« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

339. Andy & DJ CTI: Biden's Climate Executive Orders, Antifa Vs. Bikers & Police Identify Victims In Indiana Mall Shooting

2022-07-20 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Biden's plan to issue an executive order for the climate crisis, Antifa being chased away after picking a fight with a biker gang, and the police identifying the victims along with the hero bystander who killed the shooter.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box frozen the fucker stole countless millions in the kobe teach buddhist smoke gotta. Thank both kinds of dessert. No shot case closed. What is that guy's seller- and this is the show for the real and say goodbye to the lives that pinkness and delusions of modern society, mother fucker, that we have Andy and dj cruise, the mother, fucking internet as well. We're going to do we're going to cruise the internet we're going to put up three topics- maybe four, maybe maybe even five and we're gonna talk about them and we're going to deduce what, earth there may or may not be in each headline and then where to talk about how to solve the problem that we deduce from set her line, that is the guy all the today show. We may laugh when I make fun of people My make fun of you and your problem,
We have set about it, but that doesn't mean is not so This is your first time listening we do have city, I that's what you're gonna here today, but we also have culinary f, and that is where you, some, the queues and I give you the ass it sort of. the old msc, your project, if you're familiar with that and you should be because it will teach you exactly how to win. Where can people submit their cues? Mr Dj, our guys, email, those queues and to ask andean any for solid cock? in all its them, except the ones that are stupid. I won't answer those ones so think intelligently through a real question that I can help you with, and I let me help you because good entrepreneurship and I've done. Things, and I want to help you guys, because at the at the source, problem that's going on in the world right now is the lack of personal greatness and person standards and high standards in the commission.
And that comes from your own personal success and so that we want to do here. sometimes also we will have real talk. We'll talk is more like a little speech. I gave her five ten minutes on a point that I think is important for you to understand, and then other times, you're gonna tuna and you're gonna hear full length episode. That's where we interviewed someone, we have a car. recession. We talk about how they did whatever it is, they do and how you can do the same thing, because the biggest slightest poland society right now is that success is for other people and not for you. I was told that same. Why and clearly they rely so without being said, there is a. for the show. The fee is very simple if you like the show. If that made you think of it, gave you some hope They told you, some information that you found help of major laugh but gave you a new perspective. If It is a value any way, shape or form. Do you please share the show and if its not don't share it, that's the guy
oh, you know value exchange. If you do like. The show share. The show? I will Little slight over here will show game on our warrior. Yeah yeah was dude, I'm over recover men many? Were you back out? All really you by blue Europe they'll be told why people fucking destroyed it bro, I I I might blow back out, but it ain't yours- Fat man argument recovery shake down here. What's your third shake the rope I'm so happy to be able to train again It was good yeah and it's fun to train with you again, so quit being a bitch and actually come out and train with me all the time yeah. You know, That's what I'm saying I love it. Man alone. It is
Let's talk about my train dude. I was unable to train effectively in any real fur from fuck in September. Until literally, like thirty days, I've never like I've. How important like having like an accountability partner was like haven't united, you lack blown out by yourself. That's what I'm saying I can't blow back I'll. Have your eyes and their source? aggro, but having somebody that can like you know that the fucking just just pushes users there you talk shit three sets no play some words in shit. My I talk about raising the worthy of you do then we have. A podcast about how crazy the world is right, after that, it's like this fucker probably hides it, and then we get to go. Do outdoor cardio. And what do we talk about? thought about how crazy the world it was to scream stream and national, which lay off ass right. There bro note no shit, I am going to start a new podcast This is now I'm doing over. That is free. Scuse me shit that I can't
I'd say on these other platforms, because we're getting to the point now, where can't even say what needs to happen, because motherfuckers will take the shit now like when they our blacks, whereby the like grow, I just He's got my whole story deleted your fuckin instagram. There was all about What's going on in the world today, like literally fucking? I had I took it down. Ok, because I had to take it down. Broadway should now bro, they foot, listen the fucking instagram on a twenty four hour unabated, uncensored, I get about one hundred and twenty to one hundred and forty thousand fucking views on a story in twenty four hours, People understand when they throttle ban on how like on that site, twenty four hours I might get twelve hundred right. you sure of sand. Now you're fucking pass. No, it's listen! No shit! It's not possible, but I was thinking about this last night and you know like it's hard for me to.
It may people just aren't seeing it the way. I see it. Because they don't really have much will following right. Like did I understand how bad the censorship really is when engaged because yeah, because for you to understand how bad they turn you off, you have to have traffic in the first place and like dude, it's just to me. It's insane. That we live in the united states of america in twenty twenty two and if you It's not like I'm on their like saying: let's go fuck and cut heads off and shit
I'm just pointing out things that are happening in the world now and trying to get other people to to to to understand so that they could protect themselves and maybe potentially stop it from happening now? Add the fact that they can turret like. I just want people to really let this sink in the fact that they can d platform that they can turn traffic off, that they can cut off your credit card processing like they did to Michael and doubt that they can take your bank. counter close closer like they did, Donald trump freedom. Ok, they consent billions of dollars to ukraine. Inflation is at an all time high fuels at an all time high? Crime is insane. Ok, we none of us or even safe. Everybody knows I fucking nobody. Feel safe, go a fucking anywhere the sexual exploitation of children, the business class, Your school closures me!
The tory vaccines like dude and people think this is like just bad luck. or just stupidity or just got millions of people coming across the borders. he's a invasion, because these people do not they are. They are, opposite of the american ideology and there Drawing america step by step into surely, over and over again and these people alive These people are here and even a lot of people in the show they think it's, this coincidence, or it's bad luck or deal These guys are just dumb. They like we're Are we going to realise that we're not in danger of communism? Communism is fucking here. It is here here. We are now in every facet, wrote if in two thousand and fucking eighteen, if If they had done any of these things like it would have been done. like you guys, would allow freak out.
and now it's like everybody knows what's going on, but nobody has the courage to stand up and not do it. All we have to do all we have to do is now comply with the shit no and we have police officers out there- you know The pandemic, who we're ok with like going to target and removing someone who didn't wear a mask for breathing a fucking air surfers, sick people serving like the same people, the funding support them Well, that's the crew. You guys in the police and military have to understand that you are the fucking x factor. You individually you didn't sign up to the military and the police to serve this in communist states of amerika, now, will you sign up for you signed up to protect and serve the interests of Your fellow man you signed up to protest, and serve the cause,
the two should have the united states. you signed up for those things you didn't sign up to. Do dirty work of tyrants. That's now what the fuck you signed up for and boil gimme the shit about It's just my job, I'm just following orders bro, so rather motherfuckers the committed the holocaust, so, where all the motherfuckers that committed the whole remorse so rather motherfuckers did mouse genocide, pull pasture genocide. That's the common excuse that these people may and so when you even think for a second I'm just doing my job, I'm just following orders. That is your indication that you are going against. What is right, and you need a really fucking think about what you're about to contribute too, because if they get what their wanting to get they are going to genocide. Turn of people across the globe and there's gonna be nobody to stop it.
We are the last line and specifically or individual police officers and soldiers and leaders and the military are the last line, and they say why the terrorist corrupt yeah very tab, I believe it is or what the rest of it. What now the veterans dude but all you guys who served, and you realize what a state knowledge is what's estate, but what like broad taught us? many soldiers there like yeah, They us there to do this, fuckin bullshit, the guys who went to I wrap the guys who went to Afghanistan. of them, actually feel good about the work that they did if you really get em fuck talking about it at its heart Let me talk about a minute because they realize what they did a lot of. What they did was wrong because they were serving fucking evil people. I need a difference in accepting what they did and being ok. What what that's what I like grow and I understand those men and women were following orders, but like bro, you,
Why orders against your fellow consider citizen the amount citizens who they are now the patriot, american citizens who they are now trying to paint some sort of terrorist low. What are we doing? What are we doing here? This is not america communism is a fucking coming. It's fucking here. We cannot accept this, we can. Accept this communist or not. Ok in america is not a task Will it thing to say Oh well, you know they are free to become yes, no, no, they aren't the philosophers. No, they aren't exactly these people, or evil. They proved it time and time again at what point in time or that you're free american patriotic boy of america, even the Democrats which mostly good hearted people that are
being used. Ok, though, the first puppets we are neither the line. Although the role you listen, You got understand everything they believe not only has been indoctrinated into society intentionally were trillion. dollars a powerful media and fucking. Information campaigns over twenty years. It's insurgency like this. They took this. ghouls over and raise an entire generation of people who believe is that america is back. No, ok Like we have to understand what has happened- and we are dealing with that this is not a normal cook, normal political ebb and flow like people think it s, people think it's normal political ebb and flow that is now what is it. This is the collapse of true of our country forever. If We don't fucking, stand up, and I mean fucking now
is supposed to sign a climate change executive order tomorrow, which is today you're listening to this shall always at the breaking news, but these go right into ensuring on the sound effects, so the first up with Go ahead, yeah, burger news headline reads: our exclusive biden to issue climate executive orders wednesday: that's the today when you guys are lessened, gandy said and there's really not image on it reach briefly. As you s, president Joe Biden will issue executive board on wednesday aimed at addressing the climate crisis two sources familiar with the matter told borders on tuesday quote, don't be disappointed if I don't see a climate emergency tomorrow. Will we be disappointed? If we didn't see one right? That's that my questions are and then like time back into back, you guys go back in january when twenty one, there was an executive order on tackling the climate crisis at home and abroad, which had a bunch of keys,
easy shit that went into a right light. Given the federal government, the power to procure real property, public lands and waters, finance, programmes, so that's already been in place there. They already have the framework there listen man. What do we mean and what it all away with lax? Not I'm! So am I tell you what's next, I will back. I would bet that day. What have I said for the last fucking four five six months. What am I said about the size of history? I've said the exact same thing over and over and over again is the most the most important of all time in history to their agenda. And what did I say what happened between the time of when I first to that end november, I said it would be total chaos loggia. Ok now they have tried to divide us along the lines of race they have tried to. by the way, we're not by name not, I shall go. I never bought it.
For grants, be flocking clear. I never bought it, but the the fuckers. The hated me for never buying it are now am my team bitch I so now we ve all figure that out. Now we have the fuckin ukraine that didn't work. Then we have shootings that didn't work romeo Roby way, didn't work so none of this shit is working on the ground. Well the way they wanted to? So did I say what happened when there fucking lies in their shit caught up with him. No, I said when I say I say, fuck enforce that's correct. I said it will be force, What I believe is coming and I could be wrong- is a climate lockdown that that I believe that they are. owing to accelerate the twenty three, the agenda they are coordinating because and by the way. This is great for the people that resistance, because
They wouldn't be accelerating if it if it was in the way was supposed to there was resist. What the point is is that right now is the crucial time for every patron out of american to stand and resist, because. when do you attack harder on your enemy when their foot stronger when they're on the defence, when they start real in and they start going back. You find whatever the fuck energy. You have you dig deep and Stay on the gas until they're fucking done, ok, just like boxing match a dude, starts to get worse They all went off the hardest the problem with patriotic americans. This has the problem. One that needs to be solved from here until the end of history can never again lead guard up about what this country fucking stands for, can never ever fucking happen. If you give them an inch, if you allow them to shame you into an inch you,
giving them a fuckin hundred miles, not a mile a hundred miles. We cannot allow that here. Ok now The climate lockdown is what I think: going to try to unroll. I think we're gonna try to unroll some crazy shit, because job she said that he will not or any of the climate agenda in the reason Joe mansion said that he will not, or any of the climate agenda is because he understands that it is a made up. Crisis saw bullshit, it's a side typically made up crisis. you guys out. There's a war on tons of things that say yeah. You would believe that they spend for control If the dollars make you believe for twenty fucking years, except we're doing the same shit in the eightys, the same shit in the seventies, the same shit in the sixties. Ok, when the world's gonna end, but it because a climate, it's gonna end
because these fox won't let go of their fuckin power, or that they ve had since you- and I were fucking specks of dust- that's the problem and so while their reeling and while they're fucking trying to make adjustments, we you I need you to join me in the resistance, you can no longer allow people like me to just get on here and talk you have engage that means you have to resist. That means whatever fuck. He says you say fuck you! Ok, we are not ruining our fuckin lives. We giving away amerika for fucking ever for a made up fucking. Set of size data that can be bought and paid for just like they do a fucking covin. which is all come out. Your fucking know the truth. Now, there's still what there's like five, none of the people that still believe it
Joe Biden, has a one percent approve rating between the ages of fuckin, twenty and thirty. I there's enough people I did a poem much on my fucking instagram and some of these left. These tried to hide jacket and either, through how jacking there was still ninety nine to one percent? And the question was: are you tired of being ruled by evil people it was ninety nine percent and I had a bloodshed lefties. These progressive posting for people to go vote in it, no notion yet so think of and it was still ninety nine percent to one and you're afraid to rock the mother, fucking boat mother, fucker, listen to me you don't rock the boat right now, there will be no boat to rack. a lot of these big platform, instagram influencers and in social media influencers. They are moving on with business as usual, under
the misunderstanding that there going to be ok because they are somehow already above Ok, you are not, and let me plain to you. Why? because, while you have shit to sell your customers will be worried about surviving your farmers will be forced to a fucking insects. And what's that mean for you that mean for you that eventually your wealth will fade your wealth will be gone and they will take your pick pretty, and you too will be eating insects just not as quickly as the other people The matches spark all of you to stand the fuck up right now, because. It's coming for everybody! If we don't stop it, that's a fuckin fact, so you know I could go on and on what we can do this peace by saying no, they cannot, Do anything if we say now, there's nothing, making. Do they can't force in the police.
And the fucking military is out there. You guys needed take a really fuckin strong hard look at what the fuck you really signed up for, because what you pledged for is not what stand for any partner. Now, we have a row: government, that's intentionally, causing fear, Fusion angers, when I think about it now, I may tell you to go. Do this or do that your fellow fucking Citizens, your neighbors, your friends, your family,. and the other thing is a lot of these rich guys. We're like Y, got so much money. What matter well. You know what I do too, but guess what you think, I'm going to fuck and just let my friends fucking starve, know I'm not a pussy and I'm not a bitch and I'm not a selfish fuck, so whatever the fuck therein? Am I being too because that's kind of fucker I am, right and we're seeing the revelation of who has true character and who does that's. I don't have to stand up and talk about this shit
risk my shit to fucking where it to you guys guys. I don't have to do it. I do it because we're all in this together, all of us all of us, you just don't real eyes. If you should there and listen what saying you think you're gonna my team, you're wrong, you are my team, you just have a figure that area we have to fuck and stop this crazy shit period anyway. Remo. So there is now an outbreak newsman, let's go let's get into the other crazy. That happened in the world map by the way, I want to add this is a short term solution which is resistance? and mass non compliance. So will. This obedience k that's the first step of resistance, most immediate, That's immediate, the long term solution,
Ok in this is really fucking simple. This is really fucking, simple, ok, there's two things that you have to do this. Is it this? Is it one you have to resist right now Can I go along with any of it? No matter how much the pressure gets housekeeper. it sounds yes, you have to say no, the long term solution, the care and educate yourself about the principles of this country, to teachers, children about what this country is truly supposed to be about to raise long family, and to do your very best to see the legitimate best example: slow excellence that you can period now. there are lots of some things that we can do later like by american eccentrics under etc, but though two main things we'll see this shit immediately. Ok, because we need to stop it in its tracks.
then we need to develop people and be an example, and get engaged our community. This is all part of the second long term solution. getting engage is part of that part of that second part of its people I understand how law I mean that that's going to be a process may be just as long as it took for them to install this shit. It will take to fucking fix it. Long term point you. People were kids you're insane. If you are allowing these schools a teacher, kids you're insane If you love america, you let these people teach your kids. You are failing your duty as an american, that's my personal opinion and also entrepreneurs need to figure out ways to help fund those programmes. Ok, so now, I'm not! I'm not ignore to understanding that costs, money problem with solution or we all need to help each other know. Ok, ah, that besides
there's lots of sub things that we can do right. There's there's all kinds of some things we could do long term, but right now, for the sake of fucking a two minute. spiel, and what you can do is era But what can I do? You need to speak to fuck up and resist right now, don't go with any of it and real world or on social media period. well, you have to do now and then from here well until you are fucking dust, you have to be the best example of what you thinking american should be every single day. You have to raise your family, the proper way you've got gotta teach your kids proper way, no more fuckin, video games and fucking. You know centre kid on the fucking internet to be raised. Ok now I know it is right. If those who things do not happen understand that every fucking piece of property, that
wow. You will no longer on every dollar that you have. You will no longer have Every meal that you eat will be dictated by the state. This is for everybody. This is for everybody, even me Even me, it won't happen to me. Cause they'll kill me first, but I don't care because I'm not doing it and that's where y'all need to get to you all need to get to the point where you're like not what can do in it and if you want me to live that way, you're going to have to fucking, kill me, that's where I'm at, and I mean it. I ain't fun, crickets bro. I work two mother fucking hard for to fuck long to get where the fuck I'm at the sit down a lay down for these fuckin evil fox not doing it, and I suggest that all the rest of you develop that same by the fuckin energy right now through. This causes gets the rest were headlines. I murmur want to see any of these. You can go on to any for salad. I cant find them. There will link the link these are
There are a of one reads scholars call for anthropologists stop classifying human remains by gender race. That article reads: woke: activists are calling for anthem I'll, just stop classifying human remains as male or female as well. by racial ancestry, archaeologist and anthropology. just including those who specialise in criminal forensics, frequently information about human remains, such as the size and shape of the bones, herman, the gender or race of the deceased individual. This information is often vital to criminal unless allegations as well as important understanding ancient civilizations. Now some woke scholars say time for classifying human remains by gender and raise is gone since we cannot know, How the data to cease person identified, even if
there lived hundreds of years ago. I one group caught the trans dough taskforce says it actually means. in its own database missing and another five people who the group thinks could be transferred or gender variant, because most databases don't allow you to compare missing too. I identified across different across different binary six categories out, even though the fact that means more continues, Nor should you even back because they re like dude, fought this shared stupid and we all know it's stupid. It's antis science. We need to quit letting them I fucking try to insert their social narratives, ignore science, a castle J b pritzker on fuckin tv yesterday campaigning for and stop somewhere like fucking delaware. Some shit are you a rich bro you a billionaire but you're the riches due to set? served in politics in this country ever like Do you really know pay off to write our if they must have annoyed
I'm just saying like this is fucking bullshit and this aunt I. reality. Shit has to stop or through the air. This is what I'm talking about. This has to be right. checked, like all of you should be reposted this and saying this is fucking insane. These people are fucking insane. I believe In freedom- and I believe you can live- we want to live, but this is fucking stupid, and you need. However, you want to say that guy on teaching I knew how to speak up now. You have to people know what can't do that. Well, if you don't whole family. Will we then, five years? That's the truth. That's the truth is it's. The truth is just so stupid. like we are demanding a medical examiner, finding the falcon body of a missing person, like all the others. This was a female do this. This was a woman,
this is be jane, doe and then the fuckin cabo. Or did you just assume their agenda like the the the the the a a gotta stop bro? This is fucking communist shit. This is I've set. I've said this fucking years, it's all about removing your personal identity, moving the identity of every human being so that their all fallen line under a one global race, a one global people, a one what which is fine, but we can all be one global people, united without fucking recommending the shit and going away our whole identity. Ok, you wanna! Do you wanna? Ok, I am all for one world government if fuckin And the way america used to be run right and I'm not talking about their fake wars. Am I talking about all the bad shit, I'm talking about the good shit
I'm talking about all of us, valuing each other for who we are ass people. Appreciating each other's culture where they came from instead of blaming it on each other in using as reason to hate I'm talking about finding unity in common ground. I'm talking about sharing of culture, not deluding of culture across the entire planet, so that there is nothing to believe in a play shit. True world unity should be appreciation. It should be love, it's not delusion of fucking all good things, I'm sorry to break it to you and I'm sorry. If this hurt your feelings but protect trying to force everybody to pretend that fucking, gender ideology. Shit is actually real, ok and that we should recognise in sports and put we're not. That is not the way that is not the way the way as freedom. and that means you are free to live that life, but we are for
to live the life that we want to live too, and we won't fuck and persecute you we're not in here to persecute you. You can do whatever you want, but the problem is: We all never stop pushing on us right, but I never stop pushing or never stop pushing and it's a port. It's a half of a percent of the population, I'm not going to be pushing further. This is fucking bullshit, the people who think it are bullshit in anybody who fights for this is bullshit, and if you don't speak up about it, your bullshit needs to stop going into your classrooms, teaching your kids, how to suck dick when they're fucking, four years old, having a fucking transgender of fucking dude on tv, okay, beating fucking women at the nash at a sport, they've competed,
entire lives to be greater of a fucking, a government official dressed up in a dress telling you that you should give you kids, puberty blockers, which of people rely on. How are you accepting? This? Is one thing to believe that people are free to express themselves. It is one thing for believing that people deserve rights. It's one thing to believe the people should not be, who asked for being different or choosing the liver differ life I'm all about. That is a complete other thing to weapon eyes that against the rest of the people, which is what's happening and needs to stop them and of people really fog and understood
The basis of this I mean we have to reject an opera web. Even the puberty blockers, I may say, always reversible those zero studies it I've ever been. They are now reversal. Bananas are not only are they not reversed were brow, it's fucking chemical prostration, yes, the same shit. They give puppies sex offenders, we're all someone has to do, go on the internet and read the stories about people who have the transition there called the transition is. All you have to do is go educate yourself on that. If you feel like this should be something that is right, go read. The stories about the people know that the transition their life is never coming back. The way it was some of these boys cut their. Saw a magic, cutting your penis off, because adults didn't allow you to develop into an adult and then
and make your own decisions about one. So other adults convinced you To have a surgery when you are fourteen j, DR drive have a hard bargain. You are fourteen years old. What did you really know it? Fourteen years old. Did you really know and you're you're you're, allowing adults people in government to get on tv and talk about? Why it's important to allow these things to happen? So you're a boy who was fourteen years old and you you cut off your penis, ok and then, when you're like twenty.
Twenty one, you realize that you totally fucked up and your shit is gone. Do you think that maybe that might have some sort of a fat on this high suicide rate that they talk about? We are adults. We have a responsibility to protect these children from these people doing this shit. This is not ok, at all at all is not ok! You all know it's not! Ok, You are allowing. Insane people to push this narrative, because you, leave in live and let live. They do
not believe and live, and let live very clearly so. When are you going to do your true duty as a good human being and help protect these kids and allow them to sure to a point where they can Make their own decisions about real life? I don't have a problem with someone who is a groan. Adult makes a decision like that. That is their own decision. If that's how you want to live, that is not my problem, but when you're doing this to fourteen year old children am a grown man believes that is completely wrong and unethical. You have a problem. Because I have a responsibility and people have forgotten.
So when are you guys going to stand up and join me who puts these messages out to fucking millions of people all the time? He's I'm getting tired, getting tired. If you all do not speak up and you all do not stand up and you all do not condemn it at every fucking time, you see it, it will not stop, it will not stop. I can't stop it. Only all of us can stop it, and that's not just for this issue is for all of the ship and even the people who have chosen a transition and live and now turned out of life. You peoples around mighty, yet it
because you will be the first to go when they take off the mask of communism, because you are the weakest and that's the truth, that's the truth. They sucked- and that is not me. They see you as the weakest, because they, the whole goal, was to manipulate. in communism the people who don't produce are executed. That's why, when you hear of eight which you down here by the way, but when you go into history in you work
And there's sixty million to eighty million people, depending on who you ask the dining hall, the moors, you don't even know what the whole the moors are. Maybe you should go. Look it up what about the millions of people that died under pol pot? What about the millions of people that died under MAO hundred m? Ok now, do you think that they killed the strongest most producing people, or do you think that they killed the week his most useless people to do not contribute, because what you also realise is they convince the young, those people that I just talk about the latter group to cheer and fight and argue and do their dirty work too. sure in their policy and then when they take off the mask, they kill you and all of you Democrats, and all of you, people who are like sympathetic to this shit like
yo see shit. Now the shit you gotta tristan you guys are the guys they go after first when they take the mask off and all of the shit. I've been saying for the last two and a half years and lots of other people been saying it too. We've all been saying it to try to protect you not to hurt you. We are not enemies. you're fucking, americans. We are citizens of the fucking world. How much longer are we going to allow this to happen? I'm down dude, I'm done letting it happen. Not enough room enough is enough not to have another two guys remember to read and cheaper put in full retreat by bikers they try another city, but soon
hear the rumble of motorcycle. This is what needs to happen. This is fucking great. Now this is great, so article reads: antifa can regularly. I will can be regularly relied upon to pick on those who are unable to defend themselves, whether it be outer. We citizens and its a protest is a local business owners. Typically antigua is it met with much resistance. Well, that story changed on saturday when a group of anti for extremists made a big mistake. This is one of the guys here. Actually, his name is clifford philip after robbery, gas he's one of the anti for leaders and he called he called for direct action against the honky tonk bar, which first of all the sounds like a place? I wouldn't really want to fuck with? Ah, especially when you're wearing fucking, pink, rimmed, glasses or whatever the fuck that is right, yeah, so the crowded the hog gets aunt was a bit rougher than the pro life activists. Would one find finding a church congregation. The bar is known for
being frequented by bikers when the achieve a members direct action began. Many such bikers came out to greet the mask for members as a quick video The video grabs of the waldorf bar tribal boundaries boom looks like a latino biden. Yang beer, isn't it hasn't? You know I mean it looks like. Actually, it looks like an american might be cause, there's all kinds of people there yeah. So is there anything about bargains? Isn't it you're, very american, very, very american,
One hundred I mean that's how the shit started bro, that's how she started fucking, it's interesting, how they operate too cause. You know they operate by this thing that you know is basically known as the code and the code doesn't need. If it needs to be like explain to you, then you don't get the code when we stopped operating on that as the default fucking program for most human men. That's when the shit started in case we need to go back to the code code. Is don't fuck with me. I won't fuck with you true. I just want to see if I can things that iran I do something.
this issue. As soon as I happened, they then called off their attack on the hockey turbine sailor morgan. I have to be met by the group who was prepared for them and see for calling for reinforcements too instead go to gladstone organ, where their planning another attack and that's already being organised. Various origin base, motorcycle clubs and out teaming up against the quote. The confrontation appears to have now ignited a feud between answer
if the members of the various Oregon motorcycle clubs at the code- and hopefully these guys will think twice before taking on another biker bar, but maybe we should express the code amongst each other guy's shit. Maybe you should like come step right up next to me and get the fucking fight yeah. I would appreciate it because they can't fuck with us all fucking idiot, look at that fucking guy. They all look the same, the their identical bro like I think there might even be from the fucking same mom and dad like family, like it's just some incest, shit. I think these. I think these are all the pedophiles that fucking come together. Now it's like a little army of peos every single time this motherfucker! get killed or fucked with it comes out. They gotta play criminal record for fucking pedophilia. True shit, dude through shared, would show me want,
listen show me one mother fucker. It's been the news that a member of this group that that fucking didn't come up as pedophilia fuck em back. And I'm not the only one in phuket says that eating well, that's why they don't protests at schools rather can't go there. They can come within like five hundred feet of the school. Whatever wrote that dude, These are the guy is over there. These are the people who fought man, fucking, crazy man who does go to the third and final headline of the show we have have another three and the reads: a police identify three victims: their killer and hero bystander in Indiana, mall shooting. I saw authorities identified the three victims kill in indiana mall, shooting sunday, either disturbed killer and the hero bystander, who shot him dead.
and likely save countless others from being gone down. A husband and a wife from indianapolis identified as Pedro Pineda. Fifty six and rosa marian Rivera, the bonita she's. Thirty seven am as well as victor gomez, who was thirty, were fatally wounded when Jonathan's sacrament opened fire on the shoppers inside the greenwood park, mall shortly before six p m, Sir Simon, whose twenty years all was also killed out when he was shot by legally armed man, who was at the mall shopping with his girlfriend at the time, greenwood police chief james ice and said that shop or twenty two year old, Elijah diccon of seymour shot and killed sappermint with a pistol two minutes after the shooting began, but where we are very thankful for the young twenty two year old man who
stop this violence at ringwood. Mayor mark Meyer, said quote this young man, greenwood good samaritan active within seconds, stopping the shooter and saving countless of la sappermint quit his warehouse job, which I don't give a fuck, was face, innovation, which I don't give a fuck. Entered the mall shortly before five. Why do they do a of you I don't know. I don't know man listen dear. I don't gamble fuck how hard his fucking life was. I don't give a fuck if he was having a mental breakdown. I don't give a fuck if he had bad bomber dad, I do not give a fuck what start shooting innocent people. Stop this fucking bullshit holy fuck, so he answered the mall went straight to the bathroom eyes. She was there for more than an hour
an hour and two minutes later he exited the bathroom and immediately began firing a rifle at people in the food court and the gunmen also shot a twenty two year old woman in the leg she's recovering I'm a twelve year old girl also receive medical treatment after she was struck by a fragment, but the crazy thing is I'm trying to see. I want the kid to eliza lit brought border guards. Forty yards with a pistol, forty or so I ran a different accounting and apparently he like leaned up against a fucking pole, gonna be in holland and locking like steadied himself and shot, is due for listen and then tactically, move forward, or any of you that don't understand forty hour pistol, shot super impressed with repressive
I mean that that's yeah. I've got some work, yes, as some fucking war with no. That makes a very beginning luck, whatever the fuck, what if a good job dude now grey, fuck, yeah, man and and And- and I hope you have in here- which you haven't got to yet how the whole entire liberal media fucking like started like complaining, yeah, so yeah this, I hear the here reads: armed good samaritan stopped indiana, mall shooting broke mall rules there, saying that this article, six quick scripts s, police say that twenty two year old from Bartholomew county had a legal government. However, according to Law policy, the man could have never been carrying his hand gun in the mall. In the first place, you may like to do that What do you mean like sappermint walk? They would have spoken rifle you may like, like whom the bought more policy. Stop him. at their, let me like that it is what does it remaining abroad. Are they the deeper meaning grandma
Well, I think the deeper meaning here is that they are trying to ah that that they're trying to to to turn people away from things like this from protecting themselves from protecting other people that are trying to make this a negative thing. You know and, like you know truthfully, this type of shit shouldn't even be a fucking concern. I shouldn't have to go to the mall worried about somebody fuckin opening a fire. But the solution isn't take away all the guns right. The solution is: don't take people's hope away from fucking wife for two. many fucking years don't allow their tongues a solution for sure. Like these. Do you guys. But was deafening african china, the mean and fuckin criminalize a fuckin do that for this?
We ve got: maybe it's because look it's because they want their narrative d with these people. These people are insane like they won't. They wanted twelve for fucking fifteen people to get killed, so that would reignite the fuckin. argument about guts, and this is what they want. It am I saying aiming to do with it, but they would rather twelve or fifteen people. Fucking die no and they're showing it in the headlines, you see what I'm saying like bro, that's evil shit as evil shit listen, dude they they have run this play before and every time it ended in a fucking genocide, walk such as depopulation. That's just like part of it. The big part that they plan on taking out with a genocide
a fucking mass killing of humans and we're not talking about millions we're talking about billions right. It's a global genocide, not a fucking, you off we're talking about, potentially and for sure the biggest fucking genocide that ever happen in the history of humankind. It will come if these fuckers get their way. Now those hello number three, let's get onto our final segment of the show we have thumbs up where I show a headliner to the younger two thumbs up or two thumbs somewhere. You don't want 'em and with that being said, our thumbs up, have on reach. it's a delivery mayor, rescues five children from burning house into no cause him superhero others. This is amazing, persists. Fuck, it ass a man, it's fuckin ass. If I'm gonna blame for doing wrong. Here, no shit, you know for sure I devoted a window regime writing about the entering put him in jail. You did trespass little criminals, let all the regular criminal charges
I love how in their fuckin shooting I'll do fuckin sausage. Anyhow. This was also- and I saw the video- did you europe less of it yoga videos, you guys celsius, let them know their house is on fire. I still have around that. Guy's six year old, girl, the now with the house's started using low? That's american guys come in committee we are carrying out research, wrote all right now, please we live with me
it's going? Get away from the houses are also kind of hard to see, but he has a giant gash on his right here from jumping out the window got a lottery their crops, but but trying to get on there. I mean you guys, gotta check. It's really fucking good, all that really premium about nicholas, boasting he actually save for siblings he saved a one year old, a six year old, a thirteen year old and an eighteen year old seat. That's bravery is a fucking pizza, the liberal lion bro that is bravely. Urge wearing a dress on tv or jumping in a pool with a penis in competing as women. That is not bravery.
Right, kneeling during the national anthem and getting the metal of freedom like megaera pino that that's not bravely. Like I hope you guys, can recognize the upside down shit that we are in. You have to demand it to stop. You have to demand it to stop. You have to fight it at every site. You have to resist it at every site that man is a hero, that man deserves, that award of the the presidential medal of freedom or some something of that caliber that whatever the highest award as a citizen, that's where he deserves. That's america, that's who the fuck we are. He didn't know who those people were. This guy was delivering pizzas and saw a house on fire and fucking ran into it. What an awesome, dude man.
I think I was fuckin, is an awesome, though man they like makes me feel good, like they're still fucking good people here, one hundred percent bro dude- I you know what I think. Ninety listen I didn't ninety percent of the people in america or like this they might I run into a burning building, but they really loved their fellow citizens that They show on the news and what these people are doing up there in washington is now going to fuck. We are When I try to run in this gender that doesn't serve us in any way, and why? Why are you? What are we doing. you have to resist this at every fucking site, for it to stop all of us all of us When you see shit that people once people go along with this, you have to call it out You have to resist those shit, that's how the battle is. One
and then on the long term. The battle is one by being a great fucking american. By doing that, best that you can buy raising your family strong vices, pouring american companies by being a great fucking american. Is that simple ripple effect of that is be I'm the company tension if even just the listeners of the show would commit to that. If he were just the there's this show will commit to those two strategies. This shit. What fucking stop because it would ripple out everyone hope you guys really think about. What's at stake, sleeping on the floor number jury box frozen, the fuck are still countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a blank row kind of doesn't know his shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-27.