« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

310. Andy & DJ CTI: Biden Threatens Oil Companies, Squid Game Reality Show & Democrat Predicts Civil War

2022-06-16 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss President Biden sending a letter to oil companies threatening to use emergency powers if they don't increase production, Netflix teasing a 'Squid Game' reality competition show with $4.56 million in prize money, and a New York Democrat predicting a civil war if Republicans take power in the November mid-terms.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box for the stole countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't kang doesn't know headshot case club. What is that guy's insanity for salad- and this is the show for the really say goodbye to the lies- the thickness and the illusions of modern society and welcome the mother fuckin reality gods. Today we have antique do grows the mother, fucking internet as right spicy saw do going on there. Not to me. I have no idea what's going on in the world yeah right now today, so like this would be a good show, because, like the last three or four days, I've been totally fucking swamp with summer smashing, and I know we had couple of thousand people here
and grey falcon time best time of the year for sure, but I don't have the bandwidth to do both at same time, so I literally have no idea. August admitted it was weird for me going through the same thing writers with years where, for me going through these cars, like you know the the the crazy thing about the amount that the impact on the culture right is that like when, freight vulcan people come together, like you, China remove yourself from reality within reality. If that makes aunt jane like ok, the world's fine look at all these fuckin good people I think the world is fine right. I think people are fine right. That's why that's why most of the fucking news is not listened to exactly. It's only listened to by the by the crazy, crazy, crazy people on the far left. Everybody else is like do fuck this yup, you know, and it doesn't matter like you know. We had two thousand people here, people from all different fucking walks of life, all different races, all different fucking jobs, all different income levels, all all fucking everybody's get along do the fucking great
trying to get each other help majority about it. Bro, that's america! That's what it's supposed to be sort of supposed to be we're all united under one flag, not a million different little device of titles that we all fucking know we gotta stop buying into it. You gotta! Stop you gotta! Stop letting these people divide us because do when that, when they're not able to, we are the best people. This country is the best country in the fucking planet, nope and that's it summer. Smash is always a great reminder of that. Always man is all was was awesome. Then you read the headlines. I grow up, nope the rest of fucking gross, still fucking crazy dude. Your image is leaving exactly exact, like nobody's, buying, nobody's watching Biden and saying: oh, my gosh he's doing such a great job. Nobody nobody's looking at things. It's like yesterday, he said publicly. we're change people's lives? Change should be providing real pissed off yeah. You are you're, making fuckin suck your fucking making life
fuck. You'll change your lives, alright, yeah, all the people that voted for you we're fucking losing all. So if, whenever I try to tell them, but anyway what we got going on, we got. We got some good shit for a ride.
but are actually getting something coming over the guys who got breaking breaking breaking news that Joe Biden threatened to use emergency war powers in letter to oil companies know he's going to fucking laugh at the oil companies. Our corn pop yeah he's real. So president Joe Biden just announced Wednesday, that's the day when this was reported, he will consider using his emergency war powers to increase gas production in the letter to oil companies. Biden warns oil companies in his letter that well at a time of war refinery, profit margins well above normal being passed directly onto american families, are not acceptable. This is the latter. He says quote: my administration is prepared to use all reasonable,
an appropriate federal government tools and emergency out authorities to increase refinery capacity in output in the near term and to ensure that every region of this country's appropriately supplied by continues. The president letter blamed russian president vladimir Putin and quote Putin price hike about four record high gas prices in the united states, ignoring the fact that gas prices have doubled their zero in rational people believe this bladder mere pittance. While I've done the poll on my own page, like one hundred times, nobody believed know it's zero percent like broke, it's embarrassing that they keep coming out with the same shit. They say mother, fucker, the sign the fucking executive order shut down production on the first day is fucking office. Exactly he has the power to turn this shit on anytime any time. This is all just an act for him to probably try to get some relief before mid term and be like oh look, we're doing good stuff fixated mounted and how,
I go along with everything else, idiot create the problem so that they can fucking, try and pretend to solve it exactly fucking trash, so they get what they wanted to put another album out. Yeah cause, I mean that's. The thing like sewing your mind appears throughout the article reads: Biden appears willing to further vilify oil companies as responsible for record high gas prices, despite his administration's refusal to approve permits and leases for all drilling on public lands. Here in the united states, you know so he complain that I'm surprised they even put that in the fucking story. What's who who's the source of the story? This is bright bar bb yeah. Well, that makes more sense, yeah, I'm thirty. So that's what people don't understand is happening. Exact people don't understand that, while they're on on We are saying hey we're increased oil and oils their price gouging. There isn't that that there,
if using sign permits for these people to fucking release more oil, exactly exactly which burleson I told you guys over two years ago that they were destructing our company intent or our country. Intentional, I told you I was going to happen. You fucking call me fucking crazy, nope. You call me conspiracy, theory, except I didn't know what the fuck I was talking about. He told me stay my mother fuckin lane. Now what now, what nope New, well, that was our breaking news. Ma'am now it's fucking bullshit at their burying the middle class intentionally their barrett. Most of you guys are in the middle class. Most of you guys are getting fucked by your own government intentionally yeah, you are being pushed into poverty intentionally. Your fucking friends and family are being
if pushed into poverty intentionally intentionally right, let me ask you this man loyal to the foil, real, quick right. What why? What do you think they're trying to achieve right like every every person? No matter who you voted for were wet whatever you at dinner, for whatever right, we all realize. We know it's fucked up. We know that what? Where wait? What do you think he would do you think that achieve by going up having this man. well up in front of american citizens and tell them that everything's, ok like what he like cause me personally, I look at like, I feel, like they're, trying to piss us off. Of course you don't seem like they want course that I oppose the poem The four can be horse norms and I well. How do you read it? Yes, why? What why? Why are you doing up almost New yeah- I don't know you do. Why did you father. I mean they want the reaction. what to do by the reaction and then do what wherever they gotta do it
I can keep them. There's an island uprising working under their squash, possibly invite outside sources What are they going to do after they squash it? Nope, both of them are going to take the fucking guns. Oh yeah, no, no and then after they take the fucking guns, they're going to do whatever the fuck they want and they're going to listen. Gone on four thousand. Of years, when you disarm a fucking populous, the intent is to eliminate political opposition. They are what they want to disarm. Us they want is to give violent. They want to fuck and do some shit so that they can disarm ass. So then I can do anything they want to the fact. Were there now creating the scenarios of violence themselves, because people are doing god, I got some.
at first yeah now. Yes, then you say well why the? Why would they do that? Well, why would you ask? Well you have to understand, there's a perspective here that you don't have these people who are in power and have been in power for forty fucking years, fifty years most of their adult life, they feel entitled. The power they you and me, and everybody like us. We are the fucking ants there, the grasshoppers this is not they do not. Look at this. Like you look at They don't look at that, like all we're all in this together or allworthy were part of the american people. They look at they look like. I tell you all the time I you're either you're either answer them and us meaning the american people like regular people them, meaning the elite star.
a man who has ruled that that not not fucking governed ruled over the country and stolen from the country for the last fucking hundred years. Ok, that's the truth. These people have no intention of giving up their power. They have no intention of fucking creating a prosperous place for us. When they have no intention of the that of the people of america actually uniting and getting along and becoming a powerful nation they are bought and paid for they are committed to the global said gender. They are committed to fucking, making the world economic forum, the one world government a real thing and we are being sold our our country's being sold out from underneath us and you fucking people are worried about the fucking kardashians right right, You're fucking get it, and what this means is. Is it like? I said for two years: if you're not already rich, you ain't gonna be able to get it so,
your concern. You then you should be using your voice and use while you kids Tell me all you care about free speech. While you sit there not say nothing in one sandra absolute desire. Now that we have to reject these people, we have to remove them. We have one chance to remove them in no way. But that's it they're going to create hell between now and then and hopefully will be able to fix a real quick. I don't I don't know consumer yeah we'll see but gaza go and get into our headlines guy headline number one. This is a single before you have on a mores on netflix. Jesus squid game reality, competition show, with largest cash prize in history, so netflix as banking. On turning the popular. Korean survival drama squid game into a competition show with a huge cash prize. The streaming service recently announced the company describes quit game the challenge as well the biggest reality competition series ever created with four hundred and fifty
Six contestants battling for four and a half million dollars in prize money. Press release for the project confirm that this is the largest prize and competition show history, it's unclear how the money will be distributed. If there are multiple winners, but quote the stakes are high, but in this game the worse fate is going home empty handed the colony well as too bad are too fucking bad score game. I took the world by storm, no, I mean as too bad as I was thinking. This would be a great opportunity to actually solve the pedophile problem exactly and be right here with you match. This would be a great opportunity. They could run the fucking square game exactly like the movie yeah exactly and, and you could use the fucking pedophile people yup and it would. we could whatever money is bought its be on pay per view. We'd give him the fucking victim's family cause I'm right there with you, I'm right there with that's the kind of shit we'd be having. If I was President yeah, ok know why It's all understand when you say ringing open
you don't run that's why? Because you motherfuckers aim with the shit I'm. What did it square games? Is massive couple questions are made with massive solar on the serious wrong. I know people are laughing right now and they think your high and it now
until you're all ready for that. Don't fucking talk to me about being present yeah, no shit, I'm tired of this fucking corruption, I'm tired of the shitty fucking elements in our society, I'm tired of criminals, I'm tired of fucking, everybody fuck you! This is america. This is the land of the free home of the mother, fuckin brave home of people who fucking are good, decent people who don't fuck with each other in anybody who's other fucking. When people deserves to be on this fucking show. No, I'm fine with it. I do I'm playing and be a real fucking over it. You don't, then you have seen a movie falling down nah, that's just where I'm at like fuck, you us fuck, you all like! I'm not put up with none of this bullshit. No more! I don't care. If you don't like what I say, I don't care if you disagree, what I say I'll fucking care
no remodel. The question is I wonder: if they're going to have those fucking disgusting elites yeah? Those are your boys know. I I I just want to know how realistic this this shit better, be a cause that thus do the that shit was nasty bro. Those mother fuckers go on it too. We take all the pitiful pedophiles and all these corrupted fucks we fucker put them together. The fucking show The brothers only about a thousand people in the earth, it's making life miserable for everybody else, rather for the eight billion. Really think about it, like that, like what the fuck Let's move on, I am a little disappointed, should be really I'll, be ok with it yeah. I have her number two andy mentioned in our breaking news about. You know these possible, like what they're trying to achieve here right and so this this headline just came out yesterday I had I read squad,
representative bowman predicts civil war, f g, o p takes control and midterm, who will hold on ok go henry? Who, who who's going to have a civil war? The mother fuckers on recital d handle go one or guys have none Well, I don't wanna be just what the fuck broomsticks right, no fuck a trash can live. Then you motherfuckers better realise the p, Both the guns only reason that you're, safe right now at all, is because of the fucking law that they are, that they are continually D. and when that law in society, one when the greater massive. People feel like the law really doesn't matter, replied anybody all you motherfuckers of making life hard for everybody are fucked. You know they talk about this january. Six shit like it's like. all fuckin sort. You haven't seen a mother, fucking insurrection know there were no fuckin way, our fifteen one or fitted up fuckin veterans. There weren't any fuckin patriots there, one fuckin shit. There was a pocket protest that you guys created
to make it look like insurrection and what you're doing now is your tricking. The far far left the far ten percent to be well. That was an insurrection. That's what will happen that is now a lab wrote That is not what will happen and everybody fucking knows it. So you better come the fuck down with this fuckin civil war. Ship promise. You it's the last thing you want. I saw a poll the other day. That said, fifty percent of fuckin liberal men are okay with civil unrest, bring it motherfucker, so bring it up. Let's bring it as pointed out of here to go. Is it That is why is no different in that fucking larping fuckin harry potter, fox, a fucking pool noodles and a park thinking there's some kind of fuckin wizard
yeah bro you? Don't even you don't even understand the element. That's waiting now for the fucking green light may have. No. I let do them no idea behind if they, the cave and conceptualize labour can comprehend. It ran with article reads: progressive democratic group, representative Jamal bowman warned of a stark outcome. If republicans bag power in the november mid term elections, one that would embolden far right, extremists and white nationalist actually know. That's not true. That's not true. What's trip what what emboldens the far right, extreme shit is all the shit y'all are doing right now, exactly maybe, if they got back, control was common sense. Shit, everybody calm, the fuck down, it'd be okay. So let's talk about the reality, Jamal yeah! Alright, you don't have to fuck you're talking about who the fucks he from I'm not sure you're going to get you that guy has been
if mother fuckers kill yeah, I mean it seriously said during a Saturday interview with MSNBC is the cross connection with tiffany cross, the bronx westchester member or their egos of the congressional squad, led by socialists, darling, representative, aoe c, claim. Republicans will quickly take action to halt democratic progress in the investigation into the january fuck it right capital riot, that's fuckin right. We will saying that the house select committee Republican is focusing her dream with her findings would be completely suppress moment also claim. The g o p would impeach president Biden as quick as possible, and they will I need to find ways to a peach and VON forth now they're, not gonna, impeach him we're going to fuckin arrest him right. I agree yeah exactly along with everybody else. Beaumont went on to warn that republic mother fucker its way worse than what you think Jamal we're gonna get our and then we're gonna arrest, everybody
try everybody for fucking treason. That's what's going to happen, so you can go on MSNBC and talk with your fuckin, crazy fuck and media flocks and no one talks. That this show gets more fuckin listeners. Then ok, You can live in your little bubble, but the reality is this were taken aback and there nothing you can fuckin do about it. And if you try to stand in the way you gonna give people fuckin kill. That's a fuckin fat. yeah I mean another poll came out. This came back out in April, actually saying that among both parties, forty four percent of americans believe the. U s quote seems headed towards the civil war in the near future. You know I mean these people have really really fucked over a lot of fucking people. I I I I would agree that is a lot of fucking people pissed off right now. You know, but he threw in the great replacement theory
All of that bullshit, but I mean here here, is Jamal here, for you yeah the great replacement there. You mean, where they're, letting millions of people come across the border and planning to let them vote so that when we vote for common sense america shit, these people will vote for the people who let them in for free. You mean that theory. You know they're, not just replace that this isn't about see. This is the funding. I think they've turned this into a white race thing like why people are like oh you're, going to replace us. No, you dumb asses out there replace black votes exactly because the black vote has now woken up. Said: hey we're now with this democratic shit and the latino vote has now we cannot be so hey. I went out with communism and you're not going to be able to lie again. So when you talk about the great replacement theory, it's not a fucking theory. It's actually happening and they're saying that the white people are the ones that concern about losing their vote.
No, it's allow of us. It's everybody! In america, it's all americans, they're wanting to fucking, stifle the people who believe in the constitution who believe in what america is about. Who believe in the the american culture and replace it with people from different countries who have different fucking beliefs and they're, going to try to push that agenda through the our government? and transform or company our country, and it is out of theory, notes happening every day and the reason they call it a theory, because I don't want you to talk about it, because I want to show me just like they wanted Shame you when you say the election was stolen. You, they want to shame you when you say that the trump thing was a hoax with russia, energy was were crowded or you file name What the fuck you guys we're, not ashamed anymore. We see what you're doing fuck you we're going to stop it and you're fucked. That's it my group, were taken aback. Your boat just remember that we are going to get in power
regular americans we're taking the power back. We are taking it. How you turn the tide is turning faster ass. For every day, more and more people are good. with the shit more becoming more patriotic as the day goes by. We're forgetting to be ashamed by the american flag, which you guys try to tell them to be for twenty years or fuck, not they're fucking done so I could get up there and sell the shit that he wants, but at the end of the day you should be really careful, because if we have a civil war there's only about ten percent of the population on the fucking on his side the majority of mine are armed, so we having a fucking civil war, but now it's it's a fucking stupid thing even talk about. It would be a fucking civil slaughter, exact okay. So, let's quit talking about civil war, it's not productive for anybody, but it'll get americans killed the to be killed and you guys will lose
It's because there's going to be a percent of people, good, good, hearted, decent americans that are like hey fuck, you, you fucking communist fucks up If people start realizing that these people are legitimately communist or not progressive, they're fucking, communists, they're in deep shit, most people just haven't caught onto it yet, but as they more and more then are catching on. As as the fucking, our brooks vibro brought to tell the people by your facebook, which Just tell people how it felt like how you were a year ago. You get fucking trash now. What now? What I'll do? Is it's completely turn? I got people in there that used to literally argue with me right call me uncle times all that shit. Now they're posting fucking shit, I'm like fuck yeah, I'm liking their shit. You know what I'm saying, I'm in the shit, the shit turn it's awesome. It's fucking awesome God you hold on you, cops out there listen the show and you military people listen the show. You should really think about this
because there's going to come a time where you're going to pick a fucking side. I hope you pick the right one. Oh well. I mean that that actually rolls right into our third and final headline, and it's about law, enforced, military hell on three reads: Biden: administration, said discipline, border patrol agents who were cleared of wrongdoing. Whipping incident that happened nine months ago by democratic ever, have never happen. I'm exactly the dim crop up Joe Biden administration is reportedly preparing to discipline. U s border patrol agents who were on horseback when they rode up on illegal aliens. Last fall. The news comes after the new posts reported in April that the agents had been cleared of criminal doing what we're still under an administrative review quote the department of homeland security office of inspector general. They had first crack at Brandon judd, president of the national border patrol council,
The old newspaper quote, they determined there was no criminal activity. That was done so they closed out. Their investigation, as per a federal source dhs, is preparing to discipline, multiple horseback border patrol agents who were accused of whipping haitian migrants in Del rio. Last summer I'm told the h s will eminently allege. Administrative violations agents will be able to respond. Melvin wrote per the federal source this announcement. Is expected to come down any day. Now it's on clear what it meant, try to violations the border. Patrol agents will be accused of not, but they are not being accused of any criminal conduct. Horseback union involved is based out of caruso springs
Texas! That's it's been nearly nine months this this took place place. One added: the agents have been taken off the normal duties and have not been allowed to have contact with migrants. Since President Biden assured the public at the time that quote, there will be consequences for the agents involved. Now it's not just law force me right. This is also another headline. The navy just fired five officers within six days over loss of confidence right arm when these are high level commanding officer is right that we
in less than one week, have all been dismissed because of quote loss of confidence that the navy's not even commenting on any my question to you right speaking directly to law enforcement. Military members were what should they be doing right now? Did the right thing do the right thing? You should be going to your fucking commanding officers as a team and saying hey fuck off with this shit, we're not fucking doing it. That's it! I realize that your career, I realize it's your job, you know what quitting isn't the answer? Taking the power back within the organization is the answer If everybody got together and say, hey fuck, you, your fucking corrupt things will change. Oh, but you don't understand how I work. No, I understand exactly how it works. It can't happen
fuck fucking navy without fuckin soldiers have a police force about a fuckin force. Fuckin sickness do they may its power in numbers it? That's it it's power, that's how they ve always play. How can you guys now? I understand how they've played play the fucking game until we get back in power. Yeah, which is understood that the numbers were fucking completely made up or fabricated bullshit, he owns analysts, fucking, bots and shit on an online we're like there's real numbers. You know what I'm saying like: okay, you're border patrol agent. Take your squad, hey, listen sides. There were not doing this on this issue that our planet listen, food shortages around the corner from a man. Ok, what what's gonna happen when we have? We have all these illegals in town or in your little towns. Where are you see? We see here and say louis? Ok, there's motherfucker and every corner.
So what happens when there are starving gather starving can find a job can't can't fucking paper. Benny and then what happens when our own citizens are starving because the cost of expenses has the cost of living has gone crazy. There's no fucking food available. They can't afford to fucking get around. What's going to happen. What what's going to happen? Chaos, yeah total chaos and that's what they're planning on creating for the fucking elections. You guys better be prepared, dude, you'd, better, be prepared, defend yourself, you better be prepared to defend your family, better prepared From your house a lot of the places these people come from, they just take houses from people. We allow these countries when, when the economy tanked they suit
If you to some of the socialists in our fucking government, they will tell you they will fucking tell you to your face. Well, if you're, not using your house, somebody should be using it right. We do we've seen that with the with with some of the blm riots, man, they walk up the fucking people's house, I'm like hey. This is our house now unit. You should leave yeah like it's not happening. How do you know secondhand wires? None of the mayor of is most listen up a bit not most a big part of america. Still sleep. The fucking wheelbarrow now You know how we felt on summer smash. Yesterday we forgot about everything we felt good, like everything was going to be fine. Now, that's how they feel everyday and don't understand. What's coming, they don't understand. We got chaos coming here. Dude, you guys better, be prepared. I listen, I'm I'm bitter about it, because I fucking told you motherfuckers two and a half over two years ago, two and a half years ago. Now,
What the fuck was going to happen. Your fucking call me crazy. You made fun of me, you said you weren't, going to listen to my show anymore said stay in my lane. You say any fucking, you know this. This does not. While the I tried to help you guys, I tried to save you guys, how's your life look now I don't do this for fucking fun, you guys better fucking, start understanding that we are going to have to take this They are going to put us on the line gay. You guys have been waiting awaiting waiting, and I know a lot of people are waiting for things to calm down and like they think like, oh well, when when when stuff gets bad, you know there'll be other people to handle it. No there's not nobody else can handle it. You are going to have to get uncomfortable. You are going to have to stand on your fucking line.
You're going to have to use your voice. I don't email me anymore. No message message me anymore. Speaking speaking up, we go because because of girl, blah blah blah fuck, you you're part of the problem. Ok and all you motherfucker saying this shit like? Oh, I lost my gun. In a boating accident. Fuck. You you're part of the problem about this fuck. You come and get him about that. be first come get my guns. First I'll go first I'll, go first, come get my guns first I'll, be the first spoken one. I'm happy to fucking show everybody what the fuck him look like. I'm fucking overdue. And ass, the thing I never like good the whole savior mentality, man, that's gonna, fuckin, get everybody screwed this whole idea that, like oh somebody's going to ride and no one else is coming to solve this problem and no one else coming to solve the problem, you guys are going to have to get involved in your communities in the problems directly. You are going to have to assert yourself.
the whole people do not understand this? This is the reality of of situation. is no live and let live. Ok, everybody was to live and let live. You could do that when things are balanced moment, things are out of balance, which they are right. Now, when you say labour, let live. That's that's giving up control to evil people, because all the good people saying a watch. Can we allow it's all good? I want to serve myself. I want a way good man refused. Evil man rule by default and that's where we're at say this yeah so Wherever you are, whenever town you in small, it might be, you need get involved in some way or some capacity at stopping this fuckin bullshit. You We using your voice need to be telling people that are with shit the fuck and shut the fuck up and you to be starting to fucking get loud.
These people need to know that we are not going to tolerate this fuckin bullshit anymore. They need to know it. The only way they're going to noise by us getting so fucking aggressively loud that they can't fucking even hear themselves talk yeah, I'm fucking done with the fucking room. That's what I like about row, they're fucking, they're fucking, taking your kids in their teaching them that they can like do all kinds of perverted. Shit when their fuckin seven years. All do you know what this is doing, the fuckin families? You know many parents are dealing with confused children right now, they're coming home in their saying all these things that make no sense, and then the parish or try like realign their kids to like reality row. We live in a fuck in communist country. Right now, y'all just haven't figured it out. Yet we fucking
hey more than half at the highest level. We pay more than half of our income attacks. This bottle fuckers on tv, yes the same pay, the fur sure what the fuck are you talking about. the pain all share. That's the that's the truth. Yeah people, you better! You people better, wake the fuck up, we're going to fucking lose this country, and I am, listen, I'm about done! Getting on the show and saying that guy, I fucking told you guys this whole fucking time for the last fucking two years what the fuck was going on. I haven't missed a mk. I missed on a couple of little details, but I haven't missed a hardly anything and, to be honest, shit I missed on it's just going to take a little more time. Right, just hadn't came to fruit
and yet you're the thing that I think about too like it. It makes it because, like I'm, I'm trying to to just see the long playwright and it's like who they fired or fuckin discharged, military guys are military men and women. They refused to get the vaccine same thing in law enforcement rights like the actual f, the strengthen forests of people who are they are going to be calling on to come and force the bullshit when the kiosk is gone right, like I just don't see like I don't really see it happening as in, like I don't think it'll be our military or police officers that are going to be able to fucking. Do it because there's there's all the good guys or the other. Now you know what I'm saying: none of them have fucking When are we gonna win this or what do you think's going to happen so so the only logical thing I can think of that. Like where's this, these this outside sources going to have to. Oh man? That's right. There are hats. How are they going to do that? Oh I mean it. It's it's super easy to clarify the national state of
purchase has raised some help. That's right, they're, going to create your cousin citizens or taking all they're going to create a fuckin they're going to create a secure they're going to try to instigate a situation of violence. Then they're going to ask for help. From nato, okay and the nato will be here trying to disarm us. That's what will happen or fuckin nato's allied forces in a fuckin happen. You fuckin happening you guys better fucker, hard in your minds in your hearts, for what may be necessary to save this fucking country. I may tell you right now: I've already have now. I hope that we can do peacefully and I'm planning on a peacefully I want you guys to remain peaceful, but I'm also telling you that you need to get ready just in case yeah cause. I mean that's the thing I like islam, as we can stay. Yes, I am going to leave you alone now: they're, not gonna, let up their national
The power up you have to understand, like I said earlier, they look at it from a different perspective. They look at it from where we are in control. They are the peasants their whole fucking mentality is, let's keep the peasants from taking control and taking are Rights away from us, while they're out stealing our tax dollars, fortunately many of their buddies companies and putting them in their own pocket yup. Well, how does how do they do that? Will they fucking do and as we see it every day and the biggest problem is bro- is that people are so apathetic in nature to what's going on in in the real world that these people have been allowed to. Fucking pillage us for fucking ever know. That's real man. It's coming to an end, though it's coming to an end, one way or the other yeah, and I think that's that's my thing. A matter of fact. We
if we can stay united by the people, who are definitely paying attention to the shit and not like not feeding into the divisive shit that keep passion down? We can stay united for the next four months right, they're there they're going to do everything they possibly can everything to not allow that right. Everything and at the and I'm talking about at the other, at the cost of lives, rather than they're, going to pull out rovi way, they're going to trigger and make a thing there. It's going to be gun control, it's going to be there's going to be racial shit that they try to introduce and they're going to try to amplify the domestic terror. Get like all the she wrote. We are being Fucking abused ip almost how, for the last two fucking years straight, have been poorly abused by the fucking democratic and fuckin media know how many,
We do not deserve to live in a constant state of fucking, anxiety and fucking fear, no, that's fucking bullshit and they keep pushing and pushing pushing and half your fucking chair when they fucking. Do it right? That's the thing that we cannot buy it. We cannot buy it. Not not not fucking want now one photo. My first keep talking civil war. Let's the war happen. Let it happen. Let it happen see what happens. I'm a hundred percent comfortable with that like outcome, I would prefer not for not having that our prefer peaceful, but they are not there. They are crossing their ruining. Fucking lies in america. They are ruining fuckin fortunes in america. There legacies in america there rudy ways in america how many families have lost a loved one in this an increase in crime rate, the she'll, never fucking lost one. How many
families lost or flock and business of their jobs or got forced out, because I'm a fucking vaccine, that we now know is causing all kinds of fucking crabs by the way who told you that they're purposefully intentionally destroying the country so that they can come in with the solution and will fucking beg for it and I'm fucking done dude, The people listening to us show are the solution. Have you been sitting on the sidelines waiting for someone else to fucking fix it waiting for me to fix it waiting for fucking, whoever to fix it. We ain't going to be able to fix her without fucking. You get involved in your own fucking town time, getting the game baby fuck.
What do we do? What do we do? What do we do, which we do, which we do, what we do, I'm telling you what to do get involved, get engaged, support. People get vocal use, your fucking voice, get better fuck it improve, raise your standard of living so that the people, while you can see what they Looks like there's a reason that we are where we are because they loaded sleep. They love lay blog us too some mediocrity as the norm? Theirs I would america is about. America is about fucking excellence. It's about kicking ass for being the best in the fucking world. It's not about sitting on your fat ass, watching fucking, netflix,. fuck dude it's about creating shifts while building shit, it's about being a contributing member to the history of fucking humanity. You talk about or could form a purpose. The reason you can't find your purposes because they purposefully. Miss directed you away from it, and you have even looking in the direction. We are
grab your fuckin ability and the obligation to re, invest in this country through action, through the way. We live our lives through the things that we do for others the way we do our jobs through the way we build up where we have a fucking obligation to now a piece of shit and many people think it's ok to be a piece of shit rope people fucking died for you. People fucking ruin their families for you. They fucking got killed for you, there's a minimum expectation of what you're supposed to do in return. It is not where's, your wife being a piece of shit too many people have adopted that. What are you actually doing to solve the problem? What are you actually doing? What do you actually doing besides posting means gonna fuck.
Changed til, we fuck unchanged, and I gotta stop until we fuck and stop it. and the longer we wait. Stop it the harder it Gonna be room for guys are third arms. Are our final signal? The show As always, we have our thumbs up headline where I saw how long you there were two thumbs up or to thumbs in the. But with that being said, I thumbs up headline reads: parents mortified after son, poops in stores display toilet very big pooh. Thankfully they made the best. Have a crappy situation. The article reads: a four year old uk boy made a huge splash on social media after hilariously pooping in the display toilet at an appliance store, leaving his poor parents to clean up the mess. Facebook posts detailing the fecal faux PA are currently boast more than twenty six thousand shares and sixteen thousand reactions quote
get quite believe: what's happened, the naughty naughty tots mom Carolyn, that car wrote of the scat catastrophes gets back scat taciturnity, which occur saturday morning at home supplies or being queuing gladdens bladensburg. The mortar I'd mother, was reportedly shopping for washer le washing line. When our part aaron along with therefore euro son jake. Urban daughters Frankie, whose three and eliza who is one. However, it was little pooh lake too little too late. as the as yet that by that time is Jacob. Had taken a very big pooh in the show for home, caroline subsequently went to the car to get wipes and came back to his came back to him still set their own there because he did to finish and hope, didn't know what else to do
quote he was on the ice he's still on the toilet. So I proceeded to help wipe his bomb still and explain about the toilets in shops are not actual toilets. The humiliated mother told need to know dot com after little jake. Had finished his business. Father Aaron was forced officious poop out of the toilet. gotta go you gotta, go supple eyes hit some pages. We hesitate getting it out of the the driveway reminded me of the jackass scene. Do you remember that jackass scene, where the dew went to the hardware store and took a shit in the middle of the x? As what kind of reminded me, but allowing social agenda where this can be the first new narrative now, but I think I did that I'm not mad at you. I think I did it for some reason. I'm starting to have like a flashback think I might have done this-
I remember the ace hardware yeah like I'm starting to think like. I actually don't even think this is that abnormal, like I mean it, should at least she's potty trained, yeah yeah at least ain't going to fucking floor. That's what I'm saying that would have done. Oh yeah, what were we getting the scats atrophy and look dude, you know when you gotta go gotta, go yeah, that's where I gave it two thumbs up. I yeah two thumbs. Are you I say to two thumbs up: yeah yeah, it sucks to suck. I mean I I don't I mean I guess, Ryan took a shit and fucking home depot. I mean what would you do yeah I get him to get little dog S. Sox me that fucking suck, I feel like they should just hook those things up just to prevent these
Four situation, just like him up the arms, and I gather all his face- he acts like a worse thing. He's ever done. They were you, don't wear shit, an act that we are going to be a private trying to farmers in this room, some shit, maybe what thumbs up yeah. Alright, that's all. I got brother guys that, like to show share the show sleeping on the floor now mature response from the fucker stole countless millions in kobe teach Buddhist got a bank roll cake. Balls desert no shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-29.