« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

297. Andy & DJ CTI: Missouri Bill On Ivermectin Effectiveness, Biden Blaming Republicans & BLM Co-Founder Tax Filings

2022-05-18 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Missouri's passing of a bill that prohibits pharmacists from questioning doctors who prescribe Ivermectin to treat Covid-19, President Biden's lackluster livestream attendance in which he blames Republicans for a Buffalo store shooting, and tax filings that reveal mischievous spending of donation money from the co-founder of BLM.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The now my jewelry box for the county, millions in kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't kang, doesn't know headshot case club is up stated. This is the show where the realist say goodbye to the lives of picnics and delusions of modern society and welcome to the fucking reality guys. Today we had Andy huge grows, the mother, fucking internet, that's right! was argued. What's goin on here. Oh, you know china. Create united america for the first time ever to apply this code. three that we all love and habit and benefit from and to actually make it. What is supposed to be a bit more ground annulled nuts. I am just going to my summer smash here
one of those guys live it up, something I do not think so: well. This is your first time listening. Welcome to the show you don't really know what you're gonna get on a day to day basis are right, but we have four show formats, this city, I the stands for crews, be internet and what we do is we sift through the media headlines, and I try to extract. But what little tree there is to any of them so that we could put things in perspective for listeners. then we have few- and I f and and a app is basically you send in your cues- and I give you the a f answer right and if your little slow it's Andy for Salah, it's also as fuck right, okay, so that the all that stuff plays together because, like quite honestly, I'm a branding, fucking genius, alright
Now a few- and I love this- is your chance to ask how to get better, because while we point Had all these problems on c t, I the only solution to actually fixing everything that's going on is for us to raise our standards on an individual level. So q and a f is the solution. C t I's more the problem then we have real talk. Real talk is where I really really pissed off. I come in and I say a whole bunch of stuff and You say holy shit, this guy's, crazy when you go home and you think about it and you're like yeah, he is crazy, but he's also kind of right right, yeah. and and and then what happens is you're able to see things in a new perspective and then you're able to adjust fire and fix your shit. Hopefully that's the goal. Because no one really ever tells you the real shit. That's the truth. Okay, all your friends! You know when you're fuckin fattest fuck in your laziest fuck. What are they
Oh, it's ok da bro, you just big Oh, you are good see. I tell you none of that shit. I tell you the truth. Okay, so you can actually fix your stuff. So you want to talk about what kindness is. Kindness is the truth so that you can make a change in yourself, then we have full length episodes full length. Episodes is where I bring an interesting guess and usually very successful in their field or have overcome amazing obstacles in their life, and we talk about how they did it so that you can understand that the stuff that you're, with can be overcome as well. So those are the four show formats, and today we have city I so as always, I'm joined by DJ. Hey. What's up, will you know just finish this summer smog movie powers? I won t go ahead as we saw in it. It's a pint. pushed off areas causing a tropical. Yes is a fruit, but there
if there is a level one in there too. So you get your protein in cool and very, very important hull. So yeah we've got some crazy shit. Man, yeah dewey, shocking yeah living in the fucking twilight zone, and let me guess it's all divisive. It's all designed to get people to hate each other and it's all created by elite level, tyrants, that don't live a normal american life at all and don't even understand how a pump their own gas what else it's probably as do with people, who think that the entire world should be controlled by alter rich people, and then everybody out shooting insects. What's the test was just touch on all of it, I'm sure all of it has to do with all those things. I'm sure the whole world's racist near her That's very much. The show me I'm sure, everybody in america, everybody in america, fucking hate each other and it's your neighbors fault ray it's your neighbors for
I bet they hate you and you hate them and that it's it's their fault that you pay. You know half of the ship that you make in taxes and I get fucked literally every way by your own. I don't know elected representative government that is it am I cause you're, not because we were so here. I am again they went off what else we fought it like a baby bruce you get those ok, that's the voice of good shape. I'll just say it like it's gettin, so predictable Mr Schwaiger, I we see your play the problem It's is now that we all see the play and that we all realize the play. They're going to stop using deceptive tactics and they're going to start using force, that's what everybody should be prepare for, but we could talk about that as we go there for sure and gods. If you want to see any of these articles, pictures links, videos go to Andy for solid com
and find them all man there and were that being said, headline number one that comes from right right here on little will a little little state as it all grow. Missouri real. I reads: bill bars pharmacist from questioning I remarked in effectiveness, is right. Salon sounds salisbury. It's only fuckin two years to eight. By the way they knew about this in April, twenty twenty exact that it worked so Missouri law makers this week, pat his hold on that is via documents from the pentagon. Yes, just fuckin paperwork, a d o d: the pentagon has documents that have been released. That we've talked about on the show that shows that this medication worked in April, two thousand and twenty. So before we get into this, I don't even know what this is.
Go to. But let us remember that no so Missouri law makers this week pass legislation that appears to bar pharmacist from questioning doctors who prescribe the controversial off label drugs. I ever met in and hydro cork went for patients, a measure which pass the house on a resounding one. Hundred and thirty two for this week was talked into a bill related, so professional licensing after passing, both chambers, the bill now has to governor, might parsons desk to its language. The bill would prevent state medical licensing boards from punishing or taking away the medical licence of a doctor who quote lawfully prescribes the two drugs and it prevents pharmacist from contracting a doctor, no contacting a doktor or patient to quote dispute the efficacy of our amendments habits or adopts a quorum tablets, sulphates abbots for human use, unless the backdoor patient ass
it's about the drug's effectiveness, the cylinder ric bratton, a harris ben harrisonville Republican, told the star thursday. He added of the amendment after he spoke with doctors who worried they would lose their medical licenses for prescribing the drugs bratton. Who said he previously bought ivermectin for kovar nineteen, but has never taken it. This stripe described the drug as politicize. He says quote, unfortunately, because of the politicization political nation of those who drugs doctors are being targeted. He said I wanted to protect them from what we got yet to translate. Yeah it's too late. and but like yeah, I look you want to do. Okay, I'm gonna keep your fucking real, because it's called really af. I believe that what we're seeing now is a lot of politicians who are now correctly. Reading that the temperature on the street that people with
Near this shit anymore and they're looking to create the perception that they were fighting for people to hold her whole fuckin found bills, take times to sign, guess yeah, so we're getting. We ve got a pass right before the mid term and others in november. We exactly exactly so. We we a lot of what will you have an opinion opinion? What's european european army that to me that's it meant nothing. We're gonna see a lot more of these. These law makers that are gonna be passing these bills right these these two thousand page bills and have a bunch of fluff an extra shit in their path, pockets continually, but they have the perception that We are fighting for the people. We got mid term elections coming. That's all the factors dummy mapping- and this is all this is that's just
it's been signed April. Four or fucking you know April twenty twenty, you know what I'm saying is when the problem is, we don't have leaders with fucking backbone right, that's that's the problem and nobody wants to be the one dude. If you remember that the social pressure to go along with the nerd, I remember, because I was one of the only one standing up against them and In the social product, pressure was incredible. I will say that I will say: I've never felt more socially pressure in my life to go along with something than I had with the the current thing of covert and black lives matter at the time. but I think a lot of people work extremely scared of covert and I think, a lot of people, even though they had Questions about black lives matter, they went along with the to avoid any resistance, and both of those things have turned out to be met. We all see what they are right. You know
So yeah, I see how you see a brown, and I see that I think you know people should be smart enough to go by I can really see who fought for who, who I think we, I think we have an opportunity here to really look at things and say you know these people had their chance to do the right things and having fuckin years yeah, bro, democrat or republican okay, they had their chance and they could have stood up for us in the beginning and because they didn't the collateral damage has been massive. It's been massive. We have the largest wealth transfer in the history of our country, okay from the middle class and lower class to the upper class, and that's not right.
it's hard to live in the middle class society, it's hard to live in poverty. This these are hard things and these people's greed force. This scenario in the political objective was to make middle class and the lower class less powerful and then more powerful. Ok and more wealthy and we have a chance to stop it now with our mid term. Election. Ok- and I put my personal view- is that every single person that served in office of any capacity, during this time that didn't stand up for what it is. We all know to be true. Now, okay should go to all of them, and that's on the left and the right in the middle everybody who didn't stand up, there's very few people that did not stand up or dessert a few people that stood up and did stand up and do no good.
These are people who have just been still playing that fucking game go we're fighting for your freedoms is on talk, not challenged this in this mother fuckers that got fuckin destroyed by the media right for standing up for us. Ok, the people they tell you to hate the most. Those are the people that have done the most for the people. Now, that's the truth. Ok, it's one of the reasons and on behind guidance, because I saw what the fuck they did to him and there are afraid of him because he cannot be fuckin bottom bent over compromise. That's the truth. Ok! So. We have it. We have an opportunity here as a country to really evaluate whose there to serve, and who is it if you want to quit cheat sheet to know who's there to serve and who isn't? We can go to the last forty billion dollars that was sent to you. brain. Now we can see who voted to send it and who voted not to send it and the ones
They voted not to send it. Those are the people that are for the people and at, and there was only like forty one of whom I think there was less and less than the yet, when you wait regarded It was very few, was small, and what that tells me as at the rest of this, the rest of this corrupt fruit needs to be cut off right. So we have an opportune Do that peacefully in organised fashion, by just putting egos aside and realized. Rather year democrat. Fundamentally a republican. Fundamentally that we are under attack, our freedom is under attack and we can discuss all these things later under the framework of our system right, but we have to get people in. System on both sides that are, not beholden to corporate interests, who can't be bought, weren't gonna bent over under the media pressure Cedric Cedric sector. We have to return the government too
a situation where it's for the people by the people of the people right and right now we don't have that. Oh okay, and so this sort of like late game. These moves like what what save face? That's what I that's, how I see it? That's what it is meant to save face. My thing is row, but you said we have an opportunity or opportunity here november to get those people that hat. not have our interests out of office through the means that is laid out planning clearly in our constitution. Right that does not happen. Then those people will be removed from all will do the same. Fuckin means that are laid out in our constitution that we have an obligation to do so with that I do is, is is eerie to me because it feels like this is like fucking, seventeen, seventy five right now it yeah. You know what I'm saying while there's there's two ways: look at that bro! You can look at it as a negative or you can look at as positive and how I look at it. This is why I support who I support always support two guys openly and I'm sure, there's more out there
measures are already. I support guidance and EU smith because they understand something that nobody is really talking about. Ok, everybody, sling in mud, everybody slinging dirt everybody's trying to bury people's character; hey mother fucker in amerika. We don't care about the shit, no more! Here's what we care about people, there are actually committed to creating what america should have been from the start right right. What our constitution says, whether you want to argue and say well, it was for only white people and not women, and not why people yeah, maybe that's the truth, I dont know what I do know we as americans have an opportunity to create the idea, of america has always existed of what it should be in reality. Ok, so you know that Why dont, like drops slogan campaign, make amerika great again, because I dont personally believe
america has ever been or fulfilled its actual potential of what it was supposed to be I believe for a very short amount of time. It had started them that way and we ve made tremendous progress over the two hundred and power. Many years has been massive leaps. Yes, m position. Now, where I think most of society agrees, I would say ninety nine point: nine percent of society agrees that every fucking american is title the fundamental rights and that we all and the truth is. I don't think America is fundamental. racist or any of the ship. They say if we go on in the real or in the real world and everybody's cool okay, now are there some evil fucks that do evil shit? Yes, but they should be held accountable, regardless of what their skin color may be, are what the excuses its offered for whatever their actions could be. I don't give a fuck now. Ok,
So we we have to be smart enough, as is as people to recognise that wow things from the ass may not have been good. We shouldn't ruin the future because of things that happened one hundred years ago, or one hundred and fifty years ago or fucking ten years ago, right, we should be working towards our true potential of what america could look like if we weren't continuously. pressed and overtaxed taxed in overborne and intentionally divided and all of these things that these elites due to keep their power and keep us from having any power or haven't prosperity, and that sounds weird. for me. But the truth is it's a good thing I experienced what I have I've gone from very small to very large business and I value that opportunity here in amerika- and I wanted for everybody else, even if they don't want to take advantage of it. I what
the opposition leader, and it should be there for every single fucking american, whether their white, whether their black, whether their woman, whether there are men, whether their elegy bt, q, and whatever else we should all have the fucking freedoms here in this country, and we have an opportunity to do that together. If we could fucking ply the structure of our government away from these elite box that hate us and use us to stay in power what's happening. Now is the same thing. That's happened throughout history over time when people get power corrupts them know and they started. They started instead of understanding that the way they are continue to have powers that creating a prosperous environment. They all the way of of of the negative side, and they say well. The only way that we can keep power is by suppressing none and that's not fucking. Good man- and this is
Why people like Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden and these people, who have been in government for fucking forty years? That shit is the end. There should be term limits. There should be. There should be rules about. getting super wealthy- why are there to serve, etc, etc, etc? We have the opportunity if we as people on the ground. Level can start to recognise that were being fucking played. to actually create a potential that has never existed before. So that's the other way to look at this whole thing. Now. That's how I look at it. Oh yeah, I think that's how it should be looked at. You know,
I mean do what we do spend our whole lives fighting over shit. That happened two hundred years ago. Right now I mean it ruins our lives. I think I think dude when I think of of this country and what it stands for right, it's more of a myth. It's all about the opportunity you have. You have the the space and opportunity to do so, and I think that's what makes america great that's what will make america great is when you have collectively the the the country, the society, the people that reside in that country are all striving for better for that yeah. That's what makes this country great yeah do and it has to happen on an individual level and you breach it all the time and- and I think we'll get there. I think we'll get there again. It's just you know how exactly they want that to happen. So, as I go a headline number two hell unable to reach a new record,
Joe Biden delivers nasty speech, blaming republicans after leftist shoots up, buffalo store only eight hundred and twenty one people, to name but eighty one million votes when was at so this was just yesterday or yeah, just as good as though this was today so Joe Biden traveled to buffalo new york to smear republicans and blame conservatives for a mass shooting that happened on saturday at a grocery store or by the range teen and emitted leftist, Joe Biden used the opportunity to divide the nation and spread lies, but only A hundred and twenty one people tuned in to watch his nasty remarks, its new record for the batteries, yet his handlers once America's americans to believe he won. The election with eighty one million voters. A quick clip from that speech was from today correct, as we exist were called upon it
defending the venom of and their work. as a war. Violence through words, indeed that stuff. Our streets are stores, are schools, this venom. This violence cannot be the story of our time. We cannot allow that to happen. Look I'm not naive. I know tries to come again. It cannot be forever overcome. It cannot be fully understood here, but there are certain things we can do. We can keep us all weapons off our streets. We ve done it before I didn't want to pass the crime, though last time and violence went down, shootings went down, you can prevent p
it be radicalized to violence, but we can address the relentless exploitation of the internet to recruit and mobilize terrorism. You found my best ride there and then, in part one now he he's talking about anybody that doesn't go along with them exactly if you don't go along with, if you don't go lockstep with their agenda you're. That's what he's talking yeah for us yeah. It's absurd yeah. I know, but it's also the rest of america yeah. Like that's the point was note note very few people actually hear the eight hundred and twenty people showed up the road. I could go live on my fucking phone like right at the second and get ten times that amount. Okay, so Let's be real about the traction that they're trying to create. Now we have another two. So let's call, unless I give it for a second. I now we twitter or be exposed for all there apparently purse
extremely high percentage of bats. I now we other fuckin pole and every other piece of news is hit the mainstream news for the last two years. The opposite has actually been true, so you know I don't know they say they got five to ten percent bought flowers to twitter without without actually mean sector. It means, There's a whole bunch born in what they say for a and this is gonna open them up to extreme liability in that's fine, but what I'm trying to get to people. Don't understand. Is that they're creating a perception that just isn't real yeah? That's why you took off the dislike button on the white house's welcome page because of this. Why would they have to do that like this guy, so hated? They took that away. Why would they have to do that, of course, the bots going to dislike it? I know but yeah the the the the regular, I think, the
regular people who worked really hard during the day, and I have time to keep up on all this shit r r. Slow to realise the amount of manipulation, it's actually happened ass. If an arm. You know it's becoming that's what I said at the beginning of the show like it's all the veils coming up and when these people historically get exposed, they turn to force right and that's that's gonna be the next step and I think people need to really take that serious and be prepared. for it, because they're gonna make resisting whatever it is. They want very difficult for most people now. If people you know and go on the offensive ahead. Now my fucking America's our country, I don't give a fuck what color you are: what ratio our religion? You are what you choose to do with your generals, we're fuckin. Here. This is our shit and fuck you right and if we get to that point, they can do nothing yeah right, I do also like it.
Allow me a couple of things with the whole the whole thing to begin, where I mean while bro. If you go straight, if you listen, I've already research, the fuck out of the shooting like I would argue that the dynamics of it all you want where, at the end of the day, the truth of this truth that guy's evils fuck. For sure, ok, whether he was manipulated or recruited or whatever. That would be the same as saying o the guy who drove over all the people on the way concert in or the guy who showed all the stuff, I don't give a fuck what color they are. They know it doesn't matter now. They're fucking evil needs to be exterminated, that's fuckin! That's! What's up, What people are failing to realise and- and this is and then I saw- and I can confirm that it's actually the truth, because it could be easily fucking fate, but You know that manifesto that he left online. Ok, you put that man thus to all over two fucking internet and he talks about how he he hates the fucking conservative
then, etc, etc, etc, etc, and then they too, a painted, ass, conservative and people are smarter than that you're, the man those already been removed off the internet, the boy. king. It's no one can read it because what it says and what it says is in and I've read a whole bunch of it when I gather from it is how this dude was locked before down. for two years read all kinds of crazy shit on the internet, hee hee I believed all the covert stuff Ok, he was one of them that the covert like you got the vaccine we now we got the vaccine brow. He fucking wore a respirator mass like two weeks ago to a family function, and then he got covert. ok and what's happening now, and this is this is something to note is that a lot of people were were were put in a position where they were completely fucking play.
In it's. It's a really hard thing for someone to come to terms with that. You would be manipulate. did that heavy and when I see happen here, is this motherfucker snack? Ok, any as the trial for someone to blame, but you know I don't really care why he did it. I don't care if he's a fucking racist, I don't care. If he's a fucking communist, I don't care, if he's a fuckin pro freedom american. If you do shit like this, You know your place in the world, you don't play. Society, forfeit your rights and if we all got on that page and stopped arguing out the reasons why people do things in starting dressing them for what they actually do, all the rest of the ship will go, way, but they don't want that to happen. have leverage on us and blame each other. It's not each other browsers evil in the world, and we should all be
united against the evil in the world, regardless of where the fuck comes from yeah. I just say how they play on the fucking, the the and they play on this race thing so much. That is really turned a lot of people off and that's the good thing about it right, like Peter Doocy, he questioned: what's what's your name karina or green the new press secretary yeah, because I why didn't he go up to to wagashi? Why did he go? The grownup got a whack a shot during the er. When the black supremacists ran over a bunch of sixty white people killed a bunch of him. Why didn't he go there? You know, and people are seeing this, the the the the the hit, but the hypocrisy and all of this right. So that's a good thing. I remember like he brought up the the fuckin ninety ninety four crime bill, like Biden bro, that does
Fortunately, we locked up more black people than any other bill in this fucking country in the history of this country. He helms anvil, like you're, trying to like use that as a fact, oh we're going to use that to get your assault rifles. Okay, alright, I think people are are wised up to it. When I do see- and I want to know your thoughts on this andy- is that what I see them trying to play cause again and saving face when back to the first headline we showed it's all saving face. I see Biden trying to pass an anti black bill, some some some time within the next couple of months ago. Definitely before norman, I I would be willing to bet a whole lot of something on where, where were you? What do you see as last dessert efforts are what I'm saying I I agree with everything you say I think people are: are sick of being race, baited against and and lied to and told that people would that look different than them.
I hate you and- and they know it's not true- it's just not true. I just do it's just not true nature. There's evil, fucking people period that had him and here's the problem. The narrative they push is what creates the evil? It's a self fulfilling thing right right, So if you really want to blame people for something that somebody decides to do, It's racially motivated. Maybe you should blame the people who propagate race division all fucking day Which is our government and our media and hollywood and fucking everybody alright, so nobody's out there talking about unity for real it's our way or get the fuck out, and that's not true, and you know I I I don't know if they'll pass something might be right. But I know this I know they're going to try as far as they possibly can to create as much
ass in division on the ground level. that may include- were worth three up until mid terms and and that's what they're gonna do and it's gonna get I think it's gonna get real bad. I don't think this summer, like people, think all twenty twenty. I don't, I think you'll be worsened, which twenty I think there's gonna be way. These we re works is right to ask us to twenty dollars. A gown. You have a broad are our hope in our our chance to get through that is for everybody ahead of time to decide. I'm not going to be divisive. I'm not going put your job on these ban. We're not gonna jump on the ban wagons, I'm not going to are going to join in with this intentional division, and I'm going.
I stand for unity with everybody, and once we get that figured out, their games will not work anymore. So my hope is is that you know like one of the things I think they're going to do. Is you know, and they're already doing it as create these food shortages? Well, you know what's happening to sri lanka right now, right right People are rioting because they're fucking starving they're, not even reporting okay, but what we need to be doing here is: we need to be anticipating that food shortages are coming and we need to be working to help the people who who can't afford, who aren't gonna, be able to afford to get food, and we need to look after each other in our communities and try to help each other at the fuckin neighbourhood level. Get through this and not turned a violence like they want us to, but instead turned a compassionate. finest and care and taking care of each other like we do here in amerika. That's that actual insurance against the play, they're going to try to run so
Hopefully you know, I know a lot of leaders. Listen to my show. Hopefully I you know you guys will start doing this. And get ahead of this and understand that when it comes the message, Is unity man? It's not it's not buying to their narrative right now like we can't afford to be the proper gator of their people. baganda any more, you know and when you, when you build their legend for them, they they their legend gets stronger. I, like I talked about a couple of shows ago on dear man, where you know people say something, and then they get attacked by a few like fucking, nobody These are even if they're not nobody's right and people have a different opinion. You, the the the progressive left, has kept their foot on people's throats. That way, you know, and, and what is done is create a silence amongst a lot of people, because they just
don't want to deal with it, and now we have this situation, so I'm hoping that ever, but he understands like we shouldn't- be building these people's legend for them by by overestimating her over exaggerating how much resistance with It is because when we virtue signal the resistance of oh, I got canceled seventeen fucking times. What that does is creates a harder situation for the timid people who believe the shit to be true, who are maybe less secure with being vocal and standing up, we're getting involved that keeps them off. The fuckin feel need them on the feel right and when say we I mean eighty percent of common sense, america, we gotta, take the system back and then
we get the system back. We can then argue about what laws are going to be, what in what those things are, but right now we, the people, are not in control of the country, the way it is designed for us to be so. I have no issue with anybody that disagrees. With my my stance is ok, but I have an issue that we can't even get our stances heard in our own government, because corporatism has taken over in bribes and lobbies and that should buy them. Everybody So, even if you don't agree with me on all my stances, understand that, like I want, Somebody like you, who's not bought and paid for two the person I'm arguing that a trillion dollar corporation with their interests in mind, you see what I'm saying That makes sense order. Absolutely does not. We have to respect the essence of america brow. The essence of this country is that everybody has a fuckin voice
the matters yeah and we need to stand up and utilise that voice and respect each other's voices, and we have to reject this idea of you know a few super early fucking billionaire people controlling the complete outcome of every decision is made I like that can happen and we have to reject the media mudslinging. We should be voting for people who paint a fucking, better vision for this country, not people who sling mud at the other candidate. That's all there not that one. I think that that goes to a whole nother point to the band like we. We need to stop looking at these people who go to plot politics and and and and serve quote unquote as fuckin like these, these low lying guys we're like these. These are not like. by any means. Fucking super intelligent, super capable people.
You, I'm saying I like bide, like whoa until recently brought the best and brightest of america on even interested in doing that. Your hawk now too busy building fog in america. You know what so like. I wish we could stop idolizing these most others and understand that hey Joe Biden, he we ve broken when he couldn't. They bore me near meeting now. You know I'm sam, like leave these people That's all they are the regular fuckin people. They gotta got controllable a little power right and corrupted? Well, that's what they built their fortune, percent eu norms and, like I want us to stop doing that we have to we have to
if we want to actual free country, because a country campi control over the interests of a few of the wealthiest peep, no man we talk about it with the show me umbrella. We need regular, fuck, an american and by the way the system they want would make me if you really more wealthy, like I'm just being on such, but I dont come from that place, I'm from regular america and am I ain't about it? That's fucking, bullshit, and so you know, I just hope. Americans could come together and understand that we are in a position to truly create the best america that ever existed. If we can pride, the struck sure of our government away from the correctness. Now you know and that's a left or right, roll out, I'm mad at you. I don't buy into the division that left right. That's a divisive thing too,
L. L are black. Why cops verses? Everybody again, you know all the covert threaten programme Everything's devise a blue dress. Go have really try to consciously remove yourself from every piece of device umbrella, I've to. I gotta get pissed off when I read some of this shit, but I also have to know that do? As I ask myself is, while my pissed and in what are they trying to may be pissed? You're insane and I see a lot of conservative inflows sir, that are not grasping the concept of unity right now. We there's a lot of people, moore who lets say we're middle left who feel homeless right now because they feel like for coming out with this crazy should either. But I am also. Out with them, and because our warmest and now that we gotta get over to pass that ok an end.
We have to understand that we're not put our differences side for a minute to take our ship back and then we can get back to fuckin. You know haven't healthy discussions about solutions as opposed to this ultra divisive media fuelled fuckin bullshit, that we ve gotten to like we have a chance to create a better america, a better that's ever existed We could be the generation that action, really maximizes the potential of what the idea of this country was. That's exciting. New knowledge. You know, and that's when I say we have two options: we have that option as great, but the other option is taught we're. Gonna lose and it's gonna be a technocratic way more take what we have now and accelerate times a hundred. That's what it will be. An arm aren't believing that now so
with the I'm with whoever wants to be with me. You know what I'm saying like if you wore masks and got vaccine now, you're regretting it and you think fuck dear fuck like at dared to me those people are victims like we should be fine and for those people not now fucking, hammering them with memes saying how stupid they fucking are now. Were they stupid when it was happening, yeah cause, I was trying to point out stupid. They are, but the point is: is that the things done now so like we can't, we can't argue over spilled milk? Do we gotta take the opportunity that we have in front of us move forward on, this room tat our third and final hell, I'm for you have on number three three red tax filings. reveal how be Elam. Cofounder spent charity. Phones. Ok, I know I listen. There's none of the advice of fang by like he's motherfuckers, so black mathematical found a choose. Collars use charity funds.
to pay her brother and her child's father. I watering sums of cash for various services. According to tax documents filed with the irish to co founders, brother Paul collars saw a cool sum of eight hundred forty thousand dollars. His bank account for allegedly providing security services to the non profit organization. Tax documents seen by the post show me, while the organization paid a company owned by damon turner, who, with whom colors shares a child. almost nine hundred seventy five thousand dollars to help quote. Produce live events as well, as other quote: creative sir is now the foundation had an operating budget of about four million dollars according to a board member, In thirty seven million dollars, was spent by the foundation on grants real estate and charter on private flights. According to the taxpayer lungs I once more
Thirty two million dollars was invested in stocks, he got nearly a third of the ninety million dollar the organization received in donations. The investigation is expected to become an endowment, I'm sorry, the investment is expected to become an endowment in a bid to ensure the foundation's work continues to the future. Sixty page four nine ninety document and annual filing required for non profit organisations to maintain their taxes and status shows collars, reinforced, reimburse the organization seventy three thousand dollars for trotted fight. The elements says she took the flight and twenty twenty one out of concern for the covert nineteen pandemic and the health risks that it could come with it. Our colors already found herself in hot water after receiving a cool one hundred and twenty thousand dollar payment for unelected, ceases picture from that flights. There were no mask on the flight. Our guarantee issues guarantee that when I button-
roger rather show the bill and pay bowers over two million dollars for providing the organization with operational support. Such a staffing and fund raising a foundation bow to launch a quote: transparency: count ability sensor on his website to make its financial documents available for public inspection bowers, who was named as one of Three members of belgium's board of directors and may serves alongside butcher, sicily, gay communications, professional and a who was name one of three members of belgium's border. There's a may serves alongside butcher, sicily, gray, a gay communications, professional insane parker, A member of the alarms, los angeles chapter on this really bothers me. Do this really bothers me? and I know we need now- there is unity in all of this, but this really bothers me personally yeah, but again he J people were lied to. They were fucking, lied to.
So go ahead with your statement, I'm just saying that in mind yeah, I I get it man, but it's just like you know, do for the last three years. Really for cause, I mean I've been talking about blm for a minute. Now it's been, it's been longer nat because it's been eight years because it's been two thousand and four virginia amber, like I, people for those we didn't realize were in Saint louis and were right down the street from Ferguson. In the first sign of blm was dirty MIKE brown, the situation up there in ferguson, you know, but I like being extremely vocal on this shit, I'm a colony shit out, man and I've been called no coons uncle tom's. You know all of this shit for simply saying that there is the these are two separate things going on here. There is a statement of black lives matter and I support the whole heartedly mature think they should matter more. I think they should matter more than they currently do in the black community right But then there is an organisation that is money laundering, our fuckin money in the names of dead black people right that they don't give a fuck, and I'm too
you. Know and the fact that I simply call that out and say: hey guys, there's probably something here. You know I am fucking, outcast it and and and and and called a white supremacist and a fucking. You know uncle tom and all of this shit. You know It really frustrates me it just it really. It really really bothers me. You know- and I pointed this out today on my facebook page and I still got fucking people like. Oh well. What about this like? What are we doing like? What are we doing oboe? First of all, again, you know people were fucking lied to and it's sad because, like people are still hanging on the racial divide. At this point, I'm starting to like really like. I think at this point we're starting to see people who just have anti white racism in them hard and they feel ok to vocalize it, but I think the majority of people that supported blm believe that they were doing the morally right thing now, and you know you have to take that into
consideration when you think about that right, so yeah, just like you, I was called many things right. You know and I the attacks were were were heavy and it is what it is like it was it it wasn't. I mean I listen. I've been ask for a long time. So it's cool, I know who the fuck- I am not gonna say it was hard or anything, but I mean there was people pissed off and on you know, you only get that pissed off. If you believe that you're on the morally right side of things- and you know- I think that- People have a reasonable expectation that the things that the media puts out are true and that most people are good and- and I think that we have people who are not good,
manipulating the good hearts of every single american on the fucking planet in a which way they can in order to maintain their control over the people know, and- and you know it- I understand how you feel- because I I feel the same now, but you know if we really want to call if we really want a solution to the problem, we have to create space for the people. That believed the opposite of what we knew to be true. At a time now and- and I I have plenty of space for those people, because those people are americans too and honestly- the reason that you're so pissed off in the
his and I'm so pissed off isn't because of the attacks. It's because those people were fucking. Fooled and it pisses the fuck. Does that mean that that's a lotta that my thing is like how like guys it's here, it's in your fucking face and all we were ever trying to do was to inform there, and so I hope that that side of things understands that we also had the right- and in this case we happened to be technically correct right right, but both sides are operating from a place of of doing the right thing and wanting the same yes, and so you know, we can't be we can't let this divide us any more? We have to start being smart and take a step back and pause before we emotionally gets
screwed up by the hollywood media, political matrix that exists, and you know I wrote she needs to be in the fucking federal prison for life for for her life forever for life, because dude, what the divided, the divisiveness that they created will take years to repair, do and- and recent fuckin penny that was collected by them. Likewise matter, I like every single for company that was taken from them or or taken by then it should be all be equally dispersed and to every single fuckin, black name and black person that they wanted to hell up and put hashtags in front of the family, all of their family agri. Another. I agree, I think that's a real solution in any person that work for this organization do like she did some some. I do. There was a lot of sketchy shit as well. Did she now do it all the corrupt people do yeah like it's? Not. It was as you thus the other thing to any other government
story I mean, is breaking right as every it's everywhere. You look right and I've been looking at some places and some and some some are some people in the black community brother literally saying. Well. Why people do that too? I said why people use, or are they using white people dead, white people to see what to like the same thing that the money laundering thing like? Oh, why people do it like? That's their excuse not to try to excuse this bullshit. We mean a white people there that they exactly well, that is one evil. People steal money, exactly Not only that bro like like you, don't see like I've, at least I've never seen. Nor are we going to we're going to we're going to choose race over right and wrong. I mean that doesn't make sense and that's what really this is me, like I'm saying I look, I mean no, the white people don't do that like what's in this particular case, that's not what wiping do when criminals are killed or family members are killed in a piece of shit. Why people say well
It was only a matter of time. That's what happens. That's the white culture. Jim Bob was I condemn. That's right, we don't have. These big marches for people were murdered reason. the rest or fight the cop to do anything, because Our point of view, is you fucking deserve it? If you fight with the cops, should You know, but I also understand that always third, I understand that there is different perspectives. Everything but like lead. If we're gonna say, oh all white people do know why people don't do that, sat culturally. What why people do now- and that's just true- now is it now are we do? It would not be socially accepted because. Can you imagine a white lives matter for temporary, going down the street? You know, that's what I'm saying you wouldn't happen. That's what I'm saying when will I do it's never it's. You know we're talking about race, You know the reason you don't see. People saying white pride in shit like that is not because they secretly had it
they are trying to like, say everybody has its because they know been allowed to be proud of their race. I've never been I have to say I am proud to be white and, to be honest and now give a fuck. Ok, I'm just proud to be a fork in american and your browser contributing yeah, but like dirt, providing general ever think about the actual social constructive rates. You know, Every other ways can say their proud to be whenever they are white people can't say that, because its consider what isis, racist or white supremacy so in that's been going on not just last two years. That's my whole life. I've. Never, socio my identity as a white person, god never said Yeah, I'm a white beard. I fucking you know and for my question is brokers ike. you look like you understand what I'm saying I get what you're saying like if I don't base my identity and race like I'm just this is how
This is this is why I see everybody else as a human and not as a black dude or as of this year and as that is possible in autumn, is pointless with tat your entire fucking life, meaning to the color of your scat. That's what I'm saying pointless emma, but though point you go any level killer. You looked broke. I will fit nineteen. Fifty nineteen, forty ninety fifties we're. Why supremacy? real right now and I would be were absolutely real. Now still will now less less presidential changed the defective change. The definition of why supposition, why supremacy used to be a far far far extreme groups that believe that why people were superior to black p? all right, taught that shit rallied shit and went like did bad share with it. right mama, but now it's become its every wipers. These agriculture, my my quest It is rather like. Ok if we could all collectively agree and looked back in the nineteen forty fifties and say that hey those people that work,
It's around saying no white power might white latino white white pry right if we can all collectively agree and say that that was wrong Then how is it allowed here in twenty five and twenty two that we can have? many by walking around saying that the color of their skin is something to be proud of, but I just don't like how do like the symptoms. and like it doesn't mean I do understand, because I'm a dude who falls in that category- I understand completely. I understand the hypocrisy of the entire system yeah, you know and, and it What I don't understand is how I'm the racist for being only purse I can't say I know who the fuck I am like. That's that's bizarre to me and it doesn't make any sense if you really think about it now I really do, but the truth of the matter is. We could talk about this all day long, but but at the end of the day again- and we should see each other
colorblind. We should it be a meritocracy. We should be judging people on what the content of their character is and what we believe them to be and what they ve done, and how to define them, and we should see people that live in this country, whether they are different religions and ass. Well, There are different skin color than us, whether their whatever as americans. now they are citizens of this country. That's what makes this country you need that our common is on its cultural melting pot of all different cultures that decide to become a part of this country. Ok, we're we're one of the few countries that basically
I think we're the only country ever where we ve had this much different cultural diversity that hasn't literally fuckin kill himself, but we're on the verge of that now today than us within a push, a push, a push perch, and do we have to get back to what martin Luther king said? You know look do its is not the color of someone scheme. It's the fun, in content of their character, man that in that period that's what I was always taught growing up. The problem is we have a we have twenty year olds that were not taught that he should I'm saying so like we have to really us as the people who know better. We have a lot of indoctrination division to fight in people's mindsets and, at the end of the day, bro. What colors your blood red
is read to know what I'm saying so like. Maybe we should consider that instead of arguing and biting and chewing all this like fuckin division, that they create for money cause dude, I would like to live in a peaceful place where I don't I don't, I'm not attacked for being the color of a live in an apparently. You know, that's what other people say they want to. So, let's stop right. I dunno man, I mean we're like boot. I I see it as of the icy when people fall into the race argument as a very primitive belief system cause. I saw the guy yeah like I, I don't to me. It's bizarre.
Then, in twenty twenty two we are even literally discussing race anymore. I mean fuck over the, how many fucking thousands of years right like we're still like nah dude. As I know I'm now with that, it's not even fucking. True like it's, it's just not true now and then, but that's the good thing right, like movement moving forward where america will will will get to I'm confident it will get to this this. This places that That shit will have no place in society. No yeah, I really want criminal activity have no place in society. Race, baden gas island has no place in society. Evil fox elite has no, it will not. It will not be accepted by
we buy this country. We can accelerate that by doing that now and speaking out now, that's well! That's how it starts it's the same as the same republic. The problem is they browbeat a lot of people into being very quiet and timid and afraid to get involved, and that's why I tell you guys, like you, need you guys listening to the show we have enough horsepower on this show to correct this problem. If you All we just do your little part, no little corner of the massive ripple of this romance gas. Our final segment of the show. We have my thumbs up her mind as usual wash your hair longer than the two thumbs up two thumbs in the butt and Andy. Where does our thumbs up headlines usually come from the shoe places now california, the florida florida in India? Oh yeah, india, that's right! Well, this was from Florida. I have. I read. Florida family finds eleven foot gator in their back.
guard swimming pool fuckin for article reads: he turned it into gator eight. I think the guy help right this article. Yeah yeah, I give the floor to them. I was shocked to find a gigantic eleven foot, alligator submerge in their backyard pool. According to the charlotte county sheriff's office, the deep creek residents heard a nighttime racket in their backyard this week and came out to invest I hate the noises, the family recoiled in horror after spotting the massive creature enjoying a nocturnal swim in their pool with the help of a specialized alligator trapper police, remove the bees from the premises. An official said it ended up weighing five hundred and fifty pounds and measured roughly eleven feet. Deputies discovered that the invader tore through a screened enclosure to kick off the pool party, while always check your pool before diving in red, a fart fire read a department, facebook post announcing the incident
a couple of pictures holy shit, holy shit, holy shit is right. That is a big fucking. What if he walked out in like for you didn't like seat at what does he like didn't turn the lights on? You just jump in your pool like what I go on now now the I know, but like you got terminals are naturally not just come on automatically send. You know, like usually the pool lighter. The sums: are you now you might? You might said the moon. Why? Certainly, this holy shit role as a bit like a game that is being always shit? Man he's like duties, I pissed off he's like fuck fuck em. I swear well was a pool, is only one of in the fucking neighborhood yeah sacks sucks man sexual. I got here I mean lay a new body. Now there are no shit imagine if there was a lack of they had a small dog borough like world order.
it's crazy to me like an it's funny cause like forty people. It's like tore nato's here. There is not enough in the leg like tornadoes people that are from here, like their lot holy fuck, yeah, foggy tornado right, bro, calm down there a gaiters and florida dared right now. I don't know how you all live with these fuckin prehistoric dinosaurs down. There too can fuck and totally each you and not give a fuck. That's a big fucking know shit you're not But nobody got hurt, so that's a thumbs up two thumbs up for a night swim, no fatalities when I might not be moving now that they didn't they didn't tell him to get rid of a meter. That's always good! That's always good! So I appreciate that. I I I'm you know I like animals as shack, Peter yeah, fuck yeah.
for anti god. That's all I got man gosh, that's the show. If you liked the show reassurance sleeping on the floor now. My jewelry box frozen vogel's book stole countless millions in kobe beach, booty smoke got a rope. Kang doesn't know, shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-29.