« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

290. Andy & DJ CTI: Companies Cover Abortion Travel Cost, Clarence Thomas Hits Back & Biden's Disinformation Board

2022-05-10 | 🔗
In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss the list of companies offering to cover travel costs for out-of-state abortions, Clarence Thomas' statement that the Supreme Court will not be bullied because a mob disagrees with its rulings, and the conflict of interest with President Biden’s new disinformation board.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box for the fuck are still countless millions in the kobe teach buddhist god of all things, rope kang doesn't know headshot case club. What is up guys- and this is the show for the really say goodbye to the lies and delusions of modern society and welcome to the mother fucking reality guys today we have Andy and dj crews, the mother, fucking internet, and that's where we're going to do workers it fuck hear. What's going on dude, I meant no complaints as reagan was, and the good second mother's day was good and I you know didn't didn't sleep on the couch show was all yeah Mr Wynn, I was, We we are. We children. I got her from give some of the things that she's been. You know, kind of hinting at that she wanted. I got all the I should finally got our hammock. That's nice I saw you in your ideas,
You got her hammered home, no you're, not as a back. You got us about routes, I was gonna worry what will bring up in the proper way to do any say? Should we forget that as she has one she has been one of the hammock for a while. So I gotta go to that in four out of the bike and they go vietnam chillin go well today. We're going to talk well cruise, the internet, which is basically where we are, if you're new, to the show which a lot of you are at every show because it grows and the show grows because we have a fee and the reason we have a fee is because I don't plug your ears full of advertisements, for a third of the show right now I could do that. But what I would rather do what's more important to me is that the message gets out so in lieu of us running a third
show of ads. I ask that instead, you please. After the show. If you find the particular episode helpful, that's the fee, and now, when you tune in, we have different formats of the show. Today we have ctr, which has cruised the internet right. That's where we take the headlines of the media and we try to extract what little truth or is there. and then we cut a bitch and make fun of it. Alright, that's kind of how the show goes, and then we have q and a f or I q and a F is where you could submit your questions and then I answer them. and usually these questions they can be about anything, but usually what thereabout is about, how to get better, because the truth, the matter is guys
the only way we're going to take this country back and the only way that we can maximize the potential of what this country could be, which we are doing at a. I would say one per cent capacity right now. We would like to get to a ninety nine per cent capacity of the way we do that is individually. Okay, it's individual responsibility for the way we live our lives right. So what I try to do is I don't try to be one of these people who just bitches about the problems. I try to provide solutions to all right now, for those of you that don't know I had a podcast called the mfc, project. The whole purpose of that project was to help bring the skills to a generation of how to fucking win right, because we all know the way the education system is set up. It's not conducive to actually creating winners, its conducive to creating worker bees that settle for way less than what they're supposed to be so, Juno office for helping you city eyes for pointing out the problem real talk,
regular on and I really like you, be some real talk and and sometimes you don't like it and it's gonna hurt some feelings, but the truth is the truth. Is the mother fucking truth in the truth will always keep you winning right? The reason this shows call relay off and not, ideal as it is because we need reality in this world. Now we need realists who are able to look at the information presented and accept it for what it is and make solutions and take actions based off what that actually is not what we think it is not what we wish. It could be: we're not crying about how it should be we're, taking action with what we got and we're making a fucking better as real estate. Okay, that's what we call this real talk, then we have full length and full length is where I bring on my rich, wealthy, successful interesting world. Changing friends that I met from doing that. First show back on the show to talk about
whenever it is made him they are, and we do that occasionally when these people come to so today, city, I are the world a fucking burnt, power of shit so should be hard to have things to talk about where we got rid of goods were met We got headline number one and guys remember. If you want to see any of these articles, pictures links. Videos go to Andy for salah dot com. You can find very accurate description of what we do here. I'd say: that's fairly: accurate, yeah yeah, that's how I would yeah. Let's prefer the cipher interrupt, know you all get out. That's going to make a joke, though, when you're talking about the shows, like really af, not ideal, as yeah like I can think of, like leftists now being like, while you're you're the titles you know oppressive, to lower
it's letters because it's all capital everything's offensive, fuck man, fucking, crazy man. Let's get to do this america headline number one for you guys, Atlanta, more reads: the company's paying travel costs for abortions. Tesla amazon city on small, but growing list was dobbins, is just a little bakery follow up article behind this, but as a texas based tesla inc is among a small but growing number of us companies offering to cover travel costs for employees who need to cross state lines for medical care, including an abortion. Our companies are offering these benefits as the landscape of state and federal abortion policy in america is shifting texas implemented the country's strictest abortion law, just last november when it banned abortion after six weeks of pregnancy and deputize citizens to enforce the rule. Other states, including idaho florida Oklahoma, have pass laws in recent months, tightening the access to the procedure.
but if raju wade is overturned, which is everybody that's what everybody's talking about and it would open the door to stronger state restrictions, including bans on the procedure, not so companies offering to help employees travel to get an abortion. I may be on safe legal ground for the moment, but that could change a texas abortion law, extends life village, abortion clinics and their doctors, I'm as well as those who aid and abortion or go home, and I who pass him with legislation. Imo, glaucoma, governor cabin sit state enacted the largest this past week and idaho's law was temporarily blocked in court. Some lawmakers, meanwhile, have pushed back
on the new company policy, so tesla amazon city match dot com, bumble, dot com, they have all joined this list of employees who are now paying their employees or rebirth or reimbursing their employees if they have to travel for medical care and abortion so figure we talked by that little bit can see where the stance was yeah. So what what are your thoughts on this? Well, let's, let's look at our fuckin oppressive tax system. Let's look at our primary. We can even enjoy our cities because criminals, held accountable at all and by prosecutors they are funded by a third party is not affiliated with the government whatsoever, so I pay an oppressive tax rate to not be able to enjoy the things that I pay. Taxes for, and my my value of my dollar is literally ten percent less than it was a year ago I can buy ten percent less shit and it basically just disappeared in my bank, account guess who it went to went to the government.
We are worth three red happen. You know we have a good economic On the on the horizon, we have the vulnerability to an actual invasion here in america, which has no one. No one is talking about their zero unity. There's there are stockpiles or fucking empty cause, we're standing all our weapons to other countries, We got the resurgence of them, trying to propel we're locked towns. We got the great reset pending communist take over. You know what I think I don't fucking care. I don't fucking care, that's what I think. I think they put this narrative out for everybody. Fuckin argue over, so that they can do all the rest, the ship that I just said, and I think everybody to are used over this like it's? The main fuckin thing is literally got something wrong with the mother, fucking brain. That's what I think. That's what I think Ok, do we really have you really have so many employees in your company that that that need abortions that you gotta make a fuckin public policy about it? Why don't you
if people just go to hr and say hey, I'm fucking struggling and they handle it like this whole this whole. This whole thing is a fucking talking point and like people I understand people feel passionately about it cause. I know people feel the way that I am friends with people who feel passionately on both sides, but in my perp my particular opinion on the issue is this: I do not give a flying fuck because there's more important shit, the fucking solve first, and if we don't solve that shit first, I promise you. You won't give a fuck about an abortion because you won't be able to fucking eat or you'll, be fighting with a fucking gun in your fuckin front yard, against a country from another fuckin place on the globe. Your mother, fuckers are short sighted. You don't understand. What's going on, you don't take the time understand. What's going on, do you how many people in an exciting already addressed the hypocrisy of both sides.
Fuckin two years, I've been blasted by motherfuckers for saying we need italy, autonomy and then the people and other side are who were getting blasted are now but asking the other side for the same fuckin thing, and dude honestly, both sides made me fuckin sick makes me fuckin sick. It shouldn't be a political issue and should be a private issue, its handle with your own fuckin guy. you're a you have no, you have no right to impose this on anybody period either way either way either way. I don't give a fuck what you think about me thinking to tell you this. It's a below the line issue for me personally. Ok and all those other issues there above the line. That's right! That's what I think of this rumor as real survive into this tweet little bit. So I mean we know it's about the the the russia. What do you think about the
three they put out now about other, I mean agri, whereby the autonomy rather like a beer. Today I am pro life, but that's not my that's, not my com. I have to do right, like I know me up like myself Personally, my family were not with that, but there they would have the fibre wanna. Do you actually agree with that, and I don't know why actually agree in pro life personally, but I also understand that an a government does I had the way to dictate a class of fucking areas, know what people do with their fuckin bodies. So I agree with that. I personally and when I was younger, I didn't care at all. I didn't care at all when I was young now that I'm older and I understand how things work. but better. I am leaving more towards outside when, at the end of the day, the government does.
I have a ride. Tell me fucking shit agree and that's where I fucking come from. I think I think, and on the other side of that too, I think where it gets tricky too, because, like I'm also a very strong proponent, that of the peoples, voice right, and so I think, with roe v wade being overturned this, where people need to understand they're, not outlawing abortion. That's not what this means right. It's just putting the power back to the states right in the in the in the in the people's representatives of those statehood right now and it's going to make, but but that is create geographic boundaries around where these things are available, just so Everybody understands that somebody in Missouri, if they have do overturn that Missouri, will become. My pro life state, a hundred percent. That means how far is the nearest liberal state for Missouri? Oh, we have one right next door, eleanor brain okay, so does it. But what if you're? Let's say- I don't know somewhere, that's not close
what, if what? If there are? No, what if you are in texas- and there are no real liberal states anywhere near at listen, I'm one hundred percent- one, I'm one million percent against the government. Saying a mother fucking thing by what the fuck I do it, my fuckin body and that's the end of the fuckin line and in an and honestly grow. We should even give any more attention of you remove forgot because that issue as much as you. People want to state its virtue, signalling issue it's an emotional issue, I dont think dream. Can overturn, I should, I think they did. I think they release that shit on purpose to git. Do exactly what's happening. That's my personal! That's my personal point and you know for though of you to think I'm always falcon and some sort of far right, fucking idiot or whatever the fuck. You guys still. No, I'm not because like right now, right these things all my conservative friends try to fuckin covertly, and they start coming out.
Then they start say wow. I agree with everything you fuckin. So, except that's: why can support you know what the fuck off I believe what the fuck, I believe and I believe, a fuckin freedom in that's fucking it. Whatever decisions you wanna make about, your own personal existence would have procedures. The doctor would like two fuckin. Do none of my business it should be anybody else's business, but I'm an italian or thing you pro abortion, not pro choice, you pro worship morons maniac throughout their fucking saying shit like the video was gone round this weekend, where that lady was on tv, as she said, are she whispered new young women, if you go on, get pregnant and you got out of the abortion clinic and get that little. fucker software out here in the algerian. They do in yourselves any fuckin servants. I promise you that, because everybody's
in that, and they are literally thinking holy, fucking shit. These people are fucking evil as fuck and those are not the people. I'm arguing forthright, I'm arguing for the people who are in a complete, tough bind, who have a very difficult choice to make and who understand that very difficult choice needs to be made at a very early process in the fucking situation, sir, I'm not for this fuckin full term shit, I'm not for this fuckin partial term shit about none of that shit. You know, and and and if you're conserve, don't even economy and argue the ship, because I'm tired of you motherfuckers to fucking tired of now. We live in a fuckin land of the fuckin free bro, and that means some people are going to do some shit that you don't fucking agree with. What are you going do about? Let's move to fuck on, I think we can all agree that the bigger the biggest problem Now we all have are the ones I fucking listen. Now I really think we fuck,
but how do we as a society, now understand how to rank these problems? But what if I re my company like this, like what? If I came into my company in like whenever they put on the news, I'm making decisions about my company based up out on fuckin news rope, our country is a company so busy we have to run it with the priorities of getting these certain things in order. Otherwise there will be no company or country. I would look let's let these fucking great recent Fuckers come do their shit in let's, let's see, you know seawater actually word about: wearying fuckin insects. You know? What's amazing to me: bro is how many people don't even know about klaus schwab or the world economic forum or what the fuck and trying to do. They don't know anything about it. Now, like there's a fucking book about a couple of books about it fuck. So what's your take on this on this elon musk tweet, then I think he was making plenty of enemies, though.
What did I see? I don't know Alexandra Keziah is affiliated with the fucking world. Economic forum trust. Anyone we're not averse to basic and cannot be anybody should be fuckin like time he's not running for fur. I must say that here. I personally do not support or trust any fucking human affiliated with an organization at all. If your voting, you should never ever ever vote for a fuckin, someone affiliated with that and if they are familiar with that, you should say if you. want my vote. You're going to have to one affiliate yourself. That's the truth in any of you, mother, fuckers wanting to come get on my fucking ticket cause, that's what the people are trying to do now cause now, I'm you know fighting for greitens and fucking in in smith, on new jersey. The way I did I got all these other guys reached out. Will you do this for me or do this for that edition as a listen, if you're, if you fucking, even talk,
why they talk or you look like they look, you ain't get shit for me dude, but I'm support americans to die, but anyhow yeah. He was making some fucking enemies, but the good thing is is he can afford his own fucking secret service? His true, you know, if I can afford it, he can afford it. Yes or so, am I Can I think, he's been a smart ass. I see this is funny now I did. This is what they do. This is what you guys got to understand why the people of power and influence the disagree with them. They try to kill them world you, have a guy who's, actually pointing out enough shit about them to bring people await the fuck up, but yeah. I don't. I don't know man. I think.
I don't know I still. I still don't know what to think of is hard to get a good read on, and I don't. I don't trust him because I don't know- and personally I think he's done amazing things in life. I think he's brilliant. I think, there's all kinds of shit, but you you're affiliated with the motherfuckers that just committed all these fuckin crimes room, I'm not I'm not with it it's across the world, but funny thing is he's got the he's got Hillary Clinton's that right is he still affiliated with them? What has been a minute, but yes, there? The affiliations, then, he spoke at plenty of the world summit on said talking about universal basic income. Talking about social things like that, like that some member states, it is tough yeah, while look did he's free to believe anything, wants to believe her
You know what I mean. That's the beautiful thing right like you can like you can go all your life don't mean. I gotta support them being told that not believe in this, or this is right right and then you know you suddenly realize holy shit that that's not right. That's not! Okay could be the case. That's possible! It's heart, listen! Bro! I don't really try to make judgments on people until I talk to them and understand that one hundred percent- you know what I mean. I think that's the that's the responsible, mature thing to do. You know, but he's definitely got the Hillary Clinton's tweet trending on What are well yeah. Everybody knows that those people kill me exactly and you know: what's you know what I'm fucking tired of I'm tired of being everybody being afraid of those people know what fuck those people know a little fucking tyrant, piece of shit come get it come, get it dude come fucking, get it I'm fucking over it. Dude imagine living in fear. Someone like that. No fucking gross be wild man and at the end of the day I respect that he doesn't do that.
Its roma headline number two guys move right along allenham to reads: class thomas hits back supreme court can't be bullied into giving the mob thou come at once ass, though this is its interests and will source this at this happen friday. So, such this past friday, a supreme court supreme court justice could last time on friday said the supreme court will not be bullied just because some people were not like its rulings. Thomas spoke on friday at the eleventh circle judicial conference in Atlanta. He did not speak directly to the leak of a draft opinion in which she and for the justices appear to have decided to create a new standard for abortion. Marker that would allow each state to set its own rules. He said quote: we can't be an institution that can be bullied is giving you just the outcomes. You want the events from earlier this week, I symptom of that he said Tom said
for a quote different attitude of the young in quote, indicates less respect for core institutions of government than in the past. While recent events have shown this major change yeah because we're not beating her ass is when they do this shit. Exactly the thing you you fucking parents created a shit by letting language kids do ever fuck they want, and I'm telling you this for ten years and fuckin public eye. Now will deal with them mean What needs to happen, what their asses? What is it and not even twenty four hours after this conference on their way in his house. Spook regard this alarming supreme court judges, the sea pro choice, activists, protest outside their home. Those that's it first. Persuades illegal is second of all. Second of all, the police should be their beat the shit out of them out, I did it now. Listen they. The police, are now afraid because of what happened in twenty twenty. Nobody wanted to break up the riots and twenty twenty, because it was quoting quote racist,
how we are going to try to the same shit, and I really really really really really fuck and hope that the police and the communities do not tolerate this shit. We saw these motherfuckers going to church yesterday. there's no way for the same. She, I could tell you this. If I'm certain church- and you come in with that bullshit and by the way they came in and and as made immediately when they were told to leave, they started playing victim right. These people are fucking weak or these people are not strong they're, not fucking, tough they're, not anything they're fucking babies who do do not remember when you're fucking, when you were a kid and you started crying quite a little bit and your mom fuckin, look you what she said: keep grammar geese the crab ass right it is time to give these mother fucker sobbed a fucking cry about this analysis. Work in truth does at a flashback. Now it's the truth
I gotta told me? Every fuckin functioning human in the planet understands that when your mom, you show their thrown a fit. These are the people that fucking every single time they threw a fit. They got their way. Ok, so if they're gonna play victim foy for boy, I guess fully exercise. Ah, you know. What they're going to say about you anyway, at least, if they're going to accuse you of them, you making them a victim, beat the shit out of them or fuck you gotta do make it work yeah make them a real victim if they're going to play victim. That's where I'm at with this shit. right rope. We we live in a society that needs order. Now it's just a thing like I'm in to your point, guys like like again, you said that what were these protesters what these fuckin not contributing fought? Only a hundred people dead. so like it was like highly. a legal, be. I know that for one another,
It is these people, these one laundered, craziest lagoon. If you don't fucking smell, at people when they fucking do shit wrong. They don't learn to not do it. These people never learned it. They never learned it, and What is there all in black are all covering their face. They've these people are fucking, cowardly, they're, cowardly dude are cowardly. No, it's fucking disgusting. They show that the man wrote the police and go back to woman asked to see. The funny thing is, though, cause you brought up like the protests. We had a twenty twenty guys. These are the same people. like these proto they're, the same fucking people say people dj, no shit, pleaser disabled, like us, and ass the sixteen year old twenty, twenty enough, not fucking. Eighteen, are learning this shit right. We need accountability, the brain.
In the law, every single one of them. She didn't get the baton or they should go to the fucking clink. For those of you asking how are they breaking the law? We have free freedom of speech and free to protest. It's illegal! You gotta say these. Are these? Are supreme court justices so to protests? Just like you can't protest out in front of a fucking abortion clinic exact, whether there fuck you, you can no longer to intimidate and sway the fuckin. Do you can't do that? Its illegal and a constitution to fuckin federal statute can do so? That's how that that's? What makes this welcome? They should have a lavish. Will you know how hard it? This is the problem that these people did the court and quote pro abortion people, which I was she that there is a difference. Cape I was awesome, probably was pro choice and pro life now, there's pro life pro choice and pro abortion and there seems to be a whole fucking gaggle of people out there that, like their insane and the the the whole that whole
side of the crowd, you should probably regulate those people in wrangle, a man because its pushing all the moderate people to the right, just like you, have with everything else. Fuck crazy people are tired of crazy you're, tired of weak people. First, in causing disorder and frustration and unhappiness and pressure and stress rope we're not going to take it anymore. We're not gonna. Take it anymore. That's that that this play will not work again. It will not work. They try to do this shit riot and all the shit men will come out of the fucking woodwork with the fucking guns, and they will stop it and being real one. I know I know I'm here slackened and say moon am I say, an abortion that I'm talking about they're, trying to stir riots. Whatever the networking nourish revision, yes nurture their prey,
we are going to add in some sort of racial story and they're, probably going to start trying to unify everybody around this around this. You know this lgbtq everybody, but why people fuck straight white man group to start problems again. That's because that's what it is is every single time. It's every know that whole group is every single person except straight white men. If you're, if you're a straight black man, you could be in there because you could be the a b series, but they create this. They created this quote: unquote: space to persecute white straight fucking men, it's a fucking fact; no, no, we met with harshly. They should remember he's people from these people on you. It did you not see the video then gone in charge, the outside our vision.
You like when the men of the church got out of their fucking pews and walked over to him. They fucking coward down. Now, why dot? Don't touch me? You know what mother fucker, you are going to get touched. You Gonna fuck around a guitar. She you're, not gonna, fuckin like it. The law which seems to not exist now, is keeping you from They don't understand what they protect. They dont understand that the law is what's holding back. The fucking The tidal wave of violence against people, like as the only then the law is being eliminated. I don't think these people understand. The law abiding citizens in this country, the people who own all the fucking guns and all the weapons and all the shit you gonna fuckers, don't like do you know why they should have come out Does the law says you can't do that? Ok, but now
what's happening is the entire fuckin law. Doesn't fucking mattered anybody, but the consequences of those that's right and that they were paying a prey. Of tax and criminals are being released the day at their fuckin arrested and what operating is people on that's sad, but I'm talking about the guns and am all in all the shit. You think it's crazy. Those people are starting to recognise that the laws, matter anymore, and they are going to take them in their own hands in a very short amount of time. If this shit isn't back down on real time. That's a fucking truth.
And that's maybe that's what they want, but like jam like that, though, the longer the fucking law was, there keeps sitting on their hand and erp not not doing it that they're going to make the fuckin contributing members of society grow, they're, emboldened because of the the the unaccountability know and dude, it's very dangerous. It's very fucking dangerous, but at that, as at the very least, people to show up at a at a judge's house deserve to get their fucking baton of the face a few times. We need to have respect for the fucking for the institutions of this country. These people don't respect it, because these are the same people who didn't do the pledge of allegiance and who were not tire all these things and there they've they've created indoctrinated entire anti american fucking force inside this country
They talked about it fifty fucking years ago and now we're dealing with it so realize what the fuck we're dealing with gosh. How is gross dude? No, it is, I do. I know I'm not alone bro. I see that. I see it on the fucking line, like people are fucking over it. Dude this this Elizabeth Warren stand out there with her all ass am so angry and then fucking Schumer standing up there and saying you're going to pay. The toll had to be fucking in jail right now, dude he's making threats now They do is make threats. They make twenty april twenty four poetical twit call ass. The people who work in stand behind law abiding, the domestic terrorist people recognize my dear, I know I am sure the mob dangerous highs man we're what's a worthy justice- will be swift too.
There would be fuckin swift. They don't understand you guys. Are you Has it been brought up? These people been brought up to believe there are the fuckin majority, they ve been lied to. They ve been falsely embolden and they're, going to end up getting truly fucking hurt because of what they're doing now, I'm not just talking about this importance, I'm talking about whole leftist fuckin thing that radical left this thing, where you keep your foreigner by his neck, every body of cholera body names you do all this disrupt the shit until you call on it, then you play the victim, wrote that shit is blocking over and I'll, be the fuckin first motherfucker and tell you that it is over. It is over over and you're gonna find out. It's over real americans do when they ve knock. You fuckin tita,. We're not guys are headline number three elements. We really do not feel like everybody's over it I'll fuck here. Do you? Yes, absolutely
this. Isn't due to time, people have been pushed too far and they're just going to start fighting back yeah, and it's going to be real. It's that the pendulum is going to swing back and it did there's going to be half listen, there's going to be have to be self control exercised like broke. We cannot just because these people, come out and all sons from fucking with these people. We cannot be cheering that shit on either it's like dude, that's why the fucking law has to be has to come in and do a shot. The laws are doing a shop. That's what I'm saying it's only gonna take a couple of more instances. When they will when people realise at all. Like we sit all over fuckin california or see, I all, although fucking chaos and lawlessness is only gonna, take a few more time for people to realize out, there's no consequences. You can tell ok you you can tell
Our society is by the way they react. When people fight back when people fight back and kill these fuckin criminals, the fucker people there are the most popular videos online, do like there. The most popular videos like people are holy shit. Look at him, five that how rittenhouse considered a fucking hero, because killed. Two. Were these motherfuckers nice busby a billion? I here I'm just saying here. I'm just saying I'm just saying: why do people are ready for this. in whirlwind that chuck humor thinks it he's unleashing yeah you're right, you did release whirlwind the job adjusted the side. You fuckin thought it was on I'd be really not aware one of the balkans unama hours, one of these falcon people, which they won't because their brainwashed I was shut, the fuck up, I was shut. The fuck up. This is very dangerous, rayner, very dangerous.
Yeah I headline number three hello reads: bindings denser formation, Bored co. Chair formerly worked for George soros, shocking, fucking shoddy, so just came out so tat by administration official in the department of homeland security knew this information governance board. Hush strong connections, the controversial anti american billionaire george soros? this information, governess board leader jennifer pascal, has three connections the controversial soros.
According to the media research center soros, is known for backing left wing causes in the united states and Europe also before the shows him up before being chosen to serve in the disapprobation governance board, dubbed by critics as the Biden's administrations ministry. Of truth, the homeland security deputy, a deputy general counsel, cyber and technology arm, has served as an open society institute. Fellow according to the report or the soros funded, I founded and chaired grantmaking network claims to back civil society groups worldwide, with the intent of promoting justice, independent media justice, education and public health organization is known for supporting leftist movements like defund the police and black lives matter
Pascal has also served as a senior counter rhythm, counterterrorism counsel at human rights watch. A human rights organization founded by the billionaire according to media research center soros, gave the organization thirty two million dollars between two thousand and two thousand and fourteen the brown university and harvard law school graduate. He has also worked as the founding editor of just security and all non publication, also funded by soros, which focuses on national security, foreign policy and human rights. But it's not a new thing right. The Biden's administration's secretary of homeland security, Alejandro mayorkas, revealed in late April that department of homeland security have formed the dessa formation governance board, headed by nina genco it
or who wants the news of the contents of hunter Biden's laptop to be part of the russian disinformation campaign. Virtually all news outlets now acknowledged the laptop and his contents to be authentic, janka, which was a former disa formation. Fellow with the wilson center who worked for the foreign ministry of ukraine on a fulbright policy fellowship during her time with the national democratic institute, she supervised the institute, russia and belarus programs according to politico. who best to cover up all your shit than people that have been covered him schiffer, all the time. Listen! Anybody affiliated with this gash be in fucking jail, yeah. Anybody. If you're fucking politicians that you vote for affiliate with the sky and you vote for them. You should be in fucking jail for treason, it's fucking treason, they stole a fucking election. That's a fucking fat! It's a fact! Ok, they're trying to censor now the two thousand mules documentary that just came out, which I told you about last week
And they're censoring all bro, it's fucking real and these people created an insurgency. They fucking funded a fucking coup and they took over the fucking country and that's what they did in ukraine, two thousand fucking fourteen. do, I didn't hear in the u s and if we all stop, it will be no different in any of the other countries that did the same shit and they fucking shit, hole. I don't understand. I do not understand I I don't. I don't fucking get it. I just feel like we should put these dots of people. I I think it's just important to keep putting the dots out mantle and people fucking connected like a fuck is wrong with people knew. What more proof do you need? They say the problem is bro. I don't think people actually support these people. I think they're straight up, stealing fucking.
local elections, nobody's watching these local elections. They fuckin solar, election, o n and therefore getting away with it, and so you don't think are stealing these local elections dude. I'm fucking it's starting to a piss me to fuck off now, I'm sitting here This guy's an enemy in a foreign country and he fucking lives here.
Where are you calling fucking pro to a people? Domestic terrorism? That's domestic terrorism! That's domestic terrorism! All these people are domestic terrorists. All these people are the fucking coup. The y'all motherfuckers want to say Donald trump tried to do. Thou trumped and tried to you know: fucking cu y'all fuckin fell for it. Now. Has your life? Look you do whatever your life looks like now is not improvement. What it looks like twelve months ago, no matter who and not only that it's going to get way, fucking worse way. Worse way, worse, I would truly, I would truly truly truly prepare for fuckin violence in this country like in this country. As I am now, you have to be.
I do the shit makes me sick and this woman that a book like jangle, it's it's a fucking clown, show dude, but the good news is all the primary elections. People are in school board elections right now, people are getting kicked the fuck out. That's the good thing. Now that there's a silver lining here I like that that it's all over the country now all over the fucking country, yet trump sided with fifty five and over. I know an endorsement he's going to be a thousand into because dude people are ce and I don't agree with that either because I don't agree with everything. But here's the point we're dealing with an american party versus a fucking international coup. That's it that's it! That's it! So do you want to preserve the country or do you want to fucking voted over to fuckin international Literal globalists that are going to ruin you they're, going to ruin your future they're, going to ruin your kids' future. They want you eating bugs they want you sick. They want you to think a man is a woman, a woman as a man. They want you to be have no
danny, no national pride, no fucking, not the nearly once you have a job they want to be on metaphors play video games and doing drugs, which is what the fuck they actually say in their book. So it is what it is man do you know? The good thing is, I think people are seeing it. The bad thing is- and this is my personal opinion. I think all these people should fucking, hang yeah and and like I don't feel like it's going to happen and I'm going to be like knock off work. I'll I'll, keep at it he's haven't listened. There needs to be an example set for the next fucking hundred years. What what is this this this needs to be fuckin handled, you don't understand, sale and you should be fucking handle all all you people that are
in fifty years old, you're under forty years old, but is this okay with you that these people hijacked our entire fucking country? They fucking stole fuckin election. They fucking the stealing fucking, all your money, they're stealing all your fuck wrote that their party is compromised, regardless of your democrat or republican party is comparable countries compromised, they lied to. All of you know, they're continuing to lie to all of you, and some of you are dumb enough to keep going along with it. Just because you don't want to admit it or you want to be right. They are going to can run this country into the dirt will be living in a third world, mother, fucking country. They let you fucking millions of fuckin people from these storwell countries across our borders. Every mother, fucking money. Walk. What's happened to me for your job shops in the pool you think about it. They care about. What's on instagram today,
what's on facebook. Today, though, it was on this day what their being told to care about abortion care about that this whole. the they're they're they're, literally, probably a thousand but were why the dash dash should be fuckin hung publicly in the world, be free, it'll be freer than its african been ever ever ever ever we ve been under this fuckin tyranny for fuck and our whole lives wiesner, realizing the last couple years when you pay fuckin forty percent fifty percent sixty percent tax. In some places you order for the government broke your fuckin slave you're, fuckin slave spoken this custom, I per I personally, all these people does. It's all treason, it's all. It all deserves the death penalty for real. Like am I saying we should storm in there and do it. I'm saying we need to take the country back over rearrested, namely to be arrested. They need to be tried and they need to be punished accordingly, not some
we ass way in a sets an example for none of this ever fucking happen again across that cross the world. These people do not have to oppress the way the oppressing I have the right to fucking restrict our freedom. They deny the rights to shut down our country. Don't have a right to do. They don't. You know and they're fucking trash pieces of fuck with a woman's for composure due on the right, fucking, bitch, sing, songs and are fucking are fucking instagram. Its fucking clown showed you and I it really is- and this is one of the things that I like really really really have a problem with the trump side of things is you fucking, said arrest. Hillary and win in today the sixty. Why didn't you take care of this? While you were in rome now? Why do you care to shit. Let me remind you, continue to go up on the fucking stage. One.
People literally dying litter, really die? From quote known causes under forty fucking years. All what why why are wired Why are you going on stage with your friend who owns johnson, Johnson and talking of how much money ass row you out of touch bro, you know how much money you made em polo Maybe he's he's losing the people in europe. That means I mean over the door for someone like me or someone they fucking. Is this. This man scummy, while because dude trump doesn't seem to be in tune. What's actually going on I don't I don't know what the fuck is going on, I tell you right now. This is what's going to happen and save this shit, because this is what they're going to do. He can't he. He kept his ego under control and he goes on stage and he
in brags. In the reason he bred- and I understand why he works because no one gives them credit for fucking any of the good shit that he did. The guy was an awesome president bro he fucking had the best most powerful. best economy we ever fuckin had you cannot deny it period. Explanation point: that's it all The shit they made up bottom was made up even the russia shit, because racist. You got any of the things you guys com, but because as you call him that and you don't give him any credit for the good shit that he does. He goes up on stage and feels the need to brag okay, which is off putting people to some people. I don't care because I understand what's going on But when you go out there brow and you fucking start talking about how you brought the vaccine, that this something that no one fuck unwanted, ok went, went when people are going to funerals on the street, but I've been to ok of people were passed way under the age of forty years old missed, quoting quote mysteriously, and I start
seeing him do that it makes me fucking Mandeville, it's it's angering and I adult that he has any comprehension at all how how far off bases with that and you guys could fuckin be blind supporters of them all you want. I don't give a fuck, I'm telling you the way it is to the show call really evident, colic balls, a guy- and I tell you another thing- if he doesn't wise and a fuck up. a black mussolini people are and what they did a mussolini. They fucking kill mussolini. They kill this family. They druggist body through the fuckin street, to send a fuckin message. That's what they'll do.
See the conservative, the regular, the the eighty percent of america or their passive passive. It is not fuck noble okay, at least the left will take action to get what they want, but we're here, here's the mistake this being made is that trump doesn't understand that when he goes up there and brags about the vaccine, he is opening up a door, first artistically for them to pin the entire thing on her. All. Ok, because you go up there and you say a fast track vaccines do, and there is some do in that dialogue blah blah and people like fuck man. I just left the thirty eight year old woman for computer last week. The fuck. Are you talking about brow you lose all trusting people. Ok, and then not only that whenever a couple back alone in two more years. When election time comes, they will have flip the narrative and they will say. who initiated a locked out. All that was Donald trump hooper who brought
vaccine- oh that was the Republicans and that's how the fuck do it and then after they win your fucking kill him in his whole fuckin family. That's what that's that's! What's at risk, you that's why he needs to have people around him that are actually intelligent, not people that are just kissing his ass. That's the truth! You know it's funny cause. I saw the same video right. It was a get a rally with that. Did you see the crowd's reaction right? Yeah they got silent. You could hear a pin drop, nobody fucking up. Not a single human. I just wanted like strategically right that mean yeah credit roller he's a very strategic fuckin boot. Do you think he was doing that to get the temperature check now he said now: that's our bigot! That's one of their biggest fucking thunders yeah that guy that's his friend richest fuck. That guy has paid all kinds
If the shepherd I got and that's fine, but my point: is you don't have a read on the room row right right, that's real! So you know where that issue that this one scenario that just talk about is fucking super dangerous to the country as if everybody puts their belief in him and then the media turns around and uses ammo that we all agree with the way where they had the covert death. Tracker they're gonna drive in the co vaccine. death dragon yeah. That's right, cnn, they're, going to say, look what trump did look, what trump did look, what trump did and they're good people, I'm not remember how the media created this massive amounts of pressure and propaganda, yet they they were showing dead bodies and fall. People fallen over the streets, they were fuckin, dig in fake mass graves in central park. Nor do in all this crazy shit and trump things people I remember how they pressured him and they don't. They won't they're going to know what we're gonna remember what's right, they're to say who is the president when this all starting right so
he comes out. It goes on the fucking offensive and goes after these motherfuckers, like you, should fucking do anyway. They took a pin on him, and this shit will age well, the ship or age. Well,. German guys crimes against humanity happened. Oh yeah, its undeniable may just on the simple fact that the ship that the fucking since it while the fucking therapeutics that that alone might there is fucking crimes against humanity. This man Dave here's the point that people gotta understand. You know if you go back to the msc yo project and you listen to me in my early days. I used to always talk about the problem of technology and one of the problems of technology is that it eliminates the
need for human jobs and without the need for human jobs. I used to always say: well what are we going to do? What are we going to do? We gotta come up with solution. They knew this like the tech companies and all these people, the world economic forum. All these people knew that this was. This was a real real fucking concern real concern. So back then, I said: okay! Well, I'm going to contribute to the to the to the problem by not making my company overly reliant on technology, which I haven't gone back my office or back of my warehouse. It's all fucking people throw people pack and real than I wouldn't change up. I take pride in which every business should, instead of making laws at the time They recognise this problem.
and say you know what we should do. We should make regulations about how many companies about how companies can utilize technology in terms of you know, tax benefits, you know if they choose to use the technology, will tax them harder if they provide more jobs, they pay less tax. There's all kinds of solutions that could have been that could have been proposed and you know that have been proposed should have been proposed responsible regulation of technology, but you know what they did. Instead, they said, you know what will just kill the ones we don't need and that should piss you, the fuck that should piss you, the fuck off. That was the decision that that's what they came to the best solution. The best solution as well just kill the ones that fuckin don't produce and by the way
that's you, so I think, really fucking hard about what it is you stand for and what it is you believe in and what it is you're about, because a reckoning is coming, it's not going to be peaceful and it's not going to be fucking fun and it's going to be very, very difficult. If we don't fucking, we have one chance at this one fucking chance and that's this november to take the ship back. If we don't they're going to do or france did where france went the very next day right back on the plan, the fucking great reset proclaim nope the bear the very next day. So if we don't take this back in november and then again in twenty four and then again forever the day that they get the power after an election because do here's what happened row, they ran out of time. They ran out of time. They they were building camps, the fuck cancers
we're being built and why they still building camps. While the construction is this, these quote unquote covered facilities still happening right for warehouses in germany. Still getting built, dude is happening here. I'm saying that the? U s fucker for the case they gave away their plant. You guys you can't. tell me you forgot about in the last four ninety decks right right. So if you don't fuckin elect people who are unaffiliated and uninfluenced and untied to corporate and not rhinos, not part of the Will the economic forum told my real mother, fucking americans of you, do not elect these people. This go around right now we will lose his country forever and it will be a violent painful future for all of us. That's the truth, so that our final segment of the show is always we have our thumbs up her line where I sure how long you can get your thumbs up or two terms in the butt and with there being said our thumbs up headline reads: taxes man allegedly robbed home.
mode victims yard there's ago, why so at texas? Man is on the run after being caught on home surveillance, video, julie, burglar, rising, a residence and running from the police, but not before he moaned the victims back an front yards. According to port author police department, marcus renard hubbard is accused of burglarize in the south east texas home on the evening of April. One homes of aliens video shows a suspect taking up la more from the home. Filling up is tinged with gas. Then mowing the victims, law offices. I bought the home and chased the suspect who pulled the law more behind him before ditching the line equipment in the nearby alley and continue in his escape. A habit is now wanted for burglary of a
holding any one information and whereabouts can call the port arthur police department. I pitch a picture of them in the front. You are there and I have now on the lwl, what a steal he she stole the law more from the house and then, but before he left, he he decided to cut their grass. I guess he was testing it out, make sure it works or like hey, I'm David, he was just going to borrow it. it's possible, I don't think there's I don't think you know that doesn't make sense. It doesn't make any sense. There's gotta be more to this fucking story. It's not just some crackhead shit like I dunno nah bro, this guy, probably you know Now I'm be in December that serious? How do you know? I don't see? This is a crime like you didn't steal it, he the cops came and he ran most. Run from the cops right now, the one time he ran with the law more, he just dropped it cause. It was too I dunno routes, maybe he's just a fucking aspiring entrepreneur. One start a lawn care business and decided that he's going to start with the owner's lawn
and say hey, I mowed your lawn, I'm law more. I bring it back later. How do we know among these are yellow go ahead as well as some are going to be your final cut, where you are needed for two weeks sum of love or can we accept? That makes sense? be series of actions that makes it cut your grass bring back before you grasp long. You know what kind of again it'll just our alone more than yet ass? First, I mean I agree, helium or you got the zero or I'm realistic, real, quick, we're always talking about people. Take initiative, that's one of our core reality. That is, I would give this guy thumbs up for the initial. mosher over africa? Like I don't I don't think he actually meant to be a criminal hero.
yeah he's motor nighttime, I do listen. I would bet if you talk to this dude. I bet you. The story is along the lines of what I'm saying. Yeah you want to bet. I I I listen. I know not as you, but you don't think that's just what do you think? I think you know what I'm taking this well take this back or if you your steel is something you'd fucking be in and out you just grabbed the shit. That's what I'm saying dude like he was like listen. I know. They have it some awaken one. I will cut out everywhere in arms. Now he was gonna. Borrowing, listen! This I used to call me AL representing the korean war. Yes, wherever you are both going to go to jail, yeah above all it off it. gonna be a trial. Attorney knows my fucking. Go this guy The euro zone is really too
tag herself? Did we my boy for every other baby? Oh man, you know what I don't think he listened. I believe what I believe in our signal that I believe that he was a boy. Listen. I see the good people right Will you this marriage to try to get ahead? You fucking game a free long the sum of one or more for a week or you only bring it back, came in the middle of it in disrupted his entrepreneurship ambitions. Her see now ass. I like them once a year to those I mean broke his neck. Love is a victim and I think it's offer debate. I don't know they were sure. If you show my church causing shit, I'm a beach rallying. Oh shit, no shit! Where did you see me right now
Dr William saddles are people so that our obregon, barbara, hey Madge, Ricky my zero turn. Now. Did you really but you're the one you just Yes, I gave it to me. You know why, because ricky cuts the grass This is how I know what this guy's, what it is yeah see. I had a I had a laser z, zero tearing at my house, my fingers, nice ricky, would use the the. when it came the house were so then I say Ricky. What are you just borrowing? And you just how the grass one is here was he said he said tax. I showed you then said he showed its national. You don't look attacks thanks thanks here that we sent me to a lover he downward a fuckin best is also. My point is: is marks could have already recognised the right way.
But my morley's, my house, everytime it comes to the house a see. This is how I know what happened bro. I figured it out Ricky told this guy, only half the store hasn't azeri ricky. You forgot that well, I'm sure, as hell where I would urge you don't make believe in this manner. The abu got them up It doesn't. Even look me. He just looks like I mean he does kind of look me. I look a little nice in court? Well, yeah got me. That's all you got less well, I guys remember paid a fee. If homepage laugh a mistake, given
into perspective, cheers show. Thank you for sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box frozen the fucker stole countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a rope. Kang doesn't know shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-30.