« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

289. Andy & DJ CTI: FDA Restricts J&J, Misdemeanor For Chappelle's Attacker & Antifa Attacks Pregnancy Center

2022-05-07 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss the FDA restricting the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine due to blood cloth risks, the Los Angeles District Attorney's office's decision to not bring felony charges against Dave Chappelle's onstage attacker, and Antifa's attack on a pregnancy center in Portland.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number jury for the fucker stole countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a rope kang doesn't know his shot case closed. What is that guy's deeper? So as this is the show for the real to say goodbye to the wise, the patient's delusions modern society? What the reality guys! You should know what day, because today we are Eddie DJ rose the mother, fucking intimate that's fucking right, yeah, fucking crews are so basically for those of you that are new We do see the eye essential internet. That is where we are The major headlines of the day and then dissection, truth out of them and make one of the people lie. Ah then, times will have hewn as f incurable.
is where you sit in the queues and then I answer them in that's, usually personal development. In all. Try to help you guys, you better for those really don't know, The msc yo project was the most popular entrepreneur. Project are pratt podcast of all time on itunes, I converted it in two thousand and eighteen, a real, a f, because I feel we need some more realist points of view and the world, and sometimes we have of it. the so called real talk, and that is an episode where I get on here and basically yell about a bunch of shit and tell you guys the truth and somehow answer me, love it and it's it's interesting and other times I have full length like I just wanna go let go of my body, I air guidance and we do an interest talk about. What's going on the world there still
worry how they made their money, how they became significant. You know what am I missing, mrs at all, at all on everything that happened quickly becoming the fan. Favorite though the ctr ctr are awesome. Yeah, it's a it's really like the graphics too cause. I was like. Okay. Is that? Because you do know, I don't do the graphics, who does the graphics with the guy's name, steve, Steve, yeah, he's fucking awesome, But I did when Madame first started it. Nobody could save name, sir, becomes the more that without hard to say now. They just couldn't they did not say right. So the comedy solely forget offer me. How long was that for like a year, but they still call me steve? Sometimes they don't yeah. I only did that. It's not because they couldn't pronounce your name, it's just they didn't want to, while I'm american now so I gotta have that american government name steve
yeah? Alright. So what kind of nonsense do we have going on today? Man, we got some crazy shit out there, so let's get tacos hola, we do have a fee. The fee for the show is very simple. If this Exact show not any show this sea people understand the feet. The fee is persia s personal young people It's like! Oh! I like in a mature and reassure the show one time year, demo, The defects. I want to ask him what I'm asking is, if you listen to this show- and you like it- share the show and echoes every year, the guy, in the reason I ask that is because I could make literal eight figures: advertising on my show and I'll do that. I don't. I don't feel your ads your ears with bullshit, I mean I do, but now my balls animal should like mobile shit. Ok put off, but look, I ask a return guys is that you sure the show helpless growing right. So please do it now
and if you want to see any of these topics, articles headlines, pictures videos go to, and if so, that our common values, Lincoln, all of the khyber linking all of the links, all these articles and crazy shit- you gotta see them yourself on the seller website. Giving up. We didn't something! I've ever the strix J and J's idead vaccine due to a blood clots risk only shit, bosh wow, damn man who said that I am shocked, yeah. Well, what was shocks me even more brow, yeah is, if I was gonna, do it as users, you, as regulators on thursday, strictly limited to eliminate, who can receive joscelyn Johnson's covert. Nineteen. Seen due to the ongoing risk of rare but sir
erie is and claw. I know for people under forty have died in the last fucking week. Three months, and I mean shit, we I mean boot yeah. So let's talk about fuckin, rare right. Okay, first of all, I know I know for vaccinate people under the age of forty. In the last ninety days have died myself now, as there are no more people have died from this vaccine than I have for you know, tell any money they die from vaccine. But it just so happens, thereby he's dying. That's unexpected die has the fucking vaccine, so whether you are aware enough or.
Living in the light enough? The truth enough to admit that the connect? Those dots that's up to you, but those are the facts- are some common denominator skus, so the the food and drug administration, the fda said the shot should only be given to adults who cannot receive a different vaccine or specifically request Jay in jays vaccine us authorities for months have recommended that americans get pfizer or modernise shots instead of jay in jays vaccine fd, as Since you ve got the peter mark said the agency decided to restrict the vaccine after taking another look at the data on the risk of life, threatening blood clots and concluding that they are limited to jane, Jane vaccine quote. If there is an alternative that appears to be equally effective in preventing severe outcomes from crowbar. Nineteen would rather see people opting for that mark said, but he continued, but we ve been therefore, to say that compared to no vaccine, this is still a benelux. Now we care, for Why the data
that show that at zero data shows that these people have lied the entire time? What fuck I can sit here and talk for four hours about. vaccine. Then I read every day every mother fucking day I've had fucking multiple doctors come on the show and explain to you guys, and you didn't listen know at what you do. I mean what am I gonna do continue to yell about this shit over and over again row. I re vamped my entire existence to warn you, mother fuckers, about all of this shit I was. I was crazy. I was conspiracy I was. I was a threat to the safety of humans. Primordial at grandma killer go to jail, goat, okay! should be removed from society all, but you didn't have to. It was a choice. I was The choice is no coercion by the way coercion.
is a violation of the nuremberg code. Burke code says that you can not fucking coerce people to take a fucking vaccine. That's what the fuck it said, Jimmy drug they fucking forces on millions of mother fucking people. This is crimes against humanity, crimes against humanity and ominous cream it until the day I fucking guy fought to think of all the people. They fucking dying from this shit right now I mean like do, there's like to sit here and say fucking right, I am not happy about being right about this and I really wish there. We were wrong row. We weren't! You know that an embryo here is another thing. This is just a fucking, tiniest tipp of the actual iceberg. That's gonna come out. Well, people still that that report that we put on the shelf fucking six months ago that showed the insurance companies with a fuckin. Forty percent recent overall death rate rachel people find out about it
that, while you're hiding that shit but well, the thing I mean just think about like on these basic terms, guys write like the f D, a is pulling in telling people not to fucking. Take this but they're saying is rare, the same time so as a serious or non serious dj. Clearly, it's serious they're lying fok, it's serious rope like the shit is killing people now spoken terrible. Here's what I understand so I don't understand this shit did not exist. It's like dude- do you guys not fucking. Remember like do you not watch tv or understand like like? I guess people just haven't been alive long enough to have this perspective, but every single time a fucking drug has come on the mark, like dude in my lifetime, there's been so many drugs that have come on the market and then in five or six years, there's ads on t
if you fucking or a loved one fucking died from this shit call us has been going on for ever, and those fucking products that were did that were created over ten eight ten years and untested in these motherfuckers came out. The shit fuck in eight months is why trot me we're talking More fucking, backseat, yeah bro, it ain't a fucking good thing. No, no! I knew there's a lot. I know that there's a lot of people right now that not even have just taken the J and J one but were taken any of them that are fucking, worried right now there that and and and
bear there's a reason about a reasonable amount of of worried that you should be route. I've talked to so many people that were forced into taking the shit that are freaking the fuck out, and it's like, I feel so, fucking sad for them and so like helpless. It's like fuck, like these people, have to be held accountable. Yeah like this. This is that the overall overall, not understanding of what's been done. Is it still hasn't? People have still not connect the dots. They don't understand that the world economic forum and bill gates and all these people ran a fucking test pandemic. Ok before at the it. This was like august september of two. I was nineteen one event to a want. Ok, go eat inhalation, go relevant to a one who read. It is public knowledge,
fuck here's a thing I mean I know I was talking to one of my friends day. I asked her I said we heard of the great reset of you. If you read have you heard of cloth schwab now never heard of him like bro these people? Don't understand what just happened Now let me go to enact herzog, who is use of the new gas. Do I now go to and I m doc gov and go to their search bar in and search, I respected and cancer and then have a season and tell me what you think yak as a fucking kills it you don't say and but here's my thing, I think you know now yet people people don't even like do there are so many things that people who think they know what's going on do not know I have no idea. We ve talked about on the show for two years like dude, which is crazy, like it's fucking, crazy, like.
Do they all understand that these people have colluded together, introduced a fucking virus into our fuckin lives for the sole purpose of giving you to take this medicine to make you dependent on them because what they're trying to do like remember whenever was everybody you didn't take them. Jeanne belongs in a fucking camp member Australia actually was doing that more mobile and bill gates two days ago. If we had done a lot, in Australia. We will be able to prevent pandemics, a man fuck you about that, can maybe stay. My fucking house close my business bro right about that. You fat piece of shit, fuck senior, talking about fucking health from some piece of fucking shit, potato sack looking bitch, mother fucker, don't make any certain. I don't like you People are dying in like do these people. Like smiling about, like all we did a great thing. We focused so many lives. No, you did it brother.
About the data. You guys don't even understand what they just did that just when a mass of operation to gain control over populated hardly gain control over them. fucking. Digital idea in a vaccine passport in the fuckin already your currency in trying to get you. Under this system. My fault if you're in the fucking, the fuck is this my my thing is, you know two years ago right. We we were talking about know, making sure that this shit does not happen right mega sure that that we, as the american people, do not get played right while we got played and the there has to be this. This change of direction now and and and the change should be as the fact that we we need to be coming together to make sure that this shit never happens are all fucking nice people,
bull. These people were completely listen man, these, the the the I'm going to say the left here, because most of the left is the one that champion the share of a hardest fucker. You know these are the same people who are mad at me, because I won't fucking stand up further. bodily autonomy when they wanted me to go to a fucking camp three months ago for ticket and experiments drug yeah, which I fucking take a mother fucker. Now, okay, I'll take it and shove it up your ass It was laundry said and now they're going to try to make another push from the shit yeah, no magdeburg, saudi movies, that don't let a couple of shows that works is already pushing for covert. What is it the covert protections? Wavering dude? I don't understand how people have it taken enough interest to training at least grasp the reality of what's happening. They are trying to create a technocratic fuck, an authoritarian state in they use this as a play to get people to submit to it. That's
what they did in its in it's fucking communism. Oh, nothing like it. reading insects not meet, but that's what they intend and they intend for you to be so. Fucking impact First, the you can never resist them ever again, and this is the scariest timing, humanity's history walking up now and people I ask people who seem to know things who Klaus schwab is. They came tell me like bro. If you don't know who klaus schwab is, you are so far behind the fucking ball like it's in it's not conspiracy, theory, you guys say: oh it's conspiracy, theory and it's just a conspiracy, theorist, no stupid fuck, I'm smart, I know how to connect the dots everything in my life. Fucking says that I haven't missed on one fuckin point since all this started. Ok and you have given it so put your you go in your fuckin pocket
listen what I'm saying now, let's roma sad, these people were victims of its end and what they ve done in society They ve created the scenario they gave appeal. The ego Y all people who wash unanimous NBC. All this shit they all believe and had been told to believe that there are more early spear and smarter than a deplorable is ok and the three mega crowd ugh, I'm smarter, higher society are more sophisticated. This talk started with Hillary Clinton and Barack obama rope. They built a brand based around higher intelligence and people were fucking, attracted to that when you tell people, hey, you're, pretty smart
you're, pretty smart. He should come over here with us, feel the egos and shit it makes dumb. People feel really fucking smart and the reason that people are having such a hard time, reversing course with this is because it they have to admit to themselves that they got fuckin played and now people are dying and people are act like they're, acting like it's not happening like it, dude it's weird as fuck. This is weird, As women got, those are breaking news. Headlines was good answer have on number one I do want to survive, but you want to live maybe she questioned shit, maybe sugar What's goin on, maybe should listen to people who are fairly told you and we decided to dedicate their entire finalized figuring spoke out, because you and I do that I do that. The work work where's your fuckin,
success. Where's, your where's, your evidence that you're somewhat of an intelligent person where is it right? Okay? So, let's be real here. smart people had been telling you this shit. They brandon this conspiracy theories and Brandon s, people, should listen to and your fuckin took the bait. So how about a meeting that you fuckin off in saying fuck, all let's get together and that's all these motherfuckers count of what the fuck did, because that's what I want. I'm willing to forgive the people who told me to go to the camp and this all that shit, I'm ruined, for abolish it, but I am not willing to forgive the mother fucker, who fucking did it? I'm not fucking. Do in man fuck these people and you got, should all feel the same way whether you took the shattered intake shit through
I remember one gas alot, more reads: dave chapels, attacker misdemeanor charge ripped by calmly club owners, shocking to hear us in LOS angeles district attorney's office, this decision and not bring felony charges against day chapels alleged onstage attacker has recent shockwaves through the world of entertainment and lie? venue owners across the country are coming down hard on what they say is de georgie gas, combs lack of justice quote this. Is this a shock to hear newer, kommeni club, owner, danny's, old aunts, old fox news, digital thursday. At the end, video that attack dave. Chapelle did so with a knife. It was planned and advance. I'm curious what they would consider. Felony conduct people should be accountable for their actions, not charging. This person appropriately sends a message that it's ok to physically harm someone,
it's really outrageous and then somebody else it will smith got an oscar after he slapped chris rock and now this. Allah is awesome and residents deserve to live there. Violence, free politicians and police need to do their job right, so they dropped the felony charge against Isaiah. Lee gave him a couple of bullshit misdemeanors. This was the actual weapon that they recovered off of him. So it's a makeshift gun with the us off of the switchblade out of it and yeah. I it's just another example like how crimes not be american thinker. A prosecutor was funded by george soros and the reason this is done is because they want peace. They want disorder in society. This is why the crimes don't get prosecuted in ST louis. This is why the crimes don't get prosecuted in fucking l a even when it's a super fucking Alice
I am sure, a geiger. This is intentional. This is part of the fucking. What we just talked about the great reset these people were altogether. They are trying to a demoralization and dismay. position of our country in all of these fucking police officers that and judges, and all this shit like youtube advocates because they can't do they go and do their job in a hacker. Rob and ate their rest motherfucker and then her out for an hour. This is an example that, in every single mother, fucker is connected to that mother fucker is creating. problems for our country, every single one, every single one You want to know Can enemies are look for the motherfuckers take money from that motherfucker spoken bullshit it's what I said on the show the other day to do. I'm really getting too tired of paying the amount of fucking tax. Then I pay and now now able to actually go out and society without having literally a fucking force secure,
pretty naval say all rich people are gonna have to get their ought. No, they already did that, alright, but we already got him right, like so think of the average person who pays tax who's, a good person who just wants to go, live their life and enjoy the fucking shit that they pay for to be a part of the community and they can't because of this and that's fucked up Well, we need. We need people to get into office that will literally hammer crime, so fucking hard that people will be afraid to even fucking fart in public. That's what we need now is why we need the bulb. I got it yeah you asked me a just for acknowledging that criminals and actual criminal in our regular people not harassed and people who don't deserve it and that I think the harassed and people who don't deserve is almost fucking dwindled away, because now there are real problems It's an apparently came out that, like day chapelle and the young man had a conversation and somehow
the young man was basically saying that the reason he did the attack was because of Dave chappelle. ideals and beliefs on gentrification rights than this was I don't care if this was a free country, it doesn't matter you don't You don't my opinion? Fuck off right, it has his grandmother like lost our home due to judges, managing that's a victim mentality, talented exit, the exact date date. They make the criminals the victims they they excuse, why they do the crime for the story that they well. I don't give a fuck, I don't arr, I dont care, and neither should you you should stop having sympathy for these people to kindle bay the fuckin civil laws of the society. I don't care, I don't care what the fuck your story is. I don't care what I grew up. I don't care it's hard for everybody out here. Motherfucker it ain't hard for you. It doesn't give you an excuse to go. Do shit like this. It's real man,
large numbers of people are going to have to start getting fucking seriously violent, bang they're going to have to know they're going to have to know that's the only solution like this has got to go, but this is going to go back to the times in the fifties and six These were there's literal mob rule like I'm tired, mafia rule, because did she had there has to be a pecking order, and criminals ain't can have the highest pricking water young. We had to admob in this town and in not this town, but everywhere criminals and do fuckin shit because you know what happened when criminals fucked up they fucking killed. You re put you in a hole you wouldn't forever. No one knows what the fuck it. That's that's what's to start happening again right now, but speaking to people need needs to get fucked up. Hella number report anti for attacks, a crisis, pregnancy sensor in portland and yells fuck c p, see which is the crisis pregnancy centre, so antifa just a day you I dress up in all blackish it. So you can see the phase yet
but you know why? Because if you saw they are you wouldn't fuck and will use imitated all what we see- fuckin blue skinny ass degenerate fucking fox, who are getting paid to this work, stirrup shit by the same guy, whose funding the fucking prosecutors, who will this one guy who is causing a shit ton problems here in this country, it's? Just yesterday, Antifa reportedly attacked a pregnancy center in portland just days after the supreme court leaked, the document that reveal roe v wade may be overturned, quote antifa pro abort men are attacking and putting out hits on pregnancy, centers.
portland Oregon lila rose, reported a breaking antifa pro abort men are attacking and putting out hits on pregnancy centers because it drives pro abort mintz, a violent rage to think that women will have support to choose life. Why don't you guys stop going into pregnancy centers like a bunch of little pussies, and why don't you come to one of the gyms and harass all the people who are fucking working out then oh shit, you got on like health either. I know they don't want to be around. They don't want to be around fuckin actual men they're there they are targeting the weakest part of the population. Fuck is so fucked up It's man in these communities, communist portland Oregon. Well you know what I'm saying like there are none of there and if they are, but I I don't know, you know this is why it was really fucked up so the same groove group that go by ruth route. Ruth scenario: it's funny these people do all this
shit, adapt shoe and isn't that right, I'll, fucking, chaff, buckings put my address our turn. A fuckin internet aroma almost sure I don't give a fuck yeah cause, that's part of the shit that they did. They they leave. But my point is my point is: is there lie the names of the neighbours of peoples, russia's neighbours. Shit. You could do that. Why back to them right. I don't know what people are saying that you could do that right back to him or the use of the use of gps, and I cant figure well, who are the people on the page comedy they are not about those way. ways, arrears ways around a brow. So why? Well, you guys, and your community start fucking doing the same shit. They do and embarrassed these fuckers for who the fuck they are. Oh and you know what do whenever you do that. Picking on me or picking on me a very comfortable now comfortable? Does those impression of a little scream debris What I do that's what they do, and you know what I don't care
there now not until we is american, stop buying these fuckin victim stories from people who do fucked up shit will continue to do fucked up shit because this worry and the last story or completely related. These people have a fucking green light to do anything they want and get away with anything they want, and only mother fuckers in this country right now that get in trouble for fucking, anything or white men? That's a fucking fact. It was really fucked up is that same group is now reportedly threatening to storm churches on mother's day in protests they're going after catholic churches all around the country. Well, if I was a fucking cat, I think men and going to church. I packed my shit fucking around, find out that it's right in the name of the lord yeah yeah, while these people don't over your fuckin, where they have no. I have no idea, like you guys, do not understand this. I've made. You understood they made you think the january six is the insurrection row.
The reason there hasn't been a mass casually fucking attack on these people is because the people who are pro to a our law abiding citizens and their holding back because they think it's the law and their expecting the law to take care of these people, the laws and take care of you. People once they figure out that the laws fucking nowhere these people or flock they are flat their flocks, brothers, people, I'm going to be able to have a shot of these people. They don't even flock and no other living in a false sense of of embolden nature like these pro to a fucking brothers lot. We want them to love, others that aren't posting just fucking, shooting the shit they're waiting and waiting and waiting and they're going to come out of fucking everywhere and they're going to fucking decimate these people. These people are going to end up getting killed. It's a matter of time, but that's the thing that that's why they're so selective
on what they go after. No that's why they only fucking target the women pregnancy centers. That's why they only they're going to stay in the photo eco tours of people are going to come out and disk and fucking destroy hundred People at once, and then it's gonna, be like both to turn their domestic terrorists. They are the domestic those motherfuckers right there. They are the domestic terrors. So what does shall we do with them? Whatever we do? A domestic terrorists? That's what will happen when this fucking power change comes back around and make a gif man if you're living in a false, fucking war ro- we are living in a false way- think they think they carry a fuckin battle with fucking trash can lids and umbrellas blackpool noodles. They think the streets are as safe as their keyboard there. They type on that's right, and this was not spent especially here and get all missouri these idiots or for higher too. They don't represent shit anti fast.
Isn't that they were truly anti fascism? Thus they be anti. What's going on in our government right right, they be will already be on our side. They're, not anti fascist, if you figured it out. Yet everything they say about. The other side is what they are. everything they say the racists, oh no, they are racist are like that's what they call it. Yeah were racist, no, no! No! They are they're the ones that focus everything on race right rash of you are fucking dude. Our fucking government that we have right now is fascist. Hmm like these people, don't even know that they either don't know or they're fucking. They don't care and they're just paid fucking agitators that want to go out and get violent, that that there is a fucking hundred and twenty there's two hundred and twenty pound women here in this photo like brought these people are living in we are living in a false fucking reality. Bro wait till these men come out of the fuckin or out of the house, is created up we're fucked
nay hours and understand, combat and thought can train ever weekend or they ve train, they ve been over and fuck in afghanistan. For ten years you people are fucked. You should stay the fuck home from here on out Helen. Number three authority. Third Helen reads: michigan They police seizes voting machines as it expands investigation into potential breaches- tides twenty twenty election. Not so this is, is this international article one? it should be noted who this article is biased. the sea and in article gas seems like some change in tone. This is the new ownership, essential new ownership, two thousand mules just came out right that proof for a fucking fact. In all these states were fuckin stolen, which everybody flocking new on everybody looked the other way and if you remember, you couldn't even admitted that there was an elite This is the most secure election in the history of the united states and, if you admit you're on domestic terror terrorist list. They fucking go as hard as they can to cover up the biggest lies.
Intimidate you and not speaking truth and and and and people fall for it. in reality. They can't do anything now so speak truth. How are they gonna get a fucking? three hundred million motherfuckers, the cat cnn, who put who put this article out they understand what's about to happen, and they don't want to completely destroy their brain So that's the purpose of this, the sadly there also starting to put headlines out as it today on the one when your problem, the show, but. put a headline out the said. A mirror These are on their last leg, with Biden when it comes to the economy. No mother, fucker, it's not coming back If done right, we're not on the last leg of shit, it's fucking over. We all know what the fuck happened. We are.
I know that he sold his influence to fucking other countries. We all know that their purposefully dismantling the country we all fucking know now. We all know that these people, these people will be dealt with. Oh yeah, I believe that this article says Michigan. State police has expanded its investigation into whether third parties gained unauthorized access to voter machine machine data after the twenty twenty election and how examining potential breaches in at least one new county seen in his learnt in Iraq, Last friday, state police seized one a machine diary later in urban irving, township bury county court, PAMELA palmer, told seamen on thursday almost seen in that she was not aware of any issues until police notified. Her of the voting machine seizure, michigan state police first opened its investigation into potential voting machine breaches. In february after the secretary of state office notified notified, it
of that name. Third party was allowed to access vote, tabulated components in technology and roscoe we count yeah and who was saying that a day or two after the election. Oh, I was his fucking twenty twenty two. This is twenty twenty one years, millions of people saying fraught dude clear, fraught member, the graph people at all. now that you've all come to understand how shitty your fucking policies are and what the fuck you voted for is never going to happen. How do you feel about our our government stole our fucking democracy from us legitimately, not their democracy, which they have in common? right when they say whether this is a threat to our democracy
What they're really saying is this is a threat to our agenda to implement a technocratic authoritarian, communist state. No, that's what the fuck they're saying if you can't translate their language by now, You'Re- probably not supposed to get it now from michigan state police. Lieutenant dirk Carroll told In a wednesday that departments investigation has expanded some more counties where they were notified of breaches of alleging systems, but we're not confirm the seizure in irving townships, specifically its unclear if the investigation includes counties beyond Ross common county in urban township, but a source familiar with the investigation, told scene in the state police are aware of a third potential breach. These potential breaches did not affect the result of the twenty twenty election carol said noting the breaches occurred after the election was complete, the spokesperson for the
michigan attorney general office has declined to answer. So I think this is funny we talking about the election. The electoral went on for fuckin sixty exact. We all remember that exactly fog and then that would not be a good time to fuck manipulate yeah. I know what you got before. We are the election on tuesday binding declare, victory until saturday, and that's that wasn't even that was his declaration of victory. It was like two weeks later than they. Finally fuckin came out with John, never conceded fuck. To this day, trumpet never never conceded, that's cause. He should it because they fucking stoa now. You're, all all of you, whether you are willing to amend or not or seeing the ramifications- and I just saw this welcome lady the other day. While we were all going back and forth cause, I you know she was talking about the the the the baby formula, shortages and shit right now, my I'm like hey, listen, you
voted for this shit nodding at it. I didn't vote because I don't want to go for trot. No, that was definitely above by shit. You know I'm saying was I haven't you cause this problem. The dude Had seventy four million votes, ten million more votes than the vote account. He had two thousand sixty you're telling me that this fucking decrepid senile fucking man who is completely race. Just ok and sold the government down the fucking drain, His son has videos of with underage females on a fucking laptop version, ro there so much shit. That's gonna come out like it's unbelievable, but it's unbelievable that you wouldn't believe the who the fuck edge rope. even the fucking left people that I know there are like yeah that doesn't seem right: whoop, whoop yeah. You telling me that way. First of all,
This is our no. The election was so you tell me by gum more votes than than than barack Obama. We're not a single person showed up to one of his events over the court will hit in the basement for the whole fucking campaign. All those calls covert. Oh, you don't think that they act, but we have a fucking. We. I I wish this was a coup. How do people not understand the play? how can I see the play? We had a coup, that's exactly what it was was a fucking coup. It's called a cholera collar revolution and they say trump tromp was the coup no they fucking stall, their positions and our government stolen Other people, let alone it, some of the biggest billionaires and the planet paid for it.
People that don't even have a fucking say in our country at the world economic forum helped it people were not even citizens of this country, helped it fucking disgusting row. We need justice for this. He needs to be done in a way that people never ever ever ever ever. Fucking forget it. No that's what I'm saying that's what I said Yeah man like we, we've all been played and when we first when, when you first transition, the show like that was the the the the the main topic right like make sure we don't get played because we got played, Now we have to make sure we can play while I'm here, I'm as a country. Yes, I am like that we women play in, and we have to make sure that this should never happens. Welcome again, never for the next hundred fucking years. Gaza final segment of the show. We have our thumbs up segment as always how I show a headline senior two thumbs up or two terms in the butt and with that being said, I thumbs up Ellen reads: I made:
one hundred twenty three thousand dollars a year selling dead mice I get so much hate, but just a bit of fun. So let us not into this! Let me end his eyes. Like I never knew around here bro. I feel like just one of those ones you're going to try to pump me. So a former dancer has cheesed off online trolls by making one hundred and twenty three thousand dollars a year selling dead mice, Katie hardwick thirty eight performed a career. for- to become a full time taxi. Actually, Germany's selling the mice for sixty seven dollars to two hundred and forty six dollars. She starts at least five day creates many scenes by attaching them to stir, propose circus hoops. A miniature yoga mats, mom of two katy of east burn east sussex,
england said: quote people love it or hate it, and I get a lot of angry vegans. On my case, some people have told me that this mouse didn't die just become just to be immortalized as a stripper as all the just a bit of fun. It would be a very different practice if I was working with a rare elephant's head. She says all of my mice are purchased from the pet shop as they are sold as reptile food. They are already dead and frozen. Her obsession began when her husband, James Harwich, forty purchase her a taxied army, a taxidermy, your first mouse kit for christmas five years ago, or so she taught herself
accidentally basics and began selling her pieces on my more than three thousand four hundred of her twirling stuffed mice have been shifted on etsy alone, also here, smith pitches. For you of her work and what boy? Oh interesting, I like the detail on the feet: it's fucking roads, what's Amy, what's her face, Amy, why Amy winehouse yeah, there's there's some rats. We yeah guys you gotta check these bitches. All the rats yeah. These are rat sees a mouse mice, there's difference which are those. These are mice. This is like what I would feed my snake, wet, wet, wet know it is. I have a snake. It was funny right there, that's why I dunno yeah. First of all, I guess whatever capitalism baby yeah, it's super weird and like they're, already dead, they're gone but, like you know, the
thing. I gotta be railway line you're like all mortal eyes stripper wool and would rather will it would all be better like to be completely forgotten. Masses are very significant. Is my question about these events, and I like it, you can be insignificant mouse and. nobody ever remembers you or you could be one of these ones. People see you all the time: fucking amy Amy world, Mamie, yeah, Amy, winehouse yeah, so like dude, first of all like and I'm being real like. I don't like this shit, I like animals living alone. I, like all animals like turtles. I like fuckin like a by catch a mouse and kill him. I forgot to sign shit.
So, like I don't like that, like I I go, I don't like watching. Animals kill other animals and shit like that, like it's just not what I'm into, but you know I don't know that. I see anything wrong with it. If they're already dead, they are one hundred percent. This is my question. Okay, I think I mean I'm be honest. I just think this is the shit weirdest fucking superman, I think it's weird for somebody for this that I must wait. What is this is weird as the girl who sells fucking farts in a jar now, but I would say what is weirder is who the fuck is buying the ship. To me, that's the we're part like who is by that I dunno dunno. That's that's some.
Walker minds, just making fucking six figures a year doing it. So I mean that last, let's do the math. She said what two hundred and forty box up to two hundred and forty six sixty seven dollars up to two hundred and forty six dollars, so one hundred and fifty six dollar per mouse show how much she says she make once when he went year, one hundred and twenty three thousand on twenty three, when I say I was wanted the six. So she sells a fucking sap, eight hundred mah mice a year. That's a lot of work, yeah just five a day while she doesn't find a day, because that would be a lot more than that yeah. We met but maybe she makes her managers that she can do five a day later when she's busy yeah, but I dunno I mean, like I guess- is okay, I'm fucking out like this is weird like. Why would you buy that? That's what I'm saying? apparently allowed. We buy them for christmas dec I mean like they. She puts a happy face on whom the kind of like
you like it's kind of weird, is or actual dead mouse like, but I So you know like we're like like a brother, the fucking, long haul, ahead of my farm, but the the fucking lorna was already fucking dead children for the fuckin yeah paying like that. Well, that's what she says: she's like I could be playing with fucking elephant heads and shit like I don't know, I'd seems harmless really does just we're. Is it's definitely we're? I mean she's providing for a fuckin family, better than most of these motherfuckers out there that were criticize of shit. That's true, you know, so I give it two thumbs up. Give it two thumbs up. I'm with animal guy to like it, but there was europe, Maybe if your mouse would you whether it be immortalized as a stripper mouse or become rat poop or become fucking eaten by snake, never fucking thought of ever again. I would rather be stripper months, while at yeah I'd rather be Amy, winehouse yeah, I mean that's
but I mean there's one here want to fuck a lot here, no shit, you know so like I knew who was right when I saw it anyway. Yeah I heard you were there is that without is its us, that's a spirit, spirit, career ass, a dream catch rinkitink Anywhere it wherever I too thumbs up, argued with them up from above from his wisely we're like. I mean look at a booty parliament. After what I'm saying, mrs calling, I prefer my were no tales action. Ah, shit supporting look at that face. Would you say: support single mice c wrote a fucking look at that money that there are actual government printing, fake money, yeah, no shit that must be left over from the fucking trillions of that's, why we got all the inflation now she's fucking print money for rats yeah. Alright,
Ok, that's enough areas, our gaza guys, you, I know when the jokes, all that's it off our guys as a show. I hope you liked it and if you do share it, if you don't oh sure, see you next time sleeping on a small number from the county. Co they teach buddhist smoke, got a rope. Kang doesn't know shop. Club.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-30.