« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

334. Andy, Eric Greitens & DJ CTI: Heartbreaking Video Of Kid Hitting Cop, Nuclear Attack PSA & Secret Service Responds To Hunter's iCloud

2022-07-14 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by former Missouri Governor & Senatorial Candidate Eric Greitens. They discuss the heartbreaking video of a kid hitting & swearing at a cop in Minnesota, a PSA issued by NYC providing instructions to citizens in case of a nuclear attack, and Secret Service responding to the reported hack of Hunter Biden’s iCloud account.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number for the are countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph. Can't kang doesn't know. Headshot case closed. What is up guys it's eighty per show, and this is the show for the really say goodbye. The lies, the famous cans illusions of honor society and welcome mother fucking reality guys. I like to bring his fresh stuff today. I got something real special today, not coming close to cause it's important. Today we have Andy erika dj crews, the mother, fundamental ass right. Nobody, that's right! Here we go, we go that's right. We gotta the front air grinds in the suit of city. I did I I talk about the world would talk about. What's going on with it we're going to deduce, watch ruth
There may be in sometimes there's money and then we're gonna talk about what the problem is necessary. This is first hand turning it and we do a multiple format of the show. Today, city. I this dance for crews internet with three headlines up on. Upon the screen here we talk about him. We don't early shows on you too, because they get ripped down immediately. So that's why you can't watch the show you listen to the show. Then sometimes you come in and you're getting your culinary earth and for them, I don't know I had the number one entrepreneur protest in the world for a long time called the embassy or project. This was a personal development podcast on how to win, to be excellent. Kick ass, an I know, a couple of things about that and so to my friends. So we have two and a half in that. Sort of where I give my personal development insight, you guys submit your questions to Andy at I'll ask any at any for Zella Why aren't you know like shit
am I right about everything, I was wrong like to point that out most things are welcome. Then We have real talk and real talk is a short high energy burst of of. However, you want to look at it, sometimes as a high energy bursts of rage. Sometimes it's a high end energy burst of knowledge. Sometimes it's a it's. A high energy burst of making fun of your dumb shit, Then we have full length, which is where we bring on, are successful in arresting knowledge. Will people and we break down how they ve been able to be successful, and we talk about how come you're, not successful in what they do differently than you. Why you can get there still less than just a show guys so today, talk. A lot about what's going on in the world or to talk about one is be fixed well today,
with the end of this rapid whole that we all go down about whose problem it really is. An arc always comes back to the individual and always comes back to being our problem in a way to fix these problems is through personal excellence. So that's why we blame if society and personal development into one format, and as far as I know, were the only show in the world that does it and if anybody else did it, they clearly wouldn't do is good. Isn't that right, not sure? Yes, so with that being said, there is a fee. The fee is very simple. Tell somebody about the show, if you liked the show, if you learn something of made, you think if it gave you some energy, if it made you, things differently. If had taught you something did know. Please share that. That's why we do the show. I dont want ads on the show. I could make a figures running ads on shown. The reason I don't do that is because I want the message to be here? I don't want to listen to people. Tell me what the fuck I can't. I can't say it's never gonna happen
and I would rather the information that you here for me. I would like for you to know that it's coming from my heart and in my head and not from a financial gain, some in return. I just ask that you share the show. That's it. so what's out there everything's gay dude, and you know what I will let everybody know if they're not watching the show right. Everybody in here is pumped and you're looking, especially pumped her back from surgery, rep dude seriously, man congrats. I think I know that that's a real thing is exceedingly right: yeah yeah, it's a real thing, coming back from surgery, but clearly like you're you're, crushing that man crushing yeah all these little kids in the office I bet with me: actually I met with the kids and again I call the kids because they are like MIKE. Is that that I was going to destroy them in the next eight weak transformation challenge that we have the first one we this last year, and like I hold them on day, one they were all going to lose and they all lost now and then today, this year or this year again, we have a whole bunch of new people that weren't there last year
right right and then we've got some people that went round two and that's good. To was the thing we talk about all the trauma like they don't listen through repeats itself yeah man. You know why there's a deal if you keep me or anything in business and life and fucking hate. You know what I know about you. You worked really fucking hard and I can respect that share this room, so percent yup, a girl, a campaign trail where everything's everything's, Austria, everything's awesome. Look. We are twenty days away from the primary ass, fantastic man may look. We are under a vicious assault- and while out of here or who have seen me in the last few days are few weeks. They see that were under a vicious assault and they see that I'm smile agnor. I had an end their light like how is it that you are happy and as it were, actually it's two things number one is at that. Add to me is an indication that first were winning,
okay. If we were winning, they wouldn't be worried about assaulting us and two were a threat: yeah, okay and that's what we want to be. We want to be a threat, the politics as usual, not just the democratic party, but also like the corrupt and cowardly rhino republican establishment to their equally bad right. They continued to hurt people across the across the country, so yeah we're feeling good. and you know look you guys. I was a navy seal. One of the things that was striking about going to the seal team training, actually cause people always asked me the like, who makes it through right. It is it's a heart as military training in the world. In our class we started with over two hundred and twenty. In the original class we graduated with twenty one originals gas, so like ten percent of the dude, who made it through and the guys who are showing up or are logic. Eyes to start right away. I you're the best of the best everywhere else in the world right and their shoulder. The tough his boots right in ten percent. Make it you- and I say, like you, can't tell by looking at people first
while you can't tell at all by looking b, we can't even tell by the way people run the pull up, that they do all that stuff, but one of the things it was interesting. This was not universally true, but almost everybody who made it through had good sense of humour yang, because one of the reasons was you had to be there when things were tragic and terrible and often you been up for seventy two hours in your covered and see it in your ear. Lip, sir, you chapter teetered You know your legs around together wrong it s. Just what is wrong. It is casting you feel terrible. You feel sick and you're, not even close to the end of how weak light years just in everything sucks, you have to be a laugh yeah and if you can be with the guys in your literally curing a boat on your head, like desert, do you carry a boat on your head, you're running through this and carrying a boat on your head with seven dudes, and if you can make jokes under the boat- and you can laugh, you know what it does. It kind of
pulls everybody out of pain and in it reminds you hate. We ve got a purpose here and were wrong and so yeah man, I've, Jonah we're good. We got twenty days to go and we gotta we gotta win every day when every hour, but we got we got the people with us and we're going to make this happen. I, I agreed it everywhere I go and made a couple of trips out into the rural areas of Missouri lately, which is my favorite area of the state, and people who don't know they don't know. I have a park ass. They don't know who I am. They don't know anything about us being friends and we talk about what's goin on. I have now heard another name, but you know out there in the real world yeah. So that's a good sign but dude. was curious. Man could like we talk a little bit about this. On the phone, the other day, real talk, I mean it's gotta, be fuckin frustrating to be completely fucking attacked in a quite honestly, complete made up for
fabricated, shit limit, formation yeah it's like a problem is- is that the people there they are seeing that like do, you got Mitch Mcconnell and you ve got these these old people who have been in office for years and years and years and have a decades of favours to pay off? connections in their behold and all these bribes and all these lobbies, and all this shit that Rob you guys is the corruption is to go on both sides and the party, and now we have a scenario where these people are. being in literally millions of dollars a new arms race here for the primary to keep Eric from winning because he's the guy that will go in and not play along with them, and do what so like talk a little bit about that, because, like there's, no fuckin, now to say like like these people are not nice like their brutal. These people our fish, their vision,
and they will engage in the lowest most disgusting tactics. This is one thing that I learned. I was the illusion, are you guys know? I was? I was a boxer right. There's the marquis of queensberry, like boxing rules, like I kind of thought. Ok, when I first Scott involved. I thought all right, a rough sport politics, Lying there, some rules. There are no rules for these people There are no rules for these people. This is vicious they have no, they have no sense for protecting people's families. I have no sense of honor. They have no fidelity to the truth. Ella, look a situation now, as we are sitting here literally spending millions of dollars lying about. Yeah, I'm lying about me in the most vicious way out. Ok and, of course like, if you have an open heart right but like that, like all I don't like that. Nobody likes that you'd. Rather it not happen at the same time. Here's how you're. So, I think about
this right is, I always in this is like a stoic tactic that actually seneca talks about used at some time. I've used it in the seal team training. I used it and athletic training. I use it working with my fellow veterans who like lost limbs and staff for keeping yourself together when things are hard. Is that you recognise everybody has challenges in every part of their life, and so for me, for example, we ve got these vicious lies about music, dad. Ok, I'm not a lot of things like I'm a great yeah yeah. I love my for I know that first hand. Ok, I'm not at first hand. Guys out there, the sea these ads and see this shit, the these people or the scum of the fucking earth and like excuse my language, can I try to keep a cleaner? on the show all in all. I get it like it. Be it the way I am now for everybody. I want to tarnish what people think of you I am one of those friends, a sort of liabilities from traffic sector, but I'm a good friend and on there
when when accounts- and you know one of the things I know for sure that you I don't ever sees that you don't see the truth, like you see the store and these, but were operating with impunity like they. Don't guess, there's no lit by the time comes out that this is all fuckin bullshit they ve already tartar, someone and buried someone and down with their continuing of of robbing in stealing and lying to us totally yeah. What what happens is in love. In this case everybody,
I already knows it was a lie and the judge said it was a lie. They looked at the doctor and the dentist records a therapist me to all of them said it was a complete lie, but here's here's a thought that I had and And- and I want to be honest too, like things get hard for everybody, including me, but I had this thought at at a certain moment right cause. I've got a really good buddy who checked in on me, who has a very severely disabled son, okay, and I thought to myself. You know what man every dad has challenges like literally every single dad has challenges, and I thought to myself. You know what, if my, I am so glad that this is mine, cause some dads like woke up this morning, and they found out that their kid has The terminal and illness and some dads have kids, multiple kids who have severe disabilities. Okay, some dads right now who are listening to this are literally having to figure out. How do I fill up my gas tank and also feed my son?
modified, my daughter a lot on arable. Okay, if my challenge is a dad, Is it I have millions of dollars being spent lying about me and I have to healthy, beautiful fun, sons lily last night, wrong doing like a kayak war on the lake as like a viking readers with other than fishing and stuff like that, if my challenge, if the challenge god has given me is that you know what you're going to have people who lie about you, but in return you got two beautiful, healthy sons and a fan as I'll take it every day. I will take that challenge. and I will I will. I would do this one thousand times one thousand times to make sure that, like my challenge is, isn't somebody else's hardship, and so you know what I would offer to everybody whose listening is it? You say you know like what is your challenge and how do you grow through it? You know because the world you know there's this is concept
a fortuna, a fortune right and a lot of the kind of stoic philosophers talked about fortune and they recognize that like we can control a lot of things in her life, but we can't control everything in her life and that there are different kinds of pain. There's pain that you choose is a pain when you go into the gym right. I'm choosing this pain today and I'm going to choose it because I'm going to get stronger, that's one kind of pain. There is also a pain that comes in your life, that you don't choose, and it comes room and in his eye times over time, it comes up from you it from a hind knox. You across the house, bangs you down, starts to laugh at you in that pain, also, though, just like the other pain offers an opportunity for growth, and so you have to look all of these things and again me saying this: now: it's easier
say than it is to do if you listening right now, of course, right is hard to do, but it offers some perspective and for me I at that moment in it was literally like last week, as I was godlike. If this is my challenge, is these lies and this is my blessing, my tube. couples, ones who love me to the ends of the earth? Who I love, then I'll. Take it yeah I'll sign up. Now I told you, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Bless londoner allow, unless I got away, we all see right the attacks all that stuff. You know what I want. see every single time, especially more recently, is like the more they do that it's like. I just see, resilience right. I think a lot of, correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like a lot of those things come like realising the attacks in all that stuff comes from my people. They allow that stuff to bother them. I already know who they are like when I see Eric. I, like you know who you are. Yes, you. What I'm saying like there's no question about that like there's. No doubt in your mind, yes, that you are who you are right until I get like say whatever the fuck you want to say,
Let go with your eyes, no doubt like really, though, like like, I agree with all of that and hundred percent- that's the perspective. I've had in the in the hard times that Sometimes you have to consciously remember you, like my mind, herself of that perspective. What do like from a strategic tactical stand, Point in that's, where will mind always goes because that's what I I kind of that's how I think, like I think, this play that they continue to run of like running people through the mud, who are just good people trying to do shit like I don't know that people are really believe, and I think that more The people are really starting to understand that when they come hard like that, but I think people just dumb with the boy. shit like people know there lie down with dubious in its very important point, and this is something that has made massive change in society, mine and then not like what like, when you go on, speak like a new talking to people in the street or they are they.
reverently right yeah, they bring it up it up. Ok, it and also, if you wanna, see like thousand head nods at once, right. All you say is when cynthia sure once said, show me a man who stood up for anything and I'll show you and who has enemy yeah everybody starts nodding their head and the like hope. You know what Eric rights has been attacked by george soros. There he's and tagged sued by the satanic temple he's got Karl rove and Mitch Mcconnell coming after him, and people say themselves. If those for all of his enemies like it must be that he's doing something right, dude, in my opinion- and this is just my personal opinion- and you know I I I I think it's my opinion, but I also think it's truth and if you are them- and you have an ad like I'm thinking from a strategic,
standpoint I mean I just want to line this out, for you guys were more logical brain and you have an x amount of dollars to span and we're going to spend it trying to erode someone's reputation. Who are you going to spend it on? We are going to spend on the people who are going to come and play ball with you, or are you going to spend on the people that are gonna come in and fuck a boy you shit, which is exactly what we need, because these people have been stealing from us and oppressing us and robbing us, and living in their own little world for decades, and they don't want that and they don't want young men which you are tabled We were able to come in and and ruin their secret handshake society totally inadequate. That's how That's how I see it when I see it and when I talk to most people, that's how it seems like they see it too. You know like why no they're gonna learn to adjust their tactics will first of all out. This is the play they have Yeah right when do like how come you don't fuckin come together and say here, let's actually mean
some decent policy? The first people? Well, because because there is a fundamental difference between policies that work for people and policies that work for the political class gay? There are a lot of policies that work for the political class and both sides, Democrats and republicans that work for the politicians they work for the lobbyists they work for that class in they hurt people and whether you talkin about health care. You look at the disease. Profit industry whether you talking about just taking money away. You ask yourself why in Missouri, where the super majorities of republicans do they keep raising the gas tax? The new I hear you ask is war? Actually it's a very simple reason and again I didn't understand this fully till I got involved in politics the more money they take away from you, the more How are they have their money they take away. They then turn around and give out to all our friends in all
of their lobbyists. It's more favours. So the reason why you see taxes keep going up in government spending keeps going up under both democratic and republican regimes. Is that the political class benefits from it Now when I was governor, we actually cut spending. When I was governor, we actually cut taxes right that works for the people, but it doesn't work for the political class. and so on. All of these issues, which you see you ask yourself. Why would nineteen Republicans vote for Joe Biden. One point: two: trillion dollar green new deal everybody knows it's nonsense. Everybody knows it's wasteful, but it's one point two billion dollars, they take away from you and they give to their friends. I ask yourself how much have that one point two billion dollars are you gonna get now is zero? Ask yourself how much of that one point: two billion. Do you know where it's going at all rights, rights, rights and then Have these massive spending bills, which data
even read write to you have all of these lobbyists crawling all over these bills, like cockroaches infesting, a house, and in that in higher process all money seeps out to all of the special interest in dead of actually going to do to do things gonna be beneficial to the people so that at the end of the day, that's also why the political class he said anybody but great there, If they know anybody else will play along and a lot of people look up there and the like. You know what, frankly it doesn't matter if it's Democrats or republicans he keeps stabbing us in the back. right. They know that Eric greitens is actually going to do what he thinks is right. Eric rain is actually gonna fight for the people and that's why we have guys like Karl rove and Mitch Mcconnell coming after us, yeah nah. Are you doing with all that you feel I feel good man, I feel really great. I feel I feel actually more than good. I feel fan task is online like like.
I mean I get attacked a lot but, like I, you know, motherfuckers run and ads the worst. Yes, I just I guess this is more of the same stuff like you just keep moving, you know also. I actually feel like I've been particularly blast in this regard. Right and I never would have thought of it is a blessing, but everything that I went through before righted. George soros, funded prosecutor right engage with a corrupt fbi agent to build a completely worst case against me and everybody in Missouri knows he may not know around the country like that. Corrupt fbi, agent was charged with seven felonies report. Three in evidence tat which he marries. He admitted the guilt by people are guilty, the soros funded I ask you to she played guilty when they over seventy instances of perjury for an ethics violation. She should ever law licence taken way, but the blessing in that- and I got- I would have punched myself in the face. If I were to come to
myself and twenty eight d in and said this is a blessing. Ok right, it seemed absolutely terrible, but in fact what actually happened is it all of my illusions were taken away. I saw the true now. Sure of the enemy that we are facing and having walks through all of that fire all of my fear is gone yeah. I know, one hundred percent, who I am and I am more courageous. I am or joyous I am more fired up today than I ever have been an edit and it shows and that's why we have all these people grabbing, were literally can't get enough yard sides yard he bore like commented, really know I'd. Let people were really starting to get it out you will find out. The vote by like animals it matches you, but at the candidates that these people are going after and at its very easy to see like these are urban disruptors, these of real, like red,
I am blue american people that we need to have running our government. Our government was never meant to be run by a different class of people was meant to be run by the people for the people in the interest. So the people, the land in on you know career politicians whether the republican or Democrat beaten at I think people have been asleep asked how corrupt it has been in. This is one thing I credit trauma for a lot. Yes, yes, trump really did a good job. at exposing. What it looks like to be in actual regular american and a lot of people say all he's an elite. No he's not he's nap. This guy came from us and went to that level and they don't treat him the same, they treat him like like they would treat one of us outside. Yes, in that why they hate him so bad He did a really good job that people say all well, you didn't drain the swamp and dude part of me, like listen, there's,
to me. This says hey, why did he not arrests these people and do this shit when he was there? There's a big part of me that says that I don't know max, I don't know who stood in his way. I don't know who beat freedom, I dont know those things. Ok, bye, What I do know is that they want said he was gonna, do which was drain the swamp now, Maybe they haven't all been pulled out of the swamp yet which we need to do but, like I said before the waters below its loans, now where we could see yeah yeah. That's a comment on the fact that was possible to see and twenty sixteen honey twenty and sixteen we were all still under the illusion of like you know. amerika was pure thing and it's not pure anymore. It's been corrupted, and we need to restore the purity of the republic by putting regular people no matter what party there affiliated with that action We believe in serving people in office and Eric is one of these people. I know that for sure, because I had the privilege and the better
fit in honor of being his friend, you know, an arm you guys I feel, people are seeing it, but you know, p People in Missouri know this about this case, where they did this to you, but you know this show is that international internet lighter guys who see you guys have to understand what they did. They manufactured a case against this man to remove move him from political office already they acceded in that, and then it came out three years later. They admire. That they made a holding up? alright and now they're running the same bullshit on him again, and I just really hope you guys aren't going to fall for it again. No well, you know, pi people aren't and there's you know kind of three three points I was thinking of on this one.
One is that people also in this play, they run these terrible ads on the mainstream media. Okay, so they run amman on tv news at night. They run them and in that where the mainstream media is at in the fact is, if you went back even the twenty. Sixteen more people try stood the mainstream media oriented first of all right now, lost in the mainstream media. Trust in, I believe in newspapers but who have a lot or even a high regard of trust in the newspapers, eleven percent yeah and they crazy. That is. I was thinking about that when I read that when I was a kid I grew up in Saint louis. We had the Saint Louis post dispatch in our house. If somebody came towards at ease I believe the saint louis post, especially when he talked about around soccer dogma, the saint louis cardinals, and there is no other bird- was the standard rate like if you don t know what it was in the paper right, jack, true right and now eleven percent- that's no one. That's no, and that means that no one believes them, and so, when
are also running. These adds which people are much smarter. They see the political attacks for what they are so they're running fake terror. Vicious nasty lies and political attacks during means. media coverage that everyone already distrust. So I think that's working in our behave in an hour in our behalf, in writing or cheeses, fuck and after an obscure language. Again, I can't catch myself every time like come on The? U S, Kate, sms. You guys were nothing of living alone. That point, though, with like even just the trust and while we're seeing these these at a massive problem by them as a matter of how to restore integrity, because due to his american citizens right, we we deserve to be told. Truth by these agencies, not they're, not their agenda, yes and and You know when I was growing up in your granada. It was due to their with their there was I don't. I don't know what chance
in the law, I believe, obama change something in two thousand and twelve or thirteen about the media, abner report fact, and so clearly, it's obama's fault, if ah- but my point is- is like dude like you, they used to not be able to do this and it became now. It's become this crazy in what's crazy, is like the people who do watch it still, even though a small amount like they still think that shit is real and work imac all the way war. Two to like, like I republic, more problematic Are you looking at stuff in like what it was, because the the the? the perception of reality that lag time. Was so long and towards I you know we were in american. Are telling us about technology. Does not, then that, rather than the wherein american jonas about what's going on a fuckin germany and were seen this paper, you re like holy shit. That's it right even information was a week old. Why that's? What the truth is rare and we go you'd. You do that for
do you fucking ye unfortunate reality do the facing? Is we have to go back and, like literally try to understand what what what the whole story of all these scenarios? Its and that's my point, if I really like you don't know and like now, I think we're able to know a little bit little bit faster. Now, because again we have this this, these cell phones and laptops where I can communicate. With somebody, a fucking german right also works. Both ways broke is like you don't like. but like zero monopoly that yeah, let's than they do and that's the whole twitter thing with right with us, saw its like do like it's a big problem. And we need to come up with a real solution right now. The solution is independent media, like myself guys, I mean bro, we're just a bunch of people course of shit in a room like I'm, not the fucking nightly news. You know like you, but it's I will tell you this in. It makes me very hopeful. I mean I mentioned to you before the ship
like I was down in salaries, Missouri right light, agnew, Gruber hundred twenty built with three of them came up, and they said I heard yet Andy's pod gas yeah, ok, that's it more than said they saw me on any other place in the normal is an all yeah. You know what you meant my brother back and etc, etc, right, and so so it is happening. And here's the really good thing what it proves is people are smart. They have a hunger for authenticity. hunger for real conversation, they have a rock hunger. For real analysis in their willing to listen to a long pod gas there willing to put in the time because they care about knowing the facts, and you know combined with the fact that they don't trust me stream media. This is gonna, become more and more powerful in its also generational right. So you look we actually do exist. I never thought about. We did we do extraordinarily well with voters under fifty five. Ok, because there are,
There are, very, very shame, abandoned the media, no one under thirty five few people under forty five, a few more under fifty five but no? But nobody under thirty that no one and is looking at the nightly news and thinking that that's true? It's not this The generation now were people. If you say like, do you trust the centres for disease? control that would have seemed like a crazy question. Back in twenty sixteen now everybody says no way, okay, so as the consequence of that, is that the younger people are the last stage, ass, the mainstream media and literally every day that passes as the water generation passes in the younger generation comes through. You have a last and last and ah fewer and fewer Both were actually listening to the mainstream media. So that's actually another very positive trend line,
as you will realize, to areas where we are going to help other people real ass. You, like you, access of what the fuck is. Somebody don lemon actually done. You know what I'm saying: That's ok desires the soup. Where requires credibility, you'd super important. Is that also, if you think about the generation that data have trust in mainstream media. One of the big differences you think about america postwar were to ok. Everybody had served every buddy had done something wrong, and that was the big question, like Why did you do in the war? How did must serve their interests? answer. You had an entire generation of people who would put the country first and now is to empower takes in business in journalism? Everybody had this experience of having put the country first, ok, you dont, have. At any more so now people look at journalists like who are these like smart mouth, whiny, critic,
people? What have they done? What business, if they re, I'm again when it went when when did they, sir? What businesses have they run? You not what kids have they taught what homeless people have may I help you turn around their lives. If they fed they haven't done anything in the nonprofit sector in the business sector in the military sector. I haven't done anything and because of that people also don't respect there. Essential- and that's also why you see, especially on tv and radio right, because the print journalists get the high nobody gets to see who they are but on tv and radio. That's why people frankly tune into your PA gas. You ve done supposed I right write talk about it in a real way, so you have the authority to actually say this is my perspective on things and people respected people. Look at journalists now, none of these guys served. None of these guys have made a difference. Yes, guess of how many lives have they saved? How many lives have they changed? They're going to have to pull some,
Why me on a fucking tv or you being super that they're going to have to kill some of these main big podcast people and pay them a fuck ton of money to come? Do these jobs because they're trusted? No, it's the truth. I just hate that like, if I wouldn't do it, because they can't afford to pay me what I need get, but I'm just saying that's what they needed. Yes, it's just like. Is it really that, like the solution, I talk about solutions? Rather? Is it really that hard like? Are we asking for too much as as as as as people as an american public just get unbiased, manipulated an emotional fuck. No, I think, that's a reasonable expectation brow, but I also think that's the reasonable expectation that they ve taken advantage of everybody. Has that expectation we all habit like the average person We're here that began again. Oh shit, that's the news right like, but it isn't the news yeah and one one really important thing. I think that you also have to keep in mind. Is it at the end of the day, all
of these things, more talk about government in journalism and policy in business. At the end of the day it comes down to human beings. Okay, so think about this, imagine put self in in the shoes of a journalist, imagine what kind of person wakes up every morning and they sank today- I have to write something really nasty about somebody else. That's their job, that's their job, so think about what kind of person does that job think about what kind of person wants? Wake up every day would have to have. No, you would have to have no so well ass, because otherwise, because I if I were to do that, I would have anxiety and and feel bad and feel like canoe it like you yeah. I couldn't do it like that. I don't think those those people can have that part of the money laundering I think about it, fucking journalists, they have to go on there. They look in front of that camera and they lie directly to like. No, yes, knowing the shits fuckin face up. I guess no inflation economies during the best pilots ever like you'd, like
What kind of person is that you know what how their passing well, what what use where'd you find is in iran, china, like psychoanalyze an entire class, but If you find is- and I I wrote about this actually in the resilience book- people who are constant critics of other people, the truth is they're critical of themselves, there's something they don't like in themselves. You love yourself, then you can go out into the world and you can be loving and you can be kind and you can begin? None of us are perfect. Okay, you're right. But if you love yourself, then you can. You can love other people if you don't, if you really hate, something in yourself. It's very hard to love things outside of you, and so now you have a profession, a whole profession. It's designed to spew hatred, negativity, an entire professions, then you think LE or whose in their profession, many single. Who else wants to go and now again we have. Fortunately, we ve got
ages, journalist someone like John Solomon right it just the news. I dare immediate revolver news, but they are by far the exception to the rule. it's interesting when you meet guys like that men and women like that you find that they seem like very normal, regular people too often like you, meet some of these folks and again I get there attack me every day but genuinely like. I feel sorry for them. I can't think about, like I get to wake up every day and think about the future. I get to wake up every day will behave when you see him in person. It's very interesting. It's very interesting, so I'll. Try to tell you an interesting thing that happened happened just just recently so, first, what you find is it a lot of them? Dont want to meet you in person s right, ok, as it's very easy to be nasty behind a keyboard. Righted super easy to be nasty behind a keyboard. We even nasty behalf and a camera without actually seeing you, so very few of them actually want to see you in person.
When I do see them in person like I greet them just like anybody else, and recently actually I'll tell you. We had an event in Arnold Missouri, red the steakhouse. At the Monday night, we've got like one hundred and fifty one hundred and seventy people. There is a great event. Yeah, like people are at pax, yeah and, and there was actually a reporter there from the same those posts, dispatch, ok and I'll. Tell you how I handled this writer he stands up and to ask a question Mrs hey, this is my name and I'm from the Saint louis post, suspect in the media Everybody starts taboo, I'm ok and then, if we were like wise lie there and then and then he gets is he gets his question out right and, of course, and I'll tell you. This is an interesting thing. Allow me one side note: I've been running since march of last year. So what is that? Sixteen months kay the entire time I can count. I think it's certainly less than five the number of policy questions I've been
ass by journalists, it's all about politics, not met. They don't ask questions about the scandal. The persians gained. That's all they asked lots of enemy, he stands up any something like how come you don't have the trump endorsement. Yet how come down from junior was here, but you have, how comes it? Can trump has endorsed the santa shit right right. So so so he asked how's it going about right, so he asked these. He asked this question. He had everybody's born of an eye. What I said: everybody's I said, look eyes. I said we're here to revive the republic, and that means that we're not gonna become our. These are enemies. Are the people who, when you ask a question, hey, maybe krona virus didn't come from batsy? Maybe Hillary Clinton was involved in the trump rush gluten, our enemies. What they do is they call us
names and they call us conspiracy theorists and they call guys like DJ white supremacists, for that they are that that that's what they do like they want, so it was, I said, but actually what we're gonna do. Is this we're going to recognize like We ve all been wrong at some point here and so so. What we're going to all going to do is say in the guy's name, was jesse of essex, we're all gonna say you're! Welcome here jesse, I said so one two three and one hundred and seventy people said you're welcome here, jesse, oh, that's, cool, okay because you know we here is the way we really lose man only way we release is if they make us, lose our soul, wrap them see they make us become them. If we begin That's visually alek right here. If they become if we become vitriolic and hate, and we want to. We won't. Let people ask questions they won't. Even let people ask questions right if we become like
I am, then we really do lose the country they are. If we preserve selves and we set the right example when we inspire others. So I do said everybody say welcome, jesse and then I answered his questions and we moved on their right. And I think that in again and it s so hard to do it, I mean that the difference of maturity between you- and I have my doubts. I thought you jesse for four or five years between it and that's what I must get there then and it's a game, but you're so right, dude, like all of us, are the same man. It's hard for me to understand, though, not really, I can understand it mean these people have to go. Do that that's their job, they're told I do things and- and I think what we also have to recognize is like look, let's say: will we are here for revival of the country. What that means we're revived the country. We have to welcome a whole lot of people who are wrong there.
Tens of millions of people right now who are listening to this podcast or have tuned in from time to time who, at one time Another thought you know what yeah we need a force, vaccinate everybody or they thought you what these masks work, where they thought some other craziness right. That now is complete original store right rather river. There they they, they believe the lies about brett, cabin or whatever. It was ok, and you know what it is a very hard thing. For a lot of human beings to admit that they were wrong, harnessing its This may be the hardest thing. So what we have to do is is we have to be welcoming the people who come to the white house? Here's the good thing. Here is again the really hopeful thing dared and number of people who are low at this craziness of Biden and saying, oh, my gosh look at inflate when you look at the open border. You look at the rising violence. You look at the military disasters abroad. You look at all of this craziness two critical race theory, the transgender nonsense. We look at all.
this madness and people like dude? This isn't right and they once believed. Ok, they once I believed in all of that and in in the democratic party they once believed in all of that nonsense. Now we have to be welcoming to them. We have to be welcoming to people who've seen the light was important to her because we're all. On the same. Fuckin team. That's right! You know what I'm saying it's fighting the same enemy brahms. yeah, but that's the deception of war dear, they hold section that's being used upon us, and this is why so fucking evil is that their make dude. It's like. it's a it's a fundamental saying of this of this republic. You know it's divide and conquer dude like it. In in unity, we are powerful the divided. We will lose the everything as the instead of it. We ve talked about this, for years on the show, instead of them, fighting the war straight up. This is this is the way come.
His works. Communism fights the war by creating false enemy. he's getting those enemies to delude each other so that, while you know we're misdirecting east, these two groups over here, the political class can do with it what they do, which is a presence, critical point, critical point: you make an end. If you look back historically, you look it leftist movements, you look a commune his movements where they wanna do. They want to divide people internally. Think what have you been politics, man yeah, I think I think about what happened in china. Ok, think about What movies did so the little red book and he prince it right tens of millions of copies for every kid and and they literally tried to get kit and they did. They say seated and they did the same thing with with pol pot in cambodia. What communist wanted to do is to infuse divisions, HU the level that you get here
is turning on their parents for not being sufficiently communists. That's how they work. If you think why would they push critical race theory so hard? Why would they push this so hard? Why would they push the transgender nonsense or it's because they're trying to create division, ok and in that division, when you get people fighting against each other, that's where totalitarians and tyrants work, yes, and so like that, the whole idea that you have to we're about critical race theory in the united states. Military is insane. the objective. Look at the: u s, military! and whose harry truman, president from Missouri, who, in a graded, integrated the armed forces right you look now at the? U S, military, no human institution is perfect. However, the united states military is the most well integrated institution in the history of planet earth. I challenge anyone to find any
organization in the history of plan. That is more well integrated than the united states military and yet what do they want to do? They want issues critical release theory into the united states military to divide people to weaken us too weak in the military, so this is how it so important your point. Historically, this is how tyrants work. I think people really have a hard time connecting that's like on how complex this whole thing is. For example, when you, when we talk about what we're talking about like what you're talking about the military directly, they know a lot of people have. an understanding that, like this is one or two individuals in the military that do this and while you may be correct, have to understand that this is like influence or marketing. Ok in this latter, you guys are business people listening this. If, if a company wants to influence, The influencers they go to,
the early adapter or the innovator of the influence and what they ve done. What china has done and what a lot of these communist propagators, like the world economic forum, whose call democracy but mean communism, what they ve done is they ve made deals with the early doctors and innovators in our own organizations, meaning they ve compromise the people at the highest level and those ideas get pushed down and forced upon the leaders This show gets more emails from military members at a medium level that are like bro. We agree with everything you're saying but they're pushing this down to us totally, and so the average american doesn't have that perspective, and they say it like when you when you look at the companies- and you look like coca cola, and disney, and these big companies that push all
This really bizarre shit that we all know is not wrecked. Morally especially in this country aghast at myself, then give me an award for that product where I almost said the f word. But my point is: is that these these things, when, those are all power, structures and people don't understand that I don't have to give every employee to disney two fucking. Do it right I make a fifty billion dollar deal with ownership group, then they, push it on their employees and alive? This is why we talk so much about entrepreneurship being the key to a revolution, because a culture revolution, or I we talk about other kind later. Maybe, but the point is, is that, like what say, let's say chalk, I just one uses example: china comes to me is any will give you a billion dollars, we'll get him a billion dollars personally and will put your company on the map and china and you're bringing forward
billion in revenue from china. If you put these policies down through your company, our works, so I say well thought dude. I been workin for twenty three years. You know I I mean that sounds like awesome. Like like you know, I'm gonna do whatever I want. Alright, if I just say these things- and so I write up a new code of cod doktor new anew. What do you call it like our hr policy? and I put in play and I walked the fuck awake z. People don't go to the office stared. These people don't go in like phenomena know, and so, when you think about it, like that, and you put yourself Put all of you. Listening put you self in my position, if thou offer was maybe what would you do. Ok and a lot of weak people will take that offer and they will push them
and this is how these communist control the culture in our country, and this is why it is important for this. while business owner the medium sized business owner or the big enough when a business owner like myself, to pushed out american values through their culture, to its very important thing, because the culture has created in your office? Is the culture is taken home, one hundred percent right, and so you guys have to really like when we think about the complexity, How this is all pushed into our environment. That's how it's done it's done at the political level. It's done at the corporate level is done at the private business level. It's done at the civic level. It started the prosecutor level. Yes, ok And you, when you guys like cause it's it's it's a massive thing to comprehend. Rightly, how do they organise all these people? Well, it's not that they organized all these people and its not that all these people believe it it's that these people are told the shit, when they're at work, they're told to make tat where mass there told to take a vaccine
I told you this and because they want to keep their job. They doing that's what happening here and that's how these so, when you think of it like how like, when you think of it, like holy shit, it's everybody! It's not everybody, and they know it's not everybody, but they want to make it look like it's every body so that your comply, and so this is, something that you all need to really think about, because most of your coworkers and most of the people you work with. They don't believe in this shit. Ok, they pretend they might four tenable. Even so, they'll get trouble at work, but that's how I and so remember the list of five you're, big c o that resigned at the beginning of two thousand twenty run run now our understanding why they reside? they resigned because they weren't going to do this shit right. It makes sense. Now, ok, so
for those of you who are confused about like how this actually gets pushed down, that's how it's done and what they do is. If you think of the big picture, you divide the populace. Okay, so that's where you have critical race near you. That's where you have you know you ve got how it would come in. You ve got mainstream media. You have all of these different entities, pushing These messages that are going to divide the populace and then you ought to go and you buy off the elites- and it's actually remember like when, when people talked a lot about drug gangs right and how they had a corrupt people in And in foreign countries, so again I've worked. You know not just as a navy seal, but I've also done lots of humanitarian work overseas. I worked in places like albania, Cambodia, you think about how does corruption work while lot of times what the corrupt doors do? Is they go? to a border guard and they basically the the cod pluto or plot in spanish right- or they say, silver lad. Ok, I d.
Take our money or you take a bullet, and it only takes a couple of examples. Just like you said, annie they're not trying to show everybody, but they create one example. In the example, is you either take the pay off or were common after you know. Ok what do they do in politics, yet a guy like me who won't meet with a lobbyist. Ever We never met with any lobbyists to like ok, we're gonna make an example of the sky. We decided we're going to go after we're going to we're going to go after the soros machine. Okay, we're going to we're going to make an example of this, I did then you how mother fucker worm example. View example knowing that adds that that is what we're doing you're, making an example out of them, and so that's what they try to do and we know one of the things Donald trump junior said when he was in town, which is very important, as he said. If you look at the rhinos who do nothing, they have a very comfortable life.
In Washington DC. They go to stake, dinners the lobbyists like them, the mainstream media rights, nice things about them. It's a very nice life, it's really easy for them. It's it's! Mr miss is treated like royalty. restate dinners like dude, it's life, its gas worse, they want to fight against keeping their life and said so and so the they say. Ok, you can have this kush life and it's just like you, you you're analogy right, we're so coming in offering a brain does you can have this really nice kush life and you can you can have all of these people around you or if you decide to fight it, It's the us we're going to crush you viciously attack you there we're going to say the nastiest things about. You will spend millions of dollars in negative ads, you're in or you're out, yeah, and if you stay out right, then you know that you're gonna bring the enemy down on you and that's obviously what's happening in our campaign, and I am glad of it
yeah as a sign. That is a sign that we are on the side of right. Dude to me it's a sign of guilt on their part to us what I look like the peers who pour money into that stuff and, unlike I, Ok now, let's make the list longer. This guy is guy asking for more yossi near we're common for you guys you don't get yet like you, don't get it, you don't get it. You might be able to hold us off for a minute, but we are coming. And you're going to fucking lose. That's it and let me say this: it is also important for everybody. Listening courage is contagious, If you listening right now take a courageous action, not asking you to be anti priscilla right, I'm not asking you to lifestyle and were thus what stand with us share the push, You're the pod gas now share it put aside in your yahoo. Fifty out of these people, who are like light, look dude you're, not a wealthy guy.
I write like people realise that, like it's not like Eric greitens is out here with a trillion dollars is bank camp all these people that are doing this there, all they all stolen your money and they use your money to attack people like that, and this is why we don't have good people in government, because good people dont want go through the shit that it costs to get there. Their ruin, your whole life or they'll trial to and it takes a special person and says hey. You know what So what are we want? I'm still come in nominal change shit, that's worth it as I admire by you to most blanks bright, real talk like it's. What we need we're wearing a damn him yeah in you you? You know enough about me and these guys listen to know enough to you. I don't put my name on people that are that I don't I don't do that. Like I get I get hit up. I know you know, you know how it is bro you get your name out there a little bit and then every single
politician in the world's been blow me up numerous. But you know we all have told I love your show or shall I go on their industry this wednesday? Listen! If that is a funny point, like all the same due to think they're gonna play me since I brought you you the lesser of intelligence here now meet a guy like you I am not giving you shit but or I am giving you a fuckin pink slip. If I, if I had my way about it, you know like a readiness we will start to show it is right rag we I actually giddens on them. Are we to do doo doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo doo? Did it doesn't know breaking news Breaking right, arise, reagan, numerous us home headline reads Violence, war, machine, a cynic, a nother one point: seven billion dollars to ukraine also mean again,
I mean I wouldn't even so our ah. It is hard to know where to begin. Let's start, let us again what were at sixty five billion dollars right now, since it would have been to a border wall here in the united states of america, go down it. A couple, there's gotta be have ended, while the homelessness it could a lot of children, a killer. I'm going to lash tremendous number of things, but instead they're sending to the ukraine where let's all remember, because a mainstream media wants look away from it, which is like part of china half of it, the other half of the beating heart of Biden, family corruption, comes right out of the ukraine repair This is where hunter Biden Maybe I don't want you where we're hunter Biden was on the board of a yoke of breeze, my getting paid, what three thousand dollars a month there is. I guarantee you ended no matter how many listers you have theirs euro listeners right now, who believe the hunter Biden should have
making thirty thousand dollars on the board of anything. You mean the guy smokes parmesan cheese, and I also think that people are getting do they, there said they're sending our money over there. That will in turn get funneled right back into their fucking pocket akin to the corruption. He goes right. Yes, exactly dude, it's it's hot! How do I get that? No, they don't. They don't understand that they like what's happening right here in new correct me. If I'm wrong now goes, you know better than meal, but why happening here is they are taking your money, they're, putting it to ukraine, and then ukraine is paying a back to these people and taking it way so they're not not using that's about missiles and stuff amy You from the monopoly that my best friend all using and read I it is incredibly corrupt. It's also, you think about everything, that's on people's minds right now. You think about inflation right.
And obviously wasting money wasting billions and trillions of dollars increases inflation right to appoint one of her yeah. It's just it's just it is apps. the insane. What the Biden administration is doing. They declared a war on american energy rail which they start. on day one by going after the keystone exile pipeline, they have pursued all of these inflationary policies. One point two trillion dollars for a new deal sixty five billion dollars for the ukraine, all of which you know makes makes for their corruption and actually makes the world more more dangerous. So the it's it's wrong. It's wrong on a hundred different of Amelia as a question, what why or not, why are more people not like, like vocally publicly like denouncing, I feel like most people feel like that, doesn't matter if they say anything still going to happen, but but but here, but I think if people really understood what was happen
when they feel differently- and I have a theory on what I think is happening- and I sat on the show before, but I don't think I said it with you on the show. What I think is happening is, I think, they're intentionally destroying our currency and they now that there is going to come. A time of hyperinflation is coming in a very short time and their attention creating it. You want to go to additional currency, those back, that is an american digital currency, a global digital currency, and I you know, I believe, what they're trying to do who is to send as much money as they can ukraine wash it, get it back in their pocket. Then this first, that into assets like gold property, other things, so that whenever the crash comes hyperinflation. They have the assets that they can then convert into the new currency. That's that This is if I was then that's what I've been doing, that there's. No doubt there. Yes, they are actively trying to destroy the country and the inflationary policy myself. Yes, it does so so they're trying to hedge their own, but that they know
what's coming and so they're China their own security of well look look at what man the means and look at how Nancy policies husband right, who is just arrested fur for do you I reiterate overrun in in California. her husband is supposedly like the most genius stock picker in the history of the country or like no, it's obviously insider trading that are benefiting from in all of these different. Schemes, what you see is corruption that benefits the power for that corruption is benefiting the political elites and then they, They end up getting wealthier and every buddy whose working right now is hurting. Every single person who is working is is act really hurting and then line that fuckin pain on people. Like me, I know you like like bro, what are you talking about bro, I'm out here in the front lines of fighting with everybody? You know what I'm saying I don't know how to make. It seem like a people who own businesses dude, I'm trying to bill careers for peace
where every by everybody no said that in its it's a good point you made before it's. Actually, the entrepreneurs in the small business owners have actually always been easy in short, to the whole idea of the american repulse right right, because think about this, if you think about what happens here, culture is also connected to your economic foundation, one The reasons why the american republic works so well is it. You had individual farmers who had individual shop owners. You had people, who were masters of their own fate economically. Were then also participants, political, ass, right and that's part now he's poorer, they're all responsibility, because people like me and ass- the entrepreneur he's out there you guys listening. We ve taken her eye off the ball civic service, yet arsenal in look if there's, if those, if the countries is controlled by eight mega corporate
Actions in everybody's economic livelihood is actually tied to the mega corporation. It makes it that much harder to actually stand up for freedom there, but a few have a country were in. So so again, you think about how this is designed guys, what did they do during covered tyranny, shut down, of the mom and pop stores, but walmart so loud operate they shut down all, that date all the small restaurants right, but all with all of the big places like a warm, are still allowed to operate part of what is hard enough. It. Yes, that's part of what I am talking about, that this is all a plan to milk all the extra cash out of our country, for them to take for them had taken place in assets before the crash happens when the shop happens in our money is no longer worth anything and they have a new money, then they sell that sets for the new money and the rich is in. You. Don't have to be a conspiracy theories to look at the facts. This is what they want to do, they want to accuse everybody of being conspiracy. There is just like they did when they had no corona virus came from bad soup, knowed trump
seclusion oaks had nothing to do with Hillary Clinton. Like all of these ngos, the hunter by laptop is russian disinformation. They lie and lie and lie. In february securities me there and they want that conspiracy. Theory dude is because when they able someone a conspiracy theories. What it does is it well the resistance, ok right so so like you, all you guys out there. They like her, like I accuse real. It's real shit q. There's an operation there's this there's that first war, there may or may not be- I don't fucking know, but here's I do now. I know if we say hands any longer. We're gonna have a country to save you know, and and at some point, we ought to come to that realization that the hope that ones coming to save us, is now happening. There's no cavalry I dont believe there is. There is no cavalry guys here. Here's the deal because of their wasn't has been ruined by now. I suppose it was q, silent shit, it's a tells enough truth road. This is a tactic. If you go back to the bolshevik
pollution. They ran this play with misinformation. They created a narrative that there was a we could operation that was going to come in and revel arrest, everybody and so every he waited and when I, when they waited it, they are getting killed in that we're dealing with we're dealing with these same exact people be same exact families. You same exact ideologies that existed a hundred years ago are still here and so like dude you guys out there who are waiting for this cavalry. Come in and sweep it up. We are are the cavalry sin in here's. The other thing, that's really important for people to recognise winning the country back takes very simple actions: ok, it's not some grand gesture, that's gonna, happen. Seven years from now in some kind of twilight battle. Ok, The country's gonna be saved. If you decide to share this podcast, the country's gonna, be they say saved if you'd
side. You know what this year, not only am I gonna vote, but I'm not people know who I'm voting for the country it's gonna be saved. If you decide, you know what actually, for the first time in my life, I'm put out a yard sign, you know, for the first time in my life, I might actually run for the school board or might find it but who is running and I'm gonna support them for the first time in my life I'm not gonna. Allow the political elites to have all of the control I'm and get involved, and when do that. You educate yourself, you helped to educate your fellow citizens in you get involved. That's what the rev revolution really feels like. That's, where the revival really is. The key sure revival where everyone says you know what, after all of this pressure all of this nonsense. All of this pain. We are all gonna be wiser, stronger and more courageous, If you're willing to do that, you're willing to do that. You change your own life, any change lives of everybody around you
geysers, move on to our headlines or the showing guys? Remember? If you want to see any of these headlines, you can go to Andy for salah dot com. You can find them all there and, with that being said, headline number one hell. Animal one reads: child pits and swears at cop and heartbreaking video from Minnesota this came out article red, shocking video footage has emerged of a young child repeatedly hitting a minnesota cop. Who is there to her ass, a murder suspect calling the officer a bitch and tell him to shut the fuck up the cliff released by often news was found. Last week in Saint Paul, the city they saw widespread rioting after the nearby murder police murder of george void. And slaughter of motorists. Dante right, quote: shut up. Screaming the young child, who appeared to only be a few years old, wearing just underwear while staying industry,
well, then even younger child and a viper just behind him. He then strode up to one of woman, repeating quote: shut, shut up, bitch she's, the visitor second clip, for you guys. Now he's gotta go mood, kids keep burmese. These fuckin head them in every such a sad against us. I can finish a section of the orchestra hits one of the cops at least three more times on the on the thirty. Second, clip and even
though, is the officers. They remain calm throughout the whole situation, so I mean kudos them, but the crazy thing is that that thirty second clip was just a part of a two minute, long fucking attacks Essentially, they also do rocks at the cops and a bunch of other stuff man. So what we have heard it lets like guidelines is this a few times now, I'm really agreed the headlines heartbreaking. No, you know like I look at this end I see this as a product of forty years, years of lies from government and bad policy, forgetting about culture, forgetting about family, forgetting about the importance of you know. American everything that is america now just sad bro Does this kid's gonna be eight or nine years old and be dead right? That's the truth! like people, I want to say that, like this the eight or nine year old, kid that that you know gets himself,
in a situation with a police officer and somehow you know, puts them in a position to each This is the cycle. Racine I read is the cycle and like this is now racism. This is not this now that this, what this is is this is a coach That is, that is damaged and meaning american culture, and this is us letting people. Do things to our country that are not in our best interests. This is manipulation. This is lies. This is the democratic party pretending to be in the interests of of. Black americans, which they are not at all. and this is the result. This is really the result, because the Democrats or against
fathers and the whole team need our traditional family, asia dude. It's sad like it's sad man, because I can tell you it s like a buy it now. When I was a kid I would have got my fucking, asked beat so bad. I still remember now you're insane and like I mean what are you gonna, listen like: what's this solution like what's the real solution like it's, it's sad man. it is really said, it's really really sad, and I think it is the part of the thing that is heartbreaking about it is that you see the way these divisions, which, in all People might read about ok, critical race theory in the military, critical race theory in schools categories. They would all. This stuff is trying to divide people ryan. You look on all the violence and twenty twenty right now of the origin and the looting and all that stuff and then
and then you look at this and like this poor kid and the poor police officer who put it put a put in this in this in this situation and its actually actually really tragic now you know I will say one of the things that they can work in, Situations like this is at will: let's talk about how people come together, how people really come together one of the great illusions of society. Generally have left us is that people come together when they look at each other rights. Although those say to they things like what sit down and have a conversation with people actually happens and there's a lot of good social science behind this when people sit down and they talk with each other, they may- find that there are similarities, but they also may just as well walk away finding out but there are differences that are highlighted the way people come together. is not one there looking at each other, it's when they're looking forward together, so when they a common mission so the way that you truly bring people together as it should give them a common mission,
and so one of the things that we did. For example, the mission continues was weird, trying to bridge the veteran civilian divide rights we had. All these guys who served in Iraq and Afghanistan they been overseas? They had all these people in the united states of america may care remember what the percentage was. A very small percentage of americans actually set foot in Iraq or afghanistan right, so the was there? Is this division and you know civilians they might have honored trends are maybe there are scared of them because they thought they had ptsd or whatever, but like they had the come together. What we did at the mission continues was we brought people together in service projects so they get together in the neighborhood like this and we we'd by tongue, of materials and people would and we would rebuild our recreational facilities. Are we going to school and what happened was when people spent the day working next to a virtual, you find these commonalities and you have a common mission and you have a common project why we have to have leadership in the country that's going to put out com?
missions for people and put folk put put. You know this young kid and police officers together and like I've literally seen this, I've done this with you, no training with police officers. You put these four, together in, like a ropes course? Ok, like got common obstacles? They gotta worked together they. Finally, they walk away with with a tremendous different understanding of gather and that's what kind of real leadership we need in the country is its instead of can continuing to divide people how people find common missions. Do that's a big element. You and I talk about this all the time there is no vision being cash forward. This is one of the problems that I have with the the mega term. Right make amerika great again. Well, that's looking backwards. Do like that, the mai.
amerika great is more appropriate slogan in my arms in future. Yes, because dude, in my opinion, we ve never lived up to what we actually could be we're still so far off of our true potential as americans and we ve had that we ve gotten close right like people, people that are made great strides, hold our people that are to you, you don't have this perspective. Ro like people like when I was twenty years old, it was not like this. It was much better than this and that's where the make amerika great again comes from, but even back in two thousand and ninety nine, when I was twenty years old, those that good time that he, the trumpets talking about that we had like these. Kids, there are twenty years old. Now they ve been taught for their whole life that america's is terrible place. It's
russia is extremely racist and if that's not the case, the case is, we were actually pretty good until those people start teaching that she observed and create divide, and now we are in a situation where we ve had leadership, who, instead of painting the picture of what america truly could be. for the last five or six or eight years we ve been talking about going back to a time, chaz created resistance and certain communities such as the black community, because the our community says, will make amerika great again how far back we actually go realise that by not be grown for us. I guess that's right. So it's hard to unify people under that. Under that point, in reality, what we need is we need leadership, that's going to say, hey! This is the actual or potential that we have here. Yes, and we should all go after that in you, your finger on the pulse what has one of the things that is all
is made america different from almost every other nation on earth. Ok, I'm very fortunate in this sense. I'd never been outside of the country before I was nineteen years old, the first place When was that, when I was in my team, is actually china I got arrested there. I think you talk today, everyone by right, ok, like I've, been in bosnia, rwanda, cambodia, albion, evidences of some bad place, but I've been like fifty five countries right one of this. It is most strikingly different about the united states of america is that, up until now, america was always a country that was focused on the future, We recognise that we had an imperfect pass, but americans more than any other people anywhere in the world. If you ask him what makes you american, it was the striving he was striving economically, was striving to create better communal, these are striving to create a better country where a future based society. Where is it go most places in the world. You ask them what makes you a particular nation. They talk about the past
and so for us to move forward and bring people together. We do need to have a leadership. It is going to again say this is who we can become this is who we can become an and it's also why, if you recognize part of the leftist assault on history by trying to get rid of the history right, getting rid of statues getting rid of all the stuff, what happens is Your history is always interpreted in the light of the present right and you look back and, like you know what that wasn't. So a good that wasn't such a good period in american history. There was an amazing period and there were some bad things about it like we can. We can be complex, rich people who can recognise. There were great things happening at the same time. There are tragic things happening. We can, we can think with that kind of complexity, but when you look back What the left is trying to do is essentially start history over her
what they would have you do and again it's very interesting. This is what mounted in china in pol pot in Cambodia literally wanted to start from year. Zero! Okay, if you he left his had their way like they literally erase history and start with their own perfect conception of whatever society is what america, you have to do, is we have to be able to look back with pride and look back honestly, things that were good and the things were bad that also helps you to look forward with confidence. Part of what helps you to look forward with confidence is also recognised, how hard things were before how difficult things were, how imperfect things work four, because that also helps you to deal with the imperfections of the present so you're exactly right in its port of what the magic of the u I did seeds of america is an american citizens, have always been more future focused than any other citizens of. any nation anywhere on earth. Well, also do like to your point about removing the history. You know if you re,
the history and you remove the things that people identify with like, for example, I'm a patriotic america I actually live on a piece of property there, is owned by a former president of the united states. Maybe the most powerful president that we ve ever had ever. He was in charge of what was called the radical republicans and if you know your history and you can read about what the radical republicans did, They were the party that were in charge and created the idea of actually going to the farms where the fuck, king slaves were and freeing them. That was president grant and when I see the leftists and the blm activists tearing down a statue of the man who actually wrote on a horse and killed the people who had slaves. That irritates me right, but
If we remove that pride, let's say that I have of being one of the very, very tiny few to live on a piece of property with that sort of her. stork relevance in the pride I haven't america, then you remove the fight that I have for america as well, and they know this, and so were you guys have to understand, is that demoralization of society, which is in the communist playbook its? in solomons keys, rules radicals it's in Karl Marx book when they talk about the demoralization in the removal of identity of the individual. They are trying to get you to not identify with the greatness of your own home country so that they can then manipulate the future in any way they see fit. If young with it the least amount of resistance possible now we're in a scenario where they're trying to take the
georgie of america who love this country, we read why a fucking blue and make them feel. like their insane for still feeling like that. Why I hate to tell you guys you plan didn't work, because here we are and there's a lot more of us than there of you and guess what we have we have guns So we are never buying your shit. We are now we're going to be what you want is to be an for you too, get your way. You are literally going to have to kill us, and I don't think you can do it. So, there's that does move on headline number, two, an amateur reads: New new york city p s a on what to do in a nuclear attack. Instructs citizens to get inside stay inside and follow media for updates officials will notify you when it's safe, so basically same things covered basically yeah,
basically, as also on Monday, the city of a grand and regular vaccine out here. Homer simpsons show is right in here is the same: its nose, the cove vexing to protect against nuclear attack. Now ask my stay where we just science So on monday, the city of new york launched a new public service announcement that provide its guidelines about what residence should do in the event of a nuclear attack and fortunately, new yorkers, who watched the pierre say, will likely be severe The ill prepared should a nuclear weapon detonate in their vicinity as the video provide Little in the way of our specifics are useful information. Instead, the short clip instructs citizens to follow a rudimentary three step plan and that leaves them completely reliant on the powers that be to come to the rescue. According to the piazza new august should work get inside to stay inside and three stay tuned or as an earth of merit, narrator clarifies follow the media
in the event of a nuclear attack after walking through these steps, the narrator hammers home the last point commanding that the audience quote: don't go outside until officials say it's safe to do so The official video does not address what to do. If one requires medical attention what's due for food, but- The great thing is like, instead of appearing the public for the horrific scenario, the lack of real. That information and then why cps it aims to create dependent masses who are reliant on the experts sounds familiar I'm a little at a time when we are need deep in a proxy war with the country that possesses over four thousand nuclear heads. That's no coincidence that it was release you know, but they're saying in new york emergency management apartment which put the chances of a nuclear strike? I quote very low, combat according new york city, emergency management, commissioners zack, I school the threat of nuclear.
Strike is eminent so which one is it let's go ro insurrection, but they also longer the piazza release. The statement says quote: as the threat landscape continue to have it is very. It is important that new yorkers, no, we are preparing for any eminent threats and providing them with the resources they need to stay safe and form and then got mayor Adams. He double down on it as well You said it was not allowed satisfaction that better safe than sorry. So and also at the same exact time too? I you guys seen this before we talking about it this on which russia activates doomsday submarine arm with nuclear torpedoes peter. This was just days before the ps I was I was. I was out. So this We don't know, there's something we need to know is I mean what's don't look at me, I'm real! I what dude, I said a moment ago and show I thought they were going to try to do everything they could do to to get in.
of this election is coming up and starting in war is not outside the realm of what I believe these people would do. What it also does is draws attention away from the massive daily failure to keep people safe in new york city gave their lives they right right. It's like what our actual people, worried about. I mean I know people who, like simply won't go to new york anymore. I locked on one of the lot lots of people walk out, yet lots of people who had who had job listen! Do you love me that, yes, I used to do they. They left during covert right they're, not going back there ding out the city. Why? Because violence is absolutely out of In short, what we're doing a tat awaits terror. It's terrible violence happening all over new york and you got the complete failure of Democrats in new work city, as you ve had in lots of democratic run cities, but what are they doing their spending money right again, they spent new york, taxpayers money to like create these
adds about a nuclear attack which would are essentially full of completely relevant information. It's another distraction from their failures there. By does it just a big distraction, from their feelings? They'd much rather have people debating right about what's gonna happen in a nuclear attack, then everybody looking around saying, while these public officials are complete and total foes, their failing at the most basic responsibility, which is to provide for some safe streets not through mergers, distraction, the european I mean they're there might there might be more more more than that, but but it is that leave me ask you this! Isn't your though I agree with that yeah! That's the main thing you do. You do you put it past these people to further escalate this war. If, if they think they're going to lose power, no, I dont. Unfortunately, I think I think that when you look at their pattern of behavior, you have to come to the conclusion that actively trying to destroy the country. Yes,
You look at what they ve done, for example, on the southern border, right that is benefiting no one. It's the largest humanitarian trafficking child too asking operation in the world now is happening at our at our southern border. It's it's. It is invasion of the united states of america. It makes no no sense from a national security perspective from an economic perspective. From a humanitarian perspective, it is a disaster sir, on every front, so their actively try to destroy the country. So I dont put anything I do not put that. I do not put that pass them and unfortunately, we are also in a situation where we ve seen in our Joe Biden, is clearly you know out of it. And is not an effective commander. In chief, you looked at the military disaster in afghanistan was the largest military disaster in american history, certainly of the last twenty thirty I'm trying to forty years a bit it look, it's probably even bigger, in Beirut? Ninety eight jesse, you got, you keep going back where are you know, carter, ninety,
Seventy nine, like you, keep going back and back like afghanistan. is a major major military disaster which everybody saw so whether it is by intention or incompetence, and we have a power- a sea of weakness in confusion abroad that makes all of us a more unsafe as it remain there. tragic crisis craig- and I even how the victim of deserting the video where women can on the website, but due to starts, I okay, so nuclear strikers- and don't ask me why don't ask me how I just know that it did, but what I think you would know, you're right now with a rope people are so people are so determined to understanding the reality of like a new killer strike like brought you you you won't now, can you be dead because there will be no by rebuilding mining, because I, like the shit we re down energetically, real hot for about three seconds- lies over right. Yeah, menace spoken so
but this is what I had indeed reveal whose party I listen man. I also have to believe that, if if somebody new, if they knew ahead of time for one or two men, It's the last thing you'd want to do for your last minute on planet earth is listened to the main street. Meeting here. Ok, that would be the last thing I want to do in men have as a nuclear weapon is coming in his turn into the mainstream media like call the one. I know russia summed up important. You know they talk about this, that the border. I have all the bleeding heart same well, you know these people need you don't understand, guys, allow these people better coming over are intended to come here to come. chaos and we are allowing millions of people to come in our border that we all know who they are. We don't know another failure with. We don't know what,
Training they have, we don't know what their intention is. We don't know what the motive is, and if you look at the behaviour of this the same demographic of people and where they come from in other countries, it is it is terrorist. how countries and were other countries like in the Middle east, where you have to worry about gordon store? I get it, we never had a really worry about suicide bombers and grocery stores right. That's something that you are going to have to start thinking about. Because you're allowing these people are, in my opinion, do in this might be fuckin. Extreme or whenever I don't know, but If you're, not american, your belong here. I guess It is a massive national security era. So look I served against abuse. I, after moslem, mia Al Qaeda, the taliban. We we fight a very determined, extraordinarily intelligent, very committed enemy, are they now know if you want to get in the united states of america. All you have to do is get to mexico.
When I went down to the water I mentioned two guys. I went not only to the arizona and texas side I met with law enforcement. I also went to the mexican side of the border to expose what was really happening. And and when you walk down to the border, there are thousands of ids thousands of ideas thrown on the ground and the basic reason for that is that people crossed the border. They walk up to the customs and border patrol customs and border patrol access uber under Biden. They take them to a customs and border patrol office. There they're asked if they had and I d they say no, because it is through it on the ground and then other asked what their name is. The name is written on a piece of paper and the customs and border patrol. Rather than flies them somewhere in the united states of america or hands them a piece of pay racetrack. Will you do our taxpayers we leader we pay. We pay for all of that, and then there told that they can come back and ninety days, when I was down on the mexican side of the border, I picked up ideas from Egypt,
and I d from the united arab emirates. Ok now I can't know the particular story of those two individuals. I'll. Tell you this! The? U hiv was of a night Gillian who'd, been in the united arab emirates, two weeks before that, the? U aid had just arrested a bunch of nigerians who are raising money for Boca. Her arm, which folks know is that I am terribly that the terrorist organisation that operates in nigeria. They had arrested nigerians anyway for raising money for Boca her arm, then I'm on the mexican side of the border, and I pick up an idea of during from the? U s, coming into the united states. Now again, we can't know that particular story, but we camp. We are weekend around a knife to say always prodigal guy you're right wait Certainly, the millions of people who are coming over just sheer math millions of people who are crossing into our country this year.
no matter how small you think the percentages, a percentage of them are terrorists, wrote What's the solution there? Let's just say we get back and power, we need people getting power. What's the solution. That is actually go, you go back to what trump wanted to do and twenty seventeen, but was Sir in the back by Paul ryan image? Mcconnell, you build a border wall, not longer about it all yeah, I'm talking about all. Look. We gotta correctness. We not like all these people in all these areas suffer from annex two years or more We are, however, long these. What do we do with those people? especially especially the criminal element especially the terrorists element. They have to be found and brought out, and this is this is the great tragedy of what the left is doing. It's like putting salt and assume nay. It really really easy to keep a a cup
where a pound of sold out of a soup before you pour it in, but once you ve poured into the soup it six that the intelligence problem, the tactical problem operationally strategically organizing all of this just to get out the criminal. terrorist element is a massive operation in the left, knows exactly what they're doing by having the am I right in thinking that we need to really send every single person back where they came from like as our wrong thinking cause? That's what I think I look one of the things it work well under the trump administration was he made clear, when, for example, you know people came up from guatemala like they got sent back, they actually got sent back and then what happened the first plane or to lands and then nobody and and and wine and all eyes are controversial to say why don't I actually think I don't think it is what they want to do is at the left, just like they wanna call people, racists and white supremacist there, one
games is to say that conservatives are cruel. In fact, why You look it what's happening again When I was on the border, we met with the customs and border patrol agent and told us about one kid who been sold seventeen times right, because people know that if they cross the border with em, nine or child are gonna, be allowed into the united states, so terrible things are happening to all of these kids were being trafficked across the border. This is leftist cruelty. Just like you in kids with disability out of school for a year is leftist cruelty, just the rise in murder and violent assaults? Is leftist cruelty, their human trafficking, on the border is left his cruelty, but what they were I do. Is they want to because they engage in these cruel policies. They want to accuse conservatives of not having compassion and, in fact, when you look at the facts, the compassionate policy, if you really care about those kids were being trafficked, you end the trafficking
in the way that you and the trafficking is by ending the incentives for all of the traffickers. Joe Biden is, It is a massive incentive for child trafficking on the more shocking sure. Does morocco A third and final headline headline number three months, worried sick. Servers response to explosive report of half of hunter of icloud account. I'm glad you put this in here and I wanted to talk about keep my job from other day s right oh you're, the reeds days after I reported pack of hunter binds. I've got account led some war chan users to claim they had access. A vast amounts of information about present, Joe Biden son? The signal service set its. It is keeping track of the allegations washington, examiner reported sunday that screenshots that were aimed as being taken from hunch abundance phone, a computer reposted late Saturday night. The claims could not be verified threads that
jane material from the alleged hack were later take down it just like what they deal with the laptop back in twenty twenty four nineteen actually quote at this time. We are not in a position to make public comments on potential investigative actions I can assure you the secret service, along with other federal law enforcement partners, are aware of the social media post and claims referencing, MR by secret service, spokesperson, Anthony Google, meaning sat in a statement accords embassy. Now NBC said it could not independently confirm whether this claim was true or whether any material assessed. If any was I had been, previously release when the contents of a laptop computer formerly. Long John Joe Biden were made public, despite the videos of hunch abide with crack. Cocaine videos despite army, like ok, let's go so I'm gonna go
there's been a few congressmen and senators, that of a colony stuff out yet shall rashly iowa the ranking republican on the civil judicial The committee said that there were serious, unanswered questions. Swirling about the investigations into hunter Biden headed by David weiss, the us attorney for delaware, the investigation reportedly or concerns hunter Biden's compliance with tax law quot on june thirty of twenty twenty one and june. Twenty eighth of twenty two soda johnson, I wrote to the white house council we wrote about then vice president binds per use of non government email
to transmit government information to science or by the white house councils office refuses to answer whether president Biden still communicates government business to hunter Biden. Among other questions, repose quote: congress has a constitutional responsibility to ensure the proper execution of, and compliance with, conflict of interests, laws and regulation. Grassy, said quote: the failure of the justice department to comply with these rules will cost who infections are run rapid, that that iraq to the core of the justice department and cast a cloud over everything that it does have said before, but just as parliament's failure to be transparent, welsh biden, criminal case and refusals relating to It has cast a cloud over the investigation. What does the justice department trying to hide the american people's concern about how the case has been managed are legitimate? He said: what do we got on this gas? Did that the idea that it's about tax complaint,
the exact locate, tax compliance. Anybody who seen any of this nonsense and the concerns about hunter Biden and pity feel yeah. About growing all about it and, above all of this unique disgusting, they fuck dude. It's what you started to end. The last summit is the biggest child trafficking operation. The planet's ever been existed. Here we have people in the white house or in pedophilia like, what is going on the dude had innocent in his phone book P2P for her dress, dad he sit pictures having sex with, but who knows how all these people are by the way they look really young setting pictures to god, the president immunized. What are we doing. I'm sorry dude, I will cut you off, but he's fucking pisses me are what are you? is doing Why are you not infuriated about this raising hell about this at every corner? We have a president of the united states, who is not only
compromise and destroying our country also into shit. That is unspeakable and there are any, you guys think it's a coincidence that trying to normalize the sexual exploitation of children and you're. Ok, would this. Are you guys you were silent here? You guys Standing near the thinking wall, every day I d or leave it to aircraft leave to whoever else to say for this shit. You guys- to stand for this shit. This is on speak about. Reality that's happening in america right now. It is evil. I am one of the things, one of the things that we have to recognise that this is in fact this is a fight against evil and also lets point out, this is not just a problem of what's happening in the Biden family, which is disgusting, but it's also a problem. because the rhinos won't investigate
where is the rhino investigation of the trump russia collusion oaks, whereas the rhino investigation of Hillary Clinton spying on the trump camping, whereas the invest, negation of all of that stuff, hunter binds laptop being russian disinformation where's the in Situation in the hunter buying keep in mind the thing, here's the where's, the victim list of Epstein right. Where's the kinds of abstain on of Epstein a the dirty little secret? You you, people have not put together about Epstein and why they then it's so hard because there's, how much more of vaccines out there, but they don't want you to catch on understanding, a whole bunch and an you eat in the run up guns aren't investigating and then not only that to point out how come rob the whole system is keep in mind today. All of those things I mentioned. The republicans are not investigating, but republicans in charge and twenty seventeen, it was under republic hence in the house, in the senate, that the whole tromp
sure collusion nonsense on for years, so they were willing to do that. They're willing to work with the leftists are willing to work with the mainstream media to push some of those lies against president trump and yet, and yet today there are not investigating election and fraud. Today there not investigating the hunter by laptop today. There not investigating all of these different things. So just shows you, the true failure of the political class to actually engage and get to the truth for concurred, remove, dared it's it's. It's it's fuckin. Do this is listen. You really have to question what it is you believe it. I d I can associate with you personally if you support this because in my mind, you're supporting pedophilia. that's it. This is evil. It is an evil shit neared. Unlike that's, why this
the idea of of unity which I like, but this This subs set of our like we could not unify with evil. Do like there is a difference between looking your enemy. In saying hey, you have a common interest. I have a common interest. Let's worked together to two to eradicate this problem. And killing crushing evil like the enemies that all of you have are not really evil enemies? These are people that you have competitive nature with Let me say that your enemy along, like it for me, there's guy the old competitive companies. There were competitive right like we're friendly, but we're also competitive. Those are not I'm talking about here. All of those kind of relationships have to merge together. a commonality against this evil. This evil has to be a radical from our entire country. We can,
wow, a network which is what we're dealing with ok. I talked about the queue thing earlier, while the reason the queue thing works is because their revealing enough truth for you to see this happening, to get you to trust that there's something going to happen more, but the truth of it as there is no sir weeping arrests that are going to happen unless we do it. Ok, this is evil this cannot be tolerated in amerika. I am I live and let live person. I am if freedom Eric, When I disagree on the on the idea of abortion, things like that, ok, I'm upset freedom, american one million per cent and erica. Have this conversation all the time about what that means? but certainly we could all agree that have again molesting at having sex with twelve year old children in searching for twelve years, in your porn history and having fucked up pictures to your neighbours and in madison
the war in saying that there is these fucking parties that are happening with do these? People are all evil and have to stand up against it. We have to take it back by putting people really good people in the play, and look too. This is our last chance to do that. If we fail to do this in november, if you guys elect. y know type people, because you think republicans are going to fix we will lose this country. This is now, public and democrat. This is air dies. Establishment? People who on the outside. I have money criticisms about tromp, but trouble is the mother Fucking do because go in and wreck the shit. The santas guy's gonna rex she'd, everybody knows that he's done it Eric, they even let him come in and wreck shit, because how much shit he's going to wreck right? Okay, that's the truth, though. people. We need an hour, that wreckage in the name of freedom
in a free america, a new, more prosperous, free, less oppressed, less tax. more opportunity, america- united america will emerge. It will emerge when it is a choice. Young. We stand right now at a moment in history, where there is a choice and it is a choice. between surrendered to leftist tyranny, surrendered to this evil or it's the revival of the republic. There's no way, there's no way that things stay on this same course, okay, so it's either you're gonna sign up for the surrender to left his tyranny or year for the revival I'm here for the revival we're all here for the revival but he's your what that means, though it everybody ass to take action, Everybody has to take action, and I say this out my role as we are now not going save the country with just might action alone. We're not gonna save the country just with electing the right people and twenty two,
you alone, if we really want to revive the country, given the crisis that were in every single american, whose listening to this you have to Ask yourself: what can I do and you gotta go out and do it some radical? Are you gonna do guys it's just getting engage in your local community gas. This this should has to stop from the bottom up Here's the major strategic mistake that what happened with the truck presidency from which, straight to the presidency, without the support in the underlying of the government. Okay, so they took, an outsider. He was enough of a popular person was able to go right to the main office, What is he didn't? the real american support in the senate in the house. how's that we have to have? And so for us to really take this back its starts at the community level and you guys getting involved in elections that you may not have ever pay attention due, because you but they were relevant well there,
are very relevant, because when we get a leader at the tap, who is that Let's say free a pro freedom, american, ok, you're, not gonna, have the support in congress that they would have so you guys the reason trop got fate, the recent trouble Is it able to do what he wanted to do? If we're talking pure political strategy? Is because you lay the groundwork first, ok, if you go back to taking over republics through the actual election process in the history of this over over and over again, but ones that worked, worked, because the citizens got engage. They built from the bottom up and then they brought a leader in to lead and you also had to have- and I think in the trunk team would tell you this- they didn't real eyes, how deep the deep state! Why ass you think about everything that was done against general flynn? Why did they do that against general flint, because general flynn knew where the corruption was right, general,
flynn knew what was wrong and that's why they targeted and when, after right away limbs, they went from right away because they knew tat. He had bought into trumps idea and they wanted to. several that connection and it worked and they and thereby, because they cut off flynn from tromp who yoga Lenny these great dude in where's. My campaign is being attacked now by the january six committee. Right he's, a guy who understood he'd been ahead of the defence intelligence. agency worked in the national security system. He knew where the problems were, and he would have been able to help president tromp to actually clean out the deed estate. That's why they went after general flynn, and so yes, yeah yeah, so you gotta, have you get? Yes, you have to have congress got to have the house the senate, and then you also have to recognize how deep the deep state is and actually make sure that we clean it out yeah, and on top of that guys, this is also like it ties in what I tell you guys all the time we need a cultural revolution, personal
so it is at the forefront of that cultural revolution. How you live the thoughts you think the information you putting your brain? That's the way you keep your house the way you keep your body the way you keep your fitness. The way treat your career. The way your neighbors observe you working at a higher standard of living, a higher standard. That is the course revolution that we must have a long with the. Idea of getting engage in the civic duties that you have an american because the greatest american I have always understood. One concept is our freedom, ain't fucking free ok, and while we may not all go fight overseas, we all still have to do our part in our lives to contribute to the better in this country and that's what they ve made us forget. they have for the last thirty years. When I was a kid do it was breathing your head, though you haven't, obligation to america
for the men and women who have died for you to have freedom, you an obligation to make something of your life. If you go back to in private way and you go to the end scene, where he goes to the graveyard falls on his knees, and he looks at his friend who saved his life and he looks to his wife and he says tell me good man tell me: I lived a great life that is what america is about and they have made us forget it and it's that we bring it back its one hundred percent and in the way you can think about it. Also is this who do parents want for citizens do tiring, white, passive, sick, ineffective, easy to rule people who listen to the mainstreaming has risen by or right. If you'd hoo hoo what kind of citizens are essential to a free republic, people who are free thinking, you think for yourself, you go out
and you learn for yourself. You read for yourself, you taught you talk with with good people, you think for yourself, like that's your healthy, you're in charge of your finances, you're in charge of your home, your job, all of those things make for a free republic. Tyrants, want weak people. Tyrants want passive people. Tyrants want people who are going to believe what they are old, we too have this cultural revolution is why you are so right. It is about personal excellence, because that strength, You think about every american every american, his listening to this, and I mean you right now you get ten percent stronger. in every in every in every facet, guest chamber, and stronger financially get ten percent stronger. Physically you get ten percent stronger, mentally get ten percent stronger emotionally. Yet ten percent stronger, intellectually, you think about that than you think not that multiplied millions of times across the republic. Millions of people stronger. That is the road to freedom. That is the route to a free report
a hundred percent. Do you ass thinking about this on on on July fourth, independence day? Ok and we think of independence, as well as an entire collective country and while yes, the usa, maybe still it's not, but it may have could appear to be. An independent country, unfortunately, were compromised. You have to think about independence in your own world in your own life like how dependent on you on the system, how dependent you on the news: how dependent are you on mcdonald's? How dependent are you on these mega corporations and you need to start becoming independent. That means you're going to have to increase your earning power. You're gonna have to build your business. for those of you. Are our producers? You're gonna have to put american values down through your system. You can not care to these woke people. Ok, here rid of one it's easy to do, there is the fucking door right, it's that's it
because what you have and what you're afraid of is too or five or six people in your hundred. Is an organization. There are gonna, make a coup well, here's how you stop a coup I can handle motherfuckers before they start it. Its reality. So Fire em, there's a door piece out. We have to give stronger physically we have to give stronger mentally, we have to start work on capable what is in our own minds that have been suppressed for hundreds of years for the. Instead, we need these people to connect. Roll humanity. We don't even know what our own potential is do because they lie to us about I know what our potential is. I know what metaphysics is. I know what quantum physics is. I know the quantum reality of our human brain and what it's made for it's made to create it's made to unify it's made to connect with other people, and they keep us from that because, once we do that and once we become self sufficient, we are possible, to a over we're,
I support a rule over and then we, ass. We need leadership in all this, materials like to claim me too: I'm not a fucking libertarian, either by thing right, we need leadership, but we need leadership that serves we need. We need to contribute, as far as a productive community together too, the forward mission that we're working towards an here's years. A bit The question you can always ask: are these leaders trying to make me stronger if a leader is trying to make use stronger. That means they really care about you. They really respect you. They really believe in you. Yet On the other hand, you have leaders who are trying to make you more scared. Weather is running. These nuclear attack adds telling you to go in relying on your house said: go inside your house and listen to us, listen to the experts. Okay, what great leaders do? Is it there look at you and they believe in you and what we have now in america
leadership of Biden in the failed leadership of the rhinos is it they have failed to recognise the true promise and potential of all of the american people and what great leaders do they look at everybody right in everybody's, imperfect everybody's got pain, everybody's got suffering. Everybody also has the potential for wisdom for strength for courage, great leaders look at people's potential and they them to realise that you have to realize your own potential. No leader can do it for you, but they help you to realise their potential. That is what, great leaders. Do great leaders call Ass to emission great leaders, call us to recognise what we have inside of us to step forward and to do more by contrast what tyrants do parents want to make you afraid they wanna make you sick there. put you inside of your house. They want to have you listen just to them, if we believe people believe in you, they were right. I that you have the ability to think for yourself to act for yourself to provide for yourself and they want to support that. That's what I do as a leader. That's what graduate
do as a leader, Andy, that's what great patriots do is it? They recognise the potential everybody around them and that's what we can do as a country and I'll tell you this, like. I said. If you listening right now, this part of your mission to the way you In this way, you you wait, we, u help to revive the countries, getting stronger you get stronger, the country's gonna to get stronger drama, Allah dude do, and you are a great fuckin leader by the way, thanks well like you, we'll whether you get elected or not or whatever. You know what I'm come when I'm spokesman does onto us, final segment of the show, you schwab robin we're gonna get elected we're gonna die saying I just appreciate ebro. Does onto our final segment of the show what you guys have all been waiting for? We have our thumbs up headline.
where I show a headline to the younger two thumbs up or two thumb somewhere. You don't want them and with that being said, a thumbs up headline reads: he has familiar with doordash right. Hello, reads: door as users score free food and alcohol during app glitch, twitter users posted about them orders of alcohol plan b and chicken wings during the glass so a number of dore dash users jump on a deal that made their order free. Ninety nine after a glitch hit the app on thursday. The technical hiccup according to mashable was from a quote payment processing issue that allows users to place an order without entering payment information news of the good, spread on twitter and on thursday night into friday morning, users shared a number of their quote. Free orders, including two thousand dollars worth of dawn, who leo respite saddled tequila more than
twenty thousand dollars worth of seafood and plan b these? This is one picture from a mcdonald's I movie gascon, I mean look at all those fucking doordash orders row, I mean it's insane or here's another video of its. What are usually, I spent two thousand dollars in liquor, this video thank you pookie terrible ride, so the free fine allegedly didn't last long, however, as uses began to pose screen shots of charges from up after there, what a door national statements mash will set. The company was cancelling orders made during the glitch what were actively cancelling fraudulent orders and are in touch with urgent and packed it to ensure they are compensated for any unauthorized orders they may have received. The company said quote we will We work to ensure that we are always offering the highest quality of service to the community's we serve and we sincerely
jasper any inconvenience caused by this That's what are also responded to this because now board ashes, one back and their collection of visas, person starts we don't ashes about to hire some elite debt collectors. This person did the door did. I did the door dash glitch yesterday and for vans have been parked outside my home since morning, but they started going and second, the money back from people saw me like this. One that's what they should do, what they have to do? Listen brow! This is fucking to thumbs down, Listen. This is american culture that should not be memorize the should we not promoted, I would than any of you listen to the show when I do this right, like that, this is bout doing the right thing and its also more than that to its about doing the right thing, but it's also. This is, if you think, about what what a regime wants people to take pleasure in its nonsense like this here, ok
take pleasure in setting the personal record, we take pleasure in finishing a hard book. Take pleasure. In taking your sons and daughters out, fishing and having an amazing time, take pleasure in calling a friend who you haven't. I two for a long time and said: hey man, I love you write and having a real conversation right. Take pleasure and actually you know reaching out to somebody and letting them know that your grateful take pleasure in those things here. I take pleasure in those things in and again from a cultural perspective, may culture perspective when leaders have to talk about like those things, are hard but there are also meaningful the ross, in reaching those things are lasting. This nonsense. The two thousand dollars worth of tequila, whether the duke keeps it or not, or they could make a I've worrisome giant distraction, it's a giant, reaction from everything that could truly make your life better than use your saying it? That's that's.
as what I was trying to say? I look. You know we have to start taking pride like look, there's an there's. Not a person is building. That would do that. No fuck, no there's, not a single person in this building. It would do that. I take pride in it testament to your leadership and wells, and it is also of high standard. I don't I listen. I must in a dragon myself, I'm just saying that as that like those of you, were out there in leadership that teach people do the right thing. When it's also, though, it's an important social, Why do we need to make ok? So one thing that so so whenever I am advising young people right, they always did the last. What should I Do right, let's say they're, leaving college of their coming out of the military and they wanna like what should I do and what I always suggested m is start with this question. Who are you gonna? Do it with its far more important who your wish then what you're doing, especially when you're young right, you're, twenty five, twenty six, twenty seven years old, it doesn't matter
If you are, you know, ah, painting houses, it doesn't matter if you're, if you're, in a working in the business as a matter for and sales the quality you have your life, and the trajectory of your life is going to be more powerfully shaped by the quality of the three people who you spend the most time with than it is by the activity that you're actually in right and so yeah. It's a huge chestnuts EU india. But I'm saying that not just like to point out that year, you're a great leader, but I'm off. I was saying the reason why that's true that nobody here would do. That is because they are all surrounded by like minded people who are like. You know what dude and he's getting after it laundry you to go back to where we started like Try on the self improvement shout out a gm to get five k like a beat up like go for it, and I encourage everybody like make Andy pay like seriously like like go out there and and and attack that attack that challenge and recognize that you know
This kind of nonsense is just a huge distraction from what's actually meaningful and life through doordash, also club back to a couple of them on twitter etc tell me you broke without telling me. You broke spots, some people do it issues to me. Like I look at this and it's just a a shining example of the cultural d like it, delusion that we ve had not delusion. But the dissolving of our cultural standard like this is. This goes back to the first video that we talked about with the little boy like you want. Okay, let's tie these two together. Look how the adults behave from stealing some shit from some businesses that are going to have to fucking pay for that, and then look at how the kid acts to the cop right and you guys are surprised. This all related documented yeah. We have a cultural disconnection here and it's only solved
by us raising our standards? This is why we continue to say the same thing: personal excellences ultimate rebellion just it, and then it just it actually hadn't heard you phrase it exactly like that or yeah, but yeah personal, the ultimate rebellion. That is exactly right. That's exactly right: it's the truth to the how how can they control us on an individual level? If we are personally excellent and hilarious, I can't let the true smart wear to a festival for two independent too strong to help we were too strong, would you connected to other like minded individuals, because when you become personally excellent, you leave behind people who are willing to go on their journey, and you united, it's just what you just said you did. It's who you were so anyway, dilute. First, you do your part in sing road thanks, we're coming on the show a garment glad to be here. Thank you, the I thank you got some in the whole crew. Thanks guys, guys, if you feel so inclined, you know, go to this man's website air, it's our crimes that comrade, sir and control.
To his eye to his ears, campaign. Ok, we only have a few days left here and these guys are spent a lot of money and even if it's five bucks, ten bucks, fifty bucks, whatever you can do, if you're a patriot, this is a person we need. So I'm going to ask you, which I never ever ever, asked to make a financial contribution to this mandate, pay, because I know what he's going duties there and if he does it will come on the show and I will say half was fuckin wrong. But I believe in this man. Ok, I would like for you guys to believe in him too, but there's a lot of the people, listen to show. I'm calling on you to donate, ok straight up. If you are one of these people who is in a financially good spot, and you can now more than the maximum allowed on airs website, send us a message on customer service. Here the show will point in the ration of of of what I think is a really good pack run by one of my friends, were you could donate more than what is allowed on his website and
and I don't ask for shit on the show and one ask by my shit. What I'm asking you right now, because his fucking media and important so thanks man I appreciate beyond nobody yeah thank you got us all alright, alright girl, good show guys don't forget to pay the team share it. Alright, thank you for sleeping on the floor number jury box frozen focus both book, the stove, countless millions in the cold. They teach buddhist, got all kinds of doses, no shot case club.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-28.