incapacitating shot. An etiquette incapacitating shot, stops that motherfucker and attracts right. That's like shooting, through the apricot pit through the middle of magadha. Some like that, like they you? U inst lights out forever. Right then, there's also kill shots, had don't immediately incapacitates of lead. This just for your home defence, or else consists this out here. You're talking about it's the triangle. Your nose is yours issue, someone knows, are fucking mess guy.
has done dunham in it. It depends on the person, but even right here on the inside. The chief bodes well, but this Kill shots. Are you issued? Somebody threw the hearthrug and bleed alfred sure right does not much you can do about that, but it might take ten seconds for them to fuckin lose conscious or whatever, and in that ten seconds they can still put rounds downrange. So if you're in a home defence situation and somebody's, acting up start with centre massively, obviously, obviously that's easier, and once you disrupt the fire, shoot him here or shoot him in it his nose. Yeah shoot him in the nose or shoot him in the head. Bonds is usually what I go for, especially somebody's trying to like come towards you because broken hips don't work and also there's a lot of arteries and shut down there. You bleed are pretty fast, Hannah had situation. I recommend going for the brig you order for europe to get it If nobody knows to protect it, and your bleed out about forty five seconds. It's right here on the inside europe ways it had to be like a low, caliber, low, velocity, twenty two or thirty eight, or something like that. They didn't, I
and through hit something unless they went through, like them the meat and her neck and slow down that much oh yeah and also a good note, is that we hear about tourniquets these days, but you need to know how to pack a wound as well, but you save people's lives. pretty easily these days, if you know how to treat wounds like that, I gotta stop, I believe, is a great vulcan sort of each area. It azure it's like if it's all in extremity, of its on your arms and legs, this door, I even fuck around measuring shit IZ, go all the way up into the armpit all the way up there like pence cents that shit down as hard again and then preferably right on their forehead. At what time you apply the tourniquet, but if it's like a gut shot as of like that, get whatever cloth, you can preferably curl exe or something, and she does pack that wound until you don't see dark red blood coming out anymore, the end up, that's good advice, now, love it or you can sign up for like sheepdog and TIM Kennedy will show you how to do it or my lovers.
Feel crasser, viable you'll. Have anyone who might yeah yeah might live that. Do he's an amazing you, I'm being yeah very smart guy. We were actually workin on a project right now really He seems like a great dude. Where word I'm excited. Had him yeah, he's gray bird taken his his field craft like how to operate. or how to survive and austere environments where adding a food element to it right how to do trapping and like that and how to survive? How to prepare food? Like salting and curious stuff, like that, where you can have food long term if things go sideshows here, because if I can never be fun, Oh yeah, I would say, is his thumbs up because instinct farmer for about the fact that, guy here, if you people I mean the the rule used to be. If you prey on other people, society kills you yeah, because we don't have time for that. Fuckin bullshit. We should go back to that like do That's what I'm saying like dude die. So there s. This shows all the police should go home for both called blue flew by will focus
care of it it'll be home. I don't understand. Is this? Like a bench, Benjamin Franklin said that I would rather nine men go free, are yet nine guilty men go free, etc, having one innocent man go to jail. I agree with that from the criminal justice perspective, but. You see the results of this whole bail, reform, soft on criminal. Listen! We can now have tolerance of violent. That's it! Ok, we could discuss them. yeah, cocaine, marijuana, folk and other shit, violent crimes, murders, fucking, weapon, assaults, rape, sure I got a crime or a crime requires a victim. One right, yeah like good, though cried. Government cannot be the verdict of Allah s right. Those occurrence. In my opinion, along with that I'll molesting shit that comply with the moon at us, I agree. It is, as fact, but again we have to have a gun
the system that is not correct to fucking. Do that? What does that mean any it? No, no form of government scales indefinitely right yeah. I get this done. And that's now it's that The reason we have the ninth and tenth amendments in our constitution. That's the whole fucking point is that people should be governed at the lowest possible level. as you have you as an individual, have the most say when you're governed at the lowest possible level in that's what representative republics are supposed to be. That's right! Those people out there washing DC, you guys think they're fucking, representing you at any capacity nor broke come on. You know. We all know that, but that's the best we got now. That's the brightest- and I was talking to my friend the other day- who's a billionaire. I was talking to him he's smart as fuck he's in he's in his sixties, and he was like yeah dude he's like who the fuck wants to do that, and I'm like this guy's, the smartest dude I fucking know like literally the top smartest dudes. I know who could solve all kinds of shit
and he's like yeah dude. I'm not fucking get involved that like these, the way this fucking the media is and how they try to ruin your family in the council. Like that's a perfect example, what I've been tellin you like you, guys because of the way you fucking behave or keeping good people coming in and helping you know, that's why we need to clean up over yep guzzanti, damn that's all I got a. They should come on the show, bro yeah for sure anytime tell everybody where they can support. You got what you got going on ya mean you can find rigour, bros pike, ass anywhere. That's that show we we brush up against a lot of political and social issues, but we tried it fun with it. You know I have a lot of fun ass in shit on there and then citizen is just use its typically me at a guest you'll be on their soon talking about you know,
We we elucidated problem and then spend most of the time talking about how to fix it and instead of just trying to get likes and clicks because of for for owning the libs or whatever the fuck people want to do these days. I don't care about that. Sound bite ya, tell him by yourselves euro, I at hardy of seltzer, it's a it's. We we can't keep it in fucking stock right now cause everybody's binder, but that's not a bad from the rain and it's a percent, and it's really good. I'm a big fan. If you like. I started drinking celsius because beer is offer poor people. You know what I mean say that you gotta put that pick me up yeah. I beers like bread, breads for poor people too. I love it, but it's like when, in the roman colosseum they didn't throw meat and vegetables into the honesty through fucking loaves of bread in this, because there's no nutritional value Look I'm my hard as I'm, not I'm, not better bread, yeah rdf!
after peasants, yeah the reason I started drinking seltzer is because it doesn't have like three hundred fucking calories, every one of which the calories and it's one sixty for eight percent right. So it's like two beers yeah for it, it's like a heavy beer. That would be three hundred fucking cams yup yup, but it's not for peasants pero! No, no fall! I mean they can do. Look at me when you said peasants, don't use race. It's my it's my what they call it in here. It's my inherent racism. Oh yeah I just automatically whether deja battle over the battery roads now than ever people have different tastes, deny genes. I don't like. I don't know why this this I'll understand where this ip creates came from my boy tastes like fuck right stop takes very few signalling browser. I like it. You can see somebody looking at you threw out. I want to use your bottle, possesses actually good your can rather, but you can see people struggling to
I think that you are so good is like a vague and again noted, Rossiya role. I shall move on to other shit. You wait for me now Magna would resolve the it looks to listen row. Redo who drinks that she looks exactly the same. They smell the same today as they were the same fucking north face outfit. They're fucking, you know the exact. same forget her cause with like doing it. What are you doing in there? I got my sees us. When do I get notes of later ex partners on ice which dover to drink and those because of all those reasons I used during like whisky, scotch at my house, financial monitoring and scotch mostly, but I had a great risk and I like to be out in the bow wouldn't shit, so you need something that you can drink all day that keeps you really somewhat hydrated. I know so. I got tired of a white clock as it's weak and I had to pour vodka into it. It's called a power
all right, that's pretty good marketing, but yeah. We are tired of having to do that, so it is made one that super strong there. wouldn't feel like it? Maybe there's just our insecurity. We did. We felt like bitches during it. Maybe, but it tastes gods I drink, fruity drink out of a fleckenstein. What I mean I mean look at is that the skull of my enemy, like how much sugar is in that dude? Are we watching your cat I don't give a shit? It's just. The bloated feel when or if you drink like, if you go out on the boat for a day and you're dragon a non light, beer and drink like ten beers or some shit I like shit brothers design, and this is why I go to the fucking wieber yeah. Like I love we, because I had done for coming back we'd mushrooms, how did I hardy F, older yeah? It's good really got so you can have you guys ran it problem. When you're doing this, I probably not cause there's no collars and above you can either add more sugar to some
it'll make it taste better, especially if you're trying to mask alcohol- or you can add more flavoring and citric acid, and we we chose it's more expensive. We added flavor and and citric acid taste better check it out We're gonna, find it dude. It's online hurry up, salted argon, Marco if you're in tennessee it's in like seventy stores there. I think, as are getting out there, that will be in florida next week and then will be in texas couple of weeks after that, we'll check it out I appreciate you bro yeah man coming in and being on the show and present I got us the show. If you found value the show daughter who was you know, enlightening ties. if you laugh, remember the fun sharing thanks for sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box frozen the fucker stole countless millions in a kobe teach buddhist, got all kinds of dessert, no shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-27.