« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

328. Andy & DJ CTI: 5 Million Oil Barrels To China, Uvalde Cover-Up & Criticizing Disinformation Board

2022-07-07 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss President Biden sending 5 million oil barrels from the US national supply overseas to China, Uvalde Mayor accusing state law enforcement of orchestrating a cover-up in the school shooting, and Nina Jankowicz stating that the GOP did a disservice to the country by criticizing the disinformation board.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
On a number of others, but still count. It means that each Buddhist gotta bank came both. Does a mouth shut case club? What is our guys if it results in this is the show for the realistic about belies. The thing is a delusion modern society and welcome the mother flock in reality, guys today we're eddie. dj grows the mother fucker minimum this. Is crews the internet. That means we curs cruiser the internet How do we cruiser withdraw three topics rob shirley fought, and then we tell the truth about them. I would point out the underlying problem, which is you and me, and all of us- that's the truth. Then we have q and a f and we teach people
to be better so that we can all rise up and solve these problems going on the world. Then we have real talk, which is where I just tell you the shit's fucked up and what needs to be fixed sum. You know like those there, my favorite full, thanks: we have my kick ass friends on and we teach you how to kick ass and we make sure that we tell you as clearly as we can that there's nothing special about them. They are just hard working greedy motherfucker. First, and we tell you how you can be too, and then you write it off as they are more gifted than you and talented you and you do nothing. So that's the full length Without being said, there is a, for the show and yet I didn't see you there have you heard correctly, other a fee for the show and the show that the fee is. This share the show its real, simple. Ok, I put now counter that no one else put now I'm saying shit? No one wants to say I'm
for the very solutions that are real, that will fucking solve shit and you guys are fucking so afraid of sharing. So I'm going to ask you right now to find your courage to share the shell. Ok I know that some, you guys have to defend me out there in public and shit and people think I'm crazy, but the truth. matter. Is I'm not I'm a realist and I know how to solve problems, and we can solve these problems too. If you would just share the fucking show, so please do that now. What else? Yes, once every doesn't girls, I got some go, let's go! Let's go ahead and I'm gonna guess what we got some breaking news to start. Now we are in the second slot, one of the breaking new breaking. there's going to be any domicile. Guyana guy milan occur, there is if there's breaking news is going to be.
At the georgia guide stones being blown up as your prediction. That is my prediction, or it's going to be one of three topics. I can't wait to talk about it so anyway, what's the first topic so There was given to a man and guys. Remember you remember, I don't know these headline, you really don't you don't, but I will say to you: mass unemployment. I wrote for the show that we did I'm still love lest it yet It pointed out. Let me explain something you guys don't show up here: yeah, ok, don't come here and I'll drive around the parking lot, don't crews it. I'm sorry, it's a child people shit! I don't know if you're here to be fucking cool. I dunno, if you're here, to fuck with me at this point in time, so don't fucking come now. Send me an email sent me a nice fucking. Thank you obsess fucking fire emoji my shit, an answer. I don't care she's, just too weird right, I'll fucking show up here. Random know I was thinking like a lot of people are very vigilant guys so yeah it's just best. You don't do that.
but yeah. You guys remember. If you ll see any these articles are not a party, you wonder what those dudes assets. One hundred percent want observe what we are here to do delivered support my our role of these. working schedule, animals innocent block- this listen people here in this unreal, relax we're! That's pretty harsh. No, you don't understand guys. We have a couple hundred young small female women that fucking work here then? I don't want to be fucked with right and if you're going to drive around a parking lot, four fucking times with four dudes in the car to deliver food you're one inch away from getting your fuckin ass, be right, so be smart, there's a lot of crazy going on in the world, don't be fuckin stupid we take. security here real serious I take secured.
My home real serious, do not show up at my fucking house. I have a hard time even having to understand why I have to say those things Now, if I find out man you're assumed an aggressor immediate, yes, even if you do the french put my next time be smarter about it. Yeah, we're cigars! Remember! If you want to see any of these headlines articles pitchers links, videos go to and if a seller com- and you can find them there- I do want to talk about a report before we we going to have on the georgia coast guard stones, georgia costumes, because of not that I don't. I don't necessarily have I didn't put them in the fucking fail. I know that's the main story of the day. Well, let's talk about it. Let's talk about it! No, let's talk about time. we gotta do the fucking show you made we'll talk about later topic, one without basketball.
Why another one are the sidewalk georgia because you are the factors Voters, why didn't you guys law. wireless, Stuart brother, I don't think a lot of people even know what it is. I dunno what it is. I talked to my cousin, who is a really good person, yeah she's she's, very liberal. I know a lot of you guys think that's like an impossible equation, but it's true. Whoa, yes, she's very, very good person cares a lot about people very big heart. Like most Democrats are now- and I asked her- I said: do you know who I call schwab? Is world economic forum? Let me guess no, no, you do have you ever heard of the great reset. No, no! You know what the georgia guys
I know what, if you don't know those things guys and you're not willing to look into them. You're gonna have a hard time figure out what the fuck is going on yeah. So anyway, whoever did that cheers to you, you just your own, like statue. If you finish the job, that's my pain, I call for anybody to get hurt. Nobody knows were the shirt came from. Nobody claim, as the weird thing man this umbrella, these people operating darkness. They operate in secret, their evil, a fuck put that shit up to be the monument for for whatever the fuck they're, trying to create and and the fact that someone went and fucking blew it up. That's the first fucking monument in the last fucking two years that actually deserve to be torn out. It's real for those who either don't know you should go look into what the georgia guide stones are look into. What for ideology to lies with, which is communism and the reason you there is no socialism.
Socialism is a lie to perpetuate communism. Socialism is not a real thing, so socialism is thus the facade. Socialism is the fucking thing that they throw you so that they don't say communist communism sounds bad. No, no, no bro, you're, not understanding socialism, okay, listen! This is how it is. Ok, you have communism, let's just say: let's just draw a little diagram in the middle came in hammered circles the middle on the outside, you have socialism that rotates around communism. Ok and the way it works is social issues the best for us Everybody right and move around and it gets to the to the six o clock issued on there on the chart and says you know Shit society is crumble, that didn't fuck and work. Then it gets to nine o clock and peoples say why wasn't really socialism and starts over in its never about socialism. It's about fucking com
It is now so socialism is a fucking. Why it's the falcon? It's it's! The rotating sliding scale that these keep repeating over and over and over again to install communism. Communism should be looked at no differently than the swastika is here and in this fucking country, and it should be looked at no differently than the most evil. Fucking shit you could possibly imagine, and people who openly condone for it should be kicked out of fucking country or war. Worse, that's the truth: okay, so socialism, let's just get that out there. All you, mother, fuckers that thinks socialism is a real thing. You're fucking getting played it's not real. It's never worked you're, you're, you're, the useful idiot that says one that wasn't real socialism. It didn't work, and you rotate around the fuckin clock over and over and over again allowing communism, the set in which is going to crush you. Your
person perpetuating it and you don't even fuck and understand, what's happening so less, you really understand what the world economic forum is but the great reset is what clash is who george soros, is how all this shit ties together all all the fuckin money that goes back and forth. Unless you understand this shut, the fuck up, you don't know what you're talking about. I now for stopping the risks. Around headline number one and animal one reads: Joe Biden has loud, five million barrels of oil from you. National supply to be shipped abroad after claiming they'd be release to help slower soaring gas prices. Auspicious came out, Joe Biden as shipped five million barrels, from the united states. Does our strategic or reserve abroad after claim. that releasing them would help ease americans pain at the pot president face
accusations I may sneaky sleight of hand as it were. It was revealed that between a fifth and sixth of the reserve oil, he brow about releasing to boost supply, made his way off. Sure too, dignity, Eurasia, dingo, use you want to fuck in china. It just came out about five minutes ago. Rapporteur fuckin show starting yeah. So a couple of one of the of the cargo ships did ships to china of china. Is why so, what are we doing its intentional structural america is demoralization you it's the things I ve been talking about for the last two years. You guys look at this and say: oh Joe Biden, fucked up. No, he didn't fuck up. This is exactly the fucking plan right because of accident
This is no. Are you accidentally send five million barrels of oil over overseas accidentally? I accidently impregnated this girl right. I accidently, fell and tripped across the hotel room. My fucking dick went right into her. Pussy is ok. That's about that's the same story. well yeah. Oh, you sneaky sneaky job bro that dick we are not in this listen. Whole point here is that you are supposed to see this. You are supposed to get angry. You are supposed to say: oh fuck, our country's doomed. It's this status this and give up what they are attempting to do in what they are going to do is they are going to create that the whole slogan of world, Economic form is through chaos comes order. They are trying to create as much chaos in the world so that they can bring
in a solution that well I may not be the exact solution that you want and it may not be freedom. It still more peaceful and better than the current alternative of task that is what's happening. This is intended here for us to get so upset? Then we are we to accept any other alternative that they present. Ok, america's not by now united states is buying it. The citizens the united states, now the corrupt government of the united states they are in on it. They bought it and they're trying to sell it. That's it! No! So they're gonna, continue to try to sell this. Just like when you said, hey will disney adjust ports, and I said no because there completely embed with this organization near completely financially committed to this agenda. These people will not stop. We we'll have to stop them again. I will say this: for the four million:
working time in the last two years. It will not stop until we stop it. It will not stop until we stop it I don't understand how hard it is for people to understand all the conservative fucking talking heads are out there. what do look? What do you do you now, media are we glass, but this is intentional shit until we grant but they are allowed in the fucking border to be invaded until we grab. They are destroying you, fucking currency, dude, here: we grass there ten, surely fucking killing people. We will not be able to solve the problem. This is no different than a fucking. Alcoholic very few is to admit that he has a fuckin problem. How can you killed now. The haulage that done big he's an alcoholic. This is what we're dealing with america. We are under attack and the people of amerika
refused to admit that we were under attack. That's you, You listening right now. This is now me. I've dedicated the last two. fourteen years of my wife, Is of dollars to bring this message to you, and yet still you talk about fucking hollywood. Are you talk about the kardashians. Are you talk about shit that doesn't fucking matter, You allow these people to continue to do this shit as you get engaged in your community and do what you can fucking do and become an example? What looks like to be a productive, patriotic american, uncontrollable? Visibly virtually at loudly until you do this, nothing will change and I'm tired,
of the conservative side of the aisle continuing to just post and post imposed imposed, imposed and do fucking know thing in this, should they say you're calling the action you're not permit hiding a solution. You're no different than the fucking names you make of all the lefties who point their finger with the mouth. Mozilla. Is that you too, by the way you combine minutiae While I am sure that do we got a bunch of graft works got a bunch of people whose identity is to make money off their patriotism motherfucker. There's bigger problems now, right now or while you know how I'll think about it too, and he is like we need people to stand the fuck up and not tolerate ever again anti american shit in this country. I like that's the thing, though, like like the way I the way. I believe these elites are looking at us man. It's like okay, the last few years we were able to accomplish this this and this and these americans didn't do shit.
about it. Now I am I like that too, that, like we will plus he's still a world like we, we told him, they couldn't go to their fucking grandma's funeral. They didn't go and they didn't go. I went we taught him to fucking put mask on on the fucking airplane. Then they did they. Would they so. I go with a lot of work and winds. If you look at it like that, you norms So now you have always label these things. People look, there's a big per se, Your people listening. This show right now then agree with that. We think we say, but do not have the courage to say in public that do not have the courage to stand up. That's the problem, that's the x factor! That's the linchpin you motherfuckers that agree with all this shit that have stood by and allowed and comply. You are the cancer of america. You are not a fuck enemy. You are because you are preventing us from stopping. You cannot comply at all with anything. Yet I guess if aggressively
flock impairs you're, so I dont care barberess myself, a fuckin two years make a scene tone of fucking shit where the fuck you gotta do. let it go? There will bro you have more support than you fucking her I'm fuckin sickening stewed. Look at this old piece of shit, Joe Biden, Fourthly, ruining your fucking future of our fucking children, with his crooked fucking smile and his fuckin drug, Did the porter dated piece of shit sought parmesan smoking together and then I thought impose like they're all american family. It's your american family, off fuckin, habit, peace, shit. Let's thing:
dudes. I know now you got all this makes me mad yeah. Well, I mean like that cause. I just see that I see the inaction right like I see the the eye and I just see it as agnes and Alex the other thing I go when I log onto the agenda, should you have taken a fucking guns? give them? Syria, and if we just How do you use axis is because we're fucked, you want to add somebody message. We know when I post a picture. That's all user when they take the guns, no burglary guns, use of actions for fucking plot, crazy man, this ain't, a right wing or left wing. This is pro america. Freedom, shit and in the constitution constitution clearly allows for, if you're so fucking stupid, you think I'm fuckin, right wing or left wing. You are a fucking. Your your brain is fucking fly from all the fucking bullshit that you fucking absorb. That's real man
Ro win our men going to stand up. You man, I'm talking you mended, Where are you man going to find your fucking courage? Where are you going to stand up and call for harsh Accountability for these people, shoot up schools and shoot the shit endure, and all these cuts minerals doing all this crazy shit, I'm talking about the actual criminals and street and the ones in our gum. When are you gonna call for count, ability raw, say, crimes against humanity, a million working times and pushes are afraid to say. I think that's one thing too encourage a lot of people get get wrong like nobody's, born with courage right like nobody has that what what happens is is that you get the opportunity to be courageous and I think, The last two years we ve had countless a fuckin opportunities to be courageous, and when I ask people to go fuck, you know don fuckin, nitrogen and armor gear and go fuck. You know run over the hills. I fuckin braver, whereas users be vocal yeah,
We fuck a reserve and tell these people when they impose their shit shit. Just fuck off you don't say very simple broke. Her mother fucker is like dude. I said this comment to somebody was very small friend of mine is a fuckin attorney and I said well. If people had not put on the mass we wouldn't be here, he couldn't at the dots how that was true or we got from there or he was like. Well that's a different issue. No, it's the fucking same issue, that's where it started. That's where it started where the fucking mass comply, accept this listening Do this? Do this leisure, your fire, like bro? That's when it started. and all we had to do was say we are. These are little critical thinking, brains the same. Have we ever done this before where's the data that we do this and pandemics right, whereas the data that is actually works, where's the data that is actually dangerous?
Where's the data where's, the data where's, the mother, fucking data: why are the data on march twelve, to correctly marshall? Twenty twenty twenty two correctly tell you within fuck in one or two percent, what the actual Percentages were, and I did so on the internet in public and you motherfucker Who said I was not now what the fuck do. You say right or not: it was. I will he's not about ok, so we ross backed his heart, said irresponsible, requisite grandma killer only cares about money, only wants to keep his business open, blah blah blah. I heard it all bro and I don't fucking care cause. I was fucking right to remain. does actually get something. Didn't you did it? You did everything you leave the dutch police open fire on sixteen year old farm boy. A gun
one farmers as mass protests, shut down globalists reset plans. So you talk about some standing up right. This is this is pretty there's some good points to the stories of thousands of dutch for murders are blockading highways and food distribution. Sensors to protest, knew now joint rules that will force approximately thirty percent of dutch cattle forms out of business completely. According to government estimates, police Open fired on a sixteen year old in the tractor yesterday, video show boys now in jail, he's been charged with chapter manslaughter apparently, but in and hope in thousands of citizens have joined the protests sense. A couple twitter. You got one from patrick's of all. He says the die Such a route regime is desperately positioning paramilitary, a military units in anticipation of the farmers protest. It won't be enough. Dutch people are waking up
no great great reset here, no build back better, no agenda. Twenty thirty, so here's here's what you have to understand. You fuckers better finish the job you're going to be just like canada was, I told you, mother, fuckers in canada, finished the fucking job, then do it and you didn't do it and now look at you know these. globalist understand these protests are going to happen? If you listen and you read and you educate, like I have told you to do. Klaus schwab talks a whole bunch of times about hey. We're going to have to deal with. Angry population for a short amount of time. They understand these people understand. This is going to happen and you cannot stop until it's done there. They will just continue. Moving on what the fuck implant know that protests going on in italy right now. The protests going on in france for last flocking two years that those things are not getting any prescott,
bridge and the reason there not successful cause or not fucking, overthrowing the government. So do you, people and fuck another lines? in fucking belgium, where to fuck, you guys are doing this shit. You need to fucking finish the job yeah I mean I do do the the farmers getting their hands pretty dirty. So here's a quick video for you, I saw it's amazing by here's. The thing you're better finish the job because brought me to tell you right now they! will not stop. This is all in for them. This is life or death. For them in its life and death for us right, you guys stop you will lose and you will lose forever. It's a game of chicken bro. It's check on the other they're, they're, taking big tanks of spraying, the city hall, but I am sure, like another three. This is from on the ground here, the sweets from we are protestors. Who says that
check. Netherlands, dutch police detain protesting farmers but were forced to let them go. The police station is completely blocked by tractors, with simply forced the police to obey People saw mean that their there there's some wins go on there, man that there are some way ans- but I mean like you said- I mean they gotta keep going, they cannot stop it's a jammer is a game of chicken who's. Gonna quit first, so listen if you're on the military. You're doing this people you're a piece of fucking shit when it comes to time here for the police and the military to draw this line, which will come on you motherfuckers better, get on the right side through ma'am, you guys who say oh well. This is my job and for my future, your fucking kids will have a future. They will not have a future or something like it. If, if the mistake people are making here djs that fucking people think that if a
help these people to their beside they're gonna, be taken care of and is now this works. They actually kip licit communist regimes in the war in history, they have a name for these people. They call them useful idiots. That's the name the communist regime is fully and control the first people they kill Are the useful idiots? Ok, because they are the unproductive members of society may produce anything. They don't contribute anything. They dont build anything. So what they do is they trick the weakest, softest, dumbest, reese, productive percentage of the of the population and then also a bunch of good hearted people that take their idealist right and like all. This could really work, maybe right and they trick those people to go in and do this fucking shit for them and then, when they're fully in control, because these people don't produce and the AI it
The d, the idea, the idea behind communism is that its everybody contributes. They kill those people, so you fuckin idiot throughout their screen. For socialism in coming, in all this shit. Look in the mirror and you're a hundred fuckin sixteen pounds with fucking, pinker and shit, and you kid they will kill you. people like me, people, I guess we are. Here trying to save you. They will kill you and they're going to kill these people. They will kill the weakest members of the fuckin society, the people. don't support anything that people who cheer for them to come. In Do this shit that kills. People first saw you demo, that's the room for this shit, you written for the fuckin world economic form, a shit because his green, energy and all this other bullshit that you're being lied to about you. Mother fuckers get to die first under their regime. So you got something to look forward to right
he pushed him for it there's a reason they call you the useful idiots. Stop being so. Fucking useful serbia for committees well are breaking news. Gas move on go on. Chugging, One on a headline up to allow them to reach you ve already texas, mayor alive, just shooting investigation cover no shit, no shit. So the mayor of uvalde texas is now accusing state law enforcement of orchestrating a cup. up in the rob elementary school shooting investigation, as questions remain as to why police didn't engage the gunman sooner. You ve already mayor, dom laughlin The remark to see an end as the texas department of public safety continues to investigate the maids when he fourth attack, which left at least nineteen students and teachers, debt quote, I think it's a cover up. Taxes to private or public safety. Director stephen crop is cut
ring up for maybe his agencies, or maybe he told the story, told that you know they say it's always hard You tell a lie that you have to keep tell it fell in love I'm not saying he is lying. Maybe he was miss langmore laughed and said: the agency and that hallway, as We too have to share the blame. He added referencing criticism vessel why responding officers didn't engage shooter salad ramos earlier than they did and, like I said again, brought back to win when have you ever seen a federal or state law enforcement officers take their cues from local law enforcement and quote Mclaughlin also said quote, when I got to that scene. There were thirty to forty dps officers already on scene and that these families in this community. They deserve to know what happened across. sudden I'm late, may that responding offices didn't immediately, engage the shooter because quote the answer
commander at the time who he identified as you have already schools, police, chief pete, irony. End of quote, eve that it had transition from an active shooter to a barricade subjects. quote a decision was made on the scene. I wasn't there that this was a barricaded subject situation There- was no time to retrieve the keys and wait for tactical team with the equipment to go ahead and reached the door and take on the subject. He continued at that point that the decision was made. That was the problem As we all know, I also recently just couple days ago, dando has resigned from his position? So it's a lotta. Last of all honest, not develop and am that the mayor is is china. You know, speak some, some some type of shine, some type of light on the situation. There be careful.
but he better be fucking terrible. I appreciate the truth. No, I mean just be smart cause. I do these people or listen, there's going to be ten more fucking school shootings between now and november, and I dunno if it's ten but there'll, be a handful more these people, don't care to stop that they don't want to stop it. They have no interest in stopping it and if they did, they would do what I fucking said yesterday. That is that it would stop her from the remaining serbs are going to keep being fucking these mass shootings every ever so they can get the guns. Yes, every step, every step they want to. Progress towards disarming the population comes another one of these tragedies. That's not what you think. That's a fucking coincidence that this point on there's no fucking way, and so I feel, like everybody, start see it like bro, even people who are not really into it. They're like yeah. This is now right. This is bullshit
How long are we going to allow these people to continue to fucking like fuck, with our fucking way of life there but how are we going to let these people fucking tat tax us every which way steel or money, and then fucking making so we cannot survive in the streets. The government's completely compromise burn. Ok, do we have a good system for a fuckin, prosperous region? But yes, we do do. We have the raw a lot of the wrong people in office. Yes, we do. Do we have a few people who are willing to like at least fight a little bit yeah, but like what the fuck guys like these guys. Gonna talk karlsson every night in talk this fuckin boy, shit about you all you get tougher on mother forward a fuck run or attack Werner tat. We have fucking teeth, a fucking literal terrorist organization, running around the country, fucking killing people.
Then you, mother, fuckers ain't, doing shit you're. The fucking leadership that we have in this country is embarrassing. It's weak and I'm not talking about by near I'm talking about even the fucking good ones, even the good ones on all levels, even the fuckin, the the good ones, are pussies they're soft. and we have to replace these people with men and women who understand what is going to take to produce Civil society and to produce a Civil society civilized people are required do uncivilized things. So this is reality, so there this is reality these people who fucking or shoot up work. stealing our money work, allow climb, this plastic It is your or not prosecuting curing doing their job. They all have to go in sure go to jail and, in my opinion, works.
At the very least, they need to be fought, kicked out office These elections coming to minimise these elections coming up. If we lose these elections america's gone, this can be overcome. It's that you know they say. Oh trump represents the down. All of our democracy, mother, fucker, you let them we translate this for you, you people When they say we're gonna lose our democracy, we are saying: is our plan globally reset the communist fuckin reset is going to fail. That's what they're saying so when they say that the bad news is tat. Yes, yes, run taking a backbone for free loving, americans, the patriots of america. We are taking it for that.
This is our mother fucking country, this is not your country. This is not a country of elite tyrants to steal and pillage and fucking cause pain for everybody else. next topic? That's roma would on headline number three then, finally alone, along with three reads: neither jacobites geo. he did this service to the country. By criticising this information board sing another fuckin song, most it fit this woman. Before you get an arena? Gotta be the dumbest and the motion when human she's right up there with genocide, as browser by say they got my head jesse she's up Deborah, so farmer This information governance board later Nina genk awaits, is worried. Americans face a bleak future after the department of health. insecurity. Reportedly paused their efforts quote the proud,
what is. There are very real national security issues here and not being able to talk about this in a mature way. In a mature way. You sing fuckin mary, fucking pattern, songs, yeah. What are we to its a disservice? now. That's not what do I care about your mature communication? I don't care while presidential communication, I don't care about you delicate little fucking years fuck, you know Jack jack would criticize republicans and conservative activist after resigning, three weeks after she announced or new position as the head of decency. mention governess board on social media, the creation of the board alarmed free speech advocates who criticise the government's attempt to control online speech, but jesuits warned the country? What
and I quote, really bleak situation after the controversy genk, which complain that right wing activist used the existence of the board to quote whip up people, and I fear now that. Well that she's? Talking about me, I'm not right wing and express her fear. that this information would remain unchecked, but she Dude. You been wrong about fucking everything really like that, like I'm, not fucking right, exactly like this tweet. binds new minister of truth, nina genco, which has been caught telling another whopper claiming that left is and quote journalists, communities, are says more often take us. It is on. Social media bore fucking shit, bullshit, no shit. Everybody brought these people blatantly lot visit. Every fucking thing that comes out of their fucking mouth is exactly the opposite of the truth.
That's called psychological fucking projection. Okay, if you go read their whole manifesto, and you read marx and you read fuckin the great reset and you read soule lindsay's rules for radicals. All of this will make perfect sense to you, but you are too fucking lazy to fucking. Read it instead, just give up our country dude right from I'm mad at people, but I'm mad at me, like I'm, not just mad at them. I'm mad at our people, the fuck. Are you guys waiting for know We have to go on the offensive here. We cannot tolerate anti american censorship shit. We cannot tolerate people imposing on freedom of speech of any sort. We cannot gallery communist ideology in this country. It's not the place, for we are free country, yes,
but there are limits to that fucking freedom when it comes to conflicting ideologies upon which the countries based on these are the facts documents of our whole like dude. Without these things, we don't even have a fucking country. So no you cannot come here as a communist unflagging live peacefully, We're going to harass you gonna beat the shit out of you, we're in a kick you out of the fucking country. Every time we can you, parents, nobody's. Communist teachers in is schools. You gonna, fuckin, fired broke this. This dislike tolerance, For this fucking ideology has to stop like look what you did to chicago a fourth of July. That's the product of consists. Far left communist ideology being jammed. Now motherfuckers throat and when you paint a picture sure for young men by the time they from when they
fuckin in schools by time their eighteen, that have no hope there is no future there. Is no meaning to your life. There is I think more than the state don't have hope they don't have the things that keep us regular people out of jail, which is First of all that we're going to miss and all the prosperity, that we're going to miss and see that's the difference, the differences, the people holding back right, Now they have ship to lose because there are the people who are producing for this country. Most he's fucking p Well, don't have anything to lose because they don't do shit. They don't they've been indoctrinated by no fault of their own. Ok. For twenty years and we are dealing a generation of people in a generation of young men who don't believe they have a future because they ve been told by people that they are supposed to trust that they are hopeless.
Air week? They are either razors must aim or they are going to be the victim of is this a systemic racism and never be able to get ahead. So when you remove hope from an entire generation, society! Why would they now just go fuck and shoe people wrote? I talked about this in two thousand fucking. Sixteen on my shoulders. It's so like do this is so fucking fresh rain for me, watch by others, this woman and, along with her whole fuckin crew and everybody with them, blue phantom jail yeah, that's the thing like it was just a pause, and that was like the point of me bringing it up too. It's like you know the article finishes. It says the DHS disinformation board was paused not stopped. I was paused yeah why
because I plan to reinstall it when august fucking, first of this year now bullshit the fucking shit right back in hardest fuck. If they win that election aka steal it, so I mean like just go back and sr songs nina know. Leave the country Jen psaki has been known to me. She she's wearing a communist hat yeah and a bunch of row leave the country look out. We need to come together and get these people out They need to go. Let's call a spade a spade. Man you. Why don't you know? I don t know why they call it that, in the same means calls a spade, nor I used to spain logo because Arabians fuckin truth. No people want to fuck and say the truth.
I know guys onto our final segment of the show. As always, we have our thumbs up segment, where I show a headline to either gonna get two thumbs up or to thumb somewhere, you're, not mad. I am but then it's it's. So it's I am I would say I'm I'm just more prepared and accepting of like I I just feel like. I know what we have to do like. I know what needs to be done and that I don't think the time has has come just yet but, like I know, I know what needs to happen. You know what, if that makes sense like the shit, doesn't surprise me anymore. What needs to happen is what I sat on the shelf. If there are a few examples are made of some of these people.
Yeah. She will stop instantly, though. If people were not brave, there is no accountability for them. That's it or they're, they're, fucking cowards, only a fucking coward crawls on a fucking roof of a fucking building and shoots innocent fucking people that are celebrating a fucking holiday. That represents the formation of this fucking country, which is the greatest baddest best mother, fucking country. That's ever existed in the history of fucking humanity, that's coward shit. These people are weak. There are the weakest people society. They figured out how to have power by banding together and pretending. There's something there! Nothing and once we show that done nothing, the shit will stop good man. Good civil man need to get really really really falcon prepared to do some fucking uncivil shit, the summit? If people- because I'm I tell you, I now do I with it,
and I don't know where the rescue manner. I don't really know where, like what the fuck am, I doing This is where I saw that shooting the other day in uranium eaten fucking, fury. I going to do more. Oh yeah, that's on more more more of these people. Never going to stop. You got nancy Pelosi, walking down the fucking beach over in italy, but you know these motherfuckers do not care about this country; they don't care, they hate. You. Can we please elect some fucking patriots into our fucking government? Can you can I get you to start paying attention to instagram for five fucking minutes and making reels and talking about yourself and take a picture of your ass and your fuckin ads and all this shit for five working days, can we stop and educate ourselves? Ok, then, can we can we
Educate ourselves about who should be voted for and who not can we do that at dude? I'm I'm, I'm listen I'll, be real dude, I'm a rich motherfucker dude. I work my fucking ass off to be where I'm at I got my whole life in front of me. I worked fucking the last twenty three fucking years straight with my nose in the fucking shit to get where I am, and now I have to do this now. Talk about this now I gotta to encourage people that fucking don't have one tenth of the success for all potential in the world that they need to flag in speak up. Like do I I I wouldn't. It's a pisses me off to This is not what I want to do and if you
we'll just join me and speak up we wouldn't have to. I would have to do this. It would just fix, wherever you I ain't to stop because that listen were either winning or I'm going to be in the dirt, because I'm not going to stick around and watch a shit game. That's me right there with you, but you fucking men, better, grow the fuck up and find your fucking courage. Do I get people to fucking say they won't share my message because you know it: it offends some of the people. They need to be offended right. Their ears need to be hurt. They need to hear the truth. They need to be open up to a new perspective. We are fucking under attack. period from within period and it's not left versus right now wipe what reason why it's enough working gave versus straight? It's not fucking, liberal versus conservative, it's fucking, tyrannical government,
elite pieces of shit against the peasants guess what mother fucker as much successes? I have I'm still The present side wrote out you guys ocean. I had a guy, tell me an interview. I was doing an interview with fox and then he said: why aren't you part of the elite? I dunno. Do you see me fucking hobnob, with these fucking motherfuckers, exactly I'd rather eat fucking, but I'd? Rather, you literal thousand pounds of fucking dog shit. They go to one of their fuckin parties. Right, ok, I'll, give a fuck. Fuck, I don't want to be them. I don't want to be around them. I don't want to fucking associate with them. I don't want to be in a fucking circle. I don't want to be in her fucking yacht club. I don't want to fucking be pardoned either. Shit when I do want, though, is to be left. walk alone. What I do want is not to pay overfished. Percent of my income to fuckin taxes and then get tax again when I go to spend the money. What I do want is for our fuck in future children, and our fucking future generations country to have the same. Opportune
I had to come I'm very little and fucking creator, lot. Relatively ok, That's what I want, I not to do with these people. These people don't want. it to do with us again, but they are supposed to represent us in its far pastime that we take the fuck. Power back from them. We need real people. The people there half the most are the people you should both for period period. If you'll, learn how to see the game. The plays become obvious I'll know, dude, I'm I'm fuckin matt goodman. It makes me like every day I come in here and my man. This is fine and then start thinking about it, angry and you know people told me man, I you know I don't really listen to the show, because I get so fucking mad, so so you're just going to stick your head in the sand right right, right, you're, the problem you're, the cancer. I'm talking about sorry, you get mad
but guess what we still got do productive shit. We all of us and we have the opportunity to contribute to an into litter the most important time in american history. This today going on right now is the most important time in american history, and we our fucking here for a reason we are here to fucking solve the problem. Hey! That's! Why we're here. You were fucking born to be alive at this time and have the resources available to you at this time, even if it's only you're fucking voice and a hundred people to follow you or the one person the file you you are here to contribute to this. We will all here to contribute to this. If you believe in america this is the fuckin ultimate tat to be a mother. Fucking American, no it's worth it ma'am know, is the most exciting.
I'm ever in the history of america. If you care about american history like we could be the fucking people to fix this country and take it to where needs to be right, I'm not with that make amerika great again shit, because the truth is america's been living. Although it's fuckin standard for fourteen years, We can murder what is supposed to be. We can make it What should have been? We could start now released by the fuckers. One is, I know she areas, esters did two hundred fucking years ago. You know why, because they don't have any interest in creating that america, because that america doesn't benefit them. Put me on a stage lenny these fuckers. That's all. I ask put me on the stage with any of them. Through
As our final segment of the show, we have our thumbs up headline again, where I show a headline as young as two thumbs up or two thumb somewhere. You don't want them and with that being said, our thumbs up headline reads: burger king. Employee get small gift for twenty, seven years of tireless work than strangers. Bless him with three hundred that I read this. This fuckin guy did not fuck He missed a single day working day of work, one twenty seven years, a burger king, and they gave him like a bag of like bullshit So that's the whole problem here do now like this is this is a problem in american culture. We have big corporate row, don't go to burger king right, go to fucking, mom and pop place to go to go. Go to place of represents american values where they reward hard workers and take care of their people, know we're about to put fuckin thousand
mother fuckin, american jobs right here in fenton, Missouri, dude yeah. You see what I'm saying do support companies like that? Don't support these fucking companies that are five generations, fucking deep their wealthiest flock? They stole all the money they made it possible for pop burger changed to exist. They feed you fuckin poisonous food and then, when they have an employee who god bless some shows up for twenty seven years without day off. They were the doom to care, for it are we talking about so the location works in las vegas who's been recognised between seven years. I got recognized with a small gift bag which included candy a starbucks cup pins, a lanyard and one movie ticket to that makes me want to fucking vomit yeah. That makes me want to fucking vomit and a slice of cake, the weather which the managers burnout now. Let me say something: the managers pry had no power here, sound like their rich right. Ok, they did what the fuck,
good. Could not what I'm saying is not a dog on that. It is not applicable to the it's fucking. Do bird cage on the biggest companies in a fucking planet? and this is how you're going to treat people twenty seven years. Oh that ain't it dude fucked up man, betting it, but the good news is, is that good american people stepped up and gave this man three hundred grand, which really he probably should they should have a programme for after twenty seven years and no work where he's How can we more than that now sure? But I will say that's a very flocking amazing thing for everybody contribute like that. One hundred percent do fucking awesome said: like the video went viral. We're gonna work on any facility com, if you guys have not seen it yet. You know and do like he eu immigration by graceful. Because I still get discuss a good fucking do says that this is the problem with america dude by the way. This is too thumbs up, but this is the problem. This is the problem
the problem. Bro americans don't mean anything to american companies, anymore miracle don't mean anything anymore. This is fucking wrong, but this is wrong. you want it like this is. This is not how we're supposed to take care of each other. Now you know what I'm saying: fuck you like three decades and this guy who who who fucking. Shows up for twenty twenty seven years. Do that's long? I've been in business. Ok, He's not done he's not he's not even close to retirement age, where it makes me angry yeah like I'm, trying to not just lose my shit on every fucking topic and I get it, but it makes me fall. King furious, like bro, why wire You know there's a reason.
Yoda makes me sad, I think, but nothing investors. Oh realigning! The re, like, I think, more americans, like David They are starting to realise just how important it is to support these companies are doing shit. The right Wait. I guess literally the only way you do. It is the right way right, like you talk about all the time still nobody's gonna be perfect. I mean there's going to be companies, make mistakes all the time for sure, but like bro, this is just it. This is indicative of how many years has burger king been around been able to create an actual program to help these people? Who, who you know because people look at burkina stance. That's none of career right right, What about the people that do make a career right? Okay, because, like the truth is- and I say this sarcastically a lot- the world needs fry cooks to you. They do. We do need those people in their valuables, fuck, okay, and they should be taken care of within an appropriate way. Know for, for you know, like the people who there's going to be people to pack boxes.
Life, but that doesn't mean fuck them when they fuckin lee exact. You don't say like issues is how right now and like brow, You know, that's, not america! America is that the people who contributed and why do we want to know what's wrong with the fucking culture of america? It's the fucking corporate culture of all these big fuckin companies that are a lot brum promise you. I promise you that companies, I know I don't know for sure guy for matters. I promise I'll retract that there's a good chance that they are affiliated with a certain three letter we talk about here all the time and talked about numerous times on the show I don't know, sure they look it up I'll betcha. They are Why I also have not seen any statement from borg incorporated all referring to the situation at all. I don't know heard now: there's no there's! No
There is no ownership there like what I'm saying is a faceless company. Yes, there is nobody that cares about burger, king or fucking people that work. They don't care about burger king. They they they they look at it like this man. I got a good job working. I show up. I can do this. I get fucking paid this I go home, I do whatever the fuck. I want. That's the rich people that work at burgh they're, not they don't they're, not they're like trying to make this place good for their people or do anything good for the like they don't care and that lack of care in these big corporate companies is what's causing the fucking. downfall of america, because the culture of these companies is they don't care. So what do you think them? Please think when they go home and they see problems that need to be addressed by someone else, probably ripples down funk. You gonna tell you right now: dude and people can live with this bunker companies, like me, and the ones I'm involved in are going to be people to change it. A true yeah, because the culture is different. Every person that comes in sits on the show was first thing. The fucking sack news places.
She's differ here, yeah, I feel it when I walk in his differ. You know why, because we all take, curb each other, we fucking work hard. We try to fucking. Do things right way? Do we do things perfect all time? oh there's always going to be ways to improve and get better and lessons to learn. But at the end of the day we all fucking care the true. This is fuckin fucked up man now, but as of July Fifth, the don't ever more from the go, find me a sitting right now to staggering three hundred fifty eight thousand dollars which started off only as a goal of two hundred saw me. That's fucking, courtyard David spade even in towards the towards the cause, its awesome, we know, but can forty says I've been cry for about two days now has just incredible I just go to work and try to have fun and laugh and make other people's day good. It's like I've been in a dream. for almost two days now, just so beautiful then, assume really is for all those years. You fill unappreciated, but you get up just like everybody else. You do your job for some.
The show this is just over one dared. It's amazing I'm actually glad it happened this way, but it still doesn't excuse the problem right and fixing it either. You know what I'm saying now Want to terms that there is a vegas airport, las vegas spoken. You don't go for this new in every two people who did that help good blessings come on you because, in the end, as I believe that our blessings happen, I believe was It's happened when you bless others, not true. Now, don't really care for David spade that much but good for him. I thought your dirt was kind of funny and at the same guy oh yeah yeah he was given, maybe I could almost sir Darras pay. Your item is guzzanti anyway. That's all I got you guys. Look man. I dont know how to say this any more clearly, but it's gonna take olives, it that's you,
listening. You listening right now you fuckin headphones, and how do you find work out? You know what the? U it's going to take you, we all have to contribute one. A flow number, the jury box frozen the fuck, the stove county museum in kobe beach, booty smoke got to thank both kind of doesn't know. Shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-27.