« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

329. Andy & DJ CTI: 62 Year Old Employee Prosecuted For Self-Defense, U.K. Prime Minister Resigns & Woke Coffee Shop Shuts Down

2022-07-08 | 🔗

In today’s episode, Andy and DJ discuss a 62 year old Bodega employee in New York prosecuted for stabbing a career criminal in an act of self-defense, U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson resigning as the leader of the Conservative Party and woke coffee shop owners in Philadelphia shutting down the business after battling with woke employees.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number for the countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't kang, doesn't know headshot case club. Why is that guy just for show- and this is the show for the really say goodbye to live the illusion of modern society- welcome other fucking guys. Today we have Andy did she grows the mother fuck him in there and do what levels there we go. We worked in edinburgh. We want Do I there first things. First little space is a good friend your grave ass right. I am but the show guys this a city I was. the internet and we talk a lot, watches shit. We say something
things and you know smaller things did What else do we got reactivity? F, peculiar is where a you submit your cues and then we give you the a f. Where can they submit the accused guys you email those questions in to ask Andy and Andy for salad? I come the fuck on the fucking, get it the right away. I was expecting to handle them in line with our listen. We're gonna have to play the fucking thirty seconds before we error the show that it has. The wise people can be what the fuck is wrong. With you, it's the fuck convertibles yeah see Joe. you know what view the Heaven knows. I wish I pick this. We also have a real targets. We'll talk is where we just get on there for short burst of truth.
That is designed to help you some sounds like yelling, but it's just that I'm really passionate about helping us truth. Then we have full length full naples where were joined by certain gaps. Who are taking ass in some areas of life where they tell story. We have conversations, we have some lass and then we too, About how they are normal people, just like you and how you can do the same sort of thing, because, ultimately guys what were true, to do here is fixed shit. Ok, a country's fox. We all know that it's fucked from a cultural standpoint always solution We have is to raise our own personal standards. That's what will fix it the most. This is a culture problem that has to start, and so are we try to contribute to that? That's what we're doing so! There's a fee tunnel, the zebra you're gonna be a simple if you got anything out of the show, if he laughed if major cry, if it touches something, if you learn something, if you going perspective, all that we ask you to do, is show how about
I'm gonna run ads on the shoulder run out for the show to share as it so anyway what's goin on man that stuff, I got some crazy shit. I bear a row. It's been like a crazy weakness. We, I spent a lotta lotta shit. There's a lot of moving little fuckin awful things going here like a lot of it. You've got gotta, make sense of it or atlas, Let's do it was given to engage. Remember if you want to see any of these articles. Pictures links. Videos go to Priscilla you sell. We, I all of these all things these things are about today. That will come there. So if you would like to see more information about him, go there but before we actually breaking news, gotta bring news headline. Reads: access deaths on the rise, but not because so called experts call for investigating what kind of fucking his ears like this, I will just say,
like below forgive still a fucking swell and got cookie crops or apple, asked what fucking laugh about this point like it. So do not satisfy happening there, but the way their training I have always fought dude There is no drugs or in here well, they gonna stop. Row is vulcan terrible bro. Motherfucker play. You guys should be one and is We have no right you're. Somebody else. Somebody else like food does seized the work, Both the arrows I need a new strategy is wrong. I'm just saying like there's no way, mother fucker bleed. This now is no fucking way. Wait till you see where the same I realize is fuckin boot, ok, so this has come out of england. Ok, the article reads: the death toll in england and wales continues to rise, even though covert related deaths have dropped. As a result, health experts
have requested an immediate investigation into the source. on the eve of the rising non covert, excess beth reason, Data from the office of national statistics showed fifteen hundred and forty excess, deaths in one week ending on june twenty fourth of this year, however, only about ten percent of those deaths were caused by covert nineteen. The telegraph reported health experts are still looking for answers and have called for urgent investigation. They believe that the pandemic response, lack of access to healthcare and even the cost of living crisis might be to blame as it will go through this one. Quick white bear. They're saying I think the reality is going to be quite complex, but it's something we need. be aware of an eye We try and understand. We know there is relationship between excess deaths, deaths and deprivation. So
Maybe the current financial situation we are in is exacerbating that so we're trying to say that people can't afford food right, yeah can't afford to eat farming. What this is you know- and I know it's in poor taste- that we're laughing right like I don't think it's funny that anybody's dying. I understand that it's just you know. I have spent the last fucking two years of my entire fucking life. Trying to like bring this to light. And like to me the way there trying to cover this shit now is its absurd. Yes, some fucking climate change browser like they're, fucking sat right right, do Food? Everybody knows or here's the other thing so the don't they I mean up. I mean that's the point of this just so you guys can fucking
we're not making the shit up. Is there the this is then put the shit out. You know what what one surprising thing is so that same system it reported seven hundred and fifty to excess deaths in the home in the last week. Third, two percent more than usual and more than half hospitals and care homes put together. So these people, like these deaths, are not people who are sick and in fact, in hospital these not people in fuckin you no harm the cities or sudden death sees a sudden thought. I not explained at exactly. Do not scared wrote crazy. That's what in scale, it's crazy man and so like there's only one fucking car. common denominator, her guys, we gotta see through the bullshit. It's not fuckin, solar flares is not the fuckin economy.
None of that. Everybody knows what it is. It's a common as it's common fucking denominator, fuck, it's crazy. We talked about this crazy, fucking tall mother fuck. While we have doctors on row, this is crimes against humanity, bro, crazy shit. This is fucking crimes against mother, fucking, humanity. It's crazy. They could not get away with this shit. Dude I a that's there. They will. I think, like I do know, is why people fucking cannot forget about this. Like there's a lot, People right now who I have moved on and there like back to like they feel like there's someone normally free ro ro. This is fucking the biggest crime. That's
we've been committed against fucking humanity in the history of fucking mankind, my billions of people simultaneously at the same fucking time. Alright, man yeah, it's crazy shit man. I we we got appointed outback cause like it's just their excuse that they try to fucking. Keep. I don't buy this shit and don't forget about it. That's it! That's it be vocal about it. You do. The people who have the family members fucking, kick it over bro. You guys gotta be willing to talk about this shit that you have to you. Have you crimes of it? Fuck shit is crazy. Man see. Do they
fucking? They lied so hard, and so many people bought into it so hard that they were to the point where they're refusing to see the truth or admit the truth. Even when confronted with like the the harshest reality, foot fucking hits them in the face. I still don't want to admit it. Well can't deny what's happening right. it's crazy shit man, man, crazy guises, move on to our first headline of the what headlined, what an one reads, fury at woke men had the eight alvin than brag for prosecuting hard working, both egg employee who was sixty two who stabbed career criminal to death in self defence.
go fuck me removes the man's twenty thousand, now a legal fine as he languishes in rikers, island hundred and fifty thousand fifty thousand dollars. So let's did into this into this little bit. This is a really really crazy and fucked up story when it brings to light to itself an article reads: there is mounting anger over woke me, hadn defence attorney album brags decision to charge a sixty two year old, bodega employee, with murder for killing a career criminal in self defense after the thug attacked him in his store. Jose Alba is in rikers island this morning awaiting his first court appearance on the charges of murder. His bell has been set at two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
an exorbitant amounts compared with the low or no cash bell that is routinely given to repeat offenders by brags soft touch office. So, on this past Friday night Alba stabbed Austin Simon to death after Simon attacked him in the blue moon convenience store, Harlem Alba, who is beloved in the local community, has worked there for decades, and has no criminal record at all. His family launched a gofundme page to help pay for his legal expenses, but the page was removed on Wednesday night after raising twenty thousand dollars go find me is yet to explain the decision over the weekend album the rain. On this second degree, murder, charge and brags office acts. The judge to set out was bell at her, If a million dollars with the judge deemed too high alba has not yet been indicted. His case is gone before the grand jury on saturday, so this all began in the storm Friday night
Simons girlfriend who has not been named. Try to bag try to buy a bag of potato chips for her daughter. Her debit card was decline, as she tried to make the purchase and albert insisted that she had the chips back over courting to police the woman then produced her own knife from her hand, bag. There was a scuffle and she ran out of the store to call on Simon for help. Simon, was on parole for attacking a police officer. At the time of the incident of friday, night say records show we spent time in. Myra and five points to new york city correction facilities- ba, Alvin. Bragg's office has not commented on the decision to charge alba or the communities in fucking out their outrage. Right now I need a tweet to going out there's a hashtag free jose alba going around the sand. Tweets like this, tell DA album brac to stop criminalizing self defence and drop the charges against jose alba maybe they're all over this research. Jose Alber stabbed and killed it.
the seven year old man who went behind the counter to attack him in a new york bodega, because he was mad about a bag of chips. Free Jose alba is everywhere. I am Even crazier is simons girlfriend who a we produced a knife she stabbed Jose in the arm. She has not been charged, she's still walking free. I got a couple of sto clips again gotcha. You can find this on any facility dot com, but Jose Alba hit him right in the fucking juggler and I really didn't even know he was dead, but you could actually see here that's a stab wound from the girlfriend when she pulled the knife out on. So it's crazy. What what do we got on this that'll be unpacked what do you think? I think what I believe is is that I believe that this is this. The same shit that's been going on: it's the push and they're trying to criminalize people from protecting themselves. They don't want people to protect themselves.
Lol. Why? Why the real criminals are one on one? Why would they want by yeah? Why don't we we can get used to the mindset that we can't defend ourselves? Why else do they want it? They want chaos in a communist country. A truly communist country. People are believed to not have possessions. Everybody owns everything. Everybody shares everything right so How do you create that in a in a country where private property ownership- okay- and this is where the world economic forum's slogan You'Ll- owe nothing and be happy? Okay, there has to be a time of chaos where
The criminals are allowed to get away with crimes, and people are taught that you share things and everything is everybody's in order for that, the collective to prosper. That is the whole idea. Yeah, yeah and so like in venezuela and other countries. It's gotten to the point where, when people leave their homes for a few days at a time they come back and the homes are occupied and they cannot kill those people- okay and that's what this is. What this is is the beginning of that and people will say: oh free, jose alba Qu Yeah hundred percent, but maybe we should be talking about the big reasons of why these things are happening. Are these prosecutors across the country are doing this exact same thing? Is this? This is exactly what is happening in Saint louis is exactly what's happening in Chicago.
This is exactly what is happening in San francisco. This is exactly what's been happening, oakland for fucking years. This is exactly the plan. This is what I've been trying to tell you guys. This is that ok, so where it doesn't make any sense to you as to why they prosecute people who fight back and hold them accountable and dont process. do people who are the aggressor, who are the lawbreaker who are considered the quote: unquote: criminal, that's the redistribution of property happening right in front of your fucking face, know so chew on after a fucking minute. What else we got fucking, fucking crazy. I mean what else What do what do you think? Nah I mean look. This is what I see when I look at. Oh yeah. It blows my mind, man,
I and like I said this is also what I shall do. That's what you're fucking get for being uneducated fuckin voter in voting and people like fire Can a see you don't even know what the fuck she stands for. You just now you don't even know what the fuck you stay out war. This is what you can look forward to by continuing the fuckin progressive agenda in continuing the fucking globalists agenda. What you can look forward to people like me: we'll have fucking military personnel defending them like. I do. So I've been trying to help all these people with his information and I've been giving out and nobody seems to want to fucking listen so until we fuck and stop them they're going to continue this so think about
from him. Does move on a headline number to allow me to read. Boris Johnson announces resignation quote when, heard moves. It moves like this. All right I'll. Do we're superweeds? How old is act? Where's that saying me right? So uk prime minister, Boris Johnson, confirmed today that he, when the show is recorded thursday, but he will resign as leader of the conservative party and step down as prime minister once a replacement is selected duh Dozens of ministers in johnson's government has resigned over the past twenty four hours as a cascade of scandals find really caught up to the prime minister and remarks outside ten downing street johnson said that it was quote a painful moment and noted that he fought hard to avoid it. Quote. It is clearly now the will of the parliamentary conservative party. There.
it'd be a new leader and therefore a new prime minister Johnson said he think voters who gave him a landslide general election victory in december to nineteen and said he resisted the calls to resign because well what I thought it was my job, my duty, my obligation to you to continue to do what we promised and twenty nineteen referring to the can out of members of parliament who turned against him, he said. Oh, the herd instinct is powerful, and when the herd moves it moves. Abidjan. said that no leader was indispensable. Anko are brilliant and dominate darwinian system will produce another leader. He promised to offer his successor. His support so I'll be out Bobby, replacing a new conservative party leader on the will replace some possibly happening by early october
and as of right now, there's at least fifty nine members of Johnson ministers have resigned at the time of his remarks, roughly half of his entire government. There's just a lot of weird shit, going on dude yeah lot of weird shit, yeah and, as I've been seeing also to a lot of other countries, men are losing their fucking shit. like ITALY's go on him. I now germany's go going, remember that when they created the disruption with the fuckin pandemic waiting to happen first, we were the last round went first right. So keep that in mind. Yeah. It's about a week lapse here now, son. I wish you luck in. It was a couple months here they were behind them because they can't be aggressive it as they can. These other places, because we have guns in these places doubt
so you were not what do you think you do? The timing of all this shit is weird. I really talking about an early like even with the georgia guide stones which recovered the other day and see tat. George guy stone in the fuck concern shit time enough. Like there's just a lot of fucking. Weird shit, that's good now know about admiral. I mean that's that it's an incredible coincidence wonders and, like you know, the fucking georgia guide stones gets exploded, the same time as they fuckin started up the stern shit like a very nice day, we thirty three a m, exactly which three is like one of their fucking numbers.
I I I dunno dude like I the more this drags on, because, if feels to me with this thing and and in england- and it feels like this- is just my personal like feelings on it- it it feels like he's being forced out and- and I dunno I know that this is like a win yet because he is with the globalist around on earth. Is one those things where they said: hey you're, fucking out mom because we have all this shit on you you're not doing the job that we want you to do right and that's what they're talking about these fuckin scandals, because remember I told you do these people have every mother fucking thing you ever said and did on fuckin at the everything you ever did within ears shot of slovenia. I because vulcan
phone or fucking camera lab in the last fucking ten years is recorded, so they stick. They keep this shit. That was a report about words. Why we're not unless you're fucking free do none of us are fucking free. That was a report about a statement today, like you like, no leader, was indispensable. He said quote a brilliant darwinian system will produce another leader. That sounds like some fuckin sketchy shit to me. You don't say I like the gps. Our practice and fuckin dominance I don't know what it means by that. There's a address like it's a lot of coded shit. You I'm sorry, I'm out Now. Listen to me. I don't know what to make of this. Could honestly, like I don't know enough about his system. but what I said a minute ago how it feels to me based on what I am aware of your yet just half your fuckin people just resign, yeah. How I would I would assume you're going
to see more of this and other places. If what I believe is correct about, what's going one. I would assume that you're going to see more of this in more places and to bring in people who will push their shit harder. Now I may think of it like a business right like if you got a fucking person and getting the job done. Getting the fuck out puts money also will yeah yeah? That's that's exactly the same. Exactly what's happening. Separates leveraged. You know they leverage exactly exactly the job, even if you don't want it, each other's leaders that are willing to fucking stand up and talk and be brave and say: hey. I don't fucking care what you have on me, fuck, you because this is bigger than that. You see what I'm saying: yeah, that's what it's going to take now. That's why you know that's why millions more fuckers do anything cause they're, fucking, they're, all leveraged in many different ways. So most of the times where favours, though he looks like he's
got some shit on and somebody stole the cookies. I always thought he I I dunno. I always thought he was pretty cool, looking like he's fucking goofy looking, but he was like cool that this fucking goofy looking dude became president that was kind of rooting for him I know I dunno, I don't really have an opinion on it cause. I don't know about anything about the fact that he locked down england for two, Yours tells me everything. I need financial jagger. The fact I see him on that ahmed form stage with all these people, that's That tells me everything. I need to remember that this move onto our third and final headline headline three. I let them three reads: coffee shop shuts down after even more woke employees. Issue list of insane demands august stories, awesome I'll, fuckin love the live like the world.
These are going after the rockies, like what the first of all I was in london, so article reads as the american left attempts to force its ideology on every part of the country. Many businesses have been embracing boldness in an attempt to stay in their good graces. Yet is every business will inevitably learn? No level of openness will ever be enough to please the most radical. Progressives a coffee shop in philadelphia. Learn this lesson sooner than expected over the last couple of weeks ago. to the daily wire me world coffee shop was forced to shut its doors after a group of employees revolted against the owners. While Small business closing is not a rare occurrence and binds america. It was speed in magnitude of the stores downfall, that was surprising. Celeste, Two years ago, food and entertainment magazine banality row a glowing review of mean as well hope mean as world is about
more than just drinks in the core. The outlet wrote. It seeks to be an alternate kind of coffee shop in philly, one that pays its employees fairly as black and brown employees and managerial positions, prioritizes ethical sourcing when it comes with coffee beans and never turns away across This is fucking bullshit nobody's, guy is rosy solving this issue is very well. I love it. So so an earlier for the same article co owners, saddam perique, brag about the businesses. Commitments are left us Ah Monsieur said that it would put them above competitors pope. I have worked in coffee since I was eighteen for weeks. Most of the work places were really toxic in the sense that the workers were not being paid well and the law, ownership neglected to protect their black in trans employees. I knew
that needed to be a space where you could have an amazingly made cup of coffee. That's my wife s, not whitewashed talkative. Oh, I don't know we brought. What ultimately did I thought of you black it could well be fucking white or I want my coffee. That's how you know I'm racist, because I don't drink coffee, I fucking know holy shit. Man like a like my alike. Mc Aviano. Like my wonder what is going on with a big you know, this is a product to serve this is how this some shit, What should I do, sir? As forget? Ripped apart, reacted wrong. We are limited to widely different fucking realities and it's fucking, sir.
Important players shit back and twenty years, we're gonna be like bad ones were right. Partly so this was so this article. This was two years ago right now fast for it to do right now and thanks d. To look a lot bleaker for the world coffee shop and it s the grand came up. The hedges instagram imposed from the count name mw workers a group of employees from munich World outlined their allegations against per week and her co owner kate, eckhardt who's, a who's who's, a dude. I quote Workers at minos world have long been in a labour rights struggle with owners, Kate and sono. For what Over a year, the groups at what we are facing us Make employer opposition manipulation, abuse of power exploitation, answer blackness able ism has dignity and complete disregard for our livelihoods around We should
the silver fucking mad. so our radically brothers she's crazy. How do these people exist? Row? wasn't blogger com wrong outbreaks. It does ticket holy shit man, so I could tell users are radically. These allegations are exactly the type of behavior perique promise to avoid a list of grievances later in the post. Also accused me in his world of quote: lack of financial transparency end quote token, asean as a way to, peer, safe by associates without, even though the fact that is. But what's crazy is the honest what you want with it. My way. so they demand, and I made the honest fuckin family. They re women that they were the bullshit Allah binary. So so the article says, however, arguably the most shocking part of the whole pose was the list of demands the workers issue to the owners. They demand
Did the owners emits a causing them harm issue? immediate payments, a staff that have have payment withheld, including back pay and quote reduced, redistribute the business and begin the process of transforming the business into a cooperative and the owners fucking. Did it? Here's a video of the honest right right here for you guys the crowds are going live this part of the conversation. and ass. I blackness on fifty second street. We put our community arise with our present as far as our workers in particular This was highlighted by an action from us, and we are here
responsibility for the harm that so we also say the owners also say they said quote: with the guidance of the workers and black and brown workers collective. We are trying to raise funds to buy the business and turn it over to us. staff at heart set so that they started a gofundme with the goal of raising two hundred thousand dollars to buy the building and a portion of the business they said was on by our own Joe Eckhardt. But Angela. It can mean, as world announced in an instagram post, it was closed due to lack of money. So we're all what we got eddie.
Oh yeah do come on you guys I won't have. You must realise that fucking, where his recent maggie you saw the videos rules that are worthy of dual role, will be impact whereas have to catch. The media's beat the shit out of what is being fucking part holy fuck. The fuck is going on at this must improve you.
oh that's darwinism, yeah that fucking is row. A fuck is those people. Those people are not able to survive, none of them. None of them will survive like they'll. Never do their only play is to fucking hope that somebody comes to fucking, save them. That's why they demand the ship mother, people like okay. Now you you have a as a business owner. You have the fucking ability to say: hey fucking eat a dick, you know what I'm saying like I would. I dunno man, ok,
your will go broke. Yeah, I mean dude. I could break this down for like ten hours about why that's a bad idea why this is a terrible idea and from a business perspective anyway. It's just like. I can't it's hard for me to comprehend like there's so many things wrong like starting with I've worked in coffee, since I was eighteen, isn't make you a fucking entrepreneur of coffee right to make you shit. Yeah. Alright, just means you, you fucking pour some fucking coffee to fuck, so we could start there. Unfortunately, you know we're trying to like not take up everybody's time the whole what I'm the iridium hung conversation dude, I think is this is this should be a reminder that, like the data is, the date is out right like that shit just does not. Work has been
proven time, atomic yeah, but it's so interesting. The watch these big mega corporations, who are fuckin too. I body and because the world economic forum is like fucking, making them push this shit and their destroying them. So I think that's a good answer that Oh, it's a great site, but I should like at what point Are they going to like sir holy fuck? This isn't fluck miracle fuck. No, we can't do. This will be broke exact like what I what like an end because they're so fuckin behold into this fucking international group in this big you no fucking initiative that they're trying to push across the globe, they're literally going to kill their fucking own business, the risk and and all they're willing to do that. Yeah. I think that's a fight like the the crazy thing is like, You know how about its gets. Its causes run by a bunch. People didn't create exact, like this, in your generational, fucking multi billion, dollars. Companies that them I can see always either gone or fuckin in the dirt. Say like these: these
companies are run by people who don't have a real perspective of what it takes. to build and what it takes to actually cater to a fuckin customer base, their out of touch completely dude completely. These people were solely. They live in that fuckin place where what we say it goes we'll just create them there of ourselves and people are not buying it like these people are in a fucking. Will you talk about leverage to the fuckin max? They can't community bro right, that's our going too far in their shit out. That's the funny thing is, I know, that's why you say it's sorters more opportunity now than they ever has been in business because of that they set the woke, he's not like they. They realized they can get put pull that should on the fucking american.
in the companies. For now they have to do it to each other at home, fuck yeah, it's it's self destruction. Boot is fucking crazy, eights dude it that listen, progressivism is a fucking black hole in fucking, destroys itself write them book, the bigger that gets in the markets. All it does is fucking there's no contribution- and this is what the irony of the whole scenario is- is that progressives are used to usher in communism, and in communism. The first thing they do is they killed a people that don't fucking produce. So it's like. you, people are so literally so fucking stupid rooting for your own fucking execution one day when the ship would fully be implemented like it's insane. They don't like this is how and where they are, and they ve been led to believe that they are these superior intellectuals, which is why were more virtuous, that's correct! That's why
They have such a hard time seeing reality because they, both they have been told and believed through the entire fucking cop. My education system in the media and the culture that these people, because they went to a four year fuckin place and got a fucking, do agree that there are smarter than everybody else, and that is just not fucking true, because you asking about where the information that you were taught actually came from and what intent was it behind teaching you the way those things are and are those things even the things that are the truth and factual of What actually happened? First to size, the fuckin history motherfuckers like the winning side and then there's the other side and then there's the truth. So you know People on the look out it. They don't even consider that only the consider, like hey man, what I was taught fuck in history,
may not actually be what actually happened and how it happened, but they're not even fucking able to comprehend that soldiers posts that such diverse among them the story. I said you ever notice how hollywood has a billion anti hitler movies, but not a single one against lenin, MAO or Stalin? Well, that's because fucking! That's because those are communists cut, those are communists, execution and what we are. What are we pushing where they try to push it? I'm saying it's just like come on guys come on yeah, it's it's there's a lot to that. Yeah! There's the there's a lot to that. There's lots of statement you made most people, don't know shit about. What's happened literally from nineteen fucking, thirteen. Ninety twelve, ninety thirteen until nineteen forty five they are, they are not taught the truth of what actually happened and there's a whole lot of things that happen culturally and in society that you they. You are completely fucking unaware of and like dude, that's you know, that's we have to fucking, be able to look and say hey what actually
is going on you. You know because dude, it's getting dangerous and it's getting to the point where, like like these people, they are buying into this they're losing like right. I do. Communism is not going to fucking when here in amerika, that's very clear The numbers in the data show it we have to stay on the fucking gas. We should not accept any communist fucking behavior here in this country of any sort. No, this is fucking america and that's not what the fuck we do here. Okay, but with that being said, you know these people who have bought into this idea this ideology that doesn't work in reality. Okay, those people are wasting their lives, they're buying into something that isn't true and eventually they're going to have to face the reality that what they believe is not the truth
because they're going to continue to go through life and get fucking, beat on and beat on and beat on and beat on and they're not going to be able to figure out. Why and the whole reason? Why is because they were taught the ideology, their whole entire life? inconsistently reality and how things actually work. So it's it's like. It's really fought. There's a lot to this. That is fucked up. It's been all four fucking, literally hundreds of years, the matter of which it was easier for them to do when their work. the independent media any sort. Ok when it was just newspapers- and it was just tv and it was just radio and before that it was just fucking. Me- Oh that control you any fuckin story about fucking leaving longer than the shit how you gonna know in fucking, saint louis Missouri, what's actually going on in fucking the pearl harbor. Nor how are you going? no, but I'm not saying it as bullshit you just don't. You want out there at that
time is where the trust of media chaos, and so we have to consider that if you didn't have an ability for humans to speak back and forth quickly previous to the technology of social media, previous technology of tax, previous technology of cameras, every mother fucking place in the world at all times,. It was easier to tell people shit them just wasn't true, and so what's whatsapp is the same. Motherfuckers that have fuckin ran this play for a long time, trying to run it now accept the technology is beating the mattel analogy they created to try to control, The us is now allowing us to see what is actually happening in real fucking time, instead, which date in macao for clearly right. So it's kind of a beautiful thing, a kind of shows you how good fuckin winds need fuckin losers, but there's still a real problem in hand and that we have a bunch of people that are
in a fucking, suffer their whole entire lives because they were fucking lied to by people. They should have it and that's a fucking, major problem bro. I have empathy for these people know little stump they can, because now I just you know like at some point. Humble yourself realize you don't quite know what fuck you talkin about examine your own fuckin beliefs in your own self, in your own thought process and look for what the actual truth is wrong with you, no matter what the truth, is whatever it is. You fucking look at. You will be more equipped to win when you understand what, things really are bad effects. You ultimately right, but ultimately our lives are up to us. It's how we feel about ourselves. It's our confidence is our belief. It's our fucking. It's all the things that make us us. It's our struggle! It's our fucking successes. It's our store will you tell connections? Those things are what matter, but knowing the true
What's going on in the world, only allows you to appreciate those things more and be better in that part of life, so I would hope that people actually take the time to try and truly understand what is going on. Why it's going on whose doing it and look at your for yourself, man like pay attention. You know I'm just trying to fucking.
What you guys are a better because the more we're aware of it, the better we can fucking insulate ourselves from it and you know, build a better fucking country. A better existence ever existed that a world up dude this cause. This is a global thing, know from you. Guys are final segment of the show. As always, we have our thumbs up segment where I show a headline or two and get two thumbs up two thumbs somewhere. You don't want them and with that being said, a thumbs up headline reads: I can't let none of these folks die. Hero teen, sixteen dives into alligator, infested, mississippi river
rescue, three girls and a cop from drowning after car sank- and have you heard this now? That's awesome that so I mississippi teenager is being held as a hero after he jumped into an alligator infested river, to rescue three girls and a police officer from drowning korean evans. Sixteen was on the shore. Of the pascagoula river early river early sunday morning when he and his friend car drive over a boat launch and sink into the water. The three girls in the car had driven off interstate tin straight into the water. After trying to follow the directions on the gps at around three thirty eight, as they reached about twenty feet from the shore, the car began to sink a quote they drove straight. Under the water evans, told the new station I've, only a little bit of a car was still above the water. I have that point evans,
took off his shoes, shirt and phone and jumped into the river, along with his friends and brothers, Theron, kj and kayla. Bradley quote, I was like I can't let none of these folks die. They need to get out the water evans recounted, so I just started getting them. I wasn't even thinking about nothing else. He said each. I had to carry the three girls above water and swim with them to shore, but as evans was making his rescue, he noticed a moss point. Police officer, grey mercer, was also struggling in the water after he too dove in to help the girls. I turned around. I see the police officer Ivan said: he's drowning he's gone underwater, drowning staying help, so I went over there. I went and I grabbed the police officer and I'm like swimming back until I feel I can walk eventually or moss point police, say: evans, helped all the three girls an mercer to the shore where they began, throwing up because a lot of water had gotten inside of them, and there was a lot of swim in evansville explain. My legs were so tired after he noted that
anything could have been in the water, which is homes about thirteen thousand alligators. According to the jackson, free press, but I was even thinking about it. Having said wow yeah, the victims are brought to a local hospital in the aftermath, and I am mercer is expected to be back on the force later on this week. Here's young man and dude, it's crazy. That is fucking awesome, these crazy, that's dude! That's real fucking american shit. Okay, that's a shit that we fucking do here. You see what I'm saying like dude, that that medal of freedom that they give the highest citizens for shit. That's what he fucking deserves. One hundred percent bro more of this but here I fucking, love it here, and that is also necessary- that guy recognised
We are Billy and I recognized him and the officer mercer for their bravery, presenting both of them with certificates of commendation as fucking amazing, the fucking dope shit brother. That's what it's about it, as was about fucking thirteen thousand alligators bro, that's fuckin saying how much like how much longer we would have been before he got. Look at snatched up my windows. That's all I'm saying, and I do like the setting was like bits to thirty two more pitch darkness. I might know when they do arousing alligator nocturnal. I don't know I'm not a biologist. I thought you don't know you tell me, I don't know if I can alligators you fuck. I live dude. I will look at it lord have mercy on us on my friend stories and shit like there's all these snakes issue around about their shit now, but I'm rethink either way. Yeah, I'm already thinking things do like. I, like you know. I love florida. Bro been there. My whole life and I've never had a bad time. Florida or one thing there are nocturnal.
I know for me, yeah. It makes sense, though, cause like they bask in the sun during the day they just chill at night they eat, I guess they explored nocturne oh and dire moments bid they're, both equally active, but they can hunt at night. That's crazy, though, or the job your man yeah shit, yeah man, that's that's real american fuckin hero, shit, fuck you're alive! that now what she terms up for that one obviously gas and it I will share a meter That's all I got is where the bucket is love. You guys they'd, be sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box from the book of stole countless millions in kobe teach buddhist smoke got a rope, can't fall, doesn't know, shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-28.