« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

348. Andy & DJ CTI: China's Military Launching Missiles, Banana Boat Recalls Sunscreen & Drop Box Tailgate Parties To Protect Fair Elections

2022-08-02 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss the Chinese military launching missile strikes & attacks in another warning to Nancy Pelosi, Banana Boat recalling sunscreen products after detecting cancer-causing chemicals, and Arizona patriots setting up drop box tailgate parties to protect free & fair elections.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box frozen the fuck are still countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't fall, doesn't know headshot case club. What is up guys potato salad? This is the show really say goodbye to the wives, patents and delusions of modern society and welcome the mother fucking real cash. Today we have eddie And dj cross the mother, fucking internet, renewing crews. crew yeah, he was, in a man jospin Shit Joe,
maybe that brought so anyhow back to the show Ah this is city. I stands for crews, the internet. what we do here as we throw up headlines, we make fun of them and then we talk about what may be true. What may not be true When we talk about what the actual underlined, problem. Is I in these headlines and then sometimes when you tune in, we have q in air and as where you submit the queues and if, as now q and a half is mainly about how to become better at whatever it is that you do okay, so we have the problem over here in the city. I then we got q and a half and that kind of makes like a peanut butter and jelly like fix shit sandwich. Alright, that's what we try to do here. We try to create, shit sandwiches then sometimes, whenever you tuning and I'm feeling like yelling for twenty minutes, we do real talk and that's where I like yell about stuff.
and you know it's not really me yelling, but since you guys think that its yelling I'm just going, I say that I yell at you, because you guys I'll say I hell at you anyway do what I do is I talk in a spirited tone. The way that I would talk to myself and you get to hear that internal dialogue. So that's what a real talk is. Then we have full length: full length is where we get our successful, interesting people that I know friends of my people with differing opinions, and we have discussions with the intent of breaking down. I wouldn't problem may be a hand or also showing you how you can become successful, interesting and basically just a high. Achieving human then. So that's what the shows about men- and we do so in a word. I think- he's fucking hilarious man, that's what I do and if you know think it's fuckin hilarious. two there's plenty other shows that are probably not as funny that you can do.
They were now don't worry about like sand, but everybody, I gather sought with so many okay well so many other options then go to them and stop telling me about don't give a fuck so anyway, on with the ship Let's get into a man and guys remember if you want to see any of these pictures, articles links videos go to eighty four, so I come with hyperlink, of the articles there and I that being settlers get into, Member first, the aborigines, Mr Lange has just come out with china. Army releases, video of military launching missile strikes and attacks and another warning to finance policy, as Taiwan cancels leave for soldiers to prepare her for her tripped moment. An unavoidable following this, the chinese people Liberation army has issued a another warning finance policy ahead of her expected trip to taiwan.
With a video simulating a missile strike aircraft carriers advancing and fido jetson formation. The video was posted on wheat. on Monday morning following reports, the united states, how speaker will arrive in taipei on tuesday night? Despite beijing warning, they could shoot her playing down and launch a military response. I seen comedies government officials in the. U s official, both told see an end at the stop is on her trip, even though it is not on her public. I tend to rare So there's a lot here, I earthquake video for you.
Tat your three pretty bad. It is now back I mean that it must be really describe the video I mean this looks like a fucking. This is like one of our videos from my ten fifteen years ago. The fog it looks like you know. Now we got followed him. We got you. fucking, gender identity, fucking algae bt, q, elemental falcons, ie and doing tik tok dances, an army back snow, eyebrow rag shows that if I have always been like dude, I dont know what point these americans, like you guys listening are going to realise how dangerous this actually fucking. I my fault you. Now the libyans mar shooting down Nancy Pelosi, whiling issue, downer art there
well fuck and asset yeah, I'm gonna make sense. I do that's what I can't make. I can't really make sense that man, because, like there's so much but like what I do know, is that the budget These they have they have they just aggravated, therefore, cumulatively, where you have to realise to ok, I want I want people to realise this, like our fuckin militaries is still fucking, really bad ass version, like they. They made some wig lucia right, yeah, but also its intentionally, showing weakness therein. and surely making america look weak as possible, ok, they need us to look as weak as possible because they need to emboldened the people to go against us as well. No right like so they understand that there is still a lot of power here. It's a perception, gay right and so part of this whole fucking thing is to make us look like
shit and look. The curtains been lifted are not really this matter. This year into embolden them weaken us. That's the point lower the brand equity of the united states in the eyes of every other country on the planet, so that they can now see america as it just another country and not as a superpower has always been known so that they can quorum quote. Have there, you know no their place the world order you soon after they have what they want. With a with the united states. Is a superpower they can't have what they want with the standard. living in united states being that much better than every other country on the plan. That's it that's a big big guy. I know I've been saying fucking years problem, get it you, dick they over. There want us to be like them. They don't want to be like us.
fuck like and they're doing it right in front of your fucking faces, and you still want to argue about the fucking democrat and Republican I don't it's hard to really make sense, and I just saw the white house put out a statement and they just said that they do not recognize taiwan independence. So it's like to me that's kind of like a ag down from I mean they're they're supposed to be our fucking ally. You know what I'm saying now you say: you're, not you don't even read we don't recognize or, like I said, dude, I I fucking am pretty sure they're just going to let him have it yeah. So, if I was in taiwan, I dunno how I feel about that, though I probably to be really happy or really fuckin shit, my pants, you know what I'm saying so. That's real man yeah, What that was our breaking news, got us move right along to Heaven,
number one had borne reads: banana boat recall sunscreen product after detecting cancer, causing chemicals, Andy damage, are how easy it is to set a shit. What was a guy's name and can sell it rained concerned riddick hysteria holy shit. We got any damage joining us here, but yeah, so so that okay and people will say well. How did you? How did you come up with that conclusion? Well, if you look back to when skin cancer started becoming a thing coincided with the same time, they started coming out with sunscreen. Is it yeah as a beacon when some big big me fuck man? We can't be this stupid so the so. The article reads that the maker, of banana boat sons. Green amounts on friday
It has voluntarily recall three batches of its heron scout sunscreen spray S, Pia thirty. After finding, some samples of the product contains trace levels of a cancer causing chemical edgeware personal care company, which submitted the announcement of the U s d, a said in an internal review reported that some product samples contained a human carcinogen known as benzene and the batches were set to expire on December twenty twenty two february, twenty twenty three and April twenty. Twenty four am quote importantly: no other batches of hair and scalp either before after the impact it production, batches and no other banana, both products are in. The scope of this recall may continue to be used by consumers safely as intended. I'm a spokesperson from accompany said. They also continue
They said. Other exposure to benzene can occur by inhalation, orally or through the skin and potentially can result in cancers, including leukemia and blood cancer. of the bone, marrow and blood is worryingly life threatened yeah? That's what they're tell it. That's what we know at all we have to do is go back and look at it at the exact time when, when they started getting pushed could see what happened with the correlating sicknesses like an arrow with direct. That's that's enough for me. You can don't use the shit now. Maybe I'm making a big mistake. I don't know, there's people all over the fucking planet. They never put a mother fuckin sunscreen on there. skin, they seem to be fucking, fine, be just fine holy fuck dude silence it. I went to the young man, you know what here's the truth. I've seen enough shit.
Last couple of years, where I've really started see shit. Clearly, though, that I dunno what to believe so, I dunno- I don't trust it. I can only make decisions around what I personally do and do not trust. I don't use the shit now, maybe maybe I'll die from that. I don't know, but I dont trust these model. workers, the money, so I mean I was this is from the this uses website a sandwich. Benzene is found. how its use in the saying. Oh, it's wily use, new ass, its ranks and the top twenty chemicals for production. Some of the industries that use it there, that is used to make some type of lubricants- rubbers dyes, detergents, drugs and pesticides right, and they say you know that in us, nor small doses, it's okay right, but at the my question is if it's a fucking everything you say my work. How much are we act?
we take it in you know. I'm saying like these are some of the symptoms that you can get from having overexposure to bins drowsiness, dizziness, rapid or regular, heartbeat headaches, tremors confusion, ok for london list,. How do we know that it's not like this is just one they're telling us about right at this point in time right, you understand what I'm saying so like to get all upset about one thing: when there's fifty other things like we need to be asking bigger,
questions. Otherwise the truth will never come out. You see what I'm saying, no so like dude. They give us just enough to shut up, in my opinion, yeah and then continue with the play yeah, which is make us fucking sick, which has make us weak, which has make us dumb, which make us apathetic to our own fucking community, our own government, to make us divided from our neighbors based off skin color political affiliation, we like the fuck like it, doesn't make fuckin sets and well. We don't deserve to live in a committee in an invite met here in america, which is supposed to be free under that kind. pressure in division, intentional fucking, abuse day, any day out. It's fucking wrong and so like this is just a representation of a bigger problem in the big problem. Is this: how much had they intentionally try to fuck us over? How much have they fucking hurt?
What things have been done to us to keep us from realising what we're falcon? Actually cape woman who we are What are they wine to us about? These things need to come to light and it's not conspiracy, shit. Ok, we are far more capable of things. I am one hundred percent certain Then what they tell us we are. I know because I've seen it my fucking life, over and over and over again, you been around me for two fucking years- brow fuck, it acts fucking accident, not ok, like dude, I think there's some things about this world that we are not supposed to find out. That's wrong! we deserve to know who the fuck we are, what we are actually about and the ship they know we deserve to know where we fit in the hierarchy of the, and you know that that the the
in beings. You know what I'm saying I'm like bro. This is. This is just another fucking day, but it's conspiracy. Theory right, I'm crazy! Dude! I don't give a fuck if you think I'm fucking crazy. What was the thing? I'd just go ahead and keep living in your fucking. You know at odds with each other over trivial stupid as shit I'll go, be fucking, rich mother fucker on the beach there now and I don't give a fuck but like bro, I'm getting tired of talking about it. Like it's fucking like bro, you got want to state you want to go: live in the metaverse. Go fucking live in the metaverse, bro you're, fucking idiot. You know what I'm saying. I think that I mean like bro, you're you're Feeding your entire human experience you're giving these fucking tat people like
your witty, like the amount of your life and the way that was supposed to be lived, is not being lived. Its being given away with the agenda of higher agenda, to control everything about you, so that we can profit the most of you. That's not fucking. Ok,. at least in my book there, nah yeah, I mean I I believe, we're already in the fuckin metaphors man. If you really, Think about it. They control every aspect of every everything we do on a daily basis. From this from from the shit, you're always spent in seven hours a day staring at a mother, fucking piece of plastic, that's what I'm saying about take the fucking fall off. Your screen try to spend seven hours a day, Look at me fuckin phone right on your phone. Well over the back of the four seven hours a day, europe realize how fucked up that is. It takes away from my relationships and takes away from our experience.
it's away from our understanding of the world. It takes away From our reality, it fuck and hurt us mentally. It limits us from understanding. Now it does a lot of good things to brown. Like I wouldn't have this audience. We, I wouldn't even have the business without these things, Mr Gordon recognition but do it all depends on how we choose to use the shit? I was since it is the same, getting more of our fuckin attention to this fake world. To me, it's almost criminal nor of one hundred percent, one percent I was listening to this- I can't think of her name she's a psychologist, but she was saga have you guys noticed that like when, when you see the fights and shit happening right and people start pulling when you pull out the phones, they start recording, right or There's gunshots goin off people take out the phone start. Recording right like this tat. Now I'll do your phone these devices we have they can,
lately remove you physically from the physical world. older people have no idea right. I guess its cognitive dissonance at the fuckin, my extreme physical, like level yet anyway like in the moment right and I to the point where those fucking gunshots goin off and you're. Looking at the people running through the I won't do the screen and like you're in your mind, now: you're, not there you're. Just again watching it on the fucking screen, which is why people don't fuckin, run and shit when shits going down right, they they record the shit. I see it through the phone, is so remove them from the fish like browborough shit, shits, crazy,
and we want and they want more of it, it's crazy. I know- and I know I know they want more of it- they want they want more. They don't even want more bro. They will fucking everything I want it all and some he refused to give it to him. That's the fucking hot. I can tell you right fucking now I ain't going to happen now for me. No it's real. You know it's funny two or for who hunts in the next one. I was on at a guy ryan to say, like on a daddy daughter, little brunch thing saturday morning and I I'm sitting there, and why has been argued and says you said there, then this fact it comes in. They have this little boys, probably like four or five, is acting a mother fuckin fool right, like clowning guy ryan, just sitting there being all sweet and shit
and they're trying to do everything they're trying to give them tablets. Given this phone, I get give him all his shit, I'm just sitting and looking right until the mom looks over me and she's like I'll tell me your secret, like a bitter, I can address the novel, like you know like, like. I see it, bro like like even the parents with these kids, they try to just give him. This fuckin phone is shut. 'em up, it's like I, don't get it like how about you just be present with the fuck. I know what I'm saying like this: a man there's some things in culture that need revert back to the always that's the truth has remained yeah and this fuckin putting your kid in a corner shit you know and all the shit that ain't the fucking way. Look what the fucking dead? I'm sorry to say it know what and if I don't have kids and you're right. I don't have him, but if I did they begin to ask what I'm saying there. Isn't it funny how like all the the people who don't give a fuck pretty successful?
ask him they'll tell you they got. Their ass was looking at my ass, but all the people that are causing all the bullshit fucking painful am, I fucking got my ass beat by boat, my parents yeah. I definitely wasn't in the moment, but like I am now you know what I'm saying like. I look at all the fucking people causing other shit. Both of them are folks who just had time out like you, can like there's a there's, an obvious fucking difference yeah. so alright, guys I was out on the woman. They were never allowed to look, they were those kids were never allowed to lose. They were never everytime, they threw a tantrum, they got their way. You know like bro these. This is what it produces. I talked about this fucking. Two thousand and fifteen you know on the fucking show, and I said to wait till these kids hit the real world, wait to see what happens real world's going to stop on their fucking face and that's going to happen.
if the potential loss, then that's still going to happen now, like we're already seeing the reversal of culture. So what happens when the culture reverses back to to where it's going to go, and these people are just out there? No, no, a fuckin, tire generation and half of failed parenting strategies bro intentionally inserted into our into our society. For communist reasons know: that's that's what it is guys moving on to headline number two for them to read: george soros defends radical prosecutors in wall street journal, op, ed
What will the say so? The article reads billion there left wing mega donor. George soros has written up ad in the wall street journal, justifying his support for electing radical prosecutors across the country amid a rise in violent crime and recall elections by angry urban residence. Also, since two thousand eighteen soros has been responsible for electing dozens of prosecutors in bed city jurisdictions, often ousting centrist democrats. Their arrival has been accompanied by spikes in violent crime and social disorder, prompting an urban exodus and here's a support headline real quick. Just to give you some type of perspective on this okay sorrows prosecutors run, half of america's largest jurisdiction The democratic mega donor, followed more than forty million dollars to relax. Seventy five prosecutors in the last ten years is not just a little bedroom,
but article continues in june, voters in the left wing stronghold of san francisco out a radical profits, prosecuted, chelsea body in a rare reach. Although now voters, in LOS angeles, are opposed to hold a symbol. recall elections, our soros back prosecutor, george gascoyne, is up ad soros attempts to defend his support for what he calls for reform prosecutors, describing the quote: false choice between justice, by which he means left wing social justice and land
public safety. He says quote. We need to acknowledge that black people are the. U s are five times as likely to be sent to jail as white people. That is an injustice that undermines our democracy. Our democracy is not even a fucking american citizen and in sacramento, maybe we wouldn't, you know, be sent to jail five times as likely. We didn't commit five times the amount of crime, but that's neither here nor there, but he continues. There's an argument to be made there. The truth is on that scenario. There there is an argument to be made there that those fucking, those neighborhoods Kids have been fucking left behind the officer. I don't fuck that so like the like. There's a fuckin middle ground. Here people say: oh, no, we can't put em, and yet my fucking you're fucking, killing people we got here
as for conversion rates had fucking thirty fucking years. If not ever. Ok, you know tons of innocent families are fucking destroyed by this crime. We have to deal with it. Ok, now the flip side of that. Why is all the crime? Well because there is extreme poverty? Okay, that means that there is a cultural issue in the culture there that needs to be addressed and also backed up by true finance. Sing in funds and programmes that are actually designed to help these people in these neighborhoods not just pretend out, not just the promise right So there is real issues that to be talked about. The problem is that this mother, fucker, and all the media, and everybody else wants to police size. This issue, ok, if we want to ever actually saw that we have to address the fucking facts in the map starts with enforcing the crime, though that there has to be fucking there
well. The first thing that has to happen and people are going to have a hard time stomach ing this. But if you want to restore order in this country, you have to go super fuckin, harsh on crime know if you want civility yeah, so you know, I fucking think that ninety eight percent of america agrees with and as for that, their talk. It's touching people now people, it's no longer this moral, argument in the or towers, or the ivory towers of the fucking universities? You don't sound like enough p all that come from his universities are gain. There lies fucked up by violent crime and crime in general that they're, like o, o I'm the next at la la like ok, will now you get it wrong. Now you get it that's what fucking crime does the people go so as a community, meaning as americans are. We should,
we'll come together to fucking, stop the crime and go heavy as fuck and make people afraid to fucking jay walk for awhile, because dude I'm fucking sick of not being able as a as a as an incredibly high tax, paying citizen and being able Go into my own fucking city, a city which I love, which is amazing. City filled with amazing people, but overrun by, but it's over backwards Witness the people running our city here in this in in this city. Are his people that's wrong? There is that's a wrong for this man to have that fucking impact on our fucking city. No, so that's a bigger problem,
to be solved. St louis is love fucking, saint Louis bro. I love fucking, ST louis nah dude. All the best shit we got venison is fucking, awesome, dude real chinese food, but we can't enjoy it the proper way, because this fuckin prosecutor here in our city won't prosecute mother, fuckin violent crimes. These people are shooting people and coming right back out on the street and fucking a dec twenty four hour, so cops can't do their jobs like bro at what point do cops stop putting themselves, and this is what you guys have to understand at what point you can stop putting themselves in difficult situations or inserting themselves and incorrect and behaviour in the community when they know that the problem is going to be solved in that person would just be right back. So why would you insert your personal safety into that but then what is it do or like all the policing do. Shit will know shit right. No shit
Do a shit unless intentional, because were also happens with that when we stop do That means the criminals are hundreds shit more so at sight of course they want to bring about the fucking the many it is clear that they will not be tolerated. It will fuckin ceased to exist now, that's room, One part partly also said that really caught me, I've guardy says quote many of the same per se. People who call for more punitive criminal justice policies also support looser gun loss, right. But what he doesn't understand is like row in the
places where all these crimes are happened. They typically have the strictest gun laws dude. This is he understands what he's saying yeah like he learned your lesson, you're falling for his shit. What the fuck you you think he actually thinks that that's marketing. Then, of course he fucking know dude. His goal is to destroy the fucking country. Of course, he knows this shit don't fall for this shit. No more fucker wrote this shit himself through this guy seasons. Listen! this. Do sees himself as like hallmarks like he thinks in a hundred years or two hundred years, they're gonna have noticed soros like let the best thing that could happen. You know is like we fuck and beat this dude. He fucking goes into his grave known that he fuckin fail this whole life's work.
ro that this guy sees himself ass, vulcan, Stalin, her lenin or marks, or like one of these fuckin m d, understand that no through much wrong does onto our third and final headline? This is a good one. Somebody's been listened to show how the number three reads: arizona, patriots, whole dropbox, tailgate parties to protect free and fair elections. Smart idea bug year. Yet, but you know what don't harass people just beat do the right thing: oh yeah, just watch record. Don't allow to happen if there is something stupid happening done a lot. That's not intimidation, bro It's funny. You say that cause we got yeah, so this article radio, that no that's what they call they say is. Voter intimidation is not voting
intimidation. This is the desire to stop ballot harvesting, where these motherfuckers bring in ten thousand extra and drop mollify at once. So the article reads, the new thing dropbox tell gay parties: americans were shocked to see. the amount of corruption in the two thousand and twenty election. One of the most significant areas of fraud and corruption was the ballot drop boxes that were used all across the country. At the supreme court in wisconsin recently decided that drop boxes are legal in the state They should never have been used in this way twenty election, but they were so in an effort to prevent fraudulent activity. In the upcoming primaries across the nations, individuals are holding dropbox tailgate parties, the patriots are watching over the dropbox, as they are preventing mules from stealing the election. This time around Now it's already caused some criticism and you ve had like some people may make
makes him videos a does. This youtube article links us as dropbox. Tailgate parties are a new voter intimidation tactic. Coal, let him fuckin say without a thought they could. This is this. Is this thing he says he says republicans have been using. Republicans have been pushing against. voters using bell vow melon voting and drop boxes, which sets up for this new voter intimidation tactic after making sure use of a drop boxes. Now a political issue. Conservatives have sitting at dropbox is hoping to scare away mules. Which a reality or voters they are intimidated in all written government orders. You re a ten thousand twenty thousand fuckin votes at the mill and I've just to clock. Nagoya fuck you right, whatever the fuck you want, I love is in his name just the lazy game. What look dude, but that's the point who cares? Fucking cares all your fuckin like it wanted
fuck off this is america broke, we're order to protect what the fuck is american about it. One of the things that makes america. America is a free and fair voting system. You're, not gonna, fucking. Shame us in looking the other way. This time you stupid box Let me actually on the natty right just like the voter iD is racist right right right, but that'll be actually some sorry dj. I know that you are smart enough because your black to go online and you'll get a fucking idea of some sort right. You probably don't even know how to use the internet. Let me get a party that is you require these fourteen people ro and I can understand the fucking racism in their fucking views. You it's about a pocket in here like this a systemic, raise your systemic uses. Your fucking broke the reactors at a moment when we actually of it so
like my say, let's say you were just a normal america only a log in aid for you here, please cash. We got you. Ok, you say you were like a man, political person, and you saw this right and I am a non political per some saying I just want to be left the fuck alone. yeah. I want to fuck a country to survive. I don't want to pay fifty percent fucking tax or more. I don't want kids being raised learning about blow jobs when they're fucking in second grade right or talking about like a male and female and fuck in all the other shit like bro. I just one: a normal fucking decent place. Bro like I don't care. If you want want to be. Whatever you want to be. I don't care what you want to call yourself. I don't give a fucking fuck. I don't fucking care where you live Then a fuckin have your way pushed on the fucking, the small my minority way pushed on,
the entire rest of the population and destroy this country, because you're pushing a narrative the union aware your push? It? I'm sorry, I'm not political brow. I just want to be left to fuck alone, and I want to ensure that our country remains fucking free. So no, I'm not political, I'm a fucking patriot of our fucking country and our freedom. That's it now isro and I have to have podcast. Okay luck, but but let me ask you when you see voter its amadeus re. If I was to take a picture of these fuckin nor job box locations, what with what would you expect to see if you like, if you, if you were told it, was voter intimidation, Why would you expect to see? I know that it's bullshit, I know it's like. I know its price, some fuckin lady, signal launcher nickel metal box. When I know we're gonna make a scene. I know the reality like
the hackers got pizza, looks like a fucking p t a meetings are like bro. This is a tee ball game. Parents he's wearing dad's sorts of new balances. C'mon wrote that new balances are sort of hitting him so perfect. Look at it! It's reflecting into like this, couldn't be more fucking, mom and dad, and but they're making it sound like it's these dudes with like a club, no fuck off the light like Are you out of your good for these people? That's exactly what the fuck you do by one hundred percent. I commend these people This is a moment of everywhere. It's broken, left or right, see you have to understand for you, for you, Dammit that's who leaned left for you, too ever have any of those views you have. You got to protect freedom as well. because what they want is not what the fuck you want, one you're gonna way garden. You gonna be like what the fuck I get well, we kind of fuckin lie to you
please come and do so like. Let's get on the same page, to at least protect and get people in our government. There are not bought and paid for by these fucking communist regimes. That's what they do to the world economic forum flows down those companies that are affiliated with that. No good will shit like fuck. Do these are patriotic americans, I'm sick of the fucking patriots of this country being paid in as domestic terror, threats and shit? yeah fuck off with that shit bro. I fucking love america. I loved america five years ago, I loved the fucking ten years ago, and I'm going to love it ten years from fucking. Now you guys should too yeah. This needs to be happening everywhere. Absolutely we are primaries goin on a lot of places today. for solar, endorses. Voter termination will yet, yes, I do by that stand, I must say this programme concerns and if you're calling voter intimidation, I fucking highly recommend holy shit man
Intimidate me up like ice good. All give you fucking slice of pizza, yeah dude man fuck these people in their fucking lives. Oh well guys, those were our headlines aside for our final segment of the show. As always, we have our thumbs up segment where I show a headline going to get two thumbs up or two thumbs somewhere. You don't want them and with that being said, I thumbs up headline reads: biting clawing attacking monkeys, terrorize, japanese city for sauce. all of the helmet salisbury. So them like what I think I've been off the headline first thoughts. It's probably some fuck couple of monkeys got to lose a pet store, fuckin climb, nicer people or something ogre. Without, but this sounds like fucking planning of the eight dislike and when I got real serious brow like not that fucking bullshit and
the one this is like playing apes to where they were. Shooting guns and fucking, ran on horseback and forget people up. That's what the headline sound like, but we all know what really happened right. Probably some fuck like what I set up morocco us this far up, let's find out so the sublime says the monkeys. target children and the elderly are trying to snatch babies biting in calling flesh and sneaking into nursery schools. So this is in Tokyo. Japan, people in south western japanese city have come under attack from monkeys that are trying to snatch babies, body and clung flesh and sneaking into nursery schools. The attacks on
Fifty eight people since July eight are getting so bad yama, gucci city hall, hired a special unit to heart. The animals were tranquilizer guns. The monkeys are interested in food, so traps heavenward. They have targeted mostly children and in the utterly quote they are so smart and they tend to sneak up an attack from behind often grabbing at your leg city. Official Masaccio psycho, set on Wednesday when confronted by a monkey. This is what they told me to do. The instructions are, do not look them in the. I make yourself look as big as possible, such as writing open your coat, then back away, ass quietly ass possible without making sudden movements quite a few. I won't be here now. Maggie, no muggy, you saw her thumb. Oghee like This is not really know about russia like that of the people. Ok, so, like a woman was assaulted by monkey Wang in a laundry another
victim showed bandaged toes in phuket, as they were taken aback and frightened by how big and fat the monkeys were: yeah yeah, the bad dudes, but yeah, that's yeah, so so they're part of the macaque family- and you know those you are guaranteed people I've seen in this picture, like the monkey in the hot tub, like an little fucking fresh, bring right now, though, those among us alone, and so apparently the pay for fucking, so yeah and they're, not big, so they they usually get about taking over the other funds taken over heavily those values are the ape shit. This is like, please, you plan of the apes one. It's possible gather, just get rowdy. Look. Let me look at those fuckin teeth were now fuck that is replying. Monkey box should discuss. Flickered can well hey, you know what man,
we have got the soft rural they might be. It might be like nature, darwinism about how we might be taken a few steps backwards which, like honestly, what kind of make sense like I feel, like we ve gone like one step to be evident, evolutionary scale like you, you know what I'm saying. Nature has a way of fucking shit back in libre, and you know what japan or having a gun solid. Fuck they gonna fight these things. That's what I'm saying like this where you need your american homey come on. Fuckin help fight the the planetary battle. You know have, alas, last time here I mean The sun sound, very cool. What's going on over there on the right, like that, once an other one's head or something? What is that yeah? I'm not I'm not really sure. There's some weird shit going on over there I mean do these look I mean I wouldn't want to fuck with them yeah. I would give this thumbs down. There's no good! It's no good! You are watch out for the for the monkey suit and get taken aback yeah. While I was wrong with it,
the second time ever man whose gown yeah a way. I kind of set me up on that you, mother, fucker, is really off me right our guys. As the show appreciate you guys, love you guys. Please pay the t, one a slow number with box frozen, the fuck are still countless millions. In the kobe teach buddhist smoke got a rope can't both doesn't know his shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-27.