« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

28. The Last Dance: Developing Winning Tendencies Part 1

2020-05-03 | 🔗

From Michael Jordan to Dr. Dre, Andy and the guys discuss segments from "The Last Dance" documentary, what it means to have the mentality of a winner, and the regression of hip hop music. Andy also dives deep into why it’s important to nurture a battle mindset and prove all those naysayers wrong.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I'm going to give one project spoke italy's shied animals caught in a way why they put my watch cartoon. What's our guys? It's eighty percent- and this is the chauffeur the relay say goodbye to the lies, the bigness and delusions modern society and welcome the mother fucking reality. today we have a very special episode, while they're all specialist. Let's be honest, there are very spent very, very special, very, very special show very special show. We have, the one, and only. what's all do, guess what I was up doing it for them, in the morning masturbating. Now that I was yesterday, just getting, but no you know I was now do
everybody does it. Pneumonia thing is a good thing. We get older because this shit we're not the best I readily real law at my age and with my kids, I'm usually in bed by nine yards. You don't know about this year. You gotta role with the time all the time now a man's herbert india? I'm? I was up At four thirty, you man, it's good to see you and it's. I was up at four thirty doing my first, my first workout that aided uh huh, damn dude now you're back in the gym, Did I kevin, I met you guys, influence seriously, I'm unless I'm embarrassed and mortified, but I started. five hard because I knew I need. I just need to get a ragged gonna live now, yeah I am I'm. I'm gonna get done, but I was just like you know. You ve taught you ve talked about this before. Sometimes comes when it's too easy to keep off way. That's a liability. So I
really gain weight is easy, but the problem is that sometimes I'm not as motivated yeah, but like I starting a man, I'm not. I don't feel good. I'm back to like brain fog, Anna looking pretty I'm pretty brotherly love online. So the good news, I think, I think, by the eta seventy five heart, I'm gonna, be back where was are guaranteed. Oh I started about c abba. By the middle you'll, be there the out what the problem is, you know, do you gonna finish yeah. I want to do it. I'm going to finish. I just saw mark are back my buddy mark who works here. He was he's a. This is the second round: seventy five heart yeah, alright, his first route he's gonna, get so pissed. I'm saying this without yeah. The first row c marks a mentally tough mother fucker, a lot of people don't realize, marked at some time in prison and he spent one entire year in solitary entire year. Okay, wow, I actually, I think, was more than a year there's fourteen months, if I remember it right, but
Ah here we came out get his shit together is one of our. Where he's a fucking study or can now mark. Did seven now marks of mentally tough dude and smart dude I'm. I have on the package eventually, but first I we went through seventy five hard. He got like ninety. Halfway through and he's a dude I fuck and get this like. I get this. This is nothing like I get it I quit and so and so he's like dude, I get it. No offense man but, like you know I did this and this so today, so he started seventy five hardback again nice and today he asked me outside I'm wearing maya. We ain't the same shirt he's like: where do I get one of them shirt? And so I get you on, I started. Walk back to our turnaround. Said nama.
Got a finnish first he's like. I feel like ours pay. I said the debts you pay in the past to pay this deadline of funding that if an unduly smiled he's like yeah you're right as also but he's a stud man he's stuck, it did good kid and a flock and hard work in a smart guy. He's gonna be some sought excited, but I'm definitely stop. I'm, I'm sorry, no I'm definitely going to finish better dude eleven days in last time. I am pitched out. I know eleven days that ain't nothing. Well, you know when you're when you're you, you know I've. I've obviously been looking at a lot of stuff that you've been writing about seventy five hard and when you're, when you're being exp bows to that like day in and day out after a while, you're like
I probably shouldn't just read this. I should actually dude it. You know where it is. Man, like the seventy five hard program on the whole show and going to be about this book. Like people don't get it, they think it's a fuckin fitness plan like dude, I just got. I just saw some lady who's who's been a trainer for three fucking years. Talking about how it's not optimal, for your face in health because you need mother fucker. Let me tell you something: ninety nine point: nine percent of people. I never worked hard enough to get results in their entire fucking lives and then they're trying to have a fucking rest day and in this day and have that day in a cheat day and an off they endured everybody's live in to have those days that doesn't change the mentality of some one in their art. That doesn't change their ability to control their environment when you, when you're, we go in six days are five days or three days without a and break that fuckin harm that doesn't test you that doesn't build anything and you know what it means.
be more in their science. Shows it over training is a problem, but this a fuckin training, this training, your mother, fucking brain, so that you could turn on and turn off disciplinary any time you decide. You want to you and that's where people miss about the programme. If everybody could lead to finish what they start at any given time. What would your life look like differently? Euro sandia everybody has the goals to be something big. Everybody has the dreams to do something great. The problem is people forget about those dreams. Eleven days involved you see rooms, and so you have to have this time of of of deprivation, to build that ability to take two gritted out, you don't mean and that's what people look at. don't look like you're, ok, nor the german lift, or we can read a book meditation or we could do this in this in this
Well, I'm all about it. Get your mind right, but the point is: results come from real world action. They don't come from fucking, meditating or humming, or this or that or fucking whatever right across from doing shit or affirmations right exactly so. I'm not. You know if you're not willing to accept that you're I have a hard time in life. It's just the way it is so will dude. I know you're, not a huge m b, a fan, but I know you are a fan of overachievers and excellence and all that good stuff- and I I wanted to spend I just selfishly- I wanted to spend a little time talking to you and salad, all the guys about the last dance. This document, this documentary about Michael Jordan, in the irish sea, YAP nuts. Are, I am a year you. You definitely need to invest the time, because you will be saying like a man,
every every thirty seconds. You know because there's some really cool so have you seen it so I have not seen it, but I mean I Michael Jordan's. One of my I mean Michael Jordan and bo jackson. Are my two favorite athletes serving like I'm chomping at the bit but, as you know, as a father of three, your father for yeah the time at home right now is a little fucking yeah. No, I get out a fuckin whack well and in the interests of full disclosure. I've only seen the first three I haven't finished all of them yet but I am most familiar released, all that we regret, but there's a lot of things is that I would be worth unpacking for four audience and ended I also want to bring the tiger king too, and not for now not for a lot of the obvious reasons as DJ shares. What do I want to talk about that? As I mean, there's some some kind of crazy similarities and dovetails in the story, the chicago bulls and the story of the of tiger king love will keep.
In suspense. But the thing I wanted to look at the bull spencer people to find out who arrive interact with each other index about Michael J. Feed a mother, fucking analyzed win. It did that about you, I may. I would no doubt about that out Well so I says: you're Michael Jordan, probably the hillary Clinton of fucking basketball yeah. I saw it this morning. I these, I haven't, seen the documentary but you're starting to see like some of the things come out. I mean I know that the Isaiah at thomas, where he didn't shake hands right, and I know that was a huge thing and it was. It was something that our college coach we talked about anyway. That's why it's even even today I wouldn't shook architects. Look at me. I squeeze an artist when it's the right thing to do on. On from my behalf, that's what I thought, but I I say a thomas. They said that I guess there's something in a documentary that he didn't make the dream team because he didn't get the the blessing of Michael based on that interaction of that's case he's pissed off, because it would make a you know what, though that's bad culture I grow and what the most fucker martini there either so rightly so, like I I'd, show me
The intrigue to watch the document, because there's a lot of this or not Only thing I know is sport. Like I lived in a locker room, I know it. I know hot and I understand the difference. That's not true, you know how to drink your privilege. I didn't air brigham eat or two as good of eaters me eating is never really. My problem is drinking is definitely my problem. Yeah I mean when people talk about working out private mister fucking day of working out in nine months, good at dotting, Work out he's got the house good as you, but I'm not a professional like yourself something I've never ventured into the waters dj and you're not going to enter into the water. Now that you know take. My leave, you know like a watering.
yeah plastic on that. First bands do take showers, get me yeah, okay, so you're talking about you're talking about Isaiah Thomas. I was going to start here, but this is a good place to start, if we're going to have a conversation about excellence and what it takes to win. So one of the one of the things that Isaiah in his defense said is he said you know everybody thought I was an asshole, but he said you know the game is different today he said back when the back. When did Detroit I was one in the titles he's like you. If you are on the other team, you were the enemy like we wanted to. Dump on your throats he's. nowadays geyser. There
we're playing each other in the in the game and then afterwards, they're going out and tweeting together and having having a ball. Unlike a tweet and they're, going to play m b, a two k on fucking playstation right is: how do these guys is different? Now people play for themselves now they don't play for fucking team, any right. That is what that's with all sports, that's with all business. To like you, that's why the culture of just fucking stepping on people's throats has lost favor because even in sports, you don't see it you see, is you see it more at the college level right, but still at the college level? It's still you know like these. Dudes have all connected their friends through you know, and I'm not saying it's a bad thing like it's a bad thing to be cordial with people that you compete against, but fuck man like if I'm competing against you, I'm trying to fucking cut your fucking head off
right right and that that has been lost yeah. I don't I mean I don't know that it's been lost lost. I just think sports, or do they train you to be an individual? Now, your brand, I'm gonna, throw you for the contract, yet a drain to be your own brand and ass I mean that's the difference of it. I mean you think and I'm not a basket vessels madeup. Maybe you know me on urban your pride to young, but that pistons team was also like the jailhouse team had robin on and they were near their advice either bad boys bang than those like it was a hard physical activity at what they played, and you know it, and I saw a man transitioning into, but you know Patrick doing, I think said again has watching sports here when I was walking this morning and the he said. There's there's ten people to have the athleticism of Michael Jordan today in today's sport and if you took those ten people and put it back into the ladys nineties, with Jordan and at prime is joined the best of all time. You know not a really because you look at o brien like
in TIM, TIM, grover's, gonna, hear this and fucking cut my throat up or cut my head off, but I mean dude lebron significantly bigger than fucking Jordan, any you know, but they played a much harder basketball game back in the nineties. That was actually the fuck. So that's actually or with six six one. He yeah but lebruns like two ninety or to seventy five he's a big with jordan and he's like two to twenty five or thirty right. But there are others see. I don't think the common wisdom is everybody. I think nobody denies it lebruns a superior physical specimen, the jordan. Nobody denies that the good. The question is that it Thus, our fucking winslow right that that exactly the question is: who has the greater will? Do I and I to me, that's a question. I don't think it's a question either that's the tanner joins gets a question in any fucking sport ever, I think he's the greatest competitor, We know of in sports of all time period, any support any of the fuckin for major sports
I see him as the greatest competitor right and, and I think the results speak of it yet and it but the one thing I did, even though I have seen the documentary yet the one thing I did see was that jordan was afraid. They believe you sent me that information that Jordan was afraid that he's gonna be like cancelled by the fuckin. You know the internet do gooder, fuckin army that says it's not approve, great to have that attitude anymore. Will mother fucker dude there? Ok, we're gonna accuse him. He said he was what he said. Do you really think I'm a woman will do like an area guy like you're, a verbal abuse of guy? You fucking, know mother fucker, you want, four can win right and I do not do we have we have a society now culturally, like people look at people who think like that, as if there's something wrong with them
nothing wrong with them. They are just focused on one thing and that's winning and that doesn't make you any more more. Really better. Then fuck unknown right that dog do people try to they. Try to unload this moral baggage, because feel morally superior. Whenever you show like that, you're a fucking, competitive mother, fucker, that's not to me. We should be the ones packing them for even trying to shame us. For that. That's my opinion. Nothing much you're fuckin launch it needed to. I don't give a fuck like I had no exact, exactly armoire that way. So, like you fuck a shame, Before I give a shit, I don't care, I'm still going to win. I get I mean I've got shit from so many people because I'm so competitive, but the truth of the matter is, is like we were raised. That way. I mean what we got when we were when we were kids like we were rewarded.
squirrels. Just like your contract. We were also rewarded too, maybe run kids over If we fucking smash them, one in a fucking game like a football game or a fucking, literally football or soccer or whatever fuck, do we gotta toy. My dad took us to fucking kb toys, and let us pick out like a g. I Joe dude or forgotten, back. He gave me choisya wasn't like pet stores and, like you like, bought us all kinds of toys, but like he figured out a little reward system like it was like. Do you get like a five allergy? I joe dude or some day they are today it is, but I like what you said one time dude, because people get the all their pennies and what about that is that it wasn't about hurting them. It was an indication that you were being aggressive, yeah you're being rewarded for being aggressive, dude and you know what's funny- is like in all situations of life in all of them. When you
run up against someone who's that aggressive in that's. Can in that competitive could do we run into people like that? Sometimes, do you end of respect in those times and you're like fucked? It I'm glad. I met that do that guy, like dude, you know, what's out like I was a payment or ass, but I fuckin respect them Yeah I was related the wrestling we're always knew when I was on a mat with somebody like. I knew in that mother fucker had a little less during his head like a goddamn it using the same thing and you don't know what it is was you knew when you actually had a rustle yeah, you I thought you'd be ours, use I had like I'd put my head against his, and I was just trying to. I was seeing how hard I would push on his fuckin head before he'd fucking break yeah and everytime. You start pushing in headstart hurting you can't deem it the abbot, the abbot. Those model request from that Would it not with your from, but I mean that's life, will let you pin them because you're fuckin making their head uncomfortably abbot? That's like good, you know like
if we need to start talking about being aggressive and I think that's the the nature before the people get their panties in a bunch like being aggressive. You know when you sit when you when you sit you get beat when you're pause you get beat because other people are taking action and that that being in the corner and getting my dad used to always call soccer ball, the puck getting any gettin after the parking go, get it like. That's life, you don't mean like here's an option, you gotta go. You want a real world example. Let's look at the government has taken thereby spoken rights. Right now, I guarantee of her by was raised to be competitive. They will be I'll fuckin. Do that right! That's the truth, and you guys you're out there thinking like I'll. Do you just fucking crazy fuck, and can I really am I because I've been saying this for fuckin six weeks? and what's happening. I read on the news five minutes ago that today in texas thing I arm fuckin citizens protecting businesses that decided to open in spite of the clothes and is beautiful. I love it. Have you to focus
love it. You know what do they should be open? They should never got fuckin shut down the first place. If the. If, if we can even justify the shutdown, it should have been until it exactly the moment we knew that it wasn't going to be millions of people and that Should a change right then went back to normal and we body else. Would you now you do what you think you can do if you don't want to go in a business with I rushed rock. Is it you don't feel safe than guess what they therefore stay home you if you're scared of getting the sheer guess what stay home, if, if on Monday morning, we're stupid because we're going to go out and catch the shit and die. Don't worry about us we're worried about us, mother, fucker yeah. If I was going to Monday morning, quarterback the whole situation, it would be that it would be hey man, you know what, dont swim in the ocean. If you dont, if you fuckin, think that article nine crave fuck bunch laws to fuck it put airspace, we walk around a metaphor bubble right. If you want to open up new businesses and people want a patron, it opened the motherfucker up
want to go into a restaurant? I talked my boy last night. I don't think you know. We at air nash, my board from Florida. I talked him on national utah fuck now he's from florida, but he owns some gyms alright and my boy is trying to fuck it open because he's closed for six fourteen weeks, and you ve been this crazy shit to help was community to be just same stuff. We're doing here like trying to help the local businesses he's doing all these things. He tries to open the fuckin police comments out, hey dude. We will shut you down if you fuckin open and if we shut you down for five days in a row, then you are going to go to jail. Then you're going to get turned into the business development office whenever they call it down there and they're going to fucking take your business licence away, but I mean isn't the freedom pace of america are supposed to be like hale, I opened my door is what I'm saying is that's fucking bullshit and is due to the fact that we have long. enforcement officials enforcing laws that are
that constitutionally fucking line is, is fucked up and are not lost by the way. Why they're, not laws? Their suggestion is all mere suggestion. You know, like I'm sinner thing in one minute. We wanted to go to the gym and you're risking going to the gym, and you want to go to the gym to go to the mother, fucking gents, california, mother, fucker, dude, his fucking sheriff the orange county sheriff say: hey no no dice, bro gavin, I got we're going to we're going. You want to join us. Stupid, fuck, ok, get in Well, I'm an anchor yeah. No, she had, as that's a mail here and I'm sure gathered- has a real fucking, really the view of what it's like to be a normal fucking him in about I'm sure, Sherry fucking comes from the flock and hard on the streets and the voice of the people.
right right, yeah, dude, I'm just guessing. I mean dude, this mother fucker, shutting down the fucking beaches and the cop said now you're, not I love that that's fucking america and it is well. I I I like your application of aggressiveness to this situation because you're right, but I think that people in general think of aggressiveness or as a negative thing and one of the weather, that's cause it's been painted that, but why? One of the cools? Your point, ya, wanna call as parts of Documentary is where they talk about how there is rookie year, some first or second year player, who Jordan just thought was not rise into the standards and I think it's scotty burrell the wood, you remember middot yeah. It was like the thirteenth pick of the draft, very talented guy and, like Jordan, just lit into him and his was riding him hard and everything and people saw the footage and thought like man. George, is a jerk and he's like now, man,
not basically like I'm getting his face, because I believe in him. I believe that That's why I do that's why I said you that that's exactly why you guys, if you guys can't you guys can't see, but I'm like rolling my eyes shaking my head like what the fuck right. Thank you. Thank you for someone getting understanding it like but he was fiery because he actually cared. You know dude in us, it's hard for me to understand how people don't receive that you get em sandia like. Like hell. This is cut. It brings up another subject. People are so quick to vilify and attack people that are like addressing them. This way right, like dude, any fuckin yelled at me, up whatever he's involved with I'm fuckin done with mother fucker. That's what
I do. I don't even do how many conversations do I have where my voice done sound like the non, not Many know how you doing really good. Like I'm, a fucking, passionate mother fucker, and I don't speak about shit, I don't care about dj how many times we'd be sitting in the office in there. You guys, we're all talking and you look at me and you're like bro, you, okay, I asked you about at least five times, yeah cause. I don't speak unless I care enough to speak about it. I always tell I tell my guys and girls I mean you know Listen if I'm right near ass, though do I care it's a good site momentarily star of urine silently zone. Do people who probably knew sharpen you're fuckin resume like. If you see me now, look at you like if I walked through jobs on a fuckin. Look at you you're the reason the other is fuck, there's a good raising an adult. Second guess it either it's like hey, there's, not a bad thing. I didn't fucking. Look at you and oh here's another thing. Let me racially stereotype you guys you're italian, what
media. What we mean we're trying to say you are you trying to say eyes are historically demonstrative any energy agriculture italian from away stop here, ok internet! clearly emerson after I know, are former sent african american two percent asian, it's off one cent piece of four percent. Now it's my talk so we are going to try to help for twelve percent. We were twelve percent average and now fuck it bill gates is over their programme. when our four can be an aim that fuckin vaccine, so that we will talk. Everybody else. That's funding s what's happening. All in all seriousness, though you you know italians. Historically, it me you're talkin about the people who are connected to rome, and the building of the roman empire. You guys historic. we are intense you're, its parts like every family has its characteristics and races are just nothing but big family I would be if we were to start our own fucking race in their right mind at the first, the driver says that what the triplets
Let us look well organised race of superior people called the driblets. That's why I don't care about, nothing of your skin color, technically we're here, because there were no driblets. That's true- I have to say georgia. Does John MC got texts me. I have to buy you got that Joe dinner. Now now I myself had somebody with condoms. I miss you. I'd evaluating and we made right. Why are some ngos are? You should know all about rivulets, there's no spillage earlier. Well. I I everytime a dot text me about something I have to have to go to urban dictionary kiss you I gotta exonerated texts picture and he wouldn't
it's not your fault, you're fucking racist do you're talking. about us be italian, now you're picking on ever be bosnian, roughnecks, meteorite, black, no but half block and say that you're happy, You're not allowed even herself black in our europe. The answers that I got an already good, not only that I contributed organisers so DJ guys, but my car fuckin revoked by his own fiasco beyond our of cellular about a mark, your baby, I can't wait for you to me eddie you like super who might your homes nor easy. Like if there was any body. If there was a real black hard, he definitely have it. Then she looked at me. She goes out to meet him because I don't think you're fully capable of of making the decision today I'm I'm so urban that I thought notorious biagi and biggest malls were to different people.
No. It was like I'm looking to. I bore you, we need, we knew I'd wings, you were you said, I'm so urban biggie some laws, and I do indeed tories biagi came up in a might. Not look. Look for these has little boy where you can. You can drop the lyrics voice in a hurry. I can, and I read you and you don't know the biggest malls well, that was a boy's mean end of year in its way before biggie, right yeah. I mean you know the lyrics end of you. You should know who the fuck small says. That's probably true, but you gotta listen, you just when do a unanimous, my I've decided will marry urban life it might what my favorite, probably my favorite song of all time,
I really have recently decided this. It's the one with doktor dragon snoop, the the next episode I love you. I love that so good, that's what that's what I'm here I will remember that I memorized, and I want you guys you invite me to perform now that our smash row, we had a kid guy who works here, murphy's good, dude, fucking everybody the first day as a sink here at at at at at sea, and I carry out EU carriers. that song it was good to hear I went off now. Next episode, the da da da da oh yeah, you're right, the the death row is greatest hits. The two disc was the fucking album and talking about that one with a weed leaf on the front. No, no, that's the chronic. Today. S greatest hits was the fuckin battle. I will have you lose. I should add. that not only the greatest here, because I know the real problems of areas has four wiping we wanted by the most famous book in the most famous rat
I can see the ever produce. We are honoured by direct, whereas you don't know it now. I knew it before you know it s. So what are we leave? Here's. My question. I know rap has evolved a lot and last thirty years now I will give you its regressed. Not of all these things out, you're always leave you gotta, be honest budget. We sound folk and oldest fuck, saying I know, but like do that's like art, that's like our dad saying what the fuck you guys us. Two. These days cause like all the young kids, do they think right now I will say young dolphin key glock, starting to get it right, yeah because they're starting to wrap again, but the fucking shit that they call rap right now, a fuckin wrap is bullshit. So my here's, my question by today's standards or by any standards, is ll cool coolly. They still cool. Yet here because he's like green light Second call J he's kodak classic I mean like Ladys love to James nodded, namely that the absence of a broken like yeah yeah.
I mean dirty. Towns are now about to nominate he's good looking. He can act the minimum of one hundred years old. He looks like he's fucking, thirty, five, don't practice what they say about me. You know what I like about him: he's the only black guy, in horror movie that did not die aims. That's my dogs, l, L, the black chuck norris because dupe every black person, a fucking already eyes everybody broke out. I follow you followed me back to you. That's all today. Why is it on the show I dunno I'll ask you'd be on the show yeah we talked a couple of times on the m's he's dude, I mean look: it's fuckin, ll cool J right right Like you, don't worry, ll cool J's like the black Matthew mcconaughey. yeah. You do not bring matters. Mechanically around your chick, don't bring local j around your chick yak has started.
In doing it, for will happen. Is the historic fuck it who put doing it on and then you know, you're gonna gonna have to like retreat. Your wife is targets. Unstoppable. Your wife is targeting imo. Call you be had already asked me: make an embryo you'd all existing rights really funny, but is it your sit on a couch in a fucking living room crying you fuckin yards or in your eyes, to log into porno man? What you pass already know, I think it's so funny about this. Is that you guys all grew up. You know you. Let me guess I did have an early and easily name. Bourbon violence rolling with eyes is very real. Very very what everybody you guys know somebody's I raise the rob songs. I actually literally no rob songs about abstinence.
urban yeah! You are urban bro, throw it a cricket there yeah through the bar, I know, there's there's a there's, a group there's a dude and there's a christopher is everybody's favorite they're already adopted. I literally literally thought. Did he just say that it just come out? It did now there's a rap there's, a crucial rap group named DC talk and they had a song called. I don't worry, DC yeah yeah and they actually have to allow a lot of people like their stuff, but they had thought they had a song called. I don't want a oh yeah, jojo Now that is as abortion cod on wanted about a future me about asses euro. Not a bit about like years would be like. I don't want it again, that's what the fuck is all about.
He's all my gosh well some day I'll have to spit some bars on DC talks, abstinence, it's okay, so bringing it back to the lyrics bro. I gotta hear it. Let's do a lyric break Has he acts as a test, one on pressing backup girl with less that exists in thrust his brother with a life of virtue, the innocent? How let's just gonna, hurt you? Why was the house back in other hurt in her absence row It is the way they say to play. Then again, safe ain't save at all. Today, The one guy looks, I hate glasses. The lira he's trying to get their boxing trying to bring. I we owe night, oh, do those worth reading now now the guy on the far left like peace, got he has been tried of theirs but been major who I do so because you I did their friends from they grew up and like some
really urban urban area of newport, or something like that right now, the downtown area, Kevin smith, the guy that actually has a good voice. A lot of a lot of like big acts wanted him to be the the lead singer, but yeah, but yeah so crazy. What are you a good bringing back to Michael Jordan and I why? Because I want others like a reverse area, I would in this discussion I discussion not ass allowance. Why do you love? Why do the middle and also about no sex ready, rightly etc? so one of the other things is really interesting about about this documentaries. Talk about like the dynamics between the front office, Michael during stop handle discreet, parker has covered, isn't just put it up the fuckin. What's what what did
Wait, oh gosh, Jordan run off to the beach I'm going to get in the project spoken to
Transcript generated on 2023-10-09.