« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

287. Andy & DJ CTI: Dave Chappelle Attacked On Stage, Roe V. Wade & CDC Cellphone Data Tracking

2022-05-05 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Dave Chappelle being attacked onstage by an audience member while performing at Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles, the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade that provided women with a constitutional right to abortion, and the report that showed the CDC bought cellphone data to track vaccination & lockdown compliance.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number for the are countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't kang doesn't know. Headshot case closed. What is up guys JD for seller, and this is the show for the real say goodbye to realize the pinkness and delusion of modern society. Welcome to the motherfucker reality guys. Today we had eighty dj them the falcon intimate that's right! Now we're gonna do this, time. Listening, that's what CD I sense for stands for crews, the internet and Basically what we do is we pull headlines out of the ridiculous shit that we call the news and we talk about then you might tunisian another time, q and a off. That's where you asked the queues, I give you day ass. The main
listener ship audience of the show. Is entrepreneurial success base for those who need it don't know. This podcast was formally called the m f c, o project which stands for mother fucking seo and was a number one person development podcast on itunes of all time, then we have real talk. We'll talk is where I came on and I talk about some things I think are important lot of you get angry and think that I'm there'd be mean you and then Go home and realize I was right and then you love me forever, never know and then we are falling, which is where I bring on my region and arresting friends, and we talk about how they got rich or what they did. It was interesting now, Today we have city I and before we get into we do have a fee for the show. The fee is very simple: if you liked the show share the show, if the show made you think of a major laugh and gave me new perspective, thought make good point
If you think it's something people need to listen to. Do us a favour and share the show. And adds on the show. I dont want ads for the show and yeah. That's the truth. Ask, so I think it's pretty fair trade via help you you help me and be honest about. Two I'm talking about every episode not want to fuck in here when you cite oh, you know that was a pretty good want. I guess it yeah hammer you guys with fuck truth by in real shit all fucking day, and then you share one time a year. Hearing think your trade and no did this costume. Billions of dollars a year put on it, you fuckin free, so have my back now, let's get on with the show Sir god remember. If you want to see any of these articles, links pictures videos go to any facility dot com, you can find them all there and, with that being said, less guns, a headline number one ally reads: Dave, Chapelle, attacked on stage hollywood bowl by audi as member armed with weapon submitting day chapelle with attack on stage,
the guy had a fake gun that had a real nice inside others happened just tuesday night last night at the hollywood bowl, the comic forty eight, almost performing as part of the netflix is a joke festival when the mayhem unfolded around two point? Forty five p m toward the end of the stand up: shell, according to witness a shocking video footage, shows dave, chapelle, standing onstage, the audience member identified by authorities as israeli twenty three years old charges and slammed some to the floor seconds later. The attacker was sakhalin biosecurity earthquake clip. The pre loggerhead is now you hit motherfuckers when you play that's why you re so plan that was away. He's fucking had ever seen in my life, was Dave Chapelle way, a hundred sixty five Andrew Jesus Christ, you that's you're fuckin shoulder drive driver your hits, thereby knows this shit. That was a week
the shuddering, because you forget people die and what the fuck you talking to me. I'm really hippy balls off fraid you do that because shit, that's how you hit people but I'm a I'm, a new security guys. We gotta talk about some shit on. How do you get out stay just that you allow burn a fuck now Bergmann. How will we haven't? We? We ve been out speaking quite a few times right there every time Although far from the stage, Louis, usually right bind yazzi J c mere there's a couple of ever closer writers couple days. It should address all that's address this. To not only can this beta pussy male can tackle mri. He put off a faint gun with a real knife. But what are you gonna? Stick in california out on you what are you doing now everywhere, but here is a ban. You know I got on air that you thought I was a get hit
That's all I need it. We can have the show cause. I can replay that clip for the rest of the time. Bullshit yeah, you wanna, know how dj hit people keith looking at it, it did have a nice noise. Maybe that's what it was. I dunno that look. World cup. Secondly, we gotta, be, though you're good. We got worse than that. Didn't see this picture on the internet this morning and made me fucking laugh rowe. He voice of the people posted it this morning, yeah. I was fucking, by us in our work and also we have this instagram calhoun saint Louis, called voice of the people which is fuckin awesome. They make babies. Well, you know it It really is voices because you have all kinds of people debate indifferent shit. You know I'm saying later I liked the page because it gives didn't perspective, but like paper, It's theirs and everybody was like yeah. Mother fucker got what he deserved so much that I think not yeah cause. You guys are guys go to as you'll see the pictures online he's got a giant, fucking not on his own we're here
whereas I got Bubu was available maybe you're right after this should happen. Rise like that was a trans. Man is what he said: Is that really what it is? What we don't know how it came out yet, but there are some telltale signs, so he as the the kyle, the drinks monster, energy, drink energy, drink gloves on yeah. He has a black thing in l paint, and so I mean I mean I think it's too soon to call, but who gives a fuck yeah failure. You know what stomped this motherfucker space period and I'll give a fuck of these trans are fucking, the thing or whatever, and stop attacking people that are just up doing their fucking job, the wrote, listen. This is what you get when you raise a bunch of people without any accountability. Where I grew up. If you did fucked up shit got your ass beat, it was either you got your ass beat by your fucking teacher, got your assay by your peers, where you got your ass pie by your fuckin mom and dad. And that's where he learned the shit this guide and learn and he's gonna sit there.
Evict them now and say: oh they got, they beat me up, yeah the sugar to me. It really honestly should have killed you dude they're, like if, I'm being you! You ran up there with a fuckin weapon, bright attacking like bro they could have easily shot you and been justified in doing so, and honestly. I think that needs to happen a little bit more to keep these people from doing this shit, oh yeah, so oh yeah, I mean, but I think overall, for the most part, though Dave Chappelle took a pretty well what I'm saying kept making the jokes about next time, what I'm saying, but I mean, what next hunger, the yeoman. Example of people like this. They do it again or inspires other people to do this kind of shit guarantee this dude watch a fucking will smith shit, but that was kind of cool as the career of christopher so now me silly result was actually. There was already be said that if you like we're, worries, I I forget what he said exactly, but he was like that was that will smith, yeah, yeah well dude
I have heard of the well hey what I'm saying. That's all you can do but like on a very serious note if the guy had if he was armed like worst thing, how did you get into the fuck? listen to begin at some point. We have to start making examples on people. Ok, we're mesa value as it is a valid point you in there It's a thing too. If someone does that to me better shoot him in the face of I'm I'm not playing three times yeah you're upset, but that's a thing like that. That's the whole, that's the scenario that that all of this war bullshit is put us. It is that the citizens are now having to take matters back into their own hands because a perfectly comfortable with their end, the thing like yeah. A lot of people are going to be fine with that yeah. You know what I'm saying there will be. Some people really are welcome, so you got fucking hey man, you know what you guys. Lotta people is in the show you went along with this woke shit. The last twenty years. You went along with this politically correct shit for last twenty years. Thinking you were virtues, signalling and you're, a good person and you're taught to tolerate
in your title, look the other way and blah blah blah blah a blog and whatever as we have a generation of people who do not understand. Accountability. They noticed understand that there is a real action for their actions at all times, and then, when these people have fucked up the same culture that raise these people, to believe that they don't have consequences for their actions. Then says: oh poor little, me got his dick stamped. And on stage, because he tackled this rich dave ship, Oh, oh he's a victim here. No, that's the wrong, mentality right and this mentality in america needs to stop and its rules an entire generation of young people and people are ruin if you're between the ages of twenty five and fucking zero. You Been ruined and cheated out of the reality of an education of how things really work and inertia piss you off, and you should do every fuckin thing that you can
And to try and learn the ways of reality and how things really work in the real world, because how things really in the real world is the laws of fucking nature. Ok, it's the survival of the fittest, it's if a fucking bottle, that's it there the top and there's a bottom there's a first place in there's a fuckin last place. There's a fucking there, consequences for your actions. There's people who put up in your shit and it doesn't make you victim when you impose on them and they don't put up with your shit. Ok, you know my opinion this guy's lucky to be alive, but I guarantee you don't feel that way Now is europe's era do there's a reckoning come in for people of these age groups? That is unfortunate, but it's it's what's going to happen. You're gonna be ok. If there was like me with all the changes of recess that we need to happen, but that have to happen society right now,
I'm totally. Okay, with with the punishments of crimes being ten times harsher from her offered, I'm totally foul with a dj, there has been no punishment of crime at all if they were just in force. Fucking punishments the way the written in the law we wouldn't, these problems, I saying I'm so there's no need to make them first or even though I do agree with that, my personal belief is would run this mother fucker lackey with singapore. I would bring people out in the fucking town square. I would fucking kane them I would embarrass them. I would beat their ass whenever do shit like this? That's what I would do okay. Now I realize that my views may not be palatable to the average american. That's what I would do, but, okay, if people fucking, raped and murdered, I would fucking pull a mountain town square and I'd fucking do what they did to braveheart right at right in front We body right, that's my personal view. Okay, so don't I vote. Yes,
I believe that's what I'm saying. Okay, I'm alright! So that's my viewpoint now I realize that people listing this are probably like. Oh my god, oh the you know it is what it is. That's how I would run shit if it were me and I promise you america would be the cleanest, the safest and the best place at bid. The proud may we have society that has been condition down through big media and the collusion of hollywood, big tech, media and all he's corporate interests to be coralie week to be totally soft and guys Sorry, that's not the way the world works broke. On top of that you like, and we will look back historic like a man, you look at others, civilizations and cultures or societies today, that still operate along those lines of eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth shit right there that way, but for reasons yams amber, but their comrades, so very, very fucking, Fatima right and comparative countries like the usa, we spend our prison system.
As a billion dollar fuckin industry homes and because, as idea that unless it from all nigerian and by the way that the fucking prison system? First of all, people say, orders to many people in prison dollars, not theirs. Fucking that there's not enough people in prison, but I'm not qualify there's imprison, that's a truer. Why do we have so much fuckin clan? Why do we? Why can't I go down the street mile, I'm a fucking law abiding. Tax, paying citizen in this country. I can't even take my wife downtown to enjoy the city that I pay taxes, the fucking living, but Chris, We can run collision house out. Ok right, it's not And we need a correction and correct, she's gonna be unpalatable to the fuckin average amount if we really want to fix it, so I feel
me I'm paying by the well guess who is sitting in this room? Who is only one whose actual there the mobility, violent crime I am mother fucker fuckin stab in the fuckin face. I know what the fuck is about to be the victim of an actual crime in a violent one. In a pisses me off when people say oh criminals. You know that they raised right or they don't care for that. Didn't stop didn't stop me from. Instead, the fucking face. Not a homely thing gets a man. I hope before can changes, ways and live in a great life. But my point this. If you don't know, you don't fucking, know colonel seem to be dealt with a fuckin harsh hand, a heavy hand. And it needs to send a message to all the other criminals. The says oh shit about it. I'm fucking do that, and until we get to that point, we will have a situation that we have words its becoming increasing, we unsafe to. Actually
enjoy the country in the cities that we abide. The laws and pay the taxes to do enjoy, and that's it not okay. This country needs to be re, taken back all these image instead of cross the border over the last couple of years, they all should be shipped back to wherever the fuck they came from. There should be a major fucking, operation. Whenever the guard changes in the office next time to get rid of all of them, I don't care what you fucking think about it. That's true this rumor and I'm getting something coming over real quick and gosh you do do do do do do do do do do do. Do it got breaking news, breaking news! revenues. Allow reads: Biden says agro crowd is most extreme political organization that exists in recent american history. We made those two good first walk. I dont bob
by magda, because I don't think it was ever great. I think it should just be mac like make amerika great, but must be fuckin. Real, ok their projecting again. They are the most radical fucking group. Its ever existed in this country. There are the ones that have basically in women did our fucking laws in our cities. They crime, rates at an all time high. They killed. How our know how hundreds of thought it's a fucking. Businesses I burned down cities or for fucking years. That's not maga road! Now, none of it's magnified and everybody knows it, and when he comes out and says this shit, all it does is galvanize the people against them. Like these people are so dumb. We figured it out you stupid, fucks that you project, acting in everything that you say the opposite is true. When you say it, ass, the bad guy there doing this this this your bag. And you're. The one actually doing that that in that respect- and we ve all figured it out
Now some of us figured it out before others, and then we took the lead and, and dedicated our whole fucking lives to explaining it to you very much welcome, but the point is people fucking get it now. What you're witnessing here dude I was thinking about this this morning- We are witnessing in reality like with what's going on across the globe with the word world economic form this fucking global reset. The great reset in this communist agenda and all this shit in all this entire the show chaos that's being creative. Is intentional yeah dude, yeah yeah like fuck. I think people forget that part though, like they think that shit is just coincidence, and it's just. All of that shit is intentional, like these are actual fucking game players are run it yet, but but what I'm saying is that what we are witnessing here is not just
I'm trying to put in a new government its they it's the old guard it's the old generation refusing to fuckin step aside, for the young leaders of the world they day. This is their greatest accomplishment and they think but before they die they're going to set the world on this new course and motherfuckers you're? Not it's not gonna fuckin work and that a war here in amerika now, ok, so you know, you got bill gates on four kittv today sit like today saying when we locked down next time. We wish do you, like australia did like in you our committee is around here, argued over abortions, right, ok and, and this modified there is on tv sitting here saying next time gonna be like Australia, motherfucker ankara be no next, our will and our who listen very there'll, be no fucking excellent period,
and you motherfuckers out their argue in Roby wade three days ago, you can give a fuck about three days ago you fuck about that you're worried about fucking the covert shit you're worried about the ukraine shit. You're about black lives matter, wrote here's the real problem. The real problem with all this shit is that people are so fucking stupid that it's beyond my comprehension to understand how stupid they actually are. Now, that's it's driving me crazy. As a human like at it's like eighty d or even the fucking, smart ones are stupid, even a smart. What the quote quote. Smart people are stupid. I see them online today. Ok, everybody shifted from talking This global reset covered the falcon hundreds of thousands of businesses that we're closed the intentional destruction of our economy, the intentional per of trillions of dollars, devalue our money, the fucking global axiom, pass the the world economic forum, etc.
Cetera, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, everybody's talking about that now, you got both sides arguing over mother fucking. Ah, are you fucking abortion completely forgetting what the fuck they were? Just went you like do these are the smart people there like, like literally engaging in the argument of pro or a get more fuck eating three days ago right, you can buy all sober shit, it's so dear than the ukraine shit then brought in and then their gonna pile on. Will you guys don't get in there going to intentionally create as much fucking chaos as possible. Ok, there we saw people uniting bro yeah. They saw. There were losing the fucking moderate left and they said. Ok. What's the only issue that we can get them, you know with the song and they set all well, it's real reason. Verse, as we know, is even talking about. I also
this thing leaks and now you got all these and let's talk about this for a second time. She roused by the way what pet my number two, as is the roe wade situation. Ok, what is wrong and anyone? You know You know when I see this whole thing going around it ass. He two sides of fuckin hypocrisy. I see in this is academic, manufacturing, friends, you motherfuckers think I'm comic opera, conservative, no, I'm fucking! I'm not even a right conserve. I'm a fucking, moderate and you're gonna hear about it right now kay all you motherfuckers on the right, you're, a fucking, hypocrites. Ok, you motherfuckers, unless you're hypocrites to write for fuck is six months, no I'm sorry. For eighteen months the people on the left are sick forcing all these things on people a mask, a fucking vaccine? not proven blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah all this shit, while the people in the middle and the right we're like hey man, that's not fuck and freedom. Ok
Maybe you're always bear argument. Now the rolls reversed and you got the fuckin right trying to push this into fucking onto these people. Ok and- And and they're sitting the left sitting here saying my body, my choice after they just press for all of us to get fired, docks kit gotta society, and then I these arguments online? I was reading some of the comments of people like all it's not the same thing, the fuck it s the same thing. It's say mistake: and then these people have the nerve to say. Oh well, you know if you the vaccine, I'm sure life will be harder, but you don't go to jail. You we're wanting us to go to cats were what my fav my favorite. We know is anyone. They say: oh you're, just a man, you can't talk about abortions, you couldn't a vital. One or two weeks ago, I was like wait wait, so let me just identify as roma for these next five minutes. While we talk about, let's talk about real women's rights, okay, let's get into that okay, so
what you are saying is that all women should vote left further by the way. Let's just get this really clear, no one's out long abortion and that better trying to put abortion to the responsibility of the state's ok. As it should be. Okay and that's what the one of the justice Alito said he said. Well, it is time to heed the constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people's elected representatives, back, that's all their say. That's it so! There's green point: states, for you too, Whenever that that's, if that is, your name, one issue. There's plenty of states fucking live within were united problem and you can go, have an abortion. Forty in times like you want, so let that's perfectly flag. In fact, you people, we don't want you here, Well, living there, alright, and by the way I've always been pro choice, but I will explain that for a second not pro choice to the point of full term abortion, or Twenty fucking days after the kids, born or really
anytime other than one oh fuck, I think an accident happened. I should go: get the fucking plan b right or take care of something within the first few weeks of what's going on yeah, okay, that's where my porch, voices, everybody, here's abortion, they think full term a boarding of a kid. That's not okay, and I don't I don't even think that's ok, I the Heaven when I was younger. I was totally approach voice and, as I got an older, I've move more towards them the the the pro life side of it, the further that they go to the fact that caught brother colonies, babies, parasites man. It's a thorough, and it makes it really hard because of the hypocrisy that they live as for the last couple years. It makes it really hard to even want to fuck and stand with them at all. I did fuck you guys, you guys, can told me I could you guys told me? I belong in a fucking camp sixty fucking days ago. Ninety days ago, fuck you right. Ok, that's where I met sauna fallen for this bullshit right that, if we're.
They are completely honest. Abortion is below my give a fuck line that we will have the most pressing issue. Yeah. A hundred of them and you want to talk about real women's rights. How about the right of a woman to grow up in a fucking country that is overrun by climb and rapists and fuckin sexual predators? How about a woman grow up in a country that has a strong economy that hasn't we'll economy where they can build a life for themselves, because what the fuck we're talking about now is like ten she's down the list for fucking anyone. How many you talking about. Portions are you having big of an issue for you right, I ve made it a big jain issue so that you can use it strategic, equally whenever they decide to do lied america or double women's rights, a sock above the women's rights, a player fuckin. You know software you care about women's rights in three days ago, exactly when you don't have to Can we celebrated fucking, thomas beating the brakes off.
Actual women in the fuckin swimming pool with a fucking dick effort is right, Don't tell me you care now cause you're fucking, don't you're full of shit and here's the good news everybody sees it nobody's buying it. Are they going to have protesters absolutely no, but I can promise you this and nobody cares. Nobody cares. Do I think the really important part, though, is gas which he would. This is my biggest take away from from his own shape. I'm on think about this now, having a pro having a pro having abortion be the number one issue vote on your people. Talk about privilege. Let's talk about the privilege of having a portion being the number one issue that you vote on the you're going to you're going to vote this november for people move intentionally done all of these things because of abortion, that measure the most privileged mother fucker on the planet, because you're not affected by this that the negative changes in the economy or the criminal
liberty or any of these other things that have been pressed down, that any of the shit so like for you to even argue format, shit as if it's the biggest issue out there you're a privilege? Mother fucker is out of touch with reality because the real thing most women a word about fucking survival. The word about fucking raising their kids. A fucking society that is in a third world country, but so too, even our This is and be out there. These are people, a fucking privilege, massive privilege, even argue it argue that point a point when we mother fucker having nothing. What would our poor from this any work at it? But this is more important right. She's people not to worry about this because they're, not the fucking producers of the world, now that our concern at the rather getting up like I am every fucking day and going to work. Driving my dick into the fucking dirt to provide jobs for people are not doing their fucking brow having the people online about dear, I saw a clip.
Should I have one of these, these, these crazy fuck liberals saying: oh, do you pay taxes in the end, the Gaza pay taxes negroes. How will you work for me because I doubt- and I get fucking government a row I'll smash every fucking too, that you're fucking mouth the booze disgusting those people have no place in society, and so, as per freedom, as I am yoke event for yourselves and his mother fucking thing, because, I was out there defending this right and getting my ass fucking headed to me over this vaccine. Shit, and saw a whole lot of other people. And it was from you from these exact people causing it. So I don't think I don't have much sympathy sympathy is they think they're going to have no the editor on blackpool from this from this whole situation, is I look at all the shit that was coming out and how much the amount of
with our waking up to see the bullshit and the amount of unity that we were starting to build and my biggest thing it is people just reminded you remember that right remember that every time they see us fuckin coming together in uniting as it was on all fronts, there was in the black communities. It was in fact our all france before uniting and then here's his boss. Let's, let's talk out ass, he passed the blonde. Let's talk about this to his cause, I would say more more moderate conservative, prime I listened to the show and They'Re- probably gonna, get all mad at me about this: hey motherfucker. What are you doing to solve the real problem if you're pro life and instead of just vert cause here's the deal this. Isn't this? What no one wants to say from could serve as a most moderate saying pro life is like the left wearing a fuckin mask it's a virgin originally for them to feel good about what they say. They believe, but when go home, how much of how power actually contributing to the solution of
millions of extra unwanted pregnancies in this country per year, because if you're not tribute into that solution, if you're not adopting children if not paying money, helping, create orphanages or help create like real, real outlets for these people have a chance at life, you're fucking piece of shit. It's like they are right, your region virtue signally piece of shit, that's a true, not you, my boy, my so instead of you raw virtue, signalling your proactive stance when you have no responsibility for the for the result of that decision for anybody else. Maybe I would respect that viewpoint. If you actually tribute to the solution of what to do with all of these kids, who were unwanted because the last time I checked our country doesn't need Whole bunch, unwanted people in this in the world right now just doesn't which we have I don't have time right now we have a hard fucking time and I must say,
I must say that other than if you're going to be about it for can be about it. That's what I'm saying no virtue signal and be a hypocrite look the other way. I know so many rich conservatives that say on pro life. Yet do nothing. Nothing too solve that problem other than say that that's out! Ok! Now it's not it's! Not! Ok! So they're, both fucking hypocrites, my book, the mother definitely arm at the end of the day. You know liberal sure, thought this point through when they were so die hard on everybody getting vaccinated. When there was no proof that the vaccine even fuckin, worked it didn't slow. The spread it didn't make people healthier it didn't preventing disease. Those are proven facts now and what it did actually was it. May people a lot more fuckin sick, and now we have all of these unreported fuckin des that are better. Completely hidden. You can't even talk about
like if you get all mine, sale, yeah, my relative died of the vaccine. You have, working on the liberal people saying all you're full of shit, this sad, the dude and so so for two years, people were dying of of miss therapy x or or in hospital alone. Ok, the therapeutic somehow drastically when I remember, were proven work and then, gone release document. It was in if the flyers are pages that just got released, that we talked about this on the show for six months ago that they knew in April of twenty twenty, that those two drugs were effective, therapeutics against covert they purposely fucking, do platform anybody who said so they banned the fucking. Shoot off the internet. How many lives did that cost right? Oh they don't want you to think about their talk by them. We argue about abortion, You hear what I'm saying: that's what I'm saying do they see the unity start building to see everybody's waking up to the shit? Oh, let's divide them again, shake the jargon: it's fucking bullshit, oh I'm not buying into now, and we are far bigger issues. These people
committed crimes against humanity and people need a focused stay focused on what the fuck just happen. Yeah that's room. One hundred percent, gus move on I soon found out about be real to do like this. The seeing away, though, that the left has reacted to this in that, like the shit that they do in the tantrums in the water, our hangers on them I'm be real. Do it pushes me it? You know, actually push me for abortion, because these people should have been fuckin aboard, when I read me like I'm, I'm I'm ok with this person. I repudiate well I'll, be ok with look, I think the hand
I would guess we're exceeding that I must say they're vaccinated, so we might be our listen for real real talk. It's actually pushed me more towards pro life, because you see how fucking drastic and insane these people are dude. I can't stand what these people. I can't stand with. What I mean with it, but that's the thing though, like you have it you you at the end of the day, you have a regard for human life. I do and most people do, and so when, when these people changed the terminology in the end, you could just see they have no regard for human life. What so fucking ever they call these the coffee, the parasites nonsense, was like that that pushes them. I can't stand with that. Now what I have now, what I can support. Ok is the idea that there's been a situation that happen that wasn't ideal for some one and they decide take care of it immediately now, as far as a different thing for me- and I think you know, I know people better than her. You know
the christians in everybody's gonna fuckin, come at me and sail the shit, listen brow. I thought this fuckin through you're. Not gonna, change remind right. This shit there, We're talking about reality. Ok, we have. We have. We quality and then we have idealism. Ok, we have to operate within reality at all times, at all times, here's the reality. We have means upon millions upon millions of unwanted burst in this country every single year that nobody fucking takes care of, but we got a whole fuck inside it, we got a majority of the country who believe fifty four percent or pro life. If a fifty four percent of people are pro life, where the fucker the solutions to care for these kids, because if they do, they they don't exist, but they're not funded properly, not handled properly a lot of these kids and foster care and orphanage kyrgyz molested passed around a fuckin.
That's the thing and abuse are being taken care of by people who are saying that the pro choice- that's right. You know what I'm saying so it's like both sides of that. I'm just saying. If you're going to be about it be about it saw the fucker problem. Don't just virtue signal you're fucking, seven thousand square foot house, where you're having a barbecue with your friends, thinking that you're doing something because you're not right right, let's have this more superior, already got that's what it's about! That's what it's about for most people, they want to say well, you're, not a real christian, then or they want to point the finger. You know what fuck you I don't need to answer to you. I answer to fucking god right now, I'm pretty sure he'll be okay. Hey with where I dont know what I agree with that I dont know what I am saying is, while I'm here on this planet, I'm going to make the decisions that I think are best for that everybody on this planet and ominous stand for the truth and I'm not fucking gonna, you know, go with one side or the other side just because I'm going to get heat when it's convenient both of these mother fucking sides hate what I had to say on this issue through so at least I'm not a bitch
As romania's gonna have a number three, This is interesting when a third a fund to help africa. You number three reads: cdc
I bought cell phone data to track vaccination. Lockdown compliance report says so the center for disease control and prevention use location data from tens of millions of americans' phones to track compliance with lockdown orders and vaccination efforts according to newly revealed documents, so the cdc specifically monitored americans' visits, the churches and schools, as well, as quote detailed counts of visits to participating pharmacies for vaccine monitoring. Internal documents from the federal agency obtained by vice, show, susi also, reportedly tracked. People's movements during curfews and visits between neighbors the cdc argued in the documents that the data from safe graph are, which and twenty twenty safe grat a safe graph offered all of these services for free and then at twenty twenty one arm, allegedly, the cdc, pay safe graph and write
about half a million dollars, use the same services again for their year of twenty twenty one, but save graph, which is backed by tech, billionaire peter Thiel. An ex saudi intelligence chief, turkey, been facade are sued, among other investors, helped give. The agency quote deeper insights into the pandemic as it pertains to human behavior. When this is not the first time things like this have happened, they use a safe graph and they sell the information. The information that they sell represents the movement of groups rather than individual people. Ombre critics have raised concerns about the data being less anonymous than data brokers claim. In one example, a catholic priest from wisconsin was forced to resign. Last year after catholic news site was able to d an ominous data linked to a cell phone reveal. He had allegedly used grinder, which is a gay dating app and visited gay bars, and they used that information
It was not clear but they're saying that the information came from the same company. Ah, I think there's a bigger issue here here. You think I think so I would say to these kinds of work are clearly not free at all man at all. At all,. We live in an illusion of freedom. I wish people listen to me when I say that we aren't we. We have been marketed, that red, white and blue as if it's the falcon holy grail of freedom and it used to be. But what we live in today with the imposition of technology and the development of technology over the last twenty years is not fucking free. We now go to the store without someone knowing about it. That's not for you. Ok, when you can't say fuck Joe Biden on a fucking internet and you get the sensor. You can't say hey
what's the access that data of all humanity over the last twelve months and you get kicked off the internet. That's not freedom, and what we have here: a walk down to your fuckin strode. I didn't rob or salt it s not freed is not freedom. You can enjoy the fucking, the d the reasonable safety of your own community, even though your taxpaying contributing citizen, because people who don't pay taxes and don't contribute, There is a massive cleanup that needs to happen here, but it needs to happen in this next fucking cycle. While many of you will be real honest, it happens right now and like may in june, during the fucking primaries yeah, but see people older people, people think wrote this this is not going to be the last thing: nah bro they're already manufactured food shortages. Yeah. That's that's going to hit there they're going to have food riots amongst the poor, okay
people in africa are there's gotta, be massive famine because there is gonna, be a food shortage and we're gonna. All the food see we're still when the wealthiest countries in a fucking planet right guy no more consumer and above the food in the world. I wanna buy the food. We're going to be people that hurt here and there's going to be people other places in the world that are going to literally fucking starve because of what these people are doing and we're going to buy all the food what it would mean having to create another fuck, it they're going to women. Are the bombs that I'm saying we're going to buy all the food, but then people won't be able to afford it here. Some people won't that's on most people. Won't that's what most people, but there's there's the bottom part of the percentage here that will not be able to fucking forty, that's the truth, the they're going to create another race is incident. I just we don't know when we they try the other day covered recovery on the on on the show with the subway shooter and was I lavishes supremacist and then the cop shopping
same day up in minneapolis. Wherever that wasn't they try no occur right right, which means has to be bigger than yeah they're, going to create another races in it that so like did so so we're on the verge of another mass disruption. We're going to bring cobra back bill gates said at fucking today that people somehow I do not understand how people somehow can hear these people say these things and not and then be surprised. And when they do it here like at what point? Are you going to stop being surprised and start expecting them to follow through on the ship? They say and I think for most people they think? Oh, they would never do that brought these people hate you. These people are not your friends. They don't fucking care about your bills. Are your problems or your family or you're fucking anything, and if you were dead, they be happy about that not said they'd be happy. They would it's ok. Well are is working. I don't think people grasp that we are under attack.
Civilization, as I always under tat, humanity is under attack. There's a few people resisting it and those If the people who they tell you are the worst people on the fucking news, dude. That's where my biggest fear is one of my biggest fears that I think that there's going to be a vast majority of people americans. In this scenario, our situation, they're gonna, be so fuckin focused on just basic survival that the accounts billowy and although she gets lost well, you know what that's my biggest we're now I don't think so. I think that the worse it gets, the more people realise our needs to be account. Ability and the reason these things aren't working the way they plan like this new, all a resurgence of of you know abortion rights or whatever? It's not it like yeah people are mad, but like
it's, not what they expected, and you could clearly see that in a response. No nah, I'm saying when like when, when when the shit hits the fan, and my people are literally fighting over fucking food, I get what you're saying, but that it's already happening. That's. Why people don't care as much about this? That's why I was saying it's a privileged issue: yeah, like regular peep- and here is another thing I don't understand it seems like the our community is very much so pro choice and I feel like I feel, like I feel like on the internet for long. We finish what I'm saying I see on the internet all kinds of black people, saying this is gonna, hurt black people, the worse will do you realize that if, if that margarets tangled who founded plan parenthood was an open, fucking racist. Designed plan parenthood to be in black communities to control the population of black people. That's never talked about now. And by the way, that's the truth, and so Secondly, if plan pair,
it didn't exist. There'd be almost forty million extra black americans in this country today, yeah so the so here's here's my point and by the way I'm pro choice, though I just don't. I don't think the government should be telling anybody what the fuck to do. I don't think the government should be telling us shot. I don't think it should be telling us that now do. I think you should be able to have an abortion past eight weeks, I should know. I don't know I don't remember what, but in certain cases I think it needs to be available now this this, Well idea and see the right tries to make believe They say all these problems, these pro baby killers. Do their highlighting the most extreme examples to make it look like it's fucked. These people are crazy, which a lot of more but a lot of work to do lotta emerges women who are like fought man. You know I'm fucking, nineteen you I'm seventeen years old. I got a whole ahead mean me fuckin and I dont what to do like bro.
That's your personal decision until there is an actual vi. Will react to these two too. You know they're out I'll. I will say this down when it comes to the bombing of on the black moose port of it. There is actually the percentages. There is actually more black immune black america's that are actually for life. I hope so, where there's a large room, I hope so because I hope they realise that the glorification of abortion, as was created, the population reduction right, ok So like this, this is not me saying like there are people out there that can literally like cheer abortions on more abortions, like that's fucking insane but what I am I Europe's failure. So I give you a black person and you believe the blackboard and fought, and you believe that you know black people have.
In persecuting and blah blah blah all the shit right, which I agree. They have no okay. Why are you pushing for this? How how can you write, but how can you write. You should be pushing for things like strong family values, for things like keeping our kids out of jail for things like educating our kids pro really so that that way. In twenty thirty years, the black community is one of strength. That's a female! I got you. I was having conversations about early. There seemed no abortion by the way that that that you use subdue black for a mirror we should all be fooled happens in any exact, but what I'm saying is, especially in the black mean about. I was out of this kind: It was about earlier, a black woman,
in this conversation with and she's like you know what abortion is directly linked to poverty and all of this, if I'm like, no, no no boy has a a byproduct right and if your solution right to addressed poverty and all these things suggest legalize abortion throughout, like that, doesn't that's not a solution. This notion is address the root issues at hair, we need cultural reform. Yeah, you don't sound like that's, not the solution, though, and that's what like that's the disconnect I have with some people were like. Why think? A lot of people, too ro or looking at it? You know they look at it from a fuckin right now perspective. What can I change right? Listen! America has been degraded the cultures been rate, that than the family unit, family values, have been degraded intentionally. That takes time to rebuild. Cannot restore that one day, if not the same amount of time, and you today new helped it accelerated yeah sure. How do you helped to accelerate living those values today by starting right now? I'm living that example over the course of than the rest of your life, that's how it fixes the fastest possible way. That's why
Say personal excellence is the ultimate rebellion, because the way for To win this war. The way for us tunes to re, install culture in the fastest possible way. Is by us all living the example to the best pass, the best of our abilities today and if we all Well agreed to do that. Things will change very quickly now, no but fuck the cdc yeah! Well, you know what all these people yeah this whole fucking. Everybody who's part of this whole thing they intentionally in to listen. We go back to my point about the old people. This old generation guard the old guard. Ok, they are. Intentionally ruining our lives so that they can like beat their chest about something they accomplished. The burden ready kick But these george Soros ninety three fucking years old, finds fucking eighty one or two whatever the fuck. He is only one.
And they could be live in their long. Guy might be a hundred. Ninety three like if somebody like load for my tinfoil, had on me. Really Oh, no, what fucking technology they keep from us and the We have no idea. We been kept in the dark in the end. This tool that they used to control us the internet intact? ecology is now being against them, because they can't contain information that they used to be able to contain. Fifteen years ago, whatever they wait on, the news was fuckin fact. I can't do that anymore. Nobody and they ve the date. They ve delude Their trust so much that people are looking for all turned media sources like this shell, like rogan, lab million other people, ok, they can't recover that they need fucked up strategically and I can't work I break in so what you're seeing now is these old people collaborating together to not give up power to people like us, and our age like people in our forties and fifties who are at the
fucking peak of strength? Ok, allow young guy cynical, that's all that's not all day you want people who, in the forties? A bit is run shit because their own, have real experience and they, stan things. You may not understand when you're fucking twenty five right at twenty five. I thought, if I can do everything now I realize out, but I was I was on the right track, but I prefer wrong about a lot of things. Ok, so that's that! That's what experience? That's that's why we need experience, but we don't need old people who are out of touch of drinking water found the incident You know I own the primary last night, our trump trump endorsed people were twenty two in. Oh, ok, what sets, that tells you people, are not fuckin taken this shit right, ok and those of you guys who here that in its senses, It was down your by an you shit.
I'm so, madam shaking you should really. We evaluate how you feel about truck based on the wise that you ve been tall. Could everything's milan right, like if you think, Should the last two years is bullshit that then you have have to question what they told you bought shrub, because Hillary Clinton not the russia collusion shit in every media knock story that happened on him for the whole time. He was in office that came from that story and before that in two thousand, for In fifteen? You say: motherfuckers, we're, listen, wrapped song socket about how Donald trump was a fuckin bawler right. He was We could add com. Still in american icon? guys just got sold a bill goods. It wasn't true newborns! yeah and you know what I don't blame you because You should be able to trust the media, but clearly we can't and clearly we dont, and so you have to retroactively, go back and say what is?
What why do my feelings on trump worthy based on Oh, I don't like him because he said this. I will. Goal is a clip of what he said. The whole thing in because a charlottesville go listen, a hopeless, listen to whatever whatever the thing is: there's a fuckin real arguments to combat it. We come here with all your fucking ammunition sit right across the table from me and I will fucking destroy you with reality, will put it right up here on the screen, we'll put it on the fucking show and- and you be my guest Yeah we'll have an hour. I hear serenity and will put. On screen what he actually said: uncle farms rednecks, ok, but see that person The problem is, how do we know they ve? Now we will not do it, but even if they did it, walk out of here. I say with why stone alike that's ego and that's a problem. You have to be able to admit when you lost in by losing meaning. You got lied to you and believed it does power
fuck. You lost a footman guy phone gummy they got a lot of us. Motherfuckers Wake up in arguing over this roby. We weigh shit is a fuckin bullshit lie because they're, not trying to outlaw at all. I saw some of these. These far left p. The news in the media there like they know. Gonna do is outlaw interracial marriage. Saw well said- That's all. I did was literally sleeping with a fucking chinese spy right, ok, the head of the intelligence community, iraq, sleep! Well: do you god you haven't of where we all understand. No one wants to fuck. I do anyway. No smug bro you should be we're standing like you're, not affordable, dude? Okay, so like when a chick was fuck, you it's because she wants something. Maybe it's because you were on the executive committee having a chinese by what went to sleep with someone
Well, no intelligence committee. Nobody wants to fuck, you bro you're, not least palpable due on the fucking planet bro, the last named by itself is in fact did well. You also said, I was a good here about that you say serious pulsar, but Yeah that'd be saying like it's the it's reality you know and and dude this dudes on the fucking internet said the next day, they're kg coming after his gay man shut the fuck up like bro. We I I at this point Oh, I think it's funny, because its show unbelievable and I'm gonna nor more. They talk the though the more people see what's going on ass. A thing is actually doing more good than here I guess, that's the only yeah, there's a silver lining in that you know what I'm saying, because they're going so fucking crazy people like no that's, not it bro, that's not it. He understand so I'll I'll. I like it.
While I accept that allows you to ask me so people I just. I just hope that people can really fuckin understood like bro. They committed crimes. Against humanity they're trying to do everything they can for you to forget about it and to not be held accountable, because that accountability equals death for them. Understand that, though, it succeeded by trying, so they are going to do every fucking thing they can to do this. To get this mid term. Even if it means starting war war, three which they might do just so that they. Fucking not had the elections. While there is a war going on. I would not in fact bro the more. I think about that, the more I think that might be their actual plan, because they can. They continue to press, impress, impression and press in this. Ukraine, shit and people have moved on bro. We understand, I told everybody, the first day what the fuck was, but now like they came out. The yes vote for the ghost of kiev is, as is actually turn.
To be faked at first. They said he die and then the ukraine set, then they, came out and said it was all fake, but this was like three to three days ago. Roy said that in February right we're February twenty six. I think we looked up. It's fucking, crazy man, it's fucking crazy. Will you think, do you think people are going to be smart, have to fucking, see, tradition, I would like Auxerre mama. I adieu bro, it's gonna get away worse it s, nothing that that's my only fuckin concern, because when you look at at urban survival- and you look at all of this shit- that war time chaos brow, nobody gives a shit about any of that. They care about care about the basic food water, shelter they care about about. Fucking. Do people do now and I just hope they don't get so fucking to check it. Well, you better not because you'll never have freedom ever fuck him again, you're ever fucking again and and whether you you could be made
you want over this abortion issue, but there's things like food water abundance. Freedom, things that we have here in amerika, an economy that you are entitled to your entire lives and if that's the fucking, bitch issuing you're gonna vote away all that other ship or that europe balkan war period. Romeo, guys, that's wrap! This up with our final segment of the show we have our thumbs up segment. As always, face wash your headline is either going to get two thumbs up or two thumbs in the butt and with that being said, it's time for symbolic shit, galleries, drake follows and d m's hecklers wife on instagram. She needs some excitement in her life, alphago people,
so so others anything at all. Who reads if there's any, if there's one thing drake excels at besides, making hits its social media whether he's laughing at himself for roasting someone else, the six god usually comes out on top on tuesday us today, when we read arms are yesterday, salesman's ever recorded, drake embarrassed a heckler on instagram after he made a joke about his alleged use A ghost writer situation started when drizzly commented on oppose regarding NBA superstar, J, Murat father being therefore sound at every game. The post he Murat was hitting. Won't Lamar, ball, annoyance, chimera! Oh, that's it s! A bad idea! Do that guy's fucking bad ass! I have no issues with them. Nonsense, moran player, using playing boyish,
shit. No, I'm not even a basketball guy, but like that guy he was fucking good one hundred percent- alright, I'm just saying, but but drake was basically hitting on the morons that right saying that he's like a lavar, lavar ball level of annoyance, but drake was baffled by people trying to drag a man for fulfilling his role as a father, He do the same thing for his answer. Dies quote. Imagine your son makes the league and he's a J on mellow alonzo. All you. Can do is be related and competitive and over supportive. He commented on the esta grandpas and it's a right of passage to the oh geez talk show I'm no one be this way, even when my son is in a rubik's, cube competition right, so you there's another role with now its awesome, others being their figurines allowance nasa. While the heckler response common barbarity. Yes, I'm problem you probably play what goes riders. That's it! That's all
so mega star saw the comment in either the heck. Whereby Writing back. I just followed your girl cause she's, PA miserable and need some excitement her life. You know I do from fuck the people, the conflict. Would you backed up by where we will manage to look and rate so living up to a self proclaimed petty king title drake, when I have followed the man's wife on instagram, we're couple appear We still live together and share two kids, along with a dog, the woman even responds the drake following her on her own instagram stories, ha Drake took it a step further dear, the hecklers wife. Let her know quote I'm here, for you more than fair responded with a series of instagram lorries loses shit, losing the shit man, sir. I mean I don't fuck with people. Don't fuck with people come forward as it you fucking love. Now, there's listen!
Well, fucker you're you're used to that dudes used to fuck over people that can't really fuck with them back right. Okay, when you fuck people like this, they can fuck with you back trillion different ways. Without lifting a fucking finger, sorrowful people, bus thing he probably within drake, would see you have saved. We just rolled what I'm saying like this is: what I'm talking about this is a society. Have no accountability like this guy who said that she didn't ever depression the face for shit and he said right right, so you know, I think it's awesome, think it's hilarious. I fucking know what don't fuck with people that have the means to fuck you yeah literally yeah yeah, no pun intended!
I mean do two hundred tell it was pretty good heaven. It is what it is like if you know what you check. In fact, by some, do you price shouldn't talk and talk shit to especially this fuckin drake man like as MR stood, another stray song says. Mrs, do it don't matter here? That's all you there's no Alex fuckin when we find our drugs fallen, Alex though the fact there, I think could be with that is working very well. I mean you also wouldn't get on their own darling, dumb, she'll giant s room, It is what it is, and I guarantee you did this guy's pry, the plain of it. Let me show you a light there. You're fucking bitch, you fucking guy, called out on your bitch move. Swallow me to fuck on don't make a bitch the future yeah, that should be a lorry lesson from us as a great knowledge we'll get over there. At thumbs up many of the pocket orally. This is where the roma,
fucker to disasters. What talking about there. The hate there's repercussions to your actions, you fuck with people who can fuck with you and they fuck. Would you back? Sometimes it takes years, but sometimes salaries it took in thirty seconds. You don't understand it. Doesn't they. Can you offer their like dude he's laughing with all his boys about you? Do right, you're, a clown like I did it don't do the irony good. I do like talking to disguise on internet somebody like yeah, the royal out gary the oh, so I'm a smart fuck, ingenious Billy our business man they have as be jack, you're, happy gravity brought back, You said your the reuters Gary be worded. Our gary thee or some shit like okay, so that's that I wonder what the fuck you dont like these, these people
so miserable and so clowning it's like you. Do I dunno emma drinks right. I bet she is well. I bet he fucks her two that says that's the rookie. Does she respond to drake? That's going to be the real fucking quilt. If she does that, dude ain't got, nobody is over yeah, it is over. I fucking love him. We'll guys, like me, that's all I got run. Doubly sure the show man, if you don't fuck, assure the show some rodya. If I was gonna fuckin shell nope didn't like it. He goes to recognize that sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box froze the fuck are still countless millions. In the kobe teach Buddhist got a rope kang doesn't know his shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-30.