« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

351. Andy & DJ CTI: Nancy Pelosi Departs From Taiwan, Capitol Rioter Gets 7 Years In Jail & Liquor Store Owner Shoots Would-Be Robber

2022-08-04 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Nancy Pelosi's departure from Taiwan after her 19-hour visit, a capitol rioter receiving seven years for bringing a gun into the capitol on January 6th, and the 80-year-old California liquor store owner shooting a would-be robber.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number for the fuck are still countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't kang doesn't know headshot case club. What is up guys the team for so, and this is the show for the real id say goodbye to lives that pinkness and delusions of modern society welcomed motherfucker reality. Today, it's going to be the highlight of your week. Let's just be okay, because you all know what's come and because you hurt on the fucking link, we got eddie and dj goes the mother, fucking internet, that's right and that's what we're going to do here. We are with sabra. What's going on man? Oh, you know just to you also refund to lose their young sand that Eric lost his primary? The you know, I did a little show on explain where I thought was. I thought that was, if you want to know my thoughts go list
well that last little episode that we post, I try, keep it real with you guys and let you know how I'm feeling but yeah, it's never good to lose. Man then feel good it is, but you know what do we do? We lose you'll get the fuck back up, we get back in the saddle and we fucking go and not as we're going to do so. The war is not over. No, absolutely not, and none of the Wolfeboro battle. I commend and respect Eric greitens tremendously for fighting for people who were willing to judge him off of things that quite honestly, weren't even fucking. True, and on its disappointing, because I know that man and you know, there's gonna- be people out there for the rest of his days. They think that he beat the shit out of his kid. He fucking does and it comes from a comes from a situation that was intentionally manufacture in two thousand fucking eighteen, seventeen, seventy eighteen improve
proven in the court of fucking law that that was may it's just it's just sad to me bro that, like when good people try and bribe by the way, this has nothing against Eric Schmidt. Okay. I, like Eric Schmidt, I've, always liked Eric Schmidt. You know that it is Eric. Greitens is my friend he The fight to people he doesn't wait. Now is my only that was my only gripe with which meant he waits low, but to all sometimes I mean he makes great moves are really makes the move to make some agri they're fucking great. I grew up in an there's, probably things I dont know or understand about that. I'm not. To ignore it to say that a lot of arousing as well You know I went hard for my ban I know the truth, and and and what's not true in that situation- and it hurts me for him that people are now you know, because they spent ten million dollars telling entire state that this dude is that you know like that's, not ok in america, but I guess this is mud. Slinging
herr people down way of doing things has to stop the cancer culture. Shit has to stop you guys out there. When you see ship, it's like people are abusing other people more or less. I or jumping on you have to have the courage to call it out because bro, what's happening in the reason this is such a big problem is because good people want put themselves through that shit for you all right like right now to understand, like you guys, listening like myself, work you know Eric Schmidt he's gotta face allowed doing like. Where do you do not come to him hard, but when people fight for you, and you sit there and let them be fuckin slaughtered. It's only a matter of time before the good motherfuckers will fight for you, you and that's something The people need to come to a realization, because I can't be real dude. I gave up the world's most popular entrepreneur package to talk about this.
I don't know many people. That would even do that. Then I went hardest fuck on this free for four. Ok, but my point every moment you pay for yeah, but my point his brow. I don't know shit cost me money to do a lot and. I'm gonna be real. Do what you guys listening like I'm, not I'm fucking thundering like this a fuckin fun. You know like like these, messages that you message me and you say: oh, I really appreciate you standing up. Well, when the fuck are you going to stand up with me when the fuck are you going to defend people? Okay, just cause, you think people are bullet proof ain't. There's been all kinds of ships happened to me. The you're fucking know anything about, there's been all cut. She's having habit, allow these people. You know nothing about these people that were fighting against for fucking a free america evils fuck and you and you decide I do believe them when they fucking lie to you about fucking everything. and so until that samson culture bro.
I don't really like to me. I'm kind of story, Feel I forget the other thing. I just think it it's a prime example of just like how severe and how d keep the than men saw emotional manipulation that this trillion dollar machine hasbro because I pieper flag is just people who There's no doubt ability to waken line. Just me man like this, so fucking quick like you, I'm says why they hand you a fuckin flyer. I am shocked about yesterday on the show you the hand you fuckin fly before you walk into go vote. There has complete lies in europe. Your attention span is so fucking, small and short that you see that oh shit, ok, yet nowhere guidance, You know what I'm saying like like. Do not forget. All the oh shit, that's going on right now in the world that, like that man
we'll go in and legitimately fix. What I'm saying like a lesser man, it's not even it's not about grinds, is just an example of the problem. Now they have to make an exam like bro. You know it's not that's what I'm saying it's a culture problem. like people. Think like you all fucking. Listening to this have not fucking started to understand their. I can't fix this shit. Trunk can't fix this, Eric Schmidt, ankara fixing air grains, couldn't fit like with those we can not you after except this- is a cultural revolution in these take place. If we have to remove ourselves from our dependent. See on the system that is working to create slaves out of all of us, the good news is. Is that when you take control of your life, and you start to decide live to a higher standard, the benefits happen immediately.
When I say immediately, you can make tremendous changes in fucking seventy five days or ninety days, the relatively short amount of time for you to get your shit together. now with the rest of the world, follow immediately. No that's going to take time, but for us, the actual Fix what's happening in amerika, we have to stop bearing each other. Fucking down attacked every working day bro, you know I don't get in the attacks, because I dont believe that it's the right thing to do- people should be free to say we're out of what they want to say Say what you say and my actually speak for themselves are comparable with that deal with, everybody out there they want to see someone fall. They want to see someone burn they want to jump. when someone gets embarrassed and that exact culture is the cultural, its keeping us from excellence culture wide that we need to unite each other against these.
People who are literally trying to take everything from so and so like dude until we stop hate each other for no fucking reason. Now, there's gonna change, brow. And so the way you have to change it, listener listing the show. Is you have to up your standard? You ve got to get yourself you gotta whom our work? Where am I? What my contributing their agenda now What am I doing like they want us fat? They want us lazy, they want us weak, they want to sick, they want us dependent. They want us apathetic about the like. What do I need to do? how many of these things they want is on port, we all daily ones on visas. Your games, rest time, believe all the headlines. They wanted to believe everything they fucking could say you know, so what which one of those nine things I just listen listed. Are you somewhat complicit in pixels thinks that simple and when we start living at a higher state bro. None of us were perfect.
not a single one, you motherfuckers listens. Perfect, I'm not perfect. I don't fuck it home. My game, I more broke I had the most holds out. Everybody did the differences as I get the fuck up and I fix it the day I thought I could see him and I try to move on. Ok, so This is not me preaching about, like I'm up on this pedestal like no mother fucker, I'm no different than fucking you. What are you preach? Put like you're, you're, fuckin, core values, brownlow unit live up to every single one. The gold is that I have those as a guide for yet, but do the problem is that we have people who aren't even willing to look at their own complicity in the fucking situation. Young, got examined yourself. Do in that fuckin socks. is to cite the sideline somebody else, yeah bro, it sucks the look in the mirror, say man. You know I'm fuckin fat mike dude, I'm not really working hard, I'm not really working become what it is that I want to be, and just that is what they want, because there goes to squash the human potential. So
Are there we only in the train of we know, try the men who have anything to worry about they get to dictate all the rules they get to. Tell us where we can make. funny how much more money we gotta give them. They had to tell us what we're in a fucking eat which apparently is crickets was what, on their plan, some say mill like guys. This is not a joke and if you don't start taking your own contributions to this country, we as a patriotic duty, meaning like your personal excellence, is a fucking duty. It's a duty but you're not just born here, enable like you don't like it. If live free, fuck, whenever you like, I do it do whatever you be a worthless, you like? That's, not what the fuck? That's america pro like we were all born here with an obligation. The people that came before us to live to a certain standard and we're advocated the people after us to build up
places better than the one that we have now and right now we are failing. We are failing and it starts with us and we we are fooled into thinking that a politician can think it can save it or we're full there's a donald trump fix it or that you know some big operation like the queue people think is going to fuck it happen. All these people are gonna get arrested. Row you motherfuckers, are created you're you're the ones megan should not happen? Megan everybody sit around with no sense of urgency to fix it because you think so was coming to save you brought. No one is fucking coming. No, when is coming so we have but take it upon ourselves as individuals to be the revolution, that doesn't mean run around with guns. That doesn't mean fucking. You know storm. whenever building like that's all I'm talking about I'm talking about winning a cultural. realignment of vat
use and standards for the personal individual you motherfuckers listening are in charge of this. I can tell you right now. Borough like this is real talk, real fuckin talk, I have rarely say things like that spammers say now. If I don't see, if I can start, happening emerald in my life, I'm going to live my life because I am fuck. I fucking care about this so much and it disrupts my thought process and my peace so much and when I see motherfuckers not doing shit and just waiting for me to do it. You know broad built my fucking empire. I build my life. I don't have to show up here every day and if you motherfuckers, don't care now fun carried and that's where I feel right now, I'm be real. it could be just cause the loss yesterday I don't know, but I'm not feeling good I'm just keep it a wheelbarrow like until you motherfucker start understanding like
By the time you all understand, what's going on bro, it's going be too late, so, like you know, zag read or anything. I'm just saying like. If, if this is going to be work that I'm going to invest this much time and energy and care into and people don't care, then what the fuck am I doing because, right now I feel like people, don't care know it's like the houses on fire, but they want to see flames before they run out was dude. It's like look bro. I was talking to Only this morning you know I started the show in two thousand fifteen row: I've given I'll fuckin, more free information about how to become successful and good in like leader and and and build a business, and I mean really honestly. then. Maybe anybody there it'd, be another one or two you could throw in the conversation, maybe barrow who the fuck they are by be a fucking real true and I did a shit for fucking free. look here, I am
years into it, and, unlike the fuck am I doing and what the fuck am I doing and that's why fewer and that's all feel about it. You know like when people will show up and people don't fuckin come out people all fuckin, far taking their own personal development seriously. But what am I doing this? I take my you're, serious you, fucker, see me out. There was a hundred two fuckin agrees. Do my shit? I do I shit I. my shit, it's not mine, obligation all you motherfuckers do you should do. I happened to give a fuck, which is rare. And now starting to feel unappreciated, run loved by the by the enormous like no fuck it fuck it. That's how I feel so are you know how much longer will keep doing issue because I dude I'm I'm starting to feel like I've fuck. It doesn't matter
And that's what happens when you have people that are willing to fight for you that you don't fucking stand behind, eventually they fucking say fuck it right, there's a whole book about it called atlas, shrugged thousand pages. I doubt any of you will actually read it. That's where I'm at boro know so you call it pussy, you say: fuck it you're, fucking cow. You call me wherever I don't fucking care. No, I know what the fuck I'd given I've given more than fucking anybody. I think that's the thing that was like okay are, however, if you are waiting on people like erica or Andy it's like. Are you? Is it still not actually different? You know saying this one. I think a good point though jus like I was. I was thinking about this as we were talking like just raise the personal standards. Would you talk about the bank account all the time right? America is a fucking bank account He's got people withdrawn, haven't deposited nets exactly right, anything anything Literal literally and figuratively yeah we're we're fuck to fucking, like a majority of amerika
right now, brown where'd. You invested in american culture, s mumps. What did you invest in them and the preservation of freedom? What did you fuck sacrifice most, should we won't even speak up cause you're fucking job is most is like you got seven people at your work that are fuckin progressive, left in your afraid of your fraid of them, and I'm a fucking cower cause I'm tired after fuckin eight years right, a fucking like now fuck you and that's why I'm arrow like? I don't feel bad about it at all. So I don't be surprised if I focus which gears, because that's what This is what happened last time when I got with Emma ceo project, I got fuckin tired and I fuckin start that's why I'm starting to feel so anyway. We gotta show to do today, though, that's what today, let's get into a man
Gaza city. I shall remember if you want to see any of these articles pictures links. I think that's the address that real, quick cause. I think that's important guys like we linked these the stuff on the website, so you guys can go see it yourself. Right, like I think, that's an important part like like. Don't just hear it from from our mouths, go see it for yourself. Go see the same same as exit we're. Seeing think that's. I just wanted to point that out, but you can find them on and if but I got so. Let me set us get into these. We gotta have a number one, the one right away broke. I do this shit just so you're fucking know, because when I was fucking oak and I didn't have shit and I was fuckin starring in like scared The shitless, like a lot of you guys, are about my financial future and my future. In general, I prayed every fucking night and I say god you help me I'll. Fucking do good things with it. I'll help Ok, I don't know person in my position gives away more money. I don't know personally
position. It gives away more from their heart. I don't know person in my view that gives away more of their fuckin brain in the knowledge for free period. That's why do this I give a fuck if you don't fucking like what I have to say, you're. Like me, you're like how I have to say you don't fuck the same about you you. People break into my house, you don't give a fuck, you call me some fuckin names online. I don't care about those people. You want care about. The people who listen and agree not to shit, we're people fighting for you and you're not respecting their fight, because you're not fucking, take care of you business and brom would be real. I'm fucking tire, I'm fuckin tire. Maybe tomorrow I won't be, but I'm gonna keep it real. That's how I feel right now. No that's true! So there's room
Well, that's I'll give it to him on a one item. Number one reads: nancy Pelosi too parched. Taiwan with state honour, says china's tantrum over visit doesn't really matter, and so she she she got the fuck out of taiwan. Then she actually said that it felt like a what was the exact quote she said of she said it felt like the psychological warfare, because china was blowing should lie fire jewels and shit all all around the surrounding taiwan, but so she left. chinese is, since you know they ve they're gonna, taken over the area is what communism is fuckin, psychological warfare. She should know everything about oil. Oh yeah, I'm out who I can only imagine being on the falcon island and lily herons arrayed sirens and shit gone relax missiles flying from african coast, I mean, like brown, is more to this position,
The funny thing is that she she she said that she's she's actually on awaits to south korea right now right, but the president of software get the fuck out, and so it has not been with the other, it's gonna be upset like I don't want you to do this and I'm out so I mean I thought that was kind of funny and ratio Frequent lack of those is gonna. Vacation he's not change it so well, but I don't want it the dude, you angina, so ah yeah you don't I mean it's been mostly peaceful as cnn were call it. You know what I'm saying they haven't shot monoplanes! Anything like that, but you know what abbe real, like you know. Ok, I'll keep real, really f out. they policy, one that one and I fuck you know like policy now, but when you threatening shoot down their airplanes. All the shit, you don't do a mother fucking thing. I say she want
yeah and then she leaves ish that ain't no big deal yeah. Let me look at how that's going to make her when she comes back home they're, going to paint her as a fucking. She she's the fuck new, I lady AOI new norms, am I gonna, be bullshit just way for next week. Wench for I was like. I think this is all provocation for what we ve been talking about on the show. You know this man, it would act if I'm guessing I think the chances are ninety eight percent that they're just going to let china have taiwan. That's that's my guess. Maybe I'm wrong, but I mean we've definitely seen a lot of contradictions brokers. You got Pelosi saying that we stand for taiwan in the buggy toby's on tv, saying, oh harbours here we don't, we ve, never supported their independence, rushed pro shut, the fuck. Are you guys? Don't you know the fuck you're saying I mean yeah? It's
listen, this is gonna causal. What shit that I'll sharpened earned front? I thought it looks like it does. Not look like AL sharpen. The birth above all, I would sharper those now that now postal I can picture is older. People know that this is really and that's a legit question. Is that, like it seems like he would be? If something like this yeah there's always that shit he doesn't belong at exactly exactly. I mean I definitely do yeah, I'm sure you have that same fuckin suit. I've seen him edit before. so. What's I have it here, I think we must It's still going to happen, but I I mean I I still expect china to fuckin just go in and wipe it out. You know do what they gotta do. You know, but I think she'll definitely about the policemen. Her is the the power chess player. America, democracy. bullshit. I wonder how many american lives Cassius exactly.
I am so sick of these elite people with their fuckin quorum, quote. Bravery and bravado, costing the lives of of like american kids, know how can trash anyway. I still think she won this one because they didn't you shit, through drew this la moving onto headline number two and then to reach. capital rider it seven years in jail, longest sense and so far for participants in january. Sixteen as what's access militia member was sentenced to more than seven years in prison. This pass monday, the longest gel term, yet for participants in january six, on the? U S, capital by supporters of former president tromp
a guy ref it he was. Forty nine years of age was convicted in march of bringing a gun to washington, interfering with police and impeding an official proceeding. The certification by congress of Democrat Joe Biden's victory in the november twenty two twenty twenty election, here's. The thing, though, there's some weird shit with this, because his one of his own family members testified against this man and I have a picture of the beautiful family. I think he actually soon. I think he actually petition the judge for the maximum sense. He did know you did that but you did. You did at unbelievable humbly to your own fucking down there, so this this kid he actually just in an interview with cnn as well, and this have on
reed's from the interviews, s son of capital, rider who was jailed for seven years ass, his father o absolutely deserves it, because what he did was off the rails, violence, but then claims he was used as a puppet for donald trump and and there's a couple. Others like he's. Never he like so the thought of writings he never ends. should the capital on one lot, though, only violence that happen was one of their police officers shot a protesters killed her. What's, let's remember the fucking facts he made and they had a candlelight vigil for all the victims, but not her right right. Her name wasn't even mentioned. Okay were not mentioned, no, they get they really gotta mommy. Yet he had a gun autumn right, but he'd never entered the capital they
they did have him recorded, saying he planned to drag house speaker, Nancy pelosi out by her feet. This is in quotes, was hurry the fuck out and says I'm like that's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying you know, but I think this was just that this was appointment and, like we know what this like AP, we all know what this is for. This is, to you know, shut everybody, the fuck up right, because intimidation, the exact same time that this comes out project veritas, just released a bombshell, not sure. If guys. I saw this december reads: fbi whistle, blower, leaks, bureaus domestic terrorism, symbols on militia, violent extremists, it's gotta, be a really F logo calibre. It's gonna be a buys a logo. So it's a unclassified document, but it does say that its were fbi. Internal use only
but project roots ass, released a newly leaked document today provided by an fbi whistleblower, which shows how the bureau classifies american citizens it deems to be potential quote: militia violent extremists or envy ease, as they call us then the ridicule. Where are these people, because like the envy, yes Lemme probably be a pretty give marble? andrea, say what I've never met. These people were- maybe maybe his regular talked about us, No drugs, a meal? whereas the guts assembles undressing wisdom was in there, but like him in the civil sector, for example, there is its talkin about like if you, if you even mention two, or say you know, you believe in the fact that the constitution says tat well regulated militia say that does it, but if you verbal is that you are considered envy it fucking
says in the constitution that we are supposed to have a well regulated militia for the purpose of counter bow watching the government like that in the fucking joke threat founded documents of this country. You have your an american, that's what he's shores! Fucking tyranny doesn't happen exactly and do these people that I understand I understand this that it's only a matter of time before the boots. On your fucking neck brow, anyway, we find things like the betsy ross flag, the gadsden flag. These are all. Were they our commonly reference historical imagery and quotes that will get you labelled as mp, common phrases If we talk about actually buy babbitt being a person we already fucking we're on those brow. Gale you can. If you can, that are actually bab it to be a martyr re are considered I'll, do she's a martyr. I just staying the fact. So the scenario like She shouldn't have been trying to break in there but
He is the only fucking, the only casualty of direct action that happen zachary and if you can die, if you're not happy with no ruby ridge, the waco situation, timothy mcveigh, then. These are also symbols with thy radical andorra. Violent events in the past will be considered envy. Here's a picture of the document that was leaked, so the without the don't tread on me flag. That you see literally fucking everywhere. We've had that they got the punisher skull. That's up there. Now I gotta add it in I'm not sure. With this black one is comic. Books are racist, yeah yeah, the betsy ross fire can fly that one
who wrote this I'd. Imagine I think I'm just a straight up intimidation. I think I know exactly what this guy looks like, though okay era close your eyes. Okay, he's he's he's, probably like four hundred and and I'm going to say four hundred and thirty eight pounds. Okay, he has slicked back hair in a ponytail nah man, now. This now is a white liver woman, whom I represent. Hooker second of all, whose met her father be speaker. Is it it doesn't matter brought like? Do these people are. say and they're trying to scare fuck. Are you from being patriotic? So what was the so? That was the least was this things about the internal document there now,
basically we're all a threat to our own country, everybody who's a patriotic. When are they going to put the american flag on that document? I'm surprised it wasn't on there yeah, I mean that'll that'll sure be next. That that'll be addendum number two unbelievable bro. I just love the timing of it too right. They they get. These people like there's been so far to date, there's been thirteen protesters that have been sentenced only one. I was able to. he got out of it essentially mean over. They got thirteen of em. They got this god. I've die you no seven years and then here's perfect timing like If there is a right and the financial resources are no one else is of course this is the same thing. They said after january six, they, if you're a patriotic american you're a fucking domestic terror alert. Did they get it in august of twenty twenty one, and only do it again last year,
If he keeps saying, if you don't think the election was stolen, that you're a terrorist or like people are not buying it. People know that's bullshit, oh well. We did a complete like revision of all of these three letter agencies. Well, I don't even know if we honestly even need them. We'll be honest. I dunno man. I know this. That's some bullshit yeah, like that document is bullshit yeah. Think about the power struggle, that's going on inside of the word it. What do you think that MR is like in these like suit offices? Well, I don't know cause. I know some fb. I ideas that think. Just like us, that's what I'm here! That's what I'm saying it was like. I there now these people, I've known these dues for fucking twenty years, like these dues or fucking good. Do, though I got a few friends, like yeah, I don't know. Maybe it's like it's funny concerned talk to him there, like yeah, borrow it so bad its work in this is that, but you know like
there's not much. We can do with fuck. What at what point? You guys got drawn a line right right? I don't make an american citizens the people that you swore to protect the public enemy number one zack, so these people or more the threat than the motherfuckers come across the border that we don't you fucking know like bro. This is bullshit the moment you go on this list, garcia yeah understand the next up. Alyssa bro. If you ain't one of these list by now you you ve you fucked up as an imam. Let let's be on real, like the best thing we can do is make a fucking joke, I do. If you really not aware these lists, like you, you have to say you need me, he put his will have none of their relatives. Would you like now? but do any harm in that. There is a serious part of this to the vote, because we have like people have to remember what what things they have, that they can use their disposal simply because they Yeah, you know what I'm saying: listen to your phone. Only your camera see that's a problem. Dude, it's a serious problem.
It is. The people are not aware of, because the person that try to bring to light they fuckin exiled from the country Snowden, and so I did No, you guys are you you guys really educate yourself on what they there were: two edward Snowden. We know people have always a fuckin trader, bro noise. Now he could he expose. These people are using the tools that they were so hosty use under the patriot act against like terrorists in you know, over over there, firstly the side and then they use it on its own people. So, like your fuckin phone, your your microphone you're fucking camera, the king, was under the television cameras under computer, like everything you do within your shot or I shot of that is recorded at all times. Like that's real shit, that's happening right now, and you don't have to be on a list for them to do this right. That's what Snowden was trying to fucking tell people right. Like this is ten years ago. This was two thousand and eight
whenever what my luggage lorna like bro? this has been going on for a long time and we'll rattle bomber china address in a row and remember that I understand they have data fuckin houses that sort that keep the shit so end thing. You ve said within your shot, your phone. They have an audio record of pitches yeah. So like What's answer not say what you think ever be a slave to say: fuck, you, I don't care gives us around. I take more you fuckin whenever there right right, I got on the high seas. Albert is bro you don't say under, but like do, I dont think that most people, if they understood that that they would be comfortable with it. The variant terrible thing than americans share, You have to worry about the wish let him be worried about some fuckin weirdos. Looking at our camp looking at a stroke, hammer. Or listen nor convert that that's fucking a shit.
And they sell us the idea of freedom. What the fuck is free about freedom, privacy, what is free about twenty four hour for surveillance everywhere, And then they want to take more and they want to put you on a digital. I Navigators shut, your fucking camera that you shut your your your bed count off because you fuckin, I don't know like did sunday and what you do whatever the fuck. It is whatever they deem You know in china bro if a neighbor doesn't like you and they say why dude I saw Dj Noah. He was raking, his leaves left or right now right to left. Like you said, they shut your bank countdown. No one is very dangerous student. No pity you guys like who were apathetic to this list. the showing you get a laugh and you don't fuck and fighting and says you're complicity. That's why I'm out of this point so anyway, I will say to I think there's a reason like you look at any of these tech guys I go. Find a guy go look at pictures of Zuckerberg. He always has his webcams are shit taped off like this
just like privacy and I give them if they really gave a flag while enough focus on the real fuckin like open borders. We have maybe the illegal immigration is not alone, ever been lagging rationalize. The shit yeah like peep people still hang onto this idea. These people serve us you're delusion I was next hell number three out of final one gas through its california, locust or owners. Shoots would be robber. This is amazing. I saw this. This is fucking, so amazing. It made me so happy on with the almost the show the elderly convenience store owner, California is being hailed as a hero. After he shot a would be. Robber who ran out of the store screamed at his arm was quote, shot off a shocking surveillance, but his friend with pro market and liquor,
I showed a mast assailant entering the business at about two forty, seven, a m with an air fifteen style. Rifle pointed at the eighty year old store owner, suspect yelled, freeze, hands in the air, but within seconds the quick thinking stronger, put out a shot down. among the counter and immediately shot once at the robber hitting him in the arm. Here's a quick video, dared seconds ro, so he was ready for an instant. He was ready for you. Was apparently watching the surveillance cameras. He saw when the vehicle board up seeing the guy get out, but the mask on rather rifle so he was gone. The shotgun ready assumes solid. I love how the guy comes in things like, like he's, got his call of duty, a r. It's got all the fucking bullshit on it. You know like the fucking for grip and the fucking fake, ass fucking optic.
and all of my father. I don't even know how to fucking shoulder a fuckin rifle the right way. I have an ear bro, you want to watch collar, do the dragon and let me tell you something these you're lucky you This is lucky only got an arm. He should be fuckin dead. He deserves to be that ok we have to stop allowing these fucking kids this. This guy was twenty two This man was eighty years old row. Fuck you with that shit my words. His whole life to have this fuckin store, ensuring you're trying to fuck it up more of this, and but. It's this stuff is gonna happen, more more we're gonna. I see him, then the guys optic he's got an attic and a front side on his fucking rifle yeah, no shit. I don't like his his forward grip. Know. That's a fuckin ten dollar for like road, this guy's, a fucking idiot he primary shotgun. And I'm not a fucking gun expert by any means. Rum.
Oh, I don't know what you call, I'm a fucking well skilled, amateur Miriam brad zebra, I'm issues south fuckin, five of the back. Where as well, we do. their zooms there, like august shirts advocacy, I don't care, look stupid. I don't wanna hit shit that motherfucker who shot at an end, bro you probably recorded a couple of music videos, the yeah. It takes action, if such braga pensioners instagram this fuckin guy this man the reasonable males in the regional for females of society. You have to understand we're living in the wall while less right now oh, no, real larger. We also We we are. We are the law at this point, so, like bro you guys, have to be really careful where you go. You have to be aware. You have to. I would be armed if it were my family's arm guy. I take security, real serious that you now I'm I'm happy. This do got that guy the fact that this is happening in america show my early is a fucking. It's bullshit. You know, and I d like you to tell
some story about this kid's upbringing, and he don't know no about her mother fucker. You fucking knows better fucking pussies out there who fuckin make excuses for every fuckin shit bag cause. You can't you you heart strings because you never dealt with any real hardship because your privileges Faulkner and you fuck him I believe school you motherfuckers feel bad, because you fuckin have different upbringing net, every mother fucker knows a twenty two years old. You don't fucking, rob a store fuck this guy. This guy should have shot him fifteen fucking times, yeah my property, that's what happened! You promised but I will be the one doing my baby, sixty yeah fuck around fund. I was personally about about a girl. That's the truth! Now the price, with this- is like you didn't fuckin kill these guys so now these guys know that he shot this dude and now this I've gotta watch is bad for just defending his store forever. Like it,
dude, I'm sick and issues of six october. He had a heart attack. After that you did, Thus I mean he's fine now that he is out of the hospital. Now bulgaria overcome these eighty, is all about a man we gotta put people at. office that are gonna be hard on crime. Har on crime now following kind alarm. Oh, you know little johnny, you know you're not hard up bring fucking. care. I'll care you hurt people you get fuckin put in jail or worse, as the only have a minority, but its common sense. They know it too. That's, why they fuckin elected people. They wouldn't do it because they knew what would happen the gray mass disorder they need this. lange accident. This isn't like them beyond the the consequences of poor political decisions. This is intentional, soros fucking millions of dollars
India is all over the fucking country to not prosecute crime, and you wonder why you can't go to your favorite fucking restaurant, without worrying about being shot over. Seventy five prosecutors in Think of it do make about a fuckin people in these communities, poorly family members and by the way, their almost all black communities. Ok, let's be fuckin true about it, who are losing their family members who grew fucking can't live safe in their house who, who have to fuck it put the kids the bed in a fucking bathtub shit like mother fucker. This is bullshit And those people don't want less police, they want more police they want safety, we all want safety duties. political politicization and identity politics have gotten us here. For good for this guy wish you were shot him or will they they? Another three pillars: before the other three. They ran out that this is the second half of the video when he shot on
there were about to commend the store them with new gotcha. The yeah, DA mayor. Well, you know, I know it. that sounds out, but I'm giving the thumbs our normal was that mobile up ray the thumbs up segment, where we saw a headline as you didn't, get two thumbs up two thumbs in the eyes and we don't want them yeah yeah, it depends hell. I reads: you still want a choco taco Yes, we're ice cream, treats or selling for hundreds of dollars online no yeah, I thought I was there for you yeah, so
This is a devastating blow to american culture, boot somebody's than ours for real this is their. There were moving our childhood intentions through fuckin, for if we don't fucking appreciate our childhood. Then what are we care about now? If we don't, I have good feelings about what we, what we grew up with, and what do we care about bro? This is an american icon yeah. Actually, I think it's from london, but either way either way I mean the company, the other based in london, but this is like taking away baseball or taking away. You know just raise the price. I'm ok, ok, I do not know dude it's it's wrong. That's real!. Russia will not pay a hundred dollars, fuckin, chalk or taco brought. So so forget the how the article reads forget the housing market, the demand of klondike discontinued shockoe tacos, still has to be a publicity stunt.
Still has maybe has sky longer dollars row it has skyrocketed with cell is asking for, hundreds of dollars for the re ice cream tree on Monday facebook market place and angels area listed several times photos for so long was the advertised price was twenty five dollars for one single taco and the highest price. Was a box of choco tacos Five hundred dollars who five hundred dollars spent or forget shock or talk Where are you want to know? I know you why you're all fucked up cause? You will do stupid shit like this. like I got. A lot of money, arms suspended five hundred dollars in the fucking box and and I spent some money on dumb shit. Our amendment is in there my router business oil, those things- this is one of those things like your role and out of the fuckin bars at two, a m brow, and you,
I will start with the gas storage ash. Something like us now do like a deuce like a man, you know you it's like hot right letter swearing in fucking. You know you there's a dude Then there are the box of chocolate and you're. Just like some of you. Just don't give a fuck you're like how much for the whole by Call me five hundred you like fuck appeal at off, like your fucking, but the biggest in the world. If you walk away and you think it's cool with your buddies, you fucking hand them out, and then you get wake up the next day and you're like what the fuck know. What did I do? Why did you guys? Let me do that yeah, that's what this that's. What happens here? That's! What's going to happen. Bro choco tacos are going to become like a prostitute, fuck man yeah it's going to be something that people pay for and then ultimately regret. I wonder: what's what's like this, of life I think now. Breathing the shelf life is of a trifle taco. Sucking can get effective rights purely long enough to ship somewhere near for food.
I've heard of Islam lewd shipping lemon. So I made this post so that's one hundred I'll cash. I know what I have no lowborn man These are some picture meetings on the shock or taco have been they have been. They then worth the publicity stunt that their running they ve been painstakingly my story: fantastic, a half biogas gout! Listen Faced with my girl, who's gonna charlie voting highbrow, look at it. Fifty land he lives for fifty grand. I have wasted facebook marketplace, fifty grand for one shockoe taco, the fuck out of here by now before melted, no as russia, russia. In this way, this was as this is where you put in the description says this. may be one of the last shockoe tacos in existence. Klondike is this continuing our beloved shockoe tacos info. turning them as near impossible. This may be
your last opportunity to buy a choco taco, your childhood This fading awaits ass. This motherfucker gets it gets it. Your child is fading away fast, but with this shockoe taco might give you a brief memory of the joys of your your youth. we relive the past refresh with the present or with the freezing cold choco taco, fifty thousand dollars it's bigger than the toilet paper shortage of twenty twenty. It is as the chaco apocalypse of twenty twenty two buy. Now, before it's gone, it's gotta be. I bet this is in. Ass, his book about its in one two and three hundred and forty two ass removes jacko talk. I think I speak solomons. He wrote about this and rules for radicals one of the final steps was removed. The shock of stock. I find a final demoralization asked it fuck it fuck it work each year. workers whose work drug forgotten. This is where I draw alive dogs down.
It's odd that his murder yeah that thing looks delicious. It looks so good and you know it's crazy, like you know, what's good about choco, tacos bro and the klondike bar, it's the texture do yeah, I'm a texture. I like the the creamy crunch of the waffle cone yeah yeah. I get the the restaurants in there. It's a texture thing, the sweet salty may, from messy to eat. Now it's bros clean, yeah, it's cleaner than their internal bill. It's weird I've ever indignantly. For a lot of reasons, Sorry, it's a give. The keeps are given her way. Because MRS gone well, this is gonna, be policies at listen. This is the maghreb move or the next competes move funds she's coming back there. I just hope it and take more than five years ago. It might have always imagined We ve forgotten about five years when it to find along at one day too many
Sorry to mexican Peter was my fuckin staple back. When I was fat like rome. When I used to go to talk about my fuckin order, it was always the same you it was. It was a mexican pizza to double decker tacos and to chile, cheese, burritos or to cheesacre data state natural crunches. I bet that gif kept giving nama eyebrow. This was back in the day when I could eat. Like now, I can't eat shit, yeah cause it's been. I haven't had fast food and probably fuckin I fucked over five years fuck out, I'm like I know I had to quit. Eating taco bell. Bro like cold turkey like I was addicted to it like I could not walking, stop eating the shit. I had to stop like even today, like as control as I am by all my my disciplines, the things I won't eat it, never because, I'm afraid I'll go like dude, I'm afraid of it like for an alcoholic like it's like that, big of a fear for me, crack yeah, like I take a sip and be fucking, lay in the ditch,
the only two days not lower the fuck. I am tat allows already here. Salzburg is followed up by several other fire sauce, but yet I too thumbs down jogger taco, a news watchdog. Article that isn't it's coming back is always. I was himself is new. Oh that's rule for eighty. This I ought, I guess That's the show appreciate you guys, love. You guys take fucking action, please don't sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box frozen the fuck are still counted in the cold. They teach buddhist smoke got a rope, can't both doesn't know shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-27.