« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

345. American Freedom: Now Or Never Ft. Eric Greitens

2022-07-28 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy is joined in the studio by Senatorial Candidate Eric Greitens. They discuss the current state of manufactured anguish happening in our country, why patriotism is mandatory to fight against tyranny, and what steps we can take as citizens to revive real American freedom.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box frozen, the fuck are still countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't fall, doesn't know headshot case club guys attended priscilla, and this is the show for the real and say goodbye. The lies, the fitness and delusion of modern society and welcome mother fucking reality the guys that we have a full length atmosphere. Okay, something that we don't do all the time, but it is a special occasion day. We have again our good friend mr Eric greitens, the governor, in future, senator in the house who ya man good to be back with you to be back. We have five days in a few hours until alive. Jim day, man and nice to be here. Bro, always man. Without you know, Eric sought by you'd behave prying. Our soda chat about? What's going on
Mr Dj here I guess. Without her children We call the people in Michigan, all call them. Our start a michigan these from you can't say the other one was the michigan engineer. The mission in madrid mission I thought I was gonna say I was going to say right now. I love people in Michigan. It's fine, hey! You know what michigan's a beautiful place. Man yeah people that haven't been to michigan. She go to Michigan listen. We thought it was a good idea with a few days left to bring her. Back on, just as we have a car we say about how things are going what's going on with the race what's going on with the country, or has it go and do I see hustling man, big picture man? Things are really solid on the grass roots side like we were out in Kansas city justice pass money, a two hundred some people out at an event, and it was really cool man. I mean about half the people
Game were probably for me already, but another half might come in and they were on decided as we We're talking- and I was talking about the ukraine in the ridiculous. This of us endings sixty five billion dollars over to the ukraine. As we are talking about an Joe Biden, military disaster in Afghanistan, the inflation crisis de funding, the police securing the bore. All of this people were literally shouting out from the crowd you ve got my vote. You just earned my vote. I am behind you, it is really palpable. We have the grassroots energy and the grass roots support. And it's also really clear- I mean anybody whose in the state of Missouri knows we are being, bombed by mitch, Mcconnell money, it had a million guys for, for those of you having heard yet they spend ten billion dollars in the last one. We need our legs ass couple weeks running adds like like trash adds against Iraq brightens and, if you guys
no, you know anything. We ve always talked about your. They attack the people that they're afraid of the must. Yes, it is very clear. four mitch Mcconnell and the establishment their candidate is anybody bought grains, and so they are just absolutely attacking me with This comes down to is: who is really willing to fight the occurs? What people have seen at once made them discuss, state is the way that the rhinos keep caving rights, are they wouldn't pass funding for a border wall, but they spend one point two trillion dollars of your money for this job. green new deal right? There completely collapse in the face of all these questions round election- integrity, covert tyranny really standing up for freedom, and so people are sick of rhinos, an the laughed and they recognize it. If you dont, have real fighters were who
actually carry you in their heart were willing to fight with courage, with clarity with compassion, then the crisis that the countries in is just gonna get worse. Do let's talk about that kind of the unit party you know, I think I will have a harder under such a hard time understanding because you know for me, you know that I wasn't sure politically involved until they started closing our businesses I hope, because I spent a lot of my life and a lot of my time, helping business owners right and then I saw the devastation first hand. you know I was getting calls literally. No march twenty, one in four that whole month all day, every day from entrepreneurs in our priority programme there like what do their closeness down? How are we going to survive rooms and do hearing the panic and the pain and the fear? And then thinking about you know what I went through to start business? You know
to get in its duties so hard like, unless you ve done it, you cannot comprehend what you have to give in to hear the pain and the frustration in these peoples. voices really kind of flip me into overdrive of like getting to the truth of what's going on, and you know, I don't think that that you know most people when they understand what's going on in politics. You know they kind of go to the polls and they say I'm going to vote for democrat number of republican, I'm gonna vote straight down the card dear are, and that we have to be more educated at that We talk a little bit about now. You have to vote for the person because the fact is, I look I'm proud to be a republican, but the reason that countries in crisis is not just because of leftist craziness again. The fact is, if you had,
for a real, strong, maga america, first republican party we'd defeat the left. Ok, they come with their crazy flag fly and they come with defunding the police and open border and critical race theory and the whole transgender nonsense. They come with that. The reason why the country's in crisis is b also because of the corruption and the cowardice in the republican party in its rhinos, who refused to stand up to the left, is got us into the place where we're in and you talk about what and with covert everybody wash. They said. Okay, Walmart can stay open, but all these mom and pop businesses have to close or guess what all of your buddies who were onto procures all of your buddies you who are actually focused on building their business and don't have armies of hired lobbyists. What happened there squash near and it's the people who have the higher lobbyists who actually then serve the politicians and what
you see what everybody sees it. There is a unit party, its republicans and Democrats, and it is a lobbyist culture that is opposed to you they serve themselves and they do it at the expense of the people one of the things I did when I was governor, for example, super super simple example: theirs is in Missouri called the low income housing tax credit programme. It is a complete rip off audit after audit over the course of decades had shown that only forty two percent of every dollar actually went to low income. How hang in. There are spending by two hundred and fifty million dollars a year on this programme, so of course, last decade as well point five billion dollars. Now you do the quick math that means over seven hundred and fifty million dollars was going to special interests. Here is how the corruption works. What they do who is you, send your tax money to the government politicians give your time
ex money away to the special interests, the interest. Turn around and donated to the politicians to keep this gravy train flowing. This is the same with the wars to correct is it is needed. these same system? When you look across a whole series of different issues, you look at the disease, profit industry. You look at all these special interests. Tax credits- you look at all of these things that happened. The politicians and the lobbyists work together to serve themselves against the american people. That is what happens across the board and when I came in his guests, everybody had said. Everyone knew that this programme needed to be cancelled. It made no sense for the people of Missouri, but politicians were willing to do it and I came in and we cancel the programme. We took it from a hundred and fifty million dollars a year to zero, is where it does. Maybe they people real happy. Didn't it made
everybody angry at everybody and then so, of course, were attacked by the left, were attacked by the mainstream media and then we're also attacked by all the rhinos in the entire political establishment, because keep in mind when you're in jefferson city, when you're in Washington dc you surrounded by politicians and lobbyists in them, media because average citizens are out living their lives, and so you have to have people of real courage who are willing to stand up and fight against that every day, and it is a fight, wilder, listen man. I think that's all important information for everybody to really comprehend and think about, because you know I talked to so many people. You know when I go speak, or even just or dm or instagram or or email or whatever man who don't really understand that the people they are attacking most such as yourself- and you know you look at trump and you could
then the opinion one of trump I like trump, but the point is that they create these massive movements against anyone that may come in and disrupt there their little programmes exactly because it in and people want people like will, I would they do that won't listen. What would you do if someone was coming into your life and disrupting everything on on dismantling everything in regard to your income and how you made your money and all the little things the row you would fight against that as you know, and and you would you would were- if it's you and all your buddies and we're all in the same thing in opinion. I know how much truth, or is this because it's just my opinion during what is sure looks like a lot of these people are in there just to trade inside information and make money personally and are in this little club and nobody betrays each other?
I look at what nancy policy and her husband were always supposed to believe that nancy policies, husband, is the greatest stock picture in the history of the united states of america, absolutely fuckin return. It makes no sense so look here, it's actually very simple and people in their hearts. No, that this system, you ve got the mainstream media who lies to you and politicians who steal from you. That's the situation and if somebody comes in like a president tromp like an arrow, great zack, she gonna fight for you, of course, the politician turn on them in the media turn on them, and that's why they're lying about me. That's why they lie about president trump. It's where they live? On behalf of Joe Biden, with their whole hundred binds laptop is russian disinformation. All of these lies that they push they push it because they are trying to protect their game. It's a game that works for politicians to gain that works for lobbyists in everybody looks around and you see it obviously doesn't work for the people of the united states of america,
Now that's the bad news. The hopeful part is right here in missouri on august. The second, this where the one time right, though, one time with absolute clarity. People are in charge this is the one day there are other days where we can have make our voices heard. There are other days where we can show up, or we we can. You know, show up at school board meetings we can show up at city council. At the end of the day, the founding fathers made it so that every person gets to vote. And that's why everybody's gotta come out on august. Second, and you have to vote, you gotta get your friends out Oh, would you gotta get your neighbors out to vote because that, is where we take the power back. You guys have to understand. You know, and I've learned this recently saw not like preaching from the top of the mountain, mrs something I've learned just allow couple years, but a lot of times these primary elections are more important than the general elections in a lot of people. Don't vote in the primary. You know that
ok, I'll just vote in november. In that's only going I go and because you know- and this is Are you guys all who sail well, there's no good candidates to vote for in the general were the reason that no good candidates make it to the generals, because you're not understanding what the primary elections purpose is exactly you have that chance the primary and look- I be honoured. Anybody who is listening to listening today, please come out and vote for era. Grains on august, second, in the united states, primary republic in primary here in the state of Missouri, very important, as it is important that you get people because, like look, you guys you're, the guy, the people. was in the show you guys are ahead of the curve. Ok, you're the people who are shedding truth and information to people before it catches them six months down the road which has been case here. Most of the time I have I been wrong about, should sure everybody's wrong watch it, but I'm right I'm right about motion.
No sir, I'm you, you guys, know moat. You guys are the gatekeepers too, to getting this free society. Bad and you're. Talking to your friends, have conversations about the impact wings of a primary in this calls for any of you guys wherever you live notches, Missouri primary, our primary is august. Second, and you should be talking you're, like minded friends and your friends who have maybe heard about irix scandal, and when he was governor and shit like that and bringing them up to speed. You know it's been a proven fact that those allegations were greatly greatly fat were created and there's legal ramifications happening this people that did those other. So it was funded prosecutor admitted to wrongdoing she's on the path to lose. Her law license the corrupt f b. I agent was charged with seven felonies for perjury and evidence tampering and pled guilty. The good news is, at the end of the day, the people of Missouri know the truth. They know that I am a fighter for them and again. Also folks, if you haven't,
I actually voted in a primary before it super simple. You just show up after pulling place the same place where you always go to vote. You show up there, you ask for a republican primary ballot and then you can go and you can circle in little bubble. Next, they era grains and I honour to have your vote, but its very soon born again a lot of people, out there who might be listening, who haven't voted in a primary before super. Simply do it august. Second, if you're not gonna, be in town that day, you can go early, you can go to your county court house or county office, and you can actually cast your vote there. If your voting Democrat, you can vote like fast, sometimes yeah? So that's good news to make your whole all your relatives like they're are dead. They can vote, but only democrat oles bring her up. So you know that's that's good news for you guys, but but yeah and you know, I think I think the process you know a lot of people.
They don't understand enough about the process of how these things happen. You know I've talked to so many people who we like yeah man, you know, I believe in america, but like every time I go to vote, it's a bunch of shit bags. It's like yeah, because you're not fully participating in the process. I think that's a that's a two part thing, though I think Like I know even me, like, I know, I'm a lot younger than you guys, but right, but like grown up in high school, that it wasn't really like that Wasn't really talk nonsense! You like look at us. I know who you are you sure you surely do its and others that are aware now, where banal mather gets a two pronged thing right like I think this is very possible that I might just miss that in high school I don't remember it either. That's what I'm saying like, but like I mean, I think, that's part of the the the intention right like I mean you know why why? Why promote american citizens to be involved in these type of things, like I mean, there's a lot of fucking people that don't even know the three branches of government or what the actual purpose of the legislative branches and
It works in like on the state level. I mean, like there's a lot of things that has left out, so I think that if there's anything that the last two years have taught us is that we, as american citizens, have to take a more serious role in our obligations as as american citizens means knowing what the fuck that we branches are mindless and understanding the process and how these tat. All like do. There's gonna be a lot of you guys out there who are either running for for office or you have a friend who's running for office because did the people are going to take the government back? That's what's going to happen and the unit party is going to try to resist this as much as they can, but its inevitable. It's going to happen, but the only way of truly can happen is that we all educate ourselves on that. We need a vote in the earlier elections so that some of these people, who are just regular people- you know these people, you know Eric's, your fun is, like one tenth the size of these other guys money, one hundred because you're right
regular dude, is going in and trying to run against the establishment people so like we could defeat that with grass roots, but only if you participate in the process. Yes and that's the good news, everybody has the power in their hands. The power is in your hands to vote in. If you really want to exercise your power, make sure that your friends and your neighbors and your family, or also going out and vote doing and when we do when we, citizens coming out to vote. What happens? Is the power comes back and our hands to get to your point dj the elite is dont, want everybody to vote, they love for it to be just all the party officials in all of the insiders and all of the establishment who choose which candidates in either party actually get to run in the general election that works for this
establishment that works for the political class that works for lobbyists. When you guys decide when we decide we're going to get, engage, we're going to run we're gonna vote we're going to take over, then the power comes away from the elite and back to the american people, and that's the opportunity that we have in missouri next tuesday yeah august. Second dude. You know, let's just assume that nobody has heard you on the show before cause we're constantly getting new list every every week and one of the problems bro One of the things that you are going to do like. Let's talk about that. Well sure, first, we'll talk about the approach that I bring I am a navy seal spent a lot of my life doing humanitarian work overseas. When I came back from Iraq after my team had been hit by a suicide truck bomb, I donated my own. Combat pay started an order innovation help returning wounded and disabled veterans come back and build successful and purposeful lives here at home,
My motivation in life, whether was in the seal teams, doing humanitarian work serving my fellow veterans serving as governor is to serve people to make a difference for them. We are only all of us granted and blessed with sir many days here and I believe that we all have to live purpose driven thoughtful wives. While we are here to make a difference, that's what I'm here to do in its what I've spent my life doing and it's why the political establishment, hates me, because I'm willing to speak the truth and because I care about people, I'm willing to fight for them. When you look at the country right now, the country is obviously in crisis were in crisis because left his craziness, because a mainstream media lies because of rhino corruption and cowardice. When you look at what's happening, first of all, with inflation right who would have thought that who would ever live in an america or gas prices are higher than hunter by gay.
We know that I have arrived without serious immortal words, we should go, but that's the deal had you got gas rise to run. You know, I'm not afraid, disagree with you I been exaggeration that about brain, so whether what's happening is everybody's hurting right in the seriousness behind this is that the gas prices and the poor, ices of food. The reason why people are hurting is because of a deliberate leftist. The tax they knew what they were doing when president Tromp was in office, america, was the number one energy producer in the world and if you told me back when
I was serving in iraq in oh six, oh seven, that america was going to be the number one energy producer in the world. That would have seemed like like a pipe dream right, but we got it accomplished with president trump. President Biden comes in in his very first day in office. He kills the keystone XL pipeline and is everybody recognizes the war on energy, has inflationary effects second and third order effects throughout the economy, because it's not just the price you pay for gas but everything you buy in a store everything that you order online. The price of energy is baked into the price of moving those goods there. If there's manufacturing that took places its baked into the price of manufacturing to the left, a very specifically targeted energy, it made america weaker and it hurt everybody. Then you look at violent assaults and murders all across the country and its use
You talk about these things, statistically it's important to remember that every single murder, every single, violent attack destroys lives, destroys families. I think we're on the show earlier. I won't repeat the whole story, but you guys I personally responded to a shooting down in the city of saint Louis or two young men were killed. Nineteen and twenty years old had fifteen to twenty five. automatic gunshots, went off in my home city, sounded just like Iraq, just like afghanistan, right that is happening in tears, families. Apart you, so you have crisis you guys got to understand. He was you are having dinner on a patio or something right, yeah mm and and these dudes ripped off automatic fire and Eric ran to the scene and had this kid basically die right in his arms. I mean this is I not a story skip over yeah wild things, brother! He speaks to your character. That's I just didn't want you to banks sell that short thanks willow.
I mean I, I carry a pistol. I was with a buddy who's. A special operations. Medic is actually much better medic than I had a med kit in the car, and yet we jumped in my car. We drove about the fifty metres up to the scene, first, two guys on the scene, and we started working on these two young kids here and these kids. There were nineteen and twenty years old. They had their entire lives ahead of them and they were good kids if not a parking ticket between the two of them they'd been working through all of the corona virus. Nonsense they'd done internships, they loved music, They had bright futures and it was all ended that day and then I went and I met with their families. Right, because they wanted to know in one case the mother and brother. In the other case, the father wanted to know what their their sons and brothers last moments were like, and then they wanted to know frankly also that there are people their helping them at the at the idea that their their sons didn't die alone, and that the reason I I mention this is at the
The increase that we are seeing in murders and violent assaults around the country is directly attributable to the left defined the police attacks launder person it is affecting it is affecting every single commute. I d like right now in Missouri, there is a crisis of recruiting police officers there's. Also, interestingly, a crisis in military recruiting is you? Is you ve seen, but it is impossible to recruit the police officers that we need the quality that we need because of this great cultural attack against police officers to you. Ve got inflation. You ve got that you got the rise in violence. We have the crisis at the border should gain. We talked about a little earlier on and other up so to the ship. I believe in front line leadership. You gotta, go and see things for yourself, and I,
down, not just to the arizona in texas sides of the border where I met with law enforcement, but I also went to the mexican side of the border and I went and I saw what is happening there and the crisis is far far far worse than the mainstream. you will tell you you know, I went down to the border thousands of ideas along along the the river, and you asks of wire that people throw in their ids down at the throw their ids down, because under Joe Biden's policies they walk across the border, they're not trying to be sneaky. They walked straight up to the customs and border patrol agents. Those customs and border patrol agents then take them to an office and at the office there if they have an idea and they say now and then there asked what their name is: your name.
Written down on a piece of paper. There then handed a piece of paper and told the shop in an american court in ninety days and then they're let loose and then they're let loose into the united states through only the immigration thing. Did you see that, like now by the bottle administration is planning to give out id silom early grandmother, it's nice to see that yup? What do you mean like the they're going to give illegal immigrants actually kind of an eighty actual estate id for whatever state or federal id like? How are they doing it?
yeah it's it's a program they're doing to be able to identify people who immigrate. What's your opinion on why they're allowing this to happen, I think you have you got a couple of things at play, so big picture when you step back, we have to recognize what's at work. These people are not just stupid, they're, not just incompetent. They are trying to destroy the country they're, trying to destroy the united states of america, and if you look back historically at the playbook, how do you destroy an empire? How do you destroy a great country? How do you destroy a nation state? How do you destroy a city state they're following the playbook, you dbase, the currency? Even inflation goes out of control. You create division at home through things like critical race theory and they're transgender nonsense. You identity, politics, identity, politics
if you have military disasters abroad. An one of the other things that you do is that you open up the border right and that's what they're doing all of this, the millions of people who are crossing the border into the united states of america. This is destabilizing the country. It is a humanitarian crisis. It's a crime crisis. It's an economic crisis. It's a national security crisis, the culture christ. It is a cultural crisis. All of these things are are done on purpose. To ask yourself big picture. Why are they pursuing all of these policies, which clearly heard people which clearly dont work defined the police, clearly leads to more murders and more violence. It does not work the old and border largest humanitarian crisis in the world largest human trap,
if a king in the world right now on our southern border because of Joe Biden's policies, not to mention all of the other effects that it has. These are cruel policies, look at covert tyranny, keeping kids with disabilities out of school for a year That is a cruel policy that hurts kids. Why are they pursuing this agenda? Wyatt hack, american energy independence? It makes the nation weaker, but from a national security perspective we talked about from an economic perspective. Why are you kicking hundreds hundreds of elite navy seal special operators out of special operations cause, they don't want to take a covert vaccine. Who does that benefited benefits? Russia benefits? China benefits a taliban benefits.
Credit. It does not benefit the united states of america. You ask yourself: why are they doing this? It is part of an active plan to destroy the united states of america, and the open border is part of that plan d up. You know it's a fuller and You guys will agree that more and more americans are paying attention to this. Yes, and the reason is, is because why we're fuckin feeling it right affects every. but a young and people are really starting to fill it, but I do not know we're thinking on the site. It almost reminds me of how you know: terminal illness in people write like it. I'm not sure if you guys knew this, but you know most people when they get these terminal diagnoses of cancer and stuff they don't they don't get those diagnosis. In regular. If I can health check ups right is because they feel some pain or somethin's off by the go in. Oh you about to add a couple of weeks right. I feel its area because I like that exactly where we are right now?
It makes me wonder like if that's also part of the plan, because you got a lot of americans. Yes, we're awake refilling, the pains were filling it, but because it's on all fuckin fronts affleck as that, there's still a sense of like just helplessness and hopelessness of like okay but like how do we attack all of it and that's the intent yeah. That's the intent. The intent is demoralisation of society to destabilize society of demoralize at first, and that's why you know- and you tell me if you agree or not, but you know when they push by now on stage, and he looks like he's like the weakest possible, human, make a b or nancy Pelosi who is like you know, fuckin I dunno, if she's drunk or what they say or whatever, but I mean declares curly, she's, very old and not right and when they push these people out as the leaders of this country, we have to understand that hell, if China had like leaders that appeared that way, what would you think of china
You be scared of china right. Would you be afraid of china? Would you be scared to stand up to china and that people under estimating how deep this goes, because it appears to be an by intact How do these guys we're just old and know that there's people behind that running the show that this is intentional, such as democracy, station destroy, make a hard on the american citizens It's also lower the standard of america. in the eyes of other countries, so that We are not the traditional powerhouse that we have always been one hundred percent let me cite, let me can I weren't you follow lose they want because do there's people all over the world, though, that what free Yes and they see america as a big beacon of freedom and when you make freedom, look pretty she and weak stupid, they stop wanting it. So it's not just about the moral asean of our country, it's about demoralization of the entire globe, so
that we get install one world system and that system they call democracy, but it has nothing to do with democracy. It's a it's, a it's, a it's! A communist ideology just is, and let me let me tie these two together because the personal analogy pretty accurate. Yes, yes hundred percent- and let me let me tie this together. The personal analogy is actually really good right. So I mentioned to you: I came back from Iraq after my team had been hit by suicide at bomb. I was fortunate, but I worked with a lot of men and women who'd been seriously injured, a the most serious injury- and you- and I have talked about this before any the most serious injury that someone faces is not the loss of a limb. Not the loss of eyesight. it's not even p t s d or t v, I I am not the loss of hearing the most serious injury you can do to someone is that they end up in despair.
When people really went down, they were in despair and then they start drinking and then they turned to drugs and they lose a sense of purpose, looseness right and that's where you get not only the suicide crisis right, but you have all of these terrible effects when people when people I have a sense of purpose. Okay, yeah. I lost my arm, but I got a sense of purpose. I got a mission in front of me. They continued to attack, they continued to work and they figure out a way to take that pain and turn. It is into wisdom, may take that suffering and they turn it into strength. The greatest injury you can do to a person is despair. What's the greatest injury you can do to a nation despair and what the you're trying to do- is to actually through flooding the zone. With all of these issues, I mean, if it were just violent crime. Ok are, figured out, I will deal with it, but its violent crime and its inflation and its courage covered tyranny. and they're going to censor you and maybe take your job. If use
the wrong thing on social media. Even if you sk the wrong question. They might actually take away your freedom to speak on those platforms. do you have this can go after the kiss? You have this attack on all fronts. And the enemy wins evil wins. When righteous people decide, I dont want to fight any They want to demoralize you what we have to do, it's a recognize that you know what, while his heart is that his courage is also contagious and when people see their friends stepping up, they say you know what I can do that I can actually step up. I can here. The fact that I listened to the relay f bod gas than I can share with some friends I can tell people were I get my news. I can tell me that I, when are, we just, did a screening of two thousand mules down a branch and misery
a couple hundred people came out- did it is a demonstration of the kind of courage at this takes. This is a movie that document with exceptional clarity, the scheme that was used to steal the twenty twenty election. The left cannot dispute the facts in the movie. So what They do they try to censor it and call people names conspiracy theories, for sharing the movie, etc terrorists, but today democratic republic, in the end, independent more people recognize that there was massive fraud in the two thousand and twenty election than it did in december of twenty twenty, so courage works when people are willing to stand up eventually that big wave of lies. It is a powerful wave of lies, but eventually it does crash on the rock of the facts, but for it to crash for the truth to come out, people have to act with courage. So to your point, this is exactly
what they are trying to do and its through the demoralization at a national level who wins the elite is when the elite us win, and one thing that that's interesting people always ass, a questionable. Why would they do that? We as a well? Why would MAO engage in the communist revolution in china? Murder, tens of millions of people through starvation, what they wanted control its always true with left this tyranny, they don't care about, whether not your flourishing. They don't care about your health. They don't care about society with. They cannot as their control. That's what tyrants want and that's why we have to have a freedom movement of patriots were willing to stand up against that tyranny to fight not only for our own freedom, but also for our neighbours and what that means. For example, you go back to the first amendment. Right, you think,
All the left is tyrants, who want to censor people. I had a fourth and fifth grade teachers who honoured to have a guy named Mr Osman, and I remember him saying here's what the first amendment means it means I mean it. I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it and we have to stand up and fight for the freedom of every american against leftist tyranny. That's the nature of the challenge that in front of us and again the good news is courage is contagious and when people act you think about how do you again is this works at a personal and a national level. Right, so emotion follows motion. If you're feeling down, what do you do a crank out ten push? Ups are going to feel better, go for a walk, you're going to feel better run a mile, I feel better, you will physiologically hand. Experience shows you you'll feel better if you take action in the same way, if you feel down about the country take action?
Yes, decide right! Now, I'm sending this pod casta three friends decide right. Now, I'm gonna vote decide that you're going to do so. thing you ve never done before. You ve never gone out and told people who are going to vote for and that it's important that they go out and vote, but do it going sure sure that with people and what you we'll find, is at one. Small action leads to another action and that taking that action will help you under dan and everyone will see. This is how we take our country back. What do you think? The what do you think about, people falling into the mentality of you know, I'm part of the silent majority, because it's very clear from my point of view that that was a phrase that was coined look in hindsight to create a virtuous feeling around keeping your patriotism.
Silent, which has now allowed them, meaning people who do not represent what true american culture is about to come in and operate less impeded. You do. Do you agree with that? I I think that's such an important point. The tyrants want you to be silent. The tyrants wants you to hang your head. The tyrants want you to look the other way. A tyrants want you to self sensor on social media, so they don't have to censure you tyranny works, because tyrants are always a minority. Parents never have enough power to actually suppress everyone. So what they do is they try to make examples of People, if you think, there's spinning ten million dollars against era grains right now. Why? Because I was the first dude in the country. this. I am voting against mitch, Mcconnell, I'm sick,
These rhinos. We need new america, first leadership, so they're, trying to make an example out of me to attack me what tyrants do Is it they they see hey. This is somebody who, on their social media, stood up and said they supported the police. This is somebody on their social media who said hey. I'm actually look at the data out of Israel and I'm not sure that these vaccines are working and they shut him. Down, and so what they want to do is make examples out of people when peak when, when virtuous people are silent, tyrants win evil wins. In that silent compliance. What everyone needs to do is this stand up, because there are four: are far far more of us in there are of them, but but the elite, tyrants win when people say silent. They don't stay silent, especially come back to it august sacking it make your voice heard at the ballot box get out there and vote. You guys have to understand. This is not just guessing either like I'm a data driven human. You know when
when I say hey. This is where we're at this is where I think the spread is in terms of like patriotic people versus the leftist. You know you guys have to understand their stores, there's real world evidence of this. What you erika, sad is being true. You know people are rejecting, cancel culture. People are rejecting. The far left sexual asean of children people are in their shows that by things there, the rejecting the woke values, because their identity that won't miss does not correlate with true american culture of unity. and togetherness and lifting each other up instead creates this fake attack culture based around virtue, which isn't even real right. Like they come out and they say I'm so offended you not offended you're trying to control my voice. Yes, and so we have to understand the game that they're playing, you know, there's a few
saying when you know your enemy and then you know yourself, you cannot be right. I think you told me that yes said SU yes, and so right and he talks life. You know yourself, and you know your enemy you in a thousand battles right if you only know your enemy and you dont, know yourself. Judges are fifty fifty You only know yourself, you don't know the enemy chances are fifty fifty and if you don't know yourself and you don't know your enemy you're going to lose every time yeah, that's me. Oh, I got a phone call not too long ago. We were talking about this, but you know I think people awakening to reality and and also, I think, like it's important for people to understand that not everybody, not everybody is awake. Yet when I say awake, they had to realise that the mainstream media is highly Nebulae of the you know, they're kind of like just gone all with their life they're good.
Other the people they mean well, and they hear these virtuous statements like you know that the the far left makes or the left makes and they're like well I've. I agree with that too. The problem is guys as they they speak to you, and then they turn around and do the exact opposite. so you know that's, that's one problem, then there's another problem that I see you know like. There's been such a contentious battle between the left and the right that it's like you can have a conversation. Like. I see these interviews and you ask like leftists if they be friends with a republic, in their, but then not, but then you see the ones they do with the conservatism serbia's relax we're. Why would I be friends with a total, dumb ass light There's! No! There. You guys have to understand for us to win this as people. We have to make room for the people that are just figuring out going on and now bully them or attack them because they fell for something Honestly, they they had a
reasonable believe to believe I mean all of us. Have well, we should have a reasonable expectation in this country that the media is telling us the truth. We should have a reasonable expectation in this country that the people wash represent. The people wish that they act in our best interests we should have a reasonable expectation that when doktor found she comes on tv that this dude student fucking around and what we ve learned and whether even do not have so many people who leave laughter lifelong democrats, who reach out to me and or like bro. I agree with the things you say: but like when I try to like talk about like I can escape my own friend bubble. You know cause they been friends with these in and it's so like you. So it's like
you're having like an identity crisis, and I think it's important for everybody to realize that you know we have to make room for people. We have to make room for people to come to the side of american culture and values that have been told for the last fifteen years that america is bad and suppress it. That's the stance that all of those bro where the least oppressive country on the phone can plan and there's no arguing. That's why people from all over the place we ve got to right here, one from bosnia and one from india. That's why they come here. They come here because there are escaping the oppression and We have people in america, say all we're so oppressed due to america, perfect, no fuck! No, due to my party, For now I got a lotta holes mugging a meal. He's got a lotta holes netscape and do you know Our job is, as this generation is to fix those fucking holes so that our kids and our children and the people coming behind us don't have to, and if we don't it
this time, all of us right now we're going to be part of the story of the working generation, the losses country hundred percent to two thoughts on this. Here's here's how I've been thinking about this lately. I think that in the face of evil, we have to pursue justice so there is true evil. These are people who knowingly like the sorrows fund, a prosecutor in Saint louis, who turns murderers loose onto the street. right people who knew that vaccines, we're gonna, hurt people and refuse to let that information out people who have purposely chosen that they're going to enjoy age and policies that they know we're. Gonna hurt people that is evil. Evil is different from error. We are all in air. Sometimes in air has to be met with greece, is, and we have to recognize if we're gonna move the country for that we're all in air at one point or another, and that a lot of people, yet they trusted the mainstream media
there, I mean it's going to be able to use. You should have been able do now. We can't, but there are a lot of p well, who it took him a little longer to see that this is what was happening. Think of how crazy it is now if you had when, when anyone you and I were in high school, if somebody went around saying why dont trust the centres for disease control, I don't trust you. You would have thought that they were lodi or if even if there's somebody come up with it, I don't trust the newspaper you might have fuck I mean come on man. The news we're like the weather and sports and like what's happening in the world, you mean you, don't trust the newspaper today today, only eleven percent of americans, I remember Eighty nine percent of americans do not trust me stream, tv media, When the eleven percent of americans, who have a high degree of trust
mainstreamed lands. We would have known as data points that shows where people are. You know you look at cnn, ok, cnn, just lost a shit tunnel people than I change ownership right. They were so discredited that they had a change ownership. I don't I mean I hear people saying it's been better, but I am and check it out yeah- it's it's still. I mean better, but okay. Well, you know if they're doing better, I give him a little credit for doing better but like we need a lot better and you know it's ok, you still broken, but like dude, you know you look at disney with the worst performing stock in in a stock exchange over the last twenty four months, and why well because they're pushing shit that most people don't agree with: okay you're on you're, looking at netflix, netflix fucking guy hammered and they finally came around said. You know what we're ridding our company of this sort of culture and now they're, starting to put it should already like this soon. That is pretty much patriotic, like they put us, see some of the new shit on my mac, pretty cool,
by the way, if you had watched the gray man movie, it's pretty good. The grandma just gonna, throw that in there it's good But you look at you, look I I mean what else? What other there so many data points. First, there's there's company like the companies that are go The workers are the ones that are going the broadcast, and so, when you sit there and think like fuck dude, nobody thinks what I thought you'd be surprised you because like when you say like when you say what you really think other people like dude The people in my life, who I thought like totally disagree with me, like that, come around, maybe like bro. You know give me your say it yeah. You know, and that feels good. You know, but like guys, you have to understand you, you could come the way I give you a big hug. Yes like you'd, like I'm not here to buy. You know we have to get rid of this, that the uk cannot be afraid to be patriotic because one of the biggest tenants of communism, is to get you ashamed of our identity. as americans in that
Why a lot of you guys? Who you know? I'm speak real with you here. You know you go to post something with the american flag or fly or flat. You hesitate just a little tiny bit in your fuck. I know you one of those liberals is going to get real mad at me or they're, going to say something and blah blah blah blah blah. Well that hesitation in your heart to be a proud american. That is communism. That is it's infecting your heart. Okay, and you have to be aware of these things because that's how it works, it doesn't work. You know it does. They don't come in with guns, blazon bro. They come in a little bit of time, a little bit of time a little bit of time a little bit of time and then all at once. It's like going out of business. It's like Britain, like bankruptcy, okay and we are approaching the all at once very rapid, and so I just think it's important for you guys to recognise that your own hesitation to speak out your own hesitation had been added.
Give your freedom, your own hesitation and by the way you think whatever you want. You'll have to agree with me, but you should think for yourself and in there hesitation for you to embrace our flag, embrace american culture and freedom and tell the truth. That is all part of the plan. It's designed to get yourself sensor, you know politically correct ideology, yet something that I've had a problem for twenty years now, because I'm rude, but because I recognise what it is: it's a wave, than to install a valley just a minute society to where we are afraid to tell the truth, because if we tell the truth and it's not politically accepted, we get shamed right right, if we look at data- and it's not along the mainstreaming, narrative were
is something wrong with us, we're at este where one of the names and that's all part of the plan guys and for us to truly take this back. We have to, as I've been saying for a long time, we have to put people in positions of our government that understand the idea of serve. Being the people not going there to make a trillion dollars. Ok for themselves, yes, an end to take that one step further. If you say how do we do that, the laughed and herons wants you to focus on argument? They want you to focus on words. They want you to focus on our abstractions and ideas. Like you ask yourself, why is the transgender agendas so important to them. One of the reasons it is is because if they can get you to say that a man isn't a man and a woman, isn't a woman. Then what else can they get you to say?
wanna, it's one of the reasons why that is that particular agendas is so important them. But the point is the left us one of focus, son and the latest want to focus on argument. The way that you bring people together is through action and if you ask yourself you're one of the things we did at the mission continues, as we always work with veterans in action and the action was action to improve our communities right. If you think about what is, if you really want to save a kids life. Make sure that there is a third greater in your computer He who doesn't know how to read make sure that they know how to read by the end. A third, great, ok, he's a kid who starting third grade and can't read and finishes third grade and can't read, is in real trouble all right, but it. But if, but we'll get involved- and you start working with that kid and you make sure that they can read by the end of their great. He might have saved that kid's life. Now, when you start
doing real things like making sure that kid's kinraid making sure they kids have good men towards making sure that people in your community are safe when you're doing real things. What you find is it all of this silly differences which the EU leaders want to spend all of their time talking about they all melt away, because people are focused on doing real. Things are actually focused on action when people are taking action together, they recognise each other's strengths in order to help them to accomplish the mission, and that's why you need to have leaders who are mission focused and action focused, and if you really care about people and you bring people together, you bring a community of people together to raise money for a charity to help kids to read to help veterans. You know, beat homelessness. All of these things are really hard, but when people come together and they take action, then people see each other strength. He led us one always talk about whether its critical race, through the transgender agenda there trying to use argument to divide people,
well, we have to do as real patriots is use, a use action to unite people. So what do you think like moving forward cause dude, we're gonna win? This primary yama are going to ruin it, and what do you think moving forward from now until november, because I personally believe that they are going to try and make us feel the hurt as bad as possible? You know the the world economic forum and their their their slogan. I was going to say this a minute ago when you were talking but You know when you said they wanted in despair was so funny, because their slogan is out of chaos comes order, ok, and so what you guys have to realise the plan for them and whether You believe me now or you believe me in two years from now. This is what they're trying to do. They are trying to get us so desperate. So frustrated, so angry, and then they come in and present a new solution. We're gonna fix this
this is what it is and people are to be in such chaos and paying disruption and just bear that they will willingly accept something that is less than what they would have accepted in two thousand and eighteen, one hundred salt. You know there is a reason for this chaos there's a reason that you're paying what paid a live right now whether began groceries power, fucking every right, there's a reason that you monies worth ten percent less than it was a year ago right that these, Things are designed intentionally and if you guys really sit down, except that is reality, it's going to make you really fucking mac gay and the solution, by the way and that's nonpartisan we all live near zero This is not about like all the right winning or with the left. Winning. This is about the people winning and. When you come to that realisation, you have to understand that the only solution that we can There we have besides taking up arms, which is you know, not something,
I feel that were in a place to do at this moment, but is to use the system that was created for us in the proper way and there is a reason why they don't teachers in school, how to properly be educated, were engaged in the police. Medical system there's a reason that culture has lost. The idea of political service as a duty of success For exceptional humans, This is a man who's, a navy seal, he's a road scholar he's Phd his handsome yeah he's he's not downloading. Thank you deals, Andrews but more than anything this is a man who cares. Ok, any cares about his community. He cares about what's going on and by the way, what schools your degree from Oh it's from oxford! That kind of a sound like it's like global community school. You have said so we this man they could be successful in literally any area of life that he chooses. Who is
willing to go there and fight for us, and these are the people First of all, yes, you need to go out and vote on august. Second, if you live in Missouri, but wherever you are whatever state you are in, you have to do your due diligence to understand who is part of the union, party, who is part of the establishment and a great way to work. That is to see who their attacking your most because who they attack the most. If you look at, it was a first name up in the one's name up in pittsburgh, Barnett Zennor, Cathy Barnett gotta go broke. She was gonna take it the doktor ass. She went away, they went for three days. Fox news on him. You they were hit peace after hippies hippies vermont. to the hour to pull this off for doktor us. What is doctor as do the melodies we winds, he dumps try But he says I'm not with that anymore. That's it! That's a typical establishment like camel move and that's what these people by the way you call that out. I was the guy's name.
His name is dj. Dj was a first guide and called out that that was a trojan horse, but we have to do all we can just go in and they are all the republicans, because not all the republicans are good and bad, way. That also means there's some reasonable democrats to consider as well. I don't know for they are, but I'm sure, they're out there. These are people who have good hearts. These are people who want to change. People may neither political ideologies little bit different than what mine would be, but I'm with that as long as a real people they're trying to serve you're insane. We we as a merit you will never have, and we don't want a government that run by completely one side of the, because that creates tyranny right that creates oppression, so We need people that disagree with us in the in the government to keep the balance.
but what we know, but what we need those people to be is not people to go there to get rich or or to exact power or for status. We need people who are going to serve and that's what I like. About Eric? That's something that I know this man Put my name on this man. I've seen this man fight, I seen where he's about. I spend time with impersonal situation. You know that this this is a real do and like whatever it is. You think we need a promise. You it's going to come from real people representing us, not these people, who are these plastic p, or who look at us and then there's both of em republicans in democrats who look at us like peasantry. You know we're not work. Just something that exists outside of their work, that they have to worry about. when we really need them to understand that we are the fucking world and we need to be taken care of in now what's happening in america, is abusive. It's wrong but should be living in this high state of anxiety and with this a vision and this hate in this first
creation. That is not what this country's about and the fact that intentionally put upon us should pissed All of you off whether you agree with my position. Things are not. because it's not right row. We should be living our life in amerika. We should all have equal opportunities and work to create equal opportunities. We should all be free of this pressure in this division to pay sue accelerated to pursue happiness in this country. That's what this country is about and right now we're not allowed even have it, because every fucking thing that we look at is some sort of negativity or some sort of crisis or some sort of world I mean shit when, in reality, it's all just to do to drive up anxiety and despair. It's not ok, guys, that's it doesn't matter. If you agree with me, I know there's a lot of people out there. It don't like me. I know, there's a lot of people out there, who think I got a big mouth and if fucking whatever broke, I care those people tools. You won't say I do you could not like me and I still what the best free yes and that these are the kind like we have to adopt.
that mentality. You know not this divisive, fucking attack shit. I refused to play in it dude, it's not something I'm going to play in no look a end, and it is that passion for your fellow americans, your willingness to take action on their behalf, which is always made the united states great, our very founding until today, and let's also recognise despite everything, that they have done to the united states of america all of the attacks right. The attacks on our economy, ana on independence, on our safety on our liberty. Despite all of those things, the american people still have more courage have more resilience, have more strength. more compassion, I believe, than any other people on the face of the planet and if we are willing to step forward in this moment, we can now
only win our country back. But in fact, in this is the hopeful part we can make our country better than its ever been ever. because when you look also to use dj used the personal analogy, its True in your own life. Now you think about the pain that you went through. You think about the hardest time in your life. What happened on the other side of that? If you made the right choices, you came wiser. You think about this suffering in your own life. What happened to his heart is painful is due God yet moments of dahlia moments of despair, and you note on the other side, you became stronger. You think about those more what's a tremendous fear and hardship, and you know what happened you confronted that fear, you became more courageous. The same is true for a nation. We are facing now a greater crisis than certainly we ve ever have in my lifetime. And mean I was in seal team training. One nine eleven happen. The nine eleven crisis was nothing like. What we're facing today is the biggest crisis we ve ever faced, and we
can take all of this pain, all of the suffering of the fear of the despair of the hardship and we can become a better country than we have ever been all of together. We can have a true revival of the notion of citizenship and that's what I'm here for I'm here for the revival I'm here for the future, I'm here for the aid. Be it at every single person whose listening to this body cast can become or personally excellence. and by you, making yourself more excellent and encouraging people around you to do so. We're gonna become stronger, more prosperous, more beautiful, more compassionate nation and more proud a more proud man. Honourable brow, yes, listen this is america. Dear DES this, we should be proud to be here I am the amount of the enemy s and I know there's a lot of things wrong right now. I know there's a lot of things that are frustrating, I know. There's a lot of things are aggravating, but I'm tired of fighting.
I'm tired of the aggravation, I'm tired of the culture of hate and we have to bring unity. We have to bring peace, we have to bring the ability for the individual to succeed and right now, they're taking that from you yeah we're taking that for me, they're taking that from all of us, and we have to stop it and the only way that we can stop the guys is by engaging by being proud and patriotic by resisting the shit that we know isn't true at every point that its spoken and we gotta come together. And bro. I just like you know. I want to wrap this up by saying: dude win or lose bro, I'm damn fucking, proud of you thanks brother yeah, for real, and I and, and that goes for life, I always had her back Hope you guys understand how much I value this man and I hope that resonates with you He's one only guys I talk to you when I'm having problems an embryo. I just I just really appreciate it on a personal level. Do thanks, but I have a tremendously
I have tremendous amount of admiration, respect for what I've seen you go through to get to this you're a real fighter, you're a real guy, and I hope people see that thanks brother appreciate you, these DJ two men. Thank you guys, guys. That's the show I can't tell you how much more, I believe, an air guidance or I make it a party did it. Friends together. Not everybody thinks it's important to vote the primary in it these things rely on us to make happened so have the conversations as we don't be afraid to call your friends don't be afraid to go together and vote for air crimes at tuesday at the polls? Ok, these are the things that we have to do. we'd have to get engaged in if we're going to restore a true united freedom. In this country is very important, not just for us now, because we don't want to live in this crazy despair. high stress environment. I dunno. We don't want any of that stuff, but for the future, because how much worse is it going to get? If we don't stop it now,
so guys august. Second, Eric writes make a habit of sleeping on the floor. Number jury box frozen, the fuck are still countless millions. In the kobe teach buddhist smoke got a rope. Can't both doesn't know his shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-27.