« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

315. Andy & DJ CTI: Eric Greitens' Hunting Ad, Lia Thomas Banned By FINA & Disney's Lightyear Flops

2022-06-21 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Eric Greitens' new RINO hunting campaign ad that has enraged critics across social media, Lia Thomas' dominance over female competitors coming to an end after being banned by FINA, and Disney's Lightyear flopping over a controversial lesbian kiss in its opening weekend.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number, the for the county, millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't kang, doesn't know headshot case club. What is up guys attentive reseller, and this is the show for the real. Let's say goodbye, the lies. The pigments and delusions of modern society. Welcome mother fucking reality, gosh, listen up your clothes, because today we are. the damage caused a mother for canada has we're talking about yeah that was yeah. What's up dude, that was a good one at that was a little like Joe Biden. Ish assist out of recession, that proves that young man, so what
worked down over the weekend. I have no idea. Like I have. I have two, only consumers shit at certain points of my life and if I want any peace at all some days, I just have to like look the other way: hmm and today, or yesterday, was one of those days so, like I really don't know, what's going on now, it's refreshing man, like oh shit, yeah, we got some good shit. I got some good shit good for freedom, yeah yeah. So this is our show works dj. And would not find three eyes- and I haven't seen with drawn up on the screen we dissect- what is true- was bullshit in them, and we talk about the problems that they result from or create in society. And sometimes when you too, and we are queuing up. That's where you some questions I answer them and also that shows about personal development sharp winning our blade getting better. Because a solution in this country,
we'll always be personal. Excellence arise. Let's q and a half We have real talk right, come on through short burst, talk about something it's on my heart, and usually you know some people some people hate it, but it's always the truth. Then we have full length and that's well bring on my rich successful, kick ass friends, you ve done amazing shit. We talk about how ordinary they are. So do you see that you are able to do the same things they have done right. So today we have the city I and there is a fee for the show, the fees very simple tell someone get at it, tell a friend and you weren't ads on the show I dont want. As for the show, we work entirely off word of mouth, which is the way it should be so with that being said, dude. What's up yeah man, we got, we got some good ones for you. How he got some goals, they have in Gaza. Remember if you wanna pronouns, we knowledge smoky too far
if you're in there, but you know for the most part, they were good guys. Remember. If you want to see any of these articles, pictures links, videos go down for salah dot com. You can find them all there would that be. Said I we actually getting something right now there did, you did, did you did it? That's gonna be breaking This is my here and get all Missouri guy headline reads: exclusive. The Eric campaign response. The critics of new rhino hunting add good buddy. Eric man stir some shit, when I talk to you this morning, I still have a watch, the video, because I've been fuckin busy here he's I grow these people. The liberals are pissed off like a my good, Please tell us if I gotta here for your neighbor stone of the forest fires so u s in a candidate from Missouri air grinds released mad just today, when the shows record this monday, showing
former navy seal carrying a weapon and leading a group of arms. Older saying he is hunting. Rhinos rhino stands for republicans in name only The video has gone viral since it posted this morning at eight thirty. It now has over three million views. Ok, the grades campaign, It is encouraging supporters to become rhino. Hunters facebook has sunk down that twitter. has chosen to leave that up with disclaimer limitations on sharing, commenting, here's a video for you right here, drains navy seal today, we're going to rhino hunting, rhino eads corruption and his marked strikes. I write these in the joined. The magic group get a rhino hunting permit. There is no bagging them, no tagging limited, it doesn't expire
so we save our country. Everybody's spurs opens up its everybody up, it's the left is the right. brought. This is what the deuce the right route- a love it. This is the way to do so. I do not because it can give a fuck about this. Establishment on the left or the right yup. This is what this is. Why is the right dude? I fucking know what I thought was funny. As fuck are people I they gotta be pissed. Throw people are pissed. That's what may like, I'm seeing a little difference out air grow. Like I'm, I'm seeing like some like, like some like some real fucking fuck, you I got. I love these been listen. This guy was governor. Ok, they fucking made up a fucking story about the dude go, get em kicked out, will meet and forced him. The quorum quote, resigned,
Then he decides he's gonna run for senate in a fucking guys come up with this crazy bullshit story again now used to dude. the reason this dude is the dude is because he understands how corrupt the entire fucking thing is that one hundred percent man, so I saw some of the the the the negative feedback he's been getting elicited. We have to stop
voting. These people in who are willing to go in there and sniff each other's ass cracks me up and fucking. Do secret handshake deals and join fucking clubs and alliances raw. We need mother fuckers that will go in and fight for what the fuck is right. That's it that's the only way, and we don't need justice got that's the people. We need yeah, that's real man, so he's got to show your tweet. This is some of the negative feedback he's gotten. I love his response to it. Okay, so we all know representative swalwell right, the guy who is in bed with the fly? Okay. He she chimed in on this. It's an air clock back to so this is the guy who is literally hat he's on the fucking intelligence committee correct. He is having a fucking affair with a fuckin chinese spy. Yes
now these are this. Is these are facts as a fact, okay, but he decided he wanted to chime in ok, let's see what he has to say. So here's the tweet tweet said: let's play yeah. Representative Eric Swalwell tweeted, its air. He said, let's place, the blame for this violent edward goes at the doorsteps of Kevin Mccarthy. Amidst com they fail. it's confront and condemn the mega radicals of their party. Now it's out of control Friends. Are you scared? He's scared, spoken terrified, ok, he's says retweet the Jews hash outing over. While this mother fucker says voting over violent, say that the city burned out for two mother fucking year, exactly exact bro fuck you do, but by how about search spots, the thing right back did fangs, bang right I both lucky tables,
All these matters is twitter. Go I love it. Yes, well at least I got to know that was the one man thought we were going to be laughing for holy shit, bro this guy. That guy has that guy is not allowed to say anything. You are on your on the intelligence committee and this chinese spy minute www right then continue yeah like we don't even know what the fuck happened. There. Then I get exogamy shut the fuck up there, the wanderers These people are dying. Did I don't know when he's he's up for election and sure began to earlier? All the People learn: that's why he's writings, panic tweet. They fail to confront and condemn the radicals of their party. Now it's out of control What guy I hear dared yeah fang fang should have made you put an exclamation point after that, though,
it doesn't threaten everyone's freedom. It threatens their fucking control and power and oppression exactly fuck, that dude and they think we're stupid as fuck here with their swallow. Oh man, so article continues. It says the left is in full meltdown over the symbolic at it's all. They have to talk about as a country, burns around them in their policies. This afternoon the greatest campaign responded, the critics of the new ad in the statement to the gateway pundit from the great and campaigning quote. Woke weak rhinos have surrendered to the radical left this at every turn. We will send the rhinos home and replace them with true america. First fighter, that's fucking right That's fucking why I love it. I love it when pregnant. Ask him. Your fucking apologize. Whoa Jones for you read, is a huge rush of the Fang thing right. This yeah.
For this is what you ve got a vote for this do. This is why this is an example of him standing up to these fuckers isle of man. Are you fucking see it not as it is ass? It's obviously a fucking joke the ads Iraq, a joke. These people are fuck terrify brow was welcome boss to I loved it. I mean I love. I love how they're trying to make it seem like wife out here in amerika. Right now is to fucking amazing right and while there lie and our freedom, our freedoms Be more restricted by people like they really think people are fucking stupid.
Well, it's a thing I brought you do now remember like what just happened for the last two years and how they try to take a fuckin freedom about in every way. Fucking possible are fought. Look at our looking fucking everything in real life. It's all harder, it's all more difficult! It's all more fuckin oppressive! It's all more device They think we don't notice that they think we don't notice that in certain states the top achievers are paying over fucking sixty per cent tax. That's fucking slavery, yeah you're working for the government. At that point, not yourself that is not fucking freedom know. The government has become way too fucking involved in this whole world economic forum, global reset, great reach, set agenda and all this shit broke. The real america's not fucking
With that we are americans bro we're not global is communist people. It's not gonna fuckin happen. You, your propaganda, hasn't worked. You're, fucking messaging hasn't work. It's not going to work and when you come to force it we're gonna shoot you in the fucking face, that's the reality and it's not oppressive towards our own people. You guys have lied to us and lie to the american people and make people feel as if we are actually prisoners and our own fucking country. And we know better. We now There are black neighbourhood down we know those are not our enemies and vice versa. We ve got on all your fucking shit, so you should. Be concern because what it means for you is that you will never ever have a fucking out of power in this country.
be taken seriously again ever ever ever ever so. Yes, those people should be concerned, but the truth of the matter is the people who are fighting like Eric they want the idea of amerika the way it's always supposed to have been, which is everybody's equal. Everybody contributes we work for america excellence we have national sovereignty and patriotism and were proud to be fucking americans and that some sliver of some divisive section of america we're all americans content of character. That's what this man's five or he is fighting for fucking real free. Now the challenge, not this fucking, exactly not this illusion of free when america is starting to understand that we are all being play.
and we are all under the illusion of freedom and saw wells position on this and all of their positions. They are all exposed nope. That's why they're freaking the fuck out! That's the thing I that that's what I'm fucking like I'm loving is that we got more and more people by the day calling out these fucking people like it just happened that this is not technically a headline, but this just happened. We saw this with ted cruz, getting heckled at the texas g, o p convention got a coward, and then they tried to remove the fucking people for doing it. Yes, bro. This is because what's happened here, and this is what people have to understand. People are fed up with the republicans and the republican establishment, because you fuckers did not fight for us or defend us. This last fucking since coven. Exactly you guys, didn't stop them from doing all the shit they did,
And bro are pissed now and now we're all paying the price cause. Y'all want handshake deals with this, and that and this so we, the regular people, feel like y'all sold us the fuck out and we're going to replace you with people who are now add affiliated who are not fucking going to bend over and secret handshake and back door in this, that ensure instead going to work to build america around the fucking constitution,. And what it should have always been, which is land of the fucking free home of the brave the land opportunity for all of its citizens and the most fucking productive, a powerful people on a mother fucking planet that are unified We don't divide each other by race or sexual orientation or fuckin anything nonstop
twenty four hours a day and our media broward the greatest want to fuck the country on this fucking planet. That's a fact. people are sick of being told that it is. People are sick of being told the bad people we're fucked sick of it. It's not a fuckin work, so Your mother fuckers up there, you should be worry, be very, very well because what we're going replace you guys with these fuckin people, nah, I'm going to take care of all of these problems, we're going to take care of the fucking us being way overtaxed and our tax dollars being stolen from us for their own personal gain and the problem of you know: fuck dude. All of them were not going to fucking. Keep letting these these all these fucking people that cross the border they all got a fucking go dude like it's going to be. We have to smash crime. Crime has to be fucking smashed. We have to build true
the fucking equal opportunities infrastructure in our fucking infrastructure, like this is all simple shit. Anybody with a fucking, creative, intelligent, critical brain can see, needs to happen. That's what this man's fighting for! That's what people like him are fighting for and we're tired of your as bullshit your fucking life you're fucking over blowing every like we're like the shit. They say on the fucking view. Bro, you know they act like january. Six is a real insurrection of fuckin this and that and this. when fucking the city's burke for a whole fuckin summer, dude, mostly peaceful, everybody knows, is fuck that you take. The people in those neighborhoods are glad. Therefore, fucking neighborhoods broke down.
no, they know now that you guys you're full of shit at the very least brow. The Democrats, if you want to make a fuckin, run its democratic, you need to beef, Ro freedom and pro constitution? America? You can have more liberal viewpoints, but you fuckin sexual eyes, your mother, fucking, kids, dude. We are doing and I speak for a lot of modified People? Well, I don't know, but I mean do, there's a lot of people right now: they're like fuckin right, I'm fuckin, sick of adieu, raw sick of it. We could be the region go to being we go from where we are too kicking me. For good ass again and one fucking you're, really easy. When we got people will never built Shit in their entire life were literally damas fuck.
Calling the shots who have been paid to destroy our fucking country, raw fucking, with it. So, like a fuckin be mad, all they want other gets hilarious. Anyone s breaking moves as breaking movement. Does move on to have our number one does get right into this alone? one reads the again show right there, bro yeah, I thumbs awry. you're fired up dude. I I like it. I ain't mad at it. Bro America needs a fucking. We need a cultural fucking shift. Everybody knows it. We're turning into a society of fucking degeneration asylum Most people in america stand for us now to day by day, murmured we're getting closer, and we are where we need room this. I'm actually super thankful. All this happened because it works so many mother fucker
It's up to how great this place was all just a little bit ago right and how much greater it could be if we could just get these fuck sticks out of the way peacefully yep yeah cause. This is this day by day. At this point, man, America has the greatest system the world when they're not welcome corrupted, and you know what, when a nap corrupted the people corrupted and we'll be held accountable by those fucking systems, Just so you understand what I'm coming from europe. Well hell, I'm one guys get right into it. Had another reads: sand he returns to transgender madness after leah thomas's banned by EF. I in a so this is came out. Finally, sanity prevailed in the world of women's sport, swimming swirled governing body s eye and a or fino announced. banned on sunday on biological men competing and women's events, unless they had quote transitioned before the age of twelve,
so this is how they re little loophole actually preaching, so, in other words, treasured athletes. We have experienced the during competitive advantages of a male puberty flooded with testosterone, such as greater muscle mass lung capacity in high will know longer have an unfair advantage in women's competitions. This unfairness was clear when you, Firstly, a pennsylvania, transgender, transgendered, swimmer, Leah Thomas started blessing. The competition, a mediocre swimmer when she competed against males eyes, became a superstar pool against women after she swapped genders but the feed ban is a promising sign that the pendulum swinging back to normal, see the gender man as we have been living through, which has caused irreversible damage to a generation of children. Never again, will this be allowed just so radically.
It's a slap in the face the bite administration's embrace of gender ideology as some sort of moral crusade, a Joe Biden probably thought that his executive order he passed last week, the advancing equality for les In gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersects individuals wasn't visuals was twice over than that. Bill has I have been around the world for our around the nation, at least condemned by by many many many americans, but this was our loophole, so they were able to know because the bible. this is active order, said that ignore that allow the equality for and pushed down a kids, but that that. Page numbers where they were where fina was able to get 'em. So, ah leah thomas is now out. Listen. It should have never been in discussion. Yep! Okay, it should never be a discussion should never belittle
question. It's it's blatant communist subversion, fucking language, twisting shit of the marxist and communist playbook aright that george orwell talked about in fucking. Ninety four bright that we all know all of us. Every mother fucking. One of you understand that a mail is bigger and stronger than a fucking female. I nature arthur sections, yeah, there's exceptions, gallows, allies, yeah, but the fuckin normal and every fucking person in the fucking world understands this We have a problem where they have condition society using technology which has now been exposed by you. I must twitter exposure that he's done, that they use the technology to push these
actual narratives and shame people who call out the truth and say you're a big it you're, a transfer bureau, racist europe. This is your at that. When you express and for years and years and years has been going on and people got condition to accept it when every fucking human on the planet. Then I would say, is older than fucking twelve understands, that's how powerful their mental conditioning has been. So it's nice to see that people are waking. The fuck up. This is unfair to anyone. Ok, I watched a fuckin documentary on these kids who had transition when they were young and wanted to
and how a ruin their life all because they didn't know. which none of us know when we're fucking, twelve, really anything, I'm just so. Fuckin furious at the whole thing I think about all the people who have literally had surgery, and then I went on it, Well, the the causes me to fuck off your regular column d transitions. You know what I'm saying as it's a mass movement and one of one of 'em, there's a young person named chloe she decided. Well. Imagine I imagine
about the story I saw was about a boy who transition to female, ok and had the surgeries imagined, cutting off your penis and then having like nightmares, but you didn't have a penis and waking up and it actually being true that's what he described
I think about that. Dude like I was another not being I do being able to do fucking anything to fix it because grown ups, who likely have mental issues, push this idea onto these fucking kids when they were fucking, ten, eleven twelve years old yup, and then there were responsible adult doctors willing to do this surgery on fucking pee on children. When you really think about it, it's really fucking wrong. Now,. The it's nice to see it's moving the right direction, I'll leave it at that the roman. Thus moving on a headline number two and number two reads:
This is why the way there, if you're a grown adult and you've you've done this, and this is what you decide to do when you're a responsible adult. I will treat you a million times respect. I look you no different than anybody else. That's a totally different thing. I don't want that message getting convoluted I think that's a great point, but I mean like dirt you're a child. Yes can't even buy alcohol as we got to have some conversations yes number. To now. This is this is this might be, we'll be lots of swallow. Alonzo reads: Google worker fired for blowing the whistle on site
which organization within company that's been accused of sex trafficking guy, so Google fired one of its employees for blowing the whistle on a quote: doomsday call like spiritual organization within the company, the employee, Kevin lloyd, a video producer who worked in the google d. upper studio, is now suing the tec jack, claiming he was unfairly fired. taliban after he raised alarm about the religious group law It warns. The group caught the fellowship of friends has increasingly gained power at the company by hiring members of its call like organization to feel key positions. Members of the fellowship of friends believe that call to create a new civilization following a d whose day event and implores its followers to attain enlightenment, to transcend a state of war. Waking sleep state the group which has a problem
Amendment fifteen hundred members internationally also believes enlightenment is obtained, by embracing arts, including ballet painting, opera and wine, friends of fellowship the alleged cold like organization which collects ten percent of its members income founded in nineteen seventies by Robert Earl Burton who has been sued for sexually assaulted male members of the group I quote once you become aware of this should become responsible, Kevin, lower, told the new york times while recounting his decision, the sound the alarm on the groups infiltration of Google quote, you can't look away in this lawsuit. Has been followed in the california superior court in silicon value valleys. lloyd, climbs peter la Libre Seth, the director of the Google device.
Super studio and a member of fellowship of friends, is following money from Google to enrich the religious organisation and that he was wrongfully terminated for forming a supervisors about the issues quote MR lubbers, gain status and praise relative to the increase of money for flowing to the fellowship through his efforts at google that put and kept other fellowship members directly or indirectly on Google's payroll, the complaint states There's a lot of weird shit that they that goes into this, though right, fellowship of france, has a long history of sex trafficking. Burton alleges engages allegedly engages in bizarre sex rituals orders pregnant women to have abortions. praise on young males and has slept with hundreds of people per day during these court? Unquote love face, gooseberry spokesperson maintains a boy was fired in february, twenty twenty one for performance reasons and assess the companies are here here to the policy that prevents discrimination
and therefore statements. As quote, we have a long standing, employee and supplier policies in place to prevent discrimination and conflicts of interest, and we take those seriously. The spokesperson told the new york times quote is against the law to ask for the religious affiliations of those who work for us or our suppliers, but while of course will. Thoroughly through these allegations, vernier irregularities or proper contracting practices, if we find in the evidence of violations. We will take action here are some of the pictures from these little meet and greets and that they they've had in gaza room. You can find these all online. This is mrs Burton here on the fucking. Weird super weird mess, Mr Burton the founder of friendship, a fellowship of friends when he got on this I mean this is somewhere where it fucking shit. Iz just came out. There's just-
not today yeah. Well, I mean like do you know, I think a lot of people have seen that in everybody's familiar with the whole, you know accusations that their shortly pedal following running fucking- everything- I don't know man like within surprises, get any more. They saying that it's hard for me to tell if it's supposed to be, you know, and it's weird as fuck- and it doesn't surprise me at all- you know- that bullshit answer. They gay was definitely bullshit. There are one hundred brown out like this was if this was not a total bullshit. You know that was like a hake, a general answer, we can give their eyes met his a general answer that we can give. That really doesn't say anything about it. That was like. Why do not address it at all those it bullshit right.
Then try to like say: oh well, we can't ask like, then you can ask if you're fucking people sacrificing fucking children- I mean you, you don't want to. You know frown upon at my what the fuck is. Whatever man like the truth coming out, the truth is coming out. That's the thing I don't find the fuck. You know what we said this a while ago amber like her. I woke: how do we go from here? you seen a lot of this shit right? How do you prepare the normal each party's. Almost nine of this. It's almost the reason I m trying to push the sexual exploitation of children is because they understand and at the same time being exposed for who the fuck are they are mammals? I don't know it almost seems that way to me it's weird in it. That's. Why We were literally just talked mother, certainly remain. It seemed it's not me
in theory yeah, like it's really weird like, but more of that shit comes out the harder it's pushed as normal, and you know that's the thing I think might even the pride flag right like kids, like love, rainbows and unicorns, and shit right, and then it's adopted as a pride flag. Now What are they going to have to run after the girl? You do you remember I murmured song they did like two years ago. The said we're. you're going to your children. Rwanda was like the california has to be a challenge for some. She s gone crazy and they should funny about that. You know at least a man out it. I am. I had never heard this before. I'm not sure exactly would think of it where they come from this article. So there s actually a new york times. He had no time well. Well, I guess we'll fuck and find out ass, a thing when I what what you're like a happy. How do normal everyday people like highlight what you're? U tips for them to fucking process the ship
It's gonna come out. Well I mean: have you prepare their outwards mind now, you're the greatest trick that that the devil ever Paul was commenced. the world. They didn't exist right, like. That's better say since the beginning, a fuckin time you know we're naive to think that most of us are, you know, and you know I think, we're we're naive to think that all of us are good people that that try to be good and try to contribute. try to create good. We have to come to an understanding that there is a and Yin and a yang too good and bad, and these on understand that the shifts that what they do is is so not socially accepted that they operate in the dark and they create you know like. So I think you know from
see when I started realizing that these people were. Some of these people were truly evil fox and it came with the acceptance that there is a there is an equal. There was always an equally negative force for every positive force and to think otherwise, as is his naivete yeah, it's fucking, it's an yeah, Like your, your, your, you got your head in the sand like evils, their dared know what I'm saying: it's not just the random human there's organized evil for as much organized good yup is organised evil that you don't hear about and sometimes the skies no fucking evil in the good sword, all mixed up together right, I did this kind of shit I I think has been going on for fuckin thousand years dude now and now people
well. What I keep coming back to over and over again on the show, is the technology that they created for control. Now, let's the amount of information, that's out their flow at such a high speed, but they can't control the falconer of the way they want to do more and what's happening is there's enough good people out there willing to talk that another informations getting out that people are raising eyebrows and hey man? What the fuck is this about? and this is one of those things that people are going to look at and be like. This is some weird shit now you know and the depth of evil. I dont know what I would say. It's probably a formidable opponent that we need to take seriously. Now in the way we take seriously by counterbalancing. By being good, you know the best we can on an individual level. That's all! That's all any of us can act, We do if you're not doing that. I don't even think you should be talking about fucking how pissed off you are right. I don't wanna, hear it
you re, living your best self and contributing solution. Are you fucking not you're, part of that so. For my, why another be more that comes out some as interesting, who will see where this is fucking goes but, alas, rear shit do yeah, yeah, guess who's budget. Again you find my and if so, when I come there they're pretty interesting man. Yes like this to do, stand, their home hands and matching suit. One he's wearing red red leather shoes, which there's a theory about those you can look into if you want yeah and yeah, it's fucking weird and then there's this picture of like all these people all sitting at this, like they're, all crazy, elaborate dinner, I meet bro, look blue, I mean think about how the normal person right now living right and look at that right me I'll, have a great life, fucking gold candle holders are able round. This is this. Is this
are these people that when they say like this was the most Some squig yes, but brought like most people are so fuckin smart. They ve tried to make the average person hate than small medium sized business owners like myself or other successful people. These motherfuckers are eaten off solid gold, fucking dinner plates exactly and shitting on gold toilets, while we're out here paying fucking ten dollars for fuck gallon of diesel. Like bro makes you mad at the right people holy fuck yeah, go look at that picture. It's worth looking at and they're all fucking old man. That's like this dude looks like he's at least fucking two hundred yeah he's two hundred he's probably like once yes, I'm so our northern gas alive than that of life. For me, I, like we're fucking patiently waiting there adrenal moving on
That's gonna to headline number: three men are third and final headline for them, Joe gas Eminem. Three reads disney's lightyear flops in opening weaken that sod fail to topple the jurassic park at box office after controversy over lesbian kiss and decisions are acts conservative star tomorrow in his voice, buzz, I so disney's animated movie, lightyear flocked in its first. We get in theatres with the new toy story. Spin off film earnings Fifty one point: seven million dollars in north america, not all into the movie open more than expected, but it also fell to conquer jurassic world dominion, which held onto the first play spot with fifty eight point. Seven million dollars, in its second weaken, Expectations were high for last year in order Where did story about the movie that inspired the space ranger action, phil figure in the toy story, movies, with some analyse pegging the movie for seventy million dollar north american debut about income,
so they're figure down with actually spent hundred million in production, and they only poured fifty on the first day of first abuse, supporting start came after the controversy over disney's decision to include a brief kiss between a lesbian. Lesbian couple in the movie and to replace the conservative star to mountain with Chris evans as the voice of buzz lightyear lightyear open in four thousand two hundred fifty five locations domestically and in forty markets overseas, but fourteen muslim majority nations ban the movie from playing in their cinemas because disney included a lesbian, kiss, the united arab emirates. A muslim nation, but but those are the same people advocating for those people to flow freely across our southern border. Facts just buy up the usa Muslim led nation that criminalizes homosexuality became the first nations
and the movie from cinemas in response to the same sex scene. Malaysia has also been black, has also blacklisted the movie the country's film censors said it was disney's decision to axe light year from the nation's theatre. After refusing to cut scenes that promote homosexuality and malaysia, film censorship board set it apart. of the movie were parental guidance for those. Under the thirteen on the condition of scenes and dialogues quote found to contain elements, promoting the algae bt, lifestyle that violated guy lines were cut a mute it, but a total of fortune countries, malaysia, the usa, a e indonesia, lebanon, Jordan, moraine, Egypt, kuwait oman, tar, saudi arabia, palestine, syrian I wreck of bars sitting since from seeing the film due to the kiss between a same sex, couples disney
I faced criticism over the light year after replace TIM Allen, who's sixty nine with marvel superhero chris evans as the voice of buzz lightyear. The stocks are fucking tanking, worst performing stock on the market right now and constantly constantly going down. What's our lesson here and he- and he looked in there's a lot of lessons here: ok first off. You should serve as a good reminder how many people in the world are not friendly to table a lesbian, gay, bisexual lifestyle at all. Ok, that's the first lesson that everybody should like understand. Like a lot of places, you be fuckin kid
after that came a lot of those same places are sending people across our southern border freely right now that the same people, the the lgbtq people, are advocating, saying it's racist to kick them out cap. So I just want to point that out that's a lesson. Another lesson is that america is a pretty good place. Allows people to b who the fuck. They are another lesson we're all okay with that, as long as you don't shove it to our fucking kids right and if you do shove it to our fit kids. This is another lesson we won't fucking go see a shaman won't buy your shit right. I think most people are totally call a gay, bisexual, lesbian people. I think everybody in the
world initially in this country, love model. But the point is Look now, I'm being serious, her kids are fucking. Kids leave fuck alone can vary yeah. another business lesson realise that when you force things their actual culture, yet what? Basically you have to understand who the fuck your selling to write? And I ve never good business to cater You are very small, tiny percentage of your potential populous over the majority in such a device away, some good business saw them
lots of lessons knew that this shit is not about fucking tolerance row like that's. That's the part that irritates me and frustrates me the most right like I don't walk down the street saying: oh well, let's go beat up. Gay people were like. Oh, we don't that's not how this shit works like these Yeah, we're tolerant, we're very, very taller were very, very accepting you can marry who you want married gay marriage little with already styles. that we are one of the freest places in the world, those people, ok and they should be free here and they should have equal rights here and they should not be persecuted here. But that's not the point anymore. The point has now become sexualizing children and drags story. Our enormous fuckin shit that we do not want our kids to even be fucking. Confronted with at that point in their fucking wife and there's enough people out there insisting on it. It's fucking up the entire fucking place, morale the good, nor
well people who decide to live a different way than what the majority of people live is making a very dangerous yes and- and it's not good for america. So yeah there's lots of lessons here bro, but the business license is what it is and it's fucking playing out in the numbers over and over and over again, and it goes back and. you to this the whole saying of people. Thinking like all well, you know, I don't really know if I should be patriotic or american or stand for that, because people well were the all the fuckin rocks have been through. All the borders have been thrown.
We're body gets it what's happening in america is not fucking american right now so come out before proud stamp. What you fucking believe and say what you think is right. Just work, work, work, common sense, people do, though, eighty percent of the people agree on almost everything and they're making. It seem like in the news that, like it's, not that way like that, you know- and you have to be part of this radical shedder this already The shit right and what it's doing is it's taking the eighty per cent of people and pushing them further right and further right and further right, and that's a big problem for people that stand over on the fucking far left know it's a massive problem, because those people are getting fucking angry at the shit. We do now
want like dude. I don't want to turn on s usb n and be fucking pander to. I want to watch some fuckin sports when I turn on a fucking disney movie, I'm that fuckin, I'm looking to laugh, I'm looking for my kids, lesson or too I'm lookin for you to throw in some sort of secret joke like along with it. guy. Then only the parents, but I'm not looking for fucking. My kids to watch gay shit wrote and that's not that there has not. do with my acceptance of bad has do with their fuckin kid. I mean This is common sense in every mother. Fucker knows why me and like dude, I grew up like this. This is how I know that the issue is fuck me. Ok, because disney right, this multi billion dollar operation like no smart, businessperson. Correct me. If I'm wrong, will continue to do shit then their realising is now working rights,
the listen? They are they and have been forever okay. This is what you have to understand, that there's reacting to the narrative and then there's creating the nerd right disney is part of the narrative creation alright. So what is what you're the reason that you're, seeing that and you're seeing them continue to make bad decision and bad decision and bad decision has nothing to do with them being stupid. It has to do with them doing things the way they have always been done, which is they craft the political narrative, because all of these people at the top are buddies right, okay, they've all committed to this fucking overly far left culturally corrupt
I fucked up culture to to to make us less powerful, less intelligent, less, financially successful, more mediocre, easier to control people. We don't have a moral substructure in society and you don't have a hierarchy of what's accepted and what's not accepted and everything fucking goes, there can be no national identity and it there's no national identity than we are much less powerful nation and if we are much less powerful nation, it means that we are no longer sovereign and independent in power
Before we are now conquerable, yes, so that's what the fuck is going on when you watch disney they're crafting the narrative and they can't change, because they're bought in with all their fucking buddies. So what you're going to see, probably, is them continue to do this and run their shit into the fucking ground, because the The contributing members of this great country are going to not spend their money on that shit anymore. They've, learn, okay and and the people that you're catering to a far far far left, who believe every fucking thing should be free in this, and that and this those people don't even have the fucking money to buy your shit say that shit so yeah take that for what the fuck it is true, ma'am.
Guess it's time for a thumbs up segment brush your hair line as you'll get two thumbs up or two thumbs in the butt. The moment you've all been waiting for our thumbs up headline reads: U s: marshals, release age progressed images of three men who escaped from notorious alcatraz island in nineteen sixty to and who would now be in their nineties. Sinister. Look for these facts. Well, let us go become oh man that pop up go also sixty years after three men and felicity infamously d. their way out of the maximum security prison in alcatraz island off the coasts of the san Francisco bay area. Knighted states, marshals, on Monday, released age progressed images of the escape convicts clarence angling.
John england and frank morris remain: wants it fugitives for the june eleventh nineteen sixty two escape from our dress, where they were serving time for on bank robbers. The three men spit more than a year preparing for the escape digging around a metal urban in the prison cells. Until eventually they had cleared enough. They had cleared enough of a whole to pass through shimmy, poles and traversed to rooftop. Stick pass prison guards before maneuvering down fifty feet of piping to the ground of the press, and shower area where they plan to take a raft back to the main. A federal investigations into the escape. which was immortalized nineteen. Seventy nine film escape from alcatraz concluded that the on brothers moors. Must have drowned in the sand pablo bay, but for years specula She has grown that the men may have survived and continue to live under cover with fear is pointing to the fact that the bodies have never been recovered and evidence that a raft was
recovered on nearby angel ireland. As well as evidence that a vehicle was stolen on the mainland, the night by three unidentified men than in sudan, and thirteen authorities received a hand written letters suggesting that John may have still been alive. Forcing u s marshals, to reopen the case in twenty eighty, It is unclear if there is any new developments in their investigation by the. U s: marshals have now posted age progress photos of the wanted convicts. I'm in a statement the official said I quote the ongoing: u s: marshall investigation into the nineteen sixty to escape from alcatraz federal prison. serves as a warning to fugitives that regard some time we will contain a look for you and bring you to justice. So Those dug a hole here. Some images for your share a little hole. That's a mobility anyhow aim: then they they put. These fake, fake dummies
commision in the bed to trick the guards that were walking by the cell, and I can trick you if it was dark, yeah for sure yeah yeah for sure these are the three photos of men with their age. Progressed photos on top so possibly in the nineties at this time may or may not, well, I've still on the run when we get home is due to our mandate You could say those are good age progression, really really good. Expressions like it looks like they could like I like them. I guess like as good yeah. I look man, I think, it'd be cool if they came out and just told the fucking story, and they left people alone. Believe these motherfuckers alone leave him alone yeah. I dunno. I hope this out. They made it yeah. Yeah I mean I didn't, kill anybody and when they do, it was armed robberies and they didn't necessarily kill anybody. I hope they. I hope that I hope they made it
I'm gonna be in a fucking, you like being a ramp opera and tell you the fuckin stories man now, but the girl I escaped from the in inescapable prison in you. You went out and you let the quiet life and didn't fuck anybody no, not again yeah. As you know, you had to kind of like that way. You kind of have to earn your freedom by living the right kind of life, yeah yeah, that's real! You know what I'm saying like it's a different way to that's kind of how I'm thinking about it like these guys are criminals. You know if they have change their ways. They would have gotten away with it right. So maybe we should consider How can I be something years old and they never went far can do what they did again. Roger allegedly no man is giving their souls
Come on the shoulder yeah, I think he's got a cool yeah. I think it's kind of cool. I mean, I definitely think it's a waste of taxpayer dollars, but you know, I think it's cool yeah as funchal leave and let live now thumbs up thumbs up. Man thumbs up man. That's all I got are that's the show guys appreciate it. Did you like the show please share, show sleeping on a small number jury box frozen. The fuck are still countless millions in the cold, they teach Buddhist got a rope can't both doesn't know his shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-29.