« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

295. Andy, Ian Smith & DJ CTI: Baby Formula Shortage, Air Force Academy Cadets & Sexual Harassment For Using Wrong Pronouns

2022-05-16 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by Congressional Candidate & co-owner of Atilis Gym Bellmawr, Ian Smith. They discuss the baby formula shortage in America, Air Force Academy cadets not being allowed to graduate unless proof of vaccination, and a Wisconsin middle schooler accused of sexual harassment for using the wrong gender pronouns.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one is now my jewelry box from the stove counter, millions in the kobe teach buddhist god got one thanks. Rope kang doesn't know headshot case club. Is that guys? The charity for seller- and this is the show for the really say goodbye to realize the pinkness and illusion of modern society and welcome to mother fucking reality guys today we have Andy a dj. Dear smith, who's, the mother, fucker, minimum rules, the mother, fucking era and there's a lot of crew as large crews, and you guys mighty caught and we have a say your guest, oh, if you weren't, sneezing and and and burping and charting out, sometimes, but having at all Which we just did not show the show was the triple court was a bit
a lot of nerves. Here, yes, hook up up up up, but selborne good man finally got some time sit down there. I dared densher making the trip in man. I was pledged gallo for those not sleep on the on the floor of their caught his eye terrible now a terrible. Ah, it's been a long time to have you on the show did for those of you, they don't know in smith is one of my very very close friends he's been at the very tipp of the spear resisting the tyranny that was put upon us, I'm in twenty. That got a lot of us change in the course of our last june in trying to get involved what's going on, and you know america makes this long story about how we are united over the you know. Why are patriotic duty
but we re not each other domestic errors, meeting the semester, terrorists, another twenty twenty commission, nothing! I was the one you I am seed massacre terrorist anonymous yeah, so my name's. Basically guys real talk. You know I didn't know each other at all before this happened, you guys private, denies him because we talked about him on the show. Shoney's has become pretty pretty well known, for standing up and keeping his business open and keeping is jim, open and and being heavily persecuted by the local government and We we- I don't know I mean you, I guess we should start like telling people how he connected yeah, yeah so level and about it. It's crazy because it was during a time where everything was just chaotic. You know it was like every day was no frank and I were in this epoch battle just
are single day, we didn't know what was coming and there are a lot of people kind of reaching out wanting to help arm, but I think mean you kind of vibe on on just the way that we we saw the problem in general yeah. I know was I think you and I had the same understanding. Very very early on that. This was a much bigger problem than just small businesses being shut down. Yeah you know it was. It was much bigger than that. Obviously, we ve been proven right. I'm surprised price what we saw I'd eye on, not only the problem, but what what the solution needs to be in the solution was that you know people needed to stand up and people needed to find that courage ends and that stress the message that we ve. I think we both try to champion other people to have tried to ensure all the way through this and now I think people really starting to get it yet are starting to follow through joy again as it's not just about small business, it started they. They snuck in
door with that and all of a sudden here we are two years later and we're dealing with this wildly out of control government that has just given itself all these new, these new powers, the arm and it's just it's gotten to the point of absurdity, do what what was that conversation like like? Okay, so the lockdowns com right now in your gym owner right you're in a fifth of fitness and health space right? What does that conversation look like when all these lockdowns refers going on like what does that look like what was that conversation like between you and franken? Like hey we're not doing this? I with the conversation like we were, we were nine months in to have having just bought a tell us when we bought a till his younger. It was a good dumpster fire of Jim and in a frank- and I I have been doing business alongside each other. You know I had a personal training studio inside of his nutrition store that he's had for twenty plus years and the opportunity came, you know to buy, tell us we had opened up a sec,
in the nutrition store in this gym and we realized that the gym was basically failing and was going to go out of business any day, and we said ok, let's, let's do it. We bear heavily on ourselves, put pretty much earlier, savings into this place and in just a month we had turned round and we were, just fire on all cylinders. When we bought a tell us, there was less than a hundred people a day walking into the door and by the time the whispers of corona virus came around, we were doing. Almost tripled that. Ah, so we weren't excited with that possibility at all and um. You know the whispers turned into it. You know orders eventually and mandates, and we didn't want shut down by any stretch of the imagination, but we didn't know enough at that point, I think everybody remembers the hysteria of march twenty now that the sea around video, you have a blog drop and not all that you look back on it now and it's almost comical because it was so fake.
And it was so overplayed nobody, but then especially position. I don't think anybody wants to cause any harm and that's what they were playing up. The fear right. I just stood up. You are automatically what, if we ever spot- all about yo. Everybody knows a story, you know so we shut down on, but we are very, very sceptical and what we, what we wanted and what we did was we wanted to understand who the these people were there had just come into our lives and had just all sudden told us that you're not allowed to exist. You're not allowed to operate you're not allowed to feed your family right down the street. There's a home depot or wal yeah right down the street or great in our same shopping center. There was a dollar store. That was totally fine. I mean, if you margin, the inside of a dollar, store cleanliness and safety is an exactly up in you know that list of of adjectives, you'd used to describe a dollar store, and you know I just didn't make sense to us
wanted to know who these people were. We wanted to know what this this existential threat was and as soon as we started paying attention- and it just became very, very clear that that this was not what they said. It was, and in fact, that politicians were going to be politicians, they didn't surprise us there, the one promised an under delivered right on schedule. Ah, you know they all kept get pay business as usual on capitol hill in all their bodies get it can also bodies kept get paid. All the big corporations kept get paid in need of our help. Not only do I keep getting paid, they may exponent surely more money What was all that? That's the biggest thing that you guys have like much listless prior remembering apps on, because they thought a lot of shit out as for the last couple years or remember, that was the biggest wealth transfer that ever happened. The history this all competition was just put out of business. I mean that's it. That's a business his dream, all of a sudden, you don't have any competition and you're just your open for business. People still want to spend money
will still need to spend money. They still need to buy goods. This issue that word Cussing is what got me into this. Your hundred percent, because, like I was, I was, I'm always been very much pro freedom guy, but when they started like dude, I'm a I'm a. I started small small business and grew it into it into something. That's not small, and I know what it takes. I know what how hard it is to compete. I know what people are in for to do so and seeing them shut down these companies, knowing how hard it is any way to succeed was unacceptable. I could never. I could never keep my mouth shut about it, and that was where we ve was connected. Was I remember that those first couple conversations where you know it? It was passed like the the
a man love what you're doing you don't get a lot of people reached out and but you know, we kind of continued the conversation- and I remember thinking like man, you're you're unaffected by this, and you said something that I'll never forget, know cause you kept asking me how he could help how he could help, and at the time we didn't know, we were just like I dunno, we'll figure it out but we kept talking- and I remember I asked you I said I said you know: why do you want to help so bad or something like that and you say: You made me laugh because you know you're like bro. You like out this doesn't affect me at all, like I'm, I'm totally insulated, like I'm, I'm good, ah, but I'm not stupid enough to think that, just because the boots on your neck now that it won't come for me an end that was you know that was that was the reason that you jumped in was because you were like well. If I can give you the tools to stand and fight, then the fight won't have to come to my door, and I can I can
run to your flight, so that I don't have to defend my hill for so we're not given up ground to the point where our toes or on the edge and we're on the cliff. Let's, let's run to the fight it is now, even though me personally are not affected by it. and not a lot of people, did that. Well, that's a problem! that's. Why we're not it's exactly why? Because people sat back They said. Ok, you know what, while my business is open. You know I'm good, my family's okay, I'm working from heart. You know whatever it is and, and there were that not to discredit. There was a ton of people who did jump in, but there there wasn't enough people who saw that the problem was going to spread right. Well, that's the thing that I said all the time. It's I know most people they move through life and everything's. Ok until well it crosses their personal lines and personal boundaries. You know what I'm saying like and that's why we see a lot of the inactivity now in americans right there, everybody knows the world's going to shit
by his withdrew. Their line in the sand and instead of like saying, ok, across your fucking mind is go fight this battle together, so it ain't coming, to my mind, the same mentality, they're just waiting for it's across their personal line. Imagine if we all had that lot. We all we all respected. That first line was an ours dude. I would have started right away. That was that was my whole point. You know when I first started coming out speaking out about the business closures. I had people in my own family reached out to me being like we need to stay in your laying you know: you're a great business guy you're getting involved and helps no mother fucker bids this is my lane and there are about to kill it all. All the ship it I've been through brutal ass twentysomething years. I don't forget that rome and anybody who has really been brute anybody who is actually built something from zero to three zero. They fuck, no forget it either because its heavily. It's. I don't want to say traumatizing, because it's like a weak, ass word or way to think about it, but fuck it changes who the fuck you are and used you to never forget how hard
if the times work. This is the same concept as to why second business are second generation business owners suck and why? Third bit third generation business owners kill their businesses it's because they do not value what you and frank we're dealing with on the ground level. You know where literally bro A hundred dollars can fuckin fuck your business you're insane and people forget that shit once they start getting a little comfortable and they get a few ends in the bay. Cried that it's true yeah and that's a major problem did some major problem right now because now we're dealing with all this other shit. That literally, could have been stopped by just saying no right. We are closing and See you and I and guys are aged in our age, we have lived enough. Wife too, Your understand that their response to that pandemic was abnormal right. There's been four or five their pandemics, since you and I have been adults with and not us
single one of them today did they say all this shit and that we stop. Look at the data. Sure c in the little bit of data that was coming out, it wasn't adding up right in line with each one on one and by the way. If you go look at the data today, still lie with that exact. We still in line that's what you were saying: oh, it's a million deaths, no, that's a million fucking desk with corona virus, not I'm corona right right, which is in saying that that its what is still being propagate, I know and our federal government the evening Joe Biden ordered the flags half mass across the country for the million people have died, and it's like that. Such a disgraceful lie what doing that for the history books as an offer us very bad, for example, twenty years now the sis shaping head. Yes, these people are not that's what this is. What people are missing there, not understanding when I at six percent death rate. What I meant was six per cent of what they claim right.
I would argue and grassroots needs thousand people which, by the way, was right in line with fuck and each one in your your fuckin, accepting apologies for when I told you this on march, twelve, twenty twenty, which I'll never forget efficiency cystic, is ninety four percent of those does bad with four or more for more britain. That's correct so, which highlights the bigger problem in and of itself again is that we have a as a society that can't take care of themselves, know bless them down, but let's closed the gym down. Let's closed churches, down, let's close cools down, let's closer of these places that are brought. They were arresting people on the beach for running for surfing popped up on my timeline today it was never forget. They did this and it was the the people out in California who set up a scarecrow on the beach and the jobs work that that was rarely have. I saw that I wanted, but do we want what we
dealing with here. We all knew was abnormal, like people are ain't right and what they did was they took the kids better for eighteen to twenty two who never fucking. They don't know that they're not alive long enough to really remember how we respond to pandemics and that we don't shut down the country and that we don't Where mass? Can we don't do this shit these people How do I know that, so they they push the messages socially with that group of people and made it like a social, shaming thing to not be with them? Look how well it worked there well, how many, how many people made decisions over the past two years, not based on logic and not based on their own intuition or their own viewpoint of the world and just excepted what was put in front of them? Out of fear of shame? It's incredible. I mean you have millions of decision life changing decisions that were
aid about careers, about your personal health, about your finances. You name it that pure who was allowed to come to thanksgiving, get fat family structure. stuff like they are really weapon eyes that divide man. What's there there very good at it, watching them get better at it or I dunno get better at it, but they're they're trying to push it further down the line with issue upon issue upon issue. Dividing the country and to where you have the people who will listen and obey to anything that the government says and they turn these people into weapons. against rational minded people who either I don't wanna, be bothered. which were changed into silence by this. This loud crazy mob of people who just love this idea of government control well, neither one of those things can ever be happening again. Ever ever ever, you can never ever speak
and change your decisions. Out of shame that the media puts on you and you can never again think ever in your lifetime ever ever again. Think oh, I just want to be left alone, can ever think that, in order to be left alone, you have to define your perimeter and protect us right. It's that that's kind of like the catch. Twenty two of the people who just want to be left alone is that requires a fight, like you, can ever be left alive. I don't stop to think the reason. Their able to be left alone is because men and women came before them who fucking protected that so they're riding out the fruits and the investment that these other great americans have made to keep our government in check and They're not willing to do the same bro. That's why? But my last podcast I'm getting fucking pissed. Now it's like eminent domain on personal standards, row yeah, that's good! Yeah! You'd! Think that I did how's it going. I'm serious that you know what I'm saying is like cool without a kidney drew a line in the sand.
I'll go over there smash it off, love it. Oh okay, cool! I just draw yeah, it can happen yeah, it happened, never again, man! Well, that's it! It's that you know I I I despise cliches, but there are cliches for a reason. It's for you know: freedom, isn't free you're, not you're, not going to obtain and maintain freedom. Just because, like you want it, it doesn't happen like that. It comes at a price. There's no such thing as a free launch like. If you want to be left alone, you have to be, to a certain extent dangerous. You know people who have to be you, you have to be willing to stop people at a very individual level from infringed. want your freedom yeah, that's it that that's the point that people missed and once you establish that you're you're good, you actually are prettier you're good and start fucking with it'll come back around, and but it won't come back around like right away. You know it it's! You said about punching the bully in the face right now that that's a perfect. That's a perfect metaphor
for where you know every once in a while, you have to show your teeth. What bro that's the fucking! I that's the like irony here is like trying to get people to understand that once you stand up for yourself once or twice named, kick back, do not only that they go away. Couple weekly my day, leave you the fuck alone, because they know that they're, not that you're not going to take it and no bully wants to come pick on someone. That's going to punch back right right. You know what I'm saying or it's just like you know when I was in prison it it's you see it all the time right. You see these. These guys come in and they get bullied and they get pushed around and because they're always giving stuff up you know they give it up. They give it up to give it up, and it's like the first time you punch somebody in the mouth there it whether or not you win the fight lose the fight. It's not worth their time because there's somebody else that they can go to if they know that you're going to punch him in the face. You know a prison, you get in a fight. Everybody goes to solitary confinement. So it's not war,
is that for for the the guy who's trying to take your you know your commissary or whatever, because he'll just go to the guy. That's not going to put up a fight at all, because he doesn't want to go to solitary confinement it to take a shit. He just wants some tuna fish or whatever yeah so dude. We picked up. You know what, when we got there their march now. One is what enables those extended episode did I. I could don't miss up Maybe I like this. Ok, we ve spent literally fuck how many hours on the phone hundreds hundreds of hours on the phone at this point over the last couple years. Trying to figure out how we contribute to the solution right and in
I know, we've all decided it like. We have our own responsibilities of how we contribute any. You decided that hey man, you know what I'm going to run for congress, yeah yeah, it's an unwilling as not something that I want to do, but think that's. That was one of the things that made me sure that I should be doing it because I was, I was thinking on the back end of other. Tell us as things starting the wind down and we were making some progress. Slow progress in the courts, not irene we're thinking to myself. Ok, what now you know, I just an eye Had this thought that I didn't want to sit around and wait for the next thing to come. My way, you know we played a very, very good defensive game against government overreach. You know, but the problem is that as a society, we ve been playing a defensive game against. a government for too long and were always running to the fire were always trying to put it out. We're
based on our back foot, trying to organise against an organised threat yeah trillion dollar machine a trail dollar highly organized. Machine that is is marching forward with the purpose of growing ever stronger and and neil gathering more control. So you can't you can't play defence forever, so I thought to myself. What do I do now and I've I've been fortunate enough. The past year and a half to two years I've traveled the country speaking at big small events everywhere from maine to California urban area, metro areas I mean dude, it's been, it's gotta, be hundreds and says: oh hey, at least you know it's it's it's been and small crowds big crowds. I spoke in washington, d c in front of one hundred thousand people. I've spoken at small protests and from the state house with ten people, their bro
If you are going door to door yesterday in the fucking rain yeah and the one thing that I've I've kept, you know I always told the story of until us cause there's there's lessons to be learned for everybody, whether you're a business owner or not, and but I always told people you know you got find a hill. You know you, don't you don't you don't have to have a business to open to resist tyranny you don't have to whatever you have to have kid in school, ah to to help out with with parents who are fighting school board madness. Ah, they just find a hill find something your passionate about, and local level state level in federal politics. There's a huge absence of just regular people know we have a government that wildly out of touch with the the issue.
Who's that average americans face, so I've been advocating, got it you gotta, run gotta run. You gotta run, and I realized that, like I was in a perfect position to do that, even though I didn't want to and enhancing our thinking. Well, that's that's the kind of person that we need, somebody that doesn't want to be in politics because they have better things to do so. we're going to get in they're, going to do a job and and then they're going to go on with their lives. The problem is, we have all these people who have nothing outside of politics. These people have never built businesses, they've, never been independently successful. They get in. They get a taste of that power and that money and that influence and they know in the outside world that they can't achieve that. They can't put in the work for it or they don't have the capability for it where they don't have the discipline for it and there on that inside track, and they don't want to ever give that you can't have those type of people in power. What it wasn't there wasn't the the idea of the government the first place. No, my lord
People like like a lotta alot of like people are like We need to rid the government now and fucking, we build a brand new one. Now we have a great sicily have a great system. It's just been corrupted and it's been invaded and hijacking over by people who are willing to sell their decisions for dollar. and stay in their absolute and do those decisions are no longer in the best interests of their communities like they're supposed to be how that's what our governments, based upon representation by the people for the people of the pie that has not been fuck for a hundred and something years. It hasn't been that and that's what people have to understand this, ouch, twenty twenty thing. This is going back years years and years and years and that's why, when you when people say you know, what's your problem Hitters are democrat: no, it's not it's a culture problem that we as americans, people like me and other p
more like you guys out there listening. We, gone off with our wives and end harvested and were harvested the fruits, from the fertile soil that this country has and then we will been doing that all these people they figured out the committee How much money have now work their way to create politics as a career? It's not a career, its service, we looked at no different than someone signing up eight years for the military It'd me, like a historical. You look at politicians, I mean, let's go back like eighteen, hundreds right like these, where farmers these were people in the community hola by the way, you're a hundred percent for term limits. yes planning to know that, but that is an and that's only one part of the issue, because you have this whole other world, and this is something that I've learned cause. I I was pro term limits you know and, and then I've I've sort of
delve are I I've been surrounded into ah the the political world, and you have this entire class of people that have the politicos that are the political operatives, and these people are incredibly powerful because they have the networks that make all this happen. So that's another problem in and of itself term limits is a is a start, but you've got to get the business aspect out of politics that has to it has to return to it and it's it you're not going to get there overnight. It's an incremental thing. We didn't get hero. tonight, we're not going to that system is going to radically change back to the way it should be. It's it's going to be an incremental think. Term limits is a good place to salute also like simple things like whatever laws are passed, they have to abide by as well. Maybe, if you find, if, if you're found and take a whole bunch of money to make a decision for your community you're kicked out of congress for simple things. These are simple things that if you talked to the average person on this
street. They don't really understand because they don't allow you to understand it, and when you explain to people like like hey man, do you think it's right that the person you elected, Recent decisions, for you is actually going to vote for this because this company or rear, made them a million dollars, they will say fuck now, but the problem is most people don't realize. That's actually happen because the media wont work well, that's correct will be either too busy reporting on everything else, the same for issues that divide america people. It's important to also know that most people are ignorant to the culture of lawyers, and most of these people are lawyers, and let me tell you: I've been enough lawyer situations. Ok, if dj suit me- and I have my lawyer- he had his lawyer- those two lawyers go play fuckin golf and talk about how much money can you take for me didn't both of on. We could probably just talk it out.
listen brought over? Don't wanna do like? Let's not get these dues rich, let's solve the shit in funny funny thing: what is what? you're sell you the first thing. Whenever you don't talk to them, Amsterdam, we hear whose you don't to them, but she that's a thing, though, that when it comes to political operas broke, I think real people getting an office. That's, I think, that's gonna, be the quickest way to turn it around, because a thing is people like you right people like air. Great, people like people that it these real americans right that have fought that have served that have sacrificed that have built real things in this country. You can't buy Well, you can I political operatives. They become obsolete. No, no, no you I do. We need people who cannot be boy gave. You cannot be bought those political, political operatives, those lobbies that their attitude all right. How do you buy some out of that can be bought that have already been something the left, something right to come serve? How do you by those be happy again? they want to go back to their life afterwards,
wanna get in here. I saw a problem and we're getting a fucking awesome fix it. When I'm done. I'm going back, they started to say it about neo politicians in the eighteen hundreds. You know the founding fathers of this country. They weren't all lawyers, there was maybe one or two of them in the launching our farmers were farm owners. They were business. Man got me on satellite. Today were doctors, they were they were. They came from all walks of life because the idea was that it's a government of the people by people for the people, and if I don't, if you're being read, presented, but by how much a lawyers you know, you're, not gonna the interests of amerika hence as a whole, are going to get. There needs to be businessmen. There needs to be yet having herders there needs to be teachers. There needs to be people that worked in media
who have said you know what I'm gonna run for for this office, because then you have a very diverse group of people. You have all different schools of thought, all different life experiences coming into the fold and you can have real conversations. You're not just going to have this. This jockeying of of legal bs of people that have you know political science, degrees and law degrees, you're, going to you're going to get a much more accurate representation One of my favorite stories is the story. George Washington now dude fought the revolutionary war. He was out there with no shoes on walking in the snow. In the delaware river, putting the work in and then when he was done. He wanted to be left alone. You know he went back to virginia and left them to. You know left of the rest of the founding fathers to to create this structure of government and they had to convince him for an entire year to come back from virginia
be present, because he didn't want to do it because it was work there was it was who the fuck wants to do that job. It was exactly it wasn't. It wasn't something where, wasn't going to get any more wealthy or successful because it cause he was independently. He had these and his time was better spent pursuing his own. You know his own desires and his own goals, but he said: ok I'll come back and I'll do this, and if you do the job correct. as a politician, it is hard work. You know I'm out here, knocking on doors. You know all day every day, Yom I'm tired by the end of the day will do that. Is that just the physical effort you go through, I'm going to be honest, like I bitched about that, like these, these regular dudes, who have barely said two fucking words for the last two years, but they quote themselves as patriots row. They don't know nothing about resistance. They don't fucking, know
in about resistance, and the reason I got do the reason you're exhausted is because, when you stand on the line, you get it from everybody. Ok, but if we were, if you had a million people stay with you, it wouldn't be so bad. You take a lot less hit. That's why an end We're in all of this was the point of my last show, all of you, men and women. Listening believe in all this shit and say nothing you're part of the problem. You're just delaying you're, not the I understand the aversion to like not want to jump anchors like man. That's that looks uncomfortable. the reality. Is your delaying? What's coming? You know the The world is changing, whether you like it or not. Yeah are now you are either gonna. Take part in that change, or you are going to feel that change. You're gonna, be on receiving end of that change. You know. That's like the big elephant in the room that a lot of people don't want to acknowledge is like the other. They want to hang onto whatever comforts they had in that moment, but they there.
Their exchanging, very, very short term comfort for this. very slow slide to a world that that is not going to be very comfortable for them. When reality what they should be doing a saying, let's run to that fight right now before it gets worse, you know before all my allies, are knocked out and on the last man standing there Real uncomfortable is going to real, uncomfortable real fast, and that's it's in there in the room and a lot of people don't want to acknowledge it, though, the though the focus on issues It aren't really the main issues. You know that the main issue that we have here is that government is far too big and it's wildly out of control and corrupt and corrupt, and they and, at the end of the day, they're sure that there are some great people in government. There really are, but there are Very very those people are very, very outnumbered and The reality is most of these people. I think, there's a spectrum of of bad people and government at the very least, east. They are selfish and they are weak.
And they are self serving and they'll they'll do anything to to get get by and at the the other end of the spectrum. You have some very, very bad people with very bad intentions who couldn't care less about the suffering of of regular know. I think, there's when are they actually like it? Oh yeah yeah. I think there's people legitimately in the government who believe they the ruling cattle class and they like seeing the damage done to america, because we we are speaking out against them and they say this is what you get when you speak out against us. That's what they fuckin that's what they think that I don't know that about washington, about about the took him almost a formula that, if they were, writing him letters and everything that sala the first dictator of Rome yeah so the first dick in it sounds okay, first dictator sounds kind of bad right or the truth. He wasn't so this view was a a common man who
rose up through the roman armies became a general when all over europe kick an ass came back chicken massive at jfk back and basically, I removed all the him from, It said the new system in place and everybody flocking loved him. He was the fuckin hero of all heroes and room, they they anointed him. The first dictator of rome, he already said after a year, there shouldn't be a dictator. The room should be run by the people and he went back to the farm and fucking lived his life with his wife and his and his mail. yeah, that's gonna. Be that as it may, it will not work for real, though like, if that, that's, how should any leader that's running, and this is this is for you or for anybody listening. We have lots of candidates to listen to you guys. This is selfless service man. This is this. Is we're going there to do a job and, if you think about it,
that, can you go, do a job and then go home. Graceful you'll be a fuckin legend forever. You will have any problem. Make money. That's that's one of the interesting things is. If you get into politics and you do genuinely good work when you are done, you will have a network of people who are willing to work with you and help you build whatever you want on the outside world. You know you don't to keep your spot like in congress or whatever to maintain power is generated. So it is it's great because the reality is, if you go in there and you represent people, and then you go home to your community once you're done, you will be a hero and people will go the extra mile for you all the time I witnessed, even when you set out to tell us where people have done, so much for us at a tell us that it's absolutely incredible time after time after time
any time we needed something, whether we astronaut there were times when we didn't even ask for help and people would show up. You know one of my favorite stories and it's and it's just incredible. When the government took one hundred and seventy three thousand dollars from our bank account, we didn't ask for help. We got we got. We got a lot of help, though, When I went on my little video update at the time on on instagram- and I just said- hey frank check- the bank counts this morning and they took all our money, but the gym still open and gems open a moral. So she guys here and at the end of that week we had a hundred thousand dollars and teacher. We do need to have the immature and when you ask wouldn't say hey, can you help us all by and he's a register? Hey guys, gems, open? No, it was ass. I don't know what is going to what had happened, and you know that my lap That was smoking with order out of one of the cruellest, organic business moments that I've ever been witness to
Because do you remember when I went? I went out to eat like a couple of days after that, and I was up at so I went out to eat up, abilities bro, and this is like a couple of days after this happened do you guys got a realized like we talk every day so, like this whole update thing like I could number one. Africa has even- and I remember you saw the, we solely shows brow, and I was up. Elegies, nor as a note for, can do weren't until a short, and I wouldn't grab him and took a fuckin picture assent in my forgiveness. And all tat was cool there. It was cool because it was like you shoot your seeing. I was seeing people rally behind you guys.
in what universe aren't gathered like an- and I want to give frank credit too because, like he suffered a lot here as well, but like roe it it it's history making shit and I just recognized it from the beginning. Like dude, we have to draw the line. The line has to be somewhere and we have to hold it, and I just appreciate both you guys. Like real talk. Man like oh, I know, I've told you a million times dude but real talk. I fucking appreciate the fuck that both of you guys went through all that shit man, because it would it set a precedent. It was something that needed to be done and it was done in a way where everybody saw yeah, and I was extremely, I think I told you like the first couple times we talked on my brow, however, discourage you get don't quit yet. Another spock, big deal at its it, but it was. It was the hardest thing we ve ever done, but it was the most rewarding thing we ve ever not there, and you said that a million times I've heard sound.
Sound bites above you say, and easy choice never pays well, where the easy choice is never the good. Like the easy choice, isn't a good choice. You know the the path, the path of least resistance will get you to a place where you don't want to be whether that's broke, whether that's under the of government, it doesn't matter when you make good choices, you get better and- and you not only get better, but you you build your network of people who are willing to stand with you and and through the last two years we have philip this network of people that are willing to go the extra mile that now that want to me the change in the world. Why have we not just the rules that are better friends ever had it that is comparable through this shit. Then I, ever had in my entire life and duties. Your mother as you may know three years ago, I'm fucking know you I'm saying like I didn't, or I couldnt dude, I didn't know tommy yeah like I could list a hundred people like that. I know you
into an people, man. When you speak up and you stand for stuff, everybody shunned. You No, they don't know they'd all what you'll get you'll get a whole lot of bullshit. Do you get a tonne Bullshit, that's not right now, but a reality. Rules have already been shot maria, thus far, water water is warm. I may last like seriously jump in because now eulogies europe all the benefits, but even even then you know that was one of the things I hated most was like this over amplification of like the the pay that was going to their home. Your way you know. So when we first open, we went on talker karlsson new I went. Of course, in one week before we announced and as soon as we won't across in the phone, fine just were were ringing off the hook. The gym phone used to ring tones four hours a day, seven days a week at at points no throughout a it, would die
down it, would come back you died out. I will vote, would be all the followed with you on your cell phone at you. It's should get in suburbia like yeah you're like yeah. That's me and he's like yeah, well, fuck you and he's like. Well, you have a great day too so yeah. It feels really good like at first and especially if you've never experienced before don't you gotta remember, can see. How are you getting right there It seems really scary, but the reality is that, first of all these people, would never support you in your life. In anything in business in anything they are the the credit the armchair critics of the world, most of them. for them are ghosts on the internet who barely see the light of day I'll. Do it imitation specialists yet to come. You and they set out our focus. Should you shouldn't bro emma look up my computer, my father, you know
for me anyway, fuck you. I remember you know I I called you the one night cause I was talking to Chris here and he's like yeah. I just answered an answer to a hate. Phone call about you Meanwhile, you, I remember the alike, will how many of those I gazed at all. We got about fifteen this month and I had I had set you too. It's not like yo, like I dunno. If you are aware this like, I don't want to do any damage to you and you're like why why what happened? I'm, like oh Chris, told me that, like fifteen people are caught and you laughed You are leveraging like those are rookie numbers. You know how many people call about me for my car that one of the things you said- and it stuck with me- and this was very early on and- and you said, we always run the phone number of the people who call ninety nine percent of the time, the people that call and our outrage had never ever ever bought firstborn product. You know what, if they do,
it is, and they don't agree with what I stand for and they don't want to support me. That's fine! That's freedom! That's what this is supposed to be. While we lost, I mean we lost a good. Good amount of peace is. Why did you not to make any product so much for combating everybody's, because I know I'm hard to swallow up. The governor was walking off their fruitless flavors. Great man of the us makes it like that. If you're gonna have an opinion, you gotta be good at what you do yeah and but even even through all that these people are harmless. They are truly harmless through all that hatred to things remain true. Three things remain true, one the pie activity that came our way staid and only amplified ass time went on. You know that the people that supported us, we call in the parking lot crew. In the beginning, there are five hundred people in the parking lot that first day and that five hundred people in the parking lot. The first day grew into a nation of people who supported us may in at an end.
only supported us, but came back again and again, whether that was by he's in the gym, whether that was repose our stories online? I mean there was that there was a time when, when I would pose a story, it would get a hundred times Ray shares on on instagram alone, you know we in our own media network, because people were just sharing the story. Ah, whether I was buying t shirts, whatever it was that network group second thing that the hatred these people have like the david, the attention span of a fruit fly, they be calling us fuck you hate you, you murderers, you know, and the next week they be onto the next thing, that they're outrageous. It's a twenty four hour news cycle, yeah, exactly they're they're they're onto the next thing, the the they're they're gone. Why you gotta continue to piss moth yeah you have to stay very consistent and then the reality of of it is, is that these people will know First say this to you in real life, all of it hatred. That came my way in text messages in emails in phone calls in all that, in a nasty posts where I would get too
I argued about how on this and how am that? Not a single person to this day has ever said that, to my know, bro and here's the thing business owners you guys who own companies and businesses in the the ones who are afraid because of that. Here's what you gotta understand about this all those people who were attacking him and cult like But you do not like the pages that were made up about you and me, like all these people were making the jew hate pages, ok, but what? What? What people? What you guys listening do not understand is that when eighty percent of the people have common sense in the country, they when they go out share their hatred. For you all it does is make the eighty per I say: look, you will say yeah. I don't like that guy, but he's not he not with these guys and so like dude. It becomes like, if I just wish business owners understand that, because
if they, if business owners, we're understand that and do and look I'm a give netflix some prop. It took a long time, but they finally told their work employee shut the fuck up. You don't have a job here. You know why yeah. I know why, because they started getting the fucking cancel by people who actually support the fact that none of them when they are properly ok, so that is there that's just show you the data. Is there look disney, look ass, he had and plus look at netflix for guys. We're willing pay, because, like do we in your business if you would just readjust your culture in that cater to these workers. Everything changes, because all the people at your office right now are afraid to be patriotic because they feel like their goal. to quote a quote: a thin somebody inside your company, you the business owners, are the people in charge of the actual culture on the mother, fucking street, so fix the culture
of companies and shit. What material seriously. Do you fix yourself out? the streets, because those people then take them out to home. They take it too neighborhoods they taken. Everywhere in there no longer intimidated most to be intimidated right now, that's happening is coming inside people's workplace. That's why they're quiet quiet, cause they're, afraid of see and end up with their door, not most people in all their like fuck. I got fuckin two hundred and fifty followers bro what they're afraid of the loud, my fuckin bullion their office and they I want to post that shit on the fucking internet or say: hey, I'm a proud american because they don't want to get fucking called some names at work. So it's really happening is the LAO small percentage of people have been holding the fucking boot on the neck of all of you- patriots out there listening to this- and you should have been but the whole time. But right now just speak the fuck up. We can, back to in america. Words like us
be american, very quickly. Yeah like tomorrow, to look look how quick dizzy fell apart, look. How quick, netflix Oh boy, look: how quick cnn last cnn plus lasted what like a month. You know on the The reality is that too many people are silent and this will continue in perpetuity entail, all people start pushing back the evidences, the evidences. conclusive that, especially because that the messages that were spreading, our love, your country, be proud of You are to be better works, better seat, treat people well, pull a high standard yourself, unicef, life personal. excellent. You know up little job and measure. The man sounds crazy. You teach kids, academic,
in school sounds island via violence, you're, making me uncomfortable comfortable? It's it's! Really, it's a solid messaging! You can't him loopholes, are judging people on the content of their heart and character and who they are not on the color of their skin like this is basic shit dared this basic shit and the media has corrupted, are fucking country to the point where we literally walking down the street you're. Looking at someone who doesn't look like you and you're like fuck, do you don't want to be fucking hates me, I'm like yeah bro. This is this is really bad and, and that does not represent the eighty to eighty five percent of common sense america dude. The eighty to eighty five percent of concerts americans are held hostage But if a country right now that's fucking wrong, doing them that's wrong. Anyway, I'm fucking mad
yeah well guys. I mean we got some great minds in this room. So there's a there's a lot of bullshit on the internet, so I think we should uh. Oh we, oh okay, forty seven minutes It starts up almost regardless of ctr yeah. I did too yeah that was, that was the longest. Ro in the history of me, I wouldn't work. We you and I and ii J, and these guys too, we could go ten hours straight and on all the shell, but at the end of the day, it's very simple get engaged, get involved, support the people who are out there tat in arrows for your vocally and publicly met his silent shit. They you been condition to believe as some sort of noble way to be silent majority as a weapon just so you know the media made that shit up, that it is not the annoys me more than due to helping its it's an excuse to be a coward, ok and because of that now we have to walk down the street and wonder if we hate each other when in reality, nobody hates anybody on the street. Rather
fucking same. Nobody knows that so, let's, let's get him Let's get engage, let's remember how they did this. Ok, they they deluded the culture over twenty. Four in years and made an offensive to be an american? So how do you combat that? Well, you can engage you get involved. You go to your local meetings, you you, you hold a higher standard for your personal life, meaning try to be healthy, work, hard set a good example for your neighbors. All of these things truly matter these truly after these are the essence of america and have a massive rip. Yes, and if we all raised our standard rack like dude, what we deal with people in my life, business. My main line of business, then, are you know, sometimes fuckin six hundred I had on the show before ok, in a year in three hundred sixty five days, they could comply fully. We changed our whole tire life. What if every fucking american? What if every american consider themselves are paid
We have decided that for one year for one year, bro NE said fuck this I'm going to be the best I can for what do our country. This shit would transform literally in one year it'd, be all it'd be Be completely done. You know when I was listening to your your episode the other day, and you know dear men, I was I was thinking, and I realized that the average person truly discount how much of an impact every small choice they they make or don't make there tat. I have said we are told that on purpose we ve been, we ve been told that give you originally asked me two years ago through the two and a half years ago. Ah, you know this obscure Jim honour in in the corner of south jersey. Ah, if, if opening my jim of my business partner would have had the impact that it did, I would laugh at you because
I was convinced that you know I wasn't that significant and that my actions really didn't matter and the reality is every single fucking choice. You make big small mundane out of the ordinary, every single decision you make matters, europe, your decision, not to go to that. the board meeting on a tuesday night, because you're tired is a huge fucking decision. Every single want your decision to to not say something. Even though you know you know, it's wrong and and cause you don't want to get yelled at by the by Pink haired weirdo is a huge choice. Every single one your decision to let your kids play on play on the laptop or play on whatever. Instead of taking them outside, you know a teacher,
something new like you were talking about. That's a huge choice and if people start realising the gravity of every single choice, they make an how much power they actually have and commit to a year worth of living. Like that you would, you would see a nation reborn seemingly overnight and by the way peacefully peacefully peacefully. That's the kicker for sure we do. The show still got a lot of courage. The internet or their party tomorrow got his shit. Dude like this is not that hard of a problem solve it's just it's just everybody has to take the personal initiative and responsibility for themselves. Again, we all got to row the boat, yeah dude, dude exactly we all got a row on it and the thing is: there's been: there's been people drilling holes for too fucking long, yeah those people off the fuckin by whereby a battle must go in and I think it
things are not only the lifeboats, let's be there, but I guess repayment attribute sire. I still think give your camp story of you not be able to canoe for your own circles. What pathetic that is good, What did but the what we got. Remember and what people? What like the individual's need to remember now is that these crazy people who have like try to intimidate leverage you, those people, have no our anymore, not when they fucking go on the internet- and you know call you whatever fucking name, they have exhausted all the horse power, they called everybody every name. Every single, reasonable person out. There has been called something by somebody at this point and people.
The point where there like dude fuck you and that's all. You really got to think about it. When these people tell you come up to you and public or they say somethin bro, you just keep moving, say no and move, and that's it it's that simple, this shit, where they turn as you by so we're gonna fuckin. Right to this, I say this revision is for you to say, because everybody knows what your back: ro. They ve shown their colours. Everybody knows that these people are our boys and their techniques in what they do. To the point where I do the governments now and a mass scale trying to get everybody about everything and nobody's foggy. Do anything anymore, never bodies. I guess that's the next thing. No one cares fuck, you know. So if you're hesitate like stepped out into the fog in open air in the. Why don't be because nobody, none of us regular People give those people any sort of like we all care what they said. Molly there annie it's it's fucking funding.
free without, as I was listening, allow nobody's gonna fucking, listen, retorted throaty wants what it's one of those. Shit like I love going to the grocery store. Russia was broken amazing, my bedewed, but but the average person you like you like that the average person cannot stand on their own to feel at the conference. What is that if they, if they try it, they will be I'm toby. I remember she has spoken this fucking amaze. I remember the first couple times right like so, you know wee. We we, obviously when we reopen, we had the mask mandy and stuff and because it was with that was a choice that we made even though we didn't buy it we'd just didn't. We don't want the additional heat from that why willing- and there we ve at the very beginning when you fucking know them yeah. So, but I remember the first time I flew and at that point you know we had taken the hard stand
it's that we're not wearing masks at a till us because they don't work, so I couldn't be a selective about when when I was going to wear it, I just for me. We drew that line in the sand and even if I didn't you know, if I wanted to put the mask on, I knew I couldn't because people would fry us for it. You know- and I remember those first couple of trips in the airport where I was the only person in newark, international airport or no man without a mask on an errand amber like being nervous about it at first and because I I I wasn't confident in it. I just I knew I was right, but I was nervous about it, but you know once you If you take those first couple of arrows, you, like all the same shit like a bear- and now I still remember you said it on on- and I think you said it on an on an episode here. Maybe when we were sitting that at auntie's house where he used to say
people- would would come to you and say you know what I'm asking said. I can cause a black to hit right right. I gotta have fun with it, as I can tell you that twenty twentieth, what'd, you know I was badges mullah. It was like it was like a travelling to talking comedy shelby, I loved it. I loved it. You anything like you'd, you did love bro ahead of us. By using a quick glance at his age thou. Just so do it. He would go places just to do just do a man, because the thing is that we are going on, but the thing is man, that's the important thing man like people, I any people like like ie and people that have been taken. These arrows right, it's almost like just like we talk about those ripple, affects all decisions you make them.
Give other people see that permission. Nigeria gives them the ok. All Democrats here, ok, cool hombre everybody's been taken arrows for folk in the last decade. Let's be fucking Earl. How much truth? If we had a fuckin swallow because we couldn't be called acts or wire this on the internet, because they were fucking lying about the leverage they had, which was just proven, which what I'd been saying, I wouldn't be surprised. They had a whole network of fake technology, creating this and twitter. The twitter thing just proved it right all. It was just something put out yesterday that more than half of Joe eurobonds. Followers are botz, that's right, so they create. had they been theirs their programmes or you can go in and you can look at, especially for you know that there's there's programs available for companies that want to sponsor be ass. You know so you can use, type in somebody's profiling,
You can see what their actual engagement level is itself like that and they show by a diminutive, lower salaries on fuckin twitter and in so doing it's all starting to come out, but remember remember. Those of you have listened to me for a long time. I told you about this in two thousand and sixteen now, when you share with Hillary I said I hadn't. I had a run in with a hillary bot farm. Where I made a comment about Hillary Clinton and I got I had like fucking five thousand ten thousand comments in like four minutes, which was impact, it's impossible. Yeah, I wasn't. Even nobody knew the fuck. I was really then, and I was like that's gotta, be a that's gotta, be a guess. I started talking about it or look more and eventually I got to the point where I was convinced that this shit it's all bullshit and I will try to point out for two fucking years and show- and now you guys all see it too. So we have to understand. They have deployed everything I am, and I want people to
about the arrows they had to take, whether they ve been standing up because think of all the ship you ve had a have oppressed in your fucking brain but you knew wasn't right that you knew was in truth, that you just ignored so that you can keep your fucking job. That's fucking bullshit here in amerika, bull shit, so when we say taken arose. Yeah I mean like do not ask also names, and so did he, but the truth of the matter is is that every mother, fucker listening has been taking arrows for a fucking decade or more, that's the truth. So anyway, us crews. Less. cruz man, let's be we at sixty mouse or helena. I guys. Remember too, if you want to look at any of these articles, pictures videos or go to any facility com, you can find the all the links to the articles there I have never once reads: baby formula factory says it's still months away from production: the maker of similar acts,
they can resume work within two weeks of FDA clarence by restocking, store shells will take months. Left deck diamonds has ever been seen as rights, attaka tat, ass, a three and a half months after the? U S, food and drug administration begin an inspection and shut down of abbot nutrition sturgis michigan facility machinery is still silent. No effort, Miller rolling off the production on the north side of the city, tin of ten thousand nestled between the local airport in the neighbourhood of ones, holmes. Abbot is among the regions biggest employers locals, say they were shocked by allegations of unsanitary conditions that led to the shut down which has drastically reduced the availability of formula across the country and left parents scrambling to feed their newborns quote in the past. The employees would even talk about how like data That's a gear up and boy. If you went in such something you had to gear up again, so I really do
before a loop when I heard about it, said cindy comrade standing around the current counter in downtown started, supplying shop experts say the formula crisis points. The problems beyond conditions at the seventy operated by abbot maker of symbolic and the largest producer of milk formula in the country for years now have been warning that industry consolidation has left the production of formula a high, the regulated product that is notoriously difficult to manufacture in the end. a small number of makers, vulnerable to this sort of disruption. So here's a macro, quick decision knowing all the outages of sacrifice: images in this country places like taxes, zone in the vat, a kansas tennessee they have more than fifty per cent of their stockpile of baby formula is out, and so everybody's filament ray everybody's feeling, the pain and there's a couple of different things is going on with this, though right. So we have this manufactured shortage there, a? U s, d, a close down this fact.
Do we not all after I'm. Sorry, that's the first of all. Question is after looking at this map- and maybe you're gonna answer this, but ah the that's one plant, the FDA, shut down, right. So what's the reason for the restroom that one was one of the biggest when their apparently how how Suddenly they got, they must supply. They must supply product to all these other all the original drivers. We honestly like, like snooks or like writing more though maybe you'd, rather its huge massive massive. So they did. This is probably a plant. I don't know for sure, but I bet you they make some of the ship, because all these other plants while our little- but they lay they, they saw the production line line time things like that. But what is interesting things a while? You know american citizens are facing shortages feeding the newborns right. This article also came out saying: yes, the: u S, government provides formulates a migrant babies at the border as well
fired by law and so one of our than inside a cat chemic. She posted this tweet. She said the first The photo is from this morning at the ursula processing center at the us border shelves and pallets packed with baby formula. The second is a shelf from right here at home formula is scarce. This is what america last looks like, and so we got that dick, yet that so it's kind of fucked up right. so american citys all across the country, parents or have enough struggle to find. formula, but yet we're sending a stockpiles of baby formula down to migrants that are coming crossing. The border illegally, it's amazing how efficient government can be when at once to the super short for for it's particular chosen causes. You know, but you have this facility that was shut down by the government so, and the government is obviously aware of the magnitude of that
ability and where is whereas government coming in and saying? Ok, we shut you down, but where's the rest of the plan. Did you did you not foresee the fact that this plant being shut down for three four? However? Many? months it's been, was going to call shortages where's the follow through with with governing, with making sure that that that americans are provided for because you shut the. U shut the plant down under quote on court safety. Right right, though his excellency the dollar untested, but here's the follow through for you. So this is my final article before we dive into this article reach artificial breast milk firm. That offers an environmentally friendly alternatives baby formula, it's three and a half million dollar investment fund, backed by bill gates, Jeff, baiser and mark Zuckerberg bio milk has developed a process to replicate the key proteins and human milk. Their milk is easier. Should I just in formula and how
A smaller carbon footprint. The global dairy industry is a key amateur of climate warning greenhouses and it is estimated that about a tenth of such comes from formula production So there is a lot more people. Honestly, So tired of hearing these three four couple names involved with every sort of crisis. You know that the bill gates the mark Zuckerberg, it's the same people Well, who are? They always have a solution to the problem at hand and somehow they are always perfectly positioned to be able to come in and assure a solution and it's the biggest load of shit. I've ever seen and the fact that americans aren't absolutely pissed and in the streets protesting at every four at at every government spot there should be people at every single capital
building in this country over this, because it's not even about baby formula now, because there are there, are solutions and and and and that's not to under understate the the emergency that many parents find themselves in. But this is pathetic. It's pathetic that its being allowed- and what's only happening, is that people are posted about it, because it's it's on the underlying problem is that government is. It is just working with these powerful interests, corporations, powerful people, organizations the working to create problems and then provide solutions that are beneficial to the consolidation of their wealth and power. Just like these small business shut down just like the small business should like how they all have positions in vaccine right. Just like blah blah blah blah blah. May we go fuck em down like this It's the same play with just filling a boy of here with just
for an hour and mrs fascism isn't once that's what it's corpse the fascist yeah. What you're describing is is the real fascists. Yeah they fucking people just don't understand what fascism means. It's it's! It's free market, capitalism that has gone horribly wrong. It's corporatism, where You ve got these companies that have grown so large that the owners of these cuts please and end. The shakers and the movers of industry have bodied up with career politicians just like we talked about who had then come together, say you know what if we work together, we can keep our positions and you can keep yours and we can continue to advance them in forever ever and we can. We can continue to just consolidate and consolidate consolidate and it's it's. It's incredible. The amount of harm that their willing to cause in order to further their own.
agendas to me. It's incredible. The amount agreed as a as a successful, extremely successful business man and who I don't want for anything ever unless it's like something I gotta go do inside my body right like but like financially, I can't imagine wanting or needing to like fuck over all common people for ya to add money to your own fucking, especially when you already have a tunnel. That's what I'm saying like to add admit like you are you're you're already to a point where it doesn't even matter like at all what you cross a certain that point. Like so These guys are like even on the army on right yeah. So like dude, it's the group, the amount of greed that's being exposed is what shocking to me. That's. The truth is agreed.
It or the evil corruption of the ugly one. All power gets power and greed, and you know, I think one leads to them. For sure. You know that this region have good qualities to have not yet there their bad people who have who have not been held accountable. a long time, and this is nothing new- I mean gather rockefellers with the oil industry. In the end, the railroad the street all over hundreds of yeah, this is goin for hundreds of years and they have just gotten better and better and better at it, because now they leverage technology and they they leverage. Globalism know to where you have. You know the titans of industry back when when the rockefellers were, you know they they derailed and one of the one of the interesting things I learned about like A tesla, ah, is that man was ruined. He was he had solutions that could have empowered
A generation of people to set to basically not pay for electricity or power He had a solution that would have created. Much more utopian society and they crushed. If you look at some, the sum of the old photographs from like the world's fair in like night, key in the early nineteen hundreds, it's spectacular what the the technology that was available and it disappeared because they wanted oil to be the most in the the driving force behind power and they created a myth of peak oil. They said that oil was going to run out and they created now the biggest lie going, they could and they there's all, there's all sorts of people that if you ask people about oil, they still believe that yeah. They believe that oil runs out. Look. Oil is the actual renewable resource.
Earth creates oil right, they there's so many lies surrounding oil and I don't know enough to stay a lot of it, but you know I I heard this one part where they they called it: fossil fuel, right and and- and I don't remember the exact numbers, but you don't fossils, have only been found that, like twenty thousand feet or what, at whatever it is below the surface and you drilling for oil at like forty thousand or whatever it is so like in inherently it's a lie: it's always into a life, but now look at what they're doing with the oil and now the sun orioles bad because they ve got a grid set up that they can control they want everybody onto this electric grid. Now his now they have the technology where, if you don't listen, they shut you off, they didn't have that technology back then, so they strayed away from electric power. They didn't want electric power they wanted thereby dependent on oil because they think they had it ignores productions. They had the means of productions. All you know, tightly wound up.
it was all in the hands of a couple people. But now they don't want you use gas and oil no, and not only that they just show that their willing to steal every fucking dollar from everybody to work, for whatever reason and what what companies do you think these people are building now their building all clean energy, all pro electric, all these fuckin, you know like bro, they all hope, position massive positions in and to gain on this system there trying to create which oppresses freedom where the real humans, like us and people, We are so eager to ignore they think. Oh, what's the big deal well, the big deal is is like. If you ah cut someone off in traffic, they can like literally take fucking. The money ran out of your bank account before you even fucking realize it. You understand that the frameworks already laid in other countries yeah it's it's it's laid in China. They have.
That social credit system and now cause you're late to work. Bro, you Davis, the money just comes right out, like you, don't get it like. That is what they're going to do and enough people to your point earlier that people don't understand things until it affects them their their understanding of what the plan is is a big problem, because I've talked to a lot of people who disagree fundamentally with basically where I stand, which is really hard for me to understand, because I stand for fucking freedom. But anyhow, I ask him, I said: do you know who Klaus schwab is now. You definitely shorter dude like they have no idea what is the what's actually been planned and what their role in the plan is, and if you did, you do understand that you should be fighting now not until
twenty thirty zero they're gonna implemented soon meant. If you look into these these bill companies or these, what whatever this am, I l q and by almost doesn't sound like something I want to put my body to begin with others came right out. Lorries are like a man tidies bio milk, has developed a process to replicate the key proteins, inhuman mill. What what why why we have cows? We have women produce milk. Why are we try to get a simple? This is money bureau? It's a sliding. What logical worse and looks at that says wow. I want some replicating. He profiles, my child. Nobody does that's why they have to create the fuckin problem, no when you look at that, and so here s what I want but they're going to force you and then just like the vaccine, we're going
tell everybody, will nobody force you to take it right now? Are you fucking getting you only told everybody in america that if they didn't take it they're fucking fire, you told everybody. It's owner that if they didn't force it on their employees, they were going to be fined. Seven hundred thousand dollars per employee that you don't think that's forcing people to take it. Motherfucker they're, going to we ate that they create the shortage and they get. I mean it's it's the same thing with meat, though got the same thing with everything it's the same. Fucking play and people need to wake the fuck up in it. The solution is to do what the fuck we said and get everybody. That's listening, engage in all these places and living at a higher standard and paying attention and getting a ball, the not letting these motherfucker do this anymore. That's what that's that's the solution. That's the solution, be ruggedly individual, yes like where you and it's not easy, and so that's not like, because a lot of people will say you know by here
about the home schooling and and stuff like that. But the reality is that you're going to have to sacrifice something at some point down the line in the longer you delay that is occupies, the bigger that sacrifice will become. If you look at this right now as apparent and say, okay this is it. This is a crisis that I'm facing you can either a go along with, the government solution, a bio milk or you can find an alternative solution and that also A solution is likely not easy. Now you may have to go to pumping and or you may have to there are some women who who who can produce you gotta dig into your network and you gotta figure out. where, where solutions, while
the solution is and and it's it's hard, but the pay off is huge, because then you you're not going to fall victim to whatever the next bullshit. These people bring and your kids not going to be drinking replicated proteins. I mean I don't want to feed my kid that, though, I'm still fucking thinking about the all the fucking motherfuckers coming. cross into our country in the border for fucking, like we were talking about all this shit in my brain, unlike bro,. Every single, illegal immigrant in this country should be fuckin deported there This is america, one hundred percent debt. They should be there be put onto a dictatorship. come here just like these two men here I've had to come here where they come, they go through. They learn about america, they pass the test, they understand what this is and then you get to be a citizen and they they prove that they can provide value to our system
you know, that's your letting people and racists thing to say bro. We need a system. Regulating our country like we can't just allow anybody row listen to people, I'm going to say this people gonna say it's fake news. But if you find out that mother fuckers are making terrorists camps, literally on american soil. Right now, don't be surprised, ok, because that's actually discreetly that there's is a lot of shit that is happening. The I privy to hear that I don't know for sure, because I haven't and yet what I'm telling you right now, if you hear that, don't be surprised when you open your back door and you let people just come in You have no idea whose in there sure a lot of these people, they probably need a a helping hand and are probably great people, but,
It is not the responsibility of americans to take care of the world until we can take care of ourselves, but we can't even stock are our grocery stores with me and baby formats and feel that photos infuriate it it it's over creating, because the government knows that they can provide solutions and their choosing not to this. This facility is still shut down under what cause. Why won't won't know? like nobody likes where's the area on this issue where they're not responding, they down where's their public state of china's defy and steady out. Another problem: that's why do the fda is an extension of the government like dude, we we. We need government agencies to regulate things like this one hundred percent, but the minute they start being weaponized against the citizenship of this country and the businesses this country, because that so it causes some sort of issue or plays into what the want or they don't like your political opinion or whatever reason that is wrong, but the thing is
I said I said it earlier but, like you know the f d a's coming in saying that the allegations are unsanitary conditions but here's a untested and unproven fucking. Ah, you know jungle juice. You can use just shooting your bodies. That's okay, emergency operation, like where where's the emergency operation use where where's that at and where that where's, the proof I mean, I'm looking at the article eight years- is law. Elegance locals, said that they were shocked by allegations of unsanitary conditions that led to the shut down, and then I think, on the next one it said. as in the past employees they go, would even try about how they'd have to gear up. Ok, so three, three four, months, you guys haven't, provided a solution. You ve just left it shut down, which means all the people that worked are still out of a job of judges at another problem in and of itself. But you shut this place down, you knew it was the biggest manufacture in the country, and you haven't even given that them due process where's, the proof were what insanitary conditions led to the shutdown wizened
media asking these questions The media has all the time in the world's talk about every other issue. They ve been running. They ve run wild with abortion for two weeks now or the airtime, there hasn't been a single story where somebody has contact did the fda and said: where is the proof for the shutdown bro not even that, it's even worse than that, what's even worse, and that is that when this story first started coming out. It was a conspiracy on the second meeting it was spirits, see what it was a fucking conspiracy, one now. Do you guys, listen to like you guys were kids and babies and shit like do you understand, as it should be? Like the last straw, everybody waking the fuck up where they should be. voting your you in your kids in danger, unbelievable there to push them bio milk for up for money, reproached for money for money, fuckin, wrong airline number, two columns,
reed's airforce academy. Cadets may not graduate because they're on vaccinated still doing they were use the vaccine now for combats at the air force academy may not graduate as a result and could be forced to pay back hefty tuition fees so far the only military academy imposing such harsh penalties on its cadets airforce official set the cadets the colorado. brings academy also can be prevented from being mentioned as military officers this month, because they refuse the coven nineteen vaccine. They may also have to pay back. Thousands of dollars intuition costs. The aforesaid The army and navy said that, as of now seniors. We block from graduating at the united states military academy at west point. We are more than Naval academy in annapolis, marilyn due to vaccine refusals cover vaccinations. made mandatory in august for all service members, shooting those in military academy. The army said
february? It would immediately starching our soldiers who refused a vaccine. Ah so far, the air force gotta be the only one that is not graduating its cadets for the code and nineteen waxing well, that's insane its it's disgusting is what this is an ego problem and their leadership. Yet this is one of their leaders who, as pains I can do is abandoned later forty years, whose refusing to look at the actual data, it is actually available agnes. Actually the harmful side effects that are not as easily easily available to see what our existence. This is a guy who can't woman who refuses to remit around man that's unfortunate and that's what we're dealing with a people, its ego, it's either
were made. A decision there still wearing learn mask are still doing and they can't say I'll. Fuck up. I got played right, that's our ego that allows us to fucking Not do that ego and or courage issue here. You know, because you have somebody who's, this high up in the military who could potentially make this decision yeah, or at least he has his head exactly even if they can't, if, if they don't have the quote, unquote authority to make this decision, they could throw their weight behind it support it. But there are looking around saying now, I'm good we're on that. You know I'm a general or graduate whatever. I am yes, I already got my spot in my seat at the table, so fuck these guys as some weak ass shit. It is. It is because- and I I guarantee that's probably what it is, because deep down inside whether they admitted or not. They probably know that it's wrong, but
I want to get on final way, to say to sing on world event of welcome cop on the street, who lets, as other body cop, enforce this shit on regular people, and they say oh she's much I draw I pay. I know what I pay the largest be in this position. I they told me, do this, I'm doing this. It's fucking bullshit It is an immensely showered. Is the reason why we're here with all this would take for that one two, three visuals who have whoever's at the helm of that is to say, fuck you I'm not doing that to these guys. They don't deserve. and how much support would they get? We were just all about this at the beginning of this oh, how much support would they get from sir miss members who, even even the ones but the vaccine it didn't want to, or even once you talked of action to say you know what that guy's got the right idea. I want to stand behind him
and yet he might fall on his sword, but at least you could walk away with his pride intact and know that he's a good he's, a good man or woman. I don't know, and I stood for something it's now. You put your you're willing to put other people in danger because you, you won't speak, again something that's why I guarantee up- and I don't know for sure, but I I would bet well it's late and I guarantee I would bet that's, somebody somewhere high up has the ability to speak out on this. It's this and they're fucking, not bro. It's the same thing with everything, the military's doing everything there's there's a group of fucking old dogs at the top that are better, lavishing all the brow. Sometimes the parliament is not a military members reach out to me in there like fine. Thank you. I'm here you do know it's a short time and there it is happening in someone's fighting for them. These people are being heavily oppressed inside their serving our country,
and the main taken advantage and bullying and do all like do you know any people message me on a daily basis in their like this is wrong the shoes corrupt. I can't believe I'm evens position, but if I anything they fuckin do this in this nurse and broke it everybody in that element understands that it's the same percentage of people in ST its eighty twenty there's people just followed. Since then, as people who are than the majority of the people who are just like there and a hard place like they gotta make our decision. And their net the right now they're making? I think the wrong and its it just disgusting, because these people sign up self it self leslie too, serve and protect it's not easy job, no son, it's not easy job in any aspect, your away from your fat, way you're going through it, you may be put in
harm's way. The pay is not great. You know you Youtube and walk away with a whole bunch of problems in a lot of the cases, especially if you're on the grounds and These young men and women are signing up because they love this country and they're getting fucked over yeah, and if that doesn't piss you off, I don't care if you're republican, if you're democrat, if you're black, if you're white young, if you're old, this should piss you the fuck off at a massive level. Man None of these people deserve that now nobody has no business oskinson these people, who are best people or future to fucking some war, all the way, across the country that have nothing, do a fucking, nothing they made up so that they can get more money. Like bro right, let this as a step further,
and because they know of their fucking combating them on this I'll fight them on that, you know, shops an yeah. I do it's the best way to wean them out. Bro, it's fucking disgusting, We do not have our number three Helen member three reads: whiskey. Ass in middle school is accused of sexual harassment for using wrong gender pronouns shut up. They made this one. I wish I wish. I have my doubts, so three was girls and boys are facing sexual harassment charges from their middle school over accusations that they used incorrect gender pronouns. On a fellows, to quote, I received a phone call from the principle already element your school for warning me, let me know that I was going to be receiving an email with sexual harassment allegations against my son rosemary roberto, apparent of one of the accused told eleven news. Last week
I immediately went into shock. I'm thinking sexual harassment, that's rape! That's inappropriate! Touching! That's insects, rabbit continue. What has my son done? but none other concerns rapid o had were at issue. stand or thirteen year old son braden was accused of using incorrect pronoun to address another student. A cure mills The investigating principle said he's being allegedly charge with sexual harassment for not using proper pronouns rabbit. Oh said, I thought it was a real. I thought this has to be a gag, a joke. One has nothing to do with the other. Now her and two other boys are being charged by school officials with title now and violations with which I am sorry, tat, afore violations which prohibits gender based rasping. The incident in question worldly took place in march. When a student announced a preference of they and them to identify themselves but rabbit, set. Her son was merely sticking out for one of his friends, oh shit,
been screaming at one of britain's frenzies proper pronouns calling him profanity, and this friend is very soft, spoken and kind of just sunk down into his chair rabbit us. It brayton finally came up defending him, saying he doesn't have to use proper pronouns its constitutional right to not used You can't make him say things. The mother told NBC news that the new pronoun preference also caused confusion for her son with her instructing him to just address the student by their name. Instead quote, it's plural doesn't make sense to him. I said so I told him to call them by their names rapidly, as it makes sense, this very body smart kid, now, however, is market. This is because what is this? This really pisses me off.
for a lot of cdr babies yeah. This is you know without sharing the details of of the people involved. I've been involved now for a couple of months with this congressional run, and one of the big issues in jersey is this: over sexualization transgender. Algae bt, q plus, whatever c r t bullshit, that's being taught in schools no and arm. schools, not only our prioritizing. Now you say bull shit. Let's talk schools, let's really clarify what we're talking about. What we're talking about is teachers. Who are confused by their own identity, talking to your kids, secret about whether or not they are actually a boy or a girl right, because your parents didn't
you to choose how they are going to allow you to choose as six years all it's its that's. What we're talking about We're talking about teachers telling little black kids. It they'll never amounts anything because it's gonna run handling a race and telling little. Why is europe there's nothing, new browser, but you're. A big, racist and You have all that way. Yeah you're borne away man socks, but it is what it is. You can't really do anything better to overcome that avenue shouldn't try hard harder life because they be taking advantage of your privileges. So you know we need to bring you down to zero, because because this little kids not worth anything either so us- and that's That's the I'm gonna be clear here that is lost. the role of I was. Then you could be susan, but you can be a problem.
That's right, that's all! You can decide that that's quorum quote hate speech, but I do want to clarify that every single mother fucker in this room respects the rights of adults to be whatever they want to be and have whenever sexual partners they want to have as long as a fucking, kids fuck. There is absolutely no reason why this should be taught schools there's nothing, there's nothing about it. That is academic in nature. There is nothing about it that is useful in the day the computer if world of life now brothers grows school is theirs, there's two objectives for your school to, educate and equip them for the real world and then to protect them while bother away from
The parents, in there they're failing miserably at both of those things, and I would say intentionally, we have a a school district eve sham school district in new jersey, where a transgender and I always get these wrong. A transgender boy saw a girl who now identifies as a boy. I think I got that right. Yeah they're the same preteen. If they're the same, why are we gotta say train from right, exactly that? Just a gent just identifies a girl who now identifies as a boy preteen. Sexually assaulted, a girl in the bathroom at a at a middle school in new jersey, sexually assaulted put her hands. Honour, went so far,
as they say when students walked in your lucky that they came in cause. I was going to rape you or something like that. The school medford and the superintendent have not done a thing to date. They suspended the guy well for a couple of days. I am moved her to another school as it seemed that the transgender boy mood just moved her to another school. Didn't didn't even tell the parents of the other school that this child was going. There didn't child that the parents at the school that had happened that it happen, nothing but they'll go out of their way to prosecute three little boys, for saying for not saying they them it's insane its end, and I would they're not failing there. their they're grooming, her security. This is intentional and it's dangerous and I'm watching the effects of it with children. No there's apparent in new jersey who sent me a collection of photo
side by side of Sure media of of children note from six the seventh grade when they were introduced, this transgender ideology- and you have a bunch kids in seventh grade or whatever it is you who are totally normal totally normal kids? You know just nothing out of the ordinary about them, living their lives and the next year. Almost all of them now identify as some sort of offshoot of of whatever peculiar sexuality that they ve been taught These these are dangerous ideas to be teaching children at a young age, because this is the time when children are developing their their identities. their their system of value and their defining who they are as a person you're having adults come in with bad intentions,.
who are set, who are setting out to confuse children so that they are set up for failure. They have no idea who they are, there's no definition as to who they are as a person so I have no values, so they are going to be easily swayed and pushed around by figures of authority because they don't know who they are and what they stand for. It's intentional and it's it's absolutely disgusting. When you say it's intentional, you mean. Let me let me clarify what I think you mean you mean that it's a social strategy. It is that the people who actually are doing the Itching of this are not aware of most of it. It's not. The teachers are aware of, but the so like. What I'm saying is is when you get one of these crazy, progressive trans teachers. You know, and by the way there's tons of great teachers, they they suffer from same shit I talked about earlier. I don't want to say anything because they most
the teachers are not on board with it, but are there in the same predicament that a lot Or of other people in our it's, their job they they dry leadership. They try. To resist in whatever way as they can and a lot of them do resist, but you're fighting against the administrate it and the administration and the school boards who, for the most part and there's there's I've met plenty of good school board members. So it's not all them, but they have a a mission to confuse children because it leaves them vulnerable to impression outside of their families. They're telling you that they're telling these
kids, all sorts of confusing things at ages, where they should be defining themselves and in a way that is normal. Is not the word, I don't know what the word is. American, the american standard, safe yeah, where we're like right is right and wrong is wrong and there's no there's no. The facts from the facts. That's biologists biology yet said the other. Like do we we have to get back to reality. Dude, It's your they're, not teaching reality. No, our children have fallen behind on the world stage consecutive. in every category year after year after year, it's been happening since I was in school. I remember know my step. Dad growing up used to talk about it and I thought he was like just crazy back. Then
I was talking about how, in ten years you know the american student isn't going to be able to compete against. You know a an immigrant student who who was educated in china and who comes over with a college. patient and blows them out of the water, and now we see it all. The time already happening and it's getting progress- yeah I mean these kids, are leaving school start, throwing them. downs and virtual learning, on top of that, you know the past two years, these kids had been robbed of an education, but this is what our schools prioritize. This what I mean, at least in new jersey. They have focused more on the roll out of a sexual curriculum. Then they have on improving the standards of maths science. Reading comprehension, writing and all these things and whites, and why are they ve been able to do that because of parents amount exist parents are non existent shown by reason there too busy. Yes, he added there just too busy and their there there.
It loud people over here, but the boiling their children were, but so that, even though they are moved and we It's the same thing about like the news in the fucking meteorite, like apparent, there's a reasonable expectation that the parents should be able to drop their kid off at school and expect their fucking teachers should be teaching them about fucking. You know that shit, they are, you know what I'm saying, there's a reason exploitation, but the thing is: when did this this, this apathy, right that that is, that is fucking contagious and it's cancerous in our nation right now as apathy that a lot of parents have no go look at, look look at the last pt o meetings at the gm saying go, go, go, look how many teachers are going. I mean how many parents are gonna go on there. now many perrier owed, so the report quite conferences. Is it not enough and so, when you dont hat when you, when you take that step back and you re lying, just trust, we wholeheartedly that these schools at all I think or you'll be all right. You know when you
you, when you put all your trust there. This is how they should gets several. This is exactly how. So, how do you fix it? you're back, involve ryan. I murmured caressingly through me personally, if any teacher I don't care how long they ve been tenure there. I don't. I don't give a fuck if you teach a market anything other than fuckin soup last week was workin for you should no longer be allowed to be a teacher anywhere else. Innocent is higher fuckin country. You can't move in anywhere else and people need to start making it their mission and make sure that happens, it has to bow to take a tape. Take a hypothetical right. So if, if you drop me off, if, if, if you drop your daughter off to babysit my att man at my house- and you come over afterwards and I'm I'm telling her she's a boy all day, You'd punch me in the mouth right a couple of times a couple times and and all of a sudden, that's okay, because it's a teacher doing it right. If, if a
danger or even a family member or a friend, was talking about sex with my child, I'm punching them right in the mouth and as soon as I get up, I'm not going all the rest of the teeth right back out. It's criminal bro that that's that sexual deviant. It's that's grooming, and that I mean that is, that is vital and if. anybody else did it there would be repercussions for it, but because it's under the guise of quota cool education, it's ok, That is that that was not a wildly unacceptable agree. Wildly unacceptable and its people are afraid to say stuff. That, while in a reason, they're afraid bro is we ve been under psychological operations for fucking decades. The whole idea of political correctness is designed to get you to accept things that are not true, because they are quote unquote offensive
that's the truth. Okay, the idea of everybody saying at soccer soccer, so it is easier to censor a population or is it easier to get people just not to say shit right? It's just easy, to get them and not say shit and with them, so we they started this very inch by inch by inch operation, ok, which that's what it is and of making things offensive. That were true. Ok, that the american flag became offensive in classroom. Saying the pledge villages, motherfucker view live in america I think that's a reasonable ask of you to pleasure leisure. Since countries gives you a lot considering we are in the biggest competition ever that's what people fail to realise. The competition or prosperity on this world is not automatically ares alla time, ok, so but you would only now people assume that it is where we are in a competition.
guy and then whenever they whenever started removing all of these things like you know the idea winners fuckin win and lose you fuck and lose their eyes. I don't get a trophy for seventeen fucking places and what what are they teaching? Kids? Oh? Well, it's not a competition, and then these kids go through their whole life being taught everything's, ok and that their special and that they're entitled to this and that day and one as I do that it's a scenario where they donors to competition and they believe that the entire concept of prosperity, freedom. America is automatic in their entitled to it. So now you ve created a completely on motivated protector of this country because they believe They are entitled to it when in reality, all the other countries out there look at it like what it is, which is the most fertile piece of ground that exists on the fucking planet. That's not overpopulated
that's. Do we live in a most valuable and when you start thinking about it like that and that's what it is whether you understand not. We are under attack on a fucking. This that all of it they are playing a they are playing hundred your gate, kay were at the end of it worth the fucking end of what happens when these kids grow. Up, I mean wit. We ve witnessed right. We witness the the effects of this kind of like a dog and doktor nation with the college age. Kids we have these days, the voters that that that that are the people that were the voters that are produced by this like indoctrination right, the college age, kids, these days didn't get this kind of stuff. Imagine when these kids grow up it's going to be, I mean you're going to have. If you thought the
the woke! No mob out there right now is crazy and and obedient to government you let these kids go through the system as it exists. Now they are going to be far worse. No we're not gonna! That's why you can't know that one, but that ain't happening bro. You absolutely can't yeah it it. It will be an absolute nightmare because look at look at the look at that twenty percent of the population right now that loud mouth, part of the population I mean that they are all a product of of government indoctrination. Now now turn up the crazy on that. A couple notches wait about ten years until these kids go through college and they are going None of them have any structure. Not. Have any skills, not recovery lightly bashful they will, they will turn out to be completely worthless in regards to actually contributing to a functioning society. That's
go and they amending guess what I remember: arenas if you're, not contributing guess what here's a cheque for yeah but dude the people are not considering them. The reason for this do what do you think Do you think the reason for this is for them to create our society over here of just like people with blue hair and shit run around screaming and they're going to leave a colon that they're going to leave us alone like just like. Let us exist over here. You people are gonna, be weapon ized against snap, merrily that ok, let's say let's say I were to happen and they were a weapon eyes. Those people against us. Unless you're saying all the patriotic people lost. What do you think the next move? Is you think that china is going to just allow these people keep this place or do you think they're going sailor, fuck ass his right over here and take it yeah, one hundred where people are failing to understand. This is a big, huge picture problem that starts with. We're talking about right here in you guys have allowed it to happen because you been too busy fuck
well hollywood, which was our whole go you're worried about the incarnations is ass when these people are little. we creating a country? That's going to be conquered, you don't understand. We are not entitled to freedom. We are not at this. Ship is automatically appear We are geographically located where its little be easier for us to maintain a yes, but go to The other place on earth we neither history. This is This is not a This is not a. This is all good. given that safety concerns about actual country and the people listening lie now, like you, we will not be here in ten years. If you don't wait the fuck up, that's what people are failing to understand your life. If you're twenty years, all you louis Michel show you
well not live to be fucking, thirty or you'll be in a pod eating bugs yeah. That's it and that's I mean that's the reality of it, because you it's a really simple choice and and and we've we we keep going over and keep touching on all of these problems, whether it's the craziness at the school board, you name it and personal excellence- is the the only solution because if, as a parent, you say, okay, I'm committing myself to being better right. That means you show up at the school board. That means you check your kids' homework every night when I grow up Every every single answer, all my homework was check how many parents do that these days, zero. You know it's an end and I'm sure there's some who have woken up to it. You know, but the real Is this? How involved in your child's life, are you, I would say, outside of the relationship of this, show, to be completely honest, yes, very low, its weapons programme that don't mess
We never really talk about. But that's that's the solution to every one of the problems that were facing is that people just need to hold themselves to a higher standard. You can't turn your back on this and say it doesn't affect me. You can't turn your back on this So, while my childs almost on school, you can't turn your back on this and say something because you don't want to offend. You know your neighbor who's got the you know, who's got the the pink light blue. Whatever fly, AG the transplant yeah whatever is it? There's there's one flag here: dude you got one flag in this country. That's it everybody's got this place underneath it it's red, white and blue. It's got fifty fucking stars on it. That's the flag of our country. On the whole, though, that's all I'm getting into a whole nother thing. Now, I'm just getting this. no like all this. All of these other flags and all these things. These are designed separate us. These are designed
give us to each other we're playing into their fucking playbook, like fuck dude, that red white and blues pretty cool. Looking flagged me, I told you what I'm doing is actually president right yeah. What about the money on useless stuff? Novel I like that. That's one of the initiatives that I'm taking I want to fucking american flag on every single house in my fucking community, every single one, the the the problem is that those twenty percent have abandoned the flag brother, a burden it never fucking. so they think it's offensive. They tell you heard or fucking. Offends me. Well guess what I don't give a fuck up energy How are you until a black out and murder of wagner erase? It doesn't tables on other are you, mad guys. This is all. Would you prefer confederate one that shit? I got one of the that's how you make real change. You say: hey here's a
Why is there no dogs but like all you must one could better one that offers flutter abiola, one your gun, you can what use no trick. I know about reality. Actually, I'm all you want a confederate work over the next budget. These people are so fuckin afraid of being called for anything. right back now, right back on Gaza. Final segment of the show. We have our thumbs up segment. Our this rational article was young at two thumbs up or two thumbs in the butt. With that being said, a thumbs up headline is real quick. Why does all the? crazy. I've learned all usually are crazy. Fucking Hell outcome from where California florida usually florimond florida is fucking But I'm learning brow any- has got some weird should happen and over the india the country is that true sire, I'm not sure
he's. Probably racist thought this thumbs up our thumbs up have coming from of so here here here goes reads: mental, torture cup suing son for six hundred fifty thousand dollars for not give them grandchild? What could this be familiar? Brow industry? Will I read this already really so a married couple in india has taken legal action against their son for now giving them a grandchild. After six years of marriage, the BBC report sand, jeeves and sahara, precise are doing their only son for nearly six hundred and fifty thousand dollars. If he and his wife do not produce a grandchild within the next,
the two say they want compensation after spending their life savings on the thirty five year old son, including sixty five thousand for him to train as a pilot in the united states, as well as paying for a lavish wedding, five star hotel and a honeymoon in thailand quote. But despite all our efforts, my son and his wife have caused mental torture by not giving us a grandchild. The society also questions us causing further pay. The precise wrote in their petition. According to the national bbc rights, the lawsuit was found on the grounds of mental, well harassment la presides, say if they had had a grandchild, the pain would become bearable. In india, many parents traditionally make or contribute to decisions affecting their grown children's, personal and professional lives, including arranged marriages, etc. The national says refusal to comply is seen as great disrespect. So that's our thumbs at what we got on this guy's wall.
What can I ask is this: is this real business is real, mrs rosa actual lawson. How do we know that they can't just have a kid like then maybe they're ran for joint infertility. I not every normal right now, especially with a lot of shit. They ve been doing, How do we know that you know they haven't been? Try let us through or maybe a more or less, I want a mental suffering, a slap and someone who's trying as hard as they can. Maybe have one kid you with six hundred fifty thousand our lawsuit. Let's talk about our counter sue. As an elderly man, maybe maybe he's living in the united states and looking at all the crazy bullshit, that's going on here and saying hey, I probably don't want to bring a kid up right down the shit, and you know what that's I would I normally agree with you, but what I actually believe is that the good people are obligated to have kids yeah. That's true, that's true, yeah, that's real! That's! So
in all of europe. If you're someone who believes that the world is fucked, and you recognise that the problem is, we don't have enough really stronger people. I think it's. Your obligation to contribute to that patriotically, you know people ask why we I'm had. Well, if I can just never forget happen and I'm not gonna get into her, but you have no idea what what Husband, honour that neither you nor insane and like Everything just on I just wanna know stop asking people this fuckin rude there so like. I am particularly sensitive to this because I loved it
it's fucking annoying, that's wrong and you went to a mental suffering mental suffering as people fucking asking why you don't have fucking kids, every five fucking minutes when you're forty years old, yeah, it's fucking, bullshit, the true so, and everybody takes that for granted. They think, like oh people, could just have kids and it's just not true. It's a lot harder than it used to be to have kids there's a lot of things that contribute to and actually know. So you know that's my perspective on it. I would say this is bullshit see the fuck out of him back for even putting extra pressure and to be completely honest, I would tell him the reason. I don't have kids, because you fucking pressure me and I'd make them feel like fucking dog shit, wait till they get really old and then try them. You know torture, him a little bit longer, yeah, it's it! It doesn't. I can't believe a court would even take that seriously as an arm a normal esa, normal thing in india right but even in india. That will be. This is like this. It's a little excitement hides bizarre, but I do agree with the part where parenthood
china indirectly, praying old, yeah, gettin wall and ask them all the time that has happened to me too, but I like made it really clear, like it's happening on my grounds. Whenever I want, when we think about it, but it's deafening thing here and I can I won't relating only to see the idea I can. I can understand like their eagerness, in that it is a cultural thing, but like what do you as a parent? How do you I? I can't understand what so, what you're just a cultural difference: bro but you're, okay with six hundred and fifty isn't dollars instead, like did you really want the grandkid that model as long as you take a different approach and just try to be like nothing in this story is bizarre for sure very bizarre. All my life. I've never heard of anything like this. The story is bizarre. What, if, like ok, you're, not going to get a grandchild, but if we give you this much money,
so k. No, that's like saying here's! The value of you has our design guy and I all we invested all this shit, so you could actually make it. You know you didn't live up to what I wanted, to be so give back near here, like that's, pretty fucked up it's fucked up here. I would say that the relationship with the parents, if it were me, is probably fuckin storage area, which is unfortunate because no one has to make no one likes, make those decisions, but I definitely give this to thumbs down. I think it's fuckin wrong. That's the base, if, if the parents had a good relationship with the sun, had a daughter in law, this will have never come in news.
yeah they would have handled it on their own inside the house yeah. So that's the basic problem. Well, that's a whole nother did you do you're, uncovering a massive problem which a society globally like it used to be handle your own shit? Well, and that's why you do you ever hear me talking about fucking relationship, shit ever you're with me everyday all fucking day. Do I fucking say anything: you know cause ain't, none of your fucking business, not write. Whatever happens in my house, that's fucking, my house same and, and and I'm not going to you know like a yarbrough. It's like I'm, not that's. How that's how I was raised, like that's how it's supposed to be like you're supposed to handle your shared house and have the members of your household back out in public, regardless of what that ireland is going on here at home. A lot of all of us in the room have of come from different backgrounds have different preferences, but I strongly no and feel that nobody s would go around. They explain our choice,
in priorities, because I don't care if you like mine or not, and you shouldn't care, if I like yours or not, and I'm completely completely, ok with me too, but the problem is that we lit like that me. My share with you today in elder there we live in this world where people have a hard time identity. In their own policies right. They rap the entire narrative, as you put it earlier around their own preferences and everything's okay and they say? Oh yes, I believe in this concept except yeah, I believe in freedom except no mother fucker. You don't get to think like that you're either pro freedom or you're. Not pro freedom does does very little idea that there does. little consistency in people's ideology today and that's it a fundamental measures. Most people are floating there. The most people are fucking plastic bags and our food voting in the fucking win just waiting to fuckin hit a tree and, in fact, in homes that most people must be addressed in an orderly.
Is it as old as why? What we talk about as a solution for what's going on, like if you're sitting at home and you're thinking like what the fuck can I do while dude, it's really simple, dude, it's personal excellence like it really is it's get better, improve your own life. Improve your own house, improve your own relationships with the people that you care about. Protect those people take care of those. People also care about your neighbors get involved in the community, maybe not walk around beaten on discipline piece of shit, maybe, like you knows, understanding, you're setting an example not only for your own kids. What for really the neighborhood, the kids and the neighbours and Everybody else like due to the ability to lead, is so under. it's so misunderstood by the average person. They think that someone comes along says all your leader and they hear someone speak charismatic. We or they saw
when the proclaims to be a leader- and they say eyes, will leave no mother fucker we're all leaders. All of us are leaders you just don't realize it cause you're, not trying to be a leader and what's happening is the people around. You were absorbing the last days ago, undisciplined lazy, apathetic behaviour- ok, and you're not noticing that their absorbing that, because you are not aware that you are a fucking leader and that's that, the awareness that every single human in this country has right now that if we want america to live, past our generation people need to understand and gain a perspective right now. This room truman was too up there. How many children in the butter comes in and, above all, now sure agri, weighty way, bro, yet dude thanks so much for making the trip
I mean he came in just to do the show because he's extremely busy with his campaign. Well, how can people support you cause, there's going to be a lot of people that want to support, and you guys have to understand, like I'm, not bankrolling this dude like this dude is out. There beaten the streets fog in doing this on fifty twenty a hundred, five hundred dollar donations to get an account to serve saw it the matter where you live, you can contribute to that, because I can promise you we're going need every single one of you to contribute to guys like in and guys like brightens in these guys eyes who are willing to go. Do the job that needs to be done. So you know I'm fucking behind you bro, but how can other people get behind you? So we've we have a a very grassroots campaign and we we want to stay that way and we are powered almost entire
We by small donations. We had about seventeen hundred small donors that have that are powered our campaign We in the primary right here were being out spent ten to one. And we are still very, very much a force to be reckoned with in in the re. So it's not about raising the type of money that they do it. We do much more in a way we raised north of a hundred thousand dollars. They ve spent north of a million and its it's interesting, being powered by small donors, because these people are putting their trust in you. Whereas when you are powered by big powerful donors, they don't put their trust in you they're your trust in them their mother. There a favour to change their exactly added they're, paying for a favor up front. so we have a really great great great campaign: that's just power by small donor. So, if you're in the position
and you want to throw us cop, a box in psmith for congress dot com, we make a. what happened with a little bit and that's ian smith for congress with no letters. If you mean the numbers and just ian smith for congress, dot com all the informations on there, but that's not the only way to help if you're in new jersey doesn't matter. If you're in the district volunteer, that's probably the most value. I think that we can do right on the website. There saw you can you can sign up to be a volunteer? We got people out, knocking on doors every single day, potent signs up often bags for literature and were finding that. That's really the thing that matters most is just people's time and energy money certainly helps to. But the money can't by faith of the of the voter were watching bob helios campaign. He said back hiding now with the with millions of dollars and you just sending out mail,
but we're out here hitting the streets hitting the doors and people are receptive. People are excited that somebody's knocking on their door and taken the time to hand them a pamphlet and said a male at home and we're finding that people are actually reading those pamphlets and wanting to get involved. So I have you're in the new jersey or philadelphia area sign up to to volunteer, and the last way that you can help is just share on social media he and smith. this on pretty much everything share our stuff. Every single share helps we might get a donation, out bet we might get another share out of it, but the visibility is everything because establishment works pretty hard against us and they are as a right now failing miserably. Guys. I also like to add that whatever your kids dates, there are running in your area. You know make sure you're looking like don't just go r or d, ok and one by the way, if you want to vote democratic cause, fuck my vote for the right Democrats, ok, because
out there. Yet they are. There are so there are a lot of common sense. True reasonable democrat it's that are not willing to be bought and paid for up. There's not as many of those as there are on the right, because everybody's shifted to the right, but in most of the people here I think are voting right. Let's just be fucking real, and I think most of the people here are centrists, they're, pro freedom, people they just realize, which sides got fix. shit an arm, but anyhow you don't pay attention these guys like are? They behave? in the sum massive fucking donors, are they like how bought paid for our they? Are they out their available for you, your conversation are they willing to answer questions? Do they? Are they willing to stand for. what they say they stand for like do all of these things matter because there is no like like. I would love to be able to say I vote for all of these guys, but that's not
the way to look at it, and even if you, a big trump supporter, you should still look at the candidates that he fucking endorses because we need to as a society, develope understanding and discipline of what makes great political candidates, not just because down trop says so: ok, no matter what you think about yeah like if you love, unless totally cool. I love most bishop do, but the truth of the matter is down. Tromp is now america. Gay with freedom is america and we need to stand And get behind the movement of american first real patriots, people give a fuck we're looking at this as a service and get those people off in their therein you're there on your ballot, you just have to look and you ve got to educate. That's that's the fundamental issue. I think, if, if, if people realise how and for in their primary elections are non, I'm guilty of that just as much as the neck,
Did you? I don't know until this we now we ve been for years and years and years, every two to four years. Whatever it is, we show up at the at them at the voting. Look. sean and we just vote for the guy on our team, And we assume we turn our back we cast about. We turn our back, and we assume that they're just gonna do the right thing- but we don't know how that person actually got on the ballot because most people- and it still this way we're we're. At wishing a much bigger turn out right now in the primaries and and more interest, but the reality is that it's a dismal turn out and the good candidates on the left on the right who are real people who have good intentions. You are looking at it as a service there there there and they and there they ve been out there trying its extremely hard working against the establishment left or the establishment right, because you either don't have the money, we don't have the name recognition
and if you don't have either those things- and you are not willing to play ball with the pop masters- you're not getting on that ballot, but that can easily be changed. Donate your time, donate your energy get out there and support the people in your community that are saying ah step up and I'll do that job. It is probably the most important thing that we can talk about as far as elections outside of election integrity. Ok, I was gonna. Bring that up just last noted closed the show election integrity. I get a lot of people to come to me rightfully so and say this is
it's going to be solved in an election cause, they cheat the elections. Yes, they do, but you have to understand, they can only cover so big of a gap. Okay, they cannot manufacture of a fake election without getting caught without it being or, if there's a wide enough gap. Alright. So we have to talk about election integrity for a minute because they want none and we need it yeah and- and this is going to require involvement from the citizens that actually give a fuck about elections, federal sign up as a poll worker That is one of the most powerful things you can do as an individual. If you want to help just fix the problem that we have sign up as a poll worker, it's going to take couple of days your time, what, if it and add california. I know I've spoken to quite a few people in california, and I know there is a huge movement in arizona of people
organize, and they there are thousands of people who are going to be at the polls working and watching and that's a means big deal it's it's usually. If you weren't watched a documentary, they just put out not two thousand mules row, nice, don't realize like after you went to bed, that's when they came with the trucks and pollution in the box. It's on video it's they're censoring it everywhere shocking, but the shit is right there in front of your face, so we have to have people, and like here in Missouri, they've already fixed this, you have to have photo id no dropbox's mail in ballot yet, but in states that haven't which, by the way, whoever put that through Missouri. Yes, that's we want ok, voter ideas, not racist. We do not want no immigrants voting in our elections. We don't ok, that's meter, should you, regardless of their point of view, but we need people in these states. Have these draft boxes, apparently they need to be
monitored for five or six days after the election to write it so like we need people to help, and that's not that big of a task knowledge. Nearly it's really not you, you can organise in your local community, take the initiative, if there's not, if there's not something eddie going start a facebook or no, not at all certain that there are not yet they're, not gonna. Put this latter housing thought the yeah. That's right! That's the guy It's not going to say hey this year, we're looking for for poll, watchers they're, not going to say a goddamn word yeah they. But if you go looking for that position, you'll find it and they can't deny you, especially if you bring a whole bunch of people to, and that I mean it is incredibly powerful. It'll, take you a couple of days your time, but you can go to bed at night, knowing that youth, you ve helped and that potentially you help secure and let the left activist call this rotor intimidation. This is not voter intimidation, to make sure that someone doesn't show up at a dropbox with ten thousand bow.
it's at three p m in the morning that is called election integrity. Yet yet so don't let them flip the words on you either. That's what the country though yeah. It's always a selection of of some very choice, words and we really cool to see we on both sides unite because most people agree with. I'm saying about voter idee regardless, if they agree with me on my political beliefs. if you go to the left- and you say, hey democrats, how many of you want voter? most of them say yes, and they understand that they don't want people who don't pay taxes or contribute to this. Country or who are even citizens actually contributing in the direction of work out. So It would be nice if maybe we could get some of these young people to everybody united under at least that was a good starting,
place and the reality is that election integrity is and is an issue that only the left is causing a year. The establishment right is just as guilty of of less I share of election integrity. I mean these people are it's the unit party their working time, either. The republicans who have stayed quiet on election integrity are quiet for a reason because they know eventually that ball is going to get volleyed back into their court and they're going to get their choice in you know so left right sign up as a poll worker. Do the right thing invest in your community with a little bit of time and it pays off which was their last thing. I want to say after my last lasting was broadest pressure. You man pressure what you ve done gotcha? I've been able to while you guys been The watch you navigate this and arm Quite honestly, one of the most fucking impressive things I've ever wins, so
We're proud, you dared are proudest support you I hope you guys will stand with them too, because this man is going to to to serve he's not there to prosper for himself. He gives a fuck about this, Country in the freedom that we have all enjoyed and I would mean a lot to me personally. If you guys support him, so I brought a she making the trip. While the shouting I'm excited to see what you're about to pay the fee. For sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box frozen the fucker stole countless millions. In kobe teach Buddhist got a bank roll cake. Balls desert no shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-30.