« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

324. Andy & DJ CTI: Biden's Voicemail To Hunter, Hutchinson's Jan 6th Testimony & Serious Adverse Events

2022-07-01 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss the leaked voicemail message from President Biden to Hunter regarding his dealings with the Chinese, Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony describing Donald Trump's actions on January 6th, and the serious adverse events that have occurred due to the Covid-19 vaccine.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now my thoughts for the stole, countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a rope can't both doesn't know his shot case closed. What is that guys? It's eighty per seller- and this is the show for the real say goodbye to the lies that make the same delusions of modern society and welcome mother fucking reality. Guys gossip, especially today we have, eddie dj caused the mother fog inanimate yeah without What's goin on air you, I am raid toxic Yeah, I'm in the mood in the mood in the mood crews.
Yeah I only getting like two moods like one of them is to eat and the other one is talk shit while three moves all right, let's be mad to ordering for the belmont This is a city. Odd means, crews, the internet. This is where we put three headlines talk about crazy. They are. They set the truth and and talk about the problem at the base corps. Sometimes unitarian. You will hear a different format. We actually have four of them here. The next one that you're here, the most jobs called q and a europe that is where you some the questions and I I view the f, which is the india for seller as flock answer Now we have real talk we'll talk is just a shorter episode, where I try to bring some enlightenment to a topic that I think needs to be addressed, and then we have full length, which is where I bring on.
my successful, rich, famous, kick ass, maybe sometimes not so rich, but just kick ass. Friends do amazing, tough. Some human shit, we talk about how could do the same, because that's the truth. You can and all the price that the about talk about on the show can be solved by you becoming the best version of it self, because when you become the best one of yourself. That ripple effect is tremendous. And that's what really lacking hearings country were lacking, be people the leaders. the self starters the warriors that will set the bar for everybody So that is what this shows for the shows for those people, if you're in one of those, not that those people are you not like to show, and you're so do not gonna like me. So, let's just part ways amicably right now, I'll start show
that is not accurate at all. That'd be good spot on spot. There's plenty of shows man, you so Gaza. some good ones. Man and remember, if you guys want to look at any of these articles, pictures links. Videos go to Andy for salah dot com. We post all of the links that you can find them there. If you wanna check them out for yourself, isn't there a fee? but yeah in order to go and get those links, there's a fee as a fee, ten dollars to your venmo to your ama. Now your vm, but you get what I mean connect asthma council? Obviously- because I don't have heard a lot about about that- guys are fee is very simple. We do actually have a this. Your first time listening tells her by a k, We have a community of winners. Here we are a community of ass. Kicker is people who set the fuckin bar people, don't want to lose and people who take the responsibility seriously. That's you. you have other friends that are like that. Please share the show to those friends now, if your friends are soft little pussies,
please don't show, show those people or, if you really want to make the mad, be sure To tell them about the shell, and are you the word pussy liberally on the show I just like you, I don't want to handle the worst? instead, this may cause like dude I'll be honest. This is probably one of the hardest city islands. I've really worked on just because there's so much shit knowing all around the world, but I think I got some governs where I may arise let's get into this man, has gone. headline number one I have another one reads: job and leaves hunter Biden voicemail about deal with chinese businessmen quote. I think your clear president Joe Biden, left hunter Biden, a voicemail back in two thousand eighteen about a business deal with chinese energy, giant c e, f c, directly contradicting Joe Biden statement in twenty nineteen
He and his son had not spoken about the families, corrupt business schemes, despite Joe Biden and his ass, claiming at least seven times that the president, her has had no involvement with abiden family business. Joe binds voicemail, it's a hunter reveals the opposite. Here's a call video for you have the audio was damaged. What you need to change can be called knocked up. An urgent between turkey and turkey. Articles released It's been an online is one time was good, reader, he began I love you, you got that again it where nineteen? Shortly after you got Biden, saying that none of our stuff was was true at all
and I know I know trump to be investigated- is violating every facing norm present. You should be. the question: do you see I was then peter busey, on the show- and I are pretty fucking though at least he's got balls. Dude he's he's got The point of the show where I talk about the shut, yeah for sure army and would allow the union I read not burma, I that since it never, but at the same time though, another her like him out as well, along with those Joe Biden, family, corruption, Joe Biden, alarming. Joe Biden, inadvertently, help hunter pay russian linked, escorts, thousands and thousands of dollars as well. So that also came out
you know this shit is all shit that we all knew. You know what I'm saying so like it's hard for me to like get excited about. Oh, I see it's june, twenty seven, twenty twenty two bro. We were talking about this in fucking, two thousand and nineteen. We were talking about this in two thousand and twenty and everybody was calling us names and shit like I hate to keep saying it, but I fucking told you motherfuckers right and here's the real problem? We can talk about this all we want. This is fucking treason, ok, this is using your power too, to take money to act and interests that are. Contradictory: do the national interests of this country we are being sold out for a relic. To a small amount of money to this one or two or fuckin twenty families of our of our fucking life rights and all the chaos that Austria we have right now, you're there doing that intentionally and
the hurting you intentionally and you're, shrugged. Because of this shit and now at this point: the onus is no longer on these people. It's on the people. Listening to the show you know like you guys, all the people listen, the show and the people out there that This is wrong. Who stay quiet about it, you're the reason: there's, no accountability, you're the reason Continues to happen. You You are the reason well, you don't want to rock the boat while the death they do whatever they want, then you know and that's the truth and so yeah. This is this is theirs theres. Many many deals like this that have in question in the press based off of this dude laptop and write like What do we have? A corrupt family? We crop gruber families who are for sale and there's quite a few of them. They call a lobbying people are really understand this part of it either. It's like you know we can.
going down this this whole right and we talked about in the cup. We Go by disney. Like you, you asked like well what what? What do you think disney is going to do and I said they're going to continue to ride this train down down the fucking hall- ok and reason- maybe half nor do do they just did more woke shit yesterday after Their stock is down like fifty a billion dollars in twelve months. Ok,. There are still doing this in the reason are still doing. This is because they are leverage by these other people of other origins in other countries They have the idea of this one world government people are too far in and so, like, I told you they're, going continued arrived the trained out. So when you watch this january six hearing- and you see like how fuckin fake it is odd sort of so sure, try- glad the steering wheel of the working limousine when there's a fuckin book.
Proved a vital, but we, like you fuckers, don't know anything about security, but you don't have a fucking know and you know the story was debunked. Then they stole out it MR room with a right, why do when you have to understand what they're doing their creating a show for the here three books, because they intend on regarding their way and so that to me makes me wonder what the fuck are they going to do with all the people, which is the majority of america that knows bullshit fashion. concern you what do they play? doing with you in a historical context. They played on you now being here in some way, shape or form should concern people because goes right, along with the depopulate sure gender, the ship bill gates I been talking about for fucking years and by the That's contradictory to what an intelligent person like you, I must says, is the problem, which is that
the art reproducing enough. So, like bro, its This point it falls on us. It falls on the people because we're fucking allowing we're allowing this degenerate, fucking group of people to ruin our future to ruin our kids, futures during the future this country, many of you have family members like I have that have paid the ultimate fucking price for in it. Pisses me off. So what Why are we as americans going to say fuck you that's all. I want to know how much proof do you? Yes, until the fucking people understand that some she really needs to be fuckin corrected by someone who actually gives a fuck about this country. Nothing will change. but it all starts with our individual fucking speaking fuck up, you know, like dude,
I looked through all these concerned by the way I like all these people. Therefore, nice people. I like him, a lot better than folk in the other people? Ok, I don't agree with everything they stand for, but I agree with most of the end. The important shit. Ok, the above of the line issues. The economy, our country getting fucking invaded from the southern border of fuck off shit? That's a fact in our daily life supply chain, fuck it over taxation, etc. centred cetera that the ship Trying to get us to argue about is the shit that the below the line, because they are want us to forget how shitty of a job they're doing for the shit that actually affects us that I literally just told somebody that to somebody assuming I don't know if you guys are solid, but it was the the shit about their arrest warrant for the girl that did the Amatil shit right. Like somebody sent me the article and was like dj, did you see I said bro? Can you ask and answer me this one question? Okay, that should happen seventy years ago. Why now, why
that they had my. Why? What do you think the purpose of them put nirvana right this status? To do this is history is repeating itself dj. Do most of the fucking year. Let me explain something too. World war, one afghanistan, weimer republic, right now we're exact, ok, go back and look at what happened after the. Why more republic- oh, that was or war too. Now there, the bill war war to around fuckin putin they're running the same play, if you knew your fuckin history its this, imply it's almost allied with the same like years, what the teams, the twenties, the third, like its accelerating because technology is accelerating, but all She has happened before all of this it has happened before I all because work out the way they fucking want work out. Why we taught anything about the period between four
in world war, one and world war two. Why are we not taught that in school you see what I'm saying fuck I I get it. I know you do yeah, but in a lot of People do but a lot of people talk about the truth that the media, controls fuck it everything in this fucking world and the people on the media, its garbage and it's not a creator fucking enslavement system that we're all part of, and we all need to get smart break the fuck free of it yeah that's wrong. I do actually like. What's your cause. Like I said, we talked about this hunter Biden shit two years ago, right and now the koran quote: proof if you want is starting to come out, but the thing is people going to start. One is like this is an all of it: fuck the russian hookers fucked of what like? That's, that's nothing compared to what What what? What is remains? The fuckin come out to the public about the shit. What what do you take on the fucker?
Why? Why is delay maxwell going to prison for twenty years and not a single flocking person that the kids were traffic to exact is being held accountable? Why is that convicted of such trafficking? But to who- do? Who? Where, where are the people were the witnesses? Where are the fuckin, where the customer list? don't think it's fucking weird that. Ruby way got overturned, saint valentine that'll happen like bro. We have to get smart, we are being fucking play with. We are a fuckin on a fucking. sport and eventually, if all the pause, we're just get together and by the way. That's me too, I'm fucking point and we will all do. get together and say: fuck. You guys issue and we actually have real freedom, we'd have A truly free society in a free earth? Now this illusion. There are even going to sell on the illusion anymore. Now, every mother
in this country- knows that fuckin telling your kids. You know drag queen story. Our sexual nation, we all know, is wrong. Why is it being tolerated? we want accepted in the gay community law Ninety nine percent of the gay community is like dude. I should bullshit that in us europe, I didn't know what to do to white people of europe been walking around looking white hood brody me that this is just another one of those things and like dude there playing this all against each other and until we all of us at the ground level realize no matter who we like to flock, no matter how fuckin, darker liar skin is no matter how far opened open, closed or fucking eyes are, are forgetting that shit we're all the same. They see what's funny, Is they see us as the same day? You just know the worst so dumb that we will fucking divide each other. They tell us too. holy shit.
They know where the same, but we don't know Don't make any sense brow and until the changes until we have someone to step up like martin Luther king gave it made. People realize is the content of a motherfucker character, as they will change. Doesn't move on Helen number to Helen over too? I have to provide us with. This is a scene in headline, so we ve fire was so we know it's true before you put on the screen, I will I'll bet you a dollar that not only is it not the truth, it's exactly the opposite of the truth, now keep him, I don't see these headlines, or I saw before you put it on the screen. Do you want it? who who's gonna win that only got guy cash
a lot of them up up up up, dragged me. How do you want the better? Not now about an hour ago? I mean it, I'm fucking right, it will put a shoot up. There was now a bigger wireless are overdue reads. I want to read it just like they would want me to read it to you you ready. I read it. My version afterward, you are, you are you? Are you like me? I gotta have a member to another american woman just stood up to protect democracy from trot so pray. I would you get. We ve heard we love ridged. This disgruntled from employee to talk shit publicly on him in a hearing, so we we we either paid her or we leverage her with her own fucking nude pornographic material that we steal from her fucking phone when we
kurdish people to do sacks, vs zoom in skype and cell phones instead of having that's in reality. During coded, then we take them images, and we say how do you want these videos of you, fucking do and all those weirdo shit that everybody does in private and you gonna, say this shit or else and that's what the or they pay him. Your gear cause you're you're. Nobody really make you with some buyers a carrot or there's a stick, but when they it's you and they call you to fucking mountain they get their way or percent. So that's that was my headline was more like a paragraph and all I get is accurate. So, let's dive into this this, this, seen in article before even read this already saw this shit. This fuckin check worked for tromp until April. Asked the fucking, so generous six happened. She worked with trump till April. then, when they move their truck care to fucking jupiter, I'm sorry palm beach.
She didn't get the invite, because they identified her as a cool, unquote, leaker. somebody assess your correctly right, she actually asked we transfer down there with him and they told her no because they couldn't trust her yep. And while I here we are let's dive into this article man. It says in the latest. Show of bravery That has emerged, is almost over use concept. Ever bravery, soap, due to the poor that so bring her here, do beats sure gonna fuck, a hundred metre dash subdued reads the check out of a fuckin Enamel may rig dude scores fucking forth thousand points in the w nba, because he's now one brave so fuckin brave silbury, like fuck off with your brain You're, definitions of brave and mine,
admissions of brave, completely fucking differ but in the latest show of it go that has emerged as a rare, bright light in aids. Twenty twenty election sale of violence lies and deception capacity, johnson, eight twenty six year old farmer, aids, the white house, chief of staff, more meadows on tuesday read some of the most disturbing sir testimony yet about trumps, unhinged behavior seventeen months, If that were me, we will allow more unhinged ship she said she she said she had been told that the president have launched forest top secret service agent when the age refuse have trump driven to the capital rioting, I'm so sure I'm positive, yeah thought then, vice president, my pants, deserve to be hanged. Said he knew his insurrectionists were armed, but one of them to march on congress a way and in the second?
incident in december of twenty twenty left. The white house was dripping and catch up after furiously flinging his lunch play yeah, so here he's a quick snippet of her testimony place tiny proceeded to tell me when the president got started, shit she's, lying right. That's ok, look, look! I'm an export. That's a fucking! Why I had seen the ship.
Don't know the actual video is pressure from mister matters that the off the record move into the capital so possible and likely it'll happen, but that body had more information so, as the president had gotten into the vehicle with Bobby, he thought that they were going up to the capital and when Bobby, had relayed to him or not, you don't have the assets to do it. It's not secure we're going back to the west wing. The president had very strong, very angry response to that tony described him as being I read the president says something to the effect of I'm. The acting president take me up to the capital now to which Bobby responded. Sir. You have to go back to the west wing president reached up towards the front of the vehicle to crab at the steering wheel,
Mr angled grabbed his arm said sir. You need to take your hand off the steering wheel, we're going back to the west wing, we're not going to the capital so bro. This chick is twenty. Six years old she's broke as fuck. You don't think they can fucking put a little pressure on her and say fucking go say this not only that greece, service agents that she's talking talking about came out within a fucking hour of her saying this in public, and so we will fucking testify. and they didn't allow to testify and they said Would testify under oath that this is total bull shit, fuck emotional, the because she's naming in the fucking Oh yeah, she's she's under oath She's on her! This man, you see. I aussies comment, It was a stunning to understand and see the detail in depth through
There was a consciousness of guilt. Elsie said they knew. What they were doing was wrong. What is she talking about brow look dude? Is I take our ship back from these fucking people? This is baker shit, we're wasting we're wasting time. Oh, if do not you most workers better, get a lot more aggressive in your fuckin want for freedom for this country, real fucking, fast, ok, I'm not talking about violence from talking about getting gauge, giving while getting proud telling these people are full of fucking shit and fuck off right, you're, clearly lying there forever. Who else. Besides her said it was a fuckin lie, dude, it's so absurd and at what point like,
Why do we keep taking it like lot about everything? It's all been the bumper, like you said too, like there's still allowing it, but still allow her fucking too. Might be at an end and not changing anything. She lied about the fucking know. Do these people below are in jail for ever or at the end of a fucking gallows. Rope. Look! This is the truth. These people are fucking lying there, colluding. They are corrupt, they are doing it for money and if we all set an example for them like, however, that law it takes or whatever within the system, is fine with me, but if we don't truly set an example of what happens to me like this, We will lose america because this will continue to happen. There. to be a general racial example of that mobility ability for all the people doings she just fucked herself new area. You know she's gonna, pick your! U listen, lady What, whenever they gave you ain't enough and whatever We came out.
About you was for you than what's going to happen for you doing exactly that, that's the truth no one's by in shit, some cash. The smaller what I'm just the shit will dude. I'm just do it people lie in Lyon lie to go along with the culture, because to one or two mechanical way. small way, I'll walking around town that lie with everybody, knows he's fucking line watch element why is he ever heard, not fucking jail? She should be fuckin jail. Ok, we need a total realignment of what accountable count. Accountability means in this country. We need to be hard on people like this. Criminals need to be dealt with harshly, My real criminals. Am I talking about fucking, harassed and someone from tobacco? We I'm talking about criminals criminals in earnest, The society colonels a creative Jim through their lies? Why do jesse boy, it's a fucking hate crime. Bro, like you,
You create a racial division for since it happen, you are one of the key figures they fuck and poor. File on all this shit. Then still saying that it was white boosts the women due to did it may well with went to with the do that now. There are others that are the real black to lead their actual african americans I'm just saying do like: when are we going to correct this whole fuck thing this society of, like that? once august line do whatever they want the other sites as one wrong word about fucking anything in their fuckin. You know research area like do fuck off agreed moon. The third and final headline have another three again. just more things things well until we have this until we all get the same attitude, I'm fucking saying right now show I change my bulwark work
we're approaching. You know we're approaching like the employer fuckin necessaries, like signalling corrections. Yes like once a thing people make, it is its. If you read your history, every what time has been a major revolution like china, to eliminate the tyranny in any of that? It's always been demanded and always started with the people. Am I not one person the people? That's what I'm saying it's on trying to say is like fuck. I you know if you know what's wrong listen happens on a micro level, it does it see. People are waiting for, what happened on a macro level there waiting for you, no fucking on foot, special forces do come, run out a hills and siege, that's not what this is this. Is it cultural revolution the way happens. Is you the way this
happens. Is you not accepting anything any criticism or anything, power apologizing for anything that has to do with this crazy fuck and corrupt woke shit. People say you're this. So thank you like for doing more take no power away by laughing at them? You take their power. way by saying hey, it is what the fuck it is. You take the power away her done, so all we have to do is you. and out there, because the women, or to a pretty good job, it's a manner falcons slogan along. Ok, There used to be a vocal, needed, engage near communities when He will call you name, hey propitiated row, guy like for real and for make these people realise that, like there a game of intimidation and fake power and all the shit fucking over it's over. So you ask yourself what
important future of america in the future, for your children or some fucking difficult conversations right now. because we can so solve this by people. An actual your own away. It's going to really get solved peacefully is by you I just stepping up now dreamer A third and final headline headline number three: this was actually a pretty big deal to men. While others are the shit's going on. I will never find the needle in those stack of needle so Helen number, three reads: dangerous and ineffective: spur mental pfizer vaccine causes nearly I've, syria adverse events per every one person it kept from being hospitalized with covert study, fines. So It has become increasingly clear that the experimental m r a vaccines are nothing close to safe or effective as they has as they have been built to be four months
data has been emerging than now only shows the vaccines do little in the way of stopping transmission or our life. We spreading the virus and our cause an untold amount of serious medical complication, such as my acquired diet, is pulmonary emblems, blood, clots, immune system failures and sudden adult death syndrome known as sat for short. among others. Yet somehow the medical experts I'm tired, Nicole Biden regime, continue advocating that americans take the toxic jap, promising safety and effectiveness. as if the vaccine had caused no issues whatsoever and that's as the? U S, government owned vaccine adverse events. Reporting system were bears, which has matured, Firstly, under under report, it is showing nearly thirty thousand deaths and over fifty thousand permanent disability related to the vaccine by far the most of any in history.
A lotta, maybe obvious to those paying attention that the experimental amartya treatments have caused profound damage to the health of people across the globe. The extent of the problem is still there even now, even if we know its widespread. However, thanks to a new research study that was just published this week by the sea, for science research network we find We started to see the bigger picture and the safe and effective narrative should finally be able to be destroy once a flaw. So, according to study m aren't a vaccines from both Madonna and pfizer were more likely to cause severe adverse reactions then prevent covert hospitalization. and not just a little more either modernity. Vaccine was found to cause fifteen point. I'm serious adverse events, for every six point. Four people it kept out of the hospital pfizer's was even worse,
working in an astonishing ten serious adverse reactions per every two point: three prevented hospitalizations, which is nearly five to one, keep in mind the cove, it is only moderately more dangerous than the flu in the first place, the serious medical complications to the vaccine are much more life threatening than the virus itself, and yet Pfizer's vaccine is five times more likely to cause a serious adverse event then prevent a serious case of covert nineteen, and this is from the study. What do we got on this? Any dear? It's sad You know a like, like you know, easily, on the the petty side of me. I wanna sit here and fucking, be, like I fucking told you so but like dude, that's not what I ever wanted. You know
What I'm saying I wanted to be wrong and I'm not wrong, and I was right the whole time about all this shit. So were a lot of other people, and you know we face a lot of abuse from you. People who don't buy into this line of thinking and wanted to believe corrupt and. Evil network of people who introduced this as a way to control the population and they needed to be done. one society and with one big fucking sledgehammer blow, and then you know to make a big difference, so they can adjust annex and execute their plan for the twenty thirty agenda. This is real shit and they wrote about it. They wrote a book about it. It's all real klaus schwab. The second world economic form of real shit. Is people are coordinated and they gave you a medicine that can hurt people,
and they did so intentionally, and they did so with the idea of you know a couple of different things. In my opinion, I believe that one of the big things that they wanted to do was depopulate people. I think they wanted to get rid of the weak and the old people, because that presents a huge economic problem for them number two. I believe that they wanted to create a lot of side effects that they then have to treat. So they double dip right. They make a lot of money and then they make money, treating those problems and three they, money. You know, that's really be all for control like we could talk about all these things, but like this is the introduction of global as communism and you
a lot of us have tried to explain to you. What's going on, you refused to look at the what's going. I, like some sort of you, know literal conspiracy, theory, but you know it's not in it just is it and it's gonna be uncomfortable for a lot of you people to face reality, but we have to get to that point fast, because if we doubt there is going to be crickets and are going to be so and- and I'm going to be mistake- and I would rather the people here in america- continue to eat steak, and this is a figurative leap. This is figuratively or literally like. If you want to you, can, if you don't you, don't I don't care but we have to be aware of what the big picture here is an its unfortunate that so many p, we're, forced and coerced and pressured and shamed and called names? Because I was one of those people by the way I call more names than anything. I don't fucking care. If you call me names, that's why I kept saying the same shit over
but the point is like it to me: these people are fucking victims. the victims of a mass effort to do all of these things that serve the end, some other people. I I know this fresh for sure, because I get literally. I mean I don't even know how many dams, in the hundreds of the arms of people saying hey my job made me. Do this now fucking mess and hey my mia, you know I I used to not believe in this, but you know this is what I observed and now I'm afraid, because I did this and like do there's just it's just sucks because, like you know, we ve been divided over this issue when in reality you know there was a bunch of people who saw an and critically. I thought their way through what was going on and pay attention to the facts. The real facts, not with the media, said
and they tried to warn these other people right in these other people were told to hate them. This is a pandemic of the ambassador, and you know this is vaccinated on that's if he bore killing you, it's a magic spread. They won't wear the mask. It turns out all that was a fucking lie and those people that a lot of these people hated and picked on and cancel and fucking all the shit were really just people trying to help. And I still want to help these people because I see them as victims. You know like they, like bro when you're dealing with It- and I don't mean this to insult anybody, but I was ahead of this, where there is, of course These are the people who brought him on the show, like there's a lot of big there's, a lot of big, credible people they understand this for one reason or another? You know what willing to say so publicly and on most of the time it comes from the fire
at their leverage financially in some way and like dude, that's I dunno. The whole thing just makes me sick, dude and, like part of me, is like, and I'm just being totally trains. Para here you know, parties like we're fucked these people, man, a fucking, did all the shit. You know that try to put some fucking camps fuck and try to ruin my business twenty fuckin times a week, blah blah blah blah blah for fucking two years I was called every fuckin name in the book. Fuck you that's. that's part of how I feel it is a small part, two big part, but. I also believe and doing the rifle in bed, and the right thing is to have empathy for these people realise that they were fucking solely lie and they were flock and mentally abused and a lot of them we're gonna, be meant the really mentally fucked up the whole fuckin lies because this, Now that We'Re- and they had a reasonable expectations- must all have a reasonable expectation to trust these people. To tell what should our best interests and so on
dude, whose fault really is. Is this? Isn't the people who call draw the names? This isn't even the doctors who gave the shots? These people were pressure to do it too. This is that this is the work of a small group of very fucking, which people that ran a fuckin play that is going to kill a lot of people to shouldn't be debt. That is Its crimes against humanity, dude- it is what the fuck it is and, like you I need to be putting that out there like. You need to be saying those words crimes against humanity. You need to be putting that it like that exact free, it's nice to be everywhere, because that's what this is you know and like dude, it's just it's and it's sad. You know I like bro, I, like I've, said I've been to two different funerals of people under forty years old are saying: do we at least fuckin five of them week right now headline doing these are famous people. Think of all the people that no one hears about. So it's like
dude it's just very things for me, that's my biggest thing because I obviously like I mean they're, not done that's it. Things like: they're gonna keep pushing flower yeah asters we're gonna, keep watch out like that. That is the relative gray point. There. People think oh well, I went away, don't listen. Did they are backing off this all this shit, because the twenty twenty two mid terms are coming up here in amerika, in what they planned on happening did not of the plan, all right they plan to have all control. I had some wins yes, but they plan to have total control right now. Okay, and they don't alright so- and that tells me strategically my strategic brain that because they backed off that they are somewhat worried about this election, which means they dont have total control. The cheated right, because if they did, they wouldn't give a fuck unable to
move. It only reason are still moving in all these other countries because they don't have got so much so America is going to have to fucking. Take back the shit and then going to have to fucking help these other people get their shit back. So, we have a long road ahead of us. That's the thing yeah man evade the evening. This is over the national. Why that why? Our federal government just fucking, purchased another two hundred million doses. We we lose if america americans, reasonable common sense, lose this election. Come up in november to people who are just part of the establishment, not just democrat. All Democrats should go by the way, with the exception of like maybe one or two. I personally, like I've, always road the middle line, but right now those people are fuckin done in my book. Ok, I voted I've border both ways by the way,
but the point is, is that you know if we don't get back, then the two on november fucking forth. They will go straight back down to the fund lockdowns and the fucking mandatory shit and all this fucking tear and tyrannical shit so just like they did in france, so you guys you guys really gotta, think and like and if you're one of these people who for the shit. You know no shaming, you, like you, had a reasonable reason. The fucking believe all of this, but I do the people who have been trying to tell. you name it. I tell you the way, I'm telling you now, that might say you're, stupid or the mice industry that that's shooting to stop and america. Rural, like these, could certainly serbian side of common sense. I, but really the conservative side of the percent of normal people like when you guys rip on these people. Non flocking. Stop twenty four fourteen hours a day,
and now I realize some other shits pretty hard to resist. Ok, but we- you do their ship. You are creating division like you, you are furthering our chances of getting control of what's going on commando us versus yeah, is in its all of us. In the now there is ten percent of the population? I believe that I come back, they gotta get off the boat, you know but like at the end of the day. The right thing to do is not to say you know like hey, fuck them like that's just not right like, even If they feel that way about me, I don't want to like, I feel, like the right is a right and there's a long, and you know I think While we can all have some laughs, I think we should really be more product. as a whole.
As to providing some real solutions and some real unity and so coming together. You know like do the fuckin black community got completely fuckin play hispanic community got completely played the white community got completely. fucking played an villain eyes as if everybody, some sort like brow we all before. Yes, yes, but the gay community got fought with like they fought with. Everybody shit, and yet here we are still seeing everybody is different. Now, don't make sense to me, do like it's them. Doing it to ask we at least agree to that exactly through me. without freedom, bro have shit, we don't have shit, you guys all think you guys think that, like you got it like
And this is why the conservative side doesn't fuckin help with this. With this rover suasion like bro, that's your belief that everybody's fucking believe are our countries based upon freedom, Ok, that means we honour other religions and thought processes. I do not like. I am like an opera, but I just can't. I'm just tired of the infighting when, in reality were on safety and we're being we're having these like why. Why is no one saying that? Why am I? The only one thing, my for real. There's so many people out there that have a bigger voice than me. I don't fucking say that what I mean it's just sad dude and I I have a lot of empathy for these people. There's a lot of people who are good people who are
forced to fucking do this have now lost a family member there's a lot of people who were Advocating for their teenagers to get it because they got sucked into the fuckin. Thus do you know of the emotional hype and the would a creation of of This whole thing right, so they buy with that identity. You know I'm pro pro covert. Oh, I believe it is so much they force their fucking teenage kids. Now some of their kids are fucking dead, so think about how those people fucking feel it's fucking, sad dude, it's not funny at all. I feel really bad for these people and wish more people would think about it. That way, what guys onto our final segment of the show we got thumbs up, as always I'm sure headline as you will get two thumbs up or two thumb somewhere. You don't want them and with that being said,
thumbs up him on reach. Amazon's alexa. Might soon replicate the voice of family members, even if they're dead the capability unveiled at amazon's re mars carve conference in LAS vegas is in development, would allow the virtual assistant to mimic the voice of a specific person based on less than a minute, a provided, recording row. He precise senior vice president and head of scientists for alexa set at the event. say that the desire behind the feature was to build greater trust in the interactions use. We have with the lax about putting more quote human attributes of empathy and affect our quote these Attributes have become even more important during the ongoing pandemic when so many of us have lost loved ones that we love precise, said quote, while ay I can eliminate the pain of loss. Definitely make the memories. Last I in a video played by amazon at the event, a young child asko quote alexa king grammar.
finish reading me, the wizard of oz Alexa? Then it, knowledge is the request and switches to another voice, mimicking the child's grandmother. The voice assistant then continues to read the book in that same voice, create the feature precise said the company had to learn how to make a high quality voice with a shorter recording. A poster hours of recording in a studio amazon do not provide further details about the feature which is bound to spark more privacy concerns and ethical questions about consent, where the laws that regulate this sort of thing, where, where I've mentioned this this in in the older episodes of- and I see a project that we can have a problem where technology would become so advanced that we wouldn t humans to work now, apparently we don't need you mister.
We have either, and I want to make something really clear to you that I want you to really think about this at some point in time. Back earlier, you know five to ten years ago, maybe even two Two years ago there were conversations had regarding this problem. People had conversations about, you know, hey, we can replace people with this technology and the grocery store or in the bank or wherever you know it started. That's where we started seeing first, I think, with self check up and down relations, because these people are not stupid or very smart, and then I'm talking about amongst these people who create the sort of technology and.
Instead of saying hey, we have ethical issues with this. You know this is this: this is going to pose ethical problems. It's going to replace people it's going to caught. You know and when they came to the problem of what are we going to do with the people they did. It say, like all of us would say, which is how we should put a fuckin stop on certain kinds of technology league. lee limits, tat, anne and not allow it because it him it starts to not just in an ethical but an appeal, practical manner eliminate the need for actual human beings. And now, where do the point now worth literally humanoid robots that can mimic your voice and do all the shit you do. that's where we're and just the us what we know about the shit we don't. And
They didn't make any laws, but the privacy of it. You know these people, our government, will turn on and off our microphones on our devices at any time. They please can. We just came out with a shit. I saw it, we're doing it here too, don't think they aren't that Canada got it from you know, and if you really understood the amount of ethical violations that are happening, every single electronic device in your house, your tv, your fucking alexa, your fucking cell phone, your fucking computer screen can be tapped into and watched at any given time. Every single texts can be read. Every single audio recording is saved everything. Okay, there, the recording- And keeping track of every thing we do and when you really, if people really understood that this is why people that they know this is why the hate volcano snowden the he's? U want to lift the veil on the ship, it right away. Science, ok, an arm.
They made a decision at some point in time. This is this is the point that consistently I come back to is that these people, who are very wealthy. Instead of saying hey, we need to regulate this, or we need to stop this because it's wrong, they said nah, we'll just get rid of the weakest humans will create this pandemic and we'll put a fucking will give them medicine that makes the weakest ones die. That was the decision as to decision these fucking people came to think about that. That's what I think about when I see this. You want to keep that election in your house or that fucking this from your house or your. You know we have to have technology right like it's already, two immersed. So, don't you think we should have regulations on what they can and cannot do? I think we should.
I know man, maybe you're, not mine. You know that, but. Your once I realise what was actually having personally change my whole fuckin outlook on life, because I feel I don't feel like. I'm ever had any privacy I feel like people are watching all the time. It's not paranoia because they are especially memo forgotten here. Ok, so I've just accepted it like. I know I know, what's out. About me a fucking care fuck you so on it is it's an uncomfortable truth, and you know when, when you have a group of people who die like hey, we're just fuckin make all these people dependent on the government will say It's for their own good will create this metaverse they can log into. They won't really need much will give them some money. You know we got we'll give them some food to live on crickets and shit and they'll be happy, and the exact quote out of the
book is: I give them drugs and video games its exact while its exact, what give gibbey drugs and video games you know so Yeah I mean this is discussing me. You are we We do not have this technology in our house an intentionally right like I, you know. I know that we still have all the tvs and shit like that which all have microphones and cameras in them and while all the new ones basically do, but my point is- is like dude. These people have intruded on our fucking. privacy and freedom, and it should be a big deal. You that, if you really understand what it was, I think it would be a big deal, but they ve kept it out of the news. Kept it out of reality in this all started with the patriot act back after nine eleven and there's a lot of Well, the thing nine eleven was our own fucking people and another. speak on that either way. But I know that it's a lot of people. Real people fucking died because, regardless of who was behind it,
Unlike so dude it's up, you know we ve been getting played all of us a beginning play for a long time. In this to me. You know, I think, the smooth brain motherfuckers out there that story Woke up at all their greatest homer guys is amazing. well alone, my grown. It really is like totally d. Albion, be in like fucked up shit, innocent. So you'll you'll have memory for it. Yeah cause you'll have to go to therapy bro yeah, no shit. You know like you'll you'll start fucking telling Alexa your grandma all the shit. You do every day, so you gonna like and then it becomes. If the converse black and then they know we're like out like, where does it go, dude that you know these facial filters that y'all fucking use like dude? That's they can recreate your face and your fucking voice. That's why like, when you played up the hunter Biden quote or that audio clip. how do you know? Okay, now we see a lot of shit about a hundred Biden. Right has been covered up and I think the way they covered up tells than its real right. They ve also came on emitted
we will now. But the point is like we can't trust what we see we're we're to the point we technique. Would you where we can no longer trust what the fuck we see on their screen? Yeah yeah! That's real! Now! You know people can fucking. You know, make a photo not like, I do this shit happens all the time bro. I have a lot of like that. wealthy, celebrity friends, there's all kinds of people that you fucked up shit wrote a try to you I'll, get him in trouble and shit like that. Like issues its technologies, where, were you and and it's not good and ruining alot of people's lives and ruining our country and light. I must say we should have it There should certainly be rules about the motherfuckers that control it. our ability to use our information and spy on us and listen to our conversations and all that shit. What fucker? Like
will the point now, where are like, I fucking, think shit. My father shows me adds like dude. I highly do that, I'm not the only person. I happened to either because I've talked to a lot of people behind bro, no bullshit like I didn't fucking speak a single word of this. I didn't even look at it, but I was having to converse issue with someone five feet away from my phone, while my fucking phone, that is yeah censorship, dude, it's fucking weird. That is that's the thing that I think I mean we got other that's. The thing I think we're gonna find out is that we ve actually agreed to allow them to do that, or sis in their fuckin terms in agreement and also those fuckin, ten thousand pages of nobody, tiny words? It's in there. We are he'll, be illegal, we're allow them again. They should be able to make profits lit the legal will we get there. Oil is, of course, the legal
the ease of our country has been were overly litigious, were overly complicated to create and trap and do corrupt shit. She stood is fucked up. It's fucked up man. I feel bad, for I feel bad. You know like that. I dunno man like I try to I dunno, I feel like I try to warn people and it just nobody. You know we listen and so like it's, it's like watching like it's for me, it's like watching an entire like, like you know, I'm looking at a school full of fucking, kids and somebody fuckin starts a fire. I could see the fire in one corner of this massive billing or hey fuck. You to forget, right and nobody did and so like now, I'm sitting here watching the fuckin fire go through the building. I kid you shit,
all I can do is try to get you guys to fucking, join it from our this is definitely or to farms going somewhere. You don't want to hear. I agree. I take this shit. I your house for me I did a way that show Adolphe appreciate you, guys, love you guys, hockey next time sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box frozen the fuck are still counted in the kobe teach buddhist smoke got a rope kind of dessert,
Transcript generated on 2023-09-29.