« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

319. Andy & DJ CTI: Most Significant Gun Control Legislation, President Biden's Cheat Sheet & Dr. Oz Ditches Donald Trump

2022-06-25 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss the Senate passing the most significant gun control legislation in decades, a very specific cheat sheet reminding President Biden how to act, and Dr. Oz appearing to ditch Trump months after he was endorsed by the former President.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number for the are countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph. Can't kang doesn't know headshot case club guys it's eighty per seller, and this is the show for the really say goodbye to the lies that big illusions of modern society and welcome the fucking reality guys who knew was coming today. We have. Andy and dj crews, the mother, fucking internet. That's right! That's what we're going to do now, we're going to make fun of it. Yeah yeah! What's up it's gone! All man, other man, vanity, hello, children, flow jewelry, other guy, do that under the new republic here you know why
It has not because that why so guys, says relay F and we have multiplied amounts on the show in today s crews, the internet. This is where we put three headlines up and then we make fun of them, and then we talk about the actual problem and how we as a people in need of it and because we as a people comes to you as the individual, then we q and earth, and that's where you can submit your questions in where can they submit them? Does email those questions into ask anti at any for selling? I come, and I will answer them and those questions are designed to make us. We, the people you individual, the best possible version
involve ourselves so that these fucking tyrants stop fucking with us, because that's the only way they can is, if we're weak, stupid, uninformed, poor and dependent and sick on, and and and that's what they want. And so we don't want that. Alright, then we have real talk, which is where I get on, and I give you some real talk. It's short and sweet, and then we have full length full length is where I bring on successful in arresting a kick ass people to happen. To be my friends, and we talk about how you could be kick ass too, because every the old person that you admire out. There is really no different than you need to understand that, so there is a fee for the show, and the fee is very simple. If you liked the show share the show if it made, you laugh, share the show if it made, you think, share the show and if it improves your life, share the show and that's a per episode fee by
the way. Okay, I don't run ads for the show. I don't want ads on the show. So I ask in return that you please share the show, that's how we grow. We've been able to maintain one of the top podcasts in the world based off. Just word of mouth, but guys our message needs to be bigger and it needs to be broader and I need your help to grow the show. So I would appreciate it if you are become aggressively sharing the message everyone sailor that go share, my soul, ok swimming after he got around. We got some crazy shit, really yeah. We got some good stuff and our guys remember, if you want to see any of these articles, pictures links, videos go daddy for cela dot com, you can find them all there. First,
Some are due to a burden we are waiting for. You to read. Senate passes most significant gun control legislation. In decades. This just came down the pipe man not figure to be best. We discuss this little bit so the senate, late thursday of this week, voted sixty five to thirty three to pass the by partisan gun control, build the most significant legislation, addressing guns nearly thirty years republican senator John corn of taxes are who led the negotiations, along with the democratic senator Chris murphy of connecticut, said on the centre for thursday that the legislation responds to the shootings last month a grocery store in buffalo me, lord and an elementary school involving taxes left a combined of thirty one people, including nineteen children,
still less than what how many people die chicago and we get one hundred percent. Could I just say it s a good bit knock over an hour, not so much less than the other obesity rates kilburn. I know she's emeralds, that every life loss to violence is fuckin. Bullshit shining fuckin happen through what the point that were highlighting these thirty one over hundreds, killed in every major city with guns, mostly that are illegal illegal. They go around it. certainly you are, but his past elite illegal goods like we have to understand the definition of a criminal. We have to understand the definition of illegal. No criminals are people who do not follow law, so you can pass as many laws as you want and it will never change. Criminal behaviour
isn't draw on drugs illegal? Is it murder illegal murders, illegal drugs, legal? What else last july the shoe I'm just saying. So that's what it is! It's fucking, so the bill I was sent back to the house was approved, as of today are let's be real, Every single human has common sense understands that this has nothing to do with those thirty one, people right as nothing to do with the right. This is the political politicization of a fucking tragedy.
That really honestly, we have a lot of questions about and there is now geared towards removing our ability as we the people to protect ourselves. This has nothing to do with fuckin hunting, no has nothing to do with dear kevlar vests the people when he says that when Joe Biden gets up and says that he thinks that you are a fucking eddie, it's a should be insulting me. You that's what he says, because the second amendment is not about hunting it. Never has been it never was, and the the founding fathers yeah they didn't know about air fifteenth and had they known, they would have said we should have had those two more focused suit. You're, ok, it wasn't, like all while they all like every argument that the left makes is fucking bullshit and we all know it, and the problem with the people who support this shit is that those are the people,
They think that, like whenever were disarm, that these people they're gonna like them, you're will only be the people that are punished like you, you are, you are useful, any you are pushing agenda that only hurt you. That's the thing like I like dude, like even when I just think of the the the basic phrase of our second amendment, the right to keep and bear arms right, very, very simple: keep they. They interpreted that the supreme court chartered that, as in your house, you don't have the right to keep your fires and bright. Better means you get to you walk around the streets with them. Here's what they didn't count. Alright, this is the most real to a talk. You're going to fucking hear what they didn't count on was tanks airplanes. Mr souls nuclear weapons and all kinds of other shit that we use on a ok
had they known about those things. What they would have said is that there needs to be a civilian militia that is armed by our tax dollars, to counterbalance the government, control military to create freedom, that's what they would have that's what they wanted and check man. They would have said hey. We need to take some of our tax dollars and we need to create this militia and it needs to be armed with the same technology. in the same weapons in saying this in its run by this person, ignore these people or this group- and we The whole point of the second amendment was to counterbalance fuckin physical force. and right now hold on right now. We are not and count. We are not about. Now. These news got flocking, apache helicopters, they got tanks, they got plays, they got missiles, they got this and we got a fucking like jump through every fuckin there is to get a semi automatic, fucking fuckin weapon, that pink
now one bullet. Every charter pool like that that do people don't understand the entire purpose of this, and you know it. They do and an until their real about what the purpose of two actually is. We came and have a real discussion about this. It that's what they say: it over a man is not one of these laws they pass is also the legislation it. What it does a couple of things: it enhances the background checks for prospective gum buyers under the age of twenty one. It also closes the boyfriend loophole the boy from loop? All of you guys not familiar. Basically, I was a law that was put in place that prevent it
Anybody that was convicted of domestic violence, so a husband has to be a spouse right, husband, wife, whatever. If you are convicted of a of a domestic violence, you can no longer carry a gun, you can no longer purchase a firearm or any of that when they added in to this infrastructure is now. If you're, simply dating someone, you don't have to be an actual marriage. If you're dating someone and get into a domestic violence situation, you no longer have the right to carry a gun or firearm yeah, pretty crazy shit and clarifies the definition of a fl fl and creates criminal penalties, penalties for straw purchases This, as even basic is just gifting guns is now legal, and it also provides seven hundred and fifty million dollars in grants to incentivize states to implement crisis intervention programs and provide roughly billions of dollars in federal funding, to bolster mental health services for children and families and to harden schools and- and we all know what they're going to be using them-
Before you have shown that all of us- and I love how this article two there also addressed them as president- I just address MR batten, but the synods measures does not go as far as What Mr Biden, as called for in a significantly more narrow in the package of bills, pass the house last month, or this month, are. The legislation that they were trying to pass would have raised the mizzen minimum age to purchase a semi automatic rifle from eighteen to. One ban, large capacity magazines and also arises the safe storage of firearms and establishes requirements, would regulate and the storage of guns and residential premises. So the inner is obviously against. It will suffer. I think people there the day. They need to realise that if people really knew and understood the importance and the allegation that they have to be,
You know to a loving americans. We would we wouldn't have these issues, as if, if people really understood what's gonna happen here for it to become law, so house passed went back to the house, they pass it now, it's going to Biden's desk to sign okay, so it's coming for sure. It's coming
I I don't know that look dude, I think anything. That's past right now needs to be taken with a grain of salt, because here's the truth, everybody that hat that needs guns, has him after the last two years. Guy, that's the first thing. Second thing is to have the ammo to third thing: is you know this isn't going to prevent anything? This isn't going to prevent any school shooting this isn't going to solve any fucking problem. This isn't gonna do shit, nothing is not one less person will get killed because of these things. Right. Alright fact that I probably will be more probably do and here's the reality when the when the government is back in control of actual patriotic americans, all of these things will be pulled off. So this this has happened before
when they passed the assault weapons ban, and then it was repealed when, when patriotic americans got back and power, this is the way it goes. Its absence flows- I'm not freaking out about it, but I will say that most americans- even conservative americans, have no fucking clue what the second amendment is really about. They think it's about owning a fuckin nine millimeter fuckin when its long ride. It may also teen or something there, and the truth is if we were really if we really honoured the second amendment we were, civilians will be able to hold the same sort of power against government. The gunman holds against them. Whatever that looks like that, but you know there are no safeguards against the the amount of technology and weaponry that our own government, may, or may not be willing to use against us. You know so. The real second amendment was meant to bounce balance, the power and
I love when people say all they do no barrier for teens gazelle have muskets yet had they known about tanks an airplane to shit, they would have said you guys get those two exactly so you know I just know: there's a lot due to a lot of people in america that get their emotions have confused with the reality of why things exist. The way they do- and you know it sucks that there's bad people in the world. That's why we have to have accountability. That's why we can't have three letter agencies instigating people to do things better, Why we can't have corruption in the court system, that's why criminals must be held accountable and put away and remove from fucking society. This is all ship at table wound. In the last two years they ve normal people are paying the price for now so a way. Ghana, that's how I feel about it. I mean: do they like it's the one argument to have with me, because my beliefs of what people should be able to owners
yeah look. This is this is a regret that, even if we're not playing the same game now so like, I try not to argue about things that like where, where they're arguing a point, that's so far away from the way that I think it should be like it's just like. No, you know we gotta get some patriots, they understand the constitution to run this country. Through your ship gods move on to our headlines? Helen number one ellen them. One reads: you take your seat very specific. Cheat cheat reminds Biden how to act. President Biden on thursday inadvertently held up a comical detailed, cheat prepared by his staff instructing the guy phone leader of the free world. To quote, take your seat and to limit his remarks to two minutes, a photographer snapped of image. The document when Biden held it up back, where it at a meeting with wind industry executives, which he attended after skipping his a minute
versions. Morning, meeting with all companies about combating record gas prices, the prepared instructions for by title offshore wind drop by sequence of events tell Biden to quote enter the roosevelt room and say hello to participants. Then the paper says: quote you in capital. Letters take your seat. The type of note says that after reporters leave quote you give brief comments. Two minutes reporters depart quote you ask list, schuller, president, a f l, a question and the and you thank participants and you depart use of staff notes at events has been embarrassing before, such as last july, when an aid scrawled quote sir southern on your chin by
also held that note so face reporters and photographers abide reportedly as bristled at staff attempting to control his message to the point that they even contradict his ex unexpected public utterances without checking him checking with him? So my buying reportedly reminded staff that he's the president after they said he I didn't mean what he said in march when he called for russian president vladimir putin to be removed from power over russia's invasion of ukraine. That's that's a different thing. Hold everything hola, that's a totally different day, I'll get to that in a second yeah both of those it up republicans, often accused us every non euro, president of being in mental decline. Former president Donald trump claimed ahead. other twenty twenty election, that Biden was cognitive, Lee shot, here's a pitcher of the little
a cheat sheet that he had and what we got on this look man, it's it. It should scare the shit out every american bat, bat, a man first of all, dude. I think they're confusing him to be honest, like I think his own staff like bro. If you give me a list like that and say, hey go! Do this exactly and my job was to go address whatever at roth fuck it up to write and I'm pretty sharp. So, let's be real, that's not the best way to handle someone who's, trying to go out and do what he's doing as well say that, because I want to be fair, okay, that would confuse me. You sit down two minutes of this that may fuck you, I'm gonna, do what I want you're. Okay, that's a lot of shit for someone to remember who's. Forty two years old- and I know I'm pretty sharp. This guy is- is eighty years old, okay, he he's
he's not fit carnage, avoid that's the truth. Now. Ok, it should scare everybody that were at this level- and it scares me- and this is the guy who has looked nuclear- were launched codes edward all this shit. I do think that I, the conservative media. You no way overblown his cognitive faults, because if you watch anything outside of the cliffs- and I did look- I know it sounds like I'm saying I shit, but I'm try me fair. You know like the truth. Is that when you watch is whole cliff, he is it so far gone. They like the soundbites, should I re soundbites. They make a mom. It's no different than what they didn't look and trouser buses, and we may be in all its its unfortunate that we have a country full of people on the
right or the left that don't understand where all right in the same boat and we should be rooting for people to do the right thing now. I don't like this man, I think, he's a traitor to our country because I think he's bought and paid for. I think, there's a lot of evidence that would that's my personal opinion. there's a lot of evidence that may become at a conclusion. I think in the long term it that will come out to be true, but you know, if he's that fucking cognitive, we impaired why the fuck is he still present right? Why hasn't nobody fuckin try to put into effect the whole thing is: is that they're gonna make the stewed escape my key, just don't fucking realising it okay and then the reality of the fucking statement about what he said in belgium amount of fucking russia about or what was what did it say, Poland? Where was he He was in poland, talk about when he said they need to remove prudent from power. No, he made to fuck and say that they too
to say that, then they walked back road because they knew that it was an over aggressive statement but the reason they told him to go up their fuckin say that was for the history books for the history clips. I- people are not realizing this shit. They are crafting the narrative. They are crafting the history when they go out on the fucking courthouse steps after january six were the only mother fucker that actually die was killed by them, right arm and hold it hold a candle. I visual and act like the fuckin whole place. Bird flew down. That is now for you or me. Now. That's for people, fifty, usually and we are sitting here watching it say what the fuck are. They doing, you're not doing it. For you, doing it for the next generation because an and what that should make. You really want what they plan to do with us, the ones who see the truth right.
Ok, that's all you said that shit. They knew what the fuck he was gonna go out there and say he said then they walked back because they want they knew that people were pissed. out it and nobody was with it, and they said all no that's what he meant where we are what he there was twelve go up there and say that or that he came back said no. That is what happened. Yes, but the point is there it's a show. I have to learn how to see the show are selling they're trying to produce a result. What's the result there trying to produce, there are no accidents. These people are not fucking stupid. You are stupid for thinking they're stupid. Ok, they're standing. There say, put must be removed from power because they plan on doing that. in some way shape or form and they play the history book being written that america, somehow save the day right. But the message was too aggressive for americans at the time
I fucked up, so they have a yeah, so they have to pull it back minutes, that's what the fuck is going on there crafting history in front of your fucking face. Okay, So when you think, oh, my god, I can't believe they're stupid, you're you're the stupid one understand that these people have a hot. They have fuckin hundreds of years of practice at manipulating the entire fucking world yeah. So anyway, for a man yeah, but yeah that doesn't surprise me I mean when I moved. Our guys was gone headline number two headline number two reads: department of homer security is warning catholic churches in pregnancy, sensors to be prepared for quote night of rage by pro abortion terrorist groups. Now roquat I came out and yet here and there came a yesterday-
and I'm gonna make it made a this morning about the roby. Wait: shit! Ok, now listen night! When we have already said this in the show as well, we have much more pressing shit guy, but what I would like to address is the lack of action on our fucking intelligence services that no, this shit going to do absolutely nothing about. They wanted to absolutely not want it. They want disruption, they want night of rage, they want chaos. Exactly the number I've been telling you this they're going to unleash as much chaos as possible as humanly possible. We shouldn't be even if you feel like you are mad about this. You shouldn't be out riding over it. First of all, and I actually agree with the people and this you know you guys all think I'm fucking far right in my fucking far anything I'm an extreme freedom yeah. Ok, I must pay
should the american. Yet ass, racked by you, wanna talk about extremists and extremist left or right, I'm extremists, red white and black and blue foggy I've learned for freedom. Bro I do I'm retain am I I have a hard time with people who bitched about being we'll take a vaccine about my body, my choice, fuckin bali, autonomy now turning around and saying the same shit to the like this, can we not see the hypocrisy in both sides here we not just see the the fucking divisive, the intentional divisiveness of it. Of course you know what I'm saying like this didn't need to be addressed right now. It's intentionally address right now in anybody who fuckin falls, for it is a fucking idiot. Okay, that's the truth, and you know that I understand people have their personal beliefs and I understand people have the religious beliefs, and I also understand that those people believe that they need to fight for those police. I fucking get it now.
ok, but I also understand that this country is, a sovereign nation where we are supposed to be a melting pot of all different kinds of cultures to come together under the idea. Fucking freedom, okay, so I think the truth It is an end and by the way I'm one of the people at just so I understand my position on this. I used to not care upset dude totally. If you want to get an abortion, I fucking care- and that was when I was young now that I've got an older and I started, learn haven't low, but different perspective. You know when I personally, you know look at the abortion thing. I don't necessarily think there's many insists worse really needed or justified are theirs areas. Yes, there less than one percent of the cases.
Regardless of their personal feeling. I don't think that there should be a government. That's telling people what the fuck they should or shouldn't be doing with their own bodies. I don't feel and people say well, that's not their own body on the fucking, his her own body, okay, let's fucking not have this discussion. Oh well, let's sum this and that listen, dude you're not taking care of the kid you're, not raising the kid you're, not contributing to the problem of fucking. You know parents that don't want their fucking kids so I really give a fuck what you think. That's the truth, that's true! Okay! So if these people feel so strongly about pro life, they should be doing everything they can. If this is there issue they're gonna die on which, for me this is under the line, issue, aright, meaning thereof, many issues above the line that I care about much more than this issue. Yeah, okay, like that's kind of where right like the way. I look at this, whether your pro or answer, I don't give a fuck
right. You got understand the fundamental of what's happening at all. That's one way we can to DJ is that there is now a pro abortion exact, there's, not a load of social choice. Zack and like those people have made. It seem very evil for a person who might be fuckin do with the situation that they just aren't equipped to deal with from making a decision? And you know I don't like dude nobody's helping anybody with this. In truth, the truth of the matter is is that this is a fucking country that is based on cultural differences all coming together to agree to live under the the idea of
personal freedom and that's really what it comes down to it, and even though I can disagree- and I don't think it's right- I don't think there should be laws about that and an that's. You know that's a thought that people had to think before they speak. You know, like very few people, have the ability two two separate their own personal beliefs and from the way the law should be red, jacket and asthma. Like that, that's what I give you look at the facts mental ruling on this. All it did was gave the power back to the fucking. People gave the voice back to the states. That's a fact. it's extremely important, because the thing is: if people understood that now A whole lot really gonna change with this rule and we'll do it without where, for example, you look at the state like utah right. The whole point of this is that people,
right, the american citizens right. You live in communities and cities and states with like minded people, people who you share your values when right, every state's going to be a little different, but like utah, for example, they have some really really weird alcohol locks. Button bright, where are you came by alcohol on sunday, has done on forgets enough cock on saturday re like have we're laws, but guess what that's? What the people of utah fuck and want it, though the collective mass unit of utah ray, and so it's like every states different. I think this is good and bad though it's good area maybe not the whole on. So, let's just say like us like right now, I see the cuts proposed today from like people that live in texas neglect. Now all you liberal fox, commute back california video games. This guy's, I saw helpful, not now not helpful, shit, ok, but, let's just say, that's what happens: okay and people who want to live more more in that place, move back to these places, which they won't because of pleasure. Fucking,
shit all- is that ok? Well, let's just say they do and lets say we become nation of segregated thought processes that that can be good or bad. But I would say It's probably going to be bad. The reason I say that is because that's how fuckin civil wars start right, there's x amount of states that believe in slavery, now? That's a lot of states that don't believe in slavery by then the states adult team up against states, adieu, and so like that's where we're moving towards when we start to segregate it based upon state by state by state right- and I think this dangerous- and I think that's not good- and I that lends its our culture more to the cancel called
your mind set of what you're, not with me you're against me, and I think this whole thing isley. This whole fuckin decision coming out this time is all about division. That yeah. That's why I said that this mama, I is, as is the Roby way, really affecting how much are paying for gas right now or your groceries or or you're you're you're, fuckin, electricity bill or or fucking any of the other twenty plus issues we have like this decision. We have other shit. We need to be fucking focus on yeah. You know what I'm saying it. It's a fucking distraction and that's one thing that really pisses me off with, like all the fucking conservative people, it's like oh they're, so good, they're fucking, like guys like that we felt like did. We forget like what the fucks happening right now like I don't give a fuck about it, you understand, but what? What? What does bother He is just like us: I'd like the aryan, so serbs is no one, the shit got churches and fucking. Listen, I don't know I don't. We can count on our tell services in our own government police, like I don't feel like those people,
Have you been done, their jobs? I mean we have. We have so much evidence that these people that are calling the shots are merrily. Compromise, but their a legitimately See it's not what's happening like so like what makes you think that this isn't it who knows like what the fuck there thinking like at eat? No, it's sad dude and like. It's disgusting in that the two extreme movements of this kind, true tearing apart, you know it just is it discussed me nude and, like I You know I you know. When I talk about this, I get a lot of work and heat from the people who typically like everything I say, but at a keeper real, do and, like you know, the guy remit should be very small and very limited, and what the fuck they do for us now and- and I don't think, they're doing anything of what they're supposed to do for us.
fuck, now everything they've not been in nothing they've done has been in the interest of, and you can count on the media to make this worse and worse and worse, and I think they're going to want. They want this to be the riots and all the shit, and I really you know. I really hope that people either don't do it, and I hope that if it is done, those people are held accountable, fuckin sternly and we don't know, but I will see who we shall see now I just don't I just she. I dunno see god's move on to our third and final headline. Hella number three. This is this is this is not told you so moment, but I, like those yeah, this is going our favorite hella number three reads as the whole show dj. Yeah
but here's the whole show about number three reads: doctor eyes appears to ditch trump weeks after his narrow. Isn't it isn't a dj? I told you so I got right there you go on fuck yeah order, the fucking trophy motherfucker wait hold on. We don't get trophies for that around here. That's just what the fuck we do. That's the minimum necessary energy were expected to be correct, you'll get trophies, would be correct and finally, graduated holy shit. I will put pomp and circumstance modified, so did I so go yeah, let's get into it, will get into your will get into your credit delivery girl acceptance speech. First, I would like to thank my mom up.
This article reads, the republican nominee for: u s in it in pennsylvania, pennsylvania, Mehmet eyes has started distancing himself from any campaign from former president donald trump, our father. I know for sure There are more important headlines in this and I know for sure that you only selected it so we could tell we could go. That's okay, though hey I'm just let you know, I know hey. I know I learned from so now of the silent changes to others. Campaign branding was first reported by axioms. The changes cover campaign advertisements on others, social media accounts. The former presidents decision to throw support behind the television personality proved to be controversial. Mom republicans and dj housing division amongst some of the term. strongest allies ah took full advantage of troms backing, highlighting in multiple campaign, avatar
judgments and on a social media accounts even before trumps endorsement us put out at trying to betray himself as a political outside it to the likes of trump of trump and former president ronald Reagan after trump declared its support as a reference. there's a trump intensified in the weeks leading to the primary election on may. Seventeen quote: try was a mere ubiquitous fixture in oz is spots. Reacts yos report set multiple six second issue advertisements there followed trumps endorsement made sure to display in large tax at the beginning. That eyes was quote endorsed by trot as of april. Fifteenth. as his twitter page had a header image featuring an image him standing next to trump and the words quote, endorsed by tromp in the banner sinner archive snapshot showed. But as of this wednesday- banner, was replaced with
one only having an image of our standing next to the words quote. Thank you. Pennsylvania quote. The endorsement is the first endorsement listed on our website and we changed the banner to thank pennsylvanians after the recount was completed. Brittany, Yannick, a spokesman and for us sort o ices transition for the general election highlights the tightrope many trump endorse candidates have attempted to walk embrace. the former president were accounts while keeping him at arm's length in situations where his brand is toxic, other port included at ozma thugs, amen, I love the focus, but we need we need a little we need. We need a little wisdom, though right because, like I mean the real thing where you did say that you sent you trojan hours yeah, Furthermore, do you did say this and I think
the clarity that we need from anti dimas is like how how can we prevent one? How can we prevent more the cyprus, it from happening and then to what. What are your ideas on some sure fire ways to tell if somebody's a fucking trojan horse or not luck, man? I think it's hard to tell Because I think people are willing to like did the new cycle so short and people's memories or so, or the I'm sorry, the news yeah, the new cycle is so short and move so fast and that you know people are willing to do this kind of shit where they're willing to do basically and to be something that they're not just a place of of leverage at a time where a lot of americans are also waking up, as we call it in flipping to the other side as well, by big go right up inside of that will fuckin movement. Well, I don't know I mean where you think
I mean we say it all the time and I talked about who had guidance on like you gotta. involve the gotta go to these town halls. You gotta go to these fucking q and a's. These fuckin candidates are doing right, but then, in my personal opinion, easy sure fire way to fucking cut that out. If you flipped rightly say, were blue, and now you want to go red or whatever it is. You flipped. I think you should just said this. One out like like we theirs, but mother fucker second arrows consistently that have been fighting fuckin speak, not whereby this call him out, given all the fucking aims that are fighting and running for office. I think we just stick with those people that are vetted and no in a one day one and not people that are just trying to ride the wave, We get move on. Wasn't you know? Oh ass can defeat the Democrats I found a happy barnett can and you know I No, I don't know man. They re hit pieces on that woman for three falcon day strain on Sean Hannity.
Bashing her. You know who it was disgusting and then all the fuckin. You know trop trappers close to his campaign, all celebrated fucking huge when as one and now look what you did, when everybody else who has been in the fire? on the ground level of say no cathy's the war. Can these the one? My question is: do like Again I mean I'm not china to transform trump's right, but he's a far easier. Smart fucking dude do what's the likelihood that he acts like you who exactly what was gonna happen. So maybe this was just now because I we do know this for a fact that some of those people and from staff right now the listener really. If we know therefore fakir what what do you think I mean: do you think he knew what the fuck What's going on, I was like what how do you
see that are no man. I think there's a lot of people around him that our talk, that they don't understand what the fuck is actually going on in the ground level, because their hanging out a fuckin, more logo with wife welcome pants. All the time act. Elector fuckin, you know the fuckin elite version of the fuckin right right and left. There's a lot of people there? They don't know what it's like happening on the real ground, but they don't. What's happening in the streets of fuckin, saint Louis Missouri, Stay where people are there, not on the road there not talking to people, and I think there are some bad fuckin strategy being dictated in in that circle- and you know it is what it is man. I call things the way I see it I thought the other woman was a much better selection. I thought she was a real person. I thought she was a real person that gave a fuck. First thing we need is more fuckin big names that I don't really represent, the people that are willing to be bought and paid for you and everybody knows it s. Now we need- and I don't know what they were doing-
I think that the other woman would have been able to win that election, because people were to Gaza or of trumpets said hey. I endorse this one, but I mean it's. You know, maybe maybe next time when people say hey, don't fucking do that. Maybe they should fucking listen now, maybe that's my hopes. I may out now she's my opinion. Nude, like you
Well, I know the strategy around the strategy around. What's going on down there ain't the best, though, that they can work here, that's rue, so I you know and that's going to fucking pissing people off, but it's the fucking truth and like if I sat down with a do for a fucking hour. I'd tell him exactly what the fucking do not do and he'd win. But you know whatever man, I'm just I'm tired of these people, these characters playing apart to two and then to just get empower power and betray our trust because dude, it's very clear that the reason these politicians value these positions so much is because they have total access to our tax dollars and they get plugged into the girl. secret handshake shed, that's not what will fix our country. We have to have people that are in that are able to say no, and this is
represent my people. This does not represent my area that I came from this not represent the people that I'll I was elected by, and people like this thinking to do it only regular americans are going. Do that through some will see what happens to a man gods aside times are gonna thumbs up her lower. I show a headlong into the only two thumbs up or two terms in the butt and with that being said, I thumbs up headline reads: mysterious hard object inside catfish turns out to be a sex toy I do indiana fishermen, not a secret toy surprise after one of them caught a blue catfish on the ohio river last week. You should say you should have seen the one they got away when richer cast.
sir of shelbyville Indiana took his friend John, who fishing on the ohio river last week. The goal was for hoop to land his first blue catfish. While he did, this fish came with a secret toy surprise, a sex toy to be specific, what we notice when we got him in the boat that his stomach was huge castle balloons. Indiana fox affiliate. W X, I am at first, he is It was because of eggs or maybe some wild life, the fishes, even though its com, it is common to find other fish, sometimes turtle. Muskrats and other animals. He told the station. It wasn't until in the day later in the day, but he actually pressed down on the catfish adamant and felt too hard objects that he knew couldn't be eggs when they return to catch his home and cut open the fish. They discovered what was broken up. The fishes tommy a phone ball part of another fit Oh and a fairly large size dildo
Castle referred to it, the other object, yeah fuck, as opposed to photos of the catfish mom, and that other object facebook page where we immediately aroused or interest to the tune of more than nineteen thousand shares of the friday afternoon. It also created some challenges for him as a dad of a three year old girl. But when it came out, John, my wife and I was started laughing. He told me said my wife immediately. covered my bowed his eyes and turned her away from it. The daughter keeps us what it is, but that's probably a conversation for different time. Guess it's all. Have posts of your facebook get hoop, has the catfish, but he didn't think his. She's a paying and had been eaten yet. Meanwhile, we still has the other object, but probably not for much longer. Well, I don't have any useful. He said twenty pounds a fish again, as you can see this online and if so, in a calm and here's the toy data
said. I reckon gets no pun instead as well as well. even catfish are weird in Indiana marijuana folks, going on up there. You know I dunno man, you got your first fish, but as a gay fish and his pride mouth, how do you know it's gay? How do you know it wasn't a now the amount of lesser you're, not a buyer. This is just a big as possible yeah, so I don't swallow a huge black dildo us at least all the way, but that's the lesson of the story. Would you still eat the fish yeah?
I have heard before our flogging. Oh, I thought you were there is it makes one could? Would you now now why our largest, we may end up with a sure. That's my I beg- or somebody might imagine how my always like yet well, how do you know a dictator like? How would you even know gives us the show. How would you know I'll nowhere now? I know you know. That's it! That's right! I wouldn't want to write this right. Listen. It comes a rough for hosting a cover, she's, probably happiest fought by America. This is like I asked me: what is it now dearest prior bill I'll get? So much did this. Spot right here in your horrific look I'll have well. He was, though, when he caught the fishy. I mean I got a big one:
I have the size is just a big deal do happen. I guarantee that mother fucker, I don't have any use for it. No shit! You don't because you'd be out of business yeah, that's it lisa a fuckin. Eight inch, nine inch dildo, it's the girth. I mean it's pretty girthy. Definitely a black man's penis or an italian, or it's definitely not minutes anyway, thumbs up thumbs down where we, I I you know what and I was surprised to read the fish, I'm gonna answer, but I would be a real your fuckin liars, the manager yeah brought with them. You may it yeah. I didn't both I'm somebody. I never really been hungry before its are white, privileged, etc. What does it? That's all. I got me a guy
I love you guys up the shade guys. We share the show- and I see next time, sleeping on a number of german but from other, but the still count it means in their food is well got a bag. King. Both doesn't know have shocked, case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-29.