« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

307. Andy, Tommy Vext & DJ CTI: Mysterious Deaths Among Healthy People, Supreme Court Justice Threatened & Microsoft Executive Resigns Over VR Porn

2022-06-09 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by Tommy Vext. They discuss healthy young people dying suddenly from a mysterious syndrome, an armed man arrested near Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's house, and the Microsoft executive who resigned after being caught watching VR porn in the office.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box for the stole countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't kang doesn't know. Headshot case closed. Why is god's eternity for silva and this is the show for the real and say goodbye to allies. The figure says the illusion of modern society and welcome the mother. Fucking reality got complex because today we have be a dj tommy relaxed grows. other volume intimate. Then you forget, I put output ahead. I welcome the news came in like like out, drawn on edge discussion. It was like the mona LISA and use cable shook it. it was like a roller coaster ride at the top and then it stopped yeah. He like took you there. That's ok by people, man,
don't start on the bothering I'll, bring me into his. But then you stop sorry, I anyway, oh you later yeah back on track. Tommy works in a house with several children. good, to see you. I didn't expect to see like an I can and pretty early. I thought I was gonna. I went. I was saying I went to sleep pretty early last night and then our body ass, who sumerian records call me is like armor nashville is like come on. Come to the fucking. You know soho house I was like nah dude he's like I have the new nickelback record before it's even out. Let's go listen to it. I'm like I'm on my way. slick. What I love, because you are the fucking. You are you're the only people that openly fuckin talks about your family,
nickelback yeah, I'm a I'm a card carrying back holder, right, yeah, yeah back to back yeah, you know, and I'm sure he was nickelback in everybody's eyes. If I hate them, that's why they got so many hit songs that dude it's where I toured with them in Austria. Well, so they always renewed yet a great deeds out by so my old based player. We got kicked out by his old lady and was homeless, the dude from nato back. Let him live in this house here, like that's our call. Those needs real dude. Well, I actually so for its funding. It signed spectre tommy and on the show today, but I'm glad here because actually did like a five minute segment on this city- I that was gonna air today that we chose not to air. Sometimes we do that because I get a little carried away with the violence part and I got pretty carried away. So I chose that accidents this yeah was it was. It was exactly that actually
and I was heavy and it was intense. So we ve chose to our eyes sometimes the juices worthless that and chose yeah. We chose to maybe not move up that far. on the domestic terrorist list. What but what I was saying of the eyes and call my u eighty roy just show a little and beg my job hard as you did. It is my fbi agents they like me, if only laugh at all my means they like, all my no brother converted. I saw you They call and they give me a little heads up and say hey. So you know, maybe not to the face? Maybe to kneecap you know, but I look brag about you for like five minutes on the show, because we were talking about you know Counter culture to what's going on in reality, not every boy,
feels like the culture in all like we all these people, you and I have talked about this a trillion times larger in how the culture is. You know or don't say this or don't say that or don't say this or you could cancel this and you got fucking kicked out of your ban, kicked out of your fucking record label. Mother fucker says you know what fuck I'm staying up? What's right, no matter what, and now he has no able he's a number fucking what fuck info Several gal saw last month we charge saw on itunes shorts, we're a number one two and three for everything. song of and on billboard across the board, we're number four and this is a thing that's interesting, which I wished. I talked about my story. So a lot of these alot abandoned or
is there on the radio and it's it's pay to play right. So they like all. We have our first number one radio single we have twenty radio singles. All that means is each time he wanted to go to number one. He spent between thirty and one hundred thousand dollars. Your label spent to push you on the radio waves to up your. You know whatever now that doesn't always translate to sales. When you go to billboard billboard charts how much you sell, I outsold every one year except metallica, ac DC and that and one one, a newer artist, which is a guy ronnie reggie has been falling in reverse, but they are the only rock been talking about. What's going on right now, I'll get me so translation for all of you, people who are still standing on the sidelines.
pulling your own fucking tongue about being a proud american. Now you're to the point where you're off the trend. Ok- and it's interesting to watch it's interesting to watch people still go along with the politically correct agenda. The woke again and thinking that they're going to lose business or become less successful if they don't walk that and when a reality, you will become infinitely more successful when you stand up for what it is, you truly are inside people respectable. That's like that to thine own self, be true right. People respects off the in a world of fraudulent. You know like I was just an ally for two weeks, recording some more collaboration and the em. I spoke to Chris from bad wolves right and I thought I was cool here will have equal the band, but you you guys honey
Here we made a man's and hung out for hours. We like lambda, we caught up. You know he came to my hotel, that's great. I said I stayed in santa monica wreck run on the beach and which is chopped up. It was I we didn't miss a beat, you know and he fell like he got pressured into the cancelling and it was all bull, shit And- and you know that there are other hand, things at hand, and you know it's just I it's interesting to see where I'm at being completely independent and not being on the radio and not and and the numbers that were generating and the tours that were going to do and all this stuff and they're you know they. They cancel me because my my political views were so detrimental, but when I left probably eighty five percent of the audience came with me, and now they can keep the lights on. You know what I mean, and I must say I didn't with Hannah saying this in the want to be clear I'm not saying this is like it brings me no joy to see
this right now, but I'm saying this from a business aspect, if you're not well, if you're an artist and you're not willing to be your real self, because you're afraid people think you're not going to make real art bro. Think about this. All every fucking rock and roll song, from Elvis to fuckin. Now, ok, has been about rebelling against the fucking system. That's right and roll bro, you rock and roll, is not go along with this. It's not fuck, you do what they tell you right now: The society has shifted. I like to point this out music culture unit spoken. but you know, people are pretty too are amazing conversations. So why, thanks to Tommy- and I talk about a lot- is rage against the machine because we fucking both loved rage against the machine. Know it's funny and I am not knocking the dudes. I don't care, I don't know
I don't know. Personally, I still to music, and I actually feel better about listening to music now because Now their music goes along my bow right and twice years ago to thirty years ago, when they came on the flock unseen. They worked super aunt, I fucking conservative rebellion, the system that the government re anti state. Yes, if you listen to their shit now, people all realised this, like the younger kids, don't realize. I was talking to my one of my guys use twenty six in here, and then he didn't. He didn't realize that. Men were always encouraged to have dad botz, like you didn't understand that, like like, I try to explain to my king, the dad bad thing? That's a new thing and he's
like what do you mean? I said: that's new, like that's the last five or six years, I'm like he's like, what's it like before that, I'm like we'll go watch movies from the fucking eighties and nineties, and look at the fucking action heroes, yeah, fucking, yoked, okay, awesome! We we had a lit when we were kids like there's a lot of talk about. You know. Women have had this body dysmorphia body, positivity movement, but in men or that men, especially hetero, of men are discarded in this. Well, I we had like the hawk leg for regional was on television force in anger, hano, schwartz, nager, building a man service alone. You know doff longer in These were the guys who, like these are man. You know like yeah to nepal creed was like the most rib dude of all tat. They know what that's a good standard for men, fucking by absolute my opinion. That's what got us in the june, but do like that. My my whole point bringing this up with the music,
is that society has now shifted the whole entire spectrum is shifted. Sophie are too were now rage against. The machine lyrics are actually for. Conservatives are superfluous, it's funny. conservativism has become the new punk rock because its forbidden yeah right. It's like approach. America has an ideology, is now forbidden yeah, because its anti globalism, india and the global us have have basically co opted almost every. aspect of american net brother media in life and cold air taking patriotic americans in paying them as terrorists in our own country. That's fucking, unbelievable! I mean this is what they like. The shit were fighting forest patriotic americans Is the shit that zan de la rochelle said honest fucking, album that they were fighting for a may, its anti tyranny, its pro free, yeah? It's all the same shit and like when you really like
You been alive long enough, like you and I have to understand and have seen like bro, we ve seen the culture shift, and sometimes I forget the guys that are twenty six. They didn't see the culture, fifth, we saw the culture shift, and so I have won. The duty was like you made. A post I said, yeah there's, no way that chicks like bang and were dad bods and I'm like yeah you're, exactly right come over here and I fucking said hey. This is what dad it is about their bodies is by lowering the scanner we lower. The standard and we say that's attractive. Then Nobody else tries less to be the most powerful, capable successful version of themselves It becomes a moralising shrine of society, a hundred percent and they become easy here to oppress. So if you say You know yes, this, this lesser standard of humanity is the attractive standard and used in and when you start to pay Attention, like the body positivity ants This happened in my literally
directly, you know, look! Do I'm one of life, maybe five guys in the rock industry that are like avid wait rap, but the point is this is what but what I'm saying as corporate the corporate taxation of the music industry is supporting Yes right so that no music how we work. It's What type of hollywood caused the collie would the outcome is the music industry. It's like you, know, people I Bryson graze, talk about what happened a yank syrup and what happened, wrappers, you know whether there are like a bus arms. talks about on on the extinction level. Event to like the two did masculinization of men. Is this agenda that their push, of course culture yeah, maybe those weaker man. So though, it's easier to two for the men to be control its simple woman and when you refuse to be weak, then you that because goes yeah, you gotta go
everything row I mean, like I'm, probably created more fuckin hard men, then fucking. Anybody with the fuck. You live our programme and retain all this shit. to be the number one enemy I gotta be with It's also to I give you what your crete wait, you're, just giving you're, just servicing a need right men. This is a thing too, like I learned this in recovery as well, right being in a band is like a bunch of you know, you've got you're a bunch of guys in a band. It's not really. I've not been in bands with other dudes who are masculine, as I am you know what I mean my current line up is because I learned being in the program and like being in recovery, there's so many people that you find your tribe and and it's with anything men have a tribal instinct like a there's, a tribal ness to be together and to work out problems out when we're problem. Solvers right, we come up with solutions. We want to fix things it's like in the in the queue.
the segment. I was just listening in. It's like you, your job isn't to do one hundred per cent it's to one hundred and fifty per cent, so other people can depend on you yeah. You know what makes a man shop yeah and that's like that's attractive to two men who want a fucking stand in their power to know their selves and to contribute something to their families and their societies and build things they're like you know, Jordan peterson talks about this. It's like everyone's, oh man or this toxic man, Everything we have was built by men, all the skyscrapers in every city. Thus the telephone calls the sewers systems, everything if my house is on fire and I'm on the sector, for it, I'm trapped, I'm sorry brow! I dont want a woman to carry me down the stairs out of my burning house, I'm two hundred sixty pounds. I need a three hundred pound. Do they get me out of that fire right and there and that's just how it is we ve got to this place,
it's not to say, like women have such an important place in the roles in our lives and in society that they're. You know it's almost like it to say when weakening men and were making women hard, that the most important thing in my life that that my mother or my sister or women, I have loved they bring tenderness into our lives and they make us look at things in a way where our forthrightness might not allow us to. They bring compassion into the into the you know into our everyday lives so that we can process things and learn and grow. We absolutely meet each other, and this idea that societies like oh many shit or all bitches ain't shared and women in ship. It's a lot. I don't have a problem with a woman it wants to do. However, she wants to do it if she wants to make
the woman in bad as some business fuck yeah. If she wants to be that fuck yeah too, I don't know, but you can play both. Here's where I have a problem when men don't become men like the we could talk about the problem of feminism, feminist he's gone, wait you fuckin farc. men and women should be forced to compete. Women have hills that men do have men have skills, are women who have these you all these are all realities. These are not up for debate right, My main problem is the fucking men. Like is fuckin problem for me like when, when when these dudes will now at least tried out. Like I don't know man, it's easy to criticise every writer right like into and twenty twenty I was the most covered rock musician rockstar and on the planet. Simply because I wasn't saying anything, come
commercial. I was like I don't really know about these lockdown or I don't really know how this vaccine efficacy or like I don't really know Joe Biden, there's really mentally competent to be a president. Just bites reasonable, quite reasonable questions? It was everywhere, and these and like you know these beta males who most of them are failed artists. Their failed musicians and the best that they can do is to become critics, and then they think they have some power and to some degree they have their power in their little club. But you know they ve gone after me as hard as a person can and all its done, his lady shrank equity, when that's a thing it's like like if someone's like. Oh, if, if a piece of shit is like it is a piece of shit, I'm like hell, yeah, really really like your. What have you done? You know, so you have a bunch of you know you have a culture of college educated and on
we're achievers. That's an airport quotes you not. I mean here miss educated in college, miss educated under achievers and who feel until actually superior because are therein debt tee with a piece of paper? Did you listen to the fucking herbs, Why did about? I know he listened to the show most of the time, but I dunno, if you caught the one I about men, think he did was astute. Yet three. I want a lieutenant three days ago by the one called dear man you're here for you. I think we talk about it and I got some blowback. You know people are woo, hoo fuck. You think you are totally fucked. You meant what you know. What look around bro like I- if somebody has a fucking platform to say- and I do ok, let's be real. I'm fuckin women in every motherfucking area. Ok and I want to say this because to these men who came out and said some back shit me I don't say those things from a place of superiority,
I know exactly how hard it is because I have no special powers are right. I work my fucking ass off. I drive. self to the point of insanity. You know that, and you know that, because we, talk about it all the time and important de jane tommy, A team knows because, once while I lose my mine, mind alright, but the truth of the matter. Is this it's hard for for me too I dont say what I save replace of like hey, the fuck man you're fucking, not I've seen it as we're all fucking men, and we should. I'll be doing better and I understand exactly I'll fucking heart it is, and we to do it anyway. That's why I'm coming from so for you guys, you think, I'm like talking ass, some fuckin pedestal Trust me, there's days, I want to blow my mother fuckin brains out. Ok, lots of them The problem is that we ve grown. We,
the generation, that's been so coddled that then I used to being talked to like this yeah right. You know it's a people I go those who do you think you ought to say what it well. I don't know man like I'm checking all by fucked scores and look pretty fuckin high words like that. You know the zero babies, people caught our post, the song and people like fuck this song and am I you'll, go right? One right am I do you have billions of streams? Have you made A corporation tens of millions of dollars. Have you donated billions of dollars to cheer lemme, see here's that they are running on any man. They haven't. Women tried to doing. Ok to me, twenty her to less, whereas, yes, twenty two years, my point to you, men who might be offended by the things I say I say them from a place of thought. an understanding of how hard it is to be a fucking man and I'm encouraging you to be a better fucking man, because our country fucking needs it. So if you think it's me pedestal shaken my finger. You that's
what it is, but happy to do that to if you really want to fuck and make it about that, but it is on peter without all my scoreboard, and we could compare even if you're not doing even if you're, not a patriot, even if you're not to do it for your god himself row, Like you do for your fucking kids like do something for the country's main ear, but just do for yourself start there just to stew on the way, your life- you know I mean like I don't know like I've been through a lot of shit? Bro I've been through a lot, have been murdered. I've been in the witness protection programme, a buried, a child, I've overdose multiple times, I've. The new song that just came out last week is anti suicide on because I got at the end of my robe after I testified against my twin brother, who try to kill
and I tried to kill myself after going through all that shit and literally we talked about on the show couple years ago, like I got a phone call from a kid who needed help and that's what kept me from killing myself You know, and I was ten years ago last weekend and we will I flew. I want I was on tour. We went to new york, I brought my film crew. I went to the platform where I try to kill myself. We shot a fucking music video and that's what it that's, and I did this because I I want people to know that we all go. All men go through this men of the highest suicide rate of any gender of any of the four hundred and fifty three genders. Whoever you guys identify with men commit suicide the most and it's not talked about, and it's a mental health issue and its also because we encouraged to be plant watching porn, play video games being secluded under achieving
we're not actually meant to not do great things. Go we're not living up to our greatness, and so people are experiencing these feelings and they don't have anyone to go with it. They don't even understand the reason they feel the way they do is because they're not. Pursuing their own fucking growth and potential. We are Machines that were born. in this world to contribute. We are not individual, the big, Lie, that's ever been told us that we are individuals. We are a collective fucking energy. And our job is to contribute to the betterment and by contributing to the betterment, our own betterment comes. That's the biggest luck We been taught all the wrong shit. We ve been taught live below our means. When that's, why altruism feels so good right, so
like you, don't talk about a lot of the things that you do for charity and unsavoury. There can enter about it, but I know these things and I know a lot of guys. Like and the reason why doing service for other people feels good, because an end as I do. I believe that that when I am doing service rather people, I am a whining myself with god's will for me right and as some people some people don't believe in god. Some people believe in this god and ACA it's, but the bottom line is. Is that like when I died? I was in the presence of god. I had a near death experience and we've talked about this to like have a bunch of bunch of our guys have been through real serious shit and you almost lost you live to Adam. There is no other way. The feeling is so inexplicable, inexplicably good. The only t said you can get of that in this life is vital,
wing service for others, and that means by making your own personal wins everyone on your teams when, like when I, like you know, when I am alike, were you know what I might where it number four on billboard we were sold everybody? I say we because even, though, I'm the only person that recorded the song all the things it's all of us all of us together, we get up there together, and I can't do this alone. That's it. You know what I mean dude, I think the whole the whole equation of like this is dear. This is what I, also figured out of business and people to realise this, and they think when I say this, they think it's fucking bullshit and if you just motherfuckers we're just listen to me and do what I'm telling you you would become extremely wealthy. Here's the fucking hokey solve other people's problems, help other people. If you do that shit, everything else will come back to you. Is that simple and did these people the whole equation of our time? How to win in society. Is we're told this story?
It's through hollywood right of these greedy people who, for everybody overbearing and somehow end up ahead, and that's why you know four in culture for them. last forty years, it's you know, become less and less cooled win. And the reality is the reason that it's been come made less and less cool. The wind is because the goal was never to create a true prosperous society. The goal was to create it, side. It thinks they're, fucking free. They actually isn't and we can then use as the war machine. That's the truth, so we can be proud. Yes, that's true what, we take the actual ideals of humanity and freedom and what this country is supposed to be and we actually encourage winning and we celebrate a winning how it's supposed to be how it is in nature. Ok, he would discover that the potential of our ability to create in all areas would be explained,
really greater than what people even think that it is right problems. That you think are unsolvable would be solved world world issues like like starvation would be solved. Homelessness, homelessness would be solved these things would be solved, but we are taught long thing and what we are taught is that we have to look out for ourselves. We have to take care of ourselves as everybody else is out there trying to scheme, against us in this and this and this, and none of those things are actually true. The truth is is that whenever you step up to help people and you step up to solve problems, they reciprocate, it's huge. nature, and when you start to serve instead of cell- and you start to help in of cell now, you ve, created something that people will gladly by from, and so when we think about, from a business sense of altruism we're doing the right thing, a lot of people are taught the wrong things about business. You ask people what support of a business. What will mostly
say make money to make money, that's not the point of a business. The point of a fucking problem revert to serve right, service problem and so when you do that you do it better than anyone. People are actually really happy to buy from you, okay, so the whole idea of everything that we're taught- and I could go through that in health- I could go through that in media. I could go through that culture. I could go through that in fucking business every fucking thing that we are taught is actually backward. Everything Do you think the illusion of separateness is originated light. Do they done it's a slight? Why didn't ego thing or do you think that no, I think it's a control thing divided gets always, I think I think I think did my personal opinion from what I've observed. Ok is that there is a small collective group of people to control the fucking world And those people understand that, in order to maintain control,
that they must. Regressed society ok- and we must suppress potential, because if we suppress potential, that makes it easier for us to control them and keep our power. Because do you got it? You have to like, take your brain and put it in their brain there. I differ y. All doubt here. We're thinking like fucking. Do collective good, that's a good thing, because one part of the collected and their up there and there were there. We then have the they are. Not part of us. Ok so their working at us we're all at the bottom up fuckin valley in their up at the fuckin top of the mountain and there there's a small group of them. You know, maybe couple thousand worldwide and therewith Can you tell us in their like fuck all right? Well clearly, if all these people, give good and become good and and become they're going to figure out, they don't need us and What we gotta do is we gotta keep them under the you're standing that they need us first and so
secondly, we need to do everything we can to suppress their development because of baby come powerful and they understand unity and they understand human potential. I understand they're all connected, and they understand all these that the really all the same wording shit. No and that's insult. So do this started this. This has started hundreds of years ago. This way That's something this are two years ago: no, no, we had been marketed too. We have been sold, lies women. told things that are untrue. All with the idea to suppress us to keep us weak to keep a sick to keep us bono. Well and it's fighting with each other and fighting with each other so that we never notice that the mother fuckers up on the top of the mountain are the ones caught making a hard for us and, like dude, think that's one of the most dubious things about identity. Politics is it's actually a weapon, that's right and- and it basically reinforces separatism- is right and it it's disharmony.
and you know it's like it. It's literally the most ridiculous thing, because we all the same dna all like it. That matter. It's insane year, role! Think about the primal insanity, like the base level insanity, evil of telling people that, because the pigment in their skin is different, that they are different or that they are less cape war market. That's been going off for thousands of years yeah, and why would that be? Why would that be fucking? Why would that continue to be perpetuated? And the reason is is for control as we keep evolving, we get the the more that we kind of a awaken, I think, and as technology advances and the good thing about technology is that it connects so many people and then what I've, what I've learned right,
Being a fucking careful note in brooklyn and traveling all over the world right, everyone is the same people who are doing the same shit. Most people all want the same thing they want. They want to like live their lives, love their family, have shelter, have food, have water and enjoy their lives yeah, but there's a partners. Can fundamental problem and here's where it is. When you defer rule two people who want to rule when you don't want to ruin you want to be left alone. You end up in a situation where the worst possible people end up, calling the fuckin place with that's where we ve got right right, and so all the good hearted people who and brought on one of these motherfuckers like I just want to be left to fuck alone, and you have asked for that. You could tat you guys can vouch rat. You guys think I enjoy doing this. Shell trust me, I don't I do it because it needs to be fucking done. I would much rather is assured,
not sure what I much rather not sit at home and fucking blow fuckin bomber. Clot blocking watch fox news just be angry about myself like broke, well, I mean like your you're in a in a in a unique position. Where have you decided you'd never wanted to work again, you don't have to, and everything would be pretty much. Ok but you'd go crazy because you're, a man of purpose yeah, I know, but but yes it's not I you know, I I've taken a break from talking about political things and everything on my platforms cause. I need a mental health rake right and because I also we were kind of talk, talk about this in the locker room like I'm starting to see even my own friends who are you know some, about, like minded people on the right who started out two years ago is like anti media truths, providers and independent journalists,
boy into the big media trap. And now I'm like. I look at my feet and, unlike I see these people and a like literally adopted the mainstreaming. your format of posting. Like radicalized headlines, you became what you would have lakes getting all this and and and literally This is not so they can sell shirts yeah, I'm sure whatever it whatever it is now, but it's not like I'm not just that right, like that's my poor little caroling monsieur my political beliefs are such such a small fragment of who I am when it that's. Why? I don't like to sell my shit like I know I don't like my people, Dude saw your bison gear, which I'm going to, but I'm when it's gonna be different and what you think, but the point is like that's. Why I like to do how many millions of dollars that could have sons, fuckin hat like their meaning? Nothing no like here is one of the hat. by the aid of resolve ahead, braga may for the ten million dollars last forty or so well, I mean I do said, I wanna give unwilling something.
Given away music. I've given publishing a royalties and like you know it's it's not I I think they're right now it's about so I mean twenty twenty and twenty twenty one should needed to be addressed. And we had a responsibility now or on the other side of it and like wherein a massive mental health crisis like its undeniable and even in an from school, shoe brings till the fucking absolute continue. generating thing. Nuclear can hardly meltdowns for do you lockdown society you fuck for two years, here's your lassen, you fuck amid the life difficult. If you for and devalue their money. You closed their business. Your fuckin make their schools
but two years now now now they ve done done is ve put everybody in a unique place to put the differences aside and we have to actually now. I think people already for solutions- and I think now people are ready to to build bigger and better communities and that the people have been gas, gas lit and psychologically abused. An separatism is on its people are fucked tired, like most shoots, exhausting look at what they ve done. Yeah yeah yeah man got tired of the demoralization process to get people to the point of exhaustion where they will resist and its important. Nobody fucking understands what, feel like people are not going along with their. I actually think. What's have like monkey pox, the perfect example, they would of the issue. Another walked down over this nonsense. Bullshit right, Libya would love they love to do it, but it's not working. They tried to do that
why did you another locked and allay people like now? You have to allay which is like the most spineless did ale talk between. You will try to do. You know where they would turn it shut things they again. They also listen to really off, because we talk about the other day. I see tee, I about the cdc put them mass mandate for the monkey box there, yet they rejected today after connected them, hey. You know you're a hundred percent right rural this areas where the hot that's where I suit and listen. Here's what I do eighty percent of these motherfuckers and went along with this shit and believe in the first place. Jane went along with it because they got fuckin bullied into it. Sure they fucking bitch doubt if they had a bit shout we wouldn't be fuckin here right, that's a fuckin fat number, one fat! No, two is those same people now are real I think that the reason that we went through the two years is because they fuckin pitched out and blood and and that's a good a positive sign for people to serve and, as some people are just fatigued woman
Other scientists do like they are starting to see all the crazy shit is coming out about that. The same thing like driving them, that's gonna make sure they don't never fucking do it again. I like this is actually what we asked ourselves. We have brought him over to the we got breaking news. So this is the reason why I think a lot of people are going to go for that bullshit. The covert play again because of headlines like this to come out headline reads: healthy young people are, eyeing, suddenly and unexpectedly from a mysterious syndrome as doctors seek answers through a new national register so this is. This is coming out. So people aged under forty are being urged to have their hearts, checked because they may potentially be at risk of sudden a shared understanding of dull Death syndrome, sats, ok syndrome, known as sads, has been fatal for all kinds people, regardless of whether they maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle sides isn't under.
allow term to describe unexpected deaths in young people said the royal australian college of general practitioners. You, you, mother, fuckers, better fuckin, not forget about what these people are on hold on, I'm being dead, serious, you motherfuckers better in africa. What they fucking did. I've been to two funerals like that so too, by the way, to keep going, do not fucking forget what they did. Should others a russia? A? U s based based sands foundation. Ok, I've sas foundation has said that over half of the four thousand annual sad death deaths of children's teens young adults have one of the top two warning signs present, those and include a family history of a sad diagnosis or sudden unexplained. from a family member and fainting ores,
he's your during exercise or when excited or startled report news, dot, com, a u ass, melbourne, beggar, heart and diabetes institute is developing the country's first sad registry quote: there are approximately seven hundred and fifty cases per year. boy aged under fifty and Victoria, suddenly having their hearts. Stop a spokesperson set of these approximately one hundred young people per year, will have no cause found even after extensive investigation such as a full autopsy, a cardiologist and researcher Dr Elizabeth prot said called baker's registry was the first in the country and one of the only few in the world that combined ambulance hospital and forests, forensics investigations, and
Is there a warning? They said the best advice would be my view if you yourself have had first degree relative parent sibling, a child who's had an unexplained death. It's extremely recommended, you see, you just go see a cardiologist. They haven't mentioned one overlying thing here that they're not gonna they're not going to do it. They're not gonna make. This is their cover. Among other things, it's just sad, god's, unbelievable dude, unbelievable shit is crazy. It's it's like it's infuriating, but I'm so past the point of being angry I'm just like the like. The I told you so phase yes over narrowly that doesn't feel good cell people. I told you so when the fucking dying will you I mean and live all had people these blue now was yet here that there are sitting here like do
I got this shit right now. How many barnacles is from rawhide in they all have the same thing common. yeah a warming. Ninety five percent of australians are vaccinated. Ninety five per cent and so it'll be interesting. I mean you know it'd be interesting to see you know so, like all of those deaths. Vaccinated? How many on vaccinated people are? We have, as we said this on the show up at dinner, larger than a part of the reason for that they wanted one hundred percent compliance and the reason they pushed hard on vaccine mandates is because their plan to cover it up was to make. How could you identify If you have a hundred million people are, and a hundred maybe five million of them give vaccinate right and the vat seeing causes sat right. We can blame it on the vaccine, because everybody's vaccine- so we don't know, but if we have havoc the rest they push so hard for the compliance with safety?
oh, that here in the united states was because Now we have a forty percent vaccinate. Rate reality mackay and a sixty percent non vaccinated. And so now somewhat that now What they're going to see is they're going to see this with in one group and not the other way, that's is why you saw them push so fucking hard for everybody to be there it's needed because they knew what the fuck a cover up was going to be anyway right. This is the truth right. This is what's going on. I can see it. You might not be able to see it, but I can see it. That's what I see alright and so I mean we talked about this on the show. As it was happening, you know the the the the they didn't get the the group, the control group. I wanna know they didn't. You know how they got it. They, eighty or ninety, four and they wanted. They could have just played off
as people just darnay due to learn. How do we know everybody's vaccinated, sadly as a thing brutal, like you'll, stop trying to make sense happen, we'll talk here, real taught him hear her says boarded, I know heard of you out in I've heard of seeds. Yes, but the city was this is the five and a half welcome much I can save about now about its essence. Do yes, Sid's came out. Around the same time as the other stuff here that they will get rid of the kids. You know, I did so so have any You guys her says before night, tat, weird weird, right like human beings, have been around for a while. many thousands of years and then all of a sudden, these people
If people just walking around dropping dead like these people have to be held accountable, we cannot allow them or how yeah well we're going to get back control shit year. Yet so that's the first hal I mean that's. Why they're? That's why the chaos? Hence the chaos everywhere. We are, I mean that's what the that's the it's all a disaster action you know, that's why I was I was on a day. I went on a date and allay, and I actually got one third day, Now an argument with the girl saying about the role the weighed thing and its society. This woman is incredibly intelligent and she just literally pirated them what the media said- and I am I am. I. you. You have those moments like near. Do our response? answer this and you're pissy, or
why jump out of a car right now has just brought down the street, because it's going to go on two ways and it's orcas. You know I was like alright. You know what I can't argue with people right like at this point. You know people who are The mainstream media believe it's real my thumbs up here, but all of this is very ray it's more of a liar you to have any tat. This is black and white clouds female list. Let's talk about this shit on the on on this particular issue. With this these hard issues- nehemiah cried ice, has been happening it is everybody's. Everybody knows it's happening, but nobody wants to talk about what? What about you know what about the next four or five years? I'm like you know because here's the thing in my lifetime.
any time, there's been a harmful lawsuit class action which you can do with a vaccine by the way when it always comes. I like five six, ten years later, right like if you took, if you took this ten, years ago, girl of euro love when these Do we don't even really know mesothelioma yeah well look, I don't live like after a point as we do now, know how bad this is going to get for people who were get made to take the shit then, and now the whole resistance point for the anti vaccine crowd in the first place? We don't fucking know we don't know what it's gonna do If you're in it, if you're running a medical fuckin cartel you got it actually brilliance to give people sub. That's gonna kill them slowly, so you have to rush back to the hospital and get on new drugs and only out of work and sad We gotta do this now, the other areas just didn't just put. Can
ass these motherfuckers it does anyone no, but you can have people in charge of of global health who think that we need to deplete the global population. Am I That's like making the the grand dragon of the clue. Clocks, clan, the head of the black panther party here. What's the book you think he's gonna do yeah he's going up now, working through now, they're gonna? Do it in the most profitable way there not just gonna. I can say: hey you. Let's, just fuckin nuclear people be doubled. we're going to say. I will well but they're here, let's figure had a full contain all their money to talk. Capitalizing on the columbia, their modish, they talk about slavery, that's fucking, slavery do well. It's genocide. Is its genesis was moving on guys moon on have another one here, the one buzz and reads: armed men arrested near supreme court just as break avenues, home
so a california man, I insist about the leak league's supreme court draft opinion expected to overturn roe v wade was arrested near justin, brett justice, Brett kavanaugh's, maryland home wednesday after he came to the area armed with a gun and the intent to kill the judge. According to sources and reports, the man who has yet to be identified was arrested by the Montgomery county police department at about one fifty a m near Kavanaugh's home in chevy chase. A tony so a suburb few miles outside of washington d c, the suspect was armed with a gun. and had made comments to police stating its plan was secured. The supreme court justice la force officer after told the post here also allegedly had a knife, pepper spray and burglary tools on him. The man who is believed to be in his mid twenties never actually made it onto cavanaugh pop,
what he now was instead arrested on a nearby street, the washington post reported citing people familiar with the investigation. I, in a statement the white house was silent at first within the white house spoke bra spokesperson, Andrew bates said: president Biden quote condemns the actions of this individual in the strongest terms and that he was grateful to law enforcement for quickly apprehending the suspect, but, as the president was concerned, consistently made clear public officials, including judges, must be able to do their jobs without concern for the personal, eighty or that of their families. Bade say in the statement, but we all know that's not binds words, but we know what we hear right. What we hear because just couple of months ago, but not even a month ago, chuck sumer had this to say in a way a rise. I wanna tell you sites. I wanted to tell you:
well that arise where he's real fucking happy with himself view where people? So I will what what if I fucking got only spoken show- and I said: hey I've motherfuckers time to go fucking chop some heads, they released the whirlwind. What what what would happen to me now for real? You know what would happen to me. I know that every I already told you wrap it up, but I have to say that like broke, this double standard of bullshitter rope for these people, one hundred percent. Their militarized, the mentally ill you know what that response has to be when these mentally ill falcon people start militarizing. We militarized back in fact take care of it. Cause? I'm gonna tell you this right now that only works for one side of the working population, the middle. How can someone else on the eighty percent of common sense says: hey fuck
can kill whose rhubarb lot you're in jail and you're fuckin held for. I feel your ear. For the last two years, without fucking in any sort of proof. Anything it's bullshit says to look at these ladys, though I never said they never look. Happy, listen, dude. it is, whatever it is man I haven't. I had a solid head, I'm going to get real controversial. I had a conversation and someone brought up this point in the in the pro life pro choice. The parliament- and this is my be hot water- was so my conservative policies and its brutal and basically my home, he was like a liberal people want to kill their own children. We need to let them because that's they will go extinct, no shit and I was like, oh my god. No, Thus I would like a scientist maya. This is the most profound brutal thinking.
So why the fuck? Do you fuckin fight, so hard fact stop him. The whole point because of a religious belief, yeah, listen, it's below the fuckin. Why are fucking Do we are going to get conquered we're going? lose the country we fuck in all our folks dollars about to collapse or economies about to collapse. We fucking the most for countries and world fuck in china. in Brazil, fuckin, russia, india, these companies Countries are now aligning against us happening right now, I'll be there all the then I aligning against the american but their own leaning against a global as two hundred percent but went on their tea while we're not. We were not really. Why did we have to pay to gather their able to recommend that you have yeah but of course, but dude This shit learner mandarin rural
learn a manner and broad, not no auto shop. So why are we gonna get to appoint as society a society where we I fuckin say: hey. were free society. If you want a fucking, do that go. Do it. I don't agree with it my tax dollars on paying, for whatever our focus on the real shit year. This. This is a very interesting. Diversion, tear gas and played out for a long time and I think, like look, Is it an issue here? Ok, this is a conversation to behave like yeah, do women have a right to choose and this at the other, but they can't find a woman. It's like all over the place. The and arguing about this is like when we take the goldfish war, what houses on fast and you're, like for the future, in water and peter how well what about her? What about the rape? domes and, yes do that's one s less than one percent its lesson
One percent! Okay, so let's be fuckin real, I don't I personally do not I've said is a million times, Personally, I do not feel agree, with the anymore. I use thing goes up to the individual, I'm in agreement with it anymore, but I also don't think that our garden be regulating it at all. I think the fucking I dont think people should be paying taxes, for, I think, should be completely independent, available procedure for people to want it. that would have an unfortunate cases where the hypocrisy? This is, what's the dew apple, the duopoly hypocrisy is right, and this is the issue the leftist get a vaccine or die. I know bro. Excuse me then you motherfuckers there with us and we want. You can't tell us what to do with our body and then people on the right or like I'll, never get a vaccine. I'm it's like it's. My and I will never ever say that that Abortion is right. I will never say no, I! U can have.
abortion is everyone here and I'm lying skies guys everyone shut the fuck up the whole country. That has really really look at nuclear flock and reactor right now. We are like this lois thing of thing to focus on its an intel? It's it's because the boy, and things, that's our low, lying or argument at this point, considering what the fuck is going on. True well, if you this, if you're arguing this as a point of priority with what's going on, in our country right now, you unaware and low. I q, that's it or you or your easily emotionally manipulate well which what what? What is it? What does abortion matter if you fuckin dead, beat? But people who have What sort of hormones, if you have high estrogen levels, you are statistically
We're motion more emotional and you are more prone to be hyper reactive, with emotion to things that make you feel uncomfortable, which is why we have a fuckin test us on pandemic in this country, where the BP eyes in a plastic water in the food and the process, things in the fuckin, all this shit, even I'll, fucking war. Laundry detergent has chemicals in it that lower testosterone, because it's not about its out about trying to make everybody you know change their gender. It's about making people emotionally reactive casino. Once somebody can make you react barrier master, they control you! yeah, and so this is something that affects women are going to get upset about this and men low testosterone, who can't, who don't have first right to reproduce, are going to
I go along with that up set out is hoping they get scraps and crumbs of pussy along their escapade, one thousand percent. What it is on an exam. Is it it's a thing? It's an issue. Not right now now thousands on retirement in it. If you listen to these guys, guys need to take this as an opportunity. Don't keep pushing this shit right galleries I put it up, so you guys are aware that they're trying to continue the slide. I I I no one cares. You know what I'm saying: listen while people care and I am not sure look both like. I understand both sides flocking, noddies, sherry haired, what's going on the very this is a thing that people feel very rude and money invariably handles. Now why our ties? If we all here all the top five issues? Ok, which abortion is not gate, is that it is not because these top five dictate our freedom
our ability to actually live are fucking a country's independence if you're fucking, while your wife- Both sides failed realize if our if our nation fully converters to communism. Look what china did for years if you had a child and it was a girl, you had to kill it right up ass, a big Government was carried over me and when I, what away was a necessarily if it was girl, they had a one child policy and people father. The men would be more prosperous and come to terms with a sigh eddie, so they ever correctly that the however earlier, however, of the female children we are so. However, imagine the fucking government enforcing man tori termination of birth without end, if I don't go along with a: u go to jail and they kill your kid right. That's that's what we have to look forward to so this is just a fuckin who boogeyman right, it's fuckin,
This is just a great and powerful. I like I came for, can talk to you, see it with a fuckin serious space. If thatcher issue like I just can't years, you know no cloud schwab. Is you don't understand? what's happening the economy, you don't fucking know what you have listen, I don't care, That's where we're we, when people I and fucking care, either don't care that either. Here's what I worry that I'm worried about us literally losing our food good economy, losing the middle class losing our fucking country to a foreign com three: what's a via little value are more. about be. What is what what happened to the middle class america with the immigration is happening. There's a million there. There's literal I would say if we making a fucking list the reality of the importance of that issue on the list isn't even in the tap fucking twenty in that
not just to me. That's to every body going off two percent of how it affects their lives. Zagreb will look at the redistribution of well that's gone on since twenty twenty right yeah, all you had fuckin tons of politicians, preemptively, purchasing stock in pharmaceutical, come when pennies and then taking our tax dollars and following them into these companies to make these vaccines that normally take eight to nine years to actually develop and the mountain and mandate them extend the lock down. You know, then they then eventually to dig up right, so the so they sell, while its high and the new one becomes gas. Right. So then our government could easily go to the gas companies and say wherein in a recession you can't overcharge for gas. The gas companies are not over or not it's, not a putin price hike. Their overcharging. Two comments.
for the gas they didn't sell in twenty twenty, so they get back to their. You know whether they feel good right as now Do I dont know enough about the energy market to know what is actually happening there, but I know this. I know that. are, those name politicians have seen I announced is and what it does the environment, they lie about it. not being a renewable resources. They lie by how much there is they they lie about how much there is. They lie about everything and it fox us oil is like diamond. Yes right or the diamond market is completely fraudulent. This fucking infant, Amount of diamonds involves that the debate is closed acquired in the now. You know why are flouted. renewable resource, the kind silly being created right now, diamonds, are being created roy now. Oil is one so being created and what they don't fuck Can tell you is that its being created at a way that is
sustainable that has begun and our consumption as a fucking planet this is because you can monitor you can't monetize this shit, it's like Nikola tesla, creating energy that is free for everybody. You can't monetize it, so you can create a power structure now. The politicians have gone and they put all their stock into the gas companies. So they're going up up and they're gonna pull the other thing that they're doing is people. Don't we lies this money, that's going tee to the crane. What are out of work in every area, shadow ban for saying this The money that's going in there is getting wash. I know I just tenaya case either, I mrs ever talked about there is not only being washed its you, these people, daughters and the reason it's being washed is because there too getting the money right now at the end, because there are about to lose power and are about to collapse, the fucking dollar intentionally they're taking.
All the dollars from you. The last two years now there's following put down a bit more through ukraine, Then what they're going to do? Is there going to fuck and transfer that into assets, whether that be gold, or whatever real, already muslims? Anything then they bring in the new financial system. They will be able to say the assets for the fucking move financial system and tat their wealth, so they're fucking you so that they can stay well, the after they fuckin transport we think that's what you don't get either building them. Also building a new empirical wealth, fuckin oligarchy. I am also sure that will sustain collars lowered collides with this shit. We're fucking end tomorrow, That's why they use this shit yeah, to distract people, because this is a very complex fuckin thing. The other thing tat is, you have to think about this, how much money that we lose
they abandon all those military weapons in afghanistan to the Taliban right. How much was eighty four billion I'll get it? four billion dollars. How much money have we given in weapons to ukraine? Probably none honestly be real know how what We know we ve earmarked, know we ve, given out we ve, given them military weapons. Why are we constantly deplete? Why is the debate in a minute? russian constantly depleting our military, no shit, why resting assigning rescue me is what I've been focusing for fucking years, but this is what people are not not put off now. Putting two and two together made all understand that if we send fucking shit over there? Yes, what we want however, here holy fuck german, So this is a system, multiple cascading internal collapse, that's right and then what are they? Gotta do to take to get more here.
hold on what are they gonna do to get more whence here and bowed their over there when they got to do they gotta make more and we're The fuckin tax dollars that you were divorced, dollars go then he put stockings How on the morning, who do halliburton and lockheed Martin in fucking raytheon? Who do they contribute back to exactly. I think those a name for this once I call it was name of this thing: what war profiteering? the military industrial complex right, simply, ok, what the fuck guys, what the fuck. We'll see man, it's real dark in here. Now, god you ale is down it's so frustrating! Well, that's what do we do like? What can we do? their rigging elections left and right. This is crazy. Visa, easy number, two, four, it's ok, ok,
we're only on to their lives we see it in republic, kids are in the best position ahead amid serves in over eighty years. That's how you fucking winner, you put real people in the fucking front. I think this is a clear fucking indication that people are paying attention in my opinion, mopey, so It is the article reads: it is still months away from the twenty twenty two mid term elections, but republicans appear to be in their strongest. That's what position in decades see him is jake. Tapir kicked off a segment ownership on monday by noting that call these are looking pretty good for a publican candidates, sing data reporter harry ensign says who
What say there looking very good from the historical context into explain that he reviewed reviewed poles going back to nineteen thirty eight from this point in the mid term cycle that acts respondents if they would vote for wage, a narrow republican or democrat. He noted the republicans currently hold a two point lead over democrats, which is the best position for publicans at this point in any mid term cycle and over eighty years and so on, to predict that the election the election was held today, republicans would end up winning two hundred and thirty. Six and two hundred the forty one seats in the house. Meanwhile, he predicted that Democrats will be left with one ninety, four and one hundred and ninety nine, and still he noted that history isn't always prologue. I think that's a sigh. I think that's that's a step in the right direction, Yeah depends on if there's any integrity in the elections. Okay, that's the first thing. Second thing is: who are the republicans they're getting a elected? Are these actual republicans
actual fucking people, or are these people that these people paraded in just happened to be, the other side in order do this. Well now you may not like trap, you may not agree with trot, you may falcon think whatever, but they hate dropped to. So Maybe the people they he's recommending or the people that we should vote can get behind that, because a cease to be the best and we got so far, which is also like one hundred and oh right yeah. He is- and I hope it keeps that way because he's not fucking backing people who are of the establishment he's backing people who are going to fight okay, that's what we need alright, but here, but here Then this happened in venezuela to ok. When Venezuela fucking collapsed, they they everybody what they pay their stolen election, then fuckin in there. Like all of the next election next election, we're gonna, do it and they all came out and guess what they stole, that election too
and then and then they looked at the people and they so what the fuck you gonna do about it right now there there. Maybe this is its active calm, everybody's I- or will we not only to not only to do anything any more than we do have to be vulcan on. Why I, where I think the issue, I think I think that you're right on the money- and I think that's why we're seeing a lot of these fucking shootings a lot of these working parties, this violence and urge you to look at this again as an observer and only manufactured and their fuckin their finding people, because and in several of these instances, always the f b. I already knows with these people are and never intervene, not right. An end and also it would almost seem, as somebody is helping. Some of these people write like out as an eighteen year old kid, it's seven grand where the fuck gun, and a seventy thousand dollar brand new truck. That's fucking question This should be answered right. How? Where, like that's a very import, question: no one's answering it. You know
to talk about online through media like you're, not no one's even like all? Well, you know this important details. I go now I've going around. I happen to know who the kid was up in fucking buffalo and then you go down the list when they were alone. They were running the white supremacy thing until his manifesto came out. When you also gotten communist yeah, he was he was in it. He was what is it an economic, not echo and eco only lay extremists are someday. He was like a super green new deal like leftist lunatic. And they little all one person goes to sweep that under the rug doesn't go the narrative Will these damas for you? I believe if you wanna tell us if they're gonna steal the elections, there. there there will be a serious ban on firearms and guides before him a hunter. we're so Canada. That's how you're going to do because yeah I don't. I don't think canada has already started yeah. That's that's what I'm saying like it's already been started. Right like you got got,
representative sacrifices and tax advantages rocking matter that doesnt fucking matter? That's that listen, the guns are already there. People in need the guns artic out already have. The question is going to be: wait. Are we going to let them steal a fucking election again or that's going to be the question that is going to be their bet there are we? Are they going to fucking? Kill us We do this again. What are we? What are they going to do? That's the real conversation, no well who's going to put what will I, I wonder, who's going to protect these people, everyone knows no one doesn't know anymore, like the average, like idiots. These citizen is over. You know those early loosely conspiracy, very everyone. Works and government, every police officer every private, surely sector others. My psychological studies show that people go along with these sorts of things, even when they know they're, not wrong yeah, but it's not about it
about that, it's like or nobody long, I'm sorry, I'm not saying about going along with the under saying, like is the average privacy Surely I gonna protect these pieces, a shit if there's a militia and people start fucking taken two hundred. You say it would be boy out. My point is I did I wondered at the point: is they it's too late, for them to do that? Yeah. I agree with you. Okay, I agree with you my opinion of what I think will happen is I actually don't know. I think they're going to it. I think it's what I've always said: they're going to create craze, much fucking chaos as they possibly can between now and then regardless. So well I mean what
that's the thing I'm like we ve, they ran the. They ran the restore their they're running the you know this fuck him. You know robbery with thing what the black america's awake hispanic america's is awake, the it's too late If the the are like the ot but yeah, the aftermath is video of it was like a dude on MSNBC. He was out in the streets interviewing people he was at a gas station walked up to the hispanic guy holding his baby raised. Like you know, we're talking about all this. You got all this inflation. How how's it going to change the trajectory of who you vote for his like? Are you kidding me his eye. Compared to what is, I don't know the last administration at cheap gas. if you care of the guy, just froze he's like so I'm just saying like you know, I probably won't do with this administration. I probably won't be going with them
That's the thing it's promises and end the suffering has fall on the on the backs of working less. We need more than that, though. What we need is real, fucking unity and we need real combat by the whole of america to move forward in the best possible way it can that is now we can allow these motherfuckers to continue to divide us the way they ve been dividing lines for literal centuries, but what what unites americans is tragic. Now I am pearls. Are the hurl harbour Dinah Levin? Take some of the things that you have a nice is not the american spears and artificially has not the tragedy. It's the is the face of an enemy. That's what unity come like
as where the unity comes in nine eleven. We had a they gave us, I dunno. If it was the right one, they gave us an entity, a yeah that bra we had an enemy right. It's just a tragedy: we've had terrorism, has the invisible enemy covert, isn't an enemy? We've had tragedies yeah, but they're, making they're trying to make white men the fucking target. Enemy enemy, no exact work or a white men who, in all this shit the funding to make sense one nobody's uniting? Hide it yeah, he's your arms now about an hour not stop as out, though, and I think enough, people enough places are realising who and what the enemy really really is in a fuckin white man is not fuck and black people, it's not like any other. shit and it's a small, be the fog it offers them and they are the falcon enemy you nothing
We just need a little bit more people to realize that and then come to terms, because once we sat around that bro, the show's done well it just it just has to continue there. It just has to keep getting worse, which is what they plan on doing anyway, because you can crash the great the world's one of the world's greatest economies without absolute fast referred financial catastrophe. You know, there's like all these weird things going on with, like you know, folk in the chicken farms, with all the mass folk in the egg forms a mass of fire breaks out in twenty thousand chicken happen ro we met why you guys are doing this, that the oil that that's what they happen. this is what I have realised to it. They can't take your guns, the only thing they can do, a star of us out. That's that will bring. People to an animal listing survival instinct and you can't be in place of unity on-
by chances unless someone is strong enough to provide and guide, and in that case, but that's a dangerous place, because that's where people like hitler came to power? right, like you, don't wanna, fuck and new leader rising up. That's I. You know- and I have said this to my If somebody came out, it was like I going to kill the entire government. Oh my god, my vote well yeah, but that's dangerous, because the only person who would do that is probably worse than even what we have going on. Unless they're not yeah, but it, but that's the thing were caught like in a place, in america is: why do you want and plating yeah, the potentiality of a focus of a dictator come in, and I mean I would not shed a tier if they executed every one of them. These court, there criminals they are criminal jail, literally a fuckin global mafia. So why the fuck would I dont care They want us to die their problem.
was fully of people get and sudden adult death syndrome heart attacks. Might open diet is going broke, homelessness, like people, on the verge of almost as they want us dead. I think, Therefore, we are residing within that that nobody fucking cheesy election this year and they let everybody far go and let this country fuckin live on trotted guys like fifty year. Yes, because once this is going to result in right now is going to be very bad for them. I don't think they have a, but this is the thing these guys are real old and have massive egos and I well they're, not like china, no not going to let up china thinks of things in terms of centuries right. The vatican thinks of things in terms of of, hundreds of years, because they ve been around that long. We have, but we have a government where
you know we have us. Even the public thinks of things within a four eight. Eight year term right we could be walking into a fucking eternal night in this country. If they do this one more time, we are well that's all I'm saying, but as people people start really realizing it. I dont, I think these old deeds, like this is their last jam right, like sore Alison schwab in the falcon rockefellers and all this, because that their best interest is to preserve their family. The wealth of their family bloodline, in a time when more billionaires have been have been coined in history. Over the past couple years, that's fucked scary reich, as is only so much wealth on the planet once this once that Number is a certain number of how many people can have that much power, and so if new money is coming in and new fuck, that's scary to them, so they have to change the financial system because they
can't have woken twenty more mark, Zuckerberg and elon musk coming up, What have they decide? They gonna do with much of what they want. What they are their own military rule. It won't happen again, that's what I'm saying as oh, that's, probably what the great recesses wow it's about these old money and these families go back hundreds of years and they're trying to prove. Serve. They funded both sides of of Well, one and two yes and the vietnam war, like that's what the banking infrastructure does. That's what they empire does not when I get into the names and where who it is an honour, fuckin million percent accurate ever in its becoming or more known every day, more unwanted slackened spirit. She didn't spirits is to do what they're doing it yeah theory
yeah. There is yeah when people get together and like what we're going to we're going to crash the global economy or about the population, we're going to take away people's guns, yeah we're going to force them to give actually everything that you want to deplete the population yeah bro and like here's. What people got to get to next, though, once they realize that, then you have to start to realize and watch the messaging that is put down through their the shit that they own you know like when you're watching the fucking news channel that they fought known. You would be ignorant to think that they are. That message in your brain, for specific reason, will you that's why? Why mean I I watson, I know what I'm saying is for the average person out there like you, have to I realize that these people literally own. Every piece of information, that you consume in every single way. Why you're? Unless someone who is a member of one
call the new media, which is basically just citizens telling the truth here. They're even their reaches cabs, and you know they're doing that. You know so, if the media is a weird thing because right, take away the antithesis, media right. They can't go away, signals and journalism? They can't take away these big platforms beak, because if they do, it could trigger a fucking uprisen right, because they ve done so much, but what they can do as they can make sure that they can contain the virus to them. The real virus is, the truth yeah they want to fuck. two quarters that wound, because the more opens, they bleed out yeah. That's why every single per sin that says any of the shit. Can we talk by here they try to making some crazy person or delete my profile related right by like
I literally was a guinea pig and I was like I got cobra mike, I'm gonna take our jobs, the clerk. When I took a test as possible I didn't live stream. Six hours later, I tested negative owls like uh. That's weird, oh my my fucking problem. we've gone bro. That was just weird. The tests are fucking bullshit, I'm just saying, like god forbid, you say anything like you know what I mean like all those guys out doing, meet and greets with working anyway, fuck them all right does. Third, a hell. I'm a lot of three. This is an interesting one. Coming out hello hours later, three reads: Jim Jordan fbi as purging conservatives over January six narrative also, this just came out
Yesterday on the fnc is the ingram angle. Representative John Jordan of ohio, said whistleblowers have brought claims that the f b I was purging. It's ranks of conservatives. The Ohio republican lawmaker said veteran f b. I agents were being quote, run out of the agency because they disagreed with conclusions about the january six capital right by speaking of january, six hysterics reloading exclusive these night about. What's going on inside, the fbi was loring room, said quote: whistleblowers have told congressmen Jim Jordan, that the agency in full blown retaliation old, referring to what's going on. As a purge of agency employees who hold conservative views one employee reported, we had a security clearance taken away and then he was indefinitely suspended from his duty and got his pay taken away for disagreeing with their january six meredith.
Well decorated iraqi war, veteran being run out of the fbi. His allegiance to the country is being questioned because he had the gall to say something that offended the fbi. Leadership about the january sixth investigation, Jim Jordan, replied He said quote the the other. One is also having the same thing happened to them simply because on an anonymous questionnaire, They said something that the leadership disagreed with them. About january. Six, Jordan continue, oh, and I would put out points out war that we now have had agents come forward as whistleblowers too, on the school board narrative. on the scoreboard issues and for regarding january six. That is a concerns us because we have had literally a dozen fbi agents come to our committee. I think it's very important for all of the am military and f b. I agents that disagree with what's going on in the world to get vocal and come forward immediately start doing it. I think it's very, very important.
because now we're starting to see it come out a little bit, the time and they can they can't get ya, know I've been a mechanism show a few times. I've had had some people to to me. That is an internal battle. What's going on inside these agencies over this exact shit, just like there is in in this route, just like there is in this, where there's there's half the people who think one way and there's half to think the other way and you guys who were gone along with it. Like. I hope you realize that you your causing what could be the ultimate collapse of of our nation, the one that you wanted to serve the arm. I worry that I worry from this standpoint.
If all these people like, if they say stuff there'll, be there'll, be like checked out, and then they won't be able to do anything from behind the wall, after they do it. Well, I mean look dude your nose point cause. We don't have that and like I I mean we do know, people who work in agencies and yeah. There are good people who are still trying to fight the fight. They were what it's been went to me that there is a civil war going on as you I do that the inside both three letter agencies. Yes, this purge is probably an attempt to cover up transgressions and also make example. If you you know, we know what we did. You know what we did. You don't say what we did and shut your fuckin mountain. Do your job or will destroy you yeah, and that's that It's the same play the left as have the communists
Eric and communists have used in hollywood, their use it in politics there now using it in three letter agencies. They have used it it pretty much everywhere you know what I mean. If you you know, if you're not with us, you're against us, but see the thing is man. I wish these guys would understand these guys and girls would understand that, like hey, listen, there is an entire massive group. Massive movement right that, if you speak up and call this bullshit out, we'll take you in you- will have your back It's like okay cool. You lost your job, but you're about to go. Make whatever amount like you, you will be fine. You know what I'm saying like that. though the rear support culture, is the most where it up we're. a pivotal where a critical mass, where anyone who has the courage to say the truth must be protect the all costs you know, but our customers from sailing it's got it dude. That's why I was like against you- and I were talking about this, and I talked about this a little bit on the show, but like dude, you cannot be. Can canceling pro america companies because you didn't fucking like one thing, they did
Men like do do not be turning on each other fucking doing this shit like some grace man I'll, whereby figures out like whether we have to start looking at people like. Are you on the fuckin reaching america routine freedom, or are you everyone rawness america's. Instead, Syria, it is that serious, you, my dear the people on the falcon team, freedom to america, side, he'd, she'll, fuck out your long. That's what needs to happen through unity dudes that are these guys inside the the cia and f b. I and all this shit like where he's talking about with Jim Jordans talking about by bro, you guys you you. This is important time. History need a really think for what you're doing and what you're doing and how you doing it, because this is the life or death of the car. set of american freedom forever. Asean whatever it is you doing whatever is going through your head, make sure you
Understanding what's going on, because that there's not there the true. again the real american. We are going to win we're gonna win this we're gonna win this drama so make sure you're not playing that oh open the job on the side, the end who's, gonna win. I'm gonna tell you right. Now: patriots are going to fucking when they're gonna win from him, so as a farmer suddenly the show that you rob and waiting for our thumbs up here, where I shall I advise you to get your thumbs up or to thumbs in the butt and without being set. I thumbs up. come on. Reach microsoft, exec alex Kip then resides after being accused of watching the hour pawn in office
so madras us virtual reality. Chief alex kitten has resigned from his role at the company days after report surface that he watched the are porn in front of workers and engaged and other forms of misconduct toward female employees. Scott Guthrie, the head of microsoft, cloud and artificial intelligence division review kidman's departure in an email to employees, tuesday, while detailing area organization within the company kidman also informed fond subordinates that he was leaving the company as well over the last several months out, skip men, and I have been talking about the cheese path going forward. Guthrie said in his email up, by insider, which first reported on cabins departure quote. We mutually decided that this is the right time for him to leave the company to pursue other opportunities quote. I appreciate the tremendous vision Alex has provided a micro,
over the years and all that he has done to advance. I met a verse offerings. Alex is committed to helping teams with the transition process over the next few months and assuring success before pursuing what is next, for whom Guthrie added the article dietz out and in which kidman used a pair of virtual reality, goggles to watch a scene in which quotes Several young women in skimpy clothing, frolicked on a bed had a quote overtly sexual eyes, pillow fight in a room while employees were present when employed, so the outlet that the scene was via poured and describe the incident. It quote incredibly uncomfortable with at least to work. Leaving the room while I was in the office in front of women. The employee said insider aside a current reform of microsoft workers who allegedly Kidman did not face disciplinary action, despite complaints about unwanted touching and other forms of inappropriate conduct the office. Finally, rapid out the situation grew.
So concerning the more than twenty five employees purported us purportedly submitted details as part of reports management about shipments conduct. I insiders report reference the allegations against cabman as an example of the failure of microsoft leadership to crack down on executive, miss behaviors, I just kept it here and it's funny because I saw this look on these mother. Fuckers are going to fucking, fired instant motherfucker for watching chicks, dance around on a pillow bed or whatever the fuck, but they're going to celebrate a fucking strip. Club full of fucking dudes, dressed up in women's clothes in front of children, know that if he was watching vr porn of all guys would probably be ok. That's the fuckin, true, where they make me remain regarding it as a fucking idiot, either way, but I'm just pointing out some blame hypocrisy. Gazprom, how much you bid. The guy Four resume collars. What has reminded me of me, so I mean commanded,
What the fuck is wrong. Was this an accident? I don't that's where I might was he heat now. He kiki had to know that he will because he was doing a presentation rate. It really say especially like. First of all that this is the guy was located along look at this guy, but this is the guy who is in charge of them, a verse for fucking microsoft, he's also in charge of the cloud for microsoft. Where do all of your shit go? It goes on a fucking cloud in and you guys want to go. up all your privacy to all these technologies that are like this mother, fucker look in your camera. Look on your phone and looking cloud in this, and that this, like you're fucking insane these people are fucked up. We need a fuckin reject as their bullshit. And we need to move on with a fuckin, regular america of common sense. fuckin, regular people, but don't
The weirdos focused fucking spy on us, fuck man. these people are fucking piece of shit? I can't I can't even even though the sable this thing looks like the guy from grand I was boy, you know the guy who wants to have metal legs at fucking fuck. I don't even know what the fuck look at that guy. He looks like a character from fucking somewhere whatever you like, matrix, vampire movie online government. He looks like the cousin and a guy from again he lighted a cloud records but living breathing fucking example of What's going on in the fucking world wrong with the world yeah no shit, they look like looks like the minimum altogether bro. They all have their creepy fucking. Do he looks at you ever seen: whoa jack memes, oh yeah, yeah yeah. They need to make one of our guy really that guy's,
that's wherever men like do there are all these people listen man. None of these motherfuckers compete nature, notable novel flocking, none of them. They all need their technology to even be relevant, the whole internal world. So fuck all you guys with all your technology rollback this row. These people would be fuckin totally thought or of another country, foregoing attacked our focus technological. ladys and everything was shut off. All of a sudden, I wonder why the bargain hunters and all the people who know how to play crops, we wonder wary valuable again why they push it so hard like why they where's the she's so hard? Because that's the only play? It's these kind of mother fuckers actually have any kind of control and thrive. Yeah, fuck disgusting, dude fucking over it. man fuckin most? What are we even sums up our thumbs down like it's just like this?
It is astonishing that stands in the book is poor legs at their opponents. Like imagine going through a fuckin member didn't go a speaking about what that thing on your head and like I'll just watch girl, pillow five? Why give this presentation No one will know what the problem is. The problem is most welcome. Their became someone that can actually see girls, pill, fight, real life, that's a whole fuckin problem. Maybe he should have thought can became colored aired in a better man, stronger and more stressful and fulfil them reality. Instead, he had to create this fuckin bullshit and now is fucks everybody not enough money. This is the weird thing he has. Of my that he can hire a bunch of hookers to meet each other, we're pillows in front of him for real, but probably it. Probably scare Gabby. Did you know that? I'm scared when I really cool dude, it's cool when you're not supposed to do like it's like,
I don't know. I don't know what shaming this fucking weird ass guy hair man like fucking people, they couldn't, sir, I'm in reality in a real world, pushing us into this fuckin fake, ass world cause. To have mental problems getting us addicted to fucking their technology, Now there forcing it on us, we can't even live without it. We had the digital. Is he in the fucking pass and this and that and that row fuck all these people, that's where I'm at like dude, I am. When are we gonna get to that point? We just reject the shit. What would you do should reject don't forget. Let him do it anymore, like scab fuckin upward escaped put your kids on their shit, stop fucking teaching kids to be dependent on their shit. Don't you like? Dude Scott. there's a whole fuckin world out there, man we do
You know social media is fine. Media was to social media like social media, for the most part of your way, we'll get out of it. Now do bad. That's the truth. You eating start a mandatory globalists. now here s a sort of magistrates. You know how many fucking not now heads I've, had raised from other people that fucking indeed your kitchen you're alive, but that's like entire. Do this in the middle? Last thing I want to do is fucking deal with a bunch. A fucking couldn't figure it out front grow. I just listen. What will the tattler shit serious? I just want people to understand. What's going on, we are being in enslaved inch by inch by inch by inch further, for us to stay on the couch and be slobs and be fucking worthless and contribute contributor, build or create anything so that these sort of people can fucking profit.
But I mean they ve been telling us. This hollywood has been showing us. This look at movies like wally right Where everyone so fat, they they how they can't walk right, everything's, a completely automated and everything is dependent on technology. Look at movies like any awkward. We live in forking, any oxy brow. I will tell you it s: do I'm not fuck we're on our way? no, I'm not I'm not going any further into through I'll, be home a winner moon all these. Before that happens, these are looking for and quote patriot. Entrepreneurs out there pushing the matter verse since our view I'll do the bearers, you're, fuckin gonna, We know know I'd rather, fucking lose at rather fucking lose. Ok, I believe, a fork in humanity. I believe a fuckin freedom. That means I kick it a fuckin plot. Next, a fucking wherever the fuck you are in the metaphors, bro then fuck off. I don't care We are only at the means. The like. Do there
It's gonna be a real world. The only way these motherfuckers win is by. you guys deciding that you now going to build in the real world and instead you're going to buildings, this fucking bullshit world, we can only rejected. We can easily, stop at its very falcon, simple its and it should be done. That's the truth. I seen ready player one now, that's a movie about like them. this video game as the biggest fucking thing in the world and it so addictive that people me our game, where, like you, it's lit light. So intent It's like real life, so people live and shanties They live in the radio year because they don't care because They live of government assistant to stay home. That's the way I have any ogier twenty four seven, that's the plan and that this vote Planets maize lawyer went well, read the great reset it or spoken a line in there that actually says drugs
video games will keep the masses at bay. Here, it's the new fuck him. It's the new bread and circus. You know or gas. Why als. That is that is that an hour and forty minutes is that what that says up there? Alright, I guess we should end the show, I know we didn't even touch on the Dallas liars club, all Matt mcconaughey, oh yeah, way a lot cooler if you didn't first of all hold on at least an hour, forty five, what the fuck was that bro bro. I liked you. I know we all liked you dude, like bro. We do not like literally brought a hollywood actor in that most kids serbia's still fuckin liked your only put what's there to real fucking speech, and he like tried to like Yeah he tried to be passionate about what the fuck was that
now we're about. I there's brow. I like I watched that- and I was like all I could think of interstellar was like this little baby he's going to he's like this little maneuver here is going to cost us fifty one years I like more like if they want or alien fans, mesozoic era career, I log in diagram do that is to say what was that dude, the hope. The whole fucking point, the listen. Take them economy thing out of it. Who cannot find you, those bad decision. Row sorry was we have a president? They can't. Even fucking and connect with flocking america, so bad a connecting with america. They had bring in a dude to stand
and deliver some sort of what was supposed to be emotional fucking speech to move people, because our president is fucking incapable of doing it. That is where we are in america, but he can't even talk like like what. Having mean to me, that's the underlying point, like Mckenna, everybody who is watch whenever I don't care abroad like listen to me, that that their deadly lower stock, that's just guy, I'm not fucking hate to fork humor this or that I believe in the greater good of what the fuck you ve done, and all that I like to do my mistake. I don't really want to psyche, would do that. There was some incentive either it was to me. I don't think it was incentive. I think, was opening a laboratory, well that's more hours later but like dude,
I tell you right now the fact that we have a president We have to bring someone in like that to the fore. King white house to deliver some shit like that that special scare, the fuck on everybody, but it just isn't hitting any more nobody cares even hours. I wouldn't have the mccartney, knowing where the point now, where most of america issues kind of waiting around for the next thing to have an up cause like wrote, they could say anything about We're just kind of look the other way but who gives a fuck up, which is equally as dangerous at very. Dangerous, because they resort of force. Then we'll gas
alright guys like sharply share, show. Thank you for sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box frozen the fuck are still countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a blank row kang both doesn't know shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-29.